1G THE UUEGON .DAILY JOURNAL,: POKTLAIS'l), . UltbiUUXV. bxVIMJAI, VLT1UUE, ft Vt IV4. i ' " REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 r This Is Really Cheap ' 82100 aura a-C-room imden nouae . o - a lOOllOO , lot-; tors of fH bearing truil trees; 2 grape arbors and hemes, chicken c hoose and ran. Itjs u a bargain if sold "-. thn week. Place deer of incumbrance; only $359 down, balance like rent. . ' HERE IS A FIXD : $3650 buys a brand -new 4 -room house, ; " on a 'cr.inr. kit; paving and tewtrs all and paid. In a food .ditaret Has all built-in, breakfast nook and floored attic, - fireplace, and everything. Think of it, only $500-down, balance like rent. JUST WHAT TOU WANT - $4350 buys a 6-room etru:ily modern, brand new home, bardweod floor, fire;. lace, ' breakfast nook; lot 50x100. This house- a built fine nd line finish. It a real buy, ' $1000 down, balance like rent. We. hate hundreds cf listing of houses and farm that are real buys and hare been appraised and ins peeled personally by u. If sou are looking for a real buy in a home or a farm come out and see us. List your houses for rent or for sale with us for 'luick action. McQee &' Dennis WE SELI THE EARTH 069 Inkii iw. X. Wshmt- 5684 . $2800 PARKROSE BCNGALOW Juat outride city UtniW. 1 block from car line and school, ideal 'location, south of Sandy blvd., 70x100 ft. corner lot. water, gas, electricity. This an up to-date .apartment bungalcw, consisting of living room, bed room, kitchen and breakfast nook, also -a bath with very modern plumbing fixtures . recess bath tab) ; lot. on grade with street' There is also a garage. : Far just two m the family who desire a real home, yet In expensive to keep up, tkU place we can well recommend. .' Terms $800 down, balance ar ranged. Our branch office at the end of Parkroe carl me is oeea every day. lake it ose City Park-Parkrose jcar to end of list. J, U HARTMAN H IIMfAM 8 Chamber of ('cm. bide. -Broadway C034. ! f V v M a a. at at "V " 'isaar ai a a- w I Beautiful modern eilit-room bom. latg aving room, dm. as rfom, Iatch kitchen;, breakfast rm., inclined back !pcrcb., lava-' ory and toilet; Rudy furnace, laundry : 3 - tine bedroma, sleeping porch. -Tel., bath, large finished attic suitable playroom or bil- - hard room, hardwood floors throughout ; first class superior construction, garage; high class district, 6a." Wasco. 2 blocks. ." Irrington car;, will accept 1 or 3 well" lo cated lota or good, small house as part pay ment. Owner. RobeH B. Beat. Kast- 187r. soo K)NE BLOfK TO KUSK CITT PARK CAR New 3 room house, htins room, with hardwood Qoors, J"ireilace and bookcases, -large bedroom and bath, kitchen and break - tast nook, cement basement aitd " laundry J trays, Call at Itos" City Park branch of fice. 45th and Sandy blvd. Aut. 3:26-10. J. L. UAHTMAN CO, 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. ' Hdwy. 6034. $1360 A small payment duwn, balance monthly, takes this clean little 3 room cottage, with garage, on acre, lots of fruit trees and . berries, 24 minutes from down town, on Oregon Electric car. See Mf. Phillips, with J. U HABTMAN CO. 8 Chamber of (Vmmerce , Bldg. Bdwy. 8034. - Can We Help Yotu? We b:iild homea that please the owners. All materials and workmanship guaranteed first elass. Assistance in financing and terms that will .please you. , Morgan Co. 827 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. -Office Phone: - Broadway 6706. Residence Phone Evenings; "Walnut 3812. ON EAST STARK iNEAK LAiJELHrRST PARK $4600. $1250 cash to handle. Well built house, 6 rooms and large sleeping porch, fireplace, built-ina, full basement, concrete garage; pacd itreet. JohnsonDodsoo Co. 33 N. W. Bank bldg. " Main -377. TOU CAN'T BEAT THIS VALUE $260O--$2600 S260O . Classy 4-room house, near Franklin high. K n , it iH- .it .....I . .u .. . . , .1 fruit; $300 and trnall monLbij- payments' Dies you the key to tlus cor.y home, R. L. McGREW, REALTOR, IPSO Hawthorne; . are. TabuT WS02. $2875 20 DOWN buys a new 4 ' room, lovely little modern bungalow: ivory, finish, breakfast nook, Dutch kitchen. 2 sleeping roomsv bath, large living room, 'basement, reraenl porch, sidewalk, "block to hard surface street, near school. This -is a dream of a lifetime. EDWIN G. WILSON, REALTOR. B621 Woodstock Ave. , Aat -&15-13, A REAL INVESTMENT r 7 room modern hom-?son riaved street. 1 block to cat. TMs property will show 15 per cent on inventim-nt of a34r, $50O tash. - reasonable monthly payments. .JohinisoeDodson: Co. 638 N. W. Bank hldg. ' .Miin 3787. ONLT $3600. NEW; Tes. it is all new. A new design, a new j kind of a buraUm. Ye, it's m;ire attrac tive than anything you have seen. fee it and you wilt want one like it. 466 57th St.. between Tillamook and Thompson. One blk. to Rose "ity school. Owner, designer and - builder. Tabor 436S. BUI' FROM OWNER AND SAVE . - COMMISyiN Very nice 4 -room btir.iatow. enameled fin ish, modflm; 2-tc(iToc-ms. Dutch kitchen, full basement; garage. Tft.tlOO lot. full price $2250 with small payment down and very liberal terms.- Phone Aut. 628-14. -42400 $20 " DOWN, balance $25 per mo., f buy a nfodetn 5 room bungalow with bath, ! Jrory- tmin. nice lawn and shrubbery, good arden spot.- Garage. 2 bhx-ks to car,, near school. A .home to be proud of EDWIN O. .WILSON. REALTOR, 5.621 WqodAKick Ave. Ant 615-18. $5750 7-ROOM modern Home, 4 bedrooms. 8 up, 1 -downstairs; cement basement, new furnace, - new atoilet. cement garage, holds two machines: iwilj pay you to' fee it. J. C. McKenna, 113E1 Belmont,' at 39th. Tabor ( 483. FOR SALE, byowner, new.