.,.S . 4 y--, y THE UIIEGON 1IAILY JUUHNAL, "vUll'ELAJSD, UKEGON, -VEDNE&JAY, OCTOBER 1V 1922. -V- I. i - VERY lilBERAL UNCERTAINTY IS a SHOWN IN BUTTER foi - ! etroso etr . A p aq Xu -xnp oarauj j ; g v T dawn V -eiairnd Jo 5 pw jwty j 3HS 'eu-ao.w pun tNM aoi ota 1 XpeuHi saijdix MM iMunou Van uofj-BVJos .sjanpoj,i B3jt natrnd JJ Prp; pun ns4IJ jj oo? etiMCLiq pua Jp aoi -nzj lu j -i"P amAnd: A"q aSSa-toi paionb si. uaxop w at J satrsApu .laming WEDSTSSBAY DAIRY TRADE Vi ' v "; Butter. Egg. Cheat. -i . Cab Ex. feeleet Flat. PwtlMi; .Her Sxe hiaa ITmcIko Mt z$e Jchleage SAHe S$. . SSe Sew -Tork-'i-'i.vi-.47e -'S4e f-. tCVfre Lo Aagele , ... ii Me Sesttle .....t.... 4$e M lie Uncertainty.. l cseeraliy exprewed . by the better trade hew, as a remit of recent de- -hftev in the California trade. There J so di tlti(n vkttettr f purrhae ' except fer daily frequiremeats, this . being indicated by both khe print ed cube trsde. . Flooding of the lu Freecuee market or Tactically all section at the nation, baa at Last created "bearish ritusxioa. bat of the Iraatem lmti i which shipped - to the Cali- roroA sraoe of mi are ut lor a gooo c-ump- nsv In fact recent t San FrejKjlseo fioetua- kiona have been the regular California brand. rbe trade there is tbe mast erratic nnermtbr r the country, priees briny advanced or kiw Icred suddenly - for no apparent reason, aside, trwrnsns, from a desire of someone to crab l-rofrtm. Output or butter In Ult territory now fiery Ubecei. -coamdertnc Use season, and arplus is beginning to make itself fett. Thore desiring special infnrmaLioa regarding ray market, should write the Commercial Edi or Oregon Journal, eaaloda stamp fox iply. Btorace ocuainn taeer i: -r POBTi-AND -' t- , TbieTear. . UilTnf. Butter, pounds 408.729' H4.0T7 hecse. pounds 5.378 4.82 F,ett, cases 28,662 38,108 Poultry, perands 92,21 . 7,7t SEAT TUB Butter, pounds . 'heese, pounds liaTas. cases . . . lHiUltrr, pounds 40B.407 r eS,132 18,27U t i7M $1,326 14.831 279.875 158.84 VRESH EG6S ABE TEXT SCABCE . Fresh eges are Terr scarce fn the local trade and there is a ceneral scramble unons buyer 'or eeleeted stock.- Thte is an increaainc isppjy ol pullets and Uus mar bold others in obeck. - - - . SPRING CHICKES ft SHOWIXO LOSS With iBcnaslnSr SDiadiea offerirMT, market for snrina chickens, both ; -white and colored stock, aha a lower eric ranee alone the Hree. Practically tie bulk of the business is now as ocv .Heavy sens ur ffooa oemsna at f of raer prices. . PEACH PBICE8 HtUXG r,OTVEB , All efforts to hold tip the price of peaches nave raitea. use out lot snipped in Dy a Wil lamette Taller interest sold dow nto 25 up SOe a box, but heat Salways aeneraly moved at dOe to 75c, although some were askihi more. - - . Praetieally 'no changw is shown in the onion market situation. Interests who have liberal supplies of very low-priced laljforaia as well as lakima and Lake . Labiah offerings are trying to boost to to0. selling here while they grab- profits. It's Uje "old satne to fool pro- ' - 0 LOCAL CAtlV, FOB POTATOES No demaad " for ' local potatoes whatever is how& at the dement, due to the fllled-up con dition of th trade. , Fancy stock is being of - ol the market. No snipping call. r . . BRIEF 50TES PBOBTJCE, TBADE Country killed Teat liitl hofj at -former prices. -Catches of halibut insufficient for 'the, de mand: srices hold. Cheese continues sctive and especially so for the better makes. Apple' 'demand improving and home move ment is quite liberal. - Concord grapes s re .scarce, oa the Street; some quoting 6 7e. .".-- Stow . arrival of new crop Oregon walnuts; price continued at SOe. . , TurpenUoe is up 10c gallon. f SBIPPEBS' WEATHER KOTICE Weather bureau advised Tuesday : Protect shipments daring the next 36 hoars against the following minimum temperatures: (oing north ta geattle, 43 degrees ; " northeut to Spokane. 8S degrees:, east to Baker, S2 degTees, and south to Ashland. 42 decrees, alinimnm tem perature at Portland tomorrow abont .0, de grees. PORTLAND .WHOLESALE JPBICE9 These are the prices retailer pay wtoola. salen, eiceit as otherwise noted: - BUTTER Selling price, box lota: Cream ery prices Print, extras, 4 8c; for plain vssap pe'ra, cubes, 43 45c per lb.; dairy, buying prioe, 30c per lb. BUTTERFAT-r-Portland delivery basis: No. 1,-erade. 48c; io. 2. 45e; No. 1 aone, 46c for "A" grade. CHEESB-Seiling: Tillamook, triplets, 32 S3c lb.; Toung Americas, $Sc per lb.: Oregon triplets, 21 9 27o, Buying price, f. a. h. Tillaraoak: Tripiots Oe:TCeung America aad Ionghorns, 8 1 o. Belling price: Block Pwis. Wisconnin, 80S5e; imported, 60c lb.; IarVurger, g528c: cream brick, Oregon, S25t JEaatern, 28 8 $0c. ' - gGtiS Bmytec price, Pront- street: Cuf rent receipts. Western Oregon, 419 42e doa,; Kastern Oregon, 8 H 88c per dozen; henner ies. 4 4o ptr dosen; selling price, select, 53c per- dosen; esndled, S0c: . pallets. 44c; stor. see. extras, 82$ 85a per- doses. OtaAsaeiariesi aellin price: Select. 5 3e: brown. 83c; fresh, 51 e: pallets, 45c. - LIVB POVLTRX Selheg price: HeaTy hena, 21923c per Mk: light hens. l$e lb.; broilers. 221c lb.T old rooster. 8c; ducks, 18C34 per ib. ... Fresh Fraita and Veaeuatea . FRESH Wtl'lT - Oranges. 85.a0 911.O0 box; bananas, V 144 e lb.; reateas, $9.80 e ll.aa eje; grsperrutc. nenss, i.foa 30: peaebes. Tctl.0O; eantaloupaa. $2.00 2.50: waUrmeion. 19 2er pee lb.; iea cream melons, t3ae lh.: honey -dew melons, 2c; eaaaras, aHe; pears, $1.00 1.75; Caav cord graces, fe pe? lh; MuseaJ,. $2.00 laa: Tokav. S3 SO hwl -.-'. - - - - BKRR1K8 ' rUackberriea. " S2.28 9 2 0: strawberries, $2.50 per crate; era n be rises. SA.oota&.sa box. . -. - v PRIED ITU ITS Dates. $S.9T 0O; i gj. black, 19 20a lb.; prunes. 40s aad f0. -a id. aax. iztte in.: ous ana bos. zne in. fl.VIftXa Selline nriea so -retailers; Ore- son, $1.5d1.75 eental; garlic. 10 9 lje per H. ; green omen. zi(9iee per acts. oncnes. POTATOKS Rellina price to retailers: tre- soV,.- fiWr. 11 O0 1.23 per cental;, potatoes. 8 9 S H e Per lb, . ; .TIMETABLES Beets, 40c per dosen Hunches; cabbage, !a per - lb.; lettuce. $1.80 per crate; , earrota. ' 40e per doaea bunches; tomatoes, Oregon, 35c; horseradish, l5e lb.; artichokes, ) : cauliflower.; 75c 984.15 down: celery, 50 75c dosen; soxe mer .squaili. Sc; Yellow Bantam earn, 60.9 75e wick- - APP.I.ES Sew crop, $1 00 2.00; erab- aptues, in. CCSTRT MEATS Selling price r Coon try boaa, -139 13 He- heavy staff leaa: caJ. to; (about SO to 10O lbs. ) . 14 14 He lb., heavy staff leas: lambs. 18c lb, 8BOKEO HEATS Hams. 28tf32e lb.: lreakfa.t bacon. 27 9 46c It ' - -. - PACKTXti-HOTSE MEATS Steer peef, 14 Vs 915c lb.; heifers. 