aTIE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, -PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, , OCTOBER 20, 1922. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE 251 A KALES EXECUTIVE WITH IT YEARS KXPEBIESCE AND PUCCESSE8 DB SIRES A CONNECTION WITH A I'E PKXUABL& IXIMPANY AND DEFINITE HTCEE; 35? TEAKS OLD. MARRIED AM) A-l REFERENCES. 1. X-828. JOURNAL. . "DISABLED tx-ervtcv men. mused by the lomnninit ia 92 different vocation, are - new available f no'M"t; these skJIUd . asea r lumir-ued at no cost w the -- i ployer or ic tlx- ruiplovR. United State Vet . arans Rureso. Myler bldg.. 8th sad Gk su. V. Unmiiii 7621. . . FAINT-NO.'--' : - Paperl-anglng. tinting. Work ; gnsrsnteed. tiFEKIE-Vi'KU coaufieur; delivery clerk, married sua desires permanent, place; op 'iwrtnoitj' for sivsjieement preferred to il lary. Hum Main 41 98. HOUSE WIRIXO " I,et me give you aa fJUouFs on your wir ing before letting- your contract. Licensed eieciru-iati- Walnut 5691. YOUNG man wauts " work ; experienced railroad " rierk. warehouseman, shipping dept. or tran tor freight; can run addirigr machine or type writer. B-852, Jouriisl. HARDWARE MAN, 1 I years' experience, cap able of- tknuc . charge. 32 years of age. rnarrieU. winu position in Portland or some good town nearby, j -;:::. jodbui. PLUMBER wants woS; i do any job- re pairs, flush tanks, boilers, stoppages, i ,ia stove,: lurnaces, parlt r stoves, gas work. , jack MeOuwly. -Ant: 318-14. ; DR-UGOIST, year ot experience. registered Oregon and Washington, short hours or permanent position. 11 14 Arnold at. .Tabor SatiT. ' MARRIED HAN want steauy work with elec trician and learn .trade; handy at it now. F -613. Journal. . . : WANlkaJ. steady woik on, ranr U by nSrnert man; bare bad experience in farming and dairy work. ;-31. Journal. :VANTEU, job Ktung ur smit aawamu or . tuing croMcut w ia log camp. - Mood at. Portland. - IHINGLEKS When, you want shmgjng done. eali Wwl B206 no to- 7:30 -a. m. and afUr 5 :80 p. m. " CARPENTER work of all kinds wanted, new . or old. We make a apecialty of remodeling. Prompt and rcliahlo. Tab. '8374. SUINGLE8 Beshlngling done by contract, also neatly done. Tabor 4035: Patching PAIXIEH wanta work, first class inside fin ish, wages $8' -per day; good references. At water t792. gpfc 18. KALSOMISING PAINTING HOOFS gTALVEl B'IRST CLASS . WOHK. AUTO. 628-40. BITCATION wanted by a married man 35 years old, with ear: experienced salesman. ; Harold Nelson. Bdwy. 6SU8. . CARPENTEH conUactor; oiuliing. altering, rvpairicf ; estimates, t J. . Smith, VJ . 3d Broadway 1976. . WlKING - Let us figure your electrical work. New or old bouses. Walnut 2114. k. renin gs : Walnnt 805. itUiLNGLLN'G We peetanze on reshingling ; can do your job better and save you money. Estimates tree. East 1926. . ' FIRST class- auto mechanic wanta garage work or track driving or private chauffeur. MX-221. Journal. GARAGE mn want work experience storate, uma repair,; electrical batteries; best refer unccs. Call Empire 0294. PAINTING, paperhanging and unang; pnees reasonable: work guaranteed. Shop 1385 H&wtliorae ave.- Tabor 1722. CARPENTER EsUmatea iiven on repair work ; screens made and garages built. Shop 13 ST Hawthorne. Tabor 1280. PLUMBING, repairing, water tasks, furnace coiU. U. J. Ernen. S50 Oregon St.. Eaat 9711. , TRUCK or Uiuring car driver, must have work, lota of experience; beat of rejer ences. Phone Tabor 4203. STEAMING, plowing, excavating, etc. Phone East 0210. 240 East 8th sC 1 PAPERHANGING, punling and tinting. t periug 30e a roll. Atwater 2493. Pa- CH1MNETS, furnace and boilers, cleaned and repaired cy expera. sm tin. j CARPENTERING 'wanted, building repairs or day work. Apply U. May dole. 510 F'lau- ders at WANTED comfortable room in exchange for ';care of turuace. JA. C. W inana. : Atwater 0491. - ACCOUNTANT, casliier, auditor, twenty years experience, tnorougiuy - compeiem w ias. eliarge of office. P. O. Bo 1128. TOUNG mar. with car desires employment; . aiiy salary proposition conaidered; selling eiuerieuce. Atwater 21 88. ' ExFERlKNL'EO barber wants a position out of town. Call Walnut B285 or write 1108 K. 24tn st. N., my. ' "EUROPEAN baker, start as helper or gay work, r-607. Journal. VE DIG cesspools and connect sewers, work guaranteed. Automatic C32-01. all HOt'SE painted.' $50-05; rooms tinted. $5; papering. 35c rolL Walnut 6084. 1- CESSPOOLS f contracted by the foot. Auto. 612-50. HARDWOOD FLOORS by day or contract References. I4 9d Rodney ave. WaL 6632. CARPENTER, A-l finisher. Telephone Main 1232. '. - - SITUATTONS-HEMALE 254 WASTED By capable business woman, man agement of office; bldg. or apta. Salary or com. ReL and bond famished. G 229. Journal. nTlfeNG, experienced woman wants day work Mondays and Thursdays. Phone e renin gs. Aut. 641-28. 2 rings. lADi.' wants work in factory or will keep house lor gentlemen; no objection to one child. Apt. 2. East B59U. EXPERIENCED trustworthy lady wants bouee c leaning, washing or other work; good work guaranteed, yalnnt B305. WILL TAKE care of children by hour or day. - references. Broadway 1428. AN EXPERIENCED barber wanta position. Walnut 6312. EXPERIENCED -woman waifca cooking in camp. CaU at 414 Jefferson, apt 11. JiA Y work, 4 0c hour. Monday and Tuesday. Tabor 6318. . . ' LACE CURTAINS HAND LAU NDERED. 12 YEARS' EXPERIENCE. . EAST 6196. WOMAN wants housework by. hour. Call Mrs. Siscei, Walnut 0800. YOUNG woman wishes position in a bakery. East 1808. - HvUSEKiEPING. few .respectable men. aged Cfiuple. small wages. Must have work. Cap- able. Anywhere. H-225. Journal. LAtNDRESS wanta work in Irvngton or Council Crest alter Monday. Call morn ings and - evenings. Room 206. Eaat 6788, HOUSEKEEPER wants work m man's home, no abjection to small children. Call after 11 232 H girst st. room x EFFICIENT stenographer, wants position. 3 years' experience; also posting machine oper ator. Atwater 4Ui. WANTED- Position, as bookkeeper or cashier. Half or all day, 9 years experience. Tele phone Auto. P13-87. WANTED Position as housekeeper for wid ower with ' or without children, A.-274, Journal, - ; Y0CNG woman wanu work, day or hour. Bdwy. 6281. apt 4.- ; - GIRL wanta cleaning or washinc by day or i hoar at home. Eaat 4661. 'WOMAN in Laureihurst would like day work. 128 E. Everett. East 4254. WILL take care of your children any time. Call Walnut 6031. HOC SBC NING by the hour. Phone Ant. 634.15 If WOMAN WISHES DAY WORK. PHONE automatic 626-36. ' Lady wants v'dax wokk. atwaxxb 8842. BOOM 1. EXPERIENCED woman wants work by day. good worker. SeU. S262. - , A POSITION as a atenograpner. Au. 814-71, SITUATIONS WANTED MALE AND FEMALE' V 255 MAN and wife want position on "ranch. Call Walnnt 6285. or with 1408 S. 24th at. It. city. DRESSMAKING 256 DRESSMAKING reasonable:' work guaranteed. 1112 12th ft-, coe. Washington. Bdwy. 6M7Q. HEMSTITCHING any color. c attav Oi ' Kaletgh bldg.. SSI Wasn. Bdwy. 42. kiMSTITCHiNG c and Sc. buUens. pleatiBg. $49 Mornaon, ground floor.' ' SEWING, rhiidivn's wear and. aprons a ape- ciaHy. KNITTING.- Walnm 869i. HEMSTITCHING Special lunch clotha straight tc per, yd. lQ Bdwy. bldg. - JiOLLS daTssed. lau.t styles. 60c up. Em- r puw S7. i XxRESSMAKING DONE REASONABLY MRS., GOOD. WAUl'I 2144 DBKSSMAEING neatly aad reasonable. H2 t4ttt et; Maig 2798. - - j; VyAJSJTfal--Plaia. sewing, aiemiing . aad jas . - modeling. -Tabor 8252, - -'- ' -, i giiiistlTCHiNU white, per yard stratga. V atnm Plaiting Shop. 808 Royal avaig, - - i ' 4 256 DRESSMAKING Silk dres. $3. Plain wool drsea. $ 2.5; children a ccats, (2.50. I also eat and fit your dress and sew roam win for 31.50. Ant. 815-57. - LADIES tailoring, alteration, eoat ttelined. Mrv Muckler. 