- modern 5room house, hdwd. poors, nook, furnace, attic, garage and nice lawn: lor 60x12.0. All st. imp. in and paid. Near Franklin high- Mt Scott and Hawtlirne cars. 14 So Division st. Phone Tt?oT 6558. . 8-ROOiI houte snap: modem, walking dis tance, eas$ -sidjB. iull attic, full basement, Fox furnace, rooms rent for $15 to $20 a - mouth; $500 cash. 8 years at 6 per cent em balance; direct from owner. V-151, Journal. $2000 NEW AND -SNAPPY $2000 v 4 room modern hnngalow in Kenton, .$410 cash, bajance like rent.- JohnsonD,dsQn Co. 633 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 3787. BY OWNER New i rooms, modern, Al berts car. Walnut 0408. ' 4 room cosy home. Alberta car, modem, terms. WaL 04O8. Owner. Possession at knee. 4 roumi. new mod-, .... em. terras; everything jMid Walnut 0408. a MT. TABOK BARGAIN By owner. $7000, modern 7 -room house, hardwood floors, full cement ha-sement, fur . nace. tile - fireplace sad bafh toom, large fereeued in porch overlooking Laurelliurst. lot 34x186. garage. r2Si. JTournil. REAL BUNGALOW 5- rooms and glass porch, hdw. nr French doors, fireplace, buffet, full , cement basement, trays, iawur and flowers; lot 50 Tl00; 1 block to ears only $3150; $650 down, balance like irent. East 8935. me give you xg figures on - your new s souse yo re going w UUilu. I will save ytw saoney ana nelp ; iintnce. Have thirty "houses under way this: year: first class work. ; HZ H. Harris, 1Q16 Brooklyn. SefL 2858. , IF; TOU are looking or a bargain in a new . -'15 room modern bungalow, no to date, 'and have $1500 cash, Ball si 884 Weidier st . .Inc $47 JO; dosAi In; must be sold this " ' 'iponth. -j. .. . . . "TpUX FROM OWNER AND SAVE - .t-i COMMISSION ? : -1 Sannyside near 391b. 6 room bouse .." , large lot. $2320; $T5 cash. Tabor 693.' BY tOWS Eft 3 rxnxm, electricity, gas, , bath, full !ot berries, fruit.; improved street roirl- ,-$0. $-'00 down; J4 block to. car. Write -u-,ni, journal. : HOPsi. plans ' . 100 Mgat. $10 o 113, or gpecia2y de tlgnew at reasons hl fee. U ft. BAILEY A CO.. $24 X. W. Bank: Blda. AK SOU GOING TO BUILDx make .alter siionsf See . say work. Plans tnrajbhed. SI years in Poruand. V 2086 E- Morrison. Tabor 2809. - - i 7-ROtM bungatow. 50 by 100 foot lot, 4 Mnets rrom K. C. car; $2000 caib. Main -86 IS. $.950 NEW Iningtoa cotoniai. $1000 cash - to handle. , For inspection. East 3941.- .NEW 5 room bungalow, modern throughout, $500 down. Main 8615. fcTRlCTLY m-xiirn 'new -j 5-rooin : bungaiow, close in; $500 dowru .Main S615. , REAL' ESTATE--FOR SALE HOUSES 404 4 ROOM bona on 65ta ave . 1 block to car. L Let 45x83: garage; a eosr bom. Pnea ' IMOO: 850O cash, balance $25 per month. Or $210O cash. : 8 room boose, good Jnt 2 Mocks to ear. Price 42300; (1000 cash. Balance; like rent. 5 room house. 2 good lota. blocks 'to- car. 3 bole as to school. Pries $1200, 'cash.: . ; i v - .. P- ) 7 room furnished bouse, ready for noose keeping, corner lot ou payed at 14700. cash. This r a $6000 horn. j "-. 5 room house, sear school. Price $12400; $1000 cadb. and term. I 5 room modern : S30O0: $800 balance term. Several good buataeasi prop erties on ("aster road. ' . ' I P. LAR8EN. 6538 Foster Road. I Aut 638-30. Office. Ant. 638-01. $4800 1 hi "BLOCKS OFF SANDY BLVD. SOMETHING DIFFERENT IN I -ARRANGEMENT ' New 5 room fiottie with aleeping porch, reception hall, lcrina" and diniog room, bard wood floors. . large liiitch kitehea and breakfm nook, 2 Bice bedrooms with clos ets and sleeping porch, beautiful bafbreom with comiXRition floor and recess tub. also composition dramboard in kitchen, cement basement, furnace and good caragei This is a wonderful home- Thn bouse is splen didly arranged and is dose to school and store. Priced Tery low. tosat City Pari branch office .open every- day, 45th and Sandy bld Ant &26-10. : ' 3. U HAKTMAN CO. j , 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. ; . Bdwy.-60S4. ROSE CITT PARK 'ILeAUKHLHrilST ALAMEDA IEVIXGTOJf ; ' If you are going to buy -is snj of , these district yon owe it to yourself, to get iu touch with-tB. W combine our efforts prin cipally to the sale of property in j the best east io districts. No ohtlgations. positively. A C. TEEPE CO. CITY OffO t -LilUEELRSt' SAW3V -BVm. k feUSAM ST AT 40ffH CfVVs' M 39TH lABOX 9586 VAX TAB Qg 3133 736" East -65th St. North ROSE- CITY PARK WELL, BUILT ' . Double Constructed $4500 $4500 $4500 New 5 room bungalow with large break- fast nook, plenty of built-in, tile sink and tile bath, built-in fireplace, hardwood floors, pipe furnace; the beet of plumbing and beau tiful electric fixtures. See this at once Owner there from IS to 5 daily, or phone 5 evenings, Aut.- 817-76. , , , , 3 Your Home Now We assist in. .plmnniiiff and' f inaocins. Come in and talk it OTer. Bohn Inyestment Co. 21 ft; Panama bldlg. Broadway SI 51. K. 24 TH ST. BE'B. R. C. ANO M. V. CARS B room home fci excellent repair, living ; room, dining room, kitchen and extra, toilet : down. 3 bedrooms and bath upstairs; pol - ishedj fir floors, inlaid lisolenm In kitchen : aandf bath, west front, with awnings, full basement, furnace, 50x100 lot, garage.. Print $4500, $122$ cash required. JohnonDodson Co. 633 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 8787. Bejautifut Mt. Tabor , 5fRooim Bungalow : Owner refused 860O cash a year ago and is now foroed trj sacviftce it for $7000. vQth but $100 down and bml. on monthly j paymtnts if so desired, to dispose of name this week. Has to leare for East at onr on new business undertaking. Call Main 2451 Sunday, fn?m 10 to 8 for appoictnlent. 