THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY SIORNLNG, OCTOBER 22,"- 1922. DIRECT PRIMA I PAMUNTISSUE IN IDAHO BATTLE . ' ' ' 1 : " v ' ." Republican League Is Formed to Force Legislature to Observe Demand of Peb&ta fori Statute 4- . What a dj$fef ejnce five months jnaka i ' la May of this year the Portland Telerram, In a double-column front pae, s.nnquncement. assailed "McArthuf's do-no thins recordiMid do clared tthat 'the people are ready for a hanera : -; . 4 f lDQctpber that same newspaper; ' having, concluded a beautiful and oraplf te somersault in re He Arthur pronounce that "McArthur la deserving f reelection for services' faithfully and ably performed.", :! . let he is the same rPat;,i it's funny, tent it t Here the "evidence: Boise, IdahOi ; Oct, Jtf.. The i dlreet ipnmary continue to be a paramount issue in the present polftical campaign, around which Democrats, Progressives nd .tVPi factions or he Republican party wage the most Interesting fight, 'it is Raid. In the history- of the state. Fallowing the called, meeting of the Republican state central committed Sunday, at which 33 of the 44 counties were represented, and, which voted to. stand by the' convention .platform ; which included a plank unfavorable to the direct primary; aeromber of promi nent Republicans' met in Boise early ' in the week and formed a Republican primary- league, fhe league was er-a-anised with the avowed purpose of .fighting for the direct .primary - and supporting Senator Borah In hla cam paign to have a direct primary law on the -statutes of Idaho. . ' ' Soon after thai organization of the 'league the Ada-coontyRepublican leg- lslattve: candidates' -issued a state" ment signed.'by' the candidate for sen ator and the five candidates for repre Jsen tati ve as - follows t " 'We, the undersigned candidates, for the legislature, In Ada. county, hereby declare for the prlncjple of the direct primary, which we endorse, and pledge to the peoplerof thiexrounty that if we are elected to the legislature we "ill ' exert every honorable means within our power toward the. passage of the direct prlmary law during the session and will vote for a state-wide primary . bill." T -HARD BATTLE BfeGIJTS ' " I. I Young secretary of the new i .organization and former representative, says that approximately half of the counties Of Idaho are already lined up -With the primary standard for what he predicts wlli be the greatest "and . Tliardest fought campaign Idaho has - eVer experienced. ' The league has opened headquarters " in .Boise and- is" directing Senator , Borah's speaking .campaign. The lat ter finished his northern campaign this week and will open his southern cam--ipaign October 23, at Twin Falls. In a recent address Senator .Borah- made the following statements1: .-- "The sole issue, over which, tie". con troversy has afisen is this: ;" If the people of the state manifest a desire to haveta state-wide! primary law by electing " a legislature "which ' passes such a measure, will -Mr, Moore. Re publican nominee for "governor, respect the wishes of the- people and sign the .bill? . . 5 "The position lp .which the commit tee seeks 'to . plade- Mr, Moore is that of opposing the will of .the people as that shall be. expressed through the legis lature. . t' have- not asked Mr, .Moore tor; the f ommittee to declare in favor of, a primary law, but I have .urged that Mr. Moore and the committee respect the will -of the people as it i With progressivism versus re- actionaryism and public service versus politics as the principal is sue! the contest for congress in their: Third district has apparently, simmered down to Maurice B., Crumpacker and C. N, McArthur.' McArthur is a reactionary and Is ,-. seeking the nomination on a plat form promising much. C rum packer is a Progressive Republican and he is making the race on M' AR THUR'S. TMS-NOTHINQ RJ6.C ORD." ' "."' :" -- Always at election time McAr thur comes forth with a- platform that is replete with promises. It is characteristic of the man and it is also characteristic of him to FORGET iHlS PLATFORM BE TWEEX SELECTIONS- AND TO BASJJ EASILY: IN. THE SUN SHINE OP INDOLENCEi AND .PETTY POLITICS. McArthuT Is now serving his fourth term in. congress and HIS s PLATFORM FAILS TO RECORD JL SINGLE --ACHIETVEMENT OF CONSEQUENCE FOR HlS DIS TRICT. His only fooramUtee as- eignment, is- on lutnu vxairs, s a v i committee comnaratlvelv in-l consequential value to his constitu- ents.