The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 28, 1922, Page 16, Image 16

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ast S&ell&f
.'-'.T '.'ft?- T
Workers to
una ay
oois omorroy
at : AFortland S
.' " . .
rf-ilnat -Kear East ReUef speJOt
ers" wtU - address SO' Portland f Sunday
schools tomorrow morning-. Mors than
5f) other schools will near the as peal
' t , "from the world's most tragic corner
oV the two following Sundays.
Mrs. Kuth Adams. Sundays school
secretary f Near East Relief, states
" " that practically all Portland, schools
are looking: ahead and planning gen-
erous contributions td the children of
' the Near East at or near the Christ
mas season. Last year 218 contributing
Sunday schools ofc Oregon Averaged
$ 11,75 each for Near Bast Reliet, a
total of more . than- ,9000. It is ex
pected that contributions will be in
creased greatly this year to meet the
needs of 11Q.0C orphan children in
Near Kant Relief orphanages, whose
supplies for the coming, winter have
been' sadly diminished to meet - the
emergency call-rfrom Smyrna.' ri Kvery
Sunday school gift of $60 means life
for one chilQ for one year, . "
"Sunday school gifts aret- aiding
literally to " "pick ships out; of ' the
airV said Mrs. A,dams. "Wireless is
a modern medium of age-old maelfas
' By itV magic words spoken in New
York jjjirect the picking up of - food
sJsipaTn mid-Mediterranean. It is the
- magic wand that diverts ships -fwith
precious oargons of nourishing food.
. from their original destinations ;and
transports thena to the islands and
shores of the Aegean sea, where starv-
inif, .humanity waits in pitiful hunger.
The wand is -waved by. the spirit of
''-i, ' Christian giving in America through
t. Its representative, the Jvear East'Re
.Jief. Four UmjtMs wand has been
waved and four times ships with their
cargoes have been .pWfeed up in mirf
. t; ocean and gent to save thousands of
refugees on the Aegean shores. The
latest Is. the 6teamer Orient, carrying
2000 tons of flour to feed Greek
refugees who, according to ther latest
cable from Premier iVenieelos. number
,more than , 1,000, CStf suffering Chris
tians. Near East Relief headquarters at 613
-Stock Exchange building will gladly
give further cooperation in the way
.r. , of Sunday school speakers. Hteratyre
or'sugjeptions for Christmas' plans if
superintendents will telephone Main
V 2178. : -
, ' .
The Warren-Collins revival meet-
.. . ings; which have been In progress for
eeveral weeks at the Christian and
K . : Missionary Alliance tabernacle. East
' ; - Ninth and Hancock streets, will con
clude Sunday. Services will be held
at. H a. m., 2:80 and 7 :30 p. m. ;
Centenary Wilbur
Methodist Church
. , XR. MaeCAlfSHET .
Spwial Music at Each Services
First Congregational
9'dmy ansT; I. J. Cars to Block of Church."
11 A. M, "Paying for the
- '. World's Betterment."
8:48 A.'m. --CHURCH SCHOOL
SCND1T, OCTOBER 29, P. St. .
S02 Central Building, 10th and Alder
Inquirer's Clu Thursday Evcsms. Oct. 28
8bject; "THE COMINCr AOE."
'PUBLIC invited!
Calvary Presbyterian
Rev Br B, Sutcliffe, Pastor
: 11 A. M. "The ChirrcB la Connection
'. Vith the SecoBd Coailajg of Christ."
i i'.t P. 11 "Paul's Prayer." i Eph. t
Sunday At te moon Uetinc for Ilea. Only. 3:30
-. 1 ".. OCTOBEK 29TH '
All yaoi; men cordiaity inWtad. -
First Baptisthitt
11H0 A. M- "DOES JESUS CARE?" Topic of ; Dr. Viflere "ser
mon Quartet: Fear Not O Israel," utdesns
; Cares for;-You."' -' -';.;; -,i : f..r ." .
7:45. P. M.TIIE. HEALTHFUL .CHRIAN isaiers
" Topic. Twenty minute SONG SERVICE, led by WiK
' liam Mansell Wilder and the Male Qtsartet.! SPEr
r- CIAL FEATURES: Duet (Male) and Chorusv "How '
Tenderly He LeadethN Me"j Male Quartet, 'Remem
ber Me, O Mighty One"; Mixed Quartet, "Sing HaUev
IniftK Frtrh ' .''"- ' .-k i
The present condition of thelirorld affairs is la exact furflllrnent of Bible v
prophecy, whtch-i aUo points out the reconstruction Drogram i tliatv will f
brtnaTj aboutthe.desre of all nations. . x : -:- :; ,v'lK: ri' I
Everyone should hear this interesting .; lectore hr 4 .j t ';?i":' !'.; I
": . Sundayi ,7:30 P. M.
v lit "Street, Between
$bats :a5 - ' ;
(Episcopal' Leaders
of regon rganize
t a t ewi 3e I rive
' : - , t - ; j . : . :
I Diocesan organiiation t put oyer the
oatlonwida campaign in j Oregon has
been jcompleted" by Episcopal leaders.
During the coming; weeli.i conferences
are to be held ia eVery parish and mis
sion in the diocese, where the study
groups will be organized, after which
the campaign will' begin m earnest -7
The nationwide campaign is a great
educational movement ; , aimed to
quicken the seal" of the f laity in the
work of the church. A six .weeks'
study class is to be organized 'in each
parish td more effectively bring the
benevolent .nd educational enterprises
to the-iattentton. of the ! membership.
The campaign will close with a finan
cial and. personal service canvass. The
national church has asked the Oregon
diocese to raise 13.000 this year to
promote the missionary j.. benevolent
and educational enterprises of the de
nomination. " ! - .
Wilson Johnatoa, M. Bt, of Portland, is
(neral tltirmui of tha nationwido campaicn
cxecutiw,' eotrfmfUee- tor thiii dioceae. The
committee inclodaa all members of the church
extension etStunittee and the chairmen of all
othe committees,- BepreaenttiTe from the
clerioU orier on this committee are:. The
Venerable Jay Ctaod Black, archdeacon, chair
man of the .-opmmitoee - on peake(a' and in
formation; the Re-Ti t Thomas Jenkuis, rele
tons. education: the Very Eer. Horace 'St.
Ramsey, prayer. Worship and Bible, sttldy;
the te J, (i.- Hatton social aerriees ; the
Re. r. jC, Taylor of Astoria,! preeehtno- mjf
- K- Rat. VL M TJiark rhaita and -mace:
"ihe BeT. E. T.. Siaapaon o CorraUis,. the- Ke.s!
Oswald W- Tsylor of Portland, the Her. E.- G.
Jenninzs ot Eugene, tjie Ber. W, B. ;Hamfltn
of Medford. the Bey. W, ES Oooper of Msrjb-
field. the Rer John D. Rice of Portland, th
He H. tii ;hAmbcrs of Salem, and the - Rev.
J. H. do and of Oreeon City.
- Representatives from the lay order are:
David if. Botsford, publicity;; W. J. Bums,
finance; W. H. Bliss, motor orp; Dr. H. C.
Fixott, social actaTities; W. Fi Tarner, trans
portation; Blaine B. l oles, Teception; William
Whitfield, preparation of program; Carl Den
ton. ' music; Mrs. Wilson Johnston, study
e'-assev ' S- JkV. tlastinxs, treasurer; John W.
Uethaby, executive secretary; Bodney I Klisan,
Dr. S. E. Joeephi. Mri Dorcas E. Hallam. J.
W. lianone. Dean Vincent and C. N. Hog
sfns. ; 1
Women Aid Work for
Christian Colleges
. The women of the -various Protestant
denominations, particularly those whose
interes J center -about the foreign mis
sionary nftvement are indentlf ying
themselves;-" ia a prominent way with
the Oregon -campaign on behalf of the
seven -funion Christian colleges for
woman' .in the Far East, the objective
of which is: to raise $10,00$ Oregon's
allotmehtof the I3,0(K),000 fund which
is now being raised by the women or
America as an endowment for these
institutions.. Mrs. Charles W. Williams,.
executive secretary- or the .North pa
cific district of the Women's Board of
Foreign Mrions of the Presbyterian
church, is Chairman of the executive
committee r the drive. Mrs. Wallace
MacCawant heads up the denomina
tional group and the individual denom
inational groups are headed- as fol
lows : Episcopal, Mrs. .Wilson John.-
ston ; jfresDyterian, Mrs.-, K,- iSmltn ;
Congregational;- Mr 3. W. H.Jhillips ;
Methodist, Mrs. Matt Hughes T Baptist,
Miss May Shogreni -TOnited-'Presbyter-ian,
Mrs. A. E. Welch -j. C3irlataji, Mrs.
