TUESDAY. OCTOBER 24, i 1922. IS, THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND,4 OREGON. 18 .A REAL ESTATEFOR SALS HOUSES -404 Laurelfcurst , x $49SI0 $500 wih will handle lis nicest 4 room bungalow i-irg ' The balance Just Bke rent. 4 spacious room and laeping porch, hdw. floors, old ivory finish, fireplace. 3 . Hall ga furnaces, mt basement ell builtrins, garage, etc Thi is just the cosiest place for newlyweds or the am ill family. -elos to csrline and surrounded by fine b sines; small down payment, balan-. like rent. . SERVICE RELIABILITY COE A McKENNA CO.. 20S Artisans BkU. Bdwy. at Oak. Established 1889. Rose City 1150 Feet From Sandy Below the. .Hill $5250 For elks, distinction and real horiert workmanship, no home like this in Rome City for the money. tjpmplet in every way. Come oat. inspect this and we believe you ve bought a houe. Truly a bungalow of , un usual, worth. I A. G. Teepe Co. J Roe City Ofc. 40th Sandy. Tab. 9S8. laureihurst Ofc 89tn ft Glisan, Tab. 8433. MONTAV1LLA 5 room modern bungalow, like new. rented $35: Uueo furnace, cement basement, lot 50x100 ft.; $4200; take Ford car or good 'ot as part; very easy ifrmt 5 rocm bungalow, in aood condition, ga rage, cement runways; lot 48x117 feet. $3300; guod terms. 5 room bungalow, nearly new, modern built ins. extra nice bath with separate shower cement floor, full basement; Gaseo furnace; $4 800, .600 down. Iti a anap. -4 room cottage. $900; if furnished $1000 on easy terms. K. M. GATE WOOD ft CO.. 165 H 4 th. NEW-. LAURELHURST . BUNGALOW room and music -room. 50x120 lot facuig on 2 streets. ' This home has all the latent improvements. - Sot quite completed, so you cau see the type of construction and material. Highest grade hardwood floors in ail but kitchen, composition floor in bath, pedestal wash bowl, built-in tub, tile drain heard, full basement, furnace, garage. Price complete in every detail, including lawn. $71R)0. terms to be arranged. Jo!insdnDodson Co. 633 N W BANK BLDG. MAIN .S787.-' iai. M'll.T hv owner to ell lot. Nifo bungalow with combination tiring and mnmg room, - Deurooms ana diu, Jull cement basement, wash trajs; easy term;.. Call Bdwy. 6794. 1 LAW) ADDITION BUNGALOW 18875 buys new,- modern, attractive bunga low, with 5 rooms and bath; French , . duors. hdw. floors, fireplace, buffet, !' , bookcases. Dutch kitchen with break- tart nook, tiled ' drai aboard ; imp. a stid paid; lot 40x120; easy terms Buy now and select your own paper and ele-tric fixtures. Bdwy. 6794. Think This Over' $.'100 $650 CASH " Furnished 3 rooms and hath, 100rll7 ft. corner. garage, good cement ba.ment, large front ' porrh. fruit, berries, new chicken house: oil good hard street near school, library, etc. This is too go&d to l.-t. .luiin F. Zuber, ; 1824 E. ;iisan- t. Tabor 754 7. $2450 $250 DOWN 3 BI.KS. TO ROSE VITY CAR "3 room used house, extra larjte com ! bined liring room and dining room, good - bedroom, kitchen and hath, garage : may be handled on $250. Call Rose City Park i branch office, 43th and Sandy bird. Aut. 326-10. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. NEW1 KOSE CITY BUNiAI.Oi $R50. $1500 cash, $M , monthly. 5 I rocma 'and. extra large floored attic, strictly ; modem in 'every way, old -ivory finish, fire i place, extra number of built-ins and closets, '. large light basement, furnace, nice lawn, ga raee. 50x100 lot, pared street; on 48th si. JohnsoimDodsoaTi Co. 633 N. W. BANK BLDG, MAIN 3787 ' 100x100 i Modern, attractive bungalow; fruit, gax ; den, etc ; close Mt. Tabor car. $250r: ; terms. Let us shc-w you this delightful j home. See A. K. Hill, 426 Lumbermen ( bldit NEAR PENINSULA PARht 4 room modern bungalow. 2 blocks to Mississippi car: $2,840. $400 cash, $30 monthly, including interest. JdhriisonDodsoini Co." 63 3 N. W. BANK BLIXJ MAIN 378 7. HOME SACRIFICE ; 1 H -year-cKl, strictly modem 5 roam I bnigalovr, near ci-rlin and god school. .. i 1 .V; minutes from uviiu im rt -of city. WUl ; cuftsil.r -?mali d'T. n juymen, balance like ; rejit cr consider Hni?.Ilauto avirst payment. ' CjU Mr. 'Lanr.er, Bdwy. 2229. , ' 1 I ' Special. Today..' -t ' R room bungalow, furnace-, laundry trays, ! dandy garage.; 1 block to car and schivl : ; winter- i'uel in: all goes for $3750, $600 down, balance to suit. Ea5t 8935. Bl'N(;AIOW. rtwina, just completed, on fine view site, west slope Mount Tabor, on car ' line, concrete garage leading to basement. All modern. A perfect little h.e, $,Vln. ? Soldier loan acoeptsbiel. Owner, 613 Ry. j Vx. PM Bdwy. .i98". PIEDMONT DISTRICT $4200 Iet Qic allow you Tiii- ttlttractlre, mol- em bungulow of ro-pms and bstli. ' hdw. fi-jorn thrnui:nut. Terms can ; be arranged. Call Bdviy. 6794. 3 UOOD ROOM BUNtJALOWo $3650 111 E. 79th ft. X. $3650 972 E. Taylor st. ' $29006203 62d st. 25th aveV S. E. H. P. ALLEN, 1149 Belmont Tabor 94H7 ACREAGE 405 upi pviiiii r tent,- HI V AH in cultivation, best of soil, larg as sorted bearing c-rchard; 1 H acres of lr.ca.n berries,. 2 seres clover; t mile to Sewiill station; 6 room plastered bungalow In fine condition; barn, poultry house, brooder house. $500O. ONLY $800 down. ' Ses V. C. Vs"11'". with 1'BlVK McfM'lHK. 212 Abington bldg. R,Ivrv 7171 Third st bet Wash. Snd Stark. 'H ACRE on Owgon City est: a new 5 room buncalow that cannot be imndoved u;Kn in any way.' It has everything that can be. put in a home; good ga rage; iusl cine half block to, station; pnee $5HOOj very cood terms. G. C. ULRrCH COJXC, Suite 405 Sock- Exchange bldg. U Main T 4354-4355. 9 '- 12 ACRES fOK $2000! You ean't beat tiisf 2 Seres in cu'ti vatioc, family crchrd; - 4 room cottage, bam and chidten house; Concord station, on Oregon -City line. VERY" EASY DOWN PAYMENT HANDLES: This wou!d mike an (deal chicken ranch. See H. C. Marshall, WKll i FRANK L. McGCIttE. 212' Ahir.gton b1g. Bdwy. 7171. Third t. et. TVash, and Stark. , . EASY TERMS I f . 40 acres nu-good mad; holkse and barn: sboct '.i c'leared. most of balance easily A cleared: srring, weK and creek; 16 miles from Forest Grove, $2000; easy payments. (. ' JoltsnsonDodsoin Co. 633 N. W. Bank B.dg. Main 8787. H ACRE at Huber atatioh; 5-room house, garage "nd chicken Imusa; lots of fruit and berrien;-bouse! completely furnished; fall fccois and. some chick ens; price1 is'' $3100 for everything; $1000 cash. 7 . C. ULRKTH CO., INC., Suite 405 Stc Exchange bldg. Main 454-4355. ' TOR price of urjeiekred land, 110-acre tract i on Fi'het road near Colcaaibia River high , i way; cleared except about 21 acres; good T l well, no buBdings. ;VPr.ce 1400 per acre; uw csso, pi-soce to stct. i K. L. Yoke, 616 Gsjco bi.-tg.. Main 4175). ttNLMPROYF.p 5-acre tract st i82d st and svennsu station, liooa ear service, highway, running water, city conveniences, on Johnson -ereea. ooi place for ducks and K, L 'YOKE. 616 Gaseo Mag SMALL SCBDIVISItilN 4 aces garden land, city limits': all in cuWvaOen. with small boose iand orchard. A fine track gfrden or could be subdivided. Price $2800. Owner. Walnut 3439 AT RTAN PLACE, Oregon. Electric. 