10 FOR. RENT FURNISHED ROOMS . . -v - PRIVATE FAMILY " 301 FURNISHED rami, walking, distance, irvery thing ntrw ; one - sum with batb; on ? eepuxg t.nom and print perlorr ratabS for couple v rl two working ' girV:. .... " - t Bdwy. 4919.' TOa BEST A lcwrr front bedioom,; tur x nhed; roomy and eery with., fireplace le- trig lights; sbaohitely dean; on eerttne, ' K. Hth at. between CarraUiera and. D- vision sta. Carl any time.- ' ; , ....-. LARGE room,, suitabla lor 2. men or couple employed; furnace beat;, homo pnxileges; good u . service, cheap. , Phots. Tabor 8178. ' GENTLEMAN on bars pleasant worn with fiMiuM i. ' air -snvat. kauia. 1 ail --COO- " venienres. close in. eaat aid. : l'htn East 8S93. - : 4. '"-" - .NICELY fur. large room lor 2; kitchen pn , Htm it dewed. Eiertne waihsr, garage. 1 -o other . roomers. Quiet bran. Kefs. r exchanged. Tabor 8487.. r-- - 1 : SEE THIS TODAY ' . i PLEASANT BOOM FOR GENTLEMAN; . MOD E K N CONVENIENCES, - CHEAP. PHONE EAST 8833., , . NICE, BRIGHT, COMFORTABLE BOOM. ' SEASONABLE. - 490 TILLAMOOK. SEAR ; 1 0f H. EAST 8551. 3 ELL furnished rooms, suitable for 3 men. l ight, , heat, bath, phene. Cheap. ' block HarnthorTto. Tabor 8849. ,-,-.-: LARGE (runt sleeping room for gentleman. breakfast if desired. 169 JfcV'. J 4 Lb at. Eaat 24&, - MCE, cltsan.. well tummhed aleepins rtxaa, eleet, licht. rjbaate. ba Lh : indrtidual heateo); att oataide roonu; rooaaa . aiutable for 1 V f a people,- aei nth et. . i O.VK or 2 aleeKiac roena and. aleepiBg porch, wttlt -aae of kitehen, dinhir roar iwir !nr. wU furoiihed; reasonable. Adoits. Uefereneea, $29 per month. Atwater 187&. 'XICE-IVABGEBOOM, SCIT ABLE FOR 1 OK 2; ALSO -JSlSOLB ROOM, CLOSE EV. CHEAP. CALL MA IX gQ8. J WARM, newly tinted well furnished room, biz liBbt cioeef, bath, in pretty bungalow bome-, close in eaat. side, $15 per nurotb for 1. S18 for 2. 411 Cook ae. Auto. 323-10- EXTRA large cor. room, cloae u. pxir. bath. L replace, ui table for 3 or 4. in a beaatiful refined; home; also smaller room with pn- raie enrjance. 84 Jf. aiat, cor. EreretU I'LEAJJANT airy room for one or two people v m amw tanuiy; ue of plans and' au toua Tabor 0158. TWO TJP8TAIBS BOOMS, PRIVATE BACK ENTRANCE, 817. INCLUDING STATION ART TUBS LIGHT, PHONE, GAS, HEAT CLEAN WELL HEATED ROOM IX PPJ VATE HOME; CLOSElN ON EAST SIDE. MKX ONLY. EAST 9748. LARGE front aleepinc room oa weat aide. 313 niouta. Alain .y 70. - 45 Montcomery. FOR RENT -2 jiice bedrooms in reodem itome; furnace heat: 3 blocks from Mums ; eippi . cartoe. Mrs. Elsie Langley, 1471 Kerby St., corner Bryant, Portland, Or, NICE ; ROOM. WALKING DISTANCE. 33 . WEEK ; CLOSE IN ; BREAKFAST IF WANTED. 25c EAST 2.39 1. MOST! DESIRABLE ROOM FOR BUSINESS -. MAN ; BREAKFAST . Uf DESIRED. EAST 028. - m ' COZY " furnished ' room In modern prirata iiome; noma pnruegea; waiting distance ; no other roomers;' reasonable rates; access to 4 -ear linee. Eaat 3342. Call after p. m. 315 PER AlO.. west, aide, 1 min. walk buaineaa center; sunny fam. rm. for lady employed: 'J windows and etoeek 634 r landt-ra U Bdwy. 3071. I NEWLY finished sleeping rooms, walking di . tance, $- per week.l 65S E. Aider. Phone East 074. CLEAN aleepinc room, wita or without kitch , enette, gas' heat, nice borne, near car. Ta bor 6165. j ' NICE large front room, kitchen and pantry, . hot and cold water; light, cas and heat fur nished, reasonable, .240 K. 60th- YKS, it's a large, clean, furnished H. K. room, beat, light, phone and bath furoiahrd, rea sonable. 42 1H th St. Atwater 2605. WARM, well fumLhed room, walkinc dis tance, 815 per month. 768- Hoy t at., near 23d. Atwater 560. ' NICELY furnished room in prlrate family. Ladd add.; ne-meal aerred, but meals caa be obtained close by. Eaat f 63 3. - FX'RNISHED bedrum. 812 pereno.. ail home priTilegea to 'employed lady. : aVhen Wal- WUt at4i; . . : 'LARGE front sleeping room ib pnrate home, walsring distance! 2 blocks west ej Alnlt. club; reasonable rent. Atwater 24IXV. i 'LARtrS sleeping room and clotae ciosetV all conremeaoea. iSti Boss St., spti: 301. Eaatj- l7t. IT2 -OR 3 ROOMS, furnished for II. with 1 .n llh fiilfi - X , i . prfrate batb. 08 Clay, near 15th. water 1000. OS B- C. CARIJNE. Nicely furnished front roam, oem; win gie ereasran. tr. 6th and Sandy blL Tabor 0292. V ROOM AND BOARD 302 iNortonfa Hotels Breadway off WAshingtok, Broadway . 1 1 80. Porgjsnd's high class downtown residential ' hotel. rWe giee ' you the "omforta of home. A raericaa and European plan. Bates raesnn abiac i . . . EXCLUSIVE reaideatial hotel; rates 443 ta 864. 794 Lorejoy. Main 8619. "Board and boom. $35, sti heat" MAIN 8830 ROOMS AND BOARD . : PRIVATE FAMILY 303 LARGE 4-wtndow front room, nwely furn., ia white ieory ; oongenial, modern borne ; 3 beds, suiubie for 2 genUemen, (30 per mo. eaeh. Wjlnut 6692. . , WANTED CHILI IN GOOX. CLEAN. MOD ERN HOME; NO OTHER CHILDREN. , CALL TAB'tR 9187. EADY with . a good home would like eome .iooe' to room -and beard er take care of a . "small chihi. 1'hone Maim .695. 558 North 23d. T ' - V ANTED TtO- RETINED TOTJNCf MEN ! 1U KUUM AND UUAKD IX PRIVATE f HOME. MAIN B637. BPO ; family, ia refined sent for reunat sunini couple or ynang-mea or girls;, furnace heat. --Tabor 1436.1 ' . CHTX.DREX wiB recelre good care in prista borne of renponaihle woman. Aut. 630-25,. warm room, 2 men employed; modern home: cloae in; breakfast and din ner u oestreu, , as t i-ta at- near Mat- rison.- ' - - --'; !-'- - TWO yowng men . or man and wife, to room and board, prirate home, walking ditaaee, eaat side, near Benson school. Bast 92 1 9. WILL gire beat of care to small child between 2 and 4 years,, girl preferred. Tabor ' . 9299. ' .- " LA RG-S, comfortable room, suitable for 1 . or 2. . Hons - mmveniericee. Hawthorne du- trirt. - Tabor 0483. - t PARENT with daughter, between 3 nd 6 yean may find good home with a - fine family: modem home. "East 8683. BOOM and board ia prirst family. 2 blocks . . ima ease esiu ti me. Eaat T3S6. of Broadway bridge, -836 per as - - ONE aingw aad 1 double room, running water, -steam heat, near batis rood. meals: t-entle- mea preferred. , 333 10th. i Main 433. FEEL at home in moo.; aely painted reais dance. Coae in. Good home cooirinr, pialint ;'l fumaee. ma raiine. Reasonable. Hut titor vBOOM and board for ragpectable man, horne ooraforta. reasooabla. - ,Nt other boarders. Atwarer 3592. i : A CHILD t board from i t 6 years eld. , mother s care, ll a month. Aut 642-4l 43d at. and 6Slh ava. . , BOARD girl school age. near 8. S. school, rea- aeaable; ao other children. ' Tabor 6148. ; WILL board baby by1 the mociii. 661 Mt- iragjppl are. Wslnnt 8464. - ; j . , . 1 . MCKi sunny front room with or without board. Kast Broadway. Eaa4 4948. CHRISTIAN some for 4 yocia women. , a ; ....-HCoavenieBeea. -Tee meals. East SIJiT SCHOOL CHILD to board, good home. tWbea . nximr. . ouwOTumvu vo,, .... GOOD BOARD aad auca room. w'.-T-i- J, tanch. H black to- car. 369 Pacific at. K ROOM, board for aostpla r tn'oung paoBia." Half Mock to ear. Garage. 63 4-T 4. CHILDREN to room and board ; will giva them a good home and mother's care. Aat 631-61. A men. Swedish pra- . frrred. 613 E; Aider. Tabor 6633.