r MONDAY, OCTOBER at' least one apple c a BUTTER TRADING ' B, Batter. - Eggs. ' Cheese. CBberExtras. Selects. ISIS IS iVI I X E D Portia ..-.. 48e.- . ,' X 32 e Kan Fraaeisco Me CSHe V. . Chlraco 4e 49 ' 4H ew York .... 9tcS rzve Seattle . 44e Me - S7e . Les Angeles . . 4e ... 4' t3e . Market for batter continues very erratic. "so far as the local price, is exinceriied. ' : While! two of the leading creameries continue to Quote full former price, cuter are reported a cut tine print ; ---.; cent : a , pound, yes- aoy touut necessary, to force a eKarrao. - ' - . Sitnatxoo. in the local butter trade therefore thwm lek ef hirmonf tmoni prcdurins; in teresta, While one of tile cutting firm 11 aid - to be shading its quotations on print putter 3 to 3 cents a pound, it fa reported at offering an admpoe-for bntterfat in an effort to fqrce otlr.cremerie here to obey its van. - - . , la the meantime the, rube satuat-on is coo sidered. rather, dnll. la fact, the market appear to e awaiting a more definite mettie- Toect of the-. Calif arm situation. Asy inv provmen' there would ' bare the effect of steadying - the trade here." but a further d. nine in southern prices, would oulcklv be n fleeted blithe mcnl rnttiiii of both print ana eepe .rentes in jtno Pacific northwest ' , Those desiring- special information regarding any market, should write the Commercial Ed itor, vregpn journal, enclosing stamp lot reply. fresh: ecus extras ase strong While there is a i in-res ted snpplAof fresh pallet eggs and paces in that Mae are rather demand for extras is excellent an full prices are toeing- realised by the. 'trade eener ally. Storage stock morxoz at a grille, spread. CHICK EX.- PRICES ABOUT STEADY 'In general ' a steady tene is indicated for chickens along the wholesale way, with prices dobw m ine oig oarers xiat ensngea tneir basis with bens - under 3 pounds at 12e- 8 14 to H pound, lfta and ebeve4 poand. 2$a a pound. Spring ace oewn no tse except tor pound stock, which, stands at 22e . .. ' : . T1U1' IJTCATIOX 'IS DEPRESSED . - Much ' depression continue an the market iot country carves wtui a geoaraily fullup cob uwa in me treae. Bales oi tops are now generally bo higher than 12e, although an oc- er. Hog steady. - . .. POTATOES AS OXIOSS SLOWER, , -Blower- trade is shown , in potatoes and onions, flout in Us , scUTlty shewn at montr. poinu in either Hue'., Yakima eorjtimiee Kb consign potatoes here; jeapeciaBy of ; the ordi- -4 CUB LIC SUPPLIES: CiEAXED CP ' Supplies of rarlic are reoorted as onits. wn t'kned up, a complete : surprise tt the trsde Ssies are shown ,st hither prices, with country porcbases aronnd 10c and sales at retaiter uera at J3S15e. f - BRIEF , SOTElS PRODUCE TRADE Drape markat tmvtmaily alow. -.. Bananas, ire k & le -luslaer. ' : Cheese market actire at full prices. All canned foods reported as firmer. Peaches moring slowly at 75c to f 1 for best. . . .. . ": SHIPPERS - WEATHER 3fOTICE Weather bureau edrised Monday : - - Protect shipments durina; the next 86 hours acairwt the foilowms minimum. tereDeratura-i: Ooing north to JSeattle. " i degrees r northeast t4 Spokane, 8,0 degree ; east to Baker, 24 de green, and south to Ashland. 84 decrees. Mini- mum temperature at Portiand. tomorrow about es : oegrees4 . j . :, i-.i PORTIAS!! WHOAiESAUE PRICES These are the pnoes retailers xaur whola. salen. except as otharwise noted: atU'i'TJhXSMUaw.pnoe. oai lota: Oaavaa- ery pricea--Pruits.- extras. 4w4Sc, for piain wrappers. cpbts, 42(a) 43e pet lb.; dairy, buy ing price '8 Oe per lb. je BUTTtn r A fortiand deHTerr basis: No 1, grade. 48c; . Jio. 2. 44c; fia. 1, sene. 4e tor A" grade. ..-;.- CHEESE SelHng: Tillamook, triplets. 82 0 33c, lb.; Toung Ameriaa. 33e ter Ih. : Oregon triplets, 21 27b. Buying price. & o. b. Tillamook: Triplets, SOc; ioung America and Lonshorns. 81c Sailing price: -- Block Swiss. Wisconsin. 803fie; imported. COe lb.; Umourger, Z5 0Z8e; cream brick, Uregon. 28 40 26e; . Eastern. 28 930c - kGGe Buying price. Front street: Cur. rent receipts, Western Oregon, 47c per do.; Bsstern Oregon. 42s per do.; henneries, 62c per dosen ; seUuur -price, select, tu per dexen: candjed. Mo; puOeta, 46e; storage. 82 16o per dozen. '. JtUOS -Aaaociation selling .price: - Select, 55c: brown, 5Sc: fresh, 53c: mrtleta. 45c LIVE FOVL.TB. Selling price: Unary hens, 2l923e per lb.; light hens, 13c ib.; broilerst ia22c; old roosters, 8c ; ducks, il822c per lb.; turkeys. aUre. 823oc; dressed. 884Se lb. ; i , . - rresn rraiu ane vegeiasie . - : FRESH FEnT Orangee. 4.T0 75 . boi: bananas. 19 hi lb.: lemons. Sll.OO rll.S case; .grapefruit,. Florida, 6.009 7.50; peshcea, 75c $l.0 ; - cental oupea, 82.00; tre cream meloas, 2 (a? 2 Ho lb; bone dew mskms, 2o lb.; casaba. 2V lb. ; peart, SI AO as 9 Uft hnf - rVmnvvW mnM . Muscat, , 82.90, log; Oregon Tokay. $2.00 . sn . . . . . . BERBIE Cranberriae. Korihwest. $5.28 ' 3.6 box. " v. 3)RIE1 JPRTJIT8 Dates, 83.2SST.O0; ftga, black. 18 19c lb.; prunes, 40a and 80s 35rlh. box, 12Ve lb.; 60 and 60s, 10 Me lh. is. : OMO S Selilng price to letaUexs: Ore igon, $1.25 2.00 cental: garlic. lSle per 'lb.; green oaieca. 2S&0 per do, buncbea. - COUNTRY MEATS Sellin price: Conn try hogs, 14 H ft 15c lb., hoary staff lees; -reel. beery stuff leas; lam be, 1 So lb. fSifOKEi MEATS-Hame. 28aS2o ib.; breakfast bacon, 27946c lb. ' PACKINO-HOUSK MJUTS Steer beef. 13c lb.; heifers, 11 11 ,e; eows, 10c; Umos. 18(20o Jb.; ewks, 10 14 lb.; hogs. 16 1 Ho lb. LARD Kettle rendered, i Otto lb.; Uerce basxa, cooipouDd. 14a. v - BRASS Small white, 87.00; targe-: white. $7.0flf; pink. 37.00; Hau, $10.80; bayou, $.SW: red. $8.75. HONEI New. $4.00 0 4.80 per WILLAMETTE ITRIBE, NO. 6 , ' (OR6AXIZED 1S74) -1 IMPROVED ORDER OF RED MEN - ' OFFER TO THE PUBLIC t . ' ' , r -, . $4,000 of the $25,000 Issxie ; 20-YR. 7 1ST MORTGAGE BONDS ; At Par-To Yield 7 i . IXEEEST PATABLE SF-MI-AxrAUUT AprU 1st aad Oetebtr 1st DEoMLAT105j $104 These bonds are secured by a Deed of Trust to the Bank of Eaat Portland. Trustee, covering the, two-story and baoement concrete and ' mill-constructed building now being erected on LOTS l and 2, BLOCK 101. Stephens Addition, corner of East Js'mth and Hawthorne Avenue, V Buildlnar costing ... LAnd value ........ Total Value of Security .......... First Mortgaeoe Bonds Issued : Against Property The etimated revenue from four stores, three assembly halls and even tf rices in the building are sufficient to rrovid for a sinking fund , th before maturity. Bonda will be retired by -allotment. The legality o the Borvd Issue has been favorably passed upon by t The Corporation Comfhiffsioner of the State of Oregon; W. Ia. Cooper. Aftnmev. anil Ptanlr.Ue V. rJ,i j T ,a . "; --V"v. - - - r . tv. . ..v., For Information call L. H. Hamigr, Sec'y BuUding Committee '.' 