4 BLOCKS TO JEFFERSON HIGH 6 room modem honje, garage, 50x100 1. 100" feet from pavement; location is ideal, 2 blocks from library, public park and two cartines. Priced low at $3885, $1000 cash will handle. JohnsonOodson. Co. 633 N. W, Bank bldg. Main 3787. STOP-Stop.! Take notices Don't cheat your self: -Is the pleasure of saying "It's hew" worth $2000 to you. If so see this house and save your money. The same house new would dost; $400. This one is first class condition, only 82850. . 6 rms., large sleep ing iiorch, bsmt., paved st. Good district. By owner. - Mutt sell, leaving city. 711 Spokane AveJ. Tabor 4368 $2600 -IN MONTA VILLA- $2600 5 mom cottage, modern, 100x100 Itt, on graveled street; 10 large fruit trees, loTS of berries. JohnsonDodson; Co.-. 633 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 3787. $100 CASH $35 MONTHLY 6 room-honse on; one acre, fine garden soil, chicken honsesj berries, grapes, etc: surrounded by nice S homes, close to car. -) See Mr. Phillips, with J., L. Hartman Co., 8 Cham. tl Com, bldg- $1575 SHINGLE COTTAGE $1575 5 ropms. bath and! toilet, 50x100 let, 1 block to car. $250 cash, 825 monthly,' in cluding interest. , JohnsonDodson Co. 6S3 N. W." Bank bldg. Main 3?87. 865CO GENTLEMAN 8 B room modern home on west slope of Mt. Tabor, lot 150x159 feet; fruit, berries, shrubbery. Will take one or two good automobiles or $2500 cash, baiance aa we can agree." ,J. C. MrKenna, 1151 Belmont, at 39th... Tabor 6493. BY OWNER Modern 5-room bungalow, two . nnftnithed rooms nnstain, hardwood floors, buffet, Dutch kitchen, cement basement, furnace and garage. 1 1 1 9 1 Woodstock are., one block east Reed college, grounds. Terms. Sellwcod 1104. . A WONDERFl-L buy for quirk sale by ownerT will sacrifice ray 5-room bnngalow, hardwood floors, "bookoaaes, Dutctukdtchen. large break fast nook, ptpe furnace, full cement base ment, laundry trays. B75 B, 28th at. N., " cor. Knott st. Call: Broadway 0977. Be at place 1 to 6 p. tot, on Sunday. LAURELHURST CUT-PRICE 6 room California bungalow, all one floor, on large tot,' near park. This is Tery artistic on the outside, modern conveniences, sweet and lovely on the inside. Whoever gets this st the price will be lucky. Shown by appointment. Tabor 2189. I SEARCHED ALL PORTLAND for my cosy 5 r. mod. bong.. 2 big fenced lot?, fruit; glassed si. p. Now must sell with ranges, ahadea and YEAR'S FUEL in bas t. $280O. easy terms. 6036 57th' ats 8. E. Aut. 610-73. . ONLY $4600. new and nifty. Mr. Ex-8ervice Man. there is the chance of your life time. $300with bonus loan' will let you into new p-rm. bungalow. H. W. floors, fire place and garage. A real bargain by owner. Must sell, leaving the city. Tabor 4868. LAURELHURST CORNER It is a genuine sacrifice. Very modern, 7 rms., spic and span; 50x115. comer; center- of Laureltmrst. Don't miss this and then res ret you overlooked it. Phone for ft poiptment. Tabor 21S9. BY OWNER y p 100x100 earner, 8 rm. honse. laundry trays, gas. electricity, fruit, paved street; a bargain. Price $3750. Walnut 0230. $4 350 LEAVING city, sell at cost modem 4 rm. . hoae and attic Full cement hast ment and gange. Waverlyr Heights. One blk. to car. i 1$ xoin. to town. Owner. Sell. 3880. . 1 ' - - $2350 820O CASH. $30 per month: 'good 6-roora house, lot 50 feet front, 100 feet deep ; Gleneo school district, S blocks SS car. Surprise snap. Jit C. McKenaa, 1151 Belmont, "at 39th. 'Tabor 6493. SINDAT SPECIAL 4 room modern bangle- tow. $275; fireplace. 2 bedrooms, bath. W. E. kitrhen, cement basement, L trays. Irvtngton Park. $330., Owner. Bdwy. 7428, Bdwy. 4794. ' ONLY $20O 5 rtom .modern cettate. one floor, one block to 3 cars and school;: paved street. $S00 down, balance $15 per month, tn- cluditig interest. - East 8933. 5 - EOSE CITY PARK Modern, 5-Rom bunga tow. sleeping perch, garage, paved street: Sf ' " i ccf,tt ' "Owmag.- Tabor - "8200 XWN PRICB $SOv " 4 room bouse, aleccrie hshts. gas. water, cement walks. ele to enri and school. nviivvi swmn. t IHKimm Mag. 5-ROOM modem bnngalow, tree of all hens, E. 33d at Broadway; $5800. $1000 down. - reasonable monthly payssanlfc. - Owner, 96$ K. 2th st. N. ;-'-" .- - " - '' 5 ROOMS - W ACRE IJigbt in town, modem, hardwood floors, etc. 454 E. Iflth St., ;50w -.Owner, Broadway 1583. - -"',- --." ,. '- 4 . r t ' " r REAL ESTATE-FOR SALE ' ACREAGE 405 - C. C. tXRICH -CW.i Inc., ' 8wrt 405 Stock -Exchange bldg. Uaiat 4354-4851. i ".. . , " "' 8 acres tm the : Capital highway; ft acres in cultivation, 2 acraa sa pasture, 4 acre ia.- truit and berraea; C room Dutch colonial house, chicken house. This u near th Tualatin river with 600 feet on the i highway; - priced right: good wr .' 1 -aeie chicken rawch. all in emlti vation; fruit am berries; good 4 -room house with bathroom, fireplace: good chicken house for 1000 chickens, brooder heus and clove room; good gravel road: only 5 blocks' from Oregon City car: $4000. $1000 cmsb, balance arranged. ' ' ' - 1 acres near Huber" station ; S-room house., chicken house and garage: 24 bearing- fruit treoa. lots , of berries- and grapes; 2 large asparagus Mds; pnc. only $1550, $400 easa gives possession. 'i H acre just off 82d at.; modern 4- rot n , house ' with glassed-in porch : nice - fireplace and breakfast nook; chicken bouse for 200 chickens. ' This is too beautiful to describe; ptica' $3750; good term. f ' 1 G. C. CLRICH CO.. &.. 'Suite 405 Stock Exchange bldg. Main 4S54-4335. ? 