11911c: cows, 89 1 1 fee: Iambs, 18 9 20e lb.; ewes, 10914e lb.; begs. 17 fee lb. e- . LARD Kettle rendered, 1 fee Tb.; tierce basis, eompoand. 014a .. . ; -BEAXB Sman white $690: U-ga white, 36.30; pink. 36.00; limaa. $9.00; bayou. $6-50: red, $5.13. i..-HOXEY New, $4 00 94.50 per case. WCEr-Japah, Xo. 1, tie; Blue Sate, lb.; New Orleans bead. 6 fee. COFFEE .Roasted. 22 fe 9 34 fe a i lb. ia COMB HONEY WANTED mm - - - AT Or A"TtTT , pot-:arh proposition - WHITE CS - ,:. The Savihar Co., Inc. rKOJTT .STw POKTLAJfB, OKE. ADYANCE Buy noun - That rI tho ord that roUltni and wholesalers are flvtny to retailers. It' paaaMd on to th orm ramcr. . Wtih hrply bisber - twicea ah own for vhett, which will dircUy affect the price of dour, there can be nly ne oafcom- , fclsher price range, "t Fact of the matter la tha tome of the caslr and carry etorea con tin u to sU skw ttea wboln.l prtee. Conuroera ehouid not i be alarmed rKrdir. tha recent advances In the price of oniona because tha atock now beintr offered will not keep' for an in definite period. . . Concord trrapea are cheaper on the public market than at wholesale. It's the last chanca to s;t good QuaHty. Oranges are so high that the public is' refusing-"to boy. The California combine cannot fight tae eortaumer. AH fish prices are unchanged with a shortage of halibnt and best salmon. Retsd aaicee SeneraDy ihawr . x Batter Freah. ereemery; (9 9840." " ; - Fisb- Bslraon. 12nt0e kikbvt. SOe; bhvk cod. 12Hc; stars eon, 80c ITosr Best local patent, S 1.83 02.00 per O'lh. eaek. -- . Potttoe Newr l)lHe per; Hi. , Onioiw :2Me per lb. i YanthiB ' street pricee: 1 Usrsota, 4c banco .- atrins weae, Sc lb. 1 peas, 13o lb.; cebbaa lHc lb.; cauliflower, Sls head; lettuce. J head; poUtoes, lb.; celery. 5le bunch; tomato. 2c lb. t ore Best, 20c dosen. . ' Honsf Comb. priTata atorea. 90cj public market, 20c: iraart. 5e; pint, S8e., Egee Public market, ' 6 Oct private stores, 4ifi5e dosen. Poultry Lia4 jen, ; 22a Tb.t heavy hens, ever 4 Pr V. ; fryers. SOe lb.; broiler, Se lb. , AMERICAS LlflESTOCK , PBICES - " Chlaaaw Hew SSJsa CMcaco. Oct.; Is. (1, N. S.)-Be Ke ceipts. 1S.0OO; market steady. Bulk, 7.2 es 9.45: ton. sfl K.- hesvTweirht XK 83es 9.56; aaedmio weigM, 9.2&.55; lichie" weifht. CS.1S9I.40: liirht Hshts. t8.75a l.tk heavy packinc sews, smooth, $8.10 .16i" psckine. sows, roush, $7.50 s 8-10; pia, $8.50 9.25. -r . . . - Cattto i Receipts. 1 6.000 ; market, beat steady, others lower. Beef steera Choice and prime, $12.25 IS. 25 ; medium and food, 89.O0ll.se; good and choice, $12.09 1$ 00; common and medinm. $7.00 11 Oil. Bntrhsr cattle Heifers, 6 00aiU.OO; cows, $4.00 8.40; balls, $.607.O. Canners and cutters Cows and heifers, $2.50 S.78; eawaar ateer, M. 0.5: veal oalvea (light aad hendy weight). $10.00 (11.50; feeder teersv 45.50 8.26; sbocker steers. S4.S09 1.7; stocker cows and heifers. $.605.50; locker calves, $5.00 7.50. " "Western range cattle Beef steers, $5.00 0 8. B0 ; cows and heifers, $3.50(8 7.60. -Sheep Receipts. 1T.000; market strong. Lambs (83 lok. ap). $11.50 14.59; lambs (culls and eoesmnny. 88.00 919.00; sprina lambs. $10.00 12.00 : yeariinc weUiers. $7.00 9.50; ewei. $8.00 7.25 ; ewes (cuiiS and common) , Sk.S094.00; breedinc ewes. $4.50 11-00; fwi lambs. $13.00 14.25. Kansas Ctfy Hoes S.1S Kansas ry. Oct, 18. (1. X. S.) Tattle receipts. IS.000: ateadr. 8tecrs, ft.OOs 18. $5; cewa and. beifsra, S.50 8.5; stock. (rg and feeders, $5.00t.50; calvej, '8.00 & 10 00 Hogs, receipts 0000; active. Bulk of sales, $8.809.10; top, $0.18: heavies, $S.75 9.00; lights. $8.8599.10; mediums, 38.83 .15. Sheep, receipts 6000 : actsre Lambs, $13.00 14.25; ewes, $5.06.50 Denver Hons 89.40 Denver, Oct. 18.--(U. P.) Cattle Re ceipts 3600: market steady. Steers, 86.00 7.50; cows, aad heifers, 83.00 Pft.21 steckera sna leeaers m.o l.; nujis, ii.so ej 8.25: calves. Xrt.00 f 9.06. Hot Receipts 720; market 10 915 bih er. Top, $9.4: bnlk AI.509.15. Sheep Receipts 7035 r-roarket steady, T5c higher. Lemba, $12.25 9 lS.r.0: ewes, $4.26 feu. 73; feeders. $11 25 13.50. San Pranciaeo Mens S1l.fr San ' e'rancleco. - Ooe. IS. Cattle Beef steers, good. 87.75 9 B.OO; medium.) 8 1.OB 7.50; common. $6.00 96.76; beef fdwa, good. $3.;$ 9 6 00j raedrum, -; $6.25 9B 30 com mon $4.80 es a. 00 : canagn and critters, jz.wu 3.50; esjset. 450.200; $7.75 S 84)0; 200.f 250. -A7.00 a f .50:. 250-300- S.Si)i7.fMH I ever fie; $5.5u.9d. heavy. $8.80 v 9.00. ' Sheep umu, iiz.onsij.m; ewes. t3 00.00; washers. $7.008.60, omsflt Moot u.ia Sou&Omaha. Oct 18. (L N. S.) Hobs Receipts 4500 ; market active. Heavy botchers and nacklna cradea. 10 (CP 25c hiabcr: bulk paokenv $T.0 8.2; top, $9.10. (.'attic Keeeipta lO.OOO; beef steers, lo to 15c higher: top yearlings. $12.75; other oiastes steady. Sheec Receipts 18.000: market .steady . tft 35c higher. Me aeae.ua Has Bl arte Seattle. Oct. 18. - Hogs, none: market steady. i . Cattle i-Beceipts. 25 1 market steady. Prime steers. 86.50 9 7.00 1 saediam to seed. $8.25 ac pd.504 medram to chnioe. $5.50 e 6.00; feed ers, a4.S3 9 4.7 9; seat cows and heiters.a4.au 84.09: common to good, $3.75 4.25; me dium to choice. 5.0(5.25: prime light calves, $8.75 9.25: "heavy calves. $4.75 6.2-5: biulla. $3.00 g 3.2 J; cancers. $1.25 3.75, . jineD Jiene ; mar set steady. , Xtw Tork Wool and Hides Xew . YorhV: Oct.- la. (L N, & Wboi aiarket firm. Ikemeatie fleece XX Ohio, 43 '9 5Tcj domaerio pnlled, - sooured 'basis, SOe 9 $ 1 ; -aWmterto. Texas, aeeared basis, SOe 9 $1.35; territory, staple, $1.1091.33. Hide market firm. Native steers, 22c; branded stars, SOe. ,, . : Chicago Potato Market ' GUicsgo. Obt. 18. (L X. S. ) Potatoes Not quoted. ' ' f San Franritra Barley Can Sin Francisco. Oct. 18- Barley closed: De cember. $l;42fe bi 1.4 as May, $1.58 W sale. seeks or drams; SALT Coarse, btif gmund, 100. $16.00 ton; 80s. $1 7.88 ; table dairy. $0. 33,1.60; bafes. $3.509 4.00; fancy table and dairy, $84.80; lump. $36.60.- - StjOAB. Cnbe, $8 T5T fruit and berry, $7.75; yellow C $7,20; beet, granulated. $7.60; extra C, $7.40; golden C. $7.20, CAWil MILK Ttlls, $6.00; hahy VM, $4.96-eaee: Xsgle. $3.36 ease. BODA -CRACKERS Ia bulk. 18e lb. NUTS Walnnia. 219 26e lb.; almonds, 249 SSe 1 lb. ; tXberta, 20 9 27 fe e lb. ; pea nuts. 10 16tt lb.; pecans, 30933a lb.; Bra sfls. 1 9 9 229 ehestnuU. Japaaeee, . 23 9 24e Rv FUh and haltfUb FRESH ' riSH Chinook, fresh, St lie : halibnt. IT 18o per lb.; black - eed.' 6c per lb-; basket kippered eed. $3.06; baket kip. pered salmon. . $3.06; ting eed, T98e to.; sole; 10c per lb.; sUirgeom, JOo th red snap pers, 8c Ih. ... f , - :. OYSTERS Eastern. $.5flf gal. : Olympig, $5.00 per gallov-$l SO Quart; crab. lrt, $$.B0 dosea; saaall. $3.50 deaca. Mas, Vweef anal MM -HOPS 1021 crop, nominal. 