6 THE. OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 29, 1922. 9 ' REAL ESTATE TOR SALE LOTS 403 ALAMEDA . SSa ami Skidmore, 85100, $1260. : 1 K. 2tiU at, 160 it. B. ( Regents Drive, facing M.. $1400. . , Rose City X w. car. 4th and Bfafctywo.. 60x1 oo, , $50. , 8. W. cor. 67th aad Stanton, 60x100. . r . - IS. K. eor. 47th had Thompson, $188. Irvington ft. K. eor. E4th sad BeOtyow. 100x100. 3700; tenriflra - K. ,i5u st; - mm Failing. 4 7x200 3110O. : ! , - K. 13th it., near Knott, $1800. f , E. . loth st. near Klickitat 8160O. i TilUmook str t " 24ln end 25th facing 'N.. 60x100. 81SOO. Westmoreland .-' r.. 20Ui st., eor Oteybohrne, (790. 22d st, 100x100. lUsr Toimsev 81XOO. Cor. 14th and CartUm, lOOxlwO; will divide-. 61600. Rossmere 8. 4 1st st. Bear J rasas, facing K. .'-61320. v v Laurelhurst ;. , 7 j. Xi ear. 89th and Flender. $lQO. ' Oak stv. facing 1n Ijeureihurst Park, 100x100, 66000. i Hand; Bld..rWtts entrance oa Wasco, $1250, , See These Today SERVICE - HKUaBIliTI COK A.- MeKKNNA CO., 208 Artisans tidg- Bdwy. at Oak. S- Ksteb. I a 89. r HOMEDALS ' AND ALAMEDA PARK HtVINGTOX DISTRICT BROADWAY CAB , . ISO LOTS 6600 tP " EAST TERMS SECOND MORTGAGE PRIVILEGE 150 cbo'tca homesites fronting oa Fre mont St., E. 19th, E. 20th. Er 21st, E. ?"22d. E.- 2Sd streeta and Ridsewood -awe.. ' just across Fremont street from Irvtogtovi. Do you realize that level lota in tluaa re stricted additions can be bought for 6600 and up on easy terms with second nortr gage privilegef Many of these lota hare bearing fruit or nxUre trees; sewers with laterals to curb are -laid In front of each lot; walks and curbs are bow being laid. The majority of the inside lota are priced at $650. The total assessment.-1 Including pa Tine, will not exceed $360 oa BOxlOO inside lota. Come oat to' the tract office at Fremont and E. 23d sts. . on Bandars and let us show yon choice, level lota with bearing fruit and native trees, close to the Broadway car that will .not cost ovet $1000 when all imps, are in and bonded for 11 years. ' HENDERSCTN-BANKCS. CO., REALTORS, 228 HENRY BLDG. ' BDWT. 4764. Branch Office on 'Tract at Fremont and K. 23d sts. Peninsula District Columbia . Park. 100x100, pared streets, sewer, fscint in park, 61000. MALWIN CSTKEET, near Wabash. OOi 100, street pared, $550; nsfinisned 2 " room house.' 100x100 lot, worth $1000, water, ns and game. $800. 46x100, pared ftreet asd Sewer, fadnf X. on. Church at, 1 bit to car. $760. 60x100, facing N. on Webster at near Concord, sewer and sidewalks, S460. Peninsuls Park. We bare 23 lota oa Kirby st. f adng directly In, the park. Baa them today.' - - MAUKONA TIBW A few Iota left with a riew of our heights and rirar. Ureeiy and Lombard. v BLANDKNA AND S1I88UUKI ST.. 60z 10O, rrerythinc iB and clear. 67UO. 8EKVICK KklLlABlLlTX CUE A. Mc&EMKA CU 20 Artisans bldg. Bdwy. it Oak. Estab. 1889. BARGAINS ALAMEDA 60x100- on Glenn arx. near Mason ............$ 078 IJiTJREUIURST 60x100 oa r 43d near Barnaida 1125 HAWTHORNE Half block, from car lino; hard aorfaoo streeta 876 ALAMEDA 80xlOO!on Brrc ara.. 'near Glenn i beaatifnl atta. large treeeff.i, J2100 AIJ5EUTA Near Alameda, H Uock off hard surfaoa ......... 47-6 JONESMORB On. 71st at. One block from GUaan at oar buef 60x100. Eaay terms 460 CENTER ' ADDTTTON On Darts, aear 62d. - Fna riew. easy terms .......... ?f 460 PESKIK8CLA PARK Oornaw Al- bina are. and Deknaa ..... 960 W. M. ; CMBDEN8TOCK a OO. J10 Oregon Bldg. Bdwy. 1668. A PARXHOSE . $180 DOWN $20 PER MONTH Ruya a full acre tract, all slanted to pota toes; you gat- one third of the crop: only 3 -blka. from Sandy bird.; very beat garden 'Soil. Don't let the other fellow beat you . to this. Come 'out to Parkroae ;and see It. Total price $1150. You can hare 8 . arrea af ' you want them. Parkroae branch office open every day. Take Rose City ' Psrkrose car,' go to end of carlina. Tabor ' 2004. ' 1. Ik hartman company. ' V ; 8 Chamber of Com. . bldg. . Bdwy. 604. . " " f KentOn ' THE BRAUTIFUL I hare some exceptional bargain ia rwry desirahla kits on your own terms or dis count for csh. Fully unprored and dear of all liens. - WARREN, KgELER Bank Bldg.. Kenton. Walnut 6507 ALAMEDA PARK. $800 Lerel 50x100 Jot on south aide of Skid more ;sA. 103 ft. es't ' of Glorm sra. ; all imps, in and paid. W hare 100 lota in Alameda Park. Many on easy tannvwita second mortgage prirUegr. ; HENDERSON-BANKUSi, CO., 228 HENRY BLDG,- BDWT. 4784. HOLGATE NEAR MILWAL'Klii $.50 50x100; ail ImproremenU in and , included In price. 1 -block to, car, atoreavetc. Office open Sunday. . , - 4 JohnsonDcdson Co, 683 W. Bank bldg, Mate $787. GOOO CHKAF LOT- P .- I Mcmtarilhi district, sewer ad ; side . walks in and paid. Location just off Glisan -'' st. Don't pass this up.. $330 cash takes it. t BITTER. LOWE as CO., REALTORS. 201-2-8-6-7 Board of Trade Bldg. EAST PINK KlfiAit aTH" 60X1UO: $100 caah. SIO njoottitr: adamLftreet, aidewalka, curbs and sewer all paid. Price $0O. - Office open Sunday. JohnsonD6dson Co. 033 N. W. Bank Mdg. Mali 'TOT. : WOODSTOCK CAR LOT. $450 60x100 lot eq east side of E. 2Sth at. 100 ft. north of lPraocis. . HENDERSON-BASKCS CO.. g HENRY BLDO. BDWT. 4784. - '' . LOTS FOR T SALE ; ' k- 8 lota located ooe Ibloek aouth of Di rauoa and west of 02d ssv. on eartine: all . for $1100. McCLC HE At SCHMACOH auo Kauway Kzen. bldg. Bdwy. 1503. -r. JTJST EAST Or iRTINGTOS 1 Dandy sooth frontae with erarytWae la and paid, $1000 cash for quick sale. RTTTER. LOWS as CO.. REALTORS. - 201-3-3-5-T Board of Trade Bldg. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT Sana -50x100 lot, located oa $2d st. Just aorrth of Harrison; level with the sidewalk. RITTER, LOWE sV CO., REALTORS, - 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade BWa- . WHY PAY REST? where we can sell Wa . In for $75 and yow cam build your on . twin to suit too. U J. O'Oooaw". SOOS " ad S. S. Auto. Q2t-75. FUR RALE 4 lota, partially wooded, F30 ft. , west from 8 2d st, aouth aide of Powell al . Wy mad. 6125 and Up, Owner. 830-5S. BKAUTUrUL beach lot fo eale, .very reaaesT i- ablsv caaoa .Beach, . Or. Iwraire of owner, ju sa. eaosnussT. SfOWy. 83g. ,,R.EJ.TON lot, 60x100, large- garage, ftWook" . o ear baxagut at. god tarsaa- Owner. Xaat T4T, .100x100 H0TT st, near 824, ewrasr in deapert - ata eirenei its ivies, make - offer. ' . Infmaw. . , meats , ell hm; Bdwy., 6011. Mooday Je Lot enao, 60x100, Tabor 0358. LOTS ia rarioua locahttea. Any teaiinsilils vrryr. ra oi, .renlngm. BY OWNER, beauuiui kts in Irrin.1, xr Sacrifice dirt cheap. Walnut 1236, v $300 3 BLK 3. ROSS CHI CAR i Fine 80x100 tot; aseta. paid. Tab. 4808. CpOlCS 50x100. Bear rtaaUl' kigh sohool w sjaaa, JouxBai, I REAL ESTATE FOR SALE LOTS 403 Act Quickly ' : A Few Nice Lots Fon $1000 in'Ladd's Ada, 2d Mtg. to Builders Close In. Save Carfare Only 28 nintitae walk to city .hall. " All improrementa in and paid. A high Class - twddenc distrirt. RetricUooa do not forbid a duplex bona or bungalow. Amto at your aemca. See Mr. Delahunty ' LADD ESTATE CO.."248 STARK ST. Bdwy. 6794. Era. East 842. . ICRELITCRST , j ' UTTLSHIRE ' WATTJRJS LOVEP.S' PARADIS1S RURAL grHPUCrtT CLOSE IS These lota, between 33d and 42d ata.. fast north of Fremont St.. 75x110 ft.. 830O. Othera in beautiful trees. 