i TOUIlSDAY,-OCTOBER:26r 1922. THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, OREGON. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE 251 IJISABLED cx-secrie 9ien;- trained by tta '- v awvernmeTrt mi 92. .different vocations, arw $ now available for employment; these skilled c, men are furniiiBed at no cost to the vo ,J player c$r to the employe. United States Vet erarar Hurean. Myier btda.. 9ti and Oak : L Broadway 7631. PAINTING, Sarin.- Mntimf Work tgltlBUta tlL 1493, ' iFJUCTICUf HOME BUILDER AND DE- otMHtM. BENEFIT HI Mr fc-vi !! -ENCE nrcv CKT VI V . PRICES. PLKASED TO SHOW YOC. j MAIN 8293 J HOl'SB WIBINO i M you1 j Licensee!; un-me f " -' : tag before letting your contract w-lecfi-icisn. Wainut, 5691. garage- .CEMENT drives, tli.'-t or Bdwy. 1245. . ' SITUATIONS FEMALE 254 TOl'N'j lady de.'irvs halt day office work, 2 tr' nfiit m Portland, 1 r. at O. A. C !-bn"licss oftjtas.Bsiwy.512o. . FFrh-t.-,-av, fr-IWn't.wSrflrc ted wants hou -- ! clrauiiis, .wasliiii or u titer work; fiixjd work pnaraniEf1. Waimt 63W5. iol'N(i lad:, cxicrutii'Ytl cook, desires posi lioa in privaXe fatniiy. 0-120, Jonrnal. tSfKRIENCtLi womau' -I'hone Ant. 31tVW.,- wauta day wurk. WILL cook and aerre' ditmers, lunrtiecna, v splendid fr fereccex. Ta'jjr 3.")iJ. WILi. TASK cre fif caUiireu by dour or day. references. Hf way 144. EXPEHIEXCEL AVainut 631 J. 'oarber wants pjeiuoii. lvXl'EUriINl.Tn woaiaiv wait's camp. ; t ali at 4H jetierny, as.-.. H XOtTNiS tADT wa3Ls auott iiuar Work, lidny. f 3745. " ..- -,-- ULY oaan vtaiits l t Imuae U ftiTii j. 472; no er.Tun, work in WAN'T:i 'ulid toly for daring day wnue motUrr works.- -n.lt -05 :td st. S. KXPEKIEM'Klf 14? steuwlxi.jikeeper desires ttrwition. Hairt i377. Ay:. 45. iXPEEIENCEU -cot wanta bait day wjrk . -rTeryday. Pgll. 37.3. . IJkCE f.UH TAINS li.VNW IL'XIEJtKI. 1 iTEAKS- EXPEDIENCE. EAST 61SO. DRESSMAKING 25Sr M11.L1NERV. beaut:fuiiy madf. h.it. K Fle old tnt- md new; .vhiWren s lia! HESfTITCllIft;. ; hil.i yon aU- Dr. rnaJting and altr-raUoiC Vrk gtturar;t"-i. lir.ama MdC. 3d and AMcr. Bday. faMSTITCHIXJ any color. 6c. Itm. 40J .Rateifh bldg., 827 Will. Cdwy. 3742. SEMST1TCHLNG wiiile 1M wait. 6e yd. 209 Aiaky bid.. X, W. cor. 3d and Morrison. HEMSTITCHING 6c and Sc. buttons, pitaUmi ' : 349 MornBon. rronnd floor. BEtV ISO, children s wn.ii. ar.d .aprons a fi cialty. KXlTTIXt;. V!iraiSMB. Tlf.Ml ITPHINU S'.xr lal straisht Be per yd. 100 Ifdwy, bld. UltMoTITt'lll.Nti wtitte. or e-r jarj e-.taiaat Button at Plaitina Shop, 60U lloyai bids. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS 300 si HOTEL DELORIS TV Tur UERT iY TOWN I FurnUheTnou, ihd sieepirtoom, fey dav, week or mitni reaaonable t;. i A'omJ tVaakllMrron St IWWT. 5 !'. 1 CALL A Y. M. C. A. "to see tree list roodefarte priced ronrn fot young men ii ail parts of eity. including rooms at Y - if. C. A . with plicne ln each room shower hatha aTid club faci'ine. " THE HAltTON Clean furni-sbed room. 12.50 per week j and upf also Uht bqusekeepirif,. liAirter. Buc DAY, 2.5 week up; .large, absoluwiy ciean roms; batlts free; at?t always pot. Hotel Cadillac. 3d near Jesfersou. . 6Qr DAY, $2.50 week up; larfce. -absomtely cfr-an rtninu-,; baths free; watisr always h lltel Cadillac. 31 near Jefferwu. UNFURN ISHED ROOMS 300-A 4. ROOMS SlO.ftUt uiif tirn'jitied. Main -0 t 1. 3."4 3d st. FURNISHED ROOMS PRIVATE. FAMILY 301 tRM newly tinted, weil fjrtii-lied rootn. big light fciosev ba'h. in pretty bungalow homo. ..:. i Bi.'e 15 urr m.mth for 1. ? LS f o or. 2. 411 fc'Js avg. auu m-i".- TWO ;!!, ;foi:t rmin.1, ivith J htii 5 urn- ' utes' walk- to 'tit and Morrison ;- pi" j l.-.r S 4; geutfem?- Atwatcr 05j". liH I . 12th ft., corner Tijlor. ; - UlCK fiuut betlriH.ui, ciuset and bath ad)-m- j ing; use of living room; 2 Woo las from Mis---istipin car.. ery cheap. lt7 Uraluam. Ea.t ,5040. ' . LOVELY tviiji. finished in MrtiiU- and gray. rfrr blue. imWius- funifhed witli bird-eye maple, walking diatan'e, Ean 2004. 1 j I "Wtiirt-r. , - . ; . j "laiuTe IialJ. ruvui. cieatr ji.4-wll tjunphetl. iri Si.riv'atr, hnm small Itfmily of adii.t-; steam heat'j all cor veniences, vest side, c..ne in; rheap. Atwator 4,T0i.'T - HXaSANT Sr.nt r.om. ch--e in. for geiit.. meii. in eschiiite a pi. hwe ; twia l-a, shuwer batSi," plenty of heat; rea-..i.ah.e. ' hroi)Wrt d."2i. -- BKWl.t furnii'tied room, aii ec-nvenieiv.-es, pri- vete hois; 2 dr froiu 23'i street earine. , ' i?ail 'Atn-ater ; tVf front su'jny ro-im, 1 block to Suhnyaide cfcr. Furnifhed; very reasonahie. 161 E S3d ?t. X., cur. Yamhill. . ' ' - ix'KMSHED room t. rent. $3 week. Lao.ie- ; prterrci?" l4S LitTelanJ aie. wamu. 55147. E. ;rsnurn. WANTED- -A -leti yjuni: Sirl - 5P.V .mo "l I i x a msave CLEAN newly faltn. sl-.-jpiug tn. in prv. t'auiily. modern, wa-lkii:a distanc-. oS7 - Vaneouver- ave., t.bik to B.luy. carline. . FU RNISHED kOOM; BREAKFAST (tPTlTtN A I. ; RESTAURANT NEAR. CALL TA H'.IR 5733 - "CICELY iiirniiied roiu tor gentleman, fi - vate family; uo oTrjer, roenners. rea.omihle. llawthoftie district, close in. Tabor 7425 VERY DESIRABLE yleeping u.n-. t Fi ' and $12 per 'tno. ; kiiiiV ruce h. k. rooms; cl.we in, oti'.weyt aidey tvy Savier. il.L-y. 12S0. FCRNlSHKli r.orus wi-.i name privileges, phone, stove hpat; f-loso - in. Phone East QUI. 3HJ lac:tic- CONGENIAL youHig iii-ui . vrth real homo, clojeom. cast ade. ave. N, F:at, 331. o is IN ULE room tor geuiietuen', desirable locatlbn. 027 Broadly 2620 ! 1 t -v in mate, 331 Gtii.d uitiern. Ktramey CLEAN, nide heafed room,; reasonable for.:. 3o R(W5 St. . FURNISHED roc.mi. nk ' Taoor 104; ii.'.etr: home. $10 a month, en .irefrrreii. ONE houstrkeepir-i Mom ant 1 bi-ep-.ng. rooui. iady or genUc::Sn entpleysft wrefcrred. T?bor j 8207. i'ao Belmont, between 30tii-31st. i fSt C . AS 4 " clee ng Voora mcleanT"ui?T ' jiate.im.xlern home; warning distance. b t.. j MiS- N1CE fdruish m utth or WitiiottLsiioard. Cai: Atwater 431)7 or "04 Egp-it ft liKtlE i living rtoai and ki'.ol.etitrf! iill Ai-I I.loa-apt fu;-n led sleeping ro-m; itotja si. K.i--: oirtane?- 40a j FROi t" frv in. cit-an. tuxtii.. phone : waiaing di taTa-e.j we.-.t siae; 12 j-er m.iulU. i Tsyiof. Call M.nnUy. 34 .' VVIIV jl, r-;tk-.t nari..- ,J,,eilli r.Htm iitih:e j for wfo; furnace heat 3J Colleie st.. awat y2 Istt.t Ph.'ne Mr.ia 31.14. . CLEAN well tilrnioed 'ls.-ili aim inniaet-ep-ing rooms, no objection t.t Uacfielor-i; - m: reasenshie. rjf.-t I'T'.tti. a i. l NEATLY miniehed iiuht. clean Mvai. 3 l!k from Morriscn st. . $12 a moartk; working eati preiymd. 225 V". Park st. 1 ' EXCEIrio.il.LY plea nut troiu rosjm. waik ipg di-'ttnee. el sidf, 4 33 H ' Mimtcrm tt. Main 8570. . . NICELY fur;ifciiitil lsrj r.sm. week; Jr ik ing distance. 