44 Morrison. Broadway 0430. HEMSTITCHING, 8e; while yon wsifc Dress making and alteration. Work guaranteed. Panama bldg , 3d and AMcr. Bdwy. 2338. FIB ST CLASS dressmaking, remodeling, bera .. stitching, "etc 171 10 th at. Main $682; near Morrison. - - DRESSMAKING, silk or wool dresses, $7. Latest Mil. Alteration?, etc. . 294. 11 lb. cor. Columbia. Mam 3365. - ' EXFKKIENCED dressmaker wishes engage ment by the day. Sell. 2285. NURSES 257 COMPETENT none wishes. iart time duty, day nigbL Walnut 2011. AS NURSE to rtuldreti- good (British.) A-260. Journal. references. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMa " 300 CA'L AT X. l. C. A. to e tree lut of moderate priced rooms for jroting men m ail parta of city, lnc hading room at T. M. . C A., with phone in eaca room, anower batha and cinb facllittea. HOTEL, PELOKI3 4 Purniahed linusekeeping roonu an-A lei- liig rooms by day, waek or montb. Iteiioii abie rate. 48U i Waihirgtoj st. Rroadwiy 5165. ' f Maxwell I'OT 14th st.,fet Taylor.and Sallwon. r"ir:iL-hed sleeping rcora. thowek bath. ieam iiet. hA and rid wster; 4 a eek aBd up. THE BAKTON Clean furnished rooms. S2.60 per week arid up; aiao light bonaekeeping. 4"5AMfr WKST S1IK. 3 uractjv! ruuDi.-, ijit WErAL you wonkl feel at home in. Keferebees re quired. Main 3010. ' hotet iiEIJFORl). 120 X. 5Ui. cor. Glisan Ht and cold water, 4 week up; rooms with priTate bath. $6.50: special summer rates. XEAT v .ui k room housekeeping auitae, $10 to $18 per month: must house; intanta welcome 152 Vv Kusseilst THREE, lovely ; furnished housekeeping ropm. gas, bent, bath ami phone; adults. 90 E. 43d si 8; Tah?r 5760. ; I 135- FIVE roonts, fine district, newiy reno- vated, water arM gertien. East 7277. FURNISHED rotm, aiso auto gsrago. 146 IrviBg st.' : 5 FURNISHED roemi, N. Irviugton, 2 blocks from car. Walmit 6739. UNFURNISHED ROOMS 300-A 354 34: t- Kent-i FOUR imfurtushed rooms. Main 041. FURNISHED ROOMS PRIVATE FAMILY 301 NICK, clean light attic room, newly painted, large window, furnace heat, phone, bath, linen, hot water, all for $3 a month. Walk inn distance. 120 N. 18th st LOVELY room, finished in. white and gray, with blue hangmcs, furnished with birdseye maple, walking distance. East 2604. 451 Weidler. LKS 1KAB1J5 room with garage, private home in Laureihurst. Will serve breakfast- Reur ences. Call Tabor 8550. 2 CHEERFUL front rooms, nicely furnished walking distance; plenty of heat and hot. water. Phone, xas. lights and bed linen. furnished, $30 a month. 90 N. 16th st. 1 LARGE light room, clean and well furnished, in private home: small family of adults; steam heat, all conveniences, west side, close in; cheap. Atwater 4391. PLEASANT front room, close in. for gentle men, in exclusive apt. house; twin beds, shower bath, plenty of heat; reasonable. Broadway 6526. BIG , WARM room for rent in basement, 2 or 8 men who wish to room together, kitchen privileges. 87 Cook ave. Phone Wal nut 6 7 11."- FOR RENT 8 rooms, nicely furnished. 582 4th st. Phone Atwater 3262, THREE clean "well furnished rooms, private bath, ground floor, furnace heat, good loca tion for winter. Garage. 391 Russeli, H block east of Union. COMFORTABLE furnished oom. modern home, breakfast if desired. 74 3 E. Main. East 15S6. FURNISHED ROOM IN STRICTLY MODERN HOME; WALKING DICTANCE; LADY PREFERRED. RENT $10 M0. AT WATER 0212. Irvington Beautiful sleeping rooms, $15 per month. CaU East 8874. WANTED Girls to learn beauty culture and electrolysis; thoroughly tanght; diplomas given. White School of Beauty Culture, 325 Fleidner bldg., Washington and- 10th. $35 A MONTH. 3 rooms, nicely furnished, all conveniences, suitable for 8 gentlemen: near Rose City car. Phone 314-39. References exchanged. , NOB HIT.Ta. Very large rm., fireplace pri vate bath; also cheaper rm. and nice, light, airy third floor room, 84 N. 21st, cor. Everett. NICE large sleeping room, close to hath; walk ing, $15 per month. Phone Main 3924. 747 Everett st . FRONT room, clean, bath, phone, west side, . walking distance. $12 per montb, 034 Tay lor. : LARGE front room, heated, use of electric percolator; -one or two bed as desired. 59 N. 20th. near Wash. FURNISHED room and garage for rent in Irvington district, best location ; t, couple preferred. East 7815. ; VERY clean, pleasant room tor 1 or 2 women employed: use of kitchen it desired; close in. Bdwy, 8004, NEW ivory furniture, haafeed' room, close in east side; $14 for 1, $3 each for 2. East 4365. THREE partly furnished upstair rooms, lights, bath, phone, hot and cold "water, $12. Wal nut 1763. NEWLY furnished room, ail conveniences, pri vate home: 2 doors from 23d street .carline. Call Atwater 2863. TWO front sonny rooms, 1 block to Sunnyside csr. Furnished; very reasonable. 181 K. 33d st 8.. eor. , TamhaL " NICE outside furnished room, bath, beat, light. Shone, kitchen privileges; suitable for work ig girl. $12. 120 E. 15th. East ,771 4 , FURNISHED room to rent. $3 Ladies Walnut preferred. 948 Cleveland ave. 5947. K. Granuas, CLEAN newly furn. sleeping rm. tin priv. iamily. modern, walking" distance. 387 Vancouver ave.. 1 blk. to Bdw. Ariine, FURNISHED ROOM; BREAKFAST" OPTION AL: RESTAURANT NEAR. CALL TA BOR B739. 1ARGE room, handsomely furnished, ia lovely jjrivifts home, suitable for 2 young men. 7 1 Trinity -Plac. ' NICELY furnished room tor gentlemen, pri vate family, no o flier roomers, reasonable. jbtawtnorne district, clove in. Tabor T429. VERT DESIRABLE sleeping- rooms, $10 and $12 per mo. ; also nice h. k. rooms; close is. on west side. 689 Savior. Bdwy. 1286.- CLKAN. nice heated rocan, iwaacsxabl rent. 880 Boas at. LARGE -living room rand kitchenette; also pleasant furnished sleeping room: walking distance. 408 Ross st East 9370. LARGE hght clean rooms, quiet, modern coo-vwmenows-; reaaonabi ;s adnlts; walking dis tance. 624 Northrap. NICELY furnished large 'room. $8 week; walk ing distance. 223 2 1st at, cor. Lovajoy Cieta and brig-Tit. 2 ROOMS, newly furnished, all convenience; adnrts; retaon btr; good location. Phono East 1477. NICELY furnished front room, furnace beat, home prirDegee,. walking -k--tw East 6108. : - : . . LADY, alone, wishes lady employed, as of kitchen, home privileges. East S7S8. ' '- v I any alone, wiahea lady employed; . kitchen, home privilege. East t7 53 5 use of FURNISHED room ia modern home, breakfast if desired or evening dinner. Walnnt 8908. 287 12TH ST. Double room, hot and coid water. 9 beds. Men only. FURNISHED room. Private family. Rea eoaable. 614 8d St. ' NEAT suitable . for two. .Prefer S. P. railroad men. 10 month. BePwood 2814. $8.50 WEEK, 10 stiinutea' walk. 1 or S gen ' tic men. 808 Market, near 14th. 1 OR 2 FTNB rooms, also fireproof garage. Tabor T884. - -- v - NICELY f urn is bed room, walking .i,tmr 141 . 2 3d. Main S9Q. , .-, LOVELY room, steam beat, housekeeping nrivi- lege, walking distance. 401 H 12th st. ! NICELY farniabed 83.50 2tt CeMege. gear Fifth. NICE, light room.- kitehea prtnieces it de sired. 60 K. lOth st. T E'-F ' Ttr r li kt'rhrn" Terr rlraw la. 8 per week. 868 6th at, ROOMS, one $5 per s-Knih. 158 N. 5 2d at.--- Atwater 1888. DRESSMAKING FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS PRIVATE FAMILY 301 LAXT Baa nice aeeocnmodatioH fog chib of 9 or 8 geata, ladiea. or both; eioae in, conven ient car eerrice; phpoe, batb; rear Bom for 1 appreeiatie peopia; reasonable ratea; breaks if dearred. 