- . BOOM and 3 meals for 1 Private - liomei 404H Broadway.' Atwaser 1909. WANTED Eiderlyi lady ta care for in' mi home. Tbpr 3383.- j. " JW"AN TEI Lsdy jboarder, room; aad boardT r tiiij, at, jt iervaia, or. - l' N1CELT furnisiiei rooms.' with board.' at J.; v; 39 Bent St., 3 btocke Braadway hrtdga. FOR, RENT ROOMS AND BOARD PRIVATE FAMILY 303 HATE GOOD HOME FOB IRL f ' TO TEAR -OLD, $6 J-stat UEEK. 8LL. 153T. . . . THOSE bavin noM ia vicinity of E. 20th "ji and Knott an; have breakfast and dinner; ,' excellent home cooked sneele at reaannfbie ? -rates. Ea.it 9359. CHILDUKX t boara, emnatfn eocntrjf feme, ::5s .near acbooL ejae te. (14 tuootblji. . For : partirajara writ Peaceful Aerea itrm, (oote ! 1. boa 124-A, Hiiiaooro. LABGB roenu raitabla for two. none yrtrl ' lecaa. so other boarder. - (M S. bOa at. '. Fatiae Eaat 8885. - - r , URGE, Kaht romn. with heard; rate ( , able; eaay walkinf datanee. ' 201 E. Irat at. !. Ean 283. ' WOtTLD T.IKK A XXtTVK GVtCf. IWIEN . THE AGES OP 4 AND TO itOOit AMJ BOARD. ACTO. 2-S6. KOOM and:, boar! for boaineea ciriar wjodcra . eeaaeniefteea;' walkinc rjutanee,;' i per week. Eaat 70. 13 E. Tth . ; iTC BSE, near 58tb aea Bebabnt, TrtH take aeveral okl peooleiua her none: all eon1 eenreneea; aatanobile arntca. Eaaa 2S3S ' or: Eaat 42g, - v - $ --- j ' - WAVTED CHILD TO B0AD.! TUfDEH , TEARS: GOOD HOME, .MOTHER'S CARE. . WALXCT 3954. ... - i .w.i.- IS A REFINED borne for. couple' or 2 young peopte,. large front room, drr iaing reoo. not and, cold water, fnmae neat, walking dia tance: Eaat 7307. s - ROOK WITH BEST OP ' HOME COOKING. - HOME PRIVILEGES. WALKLNU CIS- TAXCE. E. !.. 3S E. jLStq, Cor Main. EMPLOYED couple to abate 6leoom home', modem and convenient, adults in family; en carhne; garage . if desired. - Walnut 6103. . i . ; ; ROOM ANX BOARD AT 541 BEACON STREET. t PHONE nKLLWOOD 1502. LOVELT ROOMS WITH EXCELLENT MEALS. ; GOOD LOCATION. CLOSE IS ; LADIES PREFERRED. FAST 6460; ONE LARGE ROOMiTTH SLEEPING PORCH. SUITABLE FOB TWO. WITH TWO MEALS TREASONABLE. 696 HOIT 111. MALN Ha. ,-- ROOM and beard, one or' more meals, whatever esireej, good, clean wail fumuned roomaf rhooe, bath, elect, lights; home pririleAes. Tt6l 14th at. . ' " , i' PLEASANT -rocraa, good home eeoking. for 4 men in. print family; modern; home priri legea. Empire 1409. l"OR aged invalids, chronic or eonraleecent' V- tienu, pleasant bosne anrronndinai. heahb- boildihg diet aid treatment. Dersonal care 4 Ql pnyanr.ertf reasonable rates. Eart BB85 PLEASANT room and board reasonable water .ia room. Call Main 1199. NICE LARGE ROOM SCTTABLE FOR TWO TWO CLOTHES CLOSETS. FCRNACK .: HEAT, GOOD BOARD. HAWTHORNE CAU. TABOR 3176. N ICE. LARGE ROOM WITH 1 OR 3 BEDS LOVELY HOME;. BEST r OF BOARD. TABU It 8T09. ' WEST SIDE. CLOSE IN TWO NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR BENT WITH OB WITHOUT BOARD, tlfc.Ar JJSXU AT B8 l.UV fcjUX. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED . 304 BEAUTIFUI bMuekeepsna rooms. 1. 2. or S on second or all 4 on first floor, nieelv furnished, all oonTeniencea, piano, close to car, on pareq street. Ant. 84a-89. 1 AND 2 room HL K. suites, steam heat, hot ana coki water- gas and light furmabed respectable and clean; . 83 up. Hendricks Apt., 15th and Flanders. ONE and two rooms, furnished for H. K. l;se of .phone sand bath, running water. 288 Montgomery st- ; CLEAN furnished honsekeeping rooms; also one 5 room cnnimlshed flat. Clixe in. 873H E Mj. Ante. 623-44. SNAPPY, clean H. K. moms, ererything new and eTerything furnished; good yaed for ear. 308 Tiflamook, near WUlisma are. 3 NICELY farniibed housekeeping room and kitrbenette, bath, garage, Hawthorne district . 406 Marguerite) Are. . Tabor 9234. M HOUSEKEEPING rooms, suitable for work- ng people. fZt. 4S3 2d at. Atw. 4426. FOR" RENT 3 boumkeepisg rooms, 825 a 'month. A 68 El Ah at., cot. E. 8th. 4 FURNISHED H. K. rooms, 316. 21 Morris t, Missiwippi car. Tabor 1338. 1 AND 3 rooms newly furnished, 31 as. Afarn SH41. 0 and HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS . FURNISHED! AND UNFURNISHED A PRIVATE FAMILY 308 CLEAN . 3 room fur. houseaeepiBc apt., 1st floor, back, stove beet, walking die.; adults. . CaU Atw. 0824 before noon or after 6 p. m. ONE large, sunny,, wen furnished housekeeping room, hot and -cold water. 631 Hoy L near . 20th. Bdwy. 4046. FOUR furnished H, K. rooms, 6er store. 820 a mo. Room 2, 253 H Waah. or Empire Theater, 289 Grand are. TWO farinabed H. K. apt., with eteam heat. 'Place for auWmobiie free of charge, 182 N. 2.2a. 2 NICE largo front rooms on first floor. everything furnished, but cooking gaav 8L8 18T N. 15th. Bdwy. 4436. 2 H. K. BOOMS ; 2 - beds, a month; 1 - H. K-. 818 .month; small room and kitch- erjtte. 39. 872 H Hawthorne. 1 ROOMS, 2 baths, goncrebt bsseinent, rent . 330; furmturei for aale, 3700. By owner. Atwater 1855, or call at 610 Clay st. 32.75 1 A WEEK Piiniisiied house keeping rooms. Kghta and bath toclnded; west, aide, 'walking dtetenoe. 843 H 1st St. FINE large H. K. room, 1st floor,? heat fnd water la roomj rent rfsonable. 1493 Wii liaans' ae.. 1 Mock from W HI lama are, car. FTTHNISHED H. K. rooms for rent from 83.80 per week up- Main 3503.. 498 Front et. 10 WEST CHURCH ST., 5 h. k. rooms, partly fnmiahed; water, gas, electricity, 314. East BOO . eaetta. in prirate home: bght. pbcaa auad i Hawthorne diatrict. Tabor 7143. -t NICE large room and kitchen, pantry and eleaet: hot and cold water, gaa light ' and ' heat furnished;! reaeoaable. ; 244 Ej 60th. - FURNISHED 3 room apartment, print bath, beat. water, Hght And gihoae; one--block to csr Snanyaide dartrict. - Tabor 6189. t. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, furnished'' com plete eaeept linen and aitrer, bath, light seievwysa ibb aaoniana. waa. aTT. T - HOOSI bouse, gas.' "Jighbs. adults, ASS. 14 Stanton eer. Maw.t big yard, - 3 BOOM furrdaned flat," pnat bath, prirate i . miij. j. irm at. '.. TOrner Dans. THREE clean fnTnlshad h. A, S. SUrk. Adults only. lsas. 840 TWO larga. airy, steaa heated h. k ; kitchenette, sink, lint floor, sble. 44S Coinmbia. Vary reason- CLEAN, pleasant, t eoora apt., wood furnished; twjs lunuoa. pom su st., near tminmbia. IXUNISHED or unfurn, ronms. Dutch kitchen ; an children or piano, 688 .Grand ave. N. NICELT"'hirniahd- 2 room h- k. . apt,, gaasea, .apie rent. qo, vtjw si- LOVELY room., steam heat, hcauekeeping CLEAN, wail fnrniihed 3 and roams, aleep- lag rKirch. Jarage. 884 H South 1st st. 3 NICELY furniabtd geoma, aiuuble far 2 or peorne. - aeta ai. odwy. 4465. FOR Ri2V T Hoasekeariing rooms, 3 slaejang 3D FLOOR h- k. room, with alcove (gad kitch- enette. let -i.- fmta f - - - t J" PLEASANT boosekeeping rooma. 23. Why ' - pay -. rooref Phone East 04 IT." ' ::: .: C1XAN H. K. mms, cloae to market, reasoa- . hi. rate. -204 U 4th at. li'oii. BENT. S' niceiarniahed ih-j k. rooms, 423 Thurntea. st. Cill Walnut 4183. - CLEAN- housekeeping yaoma.; aingle aad auitest - 37 monthly aad up. Ms in 7681, CIJ?.AN turniahed bauaeaeeping room, cloae .. in. 33 per. week. East 8481.' "f . ; .. 3-ROOM furnished Gat, beat and bath. Wai- ant 3283. ' ' ' - ' ' TVVO; furnished H. K. roraaa, ; eieap. rant, 444 E. Oak st E. 1138, ..... FOR Asouaeasepiag roosna. Bdwg. ; 4L 633 Tbnrmsa st rity." ONB aad two II. K. rooms, rent losasonahla. 