o SATURDAY, 'OCTOBER 28, 1922. THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, - OREGON A SPEAKERS PUT 1 REVERSE AT ROOSEVELT TEST At the annual dmnr of the Rooaewelt Republican club held In the main din Ing room of the Chamber pf Commerce Friday night, various speakers lauded the record and memofjr of Theodore Socal issues Involved In the prisent campaign. ' . Congressman ilcArthur Insisted that Roosevelt was the "giant figure of mod ern American politics" And contended that there would have been no inva 'siorf of Belgium bad Roosevelt been in the Whit House in 1914. Theodore Roosevelt teamed early in -his- career the netiqesity of party loy alty," Claud EL Igalls argued, seem , ingly forgretfijl of the, birth of the Pro 'y gressive party In 1912. Xngalls paid a fine triBute. to the achievement, and record of the former presindenL He also, probably for the first time in his . oratorieai career, complimented Wood . t roV Wilson insisting that There is . no one wfcp will say whatever else he may believe about Woodre'w Wilson ' (hat he is not a man of high ideals,! yet that" great party leader once said -'he is a sinister visionary who places - loyalty to a man above loyalty to a principle.' Ingarljs, turning to the present campaign, insisted that Walter Fierce is "all things to all men." Senator - B. L.. Eddy, who always makes, a good speech every time, he starts, .told his audience that "The doctrine of party government is the" message the- people of Oregon need right now, if they need any message at all." The senator g&ve most of hi9 time to a discussion of the -candidacy ' of his former colleague in the state senate, Hvalter Pierce, with whose leg- . islative course he then seemed more in ' accord than he seems now to. be. Mrs, Maurice Seitz Wins With Music To Roosevelt Song ' j s . Mrs. "Maurice Seitz was - Friday night selected as the winner in the musical 'end of the song contest for the .Roosevelt, memorial unveilnig and, 1 foilowipg the rendition .by Henri Keatjss of songa submitted, Cecil .Teagsfe was named as author of the second choice. The conjmittee determined that both winning songs showed splendid style and a wealth of melody although Mrs. .Seitz won on the merit of simplicity and the ease with which her contri bution could be learned. Dr. Emil Enna, . who had charge of the contest for the . Oregon. '-.com-i posers, received 31 manuscripts and he declares that the class; of music re ceived was- 75 per cent better than that in the contest three years, ago. Ben Hur Lampman won the contest - for the words of the new song. The committee ore. selection included Emil Enna, - Carl Denton' Otto Wedemeyer, John Claire Monteith, Frank Elchen-rsW-"'Bvaeii'?JBSfviBJ A. Keates and OeorgO Hotchklss Street. Chest Has Proved Su cce ssful, Pence Tells Woman Group "The Community .Chest.- has proved its value to the beneficiaries, the giv ers and to the cltyjas. a whole," said Dr., E. Jf. Pence, Ichalrmaa?" of the speakr's division of the bureau of publicity for the 1922 Chest ip address ing a 'group-of representative women Who will assist; iiv the speaking. The women -gathered ""for a luncheon Fri day in the pose room of the' Hotel Benson. -The C ment. II verted ii and rhfrt. host is no -longer an experi has held Its friends and con t enemies. It ls..your Chest '. For the next three weeks the supreme duty' of the people of Fortland Us 'to --fill it." , . H. H. Herdman. executive secretary of the Chest, brought out some of thte points that , . will praBhly be heard by the speakers, answering- the-objections in a convincing manner. Ce sad that there is no claim" that the Chesfe plan is 'perfect, but that th officials do claim that it is. the bst 'plan that- has yet .been devised. . - , ; The discussion participated in by Mrs. Robert SS Dieck, Mrs. R. E. Bondurant, MissT Marion G. Crowe, t Mrs. George F. Wilson, Mrs. W.. J, Hawkins, Mrs. George" W. McMath, Mrs. Julius L. Tdcruisson, Mrs.; Ji. C. Costello, Mrs. James E. Brockway and; Mrs , G. J. Fj-ankei. , i- J Watkins Speaks to Woodmen of YfyfiA Elton Watklhs, Democtfc candidate for congress, wasxthe principal speaker. before the convention, of the Modern "Woodmen of America at the. -Arrhory Friday night. He spoke vpon" "Fra ternity." , I ' ' - Tonight Watkins will speak at 8 ovclock at the new jMasonic hall at Kenton, which time ho will discuss the issues involved in th present con ffressional campaign in this district. At 3:30 he is' scheduled for aonther ad dress before "tha .Woodmen at the Armory. ', - ' FORM WATKI5S CLUB A.f WaUtftis . for Congress duh was organised" Friday with; at diajter list of SOO, members. Mrs. Q. C. English was elected president, Mrs. Ada Wal lace Unruh, vice president, Johnston 1 S: Smith, treasurer; and . Airs. R. I , Holsclaw, secretary. Tha , cluhWill take an active parf In the congres sional campaign from now on until election day. . f V GBAXD JtTKT QXT1TS x. Oregon Oty, Oct, 28. A new floor for the- county recorder's office, rec ommended by every grand, Jury for six -years, was the only recomrhendition Of the April term grand jury, which yes terday completed Rework. AH of the county offices were, found in sTOod condition. --. . -: r jvyvwu-- ,,. .-,' -Pr-si:--: ' f ' MBS. BEtBB -MISSITra Vancouver. ,WTash.fcOct. 28. W. S. nrrss'ell of Ridsrefield asked the Van couver police to locate his daughter. ; Mrs. Oscar Bee be, who left home Oo tober 2J. She ls'aged 20; helgit 5 feet f ' S. Inches, weight 100 v pounds.' fair, brown -eyes and hair, upper teeth out, wore "a brown f?lusj 'coat and black Stmtz Motor Is ;.x rt Chief Attraction. In Curb Trading - Br wiiiism r. HrrMv .liew Toik, Oct. 2S, There waa a decided falling off in trasinees cp the cork exchange I in today's two-hour eessiDn. L, Prices for the most put. moved over BM- row ranee. vita advances ana declines apout evenly divided. However pronovrneed strength was displayed in a few special issues in the industrial groapir - Stutz' Motor attracted attention with a turns of over a noim. the buying being based upon the promised saceess ; of ; the bw . six cylinder model. : Hayes Wheel afeo went higher. This stock baa shown remarkable resistance all throogb- the selling of .the past week because of the" reports that earnings bare been steadily increasing and that the dividend . rate will be lftcreasvd to at least 3 at the next meeting. Magnolia Petroleum featured -4 he trading in the H'.andard Oil group., advancing,- to a new high foe the present movement on rumors that toe stock dividend fiiaB will be announced shortly" ImDerial of Canada' was actively traded in and fluctuated over a range of about 2 points, wnue toe new za-par value snared of this groan- were all fractionally higher. .' Reports that' "the flow of the - new well brmieHC to br M mmotll Oil was ranidlv im grtasuig failed to have any effect upen UieJ Gulf OU of Pemmylvania attracted interest on word that the company win issue $3 5,000. i 000 of 9 ir cent notes, the proceeds to be nsed for the redemption of the 7 per cent Issue ot tne. game amount. I ms wiu result in an annual sarins of 2 per cent interest charges. The bonds will probably be offered next week. New. York Oil broke almost a point between ales, while other stocks were only fractionally changed. Continental Motors and Winther Motors dis played firmness, 4 Ohio Copper led the" mining tardea, res amine ill its jobs ox ine past uve flays. , MARKET IFOR PRIST CLOTHS SOLIDIFIES BECEST ADTASCE New Tork, Oct. 2. The 'market' for print rictus soiiauiea its recent advances today and the technical position of the cotton oloths -wa-s further strejiitltened . hy. additional purchasej of goods for vwbberising and. lestheriang ptir-f poses. Recent price advances in print clothspj Bnwangs, sateeRS ana pajama enroll, ware fully maintained and the volume of business mignt havw been greater if sellers had been wiiling to take business offered over tiie week end. Th nw silk market was up 5 cents on all graoes, respocamgr to an active xosoharna snar ket Quotations were: XXA 18-18, 15 denier, 8.50; XIB, 9.50; best No. 1 X, S8.35; Kanaai.No. 1..J8.25; Canton 14-16, $8.10. ' BOSTON WOOI TRADE SJIAirEBJ WOOL SHORTAGE HEJD CAUSE Boston, Oct. 28. Trading in. the Summer street wool market QTueted down today not be es use of falling off in demand by the mills but because stocks of domestic wools are so short. The foreign markets were etrefaeiy strons, especially in the Australian auctions and. sell ers were loath to commit themselves over the week-end for fear o further price increases. The week ended with slight advances throueh out the satire list. Chicago Dairy Prod nee Chicago, Oct. 2S. (L Ji. S. Butter "Receipts 6480 tubs. Creamery, extra, 46c: extra firsts. 42 W 4 4 '4 c: firsts. 3630Hc; packing stock, 42.C. Eggs Receipts 4579 cases. Miscellaneous, 35 40c; , ordinary firsts, 303c: firsts. S5 45c: extra. 23 hi 26c; checks, 21 22c: dirties, 2324c. . Cheese Twins, new, 26c: daisies', 23c; 1 miijgj Amencas, 2 5 V4 2 5 . c- longhorns, 23Vt&25c; hpek, 24 He. Live ponltry-tTurkeys, 33C4 chickens. 17- 20c-; springs, .1 8c; roosters, 14c; geese, J 9c; ducks,, 18c. . New Tork Batter aad Egg New Tork. Oct. 28. (L N. S.) Butter Market firmer. Creamery extras. 48449 "c: . creamery ' firsts, 3H 4 8c ; creamery, higher scoring. 43paic; state dairy tubs, 33& 47 He; ladels fresh extras, 34 H 35c. Cheese Market firmer. State Whole "- -.It-,, . run, 25H5'28c; lower grades. 20 22c. Wiscon sin Whole milk, fancy Toung Americas, 26c. State Skints, specials. .19 & 20c. Eggs Market steady to firm. Nearby wniie, lancy, 2c; extra, oimbm; firsts, 43 o-sc. Miik The nominal wholesale price Is 92.00 OWL Jfew Tork Snitar aad Coffee Jew Tork, Oct. 28. (TJ. P.) Suesr, qviet; raw, S5.63 ; refined, quiet; granulated, $6.90 7.00. Coflee No. 7 t spot. Bio, 10 H 10 He; No. 4 SgBtos, 1515i4c. , ' 1 Jfew Tork Potato Market Kew York. T)ct., 28.--11. X- S i Pnlilm (in bulk, barrel or bag), market firm. Nearby wuite, I.OU(9J.2); sweets, $1.001.35. CELEBRATION IS SCHEDCLED Scio, Oct. 28. The Z. C. B. .J. lodge and Gyntnastic Club Sokol, troth Bo hemian .lodges, will hold a loint cele bration , of the fourth anniversary of the forming of a republic tn Siecho Slovak tonight, with a patriotic pi;o- BUILDING PERMITS Theo Assetture -.Erect residence, 597 IM siaion, between Orange and K. 16th streets, builder. Burg & Weber. $3300. William- A. Gille -Repair shops. 818 E. Broadwar. .between 25th aad 26th streets. uu lititi . isooert ' ray , f I j 3. Hornitz Erect store. 1219 Lombard, between Burr -and Buchanan, builder. R. D. Crowe, $1000. Max Kaffesider Erect residence, 895 East -Vta street north, between Skklmore and Ma son, tmuder same, S300O. - B. V. bVllovf Erect residence. 1403 Mar. l-tin, between Durham and Belle rue, - builder same,- S2300. . Gordh Erect "residence, - fiSl E. 25th street north, betweeat Braaee and Knott street, builder same, $6000. O. M. 'Rlchey Erect residence. 1275 Tilla mook, between E. 44th and 45th street north. ouiiuer, n. Kf. r.xiiina, siy.ouu. . 3. A. Dennis Erect store. 91 Lomhard. between Minnseota and liaBissippi, builder same, uduo. J if aJ Statistics marriagcs.Birtbs. Dzaths. MARRIAGE LICENSES Herman iX Uygard, 28, 227 Unsbts street and Ellea Gostafsoa, 21, Portland. Edward Warnes. 38. 151H 6th -strevt K.", and Anna Lorento. 82 . 927 Wl Park trt John V. GUlaaarO. 1T72 Willamette blvd.. and "Rose Hsrtlr. 1 9 1 Oswego street. - vaugtui M. Vnitmore. 28, 492 E. Bnroside street, and Ruby A. Sherbart. 26, 435 Williams are. . r Lawrence P. Nettrrtgham, 21. 1207 E. TamhiU street, and AUrret Downey, 21, 634 E. 59th street north.- j . John A. Cameras-? if. fli ,f north, and Betty King, 25, 8th street norm. , , .. . WEDDING axd; visiting . f"A RI) : rVOR X VFRS J W. Q. SMITH A CO., 311 Merfean Bldg. BIRTHS Hicfcethier. 48 N. Sth, a son. i - tctsar. ana airs. B. Bancrolt, 889 3d, Oot, 20. a daughter. 3T Cab!?. Oet 19, a daughter. osi ,AA -re Mr. and airs, w, - E. Brankow, 765 E. 5th K.. Oct 14 a son. E Vt'ATS0 r- l Un- A- H.bl. 335 E. S7th Oct. 14. a eon. KASMEXE& To Mr. and Mrs. K. C- Xas meyer. 111 g. Jersey, Oct. 21, a son. ?V5Kr5. O- Beaver. 70J5-ohk- Oct 21. a son. COLE- ToMr tik Mrs. f. J. Ola, T500 61st are, s. E.Oct. 8, a daughter7 tl TV "TV, VI . m,A ac u . Haven. Oct. ST. a dacghter. - BRIAST T., Mr. and Mas.; J. " Bryant. 198 .24, Oct" J$. daughter. " TORp-r-To Mr Jaod Mrs. A. M. For. Lents. Or., Oct. 22, a, aeat. -.- s TX T ItTilT . -wi it n w . . Linaton. .Or., Oct. ,12.- aVesa,' - .7. viuu-t-Ait--xo Air. and tut. M. Ciappano. 881 rnirm ave.Ott 17, m aon. Lmnton, Or.. Oct 30, . danshtec DEATHS CRAY tom 4irav. ftf. Vimm, knnut.i Oct 22. 23 yean; pentowcia.- STEVENS Alio Josephine Stevens. '" St. Tincenta.boepiUl. Oct, 2$, 64 rears; periton itis. TS years: nephnua. a BOMBERkR 1iil! rVnKwr tlA Samaritan. hosxataL . Oct. 21- 73 tm-i- porosiR. "... . -. . i 1 . - ilimne Jobn-wn, Portland Med ical hospital. Oct. -7. 69 Jearsr decomtjensatA-l heart. . - . , ,. . DEATHS W EHI.EIX Join Kdw. Wcriss, 472 feeU- wotxl tilvd.. Ors. 2. 34 . years: apoplexy. - TAfKXR C'henrjr Tasker. 29-4 Lineom, Oct. 27. 412 ers-:. rtmuoiu. ilcKLROT Lne McKiror, Good Samaritan hospital, Oct. 24. 41 years: myocarditis. COS WAY Xanie -X.' Conway. Multnomah hasrntaL Oct. 28 . 64 Tears:: Bnenmonra. . - aOliilllJT Ella A. ScJunitil, 760 XeSs Oct- 2-5 54 vnsrs: oateo sarcoma, aXUSER -iiary ancis Moaar. 700 Wasco. Oct. 2a, 9 years; carcinoma. y OABRISL Oscar Beni: liabriel. E." 14th and Stark, Oct. 23. 41 years; tract are of skull. " ' DAYTON Sarah IJarton. 141 E. 45th, Oct- 23. 4 years: .cnronie nepunos. GILBERT i-dw. I. Gilbert, 174 E. 38th, Oct. 23. 37 years: angina pectoris. QVOSG Leon Loeve Quimg, Moltnsmah hempita!. Oct. 25, ev years; perebral hemar KMITH brael D. Smith, St. Vincents boa pitai. Oct. 22. 