5 ACRES FOE $1250 The - bigget snap in Multnomah county, on Rockwood road, near school, about 1-8 cleared, balance second growth -fir timber. Tha is $750 less- than the adjoining prop Terms 9.a down, balance 825 Per mo." intereat included at 6 per cent. Sew" Mr. Ph ilips, with i. L. Hartman Company, 8 Chamber of Com. bldg. wY mi ONE -HALF acne, covered with fruit, good garage and clean cot tage close to car and pavement; fine'plaee for chickens, only $1900, easy terms. i Ralph Harris Company -316 Chamber of Commerce. Bdwy. j654. FOR SALrJ 15 ' acres fertile : land, " pitua ted in Watren, Columbia county ; land lays ievel ; 0 acres in high state of cultivation; can ra-se any kind of crop: fi acres in pasture. The land is all drained with tiling. Any body wishing a good size farm can buy ad joining 15 or 80 acres more. Price $250 per acre. Address C' Boiing, Warren. Or. 4 Vi ACRES. 6 room house, barn, chicken house, lx80; fruit of all kinds f' family use; all in cultivation; located on Garibaldi are., near N -W . corner. Hills boro, just out of city limits; 12 minutes' walk from court house; city water, gss in street. Come look this over; half cash, balance 6 per cent. Clarence New, Hillsboro, Or., P. O. Box 211. ACRE tracts on easy terras, close to Mult nomah on the Oregon Electric. Gas, Bull Run water, electricity in the streets. Just the. place for your permanent horne. 10 per cent down and $15 per month. BEN R1E8LAND. 404 Piatt bldg. Branch office ; at Multnomah on the Boulevard. NEAR PARKROSE "ON CRAIG ROAD Big homesite- on bill overlooking Columbia and mountains. . Close to high school, stores, church, streetcar. All city conven iences. $2? cash and easy monthly payments, 6 interest. Total price $800. Owner, Tabor 2415 evenings. r NEW 4-roccn modern house, H acre land, cleared. 4-room house, 2-3 acre, chicken house. 600 chicken capacity. Aiso acre tracts east of R. C. speed way : easy payments. Wal. 0640. Acres for Home 8800, easy payments, choice land, near Portland, rock road and electric depot. Bdwy. 4375. I ' BTJCKMAN TRACT ACRES. $675 ' $8 down, $8 month. City school, water, lights, graveled road. Alberta (or Beaumont cars. ROGER W. CART. UPSTAIRS, 142 Secend street., comer Aider. hi ACRE, 67 ft. frontage on Powell Valley, V, mile outside city limit, city, water and gas, small house, small payment down and smell monthly payment. Call owner. Wal nut 6866. UNIMPROVED 5 a. tract at 82d st. and Kendall station. Good car service, highway, " running water, city conveniences, on John- on creek. Good place for ducks and geese. B. L YOKE, 516 Gates Bldg., at noon. BEAVERDAM. 4 sere, near Oak Grove. H 64, Journal. . ; SUBURB Art HOMES 4t6 Oneialf Acre and New Bungalow Nearly ba?f acre, new buncalow, 4 large rooms and bathroom, large cfcset. concret foundation. Cront and back porch, beautiful grove native trees,-on earline," near school, just outside irity with gll city conveniences, bet. Stark and Glisan sta. A great bargain rat 21p; terms. S. P Osburn. 610 McKay blag.. 3d and Stark. TOPNOTCH BARGAIN r .6 hi acres close to Poster roed. with ' good 6 room house, 3 acrs in berries, 1 acre fruit; all ery best of land, and one of the top--notch bargains in suburban prop erty. $2750. Some terms. 316 Chamber- of Commerce. Bdwy. 5654. $2900 REDUCED $2900 ' This suburban, new bungalow on half acre. Has" hardwood floors. Dutch kitchen, break fast nook, two bedrooms, full plumbing, gas, lights and water: 20 xninutes from town. 1 block to highway. Wrll take piano as part payment. Small down payment will handle. HURRY 1 HTJB.RY! HURRY! Mr. - Fisher with WILBUR F. JQUNO, INC. Bdwy. 4837. -224 Henry bids. Tab. 4552 i '"NEARLY 2 ACRES. NEW BUNGALOW 3 nooms snd sleeping porch - ready for plaster, few natural trees, balance cultivated, city schools, water, electricity, graveled road. 02d and Going. 'Let roe show you. $3200., Kay payments. Main 2007, res.. Walnut 1959. ROGER W. CART. UPSTAIRS. 142 Second., cor A lder. G. H. SAMPSON'S SCENIC HOME hi acre in bearing family orchard, wal nuts and berries: 1 -story, 7 -room house, ' built 1918. 26x32 ft. with large pergola porches, gas,- telephone and city water in stalled; electricity available. At Bsrstow on Oregon Electric, 22 minutes out. Terms, $2500. Main- 1884. Owner. East of Parkrose 4 -acres fine fruit snd berry land, 2 acres in spuds, shack full of furniture, near Co lumbia highway . car and school; electricity snd gas; good reason for offering at $1650. Terms. S. P. Osburn. 610 McKay bldg., 3d snd Stsrk. IV ACRE CHICKEN RANCH Comforts bie 4 room honse, large chicken . house, hearing fruit, electricity, gas. close to ear, Jersey cow, etc.. $3500. Easy terms. Let me show you today. .Main -2007, res.. Walnut -1959. 1 ROGER (W. CAHY, UPSTAIRS. - 142 hi Second, cor. Alder. $3500- SUBURBAN HOME $3500 ' 1 acre ground, good 6 room plastered house with usual plumbing, 2 blocks to car. JohnsonDodson Co. , 633 S. W. Bank, bldg. Main 878T ' MULTNOMAH SNAP '. $2500, $500 Unwttv 5 room modem bun galow, on choice comer, 1 block from station. Mam 4253. Mrs. Ryan. 4 BOOM house, 1 14 acre. Multnomah. 57 Price $180. $500 down. Berries, fruit trees, citywater. W'. C. Justice, sealtor, 2ft ' "Grand ave. East 6502. $254)0 4 BOOM bungalow and hi acre fine soil,- close to car and highway. Easy terms. -East 6329. ' V X 5-ROOM modern houses.