223 2 lit st., coy. lsivejjy. Clean and Pr-ght. - LADY, ahviir,, aislie !aiy emplnye.!; use of kitc'neiy-home privileges. Kit 73 ;i ;1 OR 2 FINE- rc-JUis. io fireproof tfraae - - Tabor T. ' ,. ' FURNISHED rontas ia private bigae; breakiast it desited 6afrKearny st NICE sroay sieesHag rooaa with lumse-. eat. '- elose ir. 474 feslmen t Main S75s, 841-1 2TH ST.-7-Douhre jrom, hot and -cj-.d water, 2 bed. Men ociy. r ROOMS, nicely' tarnished, rseentiy pspc-rtd , , near Mills, bet 5kctory. Atwater St) ' JuAKt.r,,- ciena trcit room, n-sr 2tU an-1 ' Wa-hingwwt. 63 -FHa st. jidwy. ?rtxa. . .R RENf-v-sleep.iig rrm, t i.su Powed j . street; $2 let oeeic fi p.;r month ! ,'ieptv li-..sr.j . . '- 1 s c. . ... :i"u iro.h.oi iwtior. prtrate ' c entrance, cm ttij tow re.tt 74. Columbia st. 1 V FL:RNlHET reca In tesin.-d ie7iaSS f . a week p. C.U .5 w T p.,tn.. S48 t,. .RICJC. eiesn f utulsncd . roomsj tot genUeeaea. 4Z8 K." BSTTWOse tt. lP02. " . ' T ' - ' .... v ' , - ..- pESLKA-BLE, Meant heated, .clrvn furniahed , looflafti Watting distance. 43 IS 12th at FOR RENT" FURNISHED ROOMS PRIVATE FAMILY 30l LADY has B'ce ace-wamrxiatimts tor. club- f S . of M lent. ladles, or both; close in, conven !Jt car iokf : phoee, bath; teal home- for MI preciative people; Hasotiable rate : break 4t if desired. 144' .V 2M. near !lo)-t 3 SU.KI'IXU toons, a blocks north of Bdwy. 'i Hmi v.; elean, light and sunny"; furnace- beat, piano; home ' privileges; gentle- mi prer. East 4421. ! PXF.AfiANT rwm. clrr mi. for geiriletrjsn; rnt. fea-.iOanle. with or ' wruiout garage. LARQE room 75 ground fiber with kitcUen and AWng room,, privileges. A real hotpe ; tor j or girls. Good iocatioa and close 1 Jn- Main 5834. ; TWO beautiful room, Phone privileges; close 19 garage; center of Uo, by alultnoman cluH. Rent reasonable. 551 - Taylor at. iliia 3010. I'refer men. ! ( LaRttE rSum.' 8 closets, private bath, fireplace, stumble for 3 or 4; beautiful; refined home; inhalier . room and attic room." S4 NjI i IL n-- Kwrett. .. Mi 'K iarue attic jiipfi iiig rtu. Jei;Cno iie."-t. menace lieat, piione, batft, hot water, laree winrfam; eanj najkhu; distance ' $9 per ma. 11' N'. lth at. Kroadway 105. NOB HII.L Beautiful corner foam, mahogany furniture, firpiatse, iaA- furnace, every home comfort. C. S. preferred. Attcater lit) u r ilKMSHKLi room i4 io?inesa woman : best r-iJ:'nee tstriet; -ain beat; 9-0 per moirtli. 'Main I 1HIEKN FLAT 4 roomu and 2 rooms far r.. sited of nnfumisbed) cheap; JS0 Beei. PU e for ear. Children taken. - Near Tlitnip-dB grad an(r Jefferson hih. VELL "furnished roorn. East 15th and IIaw-J ..lump. .juaat bo. MCE FRONT SEEEPINO BOOMS. SUIT- AHJ.K FOR 1 Oil 2, CLOSE IS. EASY . U'AI.K1N; IIS'1ACE. CHEAP. 238 la HI cT. iEft tnoie to ahar4 room home. m.'dt'rn aria" i onrpnient, 'J. adulta in family: on -. crline; araea. if desired. jVVainut Oioy. f 2 SJ.EEPlNti rw.ms in. Rinotiv mmierti. new hi tor 1 or 2 or man and wife-employed. I te ir relief. Auto. 323-'J0, ail day Sunday; w cek days. 3 to i p ra. KPOM AND BOARD 302 NortonSa;liGt0i. Hfwaw bft WishifietoB, Broadmy 1 J no. Portland faigh claaa djwntown residential hoteL - We sire you ctha fomforts of aama, American and European plan. Itataa reasorj afaja. : A SUtTE of rooms and aieepini; porch, auitabla for 2 or 8' persorji 7 7' -arsliail. Main 1 44. EX' l.CdIVK residential hotel; rat 44 ta SS0. 8 Irejoy. JIain ESli ROOMS AND BOARD PRIVATE FAMILY 303 M F. I.A1;F. TIOOM 8 (JIT ABLE FOR TWO. TWO CLOTHES CLOSETS. FIRNACL 11 CAT, fiOOO HOARD. HAWTKOliNE R TAHJH'817. a miinw room, runnine warer, 'VofT1 ; ; -Jt: tMiiLitoje i'r wHti ecxxi noaru 1 add additt.1. 1 biook tn Hawthorne car; !- in, waiitnig oiftanoe. t'all j-:st 437!t. WANTED TWO HEP-INFO ViH Xfi MEN I" l:oO.V AXI HOAUO IN PRIVATE iOMK. MAIN" 0037. GOOD HOME AND MOTHER'S CARE IN LEAN Mt11ERX HOME FOR. 1 CHILD. '"A 1.1. TAliOli &137. dry teniliou.-se; also 11. rixims and fiirii;shcd moms, 'board optimial. (urfta;e heat, evprjrthhtg-mndern; reasonable. &2 It :-t. Broadway 2W3. ' FttJC i; eti:;.i.:yei pei-pie. rt.im with ruitii:n atr. in-ri;t t.r.1 u uie, sleeping ix.rch if j preferred ; meal's vcl cook.-d and served; , ; al-o have garage. Haft 672 4. j WANT EH To cafe I t 3 little girU under scii .age; have plenty gnats' milk. WilLj jcive mothers car.; references exchanged. Addr-s ilr. Arsleae lieai. North Plains.' Or. GOOD ROOM AND EXCELLENT BOARD FOR 4 MEN IN NICE REFINED HOME. HEASQNAHI.K. CALL EMPIRE 1401) ROOMS with nr wHhout board, one or two useu. Caii East 5693. ROOM snd, board for respectable roan, horns e.i!nfiirt, reasonable. No other boarder. Ativotr 2 52. LOOM and hoard vjUl young cou;.e hi warm m.Mleiji fiat for 3 nice girls. $40 for ouk ia i Jni. $30 each f.ir 2 in room. Ativater 4 3;i 7". W IUT, BOARD BABY BY THE MONTH S61 MISSISSIPPI AVE. WALNLT 3064. NICJp room and 2 meals for 1 gentleman, in - private home. 48 Broadway. Atwater : ' ' WANTED- A baby girl bttween ages of 2 ht ami to board iu private family; will give j 110 win u ii aesireo. GOOD ROOJr AND BOARD CHEAP. ' CALL SELLWU0D 8083, -FOR Aizvil itiarlVl; V.v... ... o- t ....jiiic ur .-onvajeycent pa- I. r. ' n f ','!U!ant llt ms snrrctindinBs. health lure an , - bitildine ,,. h lr.,,, ..i, . ot phy.-jciap ; rea.-cjiahlj rates. Eat S535. ...... i ... ii ii.iixi mm TWO nice rooms, very elose m. East 3561. walking distance, east side, :ood board if desired. Call LARGE, iisht room, with board; rates rek'on abie: ea- walking distance. 201 E. First tt. N. East Q2"3. ' WANT ED Lady 'with baby to care for while .it uwiv room and ao own cook- , mf: S,t:sltye GOOD ROOM AND FOR 2 TV vick novtn REASONABLE. ciLL T'lVsV -it FRONT ro room or i.leeiMne Durcti leniences, adult family, Southern houV: nig, fcwr l or 2 youn men or MX viascuc affiliations preferred. Tabor 3114 " V t .". -A A D. 2 rooms; with board- i. oeautiiui Amencan home. 12 min. from eitv f f "; U".m, manu:A turing district; plenty : f heat and' hot water. 920 Kelly. ROOM and board foi bWin i 1. and board foi en it aces; waliini ccurenitaces; walitng 'distarnfe.- as t'.3Q. l- B 7th st ..r4 to bfara, oeautitfui country home, ". 'f"ooL clog, a, $14 monthly. For .uat wnte Peseefts? Acres Farm, route -L -4'A' """boro. iw t:rls may ha 1 i!.f - . , - ... . i . ' vow in ii. i lonie cook ing Wslnut 0591. ""e coox i. WANTED -To mte for baby grn, sny sue t.i - U'J ol'er,"iidren; niotherlcM child cre- ! ferittd. WalPBt 8103 Ai - JO - U and boar3 1U DriVai IHniilt.. r..- .. . . .. . ". " - sh piano, li nv(i- wy 1403. er-ogSH Davis ?t. near lilth. NI.'E,rsnBny front room with or without board i t, j iiicroom, very reasonable, fcaat E;t 4!48. WANTED LIT 1LE GIRL RCTHivv tl-P AGES OF '3 AND 8 TO klin. t Vf. i -HOARD WALNUT 68 1 7. bi-EEl'IiVG ROM. frout, breakiast if aci 1 X m: men or worrn. Main 20" 1 833 i Overlook kltd Missis- transfer .West R. S CONGEXIAL man .ha air room, two - - oi- nome: home rr- jJMTpoa ,ate. Tabor 258 v ,T ,11i:t:l.l furnished - room ar1 h-i l.?ff .