30x106 ft.. 6480. A restricted residential district, 'where" you would be proud ta ear yon owned a home. Teresa 83 down, 82 per week. WUahire Branch office,. 83d and Brye re. Auto. 829-81. J. L. HA It Tit AN COKATT - 8 Chamber of Com. bldg. Bdwy. 8084. , ROSE CITT CAR. ' 4 ACRE TRACTS $45T CP $25 DOWS v ' to hi acre tracts, fronting oa E. 71rt st, only 8 Mocks north V Sandy blad. Bull i .. . . MSI . n.l h ..UJ i n .front of each tract: Was and. electrictyT4r:i erasable. W hy not bd where you hare cky conrenienoesf $25down, with. nearly 4 years to pay the balance. Take Rosa City ear to K. 71st and wa2k 8 blocks north. Salesmen will be on the tract Sen day to show unsold tracts., HENDERSON-BAN KC8 CO., 228 HENRY BLDG. BDWT. 4754. Altamead Lots 9 PRICE $325--$20 DOWN . " TERMS $10 AND $6 PER MONTft ' ON MT. TABOR-8CTVNT81DE CABIiNE Lota on E. Alder between 84th and 86th sts. ; ' no restrictions ; city liens paid. -1052 E. TAMHILL ST. TABOR 6186 E. 58TH. AND HAWTHORNE. $1000 N. E. corner Hawthorne and E. 68th st, Iared- and ' paid on bath ats. ; bearing fruit trees. $1000. We hare the adjoining lot on the north at $850. f. HENDERSON-BANKTS CO.. 228 HENRY BLDG. BDWY. 4754. -BUILDERS HOUSES COMPLETED PROMPTLY Our construction and workmanship, to gether with Bberal financial aUnoe, will please you. Soldier bonus accepted. -REIMERS JOI.1VETTE. Sell 2064. ONLY 81800 We hare three, of the prettiest lots In tM substantial district which we can sell at the extremely low price of $1600 eaah. Let us show you. RITTER. LOWE A CO., REALTORS, 201-2-3-6-7 Board of Trade Bldg. CrxJSE IN -E. Yamhill near L'8d; macadam st, aide walks and curbs- all 4a and . paid. Price 3950, $100 cash, $10 monthly. Portable garage. Office ppen Sunday.' dson Co. 033 N. W. Bank bldg. Mala 3T87. Council Crest Car $800 buys Sh, whole half aire, 1 block at rairmfint bird., a blocks from car, prac tically all lerel, beautiful trees, all city eonrefrfences; eaar terms. J. G. RAINEY, 517 Ablngton bldgv Bdwy. 6269. PricaTSJSi BEAUTIFUL LOT, 0x100 ON MT. TABOR-STJNNYSIDE CARLTNE CEMENT WALKS CITY LIENS PAID 1952 E. YAMHILL ST. TABOR 5190 IRVINGTON DISTRICT : Corner. $00, $100 cash, $10 monthly; 2 blocks to school, ou ear and pared street. 19 minutes tide. Open Sunday. - JohnsohDodson Co. 083 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 3787. LACRELHTJRST DISTRICT, $780 . Lerel lot' on the aouth side of E. Deris St. SO ft. west of B. 47th st All imps, in and paid. r-' HENDERSON-BAXKCS CO.. f '-. 228 HENRY BLDG. BDWY. .4754. -Sacrifice . Willamette Heights TOO by 1 OO- lot, autt sble for duplex and flat. Good slew of the city. Owner farced to sell this at onoa. Price $3500. Cos McKenna Co., Artisans bldg. Bdwy. 7522. . Not-resident makes isamenae sacrifice. Almost lerel lot. with frontage oa 2 pared streets, improrementa paid; $1850, easy terms. Ifmwtigat J. G.- RAINEY, 617 Abingtoa bldg. Bdwy. 6260. WEST SLOPE MT. TABOR Lerel 80x100 lot en the west side of K. 56th st, 600 ft south of' Hawthorne are. AU knps. in and. paid; $1000; terma $200 down. ' HENDERSON-BANKtJS CO.. 228 HENRY BLDG. BDWY. 4754. ON CA KLINE : 50x100 inside lot, tust : 1 block from email business - center with sewer side walks and curbs in sod paid. , We will gladly show you this buy, $800 clear. RITTER, LOWE CO.. REALTORS, 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. NEAR JKKt'biKSON HIGH Second mortgage pririlege; -5Oxl0O, all improrementa in and paid. Price $950, $100, $15 monthly. Office opea Sunday. JolinsonDodson Co. SS N. W. Bank bldg. Mam 3787. LADD ADDITION Best location in addition. Two lots, oa eorner, just off Hawthorne are. Improve ments all paid. Cheap at $8500. BITTER. LOWE at CO.. REALTORS, 201-2 3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. MT. TA'BOR VIEW LOT. 1750 i 60x100 lot on E. 60th st. facing : 282. ft. south of Stark. - AU imps, in and paid. View of .west aide (mm ht HENDERSON-BANKCS CO.. 228 HENRY BLDG.. BDWT. 4764 SELLWOOD BUY Beautiful corner lot on E. 8th st, im provements are all in and paid. , Bargain at $1000; clear of incubfances. s RITTER. LOWE & CO.. REALTORS. 201-2-8-5-7 Board of Trade. Bug. - DANDY lot. corner of Killingworth Bear Union $300 with improrements paid.- Another Is same locality for $400. ' These are real snaps. 1 - MERRICK As. CO.. REALTORS; S04 Panama Bki. Bdwy. 8 2 SO. j ROSE CITY . PARK. $750 60x100 east front- lot oa 58th at. 100 ft south: of Siskiyou st; 8 fir treat oa Una lot ' . HENDErSSON-BANKTS CO.. 228 HENRY BLDG. BDWT. 4754. BOSTON AVENUE $450 buys a 50x100 lot on Boston are., feeing east. 200 ft south of Hohnas st RITTER, LOWE COr, REALTORS. lui-i j-n gpsm cc i rauo stag. LOTS. 60x00, ALBERTA CAR g9T3. is sown, MS month. ROGER W. CAKX, UPSTAIRS, 142 H Second, eor. Alder. $3ift ROSE CITY DisTRICT? : 1 Full sise lot. cement sidewalks and curbs, good location; only $330, your own. terms. SeeKoyaL f-M at Sandy bird. Tabor 0155 FOR SALE By-owner. 2 beautiful building sots est Grand are.; a real bargaia. Terma. O. S. Bejairnoa. 171 K. 13th 8. LFOR SALE By owner, 2 beautiful buadiag tots en uaaa are,; a real Bargaia. Terms. O. S. Beyamon, 171 E. 1 8th S. k THREE half acre tracts. Rose City district j ass ouutoe uaut. vravelea sTissls. walss. amay -eseexnexty. rsa azer. LOTS ea aad near Dirisiua at.. k3SO an Sana Terma. 1888 Prcbrioa at Tabor 78721 CORNER LOT, E. 28th N. and Soaaoer. Inquire at 1081 E. 28th 3f. HOUSES- 404 HOME. SAFE. SANE INVESTMENT' a room Deaaunu home la Boae City, aa 81st; modern, uce yard; garage tented for $T1. Need cash. $1000 haidlea, See paws mi. ovr aicajy rhs; JUHT WHAT YOIT WV $ ROOMS-. MODERN HALF aCM saaiuaxKKX lasers, ace.; eptastdsa aeoa; vacant. 44 as, Tata at ear U 64250, Owners Bdwy. 1-56S. S NEW IRTDiGTOS MODERN BCSd. " ut oa soia today. Fast first Heaw Autm 315-27. Sua." w- ROSE CITY rocsa eSLnsaieF. furnace, frepaice. hard wood floors' th onshout. , W31 take a amall psyomii uciws. o y o . BEAUTIFUL 6-rootn buogaiuw, ia Rtchmoad. . ImprevesaeBia in and paid,- $3150; $800 caah, terma. C3 a I04S Arnold. Suaday. NEW. juat aawpletcd, ssodea home, 1154 taxi at, or 5th are. bet, SSth and Sth REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ", t "9 404 8500 DOWN 1 BR OOKXX Jf DI STRI CT $4 ISO Attxmetare large faosne of 1 reeaaa. on eorner lot oa eariiao, newty deeerated. rery enlntantialiy built; t soaaairo built-in tiutteii large aary ' Dutch kitchen; up are 4 bed rooms - -and white enamel bath: IsLMEDl " ATK POSSESSION. $500 dawn! THE MOSTHLT TERMS ARE LIKE RKXT! New listings. 8 ELL WOOD BOUS d2-70 -Comfortable old faahioned Bome : haw- home of . 