,1 THE OREGON . SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, f OCTOBER 15, 3-922. 5 FOR RENT ROOMS .AND BOARD , PRIVATE FAMILY 303 "8SvB THESE TODAY i GOOD BOOM AND BEST OP BOARD IN NICE HOME. CHEAP; CLOSE IN. MAIN 1T7. - SICE LABGEHOXT ROOM. BREAKFAST AND DINNER IF DESIRED; CLOSE Vi. CHEAP. CALL MAIN 7030. "HAVE GOOD HOME FOR OIRT, TO 8 YEARS OLD. $5 PER WEEK. SELL. 1537. THOSE baring :oomi in vicinity of E 20lh and Knott may liave breakfast and dinner; . excellent .1 cooaed nieaU at reasonable . rates. Km 9359. CiHUKKN to uuur.i, beantitful country hem, near school, close in, $14 monthly. For particulars write Peaceful Acres Farm, route 1. bos 134-A. . Hillsboro. LARGE rwm. suitable for two, homo privi leges, Co other boarders, 450 E. tjtii at. N. l'i. .r.e East 8 H j . J.AKCE. l;slit rnr-m. witH hoard: rates reason- ; aoie; ea.-y aistance. .01 t. First -I V East -: s WOULD I.IKF. A LITTLE GIRL, BETWEEN THE AGES OF 4 AN11 6 TO ROOM AND BOARD; AUTO. 026-56. ROOM and b-oard for business girls; modern conveniences; walking distance; $5 per week. Knst 973Q. Ill g. 7h st. . NURSE. nf 2stu ai-d Belmont will taXe eevaral bid pe. ie, it-ts. her home; ail epn vemefuse ; s; l -ni , b. :o Kniu. Fast 2533 or Fau -4--.-!- WAKTED--CHILD TO BOARD. UNDER 6 YEARS: GOOD HOME. MOTHER S CAKE. WALNUT 3954 IN A REFINED home for ioupif or 2 yoking people, Lar3 front room, dressing room, hot aud cold water, furnace heat, walking 'dis tance. Kna 7307. KOOM WITH BEST" OF HOME COOKTNG. HOME FRTVILEyks. WALKING DIS- TANC-fi. E. 1993. 35 E, 15th. Cor Mi,n. LMPLOYED couple to sLare 6 room home, Modern and1 convenient, - adults in "family; o-n carline; garage if desired. Walnut o 102. ItOOM AND BOARD AT .'.4 1 BEACON ; STREET. PHONE SELLWOoD .15.02. LOVEI.T EOOME i WITH EXCELLENT MEALS. 0XI ijrjCATlON. LOSE LN ; 1.AD1.EH PREFERRED. EAST 6at). rLEASANT room, cvxl horn ccckinf, for 4 i luen in private 'amj-; moJeru; Ijoaie prifl IVifct a t iMSLi:ds ( 'iroiiaC or convalescent Ja- VniiUlic tiiet era . treatment., persuoa.) caret m i:hy- H'ian ; ra.sinii9 raters. tu.t noao. AliV Wifh a, c'jol hotgaa would like atme or e To room ijU boafd or Lake rare o:' & KiQi'A 'fiii.i Pljotie iltin 60S PLEAS A.VT room and board reAonai)le ; tr I room. Call Main 1199. GOuD board ad rooci for steady employed young re en, womea or married couples, all hone priTiiegea, furnace Ueat; Broadway car. Fast 2418. 1 MCE. LARGE ROOM WITH 1 OR 2 BEDS; LOVELY HOME; BEST OF BOARD. CHEAP. JUST WHAT TOP WANT. TABOR 8700. WEST SIDE. CXSE IN TWO NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT WITH OR WITHOUT BOARD. HEAP CALL AT 34 LtjVEJOY. MCE IiRCiE ROOM SUITABLE- FOR TWO TWO CLOTHES CLOSETS; FURNACE HEAT; ;OOD BOARD. . HAWTHORNE CAR- TABOR 817B. ROOM- with breakfast and diuner, in private family, in retmcd home for uung married coup or young meu or girls; furnaco he'au TgtwT 13j. . 1 SINGLE and 1 doable room, running water, trtai heat, near hath; good meals; genlie men prgf erred. 33 2 10th. Main 6381. CHILDREN will receire good cars in prirat" boms of responsible woman. Aut. C30-23. CHEERELT. warm room. 2 men employed; r.u.tlij-u home; cio- in; breakfast and din nrr ;f desired. 129 E. 12th st. near Alor- TWO j ung men or man and wife to room aid .b.-erd. rirate home, walkmg distance, .M-t sile, near I'.en.son 'chool. East t218. FATHER with daughter hetw-en 3 and 5 'ars may find ooi hoiue with ' a fine ! f anility; modern home. East 3663. tWILL giveiest of care to small child between i - 2 sjid 0 yearj; gtrl preferred. Tabor I -023&. ; BO.VRI and room in modern aosne for young man or lady. 1 block to car. Tabor 5195. 32 6 E.. 3 2d st. S. . i feoARD and room, furrwee heat, suitable for t'Aj gentlemen, cloe in. East 77S9. 214 Oraham ave. , MCE LY furnished room with board, on . Rose City line. Home privileges. Lady employed preferred. Tabor 733 S. Y'Ol'Ni; Pivtetant roupie to board, lovely new home, close in. front room, sleeping porch 'f deiriHl Kef, eich. M 234, Journal. UEAUlUX'la hght room jaitii 3 first class hoiiie coofked meals, east side, near Dental roUegf, 115 Umon ave.. No East 030 LARGE, cnnfortable room, suitable for 1 or . 2. Homa converrietM.es. Hawthorna dis- . -wii-t. Tabor 060a. aToof"an.i bosrd ni lwTvaTe tamiVy, 2 block frra e-t cn.1 of Broadway bridge, $36 per in Eat 7336. ILL give to ladies hanr.g fa:a rcola goi.-d light room and breakfast tor $13 a month; home cH.ktrg. Walnut 6591. TO BOARD ' to 3 itar old. Phone- Sell, Child 2775. 1 EEL at home in mod. ne.C'y painted re-i-dence. Close m. Good home oooking, piano, furnace, masrsxines. Reasonable. VM 1k:i7. !l.O.M and board tor rstes-taoe man. home comforts, reasonable. No oti:er boarder-. Atwater 2 592. luKM to rent, resssonabie, witi home pnv-ti-ees. to working girl. Wsilong distance. ' at' A 3d tt. Atwat-r 2 9 -. Ijoom ami board m ma. family. CL uiT siell. 04 77. YVH-L board, baby by the mouth, S61 Mis ' wssiprii av. Wt.lnnt 3'jQ4. MCK. aunuy front room with or without board. East Broadway. East 4948. BOARD and room let man aud wife; 2 la dies or men. Sell. 1M19. ROOM and board, for student close to east side a-hool and college. East 3109 CHRISTIAN home fox 2 young women. AU conveniences. Two meals. East 3131. 6CHIXXL CHILD to hoarit good home. School near. Paoue ?seiiwooti vtio. t.tKID BOARD and nice room, walking dis tance. H, block tn car. 369 Pacific at: EOOM,' board for couple or two young people. Half block to car. Garage. 634-74. t HILDREN to room and board; will give them a good home and mother s care. Aut. 681 -6 1. 3 NICELY furnished rooms. ' with board, at 360 Bent M. 2 blocks Broadaay bridge. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED 304 LARiiE room, sleepgig or H. K., close m. west sine; wilt take furniture for rent; cUan. What have yon? Main 1434. $3..'u EEK Large room, sleeping or H. b... snrtabie for three, near Vihools; clean, plai-e for auto .free. 495 W. Park, THREE furuished kcusekeepiug rooms at '97 2 Unioo ate N. Call Walnm 5849- STNtjl -K 21. hi. , also 3-rrxiia - apartiient. waik-inr distance. 4S E. 8th N. 8 ROOMS, H. K. water and private entrance. 430 Jeifcreon. 3 HOUSEKEEPING rooms, suiuhie for work ing people. $20. 432 2d st Atw. 4426. 1XVELY furnished ,aletting ro. m. 2 b-ds.' Crt'-tct surronndings. -Clme in. 32 1 6th. &I.NGLE etnan housekeeping room, clooe in. reigonable. t 821 6tK 1 l RENT '3 hottsekeepinc rvoms! $25 a month. 4?5 K. - Ab aU; err E. Stsi. HOUSEKEEPING 'aid sleeping rooms, $2.50 ; and op. 247 hi 5th at,, near Main. iTl kN'ISHED H. K. rooms. $2 per week 'and np. 51 Hoed st ' H.: K. ROOMS, eingl aod double. $2-50 up. 16 Er 6th- north, eort Buraside. B2f SEKEKPING rms. fur rent, also sleeping rm. for 2; bo children. -6035 3d at. S. E. LARGE clean furnished, front h. k, rooms, -waikirg di-tance, adultsv 211 Sherman st 5 ROOMS furnialMd, $59; eioae in; basement. yard, east tide. SeUwiyd O703. It AND 2 rooms newly furnished. $20 and 825. Main 2141. - I HOUSEKEEPING room f or lady alone, or ewaple. 