81 year;- aatomohQe accident. DIVORCES JFTLED - ODIV HOTaagainst JrieplT Sodin. trKYDEB Nina A. against Ernest 11. Sny der. GRECO Harriet T. Franklin against Daniel NEW TODAY 50 FLUFF RUGS MacW Irtiu your . old worn-out carpets. , Kave alf tne price ot new ruga. Hesd joar rags and wqolea cloths. Mail Orders. Send for Booklet. ; 812 ftugs Steam Cleaned 31 0 ; NORTHWEST BOO CO. East 35ao 1S3 East 8th St. Mortgage Loans ' ' ON CEirTHAIi BUSINESS PROPEETf LOWEST 1SIEHEST KATES MacIVIaster, Ireland ' & Co. - 828 IV S. NATIONAL BASK BLDO. SPECIAL NOTICES 101 NOTICE OP BOND gALB Sotice. is hereby given that sealed bids win be -received by the undersigned until the hour of 2 o clock p. m., the 1st day of No vember, 1922, and Immediately thereafter publicly opened by the board of directors of school-' district h'a 1, Multnomah county. Oregon, at the office of said board, room No. 804, Multnomah county coun house, in the city of Portland. Oregon, for an issue of bonds of said school district, in the sua of tore hundred thousand dollars ($300,000). said bonds to be in dnomidationa ot one thousand dollars (81000) each, to bear data November If 1922.. and to mature serially in numerical order as follows: $lo.OOO' on November 1. 1923: $17,000 on November 1. 1U2; tljj.oyu on Novem ber 1, 1927; $17,000 on November 1. 1928; $16,000 , on November 1, L929; $17,000 on November 1. 1930; $18,000 on November 1, 1931; 812.000 on No vember 1, 1932; $16,000 on November 1, 1933; $17,000 on November 1. 1934: $16,000 cn November 1, 1935; $17,000 on Novembers 1, 1936; $16,000 on No vember 1. 1987; $17,000 on November 1. 1938; J 6.000 cn NovemDer 1, 1939; 17.000 on November 1, 1940; $18,000 on .November 1, 1941; $18,000 ' on No vember i, 1942; said bonds to bear inter est at cot to exceed 6 per cent (6 ) per annum, payable semi-annually, on the first days of May and November, principal and interest to be1 payable at the office of ths county treasurer of Multnomah county, Ore - gon, or at the fiscal agency of the state of Oregon, in New lork city, at ths option ef the purchaser. All bids must specify ths rata of interest, and mast be accompanied by a certified check for $13,000. The board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. It. K. FCLTON, Clerk, School District No. 1, Multnomah County, Oregon. Room 4 01, County Court house. , SEALED -BIDS will be received at the offices of the undersignedf, 401 Courthouse. Port land, Oresxm, until 5:00 p. m., November 1, 1922, for folding chairs for- various schools, Portland, Oregon. Bids will be opened at a meeting of the board, to ba held in room H04 Courthouse, at 7 .30 p. m., tha same day. Specifications may be obtained at the office of the superintendent of properties, old Failing school. First and Porter streets. Portland, Oregon. A certified check for ten (1.0) per cent of the amount of the proposal, payable to clerk of school district o. 1, must accom pany each proposal. The hoard reserves the light to reject any or all bids. (Signed R, E. FULTON. Sehool Clerk. Dated October 241922. . NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having sold the George B. Mills store, located at 1043 Denver ave., to Mr. i. -. Masem, all creditors must bills within five days hereof. present QUICK SALES REALTY CO. 402 Cnch bldg. Aut. 511-09. Dated Portland. Or, Oct. 26, 1922. CREDITORS. TAKE NOTICE Having sold the Club pool room at 1137 ATbina ave., creditors must present all claims witnin nve days m-reoi. WICK MAN JONES REALTY CO.. 213 Stock Exchange bldg. Dated at Portland. Or. Oct. 7. 1822. ' MEETING NOTICES 102 Free Turkey MASK BAFJ, Eureka council No. 204. 8. B. A. Halloween mask . Dan, Monday evening, October 80, East Side W. O. W. hall. East Sixth and Alder. Beautiful Halloween decor ations' and novelties; 12- pound , hve turkey given away as door prize ; also 10 handsome irizes for the best dressed, best sustained. most original, most comic and juvenile, charac ters; tt-piecs fine union orchestra- Admission 60c. AH welcome. The regular stated session- c '-A1 Kader Temple will be held in tne Jfytman ouumng. west Park and Yamhill sts., Satur day, Oct. 28, at 8 p. nv. En tertainment. Please IB oa band. Visiting Nobles welcome. By order of -the illustrious Poten- rati-. HARVEY BECKWrrH. Recorder. KENTON LOIXJE A. F. AN D A. ; M. win.', hold a Halloween country fair in their new tempta at Kilpa trick1 and Denver ave., in I Kenton, Saturday evening. - Oct 28, 7:30 p. m. : I first prUes. All ' welcome. . Coxae- and give as tha once over. Committee, ' THB SOCIAL CLUB cf Sun nyside Chapter. O. E. S., wih hold its annual bazaar and dance at flie temple. East 39 th and Hawthorne, Saturday evening. Oct, 28. - Good music Cards, prises. AU are invited. . - ; '? GTTj REA2EK GROTTO INFORMAL DANCE PYTHIAN TEMPLE NOVEMBER 9 1 HARRY JA. McRAS-' FREE EATS Happy Hour Social club will give a oane Saturday, October 28, at W. O. W. fcaU, 128 11th t-; live orchestra and a good time aearmarli Admisaion 75 ooupje, aad lunch free. Publio invited. , HAWTHOBSS lodge No. 111. A. , F. A. M. Special. Satur day afternoon, Oct. 28. at 1:30. Work in E. A. decree. Visiting brethren welcosne. ' : C. E- MILLER. Secretary. EMBLEM JEWELRY a apecialty: buttons. pins, e-harme. Jaeger is roe.. 131-133 6 th st. I DEATH NOTICES 103 PANGLE In this city. Oct. 27, 1922. Chariag t sra rangle, nasbana ot Margam PaJrle -. brother of Mrs, F. IX Ponndston. Kn. . Jeratnai W. Caatpoea e Ban Franc isoo, and , .W. T. Patve. Raaoauw are at tha chapel " f Edward Bvolmaai t Bon, Third and Sal ' vana ats. Ntntiew of fniwral aster. - BI EBKE In ' thig city, Oct-. 28. Conrad .-Baebke, aged 7$ years, father 'of Philip F ' ' and Charles- M. Boehka of Portland. - Tha remains are at Fuller's . artortnarv, ; Moat. , s-omery at Fifth,. Notico of fiuirni hera- - "after. ' COHEN In this city,, OcC 7. 1922, Lei , .tjoheis. Etineral servirea wi5l be neki at tl;e cluipel of Edward Moiiusn ic bun. TLiM and SKiinoa fJ.- Miirt'ay. Oct. 29, IHZ'J, at 103 SANASAC October 26, at his late cendenee, near Newberg. Or.. Joseph Eli Sanaaae. aged . 