0 roams, oa pared treat, 2 bias, to ear Una; . all Im prorementa are paid. H. 10 th at, New listings. , a HERB ARB SOME HT. SCOTT RAR "GADiS $88808609 dowel Pleaaaht place, for large family: S blka. to school; all modern eonremeneaar-8 noma. bedroom. ; VACANT. . 8500 down and vary reasonable en balance-: 8200 dowal 823 Bar month $250 1500 down! Tery aubataritial fortabte . room aaodetxt 1 lpae ts ear and busineas Oenter of' Ht, Johns; receptioo . haH. , tiring room, dining room, eotreenient kitchen, den, light, airy bedreoins; . white enamel bath, full lot. Iran-, " ho at. Ask. Jor E 270. - FRAVK L: BtcGTJl'aa To Bay Tour rXoaae. Bealtor Abingtoa bldg. Bdwy. T171. j - ; 3d at. bet. Wash, and Stark. Jose City Park 500 CasfaS500 BARGAIN (9 BEDROOMS) $6100. Moat attractire 8 rav bungalow, below the bill. 1 blk. to Sandy.' Tery artis tic and distinetire. You will like it, Owa- leaTing city. Make us an offer. .Somerville Mh.3761 ONLY 8300 DOWN PRICE $4000 New 8 rm. bungalow, hdw. floors, through out, bniltrns, breakfaat Book, fireplaee, base ment, 60x100 lot, bat like rent. i $400 DOWN PRICE $3600 osy new 4 ' rm. buugaknr, 2 - hedrooma. hdw- floors, French doprs, furnaoe, bass ment, 50x100 lot, sewer in. We hare marly others;, come and see us, HEYTING 4b RIDER. 202 FAHJNG BLDG. A Genuine Sacrifice ' '"Tery clean attractive' 9 room H. K. house Fine neighborhood, walking distance, west ride. Well furnished, fine otder, fully oc cupied with A 1 folic. Nrttirg $68 and 2 room apt. Rent $45. PRICK REDUCED to $1000. with terms. SEALE, 331 HY. EXCH. BLDG. BDWY. 6112. . WE WIU HELP YOC MAKE THE FIRST PAYMENT 8200 cash, 820 -snoathly aad interest. A big lot, 100x100, good gardes soil. Just outside city limits, bo city taxes to pay; 5-room house, bath, gas, water, lights. The price is, 32575 Don't fail to see this. Call- us at once, Broadway 6560, or eall at 418 jBpsiding bldg. 7 . , IRVINGTON If you are in the market for a fine hoeae here ia your chance at 820 E. 18th N. Seren large rooms, kitchen audi breakfaat rooms; iota of built-ina; best of plumbing and electric wiring and gas, latest style of fix tures;. large basement, bast make of furnace; large garage; worth mora than I ask; terma. By owner. HOME BUILDING r If you contemplate owning a home, see our latest floor plana and designs. Can help you finance. W. M. UMBDENSTOCK CO. Built Orer 200 Homes in Portland. Special Berries to ex-Serrice Men 210 Oregon Bldg. Bdwy. 1688. $3585 $5 (to DOWS ROSE CITY i Fine mod., double constructed 8- rm. bun fikm. Some . iurnishings. Fireplace, iall built-ins, nice fixtures. A-l plumbing: floored attic, full bnesuii!, wssh trays, lawn, shrubbery; st. pared aud pal-d.. Chosoe locatioa. , Tsrsnt. More in. Tabm 6539. W. W. IaWT05J. 795 E. 78th N. VACANT WALKING DISTANCE 7 OWNER NON-RESIDENT Taylor st, near 14th, large 7-rpora houe, fiiirnace, firilace. lare atto". full baseraeiit. iruitf -50x100. Only $4750. easy terms. . This ts a buy'i Broadway 6011. Monday. T. O. BIRD. 528 Chamber of Commetce. LOOK 8, ROOMS $400 CASH on-resident offers home in Sellwnod. best spnitructierf , Sherritt are.; full cem-nt baseineHt. wash trays; 50x100. $8750. 320 monthly Ov Here's your chance to beat the rent nisn.X Buy this beautiful home today. Broadway ffHll, "Monday. T. O. BIRD.X826 Chamber of ComineTee. ALBLVA SN'AP 100x100, eoTered- fruit, garden, flowers, etc.; substantially built 6 room modern c. t tage; perfect condition;, delightful horn.'; $2750, -8600 cash, balance rent, terni . Clear title; n mtg. to assume. Pleased to show you; Se A.v K. Hill. 426 Lumber mrns -ring. BEA t-"riFUL ROSE CITY HOME For sle or wilt take ia email er place as ps-rt "payment if' moafrn and prised right Will gire good tenas to responsible parties. , FI1 price 88500. ' fVCMMERVILLE REALTY CO. 603 Ccuch Bldg. $4000 ROSE CITY PARK $4600 TERMS Hew w-room bungalow, cement porch, fnmace, fireplace and all built-in featares; sidewalks and sewer in and paid. Come now and select your paper and elertrta fix . tnres. Owner there all day Sunday. T14 tiast 3a street nortn. JUST BUILT 6 room bouse, cement basement furnace. fireplace, h. w. floors, all built-in. Irring ton district Lot 50x100. Price only $6000. Terma. See MRS. HACG. 800 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 1904 $6400 LAURELHUR8T DUTCH COLONIAL 6 rooms, with garage, beautiful " buffet, large bring and dining room, Dutch kitchen, nice fireplaoe and large bedrooms; lorely lawn, excellent loeatioB. It's a anac Should eeB- to the first person that sees it Arthur Alien, Real Estate. Tabor BEST BARGAIN LN PORTLAND " Modem bungalow, on corner 100x100, high and sightly must bo seea to be ap preciated; owner leering city aad will sacri fice for caah or will make easy terms. Comer East 40th atr North and Hancock sts. ROSE CITY DISTRICT Cute little -place. 8 rooms, good alsed liv ing room, nice kitchen, lots of buUt-lns, new eeonp'bol aad plumbing, pretty lot, berries, fruit and flowers. Only $1550. easy terms. . See Rbyal, 72d at Sandy bird. Tabor Otoa. VACANT WEST SIDB " , Lorejoy st, near 23d; 8 large rooms, sleeping porch, double plumbing; very at tractive : hardwood floors, furnace, flreplsoe. Less then cost Terms. Broadway 6011. T. PC BIRD. 526 Chamber of Commerce. SUXNYIDE'S great opportunity, owner leav l ing city, this week and -will sell her nice ? 6-ronra house, well iMrnUhed, ' for . eay 83600,, OBs-third cash down. Coma, see and grasp this oTpoTtunity.i H. H. Staub, 1027 Belmont j Week. Tabor Q2 It. . $300 DOWN Attractive, modern 5-room bungs low, west side. 1 5 minutes out, 7 H e fare, $2450, balance rent Xerma, . See A. K. Hill. ljUieoertneTis bklg. 4-EOOM bouse, ai, furnished, lots of fruit, jot 40x100. 8 H blocks from ear. cement walks,. 815O0; 8350 down, balance 883 a ion th inoluding interest. Take Ford oa girst payment.- ca n wet la no oiug. 4 ROOM houee, all built-ina, fireplace. breaa fast nook, full cement basement, furnace, hardwood - floors, living and dining room ; garage, $050 caah, balance $40 per xaonth. Taoor iflss. EIGHT room house ia Beanmotw. fireplace. furaaee. sjeerring perch, etc Close to car . and school. $30W 750 cash, balance oa : terms. 688 East 484 at. north or call 643-7T. S-RM. MOD. bowse on '2 lets. 60x100 each; in good locality: this ia aa excellent buy; . price $2200. $20 dowrir aateace $20 per : no. Phone Auto. 826-79. F. B-. Featoa, eoos ,24 st. b. as. BARGAIN sale by owner; new bungalow 2 Ox 30. not quite Cnixhed; fin car. sat- 60g 100, 160 ft to carne; Reed college dis trict; terms. , ... .:.- J. R. WOLFF. 17-18 Henry Bldg. $2550 1 BLOCKS BOSK CITY CAR : New. mod. 4 ran. bungalow. 3 beds ma., complete plumbing. Dutch kitchett, good base meat. Leaving city. Mast saU ouiekly. aasy xerms, xaocr ssvj. 81IS0 CHATTEL asortxaae. pavabla '$78 per aymtha,phaa T per eon. Wans roaming boused or botM; will aastiree aad par anms cash, it sol asl Owner. Maim 14S4. 82850 RUTS S ran. house oa Fargo st. yiLaas ava. ax jsziivs, je - owner at zox Hi. tsroawsy, East 8J18. HOtSI for ealn, 31Saa 18th at H. - romns. fuR lot; Jb good ooaditieav. -849 Failing at KiSTON dietriot, reoaa house. It, Meeks rrma earime. all impruvsmsets fas aad Bead. Walnut 29T6.