--! just being com- , pie ted. with 164x305 ft. at ground. Phone Act. 625-88. - 5-ROOM piastered house, 1 acre, chicken- heave, garage, esJe or exchange for rood lot or house in city. Call 6:30, East 1?9. FARMS 407 VlN al "POLK. CO." FA RM v All equipped, 8100 per acre. Fine terms. ,s. : TRIPP, ' ' ' ' ' Ihdependenee. Or.. "' SO ACRES, 29 under euitivaaon. more ad joining to let; fine 5 mom bungalow, -good .barn;- right e the hlgtrway. near Yamhill. - mile from stores sad school.. BiancharA, "; 401-- Swetiand -Wdg. -" - - . -. OWNER WILI, SELL, 08 LEASE CHOICE TRRIGATEIK TRACT. NEAR COUTMB1A --HIGHWAY ANl RIVER. . r ' . O. C HOWARD. 1115 X". W. BANK. 64 ACRES, partly cleared. 5 miles mm For est Grove, 1 - mile from school. Will con " sidee trade for city home or aeB at a snap. ' Tabor 604 T. -" FOR SALE, by owner. 68 H acre farm, eropw . stock and eqolpvnent; ' $4 2 50. , Easy terms. Writa E Stsvokyf Moislls. Or.. Route 1. FOR RENT e sale, near Ro?e Cdy speedway, L - chicken ranch. 4 rm. hooae. W alnat 0640. REAL ESTATE -FQg SALE FARMS 407 JWUSTBE SOLD l -! " ,""',-" -""-- Owner leaving and must Sell 20 acrri, 4 V- -miles , from. Oregon City carhne. There m a good 6 room -,hose and bam on -place; , 7000 .stri wherry plants set cut this fall:' 6 acres can be plowed. This is easily worth $3800 bus will sell for $2450, part cah. DON'T MISS.THIS 4 O. DILLMAN Phone .427 f EleTator, Oregon City, Or. Foot Sold on First 3 ight - t- 1 II 1 ..hm . . Jmm t in small ' country places. to 20 acres. " happy. diirmg last week; 4 families made i ' WHY' Becanie twe examined the properties, made carefui appraisal and representations, and tha Tjropernea sold thmselvs. A? WE SERVE TOCt W. hkve 12 acres, all good soil, in culrivatiijiBj. running water, 5 acres hi pota toes, haiy "in barn. 2O0 chickens, hone, cow. implements and tools, on rocked county road, 14 i mile o school. :H mile to electric depot, 2B miles to Portland. Other similar small places. " Come in. J. A. MEISSNEK i. 821 Gasoo bldg. 1IAY. grain -and stock ranch, 865 acres, 280 acres meadow in cultivation, all irrigated, gravity system, deed to state water rights, ample free range adjoining, including 75 ! head of cattle, horses and. complete fenn v irrg- equipment; large creek runs through ,- place; mile to school, depot, P. O., gen r eral store : good buildings with spring water piped to house and barns: on main high way; good market and shipping facilities; easy terms: price $48,600. Owner, 609 Paulsen bldg.. Spokangj, Wash. PREPARE TO-MEET YOUR FUTURE - Country home of 44 acres, a- magnificent -viewpoint (6 snow-capped mountains and lante expanse of Columbia river) . beautiful - little timber grove, spring and pond, on counter road. A place to go when you are tired of city strife. Only t costs a" Mtlew - Priee $1320. small down payment, balance long tame terms. .-i J. A. MEISSNER. 821 GAS CO BLDG. J 40 ACRES. 15-in cultivation,! all tillable, on good road, .mile .from sphool, hi mile from church, 4 miles to nearest town, close neighbors, a very good barn and outbuild ings, 7 room, house, both bot and cold water, prune orchard. 1 jteam. harness, wagon, 2 doe. chickens, 1 cow. Price 84500, terms. We will take you out to place by auto, 30 minutes' drive from Es tacada. Phone or write Mrs. A. E. Davis, Eetacada Or. CANADIAN FARM LAKDS Last great block of Canadian Pacific sRy. Co. reserve lands, . remarkably cheap, on long and ca-y terms. . Landeekers' excursion party leaves Port land for Alberta, Canada, on Saturday, Oct. 14. . Reduced railway rates. For further particulars apply - to Canadian' Pacific lly. 4 Co.. 208 Railway Exch. Bldg. L. P. Thornton, distrW-t representative. 100 ACRES, all under, cultivation but 20 acres, which is in pasture. This tract- 4S about half upland, balance sah river bot tom: all very productive; 2 hi miles from Hiiteboro, Or., 17 miles from Portland, 1 mile from highway.Can he bought on terms. W. H. WEHRING. Northwestern National Bank bldg. - Phone Atwatcr 5620. 2-7 o -ACRE stock tsiich. GO acres under plow, 3,000,000 feet timber, fair building?, on " good road in I.hin county, "near Browns ville, Or. For quick' sale will sell for $40 per acre and take house in Portland up. to $4500. E. M. KEIXOGG. Beaver bldg.. Oregon. City, Or. 98 ACRE improved ranch, in bcauafiil Joe Creek valley, near Grant. Pass, 6 acres strawberries. 40 plowed. 25 rich, bottom, gcod buildings, equipment, household and stock. $ii0O0. Can take off $4000 worth of cordwood; 2 miie$ frrm town; can trade; $3000 cash wanted. A real snap. 222 Lumbermens bldg. CIRCUMSTANCES require sale of 1 8 acres vailey land cIorc to Portland; nice house, large barn and silo, .large chicken homes, - brooder house, family orcliard, creek, ldeally siiited for. chicken ranch or dairy Price $5700, terms. Inquire I- A. Mathion Co., 201 Ali'-ky bkte. FOR RENT FARMS 408 FOR RENT Farm ISO acres. 40 under plow. implements included. 4 miles northwest of ( Linnton, on- Newberry road. Fred Weich, j Linnton. Or., R. I, Box 229. j FOR RENT Fine large dairy farm; renter must buy hi interest in stock. See owner at 1233 Williams ave. , Portland. , CLOSE IN 120 a., improved, river, dairy truck farm, fine pasture: ifc price to family of workers. Walnut 2469. " j 100 ACRES, S7 in cultivation. 13 in prunes; aood buildinn. Aut. 630-4 5. IRRIGATED LANDS 409 IN CENTRAL OREGON 160 acre?, J13 acres paid up water right, 26 acres in alfalfa, fair house, good barn. Located on Ieschntcs river, thre-fourtb mile from state highway, six miles to Red mond. Price $7500. 350O down, balance very cay Write Deschutes Valley Realty Co., Redmond, fir." TIMBER LANDS 411 IF WISHING a real good thing jn a small lath and shingle mill with timber, see owner, 6904 45th ave. S. E-. city. SAWMILL and timber for sale. Look it ever and make me an offer. Must sell. BX 674, Journal. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 4T3 We Want a Home in - We havei land to trade in any quan tity and we will give anyone the long ead of the deal, in order to get a tome. " If you; want a goodlittle farm, a stock preposition or timber land, ate ua. . ' Quick Sales Co. 402 Couh blda. Aut.' 511-09. Perscnraally Inspected, ISO FARMS AND ACREAGE WHAT HAVE YOU ? SEE US BEFORE BT'ViNG OR EXCHANGING. PHONE 0)DQ. 5618. i STAR REAL ESTATE INV. CO." REALTORS 5L3 WCOX BLDG. BRING YOUR TRADES TO THE TRADE ARTIST OCONNELL . WITH GREAT WESTERN INVESTMENT COMPANY. 230 CHAM. OF COM. BLDG. BDWY. T381. TRADES We have a nice lot wjeas of new trading listings and will try our. best to match yours if you wifl call, on ua. Ralph Harris Company 816 Chamber of Commerce. Bdwy. 5654. NEW D2YINGTON HOME Corner with garage. Built for home. Ac cept good lot part pay. W. H ROSS 1100 NORTHWESTERN BANK BLDG. 10 ACRES, 7 acres in cult., bal. pasture snd timber; fine f print , good weU. 4 room house partly furnished; . good bam; ail fenced; a fme poultry ranch. What! have you in exchange! Price $2100. Stewart - A Morril 202 McKay bldg. FOR EXCHANGE, 400 acres, unproved, water right to Irrigate 25 acres, two sets of building-.. $35 per acre; will take' Portland. Salem, or income' of some ood city in yvailey. 11- E. Brown, Murphy bldg., Sahan, Oregon. - MODERN 6-room bungalow, lot 80x100 ft. corner, teonjavilla s district; $5900; mort gege $1600: ?want old honse 7 to 10 rooms, dose inj mnte or1 HUe more. 1- - R. M. GATEWOOD k CO.. 165 hi 4th st 20- ACRES at Burbahk. Wash, 4 room house. lO acres cleared, the rest easy to clear. Will trade or sell. Write J. P.. Hay den, 1 Timber, Qg WILL E5CHANGK 7 acres, aa clear, small - honse, adjoining city hmits of Hillsboro, or., for oruana reeMrnce. Mad. Ea$t 090. -L CHEAP aid a lit'.le down; balance $15 per . month ;or win Ux ligtit car as first pay ment, on good 4 iroera modern home; acre or goon gmniKi. rnorie niz-sa. FARMS WA N TE1 - If yon have a farm to exchange for city property, write us at once. H. W. Ostornt Cn.. , 41 fTii(.r ' of Commerce Wag. - - - -f THAIjE, ;EUtlTi uaprovea central , Alberta, Canada. , half section farm for residenca or - garage. "' 8-236, ' Journal. -.j; NEW , 4-nom btragalow,. - 'complete . garage, stadreroom. laundry.. Will take lot," Sflto as part payment, 832 E. 1 5th N. - PE0PEBTT EXCHAXGR dPEClAUSX ' -".; i - A. TK1RD0N BOSS. i Broadway- 5i:s. 62 Heary b;d. EXCHANGE REAL'1 ESTATE 413 ' TIMBER , 32A acres' in Douglas county, with a boat 9 musoa feet timber. - One mile to nulroad, cm a 5 per joent. grade; SO per cent sosar pine. Pncea at $1.6 -rjer-Jkhoussnd. Will trade for city or farm pqtiperty. - f ' . 329 acres in Douglas county, with over 10 million feet timber. Prarucally o ral road. Priced t $10,000.' "TViU trade for city or farm' property. - . ; 420 acre with 3 W million feet. Priced at $250. Will rde. j 1150 acres southeast of Eugene, abont 100 ' acres bottom iind improved:' about 15 million feet goorr timber. BuLding. Will trade for dry or farm property. . 1043-45 TJhamber of Commesce bldg. '- - - Broadway 203O. REAL ESTATE ? FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE: 414 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE M-acre ranch, all cultivated, large Mdga,, well stocked and Seauipped. on good gravel road. 4 miles of valley, town. Take houses 'or intpeoved- acre Age elowi to good ncfiool town in, valley aa part payment, balance long time. ' Come in and look it over. J. 8. Warwick, Ku 2, Box 52, Halsey, Or. Personally Inspected Farms, acreage, suburban homes , end , city property for sale or, exchange. STAR REAL ESTATE afc INVEST. CO. REALTORS. 513 WILCOX BLDG. 2 H ACRES 6 room boose, - outbuildings. Price $2000. Wast homestead or small ranch, ,near school and running stream, in Southerii Ore. Geo. .Marian, Woodburn. Or. 70 ACRElS, 10 in cultivation, all fenced, for sale, $1000, cash or trade, baL $2500 4 years 7 per cent. VI Brosfjroro. Gaston, Or. NEW 4-room bungalow, complete, garage; will take lot or auto as. first payment. b32 E 16th St.. N.. ?n Irvhurton earline. WANTED REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY 450 WANTED A -GOOD HOME ON LOWER WESHOV'ER. OR ALONG ABOUT 25TH' STREET We have a bona i fine cash buyer for a nice home on lower Westqver or along-25th street; must be up to date and modem in every way and have at least 4 bedrooms. CALL. MAHONEY. WITH COftCORAN-JONES REALTY CO., 275 OAK ST. ' PHONE BDWY. 6006. WANTED AT ONCE IN ANY GOOD DISTRICT Have party that - will be here Tuesday. Wants the best 7 rtoom home that be can- buy, for 87-000. This is a real buyer and has the caeb to buy with. . Will consider any good district. . CORCORAN JONES REALTY CO.. 275 OAK ST. PHONE BDWY. 6006. CLIENT wants new, modem 5 room house, full lot, paved street, around. $3250. Pay $500 down, 60fer. month. Be quick. R. L. Yoke, 516 Gmsoo bldg. Call at noon. I WANT a modern bungalow that is worth the money, any good district. Mr. Fisher with WILBUR F. JOUN0. INC. Bdwy. 4837 224 Henry Bldg. Tab. 4592 WANTED A lot Park-; pay cash. in Piedmont or Walnut 1314 Campbell st LOT and. $1000 caii wanted on Irringtoo .colonial. Forinspection, East 3941. FARM LANDS RENT OR BUY 457" WANTED to hear from owner of good ranch for sale. State cash price, full particulars. D. F. Bush, Minneapolis, Minn. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES STORES, GARAGES, ETC. 500 Grocery Store a Bent $20: 3 livmg roonft. nesirabue loca ftlon; cash and carty. Price $1000. Arthur L. Scott 330 Chamber of Com. Bdwy. 38S. Lnght Qrac. and Conf. $150 cash will handle thU; steam heat, rent only $20. ; Tins price is only for Quick' sale, balance easy. ' HARPER A. MOBRIS 828-29 -Railway Exchange! Bldg. - CLOSING CP ESTATE t Good transfer tas-siness ; must sell account of death; 4 tfucte,', long lease-on storsgs building; doing $1200 a month business. To doiie up estate will eell $3000. i See Mr. Haiperlynck, 5Q4 Buchanan bldg. W'E HAVE many calfe for many-kinds of busl ness. If yours is for sale ccgne and talk it over with us. i e . GREAT. WESTERN INVESTMENT CO.. 23Q Chamber of Cpm. bkiz. Bdwy. 7581. FOR SALE Good gold mine, ancient chan nel, rich in gold, ior hydraulic mining; this mine' is well equipped and" owinjf to accident ownejr will sell on reasonable'erraa - For ftirtlier information call Mrs. Payne, ' Main 8930. 68 Lucrelaa at. NO FIXTURES TO BUY Price $1075. A good grocery store, needs a man with pep. Rent only S35. A chance for a live man to" have a real store at a small investment -264 Stark at.- Bdwy. 6898. M EAT MARKET Good locatien, cheap rent, nice fixtures, doing good business,. $900; $200 cash and terms; by owner." ' Errol Hfights Market. 52x1 it- and 76th are. 8. EL W. F. Jones, Errol station, Milwaokie, Or., - Box 24. A REAL CIGAR STORE BARGAIN Full Priee 8575 " Fixtures alone worth the money. .Thi M a dandy place, for , the 'right man to double his money. Seeing it believing. Hurry oa this one. 264 Stark st Bdwy. 6808. QUICK SERVICE Hotels, stores, a part mentis, sawmills and all kinds business opportunities. See Mr. Kroger. ROGER W. CART UPSTAD3S - 1 4 2 hi Second, Comer A lder.-- MANUFACTORY FOB SALE . Bent buy in city. Small manufactory to be sold at lew than 50 cents go the dollar. Will stand strict investigation. Call Main 2431 Sunday from 10 to 3: CAUTION. BUYERS Before closing a deal of so-called interest In established real estate " business, get advice of Portland Realty Board, 4 21 Oregon bldg. Phoae Bdwy. 1902. GROCERY STORE BARGAIN $1200,1 close in. cast side, doing nice business. : Cheap gent, including steam heat One largS living - room. A good buy at $1200. 264 Stark st Bdwy. 6808. WOULD- yo4 make an investment of $500 to $1000 4rt a clean business proposition if you knew your 'principals would be safe with an income of 25 tto 50 per cent annually 1 If interested , write to D-226, Journal. BUYERS are listed with as for hotels, apt houses, stores and qfher business oppor tunities. List your rroriosition now by phoning Main 2007. R. H. Gary, F. H. Kroger, 142 2d st A GROCERY storey. will sacrifice for. $2000; cash, and cany; no- competition; geed loca tion and good ' business : c'nie and inves tigate. - 294 Lerabee st,' I GROCERY and confectionery stock and fix tnres. $700 easii business;; one large tfving , room, rent $29. - Will take Ford as part . payment. 538nion avenue north. WANTED A live partner in advertinng busi ness, must be a worker; can. make $250 a month clear. Will stand investigation. Small investment 604 Buchanan bldg A-l RESTAURANT ' Dandy location, oa good corner, always doing business, but owner has large ranch so can't ran both. Call 300 Bin-aside. TO THE PERSON who can bay down $100 and handle payment of $10 per month, a permanent -income is assured. Investigate Z-03, Journal. , ' - HIGH CLAhS diy Jsjoos business, in best tomm - on Pacific coast. an excellent business and will take conrMerable cash to handle. R. L. Yoke. 616 Gwsco bldg. 8 ROOMS good fu -sale at a barga raiture, modern, fuiBace fog mn. or will consider trade. 562 Union ave.- SN East 1814 i ; Printing For Less- , Ryder Printing Cp. .Main 5536. T92 Sd st. NICE little drygooda and nation business, cheap trade; quick- sale; 81100. L-421, JoamaU MUST SELL Coiilectionery and light Mnch xvear Franklin high, school. Cheap rent, with ' living quartern 2908 50th st-.8. K. - . DINLNG ROOM in' the , Camas hoteL Fixtures, . ptates, etc.,, complete; most .sell oa' account ' cf f icknew, H. " Frock. ' Cunn, ; Wi.h. , A core Press.' 296 Washj bet. th 4b Hth sta. CAFETERIA at Jfe4 Oak at Have aoadvestl ji msm., t.9 ao. aate -in every way. DRY GOODS audi notion, store, doing good . business, - no ccmpeuvum; will m voice. Tabor 4367. j ' - $600 BAKERY, gonfectaoeery - and lunch, a rog siisp at- this price; en a good corner, " near 2 sehoois. Owner, 412 Alierts. 10 R SALE Seemfice, shoe; ahou, 734- ,Aiberta. Going tta Cabiomia. - - ; BUSINESS CPPORTUN1T1E3 ' -STORES. GARAGES. ETC SOO PARTNER WAJifTEl-ApTO" REPAIR . A-l anecfasxtie needs xiartner to grwe him general aasmtanee; has more work Jhan be -can handle sJoae; have ideal location and well established trades- dams only high-rises work with plenty of work en bend ; experience-not tMcessery if congenial, handy with - tools and wilting to seara; can easily dear Sl"5:Br better per-month f for yourself; tf yon want the best paying small shot in the city wont fail to see this; 8850 price of equal half Interest, Call 20 Chamber of Commerce bldg., 4th and Stark. Stores at ReducedPrices We hsve them st prices from $550 , up, in some of the best locations in i town. We can give yea terms or s trade. Dent worry about the long rainy day ahead. Wr will put yoa in ' , the dry - and make you independent. Quick Sales Co. 401 Couch bldg. - Ant. 511-09. GROCERY 8TORB AVERAGING BETTER THAN $100 DAILY One of the' best stores ' in the White Temple district. The owners win. guarantee SlOO per day. Will invoice about $3009. Must have Quick action. . ' See jCorbett, ' with Arthur L. Scott Co. 830 Cham, of Com. Bdwy, 3668. Cafeteria and Lunch Room - $750 Good lorationt avcrasring $80 day, must sell on account of other business. HARPER A MORRIS 328-2 9 Railway Kxfchang? Bldg S WILL SELL ATTrXYOICT! CIGAR AND NEWS' STAND i AN BROADWAY Long .lease, best cigar and news stand on Broadway, the location can't be beat. Terms to suit purchaser. If you want this, don't hesitate. See. Mr. Hamerlynck at f04 Bu chanan bids. AM GOING to Europe. Will sell njy place of 5 acres, new hualdings, 1 o rows. mgUt route,- Ford truck.