8 910c lb. HIDES -Calf skins, .17c lb.: kips. 14c lb.; green hide., . 1 Oc lb. ; salted-, 1 2c pec lb. MOHAIR Nominal. 22 932c. SHEEP PELTS Lone , dry pens. 21e; short pelts. lOfee lb.; bmg hair coat pelts, 10 912c lb.; short hair goat pelts, 20&&OC each. s WOOL- Willamette valley, coarse' 209 22c; medium, 25 9 30c lb.; fine. 30 935c lb.; Eastern Oregon-Idaho. 86 9 87 lb. TALLOW ASl tiREASE Vo. I tallow. 6 9 3 fee; No. 2. -4fe9 6c: crease. 8fe4c CASCARA BARK-il22 peel. Ul 1921 peel. 6a lb.; crepe root. To tt). Paints. OU. Cte. - RAW LINSEED OIL Barrels, par gal., $1.10; -S eal. cans, per gal, $1.25. BOILED LINSEED OIL Barrels, per gsX. $1.12: 5 gat daaa. per gal. $1.27. TCRPENTINE Prams, per gal. L7; 8 get cans, per aal.. 81.91. -. WkUTS :A1 10O lb. keea, per Ih. 13c " .-s.errrbav aad 3hinse ' . Latest, carload lumber aalea hy aaaufactor ers. cisotauona representing Lab. adl . val ues in direct sales to retailers aad including selling exTjenee.: ;, FLOORING High. - Iatw. - Ave. .$54.00 $49.00 $34.00 .i 43.23 8.7.0' 38.00 1x4 No. 2 and bet 1x4 No.' 2 . .. . FINISH: ' -t; , lxs io . .; ,i . . 4. 69.00 57.60 .fill4Nr. .! . ' -; 1x6 No. 8 and be...' 42.30 di.oa 1(6 No. 2 and bet 48.66 40.06 40.00 . BOARDH AND SHIP LAP lmS 10 sis. ....... 21.SS liniENOKlNS; - ' 2x4 12-14 20.30 . , 8MAIJ. TIMBER: . 4x4 -1 2-16-. 22.56 4 ft. No. 4 fii ,.' 8.IS - hlsuij:s: - ' 18-28 13.80 .15.30? 18.30 19 St ... ... A shingle ...... 3.4T 3 35 . Total ata by 38 muSs. 8.772.28 1 feet IS AGAIN FORCED IN WHEAT TRADE FURTHER SHARP RISE III VM " VsSBaTESBAT WHEAT TBAWS ',i ' : - 1 - Bid-sa,TsVAga. Hard "WsiUe ........lUi' tL$w Soft Waite r... ? la - '. Wectera White ..... "kU i'V Hard Winter ....... 1.12 : la -.t Werthera Snrtna ... 1.14 la 16 Wagtera Bad ....... Mt Jt7 KOBTHWEST CBADt BJSCEirrr , Compiled tha Merehaats' Etehsaw . , i ' . . Cars i. Wheat. Barley; Fionr. Oats. Hay. Portland. Wed 96 A i. 2 Tear ao . . 170 Season to. date T644 Year ago ...18640 Taeoaaa, Tnea, ; 40 Year ni ... 45 Reason to data 2479 Year ago ... 4S6 Kesttle. Tues. 67 Tea ago . . .. " lsJ' fleasoa to date 2827 Year aco ... 3283 . 3 688 SOS " '" a a 234 343 . 8 'It 487 878 lis 105 492 803' . 3 10 43 6A4 -. 6 859 756 286 12 -U I 4 31 73 4 lO' 193 228 Mmaaa ' M r! t ' Farther raoid advances fee wheat ta Ei and a more .liberal demand for cash stuff this country have created additional atreagth in the Pacifie Xorthwast trade aad espeeiellr at tidewater. . Actual bnrtnesa fn club has-been confirmed for the last 24 hoars aroend $4.17 9118 par- baahel tidewater basis, with reports Indi cating country bids as hih ss 31.20 basis ttoewater. . t Further sharp rise is shown in mining wheats at- interior, aointa with a new aiah of 8J.4 per bushel offered for Rig Bend blueateaa aad4 ordinary biueeteai at .3a ota of taeee ftrurea ar. 6p-. riee ewer the preeeding 24 hours. Little mil ling wheat is being offered, which hss created appreheneisn among mill ers. Most . of them hare neglected to par chase eon- than a werv limited sunulT. be Ueriac that priees weald have a tower instead of a higher tendency. Liverpool market, praved unusually exeitiag with cloting fcgnrea la 92Vs , although no change was shown in the Hasans Aire open ing. Chicago option (bowed only fractional chance as the eoenrna. Flour market centinuea ta gsia strength both for deaacstie and foreign staffs. ' Bnainees with England is said to be nasane aad there is - also a sprinkling ef activity with Central America as well as a fair volume with the Orient. , Broomhall cabled: l nited Kingdom There appears to be a steadier foUowntgi ta grain in the United King, dom and - the firm tone in American markets ana tne iirmneea m the Argentine, titters ef most Manitoba are in fairly good supply. firmer wing ta strength in Winnipeg. Only nmitaa quaouuee er argeaun wneat are ot tered. " - r Argentine Weather -fine arxf outlook for growine wneat erona la favorable. WHEAT Buying price, tidewater, track delivery- Club, $1.17 9 1,30; bioestem, .s; nig tseaa muestem, i sit; xurxey red, $1.18a1.20: red Russian. ll.ltSl.lT. flOMESTIC FLOtysi geUiaf Price, mill door Patent, new -erop. $7.0-0: old crop. $7.20 Willamette valley brands. $5.70 (at Ji local straight. 35.43: bakers' bard wheat. $7.20; bakers bluestem, $7.10: bakers' pastry. $3.30 bbLt graham. 36.00: Whale wheat, $6.20: rye. $6.30 bbL Price fog eity delivery. 16e extra: sntrarbsn. 20c extra. 4 EXPORT FLOCB Chib gtraight, $8,101 Diaestem cm-eti. co.su put. HAY Baying price: WtUenseUe ttmothr. fsncy. $20.00; Eastern Orecou timothy, $22.00 per ton: eWver. $13.30 9 18.06; straw, a v. ouj aifanav j.a.o; : grsia Bar, 818.00 920.00. , ; GRAIN aACXS Nominal. Ka 1 Calcutta, 10c for na crop, delivery. Jiroeti baas. is eacn. . - kin.ITrrr MUlma st asDl. ascked, wa lets. $2 f oe; earned letxy $38-0: Biddllaea, OATS Per tea, ' buying $33.00; milling, $$.60. prices i - Peed, B ABLET - Barinf priot brewing. 8JI1.O0. Peed, $1.0t; FEEDSTUFPH P. e, a. mnb' ROUed aar- ley. $S7.00; whole barley, $88.00; alfslfa meal. 83O.O0; eocoenat meat, ,838.00 r Bracked corn. i3.vv: wnole core, $80.uo. - Merchants Exchange bids : i ' - WHEAT. ' Oct. .'..; Nr. Da. Hard- white . . . 1.12 $1.2.'! . .. MAX1 . .. 1.16 4.16 ... 1.12 1.10 $ 125 l.J 115 1.10 1.12 lT 34.00 Soft white fWestern white Hard winter Northern spring Western red . . . 1.14 "..IS ... 1.10 l.lO FEED OATS No. 3 $R-lb. fisturais 34.00 34 00 86 lb. clipps 33.00 83.00 S8-lb. naturals ... 35.50 35.50 " BARLEY 3$. 06 36.60 4 4 -lb. 40-lb. No. 2 So. $ minimum minimum . . 32. 50 32.50 ... 32. our 32.O0' 32.80 32.00 - CORN E.j Y. ahipm't 32.50 33 00 E T. siapmt 32.00 33.00 81.50 3 J.30 Chicago Wheat in Eally -After Weak Market Opening Chic ago. OcL. If. ;Wheat started lower pa selling by longs promoted by disappointing re sponse of Liverpool cables "and roe belief that a reaction was due. as- the market had . been technically - weakened by the elimination of much - of the short interest the day before. Good commission house baying developed,, end forced a rally of about 2c from the bottom but: heavy realizing oa the advance forced a setback to below the previous close. Local bulls attempted to support the market. Hard wheat premiums were firm and red unchanged. Minneapolis premiums .were unchanged to 1 c higher but Winnipeg : premiums were wiped out end 106,000 .hasheis No. 1 northern Were delivered on . October contracts today. Receipts are falling toff. . There were 6000 bushels of wheat delivered on October coo tracts this morning. " The seaboard reported good aeceprancea of overnight of (or of Hani. tab at the full- advance. Corn waa weak. There was an opening break because : of the poor buying power Pressure wss light and this caused" general commission hoose baying, price ascending to the highest levels on tbe crop. Heavy real ising developed en the - bulge and values dropped. Seaboard advised that expert -re fused to follow the advance. Decnestie- ship ping demand was QUiet. Premiums were off about fee. Oats: followed other grains. Trade was not Important. Seaboard wired that . there waa ao export demand for cata at the moment. Provisions were higher uei baring . inspired hy the higher cables and the advance in boa. - Tbe wheat market closed at Owr low point of the day. 1 to 1 fe cents lower: December ei.ia -m w i.u-- ; iiay. $,sa w i.jx fe ; iuiy, 31A4ve 91.04fe. . ' -Cora closed 1 ' tp- I feeiloweri Decamber, ("ei -nay, eafecstthe; Jary. ssc. - - Oate were fe 9 1 fee . lower: 1 December. 