-1 rr: $100 CASH ' Handles 6-r. comfortable f9i0. -''.' Mala 4-ROOM bungalow aad 100x150 lot. nice shrubbery, ail convenienres: take seller's contract or easy terms, bast eg?. . -ACRE Hawthorne district bflgalow, gar age, orchard, view. Tabor 247.',' a I REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 FTRHT TIMK ADVERTISED Bead This Last of Home Bargaia -Ovwr 0 Photographs of Homes for Sale ' AMERICA'S LARGEST HOME SELLER Every type of hornet Every district in the city. I'Q help you make your slows payment If neceasary. . 1 -i OPEN AU. DAT flUNDAY Open Evenings until 0. '90 Saleamea With Autaa. ' NOTE '' - We are reeeivisg many new listings every day. Among them are some remarkable values! Our office is open Sundays and evenings for your convenience. COME IS AND LOOK OVER OCR DISPLAY BOARD. YOUR HOME IS HERE. IRVINGTON ALAMEDA $7490 Wonderful. T room ultra modern . bungalow hx beautiful Alameda Park, Death of husband com pels widow to dispose of U at , on eel Has all of the finest char- ; acteristiee of the BUNGALOW OF TODAY! Hardwood floors throughout: French doors; large ' i:ate glass window; breakfast room; Oascd furnace; 2 fireplaces; mas sive built-ine; garage; JUST COM pleted: VACANT! E. 81st st 213). $5280 Clever 5 room bungalow in Irving-ton district; fireplace, furnace; French doors, etc-; solid con struction; A REAL HOME. E. 7th st Terms. -. 3500 DOWN! NEW! 84890 $500 down! No. 109 is s lovely 8 room bungalow in Alameda dis trict; living room with fireplace: bookcases, ivory finish, oak floors, 2 bedrooms, bath. . breakfast nook ; VACANT N Weidler st ANOTHEBALAMEDA $4250 New! ExquisiteJ Vacant!- Let us show jcu Uiisl'v A perfect gem of a 5 room bungalow, hardwood floors o 'everything: living room with fire place, breakfast sock: tapestry -and old ivory finish; improrementa an in and riaid. - E. Schuyler. HOLI4ADAY-IRVINGTON DISTRICT Sj $8990 -Good substantial modern 7 .room home on Er 1st st WALKING DISTANCE TO TOWN; warm and dry; 4 bedrooms and bath; no liens to assume. TERMS. (New Hstiztgi). " ROSE . CITT PARK $6850 Largev atricUy modern 2 story home in Boee City; furnace; fireplaoe; sleeping porch! VACANT! IM MEDIATE POSSESSION: double gange; 2 b'.ooks to car; E. 37th vt (New listings). 3500 FOR THIS NEW ONE $5490-6500 down and rest like rent! INDIVIDUALISTIC BUNGALOW BEAUTY! A litMe house of charm and quiet comfort that will - snuggle chummily in your inmost heart 1 Built and designed by a ' Horns Lover and .Idealist! Comb!--nation living and dining .room; ivory enamel finish; all floors oak; - 2 sunlit bedrooms; , Dutch .kitchen with breakfast nook; garage. E. 45th at Ask for No. 127.. ANOTHER ROSE CITY"'; $5490 Easy terms:' ultra modern S -room bungalow; all rooms are light and airy; large living and dining room; hardwood floors; hisiile fireplace; tapestry; ivory.; dandy 'Dutch kitchen and breakfast hook fin ished in white enamel; lotaf cf ' built-ina ; 2 extra . large bedri. oms ana Daw; lurnaee, ia. unary trays, garage; VACANT! E. 46th st (No. 162). SEE WHAT $300 WILL BUY! 14190 $500 will handle this artistic modern bungalow in heart of 'Rose ; City; combination living and din .' ing room ; .-fireplace : 2 bedrooms, breakfast nook, bath, garage. E. 54th st H. 44. CHEERY ROSE CITT L $2990 Conrenient terms. Cosy 5 - modern gare; E. bungalhwgu. btuOt-ina; gs 70tht. 4 New listing!). 8UNNYS IDE-HAWTHORNE $4490 Practically "new bungalow, 6 rooms, hardweoft floors; everything builthi: furnace: lull eement ment; artistic petaoia porch; full lot; E. 45th at. (paved and paid). New listings. SEE THIS GEM $3990 DANDY MT. TABOR BUNGA LOW on 67x100 lot with fruit shrubbery, etc; living room, din ing room, Dutch kitchen, 1 bed room and sleeping porch, garage; located close to beautiful' MT. TA BOR PARK. Terms,, E, Morri son at (New listings!. 8 WEST SIDE HOMES-7-8 $6490 -Large. T room modern home an Marshall street, in Nob Hill dis trict; 8 blocks to ear: nothing . against it (New listings). ,: 8500 DOWN 1 FURNISHED I 34490 $500 down) Completely furnished comfortable home near Multnomah club and easy snLking distance to busineas center: $9 rooms. THIS IS A DECIDED .BARGAIN, Nsr tilla st (New liSBniBs). $500 BOWS! ANOTHER WEST BtDE $2960 $500 down and monthly terms like rent 7 room substantial home on 12th st, among the beautiful bills. 6 cords of wood and 1 ton of briquettes included. New list ings. NEW HAWTHORNE $8890 4 rooms- in one of the Brettieet most modern bungalows in this district, can be handled oa very reasonable terms. E. Caruthers. (.-New listings). , HEART OF 8UNNTSIDE $8480 EASY TERMS! Vacant! Move right ial vGood substantial mod-erxL-hesne of 6 rooms: located on S. "S. earline: 8 bedrooms, bath. paveu street paia. uwner lives , u n annas, ns.llQ lu or. ijl QUICKLY. Belmont st (New 1 hattegs). DO YOU WANT A REAL HOME T ? t Then See This 2 lots with fruit in variety and profusion! PRACTIGALjLY NEW 5 room BUNGALOW MARVELOUS SUNNY DUTCH KITCHEN! . Every Built-in You Can Think Ofl IS airy bedrooms with great big closets; rest! bale "-with built-in window seat; ce ment basement with dandy furnaoe; fruit . and fuel compartments; eement walka around . house; v double garage. vrjsT THINK! Tbw ptiea ia only $4400. sad easiest terms! A cosy "home, well kept ASK FOR C-ls SUBSTANTIAL ALBERTA BUNGALOW 64236 Beautiful a 6. room strictly modern " . bungalow psv paved street ia Al J berta; hardwood floors, all of the bniltins; Greplaco. furnace, garage; Ainsworth ire. Terms. JTJST SEE THIS ALBERTA $3250 Eaaf terms. - Distinctive bunga low, almost .- new; hying and din ing room combined; 2 sunny bed- - rooms and white vrrsmirl . bath; hardwood floors throughout; white enarhel Dutch kitchen; full eement basement: massive brick pillared jKrfch. E. 11th st AskforB-28; KOMFORTABUS KOTTAGE $2490 Practical 4-roooe modern oottage- buncaiow isv-Aieerta. K. S3d st. New listings. KENTON DISTRICT $5498; One of the most substantial homes la entire. Kenton; 7. rooms, at, tracttya .wsur lot: srw UTing roosn with.jfsrfplace; nsassive baiit. la buffet; model Dutch kitchen ; 2 j . Jaratortes; bednienia aad aleep ing seech; furaaee. Aibiaa ava. Ask for D-Il. TERMS. . COMFORTABLE KENTON $$$50 Large 4 room modem, home, 1 blk. I" ?; ., ACANT. Borthwick st 1 New lhitlxtgs. - 1 ACROSS BDWT. BRTDGK 8 4 70 Just Berth of EL Broadway, a few t . f. Bunatee' walk to town, is this attractive, substantial modern 4 - room, homer furnace., -garage. Tsa- eourer are. : N. L. - $400 DOWN! CLOSE TJJI v- : 61690 $200 dewal Neat 4 room far- ! wished eottaga, built-iae; aeepiac : portl; 4 2d are, New liituua ST. JOHNS COTTAGE 7 22-340 down aad 620 per toonth. 0 toom. cosnfonahie cottage, 6vjng room, dining roora,- titcrjan. 2 bed r Jt vvnd street . waid. ! Borthwick st New Ustiasa. 