J. D. Boyd; Lutheran, Mrs. F. H.
Pageler ; United Brethren, Mrs. E. B.
. ' : - , -
During the last few weeks the sub
ject for the Sunday afternoon session
of the Portland Union Bible, classes
has been Paul's epistle to the Gala
tians. The teacher is Dr. B. B. Sut
cliffe. This class is held' at 3 :30 p. m..
Sunday, 'in order that it may cot inter
fere with the evening services fn any
of the churches. It meets in Calvary
Presbyterian church and is interde
nominational in character.
Success in the experiment . of a summer
school tpr soldiers is- announced by the Pres
byterian board of foreign missions in a report
made-public today. Thia reboot n conducted
at Peking university for the soldiers of "the
Christian general." Feng Tu-niang, on a 12
hour day schedule, . covering eight boors for
practical study, two for study and notebook
work, on for lecture on chemistry and- one
for meals. The officers from General Feng's
1 1th division took a special - training in the
department' of leather tanning. They aw to
return to Eaifeng to establish a tanning shop
and to pass on the instruction to the private
soldiers. "
SI) sum vs. as, mmnma, staaanai
TsSO P.; M. "THE
Thursday Erenlnc,
SteseopUean Lee
tore, "Inttta."
. .IkUNISTBaC: . ii r
- "" . - 11 a. m.. - ' -Thl
Conquering Host of GoAJ
K : .' T:SO, .- M. K -.
"Chi-ist's Moving Pictures."
B. Y. P. U. :1S P. M. v '
(East' Morrison, or Hawthorn Ave, Cars)
6:30 PVM-B. T. P. Ifr
- f - WlfO. W. temple "
Traahlagrtom aad Alder ,
STtrDESTS' AS?90CrtATI03r?,X?
: 1 i fl "l
Smpbrtant ews
"Baptist' -
Third Baptist ehureh members - are
encouraged with the - progress of the
work this falL Good eon gre gat ions are
attending- each Sunday and indications
are that a successful year - of work
is ahead. :- Repairs to the church' have
been commenced, which Include reno
vations , to the , roof : and a coat of
paint to' the exterior of the buildhs.
Further' advance ia belne made I by
the -niacin sr of church notice and bul
letin boards .around the neighborhood.
am tne cost . ot tnis, wnicn is aooui
$600.'isbelnfr carried -above the reg
ular expenses-and is being- raised by
prayer. . Pastor W. Arnold Bennett
announces that in two weeks $405 has
-beeh handed , into the -treasury In . an
entirely voluntary manner, a special
prayer meeting- was held several weeks
agro and since then the money has con
tinued to come in,- and in such a man
ner, a not to affect the contributions
to other objectives. The regular weekly
prayer " meetings ' are becoming very
popular with the people. The meetings
are growing week by week. t
Tte -enlist merit BMetinss at the Arieta,pp
tist churrh .-loned last Monday- nishs with
an addeesa bv H. Amaust Uundenw. - Snndav
-licbt the pastor. Owen T. will -basin a
Benef t . aennona on tne parable or- tne ana
with two sons. These aensooa wQl be pre
ceded t, jraise servi!s led St Irvin Heinrichs.
The i ehoru, choir under vthe . direction of
i., A. FIuIpv will ainc at all th services. . The
contest eetweeh the . junior and the senior
departments of the Bible school is developwe
intenet 'in the whole schooL The aenior
departBaent, is teadinc Toe ordinance of
baptism will be performed at the .Sunday
evening- service.
r The evangelistic campaicn conducted bs
Rev. and Mrs. Itavid ; F. Nygren of Ghicago
at (Jie First. Swedish Baptist church dnmic
the past three weea will close tomorrow
night. It ia reported that the meetiags have
been well attended and that the results have
been satisfactory- sols have been saved and
the fifth' ol minr- restired. The morning
sermon ' will be in Swedish. A jubilee service
will 'be' hsld- at 3 :3 p. m. in English. At
the evening! service the evangelist wtil preach
in Ene'ifh n to subject. "PrayHie Infidris."
The young 1 people's meetinal wtil be held at
5:84, ft. m.r and at 6:30 Kght ' refreshments
will ' be serred at ' a nominal coat. This
regular featiire- of the jrlnter season of this
church has been mnrb, appreciated by those
attending the special meetings. On lea Tin?
here Rev; aniMrs. Nygren wffl proceed to.
Jiiaabatg-, .jlTT where they will be joined"
by other members - ol their evangelistic team
and will ceindnct union campaign in which
all the evangelical- -churches ' of the com
munity will unite.
At the .rtrntB.-ptist church White Temple
20th Sunday After Trinity
' "" World Wide Prohibition." Isa. 61:1-8.
Golden, Text "Righteousness exslteth a na
tion ; but sin is a reproach to any people."
Proverbs 14:34.
Christian Endeavor "A Ssloonless World,
and How. to -f vet If Epb. 6:10-18.
Epworth League "Making the Gift Effec
tive. ' RriJi. 10:14-15. '
Baptist Cnion "Menaces to American Ufa.
Isaiah 60:14.'.
. Baptist
First (White Temple) 12th st Tsylor. Dr.
T. J. Tiller.! 11. "Does Jesas Care!"; 7:4sS,
"A Healthful Christian."
East Side -E. 20th at Salmon. Dr. W. B.
Hinson. 11, '"The Cejoquering Host of God";
7i30, "Christ's Moving Pictures."
Third Vancouver at Knott. Kev. W. Ar
nold Bennett 11. "The Infilling of the Holy
Spirit"; 7 : 80, "The Thrilling Story of a Hired
GirH aa Army Captain and a Minister."
Arleta 48th are. at 4th st. S. E. .: Bev.
Owen T.J)sy. 11. "'Proving Go'": 7:30,
"Dissatisfaction f or Why Young People Leave
Home," and baptism, . -
' Cajvars E. Sth . at . Grant. Bev. J. E.
Thomas. II.1 "A Church's Great Slogan;";
7 :30. "The Question of AU Questions."
Glencoe E. 45th at Main. Rev. W. B.
Stewart. 11, 8,
Seihrood K. 11th at Tacoma. Rev. a S.;
Tunnell. 11, 7:80.
Once E. 78th at Ash. Bev. J. F. Iluekel
berry. 11,7:45.
Swedish 1 Sth at Hoyt f Rev. T. G. SjoUa
der. Evangelistic services. Preaching by Rev.
David N'veren. 1:30 (Swediskl. "God Is
t-m"H Heaven, and- ': 8 :80' (Kagliah) Ju
bilee servics;;, 7 :30 JKnglishj, rraying in
fidels." mi
St. Johns Chicago at Leonard. MT 7:30.
i Highland- E. 6th st Alberta. Rev. Walter
It. Riley.- 11 "The Stewardship of Prayer";
7:30, "Built His House."
Tabernacle B. 45th ave. st 42d st. 11,
"The World Greatest Need,"by W. P. Han
son. Mt OHvet (colored) Brosdwsy t Everett.
Rev. J. W. Anderson. 11. 8.
. Lenta 88th St. : at 60th are 3ev. E. A.
Smith. 11. "Prayer Life the Power , of the
Christian": 7 :30 "The Cowardly Tfa.
Second. German Rodney at Morris, Rev.
P. Hoffman. 11, 7:30.
Italian Mission E. 44th at Sherman. Rev
Eugene Fantetti. 2 -.80. -school: 8.
Elim Swedish E. 6th st Alberta. Rev.
Harold Nelson. 2 :S0. ' . 1
". Cathollo i ..
Cathedral 15th at Davis. Rev. George J.
Campbell. , 7:15. 8:30. :45 11.
St. Peters Len4 Rev. i. P. O'Flyn.
8i 10:30, 7:30.
-St. LAWrence Sd st Sherman. Rev. r. .
Hughes 7:15. 8:30. 10:30, 7:30.
St. Francis E. 12th at. Pine. Bev, L 'M.
McN'amee. 6, 8. 9, 10, 11.