4i inui uen. iwrrai, gas im 'water, comer of Baird are. and Taylors Ferry road; small payment. "., oai. montnry. - owner. JTIV E seres. $350 per acre, near Buckle a- enue and Barr mad. Has Bull Km water ana gnoa sml and ss a boy. Term tn suit. I. Owner, 615 Ry. Fx. Bldg. Bdwy. 5S5. ACRJO: tracts m Rosa Park ArrM. finest of oil. $1400 per a. "Easy terms. Gj. L obr, 218 aopil si. aesv tl?. QLOSE IN aereaga and farms for sal. PAD'S REAL ESTATE J 1388 Thvimoa st. ' Tabor T87S. lit ACHES en Craw road, adjoining Psrk- rosew aavvper acrsv owner, aiaia REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ACREAGE 40S CHICKEN RANCH .. ?- . i If yna like chickens, wake op: A m going eoncern; modern 5-rm. bungalow. u, completely furnished good garage; lota of . hemes; chicken house and ant 5uO laying pallets: ail tools, baled straw. I '.Food ; ready to enore in and cailect the zwoney. This' is a baauttful home, tally xuent ia about one-ha If what the par- WJf aonal property is worth- lont wait; vl Z blocks to car. ' G. C. ULBICH CO.. INO , Suits 405 &ock Excnanka bldg. Main 434-43531 ACRES, on good macadam road. Just oat side dty limits of Portland; loam soil. 1 acre cultivated; balance timber; near Mil waukee road ; offered on very easy terms; all city comeniencee. Ask for llr. Daris. ACKE THACTS ALBERTA DISTRICT" On payed street, with paring and walks ' in and paid; all under cultiration and in variety of bearing fruit tree, in best of condition; fine loam eoiL Easy terms. JOHN FERGUSON. Realtor Gertinger bldg. Orer 500 Small Places Near Portland BEAT THE LANDLORD Irge garden tracts. 50x300. on hard snriace street, water, gas Lghta, close to school and car. borne t recta have bearing fruit treea. Prices 65t) to 8i50. Ses Hurd with g 732 Cliam. of Con). 8 ACRES, 5 -room house; large chicken house; good barn and garage; 60 bear- w ing apple trees, bO prune trees. . acre strawberries; ii cre other berries; all tools: hone and cow; located just 11 m. from courthonsee on new highway; price (5000, about 2000 rcajih. . C. CLR1CH CO.. INC., Suite 403 Stock Exchange bldg. Main 4354-4355. FOR SALE ' 6 room bouse, one acre of good soil, plenty of berries, l''x20 chicken house. 60 jhickins, 12x16 woodshed. 2 cords of hard wood, apple trees, 'cabbage, carrots, beets, spuds, corn, sma.il farm too!, garden hose lOO ft. 300 yardi to school and post office. Vt mMe to Oregon's payroi; city, on bank of Milton creek : household outfit. Write or call CJ. L. Retherford. post, box 394. St. Helens. Or. ONE ACBK BARGAIN High state of cultivation, apples, cher ries, peaches, pears, etc. in bearing; 4 room plastered ? bouse, eject., gax 2 b:ks. from the station, on a macadam road ; ato chicken chouse and. garage. All for $1800. Small own payinent gives you possessioJi. See F. C. Marshssll today, with , FRANK L. McGUlP.K. Third .st. bet. Wash, and SUrk. 212 Ahington bldg. Bdwy. 7171. &9 East.42d St. Just across the street from the citi lim its, where you'll be free from city taxes and assessments,, and where you need no building or other permit. A big iiece if land nearly H acre facing a graveled rtreet, with Bull Run water piped in front. Our Price is only $8.10. with almost 4 years' time to pay. See me. 342- E. 54tu si. N, Evening phone Tator 82,"R. HERE S YOUR CHANCE If . looking for a nice 10-acre tract with R room house and barn, about 6' acres under cultivation, all kinds of fruit and ber ries; 3 mies north of Vancouver, and have home in Portland to exchange or good car . part payment. - Stark street. Broadway 6803. SUBURBAN HOMES 406 SUBURBAN HOMES 3 acres in cultivation. S-rocm bouse. 82d St., $5500, easy terms, or take -house to 83000, $3&0 cash, balance mortgage. 6 acres' in cultivation, 6-room bungalow, bam, chicbeu house, cfcw, no chickens, tools. 10 miles put at Ry. sta.. close to school, $4800. easy terms; take house to $2500. H acre, creiaftiental nut and fijiits trees, fine flowers, 8-room modern house in first class condition, 4 miles court house, west side, $8004; good terms or take ity house, all or parti 12 H acres, all in cultivation, orchard, berries, 8-room hoie, barn, horFe, cow, tools; Newberg highway; $4 700 easy terms. 10 acres, 10 acres in cultiration, 4 acres pasture, 2 acres timber, 5-room house, barn, garagel 10 miles out at Ky. sta. ; $4500, good terms. One acre in cultivation. 5 room bungalow, barri, garage chicken house, few chickens, 2590, $700 down; at Metzger. One acre,- lots of fruit, berries, grapes. 7 room modern house,, full plumbing, -cement basement, close to fetation, church, school, store, $3500, very easji terms; at Metxger. 2 acre in cultivation 6-room. house, chicken outfit, near' nation, 9 miles out. $2325, $5O0"dnwn. ; 10 H acres in cultivation, running water, 4 00 prune, 100 pear trees, blackcaps, small house, on pavement, near Sherwood, $5000, terms. This is cheap at trie price. R. M. GATEWOOD & -CO.. 165 hi 4th.- THE BIGGEST GRAPE VINE IN THE COUNTRY ! on this pretty 5 acre place, besides 1 acre j in fruit of :1 kinds: Has a running stream - and A-l well; 6 room house, good barn. umaen uuue. un naru -su ri acea roan, l mile from Oregon City. Not a rock nor a bucketful of gravel on the place. If you don-, say it is worth $3500, you dun't know values. Only $500 down. Ralph liarris Co. 316 Cham, of Com Bdwy. 56 54. 2S90 SACRIFICE ?Rin This half acre mi' new rr.ouern bungalow hat hardwood floors, breakfast "nook, two bedrooms. all city ronvenieccea, full plumbing. Will sell furnished if desired. Terms to any resjtonsible party wanting, to own their own homr. Mr. Fisher. wxUi w II Jil K t ; JUL N. Inc. Broadway 4 83 7 224 Henry bldg. . saw $500 DOWN wia handle this 2 hi - sere property, near Powell Val ley road, with modieru 5 room house.: beau tiful sunny southern slope. A sulendid chicken preposition ; double garage an . u iiutue , i minutes wauc to aepot. Price $3500. Ralph Harris' Co. - 3J6 Cham, of Com. Bdwy. 5654. MULTNOMAH HOME FOR $lNii Neat, cosy 3-room bungalow with full plnmbmg, electricity, gs and fireplac?; chicken house; on rock road to Ol K. station; ONLY $300 down. See this buy toda. A.k for F. C. Mars!iall with FRANK L McGLIRE 212 Abington bklg. Bdwy. 7171 Third St. bet. Wash, snd Stark ra. .mw "HEBE IT IS" 20 acres, 4 miles from Portland limits: finest bottom J.ruckcanien land; $1000 crop -efrptice ready for harvest; good 5 mora firmbouse, concrete basement, bsrn asd chicken house: spring; clos to Foster road. $6500; very liberal terms. Ralph Harris Co. 316 Cham, cf Com. Bdwy. 5654. ; CLOSE TO CITY LIMITS A modern buncalow with moiw than an acre, all city utilities : close to Foster road, caa and school. Prioe $4500; $500 cask, balance like rent. JohnsoaTD.odosi 'Co. 683 iN. W. Bank B.ds Main 8787. AT MULTNOMAH tationv close to car. a fine -room suburban heme,, just 20 minutes' from Portland, good car service; brand new house. large lot, excellent drainage and view, gas furnace.' Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, built-ins, etc Owner must sell st once. See Mrs. G. R. Fratelle, owner, 2 block south of Multnomah station. FARMS 407 Chicken Ranch Exceedingly choice 21 acres. 15 cleared. A-l road, fine surroundings, best of soil, i ,g.oa a room nouse,, new nam zoxe. wooa sbed, 9 chicken houses, all buildings painted, well snd spring. Owner deceased; nwist be sold Quick. Are you looking for a bargain -Hero it is ; 2 hi miles. Oregon Electric and town.. Reasonable raTment. balance 6. -JOHNA. ME!SSNEB,S21 GASCO BLDG 7 h ACRES--Facing iaved highway and Co lumbia river ; all under irrigation ; 8-room house, hot and cold water, electric lights, ail modern improvements: Shi acre in grapes, balance in fdiversif ied - fruit ; . large chicken run. fine large bant and other outbuildings; one hour from Portland. 812.00O. half cash. Kerr. 391 Yamhill. STOCKED AND EQUIPPED 85 acrea, twice, level land, all tn culti vation. 2 a. ill logaaaexriea. good T room hoase. .bam and outbuildings, on Tualatin river, 17 miles Portland. Washington coun ty. Oregon, $500. Terms. ' R. M. GATEWOOD CO., 165 Vf 4th sL 88 ACRES near railroad, part in cultivation, about half fenced; small house, some fruit, good spring; price- $775; $106 down. Draper. 404 Board nf Tnfe- - EQUITY to a 40 acre ranch, hack ot Van couver, $890; aood a rom hoase, barn and outbuildings, faim napiesm-ns, separator and a stock. Y-183, JouvnaL - i . FOR SALE. 40 acres, Tr room hoaae, larg barn and onttmitdingsj pear , Hockrmon. y Wash. AASres P O. ;Bo 8,7.-Errel sta tion, MBwaulu. Or. Phtm aUia 17S5. . REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FARMS 407 WANT VACANT STORE BUILDING OS PAVED STREET 9 acres, Yamhill ; county. 50 miles from ParUand. & miles from good town. 1 9ixulp to school. 20 acres culti rated. 75 acrea caus- be farmed when cleared: 60 acres good piling timber. 'some fruit ; T room boos witk water piped in: wU, 5 room house, A chicken houses, capac ity 3800 chickens, other buildings; personal property: team, 8 cows, be iter, ; 500 etuckena. crops, cream separator, incubator, brooder and very complete line machinery. Price for everything $7509; terms. Consider Portland noose for ajne or larger amount ia. good district. WU1 80 acres. 35 miles northeast of Portland, 3 miles from station; clbaw to school: wire fences. 20 acres culti vated : 40 acres more can be farmed, now in pasture; spring and creek; mac adamized road;-, dark silt soil: .price S200O. easy terms. Ask for Mr. Hunter. JOHN FERGUSON, REALTOR. , tierlinger bldg. Orer 500 small places- near Portland. . 87.5 ACRE8 $2509 .69.5 ACRES $1970 44.6 ACRES $1320 21.5 ACRES $ 630 14.8 ACRES 444 12.0 ACRES S 400 Country home kites. Beautiful viewpoint. 6 snow -capped mountains and broad ex panse Columbia river; 43 miles out. 40 miles on highway, 8 miles good-road.: Good neighborhood, best of soil, no rocks. Spring, water til tracts but one. Adapted to prunes, walnuts, potatoes, any garden product, clover, berries or any agricultural crop. Mr. McDenald. president of Oregon Nursery Co., - says it is the best prune land in tha world. Mn J. M. Kidd of Sterling, I1L. bought 46.7 acres of this land yesterday and will plant walnuts on it without clearing stumps, be ing thus adviedby Mr. McDonald t above mentioned ) . You men of limited circum stances, lie re are buys within your means, to to 15 acres set to walnuts at a small eort will make you independent in 10 or 12 years. Small payment down, long time on balance to man who improves or small monthly payments. JOHN A. MEIS8NER. 821 Gaseo bldg. Sacrifice Sale $90 Per Acre $1500 CASH DOWN ALL IMPLEMENTS INCLUDED loo scie?. near DamssPus; near elec tric depot.: good road: 40 acrea cult., 10 more acres easily cultivated, balance pas ture, some timber; free water; lots of frurfcs, berries and gmie; 6 room house, 2 barni and ontbiiildinsrs; stock, crip and implen.ents included in price. Only 17 miSes from Portland. STAR REAL ESTATE A INV CO., Realtors. 513 Wilcox bids. 80 ACRES 2 V4 miles of Csajton. 35 acres in culti vation, balance in oak timber and pasture,' part easy cleared, best of prune land, good 7-roorn house painted, bam with shed on side for cows, garage and other outbuild ings, gocd fences, family .orchard. Includ ing 3 horses, liimer, wsgon. farm tools. 4. cows; 2 heifers, 1 bull, 2 sows and 15 pigs. 17 goats. 40 chickens, 20 tons of hay and grain for feed and seed, on good road mile of school. Price only $7 ". Good terms. W. E. Kidder. Carlton, Or. HAY, grain and stock rancn. 3G5 acres. 280 acres meadow in cultiration, all irrigated. gravity system, dean to state wster rights, ample free range adjoining, including 73 bead of cattle, horses and complete farm ing equipment; large creek runs through place; H mile to school, depot, 1. O., gen eral store; good buildings with spring wster piped tr bouse and bsrns; on main highway-' good .market and shipping facilities; essy terms! price $48, ".00. Owner, 608 Pfulfen Wox.. Spokane, Watjh. MR RANCH Ext JUST lAMiK. AT THIS 160 acre nr Wsshkigton coanty, west of Portland: 20 to 25 acres in high state of oultitation. family orchard, good 4 room house, bam and outbuildings; good, springs, well fenced, close to school, only 4 miles from good town. Only $30 an acre. I hare many other farms from $50 to $100 an acre, improved; some with -Stock and implements. J. R. HOLBBOOK. REALTOR 314-215 Panama Bldg. WONDERFUL STOCK RANCH 120 acres, best located sUick ranch in the nortliwefit, 1 hi milei from datskanie, on gooil r?ck road, some first class bot , torn- land, balance rolling hills, fair set of buildings, good orchard, well watpred. lots of water power. This place has tie making of the most ideal stock ranch I ever saw arid the price is only $30 per, acre and will trade for good city property, improved or unimproved. W. C. BECKTEI.L. 933 N. W. Bk. Bldg. -Farot ora Trial 160 acres. Lake county, Oregon; splen did Etock and grain farm, on lake. Will pel! you this farm for $20 per acre. You deport cash in bank under erow. If you do not like it or do not think it worth the money, you get back every cent and will have no rent to pay. A selendid propo sition for voune man. See 'JOHN A. MEI.SSNKR. 821 OASCO BLDG BEAUTIFUL 10 ACRE HOME All level sandy loam, soil in good culti vation, family oechard in full bearing, lots of berries, dan-iy. 4 room liotu'e with base ment, shade trees and flowers, good barn for 5 cows, poultry houxe, windmill, water piped to building:. 2 acres potatoes, some seeded to clover. 