1 " HUNDREDS OF OTHERS The iocteal xhiag to do whea yes are ; waatxag to bswwas pernxaaestlw settled to a hsaae at your owa is to see - , FRANK U ' MeGCTRJt ' Ta Buy Tour Home - -" ' Realtor. r Ahiagtwx bldg- , Bdwf. T1T1. 8d at bet- Wash, and Star. , 1 I WANT A SALESMAN , . . - At fieeint there ia aa opening oat aiy r galea force far aa aaaaai.be asW-miiiil Tour ; opportauuty. . f REAL ESTATEFOR SALE HOUSES 404 I Must Sell My Rose City Park Home : - :.TIiis'Wek "i " SOMEONE WILL GE?F"A BARGAIN MOVING TO CALIFORNIA ' J MTJ1ST SELL ' - I am effenng :my beauxifal. aubatantially built 6-roaut home, at a price 81e00 leas than its real vahie. Tms waa built for my own boms and nothing but the highest class materials and. workmanship entered into its conetrustiom Ideally located aa Beautiful eorner lot near Base City- car and school. Modern to ithe last detail with hardwood fjoors. a real fireplace and aa economical, efficient furnace. Garage, - too. To the right person, will make very reasonable pay meets. . I am fearing for my California ranch this (week land must sell. Call 642 E. 60th st-N., 12 blocks south of Sandy bird. i VeIl Built j Double Constructed BRAND NEW -ROSE CITT BUNGALOW $39004Terms$390 BEST BUT TNl ROSE CITY PARK 761 JEAST 64TH ST. N.i ROSE CITT CAR ! Just ejombleted. strictly . mod ens H mora bungalow, extra targe living room, ; 2 fine bedrooms, bandwood floors, fireplaoai Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, built-ina, fim. plumb ing, elect tie fixtures, ahartea, linoleum, dou - ble cotiataucbsd throughout, fine j locality, close to can Bm this today. Deal direct Will be ou jpremises from 12 to 5 daily eg phone AutT 317-76, mornings 'and evo aings. - ! Lkurelhurst ; " A -Bargain$S4i50 $500 Cash i: A GOOD) BUT.! Near ear; 5 rooms with " living soomj extending across entire front - Heavy oak 1 floors j throughout wall beauti futy decorated rtth tapestry papet. ivory finish, modem batUv eoeaplete cabinet kitch en with breakfast nook, full cement basement- the best ftiraac.; $500 cash, Easy monthly parraenta. i,: A. Q. Teepe Co. ! -Laarelhurat Ofc. 89th A Glisan. Tabor 3433. -Rose City Ofc. 401th A Sandy. Tabor 9560. Open Sunday. - f '335.00 Per A spacious 6 -room house oa comer' lot, S bedrooms, sleeping porch, improvements sll In and paid, full eement basement ail built ins, total price $3000, small down payment, balance $35 . monthly including interest Phone Bdwy. 782SS. SERVICE i ' KELtABILJ'I'T COE -A. MdRENNA A CO.,' 20S Artiaaas bldg: Rdwy. at , Oak. Estab. 1880.- i" frvinirton ft$u wr ei si '$4i5004S4l5 o room i modem bungalow on SCth. at, comer lot, hard paved street in gnd paid. Price $4500. $750 cash, ,nal-, snca monthly. ! ' eJ.-F. Hiir u! 096 WILLIAMS AVK. EAST 02d8 I - - ' : ' $11900 TRACT 125x808 FT. X Just oubide the city limits. Neat 2 rm. house, treetl tradeji, water, gas, electricity. A-l soil. Wiil make you a splendid; little home and on terms. Call st the Roiss Cfry Park branch! office,, 45th and Sandy bird. Auto. 320-10.- ! 6 tf a aa-u a u fntrt a 8tT . aa nan$ jsbua . vr a z a..w s. 8 Cjhmb?r of Com. bldg. - Rgivrr 0024 ' i Bargain Near Sandy i Only -$3500Ternis Ons of those nice. Isrge bungalows. No. 789 67th st N ;; exceptionally large living room, dining room. 2 bed looms, bath. Dutch kitchen, furnace and fisrplace, 50t 100 ft. lot; See this today; house open Sun day 12:30 to 4:30 p. m.. or call Tabor 7047 for wpek day appointments. 1. ROSE CITY BUNG NGAiLOW $3950 100 icaeh. $40 monthly and interest; 5 rooms, ireceptibn : hall 'and attic; built-in buffet and bookcases, oak. floors, cement basenkent. laundry trays; 50 ft lot; pare4 street; 42d St. 2 blocks from Sandy bird. s . . . 'i JohnsonDodson Co. N .683 N. W. Bank BMg. ; Main 8787 NEW 5-ROOM BCNGALOW BARGAIN Has hardwood floors, very attractive bnilt ins, fireplace eement basement and laundry trays; 50x100 lot, about 6 blocks from car line in the Overlook district Price, $4350, best of terms.' . II. BROWN 1122i N. W. Bank bldg. Main 8422. $250 DOWN (GREELEY ST. , , $1500 buys this & room cottage with Dutch kitchen. Bull Run water, gas and electrio lights, large hen house, BOxlOO lot, balance 815 per ' month and 6 . H W. OSBORNE CO., REALTORS 432 Cham, .of Com. Bldg. . Open Sun, and Eve. Bdwy.2641. ' ONLY $5600. j by owner. I new bungalow in Rose City Park, close to school. This -is surely attractive: fireplaoe. buffet break fast, nook, hardwood floors, garage; some thing different than, you hare ever seen. 400 East 67th bet.' Tillamook asd Thompson. Tabor ' 4 808. ' NEW HOUSE Built for home, j H'wood floors, furnace, fireplace, breakfast I nook, large attio. 105 xl25 corner with trees. Owner moved to Idaho, will sacrifice; at $4750; easy terma. , W. Hi ROSS, 1100 N. W. j BAKK BLDG. SOLDIER'S loan and V10UO will buy a strict ly modern new 6 room btTOaalow. fine dis trict, dose to school end ear, all street imp. in and paid and fcv tumlerprieed $800. This . ia worth your while,: investigate. : By owner, D-258. Journal. i ' VACANT $1800 Nifty mem cottage at : 175 W. Terry ' st : plastered; cement basement, 2 H blocks to car; your own terms. George F. Crow, '801 Mississippi avenue. Walfrot 1201. NEAR 8. P. R. R. shops, beautiful 4-room bungalow, very modern, electrio range. 80x 100 cu' paved street: owner R. R. man; .must move East Call and-make 'offer as I must sell at once. Owner 84 5 E. 25th S. . SNAP' S rm. furnished home on Tillamook st, near Williams are. i Lot 30x100. Price' J2500. $80 down. -See Lacey, 262 E. Broadway, East 9218.- MODiiRN 7 -room boose for sale. 3 airy bed I rooms, upstairs and! a living room,- dining 1 room, sitting room and Dutch kitchen down . stairs, full cement basement with wash tray. ) $4500. $98 College st . w - BUY this 12 income property, six room houee, partly furnished at 61 5 Leo are,, j near Sellwood ear, $2500. $1000 cash, bal I anew terms. Sell, 0161-during office hours, ; or Sell 2958 cvetrings and Sundays. $2700- $5(00 DOWN 5-room own gs low; with 'steeping porch, full basement, ehrotrie beater, gas and i - wood range, ; lsrre lot, 3 beaubful fir ; trees,; . Tsbor 2188. OWNER can save youj money on this- double Jf constructed. built On . concrete basemeat $380O: S400 eaah iand easy terms oai baa. 442 Holland St CaR Walnut 12 OS. NEARLY new 6 room bungalow, rkie in.; 200 ft to Sellwood car; $6700, 8500 down, bl nit."" balance easy.! 1388 Diviatoa. Tabor I- FOR SALE -By owner, 7-room aaodern house, - corner, aR roosns newly tinted and papered; teres to suit. Call Tabor 1898 jw 1058 C aioer. BARGAIN by owner. ieavrag city, $3600. . modern 6 room bungalow sleeping porch, ' built-ins, fruit .trees, paved eorner. Bear 2 CaVTXIBae 9 I Als- P 61W AW. SieSO. 8150 CASH, balance 115 eer nnn otors geea w vroe awmi nouse, y -aere oc gjod grennd. Phone 1612-29. . WEST SIDE, csese in, S room furnished or unfuroished; right price; term.- Owner, 234 Nartflla St. pet. Main aad Sahawn. ROSE CITY PARK, saedera & room bungalow, haidwood Users, slmping porch, garage; ' eotdiar ban-as aceepted. Owner. Tabor 2033. asa IiOWM. 