- : ! wtrftme heme: re,KkL , " I . Wainut 0236. i WELL turnbhed light, warm room with' hLj ' - - . -- , ,)uivauinKaL Dlanot .. i.. .li.la f H VI .. . ..... e "v ROOM and hoard for one Tabor 1322. ; - ROOM with- or w.Uioat board: race clean I Jajce : .walking distance J reaaoaabie. 54 7 u NICE Mfom and home privileges,- 2 meals a rl v. good car service. Aute.328-7l. UtiOITlioeBe for gki 8 t 10 yea,. neaV adhocL Seilwncd 8413. - , ','-- : . ! GO11 home 'Or eltihl. reaseuahle: as other chirdren; ntr st-l.eol. Tabor 1911. A DWELT large room ia aa auncutb aomI Tahor- 8709.; iii iom and boa' "HSS rd for two rasuectahi. Minnesota . ; . ROOM, and board tor 2. ia private faxoSF". Hawthorne line. ; Call TaW.r 3282 NICKLT furnished "room with board, ' horoe I'nyilegea. .774, Serthruju. Atwater 2781. fOR rfENT- ROOMS AND BOARD 4 PRIVATE FAMILY v 303 ROSE C1TT. PABK-T lotely famwrhed toQtaa tor mUentett of rrfinement de5irin4 Stood meals and appnpnsttpf boma eocsforbi. -i prit kosee; , fumaea beat and: hot water: C. S. pret erred; ret. required. Auto. ,324-54. , t Li DT with ifrjol Itnme wonld hke aewve 1 on to room and board. PCoae Main 2695. 668 N. 23d rt. - . - HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS L FURNISHED ,304 4.!MJ-5 WEEK. Completely farnished iiowe ceepina suites, absolutely clean, every eon reniencje; baths free water always toot! right downtown, as re carfare, 288 Third St., near rJffersoo. BEAL'TIKCL single and 2 room suites, ivory woodwork, furnace heat; everything .new. very artistic, outside rooms on first flsor. 3 35 lptli M- ONE large, well furnished front H. K. mora, rtrictly morkn, suitable fear 2 people. 341 - list. . 3 IUtJM suite 830 month. 6 room flat suit iible for 2 families, $50 month. Water al ways hot. ' 422 2d st. ONE eitra laree H- K. mom on first floor; rlnty heat and hot water, etose in. ' Boy crest ApU. f l7S 12th -at., ewr. TamMH. Fl' HNISUEii APT.; .ground floor. 2 bedrooms, large parlor and pis no ; 1 b!k. from Jefferson high; adults only,,. 835.. Walnnt 2325. H IiOoSlS. single or double, sleeping r rooms, ga.s. tut and cold water, lights free. 491 Everett ft. Bdwy. 5258. ONE 2 -room apL one 3 room pt.4 eterythin8 fnrnishetl. 423 Faiiinf st. Walnut 6913, CLEAN stnsle housekeeping room 83.23 ; per wvek. 321 6th. elose in. SI'N.VTCREST iSteam heated H. E. rooms. 810 up private hath optional. 186 Sherman. $15 MOXTH--1 (! n, coEy room; light, heat, batii; close in. 325, 12th st, HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS UNFURNISHED 30S LNFl UMSHED II. K. Uoce. 200 Ro it. rooms, walking -dia- HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED PRIVATE FAMILY 306 NlfTEI.T furnished, pongee .drapes, hardwood floors, dome light, private bath, toilet, wash tray, entrances; Dutch kitchen, fine neigh borhood, nice yard, garage,-- 1197 Clerelajid ate. Wslnut5938. IRTINOTON On carline, I imrge rooms, completely furnished, smsH kitchenette, on ground floor. $40. Includes phone, lights, wster. S children. 8u,ubie.(ur 2 adults. East 4884. 4 STRICT LT moden well lighted outside rooms, handy to bath arfd taundry; private entrajme: also two rooms snd HtpiDg jHrch; nice home; reasonable rent. 1428 E. 20th at. - ONE pleasant room, light snd clean, south front, with fireplace, elcc. gas, uae of phone, bath and laundry - tra.v; employed peojjle preferred. 141 N. 23d. Main 590. MCELY furn. Hy-K. room. $2.50 a week. One 2 ru apt, SUiUble lor family with rpdren; electricity, gas. bath, phone, water in rooma; walking distance. Bdwy. 7735. TWO furnished h. kT rooms, everything- fur" nishad but e; close in; children welcome; $23. 179 Stout or 20th and Morrison. Bdwy. 1(109. THREE large clean .runny H. K. rooms in "my home, ni.se yard., 1 i min. to 3d and Morrison st,. $25 mouth, including light and water, no children. Sellwofd 1102. 3 BEDROOMS, dining room and kitchen, cluaply tuniuhed. $25 month, over store. At.ply Empire theatre, 289 Grand ave.. after 7 p. m. CLEAN 3 room furnished U. K. apt., newly papered and painted, first floor, private en- trance; waiking distance. Adults. Call At- water 0!i24, mornings or evenings. 1WO rocra.i." furn. H. K. apt., modern snd rea gonahle: also ringle-H. K.room; everything furrdslied but gas, $4 week. 421 ' 6th AtwHter 2 00.1. SEE THESE TODAY IF TO!' WANT NICELY FrRXXSHKD H. KT. ROOMS. VERY CLOSE IN .LIGHT AND PHONK FREE, CALL FAST fs93 NICELY furnished, light, clean, airy 1 nd 2 room- apL-.. newly decorated: lights heat, phone, bath free : walking distance ; reason able rent. 534 Mill at. MainS214 VACANT Friday. 2 -pleasant modern hi k. .rooms; waik.ug distance; outride entrance. r"" 42 5V Per mo. 828 E. 1st N. Fast 2o0o, f LA ROE liht room, kitchenette and clothes closet with single room, $10. Usual con venience; near school and car; close ta 730 Hoyt. NEWLY furn. ll. k. ami slttniT)! r.w.tn 11, ,iut 1 block fnirn D car 2 hlrwka tm.th of Slultnomah cluh. 200 Nartilln enr Mad if on. Atwater 4 173. MODERN, well furnished single housekeeping room.'. A neater 1195. 267 Hail st. NICELY lurni-hsd ho-iiaekeeuina rooms cnauie. Harris op 412 10th St.. west side between snrl Hall. Abo sleeping poreh. TWO 3 -con Atrtments, close Eat. 27.71. Modern. TWO II. K. rooma, $20; also one large sleep ing room for 2 men or ladies, $18 706 o:ian. .Atwater 393S. ! THREE houaekeeping- rooms, first floor, run , tung water, rent $23 month. 601 Everett I ' st. Bdwy. 2529. ONE lurnished housekeeping room on second fioct. -xloe 1n: bright and clean; reasonable rent. --349 Salmon. ' NICKLYHurUfched H. K. apartment, hot and cold water in apartment; clone in. 2t8 lotht. "Melrose apts." n i , .ri'i v- ;t.a'. - " o juiTiisuu zMJuseKeeplug roon.s, gas, light. bath and phone; adults. 0O E. 43d Tabmr B76i. NICE, light clean h. k. rooms. 1 block from eariine; fnniace, heat, gas. 300 N 2d Bdwy. 2929. ' MODERN warm H. K. apt,, $25 nio., up; 1 roovn. $12. Central west aide. Inquire 415 W. Broadway. : $10 MONTH UP yP room H. K.-auts., partly, !ih fi complete; also sinjie H. K. , 328 4th st Atwater 3672, . cf fumn rooms. WA.fiM.- tc '.eu , ''ousekeeping rooms, everything " erJ'i'-l.m,lel'Kpin' room; Noli -Hill d-strict 121 . 23d. Atwater ISfIL' ! THREE H. E. rooins. 2 beds, $20 mo.; large front rooin $15 mo ST 9 U u-.-l, ! cor. Union. , 3 LIGHT, cheerful .,-,. . ; I rooms, everything fur- nunea. close in. no other roamers. East i P084. 352 BOSH st. " j THREE furn abed housekeepiug rooms with steatnheat: ptaca for auto free of charge. ON E furnished heusekeeping room with dress ing room, lights, water and phone furnished for $10. 64 E- 28:h'st N. Ea-t 6738. TWO Ursa, heasekeeping rooms with dressina room, light, phone and bath. 535 East Burn side, East 3S83. ONE AND TWO H. K. (MS. RfSXT REA SONABLE. Walking distance. 