144 N. 23d. near HoyV LARGK front room with private emcaaoe. ekwet and front porch. One ladv may do ' very light bonaekeeping. $3 a week. 41 W K. 8 th at. Call Sandaya or after 4 during wee a. HLEEPLNG rooms. 2 BWrka north of Bdwy. oo Wma. ve.; dean, light and aanny: for - nace beat, piano; home pririleges ; genlie mn pref. East 4421. TWO beautiful room. Phone privileges; close . to garage; center of town, by - Mnltnomah club. Bent, reasonable. lil Taylor at Main 8010. Preier me ICE FKOXT flEEPING ROOMS, SCTT ABLE r()R ONB OK TWO, CLOSE IN EAST WALKING JjISTANCE, CHEAP. 256 18TU ST. J WEIi furnished room. East 15th and Haw thorne. Xut 2363. FOR KENT iNiceiy furnished front oedpom for lady in modrB home, verj reirSiwiahie. with or without board 1 3iM, E. jMatn U - Hawthcrne or to 4ttth at. .-, TWO iatvej :roi:t nxm. wiUt- 2 bedi?f.5 uilJ " ntes walk to 6ch and Morriacni1 suitable if.r 2 of ,4 centjemcn. ALwaSer 5J. 194 1 2th t.. corner Tavlor. ! :Ui st.. enmer Taylor. ! - J i front txi!V..m, cljef-and bath adtV-in-; use of jivieg r-om ; 2 blocks Itgm Xliss- NICE ing issipiii cm r. East 540. V try cheap. ' 1417 Grahaan. ONE comtortable room in nir east side home. close in. MeS preferred. Phone lUit U-t - L'OMiK lAt y una man wishes roommate. reai home. ci.e in on east side. Pumace neat, all mociern conveniences. Reasonsbie. 31 (iran-l vm. N. Kast aB9. ROQM AND BOARD 302 Nortonia Hotel Broadway off Washington, Brqndway 11 Ho. Portland's high class downtown residential hotel. We give you the 'omiorts of home. American and European plan. Rates reason able. . j " ' 223 EAST BOTH ' Choice rcoms in exclitrve residential hotel. ; fasty home cofked meals, .siwjTJt-r baflis. fire-place; - all home cv;nveni'n'es Eat 754. ONE Urge rxm with 2 bed-, .itso sin si? nm. Fi rnaw 'he& t. Homo ..-o-ikiiig. 1 rices nhr sopahle. 2 1 7 K ; f r m a n . E&CiXSIVK resitientiir"hotdi; rte 44 & t vf60 74 I-oTttioy. Main S51t A &Cif'i"fc ot rjomV and sletuin& suitabh ict '1 or 'A persnu. 772 Mansoali. Main j TABIE board.., wanted at K. 7;h N. 5 ROOMS AND BOARD PRIVATE FAMILY 303 ROOM and board, reiined honie, young mar ried couple, two .men or two business women breakfast and. dinner; furnace -heat, piano, ; Victroia; nioderu convenience. Tabor 1935. LADY with w. g5bod home would like some one to room and board. Phone Maiu 2 695. S58 N. 23d st- WTLL BOARD BABY BY THE MONTH. 861 MISSISSIPPI AVE. ..WALNUT 3ttS4. NICE LARGE ROOM SUITABLE FoB TWO. , TWO CLOTHES CLOSETS. FURNACE ? HEAT. GOOD BOARD. iiAWIlfORNE kjCAR. TABOR 3176. ONE single and J double room, running water, steam heat, near bath, good meals; gentle men preferred. 332 10th. Main 6381. NICE room, suitable for 2, with good boe'rd; in Ladd addition, 1 block to. Hawthorne car; close in. w"king distance. , Call East 487 9. WANTED TWO REFINED YOUNG MEN TO ROOM AND BOARD IN PRIVATE HOME. MAIN 6087. GOOD 'HOME AND MOTHER'S CARE IN CLEAN MODERN HOME FOR 1 CHILD. CALL TABOR 913T. BOOM and board with young couple in warm. modern flat for 3 nice girls, $40 for one ra room. $30 each for 2 in room. Atwater i 4337. NICE room and 2 meals for 1 gentleman, in .private home. 406 'A Broadway. Atwater 1909. FOR aged invalids, chronic or convalescent pa . tienta, pleasant home surroundings, health building diet and treatment, personal care of physician: reasonable rates. East 8535. A TWO niee rooms, walking distance, east side, very close in, good board if desired. Call East 3561. ' WANTED Lady with baby to care for while - she works; her own -room and do own cook ing; $22 mo.; best care smail '.children $15 mo. walnut &4S.V ? TWO nice rooms, suitable for eftther one or two, with board, $.30 per rfonth : phone, bath, good neighborhood; easy walking dis tance. 361 14th sjt.. cor. Mill. GtrOD ROOM. AND FOR TWO. IN NICE HOME: REASONABLE. CORNER 14TH ' AND BELMONT. CALL EAST 3023. LARGE front room, best of furniture, plenty heat, suitable for 2 gentlemen, room $20 per month; boardMf desired. $2 5 a month each. Main 2074. WANT business woman or couple employed to take room and board in pleasant steam-heated apartment. Close in. West Side. Reason able. Atwater 3636. SOUTH PORTLAND. 2 rooms with board, in beautiful American home, 12 min. from city, 5 mni. from manufacturing district; plenty of heat and hot water. 920 Kelly. CHILDREN iii private family; mother's care gien. Walnut 4274. -CHILDREN to iioarci oeauritiui country home, near school, 'close In, $14 monthly. For particulars write Peaceful Acres Farm, route 1. box 124-A, Huisboro. - SEE THIS TODAY BEST OF ROOM AND BOARD, IN NICE HOME; FURNACE HEAT; CLOSE IN"; CHEAP. CALL" EAST 8445. GOO) ROOM AND BOARD CHEAP, i SELLWOODI 3083. DESIRABLE room with -excellent board for 1 or l gentlemen, with home Dnvilecres: wortn yocr East 2461. time to 'investigate. Phone GOOD BOOM AND EXCELLENT BOARD FOR 4 MEN Ef NICE REFINED HOME. REASONALE." A REAL HOME. CALL EMPIRE 1409. ROOM and board for business girls;, modern conveniences; walking distance; $5 per week. East B730. 12 E. 7th st EMPLOIED COUPLE to share 6-room home. . modern and cooeenient, hall block from carune. 132 Vermont st GOOD ROOM AND BOARD FOR 2 YOUNG LADIES; A HEAL HOME. WALNUT 1285. SLEEPING BOOM, front, breakfast .if desired; private entrance. 866 Lincoln at.; doe in; men or women. Main 2262. , NEAR Jefferson high school, clean comfortable home for business woman or teacher. Wal not 02 IT. EXCELLENT room and board with home priv tleges in modern home lor 8 men or man anC wife. Tabor 2838. BEAUTIFUL second story front, room, heated, Willamette Heights, suitable for one or two people; reaaoeabi price. Atwater 0746. CHILWtEN gives mother's care. lovely home. $15j month. 833 Overlook hlvd, lliaaia tippf "cay, transfer west R. 8. CONGENIAL mas has nice room, two beds, excellent board ia prrrage home; home priv ilege.; want room mate. Tabor 2538. NICE, -large room, large doeet, excellent board, 3 -or 4 yeuag seen, for S30 month or 4 for 828. 181 11th. Main 8121. MtLS furnished roots and board for girl washing home; reaionabie. 1188 Kerby. Walnut 0236. WAN-TED 2 , or children to board and care (or By miaaie agea lady. io74 Carey hlvd. Take St Johns ear. J , GOOD home for girls, another's care, plenty of milk, near school. Phone 'Tabor 0876. NICE room and home priviieges. 2 meal day, good; car service. Auto. 828-71. GOOD home for awls 6 to lO yra. near school. SeUwood 2413. WANTED Elderly lady , to room aad board and care for. Tabor 4167. FURNISHED rooms, with or ts-ithont board. 675 Hoyt st Phone Bdwy 5S4S. A LOVELY large room ia aa aUraeuve home. Tabor 8709. BOOM 'and board for 2. ia private family, on . Hawthorne line. CaU Tabor 3232. . WANTED Child to -car for ia private isiaiiT. :, onij. u. jaonoay. tyrgenow. NICE room aad board rn private family, horn ; privilege. Tabor 8821. !AiUxB clean reoga. waging distance ; choio . fc-caanss. ' T70 Irving st. Atwater 4416. LARGE front rooas, dose at. two beds; board opOonaL. 408 BesUosw, , FOR RENT ROOMS AND BOARD PRIVATE FAMILY 303 ROSE CTTT. PARE Two lovely furnished rooms fog gentlemen of refinement deairinc good meala and spy recasting homo comforta. in private home: furnace heat, and hot water; C H. preferred; ref. required. Auto. 324-54. 1 BOOMS with or without board, one men. Call East 5693. .two HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS . FURNISHED 304 POWELL and Home apartments. 