19$ SX0X JkVEXUE. , EAST T1W Bonds oh sale at Bank ot E. PrtlBd, Craad At, and E. WatnJagtoa 30, 1922. pWWP'aSaaaaasjBsa 4? et. ewett, Br Hjnii H. Coe ; . With the coming: of frosts consumer! wOl misa the offering of many local vegetables, . with th consequent ad- vanclns' of; prices; due to, the , heavy freight And handling charges, from dis tant pofcnta. : f rt , the meantime . there i quite a . fair smpply of , cauliflower Miring at 5c to 15c a head ana cabbage Be 11 lag down to Ic a pound, or below the wholesale cost, ; ? v' Many whe have autos have been able te purchaee direct from farmer as low as 4e. a pound. Cabbage la o&rUnusu any gxoa quality. , ; ; - Butter prices are being cut In some of the recall shop a a result ef a fight between various creameries here for entf oi f the trade, i . . "Big - tslsed fresh eggSkE commonly known as select,' continue to sell , at Siac to 80c a dozen at retail, -but the smaller, sizes, known a pullets, are stilt .down and may even drop as a result ot the activities ot the young f owls-in beginning the laying season. - ! Don't forget this Is the opening of Apple weeK. uetjer.nuy a box.,. Retail prires generally show: ' .Hatter Fresh creamery. 60 54c. -'ih SaJiuon. ' 13s fe0c; black' cod. 12 He.- . . . . ' Ftouf Best .local patent. 31.83 9 2.00 per 49- lb. sack. - Potatoes Sew, 1 0 j c 'per to. Onions 2 3e per lb. . . Tamhill street prices: Carrots, 4e btmcb; string beans. 7e lb. ; peas, 13e Rk; cabbage. l"c lb.; cauliflower. 6 0s 15c head; lettuce, 5 4 10c head; potatoes. le lb.; celery. $ i 10e bunch; tomatoes; Se lb. t'orn flet. -20e dosen. - . - - Honey Comb, tnrirato stores.' ' 2fter - mihlie market, 20e; Quart, flttc; pmt, 3"e. - Kggs Pablic market, 50c; pnrst itotes, 4560o dozen. ' Poultry--iasht hens. 23c Ih. - hearv ham orer 4 lb 2 So .;, fryers, 80c lbi; broiler. 9io lb. .' . , POTATOES AtOSG . TRE : COAST . : 8ae Franotsco Market rnosoo i Oet. 80.. IIT. P.) -On ion: Stockton! red, $1.40 1.50; yellows,' per ewt.. $1.40 1.50. . Potatoes: Rieer fancy. $1.91.13: Idabo Waalungton netted Gems. 31.85 & 1.83: Ka- luaa, $1.02.00. , Las Anesle Market ' Les Aneelea. Oet Ail Pnt.riaa Vptra rlrer, $1.50 9 1.74V; poorer, low as $1.40; Idaho rosseta, $1.65 1.75. - Seattle Wertet, - l California, -2 He; Walla Walla. 2c. i-otatoes: local, llHc; aweets, 8c. New York Ratter 'and Xggt New TorkL Oct. 30. "fl'S. 8.1 Kutter Market firmer. Creamery, extras 4849c, firsts 3S to 4 8c. hiarher srnrina OUffiM,. state dairy tnb 83 4 7 U e : -ladlai- frnih ... trae, 33 H 85r. - t heese Market firm. Etate. : whole' n.ira- pecils flts) 26 27c, arerag rnn 23 H e wc, lower graoee zo 0 azc; Wiseonsin i while milkl fanov vmimr Amerleaa. 3a 26 Vie; state skims, specials. 19 19 vte. Kaes Steady to firm. Vea rv whita f.tuv 2c; nearby brown, fancy, 75 80c; Ixtras, 61 65c; tints. 45 64c. Milk nominal wholes le price, $3.-00 ewi. Eastern Cash Wheat Chicago. Oct 80. "a.h wheat X 9 m1 1 1 4. o k.l eina.Aa. vr Montana, $1.17; Ko. 2 Montana. $1.18. Minneanolia. - Or. In fuh whiaLlv. i dark northern. $1.13 K 5 1.21 ; No. " 1 northern,- $1.124 1.19 ; Jio. 2 dark 2tn'l I, : So. 2 northern, 1.18W1,I S. 3 dark, nnethem $1.04 ei.l3H; No. 3 northern, $1.05 & ri2 ; Ko. 1 hard Montana. $1.09 Winnipeg. Oct. 30. Cash wheat Vat" 1 northern, $1.05; Ko. 2 northern, $1.04 ; No. 3 northern. $1.01 H ; No. i4 northern, 09 He: No. -5 northern, 89c; Npi 6 northern. "- uar, la ,. r i. .sMeiiey and Exebane 5....: X. Tork. Oct.,i 30. t N. 81 ftalt money on the floor? of the? New : Tork stork exchange .-today ruled at 4J high 5 , low -4 H . Tim money was steady; rates were ms. The market for prime 'mercantile paper steady. Call money on Ixmdnai was 1 t. Sterling exchange was steadx. with onsiness in bankers' bills at $4.4$ 4 lor demand. -"?-. ?few Tor Pooltry "Market -New Tork. Oct. $0 fL N. R.i Irreaud pooltry: Market rnk Chickens. 2140c; lowis, ZZSjSSc: tnrkeys, 30 B5e; docks, 28 ?30e: geese, i522e. s lare poultry: ' Market weak. Chirkevta. 18c: fowls. 18025c: turkey. 44aa52e: ducks, 22 23c; geese, 25 26c. . RICE -Japan. Ne. 1. 6e: Blue fiaeau eS lb.; New Orleans bead, tlic COFFEE Roasted. 2144 34 Ho lh. In -1 Um' VI Ul tAMiaae " SAL.T--Coare. half ground. 100V $18.09 toe; 50.. $17.85: Ubl dairy. 60s. $27. o: bales, $3.50 9 4.00; Uacy table and dairy; $34.50: lump, 6.S0. - J. , suusb uuoe. rrnit and berry; $7.85: yellow ; C. $7.30: beet, annulated. $1.70: extra t $7.50; golden C, $7.30. L'A.NSii) MILK Tails. lUO.Ml six. 14.90 emseit Eagle, $8.85 esse. . SODA'CRAUtEBS bulkj 15o lb. ; NUTS Walnuts. 2126e lb. 2 alaaoada. 392 lb.; lilberts, 17e per lb.; pe- nuts. pe-jo.; pecan, zse i. : urasils, ise lb.f. ebeetxtuts. Japanese. 2234 lb, , Lumoaf anar emngia Xattast carload lumber sale by maaafactur' era. QUOtaQona reprsaeaning f. o. b. goill Tal lies la duecs- sales . to retailers and Including selling expense: ..!-. --i '-' .? - FLOOKINQ: High. Xarn.' . Are. a4 No. 3 and bet.. $62.00 $4 0.00 $49.00: .v--.-w. a-.... . iv.v ee.vv r-oo.ov FINISH: ' - - - - 1x8 10 . . .. . . , i . 58.00 86.00 V 1x8 No 2 and. bet.. 43.30 410 ,.... DROP 8UIN: tat-y. 1x60,3 and bet. . 41.00" 46.00 40 BOARDS AND SHIFLAP: sua AAU BUFiAr: 1x8 10 1 . 20.50 16.50 19.50 17.60 ISaOt 18.50 ..... 4.00 ..... ' a A . DIMENSIONS: ; 2x4 12x14 . . . ... . . 20.00 SMALL- TTMBB. 4x4 12-16. 22J0 4 ft. No. 1 fir ...-.i-r. 4.50 A shingles 1 8.33 " . . . . .-. - - ..... Total sales by 84 mills, 5,784.804 feet. .145.009 1O.0WI : ...tso.ooo .1. 125.900' A. wv. - : day is suggested for APPLE IS l(ll!G - OF THE MARKET PRIM ART APPLE fRADE . Soebetter, - Ji. T HaaUng keary $ good wire laqairyi demand and xnOTe teat good market firm? carload f.-o.