8 tons of hay, winter's wood. 1 cow. tool's, chicken", all fcr $3"0. $150(1 cash will handle. $1100 fedoral loan. 8 TEW ART A JOHNS" IN. REALTORS. 31S Northwestern Bank Bldg. EASTERN Oregon wheat ranch at a bargain. .VH8 acres. 330 in cultivation, more can De 'cultivated; on county road, 3 xv milfs from! a good town. Walnut 2704, owner. 1075 Mallory are.. Portland. Or. EXCHAft GE REAL ESTATE 413 Dairy Farm 365 acres, located on the lower Colum bia river higftway. 20 piiH from Portland. V ?of a".roi!e from a R. H station. 280 screws iu 'cultivation, very fine sandy loum soil, one 7 room boue ni -one ro-nn hcue, huge modern dairy barf 60x200 ft, with all modern equipment, cement floor i througbcut. three large silos full vi rh- j silage, large horse barn, marrnniry ciieds. ; good hc j pen. good ?moke house and other ! buildings 75 head of picked cairy ow. 2' ' loifir; R Yma.i rJ -v, . 1 work nor-.A. .11 t farm machinery including new tractor, new : ensilage .cutter and . blower, good manure j, spreader one- good truck. There t ahmt . 100 tons of liay in 'the bare, about RiMi sacks of potatoes and some feed grain, j (wners of this property will Lke some city , prtprrty in exchange. For price and fur- tlier; information 1: SEE F;. REVEKMAN. 210 Iwis Mdg. '. WANT AN1-AUTO OR LOTS FOR ; I KENTON NEW BUNGALOW New 4-rocra bungalow, just completed; cement basement, built-in, batli, cabinet, ' kitchen. 2 bedrooms;- corner lot 50x100. Trice $83u0. Will take one or more lots cr good car up to 41000 and $200 as first ' payment. J. W. GRUSSI 318 Board of Trade bhiig. Bdwy. 7452 TRANSFER bu-uieas, well established. 3 GMC trucks. 1020 and iq21; 2 transfer wagons, 1 team. Office .furniture, office building 20 hy 70, barn 60 by 120. rent $52 "for all - Will trade for alfalfa ranch. Mrs. Steinmotz. 227 Washington, room 312. . WILL trade for house in Portland, my 40- acre irrigated farm: in the heart ' of the great potato district' in Southern Idaho: part in alfalfa, rest under cultivation, stocked ' and equipped- Tabor 7808. Address 50 East 76th st. . FIVE-ROOM modern bungalow, 8. 7. fire place. hardood floota, extra well built, lot 79x100 ft. corner, garage, $5000. Want larger house shout same price or little more, adjust diffcrenoc by mortgage. R. M GATEWOOD CO.. 165H 4th 8t ROSE CITY BUNGALOW Modern 5-rtwn bungalow, corner lot. city liens fulay paid: owner leaving, will consider late masel auto, vacant tot, or what as first Hajm-nt, balance monthly. 710 fl. 47th St. N. Aut. 320-10. ' . EXCHANGE 160 sere imp farm, near GoM endaie. Wash., market value S609O; want Portland imp. or good. "town south; prefer California.- Full particular' given by owner. It. Li. Bathrick. THotl Congress. TR.ADE We can match anything you bare. Bring In your trade. H F. KIMBLE CO. 415 CHAM. OP COM. 27 ROOM hotel, well furnished, hot. cold water fa house. S stores, all rented, want farm mot too far from Portland. Seio hotel. Scio, Or. 2 hi TON track, worm drive; in fin .nape ; valued at $756. to trade tor half acre, close in or a good lot. Phone Jensen, Broadway -9691, evening East 2418. :f- PROPERTY EXCHANGE SPECIALIST , A. GORDON BOSS. -: v Broadway 8178. 624 Henry bMg. HAVE rood Dakota farm. 16 acrea; 1W acre . Alberta farm: will trade either r bath for good garage, Y-354, Jvurnai. - f EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 413 WE HAVE several new trading propositions, in. - One of ihem as sura to be what yon want Ralph Harris Co. ,. 8 16 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Broadway 6654; 20 ACRES at B urbane, tYaaa. room none. It acrea cleared, the rest easy to clear Win trade oc selL Writ i, P. Harden. Timber. Or. r REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 414 WILL ACCEPT GOOD CAR AS PART OF FIRST PAYMENT ON FINE 17 ACRES CLOSE TO MINERAL SPRINGS. About 8 acres in orchard, pears', apples and cherries, good ' commercial varieties ; all balance cultivated; best of black soil, woven wire fences, good 5-room noose, city water, electric lights, fruit house with cement storehouse, modern steam cooker for preserving ; barn, large new pourtry neuse. 200 chickens, 2 cows, 1 bone, all kinds of tools to run place, everything for (10,000. Auto and small amount cash will handle. lias good market or ev erything raised on place, j worm investi gating. STEWART sV JOHNSON. REALTORS. 315 Northwestern Bank building. 6 ROOM boune. barn and garage, 1 1 lota. Price $2750, clear; 2 miles from car line, outside city limits. For sale or trade? for home closer in. Bdwy. OUl days. East 8856 eveniriga. " FOR SALK or trade. 24U acres; can be divided lOO acres in piece or 140. Address Dan Graham. Mist, Or. X2 ROOMS, housekeeping. Nob Hll; $1200 equity, for home 5 or 6 rooms; will assume. Bdwy. 5911 days. East 8856 evenings. FOR SALE or trade, good, small farm for city property. Owner 1395 Maryland Are. WANTED REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY 450 HAVE several clients for impntved suburban acreage wita small djbwn payment E Ralph Harris Co. r Cham, of Commerce. Bdwy. 6654. 816 I MEAN BUSINESS DO YOU I i Want a medium priced home;. any place except foreign district. $200 cash and good montfily payments on balance. 0-212, Journal. WANTED Immediately, modern 4 or 5 room modern bungalow built-ins, etc; Kenton or Peninsula districts. Owners only. C-826. Journal. HAVE clients that want small homes in the . Montavilia and Mt. Tabor districts. $250 to $300 will handle. Call Broadway 2157 or 604 Buchanan bids. SMALL HOUSE OR 8 HACK Pay cash for bargain. 630 Chamber Commerce ,bkig. WANT good lot part payment on classy new bungalow". HuUder. Hast 0799. p.' HAVE new 6 cylinder automobile to trade for equity in cottage. Y-353. Journal. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES STORES. GARAGES. ETC. 500 Look at This $1500 for a 23 room hotel, netting $275 and orer a month. Small balance arranged to suit. Gokey & Wesch 327 Cham, of Com. bldg. Bdwy. 6706. GROCERY STORE Oood residential district, rent $25. 5 rooms and bath, price $600 includes furni ture 4 rooms. ARTHUR L SCOTT CO.. 330 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Broadway 3668. ' '; CALL AT 168 Grand tie. and, see my cash and carry grocery store for sale; rent $23; sales from $30 to $40, all cash; stock at i:irentory. about $900, $350 for fixtures. Owner. No agents. Lucky Penny Grocery. H. H. Ingalls. HALF or whole interest in the best auto electrical business on the coast with un limited future ; this is a well established wholesale snd retail business tbat is steadily growing; $5000 cash, balance easy terms. I-26. Journal. MUST sell on account of other business, first cass grocery store doing a good cash busi ness; rent $25, with living rooms. Will take auto as part payment. Also 6. room house at 266 Knott st Inquire 580 Union ave. north; RESTAURANT AT CAR BARNS . . One of the best paying and well equipped in the city, averaging $60 day. can be had on terras. See us for full details. Hatper & Morris, 32 9 Railway Exchange bldg. GROCERY SsMIO No competition, a suburb store, 4 living rooms, average S;35 day, rent only $2 5. including lights. Harper & Morris, a 2?) Railway Exchange bldg. Barber Shop : Barber shop and living room, furnished, cheaji rent, good location; price $300. W. M. West. 6007 82d St. S. E., Mt Scott car. CAUTION. BUYERS Betore closing a deal of fo-ea!!ed interest in established real estate business, get advice of Portland Realty Board. 