848 W. 10-th St. -s. ' ; t CLSAS, fumxlud WueBkeepstsg loosaa, fctNNYCBXST Steam heated H. sL rooaal , s pwavaAW .Hwgis Tl "aa - as. FOR. RENT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED 304 $22. SO HuNUi Neat J-reon . famished H. K. iputmnit, elect n -i y, hot end cold n ter. good furnace beat lanndry privileges and free phone, xk:nc (S vrtjnrr-: : prefer wnpla of men; no children. : Del Mooted 187 Stout St.. 1 block sooth of 2sth and WMh- BEAL'TIFCL bouv keeping room. 1, 2 or S cm second oT nil 4 on f irt floor, nicely furnished, ail CMtveuience.. piano, close to car. on pared street Aut 642-39. 008 Foster roa.l. 2' LAKiK evjnwic rtcnxi, sood fur sirned cmple cr 2 ntiemea. pao races, free g. hot wafer. Ugbt, cheap. Broadway 256. 41 Krerptt. FVRNISHEDJI. K. rocms for' rent f-cm $2. SO - per week sir; no objection to children. Front, ft. 1 AND 2 roton H. K- suite, aLt-am heat, hot and r id arater, tas and liglit famished; Te-9 tabre 'and clean: $3 up. Uendricki Ajsf. 15th aini Klamderft. ONE and two rrv,ms. furnished for 57 K. I "e o: rJim aud hath, running water. Montgomery gt- 1 2 SINGLE famia'd u. k. rwmii. uo children. ' i 7 Knott ft.. Dtar W iihaiita a, car. ' Ea.t 1 74. CLEAN fnrjushcii hou-fkeepinic jvAm; aUo on.- i.n'irnit.hed f I . Cio- in. 3T3fa K. jlill. Au'o. 623-44. SIN'VLE fiT K. rooms. $5 to 515 ikv mo. ; 2 aud 3 - room suites $1U to SIS: t aabelors and faoi!lie; lath; lobby. 412 19th N. SNAPPY, cean 11. K. n.-oui-, everything new and tvt'thj:ig futni-Uetl; good 'yard far -tr. ."iOJ Tii'.amook. near William ave. 3 ROOMS. kitch.nilc. larir rorch. qev and clen, sun rr . c re:-yt3ing furuiahil. close i.n et tide. Ijist 1974. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED PRIVATE FAMILY 306 OCHift, i-Iean h. k. room and one 1 riom axt. ; also one 2 room ant. and on 2 fm apt. and kitchinette. Water, electric ugkts fur nace heat, .phone. East 8331. 293 W '.edier; THREE roonii. baaemcnt apt., with rent ee- ! 0 duued far night eprrice; nicely furnished. epoiiersly clean, clore in, wet side. Adult. 4 74 Clay st- AJwater 4194. ' 3 CLJJL.W, well iurnhed rms. l'rrti bath- On gTound floor. Furrace heat. Good location, tiaraae. Comfortable place for wsnter. 301 Kuwll. H block E. lit Union. East 1740. HOUSEKEEPING water 01S7. . rooms, CS4 Glisan, At- FI'.ON'T. siuiny 2 rm suite, heated, well fum iahed, suik, hot. cold wster: for emp. couj.le or 3 business girls. $40 mo. Main 1520. 3"6 12th st. TWO nicely furnished modem housekeeping rooms, large kitchen and bedroom. Lot and cold water in kitchen, emploved couple pre ferred. East 0315. Cali 014 E. oak. CLEAN, furn. H. K rooms, 1st floor, nice home. Near car. Married coujile. 031-32. ONE large front H. K. room, with kitchen ette. nicely furnished, good location, em ployed people preferred, ill Montgomery St. Phone Main S002. TWO front Hi K. rooms. 1 b'tk. to Sunny aide car. lght sunny Tosyns, very reasonable; elee. light and gas. ?81 E. 33d it. S. cor. YamhilL HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, ALSO SLEEPING ROOM: CHEAP ; NICE VIEW OF CITY. PRIVATE HOME;? $3 AND $4 WEEK. 59tt MARKET ST. ATWATER 3318. STNULE H. K. loom, suitable for 2 people. $16 mouth. Lights furnace, heat and phone included. 454S Oak, between 8th and 9th i-ts. East 3657. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 310 10th. between Columbia and Clay. FOUR iaiga fur. riKinil on tirst floor. ue of piano, se.w-ing machine and laundry tubs. Sal month. Also oth.:r looms. 7&0 York tt 23d st ear. LARGE living room, bedroom, kitchenette, . bath, light, wawr and phone. 2 74 CaxuUiera, Main 4709. FOR nl'T In private home, 8 room fur nished apt, private bath; 3 h. k. rooms. ! newly papered. Aut. 514-23. THREE coxy, clean rooms, in race home, ! sx.oO. Porch, lawn, light, bath and phone. Adults. Nice location. Call morn ings. Walnut 3873. SEE THESE TODAY IF YOU WANT NICELY FURNISHED H K. ROOMS. VE14Y CLOSE LN, CALL EAST 1693. TWO ROOM suite, room and kitchenette, sin g'e room. $10 and up. Light, heat and piione free; walking distance; near school. hospital and car. 736 Hoyt. NICE, light, clean. W. K. roums. 1 block from carKne. Furnacu heat, gas. 309 N. 22d. Bdwy. 2928 TWO nice, clean, Pantry. Adults, e rr. Meade. rnishel. li. K rooms. 1'ruht, $18 month. 694 THRE E unfurnished H K. rooms, bath, pantry and gas stove.f in Overlook. 860 Colonial ave. and Shaver at. : rent reasonable, BEDRCKlM and kitchen for 1 or 2 ladies em plo ed : evorytiurg furnished ; reasonable 509 Dekum are.' A THREE room furnished fiat for H. K. in private family. 9S3 E. 10th N Walnut 62 S 5. CLEAN and new 3d floor H. K. and sleeping, i 1 or 2 rooms, ideal for student. beds. 133 N. lMh st.. 3 tier week. FOUR furr.ihed H. K. tooai. over itore. $20 a mo. Room 2. 253 H Waah. cr Empire Theau-r. 289 Ciaud are. TWO fin'l!d H. K. apt., with steam Seat, place fur automobile free of charge. 16 N. 2iid. , i 2 NICE large irout rms on first flbr everything furut-hed but cooking gag $18 1 7 N. 15th. Bdwy. 4436. ilTK. ROOMS. 2 beds. $20 a month; 1 U. K , $13 a month; small room and kiich- ei ette. $9. 372 H Hawthorne. 7 ROOMS, 2 baths, concrete basement, rent $30; furniture for sale. $700. By owner. Atwater 1855. or caU at 510 Clay SL $2.7 5 A WEEK Furnished housekeeping rooms, lights and bath included; west side, walking distance. 545 H 1st st. FINE large H. K room, 1st floor, heat (and "ater in room, rent reasonable! 493 W ii- luii'.s ave. . i wot-a frrm Wtl nams ave. car. , FURNISHED H. K. rooms for rent ffrova $2 50 per week up. Main 3502. 695 Front at. 10 WEST CHURCH ST.. 5 h. k. room, partly furnished; water, gas, electricity. $14. East G667. CLEAN, furnished h. k. room and white kitch enette, in pr vate home: light, phone and gas. Hawthorne district. Tabor 7162. THREE clean fumishediE. k. rooms. 540 E. Stark. Adults only. $.2. WEEK. good. room. h. k. or sleeping, walking dist- wart side. 405 W. Park. TWO large, airy, steam heated h. k. rooms; kitchenette, sink, first floor. Very reason f . NICELY furnisiiedf 2 room h. k. ant mann. aoie relit. ostyy Overton st. ! ELY rtx;m. steam heat, housekeeping I privileges; walking distance. 41 H 12th. CLEAN, well furnished 3 and 4 rooms, sleep ing porrh. Uarage. 854 H Sou tit 1st st. 2 NICELY furnished rooms, suitable for '2 or 3 peonie. 170 N. lSUi st. Bdwy. 4665. 3D FLOOR h. s room, with alcove and kitch enette. 154 N. Tbtn st. 3 PLEASANT housekeeping rooms. 825. pay mere? Phone East 0417., , Why CLEAN H. K. rooms, close to market reason- a blerates. 204 hi 4th st. FURNISHED H. K. room win kitchen euel 406 4ta tt FOR BENT. 3 nicely furnished h. k. rooms, 625J Thurman st. Call Walnut 6183. CLEAN housekeeping rooms, single and suites, $7 monthly and up. Main 7651. 3 ROOM apt-. $33. garage' 85. Borthwick near Beech: adults. Walnut 1686. COSY apartment private home,' in Laurel hnrst. Xo -children. Tabor 9333. 3-ROOM furnished, flat, heat and oath. nut 2283. Wal- TW'O furniished H. - K. rooms, chean rent. 444 E. Cak St. E. 1136. FOR housekMptnc rooms, Bdwy.. Tbnnoan st., city. 6341. 633 ONE and two H. K. rooms, rent reasonable. 500 Commercial st., aear Rnsaell. 1XRNISHED H. K. rooms, cheap reac 253 h Washington st. . VERY CLOSE in eieaA housekeeping mom. near bath, $2.50 per week. 369 6th st. H, K. roosw. ; first floor. Running water. Rea- sorts me. st jetiersovi. FURNISHED -or unfurnished H K. rooms, $6 Biopthly aBJ vat: steam beat.