Immaculate Heart " of Mary Willis ms st
Stanton. Rt. W. A. Daly. 6, S, 0, 1,
1 :80. -
Holy Rosary E. 8d at Clackamas. Rev.
Arthur Townley, O. P. 6. 7, S. , LI, 7 iSS.
. St. 'Rose-r-E. 53d st A la meets Rev. J. IjL
O'KarrBil. 8. 10:80. 4.
St. Andrews E. 9 th at Alberts. Bet.
Thomas Kternan. 8, 10:30, 7:80.
?-The Madeleine E. 24th at Siskiyou. . Ret.
George F. Thompson. 6, 780, . 11.
Ascension tL 76th at Yamhill. Franciscan
Fathers. 8. 10:80, 7:80-.
- Blessed . Sacrament Maryland at Blandena
Bev, B, V. Kelly., 8, 10:30, 7:30.
Holy "Cross 7 T4 Bowdoia. Kev. C. Bay
Bond. 8. 10U10, 7:30.
St. Ignatiu" 3220 48d st- S. E. Jesuit
Fathers.- 6:80. 8. 10:30, 7. t
t. Stephens E. -4 2d at Taylor. Rev.. War
ren A. Wait. S, 8, 9-.1S.-11. 7:30.
t Italy- Redeemer Portland blvd, at ' Vaa
eoufer ave. Bev. P. - Bregeaser, C. S. S. K.
S. HilO-RO. 7.-80.' - - -
L: St-'iPhilip Seria tPauhst Fatheml -E-- 16th
at Hickory. Bev4 T. .jr. Byder, u. a. f.
J:80V . 100? 7 i80.
- Church x of the AssumptUia S. Smith avet
at Newton. Bervite Fathers. 6. 8. 10 .30.
7:80-.. :,
Sacred Heart) E. 11th st Center. Rev;
Gregory.. Robl, Q, a. B. 8, 10:30, 7:30.
SL' Agatha K. ; 15th at Nehalem. Rev.
John" Cummisky, 8, 10:30. 7:30;-
SL Sanisdaua Polish) Maryland at Fail
ing. Ret. F. MatnsewakL -8. 10:30. 7 :SO. '
St. Joseph l German) 15th st Couch. Rev.
Ftowin Epper. . 8, 10:30, 7;30.
- St. Michael Italian) 4th at Mill. Rev.
M. Balesta. E. S. S:S0. 1Q;3V. 7:30.: . .-.
8L Clara Capitol HflL ' ather Aloysius,
0. F. M. 7:16. 9:18. "i
SL Charles E. S3d at Alberta. Rev; Ml
Wallace. 8.. 10:30. -
AU Saint E. 8th at Glisaa. ' Rev. Wfl
litgn Cronin. " 8. 1:30,' t 1-
- St. Patrick 10th at Savier. Rev. Charles
iL Smith. Masses. 8. 9:39. 11. 7:4.
' -SL Birgitta's Chapel Ijnnton-Glen Har
ber. (Attended Iron tit. Patricks). 6:30. -
Our Lady of Sorrow K, 52d st Wood
stock. Bev. G. a FeJJa. 8. 10:45. 7:43.
St. Anthony Chapel 702 45th are. . Rev.
G. il. Sniderhorn, 9 a. m.
Holy Family Chapel K 87th st Rex. Rev.
G. C Fsilu. , :43.
t;L;- -? Christian " - ' . "
- Sunday senloss temporarily at i the
Lincoln high, school. Park had Market streets.
Bev. Harusd Gnffa, pastor. 11, "Witnesses
te Prohibition' ; 7:45, "When Jesus" Bmit a
stomament." ( ' , - ' - j - : .
East &de l-2th sad Taylor. Rev. W.
S- CrockeU. Preaching by Rev. Floyd A.
Ross, evangelist.-; 11. "Keernms Close to the
Heart of God"; i 1:10, "The Supremacy of
iosus Ckyiit.'" . ' -I .. -
- Church of Christ Rodney and Knott. Rpt.
Joseph Boyd. 11, "The True Message"; T:SO,
The Bible Is It TVoca God?
"- MontaviUs R TOth at Gjiaaa. Rev. Fraak
I PurndL 11. 7:80.
- Kern Park Bat. C. F. Ghormley, .11,
7 ;45. ' - - . ' ': --..j'
8L Johas Cen t rsl and Oswego. Rev. Her
bert Jonas. 1 11. tS. ..-
Inglewood . 85th at K'iHncsworth. - Bev.
W. E. Lewisj 9:45. 11. 7:30. r
- BeTwood E. . - and Spokane. . Bev 3.
S. Jehrasoa. 11, 7:30.
- Advent Cinstisn 438 2d. Bee. George
Armstrong. ' 11 'Object f Chnst's Second
! CoBsisg"; C:80. Loyal Workgr! -ally. . -
Chrlstlas Sokraes - .' ,
Tessoa Sntajprt "Everlasting 'PwnffJimerit.'
. 1-iret lftth and Everett: ' 11. S. - r '
. ' Second K. Sta at IloiUdav. 1 1. 8. -
L .Thini ;. 12ta at, Salmon. 11. 8. - . -
rcurta amcouver at tmers-on.- ji, o. .-.
VJib Bii o4 42i sr. JS. K. . II. .,
: ; , ; , ; I . : y , : : i - . 1
of j9brtlancL (Bhurches: and oung' r
Senday morning. Dr. Thomas J. ViTlers will
pmaoa. and the quartet will auut "Fear Net,
O Israel." by Spicier. ;and "Jens Cam for
Ten." by Charles . Smith. ' At that eenuu
gemot 20 - xainatea af i sons; ' will be led by
William atanaell Wilder and the male Quartet.
At - the Oregon ; heajth exposition in The
Aaditorinm oa Sunday 1 aiteraoon. Dr. VUlers
will apeak on "The Spiritual Laws of Physical
Health, Vest . Wednesday afternoon at 2
o'clock. - at the home of Mrs. J. H- Sroofe.
No. 896 East 51st street Berth, the annual
Thenars offering meeting ot that women's
society will be held,' I The i program is in
charge of Mrs. T. J. Villers. Addresses will
be mads by Mrs. Uf C. Tobias and, : Mrs.
agem FanteUt ..- Music will be furnished by
a isdiae qnartet, Taader the direction of Mis.
B. P. Shepherd. ? .
At thevast Side Baptist church Sunday
at S '15 p. as. the-yonng people will conduct
s contest between groups 1, 3 and 4. eon
ducted after the manner of a ape II down,
with Mrs. VF. K. Scoxton m charge. . The
midweek service on Wednesday evening at 7:30
will bo conducted by Dr. V. B. Hmson, who
will apeak cm "The Assured KevivaL." The
women's missionary circles will - meet - on
Thursday ini the- different sections of the
city. - -' .
- ... ..
In. hlg sermon tomorrow morning to
the First Christian congregation, the
Rev. Harold H. Griff is will discuss the
temperance issue from a sociological
standpoint, , . '
All service for the day, which will be held
In the Lincoln high school, will be appropriate
to the observance of "World's Temperance
Kunriay." A special feature in the Sunday
school devotionals at 9:45 a. m. will be a
symposium oa "World Wide .Prohibition,"
presented in . the form of s responsive reading
and printed in the church bulletin. At the
young people a . meeting at 6 30 .Miss lta
Kennedy, .recently returned from (Jolumbia
Univeraty. wi 11 conduct the program entitled
"A Saloonlesa. World and Mow to tiet It.4, In
the preaching service at 7:46 the pastor will
speak on the enduring memorial of lile
Tomorrow will mark the close of the evan
BHwWe campaign at the Kast Side t'hnstian
church which -has been conducted tor the past
four - weeks by the Koss ev&ngelfstc company.
JWgoal of 6ut is-Set for the tttble school at
a4.S a. m. A panoramic picture will be
taken at the close of the school period.) Lst
Suadsy the Bible school attendance was 315.
Kvngelist Kofi will, address the adu(t classes
at t:iS0 on "Why 1 am not a Roman Cath
olic." The evangelists will give the customary
orchestra concert at 9:45 and 7 p. m. Mon
day evening there will be s reception at. the
church in order that the new members may
be greeepd and wleomed into the church. . A
short program will be given and refreshments
will be served by the sisterhood.. A meeting
of the officers and workers .in the Bible school
Sixth Pythian temple, 889 Tsmhill. 11, 8.
Seventh Smith ave. and New York. 11.