- b. vsaai termsi roapd basbel ba ketsv f In, -aad np Baldwlas and nixed cars red -winter Tarietles 8.5a to $1.6. mesUy to 95e; bulk, per ewt, orchard ran, eo.ll eat,. Baldwins and Vi-i RaldwiBs, fUi te $14., mostly Weaatetiee Too few ,. sales rf ported te aaote. --- i-'h - s . . Taktns TaDey Tery few sale! Job. ataaas, extra, fanry: yeediam to tera-e SVti te- IUI; Detleiee, extra fancy, Beaum to large, $2,1 to SzJS. :. v. - . By Hymen Nl Cohen - Apple-week baa opened and wall it general oheeresnce-. win come better heaiUi according w prominent omeiais, and Patter ouuiets teon- "An aDoie-.aY dar keen the avtnr aw.V la the text of, arir that. ia.actpow led! fuM ul truui. ' . , i - ... ;-r Apples hare not been so cheap for' many yara. The fruit is today ef tmusnal quality and for that reason there is more reason why conanmers snooia eslabratoi to their heart content. - ! The deaignstioa of this week as Apple week bj the International Apple Shippers associa tion .is at time- when j apples are. at their pneee us most reasonaoie. . The Northern Spy, Winter Banana. Jona thans. Ueiicioas. Orttey and Knaw Tarietia are in season, as welt as the Spttxenberg. The tetter is just coming into season, although its quality is best for Colombia rivers varieties at a later date, bat Willamette Tsly stack it at w fniatv. - . si - ; . . i : t Red apples-- attract more attentioa from American than do the yellow or green Tarie tiev but many prefer the latter. lemand for applea in the wholesale trade is increasing somewhat, hoe Di.m i. ..in i nw vnj nunored and six ear on A aociaoing xiroiien. ! Supplies liberal, de- "V moininn moaeratev xoaraet steady No boxed stock sale reported. ' TT Fort Worth .. .. eluding broken. Demand and movement mod erate, market .steady.- Sales direct to retailers Northwestern ijlonathan. extra fancy $3.25. VfWaJrS?'' . lUc!P"3.-. extr fVy. Urge " v,; -u- lancj a.a.85j Winter' Ba nanaa. Cgrade $2.50 8.75. round bttsliel waxvTB.- loano; Jonathans, orchard run, $2.00 ooston qrwenty-serrn ear on track, Jnclnd- JlI i ouiwie moderate, demand and moTementalow, market "stesdy. No boxed ies . reported. Auction price: 5 ear told, n Cmr TOn Jonathans, extra fancy $1.55 3.03, average $2.23. Idaho, car run: Jonathans, - extra fancy $1.50 2.00, average 1.9t U7cr IJ.0?1 -8 age $1.70.. 5. Iouls Thnty-two cars on track, includ ing broken. SappHea liberal, demand and movement good, market steady. Idaho:. Jona thans $45 ton balk. nJSSI T?r" Private tapplie light, demand brnited. movement light market steady. No boxed sales reported. Auction prices: 10 rrasnington sow. Washington f 1512 boxes eaira lancy, i very large $3.90 m 8.83. large 82.70 8.00. fancy lsri to tot Urge $2.50 2.65; .715 boxee' Ki X1 Vl? V medium to large $2. 002.3; 016T boxe Jonathans., extra fancy, medium to very largo $2,1092.60, few high as 2.65. 9'to;T'r, ""aU.$l.52.15. few higb $2.30. fancy j.U sis- 11.90 2. 2 5. ordinary wndibon aU aixe, $1.53 91.90, C grade. a 7.9oM I,5 V tviib't" "ir:,.A?,cUo,0 'Prfces: 6 car sold. Washington: IVloimi ; r. . -ery large, $1.60 s2!.S0. av-V,. ai osV. i an.e'i'X J T small to large $1.50 92.50, mostly $2.00 93.50; Jonathans, extra fancy, medinrn to very Urge $1,83 9 -V aTOr $2.05, combination extra fancy ery email TO very lane 8 1 .6 3 isi very larre tl.7oain . i -JT e.2ff?eo5?T2n bnndreil and fifty-three ears pa track: including" broken, n applies very T.T- dl,nd movement elow. market KtfV - ?eardy Price un-Wg-ed. .w.t',tTwS',t,-on tf"on, track, iv cludiaB - broken. Offerings iifnt. Too few sales to establish market . r. J-CS'A??tli!n JW: Jonathan." extra - aw . e.ow e .va. "meifiMm ii a a 2.00, email - ti.vnwias. averam l a,a fneyy n sire, at ani. t Urge $2.73 9 3.35. fancy. UnpT $2730 9 2 75: T1?, 1J. .rage'$2!l27c glade! tr T2""vC.-'- menmi 31S092.05; average -bcn.A extra fancy. - very Urge. SM'.vUr,3w?' 2.83. average r.K Li? SF. )f 3 - Urge2.60 9 5. -medium $2.50. .verase $2 62 O irr.rfi. iisTS,1'80 tMlm te Elarg. 82;0P92i85, average, $1.81. ."- TWO anMlnul . n.l . :x.. - ' . in.t I. 1. T . , -TCWTiHlH Cr . OB Arack, including broken. SuppUes heavy, de. SVS " mo""n-rit moderate, market ateady. tVSi'" .2"","- eI fncy. Ige,, mostly $2.6X1; mod. $2.25 fancy, Ige. $2 2.25 me' XlTol1-,7!20 XdeT 'mall to edium rwheious, ex. fancy, very Urge. otITo,3.6d- UVe 3-25. f.ncy' Urg? $2V75 3.00 C grade. Urge $2.85 9 2.75Tltomes! $2.50 9 2.73. fancy. Urge, mostly $2.25; 'Itr fancy, all sites $1.73 9 2.00 'aMtJa combination extra fancy syfAncy and C grade, mostly $1.75 "ttsburg Ninety ears on track, -: including orffkeB. Supplies liberal, demand and move "nt.i.TrT j"10. market steady. Washmrttm: JoBathxaa. Jancj L large $1.7$ 2.00. medium, jwetly $1.509 i.73, small $1.25 ( i.5oT lie iicioua, ertra fancy. Urge $3.75 9 3.00. me dium 82.50 92.73. email $2.00 9 2.60. Gulf 'Oil Is Only. 1 One of Importance To Show Strength 5 VVIBUott F. Meffernan 7 f aywugth In Gulf Oil of Pennsylvania, stock was r Ta- outstanatng features today in the trading on the curb exchange. The shares were actively in demand while the rest of the .Tr loWe fa tympatby with the more ment of prices en the stock exchange, ' intj MrentUi h 'Golf - Oil stock was ai'i ... Y,.am ueesatul; flotatioa ef a new 53-to 0 iasa. of 5 per cent- debentar gold bonds. The proceeds will be used for tne retirement or the ccsxtpeny's S per eeet inking fund bonds which will be called ior redemption o Fehrnarr lfi9 TKa kbonds were quoted oo the curb exchange I "7? wbseription price of 97. The "". , wuicn was ! temporarily suspended toward the end -ef Utt week, broke oat again today in the oil barea. resulting in lower price in many of the Standard Oil and not " " me tnoepenoents aa well. V aetrum Oil oM Standard of New Tork old and Ohio u auuwea jaese of wrota 8 to 10 points, .while Standard of Indiana Tmnei.l - '.a.. and InternBtionak Petroleum were heavCy okt. The new $25 par vahie shares or recently ra ear i talked Standard Oil companiea moved aJaT, a-ftorta to Snng f aout tower prices i SoitUten State Oil were only parti nice oaa It toek held slightly below tts cicee of J while the rest of the hst eentinued lowe Other ea thsre moved with the gtand rd Oa stocks kn lower prices were mad a in f"av Petroieum. Fen land and Sew EncUad DAIRT PRODUCE OP THE COAST Sen- Franc lace lay lies " San Francisco, Oct. JO. (U.P. Bat ter Extras, 60c i prime firsts, 48 c; firsts, 43c. ' ; i -;--.;: - : : . i Em-Ertrs, e-s4ej extra. pallets- 4 Te; ondersixed pullets, 83 He. , . " , Cheei California flat fancy, 24e - L.es AneeCea anas tet - Loa Angeles. Oct 80. ii N. S.) But ter. 49c, IJJV' ' traa, eoc; ease eoaat, 55e; pul- Ben a(e b2H, 8c; fry er. 28c. j OeMtle Starts : Seattle. Oct. 30.. L " N. ,) Eggs: Se leet rancc". 60cy pullets. 45c, Batter: Cttjr creamery. 4 Se i brick. 49c Cheese: Oregon tripleU, 80c; TaUamook triplets, 33c; Tmn Amencsa, 81c - - yw Tork Wool aad Hides" " w Tore. Oct, SO. ft W. 8-7 Wool Market firm. Itomemc fleece, XX Ohio. 42 9 67c; do nuled. scoured basis. 75e 9 $1.30; do Tex, aeeared bast,- $1.05 l.$J; tcrritery ataie. eaonred baaia. $1,2091.36. Hideo Market steady. Native steers, 88c; oreaded . steers, iOHt . . ' : American Wheat Sapply, -.. American wheat viexbie "supply ia 'bmbeU: - I V " Tctai.. IVereaw 1P23..... 