- tt-?F'5Sf'45ir-'- -- , . : ... r -;-.n.f. y T'He lalmseredf.for having sup-; ported the -administration' in " im reconstruction' measures and" 'Ye jeices" over the -success of the ar mament limitations conference in which he . had no - participation whatsoever. He also announces that he win continue, to ' fight such political phantoms as "demagogy,'..- "po litical hypocrisy! and the "selfish schemes of noisy mirlties." ALL OF WHICH IS MERELT-POLIT-ICAL i .CLAPTRAP TO CATCH VOTES. - Wherefore and from tthe further .fact that McArthur has merely played politics and. drawn his salary at Washington, exists the reason 'for the strenuous op position he has, encountered in -the . .past several .- elections. : . The "people 'want a man In con gress from this district who stands for " principles and issues and not rqerely political fustian ; uwho will redeem' after, election the"" promisee jpade before election, and who will "render 'public service in ; Washing ton rather 'than 'engage in "small politieSV X' ARTHUR HAS FAILED TO FILL THIS BILL; AND THE PEOPLK ARE READY FOR A CHANGE.-' ,' " . The Portland Telegram, May is. jM2. -' A ' : BY HKHRY V. HAKMf.1T Political Editor, The Telegram C. X. McArthur, Republican can- i d Ida te to succeed himself in con gress from this district, is servhui his fourth term- f - He entered that tody. seven. years ago, and ever since HE HAS, ' LABORjED TIRELESSLY, FEAR- -LESSLY AND SUCCESSFULLY, i for the state and nation. ;" It was in a great measure due to Mr. McArtbur's unceasing enr devors .that congress 'appropri atedi 15,000,006 for new port and harbor projects in Oregon., .'7 . . ",v -It was -Mr. McArtBurs aggres . stve, single . handed fight; that se- cured ; for" the mouth of the Co- lumbia river a submartpe1fand:de-. stroyer base the only naval base established by the-government since the armistice of four year ; ago.' ' -i- It was due . to Mr. McArthur's '. splendid", floor ; leadership -that the : administration program for an ad equate navy was victorious a few months ago a "leadership so con Bplcuous in rare ability, that It . won the public commendation of President Harding. In addition to the foregoing achievements for the state and na tion. McArthur has .successfully handled thousands of departmental matters for. the citizens of his dis trict among them compensation .claim's or-? several hundred wound ed veterans of the World .war. f With McArthur's present com manding position" in congress and assurances by reason thereof that he will be able to render even 'greater service than in 'the past, the . Third congressional' -district and the state of Oregon tannot afford to supplant him with, an un , tried man of the minority party. More than that, "Mrs McArthur is deserving of reelection- for serv ices faithfully and: ably performed. Tlie Portland Telegram, Octo ber 19, 1922. -:- T or the committee to A-ge it before the legislature; but. If ; they do want a primary and express ; their desire. by electing a legislature favorable to it. I feel that U It good Republicanism and sound -. patriotism to good faith and reelect to carry out the wtshes of the people, ' as ' recorded through "their representativea la ". the legislature.'' After the address at which Senator Borah made the foregoing statements. prominent Republican Readers of the vicinity, tocludhnr a former senator and representative, sent the following telegram to CL C. Moors : , .. ? "Borah had big meeting. ' Crowd was for primary. Ws feel It vital that yon stats yon wia sign- primary bill la case legislature passes it. We suggest this, in your Interest.. Franlc B. Gooding, t Junior United States senator, has entered the cam paign for the . Republican party and is out on a speaktmr tour, v In recent ad dresses he attacked the stand of Sena tor Borah : regarding the ., Republican convention platform and the state-wide direct prinmrr ' iesne,: declaring the platform is one of the. best ever writ ten by- the Idaho ' Repnbiicaa party, and that Senator Borah, is interested in the primary for personal " reasons . - Moses Alexander, . Democratic candi date for governor, and ether Demo cratic speakers, continue, their s cam paign , throughout the state -i and are being received by large audiences and much