All churches Wednesday. 8 p. m. ,
- Congregational
First Park :snd Madison. Dr. W'. T. Bfc
Elveen. 11. ""Haying the Price for the World's
Betterment ": '7:4 5.- "Hie 1'rgs and Cons ot
the Cempulsorv Education Bill.: "
Sunnyside E. 32d and Taylor. Dr. J. J.
Staub. 11, "How Chri.ft's Temptations Help
Me '; 7:45, "Can ' Our Loved Ones on the
Other Side Communicate With Cs?"
Atkinson Memorial E. 29th and Everett
Rev. E. E. Flint. 11, "Christ's Defense of
the Innocent": 7:30, "Blessed Are the War
Makers, for, They? Are "' 1
Highland E. 6t and Prescott. Rev. Ed
ward Constant. 11. J'Help for the Discour
aged"; 7:30. "One Who Never Knew Defeat."
" Warerleigh Heights E. 33d and Woodward.
Rev. Oliver Avery. . 11, 7 :3.
Laurelwood 45th sve. and 65th at. S. E.
Pihrsim Missouri snd Shsver. Rev. Jsmes
W. Price. 11. 7:30. v
University Park HaVen at Lombard sL
Rev. J. Sinclair (supply). 11, 8.
Finnish- Mason -and Albina. Her. A. A.
Harju. and 8 p. m.
Sr. Johns S. Ivanhoe and Richmond. Rev.
D. Elmer Nourse. 11, 7:30.
Danish-Norwegian E. 2Sd snd Sumner.
11. 7:30.
First German Ebenesex E- 7th and Stan
ton. Rev. George Zocher. 10:30, 7:30.
Second German E. 8th snd Skidmore.
Rev. Henry Hagelgan's. 10:30. 7:30.
Zion German E. 9th and Fremont. Rev.
John H. Hopp. 10:80. 7:30.
Alameda Park Community E. 81st and
Mason.' Rev. Robert Allingham. 11:15,
"Where Is Christ Nw?"; 7:45. "The Rela
tion of Health to Religion, by Dr. C. J.
. Union Psrkrose. Rev. C. H. Nellor. 11, 8.
German Evangelical Brethren Mallory and
Beach. 10:30. 7:30. " .
Ounkard '
Church of the Brethren Borthwick and
BrsinsTU. Rev. I. V. G. Ktiverson. 11. 7, 8.
St- Stephens Pro-Cathedral 13th tnd Clay.
Right Rev. Walter Taylor Sumner, bishop.
Dr. Horace M. Ramsey, dean. 7:45. 9:45,
11, 7:45.
Trinity 18th and -Everett. Rev. A. A.
Morrison, rector. H, 11, "Our National- Obli
gations to the World": 8, healing meeting.
St. Da riili -E. 12th and Belmont. -Rev.
Thoma.-. Jenkins, rector, 7:30, 9:80.1 11,
"The Normal Church"; 7:30, post-conveBtion
St Marks 21st and Marshall. Rev.- Wv B.
Everton. rector. 7:30, 11.
St. lliilios 242 Rnssell. 10. 11.
St. Anrtrews-S-Hereford st., Portsmouth. Rev.,
John D. Rice, 8, 11 7:30.
irace Memorial East 17th and Weidler.
LRev. O. W. Taylor. 11. 7:45.- I
T. . . . r - i i . . , . -V . i v , n , .
Broadway. Rev. T. F. Bowen. , S, 11,' 7,
yoim people's meeting.
Church of Our Ssvior 60th ave.; and 41st
st. 8. E. Arefadeacon J. C. Blar JO, II. 7:30.
Bishop Morris Memorisl-Good ISanjaritan
hospital. Rev. J. G. Hattjoa. 7, 9-80 . m.
St. Paul Woodmere. - Ret. OswaldW.
Taj lor. . 4 p. m.
St. Johns . Memorial 15th and Harney.
.Seuwood, Archdeacon J. C. Black in charge.
10. 11.
St. Matthews Conbett snd Bancroft. Rev.
F. H. Clark. I vicar. 10. 11.
Good Shepherd Vancouver . and Graham
Rev. John Dawson. .-rector. . 7:30. 11.
Mission of St.- Johns Rickner's halL Rev
John D. Rice, vicar. 2 and 3 p. m.
St. Peters Chapel E. 80th and lAnkeay.
10 s. m.
St. James Chapel E. 72d st. sad 87th
ste. 10. 7:80. - ,
Church of the Transfiguration E. 50th and
Division. 9, Eucharist; 3. -Evangelical
East- Market Street Et. 6th sad Market.
Revt Ezra Maurer, -11, comcaunion; 7:15,
address by Rev. Mr. Sawyer.
Clay Street- 10th and ' Clay. Rev. Jacob
Sieckr. 10 :45, '"The -Meaning of J'rayer";
7 :80. "Natural Law in the Spiritual World
Regeneration." :
West Portland Multnomah Station. 11.
Lents Bee. F. B. Culver. 11. 8.
Swedish Tabernacle N. 17th slid GUsam
Bev. U. J, Led in. 1O.S0. 7:80.
Swedish Free- Missouri and Sumner. Rev.
George E. Rostrum. 11. 7:80 (English).
Free SSsthodlst.
. First E. Sth and Mill. .Bey.. J. T. Taylor.
11. -6.' "-
- Central -E. 65 th sod Flanders. Rev. T. L.
Burm. -11.
Alberta E. 30th and WygauL Bev. B. J.
Tstes (supply).- 11, S.
Second E. Richmond and Hudson. . Bev.
IX M. Higbee. 11, 7:80.
Lenta Rev. O. N. Blair. 11. 7:80.
t. . jFrlencts -
First- E. 83th snd Jdain.-" Bev. Chester A.
Hartley. ll "The Hiffice Work of the Holy
Spirit": 7:45. "Our Attitude Toward the Holy
Second 92d sL sad Slst are. 8. E- Bev.
F. J. Cope. 11. 7:30. ,'-.
West Piedmont Borthwick and Jestup.
Rev. Casey Jesup. "11. 7:SO-. . i '
Holiness Free Church
Scsndinavias 94 8 Garfield, 11;- '"The
Marks of a Pare Heart. by Bav, H- O. Jaeob
son: 7:45. ,-. . ',
Mount Scott 54th street and 87th avenue.
2 p. m. i S, preaching by Bev. H. O. 'Jacobson.
, Cwngregstlon Beth Israel Refornd) 12 to
snd Main. Rabbi Jonah. B. Wise. Services
Friday S P- m.; Saturday, 10:30 a. m.; Sun
day, 11 a. m.
CangregstioB - Ahavai S holo m Park - and
Clay ui Kabbl i. B, Kraeger. Friday. S
p, m.1 Saturday, 8:30 s. sa. , .
txmgregatioa ovsa Zedek Talmud Tens
U Sth and HaU.
Bev. Abraham L Boaepcranta
FrKiy, 6 p. m. .Saturday. a. m. . Sunday.
iu a, ss. jceiigious scnooi.
; t- Latter Day Saints
- Church of Jesus .Christ of Latter Dsy Saints
E. 25th and iUdison. Ueber C. - Ivcrsoo,
msnion president. 10,- 6:30. . . -.
Reorgsniked Church of Jesus Christ E.
T6th and Jmngv Elder Nelaoa WUsoou 11.
7:45. f-..,.
! Lutheran - -,' "'--i:
SL ' James, W. Park sad Jeffersoa. - Sa
WQiism E. Brinkman. 11, 7:45. -
SL Pgul kart, 12th snd Ginion. Bet. A.