421 Oregon bldg. Phone Bdwy. 1902. - A PARTNER WANTED " v A wood and coal business; want a steady man to tend the office and yard, check wood, etc.. draw $200 month; $1200 re qnired. Room -101 Dekum bldg. A uKNEHAL mdse. counirv .or,? and prop" erty. east f ' mountains In good fruit dis trict, postoffice pays about $80 a month. Will accept some trade. No agents. 8X 212. Journal. FOR SALE Restaurant,- doing good business; be'.t location, ice cream, soft drinks, cigars, tobaccos snd light groceries in connection ; givxi place for 2 men or man snd wife. 103 E. 11th st. $200 POPCOllfc and crisp machine, dandy loe .'.ion by large school and picture show, first class shape, plenty stock ; selling for half price on account of sickness. Harper tt Morris, 329 Railway Exchange bldg. CONFECTIONERY Soft drinks, pool tables. 9 lodging !room. offered at. bargain price, live Vown of 3000. See or write owner, George Chinakas, Camas, asfi. a LUNCH COUNTER SNAP $30Q Just a jnndy for two people; $iri0 Ash, balance to suit; first-class loca tion. Harper 4; Morris, 32? Railway Ex change 'bldg. i i $550 RESTAURANT and lunch. located heart of city; good business, well equipped, lw rout, terms. Harper & Morris. 329 Railway Exchange Mdg. pcR SALE A (ood business in an out of t -nr.?,i . v. , town city, cor.fectioaery, soft drinks, card tables, in basement on earner. TX-838. Journal. WELL located little grocery at invoice, with new houje in connection ; Tot, ".50x100. with garage. Cash takes everything at cost, ac count death. E. 34 th and Jessup st. GROCERY, INVOICE $300 fixtare, stock about $900; doing S40; cheap rent, living-rooms. Harper A Morris, 329 Railway Exchange bldg. 6-RlKAI house. 2 lots, on corner, near school and car,' $2600, $300 cash, $30 per month. Ole O. -Sletten, realtor. .415 By Exch. Bdwy. 3400. FOR SALE Up to date cash grocery, fine east side location, doing $1000 to $1200 a mouth, at invoice, about $1600. N-2S0, Journal. A-l RESTAURANT Dandy location, on good corner, always doing business, bat owner has large ranch so can t run both. Call 300 Bnrnside. ST. JOHNS .SHIPBUILDING CO. 'holdings for lease, dock, and sidetrack facilities. Broad way 7521. ast 335. s' 1000 RESIAUBANT doing $50 day rent, only $25, dandy location, some terms. Har per aV Morris, 829 Railway Exchange tVldg. BUSINESS 6 so,ra -CARDS 3 A .511 Acorn- Pre. 286 H Wash, bet. 4th at 6th eta, CAFETERIA for sale, good business. fuS equipment, f 1600 ; will consider car as part payment lfr N.' Bdwy. Bdwy. 1422. GROCERY, . $1050, cash, and carryl choice residential district, doing good business; 2 living rooms. 415 Ry. Exch. bldg. WANTED Partner ,- for . Roak. show; fifty per week; $306 required. Experience not necessary. -X-22Q. Joorcat RESTAURANT, i $1500. half ctk. TnTIj equipped; transient street, doing $50 daily, low rent, leaser 415 Ry. Exch. Mdg. LUNCH room and delicatessen, aood location. i g-rawmg bosiness, reasonable rent. Call.: Main 3133. excel hangar DRY GOODS and notion .tore, doing goad business, - no competition; will invoice. Tabor 438 T. ; Printing por Less Ryder Printing Co. Main 5536. 193 8d St. WANTED Meat cutter to buy naif interact in shop; good location; doing good mxstaeaa, $478 will xtandla. Owner. Tabor T912. GH'K'ERY FOR SALE. Jump or invoice 7308 02d t. R. E. VARIEffY store, 903 Preecott st cor. 29th. Jvew stock; lease. ' BUSINESS OPPORTUNTTIES STORES.. GARAGES. ETC. SO0 We Want a Large Stock of Groceries or General MERCHANDISE Wa have to: offer ia axenanea for tia above some good Income property. Toss opportunity should receive your pronspt attention. , a Quick Sales Company 462 Cpoch bkig. AtttOi 611-08. CONFECTIONERY store. hsndTinsj soft drinks, ,c cream, candies, cigars, light groceries and maaasinee; a fine trade: splendid location. . elegant fixtures, oa car line, 823 to 840 per ) day business; dandy piece: big demand for lunches; splendid opportunity for man and wife or two' ladies; large room., rent $25; 4-year lease; -nice, fnssh stock nigh) class goods, fixsnresf alone ' worth ' the xoosxe-y. Total price $2000. United Brokerags at Invest- Co . 819 Board of Trade. r Grocery for Sale Will invoice my grocery which wirf-Tun to about $1200. with S living rooxnn good clean stock, apt. house district , Strictly csstt and carry business. Gokey &'Wesch 82T Cham, of. Com, bldg. Bdwy. 6706. : HOME WITH AN INCOME Dandy 4 raom modem bungalow, with fireplace and all modern" conveniences, with S stores and garage fronting on: Sandy boulevard. Price $5500. Terms. ; A real buy. Sea tliie today. ! 'MERRICK CO. 804 Panama Bldg. Bdwy. 6942. HOTELS, ROOMING HOUSES AND APARTMENTS FOR SALE 502 66 Room Apt. $5000 win handle 66 room twick apt. bouse, steam heat, hot and cold waterj in come ever ajl expenses $400 a month. , Gokey & Wesch 327 Cham, of Com. Wdg. Bdwy. 6706. WHITE TEMPLE DISTRICT 10 housekeeping roams, very clean and furniture above the average; full basement. furnace heat, rent only $60. race liuo Terms. MERRICK 4c CO. 804 Panama Bldg. Bdwy. 6942. SLEEPING ROOMS 8 rooms nice snd clean and weft fur nished; choice, location; rent only 40 Price 8700. $800 down. A real buy. MERRICK 4c CO. 804 Panama Bldg. Bdwy. 6942. PICK-CP 36 rail., S years' lease; $200 paid up on lease. $1550: $500 down. M. C. Justice 25 Grand ave. East 5602. OWNER leaving city mu-t sell 10 room com plete Or partly furnished housekeeping mod ern, furnace, lease, cheap. outi Johnson Bdwy. 8075 FOR SALE- Small rooming and boarding boose, everything modern, good location. Good furniture, all rooms full. Phone East 41YS. ROOMING HOUSES FOR TRADE Several good ones to rTffer SEE GODDARD. 502 COUCH BLDG. 11 ROOMS furniture for sale. Tictrola, piano Price $1100, cash $900; rest $50 a month 890 Everest St. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED - 550 WASTES GROCE fiVTORE8 Hava Buyers With $500 to-14500 ARTHUR L. SOOTT5 880 Cham, of Oom. i Bdwy. 3668. WANTED mall automobile ahep, or partner ship in larger business. Will consider apart ment. G-244. Journal. APARTMENTS WANTED 551 CASH- for small, well furnished apartment house, well located, long lease. VX-136, Journal. FINANCIAL MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE 601 CITT LOANS 1 COMMISSION On improved property or for improvement purposes. The best and easiest method of paying a loan is our monthly payment plan: $32.26.per month for &6 months, or $21.24 per month for 60 months, or $16.17 per month for &6 months, pays a loan of 10O0 and interest. Loan of other amounts ia asm propor tion. Repayment Privilege. EQUITABLE SAVINGS & LOAN1 ASSN. 301-303 Stark St., Portland., Or. PLENTY MONET on nand for small MOKT GAGE LOANS on city and suburban resi dence property. No reds tape: lew rates; Quick action. Straight tlerm loans cr par as you please. We buy small contracts tnd equities. Will assist you to build jour small home. ' 681 Chsm. 'of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 637Q.1 HAVE large and small, a mounts ia K-nn m city, suburban. Improved property. Ask for Mr. Fisher with WILBUR F. J0UNO. Inc., Bdwy. 4837. 224. Henry bldg. BUILDING loe.ns on city saa suburoan prop erty; mosey advanced as work progresses. W. G. Beck.. 215 Failing bldg. Bdwy. 7407. $1600, $2000. ,$3000 TO LOAN at 7 per cent oh good city homes A. ii- Akerson. 420 Henry bldg. Bdwy. 5549. $200. $400., $500, $750, 41000 AND UP. Low rates, Quick action. Fred W. German Co., 732 Chamber of Commerce. MONEY TO LOAN. MORTGAGES ANDj CONTRACTS BOUGHT. $500 TO $2000. FRET S. WILLIAMS. 606 PANAMA BLDG. 81000. $2000. $3000. $4000. 8,5000 No deia-y. We are loaning our own money. P. H- kDESHON, 1004-7 Spalding bldg. SEE OREGON INV. A MORTGAGE CO., 210 Lumber Exchange bldg. . $600' TO $700 now ready to loan on improved city property. Tabor 6-53. $100 TO $2500. Quick acjtioa. A. H Bell. 231 Morriion St.. rooms 10 and 11. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS 602 DO YOU NEED MONEY LOANS MADE -ON Automobiles FURNITURE. P I A N O S j HOUSEHOLD GOODS, REAL ESTATE. BONDS OL ANYTHING OF VALUE SECUR ITY USUALLY LHPT IS YOUR POSSESSION Also Salary iJLoans TO SALARIED PEOPLE OJ THEIR NOTES WITHOUT SECURITY. IF TOUR PAY MENTS TO OTHER LOAN COMPANIES OR ON FTRNITURE Oft AUTOMOBILE CONTRACTS ARE TOO LARGE. WK WILL PAY THEM UP. ADVANCE TOO MORE MONEY IF NECESSARY. AND YOU CAN PAY C8 IN SMALL MONTHLY PAYMENTS TO SUIT YOUR CONVEN IENCE, -I LEGAL RATES NO DELAY PORTLAND LOAN CO. (LICENSED). 806-807 DEKUM BLDG . 8D A WASH. BROADWAY 58o7. SALARY LOAN'S SALARY WE LOAN MONET to alari id and worklDgnien on the'r per sonal note. Bate reasonable, easy pay ments, NO SECURITY Nc r$DORS Call and xnvegtb.ate nun modern money lending methods. All 1 siaess eonfidentiaJ. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPASX. t Licensed ) I , 218 Tailing Building. MONEY TO LOAN f I'ofiey loaned on household goods or mer chandise placed in storage ith. u at a jrssj ular bank rate. ' ( SEC0SITY STORAGE sV TRANSFER CO.. Fourth and line St. Opposite Multnomah Hotel. Paoaa Broadway 8716. MONEY LOANED A,l' BANK KATE3 on heuaelMld goods in istorare. ALERT TRAN6FER A STORAGE CO. -uy uti sr. - WE LOAN MONET, on automobiles. Granning aV Trseee. 102 si. Broadway., MlSCIiLLANEOUS FINANCIAL 603 WE BUS first and second saofltgages and seil ers' contracts. F. E. Bowxqaa & Co., 210 Chamber ef Coasmerce bldc-'i Bdwy, 6007. CASH PAID for mortgage, aad sellers' eon-, tracts cm- real estate to Waiaton or Ore- i torn. H. K. Nooie. 816 Lnmbermetts Mdg. I LOAN money oa aetoCBofclhsv EAST 8IBB AUTO BROKER,; ; V j 8S9 Belmont, cor. Onipo .ave.! WILL sea $000 aala contract cs S room mod ern rentage. Walnut 8852. "I WILL bar smell sellers' contract or aeaoad . aaortgagea. Gordoo, 31 ChJ of Coaa. htdc ,';Ch. of. Cflsn., a. FINANCIAL i MONEY WANTED 6S1 ; AVant $50 i-oai. Immediately : Will pay 878 ash eotuxejssioa and 8 for on year' on 8180O "worth high smaso hoid rartutnx. Tory best of ptutnsas ref- B-65T, J on max - : $1000 AT T per cant, 8 years, act new bun gxdow lost arfd for $2800. Mr. Fisher witk WILBUR T. JOUNO. Inn.. Bros tt way 4837 t 224fWfnry BTdg. $2000 on new S-rooan R. C Parit- bnnsaiow. 8 yean, at 7 per. rent. - tt. X loae, ai uasco oiag. toins WANTED- $o00. Wag term, 8per cent inr terest setaiaiinually. 64 2-51. ' SEE OREGON INV. MORTGAGE CO.. 31 EXCHANGE BLDO. HORSES AND I VEHICLES 700 HORSES! HORSES! Team of mares B and 6 years old. weight 2600 lbs,: price $200; team of taldings 6 years ol4. weight 8100 lb.; team, mare and . horse, 6 years old, weight 3000 lbs. ; mars and nice coir- by her side :.- bay mars 7 years old. weight 100 lbs. ; Quick sale, $40; wagons and harness ef all kinds for sale cheap. 234 Front st ft. of Main. f ARM IMPLEMENTS SEW AND SECOND HAND, -. SPECIAL PRICES P. E. E3BEN SHADE. 860-S66 E. MOHRIaON VT. JUST in from my raneh with 15 head of good young solid worta horses and mules; .will be sold very cheap to cut feed expense. Call at Use unpaintcd barn, 28th and Powell valley road. TaMe Woodstock ear. DARK bay mare. 8 years old, 1060 lbs., gen Ue. will drive doable, cultivate or nde; splendid for boy carrying papers. 880. . Also stock saddle. Main 741. NICEST span of mujes in the state of Oregon. 6 and 7 years old. weight 2500 lbs.; eery gentle for anyone to handle. Come- and try them out 86 Powell Valley road. TEAM Sorrel Belgian, well mated. T and 8 years old, no older; weight 2660 lbs; blacky build, heavy boned, gentle and good workers. price $3 30. 100 E. Pth at N. BELGIAN mar 5 years old, weight 1700 lbs., sound and true. Sell very cheap or win buy msto for her. 896 Powell Val ley ruad 8000 LB. TEAM, harness and" wagon. $125; also 1390 lb. horse $45. 274 E. Oth St.. near Hawthorne. BROWN horse 5 years old, weight 1400 lbs., blocky built, well made, with tots of bone. Self very cheap. Call at 896 Powell Val ley road. ' TEAM ot blocky built mares, weight about 2H50 li., young, sound and in good flesh; $1X0. 381 Hater St.. corner Montgomery. KETSTO&B Stables., Jiorses lor saw or hire or sold on commission. Wagons' and harness. 381 Water st ' W. 8. Atwiter 3515. $165 BUY'S span of low set blocky built bay mares, real orchard or farm team. Call at the dairy barn, 2wth and Powell V auey read FOR S.LE cheap, 6 head of horses, 3 set of good4(eectiing harness, 1 stock saddle. C-ll a i o r-j i tn si. HORSES, all sizes, harness and wagons of all kinds; everything will be .sold fheap. 240 E. 8th ft. 2200 LB. TEAM. en tie and good jrorkers, almost new harness and farm wagon, $100. 40I0'67tb st. ML Scott car. 21 00 LB. TEAM of young, well mated mules; none better. 240 E, 8th &t DOUBLE team. $8 oar; single team,' $1.60 day. 846 Front st. Mala 2208. LIVESTOCK 701 A JERSEY" cow for wile cheap, comes fresh Oct. 27. 6 years old. Kenneth McDonald. Route 1. Box i2. Oswego. Half mile . 8. H Bonita stgtson. Oregon Electric. FOR SALE 10 good fresh cows.- Jersey snd Hr, Istem. C bamrerlain leed Co 1564 E . GUsan. Tsbor 4655: eve., Tabor 4005 FRESH dairy cows, 'also 2 family Jerseys. $35 ami too c. Asn. DURHAM cow. fresh with calf;, heavy milker; wi:i sen eneap. z-i r ront. it. ot Mam st. WANTED BEEF. VEAL AND HOGS TABOR 7 832. FOR SALE Jersey cow, $35. 