500 Com rnercial st, near RusaeU. LA ROE roam and kitchenette, easy walking distance, everything furniahed. $6 per week 369 6th r-t - Ft'RNACE heated, sleeping and housekeeping rooms for employed people. Call 427 Wil liams ave. FURNISHED H. K. rooms, .downtown, electrie - ..lightti. $J.5 for week and up. 324 4 1st LARtiE f puts rooms for hou'sekeephig ; large iron bed; 1 small tingle room. 314 two ec ."'.--.'- . 1- rae and liirhr - 84th'1tWs!"E: Eltf nice furnished room and . k-tchar Pinry, and closet hot and cold water, light gas "and heat included in rent. 240 E. 60th. rooais. kitchen, gas range. fneL nhm k. ,h and light. Adults. Aut 815-03. J4.J23 PER WEEK, single hi k. room. Heat, hot waiefV rieelrio liahts. 254 l ! mt n - ti x, r-r .- . - . - "U7W? ."i,",f ". "UbIe 444 East Oak. Phone East 1186. .2 R60MS and kitchenette, reasonahlet walk. "4 ing distance Piione East 9510. , 3 KOOMa, farniahed. gsiage, $26 per jnonth. ws ra-st iota aontn hllltK furniBhed H- K. room, cheap cent right- dewntowa. L68 H Wath,. epr. Stt TWO fuxnbhed housekeeping rooms or deep ing rooms. CS4 MorrBtoa. ONE tirmM) lie K. room and 2 roost basement It., 'it veei. so i . layior st. THREE furatehed H. K. rooms, electric liah't aud fater, 816 a month. 674 A. Salmon. CLEAN ll- K. annt warklsg eoapaav reason -I.-: sni is v.. I .11- . 9-RUobt house lor rent with 3 rooaaTTuT , nialred for housr-keep ing. 52 E. J jfth . N. $3 W.K-, 2 -small baching reonu. iungl wZaiT- gas, bath. -phone. Top floor. 68 E. lota at S ROSE CITY PAKKT tuca 3 rooca a at . Ummi light phone; aunim. $1.50 AND LP." f urniahad h, k. tousul. iaraao heat 113 S. ITtk, wast idar FOR RENT L I HOI ftJRNis: HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS -- HED AND UNFURNISHED PRIVATE FAMILY 206 LLk A N' fno.Lhl 'J a i. v .... Willi sink and bath connected; also single u. w. rooma. call tiundar all day. ttLhtf dan r ""rninw .or evening. . 431 K. Ash, Bear 7th. ai,c,L,i . lumiitied h. tNwu; single rooma ia asM i month, in suites $25: frae light, .tak, heat and phone. Call Hon., a tn, per. 11- p. m.. oeo 4th. UOOD hTirn Quarters for man and wife, or .Ti hi partly maeera borne, - uer monm, memoes all overhead ei- TJenses; Bererenees. Atwatgr 1378. vr A, -4PKX1. clean (urnisbed h, k. roouu. y btocka from car; good loeaticm: priva; - soma: No children. 638 E. Couch at.. near ann. Kast Oflaft HOI'SEKEPPINii r.,m. . . ;. r-.i furuac and built-ina, Dutch kitche'n, 1 block - rrora eariine, adults oxuy. 4304 45th are. Ant, 838-S8. ' . , - x 3 LAROE. location. clean honsekeexitBC rooms, goad auui 0uuo. ONE ori2 housekeerring rofrma,l8 ind $28. including gas. lights, phone and fuel. 271 - N. 21st st. THREE , eazy, clean rooms, in nice house, 322 50. Porch, lawn, lights bath and phone. Adults. Nice location. Can morning a. KeasonaMe. Walnut 878 TWO nice light housekeeping rooms: light, heat ipuuiiw laaaaca t. -ete&i-WOoa 9 4 Du. 2.75 A WEEK, ftmtehnl lights and bath included; quiet place, "WesttH mTS' i wllJun Oistaaoe, 215 Mill hod use ist st. f FKEE rent, 2 rooms and some wages la es enange for care of child. Full particular S tii ' Swenaon st. St. Johns car to ,3. '.mi ICSWa H. MCE clean housekeeping, apta., all newly reno vated i and ready to occupy; instantaneous hot water, everything furnished but cooking gss. Kent reasonable. Main "1075. - NEWLY furnished, sunny, ciean housekeeping rooms;, lrory and wicker furniture; light, heat and phone free; 1 blocks from car line. 51 lUan, bet. 17th and v18th j ONE LIGHT H. KT ami 2 gleepint'roomi. with furnace heat. 147 K. 21st st " TWO large, sunny, werf furnished housekeep n rooms, hot and eold water. 831 Hurt at., near 20th.' Broadway 4046. jm TWO-very large modern front H. K. rooms, fust floor, with garage. 249 18th t uri Wf. vVv w-. - "- - , j ' " 1 '- ii.i . iiui.'or.ii.t,-io room to neat couple. 1649 Waahburne. rEmpire 0218. APARTMENTS FURNISHED 307 . BEACTIFITi 3 ROOMS IM ALSO 4 RMS. $55 MODERX Well furnished. warm. convenient; equipped for ; to 5 persons. The Columbian t 11TH, AXQt CQEfMBIA STS. " J tn.1 3 -ryKmiv furnished or unfnrnished. tile ha tli elevator. 11th at MoBtfomery. Main 0350. Leeds Apartments - . Fireproof bldg.. modern 2, 3. and 4 room apts.. aincle rma. ; jHevator service. Atw. 3697. 0.E-SF IRVINGTON'S FINEST C-ROOM f.TS-. WITH PRIVATE (JARAGE. FOR RENT NOV. 1. NOTHING FINES IN PORTLAND. BENT 892 60. E.4.8T 1763 Modern 2 room apt., light heat, phone, $23; winter r?.te. Main 73a;. ' THE tiENNISON. 1027 BELMONT 3 soim front corner", 'furn. apt. private bath and--phone. Mt. Tabor and " 8." S. car. alo modern sleeping r-xm.. Tabor-0846. $40 3 LOVELY rooms, well lighted, uri- f- rate : bath and reception hall, hot water all the time. Main 3703. ' GLEN COURT Corner Park and Taylor. Msin 1981. feTHE j'EFFERY Special 2 room furnished a. a t A Close in. cor. Russell and Kerby. 9 m l i jit. ' ADAMS APARTMENTS ' Modem 2 rm. apt, furnished. 408 Jef- fersnn. ' ' SAN MAHCO, E. 8TH A.VD 'COUCH! 8-RM. MOD. APT.. WK. OR MO. EAST 1990. H ADDON HALL. 11TH AND HALT, ' 3 room, kitchenette, bath, hdw. floors, private balconies, $85 up. Atwater .1 160. lHBEE large rooms and pantry, ground floor, all furnished for housekeeping. 585 Conv merctal st, near Emanuel hospital ON BANDY, near 27th, a front 2-room fur nislied apartment. Rose City ear, $18 per month. East 6412. 1 AND 2 rooms, steam heat hot and cold water, $15 and $20. Bdwy. 4292. 245 Vt N. 17th st NICE front apartment two, large rooms and kitchenette; adolts. Broadway and Main st. Atwater 2242. NICELY furnished 4 room modern apt, close to Carline, $30. Atwater 4166. UNION AVE. and KillrhgsWorth, furnished apt, $24,50; all complete; .aoncrete bldg. 3 OUTSIDE rooms, clean, light, airy, fumi'hed; furnace heat. East -0858. well 5 ROOM apt. 14 th st. N, completely furn. 1191 E. VValtint 2138; $28 per mo. ONE 2 -room and one 3-room furn. i-aut. alsa 3-rohm unfurn. apt. East 8702. ;' LARGE 2 -room furnished apt, with-garage or withput 315 22d st. N. APARTMENTS UNFURNISHED 308 ON. KENTON CARLINE Attractive 0 room . apartment with sleep ing porch; Lombard st, at Alhina ave.; 20 minutes to town; $33. Broadway 3070 or Walnut 2642. . The American i Modem 4 snd 5 room apartments, j 21st and John-on. Broadway- 8880 LARCt front room, sleeping porch aril bath, light phone, hot snd cold water; cloe in, wet side. $10. Aut. 53d-i9. 4 ROM upper flat.V neatly furniahed, $25". 263,Hooker. Main 6839. t . - - in FLATS FURNISHED 309 FOR RENT 5 rm. lower -flat on west side, - ii.-!; .:-, n-iii t s....j ' w a t a in 1 inittaiiiuc. it ui irub luiiiDiiini sir sell furniture cheap if taken this week. Call Main S91. l'.WO adults, 4 room furoiahted flat private bath, gas, electricity, newly tinted, clean, water, garbage paid. 473 FiUing. Walnut 4JT39. 