41 -se: atay. 43?42c: and Jury. SSfee, . urn ejoaen to 9 1 3 fe rugoer. Chicago rejjgeby United Pre:: " "tt HEAT . i Oert. r; Rich.' - Low. 115H .x-llCfe ItSfe. 1134 114 112 4 os loefe 104-fe CORN 68 fe 89 fe 67-fe R9fe 70 fe 68 69 fe 70 fe . 67 'i OATls 48 fe 48 fe 41fe 48 4Sfe 42 40 40 fe 39B4 ' BYE . , ' .. ! tlH ,82 S04 91 hi t 82 fe 80-fe BARLEY Close. 119fe 11$fe 104 fe 61 fe Stay. . . i . Jsuy. December. May Jaly December. May, . . . . Joiy Dec. 1 Hay 68 fe 6$ 4IH .Sfe 39 fe 864 Mfe 66 fe May Oetobee.i.. January . .". , October. . . . 5fe,. 65fe LARD .1096 . ' 109T 966 972 - BIBS 65 ' I 10 to 960 less I 60 1050 Chicago Dairy Prod see Chkiaao. Oct, 18. (L Ji. 8.1 Bwi Receipt. 5175 tub ; extra, 44 feci standard. 40r: extra first. 40 42 fee; packing stock. e2j use. - Egga Receipts. S961 ease. MiseeHaneeeja, 80 9 34e: ordmary firsts. - 2S 9 STSc; fisrta. 31986o; ebecks. 189 20c; divcies, 199 21c. ..: - . .. ... - Cheese Twinvr neer, . 25 fe 9 23ct aUkasa, 22 fe 9 23c; Young Axeerica. ZA fe 934 fee; brick. 24 fe 925c. i. T Live : poaltry Tmrkey, -30c:" ehicbena,' 18 9 22; springs. 19c; roostery 14c; seas. 2le; ducks, 23c . - , . A -" ; Hesry Sspplles Barlap ! , "New York; Vt. 18. A if rices stase that 18 vessels r either InedinK. on- the way or dis-c-hafgina cergoet of 'elcmta borlap - at ' East Cua'st porta of the Cm ted Statea. r (. - ... Xw Terk Potato Harm - - -New Terk. Oct. 18. (I K. S.I Potatoes In bulk, barrel or bag): Market weak; ner-a by white $14592.35; rweeU $l.S591-2. 1PR0WENT. II! :PI!IE MARKETS A mere favorable aitaatien ia ahosra in the eaarfcet for. dried oranear with awea tho lade- pendent firms seeking fee. to He advance of uu amaner attaa. : The smprovement fa the demand Cor prone aaea so araaaai taat aeea leaner ex so trade bar beast unable ta say wheat tt started. Tact ef the matter hi that tranaoortatlom ap pear to be the. taadioa factor ta. aasatn prjoes at this tame. . , - - - i. - i Thee that eaa mere waaeaabls deMwery are able to eeounsnd emieh eale and area tae tional prsaxawia ewer epearaar asscea, eat pree ticaUy all ahipper as haadwapped by in ability of tha olroads to promaae aayuunci jLoesrama i so aavieee oosnnx srwea an aetara aa? va fines bie ataaaaahtn line tbar are enable ta accept tho full volume of dried fralt buataeas that M ofleriBg to go .lorwaru hv water roate froas the Pacifie coast. - Be cause of tbe rail oonaeatioa tt had been planned by tn ened rrart taxeresta that aaoo so pew ; . . - - . . . cent of the eoppNea wooht be ronasa rta ane Panama canal. , New the sseamshre coeapaaia ee aaid ta be faliuut dove, ia tbe xeatesr . of A kadi no New Yerb enesmseelil pablieatloa ta reviewtac th. pruae saarket aotaa; -Prnnea were fisxa en tha coast. Independ ent packers deeliaed to cell atrsignt 70s, 80 or .SU. but ottered eauat auaouue at tvtr 90a They era aaking opening I lor 40a; SO and 60s. -with 7e baaia for 70a. Sua, 90a This ia a fee advance est 76 aad fe oa SOa aad 90s, Santa, Clara paaka Is California aad tha Xerthweet 80 and tho am Oar gia are abort ef exnwtatiooa aad in California oaxtieulertv nacbara SwaR nooa tho idea that toe jneta i oos paoamg aax to expectsuw. HEW YORK raTTOir MARKET- ' I OPEH8 HIGHER AID ACTITB - Hew . Tor. Oct. 13. (L- N. 8.) Tho eor ton xgarket opened firm and active todar with prices 12 to 21 point higher. Liver. oool- New : Orleana and eoxnmisaion how were large bayan. while tho South waa tha ehiof .Km F. - - - At the -eetd of tha first IS mlamtee,- the atrket eesttsBM actsvo with priees soeut IV ta 13 notnta above the initial tawwla Tha market closed nn at a net adraaea of 8 pofPta to a net declinee of 4 point. - Spot cotton wa$ quiet today, 8 pornta hith er at zaee. 0 Kles. Open. 229S 2816 2810 2282 2287 High. 3381 2844 2340 2S1S 230$ Low. - Close. 2270s. 2290 228$-- 2805 2286 2295 2260 2267 2270 827T Jsnnary t a . March Hay ,., .air December S31S 3847 220O 2309 New York soot aaarket, -280$: aolet; 136 poiat dows. DEALIKOS JIT COTT0K GOODS - MABKET SHALL: FBICES FIBM New York. Oct. 1 8.- Firmness in tbe raw cotton market at tbe epeeaatg eoofi rased the strcnan of the market for cotton goods today, aad recent fractional advances for sheeting and standard print cloths want fully main tained. The general volume of tradirrs a ia fairly sjnsll maed lots, bat exceptions wer coted in eeae opera ti owe by large dealer who bought quietly for fatar deHvery. The upward tendency baa (track pajama checks. Gingham markets we reported well' sold. Sateen wer firm and In good demand. Tb sifk market was irregular today, ai though the volume of trading was of fair pro portiaaa. Price -for XXA 13-1$ rose 3 cent ta $8.40.. and XXB bad a similar rise to 88.85. Canton 14x16 dropped 3 eenta to $7.90. and Canton 20-22 feU a similar amount to $7. $6. Other grade were about nncaagca. STBEHGTH AID ACTIT1TT OT HUB WOOL MART TJIfCHAffCEB Bostow:' Oet, IS. Thee was so extaace ta the strength and activity of the wool aaari baser aadaar. . Priees wee sarretneii -by as of ad ranees in London and Sydney. Boston ha been buying Australian eroasbreds in Lea- don in good volume. - More fail shearing than usual is lp prog ress in Texas because of tb high prices.'., POTATOES ALOHO THB X0AST Sae Fran ei sea Market Ran Francisco. Oct : 18. (IT.; .' ''Pjl-t Omwuv-Bad -Stocgtan, 1.$ J.UOl fUSfm per ewt..J $1,409 1.60. ' . Potatoes Biver fancy. il.lDRl.2t Idaho-Washington Netted Gems, 82.00 9 2.25 Salinas, 82.Q093.8S. Lee Anoeloa Market Lo Angelas Oct, 18. (I. N. S.) Pota toes Locals, best. $1.35 91.65; poorer, low a $1.00; Northern Rivers. $2.00 2.25; poorer. Jew a 31.75; Idaho Russets, $2,25 9 2.36. Seattle Market Seattle, Oct.. 18. (L N. S.) Onions California, 1 fee per lb. Pojato Local, 1 9 1 fe c per lb. JJAIRT PB0BFCE OF THE COAST Bart Fran Bin tMarka San Francisce. Oct. 1$. (U. P. ) Batter Bxtraa, 62 fee; prima firsts, 471 first, 45c a pound. . j Egg Extras. 66e; extra pullets, 45c; an demised pullets. 