- g5 ! Fimt. TWO fur. fa.: k. nut 485T. Wal- HOLSEKEEPLNG room, cheap. Call : after i p. as. week days. Main 1112. 2 H. K. BOOMS with aa modern conreeieacea. - close in. rvssaenabie rent. 82 N. lth st. SUNNTCREST 82S.50, 3 rooms. batS steam heat, newly far. -133 Sheraaan. 3 FU RN. H. C. sootbs, auttahl for UatM. 444 as OaA. rbce . sui 0i3. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED -PRIVATE FAMILY 306 TWO large, warm rocou. also roosa and kitch enette, first floor. $2 5 monthly. Single ivohb. $ 1 2.50 and. $15 monthly. Hoc water alwaya. Bathe, ' laundry. KSS Flaat- ocn st TWO 2 room aottseaeeians apartments, on with sleeping rocm lor three; also aiasle ' Fleepinal room with prieste entraoca. So ob jection! to a amali eli.H Atwater 1293. 7S1 . Keerney tt. 25 TWO fnrniaiied iigb H. K. rooms, on firvt floor, gas, electric lights, phone, front and rtrte entrance; Quiet locaikm and most desirable. 7 SB K. Taylor it. TWO - room housekeepiDC suite, suitable for a small family, gaa. phone, light, cleae in. Kent reasonable, nica location. 307 Mar ket St. L.vH.JK front room for bghl housekeeping; nicely fuml'hed and clean, free beat. tigh;s and phone; rery reasonable. 507 Clay. At wat.T ttQ2. " WEST StDE. close in. 412 10th ?. between IIrricn and Hail, nicely fur. 3-roora apt wih prirat-) bath and screened sleeping porch. $b5 .ir miwith. i NICELY furnished. light, clean, airy 1 and 2 room ait2.. . newly decorated; lignt, heat. phone, bath free; walking distance; reason- able rent. 534 Mill st. CLEAN 3 room furs. Housekeeping apt., If4 itor, back; store he&tl: walking distance ; adoits. i.'all Atwater 0624 before noon or ufrr 6 p. m. FOR RENT 2 or 5 nicely furnished rooms; i jht. gas and wood in cellar and phone. Call after 4 p. m. or Sunday, 4314 74th -S. E. .tut 622-78. ' TWO furnished H. K . room9. eTerytliing fur- ni-bed but ga. 'io.-e in: children welcome. $2a. 17 Stout or 20th and- -Morriaou. Iklwy. 1600. TWO larse rooms, light and clean, soofh front, w.th fireplace, electricity, gas. use of phone, tatfi and laundry trays. Adults only. 141 V 23(1. Main 3ttf. ROOM apt. week: ai-o 2 cheaper apt.; also 3 Unfaru. r.xra. , ne&r CoutU achool; close in. Bdwy. 7735. 2 CONNECTING HOUSKKEEPLNO ROOMS. KCNNl.Vt; WATER. LB1HT AND PHONE. 2H 234 ADAMS ST. CLEANEST 3, room apt., ou east side, newly furnished; to adult, only; light, Tel., water and cieart linen fu mulled. Near Jefferson high.WajL807. PLEASANT furnished heated rooms $2 wek uf: tioard optional. Also dry, warm, fur nished tenthouse, gas range. S-J Uoyt. Bdwy. 2S92. NICELY furnished hoasekeepicg rooms, $13 ard $15; free heat, light, gas and phone. Call Mon.. Wed. and Fri . bet. 11 and 4 p. m.. 550 4th st. $20 1'ER MO. 2 large li. K. room-, ground lioor. rnrate en-trance: light, water, i-hone in. luiled. 509 Baimont st. at 14th. Phone Ear 0162. CLEAN, attractive H. K.' suite. 1, 2 and 3 j-otms; quiet house-, low rates: neir I . P. ' yards. Infants welcome. 1522 Russell st. TWO furnished ti ousels eepang rotims." clote in! :$10 per month. 502 E. Puie. Phone East o913. VERY nice large front housekeeping room, ground floor, nicely furnished, ii.bt.-. - -phone and heat. 171 N. 17th. Bdwy. 1S-S7. CLEAN' Eglit housekeeping and sleepii.u r.Kms, reasonable; ever j thing furnished. Evenings, 36 BTrwidway S. THREE 5'ce. clean rooms furnished for H. K., claae in. 754 Aibina are. Walnut 3t5t3.- 1 ONLY furnished. H. k! room, everything ' brand- new and spotlessly clean, reasonable. 5sg .jHcyt st. FOR RENT Newly anted and papered fur nished housekeeping rooms, west side. 260 Chapman st. THREE" housekeeping rooms and bath, com pletely famished except silver and linen; private family; only $25. Wal. 3877. 2 COMORTARLFrimims. furnished, dowr stairs, walking distance, $14 per month. 507 Mississippi ave. 3 PARTLY furn. H. K. rooms, newly papered and painted, ligiit and water free. 14 6 Hamilton ave. Phone Atwater 3ti94. FRNISHED H. K. ROOMS, ELECTRIC LIOHTS. $1.50 WEEK AND UP 324 FIRST ST. TWO TRUNKS moved.' 7c; downtown district Fireproof storage 15 cfavs free. Lon dia- tance hauling. Broadway 2445. THREE furnished housekeeping rooms with garage. 604 Holly St.. Ladd addition, 1 block south of 16th and Hawthorne. TWO furnished .h. k. rooms. 388 12th at. APARTMENTS FURNISHED 307 A BEAUTIFUL 4 ROOM completely furnished modem apt.. $55 month, at Portland s most popular apts. . The Coluimilbian 11TH AND COLUMBIA STS. WAGONER APARTMENTS $60 715 Wayne St. near King $60 4 larve, ligHt rooms, living room, dining room, kitchen, hath and bedroom; heat and water furnished. Main 6111. ' THE JACKSON 3 room apts. $3sJ and $40; modem brick bldg.. private bOi. steam heat, not and cold water, phone; 10 min. walk to city. E. 284 6. R sse City car. 51V, Union ar. N. THESE ARE VERY NICE APTS Furnished, modem, classy, large, warm; 4 rms., $55; 3 ruu. $45. Will accommo date 2 to 5 perso-ns each. THE COLUMBIAN. 1 1th and Columbia. FOR RENT 3 room clean, weil .urnlalied ' ai t. 764 Michigan vr. near Beech su. I 1 block from .Mis-Uiipi carlkie; large, j soo nur i o mau auu wi:e (inly Leeds Artrneitts Kirfroof Mij.. ubodem. 2. 8, and 4 Tin. apt- : -inn. tto . : f WTatoT srr Atw. 8y7 King Albert Apts. 2 and 3 rooms, furnished or unfurnished, rfla bath, elevator. 1 1 ta at Montgomery. Main 0859. ! CLOSE IN ) furnished apt., kitchenette, sleeping room and porch, gaa and electric, I $30 a month: E:rat,e if desired. Inquire 110 E. 20th and Alder The Stanfleld Modern 2-room apt., light, heat, phone, $23; winter rate. Main 7392. 2 ROOMS and kitchenette. Including steam heat, hot and cold water and light, $25; walking distance. Bdwy. 4292. 245 N. 17th st. - 2 LARGE outside rooms, newly finished, heat, light, piano and n-e of phone. 235 Cbap-j man. corner of Main, 1 block south of Multnomah club. LOVELY 2 room, steam heated apt., clean and Veil furnished, $25 ; aleo large 3 roo-n. unfurnished apt. Best car servica in city. 142 Shaver st.. Walnnt 4420. STERLINO APTS. Two rooms for Tent. $ 1 2 and $16: 3 rooms fnrnished. $24. AU front rooms. 15 7 8 H E. Gtiam- LAMBROOK , APTS. For rent reasonable, furuished 2 and 3 mom apts. . 7th and YamhilL East 4082. 5 ROOMS, bachelor apartments, rooms cared for, $7 5: everything modern. 711 Kearney. Main 1503. HADDON HALL. 11TH AND HALL 3 rooms, kitchenette, bath. hdw. floor, private balconies, $35 np. Atwater 1160. , THE DENNISON, 1027 H BELMONT Nice 2 and 3 foom front apts., private bath. Tabor 0546. $40-3 LOVELY rooms, well lighted, pri vate bath and reception hall, hot water all the rime. .Main 3705. & ROOM apt., modern and beautiful; furnished, walking distance.' 24 E. 8th st. If. Bdwy. 1904. for Owner. GLEN COURT Corner Park and Taylor. 2 and 3 room apts., dose in Main 1961. ADAMS APARTMENTS Modern 2 rm. apt., furnished. 403 Jet ferrmn. 5 ROOM apt-, unfurn., good location, within walking distance of business section. Call !0S 16th st or Atwater U12S. SAN MAHCO, E. TH AND otjTJCIL S-RM. MOD. APT.. WK. OR MO. EAST 1996. 4 ROOK apt., modern and beautiful: furnished, walking dist, 24 E. 8th at. N. $23 month. Bdwy. 1904 for Owner. w 2 FURNISHED apts, cosy, steam heat, private bath; he small ek&dren. 448 Clay. 2 ROOM apt-, light, clean.' modern, $20: also sleepsnc room. 854 4 Hawthorne. 