87 4 and 93 RusseB at., airy brick bnilding; fur nnbed hoosekeeping rooms. $2; apartmeiiOs. $2.50 week up; half price. Take MA car, 6 minutes' ride. . LAttGE front room and kitchenette. $20; two front room, $30. , Electric lights, hot water always for hatha, laundry.' These are warm rooms. t55 Flanders st. SINGLE H. K.' or sieefing rooms. $5 to $10 per month. Clean, cozy. 2 and 3 room suites. $10 to $18. Large lobby, well heated. 412 19th st. N. REAl' 1 1KLI. H. K. room, ail new Inrniture. velvet rug, cane and mahoesny furniture, ivory woodwork, walking distance, reason able rent. 135 18th st. TOO large, clean, famished front H. K. rooms, walking distance; adnlts. 211 Sher man St. . H. K ROOMS, single or double, sleeping room?.' gas, hot and cold water, lights free. 491 Everett st. Bdwy. 5256. KXit-. and kitchenette with Tunning water, ftoTe beat: $6 week. 188 14 th st. . ONE room a&t. one 3 -room apt., everything furnished. 423 Failing st. Walnut 5913 1 AND 2 H K. rooms. $2.50 week up. 14 K. gth. corner' Burnside. $15 MONTH 1 clean, eorv room; light, heat, hath: close in. 325 12th at. ' TWO furnislied boiisekeer,in rooms, bath, abed, lorch. ysrrl. 570 First ,t. TiVt housekeeping rojoms- furnished, modem, fnr couple, after Sunday. 1171 Albina. 4 OK 5 desirable rooms, near 23d and Wash in; ton. Main 901. after 7 p. m. 2 AND 3 room suites ui ground floor, hot water. $20 and $30 month. 422 2d St. NICELY furnished H. K. . room, si r -e t. s 475 Main CLEAN fur. h.k. rm, $3.50 .k. 48 E. 8th N HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED PRIVATE FAMILY ,308 .'2 W EST- SIDE, nice location. 3 (large, 'loan HL K. rooms, furnished; 2 porches, first fiocr. ligbt free, lawn. 1 3"4 Porter at. Phone Sell. 11.09. TWO H. K. rponiM with sleeping room for, 3 . or 4; no objections to smMl child also 1 . Ifi-rue room with kitchenette. - 3 Nob Hall. Atirner 1293. 751 Kearney sti NEWLY turn. h. k. and sleeping, room, walk, disc 1 block frrgn O csr, 2 blocks south of Multnomah club. 260 Nartillg, cor. Madix n. Atwater 4173. $17 SECOND"' floor. ea.-t sides, walking dis tance: 3 cltaa. furnished H. K. rooms, nice loca-tit-m. electric lights free; lawn. 564 East 0th st Phone Sell. 1109. NICELY furn. H. K. room. $2.50 a week. One 2 rm spt. suitable for family with children; electricity, ess. bath, phone, water "In rooms; walking distance. Bdwy. 773 5. CLEAN 3 room furnished1 li W. apt., newiy papered and painted, first floor, private en trance; walking di.-tanc. Adults. Call At watr CS24. moroingj or evenings. SEE THESE TODAV IF YOU WANT NICELY FTRNISHED H. K. KlOMS. VERY CLOSE IN, EIGHT AND PHONE FREE. CALL EAST 1693. LARGE sunny heated rooms, $2 up, 2 meals if desired. Also large H. K. rooms, heat and. cix' eas, etc.. si week; o nun. walk to city. Bdwy. 2892. 52 9 Hojt NICELY furnished, light, clean, airy 1 and 2 room apts., newly decorated; lights, " heat, phone, bath free; Walking distance; reason able rent.. 534 Mill st. Main 8214. VACANT Friday. 2 pleasant modem h. k. room; walking distance; outride entrance. Price $22.50 per mo. 326 E. 1st N. East 2fiO?. TWO large unfurnished H. S. rooms for rent; lights, hot and cold water furnished, large basement, $15 month. 305 Crosby St., be tween steel and. Broadway bridges. HOI'SEKEEPINu rooms, very nice; fireplace, furnace and built-iiis, Dutch kitchen, 1 block from carhne, adults only. 4304 45th ave. i , ; NICE, clean housekeeping apts., all newly reno vated, and ready to occupy; instantaneous .hot waty, everything furnished but cooking gas. Rent reaaonsble. Main 1075. ONE LIGHT H. K. and 2 sleeping rrooms. with furnace heat. 14 7 N. 2 1st st. TWO large, sunny, well furnished housekeep ing rooms, hot and cold water. 631 Hoyt st., near 20th. Broadway 4046. 3 ROOMS, with electric lights, gas stove, hot. cold water with sink, $18 per month. Call Ttrratv ISU'I LARGE living room and kitchen; gae range, sink, lights, telephone, well furnished. Adults. SeUwood P068. THREE H E. rooms. 2 beds, $20 mo.; large iront room, io mo. Hi i Hawthorne, cor. Union. ' TWO TRUNKS moved, 75c; downtown dis trict. .Fireproof storage 15 days free. Long uisumce uauiiag. r roaaway Z445. 1 3 LIGHT, cheerful rooms;- everything fur nished, close in, no other roomers. East 8084. 352 Ross st. FOUR unfurnished fcousekeeoine room. AHnit, only. No piano. 860 E. Morrison st. East CLEAN, furnished H- K. rooms, 1st floor. nice none, near car. juamea couple. Aut. 631-32. i v . - O.N h. Large it. Is., room, large kitchenette. Well lumianea; also Sleeping room. East 9370. rioss st wanting aistanee. MODERN, well furnished single housekeeping rooms. Atwater llin). xni Hall St. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, reas onable. 412 10th st., wests side, between tiarnson ana tiau. Also sjeeping porch. TWO 8 room apartments, close- In. East 2774. Modern. TWO H. K, rooms, .$20; also one large sleep ing room for 2 men or ladies, $18. 700 - jjsan. Atwatef 3935. FOR RENT $18. 3 coav fnrniil h k rooms. 542 E. 27th st. Rictsmond car to i I IU, X OlOCK SOUUli S ROOM apt;, bath, plione, hot and sold water. Adults, lovely home. Call Main 4709 fore noons. . . NICELY furnished front , 3 room arr. : ,!m one large H. K. room, close in, walking dis- tance, rent reasonaoie. rast il72. NICELY furnished H K. apartment, hot and cold water in . spaPSfuent; close in. 293 10th st, "Melrose apts." TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, also two single h. k. rooms; no children. 257 Knott near Williams ave; car. VERY nice furnished room and kitchen, pantry, and closet, hot and cold Water, light, gas and heat included in rent. '249 E". 50th. $28 ONE block -from carline, 2 furn. h. kj rooms, kitchen, gas range, fuel, phone, bath and light. Adults. Aut 316-03. $4 25 PER WEEK, single h. k. room. Heat. hot water, electric lights. 254 12th st. FURNISHED H. E, rooms. Private family, S nice, comfy ' housekeeping room. Phone, 'lights and furnace heat. SeUwood 8400. THREE furnished housekeeping j-ooms, suitable for tastily. 444 East Oak. Phone East 1136. ; 2 ROOMS and kitchenette, reasonable: waTk- tng distance. Phone East 9510. , TWO housekeeping rooms, light and cleaa. electricity and. gas furnished, $18 per month. 801 17th st, West lid. NICE cleaa 2 room apartment, .also room apt. with kitchecettte. heat, light, phon, walking distance. 685 B. Main. THREE nice cleaa rooms, furnished, h k. -ms. close in. 7S2 Albina ave. Walnut LARGE front H. K. room, first floor, beat. Lght, gas, bath, phone, cleaa bed Uaea furnished. 822 month. 674 Johnson. THREE small rooms, hght and airy, famished for housekeeping suitable for 2 or 3 aduRar- Walking distance. 424 Sd St.. cor. Ball st. CLEAN housekeeping basement room. 810 261 14th. near Jefferson at TWO light H. K. suites, aasaa aad reaaooabia. 561 Irving St. ' t TWO dean fazntahed aousekaesaac room, sink downstairs. ?20 E. Morrison cor. istn. b ROOMS, ruraasaed, parage, $28 par aaoata. 602 East 18th eou th. TWO furnished housekeeping roc-ma. 19th, -N., cor. I iav is. y , - 63 . TWO furnished hmtsekeeping room a .Imitw lng roosns. 854 Morrison. -s 1 '-'": NICE front apt.. 2 large rooms and kitchea ette; adults. 246 Broadway, kt Main, TWO very large modern front H K rrst iioor. wrta garage. 248 18th st. -LARGE furnished H K. room, kitcheoett. Cheap -rank. 283 Wash., cor. 3d. HOUSEKEEPING rooms to neat couple. 1648 Wsahoarne. Emptra 0318. 2 ROOM newiy furrt, heat aad light furs. ; Irv-i-igtoei carline; Eaat 14 7 T. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED! AND UNFURNISHED PRIVATE FAMILY 306 1 STRICTLY modern well lighted Outside ' rooans. lsandy to ,'lsath and laundry; private entrance; also two - rooms and steeping. porch; nice home: reasonable rent. 228 S. 9ArK mt t i STOP IS. iJOOK THEM OVEft l rtouekeeping , rooms, hot. cold water la 4 -rooms, furnace heat. bath. lights. and nhene; rent reasonable. Make youreelf at Borne. : j5Q Itoyt st. ;. ; King Albert. Apts." - 2 and 3 rooms, furnished or unfurnished, tile bath, elevator. 11th at Montgomery. Main 0SS. 1 t Leeds Apartments Fireproof bldg,, modern 2. S. and it roont atug-. single mm. ; elevaior service. Atw. 8597. $2.73 A WEES. farnkhed botuekeeping rooms, lights: and hath included: ouiet place. West ide. walking distanced 21ST Mill and 64 5 V ! lt st NEAR Jcffer-tcaK liish Witn private bath. separate entraiice. gust range: convenient t car and stores, j J:u-nisiied. Call- ait 1037 Heveiand gv.i i 3 LARGE, location. clean u hmuekeeping rooms, good 'East 5098. , FOR JlENT 3 ROOMS. 625 xk:elt fubnisheo h. t TJJCRMAN. WALNUT 6 IS 3. ONE large rooin . and kitchenette., breakfast nook, clean, oa SeUwood carline. Phone Set-wood 074E-., Call between 10! a. and 3 p. m. LARGE light ibqm. kitchenette and . clothes closet with siueiie r-jom, $10. Ltuai con- yntences; near school and ear; close m. TOO Jtioyt. Th Stsmf leld ; Modern 2 tottia apt, light, beat, phone, 823: winter rfate. Main 7392. THE DENNSON. 1027 i, BELMONT 3 room frnt corner, furn. apt private bath and phone, Mt. Tabor and also modern sleeping room. Tabor 0546. . LARGE f rorjt 1 rm. niee for two men or can arrange 5ort housekeeping ; for two 'people; 1 blk. ; Bdwy. car. 325 ; Wiedler s,. near East 1st st. $40 3 LOV li -icoms, well lighted, pri- vate bath 1 ad me. 1-v in reception hall, bet water Main 3705. ell the time. GLEN COURT cio roon close in Corner Park fntt Taylor. Main 1961. ADAMS APARTMENTS , Modern 2 rm. apt.. lurnihed. 403 Jef ferson. I ' SAN MARCO. MOD. APT.. E. 8TH AND COUCH,. -RM-WK. OR MO. EAST 1990. HADDON HALL. 11TH AND HALL 3 rooms, kitchenette, hath. hdw. floors. private baiconie. $35 np. Atwatcf 1160. FURNISHED bath, light room court, apartnf-nt, private nd heat, ' $30 a. montb. Th Klein Apt. loth ana BamsKk. DANDY light ptesmheated apartment, private bath; relere&css exchanged; adults. 448 Clay it" I ! 1 AND 2 rooms, steam heat, hot and Cold water. $13 and $20. Bdwy. 4293- 245 Vj N. 17th st. : ONE lumishedj housekeeping room on second floor, close in : bright and clean ; reasonable rent, 349 Salmon. UNFURNISHED H. K. rooms'. 3 roomH. K. apt, everything clean; on carlinei near S. P. shops. 8S E. 11th st. CLEAN, pleasant, sleeping room and single housekeeping room ; pleasant home and good location. 303 12th st. URNISHED Ih. andj-Kup; clote and Marketl 1 K. rooms. $1.50 "per week in. 324 s4 1st st bet. CUy Electric lights. . i LARGE . sleeping room and kitchenette, rea i sonable, for' one or two employed. 211 N. i 23d st Atjwater 3521. MODERN light rooms, with or without kitch enette; all ; new furnishings, ISO N. 24th st- Main 21f6. "SICE front lapairtment. 2 large rooms and kitchenette aaulta. 24 0 Broadway, corner Mam. THE JEFFEHY Special, my 2 room furnished - apt. 314. Close in, cor. Russell and Kerby -fast 1594.1 . N rooms.- kitchenette, $20. 867 N. 23 NICELY Tfurniiihed 4-room modern apt., close to eanine,t t-u. Atwater ioo UNION AVETab Killingsworth, furnished apt.. $24.50: all oplete; concrete Bide. SUNNYSIDE TihroeXrooms, light and airy, lights, water, phrxne. CaiJ week days 9 to 4. FURNISHED H. K. rooms, heaeed. bath. pnene. i4 Salmon st $35-t-8 FURNISHED H. K, rooms, no- chil orcn. 4Z E; OTtn. 2 NICE large Hi K! rooms, furnished, close In, modern. 786 Corbett st. x 2 NICE housekeeping rooms, kitchenette! 414 1 Fliait st Walking distance. LARGE H. K room with kitchenette. Jefferson. 294 APARTMENTS FURNISHED 307 TO SUBLET,- beautifully furnished apt. "nice living roots and dressing room,: hardwood floors: large kitchen' with electric range. tile bath. Oriental rues, overstuffed valour furniture; 'period dining room , suiter nd children; references; east side; $75 per month. Kast W945. ATTENTION Why tire yourself out looking for empty nouses ana Hats wnen yoa can : rent nice, clean 2 or 3 rocan apts., everything fur nished, for 820 month! Call at 290 H North 21st st. LARGE 4 ROOM FURNISHED APT. $50 MQNTH MODERN IT'S NICE e! Columbian 11 TH AND COLUMBIA gTS. THOROUGHLY iclean, 2 and 3 rofcm apt., sin gle rooms, day or week, hot ana cold water; steam heat. Chamberlain hotel. Grand -and rJ. i s $35 wJsGOiNER APARTMENTS $35 " 715 WAYNE, NEAB KING STREET" Entrance! haH. living room, pass pantry, kitchen snd belh. Beat and water' furniied: FOR RENT A 2 room apt., also one large single H. K. (room, cleaa and neat. Noren Apts., SOS H : Grand ave. ONE. fi-room apt. partly furnished: Hght, beat, water furnished; children wanted. 423 $ OUTSIDjE rporns, clean, Btht, airy, well furnished; fu-mace beat. East OcOS. Failing. ; Walnnt 8918. ; 2 ROOM apartments at 551 Deknm. Wood lawn car. Woodlawn apartments. Wai- nut 1150. THE STILES . . : Front 2 rooms and bath apt. hon Eaat 4847. MODEST 3 rom inside spartmeab, furnished, 2 disapp s nag , private bath, steam heat.; adults; $35. -j BZ3 K. latn. Bell. 3ie. 1 STERLING APT. Furnished 12 room apt., $14; t room $22. Tabor ROSE apts.. 3 1 rooms, private bath, A-l con dition. 414 : 2d St. 3 BOOM 1 cosy ; apt. firepiao, aleeping porch close in. 404 Park, ' ; 4 RM, APT. flat, furnished complete 204 22d J. ; - - 4 ROOM furnished, heated spC, private bath adnlts. 667 j as. Moptsoa. ALBERT apt, i steam- heat; furnished. 840 Missis-urrpi TWO room , furnished apt., Harriscci Court, a otm stain 0149 bUNNTCKESTt Steam heated Hi K. rooms. $10 up; private bath optional. 188 Sberman. FUHN1SHKO 8 r. and 8 lota.: 850 MA $26. Garage. 1DM J 8-KOOM 8pt., eompleteiy furn. 1U1 E, lBtB st-fN. 1 8Z8 per mo. Walnut 2188 MODERN room apt walking distance. Main 2863. 3 R. fur apt: elec; close in. 492 E. Ankenyl APARTMENTS i UNFURNISHED 308 BowSan" APARTMENTS CORNER 17TH AND TILLAMOOK -align f-e . .aen,t,-Jhard wood floors, ivory woedwotrk. flre- piaceif Mectx-is washing-. machias. . Janitor : ' Attractive 5-roon aparta-rentj v-t9t slant- t ,i Kw-caar , iwnrtara ar. - as 'smma a 120 mismlee to town; 8Z8. : Breadi 37 or Watnat 8642. ! PARTLY furnished 4 room igbt upper anarU ment, jbathi heat, privata entranea, est eariine. f in i -gsodara home. Adulta. SeU -tao wood 8584. 7. I IJr hp American Modern! 4 sad 8 room axiaxtaM-Bta. 21st and ; Johnson. Broadway 8866 LARGS front 1 room, .sleeosasr soreh and-ltstk light. phoiML hoc and eold water; el ess in, west Sid. 310. Aut. 630-19. ; NEW strictly -modern 8reom acaxtineiit..- eel ; noocs. I private bath, sleeping ; porchi east vide. ER-reawnabl. : Wahrot 0S00- " ; ION1AH. COCBT, 18TH AND COUCH " 4 m.1 snodrra v front corner! apti .1 blk. off Wasn. at; Adult. ;: Bdwy.- .2 761. FOR RENT FLATS FURNISHED ' 309 L UPPER flat, 3 well fornished rooms with large closet, private front and back entrance. :oJUV aide porch, private bath, free phone ; iAnmm sn. reaancabie to right party. SOX Ganten- eeta. Walnnt 484 8. 9imday. NEAR LALRELUUR3T PARK! . Attractive 4-room Uiat, linoleuat, cas range. 71 1, East 28th St., near; Stark; rent $33. See Mr. Keller. - GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 100T Teon bldg. TWO ADULTS 4-room funusked ttat. prt- vnte bath, gas. electricity, fruit aad back entrance; clean. 