2 awntah. soat . a house, suae garaen. isf via ev E, Fries 61400. CsB afterwyoB, A-Q4-S6. FOR SALE en easy terms. l room house. No. 80S Cherry. (Call Tabor 7378 for ' partieulars. :v. . ..'.I- - - 'g - - 1 . .. ; . FOR ISALK . - . . ! 1 4-rooaa nicely fuiBaihed bnacslow. near -eartine. Call Walnut - 7109. SWISS : bungalow, haroweod floors, I iiaajiace. . furaaee. bookcases, sew. Yea wOl like this - ette. Outer, exr. 13th; Owner. Sell. 2702. S-ROOM shack ea na?e 1 in VVoodstock. East 8380. $6h: BL:Ilii.R will take lot as part pay ha a wnrayalow. - Tabor 7884. . - . NEW auodara 6 rl bungalow, double . atrocted, good bxauoa. Tsbor b321. ragalow 00sS4500 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 i Five Special Buys . Laurelhurst" ' ; s.w -$6300 - ' - . ; i . i Oxuy $?5 easfel ' One ( the nt attrac tive new ti. room bungaiewa lis! this beau tiful district, - strictly modera- and com plete is every detait Must be sold at tmce. I rvington : lark r $4251- - Only $500 cash and balance ttka rerst New tive room bungalow, large combination living and duune room, fireplace, -hardwood floors, built-in buffet, tapestry paper. Dutch kitchen and beautiful breakfast Book. - Two bedrooms, large bathroom, floored attic, full cement basement vail laundry trays.. Neat car and school. . . Very .Close In N ' v $3990 ,-"'vi' Modern six room home. Reesptioa ' hall, nioe living-room with fireplace, dining room, large kitchen 00 first floor. Three large bedrooms aad bath on second floor. Moored attse. Cement - basement furnace and . laua dry trays. Near all schools and within easy walking distance of business district Five Room "Bungalow ; . '$3150 , Fire lots en paved' street Good five room bungalow with sleeping porch, bath room, gas and electricity. 'this ia a very exceptional -buy and can be bandied on very email cash paymeut, balance very easy. Sunnyside Bungalow Very attractive five room bungalow. Liv ing room, dining room, white enameled kitchen, beautiful breakfast nook, two large bedrooms, dressing room and bath. Full cement basement, laundry trays, beautiful lawn, fruit and shrubbery. Everett Philnoe, Salesmanager. Neila. & Parkhill x 210 Lumberniens Rids. Bdwy. 2S32 (.'all urniay Tsbor 8203.. T 7 . - Rose City Parvk . 693 EAST 50TH ST. NORTH. New, 5 riom bungalow. Large liv ing room and dining room, hardwood floors, bookcases. buf(tj?,l French doers,, tapeatry paper, fireplace, com position bath with built-in tub. Ped estal lavatory. ' Light airy bedrooms. Complete kitchen, composition dram boards. Floored attic. Pips furnace. Garage. East front. Improvementa in and paid for. Wondeaful location. 50 ft off Alameda. Open for inspection 2 TO P. M. SUNDAY. J Laurelhurst Dutch Colonial, $10,500 This splendid home was built for owner, located on Deris street near 39th. Sub stantially built artist 'gaily decorated; 6 rooms and sleeping porch, 8 large bedrooms. We do not know whether you can get snore for your money than is offered in this Laurelhurst home, near park. . L"rery eon aceivahle convenience. Nothing lacking. A. G. Teepe Co. Lanrelhnrst Ofc. 83th A GUsaa. Tabor 3438. ' Rose City Ofc. 40th A Sandy. Tabor 9586.1 Open Sunday. t ' Houses Wanted . We need good homes in all districts thst can be sold on reasonable terms. 4, 5 and 8-room bungalows; if you have a house that Is modern and in first class shape we can sell it on short notice. No house: too Large and none too small for us to handle. Phone us your home at once. Bdwy. 75,22. SERVICE RELIABILITY COK A. McKENNA A CO.. 208 Artisans bldg. Bdwy. st Oak. Estab. 1SS9. GREELEY ST. PENINSULA DISTRICT A beautiful 4 room bungalow, on paved street and earline, with all improvementa in and paid, combination living and din- - -ing room, 2 large bedrooms, large Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, beautiful buffet fireplace, bookcase and all kinds of built in features, hardwood floors, full cement basement laundry trays. 50xl00Mdt Price L $4500, $1000 down, balance $30 and in terest. , H. W. OSBORNE CO., REALTORS 432 Cham, of Cora. Bld. Open Sun. and Eves. Bdwy. 2641. V NEW LAURELHURST BUNGALOW 5 .rooms and music room'; 50x120 ot; garage. - Very best material and workman -ship throughout; kitchen has sll built-in features, beautiful tile drain board; bath mom haV composition floor, built-in tub and pedestal Ihyatory; large bedrooms with hard wood floors living and music rooms across entire front with large windows on 3 sides. Price $7000. Term to be arranged. JohnsonDodson .Co. . 033 N. W. Bank Main 8T87 P P P P P P P P NEW BUNGALOW $2000 $200 DOW Four rooms, finished in ivoi work and tapestry paper, leund white enamel bathroom fixtures. connected, Dutch kitchen. See PARKER FOB PROPERTY 60.0 Artisans Bidg-. Bdwy. 4231. p PPPPPPPPPPPPP P JP BEAUTIFUL 6-ROOM BUNGALOW NEW AND STRICTLY MODERN Irvington district, convenient to Broadway ear and new Alameda school; finely con structed and has all of the newest built-ina, fireplace and furnace; oversize lot and splendid, garage. Price $6000, best of terms. E. M. BROWN 1122 N. W. Bank bldg - Main 2422. $3350 PENINSULA $8350 0- room bungalow; on carhne and -pavement living room, , dining room. Dutch - kitchen. 8 bedrooms and bath, garage, ' lots of fruit 10 minutes' drive from heart of city.. This place is being sold at a sacri fice. Easy terma.- Price 63350. H. W. OSBORNE COV REALTORS ! 482 Cham, of Goto, Bldg. 1 " Open Sun. and Eves. Bdwy. 2641. : . - Think! of the people we have-pleased and let us demonstrate to your, satisfactoln our ability to build modera homes and also give as sistance in financing. morgan & Co. ' 32 1 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Bdwy. 6700. Evemmr: 'Walnut 3818 BARGAIN HUNTERS. ATTENTION t 4 room modern house, with' furnace, fire plaee, built-tns, full, eement basement, dose to car and achooL. Imp. ail in and paid. Will trade sty equity of $1860 fcr light car in good mechanical condition and soma cash. McQee & : Dennfs- - WE SELL THE EARTH, J 060 UNION AVE. WALNUT 9084. Immediate Possession Dandy little 4 room home with bjg flopred attic good plumbing; sewer aad sidewalk paid,' 30x100 t-it. some nice trees, a BEGU LAB horned. .Very easy payments. Owner left town, must aeenfJce.; Sidney 0. Lathropj 414 Abmffton Bldg. $3200 ON PAVED STREET , 40x100 lot, with choice fruit: large mat, full basement furnace; well built ansa. . .-. -- . ,' - - t- . . Johnson-Dodson Co. 638 N. W". Bank BMg. Main 8787 Two "New Homesvi ; : -88400 JUST COMPLETED.. $650 CASH . ExeertionaSy well bedit buna Iowa. no ginger bread work, just ptaiis double coa .structon on good bard street. Inquire 24 a,. -,iisau ex. tsoot laii LAt'RELHCRST GEN ICEMAN'S HUMii - The most beautiful and -op to date Cali- . fflnus Hnngflli'iiai in Lajtralhrinft. for Mnatt reasons selling without profit, ;Ftr avpaiat-( ment pooue riwoor zis: - ONLY S0O with aooua loaa will jput you Into a new aad nifty bungalow. S large . rooana, bdw. fioora. fireplace. bfavnook, garage. A Jfeal boy at $4800. Owner leaving efty. Tsowr 4B. - S ROOM HOUSl4 3 ACRES, WONDERFUL - rlace for private horpital on 41st at, $17,090 83500 innrt, email payaaent down, balance eaay. r 202 GerBnevtr bldg. - . -' GOOD plastered house, bath aad toilet, full basemeat, four beautiful lotr ' $40O anil handle, aja-u MWtwt otdg. Vain- 8616. MODERN -bw Caiifomia type bungalow of 4 - rooms, with acre;) $304 wilt, handle. - S25-0 HnhawK hW. iMsin 8015. i FOR SAL&- A naa htUe home aa VVoodUck - carhne, by owner. 