3-ROOM furnished apartment for rent, $30 per month. 204 H E. Morris st. 2, 3 AND 4-rnv apta., nicely furtushed. walk ing distance. 853 Baa Rafael East 9417 2 ROOM fun. ape . The aU.ia, E. 10th and Bnraside. SOSB CITY Nio 3 room apt. in private home; adults. Tabor Q241. - UNION AVE. asst KxTiinaxworth. fumiahed apt.. 324.60; aB complete; concrete bid. FURNISHED room apartmeet; adalta. 115Tj WiUsams ave. Walnut 4536. WELL forriihod 1 nxm apt. sad bath, afl E. 9th K.: - - - . - - S LARGE farm, aptn, nxii or mthovtV ssxage. IU Z2i s,Ka, FOR RENT ! APARTMENTS UNFURNISHED 308 The 'American Modern 4 and 5 room tpartznenta. 21st and Johnson. Broadway SgQ WAGONER APAR.TMEJfTS $70- 751 W-ayu St., Near King 6 large rooms. 3 bedrooms. SMITH WAXNER CO. STfXTC EXT.. . lOXLAN COCKT. ISTH AND COUCH 4 rat modem front corner apt-. 1 bit off Waeh. st. -Adults Bdwy. 2"1. MODEItN 3 r-Km afvartraent. ail cutside ruum. iota $30. ' art at 101 E. 33d at. FLATS FURNISHED 309 4 Bt" M furnished moderni flat, nice and clenn. S27 H t S. 17th - st, west Eide; walking dwrtawer. FOR RENT -4 room, upper flat. 2 bedrocms. l-rirate bath, separate entrant, partly furn Uhed. Adults, $23l Walnut r,03. 1RVINOTON, choice famishing. 4 rm. fiat, garage, heat, light, stxs, $70 ;also 4 rms. jp. porch, $y-5. 711 TiiorasoE. K. Sol 5. 4 ROOM furnished flat, iltaii; gas, electricity, private bath; newiv tirfted: water, garbage 7iid: 2 adulu. . I n! Walnut 4 739. 2 FURNISHED flats, Sunday 2.2 Page East 2B3. 1 unfurnished. Call t.. or i.hone Monday $22- 5 ROOMS. Jieatb furrusl'ed. 9S Commercial, near Jefferson high. Wal nut 01S7. FIVE rourri flat, furnished, vralkir.i dfctance, rent $20. 75 Uniun ave. north Fi;RMSHEl tiat, hot and c-jld water. 308 Sacminento st.. n?sr Williams ave. FOUR r.-v:n f;-rui bed fUr, heat and hot tvater included. 3f4 Farpr, st.. rear Union. 5 ROOM modern l 'itn.ried tlt. $25. ga.rbage and water. 729 yh WiUiams are. FLATS-UNFURNISHED 310 5-ROOM fiat, 290 Margin ft., foot of Halsey. only 10 minutes' walk fntn Union depot; beautiful location, $30. including water, list 3812. ATTRACTIVE 5-room flat. C06 Madison at-.;, fireplaoe, furnace, ras range and iieater in kitri.pn. Metger-I'arker Co. 5 ROOM flat, to adulti. newly tinted and painted, fireplace and furnace, cement base ment. c!oie in, east Mde. Phnne E. 7978. TV. O ." r m flau, 900-900 t Iong view ave., in Ori rl xiit addit on. ut refinished. $25 earl-.. Mj-tger-Parker C.. - $22.50 ModVrn 5 room lower flat, 64"9 2d near ShTicLin; clean, convenient- Main 1096; walking distance; water included. 4-ROTlt unfurnished flat, private bath and toilet, in oarime. S2j month. COtii aud Li vision. Tabor 0416. 60 E. 12TH ST. N-. 5 rm mi, furnaoe aod fireplace, newly tinted throughout; rent $45.- Phone Mam 3 Jn5 or Bdwy. 7 1 7 1 Tw5 5 ro-sm iia..er fiats E. 12th. bet E. Burnside and K. Couch. Adults only. Rent $35 f. the riciit peoifia. , IEV1NGTON 1 nice 4 rm. flat with hath, gas range Radiant heater and furnace heat. Walnut O709 STRICTLY modern 5 room lower flat, newly tinted. liirnaoe. Phone afternoon Main 67o6. - 151 Hamilton ave 4 ROOM fiat, newly decorated. 360 Wii- liams ave.. corner iroadway. cau Sunday between 2 and -5 p. rn. : 4 ROOM flat, electricity, hot nd cold water, gas,- bath. Central location $10 per mo. Mrs. Shaver, 90 E. 8th tj ; 4 LAKljE, clean rooms. $28. 1- 200 McMillan su, just across Bdwy. bridge! Tabor 5562. 3 Room -upper flat., hea tht. water and 696. phone; adult. .$35. Walnut 4 ROOMS unfurnished, upstairs, lights and. water, reasonable., S29 Front st. 3-ROOM fiat, bath and basement. 1038 Cor- beU st. Atwater 4441. LOWER flat. 4 rooms, moitiy furnished. $20. 34 7 Rnsf-ell. near Union. MODERN 5-r.xm Hat. 775 v, Wilson su, near 23d. Metzger-Parker Co. I.ARGE, modem, 5 room flat. 22S Alberta, cor. (Janrenbein. near Jefferson hii;h. 5-ROOM fiat. 804 Park su, Parker Co. $45. Metzger- HOUSES FURNISHED 311 FOR RENT 0 room house, paxdy fur nish'ed. 2 lots, close in. 2 blocks to 5 car hues: nic? yard, garden, new furnace; everything in good shape. Would like to rvnt it for a year to some good couple. Owner will room and board with renter if agreeable. Can see. bouse Saturday and Sunday. Oct. 14-15, cor. Flint and .248 Tillamook st- FOR RENT 48 Shaver at-, 6 room modern residence; all built in features, fua cement basement and furnace: gas range and linoleum in kitchen. $40 monthly. JohsisonDodson Co. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 8787 8 Room House 8 rooms and finished attic, electricity, gas and water, 4 sleeping moms and bath, furnace, trays, etc; 1 block from Haw thorne 'car near 34th at. Sea Rippey, 610 McKay Bldg. SCENIC LODGE COTTAGES 524 Heights terrace, fine view of moun tains and city, 2 0 minutes' walk to heart of city; Hall street car ou Morrison to 13th sc. 2 blocks west. See to appreciate; re- d'lced rent for winter. . SIX room well furoisheti house. Piano, fire place. 502 E 10th st N.. bet. Knatt am! I Stanton. Phone East 2487. Will give 1 year lease ' - PARTLY furnished 4 room bungalow. MV car to 62d ami K. Olisan ; 2 blocks north,' 1 Hook west, at 103 Sheldon ei. Call! Sundays. Is ROOMS iatly furnisiie.1. owner's home. n; Ait. Scott, very reasonable rent accept able, by good road, street paved. Walnut 2O30 5-RiK"M house with storeroom upstairs, com fortably furnished. $30 per month. Will sell $65 worth of fuel to renter. 5321. 82d S. E 639-10 ; WHEN moring, call East 5026. We con tract your job or $2 per hour, and fur msh 2 men. COZY 4 room cMtage, partly furnished. 2 blocks to car, $17. 5621 Woodstock are., end of Woodstock - carline. 5 ROOM house, parti) furnished; electric lights; $20 mo 192Watch st., Kenton. Owner. 586 Kenton. wet side. NICELY fumishtsl clean lower floor house. 4 rooms, bathroom, large porch. 1105 S. 1st, near Hamilton ave. Auto. 544-35. MODERN 7 rm... Well furnished, piano, winter fuel in; walking distance; adults only; rea sonable, rent. Walnut 1988. FURNISHED ft room bungalow to respon sible party : win lease 6 mo. to 1 yax. Walnnt 6793. MODERN 6 room bungalow, furnished. Haw thorne ave.. furnace, piano.' garage; no chil dren; $55. Tabor 0930. 7 ROOM house, 3 rooms unfinished, clean and modem, near Lents school, in Mt Scott district, $25 per month. Main 8541. 6 ROOM, furnished house, gas. hot and cold water. Adults $35 a month, 104 Stanton t. take Missjasappi ear. COMPLETELY furnished 5 -room bungalow, modern, .piano, sewing machine, $35. Wal nut, 2362. FOR RENT 7 room furnished or unfurnished house. 1 block from hard surfaced St. school and car. Walnut 6273. FOR RENT per month. Scott car. room house, furnished. $20 7810 68th ave. fi. K. Mi MODERN 5-room cottage and garage, nice grounds, immediate possession, (30 month. Call Monday 1283 E. 8th N. MY 5-room home, well furnished, sarage. 406 Marguerite ave. Tabor 9254. NTCKLY furnished bouse, with garage, piano, some rooms rented. 661 Waehintrtnn st. 5 ROOM famished or unfumished house, $25. 744 4th. N. 8.' car to Hooker. , $40 Modem 6 room bungalow. fumishedT near ear. Oood location. Auto. 631-75. HAWTHORNE dist. Completely , furnished ? room noose, $60. At 305 Glenn ave. THREE room furnished house. Atwater 4400. Mrs. Allen. ' .