Krsine, Reforasboo fesUvsi 10:30 (Ger
man J'. "Christ the Only-,- Foundanoo of the
LvseigeScal Church.- .eonfesnoa and eorunib
iont ":3u (En -h) . "1st Wort tsd tin Hts
tr.ry of the . -riUoa"; T ;3 tfcngluh),
"Toe Mesja-.- '. '. ins-, Befwmatioa ia Our
-.i tjBoa) Eodney sod Ivj.
wtn be .held on Tacsdsy sight at the churrh
to make . piano for the-enlarged school. Cm
rhnnKtay night the ssitaiooary society- will have
charge of the program, with Mrs; Mattw
Dsiley lender. . The work of the chmrch - ia
Alnoa will be thsmaepri., Tamt field .holds
pexUeular interest tor the somety aa there
ar seven or more srisaiooariea m Africa, from
Oregon. 5 On November ths eaurcit will
observe "Muue Week." - ( t - S -r
' In oooperatioa with the simultaneous evan
gelistic campaign heme aondncted by s large
number ot Oregoo Ohnstiaa churches, the
Church of Christ at. Bodney and .Knott streets
will commence a meeting ' tomorra with the
Rev. H. M.i Btroett and hi team of three
additional workers - consisting of j. Frank
Harboen. Mag ..leader. Jsrs. Harsison,. pian
ist, and Mra. 'Barnett, personal worker Snd
leader of young people. The sermon topics
for the week are : - Monday. "Uod. Wonder of
Wonders"; Tseaday, -tJsving Heed to the Word
of vOod ": '-Wednesday. "ltd Cnxistl Kisj from
the loadr'"S Thursosy.. "Prepare t, Meet Thy
tiod'i FrJgy, The Best oration, of Man." ,
" y j-. r. t
iCongrgational i . ' !
Sundav jnight at the First Cohgregai
tional chujrch Dr. W. T. McEtyeen will
give -a teciture on "The 'Pros and Cons
of ' the Compulsory Education Bill.'"
Mrs. FV B. Newton wilf--prelude the
service witth an orgtan recitalL ' j
-Mas .Nellie Cola of Korwt tirove, formerly
a missionary to- Turkey, will apeak at the
church, school at 10:4J o'clock. . She will be
dressed.; in j natives Armenian costuma - The
Pilgrim Boys' Sunday school meets oa. Sunday
afternooii at o'clock Ifot those boys who are
employed eof late on Saturday night or so king
on Sunday morning that they can not attend
either church or Sunday school. James Men?
Price is the kader ot this endeavor. A" .good
beginning was, msde last Sunday. On Monday
night the deacons snd : their wires will enjoy
a social -meeting" st home of tlie pastor.
No. 88 tilann avenue inbrth. Oni Wednesday
the Women Isl association Jiolds an all day meet
ing with Inneheon at I'J Sti 6'clock. lr. Mot
Elvee'n condnct his mission study class from
11:30 to lg:16 Wednesday noon.
Itr. 1. 3.1 Statin of Sunnymde Congregational
rhareh will; preach both morning and evening.
At the- morning aerriee Jacob Ferguson will
sing. Nadine toy will, lead the jimiors at 8,
a nfi 'rn xj.- jWortli the intermediates at H
on the toprfe-,, "A Saioonless World and Haw
to' et It. 'f 4 At the t me honr the. wniors
will be ledfb Nielsen tPoilsrd on the subject
"True Fatrktism. " At' the evening5 service
the ehnir ill sing twt numbers . by Vion;
"My les'rtl?"uils Best." snd a quartet, "Now
That the Sun Settang.." Gladys Morgan
Farmer will give a prte-fcervice organ recital.
The Thursday evening -r Bible stndy elase will
take ; the Sth chapter of Second Corinthians
for their subject. Dr. Stsnb leading. A Sun
day school iriontest -f til progress in. the shape
of aa sirplane race. " .
A welcome is issned tp doctors of the'eftj
Rev. J. A. Rimbach. i Reformatioa dsy ferv.
ice. 10:15. 'German) ,;- 7 :30 (English! ,
"The Lutheran Reformation k Bible Reforma-t
tion." i ! t
Church f-r Deaf' Rodney and Ivy.
j. a. k-'. rseyer. is:dw. .
Our Saviot- El lOtli and Grant. Bev. M.
A. Christemseiu Ul , (Sorwegian) . "The Lay
man's Bible." W .
Bethlehem 14Hi snd Davis. Rev. II. Ji
Thorpe. 11. 8.
Bethel iNorwegftin jFree) Wygant , and
Rodney. Rev. Leif Awes. 1 1 -( Norwegian I ,
"The Christ Standard of Goodness"': 7:30)
(T.ngiishj "Three Tocrhsteriejjir; Goodness.'
Grsce English rIissiou Synod) E. 2ith
and Broadway. Rdv. -E. H. Bernard. "11,
"The Church's Foundation. Stubble or Stone. "
"The Prayer That Availetlj Much."
Bethany Danish Evangelical Colon and
Morris. Rev. R RasmuBsen. 10, -11.
St. Johns- Peninsula) and Kil)airick---ReT:
I. Ludwig. jl0:45, 7:80.
Swedisli Augustana -Stanton and Rodney.
Rev. V. G, Gfgren. 10;45. 7:45.
Imraanoel 19th and Irving. . Rev. - A. V;
Anderson. ; 11. 8. I i
Portsmduth; Lovely and Fortune, Rev;
S. C. R. iKnafeon. 11, 7:45. 1 A j
Zion Evangelical (Missouri Synod) Chap
man and i Salmon. Rev. H. KoppelmannJ
9:15. lOil. 7:4.1..
Imrosnuel " (Missouri Synod") Ei 15th and"
fco. Kev. H. c Ebeltng. 10:SO. 7:3O. :
Church! of the Redeemer (English) E.
15th north and Wyganfc Schoof 10,; service 11.
Finnish! 179 J'argo: Rev. A. Salminea.
10, Sunday school; 7. service. i
'4 Methodist iEnlscobal - ' '
. Carson I Heights Eighth, and Hvme.
i. a. -urvtra. ti:id.
Centenary-Wilbur E. 9th snd Pine. Jjtj
Charles MacCaughey and Dr. H. 'T. Greene.
11. "Good Literature." by Dr. M- T. Greene ;
7:30. "Weaving the National Fabric," -by
Dr. Greene, and "The Power House of De
mocracy, '1 by Dr. MacCanghey.
Central Vancouver at Fargo. Rev. C. T.
Gibson, ill, 7:30.
t Imcori-Kelly E. 4th at Powell. Rev.
J. H. Irvine.: llj; "Cnapprecisted Pearl";
7:50, "The Rirfgly bover of Soula"
-JipworUl 2tSth s't ISsvier. Rev. C. B.
Harrison.- 11, sermon by Rev. J. A. Arnett:
7:30, "Job, or , Why : Should a Good Man
Buffer i - -
Erroi ! Heights Darlington halt Sunday
schooL il:15 a. m. , ' -
First j-1 2 th and Tsylor'" Dr. B. EarJe
Parker and Rev. E. T. Randall. II. "Before
the Footlights"; 7:30, "The Master Meta
phor." . i " . i .:.
Firsf NorweeianDantsb4 18th and Hoyt.
Bev,. A. Searvie. t 11 (English), service in
charge ft JIu. Ji". A. Scarvie; 7 :30. preaching
by Re. C.- J. .LarseB. i :
Geemah Rouuey and Sainton. Bev. F. 'A.
Schumann 10:45. 7:30
Hoyt St 15th .and, Hoyt Rev. PL E.
Hertzler.!. 11, 7:30. -
Fremont Street East 27th at-Fressnt
(public echoot' anditorium) . Bev. C. C Barick.
9:40. 11. "The Kind ot Ilea the World
LaurelWood E. S3d sad Fester. Bet. P..
E. Finlry. 11. 7:80. ...-.'
Leuis-t-8th and 5 Sth ave. Rev. T. 11
Ewwns. ill, 7:30. '
Lincoln -E- 521. and Lincoln. Bev. W. TK.
liyars. i, "The Cbnrah of tf Living
k -jsm, l ne soiy- sspintr
, Linnton. i Robert M. Gatke. 11:7:30.
Montavilla E. 80Ui at Pine. Ke. R. E.
Myers. 11. 7:30. - i
Ml Tabor E. 61th and Stark. Bev. D. L.
Fields. 11. 7:30. i
Pattoa Aioerta and jMichigsn; Bet. George
H. BenaetL , 11. 7:30. ! ,1
Pioneer East CharleftJii-and Leonard, Bev.
W. E. Kloeter. 11. 7:80. " i
Rose City Park E.j 58th- snd Alameda.
Rev. C W. .Huett. . 11 "Scriptural Side
lights"; 7 .30. Enlightened Women in Dark
ened Lands,' .illustrated l with tfco stereopticsn.
Seiiwood E. , 15Ul aud Tacoma, Eer. J. r..
Purdy. ill, "The Open Windowg Good
literature": i 7:80, "Wageaf" f: '. ,
Snnnyside E. 35th- snd Yamhill;,. Be. T.