1 FURNISHED i 1089 HAWTHORNE 847-,S0 Moalern furniahed flat. 547-50. FURNISHED 5 room flat- 651H MUwaukie. Phone Sell. 0888. .'!.. FOR RENT Four room famished flat; adults. 708' Sandy' blvd. FIVE tool lower fiat on dandy corner for ' business. ' 272 hi Williams ave. East 2378. !rTJkTS-aWFim4TSH 310 VERY j desirabl 5 -room flats " with sleeping porch; well located on 21st and Hawthorne; strictly mcdern ; $50 a month. Phone own er. East 9898. 5 ROOM ripper Sat located at 831 Hatsey; . good cohdition; furnace, laundry trays, good car service ; 423 per month. Call Mr. Langtktni, Bdwy. 8087. I 5 ROOM flat, 290' Margin st., foot of Halsey. enry- 10 minutes walk from Union depot; beautiful location, $30, theluding water. East B012. 4-ftOOJl modern flat,JL77 2H Osage ave.. 1 block south 23d and Washington sts. , west side. Main 8988 ot Bdwy. 7888. 5 ROOMS, sleeping Porch, modem, clean, with er without garage,, good neighborhood. Owner, 79 E. 19th st N. Phone East 6893. FURNACE. RANGE. HOT WATER- HEATER $37.50- -Neat modern cosy flat 1089 Hawthome. mane r4 T-so. MODERN 6-room upper flat in East Port land, walking- dirtar.ee. $40. East 2301 HOUSES--FURNISHED 311 FFISNISHED 1089 HAWTHORNE $47-30 Modern furniahed horn. R47-50. , i auto FOR? RENT- -roi m modern hou-i, i " 583 amtoti its 8 roomt. 481 E. 10th; 5 rooms, 63S, E. ljth st; rooms, 814 Woodward ave. 324 Front sr., Main 7808. i GOOD 8-roova bouse,- partly furnished. 4419 44th street- sowtheaat, .3 bkwaa to Wojd- stock car; $40. Key next door sonth or rhone owner. WarvMrt 1114. i NICELY1 famished S roembunaaUiw. fnen.nl rafetencea wantad. 1173 V. IramluiL No chihirelt. LOWER, floor, Bttodern. J roomC evaapletejy mnioiiwi, ytw, ara-c ana aai-43. NICE i eiesn furnished 49AA 75th st 8. 8 bauaaknr fucn rent FURNISHED hou3 for tent, wait sada ao'ntiZ Phone Atwater 4431. , -- ma. mu 131 Waner.. ' FOR RENT HOUSES FURNISHED. 311 FOR RENT Eight-room nuxtatrn bouse. AH nice large roots. 3 bedrooms and bath on first floor, 2 reoaas op; iarse attic, full cegnent bese aeenit; lot 125x100; garage, flowers. Sawn, fruit. Win teak tor tii month; vacant; S blpeka fm St Jokns carlitM. 1119 Syra cuse, sear Burr st, STEWART at JOHXSOH 8 1 & North wewtern Bank Bldg. J ' 6CEXIG LODGE COTTAGES ' S24 Beightg terrace, faw view of mooo tains and -city. 20 minutes walk to. heart of city; tfall atreet. ear en Morrison to 13th St.. 2 blocks west. See to appreciate; -reduced rent for winter. 1 HOUSES UNTNISHED 312 SPRnSXBRED' W!aB10CBB 4aa tMegoagaiL Star yaaar gcods with mat LM ma W you saorisg anat fdnng CLAX B. MOTUs. Ua " 84T0. - 484 GHeaw Bdww. MOVE THE 8ECT7R1TT WAl Ettraoniinary Serviea ' ." For the ordinary prise. PACJtlSG. MvSVlNG. STORAf?? 8ECTJRITT STORAGE fc TRANSFER CO. 4th at Pin St., Opp. Multrxirniah hotaL ; Telephone Broadway 371 FOR RENT 8 room house in Overlook adidl tioo; ' garage, fumaee, cement basement, new- ly painted and tinted; 1 Wock to car. See ' Radea A Oraveile. 107 Shaver st- Wal ' nut 0202.. Take Mississippi car to Sharer. MODERN, unfurnished suburban cottage- with . well improved t acre ; 8 miles from Port - tend, 6 -minute walk to station Oregon Elec- trie ; paved highway and hard surfaced: road to eity. Willi 8. iMoote.- Salem. Ore. B ROOM MODERN HOUSE Garage, heating stove and gas rang tar nished, large lot,, $Z 8. 424 Hartman. Eaa- pire 1288. ' , . FOR RENT- 7 -room house. 835 ; 1 H lots, -gas range; 49th at, neat Powell Valley id. Inquire t 3627 4th st B. K. PIANO MOVING $3 furnltare $3.0 per hoar; 2 men, large padded Tans. Call Crown Transfer Co., East 5047. - COT RATE ON FURNltt'RE MOVING Fireproof Storage 15 Days Free LONG DISTANCE HAULING. BDWT. 2443 6 ROOM cottage, with bath, near corner at 4013 59th ave. 8. E.. $25 per month. Oil at 5821 Woodstock ave. Auto. 015 13. 7 LARGE modern rooms, 100 20O, abundance Gasco fumaee; b. ; of fruit and shade trees - only $35. 6417 Bth st 8 WHEN MOVING, City ot country, get the Met at lowest prices. . Grata Ttaa. Co. Maaa 1281. 203 H AMer st COOD 6-room house ia Rose JJity Pgrk; hard wood; electricity and gas; $B0. Atwter 4378. WHEN moving. eaU Eu 6026. We tract your job or $2 pet hour, and tar nish 2 men. LARGE & room house, 2 baths, furnace, $50. una T.. it-ukUiM maim,.. "fltl. t fj Jt j. a, ni, i. i, . ..ii,,. . v ..... EL AN To 7 rooms, close in, furnace, $38: owner there 2 to 4 1. m. 829 E. 1 1th So. MOVING Large truck lor -furniture. $1.30 pet hout, special men. Main 8059. WHEN moving tiU Ti'jot 0256; ws conuaci your Job, or by the bout. CLEAN 5 mom house, B4 E. 8th '., bet Everett and Flanders. Tacant the 29th. FURNITURE moved. $1, 4 or 3 room; trunks, 50c Phone Waanut 8108, HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE FOR SALE 313 BE I'D water heaXer, kitchen linoleum, re fngeratex. ivory chiffonier, wall mirror 24x65, Simmons' bed, mattress, sprfagsi leather rocker, oak library table, curtains, fireplace, mirror and other things. Bunga low and garage -for rent Tabor 9328. 639 K. S9th st X." S-ROOM house for rent, $25 -per month, walking distance from business district ; fur niture for aale, including Buck's combin&uon range; must sell at-onoe. leaving city. 226 Sherman st B ROOM modern flat completely furnisiaed. most reasonable rent on West Side; $00. some terms. Don't go by outside appearance. 494 14 Columbia. Main 2157. CENTRAL Sit large room, out of ordinary, builtlns. Wilton rugs, with piano and phonograph, 81O0O. or withow $850. Owner 256 12th. S ROOMS, rent $29; furniture for aale $200. half, casfcj balance monthly payments. Phone' Walnut 3537.: 108 Killingsworth are. NEAT 6 room bungalow 'for rent, with garage and some furniture lor sale; no children. 4124 63d ve, S. E. SIX room houBe. for rent: furniture for sale at a sacrifice; winter's fuel in basement 490 Grand ave. south; ; B-ROOM fiat for rent, furniture for sale; - rooms repted; wewt aide. Aut 620-41-ELEGANTLT furnished house, fruit trees, high elevation: furniture for sale. 252 Giho. STORES AND H ALLS 314 FOR DESIRABLE space in fireproof ware house, phone Bdwy. $715. OFFICES DESK ROOM 315 DESK ROOM, with telephone and stenographic service. Phone Bdwy. 8715. WANTED TO RENT HOUSES 361 SMALL furnished, or partly furnished Pause, permanent renter,,. 1 girl, 2 H - years' old. R-828, Journal. ' WANTED To rent large house -neat. Hblmah school. Main 8828. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE - BUSINESS PROPERTY 401 MUST RAISE SOME CASH WILL, SACRIFICE , Price $4000. Income 40yper month better tilrui 10 on ymr investment Idea 1 InrrinTV Rm. hniifiu, a-wA 1 I .1 : Rented to grocery fint floor, f rooms mod ern' above. On carline, paved street Ret ter -ihresticate. Empire 0424. LOTS 403 LOTS OF GROUND 50x300 on macadam street, close in, good garden soil. This is equal to 3 full lots. Price $650. $50 cash, $10 per month. oee Ltwyer, vntn. t.irCia . 