692T 92d St- S. K. . . BUCK and doe goals 4 months old, $5 and $10., Corner 4 3d and 561 ave. S. E.' FRESH Jersey cow; "fresh four days; big, rich milker. 1967 E. Stark st-.cor. 78th. POULTRY AND RABBITS 702 RHODE ISLAND RED FARM We ' invite yout. to visit our up-to-date plant t West Portland, just beyond Mult nomah station. We are exclusive breeders of thoroughbred single comb Rhode Island Red baby chicks and hatching eggs. Cockerels : y A few good breeding birds. IT yon are in need of one at price that is right. We s re. now booking; orders for3, baby chicks for late fall . and early spri4g de livery. All stock sold on a money-back guarantee. RHODE ISLAND RED FARM R. No. 6. box 202. Portland. Main 4742. TANCRED PTLLETS LATINO 200 exceptionally fine Tancred White Lecborn pullets between 5 snd 6 months old; also 400 pullets of the sasne strain, of which 35 per ceat are laying. Phone or write us for prices. Portland Seed Co. 1K0 Front. East 2171.1 WHITEWASH In tallon screw-top cans. sufficient to make 100 gals, or more, for XI at Northwest Welding & Supply Co. 88 1st st. FOB SALH: 150 W. L pullets from trap- nested stock; will say m Ueoeniher; $1 each, delivered : in Portland. : Address B. E. Bchill.- R. F. P. 2; The Danes, Or. . FOR SALE 80 turkeys 70 geese, ,70 ducks. Mallard r Runnersi Pekins. tho rbugh bred stock breeders. , it. ja. Schiil. ii, , F. D. 2 The Ballet, Or. ' FOR SALE 8 rabbit hutches, $10; one ca nary bird, good ringer. Call. 1446 E. 6th et. Walnut 2001. . I HAVE 100 Rhode Island Red pullets for sale: will Isy soon. Arthur Isaacks, Wash ington and Elmer sis., Milwaukie, Or. PETS: DOGS, BIRDS. ETC. 703 FOR SALE Trained, Hoteiyroan pointnf Inquire Paul Jones, Route 4, 5 miles east of Vancouver, Wash. TWO American bull terrier pups 4 months old; 2 registered Airedale pups 2 months old. 9123 Foster road. JAPANESE TOY SPANIELS Reasonable. Will ship if not sold. E. 0th S. Tabor 7927. 814 SPEEDWAY KENNELS. PKDIGREED POLItKHOa PUPPIES CANYON ROAD. ROUTE 5. MAIN 4384. ST. ANDKEASRURG- roller canaries from im ported German sW ck ; also parrot. 649 Nehalem ve. Sellwood 1520. FOR SALE . A No 1 pointer pup, cheap 3831. Walnut BEAUTIFUL young canary birds cheap. 1567 "hj E. SUrk and 60th t PEDIGREED Airedale and Boston bull pups. Oregon Seed storey 224 Yamhill. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE M0 1919 BUICK TQWRlNO hCAR This ear is ia first . class mechanical condition and rua lik new;' has good finish and 5 good tires; will eil at a bar gain nn es-sy tniis. f'hor.e Ast 1962. USED FOUD CENTER We buy. sell or exchange used Fords. Trade In that old. Ford for starter type- Otrr prices are ngnt -. ; 128 N. Broadway; opp. new Postofflee. FORD bug. In fin shape; top, windshield, good tires, motor very peppy. Can be bought at a vry low-price. Call Mr. Wood, Wal nut 8163. BUG 865 BUG Chevrolet Need small repair. No junk. 4836. Tabor WHY waik? Cbeiroiet touring in best cf con errtioo. good tires, ear (hk new. WiB .veil on long easy terms. Priced Very low, for quick saie. nuwy. 4.vw CHEVROLET touring, late model, extra, and goad tues. This car goes at a song, with smalt -cairn payment ana esty tcrtna. Oell- CHEVROLET 490 touring. 1926. model, small . cash payment, wrist balance on easy terms; guaranteed vain at the lowest price. Last 6568. ''- J ' 7 MUST sell toy new ford roadster. Run only few hundred miles. Will i sacrifice . and give eay terms. alnrst . 1920 CHEVROIET touring, good mechanical conditxoa; will ta Ford .hue a first pay ment. Tabor 18t. e IBIS FORD touring car. ia is A-l eondi - meehaaieally and tanks fine, extra good tii 88 eanh. IU a month. l Kst L, if.-o - 1 A-f A." Vf -II C awA ,wu " aiui i mechanical coadiUos, 81. Tabor 0876. . AUTOMOBILESFOR SALE 600 The Studebaker " Corporation of ; Americaj- MUST SELL THEIR STOCK OF ' USED GARS ' '? , REGARDLESS OT COST ' ' Satisfaction Positively . Guaranteed .- - i . i And Furthermor ! The 8tadebker Corporatioci Authorises ; Free Free Free , " . i . - For this week only.- a f re casotin book to every purchaser. j SALE 8TART8 TODAT WITH ROCK BOTTOM; i PRICES . ' If unabla to bur now, A small deposit win nota any or. We are sincere;, when wa extraordinary opportunity. say this is an VISIT BOTH PLAC1S John K. Leander Co. 10th and Glisan st. Broadway 1895. 841 Bnmsid st Broadway 2781, ft Ii ! HUGHSON'S FORD CORNER WHERE IT'S HANDY BETTER- USED CARS FOR LESS MONDAY. OCT. 23 w sold nd delivered 12 Ford can, new and used. There is a reason, which is your profit and satisfaction. Let us 1 explain before you purchase. 1913 1917 1918. 1019 1920 1920 1921 1922 1916 . 192 1921 1921 1918 L920 Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford touring , touring , touring -. touring , touring . touring touring touring roadster' , roadster . roadster . sedan . . . delivery . delivery . .$ 90 , 125 145 ,. 25 , 315 , 825 , 850 400 , 100 , 815 , 850 , 500 , 165 , 250 ' p f . it . . . . . 'Some $50 down. Balance easy. These can receive the asme car and attention as. our new cars. Open. Sundays and Evenings. "Day and. Night Service." WIIXLVM I HUGH SON CO., 60 N. Broadway. Bdwy. 0321. n H Here Is ' Your Chance Your choice of the following car . for $300 with a very small payment down and pay' while you drive: . Maxwell touring Overland touring . Cadillac touring Briscoe roadster Studebaker' touring Ford bug T Ford roadster i f ' Ford touring Ford sedan Portland Motor: Car Co. - ! 1 0th and Burnside. Bdwy. 0521. - 9 . ( BARGAINS, LATE MODELS '20 CHEVROLET TOURING 8100 down, balance easy, lets you ride home. Car is first class every way and we give service. , LATE DODGE -TOURING $100 down. baL easy; good dependable Bodge touring; runs fine and has, soma ex tras. New battery. '20 BUICK TOURING light six and the entire oar is fine; ran quiet and refinished the tery latest col org. Come and try it- Some down. AaL ; monthly. 21 FORD COUPE Like new in every way, lots extra and low price and eas. terms; shocks all around, overside driving wheel, foot feed, demount able rims, new tires and refinished new car at low price. . 16th and Alder St MURPHY MOTOR CO. I' 1921 CHANDLER COUPE Can hardly b4 told- from hew. Your chanoe for a nearly new coup at a bargain. ; ' H. 4 E. AUTO CO., 19th and Washington. Broadway 2820. ; HARMON STEPHENS 7 1920 Ford Sedan -Sacrificed This ear Is in perfect mechanical condi tion: has self starter, bumper,, spot light, demountable rims, 5 good tires, rain swipe, 'shock absorber, rear vision mirror: iuat re painted. Must dispose of at once fo fi nancial reason. . Price for Quick sale, $400. You will , hare to hurry to set this. Call Tabor 8832, 1920 BUICK ROADSTER Repainted, and in excellent mechan ical -condition; will sacrifice, cash or terms. H ft E AUTO CO.. 19 th and Washington. Broadway '2320. HARMON STEPHENS ' BUICK TOURING. 