600 Commercial at., aear RnsaelL ; - , r rCRNlSHED H. K. vasliisgtoa st raat, 253 5a ' ' ' LlAibi. ra eieaa aoasekeemng racaa, wear bath, 33.56 per week. 349 4th st. H. K- room, fisat floor. Itunning water. eorisbie. 294 aVfferaon.' : :' f? FCKNISUED or" anfutnisbed H. K. rooms. 83 ; monthly and up; steam beat 665 H FSrst. TWO faria.-sbwd kw k. roouia. : 6e 12th at FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED ' PRIVATE FAMILY . t r30 IWO large, warm rootBi, auo room aad kitch- - enette. first : floor. 25 mmthly. Single noma, f-ll.W and 813 seentlity. . Hot water always.. Baitia. tauadry. - Flaar " dcre at,;-' -y - GOOD, clean a, k roan: and one 1 room apt. ; - 4s- one i room apl. and one t room apt. :. and kiichenetoe. Water, deetrie lishia, fur nace beat, phone. , -fast .6331. 3931s Wiedler. . . ' ? - - THREE rooms. 1aaement apt.. wiOi rent re . dnced foe -Bight aerrioe; s'oeiy farnisbed. apotleaaiy clean, clcam.'in, west SsdA Adults, ; 474 flI 11 ktmmr-w lltl . ; i CLE AX. Well fnrRiahed rma. ' Prrt. bath.. Oa I arraond floor. Fnrnaee heat. : Good location. I . TSrage. Comfortable piece for winter. 801 Kosae. block E. at inioo. East 170. pUSEKEEPINjCf "rooms. GISsaa. Air water IST.j ,; v;-. FRONT, smuiy 3 rm. suite, heated, well fam ished, sink, hot eold water; for emp. couple or 3 bnainess gtltia. Mw BMKi Maia IS20. 806 12th at. w.-..-. ., v -r: nicely fumUhed modern t bouaekaeping rooms, large kitchen and bedroom, .hot and eeld water in kitehen, employed eoupla pre ferred. Eaat 0815. CaU 614 B. -Oak. CLEAN, turn.' H. K. roc ma. : let floor, nice some. Aoar car. ALamed. -couple. ; til ONE large f rust H. K, room, wttn - kitchen- eiiet nicely snrnabeo, good location, m ployed people preferred, fill Montgomery at iiwm Jaainse2. - : TWO front H. K: rooms. 1 bA. to Sonny, side ear. tight sunny rooms, vers reasonable etec. ng&t sod gas, ; m , 33d st, - cor. TamhilL , . ' SINGLE If. K- Toora. snitb?e tor 3 people, 316 mouth. ' Lurhts - furnace haat , and phone inclurfed.1 4443 Oak, between Stsf ana m n.i;m a7. HQJb-SEKEEPING KOOMS 310 loth, between Columbiand Cay. : . ' ' TWO room ht'ii-eaeeoine ..-suite, suitable . for aj small family, gas. pnone, light, close in. lient xeasvnable. .nice location. 307 Mar- Vt st. y NICELY furnjaned, Ugbt, clean, ury 1 and 3 room acta., newly decorated ligbtav heat, - pnone.--tath free; warning distance; reaaon- SBjsyTtat i- a9 SI lit - ST, BENT- -2 7 or 5 edex-iv furnished roams light, gas and wood in cellar and phone. Call after 4 p. .m. or Sunday, 4314 74th I I S. AUt. 2a-T6. TWO. furnished H K. roome, ererything fur nihad but gas. Cloae ia: children welcome. . i m stout or gwta ana J-omaon. Bdwy. 1609. TW6 large rooms, light and clean, aouth front. wan iirrpiacev electricity, gas. am of phone natft and laundry trays. Adults only. 141 -a. jiaq. Main 5960. 3 CONNECTING HOtSfXEEPWC ROTIWH RUNNING WATER. LIGHT AND PHONE. tlAAAEaT 3 room apt., oa east aide, newly furnished, to-adjjlu only; light. Tel., wster and elesn baen famished. Near Jefferson rogn. HIL 9407, PLEASANT furnished heated rooms 82 week np; board optional. Also -dry, warm, far- . rcBinouse, gaa range. o-tf uoyt. sawy. o. NICELY furnished housekeeDmr rooms. 813 and 316; free heat, light, gas and phone. Jail iion., wed. and i'ri. , bet. 11 and 4 P. m.. os etn at. 320 PER MO. 2 laraa H. it rooms, ground floor, private entnnee: lighn water, nhons included. 649 BeUaont St. at 14th. Phone East 9162.; FOUR large fur. rooms on first floor, use of piano, sewing machine and laundry tuba. . 831 month. Abo ether toonu. 786 York at. gaa sr. car. FOB BENT 1st prirata home, 3 room fur nished apt, prirate bath; 8 h. k. rooms. newly papereo. Ant. 014-za. THREE -eoay, clean moms, in- nice hoi 822.50. Porch, lawn. , light, bath i phone. Adults. Nice location. Call ings. Walnut 3878. SEE THESE TODAY ' ' IF TOU WANT NICELY FURNISHED H. K. ROOMS; VERY CLOSE IN, CALL fcAfl i inaa. . . TWO BOOM" suite, room anil k itehoneM. sin gle room, 310 -.and np.. Light, beat aad noner tree: wanting distance; near school, wimmi ana car. us noyt. aV-4 AN S re ry iargw modern., EL ; JC rooms. 949 14th st CLEAN ,- cheerful II. iw. room, with private entrance, lurnace neat, light, gas aad tele phone; ; no objection to small child. At- water 1298. 781 Bearney st. Bear 23d. Nil ELI furn.. JL K-. room. 82.50 a week. i One 3 rm. . apt., snitable for famllv wish children; eleetrieity. gas. batb, phone, water ra rooms; anting ciistanee. Bdwy. 7735, LARGE front room for luzht houjwvk nin. nicely furnisbebd and clean, free heat, hghts anu pnone; very yeasoiuipig., 691 Clay, "At water sow;'. ; ONE LIGHT H. K. end 2 sleeping rooms wim inrnace nest. 147 .". ! 1st at. s furnished h. k. booms.- bath. LIGHT, kTCJSt,, ADULTS ' 1 piAwjn, l. j; t-a.it. Atrr. sio-oa. Is EaTLY furnished 3 room H. K.. apt. 830; inus pnone rree; aauita. weJnut 8975, 100 E. lath rt.N. 4- ROOMS with bath, elecuie liabts. cotnbina.. tion tore, all nicely furnished, 328. Bdwy. CLEAN N, nieely furnished lower floor in pri a home, garage, 329. 1337 Detroit, aeal rate Portland blvrt. 1.ART.R 1, win . w.m. Swu... i bath, light water and phone, 274 Caruthars. main eiuw. JNii fc., light clean, IL K. rooms. 1 block irom earhoe. Fwraaca heet gas. 309 N. 2zo. JKdwy. Z9ZB. jt,v-,A ami: aitcaca tor l urnies em ployee,: everytninr turriisnadi - reasonable. 809 Dekum es. A THREE room fumaihrd flat for H, ft. in i , i , - r, C . I . n . . ... privata family. 983 E. 10th X. Wainut o23- room and kitchenette, furnaca heat; Si ""av' craiwauencae;. very reasonable. riume &aat. Pi IX. f- CLEAN, attractive H. K. suite. 1, 2 and 8 rooms; quiet noose, low rates; near U. P. yards. Infanta welcome. 1623 Rliun TWO fumi&bed housekeeping rooms, close in. 816 per month. 02 JE. Pina, Pnane Eaat 8918. 'ERY nice laraa front imiiittsaiiii, ground floor, nicely famished, lights, phong mw neat. iim. Bdwy. 1847 CLEAN light houjseaeepine and sleeping rooms. ,to) nutg iui ""-1 avvemnga. THREE nice, clean rooms fumuhed for 'it. ciose jjt 784 . Albma ; ava. Walnut J faraiahed H. K. room, everything ; www ana avoueauy aieaa. reasonable. un, noya as. fbR BEN T-N ewly ted and papered fur- ,nnaea neosaki rooms. wast cade. 260 Chapman at. g ir-AKlLX turn. H. E. rooms, newly papered and painted, light and srater free. L46 nammoii ave. mnne -atwater b4. WB,l?Sjt? . .;. -SUO8. StECTRIO FIRST ST A. " . 1 TWO TRUXJSS moved. 7bc: awwatowasiett Fireproof storage 16 daya free. Long sba- THREE ; futohed houekeeiUig rooma with garage. 604 Hoiiv at Ladf .,.io . i block wroth of 16th and KawtborneT 8 FUBX. H. K. rooms, suitable for Um2y. 444 Eart Oak.- Pbaa Bast 1X34. APARTMENTS-iTURNBHIP 307 HADDOX HALL; 11TH AND HALL . rooms, kitchenette, bath. hdw. floors, privata balconies. 336 ap. Atwater 1160. 340 3 LOVELY rooms, wall Ugh ted, pri f .f"ori liaR, hot water ' all the time. . Main 3708. OLEN COURT r Corner park and Taylor. - . Mara 194L ROOM aV. atrkjtly modern; J. cbsapxiaar- ' lag feeds : adalta. wood 816S. . :- low. .. neii- ' ADAMS -APARTMENTS - 2todergi. a m. a faxnishad. 