0-224, Journal.7 . SMALL boose atid lot Easy terma, - See owner, u4 Marx land ave, -. , - P P P P P P P ry wood- P nTtraye. P sewer P REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES v 404 This Home Will Payfor Itself . x . ' - .$3600 'Have a .H-flat, o-roem bouse. bath rooms, toilet, s full eement basement ' etc You can lire in one fast and rent one, which will pay foe the property; 8300 cash wilL handse, balanee eery easy terms. - It's thai best little ' buy we havr4 bad for some time. Fur full parucuaxra phoaa cMwy. 7622. ' . " - SERVICE "' -' atKUABlUTT COK A. McKENNA A CO., 308 Artisan bldg. Bdwy. at Oak. fetab. 1S80. Room Bungalow Brand new, oak floors throughout, . . fireplace, tapefctry paper, bookcases... buffet, plate glass, beautiful fixtures, ; shades, wonderful kitchea and bath.- . Has furnace and garage, too. You ean't beat it for location, I rice and , . terms. In Piedmont, a district of , good, homev Near 2 oarlinea. , 1892 Mallory ave.. at Jarrett str . ' OPEN SUNDAY. 4 TO 5 If. M. , YOU'LL USE IT. i rl ''$4500 - : QooH Terms- New 5 room bungalow. Just -completed knd sold. Will build oo ed-- . joiuing lot. 8 rooms, oak floor, fire place, bookcases, buffet, patch kitcli- -en. breakfast nook. Full cemsot bsse-.. meat, tiays. furnace, si rage, cement driveway, eement porch. A complete , home. Excellent location. Sear new -'-. C park and high schocl. . . t LET US SHOW YOU. Broadway a2S. Eve.. Auto, 314-91. $550 JX)WN KENILWORTK PARK "... . $550 DOWN A beautiful 4 room bungalow on a choice 50x100 lot and paved street, near a- beau tiful park and earline.. combination bring and dining rooms. 2 large .bedroom, large Dutch AiJ-cheB. hardwood floors, furnace, . laundry trays, full cement basement Price $3400, $.530 down, balance 29 per. month MH. "OSBORNE CO.. REALTORS 432 Chum, of Com. Bldg. Open Sun, and Eves. - Bdwy. 2841. AN OLD SHACK Three lots and 150 ft: frontage ma cadamized street close to ichool. some ns r;tiTe Jfrnit tree; pricey $725, terms, $9 dowtf $9 monthly. See Hertson with RS2) VP SgKMLAi2 9 732 Oiam of Com 1 NEW ROSE CITT BUNGALOW ' $6500 $150d cash, $50 monthly: 5 rooms sad extra large floored attic; strictly modera in every way; eld ivory fin lab, fire place, extra number ef built-ina and close ta; large light basement, furnace, nice lawn, garage, 50x100 lot; paved street; OB' 48th street -;JohnsonDO' n Co. Main 8787 638 N. W, Bank Bldg. ' On earline, lust east of city Hmits. with aQ city conveniences. Jfsw bungalow, 4 htitge rooms and bathroom,, front and back perch, concrete foundatina, plaster finish, -with hearty V, acre. Native trees. f 2 100 More land if desired. S. F. OsbuxTr; 810 Mc Kay bldg. . ' ; UPPER PORTLAND HEIGHTS i $4750 New English Colonial horn. 7 ! rooms ; large cheerful living room, dining ! room with 2 cross-corner . china closets, i library; hardwood floors, French ' doors. 1 built-in ehiffonien, large closets and bath ! on second floor; full baaamsnt, garage. rio assessments. Jfiasy terms, owner, At- water 026 iB. ONLY $1300 CAS Nice 4 room and bath, finished through out in old ivory, kitchen and bath white: 50x100 lot, all improvements TiB and paid, only three blocks from M. V.fcar at 00th st 1502. Willow st. This is a real bar gain at $1300 rash er $1800 en terms. Owner at 1600 Willow st ' ; , $1800 HOME AMONG THE FIRS 4 room plastered bungalow, Dutch kitchen, a 9 modern conveniences, full : basement, double constructed, attractive;: block to macadam street, 2 blocks to car. -'Johnson-Dodsojti Co. - 633 N. W. .Bank Bldg. Main 8787 ROSE CITY BUNGALOW-r4000 This' is a eocy 7-room bungalow, lot 50x 100, double garage; one block from earHne, dose to school; large tiring room and bed rooms, hardwood floors, ceynent bass ment; $2500 cash will handle. T JOHN M. KBOO CO. 412 ' Wilcox Bldg. Broadway 1878. 4 BOOM bUHawlow, 2 blocks from ear and Jefferson high; strictly modern; bargain, - $4350. "t . s . McQee & Denhis L WE SELL THE .EARTH! 969 Union ave. North. v Walnut 6684. A MODERN 6 room, house, - with household auipment lot 100 feet by 86 It -feet, paved afreet, paid for, in beard of east side residen tial districtt 574 IS. LSth st eorner Brook- a garage BO feet by ZO feet to go with house. Come and look it over. SEE 'these. $1250 and 81350, new. double con structed. 8-room bungalows, ready for inside finish. Water in. i Just outside city, south Woodstock, oar. On 5 2d st County highway, between Piatt A Curtis. 6 0 McKay bldg. or Tabor 667: i -- -- ' ' HAWTHORNE Dvubi. constructed bnngalew,- 5 mi., modern, hardwood firs., - fireplace, D. kitchen, H cenW basement wah trays,- gar age to drive. $4500. 41000 cash. bad. $45, tnc 7Sr int monthly. NJsbor 84BO. ALAMEDA Dig: New 8-room bungalow, gaV electricity, bath, cement basement, 56x100, lot. Flair ished m white enamel. $2 500 vest terms. Tabor 26SO. Evenings. Tabo"' 60S7. MT. TABOR WEST SLOPE Modern 7-room noma " and ovef ioOx 118 ft. grounds, double garage. 2 sets X plumbing, some lovely .tned ' everything paid. - $1400 down. Taborf 3jlS0. I : PRICED HO SELLf Mod. 9 rm. borne. Let 501x100; want ing distance, near Broadway bridge. - Price $5200. $1250 cash. See Bcowh, 252 E. Broadway. East 0218. i V BARGAIN Must sell to close estate, only $3500 buys these two 6-room houses JThink of it! Lave ia one. let th rent from other jay for both. Close tn. wwt.aide. . Call at 621 wto st. asi. oaw-nx, 1RVINGTON PARK ! Fmm owner oa easy terms.. New S noorn bungs low with attic, latest built ma with breakfast Book. Take Woodlawn ear to 224 st. N. Inquiiy at TZt noerty at. ; PRICR $2300, $400 ewh, lot . kOOxlOO. 6 room house; electric light, gas, bath, H basement lots of f nut, or will consider trade for smaller gilaoe. 4704 -42d sva. s. b. :;v" 4-ROOM house, lot, bath aad i large aruc, newly papered aad painted, on fciewd. street 3 blocks te car, good neighborhood: ealy , $1650.. $620 down. $20 monthv Walaut . 6805.' - .r - :! " "? R, 8. MODERN I 7 yean old. oa 25th st ,.. BOxlOO. basement 69x60. 4 : - ' EASTERN EXCHANGE 203 Gerlinger Bldg. 1 ; ' 7 r 8-room bousej, iu .excellent i shape, nice lawn, aewV lot 44x1 OO. ueai . 39th, be- tween Hawthorna aad, 8- S. par,. Tabor FARKHURST 5 r. boose, 1 blk. to ear oa c Hoyt, near wOth st, 4400 cab, bat" $39. v toe,' int. SBontMy. , Key at 170 E. UQ- asa St.. near two. . xji is;r iMTT iiRri ' A beaaljful S-raom iwngaJc, ill m I floor, near car, below hill; cheap if taken at ftnee-i: Tabor 5180. ' I J WHY' PAY "KESTf - 2700 bnyel S r. honse tnrniehed, $O0O down, baL like rent. laKraive 'C soaan ax. - ;i BEAUTIFUL modera naw 4 -room . bungalow, j. 1 block from Hawthorne, ear;! 