enthusiasm." -They- are centering their, attack, on the . cabinet rform gt government" and ths Republican plat form. Alexander declares that .the Republican-- platform is as far from : the rank andr file of , the Republican' party as. ilack: Is .from vwhtu .and that dem onstrations repudiating j the platform have been evidenced all over fbe 'state. He . declares that- CCI Moore, Repub lican - gubernatorial: candidate., is on record -against ths primary -and that: a vote for Moore Is a vote for the con vention system and , the , ."Re publican AXErjOrSS&ATTACks laACfiXSK i fcabinet machtaejiow In control .. Jhs gu limen i 1 ijui vi- uio ui.. , b George L. West, secretary, ' of i the state Progressive organisation.. Issues the, following statements ' j .- . . v.Thera are three parties fighting for supremacy la the Idaho campaign, the Republican, the Democratio and f the Progressive. The Republican party has proved itself a costly, extravagant and reckless one ' tor the people and a servile tool, of privilege. The Deme cratie party- as - it represents .itself j the campaign. Is' an imposition on pub lic - InteUigence,- ; The - Republican- party hopes ' t win -. by -. a; split, vote.: ''The Democratle party hopes to. win by ml, representation of .facts , and. a dew berry expehditurs of money. 'r; .? - ' k The dangec of ; the -hour 5 Is , wtth ths second candidate in the race, name ly. Alexander A ' H.; F.- Samuels. . Pro gressive " gubernatorial V candidate, v at this time. Is tenths.-lead.";, V-1 .', A TICIETlTO BB ITAJfED- ; Forest Grove, Oct1 2L A mass- meet ing will be held, here Monday, evening for; the purpose-of nominating' a- city ticket sa mayor, six . counctlmenj re-, corder and - treasurer to be voted on November' lWr-.$ -Vs-1' Southern Oregon Is , To!Hear W; U.Sead ;. Yi-r - M if. - U ; f ' Willamette University, Salem.1 Oct. tL President Carl ; Gregg , Doney of , wnisinetui university 'mill deliver a serraonj In the first: Methodist church at Medford tomorrow morning' and in . the afternoon will deliver an address at the iFtrst Methodist church at Ash land. Jat Eugene President Doney will be Joined by Senator R. A. Booth, who will- speak, at Roeeburg the same day. may-, be, manifested through their leg islature. Certainly a Republican com mittee for a Republican candidate for governor' ought no to take the posi tion that if the people at the polls de clare jsgainstr the 'convention system that nevertheless their- wishes shall be thwarted f "It. is not what' I want, neither Is it a question of respecting my indi vidual wishes. It is a Question of what the people want '". and of respecting their wishes. If the people of the state do not want a State-wide primary and elect a legislature against it, I cer tainly would not expect iMr. Moore ALSO - r "THE" SKIPPER'S 'SERMON' ? , Cartoon News , INVi - Tt" :-rV r . v - it AW iDE - LUXE ? CONCERT j- SAWrVTORE SANTAELLA 1 t .w i' - ; ; r - v-- t m M mm MM v.. 1 la - - - ADAPTED FROM: HUGH McNAIR KAHLER'S SATURDAY EVENING POST STORY - "SAWING A LADY IN HALF" BEFORE YOXJR EYES A GIANT SAW DIVIDES A LADY IN HALF A MYSTERY WHICH HAS PUZZLED SCIENTISTS ANDVBAFFLED MILLIONS OF PEOPLE MILLIONS HAVE SEEN JOHN ECOUTTS SAW A LADY IN HALF ON THE LEADING VAUDEVILLE STAGES OF THE ? WORLD i EXPOSED IN MOST STARTLING FILM EVER PRODUCED EXPOSED! "River's End!" "Go" and Get IfV-VDiiity!" "Bob Hampton of Placer!" Remember them? Now here day em all! Tommy ; Frazer, not a' crook, but a fool, plots with Ann, Whittaker to rob a bank. Breaks with the old sang. Works a year to line up -i the haul. The money's in : the vault. So is he. The girl's waiting. They can get over the bonderline to--night. But something won't let him? take the, cash. ',: Can't un? derstand it -j r';? . And then the gang breaks in ' to get it! . V . Thafs just the "start ! Fol : ' low it through for thrills! And laughs L ; - WHEW! HERE'S ; DRAMA! n ,! - t . - ..... ........ 'Claire Windsor, . the Girl Claude Gil Lingwater, the Jester Raymond Griffith, W&f A Crook. , Vl .Fooi. d , it.,. . a. - ',1 . Helen ' Lynch, y-y the ' nt .nrn it Hi I I r V S I k II till k 1 1 1 IT ' a ? f n V m' P 'l1 - nn 1Ann''11' ftWIU uouobiecton j....;...,i..r.,i.Pixiy-Luders ; ueaies ; toncerir-ounaay, ,uci. zayivu s& sjgzzztj -K (4) KEATES KONTEST jl(5) KEATES KONTEST REYTEW (ETerrhodySiag) ; Liearance Doaaldsoa V'