473 H "-Failing, j "Wal nnt 4t39. i 1 ' FIRNISHED 4 4 room apper flat ea Shaver street nea r W illiams avenue; piano, gas ranee, wash trays, wood lift, private bath ; adults only. 83S per mrmth. Walnut 4714. 5 -ROOM flat, lower, floor, furnished, vs-ater: t 1 block of Williams ave. ear; with or with out garage.' 1006 Cleveland are. COZY 3 and 6 rooms, overlooking river; heat. piano, phone, lights, garage. Call before 12 neon, 428 Lerrabee at. FOUR rooms, partly furnished ; Oat. to rent; private bath. Atwater 35 13 49T Colum bia ,t. 4-KOOlI furnished flat, beau hot water. Fargo, 'near Union ave. 394 NICELY -furnished, large, modem 5-room flat. 230 Alberta near Jefferson high school. $22. MODERN' 5 rooms, partly furnished. 998 Vi - Commercial. Walnut ,9187. IXiR KENT S room flat. aU "furnished, west side. Close in. Owner. Main 7719. 2 ROOM Gat 818. room flat $37. Walnut ' 1953. 706 Vancouver ave. FOR RENT Four room furnished fiat; aduiuv 708 Sandy blvd. . - - FUITS-UNTXIRNISHED 310 6 ROOM flat. 290 Margin st. foot of Ualsey. only 10 Hirsute waix trom union oepot. Beautiful location. $30. including water. East 36 12; i- - 1 , BEACTfFUlv room flat; . hardwood floors. strictly nssaern, penoct conaiuon, uutu only. Ihqhire 74 E. 2th N. Phon East 5070. $50. HOLLADAY ADIiITION 5 - room modem lower flat, furnace, gas range, linoleum ; walking distance. 264 E. 2d st, N., oor. Multnomah. MODERN 5 room upper flat. gas. range, water h ester and water furnished; .adults. Near WUliaans ave. and Russell st $30. East 8042. MODERN 5 room lower flat, newTy tinted, fur- nsce; west side. Main 670b.. 151 xl&mu ton ave. ; ' ROOMS, all conveniences. 13th and Clay sts.- Metzger- Parker company, 5355. Broadway MODERN 5 room flat. 606 Madison st. Fire- puee and furnace, gas range in sntcben. Metzger-Parker company, Broadway 5355. STRICTLY modern 5-room fiat. 841 E. Yam hill, 860. Metzger-Parser company, Broad way 5355. 5-ROOM modern flat, 900 Loogriew ave.. $25. Metzger-Parker company, Broadway BSS8. BROOKLYN district, clean 7 -room tipper flat. desirable district, $2i per monta. ...Broad way 5157. j 3 P.00M flats, ' $15. - 480H Union ave. 6 room bouse, $25: 386 SacTkmerito. East 2195. 1 4-ROOM modern flat, 772 H Osage ave.j 1 block south 23d and V ashington sts.. West side. Main 8S88 or Bdwy. 7883. FURNACE, RANGE. HOTWATEB HEATER $37.60 Neat modern eotv flat. 188 Hawthorne'. Phone 647-60. $35 5 ROOM upper flat, located at 593 East Ankesy st., cor. lOtb. Inquire Do East Ankerfy st. CLEAN 4-room unper unfurnished flat. 644 a Borthwick -t. Call Walnut 10 5. UPPER modern flat. 27 E. - 12th N., bet. ti. coucn and K. uurn-nde' aauits. A 2 -ROOM flat for rent at 888 N. 10th near Thurman. ' MODERN 4 rm, flat. Sear Piedmont car bams. water and garbage. $22. ' Wainut 43B9. 5-ROOM flat, newly papered and painted. Fur nace and garage, ao g.. Aayior. 4 ROOM flat, newly decorated. 360 William ave., corner Broadway. FLAT for rent J15 Powell Vslley road. corner 15 th st. lutomstic 643-61. 3-ROOM modem flats, garage. $25. 5 71 Union ave., near lussell: sdulta.. East 2195. THREE Oats. 3 roosos and hath; new building. 22 8 Dixon, one block from Broadway DriOge. 4-ROOM upper flat: for rent; 687 Gantenbein near Cook. Walnnt 0253. HOUSES -FURNISHED 311 MODERN,' newly furnished bungalow in Bos CSty Park. No. 678 East 64tnst. M... near Sandy blvd. and carline. 7 rooms besides bath room with tub and shower and 2 in closed sleeping porches. Full concrete base ment with furnace, electrio. range, firepace, hardwood floors, double gar-ege, lot 100 feet front with lawn, trees, plants and shrribbery. $100 pea month. Inquire 605 Corbett bldg, Main 5744. $ H si CENIC LODGE COTTAGES rx 4 Heights terrace, fine view 6f moun- and city. 20 minutes walk to heart i 01 cixy bs to nan street csr oa asomaoa - .. . . . ... s at lltbNlSth st.. 2 blocks west.. See to a ppreciate.vR educed rent for winter. 6 ROOM, well furnished house with garage. plana, fireplace and hardwood floors, $75 a mo. Will lease for 1 year. 592 E. 10th st- Iff., between Knott and Stanton. FURNISHED house of 7 rooms, 1 block south of Lombard st and school: Key at 296 Lombard st, west of Peninsula ave. Wal nut 6273. FOR BENT 5 room house, nicely furnished. gas. electrio hght, bath, wasn tubs, nice basement. 801 Michigan, ava,- 1 block from car. Walnut 6708. . WEST SIDE Furnished bouse for rent, ell eonvenisoes, 1 block to oariines. only re liable persona considered. Phone Atwater 1069, after 9 a. m. Sunday. J GOOD 8-roora hoase. partly famished. 4419 44th street southeast, 8 blocks "to Wood stock car; $40. Key 'next 'door, south or phone owner. Wsltrat 5194. WILL BENT 6 good rooms, partly fur- , nifheo. lor . to reliable oomuo, in '.home with widow; separata rooms. -4431 63d ave. S. E. . " , FOB month of Nov., 6 room, beautifully fur- rushed bungalow in ttose utty, ' modern, hardwood floors, tils shower, electrio washer, etc., $90, Ant 310-10. FOR RENT Modem - bungalow, partly fur nished, garage, 2 lots; hard surfaced st, fruit, chicken house; $40. 6021 55th ava. B. E. Call 9 a. m. to 3 p. m. 5 ROOM modem housa, furnished. Fuel ia 'basement. Chicken if wanted, 880 montb, $25 with security. 6403 88th ave. S. 8V. 1 block to ear. BOOM furnished house la Alberta district, for leass, 1 roar, or will sell. Easy terms. Walnut- 8521, NICELY furnished 5 room bungalow, furnace, reference wanted. 1173 -fi lamhlil No children; s 9 COMPLETELY furnished T room house, T20t IS. 36th at. M. Inquire r. C Barnes, GUI Lewia-bldg. Bdwy. 812f rant 875. PARTLY furnished modem boose, nicely 1c oatad, 1 block from car on paved street, 840 per month. Phone Auto. 618-80. 6-ROOM bouse, fine condition, $25 per gnonth. tttJJ4jaf.Lt at rtt M jdrlL. 274 Stark St. FOB RENT 6 room oottage, furnished, mod rn, 4136 63rd st S. EC Mt Scott car HOUSE and 2 acre to rentv 26 minute out on east atrie a. Ir. electric; partly furnished. Call Mr. Myers. Seliwood 3983. S ROOMS; bath, sleeping tent house, large (round, fin view, suburban, rood oar service. wwego en. THREE zooms. Alberta, r Kennedy .echoed. Children welcome. Aaruy rura-aked. 815 Bdwy. 5162. FURNISHED housa for rent. Five blocks from EvsTrreca station. Adult. - J. M Hoover. MODERN 4 room, beautifully, furnished bun gslow, in University park' d strict, $36; saerxgei--rars:er- uo., isqwy. aao&. . j 7 ROOM bouse, partly famished, and garage: rum location, oa tn Mt seou cat-line-,' 4938 72d st. S. E Call at filling station. . ( BOOM furnished housa. to board owner. 1645 Willow st. M. V. car. Call at 63d st. 4 sariJjoa BENT Modera 6 room hoase, partly fur aishedt furnace. 1676 Belmont at. 6 ROOM house, furnished, $50. 15 E. 15th at. off Burnswe. Call 46 E. 7th st. 4 ROOM furn. house fox rest. 1 5th st. Phone Aut. 648-6 1. 628 East 6 ROOM t-wncalsrw. tier St.. $40. Fornislud. 1054 E. A0- 7 BOOM bouse, gas, lights, adult. $30. : 104 Dwawn, tot. nut. yarn. SSt 1778 5 ROOM furnished hous and 4 JoU for iavul 783 Bidwell ave., Sellwood. lAWEU floor, modem. . 7 raosia, completely iHraanei. piano.- gsraae. - aa I MY home, modem" 6 loom,' furnished, furnace. FOR RENT CJean furnished houaa. wanted. 4909 7 5th at. 8. E. FURNISHED hoase W rent, .west aid southT Phone Atwater 4431. Water. 6 BOOM house, with garage,, far rent, $30 per cm, vo v r. cverexi. 