1 -732 CHAM. OF COM. LAURELHCRST DISTRICT. $88U FOR FORD OR CITEVROLKT , - Ltel lot on IE. Davis st. 1 block east orf. Lanrelhursl Only 2 blocks to ear. All'-imp. -in and psid. 'AYifl trade for latt msdel. Ford or Chevrolet HENDERSON-BANKUS CO. 228 Henry Blag. Bdwy. 47S4. IRVIXGTON . DISTRICT Comer $900-. $100 cesb, $10 monthly, ob car snd paved street, 2 blocks to school, 19 initiates' ride. JoiinsonDodson Co. 633 N. W. Bank- Bldg. Main 37"7. ALAMEDA PARK FOR $800 Level 5011 00 lot -on Skafmore si, all imp. in and paid. Only 1800; terms. We hav 100 -Alameda- Pirk lots; many on easy termsj, wtth -second mortgage privilege HENDERSON-BANKUS CO. 23 .Heaty Bldgi. - Bdwy. ATt EAST PINB NEAR 2BTU SOxlOO; $lO0 cash. $10 monthly: arscadsnk street,' ndewalks, curbs and sewer ill paid. Price $900. Johnsora-Dodson Co. 633 N. ' W. Bank BMg. Main 7S7. BUILDERS- HOUSES COMPLETED PBOMPTXT Oof ermrtrnctioo and workmanship, - to gether with liberal financial assistance, will l;iese yon, SoMier bonus accepted. RE1MER3 JOUV.ETTE. BeC 2984. HOLGATB NEAR MU.VVAUKIE $650; 30x100; all improvermtits in and included ia price. ,1 block ta car. stores, 'etc. . ' - Johnson-Dodson Co. 833 X. W. Bthk BHit. Main 8787. LAUREUtCRST CORNER, $1200 v 2 BLOCKS TO CAR All Imp. In snd paid. HENDERSON-BANKUS CO. 225 Henry Bldg. .... -. Bdwy. 4T54. LACRELML-RST CORNER ' . BTxlOO, 2 fciocks to 2 earllnes. AH. Imp. tn and paid. Will let go for $1000 cash. Est 893.5. . . - ; "v PLANS-BbNGALOWWptANS " ' " - 450 Designs.' 1 0 to $1. Hubert a- Wat FOR SALE -By owner, 2 beauaful ewildini kits cm Grand ave,; a real bargaia. Terms. O. S. BeyatmOBVlTl E. l9ti g, - r . -". bOSE CITT lot, on 48th, nea Sandy, (acini" east. $1400. Tsbfjr 644 . ALAMEDA PARK. S. K. 38th arul Bryee srye.,' 601 9, $130. Tabor 6441. BT OWNER, baaatiful lota in. Irviagtoa Patk Saerificw Krt cheap.. . Wamnt 126. BVOeS CITT LOT,! earner, Sal 00. eheefx from owner, 4 393 E, Seth N, Tabor 32j63 REAL ESTATE -FOR ' SALE I LOTS 403 MORTGAsiE tXSR ECXOS URE SA o4e on the Dollar. - BOxltVO Ijovji. 82S. PRACTTCAIJLY YOUR OWN TERM Heart c4 the Peninsula, wiuoh ts destined to be -the great industrial eectioa 'oj the l'acifio Cemat. pity osaarautnweau -Heanti- ful wooded Inis wit fir. dogwood, maple and shrubs. Convenient to oar. ivm high and grada school and new Pier city park. QUARTER ACRB FOR OKLT 59S of Frank L, Md'uira. locxted at lfOSf Co- lumma wru., eor. FeaaentMa. OPEM ETERT TAT i : ' (INCWJD1NO- SUNDAYS) . TELX PHON8 EM1Re 1 TlS Mr. B. 1 Btady, our represent tiro, I will be on thei grounds to aftbw you thia rop- vrrtr. now ine rime te btiv. Price 1167 in Le&dd's Addition . The laat on t$t the kind. Facing eity rose gajden. AU improvcrBents 2d mortgage privilege. Save Carfare 25 minute' walk to eity, tuTl, can't beat it Act quickly. v ALSO On a paid. Ton Three businesa lot OB Dtvialon tt, for $1000 each. . See iMrv Delahunty . LARD ESfTAT CO.. 248 STARK Sfr. nijwy.j BT54. fcVB. gAS.T 34 93. $750 LOT on E. 51st st, paved,; ail iauprot menu in. ( Empire 2140i f HOUSES 404 iia Maaawia4 6 Rmi SemiBungalow Near Sandy, Below Hill An opportunity to pick up a home ia the best part of Rose City at an aatonishing low rigtrr and on very good terms, too. Very complete (with hardwood floors, firetnaee. furnace, garage, etc If yo need hre good sized bedrooms it will certainly- pay TJATtD HiRP, Mgr. ; B. -T. STREKT-S-Sandy Blvd. Offloa 110 Sandy blvd. at 89tfi. 1 Aut 32,6-04. - ' I-Must Sell My -j Rose City Park Home iThis Week ' j " SOMEONE W1XI, GET A BARGAIN t MOVLVG TO CALIFORNIA T MUST "SELL f I im offerinig my beautiful, suhstaatJally hollt 8-ream home, it a price 31000 lest than it teal vaiue. Tht wag Built, for my own horn and nothing hut the highest class material and Workmanship entered into its construction. - Ideally located on beautiful S?H?er to Ito,e City car and school. Modem to the last detaO-with hardwood floors, a ! real fireplace and an economical, efncient furnace. Garage, too. To th right person will make very reasonable pgy meBr.;1 l'Tln for my California ranch this week and must sell. Call ,842 bd C block ,?th of j8ndy Westmoreland ! i f . - , 1 1 -. , ' i ' . ' ! Hera ts the rnnst wonderful little house ever bum in Portland; 4 room miagilow. hdw. floors, UirtmahouL The latest gray c.umct "uku, .areaAiast- nook, lectrie rire place, tile bathroom, drain board and sink tiled. There its over $600 worth f the highest grade tiling in. thia home. Furnace, cement basement ; laundry trays, etc Thia nome tor a roang cvnirse im VZ' 1V- balance Ik. rent SERVIlfe j RETJUBTTJ'TJ: 208artisaB Bldg. Rdwy. af Oak. Established 1889. ;l-aiurelhurst ! -A Good Buy$54S(D ; : $5Q0'Cash U. !. I can sell you. a wonderfully wH built nv, or o rooms ana 'large attic, with wwu aroon inrqognout large 'Ev , ing room extending entire width nf hnm. . Plato glass windows, beautifully decorated Uk i?t.rT TCT; oompiete Dutch kitphen monern nu room: full utut Hscnipi ana emcient furnace. 2 " wnr. jvo agents. Last. ast NEAR laAUaELHCBfeT PARK ttOOO ' $500 CASH Here, fdlka, is a spkmdid buy. .ideally located, cloee in, near car. Price unusually -"-'j, . e-ij.rt,b xn rmy, P3tu, Irp mediate possession. . Inspect ht A. Q..:Teepe!Co.r IareEurst Office. 99th and Glisaa. i TJTahor 3433. , . KM Sty iOfrice. 40tif arid Sandy. Tabor 9588. Rose City Park! '. Lost nder Foreclosure Beautifuil 6 room bungalow wtth hardwood floors and fnrnaco; beaa rifui iafi!nd shrubs. Eart front, ,rf. th iu Acy reasonable offer will be accepted Call Tsber 8485. Think This Ovef $2800 $850 CASH oed a moms ana Dstn, 100x117 ft.: corner, garage, good cement basement large' front porch, fruit berries, new chicken house; on , - wiwi. -.oear scuooi, iiprary. etc. x T?J?, i, u,.ooA to ,Mt- Jhn Pi Zubtr. 1824 E. Ghsafi at Tabor 7847.- ROSB CWr BCSGAL0W k 0 iDtKy snd t T,i j ' iz recepuon pair ana attic: built-in buffet and- bookcases, oak florat cement basement, laundry trays; SO ft lot raved street; 42d St. 2 blocks from Sandy blvd. ? - . Oodson Co. 633 N. W Bank B'dg. Main 13787 ThinkF of the people we have pleased and let us demon-drata to ytwr aatisf actotn pur ability ut uuiiu motiern nome sou. also i give as sistanc in financing. . . Mp'rgan.'&'Co.r 827 Chamber of Commerce Bldg.' Bdwy. : 6706. Evenings Walnut 3212. REAL SNAP Z ' ' S room plattered house, - electric -lights gas. white enamel kitchen, basement 60x 100 ,lot cement walks and seweg ia and paid.