33.563.f'00 I.6S9.O0O l21.....i.e' 3 9 1 & v a t -; 1919... ....T.i IncreaAr 54,251.O0O 1.364.000 .332,00(, l.Gas.uuo : - I. : : i oo" . en V231 'r'. car $1,73 9 I'Jt it "iTf? I-80. ear $1.4092.00; aver "J. i T2, V T,ufe ery mU ,to Urge $1.40 91.55. rof hard rpa. small to Urge $1,70 9 2-15,- averaae ,31.85? I.n V- THE OREGON JOURNAL, PORTLAND, OREGON. FOREIGN WHEAT, : TRADE IS STRONG MOJTDAT WHEAT TRADE - Tear Monday. Rise. Ago. S1.84 l IJtt 1.M 1.W 1 Hard -White..... ...$UI8 Sort White 1.18 Western White .... 1.18 Hard Wtater tM le le te le :lo -le rtHera Spriag .... 1.14 Western Red .1.11 : KOHTHWOT GR1H HECETPL - - , Compiled by the Merchants Exchange. M Wheac Barley. Flour. Oats. Ray. Portland. Mon. 113 Year- ago..., -S83 Season to. date 8950 Tear ago. . ..15024 Tat-out, ax.. 44 Tear , ago ... . 15 Heaaoa to date 2801 Tear ao7... 8206 Seattle, 8at. . 43 Tear ago. 12 Season to date 3303 Year j io.,-.i 88S3 1 . IS .. 8 5 118 1 2- 241 562 311 644 112 899 426 ,626 . . 4 t 2 ... "i 1 375 "60- 252 73 617 74 $10 1 18 - f 2 , , . 29 -. . . 11 8 97 211 ; 803 103 900 - 336 652 Wheat turned strong at the Liverpool rrasr tng with the De-em bcr 1 A d higher while Chicago early options ' were higher generally. Locally trade wa Quiet with little change in the geeeral situation. ; Labor and trans pertetioa eonditkHt- -conthnte to act as --, brake against , a ; genaral movement of new business ikeve,. -- . . ., . - Purchases of white - clnb or western white are again oonfirmed at $1.1891.20 with a general disposrUoa on the part of buyer to go rather slow except for nearby staff. Practically bo business is confirmed - in milling wheats, creating considerable strength in- that line, with prices, oa a nominal basis a the previous vans. - Floor market is gaining strength for bntii doraeetie and foreign brands and mil 1st tiffs are firm . with an advance considered Quite likely.- r - - Trend of the hay trade' continue firm at former prices. --.. -, WHEAT Buying price tidewater, track de livery: Ctab,' fli,181.20 per bo-: blnestemv $1.35 per be.; Big Bend bhiesUavr' $1.40; Tarkey red. $1.18 9 lO; red Banu, $1,15 DOMESTIC FLOCK HelHna Mire, min door: Patent, new crop. 87.00: old crop. 87.20 wiuasviette vaitay brand. 35.70 9 6.85; 'local srraignt, c.4o; Bakery card wheat. XT..O; baker bhtestem, $7.10: bakers' pastry. $5.90 bbL; graham. $6.09; whole wheat. $6.20; rye, $6.80 bbl. Price for city delivery. J8c extra; suburban, 3O0 extra. EXPORT FLOUR Club straight. 85.20: blueetem. cat-off. $5.80. "V. , HAT Baying price: Willamette timothy. ivney,-.-3o.to W20.B0S jcaetem Oregon timo- uiy, .''. SO per ton; clorer. 818.509 19.00; straw. $8.00; alfalfa. . $18.00; grain bay. 20.00. ' GRAIN SACKS Nominal. Ko. 1 Calcutta. 10c for new crop delivery. Domestic bags, 10e each. M1LL8TCFFS Millrun at mill sacked.' ton lots. $27.00; carload lota, $28.00; middlings, $88.00 9 80.00 eer ton. : OAT& I'er too. buy ma- rwicet Peed. 334.50: milling. $35.50. . BAEU5T Raying price: Feed, $32.00: brewing, js:.o. FEED8TCFFS -P. O. B. ranhir. Rolled bar ter. $87.00; whole barley, $35.00: alfalfa meal eau.uu; coeoanut meal, $38.00; erarked. corn. o.rwnoie corn, 836. OO. Merchants' Fxchsnge bids; WHEAT . " Oct. Jfor. Tiee. Hsra white. Baart.f 1.28 $ 1.28 r 1.28 Soft white 1.18 1.18-" 1.16 Western whiU-i . . 1.18 1.17' 1.18 Hard winter-. ., , 1.13 ' L.13 1.12 Nor. anrine .i . . VI I 1t -. 119 Western red 1.11- 1.10 1.09 FKED OATH No. 2 $6-Tb natura isNo bids. e-!ti. euppo No bids. 38-lh. naturals. $35.50 85.50 $35,50 BARLET miaimom ..$33.00 minimum . . 32.00 CORN , 4 4 -lb. 40-lb. 433.25 83.50 $33.25 32.25. $35.25 82.00 No. 2. E. T. ship. .$34.50 J 3 E.Tatdp.,.. 83.50 31.00 Buying Moderate In Chicago Market; v Early Prices Firm . - , . : j- Chicago, Oct. 0. (L N. S.) Wheat raluea were jumped, today. July dosing strong. Price manifested Strength, at the outset oa support encouraged by the advance at Liver pool, reacted Uteri and then firmed up to ward the ftmsfc. -Wheat closed steady to 4c higher than the finish of Saturday; eon steady to a frao tion up and oata He lower to He higher. I'rorieian were firm. Lard closed 15e higher. Cotton range by United x-rest: WHEAT Open. High. 114 11. 113 118 106 i 106 C0BN . 74 674 I 67 67 67 OATS 41 - 41 42 42 W 39 V 40 BTE - 1 82 4 81 81 ;:.; lard Low. Close. 114 116 112 113 104 105 v 664 67 6 66 41 41 4-1 -414 39 39 il 82 H 60 81 1070. 960 .' 962 - DtC. ere e May .... July ... t Dec. .... May .... July -. . . . Iec. -. . Mar .... July .... Dec. .... May .... Oct. .... Jen. . ., ,V Octe e e 950 967 RIBS 1050 3T. T. COTTOJT PRICES REACH HEW HIGH POIKT FOR TEAR New Tork. Oct. 80. (L N. 8.) New high levels' for the year were established at the open ing of the cotton market today on a renewal 'of a heavy general demand. First price were zs to se points signer, with iJecamber tell in- at $24.43. - Later this position sold np $24.47. but subsequently reacted in sympathy with other months on profit taking sad increased hedge selling irom to Bout a. . . Foreign interests, particularly Liverpool, were buyer and many of -the commission nooses' end wire hoosea, which had reduced hne last week, aw mod to be coming into the market again ea the long utje. r j : - . . i. e The cotton f market closed tead at a net decline of 4 jpcriaus to a net advance of 7 aointa. r' '. , Spot cotton was steady and nnchangad at z.e. - Hate eee bales delivered oa con tract. . . j , , Prices reported by Overbeck V Cooke com pany: . .,- Jan. V 2415 . ... . 2430 .... 2420 .... 2393 2429 2433 2424 2400 2391 5 2401 2391 - 2367 23 na Mar. May July 2401 ' 2890 2367 2420 Dec. . . -v e a e aw-aTtaaB ' A New Tork spot market. 4 30, 2435 2455 2419 3w fork Sarar aad Coffee ". New Tork. Oct. 30 (U. P.) Sugar Firm. Raw, $5.65 ; refined, firm ; grasaUted. $6.90 9 7.00. I - CoffeaNo, 7 TOo spot, V0 9 10e; No. 4 cUetce, 15915. i ' Winnipeg Wkeat Options Winnipeg. Oct. 30. Wheat:- Open. High. Low. Dee. ...... 9 99 44 May ...... 103 H 14 lOSas Jan. ......105 ' . !! .105 Close. 99 H 108 , 105 Minneapolis .Wkeat .Option . RinaeapDlls, Oct. 40. Wheat: j- -: ,- .-. Open. ; v High. . Low - Close. Dee. ......109 110 109 109 Uay .......111 111 , 111 111 Ulrerpool Wheat Varket " Liverpool. Oct. 80. Wheat: i' " " 1 Close Rise. December.... 10s 2d, . 10s 4d ld March...... . 