31c. Cheeae California Oats, fancy. 28c; first. 24o pound. . Loe Aaoofa 88arket Los Angeles, Oct. 18. L '. 8.) Bnttar. 55o per lb. Eggs ill. Extra. 56c; ease count. 63; pul lets, 41 per lb. ii . - Poultry Hens. 80c t broiler. S6e; fryers, 80o per lb. - Seattle, Oet. 18. Egg- Select -teach. 52e; polleta, 40c ' . -- . , - Butier Cfty creamery, 48 ; bricks, 4Scv Cheese Oregon triplet. 37; Tills aok tripeeta, tie; Yeang Americas. SStftOc .1 Eaatara Caah Wheat Qhieeae. Oct. 18. Cash wheat No. 5 red. $1.31 H; No. 8 red. $1-10 fe; No. '2 bard. $1.19 1.20 fe ; Ne. 8 hard. 31.174. Winnipeg. Oct, 18. Cash Wbaatr-No. 1 northern. $1.02 H ; So. 2 northern, $1.01 fe ; No. 8 north or a. 97c; Na. 4 northern, 9$ fee. HiDneepoliaJ Oct 18. Cash wheat No. 1 dark aorthern. $1.1$ 91.31; No. 1 northern. $1.16; No 3 dark northern. 31.0891.18; No. 2 aorthern, $1.07; Ka $ dark northern, $1. $491-15; No. 3 northern. $1.08 91.12; No. 1 dark bard Uoateae, 811691.21; No. 1- hard Mob tana, $1.08 91.1$. Dried Frait aad Beano New York, Oct. 18- (l N. S.) Bean: Market firm. pea choice $7.06; red kidney bote $6.00 9 6.15. Dried Fruits: Afrket firm; aprieet. obeiee of extra fancy 28 9 38c; sppls evspoeeted pries to fancy. 17 919c; prone. $0' to 60 V2 9 17 fee; go' to 100 8fe911fee; beaches choice to. wx-faney 13 fe 910c; accdlea raisins, choice to fancy 219 2$e ; s Sew York Pealtry Market & Sew .York, Oet. 18. L N. S.). Dressed Ppultryr Market firm; chicken 21988c; fowia 30 9 S4o: turkey 30 9 58c; dock 20 9 $0: gees 18 918c.. , : .1 Live Poultry: Market fitea; chicken 24 9 stto;. fowls. :swze: turksys 31 9 SOe; rooster , Iter dock 2$ 9 SOe; gees 2 9 26a ... . .'V Hiaaeanolla-Dslatb Flax Minneapolis. Oct. 16 (L N. S- Wax: Orteeee, $3.44: November, 83.40; Daeemher. $2.$S; May, $2.34 f track, $2.4693-48; ar. nvo. $2.46. ' ' x-- . . 'i Duluth, Oet 18. Plat: Oetober. $2.47; November. $3.46 fe; December, $2.38: May. $2.$1; track, $2.48 ej 2.49 ;. arrive, $2-47 fe. Sw York Metal Market TSenr York, -Oct 1$. (L f. w.)--eMUl nriosei -.,..' . , : f .. . Coppar firm; spot to November 1, l$fe $ 13 fee, ' ' :..: - : Isd steady; spot. 6.T06.85o. t SpeHar fin; apot to . Mevesnber. 6 80 9 0o, . ,-t, ...... j ..- lrnrtMl CiotteB Steady f ; ; v. Liverpool, Oct, H.v (L-Ji. S.) Spot cot ton was ia better demand today. Price steady, salee 16.e00ble. American middlimrs, fair. 14.84;. fair good middling, 18.99; full mid dlings. 13.89; xetddlinas, S3.Y4; low auddhjigs, 13.84; good ordinary, 12.48; ordinary. J 1.99. Futures opened steady. ' J-v Baeses Aire .'.Wheat --: . Iteenaa ' Aires. Oet, 1 8. Wheat opened 1 Oeteber, .- 31-20 fe . ; amchanged ; -Pebraary, $1.13 fe. oaeha need. Corn Oetober. T6c down fe . November, 74 fee. dowa fe. Plsg Vctoaer, 31-Sbfe.. eown. g fee .x- . i -;' " ' ' . .i wii i lu i - XlTerpool Wheat Market i i XivarpooL . Oct. 1 8. Wheat Ooen. v.. Closer . Gam. 3 fed Ifed Ifed Ifee. - ..'.....j. -.IOsl fed lOslfed March, ....'..;. SK&d . . WvSfed M- 36d 95fed i i- - f Wlnalpeg Wheat Op ties a , s --jr ,i W'juupsav.Oct IS. Wheat: - I - " 1- . 'i. .. .. Open. . .. High. Low . Close i Dee. ...... SSfe- 98fe 96fe 9641 May ,.,...102S 102fe lOOfe lOOfe1 Oct 103 fe" 164 fe 103 fe- 103 fe LIVESTOCK HAS A STEADY HE wBDarxsDAT lttbstock: tbade I ' Heera.- - . Steer. ; Laiabe. Portland ..$16-8 . f.ea-. ; - $UjM Chicago JA IMS . !,. 14$ DeSTor ...... ",43 fA lt-Ad Saa Frandaeo lL$a . i -1U Osaka .Mt. 12.T6 - . 166 Kaasaa City.. .TS 12 J 5 14JT6 Seattla ...... m.4. . , Led . .. Sv jaaxket, . PORTLAND LIVESTOCK BTTN " ;.. : Hoe 'tatOe.Calvea Sheep. Cars Wednesday . 17 310 . 197 6 Week age ...... 312; ... . .184 3 weeks ago..,. No receipt. ; . 4 weeks age . . . . ... ,.. 1604 Tear, ago . . . . 1$8 . - 23 . . . 803 - 3 peer C0.... 5g "25ft 10 126 3 year ago. ... 80 ' 89 ... 1048 4 year ago.... 236 136 0 ... Hark-ets showed no chanae ta avaetocfc pricee far the Wednesday tad at Harth PerUaad; at rJoaad etsur total arrivals fog the dag. Nothing at an was offering ia the earloed dtvhaorf of tha nog market at North Portland vredaeeday. . There waa n tern tepuissa at tb opening, but aemrnal -transaetioaa of arfve- us were laportag at telly steady prices. ueoevsi aoa marxat raaae: Prime flaht - .816.26 9 10.65 Smooth heavy. S80-300 lb.. 9.10 9 10.00 Smooth Jieavy. 306 Sa. ap. . . 9.609 3.36 Roaab heavy f.66-9 S.56 rat xaga Peedar pict . . , . . ......... ie.ee 9 le.se I6.ee91e.7s 3.06 t ,ae - i . - cattle Trend Btaaeiv Trend of the csttis market was steady at North Portland Wsdriesday. A email ma of load was shown. Prices reflected as team - tho xwewioes day. General castle msrkot raaen- Cbeiee wteee . .:...........$ Mediant : to good steer ...... Fain to moditna steers ...... : Csxantoa to fair steer Choice heifer ............ Choice oow and heifer ...... Hedinat to good cowa-heifer. . Pair to medium cows-heifers. . Com mess ta fair aisi heifer. . Genaara i. -;. .............. 1.86 Bulla S.OO Choice feeders ............ 6.00 Pair ta good seeder ........ 4.00 Choice dairy calves ........ 8.60 Prima lieht edea ..... 8.60 Medium lurht ualvaa . 7.500 8.50 Heavy aalvat 6.009 6-50 Sheea CUtuatloo Faverabio Favorable tone is indieated geoertUy in the sheep and lamb, trade at itertn t'oruaaa. Price were changed Wednesday. Prime east of mountain lemba $10 00 1 1.00 Choice valley lamb . . . ..... S.50 9 10.60 biedinm valley lamb 8.60 9 9.50 Common valley lambs ...... 7.60 9 8.66 Call lambs Heavy yearling ............ Light, yearlings ; ........... 6.50 7.50 9 8.06 8.00 9 8.80 8.50 9 6.66 65.0 9 7-50 S.00 9'6.00 Heavy we there ngnt Ewe Tuesday Sfternoen Sale T No. Ar. lbs. Price. Sa 1 l Ar. tb. ' Price. 2. . . 803 g 8.06 650 820 S 5.50 1 930 6.06 4.50 s. 4. I: 900 . 892 . 760 .1806 .1260 6.60 6.75 4.00 6.56 6.00 6.00 6.23 1, .,1066 5. .1 680 . 4.O0 6.00 4-66 6.25 1 . sso 9. . 26.. 11., .1294 . 866 ,1020 i. $,..1140 6.50 1...1030 COVYS 1. 1. .1090 . : 820 4.00 3.60 8.T 4.66 3.25 2.00 5.00 1. ;.' 786 , - 890 , .1150 . . 640 . . 840 , . 870 ,.1091 k. 040 4.75 5.0O 1. 1. 1. 3. 2. 81. 1... i02 3.25 $1... 983 4... 932 1 770 33. . . 975 $...$001 a. 23 8.56 4.00 4.75 4.25 1. 3.25 HETFEBR . . 1. L410 HaxW'' T. 130 $6.26 $ 9.06 ; $). . 2, - a 8... 2. . . a... s. 168 S.OO I.. 1 - " HOUS son gin. so 161 10.60 240 J0.83 111 .f.7 286 78 305 5.50 .. 167" IJ?0 16. 14t ! 19.6 2-10 1 $0 260 9.76 4 SO "" S.OO ii. . . 400 8.60 77 $10.50 LAMBS 65 $ 9.00 4. . 78 10.60 117. . 91 .f Weenstday Merruria Sale STEERS No. Ave.; lbs. lO. . . 1249 3. . . 1063 Price. 1 No. A. lbs LNo. A. lbs. 24. . .1288 S Price. $ 6.S8 $ 6.85 5.50 Hi 15. io. '267 3 4.50 I BULLS .1340 $ 6.75 1 HOGS 193 10.6 1 i;.. 26;. 8.. 6. . 