463ef- THREE Mt4uti rrxxttaw cia. U. ." latritr i am weB Eaat fwUiafafsd. modem z mmvuVi rk.4,.. aft a V O - - v. aawwaaaw FOR RENT 820, classy 3 twxa'.KZZM apartment. 442 a, 3Itb. Mock atrntb of Bicbmond carhnc. . .. SAN MARCO. X- "TH AND COrCHt t-RM. AfU UK VAX tAlT IPtlO. CNION AVE. aad KQiingswartii, furnished at-t. 324.64; aB aomplete; concrete ' bidg. BOOM apt., private bath; adult. Mtlweakie at Sell. 1719. .2T BANNER APXi. Cicely lurn, ii rj a. 439 FOR RENT APARTlLiTS--FURNISHED 307 i : King ilbert AptSe ' S and 3 swoons, fnnUahed ear trofarniaherl. tile bath, el era tor. 11th at Montgomery. Main 0359. TILS DENNISOX. 1027 44 BELMONT : 8-room front corner, furn. apt., prirata bath and phone.' Mt. Tabor efc S. 8. -car, alas modem sleeping room, -rsnor Jo4. Leeds Apartments FVeproof sblda;.,. modern, 3, 8, and 4 nt pts. ; siagte rma. ; eierator aemce. am. eoei, The Stanfield Modern 2 room apt., llsht. heat, phone. 833: winter ate. Maim 7393. lUSD! rooms, aieaaa heat, hot and cold water. Sl end ZO. . Cdwy. XZ. .za N. 1 Tth St. - ; ' LARGE furn. aple. wan vr wiliiout garage. 315 32d st. No. 1 . - ' i. v APARTMENTS-- UNFURNISHED 30a The American ' Madam 4 east & -room arjartments. ' 21st and Johnson. 'Broadway 3380 ,F1TS--4:IJRN1SHED 309 OMri nrrilibed lower flav in pnvatar bouse. Privata unlet and batb. Pbatw, gas - and electric light B East 8Sd St., near Htarg. Phone Tabor 345T.-CaU after 6 p. m. 1CUN1SUED ilat. hot and eoii water. 308 Sacramento - st, rtear.'W imams ave. FOCH room fn rnished flat, heat and 14 Fargo at; near U hot water included. . 894 nioa. - 6 ROOM rnedern furnished Oat, 825. inei. garbage and water. 729 14 Wnhamt ava. JTSuIFWuSHED .310 $4(1 -VERY neat modem 4 room flat; baa gas and wood range and: water beater, lino leum on kitchen floor, on Beech st near Williams are. Adults only. Call 291 V Beech st Phone-Walnut 6861. 4 ' ROOM modern flat, unfurnished, in brick building, on ! highway, Multnomah station; reasonable rent Atwater aaii. 322.60 Modern & room lower flat, 64ft 2d near Kheridan ; clean,. , convenient Main 1696; -walking distance; water inclndod. 60 E. 12TH ST. N-. '5 rooms, furnaca-and fireplace, newly tinted throughout: rest 343. Fbona Msm a wj o or nowy. till. IRVINOTON 1 nice 4 rm. flat with bath. ' gaa range. Radiant beater and lurnace beat Walnut Q709. 4 ROOM flat, electricity, hot and cold water, gas, bath. Central location. $16 per mo. Mm. Shayr.l-90 E. 8th st 322.60 CLEAN 4 room upper flat; adults. 727 E.' Stark. Call evenings. 4 LARGE, clean rooms, 628. 200 McMillan . st, just across Bdwy. bridge. Tabor 6562, FIVE room lower flat on dandy corner for - business. 272 WUliams ave. luast -.sin. LARGE, modern. S room flat, 228 Alberta, ecc. Gantenoein. aear Jefferson high. HOUSES FURNISHED 311 SCENItt! LODGE COTTAGES 534 Heights terrace, fine view of moan tains gnd city, 20 minute' walk to heart of city; Hall street car on Morrison to 13th : st, 2 blocks! west Sea to appreciate; re- dqced rent for winter. . 6-ROOM houaei for" rent; Sunnyside district. 82a per month: fnmittire for sale 320O I m medial e poaseaslon. 127S E. Taylor at Tsbor 8181. FOR RENT furnished: piano included; 5 -room modem cottage aad ale ping porch. . 434 Roaa st WHEN moving, eaU East 6026. We eon- tract you Job ar 32 per boor, and fur- nan z men.; NICELY furnished clean i lower floor house, 4 rooms, bathroom. Urge porch. 1106 S. 14, near Hamilton ave. Auto. 644-6 ox 7 ROOM houaei 3 rooms unfinished, clean and modem, near Lents school, m Mt Scott district. 325' per month. Main 8541. LARGE 7 room bouse, 6 acres ground, iust outside city limits. 3 months in , advance, Sellwood 1629 after 4 o'clock. ZS mouth, -t COMPLETELY furnished u room bungalow, modem, piano, sewing machine, 835, Wal- nnt 2862. 6 ROOM modern furnished house, piano, tie- trola and garage, 350 per month. , 177 Fargo st j ' 4 ROOM house, modern. 325 a month; take Fulton car te Sweeney ave. 1295 Kelly at LOWER 4 - rooms of a modem well furuithed 6-room bungalow. Tabor 6515. . HOUES-UNFURNISHED 31 a T-RM. MODERN house on 7slOO eoraer. Willameta blvd. : rent 835 per mo. s 6- rm, modern bouse, clote in ; Alberta district; hdwj. floors, fireplac?, $40. 7- rm. hoots ia Irvington; hdw. floors; hot water beat- - ' r ' Nice lavnaj and flowers : strictly modem, 360 per bdo WE HAVE OTHERS ; . i -. If yo wgnt to rent;, or sell your bouse list it with as for quick "action., McClee & Dennis WE VAA. THE EARTH 969 UNIONS AVE., N.' WAIJaUT;; 6684 A GOOD 5 room house, 3 blocks to car, oa 69th ft S. E., for $23. A 7 room, house, close to car and achooi, near Holgate ave. Nice (home for 830. ' QUICK - SALES COMPANY, 402 Couch M da. Autn. 511-09. ' Clall after Sunday. PPRXXKXEBED WAREHOUSE cat trackaga Stom roar grjods wttn as. Let as da youi moving and parking ' ! ' CLAY 8. MORSE. INC 8470.' i - ' 4S4 GKws at Bdvrv. MOVE THE SECTJBITY WA1 Estrajrdinary Sarvlca Fori the ordinary price. ' PACKING. MOVING. STORAOB RECUBITY STORAGE TRANSFER CO., 4tb at Pine at. Opp. Multnomah botaL Telepjione Broadway 3713. FINE Irvington borne for (rent cheap at north west corner isest 12tn assa-VveKtier streets. Eight ronms, ail modern coavenieucee; now being painted and tjatad; will be just like moving into 4 new bouse. Rent 353. .Inquire st nest house worth or phone East 1120. ' 1 i FOR RENT . . Good furnished S room bungalow, gas, electric light, furnace. ! fireigca, garage; I mocg irom par, fnona xnoor . 6 ROOMS, inodern house. 5 S3. Clinton st B rooms, 4tti ts. lutn st. a rooma, 633 E. ISUt st 6 rooms, 614 Woodward ave. Main !7S06. i J PIANO MOVING 83, furniture 32.34 par heur 2 men. large - padded vans. . V.S1A vrowa Transfer Co.. East 604 T.! : CUT RATEi ON FURNITURE MOVING Fireoraaf Storaate 1 5 Days Free - LONO DISTANCE HAULING. BDWY. 3448 WHEN MOVING, city ot country, get the beat at aowert paces, ureen xraas. vo., . jsata 1261. 203H Alder st, MODERN 8 room heaue in Irvington - for rent. WUl give lease, iaaC va407 or caU at 658 Claokamas st ' YORK EXPRESS AND TRANSFER CO. Trunks, baggage, furniture moving f 1.80 and $Z per boar, rjroadwsy -joes.- , - i FOR RENT Good B room bnngakw,- 2 blocks from car. 127 Oibbs st Phone Tabor 0692. FURNITURE. MOVING '$2 PER HOUR," 3 MEN; PIANO 9Z AND 111". JUAHU1S TON TRUCK. EAST 5047. NEW modern 1 6 room bungalow. 1 block to car, gaa taflntP, iiu Aaoore at. walnut 9A9A t FOR BENT B room bouse. 1007 E. Tam- clllst. auBgyataa; mono labor 4Z3. MOVING LaJga track for furniture. $1.50 per hour, epeeisl men. Main 8659. WHEN marina aall Ta9ar 0266s we roe tract your Job, or by tba aeur. , $30 -4 room j house witb garage. 1378 E. - Glisan. Phone Tabar 1470. MOl'EfiN 6-room noaae, 43d and East Alder 836. The Lawrence Co.. 213 Cwrbett bldg. LARGE ft room hoase. 3 batlta. furnace. 63 E. Washingtpn, corner 20 th, ROOM bote ,w.ith. garage for rest. $25. Tabor 48551 ' BOM basse. ! $2$.' CaU Auto." 644-89. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE FOR SALE 313 Borne fnramra for seie. $200. CaU East risa." " SEVEN, rooms, garage. Nob HaIL clcee in. only $4oO. fzaa ram, nr. jsearaea, iiroad- " way 86S6. I $457 BOOMS, auitabla for 2 families; will tease a ae jg saoa.; lst-of mot.; fwraitara for sale; 2 igsrages. - 421 6 tlx at. , - MODERN T room boose, completely fanuaned; sajiaeie ior xwo- laminea. - a - gfttn, near Hawthorne. Tabor 4873.