5-PARSJ5NGER If yon are considering buying a used Buick. we hay two that you can xnake your' choice between. Then car are both in fine cxthdition and have good rubber. Get our price before buying; it will pay you. C. L. BOSS . AUTOMOBILE CO. Phone Broadway 8067. 615-17 Wash, at, 1920 HUD SOS BPEEDSTEB This car cannot-, be told from new. Has 4 brand new tires. Equipped with Westing house air spring. We'll sell with a SO -day warranty and' service. Can be I seen at 613 Washington st. . j " LATEST, HUDSON SPEEDSTER So slightly used that it would readily pas for new; new cord tire and ens extra mounted; spotlight; all ready i for delivery. Taka car in trade. 16th and' Alder at. MURPHY MOTOR OO. 1921 CHEVROLET TOURING. $350 P. H. DUNN MOTOR J CO. , NO, 6 GRAND AVE. NORTH . 1920 DODGE TOURING CAR T This car looks hk ' new, i has original finisa and ia in finest of mechanical con dition; nas stood tires; -will . sell om easy terms. Phono Tabor 6T75. I . " 1 s 1821 ' OVERLAND SEDA? $650 P. H. "DUNN MOTOR 1 CO.. NO. GRAND AVE. NORTH ' USED FORD CENTER : Wa buy. sell or- exchange used Ford. Trad in that old Ford. for. starter type. Oar pncea are. ngnw i . m Vfi V BmmMV ' MM. N. Broadway, opp. newj Postofnco. - V 1820 FORD COUPE--MOO P. H. DUNN- MOTOR CO.. NO. GRAND AVE. NORTH r EKCEPTIONALLT gwod values are being of . fered in ed Ford takear iaUcxchaaga on new Chevralets.- It will pay t y oa . to look ", then. over.- J-Easy terma ' L. T. BILL1NGSI-EY MOTOR CO.. Hawthorn. Ave. at 8th. East 0720 A. RUSH order take this. My tChavrolat su perior touring, runr less than 1000 miles, ia V' exeaUent condition, ha spotlight and apara tire. WiB aaerifkst at a low pric and easy term. ' Day phone Bdwy. 0425. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 80( Great Used Car News - - . I The first day of this ak resulted in . T USED CARS aoid. This indicate the values we are- offering hut doea not a, yet aft act an excellent 'fehote of cars. Remember tha '' Five Day Trial Indersundirtg the j' ,-48; Hour Option en anw ear the - - , Terms - Available. ' , A few exceptional valna:- DODGE JtROTHKRS' eara. all years aad type, up from. . ,Ij.$S78 FORDS, all type, up from..... 180 BUICK 6-cyL. Spa., newly painted, completely rebuilt. . J. 423 MITCHELL touring. 1821 type. in excellent condition .. ... j. T08 si ,VELIE SEDAN. 1920 type originally for 88200. com pletely equipped. . wc ondertul value at f .' 82 Many others of practically all l makev BRALET GRAHAM UHTLD. LVO. llta st. at Bumaida. i OUR PRICES -CAN'T BE BEAT : Our ' used can are as good s . we can make them. . ?--';; Most of Tham Repainted ' Every Car 'Guaranteed Price Reduced on All Car 1920 Hop; was 8825; now. . .$778 1921 Olds 4; was $850; now. . 750 1922 F. B. Chevrolet; waa $850 now 800 192U Studebaker soecial 6' was - $775: now . . 72S ; now . . 71 :ars repainted and sedan ; .was 1478; ...J. 4J Above cars guaranteed. 1920 Ford now ...1. 425 1920 Ftd coup; waa $478; bow - J. 428 1919 Chavrclet: was 8250 now 200 1918 Pair 6: was 8350 how 450 1917 National 4 pass; wa - 8750; now .......... 600 1820 Ford, extras: was $825: now I. 295 1916 Dodge; was $850; now 290 Sec These Before You Buy. Easy Terms. MANLET AUTO CO. . . Hupmobile Distributors Burcslrie and Eleventh t-ts. , Broadway 0217. FORDS FORDS SPECIAL PRICE REDUCTION THIS . WEEK '15 Ford bng. fenders, top.... $145 , 155 is : 25 . 820 -875 365 ! 255 475 IT Fqrd delivery .-. , "IT Ford touring .......... "1 8 Ford, touring . . . .". ... . . '20 Ford touring '2 1 Ford touring, many extrea '2 1 ' Ford roadster ... . ' ... J '20 Ford roadster ... 7 ... . 2 1 Ford couti ........ i . . 18" Ford coupe ........... 21 Ford sedan . i. ........ i '20 Ford sedan, -.lots cf extra 315 565 ' 475 , Rao $225. Hudson $275, Elkhart $83 Ford chain dnTe truck cheap. UNIVERSAL AUTO EX-ChnGE 181-3-5 Grand ave. at YartihilL East 0471. See Del Wright. NOW IN . OUR NEW HOME j DURANT DEALERS 15TH AND BURNSID A few real leaders: 1922 Ford sedan, 98 new 1921 Ford coupe. 80 4 new. 1920 Ford coupe, wire wbedls. 1920. Chandler chummy. 118 Studebaker six. 1918 Overlsnd six. 1918 -Overlsnd four; " 1920 Buick six. 90 new.. Your owu terms in reason, , 'DURANT DEALERS. fAt IHC MOTOR 1X4 15 th and Burns.de, i 1120 HUDSON. -PASaK?tGETl This car. has been through our shop and has been refinished. has good tires., runs nd looks like new. Will sell with our 80- aay warranty ana service. pric 8K30V : C. It. BOSS AUTOMOBILE CO. Used Cr DepaxtmcntJ - t Phone .Broadway 8067. j 615-17 Wash. C 1921 "FORD seilan. in nerfeai condition . equipped with two spotlights, sua visor, spe cial brskei, large wheel, 5 cord tires, seat - covers, demountable rims, starter, ate. Pric e.w, euy terms. j GRANNING-: ft TREECB. 102 N- Broadway.- i Bdwy. 1T28. , Have sold my busineas and hava thna gooa cars lor sale; i nevrrrtet. 8185: roadster $90-. Ford, 8275t all self. starter and in perfect condition. 1584 Julius . .1- 1.1 192X D0RT TOCBtsb 8SB0 ' NO. 6 GRAND AVE. NORTH P. H. DUNN MOTOR , t'O NEW SEDAN i Light six.' high-grade and HU taka ear in iraoe. laoerai term on th balaaca. If you want new sedan see ihia bargain.' 16th and Alder t ' T- " -? MURPHY MOTOR CO- ' -1920 FORD- TOURtNQ " 8250 - i NO. 6 GRAND AVE. NORTH SB, H. DUNN MOTOR ca. 1922 DODGE touring, ia perfect condition. 800Q mile. Price $90O; will tak. a Uada ana give urnti. . . GRANNING ft TREECE. . 108 K.' Broadway. , Bdwy. 1729.- KEW MODEL "4" OVERLAND lUtU ULU CAR TN TBADiS P. H. DUNN MOTOR COv ' : OVEBJND DEALERS , 6-8-10-12 GRAND AVEJ lj. CHEVROLET R.. : 8850" P.. H. DUNN MOTOR CO., NO: 6 GRAND AVE. 'XOKTH 4- FORD TOURING I v -This Is a real good' buy, has) lots of pep, nd will go anywhere in i any company. Shock, speedometer, etc., and priced rigbtv - KH wamu vibb i or qemonawaUQn. 490 CHEVROLET tounng. so cood condition; - car has had beat of care; am forced to sell and will taka 880 cash, baUno $12 pet months Tahor 6985. i , t 1920 FORD touring, first else condition. looks like new, must all at one; will ae. ept 82SO, 8100 cash, with ibalano $16 par snoatn. r.aat buub. - . , - OD1CK SALE Saeviftee. lata model Ford ttcexrlnsr. aelf- : enrrter . and eleotrio light; j emal payment - mm, - eawy itow. . ' in .1-1,. 1922 CHEVROLET touring, run short die-" tanee, would conaoer earner 1 model Cber ' TQlat er ford la trade..; Wifl give term on balance. Tabor 13. ' j.-T-:-. . . 1919 Clierrolet touring, in uod condition. . Look aad run -like now. Only small easts - payment and balance $12 per month, Main 1 Ha, - 1 ; 1921 FORD touring; fin Uon. $300, Atwater w firi TOO WANT, a xtA bone me for a money saving proposition LATE model 490 Cuevrsjct; a baigain- Call Kast , - i - tnoi rurVBOUT AXTA Will take . $150 cash, balance 820 per month, Tabor 9187. r PASS, car, 6 cyl. Mitchell, 1 good condition. irbeap for- ash. Tabor 6932. iPontinuaa ca fU owing PaaaJ eondl J. Fordt Ph . Uta. ? -