-1 close to car; real cosy cottage. Price only -$1400, $300 down aajt smaliPiBontLly payments, ' 804 BUCHANAN BLDfli IXVWER ALRINA Bl'XGAUlif $3500. ; $400 casht J25 monthly;" 6 rooms, fireplace, oak -floors. fuM" basement. A. ctose-ia cosy home. Matt ban sold b- - fore November 1, 1922. . -Johnson Dodson Co.: ; 638 K. W.LBhk Trj. Mali 378? ' i go6o room iiiixAt&w7r- $3650 e-1 1 1 E. 79th st' N. j . ' $3S0 972 H. Taylor st , $20r4203 62d t., 2$th'sv. g. it 7ft P. ALLEN, 1139 Belmont Tabor 9407 !i PRICED TO SELL ) '- T Modern , 9-room ;home. let 60100. east side, walk'ng distance, near Broadway bridge: pric 240. $250 xatsa.Lay, 282K Broadway, East 9218. - 8 CHEERFUL. AIRY Room i in this ehannlng, hew, extra well bnat'Wa galow at 1214 E. 88th st X. Hight price Terasa. Consider good lot tor pert Owner and bonder. Eaat 0799. -. r FOR RALX- By owner, 7 -room mouern' houasT corner, alt rocaas newly, tinted and papered; terms to suit Call Tabor 189$ eg 195$ r.. aiaer. . BEALTIFCL.. modem new 4 room bungalow 1 block from Hawthorn, 'ear. $830 will handle, .328-8 Mohawk bide. Main 81. 7 ROOM house jdoubla set plumbingj newly arranred for 2 fsmilisa; income $75 month i $4500; term. Owner, 1010 Eaet Mala. GOOD plastered house, beta amj Vlt full Dtuemeat: tour Beaatuai lata. ' S400 fii harxiie. $25-8 Mohawk bldg. ' Mara 88lr4 $50 DOWN; $20 monthly, good 4 room house. : tuew gardes. .3804 T2d aV K. Priew $144)t). Call afterinoona, 2844 East 67th B. K. ' NEW rosea bows and st H. Walnut 8S2 tl E. 40 RAL WTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 1 WD SB IS TAtTtt USlSfl S . . i 1 2808 Plwterraph ot Home for Sal. jaaARGEST HoMB SEIXKJt IN AMERICA. 15VERT DISTRICT W . THB ClXt notnea ot every type. Brer district fat toe city. If necessary, IU kelp yea tuaka Soar unt payment. . t , - OPEN EVENCTGS TNTrL :00 90 . Salesmen with Auto. f . ' Telephone Bdwy. tl71.' ! : V M DOWN $SO PER MONTH! AND fOV HAVB THIS HOME i " $3760 Tow don't hate to stand iri th rain jnd Wait for your ear, Xhi home is right on carline end tWve&streec. with everything in and paid: neat . substantial room modern- Wood stock: bom: oath. 3 hedroornii". in good condition. THLTK OF THIS! TOO CAN HAVB POSSESSION tor jess than ens) month rnti mooqssicc ave. - . . NEW kknn rwrnnt . $4830 Among the first in Delightful trrl tngtoa Park. ' will yoi find this modern brand nw bungalow, in AiinngsWorth ave., 4 rooms; hard wood floors, ftrerlee, street It pared mad paid. 6EB THIS TO - . DAT, " j$8 TXTWN S BLOCKS TO ft; .; si wo CSSO down and easy monthly terms on ine Balance, 4 room new bun ,k iow inat, wui meet your every re quirement; naa an builtta features. etc. . xugnjaoa are. VACANT. HUNDREDS Or OTHERS SEE FRANK I UcOTJTRB " To Buy Tour Home. Realtor. Aoington Bldg. Bros a way T1T1, aa st Btt wasn. ana stark. ' 1 DownNew 5 Rooms and , Attic Roaft Qt. below tM hlTl aioaa fit' fUn8 blvd.. a daady bungaloaVaU ready to move into, with everything In Via way of modern fixtures and eonvenieaeea. Finished in rich old ivory and tastily dseotated with tapestry paper. Buret a beaatV ' Cn and look . TAvm ARP.'Mgr. B. T. STREET'S-Sandy Blvd.. Of flea 1150 Sandy blvd.' at 89th. ' Aut 820-04. - Latirelhurst - 3 Bedrooms- 81000 Cash One of those downright, mndem bttngtloWs with lots of class and disti action. Colonial type. Large pUta glass windows, cement porch, tile fireplace, artistically decorated, aa unusually weU arranged kitchen with large iioow, uiw arainooara, tiled bsrtn with ' cessed tub. Full cement driveway and wgrL Choir location. Inspect this. ;A. Q. Teepe Co. taarelhurst Office, 89 th and GUaaa, Tabor 8438. 4 Rose City Office, 40th and Bandy, Tabor SS88. ea- Iryington 7 room modern new bungalow, hdw. floors, old Ivory finish, firenlaee- . fnvnaM. fult cement basement, all built-ina, 150 ft to eariine. Improvements all in and paid. This is rare opportunity of getting a fine boms in a wonderful district at a very reasonable price ann eaoy terms. Fhone.Bdwy. 7522. SERVICE . RELIABILITY . COB, A. McKBNNA CoC; 208 Artiaaas Bldg. Bdwy. at Oak. ' Established 1889. Rose City " 150 Ft, From Sandy Below' tha. HOI. 55250 For ' class, distlnctiott and rwal honest workmahshrp. no home Tike this tft Rose City , for the money, . Complete in every way. Coma out inspect thia and we be lieve you're bought a home. Truly a uungniow -ot unusual worth. " A. Q. Teepe 'Co.1 ' Bosa City Offlee, 40 th and Bandy. .' Tabor 9586. Laurelhurst Office, 89th and Glisan. . Tabor 8488. ' Sunnyside -$3500 A modern 4 room bungalow on BflttOO level lot, hdw. floors, full eement basement, Drttith kitchen: "naved treet. etc. This U a good home at-the right price, $1000 cash. oaianre iiae rent.' fllone Hdwy. 72Z, SERVICE RELIABILITY COB A.' McKENNA et CO., 208. Artisans Blda-, - Bdwy. at Oak.' Established-1889. Snap r $3875$le5 Down New B room, artistic bungalow in Eadd's add-, all the built-in, hdw. floors fireplace. 2 large bedrooms, Dutch kitcbea, brsakf t room, beautifully finished in ivory and tap estry paper, cement basement, laundry trays. All Imp. in and paid. Clow to ear. Bal. like rent This won't )set lone. R.Somervi lleTMal n 376 It $l800--HOfB AMONG THE F lifts" " 4 room plastered bungalow, Dutch kitchen. -an modern oonvenlences; fall basement: double constructed s attractive: y, block to -macadam stvi 2 blocks to ear. . Johnson0odsdn Co. 833 X. W. Bank Bldg Main 3787 Hawthorne District 8 room and- sleeriiag port-h. hardwood floora, fireplace, buffet, concrete garage. cement basement, 1 z assortea trait,, trees afi improvements lm and paid. -Only $4160 $1000 down, balance to suit East S93B BUNGALOW HOME IN KBNTON New. modern 4 room bungalow la Kenton only H block from paved street A Teal opwortunky for a man of Small Ueei $2000. $300 Cash, $30 'including-interest a month. , . JohnsonDodson Co. 083 X. W. Bank Bldg. - Main 1787 BARGAIN Must Sell to clot estate. $3500 bwrs these two -room hoatsea. Thii . of-it! Lite la one, let the rent front othej par lor both. Clou In,; west tide; .62 th St ATfl. OZU-Bl NEW duplex house In ladd adi. paying li per cent net; every modern eaareniefleej; rep rat. entrances, rurnaees ana gs rages positive strap at 8850O. Tabor 8892. ' i- SPECIAL XOTICB FOR A X1CE HOME GO TO '841 Sltt ST. FOR APPOINTMENT CAI SELLWQOP ;4010. . I . SMCST "EI4a 4 houses. IPric $3330 to 88250. B. aad 7 rm. mod. Owner, Tabor 8798 day time, immediate, ytmrnnm. - , . HAWTHORNE 6-na. .basis, with oak floors. am, m lamam. santa, v.xiutf tot; BV s I evrsr. IB Uf wv Buape) jmn est eu. - 1 aD waz. , - -:- ;. .- BARGAIN by owner, leaving eitv. 3380 modern room bungalow, sjawpint pore 1 built-in, iron traes, pavea oornet. Bear earllnes. 971 E. 81st t X." BRAND new Mawthara bangalow. oak float Birwarawii luvpiaci, biis attic, garag i; trice 35200;. terms.. Tabor 9892. ROOkt .paastered houM. 4s aero of arid nil, $200 dewa and $33 taonta, $26 6 Mohawk, kldg. alam 831$. lOOkf utxdsra bnngaiow with buiit-ins, f Ja' Basement. kt 0il0. $2830. . T.rnla, Walnut 4800. ' i MODERN aew California type' bwngalow olHl rooms, wna tk acta. $300 'will hattdla. 2-4. Mohawk bldg. Vala 861S. - I 14200. TERMB New aaodara. 