- - ' - STORES AND HALLS ' 314 STORE. 10x20. Wat htdo location. No. 84 Rrasenitaie rant. - Suit- 1 y La. vVasAxmctow. abje vanraa basm FOR RENT STORES AND HALLS '314 STORE BLDG. good location, en Unioa ava.; , a -uvrog rooms n, taa tc. eAI.v. ,i McQee & Dennis VTB SELL THE EARTH 969 TJtdoB Ava. N. , - Wainut 8684 STORES antb full basement- afficea aad lodaa . bails, ia new Bed Men's building, just com plated, comer E. 6th and Hawtborna ave. J Apply to L. H. Harrrlg. East 7103. FOR DESIRABLE apace ia fireproof ware- phoae- Bdwy. 3715. I OFFICES ESJC ROOM 318 PRIVATE office. 2d ilocr Artaaans bldg.. next . Beaaon bote). Bsoadway aaka.- Fine for saaawfertnrer's agent. $16. Telephone Broad- way ozbw. - DESK BOOM, witb telephone and staasograpbss Anoae tuny. ns. -.U WANTED TO RENT HOUSES 361 WANTEDFamashad boosa by two people; i.'. witA .gang, pa east aide, s or a Waltrat 7876. ' REAL ESTATE FOR SALE LOTS 403 BOSK CITY E. 67th sL. face K.'l 40x107; ' everything in; 6750.- ( . . ALAMEDA Beautiful corner lot $1240: - SSrlOO. - j IRVIXGTON E, 20tb near Urssee. , among the finest . boaies beautiful trees; 75x100; $3500. i T : i ROS8ME&E . 41st aear Braaeaw- Spg : 100... E. fac. lot; $1385. i WESTMORELAND, . 18th gt; fad. .- E. 80x100. 3Si0. . i ALBINA -Close ta Bianden. near Al bins, forest tram, 60(140, everything in; 8700. ; ' .. ' , Coe A, McKenna & Co. Establisbed 1$$. - - . I 208 Artisans blag. Bdwy. T823. .$13 DOWN $15 MONTH PARK ROSE' 1 $1520. AU cleared, but few shade treed; . rich garden land; jio rock cr gravel. Your crop should more than make your pay ments. Low county tax : no building re-. ' strictisaa, Total monthly payment, $16 per mo. Parkrroae Branch Offiee, open every day.- Take Boas City Park-Para-roaa oar, ga tor end - of ' car line. Tabcg 3904. - . . h j r. tt a rj-n. i v ivirei w ". . $ Chamber of Comblt1g. ''" , Broadwair 6034. Irvington Sacrifsce - i -i 100x100 comer, worth $4O00t located at .V. K. corner of 24th and SiaUroa.; a dsndy home site or apartment house aits; any raai sonable cash efter t will take this property Owner forced te - sell. Phone your offers s oace. Bdwy. T522. - SEBV1CE. , RELIABILITY. Coe A. McKenna & Co ' 208 Artier' bid.' Bdwy.. at Oak Ladd's Addition 2ND. MORTGAGE TO BUILDERS NICE LOTS FORS1000 Only a few, mere at this price. All Ira provements paid. ; Save Carfare 16e a day. means 858 a year. 25 mfamtes walk, means many times that amonnt tie yen fat health. A very eboica residential dis trict - Investigate .before baying - elsewhere. Sea Mr. Delahuaty, Ladd Estate Co.. 244 Stark st Bdwy. 5754; evenings Eart. 84Z, STOP PAYING RENT If you have-ambition to get ahead, why don't you go oat to WTLSHIRE add bay a lot Look around "and see what othirs are doing in tibia close-in restricted, resi dential district Lota are 60x106 to 8Ax 114 ft Prised from- 8390 to 353. Terms. 83.00 dawa and 82.00 per wees; - Water, araav electricity and, -telephone . oa the -tract Either Broadway er .Beaumont car 'sen-ice.. Call at Branch Office, 83d and Bryco are. Auto. 829-31. J... L. HARTMAN COMPANT. .' " -8890- A - LARGH LOT 75x112 FT. All ciear and level, oa 8 Tth st . la WIL8HIB0L Terms, $8.00 DOWN, $20 vra .s7firtr nwhwliM IniMMt at A tier cent Thie 'is a . propositioa you cannofH afford a overlook. Stop- pa Ting reat aad start a bom. Call at Branch Office, 334 and Bryee ave. Auto. 329-81. 3. U HABTMAN - COMBANT " ALL UNDER CULTIVATION : Splendid 50x120, all ready to pat iritd garden, on a macadam street, splendid son. Price $400. $50 cash, -$10 per moaUU Sea Dwyer witb -; . 'Mf ."wav-T T81 Cham. f Com. ROSE CITY DISTRICT . . 4 ACRE TRACTS $430 310 DOWN SIS MONTHLY Level 14; go tracts, frontisg oa E. Tltt st only 3 blocks north of sandy Diva J graded And graveled street, and : Bull Bun water in front ear earn trser, HKNlr.KSON-BANKi;S CO.. -228 Henry bldg. Bdwy. 4754; LOT $10 DOWN NEAR KILMNGSWORTH AND ; PATTON AVE Xvel Wt with' t sewer, walks, cirrbai, '. traded street,, waiter, gaa and elect ricits ad paid; close to school;" only tSOO on .te,rms of gio sown aad I monriuy, . , nKvniR.lO'f.lllN'KllR CO . ! i 328 Henry bldg BdwydYe) . ALAMEDA PARK 650v BELOW THE HTM f Xarrel 60x100 lots oa E. 23d st, east or west front; 319 feet north of Begenta drive; many of aesa lots nava ttr trees. aerms eat nowa ana us per amis ) HENDERSO-N-BANKUS CO.. 238 Henry bldg. . Bdwy. 4784 BUIl-DERS . : HOUSES COMPLETED PROMPTLY . Our oonstraction and workmenahipv to gather with liberal financial assistance will Please You. fcVildW bonus sccepted. i f j REIMERS & JOLIVETTE, Sellwood 2964 i HOMED ALE "LOTS $680 BROADWAY CAB Laval lots on E,, 26th and" E. 121 st Just north of Fremont Level inside lots $600 and n. on easy terms. - - i -; HENDERSON-BANK.US CO., i newry piagJ - pqwy. eiov, f HOME BLTH. CONTRACTOR J Bee this deatrabla let on AiMna. aomrf Dekum. Wilt salt lem than valise or. belli builder finance home. W. M. CmbdeartocA as V.Q., is iff. ,,regon oiag. iMiwy. mag, i 4iS00. HAL- CASH. bat. . terms. 7 lots in Oak park, 4 mile from paper mills i beat V soil, Wvel, ia onltivation, berriea, 13 5beav ' tog fruit trees; buildings old. raone 463. U r. Ueiey, Camas. Wash. LAURELHURST CORNER f STxlOO, 3 hiocks to 3 cartiDee, AH Imp, in and paid. Will let go for $1000 , casbi kat 8936. LET tag show you lino lot ia Piedrnont, $1050, - WiH helD to finance at boose. J. R. JHAIGHT FOR i REAL B8TA' ITE. ' Bdwy. 2045. ? s- 863 Ankdny. FOR SALE TOtb-gndT'adific, 86x11ft, ctni j- met tot for half prieA ts settle eaUte imf mediately. Call Walnut 2902. - i 130x300 APARTMENT site, good resting district, west aide, ejma in. cash. Inquire 684 Market st . TWO - LOTS,' eomar 37th' and Fremont, IT00;-'a wsprovemissts paid. , Bdwyi T521. Aat, $13-14. - . - f . I $0x100, LOT bniwa st. between 29 th and 80th. Easy terms. SeUwaodr 1188 -Ownesy- 413 Pivsrioa sc -i $0x104 ia Piedmoct. oa the pavement $1050 and up. Owner will sell or build to suit; Tsbog 793.' Will T. Taylor. i BOSB CITY lot on 48th. 10O ft STSaady Eatt faemtf. $1400. Tabor 4441. - t $740 LOT ON East 61st st witJh Jul imr psuseuiewta fay fEmptro 2140. ' -i I COH-NER lot with fair house, near Kreadway bridge. 33644J Owner. East 6799. j ENION ave. business Jot. east Jront, . $166oi Owner. East 4799. ' HOUSES 404 OB SALE On east aid, room gander Most, kh 4. rnoe iiruB. .lotjuir UN OM1 W4. 4 B.OOU plastered boose, H aero of ground izov twwa. - esani eoie. FURNISHED Irringtow borne, 36000. , R. J, . meijairw, sis ctmoh. sun, - .; 4ROOM bouse. JOOilOO foot lot" with' 2 4 fjie fruit trees, 3300 down. Main 8 41 Si ROOM bocwv close to car. Call 1176 Delaware ave. - COWPLETELI furnished ' - $250 down. Main 4IS. - 1'nce reduced, room cottage, BOOM house. 'Wiib baiA aad tunes, iaxge lot. $1250. - ifaia 8614. -: . r , , REAL ESTATE FOTl SALE HOUSC5 404 : STOP EXISTING START, LIVING 1 . ; FRANK L. MeGrTRB 5 ' .-::- --, Ta Bay Tenr Hons -i ", . - AMERICA'S LARGEST HOME SELf.ER v 2000 Pbotogcapha of Homea for- .Beaa, . ETERT HOME - PERSONALLY . i IS - orrXTTKi and appeatsed, - Every dattaet in the city. Homea at every - price. Every typed Regardleaa of what year - ; ao.mremeate may be. we are pnaacnd to . astusiy IgSBBBV- -1 , ,; . . .1 KmsJc-ma -"!k "TT " Opea Evenings until ;06 s ,! 