- FOR RENT Oct. 20. famished 6-room house. close in east side. Phone E. 5178. 4 ROOMS furnished. Portland Heights, ftun sce 330 per month. Tabor 6337. a lilirlTB moina . prfrti wil vViTv.iw 6-reom bungalow. CnH Tabor 5515. FIVE room house for rent, pert furnished, 812.5Q. Apply 2077 Tan How ten. 3 ROOMS, garage, desirable earner, 3 blocks from Rase City ear: references. Tab. 8666. 4. ROOMS. 325, modern, near scfaool aad hlrn acnoot. p?)3u FBwfU valley. MODERN famished ft room house, en 824 st. ReTl 2995. V ' FURNISHED 8 Toom modem honse and a ragej good locaaty. Tabor . 1016. in HOME Modem, eonvp!etely furnished 6 rooms, farnaee. garage- Call 681-43. MY HOME Modern, eompletely furnished ft rooms, furnace, garage. CaU 631-43. FOB RENT-1 New 4 room xnodera bungaic-w, forTtBhed, $35. Ceil Ant. 625-88. FURN. 8 mm boeae, xtewly tinted, walking QiBTsnra. - :-s itu av n. - saam DW8C ft ROOMS and sleeping: Mrrcsv mrniahed; fet . iOUOtl; (rail tzsv Joi A iU si - 1?- K ? A i pr;"r Wt FOR RENT HOUSES UNFURNISHED 312 7-KM. MODERN faooaa on 7oxl00 corner. Witlametw bird.; rent $35 per mo, 6 rwi. madem. house, close fs; Alberta district; hdw. flonra, fireplace, $40. 7 - rm. bouse - in Irrington ; htlv . floors ; hot water neat. Nice lawn, andj fjowers; atrictly modern, $00 per mo- YVE HAVE OTHE313 ' tl yon wunt to rent or sell " year bouse list it with as for Quick action. - McQee i &. Dennis -WE SELt. THE EARTH I NIOX AVE.. N. WALNTT A !CKil) 5 room honsc. 2 Mik to car, on 5ih st- S. E.'. r $25. ' A 7 mom heuse, cloe to car and school, near He-issue ave. Nice litnne f?r $30.- UICK SALES COMPANY. 403. Coach bldg. Auti,. 511-09. . Call aftr- Snnday. SPRINKLER EI" TViitFTHoUof- on trackage. Star your goods with ua, Lat aa do your noisg and packing. CLAY & UORSE. INC. Bdww. 470. 4g4 Orrsww t MOVE THE SEtTHlPT W4. Extraordinary Service For the ordinary price. PACKING. MOVING, 8TORAf;K SEcrsrsY storage transfer, co.. 4th at Pine at., Otp. Multm..mah hoteL TeiepSone Broadway 3715. 810 EAST 4STH ST. N. Tor neut. strictly modern new sii room bungakiw. Rose City Par. Will -be open ! all day Sundai. 55 per month and will'i give leae for i.ne sear. HII.LUR BROS.. 211 Railway Excbange Bids.. FINE Irringtoin home for ret clteap at Borth - wast corner East 12th aisd Wetdlet streets. Eight rooms, ail modem convenience; now being painted and tinted; will be lust Kke moving- into a a.vv house. Inquire' at next lioosr north or phone. East 5120. $25 MODERN 5 nom bungalow, gas, elec tricity. Bull Run water, large woodsheL r:om for car: 2 iota 50x100, fine fmit .trees, beautiful view; one block fn.m river. 5 from Island sta., Oregon City car. L. 1 Gray, owner; THHirE room houses. One 7 room house. , t ir.e S riK-m hoase. , Two 5 r&'m flats. W. H SAWTELL. Tabor 1811. 3 ROOM bouse.' bast merit, lilit. vrater ari gas. ath 1157 Union ave. near Dekum. 0..cn today. Tatic 4S30. . STEWART & JOILNgON 315 Nortliwestem Bank bid- MUST sell aii furmtard rt-roAn b-iu.- at once; bed setj. dining room eet, Victroia, mgs. curtains, etc. East 6407 or cali ,&t 658 Clackama-s at. $25 6 rooms. Will lease for 1 year. On Wil bur at., bet. Jesup and Ainsworth. 2H blocks to car. 3. Ii. Hartman Co., 8 Cham ber of Commerce. 5-ROOMS. gsa, electriciD'. 7 nihit to cij;.'. un furnished, $20 and rartly furBishod. $--. Call befo.-e 7 p. m. C. Tunisou. 810 Cor bett st 6 ROOMS, modern house, 5S3 Clinton it. b room. 461 E. 10th gt. 5 rooms, 532 E. 15tii st. 6 rooms. 614 Woodward ve. Main. 7S06. ROOM strictly modern house-, fine lot, elec tricity, gas. furnace, bath, $40. J. O Kurutli, 804 Spalding bldg., Broadway 7722. 8 ROOM modern bungalow, in first-cla&s con dition, good furnace, 2 blocks from car. See it at 688 E. 43d st. N.. Sunday, or call owner at Aut 643-72. FOR RENT 4 room house; large jttic. bam and chicken house; close in ; fine' tor kee? ing 1 or 2 cows. Phcne Tabor 952 7. MODERN 6-room house. 311 El 6iith st, lowely grounds wi.h garage, $60. See Metxger-Parker "o. - MODERN 8 room house in Irvington for rent. Will give- lease. EaJt G407 or call at 638 Clackamas t $20 PER montli and interest, and 7 room St. Johns house yours; taka good Ford as part psyrnrnt. Main 4551, MODERN bungalow for rent at 6212 SSth sC. $20 per month. Phone Aut. 646-41 or call 6423 90th St. NICELY finished o-ros.ma, batn, gas, electric; rosea, lawn. 4 95 E. Pine, $30; garage extra. 8-ROOM house, hard surfaced street, close to car and school; newly tinted. Phone East 4 989. PIANO MOVING $3, furniture 2.n per hour; 2 men, large padded vans. Call Crown Transfer Co., East C047. CUT RATE ON FfR-NITURE ilOVLNG Fireproof Storage 15 Days Free LONG DISTANCE HAULINO. BDWY. 2445 $44) RENTS 9 RM. HOUSE. 5 RMS. FUR NISHED. FULL OF ROOMERS; LOVELY HOME; $550 CASH. 371 6TH ST. WHEN MOVING, city or country, get the beat at lowest prices. Green Trans- Co.. Main 1261. 202 hi Alder st. YORK EXPRESS AND TRANSFER CO. Trunks, baggage, furniture moving $1.50 and $2 par hour. Broadway 7688. FURNITURE MOVLNO. $2 PER HOUR. 2 MEN; PIANO $2 AND UP; LARGE 2 14 TON TRUCK. EAST 504 7. 6 ROOMS, semi-modern, ciose to high and grade schools, with or without garage, 87 W. Emerson, er call Walnut 0692. WEST SIDE. Fulton district, 7 room modem . house and garage: just completed- 1273 Kelly at.; rent $4 5. , FOR RENT, 5 7 room modern house, walking distanca to Franklin high ; not far from lfjiwthorne rar. Plaine 620-67. i 6 ROOMS and jleepins; porch, partly furniOied; price $45: fuel for sale. 212 Knott st. -Phone East 33 S2. i GOOD 1 0 room bouse, 2 baths and toilet.-, ; large yard and fruit tlsfces. $33 per month. ' walnut asjasK 7-R.. mod., 100x100, abundance of fruit and I shade trees-. A beautiful -place. Only $3o. i 5417 69th st. S E. j SEVEN rooms, mod. Liitnfjon road. Close in. tnoo, Lirmtor. roao. t.ose in. Lickct, business. Reasonable. 4-01- Ideal for cui Phone Bdwy, RENT 6 ' room house, Aduh?04rE' ifch j XEAH-KAH-NIB mouiuia, near highway, fac Attuita. 1041 iu. 15th irg ocean. Choice lot for sale. Bdwy. or without garage, st. N. Owner here. $17.50 -f, room plastered, compiete pi':iub- J ing, no liglit. gas. hi block to car. Errol HcUjhts. Auto. 624-92. MOI'ERN C room bouse, in good neighbor hood. Walking distance. 53 E.- 7Ui st. near Oak. FIVE room house, newly, papered, electricity and gas, with yard. Inquire at 655 Borth wick. SEVEN looms. Treraont sta. Gacage, fiu-nace. SelL 844 Sun. a. m. i FOR RENT Modem 8 room house. Inquire Walnuv 0475 or 791 Kerby. FOR RENT Unfurnished 5 room house. 861 Grand avej N. i 7 -ROOM, modern house on east side. See jani tor. Carru titers apta. First and Carra there. FOI'RROOM house ' mat. nnwlv niuinl 382464th st S. t!. Pbone Ant. 615-So! TWO ROOM house, electric lights, gaa and garden. Rent $10.v!2849 E. 67th st. S. E. Six room bungalow, acre. Ryan. Oregon Electric. $85. Atwater I860. GOOD warm 6 room' house, ave. Rent $32. 765 Williams $18 CLEAN 5 room house, 1103 S. 1st at. Call 1105 S. 1st st. . 5-ROOM modern bummloir. nnfumishad.' wood in. Tabor 9192. FOR RENT 7 rm. bouse, with garage. 