5 KMS., aacoly fumuihed, garage. , dula Lu- FOR RENT 1 HOUSESFURNISHED 311 t ENGLISH JIANOB HOME ?':-' ROSS CITY PARK ' , Irn posing aad pieturesqae, aome thing of the associated charm of a ma nor bo-ee; anusnaUy rare with its ter raced gardes, arched . pergola, draped with wistaria; ' thrre-auarters acra of sTTonnd. facing six streets, overlooking the whole city, ix From a large reception ; hall you eater threugh French doors to ivineT room. 18x28. siiparated front the , dining room 16x20 by an area. From , their windows, xl2, you haws a splen did view. Large library, Luxemberg kitchen with Pullmaa breakfast room. 8 bedrooms in whits, every one a sleep- , lug porch; the view from every window . is a f rained picture. Sector heating sys tem costing . $2000, maid's - quarters, oompletely fiicui&hed throtighoiit, baby- grand piano, electric washer, vacuum cleaner aad aU other modern electrical appliances, ' garage; . $128 month. 1388 Wistaria veJ jf iPhon' Tabor 1454 between 8 and 10 a. m. add & and 10 p. m. i: ' " H0USES-4JN10JRNISHED 312 J GOOD, modem ; 8 Toom house, hardwood floors, furnace,' full basement, can be used by 2 families; large garage for 4 .machine. 127 E. 32d st. Also -good, modern 7 room house, 4012. E. 47th at, S., $30. Msiu 6Ui or iTa- , bar 3824. - .; SPRINKLERED WAREHOUSE on tra&age. Store your good with us. Let U4. dp- your moving and packing. .- - CLAY S. MORSE. INC. ' Bdwy. 8470. 454 Glisan st. MOVE. THE" SECURITY WAT -... . Extraordinary Service " ' For the ordinary price. PACKING. MOVING. STORAOT? SECTtRITY STORAGE & TRANSFER CO.. 4th. at Pine- sc. Opp. Multnomah hotel. Telephone Broadway 8715. 7 BOOM house, modern, newly tinted, extra niee fixtures, fruit aad berries. 6 room modem house, Dutch kitchea.' fire place, garage and other conveniences, bota close to school and carline. Call at 4230 65th st. 8. E.. or phone Aut. 6,28-88. FOR- RENT 4 room modern with garage. Both and E. . Grant- Rent $33. 8 room bxlise 'with garage, on 48th are. and 67U st Rent $3. P. LARSE 6538 FOSTER BOAD. Aut 638-30 loffice. Aut.' 636-01. home. FOR RENT T-thjnes, is 4 rotms, $20. at 200 Boundaf, st (Fulton) . 1 is 6 rooms at 6519 Woodstock ave, $30. Will Call at office Monday. ' , RALPH HARRIS CO., ! 816 Chamber of Commerce. Bdwy. b654'. LOVELY 7 room bonv 311 ,E. 60 at., op posite reservoir, ga range in kitchen, fire place and furnace, 'garage, etc , Metxger- ParkeT Co.. Bdwy. 6 3 50. MODERN bungalow, combination living.- and joining room, with fireplace, 2 bedrooms, Dutch kitcheui ctjnent basement with laun dry trays.' 1072 jE. 13th st. N. ; FOR RENT 6 -room modern house, 583 Clinton st.; 8 rooms, ,491 E. 10th; 6 rooms. 532 E. 15th st.; 6 rooms, 614 Woodward ave. 824 Front ... Main TS08. t-S-ROOM house. 31st and Belmont. $32.60. 7 -room hoase, Belmont and E. 32d st.; good condition. $35. W. IL Saw tell. Tabor 1811. i ' y ,.- WBIJ KEPT eight-room' : house. firepUca, furnace, al duping porch , etc. ; close to car and schooL Rent $5.5.- 688 East 43d Bt, north, or call 643i72.; . FOR RENT 6-room house, full, basement, connected to sewer, close to car. G. Hofstrand. 1382 Greeley st. ? Walnut 6965. FOR RENT Sew Duplex house just com pleted, modern, electric range, garage, fur nace, fireplace, reasonable. 370 -E. 12th st. S.,- Ladd's addition. Phone East 3084. FOR RENT Modem 6 room bouse with bath, full cement basement, fruit and flower, win ter's wood In, $25 per month. Call Sell wood 2024. . 7 ROOMS and sleeping porch. Home newly painted and redecorated throughout. 12 old fruit trees. Rent reasonable. - Opportunity to rent rooms. 1171 Hamhorne ave. TO RENT 2 -room bouse to rent to Protest ant family, 2 blocks from good school. In quire at 1292 E. 83d st, N. after 6:30 p. m. or Sunday. ' ' '; FOR RENT or sale, new 5 room house, nook. fireplace, hardwood floors. Alberta district, rent $40. 321-08. " 8256 ROOM house, 4 rooms down, 2. up; garage. 1 Blocs otl stark at Otto, 101 o East Oak. - 6 ROOM house and garage on Sherman at. bet Fifth sad Sixth, west aide. $45. Phoes Main 3810. Oak Grove 176W. WEST SIDE 7 zdbm honse for rent, for in form an on call at 405 pittock block. Phone Bdwy. 2844. GOOD 6 room house in Rose City Park; elec tricity and gas, hardwood, $30. Atwaier 4378. Sunday East 7809. YORK EXPRESS AND TRANSFER CO. Trunks, baggage, furniture moving. $1.50 and $2 per hour. Broadway 7688. ' ' PIANO MQVING $3, furniture $2.50 per hour; A uiru, i . . inuwN , i ,.. vail suwa Transfer Co.. East 5047. CUT BATE FCRNITCRE MOVING Fireproof Storage 15 Days Free LONG DISTANCE HAULING. Bdwy. 2445. 7 LARGE modem rooms, 109x200, abundance of fruit and snaae tree; Oasco furnace; only $35. 5417 69th st,x8. E. , FOR RENT Small house. - 4 lots. Oregon City car. Evergreen Station. 3 Inquire at Merriott,. Oatfield read. ; fi WHES MOVING, city or country, geti the best at lowest prices, Green .Trans. . Co., Mam 1261. 3t"ZH Aiaer st. 7-ROOM new lifome, 72d st-, now vacatiV for lease witn tnKxom of purcliase. 411 Cbam- Der comineece. FURNITURE MOVING, $2 PER HOUR; 2 M1N; P1A0 $Z AND CP; LARGE 2 4 , 1U.1 TBUUS. SA9 1 DU11. WHEN moving, call East 5026. WV-,con- 1 tract your job or $2 per hour, and f ur nish 2 men. ; - j . - NEW 2 -room bouse. 9 blocks from end of Mt Scott oar, Gilbert road; modem. Sell wood 8755, after 8:30 p. m. ... FURNISHED 5 room house and acre, near Ov wego lake. Wood tn shed, rent reasonable. McGregor's plaoe. Lake Grove station. ' MODERN 5 room house, garage, bkfst room. newly painted and papered, a stoves. - There Sunday. 801 E. 80th. S-. nr. Francis -ave. $22.50 MONTH Modern 4-room flat and gar- igt; $20 6-room aenii-modern houssv Tabor 1697. ' -'-'i $500 ROOM house, modem,- furnace, fire- piace. gas range. 0B2 liavis. Bear Wash, Bdwy8225. - . . - FOR RENT Oregon, Electric. 24x30 'bolt housa and half acre of ground. 828Wi ter at 5-ROOM cottage on paved street, good district; at $15 per month. Phone SeUwood 1107. 9 ROOM Bouse, 6-room oottage. Call East S04O. Monday. SIX BOOM housa for rent 1031 E. llta at north, ' - NOV. 1ST --Modem five room duplex housa. 878 E. 54th st Phoae Tabor 8970. $32.50 3 ROOM modera boas. 1136 E. 17th N. garage. FOR BENT 7 room house, modern, $20. 6T5 82d st . Take Rose City Park car. MOVING Large trhick for . furniture. tl.CO per hour, special men. - Main 8058. ELEGANT 7 room, .dose in. furnace. $35; owner there 2 to 4 p. m. . 829 E. 11th So. 6 BOOM modem house, newly tinted. . 790 Kelly at. 1 block from N. .- V 3. car. FIVE ROOM house, all convanieoces, 410 East' 1 Oth st.j -.a.:.:". . - -L.f. WHEN moving call Tabor 0256; we-contract your job, or " by the hoar. - - FIVE ROOM-house for rent,. 518. Nov. 1st 60 E. 8th, near Oak. '' MODERN 8 room, unfurnished, central east side. M-248, Journal. FUBNITUBE moved, 310. 4 - ar 5 Pranks, ruc znone Walnut BIQ8, 5-ROOM hoase, . 325; gas, electricity, bath, 87 37th st SeUwood 2363. Beachrest. 3 BM. house, nice yard, besemeug, gs, electrio - lights, on ML Scott carline. Aut 632-01. GOOD 6 room house for rent Close in. Wal- ': nut 8437. . - . - ' 4 BOOM house. 846 E. Ash. near 28th at. eo.. sjtowa conmuga. wamnit bos FOR RENT 7 room house and garage, on WTlliam ava. " Phona Walnnt 0220. - S BOOM modem bungalow. Alberta district 606 Killmgwos-th. Phone Walnot 4762. T ROOM aodeim aaagalow. 340. 268 Shava willisas svew SMAIJ. house. Multnomah nation, tor rant w Ml CaU East "2 11 8. 5-ROOM btuigsJow, 885 , , nsotUh. Phoos stain otru.. 10-ROOM, house, . 489 K. 224, at $25 per month.' West side. " ' COUNCIL CREST 7 f.xhoue, sua room; - Carage. 449 Sbertock Mdg. ' MfrflFRX Mia sum, wrsJIrmf imt.n adult only. 82 K. 7tfa. near Qpav 5-ROOM house, dose in. $18 per njonth, 165 Wood st 7-ROOM. modera house, good eonditios, "488 Fust st CaU evening. Bell 1640. . a-itfL-uji ouage to rent,, Aovstaoer l. Lios tu. west sua..