4. years. Beloved husband of . Mrs. J. E. Saua&ac. father of Mrs. Floyd A. Rs, Mrs. ilamn. T. McEntwh of - Portland and Mrs: Ciarenaa Calull. BiOings, Mont.: Mra. Kior- r ne DeHaien. Glendsae. Monk. : Job Sanasac, ' Peachlaadv' B. C; Say - Sanaaae, Eiynan, : Minn. Ivak Sanasae, .Ciouaat. Minn.; Ver- 4 non Sanasac; Clendine, Mont. - Remains are . at th resideritial tuneral hcrae of IJowning at uaaeuel. tt tn and ilurtnoman. as- nqvjacement of seVvfce ater." - EVENSEN- la tiis eiiy. Oct 27. Ladia Leona Grace, aged 16 years, daughter of Evan '. Ereosen of 51 9 Williams ave., and ma ter of Chester P. Ere men of Portland, Guy C. Evenses and Mrs. T. H. Courtney of Los Angelas, CaL, and Oregon Kvenaea'.of , Grunt Pass, Or. Tha remain a re -Tat Fin- . -ley's mortuary, Montgomery agJFlllh. Neticw oi ranerai nereaiter. v. wm Ti T r .1 uiv i. rw.. ?i Ann. n aged 62 years, wife of John cT Hiliman and ' mothec of Bertha L. aad HaidonsM: Hill- man at Vancouver. Wash. The -.remains will be forwarded this Saturday evening by 3. P. Finley & Son to Walla Walla, M ash where services will be held Monday. The de ceased was a member of O. E. 8. of Ely, -Nev. , -j BOLLANDI-r-In this city. Oct. 28. Co-itantino, aged 39 years,' husband of PftlmaT Rollaixfi of 294 East 44th su. and father JSf Mary, Paima and Jennie Koliandi. Thy remains ara at Finley's mertasry, Montgomery at - ruin. notice or tunerat Hereafter. cio . deceased was a saember of tha Order of Draws. RICUARDSOJi Iu this city. Oct 27, 1922. S. Frank Richardson, husband of Anna Kiehardion, father of James Russell. Wil liam. Earl aad Charles Ramond Richardson. : Remains are at the chapel of Edward Holmaa & son. ihim and salmon eta. Aoacs of funeral later. aiL -m. tit m tnis eity, Oct. 27, jilinnia Atpagetr, aged 47 years, late of 566 Raleigh .,su xue remains sre at intey s mortuary, t Montgomery at Fifth. Node of funeral liereatter. ' FUNERAL NOTICES 104 BCRTON At San Rafael, Oct. 23, James J. Burton, agt-d 43 .years, beloved hus band of Hosie, father of Adeline and Eve lyn Burtcn, James J.-.Crow offthe Cruted Sufes. ship Texas, eon of Mary Crow of rortiand. brotiier of Mrs. Margaret Thomas pi l-s Aneeifls;. taL; Mrs.: Jennie Bewle of Portland. -Mrs. Rusell McCauley of Por land. Mass will be offered" Tuesday. Oc 31, at 9 a. ra., at the Holy Rosary church. Interment. Mount Calvary cemetery; The remains will be at the residence, 18-8 Mc- -i 1 1 sire-tt, aujoaji vet. J . Arrange menu? in care of Miller & Tracey. BITTNER In this eity. October 27, Peter Bittner. aged 72 -years, 9 months 15 days. leceased is survived toy widowWMra; Barbara C. ; daughters, Mrs. B. Wolfe of this eity. Mrs. O. F. Keutepohler of Long Beach, CaL, 6 sons, A. H. of -Grand-view. Wash.: Ir. S. P. of Monrovia. CaL : Dr. L. H. of Pa- lembaugh, Sumatra; O. N. of McMinnville; A. F. and Dr. U. J. of this city. Services will be held from the Evangelical church. Lsdd's addition, 16th and Poplar sts., Mon day, October 30, at 10:30 a. tu. Remains- at r. I, Lerch funeral parlors. East 11th Stt WttwthoTne. C4rLOX In this city. Oct. 27. Uichrd W. Condon, ased 51 years, beloved husband of Kosa May Condon, father of Mrs. Ors Bolton of Portland and Geo. of Goldendsle, Wash., - and Mrs. A. E. Harden of Glen- wood, TAs.tU. Funeral services win be. held Mon.. Oct 30. at 1 Pv m.. at the chapel ,of Miller & Tracey. Interment Rose fity cemetery. Mr. Condon was a member ot the I. O. O. r lodge. JACOBS The funeral services of the late MatUda Jacobs will be held Mon.. Oct. 30 at 3 p. m.. at the chapel of Miiier A tracey. interment Multnomah cemetery. FUNERAL DIRECTORS 10S East Side . Foneral Directors . K C. DUNNING, TNCJ. " ' "The Family, Sets the Price." 414 E A'Jer St. j Phone East 0052. Edward Hoiiwan Son THIRD AND SALMON . MAIN 0507. Snook & WfineaEdon FUNERAL DIRECTORS SUCCESSORS TO BREEZE &. SNOOK belmont at soth. tabor i2ss Lerclhi, Undertaker "AST ELBVESTH AND HA WTHOB Nl PHONE EAST Of 31. McENTEE EILERS tuneral parlors-with all V" tr'T,c S uome. iota and Everart sts. Phone Bdwy. 2123. Auto. 621-33. A. JJ. KtSWOBTHT ft B Hrvnri, a,w A. D. Kenworthy & Co. 6802 92d et S. E. Aut 613-21. FinSev's MmnH-iurs MONTGOMERY AT FIFTH. MAfSKjil s NEW RESIDENCE ESTABLISHMENT OlWTTHams Ave. u. vviLsoN k. u. nam --ruaairJB.jtta CO.. INC. Z4S-Z5Q B-Ullngsworth ave. Wahrat 8306 WLER 4 TRACEY, independent funeral d - "ciais i o ana up. Waatungton Skewes SIIFS.S A. R. Zeller Cq.&oVI: THE PORTLAND. MORTUARY, Morrison at 12th mmmt . "ait. Brf- AtlA. 7 MONUMENTS 106 toTfO SCHUMANN MARBLE WORVS iOf-ii-igMrfrfiyiiiMgii FLORISTS 107 irlartln&Forbes 54 WASHLVOTOJf St. MAIN 026. : FINK FLOWERS FOR AU OCCASIONS ARTISTICALLJ aajUAuSv 871 "B. Broadway, corner Union East 77I. Flowers- -for All " Oceasioaa. J'WS GROW OCR OWN" Charge Accounts Solicited. -1 Smith's Flower Shop " ''Portland'a ProgressivForist. -7 Flowers foe All Occasions. tr , Main 7215. T. C. Lake, Mgr., 6th and Alder LOST AND FOUND 103 THE FOLLOWING ARTICLES vreiw found on the cars of the Portland itauray. - idgnr. Power company. October 26: 15 umbrellas, 2- lunch boxes. 2 purses. 1 pin. key, S hand bags. 5 pair glove. 6 packages. -rainooat, 1 pair rubbers aarrins:, 1 pair glaswr , atsel tape line, box peaches. Owners may obtain same upjui proper identification at First and Alder street frtatloA. " LOST. o Irviiigion oar or bet 5U And Wash. and Perkins cotei, tetter aoaressea aim. . t J. Kipper, 417Hoiriday ave,, Portland. Return to Perkins hotel. Reward. i LOST Bet. 28th and Raleigh sea. and, $0th j and wnanhy sta. one- diamond rug. mar i quise shape. -sarronBded with small asaerald, 1 Reward. TeL-Atwater 1747, - ' LOdT Ring of keys, at Waahington- lugh school lire, lit keys, lneJnding police box ' key. Finder plesne tare in to chief of police. LOST From auto, brown leather portfolio aasapie caae, oosienta of no n to anyoM ' bat owner. Reward for reram.. Main 1U41. LOST on highway between SAiasta and Kelsev I Saturday.. Oct.- 21. leather smtcase. R "ward on retnrn to 682 K. 16th St. LOST A Oerman pohce dog. notify Mr. Moul- ton. Bdwy. 0908. EDUCATIONAL 200 THE DECKER BUSINESS COLLEGE. Alisky i bldg. 6PECIAI. ENGLISH CLASS. Any one who vnsbes to improva his English at U- " giole. Register now. Evening ciassea, 11!" lot! iik to draw, a large coauiwicul art . coawany will tbow yoa how to earn nioaey in rnara time: state ate, -'phone, address, . Ira. aia. kl-tiiO. Journal.- DEATH NOTICES 200 DO TOTJ VaOT A GOOD POSITION t , Oooraea at tha Aden Ante. School are. long aad aaom expensive. liia a anoat schools, but Ad ens: grades tea earn saara. Oar secord:, of help leg over 600- graduates t big paying loos la tha proof. Doo't emroll elaewhr anul yaa hava inspectad eur school. CaS any nay (czsept tiatnrday) . at 10 a, m. or 2 a or asnd if or sag big 1 lx page FBEJB eatalogv Ask. fori Book No. . ADCOX AC TO AYtATIOH SCHOOL ! .', fX Wassw orner Snioa ava. 1 " ,rBEB BOARD AND ROOM .It - , t , ... ' Hemphill's Atrro ecaiooLs . . are ginac tha next &0 t&tudents enrolling for ihe - IecemleT terra free board and rooaa wtoila jaitendiiig school. Dent delay, enroll xooayjf - - r - - - i HEMPHILL'S Atrro & TIACTOK 1 SCHOOL3 v 1 nftta and Gltoaai sts.. Portland. : Or. jOfftoei 125 North 6th v open eveningn. ... I. Hay and Slight, classes, v "Ws Pt Bcsiaasa irto Ton; r- ' -I Than Yoa fatt Boatea A Basis rva CoBaga ot Dittinctioa .; " IIorroerly link1 Bmnnass CoBaga) rgford htq.. - 407 Mornson. ? Bdwy. t$ ENROLL any Monday' for day or night school. , AU business courses, snd as -ttyda as compe tent we vnlfviltce you in a "paying: posiUon. rwnu lot trcauacsss catalog. - Businesa 4th near Morrison.' hon Main 0500. COMPTOMETERXD AAtCULATOR 1 Regis trs tions itnrerted this week tor ve to" oven Oct. . H- MILLER SCHOOL . 