8912 66th ave. S. E. Phone Aut, 626-75. MOVING Large truest for furniture, $1.50 per hoar, special men. Main 8059. , FOR RENT -7 room, house, modern. Rodney are. ' . 1043. WHEN moving caU Talor 0258; ve svntrtct your Job, or by the boor. S-ROOM cottage, good order: gaa. yard; close tn; adults: tmppre 566 3d St. VACANT Oct. 20. 7-reom house. 804 F. 30th, Woodstock ear. 325 month. Bell . 0789. NEAT 5-room bungalow; furnace and garage $45. 24 E, 82d st- Call Tabor 2594. MODERN 5-room house. 43d and East Alder $35. The Lawrence C-o., 2121 Corbett bldg. FOR RENT to couple only; 3 room . bouse. Apply 3 I E. 34th st. N. after 1 :3rt p. 5 ROOM eottage. with bath, gas and elec tricity, on carline. Ant. 623-61 BEATJTDJfL 9 room home in Ladd's addition, 875 per met Metxger-Parker Cr. 330. t-Bona house, (arage, 1378 S. Glisan. "Tabor 1470. BTVX room modern ; bungalow. Firland sts tion. rent 34.0. Cajl Monday. Tabor 5476. GXX1D ft room heaao.. garage, - acre around. 2l. 4138 73d s. S. 7 ROOM hosasa, $23 a monta. CaU Wal nut 3818. - - , S-KOOM cottage, newly tinted, gaa, bath, ca rs, fmit. $16. 5616 8th st- SB. ? ROM house. 323. CaU Auto. 644-30. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE FOR I SALE 3 13 t&i 'Svaai rt nM fit. xaomeri pay expenses. 43 lltb, Bdwy. 2098. ft ROOM house and garaan for rent; soma fnr- aUXar tot fkia tmssix , Ant, 290w. FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE FOR SALE 313 5 ROOM modem flat-for rent, IrTiarton dis . trict: farnitur for? sale mahogany library table,' dresser, rocker and chain, overstaffed dareap?rt. rtrjsa and carpeia, Simmon Walnut steel trimmed beda with h-e'ti grade spring anil hair mat treses. Jewel gasr rang, kitchen and -hot water Deafer, other furnishings, all sacrificed; no denier. Call East 2277 far appointment. i! ' CENTRAL Six laree rooras, bath, reception hall, I built-in buffet.- glass cupboards, etc.. rrew : fumhingi for sale. $S50 t:an rent rooms 1 and have lovely home. Kent $60. 250 12th st. WE CAN sell your furniture and rent your iK.tu.-e. l i o-m., . a and wo will call aud inspvst at oyicsr. - J. A. W1CKMAX CO., Realtors, ? SO 1-4 Board of Trade . dwy. -6794 KtM modern bou . with giiraje, for rent. $15 per month: fumit'nn" and rtmge for zaie. all of by piece. 103 Porter at., across O. E. Ry. tra.-ks. . S25tk FURNrTUlUi of O rooms ia. rM:n hoxt. close in: chrsri rent, lets of wpod in hj-ftufrt. Ket 52f5l. 3 RooilS o good fiirtiturer- $40 cash; bal auee $73. on teras. house for rent. $7. W Innt 11)21. 107 5 E. 81th N. 3 ROOMS of good fnrairure, $25 cash, bal ance $73 on terms; house for rent,' $7. Watnnt 1021. 1075 E. 38th . st. X. o ROOM house lor. rent $22.50 per montli. Some furnitura for sale. iiOO. Call East 2HM1. MOIiERN 7 room house, cmiietrly furuished; suitable for two ismilit. 294 . 34t-V iiear Hawthorne. Talnor 4S72. , FURNf'FURE for S roou.;, close in : on west side; bou.ss, to rent; can net $50 a month; oniy tOOO. $250 djwn. 5.'. Swwtland bltlg. RtiOMINO houe, with garage, good-furniture, $375 cash or terms. Owner, 661 Wash ington street. 9-HOOJf bouse for Jem, furniture for tale. & rooms 2722. rented and will pay expenses. . East FLAT for rent, furniture for sale. 1660. Main 5 ROOM itOOM cottage for reut. luruuute for sale $2 50,-, Ea-t $178. Phone after 3. 5 FUR. rms., $27, furniture 7 rms, $275, 2 ren:ed. $17. 57 0 Frrsi st. STORES AND HALLS 314 STORES with fuil ha-sema-. offices and lodze hails, in new Red il-n s building, just com pleted, comer E. Ninth and Hawthorne 'I ave. AP!ly to L. li. Harm;;. East 7102. STiRE lOilfo, Wsst Side iocauon. No. 30 19Ih, Wasajingtoa. Reasonable rent, Suit . awe various businesses. SMALL space in plumbing hcp. 44 N. 9th ; FUitai'le for shoemaker or email- busi- ness ; low rent. FO R DESIRABLE space hi fireproof wara hJuse. phone Bdwy. 3715. ' OFFICES pESK ROOM 31 S 6 ROOMS newly decorated. 2 rooms suitable for doctor or dentist's office and 4 room flat Location can't be beat. Will give 5 years' lease to suitable tenant. 300 4 Will iams ave., comer Broadway. C&U Suxul&y between 2 and 5 p. m. PRIVATE office. 2d floor Artisans bldg.. neit Benson hotel. Broadway aide. Fine for manufartrrer's agent. $15. Telephone Broad way B26!L 2 ROOMS for dentist or doctor's office. 360 Vs Williams ave., comer Hroadway, CaU Sun i day between 2 and 5 p. m. DESK KOOil iu liuiet well furnished office to - permanent party. Call at noun. li. L. Yoke, 516 Oasco bldg. DESK ROOM, with telephone and stenographic service. Phone Bdwy. 37,15. WANTED TO RENT ROOMS 350 2 OR 3 FURNISHED rooms for light h. k , west side; not over $35. S. A. IS-. Y'.g37, Journal. -' SINCL.K Toom. prirate family, close in. near Bdwy. and Wash. sts. K-4 20. JoumaL APARTMENTS 357 MOTHER and danghter wi.b to rssnt room unfumished apt- East 5667. HOUSES 361 WANTED To rent for one year or two, a good 6 or 7 room house with some room and spare, convenient for cow and chickens, north of Lombard t, anywhere between Kenton and Port-monti ave. Preferably in tae vicinity of Columbia park. Electricity, toilet and bath desirable. Terms must be reasonable. Address C. O. CedaiMuiat. 833 Willamette kWd. NOTICE NOTICE We have clients who want to rest furn ished or unfurnished houses. If you have one vacant w can secure you a good, tenant. CALL BDWY. 4582. LIST your houses and tints with us for rent. We have many daily calls for them In all parts of the eity. PARRtSH. W ATKINS & CO- 252 Stark st. Main 1644. WANTED Furuished house by two people; with garage, on east aide, 3 or 4 rooms. Walnut 73 Tn. . 5 ROOM modem bouse in SeUwood. near car and school; best care guaranteed. Es J. Bratney, 1440 Montana ave. WANTED New modem bungsiiow. Have soldiers' bonus and auto for "ri'i pay. ment. X-14 7. Journal. FOR RENT Good 5 room bungalow, ights. wMer. On 127 Uibbs. gas, electric Tabor 0192. WANTED 3 or 4 ro.m furni'hel hor.-e ta rent in sicaar-se for paintin;. Auto. 639-62 Y'OUNO eouple want to lease small house St. Johns, reasonable rent. East 0072. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE BEACH PROPERTY 400 WILL SACRIFICE two Cannon Beach "lots ,fream through. $l.?0 eath. PhoSj 310-64. No. 1047 Hancock st. 7150, week days. BUSINESS PROPERTY 401 BEST BUY ON THE EAST SIDE. INCOME PROPERTY Combined business and residence prop . erty at the price of s residence. Store building 28x4 3 ft with modern ft room flat above, additional doable garage, cement floor and driveway and ware house room. On paved street and carline. All in fine con onion and strictly np to date. Will sell at a sacrifice to make Quick sale. Phone after Sunday. 15th. Owner. Tabor 1154. '. 100x100 BUSLNESS CORNER ' On B. 28th and Stark; good location for oil station, garage, bakery, store. Cats er apartments. This corner is worth much more than ws are as-king for it. Office open Sunday. JohnsonDodson Co. 633 K. W. Bank bldg. Main 3787. BUSINESS CORNER On Irvington ear line, ckwe-in east side, in district of new homes; 8100 cash. $10 monthly. Open ' Sunday. JohnsonDodson Co. 633 N, W Bank bide. Main 3787. SAN FRANCISCO INCOME PROPERTY 6 fiats. 32 rms.. always fall. Price 835,000, or will trade for Portland income property. 