4 Urge' rooms. waUdng .dartaaoe. Bear Sandy blv-d.. ear. lot mit niiiTrovrairai. wa ana naia. TSSSt inn I50. $160 CASH, balaac $15 par aaoe burs good 4 room modern rtouae. H ear BOTKl inamo. riwnsf lx-zv. NICE bangalow in Sunnytid; only $3700; iw e i saw-.; 1 A HOUSES. 404 . SEE-US FOR RKSULTS WE TBHiig PHAPtllTV $3500 5 room oettag on paved at, elm -,. I in, . Want up-to-date bungalow a J to $3000,1'. -i- . Mi! - . ., S4780 7 rocsn larga house. . fine rental " ', - pturtetty. situated la tha Feniaauia dutrict: Saaioo lot covand with .; very flaw assorted fruit and berries,-- Want small residenca of ,va- llnt1 1, nm wtmmA -. -t IB$0O-Aa inoom .property in a good lea- , um, xirut, ana txiiy mk from i - the Hawthorn, car. Wall last $($00 Thrw. aeres With eM hnw'ait utbWra., 8 2d st ; paved, ami. . able .(er auhdiviaiont wkl tak as. Improved land Beat Portia od aa wart, w f 18700 Thr... acre tuburbaa home, hew i Z00"1 bungalow. bati(al view, . blk. from Oregon City oariinsi ; rlear of kMumbrue. Wiii, Uk - " 10 ore .with ,baUdlns4 E-ca Pw ' 'M. 1 I 1 ' T32 Cham, of Cobs, liaurelhurst; Bungalovj' 7 Rms., lot" J -.... i- A. prettt home ok a danil lne at' t attractive firioa, Toa mak. th. psiii'm (AND TERMS. Owner mast leave tmraedt- ately and -will U11B to snyons that means bBsinesa, Almost aew.1 and has TryUitn$ that snsat tuaerimiaelina mh-luaar vtjir . pack- aa oak floora throughout, til bath, garage, eta. Can have immediate poaseaaioa. -. ' ' J'ir'! "-; , 'l-.;l aw -. Binr.KTH sandy Blvd. Offlos 1169 Sandy IblvdJ at 39th. i. - . ,- 1 20-04.. . .. 'V . Aut. Robnett & ilcCiure BUILD Homes Tfiat Endure .' ..... i-.-. We era "&TTT.T,' laiMMfai ' it. fcow . weU w ran build, not how ttenjrt can tt for butldint. It Is "ST1IX" cheaper to build thty to buy. Why pay two. profits when one is. enough f &e us before baud- , lag or bsiuav, f . ...... . ivRbbnett l&lMcClafe f CONTBACTINO BCfLDERS S03 Couch bldg. bdwy. 8574. i Cast Broadway ' SI000 Caslii Li. THIS house wi; AI FOB ITSELF -A fri. 9 room, jl story modern home on 60x100 lot, larga attic;; 4 "cement base ment, furnace, all built-in. Th house is trranged for. Ilaht housekeeping aparUuenta ttpstairs,.'and the kneome . would pay for the "".- jw isu l UaniGDiari nuiwi. - Hiiwa 7623. SERVICE RELIABILITY COB A McjKENNi, V CO.,. 208 Axtisanal Bldg, Bdwy, t Oak. - Established I9 ROSB Wit il'AHK DIHTiiitfT1 1 . ' .A LSOWNHIOHt BARGAIN $4330 . ThU wa built by preseot owner for owtw homa Nothing but the bis of maUrUla and workmanalilr frnteretl' Into Its eonstruo tion. Really it's built like. battl.hn and finished like a piano, Complete, toV in every way with hegvy hard wood floor,i full eemsnt basement furnace hod , tsrage. -JJfi. A"1 Jws o Ola- JA. Q. Teepe Cda u Bos City fOffl We 0th and Bandy. - -.Tabnr :9588. - . i. . Iataralhunt oflkce, 9lh and Glisaa. ' TaborTslSff. wu"' - lMakt ; ' . , Money Have, a 2 f)i $ mom house. - 2 hath rooma. , toilet full cement 4ias.niMit You can live in one Hat aad rent one. which will pay for the property. $500 cash will handle, balance very easy terms, - It' the best little buy we have had for sometime. y0r filil particulars phone Broadway 7BS3. SERVICE f RELIABILITY r n . C,OB A. ircKENNA ak CO.. : . 208 Artisan. Bid. Bdwy. at Oak.1 - cablihed .$$. ; Cash - v ' Below lhe Hill ' Brand new 6 rnoaa bungalrVfr,'. oak floors,, fireplace: ts pet.tr y psiwr. book' ' cases, buffet Dutch kitchen, eesnsnt basement, furnace. A compute saoaV etn borne, FnUl price $4780. ASK 'ABOUT IT. ' : Call JJdvy. BA26 or - Kte.. Auto.r$14 91. ' , $3200 $ ROOM O.N PA V ED, ST. ' " 40x100 lot,- with choice tru; room' are large end house ia well built; full basement, with' fumaee,-- Must be seen to ba appreci ated. $8200. $700 down, $80 includ ing Interest-monthly .,. ' . . - . : Johnsoo-podsos. Co.;, 833 X, VT. Btnk'B'Jtn i : Main 878T , BY OWNER 100x100, S room bunaalew. full basement. . east front; 18 fruit trees, shrubbery, berries, grapes; garage, chicken house; B. : M4.J-. Tabor. ,3 bias. . to car. $2630 Urms,! Tabor 2849. Also 60x100 lot near Foster fosd and csr. $175, terms. HOLGATB.: NEAR MlLvVAtklEE " $680 60x100; all Improvement an and Included ! prKJ: 1 block to ear, stores. ; etc. . ,,i j d !,. . .. Johnsois-Dodson Co. - 633 X.. W. Bank B'dg:- . .Msin 7$7 ' A MODERN' 6 room hows, with beuseholif equipmeatv lot 100 fet by tt feet, pa tad . trert, paid tn heard of east side resident ' tial districtt. $74 E. 18th tt. corner Brook- lyn; a garage $0 feet by 20 feet to to with ge v feet py 20 I Coma and look It the Bonne. . Gomaaad look It ever. " - SELWDOd1-$4O0 CASH ' -room mod.rn been. Hherritt av... bast eonstructloD, full cement basement, .tecll.nt condition. $8150, - like . rant t Broairwssr O. fttRD, 2l Chim of Tnm . y ; ROKlfi CITY HldTKICT- . ' - V : SmaH S-tBu bungalow, water, lights, ga, new cesspool and toilet; n1cr lot, fruit' treet. berry bushes, etc.; $1800; easy terms. Km.' : Royal, 72d at Ssndy bivd. Tahor 015,1. ' ' ALAMEDA DIStSiCT ' Nw S-rm, bungalow, gat, eleetriHty, btlh.'": Cement basement. 30x100 let' ' Finished in white enamel,: 2.1O0; rest temta. Tabor 2680. Evenings Tabor 6087. -VACANT $ 1 600 j , "'Xlfry 4-room cot tag tt 173 Wt Ferty tt.: plastered: cemenr haotment J ,2 Ht' block to cars your owrk terms. George F.fCrow, 801 Mlsiswiprf v. Walnnt 1201. -4-ROOM house, ' lot. aatli and. iats. atuv newly papered Snd painted, on paved str.e. . block, to icsr, good nslghbothood ; onlv $1850, $820 down, $20 moBth. Walnnt ' 3305. -...'''j !i '' -KENTON home,' 6 rocx lower, $' oedrqtmis. larga sleeping porch, glam, bath. Upper i 8ox ' 10O lots newly oeeoraUd, Vacant; half block , te cerlin, 1 block to school; modern $IOou ' down, balanea term. ' Owner, 'EaHr-8747. $$140 OWNER built" tbl home to sH 1,,'t, . cwmointHjivMig room aaa ainiBg r)omu. ' Dutch,, kitchen, two bedroom, bath, -' cement basement Easy terms. Call. , BUWT, 8794. full ' - . ' -' Vacant iiioo ' . - l- - ' Klfty 4-room cottage at 17$ X. Terry . st; plastered; cement basement, 2H blocks to ears yotn own totima. .George" Y. Crow,' 801 Miaeissippt avetiu.. Walnut 1201. FURNLSHED Rsso City l-ni hum. on aiiifi - st, nsat Sandy all modern convenience . and read to more in; pnVoe $7000. Tabor - 8892. ''-'! - . V . I BT OWXEB room, hoftse- la Allwrta. On rac and furnace. Modern, 88780. $S0O ., eea. Fhna Walnut 4Z. ilODERN T-ravl houa.. located 9A4 Ml fJ as all traD. ta ami price $65s0T easy terBta. -Tabor 8992. 4340, TERMS 8 rma., modem in .very close te school, Rom City" diltriat ... -way. Shown b sptvrtnunent Tabor BOOT. MODERN 4-rr-a bungalow.' 33390. 883 K." 81st Eat 7211. ' - . - , BEAUTIFUL Mt, Tabor been, 5. rial., on fall lot l only $4250: towns. Tabor riT3i. T. REAL ESt ATE FOR SAlx: A f . tCentiaiMe an following s-.r;; i-::, )'-r 1 -'. :