414 Yson Bldg. . BTDDY MASSAC - Preares one far esnatormtn woVJc, phy sician assistant, nurse, or private practice. Hydrotherapy is' also taught Portland School of Massage. Inc. '4141-15 Stockx Ex. MODERN barber college teaches trad in8 weekaU tools . furnished. Joma pay; poaitioa secured ;r special rata this month. Writ oil call -2S 1st st. . ' . . MOLES BARBER COLLEGE arm teach yon tha trade in eight weeks; receive soma. pay whd; learning; positions secured. Writ or 'call for catalogue.' 234- Bornside at. i LEARN TELEGRAPHY " Railway Telegraph Instttuta, 434- Railway 'Exchange bldg. Day aad night classes. MEN,-women, learn, barber trade,"waces while learning. Oregon Barber . College, 233 Madiaon st. - - , . . ' HELP WANTED MALE .' 201 EXPERtESCr?D LONGSHOREMEN WANTED . i i - - t - . We can, ueb a number of tmen who hv had experience at longshore work, including wheats, lumber and general carfo. ; : j . - 8 HOUR DAY "h ' - ." Wages ' Straight Overtims Ship Work .Sik: - $1.20 Dock work (tmckers) . . . . 70t l .5 Shovel work . . . ., 001 1.30 HStdh Tende.-s 00: 1.80- Winch Drivers 90' 1.30- Booia Men ............ 0 1.30 Abply immediately; L W. fW.S will not be employed. " i WiTERFRQNT EMPLOYERS' UNION. ; 84-86 North Fifth 1 St. ' t'hone Broadway 6846 ' is -if Portland. Or. r KOBTHERIT PACIFIC RAILW AT - MEN WAN TEX At rates prescribed by the TjntteSl htatas Labor board as follows: MACHINISTS ' 70 Cesus an Boar. BLACKSMITHS TO and SO cenu an Boot. BOILERMAKERS TO Cmata an Hoar FREIGHT CARMEN 3 CasU sb Moor. Apply to any ronndhoose or shoo or ta snpsxtoteiidaot Northern Faeifio railway. .1 CALENDAR AND ADVERT TSINfl 8PE . CIALTY . SALESMAN- THE KEMPER THOMAS line is exceptional in duality, ex chisiveness, scope snd earning capacity. Val uable territory with , old .tnade now open for contract to start' tha new , season Dec. 26th. Experience in our hoe is a great factor but not absolntely necessary to gain a cennectipn. W will talk real . business to i any salesman whose fust communica tion I indicates ha i is able to show a straight and i successful selling record. - Vf: v MEBRIAM, NORTHWEST SALES , MAN AGER, 111 WAS0O 8T.L PORTLAND. OREGON. ' : k s T-KUSUAL OPPORTTrNirY." FOB""" 1 . tiOUli BAIJSMX . i ' ' ' - i : i . ' , ' . j JBxpenenea desirable, but net nec essiry; We snrviy have- rthe right : property. If you can "sell you can i make big money." See Mr; , Sym- xuacds, with- i ' i-j COE A.' McTTENNA & CO 208 Artisana bid.;. Est. Ib89. ! Bdw. 7522-' AVBiyoat recerrea a srire ireui -; JJew Yora office instrucUn us to employ ttfree more aafesmen for Oregon. Our! proposition is aokl direct to ' the i farmers and requires ' a man! of high calibre. You must have a car and be willing to work -oat ef th city; we jay your training expense and. sire yoa. a weekly expense sirswanee and-a contract' that will net yoa from $20 ts tSOO a month. If i in te rested -see Mr. Kent, i 40ft Exc bangs bldg,. Second Stark ts. WANTETJ -GRArSHiN&LEBrt. SACK SEW- jlkj, rtr.iv -aixj ,.tuu aukek, ETC.: CNPSTTAL STRIKE, CONDITIONS PRRTAIL; THERE HAS KEES;KO CUT IN WAGES AND "SO DEMANDS PRE SENTED. CALL AT COLUMBIA War.!., 831 OAK SI, ,4B FLOOR. WATER GA.SMA1CKR and ularH foreman for V gas plant, in Vismngton; must know bow : to checker anif nnderjtand boiler and ma- ehinery; good salary lor . tte , right man. M-218. JoarneX r ': ' - WANTED Salesman to operate own bosiness m eveis. wivy is vresvia oi ,9vt or xaore population. Writ Melalgias Producta Co '804 Pine at., Portland. . I WK i WANT salesman far city or oormtry for one f the pest selling lines ia city; small investment. An opportunity worfi yonv m veatigaupn. For particulars eaH Bdwy. 0720U WANTED Seleaman with stock os bond ex- aeneaicer" If yoa as a sell and?-ere ootilxicnt ef yocr wnilitj;, we can use vm. If yoa will stick, we will ficahce yoa. - Gaseo ttklg." aTOCNG meC good opportunity for -men. with or witBoas eeuina; experience to make ao , per week taking lorxtera lor ka. Room S2, Ha2!- sd -st., -h-"'-'.:'-. - PASTS. iiB. lax estao lubed :woedsaar beusnesa; pienty -wwrk; tmaB. investment; make from ti ta tl0aflaSvfe058wetrb)ig. W'ANTfiiWTaree- food .wood (splitters, tl ta ll.sa per pre-! - snnes emst-or utBl. fl it W0 8th Court. A-64T-3-Q1. 7 . WaSTEO Mta with team awl potato digger to dig one acre potatoes. CaU Air; Gettman, Walnut 3642. SALESMAN to seS nationally known article direct; to hoaneR; proposition; werto J4 per wee. 222 Failing bldg. UUICK fcoy forvoffire deliveries! and. Itrn bud- - 6-226, Journal. 'AN'tET-At oce. mis to Jarn vWca sizing WANTEDA V,Vtet universal cliaiigeg. .EDUCATIONAL HELP WANTETeMALE 201 Salesman -Wanted -Oregon iLexisigton Co. ? r Morrison St.. at Slit U - ' - WANTED A whs ta manager for a colored orcieti; mint V a ."hostler, ' Pnane 525-28.- V ' ' - v HELP WAnXD---FEMALE 204 TIdi, WOMEN PROTECTIVE DIVISION, . eiay 'of Portland, offers its services its all - snaltters pertaining to the welfare and pro tactaon. of wemen ar.d girls; ntcmrwi com . fidtntiaU 514 Worcestes b!dg 3d and Oak1 st. Vlmne Broadway 7422- . ' LEARN BI.ALTY CLLIl RE ieciai rates' for complete course; morn tag!. cU!s and 4 aughra a week for wuxking girl.;-v.70 Wsshaijrton st. WANTED Good worker, willing yooag lady boa-;keeTer; not tmavy,. work, gouge rasX . Tabor 7453.. - -.: - WANTED A few mora .racua ' tn beantv 'cfll -- tuae,' coarse starting "Monday .night. . 412 Wahiugton st. ' " ' - ANY; GIRL- in seed of a friend, apply to, (he Salvation Army Rescue Home, Mayfair-.and ' Aiexander sta.; Phone Main 34 50. D-Ar. car. WANIEI G-ivl tot general. hoai oia; hava . r -tw children ge 2 and 4 years; $40. VV rua J. II. Adsm-i, Wertituber, Or. GRiG shorthand taught privately by expert. Broadway -41 - '- " A - " '"- V. HAVE an exceuent proiositiou for lady -oUcitor. riee manager,-211-4Us St. - EXPERIENCED girt lot housework. . 107 East OUeSn. Tabar 9330. v HELP WANTED i-MALE AND FEMALE 20S WA.VihU, by a- iarga cum mere ml art com pany, art students and thorn who Ilka to draw to Quality as commercial artists. Earn while you learn. Vf 834,- JournaL AjnrS MAx! SITUATIONS W. 251 DISABLED k-scrvlcW men, tra&ied by the government in 92j 4iffereci vocntion, are now, a mu hie for iraployment these skated men .are fumi.herj at no cost U- tha u Floyer or. t the explore. Caited Btales Vev- ersns" Boreatu Mjter bldg.. S:h ami-Oak sat. jrosq-.rsy 7Qgl. PAHNTINQ fr Psjierhsnging. sell. 1483. ; yfantingv Work giaarantawa. 1 ii PRACTICAL HOME BUILDER- AND ' TB ejONEKi BENEFIT BY MY EXPERI ENCE, THEN GET MX PRICES. . PLEASED TO SHOW YOTJ. - MAIN 6203. EXPEUtKNCED cliaufieur, delivery dark. masrrie4 man desires perntaneni place ;': op- portunity for adraacement! preferred to sal--' W.' Phone Main- 4183. , ; - Hrtrsc .-iiit;i- Let me give you aa estimate on jrour wir. ' ing before letting your contract. ' IAcensecx eiactrician. ' Walaat'5681. J HARDWARE MAN, 17 years" experience-T caP . afcie of taking charge, . 