- xnixuire iisi. FOR RENT I HOUSES UNr URNISHED 312 - FOR BENT i : Eight room modern housa.' AU nice large Jooms. 2 bedrooms and bath on firs floor, ! 3 room BP: large attio, full cement bese"- ' asent; lot 125x100; aaragev flowera lawit. fruit Will rent for-$3 mOoth: vacant: 3 , blocks from St,' Johns carune, 1 1 1 8 Syia- -ausa, aear Burr' st, 8TEWABT ok J01TSSOV . . -t ' 61 Northwestern Bank Bklg- ' 8556 BOOMS, hardwood floors, furnace, etc. Located 893 E. 44th N A block aoathr Bos City tar. 1 . 87ft r-New. ultra s atodsra booralow, eom . ,.--rleta la cwery way.- I IrVingtoo iot - tioa. 536 E. 18th at. N. - ' . A. G. Teepe -Co. " ' Bone Ctty pfHc--. 40th Sandy. TtW 9o6. FOR RENT iUOiiE.fMTT Xw 6 room busirali-w, modern hi evet-v detail, hardwood floors, breakfast Book - and lJUtca kttcncB, farnaca, nreplaoe and remont baaameBt. Will give lease. , Only 850- prr month. - Call--'--' I - , 1- - . - httx vn to una . . ; : 211 Rail-lay Ex. Bidg. Vidwy. 3626 ILL lease- modem. Laurelhuast borne of 7 rooms and sun porch; also 1 garage, for one year.- Located 4 blocks frx-m park. Call at 1184 -E. OUsan and 8(ih it, after 2 v- m.. ounaay. Aauiss ireierred. FU RN ISIiE D 5-room bouse, near station. $2 if? a also several unfurnished - bouses. C- E. Apple, phoae 113-W, Oak Urove. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE FOR SALE 313 6 ROOM flat, magnificently furmalwd, immac '. nlately clean, just newiy renovated. Rngs, and 'eVers-thing are abeohitely -in first class . shape. Sacrifice for cash or will give terras -- to a rssponsibla party. 433 Taylor. Main , .6628. " - ; 5-ROOM house for rent, 4 25 per montli . walking distance from, business district; for ' nitare for sale, including Buck's -combination range: mast sell at oaioe. leaving . mty. 226 - Sherman st. -- ; f-ROOM; HOliSK, modera couveuiances. ck " ut; west sine, suitable 2 ' taauliea. or more; will" eas; furniture for sale;, in good condi tion; 2 garages, 621 eth t Aut 520-81. 2 BOOM "apt. for rent and Circassian - walnut - bedroom set, gag. -range aad everything cacu - plete; no ageofsv Loreuao apt.,-427' Sal- mpn st. V -.-.'..VI-' . -- 5. 6-ROOM flat,! mahogany aad overstuffed fur niture, whits ivory bedroom sets. '$650 rash. .Brat $49, Excellent furnace. Owner. Atwater 2502. ; FUR N IS 1 1 IN S of 11 rooms, in a two fist . bnilding. it 00m at -rented, ilnctwne now $75. Will sell' all separate. 41all Sunday after , noon, 128 N. lAth-sC , . WEST SIDE ' . " Six large gright rooms.! bath, completely furnished, all new. Sacnnce. 266 12th st. NEAT 8 room bungalow for - rent, with garaii - sd some furniture for sal ; ao children. 4124 68d ave.- S. BL . ((-ROOM house for rent, fumitur for sale: . . furnished H. K. 'rooms; a bargain. 06S . Williams ave. East 4787. . ' -' ntodero. garag. su liable for boanl- lng iieuse, rooms; income rays rent. Pliouo SundsWoniy, Walnut' 8068. HOUSE f ofreut, furniture i for sale ; a np. 816 r.-ugen. i l FOR SALE Furniture for 1 rooms and house for rent. 800 Montana ave, ' RENT $15, 5 rooms. 500. close to high and graded schools. 4 80 loth St. ' 8 ROOMS,- well furnished, j good income aqd nice homeC 143 N. 16th st. " -. K, STORES i AND I HALLS 314 Ti lease" Have several fine store to lease, right in the heart .of west- aide-- business district. Suitable for, any cf the following llm-s: Shoes, music store, jewelry, . ladies' or gents . wear, et. See Mr. , Fulton, witlr W. M. VUmbdenstock oc Co., f!0 Oregoci bldg. - j Bdwy. 1658. fda. RENT Reasonable, itiace I for barber etiop. 110, 4th, nr. Waahino-too. " Bdwy.. 7-6L8. - : -, - ( .-'I'--. : FOR RENT Store in -prominent location lu business district, one door from -Washington street, rent reasonable; lease. 117 2S at. FOJt RENT "chee-P, store, rooms, partly 'fam ished. $8 month. Davis. 646 Alberta. STORK space near Washington at.', long leaaeT -$50 per ulofith. 202 Failing bldg. i BAKERY shop fur rent, equipment for aaia. 109 Failing St. I . - FOR DESIRABLE space in fireproof wars bouse, .phone Bdwy: 8716. I OFHCES DESK ROOM 315 TWO rooms, newly decorated, suitable for , doctor or .dentist's office, heated by gas radiator, best location ion east side;; will stive 6-year lease. 360 William ve. cor. Broadway. .- - -' : I-- PESKtBOQifT:. with teletriione and stenographic service. ' Phone Bdwy. '3715. MISCELLANEOUS 319 FOR RENT Space in Card room, suitable for 1 or. 2 -chair barber shop. -284 N. 4th St . . -r" ..- .j " WANTEDTO RENT : ROOMS WANTED 1 or 2 rooms to rent,-near 80th and Division.- BeVL 2!82. ROOMS AND JBOARD 352 WANTE14 -Room . ami beani by office . man, walking distance ; placw where there ara btber boarder. ' K'240. Journal. v APARTMENTS y 357 WANTED By Nov.-; 9 , 8 -room furnished apartment and garage: wprefer east slue; adults-, must : b reasonable, . D-245. Journal. ' - ;' I i- - WANTEB A 3 room apt. must as reason Cble. n wast side. M-220, Journal. V' i i i ii in j. HOVSES J . V , 361 LIST your ho-ses and tiats with'u for rantT W have many daily icalls (or thent In all parts of the city. PAKRISii, .WATK.INS & CO.. 252 Stark st Main 1644. WANTED, to re ul or Was house, preferred - between Felida and Vaacoiaver. on with acreage and chicken bouse., 765 Tacoma ave., Portland. : I , " - WANTED To rent large house near Holms n school Mam B8Z8. i WANT ' large- house fur I rooming or hoarding -house. Main 1484. I Will .lease. V REAL ESTATE FOR SALE BUSINESS PROPERTY ' j 401 BUSINESS' CORNER. 140x20(1 E. - 28th and Stark; all improvements .In "and - paid. - Must be sold st a acnfi-v. Office open Sunday. J - ' ; Johnsbn-Dodson ' Co: 1 ' 8t K. W. Bank BM. Main 3787 INCOME PROPERTT CLOPE I.? ' On East Side. Price $7500; rent 878 per month, 84450 mortgsge at 6 per cent, will exchange equity. lor teaknnce or clear acreage near the city, -i ' ---. ;rt JOHN M. . KROO CO. . ' 412 WUcox Bldg. i Broadway 1378. ' , ! FOB SALE Building 25x75 feet 14-ft ceil-." - ing. suitable fog store, on" mala street Four: living; room In rear K part terms if takn,, at one. Liberty Theatre, Warreatoa, Or. . v APARTMENTS ANdTlAT PROPERTY 402 A: SAFE INVESTMENT CLOSE IN Four-flat bnilding l on Larrabe st. ) . south of Broadway ami close to east p roach Broadway bridge, 4 rooms, slsepst, porch and bath in each flat hardwood floors In entranea balls, hvinr and diniivi-i - rooms, arnarata basements and furnace-, i lot -50x100. Price $10,000, good term wl 1 E. M. BROWN . -s'i. 112r?N W. Bank jBldg. Main 2422. TO CLOSE sttata,, 100x100. northeast c r - ner 14th aad Taylor, i west side. Et 2195. LOTS 403 w AAA v m gooa ways , ra lots in ail parts or toe city. Bee ing oelor yon buy. Olti ie open; Soaday. si Johnson- idn Co. 688 14. W. Bank bldg.: Ms!n-378P"' ' t ALBINA CORNER SNAP ' " V -' KOx-100. Iocs tad en the N.. W. corner of Ossas-aal and Shaver, ail imprtiveiisia la and paid.- Prica 81050. HtlTTER, LOWS, at CO.. REALTORS. 201-2-8-6-7 Board of Trada Bldg. B.OSE Cm DISTRICT. $350 Level SOxlOO lotion E. 71st east front, -18 ft north of Fairing tt HENI'ERSON-BANKUS fO ; -228 HENRY BLDG. - BDWT-4754 NEAB UNION AVE. " , ' 100x100. on Rodney Ave., 50 ft south mt fUrtdmore. $20O buys-it. BJTTEK. IX) WE eV .QO.. RrTALTOHS. 201-2-8-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. "i ' ' BT OWNER, 60x118.. Alsmeu. Park, t front ! Improveinent ,jaid. . - F-at , 033:, -yT weokdsys. . :' "-)'. "' . ''-..-. -SWEIJj lot' in GartiiWk.. clieai. .. I.:ii:- i Vfcack'Eaif; tAttt 834-14 auire t - s, Hotnwa , xAst 12 A.. - , i. '", . "". - " . - --' -- f - - i 1 8 . v. -., t lijfS.' .-,-Vi.' . 'ir' '-" ': V,'