9 10d 9 11 d ld May .V Se 8d s 8d Id r ". ' Berne Boarse Closed New Tork, Oct. 30. L N. ' 8 The Faroe bourse hsa suspended operations waul November 6, aocordmg to a cablegram . re ceived by the Dew Jones Financial Agency. w Tork aieUI Market See Tut, Oct, $. Copper: Firs. A3 aoaitsone 1 3 w I e w e. s Lead:. Firm. All positions, 6.65 bid. Fpelter; Steady. All , potitaona - 7 :0S 9 i 8aa Fraaeiseo Barley Calls Sett Franeiaeo, Oct. SO. BarVy. elated at on: ' Deeember. $1.50 bid: Mar. 31.51 bid.' 1.83 asked. ' , Se Tork. Oct 80. II. K. S ) Potato (in bcA. barrel or bag) : Market fins. Nearbv- tviuu, $1.60 y 3.20; sweets. tl-OO&tl.sO. apple week CATTLE HIGHER AT TiO. PORTLAND aiOSDAT EITESTOCK TRADE Hogs, - Steers. Lambs, Portland, ..,.$1$.$ Chicaro ; . ; . i i 9.4 Su i'raaclsco 118 f 70 - fll II3.66 14 t S.0 . . 12.56 Omaha . vi. . 89 Dearer .'i Kansas City. $Jt$ ... , ISJTel . . 18.it Ji - r' 134 PORTLAND LIVESTOCK HIS J Hoe. Csttle. Calvee. Sheep. Car. Monday. .-. .- 1809 2328 i 404 1659 115 Week ago... 18S8 1491 251 . 1834 80 r week ago. 169$ 1773 109 184 I 82 4 week ago.. $100 $285,340 2475- 162 Tear o... ;681 2322 j 115 2021108 3 year ago. . . 615 2739 I -104 2425 " 86 8 year ago., . 843 2472 ! 480 .172 114 4 years ago, , 2428 1461 j .- 3414S3 . . 85 . North Portland hog market, . while slow, fn- oicaiaa .soBBainess at toe wee openinc. witn cattle steady to higher, especially in the steer division, while sheen and lam ha reiaiBcd a heir .previous good position. Kitn in the alleys ever Bonday included 1 1 5 wads, compared" vsith 80 loads a week ago, 82 loads two weeks ago and 108 load a Tear ago. i - la the -cattle alley the ttecr demand started with an extremelv coed tone. . Hatidav huvine ha started and best oualitv "steers were. an. wriar prices inuy z Higher, while some at the medium grade suff was 60c higher. - All umnna. u caxue alleys the demami 'showed improvement, altHoaarh early i trade in cow was merely steaay. ' Ceneral cattle market rang Choice steers ..,..... . . .$ 6.759 7.50 Medmra to good teers 6.75 4s 0.75 Fair to medium Keers . ..j.,, 5.259 6.75 (ommoa )to fair steer . , . f . . al5 8.23 Choice heifers j. .(,- 6.0 . 2 5 Choice craw -and heifers. .. .'. - 4.50 9 6.00 Medium to good cows-herfenti. 3.509 4 SO Fair to medium cows-heif era. . 3.O0 9 3.50 Commoni to fair eows-heifers. . 2.00 9 3 00 tanner , ......... 1.50 9 2.00 Choice feeders .'P..V, 6.00 9 8.50 3iL Jod ffierf ..-.. 4.00 9-eS.O t"lTr t . . 8.50 9 0.50 Wm,.hth ..... L , . . 7. 50 9 8. M Heavy ralves , , . , r 0J(w - fl - ' , 8)wine Are Lewar ' -. . . 2,d,.Jn the hog alley ISA North PortUnd oagh initial trades were at about steady ik. ebaBse -was therefore shewn is iV me mariet loat I0 9 20e. Kun or hop m the Ueys totaled 1809 bead, compared with 1858 i head 1893 head two week - agoj ad 681 head a' Generijf bog market ransa: Prime lights . . ... ,.,.., . $lo.ftn e t o.ea -moot- neavy, SSO-SOO lbs. . 9.8O910.OO SBMCfthWrjr. 300 lbs. up . . :09 O.60 Ft pjgs i!.. feeder pig ..... ..-T Stag . .w.-. ........ 7 00 8.60 9.50 910.00 H.78 9 f.25 S-00 0 7.00 Sheep Held Well BaS' ito "trons: wU shown t North ; wa mqjat, sneep and iamb' trade. "vmiay morning aeuvity was pronounced in . , ,?JttLT Run An the alleys ever Sunday totaled 1659 head, compared with 1834 bead ;.""t f. so oea,(T two weeks ago and 2021 head a year ago.1 I. - . . eBral theen and lamb , Prime east of mountain lambs. $10.00 1 1.00 Choice vailev l.mH. Medium valley lamRs . Common valley lambs . . Cull Umbs Heavy yearlings ...... Light yearlings 40.ooesii.oo 9.OO910.00 8.00 9 9.00 6.50 1 8.00 7.80 9 8.00 8 00 9 8.50 6.50 9 6.50 6.60 9 7.50 4. "gat wethers . 4 J Kwee . .. . .. . ..... j 2.00 9 S.Oe ajeottay Btoewlnd Sale No. . Ave. lb. Price. dicz.si o.?.A: Tb.i ' Price. 6... 984 $ 6 00 25... 1052 $ 6.25 1. . . 985 6.23 108w 0.5O 16.. .1049 24.. .1007 14. ..1085 - 1. . .1120 1...1190 19. ..1218 S.50 0.60 7.85 6.00 5.75 6.85 8.75 7-40 19, . .1211 .1155 .1100 ,1002 .1090 0.50 ' 8.63 -7.$5 7.50 5.75 5.75 6.90 990 1... 960 2J.. ,.1172 26 1 8. 1, .1116 cows . , PO $ 2.80 I .. 820 .4.50 k .J940 $ 3.50 8.75 5.00 l..xll00 ..103O . 3.75 I 22 HEIFERS! .. 480 $ 3.00 j - . HALVES 1 297 $ 7 00 j 1 . . 240 8.00 I . - 8 BULLS 1101 - 1 2. . 1. 1. 1. 4. 80. 28. -2. ..i 800 $ .213 6.00 8.00 , . Ill"" I..1U . .1430 . - 3.25 .1015 ,8.25 .1200 $ 3.2JJ .1020 825 .1310 8.25 . 120 $10.86 . 56 7.00 LAMBS ! . . 82 $10.50 1 1 . . 5 10.50 45 7.00 AMERICAW MTKSTOCK PRICE 8 w - Chtoaoo Hoe $9X)0 Chicaao. fie ill it i v a l. T7n Receipts, 37.00O: market steady. Bulk, $8.30 9 8.90; top, $0.O; heavyweight, $8,50 9 9.00- medium weight, $8180 9 9.00: Kght r'S'i11 38.7598.90; light fights, j $8.28 9 ?-!x: beavj packins- sows, i smooth. $7,75 9 $8 60 9.0o! :f5fV- Cattle Beceiota. ' 80O0: .Market. ehrrfe. ateady others 2Sc lower. Beef , steers.- choice nd prime. $12.76 9 13.60; medium and good, .50 12 OO: good" and choice. 1 812.25 19.25: common antwoadtani ITMan s Batcher cattle, heifers, $5.00 910.00; cow. $4.00 08.00; bulls, $.50 7.00. Oanners and cuttert, cowt and heifers, $2.25 98.65: canner eteers. $5.00 9 7.00 sr veal calve tlight end handy weight), $9. 50 9 11; feeder steers. 85.00 9 8.00: atocker steers, $4.50 97T75; stocker cows and heifer. S3. 50 St &.&0; atocker calves, $3.60 9 7.50. Western range cattle, $Ton ob.5f i" I"' Sheep BeeelptS, .. 36,000; market 25e tower. rat iambs, 13.0O9T4.25: Jamb, culls and common, $8.00 1L00; yearlings, HitP.iJk60' St01. 7 O0 9.00; ewes. $6.50 9 7-66; ewest cuUs and common, $2.00 94 50; breedings ewes, $4.50 911.00; feeder suuua, eao.vv vs it.zii. i Kansa CKy Hoa S8.8& a. " 1 Kansa City, Oct 30. ( L N. 8. V Cattle receipt, IBo; eou; ttaers $5.5099.25; cow and heifer. $8.50 9 7.00; stocker and feeders, $4.50 9 6,74 carves, $8.00 9 10.00. Hoff receipts, 10.000; dna,- bulk of sales, $8.18.2S; torn $8.85; he via. $8,009 8.25; lights, $8.109 8.35;! medium. $8,10 9 8.35. - -I -- -t'- . '.: Sheep receipts, 10.O430; doB; Umbs, $12.00 913.90. .-.. .- i .;, , , Onuht Host kl. Omaha, Oct - 80. Hoga: Beceipta, "7000 ; mostly 15 925c tower; bulk packing grades, $7.1097.20; tmlk 800 jto 800 potiBds, $8.K098.10t bulk. $8. 10 9 8.20. v - Cattle: Receipts, 20.0001 beef steers," 109 T3e lower: stockers and feeders, 10 to 25c .lower. -.-..-: i v l ; v Bheeyn Beceipta. 18.000: lambs, steady to t.S "ri ppea lamDS, 9X2.1 -i ; reed, Jamba. $18.23;. ewe. top, $7. I . ' i. ' j. ... . C jaaa Fraaelsoo Hoes $11. OO aUn Frenciaoo. Oct $0 Cattle: Beef steers, good $7.7598.00; i medium. $7,00 9 7.50; common, $6.00 96.75; beef cow, good. $5.7$ 96.00; medium. $5.2595.50: com mon. tt.MkeO;ctBBn and evttr. $3 0098.60: calves, 150 to 200 lbs., $6.00 9 8.7$; 2000 . to 250 lbs., $7.5098.00: 2?. to-'.0?