90 Salesmen with antra. , ' . , Telepluma Bdwy. T1T1. WEST nip T,rvi.HraT - .v ', $4190 $300 down. $23 per month and Aauran, auracuvg - a . room un- . t calow type borne; rooms are very f cheerful and bomebke. Pretty tav-ing- room, witb fireplace; dining room with bmlb-Uk bulfei; 3 bght, . airy bedroom ; garage; full lot; liens era included ia -price. Ore- ai:a Btrerv . SACRIFICE: TO CLOSE ESTATE Birrrst Snan ia -Atlievaal $$750 EASY TERMS I This- splendid boms oargaia is an gbaoiute sacnrice. lnujjt! trtttjag a large, very mod - ern t room, attraetiv home, oa 109x100. with -fruit in abundance, on paved street etc.. at this crice. YOU'LL KNOW IT WHEN YOU MKaJ IT I Jarrett st. $500 imiw.vi nose: rirv vi . $8590- $500 down DANDY, bungalow in i.osa city, has & big, airy roomi; lots of builtine. ONE 4rF THrS BIGGEST BARGAINS IN OCR OrTICE! SICK IT NOW. NEW RlGAI.fttV KAtHIk-tlP. $2975 VERY EASY TERMS! This alto- awtner adorable new bengal ow ia a . real haMM . ,1.1. nr. - a ivory and tapestry;, aU sorts of buiit-rns; MUST BB BOLD AT u.Ml WiU-taka lot as part pay roent. 56th , ava. $400 DOWN! -HARDWOOD VI-OOP . $2850 $409 down! Has that homelike at- m wsoapaera .that as missing ia , many mora exneastva homes I eharming enr.y - 6 room modern bungalow with HARDWOOD , FLOORS THROUGHOUT! ITetty Hving room,! dining room with buf . fetl Duteh 'kitehjKttsflth amkfMl aook ; 2 bedrooens and whit enamel batb; electricity, gas, fall cement basement SEE THIS BEFORE IT t,iN HOth , . . . PORTSMOUTH AVE BNAP,? 'i' $20 cab. rest like rent- IJ899 $250 downt Newl Vaoantl Move rnto this today! And start paying ' rent to yourself! Owner must raise money at oace,-Jost take an apart " .ment; 4 Tooana; J bedrooms; built- , , . ius; nreptaoe: oM Ivory fini-ih; , . near big industrial ptanrg. EASY . x cam U.I JlAVpAJiCE. ' FRANK U McGUIBB To Buy Your Home 1 . i Realtor. Abingten bldg. . Bdwy. T171. 3d st. bet Wash, and Stark. THERE IS AN orjssning on . our sales fore t or g mice nsn wttn car. $256 DOWN ; -ROSE CITY PARK ADDITION ' $45 MONTH. rNC lNTirmrjT ? ' STRAIGHT CONTRACT NO MORTGAGE : - Corner VH, 60x109 ft, pavement arwer o ana rssm, o room tmngalow, hving room and dining room have trailtin features, fire place, hardwood floors m both liTinst mosw t and dining room; Dutch - kitchen, cement basement and furnace, a large attic floored, - a splendid buy at $8260. CaH at oar Rosa t.ny x-arw uranctt Otlace, 45th gad Sandy i in, u. aaie. eis-iv. . -r 2. L. HABTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Commerce Bug. ' ' Broadway 6034. V " Rose City Bargain An nausuar opporbunity: 6-room bunga low witb hardwood floors, fireplace, furnaca. ran - cement base meat garage, convenient iruicn sitcnen with brrakfaat boos. Old wory and white finish.. Terms, , A. G Teepe CoA Roaa City Ofe.-400i and Sandr. ' Tab. 9584. IaareTburst Ofc. 9tb. at Olisian. Tab-. 8483. $4500 PENINSULA $4500 Beautiful 4 room bungalow, living and dining room combined. 2 bedrooms, Dutch kitchen, extra larire breakfast nook, built .buffet, fireplace, bookcase, hardwood floors, laundry trays, full cement, basement, on a lovely 501.00 foot sot, oa carlina, imp. ia aad paid; $1000 down, balance $30 per inontti and interest . H- W. OSflOBNH CO., REALTORS. . . 433 Chamber ot. Commerce Bldg. ' Open Pnnday and Evenings.: Bdwy. 2441. CLOSE !r .- ' "" MOVE- BIGHT Iff ' Sunnyaide. 5 rooms, $2700; $400 rash. Ererrbodv Mkea MttHt-i uie one. Harris, Co. 816 Chamber of Comfberca Bldg. . grosqvtr oooe. WAVERIIGH-RICHMONE DISTRICT , fiOvely $ room famished cottage, on beau tiful 43170 lot; has considerable amount of fruit. $ blocks to car. $1600 fuB price; $1000 down, balance $$0 per month , at 4 per oent rf - ' . ' f - H. W. OSBORNE CO., REALTORS. - 432 Chamber pf Commerce Bldg. , Open Sunday and Evenings- - .Bdwy. 2641, BY OWNER i Piedmont bungalow, first class K rwnsaa fn ivory finish.' hardwood, floors throaahsot tils iwbot is issta iikns, oeauutpi iigat tlx lures. muinns, pig stuc. iuu cement Basement furnace, laundry trays and ' garage.. Pries $7500. 1178 Rodney avenue. Paoae War mt 1SI1. - $1660 PENINSULA ,315S6 : 2 room cottage, with JJotcb kitchen, on baaotifnl 60x100 lot, oa, car lias and pavement. $260 down, balance $1$ per ma, and 6 per cent interest. This a real buy. H. W. OSBORNE CO.. REALTORS, T . 483 Chamber of Comaieras Bldg. Open Snnday end Kvenmea. Bdwy. 3441. STOP, ." STOPt . Take aoraee. Don't cheat yourself. 1 1 tba pieasure of saying it's new .worth $3000 to you t If not aea this beam i- and save yoor anonay. Tba aam boose new would eoet $4800. This one la firat-elsm condition, only, 82850. 6,, rooms, large -. sleeping porch, basement, paved at, good district. - By owner. Mast sell, leaving in. i gpoaaao ave. , lsnor 4gB8. 4 ' -I FURNISHED $2400 $160 DOWN ' 1 4-room cottage, furmabed. 75xlOO ft Prk-e $1400. with down payment of , vuir eiow. anap. ' MKRHICK 4 CO., REALTORS. ' 304 Panama bidg. ,' .Bdwy. 6942. SELDOM AN OPPORTUNITY1 ,LlJaE THll r; : 127x800. at 91st and Oregon, Z blocks from car line; water, gaa. eiectncslty. Sae safira prioe $10OO;$109 dowav- W. M. r (Jrabderiatoeb Ca., 310 Oregon gedg. Broadway 1658. i Only;J2G00'. .! S room asod. eotisge; bath gad pantry; ame Qoor baa garage; street ha. all .la and paid; 8800 down, balance $15 pax meaUi. inclnding interest . Eaat 893$. - i Look at This One ,fi' Brand mm 4 room bungalow, strictly mad-' era in every way; Jot 66x100, ta blocks from trig best oar eerrtee in Portland. .Coma oat am) look this over. Walnut 5684. ' , , BY OW4.il ' 100x100 eoraer. $ rm. booaa. usmdrw rrava. gas. electricity, frmt paved street; a aargain. Pneo $8750. Walnut 4230 COLUMBIA PARK ' . .$40 eVieu,' 6 mama,' . large lot. only one btock to- ear, a boy -ef Value, only $3260. , - HILTON DANIEL CO., Broadway T800.t . ; 270 Stark. hW 6-room buug Pena. diat. just beyond auto camp ground; modem; a good bay at $4500; scnal! cask dowm payment. Tabor 4892.-' .-- -ir- :--:!:-. .. 1-. - COSY- S room, awttage, - with , batb, full lot'' ait. au aat . improvements m and paid, - leav ing town,-mast eell at onca. $1454. $200 17. jlowrnaL - LOT AS PART PAYMENT 4-room modem boose,, furnace; $3300; ZOZ railing bldg. ' f NEW modem 4 room California type, banga- aow. ccenpiewiy tarnisnea. i aerea at grwrmd. $400 down. J Main $615. ' NOTU Tiil3: 5-ruKim bungalow, fin. eoaUi- ttoo. siaigatB. 33250 233 E. $9tb st REAL ESTATE- FO SAIJS HOUSES PABKHCRST' REALTORS 1374 H E. GUaaa. Tabor 8490. . - Almost we' modem 6 rama kera, large tot 4 fruit treoa, sadewmik l and . eawer paid; bargain at $2160; tmo terms; io- Income Property : -?:.f .'t . Two . blocks. . ' 10 rooms. - $1000 ' will bsnole. faagsnco ag reat Don , gust this. Bargain at $3854; modem 4-room bun galow; 8604 down: - imprevemeats - in; 1 blue from car. Lat Everett at, j ;. ; If or Exchange: I- Modern 6-room Ivsnse. Mount Scott. ; fot !-6' Ii loom outside the city; - near ! 834 , aad Multnomah. What have yon.? . - IE yW was 'A cheap M ta Boas City Park.