186 I10.S0 $0 $.76 12$ 9.7 Elimination of the ; Tax Exempt Bonds Problem of Meet Propoard elimination of the tax . exemption Brivilejre from isauea of state, county , aad mu nicipal bends was one of the most important problems i ehsuiimil by the invest meat bankers ef the i eoaotry at tbe recent convention of tbe Association of ' Investment Bankers ef America at Dal Monte, CaL While' no formal action was taken at the convention the ques tion ef federal taxation ef state and municipal .securities was under frequent discussion among toe - aetesaxee ana tne concensus . oi opinion far a red the idea, according to E.' D. Brooks of: the Continental ec Commercial Trust and Savings bank of Chicago, who visited Portland today on hi way home fro the convention. . Tha great majority of members of th la. bestmeqt Bankers' aseociatirm undoubtedly be lieve that . a halt should : be called la the te stis nee of tea tree bonds.' Brook stated, "both because sum communities are in daager of taxing, taemselves to the point of bankrnptey, and becaaee tax exemption -tends ta divert too large a proportion of tbe. nation' savings into Unproductive channels. Whatever actios i taken on the matter could not be made im aediatelr operative, aa aa - amendment to toe constituticn would be repaired to enable the federal government to tax. aeeorltie of ttc and other political subdivision. "Such an amendment Would be subject to tha approval of two-thirds of th state aad must wait upon the meeting of various state leculatures. Whatever legislacioa may event ually be passed would not be retroactive and present holders of tax exempt securities would conUoue to enjoy- there privilegea." - , Sew Tork Butler snd. Eggs ew York, Oct 18, (L X. 8.) Butter: Market firmer;, creamedy extra 4 8fe947e; creamery i first 37 9 4,1 fee; creamers hiaier eoriag 4S94Se; Ute dairy tub 31 944 fee; lidU fmk .tr H'iU fell. - , ' Chceiei: Market firm, , whole milk" spceWi flats 3Bv926fee; averse run 25c; lower grade IBfeXJlc;- Wbconsfti, whot fancy Young - Americas J5X44c; 53 9 S6e; firsts 38 9 40, Kaas: Market firmer iieeiby white. SSX X4r ; nearby brown, faster 56X64e milk extra S3 9 see; firsts- stixtao. - ' Milk: Tb nominal wholes! Brie is $2.90 ; i ailsneapolis . Wheat. Options Minneapolis, Oct 18. Wheat: " .. . . j Open High .Lew. Close De. .....I09fe HOfe 100 100 fe Uy htlfe 112fe HOfe.llOfe V ;' :- Xaral Storee Market New Terk; Oct is. (I. tt. 8.) Turpen tine: ' Savannah, $1.53: New. York. $1.61. - B ia ' Savannah. $8.86; New Terk, $7.10' WOSKERS ABRESTEB FOR ALLEGED L. W. W. ACTrYTTT Suspected of attempting to ardiat members in . tha Industrial Workers of the -World .-among; the longshoremen, Roy Convert said Carrol Roberta wre arrested- today : aboard the . steamer Rosa Ctty .at tha Ainswortli. dock, whera they l were working as . long shoremen. 1 . , '- - Axcording to tha police they, bad a quantity of membership books,' stamps and literature of the I. W- W. which indicated - they were deJeetes.. They were, charged with violating; the crim inal syndicalism . act-1 The - police be lieve ttey are trying to get longshore men to join- the L; W. W. vnd go on strike. . witb tha Marine Transport Workers. - - - ' V., -. . Waiter i Piatt waa arrested at Third and Oak st recta on a charge of post ing X w; W.. band bills without avU-J cense. 6. 50 9 T.O a.60 9 6.80 6.25 9 6.75 $.75 9 3.28 i.OOef 6.26 4.60 9- S.OO ABO 9 4.50 3.00 9 $ 50 2.6o i.oe 9 2.00 9 4 5 9 6.50 6.06 9 s.60 9 S.50 CREW is ora SIGHED UP FOR A craw Is beiAar aisrned a tha steam ship Itaatem Sailor of - th Columbia- paouie ShippJn$r company, at ton ett terms hooao today. The steame is fin. ishingT with flour at, tha Crown milts and will tret " away tomorrow. -V The Kavatern Sailor ia on tha North. China run rrdngr np to Iarin.v The steam. ship west Kader of tha same Una will complete discharging coal' at tha old Northwest Steel plant and after tak ing fuel oil will start loading at the ioruana louring MUU eompany. - Tha steajnahip Pawlat. tha last of the shipping beard weasels to be assigried to the Colurabia-Pacino to msk tip tha new allocation, will be turned over looay anej wut oajsent to tha dry dock for cnaaning and painting. She will go on berth; November :1 aad is scheduled to sail November 1$. , For Hongkong- and Bate via . and Straits Settlements the Dutch steam ship Bondowoao 1 of tha Java-Pacific line, will load a full cargo aUFortland. omitting Pugret Sound on this woyags to the Orient Th vessel is a regu lar trader and wtu pa ready for cargo eariy w. .November. , PBEIOHTEB rilTED $$ j , TO HOT HAYIXO PILOT Aberdeen, "Walh., Oct. 1$. Becauee Captain Michael , Connors took -the freighter Liydla .from Puget Sound to Orays Harbor ; without a properly licensed pilot, as provided by United States marina laws, a flna of $$$ has oean assessaa oa Ui vassal . by tne customs depevrtmeat. . Orders ta aswess tha fine were issued yesterday by the customs collector at Baattie and ware served aar by Deputy Collector W, A. May . , -T-- t Maritime codes in force on this eoact stipulate that ships passing tn and out ef Paget Sound and also ships entering Orays Harbor must carry a properly licensed pilot. Masters may take skips in .here, however, providing they base an endorsement to the marine license permittln them to do so. Tha Liydia is owned by the Lydla Steamship com pany o New York aad Is being loaded bars with lumber for the east eoast. BAHK PBBSIDEWT HUTS TBAHSFQBTATIOw COJaTPAHY Spokane, i .Wash., Oct. II. A- A. Crana, Testdent of the First E-. change National ' bank at Coeur d'Alene. was the .one and only bidder when the St.; Joe 4k Coeur d'Alene Transportation company, known aa the Red Collar Irti. was sold at 10 a. m. today at a sheriffs sal for $87,292. The deal Includes all charters, grants and property in Kootenai and Benewah counties, alsa the eteam passenger ves sels Georgia Oakea, Klyer. Miss Spo kane. Bonnie Doori, 7 Clipper, Harrison, Rambler and Radio. ! The redemption period is fixed at a year from tbe data of sale. . GBATS H ABHOB SHIPPIKG Hoejuiam,-- Wastu, Oct, -1$. -Steamer Km est H. 'Myers arrived from San Pedro at 10 -o'clock yesterday morning to take a lumber cargo at tha Grays Harbor milt -jJ: 1 , . Tha Iaelflo4alt Bner." Santa Clara cleared for Taeoma'- after taking an about SOO.000 .feet of Rimber at three Harbor milts. 1 : -;";.' ' ; ' ' Tna WlUliiBlHind steamer WlllhUo cleared-. foriSaaU Franciaco, trarrying about 2.000,000 feet of Orays Harbor lumber billed for Kew York, Baltimore and FhUadelphia-I i Tbe coastwise steamer Daisy Gadsby cleared , from the Grays Harbor mill for San . Pedro . with a full cargo of lumber.' , : . OCEAN BATES STEADY New York, OctM 1$. (L N. S.) Ocean freight 'rates, on grain are steady and no Changs U noted. Board quotations are: r: ' T United Kingdom, ! ls d 02s d; Ger many (Hamburg). Sc; France (Atlan tic rjorts). 