32 years of age, married, wants position in Portland or some , goad towirnearby. J-226, JoyireaL SIX CATION wanted by a married man S years old, with car; experienced salesman. Harold Nelson, Bdwy. 6808. - CARPENTER cantasctos; . ouiMing, altering, rppairitig; estimates. (1 i. onuth W2 N 3d. Broadway 176. - WIRING, Let us ligure your electrical work. New or old houses. Walnut 2114, Evenings Walnut .8 06. eautGLINCi U'a apeciauu on leahingling; can do your job betrer s'-ad save you money. Estimates iree. EasflOisg. - " FIRST class auio mechanic wants garaga work or truck driving or private chauffeur. M2-221j Journal. QARAGE man wants work; experieiice stenrage, some repair; el ve tries 1 ba-tteries ; best refer ensts. Call Empire -294. PAINTING, paperAianging and tinting; prices reasonable; work guaranteed. -Shop 136S Hswtiiiinrt ave. Tubor 17 22. CaRPENTEK. Estimate igireu on repair work.; screens made and garages built. Shop. 13r67 Hawthorne. .Tabor 1260. .NOW la.TIiE TIME Have that roof renaired. Kor axneiif roof service call C. Ebob, Wat 6084; 11th yr. PLUMBINO repairing, water Uuis, furnace colli H. J. Jfcniert, 250 Oregoa tL. East vt 11 TSUCR. or . touring - car driver, must , haye work, lots of " experience ; best of refer ences. Phone Tabor 4203. LET US FKt'RE YOUR PALSTLNO, PA PERING kSJi KALSOaf IN IN G. . TABOR JAPANESE aats -ook . job. 223 h Phoiia Atwater S054. . V 1st at. TEAMING, .plowing,-excvarang, .etc. Phone Eat 021Q. 240 East 8th st. PAI'ERHANG IN G, j painting and tinting, pering 80c "a roll. Atwater 293. - I'a- CHIMNEYS, a-frnace and 'boilers, cleaned and repaired by experts. East 0711. -WE ,1 DIU cerfiioois and connect sewers, all worn guaranteed. Aaromatic oss-tii. I'APERHANUING tittUug, inside finish ; first class work; prices resuionat-ie. aarwr sosu. - CEMENT WORK Reasonable rates. Walnut 6969. noo.n.rEi'Ltjr. systenut, auaiung and ac- counting, moome tax service. Aut. 6 1 p-24 PAINTING, paperhanging East 6833. L and kalsomiuirrg. Y0CR fall- garden work and- housecleanuig. "Mr. Baoon. Main 4532. HARDWOOD floors by contract or day. ereoces. Main 9309. - Ref- M. C. P. & CO. Painting, tinting, calcimin-. mg, paperhanging ; price right Bdwy. 0003. YOLNG man wants, job- as eiectrieian helper. Some expertouce. Walnut 8235. , I ROOFS repaired, painted, tin, paper roofs soi- erea wim not, pi ten, xsbor uz. - GRADING, excavating, team work of all kinds. Tabor 2212. 899 74th st. W. : -BASEMENTS, grading, teaming; contract ct day work. Ant. B22-35. Atwater 3S37. CARPENTER Handy, nan, small odds' and ends, etc WsL 2211 bet. 8 p. tn. and 8 a. am. EiSUINGLING'T-Fiiat class, work guaranteed. Apply DDI- ttalsey; St. Ptione Anta 384-63. PLASTERING; repairing a specialty; by day or contract; all Work guaranteed. East 68I. HARDWOOD FLOORS by day or contract. Reierenees. 14-tftt Rodney ave., WaL 6632. fLUiklBLNti oone Sery reaeotiabia' br aiu er by'tfa job. East 8838. ---, PAPER HANGING. PAINTING. TLNT1NG, REPAIR .WORK-- 8KIXWOOD 89rl. - -CEMENK wotuv.4 guaranteed, all kinds. Karl Z Bsttee Cc. SeUwood 0819. GET YOUR' painting and cai&omirnng ; dons at: winter prices. East 7412; SBltUBBEBY planting, pruning, lawns made, bg expert landscape 4frrdener: Main 6521. COLORED saxophone orchestra open' for en - gatgement. : Phone 825-28. .-- - n CUT-RATE " PaTNTEBS Vf Walnut etJIS. EXCAVATING, grading, geseral team work, bj 41 or contract. Walnut 165. Falhting, tinting, all branches. EXCAVATION Ail kinds, of team work. done. Walnut csaj. CARPENTER,- Ilrst-clasi work; reaaonahle, day, - or eontraet. -.WalTmt .6295. - j . GRADING. Raising snd moving houses. . - crete work. Wafarat 80. " . - Con- PLUMBER wants sraall Jobs; expert-repairs; low price. Jack McCnrdy. AnC 819-14. STTUATIONS .FEMALE 254 V'ATED By eapable business woman, man- ageinent ftf office bk. or ata. Salary er com. Refv" and ; bond ,tanussa. 0'229, 'jTO-rnat; - - - LADY viUa work :in factory r- wills keep . 'ifeouse - for gerrtlasneto; no ofcjectiuli to out " child. :-i Apt. 2. isagt 66Q. '. 'r-"- " EtrERlEXCED tmetworUiy iady wanU house). ' cleaning, washing' or other work; good work guwranteedU Walnut -6S08. ' - - EX FERIENCED Woaiaa. wauU j day Z work! - Phone Aat. ,18-el. .- -' "' -' WILL TAKE cat of chiklren. hy hour or day. T referenceaj Broadway 1428. j ; , AN EXPERIENCE) barber . -wantss position. Wshint 6312. -..' '.;' ,'.""' : EXPERIENCED woman wants - cooking - lit esunp. CB at 414 Jeflerson, apt, 11 . WAXTED--Si6d to care for during day hU wither werks. v Call 405 3d' at. S, ... L " ESPEHJENCED U steao-cooAkeepur dsres - position, -irt 177, Apt. 49 Di.t work.. 40e liwir. Mvulsy, a&4 Tuesday. Tabor 81 8. LiACfc CVSTAlNtH" HAXn LACXIHCRED. 13 YEARS EXPEKIivkCE. EAS-T 19. . A POSITION as a sletirapher. Aut. 514-71. , DRESSMAKING 25 S DRKSS MAKING BeT!y and reaeonaolei. 322 141 h . Main .K i wa. WASTI.D Plain ru. vaMdelnMr.-! ' Tabor 02 A2.. bwmjbs and re- EES&TITCmN wbl-.e. r per yard '.ri"aa ; iuiwo eV--PlAiua2 basv. S09 Roy si t-ij. . 256 MILLINEKY. beaiiUfuily mads . hats, good. style; old hAts tnada new; ehiWrpn's hts, evats,, dresses: rsices reasonable, East V4 1 2. 1IKMSTITC111NO. ISe; while yon wait Dress- rnahing and aVjFxstsoti. Woak luarai'Uml. Pi-UM bkig.,- !W and Aldtri' BtWy. 5!33!. FIR3T CLAaa li ! t sutching, i ef e. . near Marrlwia. pmakiEg. remudelirur. hem (71-10J. st, UabSBS4$ HEMST1TCH1NO (any color, - c Rm. 403 Raleigh bidg-. 8B 7 Wath. ; Bdwr. 3748. HEMSTITCHING d S". tunUoov pieaUUg- 49 Mortiwn, gfound .floor. , .; r.. -- .,- SEW IX!l,.f hakii-euTs wesr ac4 spr!ii a .spa-' ciarty. Kini-fu. wasnnt 5oi. - , - HEMsTlTCJIlNli-f- Speci.il -..lwocb.-. cloUu atraignt-as par yd. 1003 Bdwy. bkig. - FOR RENT j FURNISHED ROOMS 300 CALL AT . M.I C. .A. Ho.sew frea list of . moderata . pricedr rooms for young men ra icedt -parts of city, Izw-ludigig roosas -at . ai. o. A. with phano t ia - eaca .room. anower nacns and oun rachitics. . I H(.TKi DELOltlS i . Furnished huiuekeeping, taisu and' sleep ing roc m, icy oaf, wnea or momn. iioason - able rate. ,1 4a2 "A : : Muhibgtonr . at. Broadway 31 6n: - THE BARTON - v ' Clean fiimt-,h . rooms. tZ.M. per Vest and up; aUso light-honselteeping. 456 Alder. 6t)o DAY. 12.50 1 week up; largo, absolutely clean rooms rooms; bitlia free; water !" hot Hotel Ca Catilllac, 34 wear Jefferson.! t FURNISHED ROOMS PRIVATE FAMILY- 301 LADY has n.Tce atfcemmodaions for club of 6' of 8 sefltsi ladies, hath: elose in. sbws- -ient car service f phone, baih: real homa for appreciative people; reasonable .rates ;. break- ' fast if dt-ared. 144 N. 2Sd,- near-Hoyt, . LARGE froiit mow with; private 1 entrance. closet: and! .front porch, On awry may do very iigbtj houstkeeping, ja a week. ' 26 V E. 8th st.i Cat Sands)- or aftr 4 during week. ! i i SLEEPINfe rooiais. 2 otocifs norths ot" Bdwy. nace heati jiaao; home ' privilege;. -gentle- TWO besntiftU roims.' 'ha privileges; close t garage-,' center, of- town,' by Multnomah club, - - Rant., reaaonabl ".