8TRCM-KEFER CO.. 214 5th st APARTMENTS AND FLAT PROPERTY 402 ROSH CITY K. 57th St. fac E. ; 40x107, Terything In; $750. ALAMEDA E. 20th. near Brazee; among the fines , homes; beautifnl trees; -75x100-; 2500. ROSSMERE B. 4 1st, near Braaee; B0x ,104V: R. fae. Jrrt; tI225. WESTMORELAND & 18 th at. fae. E.; 50x100; 8800. ALBTNA Close to Blandena, near Ai bina; forest trees; 60x100; everythmg fn; 8700. COE A. McKEVNA ate CO.. Ub Sailed 1889. gf8 Artisans brdr - Bdwy. 7522. SUITABLE FOR FLATS Two-story. 8 largw rooms and attic; urge, fin ( lai u. hardwood floors, extra plnmbing, fall eement basement fine hotrwaxar beat ing plant; sot 30x120, with alley; cement ' garaew; elcae tn. near Williams are. ear. Price $7750. 32500 sash.V JolinsonDodson Co. 39 If. W. Bank bldg. Vafn 8787. LOTS 403 lOOllOO LOTS. A1.IH.KTA CAR, 5T down, $8 month. ROUER W. CAR XV UPSTAIRS, 142 H 'Second st, cor. Aider. ' ' 50x100 in Piedmont on tha pavement $1050 and np. Owner win eell or balld to suit Tabor. T493.. Wffc Tayter. : -310 DQW8T $4 moeth, no mtersst low 1 years! . 60x100 Into $175 and 8200, ynat ootssde city JiatUea oaar atraet car. Sasft 1257. i REAL ESTATE--FOR SALE LOTS 403 BOSK Cm PAKK CAB - H-ACKE IKACT AND 50HO0 IX1TS $240 AND I P 4SASY TERMS Frontjr.r oa Ea)ft-71t and Kast 'T24 atreeta. 3 blocks north of Sandy; blvd. -The lota on 72d street tac? toe new par re cently taken over by. the city. - Price $240 lor the Sttiluu tots or $4SR for H -acre tracts on easy1, terras. . Only -a few-dollar down payment If yott bmkL No restnctiMia as tu cost of house,- Take R. C ear to K. 7 2d street, and walk 3 blocks north. A sales-man will h a this property Sunday to show- nnaold' tracts, KKNOEKSCN-HANXUS tHJ. 22 S Henry Wdit. - c Bdwy. 4T54. 2 ACHES $15 DOWN $15 MOXTH PARK ROSE ' S1520. All cleared.-but. few shade tree: rich garden land; no rucks cr gravel. Yo'ir crop should more than make ynr .pays merits. Low counts tax: no buikhng re strictions. Total -monthly paTment, $15 per mo. FarkTose Branch . Ofiicei. open every- day. Take Rose Oity Park-Partc-ro-e car, go to tnd of car Brie. Tabct 2904: ' J. U HARTMAJt IXkMPAXTT. . ; fe Chamber of .Com. bids. Broadway 6034. I $S75$375 Improved Lot- ' Nice level , lot. with, all ' improvementa 'h and included in the -price.- Alberta district. - j Ritter, Lovve'v& Co. ; Realtors : ! 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trad Bldg. A 50x100 lot one block from Peninsula park, -$200; street -paval. Tabor : ROSE CITY PARK'S BEST BUY ; If yon ss-ant the best,' here-fit Is. This hoice SOxlOO inside lot fs heti at the price of $1100. H is BELOW, -THE HILL and just a short distance from, Sandy blvd. Hurry, aa this is- going to be told this week. RITTER. LOWE- & CO.. REALTORS 2012-3 5-7 LViard of Trade bldg. S390 " LARGE LOT 75x112 FT. AH clear and level, cm 37th at., m WILSHJRE. Terms.1 J3.dll DOWN;, $2.O0 TER WEEK, including interest at 6 per cent. This is a proiKwiron- you cannot afford to overlook. Stop paying rent and start a home. Call at Branch Office, 33d and Bryee ,.' Auto. 329-3T. J. L. JTARTMAN COMPANY, 42d & Hawthorne Ave. We . hare a dandy level lot fronting on Hawthbme ave., all improvements in and paid for $1250. Ratter, Lowe'& Co. ' Realtors- " 201-2-3 5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. SEE THESE TODAY Quarter acre tracts located on East T2d St. between the Alt. Tabor and Hawthorne earlines, fronting on east 7 2d st,. beginning at a point 600 feet north of corner. 72d and Division st. These tracu are the aery beat garden soil, cultivated, macadam streets. water, gas and electricity. Prises $600 to $9O0 per tract. $l0-.down. balance not leas than $ 1 5 per month. - Our representa tive wul be on the tract Sunday from 1. to 6 p. m. , . " BROWN'-McGUJSGOK INVESTMENT IX).. 610-11 Oasco bldg. - Atwater 3S2sL Laiirelliurst VsTe. have lots with all Improvements in ' and paid for as low as $750 in this siistrict uf fine homes. See us before buying your lot. fitter, Lowe-'t - Realtors Co. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg: SOUTH PORTLAND "BUSINESS LOT Located oh Osrbett st, facing east. 79 ft north of Pendleton. Owner must hare cash. We can denver this 80x100 lot. clear on incumbrance for $1350. An un usual -value. RITTER, LOW? & CO., REALTORS 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. LOT WITH GARAGE Only $950, $100 cash. $10 monthly on lam mil, near Z3d; 2 blocks to car; macadam st; ail improvement paid walking distance of west side. Office open tsuncay, JohnsonD.odsoii 7 Co. 633 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 3787. SMALL CREEK , 1.81 acres of eutover land. 1 mile fmm city limits. Price $650.. $25 down. $7.50 U1UUU1U. 732 Cham, of Coin. $750- CASH - 60x100. on E. 50th. .near Division; all lmprrrvemenTa m ana pau; on car. nea.r school and Franklin high. Office open Bunuay. Johnson0o'dson Co. 633 N. W. Ttank bldg.' Main 3787. MIRRYMEAD 75x100. with 118 aaraxe. fmit shrubs, berries, grapes, etc Sunmnded by good homes; all improvement! in and paid. Price $2125. easy terau. Will con sider 2d mtg. Orfice open Sands y. JohnsonDodson Co. . 633 S. W, Bank btdg.-- Main 8787. $12,000 BCRNSIDE $12,000 100x100 CORNER C 11th aod Burnside. Just think what this comer will be worth with a new real bridge on Burnside, and Sandy bird, ex tended from ltvth to 12th. yow is the time to buy this corner. RITTER. LOWE & CO., REALTORS ; 201-2-8-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. . CORNER. $850 -8100 cash, 310 monthly; on paved street, sidewalks, curbs and sewer all in and paid ; 1 block to Irrmgton car; 3, blocks to school; 60x100; 2 .fruit trees, shrubbery, etc i JohnsonOodsdn Co. 638 N. W. Bank bldr.: Main 8787. $70Qrand Ave.$7CM5 East side Grand, 100 ft north of Hol xnan, 50x100, improvements paid; only 1 block from the heart of Piedmont; 870 cash. 810 per .month. J. G- Rainey. 517 Abington bldg. Broadway 6269. , CLOSE TO ALNSWORTH AVE. 50x1-00; sidewalk and sewer in; 3460, on easy terms. Otw-n Sunday. JohnsonDodson Co. 633 y. W. Bank' bMg. Main 3787. ROSE CITx LOTS We have seme snaps, for instance beautiful lot on 50th st just off Sandy, $1250; another on Tillamook near 8 7th and new high school, 3850: a 100x100 comer- near new school. $1650. A real buy. Ant 815-44. DOWN PENINSULA WAY -Nice wooded lot, $350 to $500, accord ing to improvements: no unpaid , assess ments; terms to suit purchaser. ' Open Sunday. -- . JohnonDodson Co. 633 N. W. Bank bldg. ' Main 8T8T. . $S0 DOWN PRICE ' $3 2 o REAL. . SAORIFICB Why pay high rent? Csement aidewnlks in, on E. Alder at, 50 ft east of 84th. fatring sooth. - LESS THAN 1908 PRICES Walking distance. $1000. , All. Imptuve menta in and paid;' Flanders sJ, ngar Sandy blvd. Bdwy. 6011, . or East 7978. , T. O; BIRD. 526 Cham of Com. ' LOT 60x100 on KUUngsworth aye., near 11th street, 3510, terms. $50 discount for cash. 612 Alberta st Walnnt I4. FOR SALE 70th" and Pacific, 50x110. eor- ner lot, for hair price to settle estate xat- mediatery. - CaU WaJlsut 2OZ. LOTS bargaua counter; lots $225. 3200. $160, terms; sewer in, part paid. 6128 6 2d at. Woodstock ear. 130x200 APARTMENT site, good renting district, west, side, close fa, cheap for cash- Inquire '634 Market gt. - , - TWO IjOXS, - comer 27th -' and - Fremont $1700; c -aa improvement . paid. Bdwy. 7521. Ant 813-14. ' $300s 2 BLKS. ROSE CITY CAR Nice 50x1 0O Jot, asst. paM. Tabor 55. 