- aall wa. u, ... , , , . v- -. ; vi e nava apnse goon nowars, . apartments aad stares for rent. i :"'VS4C0 Cashy:"''-''.' - i;iyniversitPark ' Wonderful S-roora new modem bungalow. I hardwood l floors, . old ivory finish, ' tapestry paper, fireplaca, cedar . cloth aa closets, sll I bailt-iaa; 4 eemeat. . bear mem t, laundry : 'trays, he eleetne fixtnrea, ate. This borne j W complete in every datailf built with the ( bast of material and exceptionally well fia t tsbed, 2 blocks to cartine; total price $4350. i small down payment, balance bke rent , bEBVICK .-- RELIABILITY -aij,'; COE A. MbKENNA ek 4A..-r.5. J .-. f " - ,. . xabnabed 1889 ' ' V. t 808. Artttana bidg. Broadway at Oak Laurelhurst I New 5 Room Bun i:;l:t;:-pja6350 - ; , ' Have tba interior of this AUractiva boms i finUbed as you want it . Pnea iacludei 1 tapestry paper, light fixtures, shades, hard- l wood floors, fireplaca. faraaos,-hufret, book- ; casta, plate glass windows.v tiled sink; ia F fact every thing that makes home com- t pietavi Terms, too. -. M a.Teepe:C6a"-. .: TAurelhurst OIc 89th A. GltetB. Tab. $483. Rosa Cityi Ofo. 40th and Handy. Tab. 0886-. Idd'sdditibn 1 $i5i50' 'Ciish "V;fy,H' A' new: 6-reom dandy tmagajoar. modern In every respect an pared street, --100 feet from center flower garden, hardwood floors, fireplaca. old ivory finish, tapestry iieper, breakfast nook. 2 Urge bedrooms,' full ce ment basemen U toandry trays, etc. Can yoa imagine 'this beautiful home :1a tins beaatiful improved district.: close to ear line at $387$, small down payment balance 25 a month, phone Broadway 7622. . SERVICE . KELiABILlTY . . ; t . COE A. McEENNA 4j CO, - EaUblaahad 188 -. '-' ' 208 Artiaami bldg. Broadway, at Oak I- BARGAIN - SUBURBAN HOME - t . 82000 - ' . 3 blks. east Milwaokie city UmltA $ fall lot,. 300 lu frontage on road. 68 assorted bearing frnit trees,' 8 yearn old; 6 kinds berriea, 2 - krnda grapes. 4 room plastered house. Baft Bun water and gaa, - Barn lSx 24; OWNEB NEEDS MONEY, This place is BONA FIDE BARGAIN t $2000. Must have $1600 cash. bai. 1. Bay this for a HOME OK INVESTMENT. You'll make money either way.- BE CONVINCED. : Let as show yon. - Broadway 766T, I CITY HOMES DEPT., JRITTER; IOWB- . CO.. REALTORS - 201-2-8 7 Board" of Tmde brag. - Beautiful Portlaijd . Heights Home ' 10 T., hardwood floors tbroaghont, 2 fire places, hot atr fumtco, nice large rooms; could ba made into an apartment; cannot be duplicated in Portland at $9200. : ! R. B. Petrusich ..- . ) :; a Waan-V. IA:-.ifcx -:. : " f Km. At,v 816-37. Bdwy.. 6880. Can We ieip You? We build homea that please tba owners. AO materials and - workmanship guaranteed first claaa, - Aaslstanea ta Xmaaciag gusd terma that will please you.- . morgan Sl Co.' 37 Chamber of Commerce Bldg.- ' llffie. Phanat' Brnadwav 6706. Beiddence Phone Evenings: Wslnnt 8813. ' . , BORB PITI PARK DISTRICT'. , FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED.,' . - - T rooms. 60x100 lot,, garage; living room, dining room,-kitchen, 1 bedroom gnd bath downstairs,; 8 light slry bedrooms upstairs. This home is scrupuloualy clean and well fumtahedTU Price, $3600. $50O cash, on furuiahed; 34090 foraished. Terma aasy. Johnson-Dodson Co. v 6$$ N-WJ Bsnk bldg. Main 873T BARGAIN . BEDROOMS $4460- EASY TERMS A fine bom. sacrifice, for a ouick sale oa Tillamook et, aear new hlgat school; large bring reom. fireplace, den,, full .ce ment oaaeaienw iuttssc sun garage, au ia proremerrta in and paid. . ... , - -..-S.B. flOMERVILLK. -: MAIN S7l. -1910 Northwestern Bank bldg. HOSK CITY- BUNGAIrW ' GOOD- BirY AT $4750 " OWNER SAYS GET ' OFFER 6 rooms, furnsos, ' oak flisora, fun base rat, aa torsi finish, paved street, S blocks to car; terms. It will ba wall worth your time to see tnta. J. R HAIGHT FOR REAL ESTATE 853 Ankeny near Broadway. Bdwy. 3448 WALKING DISTANCE JEFFERSON , ' is... " .-i HIGH : . '., , ',: 6 room modern home. 60x100 lot. Trait, flowers and shrubbery; -garage; bouse newly . painted ontatde. new calcimine aad bght fix tares- inside, fall cement basement:, furnace an exceptional buy at $8ss; terms to be .arrtngaa, - John sbhDodson Co. M$ N-W, Bank bldg. - ' Main $78t Laurelhurst Big SnapS69S(t) ' Bv owner, woaderful new 7 -room bnagg, "low, eery modem, cheerful Being room, oak noon, tug Data ana a newer: mesaiast nana. Is re. lot. garage; Meal location. - 1031 atuluwrmah at. 1 black from 68d and ftswxly. Housa opea from 2- te -4 p. ga. daily, or call Tsoor iiisa, T ' IkENILWOBTll LlSTRiCT' " -7S wiufw si, usurras. 11 f rm. sad ' din. am. : cemb., .Dutch kit,- bath and toilet, 1L W. Boors, laundry trays, oa 60x104, screened in back porch;' place- ia gooa eoesuuon; ggtoo, $l0 down, Pai. easy Ii 1 ius. : 4 H. W. OSBOBNE CO REALTORS.? i Open Son. and Evas. Bdwy. 264 L ' ! 43Z Cham, or tom. pklg. , 1 I , ' ROSE CITY --- - BOOM BUNGALOW" ' ' 1 Would , yoa be mtareated- in one of ' the r pest built bungalowa in. Bos -City t If so. 4 art ma -show you one that was ballt' by day Ubor sad will abow btUa. few mom thaa amount I ak ' tor fcotave. , H interete4 ta mi Tdandy bungalow eaB Awtosaatat 384-97. Owner. -!-. . 1-......'.:,,...-:,. ; ' $2435 NEW BtisNGALOVV $2425 .; I 4 reossa, Dntcb kitehea. French doors, "'i large -raeaasf oa macadam street; -all mod am eogveaicsseea; so 40x196. $25 monthly. JohnsonDodson Co. ' 688 N-W. Bank bldg. ' ' - "" - Main 3T8T .? Tl YOUR DREAM COME TRUE t wbon you see the charming, new, extra wen built 6 room bungalow at 1314 E. 8OU1 at t. - If tow wapt a Teal home at tba right ;: price withtrat eemmMoa, be sure to see this - at oooe. Weald .take good lot for part. 'Owner and builder. East 6799. . T : NEW AND COZY . r Only 8400 down. 4 rooma- ami slbrpiag poreb, modem sued a real -nhse, cloae to rranxlm high sobooi. Only $3800. ' BlhTON PaJIffli. CO, Broadway 7S0O. ;- - ... ' 270 Stark. KB, INVESTOR: . Hem s your optMctaaily. 5 room eotuge, E. 84th at,. 3 bl-ks to - ear, park and ttoros. Owner leaving city, .xcust sett. A $3900 bom for $2000, gaab or KTflM, 1VS9 SXlRKm. ; 1 83600 EASY TERMS ..... Z . '" 3104 will bandie 5-teom bouse. -1 'ana ehickea tinmaaa- 1 klnrks la Wahna W!laeada. ear: KMT 7St awjs. atf ."1 bava good ref erexscea. - Owner at 663 . E. """ Morrison. ' ' ' '"'".'' .;' ' ' - ' $6950 IRVINGTON bungaluw, $1000 caab , to band. a. . Dasirablg 1 couaidered. . Eaat 4 1 MODERN bungalow in Roaa City Pub, $1500 dewiii Msm 6615. 5 ii'"'-vJ buMe, sunnyf-wa, extra good buy; $2900. Broadway 74i; Broadway 4794. KEAL ESTATE FC SAIE .HCUS 0 , Laurelhurst . Ultra Modern , ' . 6 Rooms and' Den : i y It yrra've ranked this town over from end I V and. tt yam knew vainea, then ynu're the i! person we want to inspect this snper-ettrsct--; tta bangs! ow. Words fsH to daaenne its ; beaaty; best of all, if yoa know cooatnie ton, yoa win ba mom than pleased. Heot -j oak floors throughout, solid brass hardware, i plate glass wmdows, beauuful taietry psi-r. . garage. Ideally located near park. : The ; pnee$S500 unusually low for such a !': dualitr bom. Investigate. , - !i?:.A,"Q.' Teepe Co.'"