H. Gallagher and Rev. Ii. C. Poor. ill. 7:45,
"What I Think of Modern Protegtanti&u-u.
' Swedish Beech and i Borthwick. i Rev. G.
E. Kalistedt. 11. 7:30. Engiiih service .
University. Park Fishe and Lombard. Rev.
H. T. Atkinson. II. T:0. i !
Yancoiuver sve. N arwegian-Danish Skid
more st Vancouver.: - Bern Gustav A S to raker.
Services I temporarily ia charge of Bev.- hss
Gjenling; 11. 7:30 I. ir
W eilJH oreia nd M Hwaukie and Midway. Rev.
G. I Tufts, i 7 :80 S-l-'.-i.
Woodstock E. -44th send Woodstock , avef
Rev. Walton Skipwo-rth. 1 1, 7i30.
Woodlawn E. 10th' near Durham ave.
Bev. . S. Macs. 11. "Forget. Not the Parch,
men ts"; -7:80. "Paul's Experience:' . -
African Zion 417 WiUums. are. Bar. L
A. Moor. 11. 7:80. -I I ..-
Bethel African Larmbee at Melatillen. Rev.
A. R. Fos. 11. 8. ,
Japaosse 87 N. 16 Sb. Kev. S.-.rJemura.
10. 11J 2. , !.. - J
Rrentwixid -67 th sL ; sear MeOoy. j " Bev.
B G. Crpey. ll, sermon by Rev. L. C.
Poor. i ' - i , '
" "(" I . . C. BesiOi -.- ' l-i l": '
- Firft f nion and . Maltaaatsb. Rev. J. . B
Harria. .11. 7:3U. - r .. .' ,.
- - " - iiaxsis-HS '-- " :'-:
Firt 12th st Main. Bet. D. Rand Pierce.
Bermotas'at 11 sad 745 by Evangelist J. E.
Hotchesoa of Los Angelas. - ., .
tiellwood E. 16th at Spokane ' Bev. J. G.
Bringdaie. ,11. 7:80. ; .
Brentwood -5th see; sad 67th isL-S. E.
Bev. 8. X.ndlow. 11. 7:80.
- Highland Park E. lth sad Jsrretf. Bev.
Vscfe CshiU. 11, 7:t." ,
, "''--- Preabytsrlaa s-" -:"
First 12th at Alder.i . Dr H. U Bowmaa
sad Dr. N. K. Tally. 10:80, The Intimate
Christ'; 7 :30. ,The Song of ttao. HedegsMd."
by Dr. TnUy. ' . M , - - .
WestmiBster Bast lTt snd SebVyler. . r.
Edward H. Pence. 16 :80. "The Light Over
the Safe-door": 7:45. "Rome Is Conquered
by the ReUgious of Her iCosQaered.! '
Central--E. 18th sod Pine. Dr. fff.-'K. Nu
gent Services at Budrman school. E. th
and Plae. 11.-'Habit1; 7 :80. "The-, Sphere
of Suppositian.' " .- - r.- t -. tm .
Calvary 1 IBs at Clay. Bee. B. TB." Sua.
efiffe.: 11, "The Cnuica in Connection With
the Second Coming of Christ"; 8:8W. "Pauli
Pram.''' ' , " ' . , -
ML Tshrtr -E.' 85th 'snd BehnontT ' Bet,
Ward W.i MscHeary. 11. 7iJ0. Health talks
by Dr. H; Cbdins.- - ...,. ..-:!
eineu ivui im vrygsax. . .assrr. VI
UaTgler,: i 11. 7:30. - - i.. ., .'. .
PwdmnBtrCleveland and Jatrett. ' Bev. 3.
Francis. Morgan. Preaching by - Rev; P.- O.
Bonebrsks. ll'. 7:80, , i-. .
. rwirttH Ilr aa4 PtslfSt guppl'ed
eopleV Societies
sad their families to attead ehureh Sunday
evening i st ths - Alameda park Community
church. 1 Ir. C. J- Smith, a Portlaad doctor,
will apeak on The BctaOona of Health to
KeligwHi. . Mrs. icarmood B. Snutii will sing.
In the charca acaoot at 1 a. - as-, a big con
test is boom ins Wsdnesday at St p. nu the
Women's association wUi meet ' tor bowhew.
Mnt. W, 'H. iesne wUl spesk.
Anotaer popular song service Is simoanced
for theJ. Highland Congresstional "ehureh on
Bandar .night with address by the 4ev, Ed
ward Constant on "One Who Kever knp le
feaL" iWedneaday the Lediee' Aid wtfil bold
aa all-day meeting st the chnrch in prepora
UoBfog the Thaakving sale. Lunch at
At the Atkinson Memorial ; Congregational
chnrch tomorrow evening a trrs ml film will
be shown ennUad. "Brother Divided." This
is to be a "One ia Two" Sunday at this church,
Everyone is . urged to bnuA another. Tb
Women's association will meet- Wednesday at
2 o'clock st the borne of Mrs. Charles Oabler.
No. . Oregon street Mu Nellie Cole, a
missiousry from Turkey, will speak-l-, The
thank offering boxes will be opened- - 'v -
! '. ' ..l
I Episcopal
'Our? Xa tional Obligations' to' the
World"? is the subject of Dr. Morrison "s
sermon in- Trinity church on Sunday
'mornirg. In the evening the spiritual
healing meeting will be held. Iaige
numbers of requests . for prayer , are
made ?ach Sunday -Although no ab-J
tempi la rnaae to -ODtain tesumony- a
number of persons have reported re
Tharkable t results. Written requests
bearing the names of those to be
prayed: for are placed upon the altar,
then follows silent prayers for a few
minutes, after which- the special prayer
for the sick Is offered. The iVVdman's
guild is sewing every Wednesday pre
paring for an apron and: handkerchief
sale. " .
The 'Seev. Thomas Jenkins, rector of St.
Davids ichurch i continuing s series of ser
mons on , "Thj Forward-looking Churcn"''riH
tak as the .fubjert ff his Sunday morning
sermon "'Tbs Normal Church." At night a
second jpott -Convention rervice will - be held
with Rodney .lisan and the rector, both, dej-u-"
ties to tjhp convention, making addre-saes. ' Mr.
i?iFsn-will epeetkon- "The New Program'' and
tbe -rector on " Tne ie Cat.'.' The junior ser
vice gt 9 :30, in charge of A. W. !tone, 'will
be .foJlosred by lessons. The school recro'it
ing , till goeson and is already prtxiUciBg, re
sultt. AB Saint's dey, Sovember l, the euchs
rist will fbe celebrated st 7 . m. af tlie parish
chnrch and at St.. Peters chapel at ft SO s. m;
On .November S,- Atl Sains day, the celebration
wif! he'.at :3 a. m. x .
The I'ouhg Peoples league of Kt-; Mimhsels
snd .All Angels mission is expectiog very in
terejtmgii meeting Sunday evening, . Merrit
by Rev. ILevi Johtfaen. ' J.0:30, 12. 6:30.
Kenilwortb E. 34th"nd Gladstone. Rev.
K. tSrimes- II. "The Christian's Power
Outward"'; 7:43. "The Golden Rule in Real
Actions"' , - -
Koi E. 7"8fh and Everett " Rev." J. A.
Smilhf ill. -dedication of - ommnniorv table
given in honor -of the late Rev. H." E. Giles;
7 :30r i . , . - :
Koee .City E. 4 5th and Hancock. Rev.
Donald W. M. McCluer. 1 1, ,7 :30.
Forbes Graham at Gsntenbein. Rev.' Lloyd
R. Carrit-k. 11.,.
Trinity Virginia snd Nebraska. Rev. John
D. McUnnon. ll, 7:30..
AnsbeS 56th and 8Tth ave. Rev. John M;
Piston. 11. "The Ideal Host"; 7:30, "The
Religious Enemy."
Marshall street 17th. at Marshall. Rev.
A. .?. Hatina. 11
Mil la id A.venne 55th ave. snd 73d st Dr.
Henry hite. 11, "'Without Christ Nothing;
With Christ -AB Things"; 7 :80, The Con
Quering iRedeeriwr." ' .
Mizpatf-i-E. lBtti and DWsion, Dr. W. A.
Stevenson. 11. Baptism, reception of mem
bers; and Communion!; 7 -.45, "His Existence,
I'ersonality and Chs racter. " i .
rinityi-E- 71st snd Sandy. Ret. SI W See
nunn. 11. 7:45.