-lb- T.009 7,50; over 300 ifce., $5.6096.50. j . .4 Bojsj Grain ' fed. Bght- $1075 911.00; heavy, $8.509.0O. i , 1. li.Me.12.50; eee, $5.00 9 6U0O: wethers. $7.00 9 8.50. , '.. - jV Danvee Hog SS.70 .TJetrvest Ort 80. i U. P. Cattle vv- fipV . J0 80O; market I IS 9 S5e tower; J" 7J0: cows and beifer. $4.00 9 5.75: etoekers sad feeders. as saasToa. bulk, $2.2391.00: eauve,; $4.509 8.00. Hog receipts, U00f market 25o tower. Top $8.70; bulk. $7.259 8.25.1 " Sheep receipts, 2 7.800 market , for fat Bunt 25o lower; other, ateady, L.mNi i2 J?-A,J5?I i feed- I ; Chicago Dairy predaee ; ' r Chtrage, Oct -$0. (I. N. S.) Butter: Reeeipu 8939 tuba. Creamery e-rtra, 46 He extra first. ' 42c: firxta. SiAISr; s... stock. 27 928c . : . k.gg lleceiptt 7283! eases. ' MisceEaneoTM, 34 9 40e ordinary firsts, 30 1 3c; firsts, 86 46e; extra, -4 K 25c: check. 21 av 22e: tlirtiea, 28 9 24c. .- ' ... Cheese: Twin new, 24 924. e; dsBies, 24 9 24e: jTooni Amerieaa, 25923e; X longhorna,. 2325e; brick, 24 e, - ' - ... , Lave pouitry : . Tarkevt, $5c; chick eta. 13 9 20c; springs, 18e; roosters, 14c; atese, 19e; docks. 18c. ' r i Miaaeapolls-Deiath Flax ' X Miaaoaooli. Oct SO IL N. S Flax- October, $2.32; Novemberi $2.45: Decern ver. 12 41); stay. tracx, z.T; arnee, $J.5. - ., ' . i . . Tmmth Oct - 3t. 11. 3f. R lFUx Oc tober, 2.68 ; Noreniber; $2.49 : iecrmber. $j.sk; Mty. tracx, rf g.ai tg- 2.53; arrive, $2.51. j SHIPPING ACTIVE 12 COASTERS DUE II SAKE Increased activity in coastwise ship ping la indicated .by JJte fleet of 12 coastwise steamers which will have ar rived, In the Columbia river tonight. In the period since 'Sunday morning. In addition, four ., vessels, from foreign waters have already docked since Sun day.: " - V: rir -v. Among the coastwise- ships already in port are the- tank era W. F1. Herrin and W. S. Porter of the Associated Oil fleet', which are bringing approximate, ly 80.D00 and 42,000 barrels of oil, re spectively. The Herrin is at the: Asso ciated Oil docks, ... whiles the Porter as due today at Linn ton. - - A . OLEUM JMTE TOSIGHT ' - i The Union Oil steamer Oleum is due at Willbrtdge tonight with 11.000 bar rels of oil. . m The cargoes of the three vessels ag gregate 103,000 barrels, towelling the amount of oil shipped to Portland by water to over 671,000 barrels Xor Octo. ber. k Amorig . the .lumber carriera which will take on cargoes 'in the next few daiva are the Makena, on the way -ut from Astoria today, sailing for. the Matson Lumber company.; the Tahoe, sailing for A. F. Mahony, which will dock tonight in Astoria; the McCor mick steamer Multnomah, which was -on the -iway up from - Astoria this morning t the Prank Tx Stout, which will probably berth tonight at the Al bers dooks. for the C. & O., Lumber company; the Hornet.-sailing rf or th Knappton Lumber company, dub at Astoria' today, and the Johen OPoulsen of i the Loop Lumber company, also expected at Astoria, tonight. v - -IWEHII STEAMERS Tip SAW. . The ' ' Mccormick steamers Daisv Mathews and Annette Rolph. both of which arrived Sunday,1 are- duo for early Ballings for San FY&nciaco. . Two. Japanese vessels. - which ar- Hved in port Sunday, are also hand. Mjig lumber. Th Taibu Maru ot Su xuki at Co.. came from Grays Harbor for lumber for the Orient. - Part of her cargo .was taken 4m there. The Tojin axaru or Mitmit ot, la loading at the Peninsula mills for Jao&nese shiDment. She also has flour aboard, ( , The JFVench steamer Iowa nhd the British steamer Nebraska, both At Ter minal No. 4 ar discharging Euro pean freight. The latter is one of the extra -refrigerator ships -in the Joint service of the Royal Matt and the Holland-American-fleets, v. The Admiral Farragut of the Pacific Steamship company, is berthed at Ter minai No. 2. bringing Bassensrers and freight in the coastwise aerYlce. She ia due to sail Wednesday for return. HEWPORT AWD TOLEDO PORTS Recognition of the north of Newport and Toledo.; Or., waa given by the ad mission of their representatives into membership by the Pacific Conat Assn. elation of Port Authorities, at the ninth annual meetings, in San Francisco, which ended Satarday. : The two porta were the only ne taken Into the as sociation! . Astoria was chosen for the scene of next year's convention. The date, has not as yet been definitely J. H. Burgard of the Portland dock commission, was elected' first vice president' or? the association. B. F Stone and R. P. Pinne,' both Of 'As toria, were elected preside'nt and sec retary v respectively. Other , officers named were: A. K. Carter. Oakland, second vice . president ; : Edgar McKee, Los Angeles, third vice preside n ; John H. McCallum, San Franciscan fourth vice president : Colonel G. B. Lamping, Seattle, fi f th vice president. ' i , Portland was. represented at the com ventlon by Burgard, - H.s Xs, Hudson, general traffic manager of the .Port of Portland and : the commission of public docks J Frank M. Warren, presi dent of the Port of Portland r T- J. Mahoney of the Port of Portland com mission, and F. C. Knapp of the dock. commission. The . Portland represen- j isuuii. wo ueai w wrgrai attena ing the convention; : " , . i :- Hudson said this morning the con vention wan highly satisfactory and that much had been done to promote spirit or cooperation between the vartoiis Pacific coast ports. . Hudson and: -Warren were the only representatives of Portland to- arrive hero this morning. . Mrs. Burgard and Mrs. Knapp accompanied' their hila- bandsw DOCK COMMISSION' ASKS' " f $L$ 12,70a FOR BUDGET : The public dock commission wants $1,312,700 to spend in 1923. according to the budget submitted to the tax supervising and conservation commis sion today. Last year the tax body allowed the commission $1,016,466. OV B. Hegardt. chief engineer for the dock eommisaion, and M. L. Lawremee, assistant secretaryr went through the budget with the tax body, item by item. - . Last year's total, 3600.0S9. of which was raised . by t the millage tax. i was divided Into $376,07) for general pur poses, and $640,391 for the debt ac count iThls' year's total. $638,804 of wmcnwonia ne rsriaed by the millage tax. would be divided Into $6L70 for general purposes and $750,997 for the debt account.- , POUT DREDGE COLUMBIA ' IS BEI90 OTERHAUtRB The Port of Portland dredge Colum bia was placed ia drydock Saturday for 4 general overhauling which will in clude replacing the present . castlron pump with one of caaUteeL It is ex pected the overhauling will take three weeks. Following the discharge of the Columbia ttofn the drydock It will be assigned fif the - Long-Bell .work ' at Kelso, Wash. - 1 - The dredge Willamette, . which has been employed In the tipper harbor for several w,eeka, will finish pumping between the Hawthorne avenue and Morrison street bridges la about three weeks, it-, ia - expected. . :, . 