8350 will liapoie, a-9-i aiuwawa mag. --plain "U . ifeOO. YOUR own terms. Small house, fruit : . and berries. Move rigik ia. b004 $5th ava. Xtlu, R3SJ1S - I -ROOM boose and 3 lota, block from WS ear. - sidewaiaa m ana paKL fs&co, 82600 S-ROOMS, new cunga'iow. full ,bafesaeat, furo : ace, 1035 F- 26th at AJberU car. Terms. S Owner, -Uwod 272v I 2-UOOil " houeav newly 4ecrated. Vmall front " street Improved aad paid, 614 . l!4th at' - Price $1500. Easy tevma. Owney Serf. 0580. FOR SALE A Xat litUe home in Lents, very - veaaoeahle; neea the money. 0223, Jour- V 7 - REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404, r EVERY WOMAN KNOWS ' 'The lmporTahee ef buying ber home tn a desirable location. - Wa hare some of the finest modern homes tn i Irvtngton sad Laa relharst rauginsr in xinoe .from $5000 up. If you are going to buy why hot eee the -best Here are two exataples of rwhnt o can get tor your money. . I... v Laurelhurst7 $5750 A f modern 8-room new " bungalow, ensa-t plete in every, detail, hdw. floors, old ivory fUMsh. tapestry paper, fine breakfaat Book, fireplace, furnace, lull! cement basement," Dutch kitchen, ail built iris, larg ante, ga-' rage, etc- Now-Aoea not the above sound hke a real bemef You can bay oa verj. raaaoBable .terms. ' ; r w. Irvingioh $5875 - Modem-, new, 8-room bungalow.- ' hdw. floors throughout, old ivory finisu, tartectry paper, breakfast nook, t fireplace f urtiace, full cement basement, aR built- tn. ! close to earline. The very beat of materials ami workmanship. 'ibis' as really a wonderful buy and the .price Is iteht Good terms. Phone Bdwy. 7522. 1 SERVICE T' ' RELIABILITY COE A. McKENNA A OO. " 208 Artisans bldg. Bdwy. st Oak. Kta6. 1889. -Q. C. UIri.ch.lCOw, fine. bklg. Suite !-'-" 405 Stork Exf-hsnr Main 4354-4355. STREETCAR MEN A splendid ft) vestment !snd a real home of 0 large rooms with full cement caee ment" furaaee," jtoutidry trays, etc., coo venient to E. Ankrny car barns. Price re- ' doced to $3700 (or quick sale. Very eaay terms. ' ; -"" .j' , - - MEED THE MONEY ' s" "7 - ; I '.'"-:: To raise a little money for my buaV - aess quickly, will sell my modern bunga . low of 5 nice large, rooms, completely fur nished, in MonterHla district, for $3250. ' wit! $1250 cash. i ... . . New. 7 room home ia Alberta district hardwood floors, .breakfast nook, furnace. This home is way under value. Think of a new 7 -room home for $6990. Good. ' terms. - --l.:i'; V. '- " ? : Sn : I .".:'-'. . ". ' .-: A heme-and aa investment. 100x190 - - ia Inriugton ! 6 room house, old but good,: -at the unheard of price of $3160. Good terms,- :; - - : '''"! '"'' :-i -'-westbiDbi ; 4 ' : ". n -:i.-H - ' 14 room houee on Hcyt at Will sen . an. easy terms er trade for smalte house,. .Price $9000. i v . , . 6 roova modera home en " Main st , 2" blocks-off Hawthorns oar: oog of the et -built homes ia Portland. Price only $3300. Old; ijIrichiCo., lnc. Suite-405 Stock Exohangs bldg, 7 . , v Mala. 4834-4355, ' ! Price .Reduced -vTdday?7 IRVINGTON UNLOCKED -TODAY, 884 --KXlCKTT AT, -. CORNER 18TH r Probably THE BEST! BUNGALOW orl were erer in. For class, distinction JukI cojistruction there : ts nothing in PorUand to . compare. " , - .) .-'... T .....j-.-.- , Just, finished by prominent businds msa for his permanent bcaH-busineas baa traiw , feired him from Oregon. , large rooms. -Costly, bath on each t kr,- Uring room liix 24, rich old Ivory flrrih,l artistically papeml, tils' , fireplace,, large . breikfast alcove, large sleeping porch room, garage ia basement V fHffT?w Th& riic9 built right, ill 5 i!lrAE BELOW COST OF DUPLI CATING at price reduced $1000 today to $0500 to turn Quick., j If you will ever own or build a good bungs lsw home, MAKE . IT YOUR BUSINESS TO SEE THIS TO DAY, and than talk with as about it' Hee - sonable terms. Exclusively Uated with inv agent,' ' 1 , R, T. STREET. Good Homes Bealtor. i New; Bungalow! ; A :Ahotlier OrSook: ;:' ; ' iBeauty.i 4' room modem- bungalow oa lioni- eve. - nasi hardwood - floors, fire- place, Dutch kitohen. large floored wonderful 11 1- attio, - etc. -fhla is a tie home and ts located In mm of one beat districts. Frios $4760, easjr f terms. I. F. Hill 088 WILLIAMS AVIS, EAST 0268 "" - FARKROSa :' ,' - 32800! 'W:'- ' .V4, - This is one of the best and mast at- . , tractive little bungalows! in Parkroae. nice living room,' large bedroom aad closets. - . Dutch jkitohen with extra fin. beaakfasfT ' nook, best of plumbing, oement basement, . laundry trays, gsrsge, beautifull lawn flow- , era, trees and garden: lot 70x100 ft; all city eonveniencesi $800 i down, balaace like rent: - call at our Parkroae branch office, widen is open every day t take a. Rose City , Paak-Parkvoae car, go to end of Ucsrline. -Phone Tabor 2904. (7- -. ; . ; J. L. HARTMAN ICOMPANY 8 "Chamber of Cbnu Bldg. : .. Bdwy. 8034. A' Thrift: Man, and EAST BttOADWAT 1 $10UOCA14 , ThU house will uay for itself. J A fine room, 2 story modarn ! bom ton euxlOu lot, large Artie, , oemht basemsat ' turn- . ace. ail built ins. f The pbonse is krrsnged for lighthoojtekeeping apartments upstairs and ,tie, income would pay or the home,' For full particular phone HdwyX'S'-'U. SERVICE , i- HKLIABOJIY " - COE A. McRENNA A CO.X ' 20S Artisans bldg. Hdwy. at oak. Kstab.: 4 8H0. -. ' . . ' 1 j N. ; X I WILL BuXlHlS f. HOM&r- 7 Laurelhiirst-. :X- ENGLISH COTTAGE JPYPE 500 X HOOMg AND SllN PORCH ' Choiee location, - Words cannot give you adequate ' description.- Rich interior, noth ing but the bast of workmanship and ma- tertsls used throughout Well snstchsd oak floor in every room, ivory finish, tapestry paper, tiled bate.) recessed tub. "A real home and the price ia right ' - A. ;Q. --STeepe Co. - Iurelhuamt Ofc 89th A Gasaa. Tabor $483. Rose City. Ofc. 40th A Sandy. Tabor 8688, jpea puaoay. . BUNGALOW HOME jIN KBNTON New modern- 4 room 'bungalow right fu ! Kenton: eaty H block- from paved street--ThiS is a real -opportunity! for (man of .mall means. $2000. 8300 leash, 830 toclud- 'ixtg ratereaf xconUily. -:..;' :.-! ,, -v. JohnsonDodson Co. 683 W. VC Bank Bldg. 4 ' 1 ' Main 8787 Walnut; Park; Beautiful S room bungalow,- tost " - eomnieted, .Wenderfal iu desirn and ' eonstracUon. A marvel a.$7&00. Call for sppointraent todsy, " ; . 1MJBNETT A McCLUBB, Realtors, , i 302 COUCH BLDG. "BDWY. 8574. Sunday phone McDsriiel Tabor 91 29. 3-BOOM bouse nice yard, basement, electrio lights,. ta. f lowers and fruit; $1700, $8l9 , down, - balanee moalhlj . payments to suit Automatic 682-01. . , f i-UOOM Itouse, -with ait iiuprofeuienia paid, for sale, by - owner, terms to . suit buyer. w ROOM plastered house; acre of rood oil; $200 down and -'If a mouth. $25-6 '. .'Mohawk bVlg. jM" Ml5.' NEW Rose City : liom.. f ortu-.ure. Oriental rug. 'Leaving. . Automatie 334-14. I I '- I