Arbor; . Lodge Bryant and Curtis. Rev.
Alexander B. Evans, IX. 7:30. ,1'
Morelind SeHwood Ommunlty House E.
15tb at iSpokane. Rev. W. S. McCullagh. -II,
7:30.- '.. ...
' i-Grange Hsll- 82JX and Division. Rem E.
R. I. Hjoliensited, 8p. m. j.
Holt Chinese th -sad- Rumside. - T and
8 mi " i i ' '
Reformed EkancHloaJ
First -12 th and Clay. Bev. G. Hefner
10:45. 8. - , i,
Second E. 33d and Columbia blvd. It, -A
Third- Lents. Rev. ' F. Lienkaemper. li!
(German); 8 (English). ' ; '. j 5
Reformed Presbyterian S-
FirsfcMinnesota and Ainsworth. Refr. F.
D. Frask. 11.! 7:30. . . i "
i Seventh Day AdveniltU i -
. Xite -Regular servicesi of this denomination
are held ion Satan-lay. i" , v.
Central E. 11th anil Everett 'A. B. Bell,
mlrfister.i 9:45. 11:45. '
Tabernacle -6th and 1 Montgomery, fi. J.
Hibruard. minister. lO.Vll. .. -V -
Montaiviila E. SOthf sod Everett, A
Gemart. IS. 11. . ,
Lents-i 94th sC and 58th ave. D. J. - Chit
wood. 10. 11. 1 '
St. Johns Central sve. and Charleston. J.
1st Meiklejohn. 10 11.
Aluinai -Skidmore and. -Mallary. Elder John
Isaac. 16. 11. i
Scandinavian -6 2d street and 39th avenue.
Andrew Johnson. - . .
Salvation amy
Corps So, 1 243 Ash at: Adjntant and
Mra. -Herbert Csjroll. 11. "Go 'Forward";
8. band service: 8, "The Dying Thief."
;opps'No. 4- 1281 1st. Ensign Jessie
Millar and Captain Mrs.' ti Upton. 11, 8. and
8 p. m. ' :
i Spiritual jst i
First i-E. 7th at Hassalo. " Rev. J. W.
Hill 3,: 7:30, "Pfychic Uw." 5
The Mystic Charca of-Bethseds- 409 Alder.
Rev. W. W". Aber. S, messages and. s physical
demonstration. J "
. The Personal Message 312) Central build
ing. C. iW. Sbaw, pastor. 8.
Independent Bible HptritaaUsUc-Society and
Church 55 East 47th- sL S. ..
Rev. Ida M.
SchorL 8. -
V 8wadsvmoraion
New 3irisitian-Lbor temple. Fourth- and
Jeffersoru Rev. William R. Reese. - 11, "Thou
8hsit Sot. Steal. " '" J -
! Unitarian j
Church of Our Father Broadway and Tam-
hill. Bee. WilUam C EUot Jr. 10:80, fTheJ
eternal 4uestin, by Carl a. WetOereL, I
i United Brethean '
. Conference 8uperiiumdent Rev. O.. E. Mc
tUa.l.l eo , C ,1. w
irat--K. ,J5th snd Morrison.. Ber.fE. M.i
Elliott. 111. Sermon by Bev. B. : Ward;
T :80, sermon by Rev. B.. Ross Eans '
Second B. 27th and Sumner. Rev. J. R.
Hartman; 11; "Our 'ossibillties"; " T:45,
"Who lsi My Seighborf"1 ' . ti .
. Tlrir4-4--frTth at. and 82d ave. B. E. He.
E. . O. Shepherd. 11, World's tempetanco
program : 7:49. "Whgt Jesas Is to Ca".f i i
ipurthr 62d ave at JOth st. B. E. Rev.
B. Ross! Evans. 11, 'Willing to -Payl the
Price"; 4:39. woman's missionary service .with
sermon by Kev. E. 1. Ward. u:
Cloverdale (Old Constitution -448 JFessttp.
HeVi Walter Reynolds. 10, 11. 6 :30. 7:SO.
- t - United Evangelical i.
16 th and FopUr. Bev. C. P.
Gates. 13, 7:30. .- l
Ockleyreen -WiUarnetbe blvd, and Gay
e A. HLchmsrie. 11. T:80.
. fit : JoJcns Ivanhoe snd John: Rev. H. H.
Farnham. j- 11, T:80.
- United Presbyterian
FVst-E. 37th and liawihorae. Rev. II, F.
Given. 11. 7:30. ,
-Church of the Stranger -Grand ave. at
Wasco, j Rse.- S., : Karl Iu . Bots, 10:30,
"There Is a Bir": 7:80. '""Why I Am a
Chrettstt and WnyS Torn Should Bo One."
Kentont Chatham and Lombar. Her. Carl
(Scott Duaa. 11, S. ' 1
Multnomah Multnomah Station. Rev. David
Steel Sharp. 10, 1. 6:45, 7:30. - '- , - .
Christen sod "Mititonaryj rtTHsnrs . Tl. ' 9th
at - Hancock. Rev, John E. Fee, Closing
services erf Warrea-Coibns revival campaign.
11. 2:30: 7:.10. i i
Apoatohc Faith Sth sad Bumside stfeuss.
Kev. Florence Crawford and H- K. Crawford.
10:30, 2t30, T:a0; daUy 7:4S.
Pentecsstsl Assembly 113 First. Rev. will
C Trotter." 11 . 8. ''.' - i "'
- Vojuntsen of Amencsv 824 Bnrnside.- Ivo
nuigs except Monday, ; gnadsy 8,' 8. v
Bible btandard 182 Seeopd. Rev. Fred
Horrabnbi 10 o. 2:30. S.
f - -. r . j MisoellatflSMKfS - '' '
Chnrch of God 33 laUimr. Rev. H, A.
Sehlartev.; 11. 7:45u - " ; ... !
Resiiaaglon Leagne 148 13th. Bev. H.
Edward - .MilK H. "Aeeordint ' to' Tour
Faith"; a, "Ths Science and Practice of ibra
BfcT b,,r" CaU"rt Vsacouver.'
Ihvtua Science 1 E CUyl TSee. T." it.
SCiBSTd. 11,. "Remember -Loc s Wife."
Greek Orthodox' E. 1 7th and Clinton. Rev.
B A. Karaosle. 9. school; 1(1. i
Corktadrlpuian 712 - SL 24th af j V i' iH
I'rayrr i Oi tUednr bklg. Mosday. 12:1S-J
P. ss.; o; p. Tn..--ii t,Bderstood; Tueaday.
a p. m.. !"eHslcs. . -
tsoeiety of Srrvatfmg the, Knowledge of Trae
Pre yes S05 fuednez bide. Monday, g pi, mi
i empe s Fragreiiaive . Churrn -Aasky bail,
3d -and Alder. lr. . T-aii
vVMjsi Is Uie S o Agsimt the Holy c-hostr"
Communion QIable
pastors fH e mpiy
A special corhmunion table and arj in
dividual communion service ; will be
dedicated -as - a memorial.' to' the late
Rev. Hi- E.-Giles , at : Hope Presby
terian church Sunday rnornirur. The
tables, "was i made with " an Inlaid
bronse tablet wjth a -fitting li
scriptioii for i the minister, who gave
his life whtie attempting the rescu";of
a -Boy Scout from drowning-; in the
Sandy.river near Trout dale. In Aagffcs.t
191.,,. At the time of the accident the
Tie v.- Mr. Giles was pastor of Hope
Presbyterian church, . -: ' -
The table is to be used exclusively
as a communion table. The- individual
communion service has been purchased
aa- a part of this memorial, s
,'The dedication will be part of 'the
communion service - Sunday morning
over" which ". the Kev, - James - Akin
Smith, pastor, will preside,! The "local
troop of Boy i Scouts, of .which the-Rev,
Mb Giles was scout 'master, will have
a ' part in the service. The public is
welcome. - j, j . -
1 , '; '! ' ,
t-A meeting of the promotion commit
tje. working, to-bring the 1925 World
Christian Endeavor convention to
Portland, ha bVen called for Wednea-
aay at 12 :li) p. "m. at the Orffton
Grille. Thel Rev. Lloyd R. " (Sarrick,
acting chairman, wiH preeldel. 'The
Items of business will" Include the dis
cussion of . two questions: (I) When
and how to launch the financial cam
paign for the $15,000 guarantee fond?
and (2) What relation will the post
ponement of the world's fair have to
unionize efforts "to get the 1925 con
vention? -I , .
