The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 22, 1922, Page 70, Image 70

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    1 '?" - v:;. V:' . 'V - -
r,-.- v v fr-;7THEnOREGOySCNtf SUNDAY MORNING, OCTOBER -22.- 1922.
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How a New York! City investigation
revealed a need for more digestible foods
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PI li ;v I i ft . Ill 2 Tf - - JYWW - '- : .- II i HI - - . ,s - ..
; "EOR years teachers have puzzled j i For in Grisco she has a truly digestible ,
I shortening a , 'vegetable shortening.
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A over this oroblem: . r
Of two children with perhaps the
same xiarfvie intelligence the one, with
little' apparent effort leads ihis class.
The ' other struggles, yet barely "keeps
Lately, however, we have learned
that 1 careful home cooking has a sur
prising bearing on good school marks; ;
that healthy sparkling brains are nearly "
always found in t healthy buoyant
bodies. " j
ChiW Health in New York
One striking illustration comes
from New York City where .the
Bureau of Child Hygiene estimated
that 2 1 6,000 school children, pros-
perous and poor alike, were serious
ly finder-nourished ' . ;
As doctors, nurses, newspapers
; 1 .
and magazines broadcast this
-newly-discovered; condition.
V'" s?V I children wut'prC the: benefit
in more aigesrioienome iooas.'
i- ; .1' i . : ; t. ;', -. "! ''. '' " ' ' --v..
Fats, for example, are
s ,1: necessary to health be-..
(Sfc2tk? - - r.i-
tmra 01 our energy Ana
And, what fine satisfaction thought- i
f ful mothers find in cooking witn Crisco ! i
! j
! .In most homes the mere assurance of
healthfulness in fried foods is enough
I to make Grisco a prized kitchen com
panion. . But Crisco is a versatile
f . shortening it gives wholesomeness to
i foods but it assures, also, as delicious
f cakes,? pies . and cookies as you ever
i tasted. -"-; n . - ' -
Two ; things, then, j to rememben
Crisco is a i vegetable shortening, i
Crisco imparts healthfulness and easy
' -f , -. - j- - . -
digestibility to familyj foods. .:V !
; You will appreciate, ftow, why Grisco
must cost, during a week's cooking, a
little more than do shortenings which
can have no pride in their origin. These
extra pennies are gladly spent by in
formed mothers as insurance against
risk to young digestions. I I
Grocers may well take satisfaction
in selling a food ingredient lile Crisco
whose healthfulness is; so certain;
How to use
kbi'i 'sA'' sftflmh for a d?i
when' she finds Crisco.
a mother may end her
IN PAN FRYINia as in peep frying, Crisco
has reached proper frying heat when it browns
a bread crumb in 40 seconds. (Do not wait For
Crisco to. smoke.) By straining Crisco you can.
use it again and, again As SHORTENING
,use i less of Crisco than you would of
animal fats. . ..
4j iter
YOU mAy antiapate digestible, fine-flavored ' ,
foods when you find a bakery or restaurant " . V
foods . when you find a bakery or restaurant
which uses Crisco. i ? - t h '
These proprietors,! of course, pay considerably
more for Crisco than they need pay for ''average' ',.
shortenings. But thoughtful owners wide awake
to their customer's interests, seldom, "hesitate
over these few extra pennies. -- For Crisco, they
have learned, assures to their foods healthful
digestibility. - -. .. - : s ...
- : ,
V ,- ' -I
' ' . .1 ' .
Two simple honte tests .
Lowr Melting Point
Easy Digestibility I
Into half a glass of lukewarm
water drop a small lump each of
Crisco and any other shortening.
With, a spoon gradually add hot
svate until Crisco melts. You will '
find that few other fats melt at this
point. Pood authorities; say that
an easily digested fat should melt
near body: beat 98 25 degrees.
Crisco, you will find, melts even"
below this temperature. It melts
r at 97 degrees. (Tffis test doe3 not
necessarily condemn' the digestir
bility of the other fat, but it will
aid you to establish Crisco' fine
digestibility.) ,r
1 Avoid Smoke and
. r' , : odoti .
, Putf jntp separate pans
! amounts of Crisco and any
fat. !j$eat slowly for eight minutes
or until they reach a temperature ,
where a bread crumb browns in
i ' 40 seconds.
' Notice' that the Crisco, tnlike
most cooking fats, does not fmoke
, at this "proper frying, temperature.
' , . f. i . : , " - -
You will find that frying' with .
, Crisco will .be", very' helpful ini
y keeping your whole housej fresh
and free from the odor of cooking
fats. V
For ,defccicnis,5digestible jcakek
For digestible and flaky pastry y
Fcr crisp, 'digestible fire' foods - 1