-':. ' . Rosa City Ore. 40th and Sandy. Tab. 958. . Laurelhamt Ofc. 89th A Glides. Tab. 84 t. Rose City .IV:' 7 If yoa. ooold buy one of the finest --room bungalows for $1000 cash, would yoa be interested t Well, here it is and believe ; ws It ta a dandy; hardwood floors, old ivory finish, large attic, fumaee, fireplace, brvak " faat Book, paved street full cement baae ' niettt, fine corner lot, 60x100; sll built -. ins, ate, A real snap at the price; good ,: term. Pnoaa Broadway T522. : SERVICE r RELIABILTTT - i ' i .Cot A. McKENNA CO, ij t , Established 1889 ; 50H Artisana bldg. Broadway st Oak r ' " $4(MM $750 CASH :::'.y.-Ji.W. - SBW BUNGALOWS " ' 1 Builder losing money, be built these too :i freed. $ targe beaatiful homes. Living room across entire front PLATE GLASS WIN--: .DOWS. old - ivary fiuisb, gll built-in .BREAKFAST BOOM, aftia. full cement , base re an t FURNACE. 60x100 tot. G A RACK, ; PAVED ST. and SEWER. 4 bike, Mt Ta :! bar-or Monbavilla car. See these while you ' -bava the, opportanity. Broadway 7667. l ag .; ...Your Bonus Ian. Vi ii CITY HOMES DEPT., . ' , L BiTTER. IX1VVR ek CO., REALTORS U .'.! 201-2,8 6-7 Board of Trade bMg. 1 5 ' 1 4 $3800 lICll ROSE-CrTY PARK DISTRI S s ,f . J t Hi rwv to iimnv in vn I 8 room 8 story bouse, oa .corner of 47th and Hsnoockv -, This is a first clam location, tba lot alone is worth half the price ft am asking for the place, aad the house is ia very good condition, but with a little ex pense it could be made lint clam. If you are looking for a good bay la a naed house, you should see this plaoe. Call at pur Rosa CUy Park Branch Office. 4 5UJ aut! Sandy bird. Aat 326-10. i J. U HABTMAN COMPANY, 1 Portland Heights jfilOOO CASH BOOMS $7000 . ,:.. This is a beaatiful home, English colonial' .; type. ; hard wood floors, natural finish, fire-. place, alls built-ina. full cement basement. ; furnace. S hits bedrooms, H block Is ctr f line, on hard surf seed street; very easy terms can, be arranged phone-s Broadway 0- SERVICB RELIABHJTT w ,COK A. McKENNA 4 CO. ' Establuned 1889 208 Artisans bldg. Broadway st Oak : I-- !''.! $5000 ' . ., , 4; 1 ACRE TRACT. ALL IMPROVED - 'JUST 2. BLOCKS TO ROSE CITY CAR ' 4 room bungalow type house, good baas- ment, a largo combination chicken boue. - also smaller bouse and sards. 83 or 40 fruit , trees, lots and lots of grapes and berriea, all ; , kinds of garden room. This kt a splendid . little suburban home, may be had on terma. i VCall at our. Rose City Park Branch Office, 45th and Bandy blvd. ' Ante. 324-10. J. U HAKTMAN COMPANY. - i! '!-,:--: "t-'-- - - ::VrM---i: NEAR ALAMEDA PARK ' . NEW 4 ROOM BUNGALOW $8500! $500 CASH ' Real double constructed bungalow.' with ' Irving and dining' room, 1- bedroom - and Imtrh kitchen: baa oak floors, tirelaoe, tile . bath, built-in recess tub, tiled draaiboard in kitchen, ce mailt basement. 50x100 Jot See ': it today: , ; ;!' R. L. i McflREW, Realtor ' 108 Hawthorne ava. Taner 8892. $S$ SAVE $$$$ .ROSE CITY $4000 . '' j ' - 6 room bangajow' on paving aear sat.: below hill; attic. - Dutch : kitchen', full - ce ment basement, .natural finkh. biult-lns. eaa floors, .fireplaca; other modern eonreni ienres, Thig is 6 buy gt this pries; owner needs money in badness. $1000 essh. ; J. B HAIGHT FOR REAL ESTATE $63 Ankeny near Broadway. Rdwy 5048,' , - "BENT SAVERS" MontaviBa, 4 -rooms. In good roadiUon. ewer and sidewalks in and paid, $900. If furnished, $1000; easy terms. , Mt Heott, 4 rooms, good repair, earner lot, 50x110 ft. $1000: $254 down . 1 Montaviisa. -S room aback, lotAOxllO ft 850O; away terms. T R. M. OATEWOOD A CO., 165 H 4tr , $$350 PENINSULA $3350 , $ ran., bung, type, on ratline and psv.,, "nr. : rm., din.- rm., 1 bed ma and Imtch : kit.,' downstairs, 2 bedrma. upataira. Some choice fmit na lot. - Garage. 60x104 lot. . ffvmer leaving town. Tba U a reel sacri fice price; 81000 down, eaav terma on bal. H. W. OSBORNE CO., REALTORS. I . ag t-iigra, of Vont. PKIg. . I " Open Bun, and Eves. Bdwy. 2841 New. Rose City Colonial - - $4760 TERMS $750 DOWN ! A complete bnngalow built by day for heme, nothing left oat: screens, t hades, in ' laid bnoieian. and it's tba very best; g real bargain, -direct from owner; garage. .,' 783, E. 65U at N.. Hi blocks nergh R C. car. 1 .-. . - . . . t . 33160 J-e FOR TODAf ONLY" . 1 1 -story, modern- 4-reora - home, full , basement . fireplace; (elose to schoot,- esr a and library; $500 cash, 8S5 toonthJy in exuding Interest atS per cent. ... Johnson-Dodson Co. 6SS N W. Bank bldg. - Main 878T V Z VAOANT-e-MOVE RIGHT IN $180 Dandy 6-room modern cottage. Good, district Paving, sewer.- etc., all paid. Garage. 1 block to car. $776 cash. bsL y, A sure enough snap. MERRICK sk CO. REALTORS. 804 Ha name bldg. Bdwy. 4942. -''' ADJOINING ALAMEDA PARK :-::.,.. gaiaur.AMY -.terms-New. eery pretty bungalow with nice, v living room. 3 airy badro.ams, a -wonder "of g, Dutch kitchen witb tile ' drainboarda and eory nook; cemeat beae - caent, trays ; yoaH want this; easy terms, B. rlOMEHVIM.K. MAIN 8761. ' il800 NEAT. MObERji BUNGAl"OV'T 4 rooms. , well errs need, toilet and gaaj full basement, 60x100 lot; soma fruit, good : lawn; $1800. $250 down, $25 monthly. JohnsonDodson Co. 638 N-W.. Bank bldg. , Main 87fi7 ' 'i -T "ALBERTA HOME" ' "8 room modern kimse, large gttie, 100r . 1 00 f t. ' fruit, berriea. flowers, near ear. ' K. 24th st N. $4850. $750 down, bal .'.easy. -t -, '-,.. . '1' M- gATEWOOD At CO., 168 H 4h gtj $23005 room bungalow near 60th and M-r vision st; paved and paid; lots of built-ma Including breakfast nook,' Imtch kitchen, . buffet, eta.; 8 or 14 bearing, fruit trees 8 4 OO cash. Tabor 2984. t4C- ": FOR 8ALE-7 4 - lots. 60(100 ese small 4 mmm luuiu n, I, .T1 ImimA 't 1 thorns ear. 8113 64th St. iJ. E, $1400; terms, or cash bsntsla. ' ' LET ma give yoa my figures aa your new . benee you're going to buikL I will sslv. yon money aad help finance. Have - thirty booses ander war this year; first elsas work. . H. Harris. 1016 Brooklyn. Bell 2859. $4200 HAWTHORNE SMALL ItOUTJ Iovely 6 rmi. and finished attic, beautiful baf f et, hdw. floors, fireplace, eament baee snettt. 3 blocks south of H. A., near 424. Can itne bonus.. Tabor 216. $4260 LEAVING city, sell at cost modern . 4-rm, ttowes, attic, full cement bssement and '- garage; : Waverly Heights: 1 ' blk. to car: IP- min.. to town. Owner. Sellwood 3HH0. I HAVE 4 modem bouses, small mortgageT tared of paying interest to money sharks; real bargains to bomeseeken. prices range $1600 to $8500. Main 1901. - - SMALL 7 room hense. 2 lots, near school. tieju; giow oown. s-e per monta and Interest.-7 peg cent ... Owner, poena Aum. 412-20. '.' -. . OR SALE-4-My ii6o euuity 1. 4 room bout; for 8125, balance 615 per month, includ- cseo eza ava, ev. r.. AvBS you eresyt Pay rent when yoa can buy good g-rooar moaem oeuse, ft ten er good ground. $180 cash, balance $1$ per month. Phone Aato 612-29. FOR SALE Attractive home, splendid aocav- tlotl ; v livuu win nanri te. eentnee una rent. If tirterestea pnone owner, isoer BHilT. VTsvirs Lrfinnr ' atarter. rims. cim,,. t a 7 in March; good tires; $415. Young, AiiJiy bldg. barber ahop. - $ BOOM modern house, oa macaxiamiaed areet. 3 blks. car. & good scnoois, dux 1 MO. f 11 00. Ouick sale ; terrnn. " Owner, Aut. 632-31. NEW atrirctiy modern t room btu .aiuw, with garsge, soQ'J oowvi. Slain tin. tVonunue4 on Faawwinfl f v