Bodda."Vho has charge of ' the . program, is
putrang oral a derate. "Resolved, that men and
hoys arc. more religious' than women and girls."
Beatrice i Andersen, Rose Roberts and Mildred
Melville -are upholding the affirmative, while
James Cook, Chs'rie Stiles snd Ben Asher will
argue for the . negative. Much, interest has
been shewn tin ii the league since the member
ship rontest i was begun. All who sre .inter -ested
ere cordially invited to attend. .
The meeting, of . the Young Peoples fellow
ship of SL- Andrews Episcopal churrh will' be
rer-iiraed Sunday evening in the psrish hall at
8 30, being fallowed by the service of .even
ing prayer a"? 7 :30. r
The brotherhood of St. -Andrew has made
plans to co-operatV m observine father and
son week. Oni, Sunday the clergy have, been
asked td make references to tlie topic from
their pulpits, and suppers will be "held for the
hoys snd : their 'psrenta during the sreek.' A
good' -contingent - is erpected to a Men ' the
mass meeting at The Andiferiura. Litevstare
?BEas been sent to every pam-h-i-
', The Tonng Peoples swlAy formerly of ' St
fStephens Prs-Catbedral wil Ihold tts resular.
.weekly meeting in room "A" of the i Vntral
library at ,:30 p. m.,. Sunday, of ins Edns I.
Moore, will lesd. . The Rev K. "T. T.nHicks
will be the principal weaker. i
;: '
- ; Evangelical T, .
On Wednesday nisht 'all the fivan-1
pelical churches of 1'ortland and vicln-?"!
ity wai. noia a unionj"arty at the iiaat
Market Street churchl Kast Sixth and
Market stfeets, to listen to reports and
impressions of the--ministerial snd -lay
delegates to the general sonferene'e at
Harrington, , 111., and Detroit, Mich,
The United Evangelical church $tnd the
Evangelical association "have merged
into one organic union, and are now
known as the. Evangelical church. Here
in Portland there ere no-loneer United
Evangelical iand Evarigelical assocla-
(Concluded on Plage Elvei Column :ThreeI
... .. M1XISTEK
HA. M.-"HABIT" '
7:80 P. m., "THE SPHERg oji i
Bemeuiber. tlie ttundoy School meets at
9.45 the large classrooms are warm and
cozy. The large chorus sings st - both
services. . You will- enjoy the music sad
'the pastor's- sermons will' help you..
come . ..- '"
First IVfetKbdist
Episcopal Church
TAVVOIff AT corner twelfth .
"Before : the Footlights"
" SUBJECT ' ' - - '" -
"The Master Metaphor"
DR. PARKER Preaching.
A Big "Protestant" and "patriotic"
.- -ii .Service -i ,
(Bring your American flag) . '.
Tme Protestanls Awake 1
True Amerlcass Awake I
spiritual m444a,a)eT- A f tfrrouii ncrtce- MAltBCHl! of San Dierro.
KKETBrBE M. 39I15SOS 'of Seattle and RKV. RlLLS EvenlriK
MKS. ASA 8XTlKlt th blind rndium)v 1RE3E MABRCME and BET.
UlLLH. (Note:, This will make ; our. after noww service xcepUonallyj at
tractive ' ... : ,
AarOt'JTCEMEST- To sroid turning a warso tn any peprle each -r
resday evening:, wo hare etieaeed the services of ;- f -A, XriAS"
vhe.ieedsnointroducUon,IKESK SfARBCHJE ajvcHitBTKL DE M.iOH
SO, who comes to-us highly fecommended, Mrs. Johnson announces
that tier Home Cirx-les will be held on- Thursday, instead ot dnesflajr
hereafter. ' Mr. lns and othr local workers will also take aa) aollve
fjart, which should enable us to conveniently take care ot 20, people.
wlU Rive 1 flllZK MASQl'liaADK
-veil Tjriwsi awaraes.
served. . All are cordially: invited.
j LZ
First 'attempt at reiit-tous Instruction i
for children during public school hours
will bei on Tuesday, jnhen I 70- primary
and -junior " children In the Falling
school -will be excused from afternoon
1 " ! I
classes to attend 'a religious ohool at U
tne B oortn rreabytrwan Church, ino
school conricted under the
auspice of .the PrA-byteriian church
and CarutTSers Street; Methodist church.
The Rsv 1$. T. Randall, p4alor of tlie
Methodist church, will bie In. chares.
The workers will be paid, instructors.
. i no pmn etuis iw tne reiesse ot i
primary-age boys and 16 primary girls
at 1:60 ps m. for an hourfs study at
the church ; .and for "the release of 20
junior-tooyaand 20 junior 1 glrut at 2:30
t. m. to study at- the church from 2 :40
until 4-tlft t. m, Mr. Randall already
has application for more Children than
the church can aeeoirnoHt, so the
30 will! hei picked to a cultam extent
on a sCholarahiD basis: Ka tuition or
J registration fee will be charged1 th
fchltdren. ; -,', h . v;
Other members 6f the. fsJcuUy besides
Mr. Randall are Ihe Rev. FJ A: Hteher,
boys work director at iFobrth Presby
terian 'church : Mist Brsslej Kirk wood.
girls' Work director Fourth Presby- j
erian -nurcn ; iiss niartna nucK, re
Uglous ed iica tional worker
At Portlandr
Settlersent renter; Mrs.. El T. Rand A 11,
voiunjeer tescner. . . .
Other cepters of the city will watch'
the South Portland venttlrW' with in--terept
nt,if It proves suricfasful, it if
possible that many hundretls of chil
dren will be afforded .nlmllisr opporpi
nltles ptxt all In vsrloue sections ot
the city, Church leaders -sire- encour
aged over the willingness oftthej school
board to excuse 'children! for a few -hours
each, week for rellglops Instruc -
tion, where the parents Wpslre their
childrelir to receive the! ssinie. '
United Brethren
i - Resume Mcetiilg
-The-Tthited Brethren !wiiilferium of. ,
Portland and vicinity met ln its fli-Ftr"'
monthly session after thei"mimmer va
cation! In the' First TJnitedl flrethren
cnurcn last wednasdsy. vieei fresiiient
Ei. y.i snepn ra op inim cuurcn jiro
sided.if -The annufll electtnih faulted
in th eeipction or the " fdlww 'ng of-
iicersp r.-resiaeni, v.
man ; Vice president, I
K, Harl-
h E. ' ,f .
Shepherd ; secretsvry- ; sind'
Kev.-B.- Ross- Evans..
consisting of Dr. . u,
Rev. K. A. Elliott. Rev.
toes Evans
and Rev, E. p. Shepherd
to make all necessary arrangements
for the annual union Thanksgiving
service of the denomination to The held
in tn Kirst t5nlted Brthei church.
The report of the programN-onmi'ttee
showed a serhes of pa peri on flible
characters each month by
tl) rneni-
oexs or me mimsieriurn.
for tthe November meetlbs"
The pnper
mm 1 1 n inn
"Jacob." by? the Rev.H.I K
4 xi iii
1 : .-11
10)30 A. M.
. ' I r r
TilO Pi M.
The Hb1y City
Trill . b sung by Quartet '
;';!.. i- snd. fborus. . ;
' . .- A
Serricesii Sunday 4
10120 A. M, 2:30 and 7i30
' 3
For the past 16 years
land has had a real live
saving station. .; -.-
jCome, heat : tefsonl
monies from rhen and women of
all walks in life.-. -;.
' 80 1 P i e e e Orchestra,
.Quartet, Ladies Quartet.
N?' Collections v Come jam 1 1 See j
w js.-
' '
Chartered pf Katlonsl KpIrltasJIits
:f- -i . Aiiorisuon - 1-4 1 -
'East eres ts aa4 UasalA Bta.
C'orae asd Hear ose of America's
f Foremost Exposents of, I
,. - tsplritsalism A j '
Revs J. Willard H lls
' ." f- J ,' Pastor -j
8saay and ? T. M.
"Bsychic Lav"
i -,( . ' 1 -r
- TH Toung -eopi s s.ijm-1 '
BAtI;ln the cUibrooms svdjacent to
- "jwju iimv . ... - --
Crood dance .orchestra.
! 11 " '-' ' I 1 1 1 1 ' IN
First Presbyterian
. -