3750 LOT ON,Eaa 51st' at, .with, inv sproeementa in. Emriirvj 2140. , LtJT in la marts oa Mason. 3650 cash; every thing paid. Call Bnnday, 687 Prascott BUIUjINQ lots close to ear. $25 down,. 39 par xotmtb. Owner, Belli, 3607. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE LOTS' 403 ' STOP PATTSO RENT i . If you have ambition to get ahead, why don't yon co out to WILTSHIRE and bay a lot ' Lock around and sea what others are doing in this close-in restricted resi dential district Lota are 50x163 to 80c 114 ft : Priced from 3890 to 3335. 'Terms, $3.00 down and 32.00s"er week. -Water, gas, electricity and telephona en -the tract .Either Broadway or Beaxunont ear service. Call at Branch Office,- 83d and -Bryce are.- Auto. 3 29-3 L. J. Lv UARTMAN COMPANY, ; .. Ladd's Addition! . 2ND. MORTGAGE TO BITILDEBS NICK LOTS FOR 81000 Only a few more at this price, AR tm- imiTeiiietita paid. . s i .: '. Save Caffare 16o a day means $58 a year. 23 mtnvttm walk means many times that amount -to yon fa health. A very choice residential dis trict Investigate before buying elsewhere. e Mr. Delahanty. Ladd E.-tate Co., 246 Stark st Bdww. 6754: evefingw East 8492. . ftS4-FTiR. tOOslOO ' TT. 1-1 COST OWNER OVER. 31 209 . This is what is called . real smartflesv The. locatioa a very good, as- Uie lots are on 40th avenue, just 2 elka. west of 89th street and only 1 i blk. from the ear line on -Gladstone ave. Cement sidewalks and .sewer in and paid. Lota about, 2 hi .it. above-grade and all cleared. , 1 . J. U HARTMAS. COM PAST, 8 COiamber of Com. hid. . i V - . Broadway 603 4 v Alameda Park A 50x118 ft. lot In AUmeda Park, an improvements in and paid; priced at $960 for qaick sale. . '-. I j -"'Hii.'i -i Ritter, LoWe & Co. -'" ' Realtors ' k . . 201-2-S-5-7 Board of Trade BMg. ALL UNDER CULTIVATION . Splendid 50x120. ail ready to pttt Into garden, on a macadam street, splendid ami. Price $400, . $50 cash, 910 per month. See liwye with . -- ! f 782 Cham, of Com, . On County . Road 77x100 located on BSd, near 44th at. $400 takes it ; . - f- - Ritter, 'Lowe & Co, : Realtors , 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade BMg. 31800 HIGH CLASS . - .... Home site on Dunkbvy ara, between- Res stents drive and Glerin ave. ; all lmprsyre. xnsnts paid; 2 short blocks to car: N. face: beautifully wooded., Other Iota have, been selling for $ 1 5O0 np on this street See at once. Office) open Sunday. ' JohnsonDodsan. Co. 633 K. W. Bank bldg. Mais 8787. Laurelhurst . 1190 , " Fine fan lot, running- bask to' an alley. Street Improvements in and paid, j ear park. This. Is a very special buy. , I -s, -Everett Pbilpoe Salesmanager,.- . NE1LAN A IPARKHir.Is i 319 Lombermens Bldg. -t Bdwy. 2832 Sunday call Tabor 8263. ' " KENTON . i WHERE THE PAYROLLS GROW 50x100 comer Lombard and Brandon. $ 1000 ' 60x100 cof.ier Ftmwick and HusseU. 110O .50100 comer Interstate and WatU'i 650 60x100 inside lots from $46U to 8.60 - " - AH liens paid. -.- ',- J WARREN KEELER - I J Bank bldg.. Kenton. Walrrat 6507. $200 CASH . , i , . $10 monthly; 554x100, on E. 18th. sir X4ra- a l.iu.1. . tn Wnul.. u . i block to .lrvingtan school. Priaa ' 31600 Office open. Sunday. . -: ! 'JotsnoiiDodon Co. 633 N. W. Bank bldg. I ' Mslri 3787. ' REAL SACRIFICE '. " LOT 98x100 . Price 65, Terms On E. 85th, 250 ft. north of Bnnuidr, facing west; city lease paid; gravel street. Tabor 5196. - r 2ND MORTGAGai - - 50x100. on - Gantenbein. near Alberta ; , all improvements paid; $100 cash. $20 monthly. - Price 3950. Off ice opra. Sunday- ; -v, - . .. . Johnson-Dodsdn 'Co. " 633 N. W. Bank bldg. ilain 8787. i BUILDERS--; HOTJSES COMPLETED PBOMTOUT ' Our constj-uction and ' workm ansMp, - to gether with liberal financial 'assistance, wii) g lease yon. Soldier bonus accepted. - -EIMERS at JOLTVETTE, SeUwood 2964. 50x100. ON EAST STARK Near E. 28th; aB tmproveinents In ao.1 paid. Price $1809. cash. Office open .Sunday.. . , i,, JlohrisonDodson ; Co. 633 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 8787. : $100 CASH, lift MOVTHr.V 60x100, on . E. Pine, near 26th: mac adam, st.. sewer, sidewalks and enrbs all paid ; near ear, school, eta. Pries. $91)0. . JohrisonDodson Co. . 633 y. W. Bank hM. ' Main 3 7? 7. '' OVERLOOK ADDITION " $900. Interstate and Failing. Will trade for a 4 or 5 room house and assume to S3000. Prefer Alberta, Albiua, Miss. 202 Gerlineer bldg. e i- ROSB CITY BUILD TO SUIT " Comer, paring, aear Sandy, 31000 .'all paid; 8500 down will build to suit en easy terms, or will sell " lot without house. . J. ft CORBIN CO.. 80S-6-7 Lewis bldg $1500. HALF CASH, baL terms, 7 Iota in Oak. park. 4 mite from paper mills; best soil, level, in cultivation, bemra 12 bear- ' - us una trees; cunnings old. Phone 463. U.K.' Kotey. Canaan, Wash, BOMB. site on Duiikley are., between, Regents drive and Glenn ave. - JohnsonDodson 'Co. 33 N. W. Bank bldg. Ma.n3787. BIG INCOME WEST SIDE 4 -family flat, separate furnaces; 51x100: nod condition; only 310.600, some terms. Bdwy. 6011, Moiwiayr T. O. BIRD. 626 Cham of fa. $350 ROSE CITY DISTHIOT .' " . - Full lot, 2 bike. from Sand j; prettv shad, trees, cement walk and enrb;-arrange . your own terms. Sea Royal. 7 2d si Sandy blvd. Tabor 0155, . BY OWNER TT 1 block- from Sandy .bird., cor 67th ase . Siskiyou, all assessments paid, basement dug and lumber on grtainda for forms. Erery- tning goes lor siuou. T-B59, JoomaL LET as show yo fine lot la Piedfoout 31050. Will help to- finance a bouse. 3. R. HAIGHT FOR REAL ESTATE,' -' Bdwy. 2045. ; . s 352 Ankeny.- - Nearly 3 Lots - 1 " PRICE 8550 EASY TERMS ' 2190 E. Taylor at Tajxr B19g. WANT exchange big lot, "54x133. at the end . of Mount Tabor carline.. lor email lot tn : Ticinity Kulingsworth jive. . or Alhinn 4ttv trict Inquire 864 Montana tn S FINE building iota, 60x100, very cheap, at ; 60th and 38th ave ,-8 blks. from Mt ftmrt car. Inquire at 1180 Haw thorn, srsaw 38th. i0xl0-LOT. on Division St.. bet 29th and ; 8 0th. Easy tanna. SelL 1185. Omar, 912 ' Division at . . 2 LOTS, with tent house, m good looa tion. Will take 8525, part cash and time? less for all cash, iz J. Fisher. Auto. 640-41. LARGE comer lot, 95x147, on HA carline. . ; at. 6 2d at ; easy terms to responaihle party. tnrner, zwnx o-a st n. m. 100il50. oh paved E. Stark at. Just outside 7 city , hmits. $1000 cash or terms. Mrs. Scbaver. 9t E. Sth. East 8367. CHOICE 60x100, near Frankin high achooT . Car ft blocks. Water tn. Sewer near Very cheap for tmsn. F-io. JonrnsU RUSK CITY . PAiUa, choice eorwer lot for , 3 lOOO ioc lndicg paring. bZA and Broadway. .', Owner. Tabor 8749.- v - - 3375 -50x100 LOT, imp. paid, Roe CtW dtttrict. Good location. Tabor 8007. ' , CORNER lot wth fair liou-e. near Rroadway bridge. 33300. ' Owner. East 6799. TJNION. ave. businesa lot east frant 31650. Owner. Fast 6799. $100 LOT on Linnton blvd..- Phone Taaor -:. ft5T2. - - --' - - BUILDING lota close to ear, $25 down, $ per month. Owner, Sell 3607.. CORNER lot, E. 23th N. and Buxaaasv In- quire at 1081 E. 28th st ' ; - ONE or two lota for cash; must be a bargain. Walcnt 480. . , 1034 E, 84ti at, 2L. lZi - s af