- Boa f ayloTs st. xiiun sunt. rfreter men. i'ICE FROST 3jj,EEPINU- HQOMS, BCIT- ARTE SY)R nil' 1I1TM.V1 ITllBli IV v KASY WALKING DISTANCE. - CUKAP. "256 13Ta ST. ' ' ..'-'. ' - :. NOB HlLL-pt-BeaiiUlul corner. roin, mahoaay -; fCsrnltvn, J fiaeduoe. tvsaso furnace,' avery .4 home lomlfoi. J -C. S. prefarred. - . Atwiter a V A v MODERN FLAT 4-4 tmki rul mnn.s Iflir. nished or. unf drnislied ) cheap; -160- 4ra. - Place for car. Children taken, "l.'dsi ;-AnompBon-Jgradi4 and Jefferson high. . VVfLL famfched Iroom, Eaaw WUi and. Ha w- itaornei; East 2383, EOR RI.T NicWr furnished . front bedroom ;iw isoj. hi maaern Home, very- reaaonaoie. -Ha'wthorrwai mv tj illiti mt LARGE suuny heated rooms, $2 up. .2 inesls .-If desired, if Alsoj large H. K. rooms, brat and ' cooking gs, rt4., 4 week; 5 uiin. walk to fcU-EEPINO roomtt in strictly modern, new home, for 1 or 12 or man and wife employed, Tfelorencea. Alio. J,2a-80, aU daytunlay; WARM, newly tinted, fweil fUroiha4 room, big light closet, batlh. in pretty bungalow home, ; cluse in east side, $15 per taoflHf;-for 4. tlS.fcr -Jfc -411 Cook ave. Aut 823-10. TWO large Iront rooiiis, with 2 beds; 5 ' min utes' walk; to flth) .and Morrison; suits We for' 2 or 4 genfttonen.V Atwater OSS0. 104. 12th, St., comrr Tsylor. - ' NICE front beUroVm. closet and bath adiiu irig; use of Urig taiin:- blocks from Miss issippi car. ery ! -cheap. . 17 f Urahsaa. M.VUEN 1AL youug iDiaa . wishes roommate, clolo in1o east side; Furnace dent lii; ti, ir, heat, aU Sit modern cfciivetiienees. Raaoiiaiiie. . 331 Orania as vej. H. r.ast 33U.. NICE. leaw light attic room, newly ' painted. large wintaow furnace heat, - phone, bath, linen, hot water, all i for s a month. W alk- 118 distance. l2 N. 18th t. LOJ'ELY room ainished in whito and . aray with blue i) Hangings. I'lurnlsned with biolseye v maple, .walking distance. Jbast ,i:uu4., 4ut weiuier, -t! DE3J1KABLR roota la Laureljtirt. St. V WiU serrs breakiaab. Ataler- or 81056. i - : 1 1 ences. ueu. TJbor LARGE ligijit - in private room, clean and well fanAslietf. Iioa; small family of sdults : steam heat, all Convemiencei-tist side, close in; ciieap. Atfater 43;1. '-- PLEASANT front -room, close in. for.gentla- men. m lexolusive acrt. housa; twin beds. shower bath.' plenty, ef beat; reaaonahlev Broadway 'j 652 i - - i .- . . ' E W4.Y fucnishel room, aU .convenieuces, pri- vate noma; 2 Call Atwatef doora from 23d atreet earline. TWO front sunnyi rooma, 1 block to Sunnysids ; very reasonable. 11 E, Yamhill. - - ' I A." - car, Furpiaheil . o"3d st. W.. corf NICE outside furaished ! room, bath. -heat, iiitht. ' -plione, kltx-hen ' ing girl, 12. krivilpKa; suitable for work- F.'RNISH& rooht to sent. 1t3 week. Indies i preferred, i" t 6947. tS'G 4j8 Ctefeiaad, are. Walnut rauiim. 1 -: - CLEAN newly urn. sleeping rtn. in priv. i family, modern waikina-: distance. -' 387 ancouveri ave.' l.Jlk. W'Bdwy. carlineV ' T;RN ISHEti Rfi HtiM iJaftEAKFAST opflON JiAE, SEAR. -CAli, -TA- AL; RESTAU "BOR 6738. NICELY flu rQuArtHt room, ler gentlemen, pri. rate fajbifyft urJ ofhet roomers, reasonable, -i HawthcArMl fflstrict, cose'Hri.wa'gnbr 7420. VERX DE&IRAHLE tjceriitig rooms. 410 and tlx pernio.; also-. nice n. k. rooms: elose fSsvien BJwy. 128(1. FURNISHED -riloms ana home BrivileeesL j phene, - surre ast Iclose in. ; Phone East ' BSlg. 386 Paeifid. S4 ,1 CLE A3?, nice heated : 38'0 Rose; st iT jlas" sleeping - u . room, reaaonaoie rent. irooras in cleanj--npJto-Walking distance. 8 E. uaie. iswiera me; v' .'A.!. J li. LARGE living room ! snd kitchenette; ' also ,. pleaaant furnished sleeping room ; - walking distance. ' 402 Ross st. East 370. . FRONf room, clean, bath, phone; walking dis tanca, yrtet a)e; (12 per month. B34 VERY nice Trout parioii aleepittg room, suitable j fortv?o; futuarje beatl - 887 t:nllrn nr n hone latin 3154. west ran. ' r CLEAN : well luriiisli lied sleeping and housekeeo bjecUan to bachelors; "clues ing rooms, noiobiec - la: reasonable.! ' East 2 794 LARGE light cJt-sn rtwinis. quiet, modern1 en veniericea; reasons ole; adults; walking dis tance. ., C24 Northrup. - i NEATLY firn; ished is clean room' A bincks fromMorrison man preferred. St., 22 12 a montlu; iworkioa W. Park st.' ' EXCEPTIOXAUIY pi-saat trout room. -walk. . - lag distance west aide , 433 ft MontgcW- ery- Malrl t70. ! NICE Li' furnished Urge atiuin. (3 Week; wsik- f ing custance. r txa - zxsi St. eor. : Lovely. 2 ROOMS, newly furuialied. all conveniences; aauits; reasonaniei. gooa location, - i Poone i'.ast 1477. - J - I ' LADY ' . alone, wishes Udy . eniployed ; ., -use. . vt - at Lr p p it. romp ti 1 1 . 1 1 c r-w. ra 4 oag. - FLRNISHED rooxas in prvvate home; breakfast FURNISHED rooua iu modern, home; breakfast it desired or efrening qinner. Vainat , 39Q8. KICK cosy ; sleeping ; room with furnace heaC close in. r 474 Knrmoo at. -Main 8758. , 25 is 12jiH ST.-t-Duabie svom, water. . 2 ' hedsJ Men eflhr. ' hat ud cuid SXRSX3HEP ytm.TT Private faiaiiy, . Kca- -sooahlje. 614 Bd St. 3JBOOMS. nicaiv furoLstia..rec.aily.. paired. wear -amis ki icwrr. ... -jstwaur o l-o X NEAT room, suitable fair' two. Prefer,. H. ' P, railroadmen.-" 11Q montp.-' SeHwooa- 2 8 14. $3. SO WEEK, 10 mln otes', walk, 1 or 2 gca' tiifmen, f 02 H -Market, ar 14th. , LARGE, clean Iront , rocm, naaf 20tU Slid i- i.i ..... tft vn, . iu., 4mi', i OR 2 FlNlt jroeans. aAjr; fixeiir&ol garage. v. 4, a r - . - - - I FINE iroean ; TW4. ;F ENT, -Slaep'iB ; $3 "perj wee FOR REN street week" or 8 per. month. KICK; el furbished rooms -for gcntlL-man. " 42 .. tiamspu.. "iasv- iw.. 4 i j. : NICELY frr-iued room, ' walking distance. 141 rtT'SSd. I" Mam 66T. 'J DEiSIRABLE. stsam heated. , , clean . filroisbod room:; waiting ojsudo.- 4vta lu at. - w ROOM, AND BOARD' 3QZ 1 klori&nlix: Hotel " " Broadway ' off hyashlngto. Broadway tl!f. . PorUan-i'S" high lass djwntown- (ssideDMal boUL JV givet.eB the;. mloruof oaaa. Americaa aad Llaipeair, tlaa. . . liatas seastia- abie. '-"'I ,--'.- - - -.''- - ' : .-' EXCLCSIVE rcsiiJeoual hotel; rales A ii s' HO. 1&4 Liivatoy. Main" 1 ' A stilu o roiisu ctm Rt'i.-i( toutuiowa iic- i. or 3 pcritn. j 773 Mariisil, Main 1014. DRESSMAKING 'FOR RENT , ROOMS AND COAIID ( PRIVATE FAMILY 303 ; iftiSKI i CITY ' PAKE Two Veily liimiflur.1 rooms for gecUemen" of rfineilint d.irtttg . good meals and a-f!prec;ating bane cvimfonj, ' in private hsmei; furnace Hifat stJ h wahsrt ti S.r precrttU ret reHlaTvu. Auto. :a--34.i ' - c ; ; AtH.M and. boarxir rflnvd .UiiieJ iuiig wr- rld . . cosipie,. avo -'men ' r two busitws wc!wienj beoakfast and dinner! turn ace l.eat. Tiaw. v a'ictroia; - mederu- , onooieriCesv " ". ' v s nw .r.." - - . . . - . out! i'i vim - ar. gfoa pnme; wous one to wro an 1 board. ITuJui , aaa .v 23d su - ,i i j like, snme- ' llv.)u 2oU3.-' N H "E Iaui ; K iiooil st'lTAiii. tt tl.OTfiElS 4X.UETfiJJ Fl RV.Vt II IIEAT. :tl BOARD. 3jWlHOKM CAB. - TAKliU 8170. ONE slncla Slid I double iroc nmiiing Water. ' lttti hft; near batli. good rr wjt(n preferifHt. 