1 v CBAllT BATES FIRM' New Tork, Oct, 80. (L N. 8.) Steam grata rates were firm today with a fair demand ' shown, tor general cargo. Rates were: United Kingdom 2a & 2s 6d per 480 potmda ; Hamburg.' 10c per hdndredwelghtt AUantSc porta, , 15c Mediterranean port. IT is 21a. Rotter dam, lie; Antwerp, 10c. -y. " - , - DREDGE BEIXO RAISED K. Work of raising the dredge Portland, sunk off Swan island October .14, with the loss qf three Uvea when she was rammed, by the! steamer Santa Clara, waa begun this morning. Two pontoons were placed ovep the sunken dredge Sunday and it was - expected to have the dredge raised, off the bottom by thisevening. ; , , " LOSES DAMAGE SUIT Federal .' Judge Bean this morning ruled that John Coleman, No. 14 ast 21st . street,, a longshoreman, ia not entitle! to ' recover $1600, damages against the owners ' Of . the ' schooner Daisy Matthews, for Injuries received March 13 la loading the vessel at St. (PERIOD X. - Tidee at Astoria Tuesday L 7TleH Water. .." ' t-Low Water. J ? 10 :11a, m- ft 4.02 a, nu 1.7 ft. 10 :J3 p, m., T.J ft, ? ;4 p. nu, 1.1 f t. Helens. ' The case was tried last week. The Judge held that the responsibility tor Coleman a injuries did not rest with the ship ownesa, but with the winch driver, who permitted a sung load of lumber to get beyond; bis con. trol and strike Coleman. . . . ' . .'' : X CAPTAtST OLSE7T RETIRES Bandon. Car. . 30. Caotaln Olseti. the -Elixabeth," after having beea capt I -. tmr Senator, from i-ori-; . - .. i -'a a ...l toy baa Pedro and San I'teco." Arrival v. . w . . TiV 8 - "" Wrn- A. XlcK.nney. from!,, wrl ikaii t.lm mm aMiA.nt rtat raiiran 'I v t w .. . . . . w,tuwu. . . . v v. .- . .. ana win nerearter maate nia nomo on a ranch la California., ,.;: . . PILOT BOAT FfcAXS Plana and specification for the new run oi x-ortiana pilot uoav iur rri'M at the mouth of the Columbia river wOl be ready to offer for - bids in about a month. It was said . at the Port of Portland bffice today. The vessel srili; be 120 feet long. . : News of the Port - arrivals OeAooer 80 - Tiba Maru. Japan aa t earner, from Aber deen.: lumber in transit- . . !' Frank t. Stout. Amerieaa - ttetmar, from Jen - vTsnciaee. seneeat, "i W. S. Porter. Amerieaa tomr from 8a Praactsco, gas and aU. Daily Mathews, American steamer, ' from San Francisco, general. ! .. , ! Admiral Farragut . Amerieaa steamer, front Sen Diego, and way porta. , passenger -end psniL . Oleum, v Amerieaa -steamer, from , .Frsncisco, oil. - - Moltaomsh, Amerieaa steamer, from Ska rraaeatco, general. - . . - Arrivals October $ . low, French tamer, from Bordeaux and way ports, general. ,1 , Nebraska, Brllish steamer, from Tancoaver, B. O. ; cargo i tranait, .- ( ' , . . W. F. Hcma, Amerieaa steam w, front Bag Frsncisoa via Seattle, ell. . Hebia Adair. .Amerieaa steamer, from New Tork aad way porta, general. ' Annette Itolph,J Amencsa stesmer, frets aaa Francisco, general. . . . : , ALAJ North H-vsATwnT- eocdiUons at the asmtth of the Oolembia river todar i-ooa were: Wind, xmthaet, 20 miles; hght raia; ea. emooth, .. - ' DAIUT RITER READINGS 8:00 a. at. Pacific Tim. Birer I. n iMLr n 4Utieae i1 m v a.' M a t'matille " ,7 Albany . , Salem ; . . . Oregon City "ST 20 20 12' T7T 1.2 oT5o o.oo ' 1.9 41,6 e.oo o.oo o.oo Fortune . . 15 K.l I a a 82 89 () Bie.;C- Pall." BITER FORECAST ' .The WiUkmette river at Port l.ni srin main nearly stationary during the next three say except a auectaa By tee tM. Vesssis to Am TcL wevam.' '-. Date. Mskjna.. 8tt FrB...Octr $0 F. J. Loekenbach. ...New Tork, . . .Oct 80 anee . ,,itM , ...Man Fran. -. , ..Oct 80 Multnomah - -,. an Ftaa. . , , . Oct $0 Beeaoia ...... .,,,Saa Fraal , . . , .Oct $1 artMst b. ateyer.,.,. na Fraa. .... Oct 8 1 '" sAieaeaMteoa, ,, sfoeil .... . ,let 31 Steel Engineer' ... . . . Baltimore .. ..Nov. 1 Todorstar Seattle .... No. 2 ameneaa .. . .. .. . i-.New- Yorlt . : . Nov. 2 a 2 2 9 tSa?burJl . . . w-w Orissns i Na, Nebraakaa .....,.. New York.. , Nov. ......... .. ..ew XOTK. , , .JVOV. Nevadan . , Hamburg i,,,No, ;.'"" ' '.....Ssw Tork, .,, Nov, West O Row . i . , , ; , .Yokohtm i ., . Nov, Adntiral Ooodtieh ..... saa Fraa. , . No. Wn. McK.enney- ... . .New York , ,No. 5fe Citjr.j.,,.J,,,gaa. Fran.,,. Nov, Babtnda .. . ; ., . . . , .San IMeg. . . .Nov. Braaloa... ......... MssaUsn- ....Nov, MbntaaA .New York.... Nov. Lorlin I;. . ...... i . Honolulu . t . . Nov. Roman Prince ....... .Seattle . . .(., , Nov. ff tV""MlW1 ...V,.Nvv. Adnual, Evan ....... S Iio Nor. 8 I a 4 6 4 4 4 4 4 I Iowa' ... . i J . . .'. , , . . , Bordead ' . ... .Oct $) BoMb Goodfeuow .., .New York.... Oct $1 avomirtt vrrag.. , ... Man I ngo. , . , ssov. 1 Annette Rolph. ...... 8aa Fraa. , ... Nov. J west aaoar ...... in-lent . . . . . .Piov. 1 P. J. Lucheabaeh. . ... New Tork. . , .Nor. 1 eteel Engineer, . . . Loxason t. ;.Nov , 2 rioretice xtcaenoeca.. H. vrieaas ...Nov. $ Nehraaka ;...,.,,,. EngUnd -. . i . . No v. 2 i aiuorniaa London ., . . ..Nov, 2 lutaro .Kelti mora , ; , , Nov. 4 t,urune ..,.. .-. ;,. ..Honolulu ,,,iNw. , 4 Amerieaa . , . . vfi ."i .New Tork. . . . , Nov. 6 Navadaa . . . . ...".. .. Tart-... Nm. I aymlral 'Ooodrich . .Ncw,Terk.4..,Noe. 6J Ioraa-aB .- . . . . Ran Fran Me B Tndarstsr- , ,, , . .... .Europe- . , , ...Nov. 6 . . ettwet in r-vct . Admiral Farragut .. . ..vTerxniBilNo: 2 Annette Bolpb Couch St Dork Ayaha Mam Martin Bluff I Baroa CwdprM, i .1....', ..Irving Doekl SelT!IfclW.tV-V.r:A-e ,?,kl til-.-.ii i. ?v VV''- Vwlli .i- v. , i -: .-- - - . .....v. . insinas an V Vhallambra . . . . y. -, . Inatsa-PonUea ! lauoeoui-.-. - . ; .,i . . pomfoot Dock usury Mattoew . .Albina No, 1 Detoa Oty, , .....1... Terminal No. 4 Etna Maru Terminal No. 4 ....,,. . ..... .Terminal No.' 4 Frank T. stoat . - -. . . . . .... aiK .1c HaraM .............. ...v-- Ballast Deck l?w ...... .... Terminal No. 4 K atH aa Iu-ke bach i . Terminal No. 1 K. V. Krut ......t..... West Oregon Mill tAt mercea ........... ; .r4. P. Lumber Co. Oregon Fir . Peninsula Mill Oregon Pine, .............. pstuntoia Mill-! i; .' j! ', teitouiai sum, ,a Robiu OoodUIlcnr 4J. WcetpeVt wSJi mmt ......., amsa-PoulMa iikin; . . , ,. : ...,... , ,..4. at -Helens W. E.Herna . . Associated OH west Aadeff ;f.. . .-. . Crown MIT1 avjiv asaru-. .............. x-etunsui Mill : ?OSITIOirs OF TE8SELS X'X; .JU i?7 .4-I TelvfAapb) . . : i - Oc4ober 28. Ob..; . 