15c ; Franca (Mediterranean ports'), 1721c ; HoBand (Rotterdam and Antwerp), 8c. General cargo steady." -. - ' - i ' ALL ALOXO THE WATEBFBOHT The steamship Admiral Farragut, of the Admiral line will sail Wed need ay afternoon at S o'clock with a full list of passarigers and capacity freight' for San Francisco, Wilmington and San Dleeroy . ' . . .. ' - The steamship Rose City, at" the San Francisco' A Portland Steamship com pany is discharging at Ainsworth doek. The motorship Babtnda, of the Ocean Motorshlp company, is discharging gen eral cargo from California at Supple'g dock. .. . -"- ' J - ' James Robb. formerly third assistant eneribeer on the steamship West Kaeer. has been promoted and will sail as second on Ute stgamship Pawlet. :, MOTORSHIP IS RELEASED ' Themotorship Babinda, which was tied up last Friday orr a libel proceed ing brought by H. J. Fumey, -a long shoreman, waa released Tuesday night by United States Marshal Hotchkias upon orders from Federal Judge Bean, after the owners of the vessel filed a $2600 bonds ' .. 1 ... FOStTIOSS OF YESSELS Radio reports from North Head give the positions of ' th following vassal at g p. ee Petoaov 17: Northland, Seattle for San Franeisco. 6$6 aaOae from Sam Francisco. ' M. 8. Sierra. Columbia river for Ban Fraa eisco 25 mijM from Columbia river. Cbiekasaw City. Portland for San; Fraa eiseo, $7 mile eeuth of Columbia river.' By Federal Telegraph: ' Frank O. Drum. Monterey for Area, aach ored at- Monterey. - Meriden. Sen Francisco for SeatU $25 Stile north of Sa Francisco. - West Ftralon, Saa Pedra for Yokohtau, 680 miles from, Saa Pedro. Oleum, T acorn for Saa Pedro, T$B miles north et Sen Pedro, Cuba. Saw Fraaciaoo Tor . Cristobal, 49 mi Wis aoufh at San Fraaeiaee. 1 Le Purisima. Martlnea for Portland,. 647 mile freea' Portland. ... s , . -A Coalings, Port Saa Lai tor Seattle. 168 miles from Seattla i s Multnomah, St Helens tor Saa Franc boa, $7 miles aortlr ef San Francisco. : , Horace X- Baxter, Ban Pedro for Seattla, 186 miles -from Seattle. . Sn Diego, Saa Pedro for Tacom. 147 Billet north of Saa Francisco. Homer. Stan ding by - wrecked Lymes Stew- , Johanna Smith. Saa . Fraaeiaso for' Cass Bay. 64 miles north of Saa Francise. , Hamer, Saa Frajieiseo , for .Seattle. 9$ sailes from Seattle. -r,- Doooma. Saa rreoemoo , fpr Sydney, SO Biles from San ftaachca- W. V. Herria. Seattle for Saa Pedro. 2$ I mile sowth ef Saa Francisco. . Ecusdor. New York for Saa Francisce. IIS aulea aootb ef Msnanille. . By naval radio: t -- Bread Arrow. Saa Franciaeo for Takabar, 2689 miles from Saa Franciaeo. President.. Madison. Seattle for YokohsssS. 1$4S mile from Seattle. - Alaenquin. Saa Praoeiero for Taagta. SSI smile watt of San Freacieea. ' H. J. lianna. Manila for Saa Franciaeo. Sine. ,3m f eeea Saw Ktaneiaeo. Yankee Areew. Hankow for Saa Fraaeiseo.' 284 0 miles from Saa rrandsco. - Wast Keats. Portland for Yokohama, 359 mile f rout Celirmbva nver. Boodowoxe, ' Sbankbai for 'Saa Francisco, 2870 ntile from San Frsndseo. President - Jackson, ' Yofcoaama for Seattle, 25 lO miles from Seattle. Yorba Lrnda taoowl. San Pedro for Tek avama. 182S mile east Tekturama. - - Emprsea of Russia, Yokohama-, for TfefaMsa, 4142 mils, froaa Victoria. Eldridge. . Beattl fot Yokohama, 2910 miles from beanie. Beoeoch. from -Portland to. Yokohama, $30 bum west ot tcjumota nver. EASTERN SAILOR Tides a Astoria Yhsraday , High Water Low-Water -tt :42 a. m. J9.S fL 6 :41 $u m. 0.7 ft. ....... p. m. ... ft. (lis p. m. 0.2 ft. : Beaaido High, water nine misutea earlier. ; a; v" ' ' Seaside Low water 21 minutes earlier. .- -": " , - '. - .; i. ' ' ' ' . i j" i . .' " ; i " I I ll , -i 3 I .'. 1,1,11 I. ' I MIIII II I I :- !, arftvat Oet, IS , rJeisugtaa; American cteaxear. freea Phlla- aetphia eaa way pawuu general. - -...... semrtura Oet, 4S - - Admiral Farraeut, America e steam r. tflT sa IA a and way port; general.; , r(-;v-iv 3CABXHB ' ALMA 7f AC , t Weether a rrs moot" JTorth Head. Oct 18. Condltioea at the seeaith ef the river at aooo: Sea fewooth; wind too tfii set S mCes; weather clowoy. PortUndr Humidity atrwon . ST.') " DAILT BITEB BEADlITOS d a as, Pactfio Tima suslac: - HITEB JPOBECAST . Tbe Waiamatta elver at "Portland win rei nearly stationary during the neat three day xcept a aUected by the tide,;.-. - ' TL . Prog.-- Dana Beobyalla ...-. Baa Fran. ....Oct 19 lows ............ .New York , ...Oct 26 RoeahW Maboay. . ... .eiaa rs Oet. 30 Admiral Uoedrssk ..& P. Way,... Oet. 20 Wtpaate .Baa Fran. , ,..Oc 11 Benroeeh . . Yokohama Oct. 22 Caotoue . ....... BaJtirSore , .3ot 22 Paul Loekenbeeh, . . , . New Terk a..., Oet 22 Wabbeena . ....... .Bee Fvaaw . , .Or 32 Nebxeakan ....... ..New Yerk . . . -Oot $2 Kat-Ismkaaneoh ,ird(c York ....Oet ft Senator -..s. Diego way . .Oct 2$ Bar sands ....... ..Ouba .... Oet 2$ Yojia Man ..... ...Kobe ...... Oct 23 Flo. lackabck.....stohiU'-.. . .. ..Oct. 23 WllleoJe............ New Terk.... .Oei, : West aataa. ....... Bueno Attaa.. Oet. Da Eaotarq afeOsr. , . T Orient .. . . . .fJet, ta.Mnda. ...J-.-.S. F. Pedro . .Oct Bete .City........ ..San Frsa. ...-Oct, Naakob MaxU orient . ....ws. Geoegiaa New York ...Oct Admiral Goodrich . ... . r.- V -- A. . . a . uu Georgian atolpa Tudorstar ... . . Cacieu ...... ',..'. .Baa Fiasv . -v Oct ! , ... Europe . Oct , . . . Baltimore ..'.. ,Oet!, Pant Leekeahach IB. ,11 II . . . Now York ,..Oet Keretio Luck en bach, . N.- fvrlean .Oct West Kataa ,8a. A nerina . . . Oat. Wuems ........Saa Padre ...Oct Kin ............ .Europe . Oct Iowa Kurope Oct. t. $ Mtl '-' Vaeaaes ta Far Vmrnmlm. V Berth, Babiada . . . . . . . . . . . . .Suppl Baron Cawdor,...- .imps Baron Orilvy i... . .Noetb Bank Baoverlioa ...y. .Peninsula Mill Chillioeth .AlWpa Marin Daisy ..,..... JLaspptoa Daisy Freemaa Wsuna Daisy Putnam ... i, ........... .St Helens Devon Oity .............. .Terminal No.! 4 Rattorm Bauer ............ ..Crows Mill Etna Maris ............... Terminal NoJ 4 Prank D, Stont. t, . ... ......... . . .Rainier (reorxina Boiph ......... fc. ...... .vouen Georciaa Terminal No.; 1 Oothiestar .Tarmmal Na.1 4 Haraki . . . .t . . . . . West Ore oa I Hornet ....... ... . .... . .Knapptoa Jeba O. Xlrfcoatriak ..Warraoton xobaa Ponlsen ................. Weetpovt 1 atevoea ........ . . rerueso -vecetabie tu MakaweU ................ . .-. .Astoria Nankoh Maru . .i ........ .Sou. Pae. Dock Boa City .... i, ............. , Ail -as AT WORLD'S FORTS Asteras. Deb 18 Sailed at 9:15 a m. motonbip H. T. Harper, for San Francisoor sailed at 9:80 a. an.,- steamer Hoblu Uood fellew. for New York, via Pucet Bound. , : aan Franrlsco, pot t7- Arrived at 1 1 la PX. tteamer P. . Loop, from Columbia rtrer; arrived at 1 p. nt, steamer Paul LucMnbeoh, from Philadelphia and way aorta, for Portland: ailed at 11a. m., steamer La purisima, (oc Portland; arrived, steamer Willamette, from Columbia river; sailed at 8 av ., steamer Ro salie Mahoney. for Portlands sailad at S ai. steamer Art! gas, from Portland and Puget Bound, for Boston: and way ports; Mil4ti5 a. m. steamer W. S, Miller, (or Portland; sailed at 11 . m., xeotorahi Californisn. from Liver. Bjool and way porta log Fuset Bound and Port- Asteria, Oct If Sailed at 4 :30;' xv- wi. motorhs Sierra, for. Saa Pedro: sailed at S a m.. at rear Santa Barbara, for New' York end way ports; arrived at 8:86 aad left, up st is P. sa,, steam- uoorgutn. irom rautqeipoi aad way ports. : i . - i San Pedra. - Oct, 17. Arrived, eteamev Ahtaksa, from Portland, fot Europe; arrived, Norwegian steams Siasuea, from West Coast, for San Fraaoieao. .Puset Sound aad Povtlaad 3 rrlved, steamer Senator, from Saa Diego, for Saa Fsaacueo aad Pertlaad; eailed. British steamer - Margaret r Couahlia, from Portland,. id atewuwej; aauen, ioeweian seamer cm, from Philadalphi. for Portland;, tailed,. steam er Sandaua, for Colombia river. - I Taeoma, Oct, 17. Arrived. Danish steamer Kin, from -Antwerp for Portland. . Arrived.! steamer Iowaa, from New York and way port for ifuviaait ' - amvea steamer. Leuyk, trom Boston aad way porta via Portland. ... - Hoqniam. oc. 1 1. Arvieea. ateamer E. HJ Meyer, from Portland. - Sailed, steamer Sntal Clam, from Pertlaad for Seattle. - - 1 Helhoura., Oct 16. Arrived, Swedish steasse Betwa, from Pertlaad. - - r - . il .in. J.. J in i TOA NSPOKTATION" . I l omr stKYict with , - j XrUICUW sAMOUCVVIUitw X T9 rXYMOfJTTIj, SOTJtKiNB , r lLaVaiisfJHs. - ,'; By New Aaeersoaa Flag Steamer Bcllanee ..v....-.,-....Oet,$l " TO alVUnn7gl9 DIRECT : SsBIng every Tkarsday. by tba pepa 1,. mwm Maenst Clav. Matsrit Case -. rott, Meesa Cliatom, riaaaa. Bayaraw Wan H ii I ir wrth meeial cabin aad . . sa pi awed third claa . $334 Wst . KaeOelpa tt, OMcasvw . er taest r-'-iAaanaav-,.--,.-.----;...- J : RoyL mail ; - to EUROPE -T ' . Mi.t5CHr9ST.B0UTr . $fw Yr i Charbouft : Soutsamatee., Hamburg tk.;7 OnOPBSA.,lo. .. ...i ....... oaaiTS , . . Mm. t -ju,. 10 Feb. St : enouna ..ec. so Jen. st ae.tt oiRtor rtttistts ttaviec Flaw Peairie Ceast Pests to 41. ft, . , Rssaler siiaej The Royal HaO Stasst Faekef C. - amidav aieav SeatUa. er Leeai Ageeu Cheap Rates -mr TKA8HHir TO SAN FRANCISCO , - ;s SAILING THURSDAY -. a. POLLS M, Agent tSSThlHSt. sear bVash. Bewy. OOtS V - - -1 m n;;;-Blrr" ssa.e Tears.'; IT llfPttlfl fnaatiUa .. 28! T $.6 6. 26. 001 7$ ' 44 Albany ... 30 a.S-S-lO.OO S3 .80 Salem .... 20 -1.9 0. 01,47. . $0 Oregon City 12 1.2-6.6 6.00 .... .. Portland .. 1$ 2 . 6 . 1 6 06 37 33 -FaUing. , . . Mtn CSSB S3 West Kader Not. X) USSR SS West 0Rowa.......pec 1 YOXOHAMAaKOBB. BOirOKOKO. KAHILA ' UfeSB "S3 Fawiet ....Nov. IS j USSi S3 llsnnawa '..Pec. 15 For rates, space, ate, apply to TRAFFIC DEPARTMENT C$$-$S3 Beard t Trade Bidg. Broadway sill , . Taeema. . Oet 17. Arrived at 8 -a, ra.. Santa I lara, from Portland, via Hoquiam. . Chaagwanctao, Oct 1 6- Arrived. Sritish steamer York City, for Portland. .Kan Franciaro, Oct lT.--Arriwd st raid niflit Nei wegiaa .motorship Borgl sad. front Portland for Christian ia. Amvrl at mid- ' night, steamer Multaemah,' frmn Portland. Beetoa. Oot 17.- Arrived, eteamer Mmseso- ' tan. from Portland nd way port. - Cristobal. Oet 1 5. Arrived, steamer Bow iek Hail, freea New York, foe Portland and Pug bound. - Sailed, steamer -Te ten, from Portland for New York and way porta, failed. Brithib steamer 8, lathis, frog Portland for United Klngdoet, - ; . . f- - Balboa, Oct, 1 6. Sailed, stesmsr Hoerick Hn.! from Kew York for Pertwad. tlENIWANTED FOR SHOPS AND ROUNDHOUSE "I- ' RATES . -Mahinlsts ; . . .70c pgr ttoaf Blacksmiths . . . . J70c par- hour Sheet Metal Worker. t -. . . . . . - .,70e 'par kour QtrCtsicJaaa ,70 par Lour Stationary ' ameertV'.- ; J f . . . . .'. . . . . . Various : Kates StatiosMury Firamei ". - . ' '.!.". ... ; v . . . Various NRtas Boilarmakers ,1 ' ) :;; m .'. . . .70c to 70 Vic par Laur Paesangar Cap Mast r - , ' ' :Aj 70 par kour Fraigkt Cay Men... 6 3 par hoar ilalpar, all dases J ....'. . . .47c par hour " Mechanics and helper are al lowed time and one-half for time worked in excess of eight hours per 4ay. - - j ; u -. -j.. , . . ' ; A strike now exists oil th Norta era Pacific Railway. , -'J 1 APPIY ROOM 319 : Coaeb Balldlag, 19 Fourth Street , i Hear Waahiagten. Pertlaad THANSPORTATIOX' STEA.tiSst? Cv...?cmi Far Bait Framclaea From Portland Ainsworth Dock; - STEAMER ROSE CITY . fRIDAY, 10 A. M, OCT. 16 , 8iaVAIi 19 A M OCT. 29 sad every nine days thereafter . PASSACC FARE FROM POaTCAKD - lsTOf BvHlastrj 9 lCCat ee p T.etee e$?8-86 Outid Saloon Deck ............ 26.40 Inelde Saloon Deck 24.00 Third Class (Msles Only),. 15.00 Rotind Trip (First CUsa)......... $0.00 i Anfareelndudebertb v 1 i andmeaia while at sea. $fsaei aaMtle1 by ttmrat wt t ibwat 4 st mert a ralset ft. aw Itt asm, win si koiei h4 141$ taaat . City Ticket Office 3rd ad WMidngtea rnone urosoway 6b3 -Freight Office, Ainsworth Dock . lione Broad way C2o , SS. ADMIRAL FARRAGUT Ball from MunlBlpst 0k Nt g Wedneeday, Oetebw 1S, S P. St., and KveriM Wedneesay Tttereartee ' SABJ f RSN0IS09 ... .Los Aftoetts . '','; ... ; -. sar pisoo . '--- SS. ADMIRAL GOODRICH ST OOT. S1 7 P. St. -MA)8HFIttr SUHEKA t SAN FRANCISOO ' TI0KT oppicc tH S $7. CO. STARK . FMONB SWOAPWAr S4S1 - Arm You Going to Europe?, . 'r Or thm Orient? . Or Around thm WorldT, ' r" i l..-'-.3 T. ' Why net gat experlenoed ud aeea rate tnf onnaOwn (rota sa who has traveled oaten al voir (or taa tteoafll tt bin patrons? : v .. " t, .- ' '. -' k V" .v." " - i-e- - " ' ' ' " ' - fecsrs Stesntktp Brvstleas asg Tickets fro DORSEY B, SnfTH 't - - : MAjtAwB-v ;.' iOURNAl TRAVEL CURSAU lit HROAD WA". FOBTlAJrDt OB. ;?lHii6iiktS.i:i.; Astoria and Way Points - i " Str. iralda i Mob:, Wed, Fri, 8:30 A. ii. v INlrht Boat Daily, Except -, . Saturday, 7;3"D P. M. Far to Astoria $1.85 One Way . 453.00 Round Trip Week-Eod Round , Trip $2.50 The Dalles-Hood . Uivcr Steaaaer Setvlea " Daily. Except Sun., 7il5 A.' M. . Fr to The Dalles JUS Y JOUoo4 River. $l.0a. , Tha Ilarkm TrsxuporUtloB Co. Breavdwav 8844 , - , ' Aider St. Doek cY-Y-: YVY . mm lNortn mna une COLUMBIA PACIFIC SHIPPING COMPANY Operating United States Government Ships PIBXCT FBEIOHT BEBYICB WITHOU'' TBAbHIPHEST BETWBBH . - -i 0SILAJi.'OBbbO5, j - asd -:- - -i ' ' - YOKOBHA KOBE,' SHAWOH AI. TABTJBAB - - (Tientsin) HAIBEH . FortUsdV Oregos Y