8S2 lioth. : M rtieau: gentie .in (13 M, Nicy room, editable" for 2,f 'vrfffl :ood boa nl : . -in is-aua aouiuoa, i diocs to ii wthorna rr; East 4 SI . cure tn, wstking flitiK-. 4 T WANTED TWO REFINED 'XOl.NO MEN Tt . KlHJlf lri ItOAltll IN, -.PRIVATE, H(j)Ml5, ' MAIN B637.: ! oonn . T4fiit 'ivn jiTii.-ii h CARK IS - , ;C1J-!AN MOfiEftN HOME i'O R triULW.- CA1J TABOR B137. I V A li.M.' diy tiitliou.: H. ; .. furnii,bd rufwns. board.1 oit iv. ruoins wid nai, tiirnsce ' .1 het .;, everything taodemi ieiu H yt. Hw.i.f rxta. v , .;T .vrble.1 FoRi 2 eii".Li.iml people, r , water, m kt-firted homej ift4i ruuuuii ing porch if and, served. .. T"ferr4; ;iesla well conked a.wo; hste Kst eii'4 GOOD ROoNj AND FXCTH.l.li :t 'BOAro Si D HOME, life 140'. . I'tlR 4 MHV IN iNH'E KV'r RH.A80NAhI.E. 'CALL HMP1 ST ROOM and board for resrwctahle in, lirine boarairi. . '... cuhifofta, mtsurtabie. . No loiher Atwster -2?2:. i.- j ' ! EOOM l board with young 'f. pie i-i wsrni, ' modem tint for 3 nice girls. 0 for one in rocm,, fau each fur 2 in ' 43,87. ' '-" '-' ".-I' Atwater WIT , BOARD BABY BY TVIK SSISStt'PI AVat- v WiLS MONTH. 1881 X 80(14. NICE room and, 2 meals fr t jgentleman, lh .vprfvste home. .40d 1a Broadway., Atwstcr 1900. - - , , K - I ,. WANTED A bsby girL bita.eta igea ot 2 S iiy; will give and 6 to board in nrlvate fi , Jtai.-t mother a cars: . will U- aertireO. 810-99. .-, V i tOlfc aged invalids, ehrontci or cdnvalescent, ps- tienta, cleans at nomesurroatidinga. haaltli- builrlinff diet nA t.reatmeiVr 1 w r.,,n. 1 ,,r. oi; pny-ician t .Teeswrispie -rateai rjit nrii3. s(iT TWO alee' noma, walking : disiahce east silo. very close in. good board , dutired. Cai . r.a.-t aifiii. ' U'livriL-l.i. :'.u w.i.L .1 utuf -will, lt.j R ' she, wonts; her-eyn roont audi f i ifa-roo. j best care' smail kiete fnr- while do- own cook -ohiidren All TWO i nice rtibtns, suitably for , two, - with board. 130 per either one r hamth) plione, V waikinu dis. bath, good. neigliborhood: a .a r ii MUTT 1 b . 1. -. H. I 1 mil.; i LAHIGE front mom. VveMl f fuVnltUrev pientv heat, suitable for 2 gentlrm n, room. $25 a month , per month lbwrd tl desired, ;'.' esrh. Msin 2074. ' - i WANT? business woman or couple employed ti "' take room and board in pleasabt atMin-hraled apartment. ; Clone in-. jWeat Bide. Reason. able. ' Atwater 3636. ; - - i r7 . ' ' SOCTH l'OHTfjtSD. 2 rooms with bosnl. in yestifiil Amorieaa lioma, 12 mm. from city. ' ' j iwnij; , from 'manufacturing. SmtrtctJ plenty ; of heat- and hot water. 920 Kelly. rROOSI arid hoard ( Jwines girls wiotlern .; cocveninoe- weikirg distanct ; IB jner week. , j ,Kst 0730. 12-Efeth st. ,t CHILDREN t boaraceahtrftful country horns,' near school, clone "Slu, t S14 monthly. Fir . particulars write Pficeful Acnes Fsim. rout.: : 1, b,ox 124-A. lnfisboroi i'j -. 1 . Y f -SEE THIS TODAY J BEST OP DihjK aniw ROAn.in iv Kit. CHEAP. .TAIJi KAH t44. V iO:D ROOM AND KtlAKIA , SELLVVOUD '8083. 'f: j CMKAP, 'CALL IrliiPUlVliD WupLe to share l-rooai hr.me. mixiem-.'and .4nvemnt. j hall Jslovk .lroiu t.uiKrM?. . io. Vermont st, j GOOD R(XM ANI ItOAHD FOR 2 Yf ( '; LADIES: A REAL vllOlll WAI.VLT TWO girls may 'have ligbtl 8 rooma and oraaaiant lor f 14 txtr. niuut Home cook- ing. vtainnt 4 ; ; . n. r. . ' . .. ,J ' IT . 1 . . vjtans.i AOrcare' lor-lmuyi fitl, any sga to ; -i mi viuer cuuuiru; muuiurwe (Ulld prs- f f erred. Walnut 0105 J ,-TT . , NICE. Aunny frout rooui w4h p ii hout bi't : - also tiice- attic room," veij keksonabls East if fast 41. ( irjcoln st., SLEEPING RiMlM. froiit.rbres" ituir.l ; rtwate entrance. ati Lirjcoln st, , close .in, iimn or women. ihsiu tXJMzi. EX CEIjLIJNT room ri:4 Wr J WitH hotiia'7.ii-r-U uu-u ut.'rtaii ilrifes in Anoders hTme fo and. wife, "labor 2838. BtiVTiiiJ eeeond- tury frU t f(Km, iiest.l,. .. nmsiftctis neiguts, suitaoie people; reasons bie pries. A lor one of two. water 076. CHILDBi:?r U loieiy liouiv. Uvd. - UittJS- o 1 'f-'l v air. t-ntTi wy- r wwt tc t;u.My-;ut. Buaa- jum nic rtnm, two .el. , exotslient beard in, private "home,; y, me iiujt. itegej want room natcn Ts4v 2.V1W. X NBiE, Urge room, iifga closet, If xevUent b.irii .3 or .4 yotingira)ri, for, I3 Jnontit oc 4 fiir $25. 191 11th. Ms f121. N ICPfiLY lurnishod ruom' a'tid board htr g rl ll6 Kerby. Wishing Ii"mc; reasouable, - Wslnut 0256, f '.I KWH witn or wiuiout boa oil' clean-. place; walking disunite; reauionable. 347 H ' ntn st. . .i.-i i i g cimaton tA hfm nl .i.l care lor h -middle aired. ImHr. lva i-,.... GOOD hnuie to guja.'. U. 'jiJf . iir j.in'fy of trrHk, near school. PtunSe Tix,r tir,7 J in. ,uiniaii NICE rvamn snd tmnie vnvir. fees, Jt mcais a ' oay, r I wei,.-v. nuiif, a--7 1. UOOD blrae for glrisiii U 10 Hellwoo.1 24-t3. ; ' yr., near scliool. OOtM huine for. child. reajiabl; no- other .. cpiiaren; near acnoot, istxir 1911. WA.lEli Elderly latiy" 'o" uom and " board ana caiy lor, -i atwr 41UT. FL'It.VIHHED rooin. wfthXri without .board, A3 4 ft. 679 Hoyt St. i'lione-Bdwy A IiOVEl.y -large rotan in. an tiracuve hum. Tabor B7 v-y. ROOM and board lor 2, in iiiivate family, ca Ilawthorne iine, : Call lnhpri 3232. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS - FURNISHED 304 BEjLUTi FtLIIrKT: roomanewfu'rniturff. veivex rug, ,rane ana msiiPgauy fornilure. Ivory Woodworkr walking; istance, reason. ante rem. iso 1 8ta at. TWO laiga. cleaju. tiuuislied front ET El- rooms, . walking dmtance; auhlts. . 211 Shet- saan m. ' -- - '-.'! ON fe larger well luinl-i"-ii fn(nt H. K twiiii. vtncuy moutrn, auitstiiw Ipr z people. 341 " list, i i i : -4 t ' single or d hi bus, sieiing rtMras, gahct and cold wtter,: jkjhta free. 46V Bferett it. -' Hlv osrha. ROOM eiil kitchener. wuiJ ruiinii.e wau-i. 1v'lisf: w.wic. 18 14ih st. ONE 2-fcim, aW. ortu 8 foorel apt everjthu.g' mmLiuaa. 4-a railing tt. W-'n"t-f13. 1 A.M 2 II. K, rooms. 42T23 -weak up, U M: 6th. comer Iturnatde. i ' 81&! MeyNTH---l cn, cy loom ; light, hs.u: HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS I URN 15 If ED AND UNFURNISHED ' . PRIVATE FAMILY 30S LA ROB rmntT Hi "kT" Wirrii jfirs'" ffoor, "best! Ulrnt, caa, , bath, "photie, IcJean bed liueo , '.fijrTrii.'hed, 322 moitrra- 6t4 Johnson.-llifil-1- small JfXjtus, light jund airy, funnoii.- i ' fur hou"kiing ; sujiahiW ttr ' or 8 a'uii .. ' Walking dls'i nee. 424 3d -st.-, pr. Hsll st, ,. .CLKAX houoekeeping bmniucnt roum, li. - I'JQt- -14-tu,. r eTTerm 1st. T WO UghfH-K. u.usi o.vmtl aud raaurnliie. I MX -Irving at. '-;' ' sTWI ctesn ftiriti iied U'j'twtS'-VKitig ronim, .-(,; k dowriMtairs. -.. 2J E. -MvT4-n '. lflth. ft KHiIS twrni-ld. gai-ageJ t-i par iiwi.ui. 2.Es-t'1th mth. j LAUtjk: fmriiisliwl "H. K. tnUt , ciieaii.. tvi,L.. ; riglit aciWBtrwn. .aj's Na,n,. f or. g-T. TWO - Xarniihed LMiKivAunj yoouia.. C3 L. Ill tu. i.-. cor- " l'vi. tw5-liXl'l--irfd4.I -ttreReepiugj rvoiiii Or Sl';e;i- )ng-.rvwn. 54 Morri-nr. NK'sincla.IL K, wet J t- 1 kt't.. 4 we-Vi PW7 - Tsyii-rj st. tOorUitmed tin .foiHr;nu Pa', '