7 ,s Dorina Lane, .. Manila foe - Saa Fiinei.w. Utitade 40 degree 14 minute north, longi tad 17$ degree 28 minute east . " "drfl.F- Lvekenbh. Wow Tor for Saa Pedro, $09 xallea eouth, of BtaPtdra. Montana. New Tork7 for saa. Tsdra $90 wkai ISaa stvet, la. awat a.aa. atXi-al . " C-0Tnnettt foiCristob'v;,2e07 SlUes sooth ef 8a Franmaco X ' U. S. A. T. Meig. Saa IVancrwa) fo Botur Ktatht 1922 anile west of Hoaomlu. - A Vawtora, Bydtey for Baa eneico, $39 milea oathwwtt.of Heemlalu. . . . rresioent vieveatnd, Baa Francatce tor ww. BUM sveat of Hodolulu.' ?" f7?m' .8. Pedr Xokohaaui "t."ws ass rearos.--. . ,i :, k-tnl... o a . Margaret DolUr. San ,Prsiicie ' foe Tokdf sr aAiw?!',rt-chV FrancUeo iorNew Tork. 600 aules north of Balboa. .. . Newport- Bslboa for Saa, Franeiaeo, at . Colombia, , jTew To :- for Sea rnBciaev, vv.v svuca asna ot cm n r rancuca fljerra. Rati Pedro tor A,r-i. l?a -T! aort of Saa Fedre7T 1 VViflameU. t Helen for 8tn Pranciaco: 170 miiaa south ot Coiuraba river. Lee - Anaeletv. Olenwi fee r-. , atfles aorth of Kan Pedro,. . . .- . . Boheaaian Clsb, Port Sen Led fee MaaCa. 702, miles west of Port Ban Laia. - -La Puriaima- Seattle fne (ii. ' Aa -.M from Oleoxa. - - - - ; . ' " ParaUo, Grata Htrber for Sas Fnaiisea. 445 mile south of tiny Iwrbor," ""r j xmwona, run saa Lais -for Honolulu. 497 idiles-westof Port Saa Lois. Oleam.-- laartine. fOT t-tt.-a: e.. 1.,.-. I Everett, Erarett tor Saa Pedro. $00 xailes COLUMBIA !v Operating 1 :- X T0EOHAMA.- CSSB ES West KAder;. ...... Nov. 1 1 - ' tOKOHAMA. KOBE, USSB S3 Pawlet Nov, la For rate space, etc.. apply to 'TRAJT1C DrTARn.'.ENT t0-$22 Board ef Trade Lidg. Eroaiway Uf j:; t north of Ban Pedro. : ' ' BfctlKM. Wnnwrt for Ban Pedro. 5 5 mile ! south of han Ir'rancttco. rlanley. Yokohama foe KeatU. 300 nv.e , west of Beatti. -'",.". ,.. Ml. a IUIU V .i,,.' . 'aortsi o Baa leiro. Presiftit T.ft Tikh.su f Sso Fran. estoev 0f. stales .-west .of Hoeoluihi ' . i ;f Jfc'T WORLD'S PORTS L. . Astoria.. Oct. 80 Arrived at 2 and V-'t tin at $ a. vteatocv. O.euaa, from hsn lvn- Arrived at 4 and left on at 6:80 -i a.,; steamer Maltnrvmaii. from hss Frsn--icfl. Ba Fraactaca. Oct ? 1 9. Sailed at lx :'5 a, tu.. stsssaer F. J. Istrkenbarh. from New;- Tork tor PertUnaV Kailed at 12:05 a. m .i ' statfxeer Panajaan, from Hamburg.-New Tb. Of fsnd.way porta for Puavt Sound aed Port!atii I ...w aw asm war porta tor foruana. Astoria. Oct SS. AsihM at 9 a. n il.im. er . Wiiiantette, toe' ftaa Pedre. Arrival at :so and left up at 6 a m., steamer W. F. Herri a. (ram gaa Pedro via KastiU. - ftft us at. 10 a. m.i French steamer love. Left up 5 1 SaT 'v. "Z Arrived at - an i wn n :au p. in., japsnes steamer Taihix ataru. irova Aberdeen. tailed at X :JO n. as j Rntut:Vint, foe Ran IVdm, Hailed a II 2:e$ p. en., ateaaaev H'iIIhu. (n, .. Iras, Cisco. Arrived t 8:10 and left wi at p. m J steanter Frank 1. fitont from hn FrnHtcoj Arrived at 3:4 and leit an at A n. m . ,ir.in4 er W S. Porter, from San Pedro.- Arrived tt 9-.av ana leit up at 6:SO p.. -m.,. temei! lktuy Matthews, from 8tn Francisco. " ArrlTel at 8r06 and left Bp at 1 p. m.. steamer Ai twtral Farraxut. from Kan liieeo and w. fffrt. bailed, at 7:30 p at, stesmer Boa City, for pan Franeiaeo. I j glen, aeettle, .Oct 29. Arrived, steamer Geort ia. from Bartimnr via Portlands mti: stesmer Nevadan, froai Pbllsdelpbl sthI way IPoets for Poryaad. ... j. ........ I i it . Gaviota. Oet - B si. c- v H. Buck, frout PortUnii. " T ': San Pedro. Oct- "0 imA .,... Howlck Halt, from Nw Tork for fc'aa Iran, e.w - end PortUed. Arrived, steamer West N". 'com Buenoa Aire for fsn ,lYaaci-a ?,1d.,1 "lU?n1-. asiled. steamer Oaovgiao. froas Portland for : New York and Boatoe. .Arrived, "fatner Admiral Evans, for 6a a FranHaro and ' Portland. Arrived. . British ttetm.r tk-eae Prince, from London and wy port for Sai i.mvno, j-uget aouoo sod d l.rtlsml Kaile.1 teamer Orleans, from New" York lot PorvUitd. naiiea, on tun steamer Faster Prloo,. for Loadn and way- ports. . f- ,'' . j ts-Zf"- 2- Passed out, steamer Aataa. from Busnn Aires and wv porta. .urek. Oct 29. Hailed. Hvedith , steamer ijrgHern. from Newcastle. England, far luget bouod sod Portland. , 7 ' Aberdeen, far 9 lnij ' r .ii,.j.. SSeT'Ta'Sno 1. i V. io ? "V. -1 I ouei. " jTlrtV'e . orence fo' a d. at 8 o- Bt. J - Bjrmond. Oct 28 iaUed, Claremont, for a-isooot, III p. a j. e . v uj... -. v . : . . . . ; . . . . rriTaa trxisr: WslUmu. Oftean Falls I1A . . I . i ima, MeatUe, $ 05 a. m. gins. PortUn-i. $ :bd a. ., laiy Oadshy, San Lhego, 4;15 a hi. K. J. Hsnna. Manila. 4 -SO a u. .... Rsa iego, 6:03 -a. m. Pasadena All, 7 a- TBSr" Munalr,4 Baltimore, 7;$3 a. m. H. teJdik; Aauiria, $ 35 a. m. Iftar of HooUand. Kerhix. 8:85 a. m. Bear, SeatUc, it a. u. , , Nsw York. Oct 2S a.ili . th... for rPBrtland and wav nnna n-.ii ( Mirtacsotaa for Itigct Sound and Portland. V :: Isrvatnn 'W 'Otl,rf..J - , T Kent, from PortUnd. Arrived, ataamav Tevati. from New Tork for Portland and war ports :New Tork, Oct 28. Arrived, Norweaia stesmer Ravanrer, from' Pacific Coest rrts. -I'riatohai. Oct a ..il4 t. delta; from Pacifie coast porta' for Nw Y"rt. L TRANSPORTATION I 5 I ea-VavS-in 0t,,'Ui,' 2 I " fc,n ar11" space j en aar .teamer of m."T n, aeumg from our office th, . , - aTIAMSHI TICKSTa I 'nn eoBtetnpUUn travel at home or 1 sonwa. or onnrnt their friend or relttiv i n u. via eountry. noUM tsk Ad- wOURNAL TRAVKL iNrOftWATIOft 8URIAU ' Doric v a. aimiTM. ss.m.. V!t, JniL WW " y T.lnhsnt ' Pert lend, Oreoeo. Aartil 1 STS MlUjiiii SUDi.!l3ALFAE3AGtJT :) all fram Menteipet 'treck Hv. Vedeeeaey, November, 1, 10 A. at., ) aed Evev Vv-ened4r Tharvaflee j X:- lee .ais'- pagsjciSCO 1 e. ; i '"X-.; . los ANoitaa T- i " ' : . :. 6AM blteO, ' !' - , iSS. ADMIAl: C000RICH ( Sunday. Nov. S, T M.; 'V- I MARSMPtCLD FUNC.AA " AAA ..; I .. IAN ritANOIaCO . X. : TI0 KIT OWCst 404 D T Con." ST i PHONE Bit 0 AO WW A y 64A1 1 I A" Astoria and Vay Pcinb - V iafr. iralda ilon TVetL, FrL, 8:30 A. IL Wffht Uoat DtUj, Etcetf V Saturday. 7:33 P. If. Par tor Astoria $1J85 Ona T7y J.uv rvouna ATip -' Week-End Round Trir. ti r. The Dalics-IIocd IUyct Steamer fcarvtee IX . Daily, Except Sun,, 7:1 JL II. -( i-are to a no uaiici 11:3 t X V Mood JUTer . . :V ' Thm Harltlne TriuMrMrtatvo. ' Broadway 434. Aider u'Uu - - . PACIFIC SIHPJUNt3 XOMi'AN IT United States Gfvrnfnent Sl.ire DIRECT FHK1GHT SEE" K WITHOUT aBANSiSiHlPMEST TTVrEliJI ,i. : -. POUTI.1K It- ntii.n Vj. - .,:. Sd .' - ' I- 1 ' ' - KOBE, SHAWOTTAI. TAR U BAB tiieatsiai djlw.il a betv J TJSS3 3 West ORowa..... HOTCIOXO. Xr'AIflLaV " 1 ! i USSa S3 Ilannawa ..Detvll PertUBS. Crt; : j 4 i