- Must be sold before Nov.- 1. Route 3. Box T27, Powell Valley road, near Kelly's Butte. HOTELS, ROOMING" HOUSES AND APARTMENTS FOR' SALE 502 ROOMING HOUSE i " 14 rooms, housekeeping, close in on East Side; good long lease, netting over tin). Always full. Furniture above the averige; $6O0 handles. -Income will handle the ist 264 Stark at. Broadway 6808. ' REAL SNAP y 30-room bousekeevang, furnace heat, elec tric lights. ' private baths, good lease, down town location clearing over $300 month; rent $175. Price $4000; $2000 wiQ handle. 604 BUCHANAN BLDQ. TRADE FOR CAB Beautifully furnished 1 4-room apartments, rent $60, with lease; netting $100 and 2 -room- apartment for self. ' Must be sold. 264 Stark st See Newton,, Broadway 6808. $6600 WILL BUT 2 mojttra 8 room apt. thoue and- ground necr , Broadway - bridge; $1000 cash, bal. $40 pet- mo.. 6 per cent; rental value $120 per month. Landigan. East 6039. 12-ROOll house, good furniture; lease if de - sired; $1500, some terms; good house, furnace best, west side, dose in. See With row. 871 Taylor st. ii ROOMS, ti year lease. 3210 paid Up lease; $1650; $500 down; terms, 25 Grand ave. W. CV Justice, Realtor, East 6502. - . . 19 H. K. ROOMS,-close in, west, side; lease, ' fos sale by owner ; good mortgage part pay. moot, "bal. cash. C-223, Journal. - .' 10 RDOM8. good location, $690; 8350 down.. W, e. Justice, Realtor. ' 25 Grand ave. East 6502. 11 H. I. ROOMS. 3-yea r lease, rent $ftO. wesf side, $1500. $500 cash. Deal Svith owner, save commission. East '2296. WELL furnished 9 rooms and sleeping porch, close in. After Sunday. Owner, Bdw. 8004. -BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED SSO WANTED To lease for term (of years, manu facturing buildings, .about 75.000 -feet of floor space with trackage, in or out of ' Portland ; old established concern ; might consider purchase. Y-847, Journal. WAN TED, GROCERY-ST0R E 3 1 - .Have buyers with $500 to- $4500 m $ ARTHUR L. SCOTT CO. C.U llmkdv., una M'AXTED GROCERY STORES - Have Buers With $500 to $4500 j ARTHUR L. SCOTT ' 330 Cham, of Com. Bdwy. 366. HkVE few - hundred dollars to invest in some j good business. What hava'you? D-124, Journal. FINANCIAL MONEY TO LOAif REAL ESTATE I 601 CITY LOANS! . T0 COMMISSION , On improved property or for. improvement purposes. ' . Th. best and easiest method ot paying a loan is our monthly payment plan. $32.26 per month for 86 months, or $21.24 per month for 60 months, or $15.17 per month for 96 months, ,pays a loan of $1009 ana interest . . , Loans of other amounts in ami propor tion. - Repayment Privileges. EQUITABLE SAVINGS A LOAN ASSN. 242 Stark St. Portland, Or $250. $400, $500. $70, $850, $1TO0 and HP- Low rstes, quick action. Mney on hand. Pay off any part any time. f trrJfa4i2ipc. Use 631 Cham.' bf -Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 6370. PAY YOUR mortgage by installments so small they may be absorbed in your grocery bill; 6 per cent simple interest on new principal after each payment No commission or re . newal charge. Repay any amount any time. Paved- districts only. jVslnnt 04 H. HAVE SMALL AND LARGE s mounts to loan on city or; suburban improved pnaperty. See Mr. Fisher, with WILBUR F. JOCNO, IN?.. Broadway 4 88r. 224 Henfy bldg. Tabor .0598. HAVE SMALL AND LARGE amounts to loan on city or suburban improved property. See Mr. Fisher, with - WILBUR F, ' JOCNO, INC. 224 Henry bldg. Broadway 4837 Tabor t)98 MONEY TO LOAN. . MORTGAGES AND CONTRACTS BOUGHT, $500 TO $20O0. rmsu B. wuibiaas, quo rAriaMA BLDG BUILDING loans on city and' suburban prop erty; money advanced as work progresses. W. G. Beck, 215 tailing bldg. Bdwy. 7407. $1500. $2000. 830O0 TO LOAM at 7 per cent on good city homes. A. H. Akerson. 1 420 Henry bldg. Bdwy. 6549. $200, $400. $500, $750, $100 AND UP. , Low rates, quick action. Fred W. German Co., 732 Chamber of Commerce. . $1000. $2000. SoOOO. 4400, i5000 No delay.' We are loaning ear own money. F. H. DESHON. 1004-7 Bpahhng bldgy SEE OREGON INV. 4s MORTGAGE CO . 210 Lumber Exchange bldg. -' $100 TO $2600. Quick actiom. A. H. Bell; 231 hi Morrison St. rooms 10 and 11. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS 602 do you need-Money loans; made on Automobiles , FCRNrTCBE. PIANOS, HOTSEHOLD GOODS, REAL ESTATE. BONDS OR ANYTHINO OF VALUE SECUR ITY USUALLY LEFT IN ; YOVB POSSESSION ; Also Salary Loans TO SALARIED PEOPLE ON THEIR NOTES WITHOUT SECURITY. IF YOUR PAY MENTS TO OTHER LOAN COMPANIES wOB ON FURNITURE OR AUTOMOBILE CONTRACTS ARE TOO LARGE, WE WILL -PAT THEM UP, ADVAi'CE YOU MORE MO!EY IP NECESSARY. AND TOU CAN PAY tS IN SMAiLL. MONTHLY PAYMENTS TO SUIT lOCat CONVEN- ."' IENCE. -,- - -' , - ' LEGAL RATES "ISO DELAY PORXLaAND LOAN CO. " - LICENSED) 306-307 IffiKUM BLDG.. ST At W ASH. . BROADWAY 685fT. i ,.r : MONEY TO LOAN J ' "... -; Koney icaaed cm house hoid goods or naer- ehannise placed in stoxag wvih as at a leg wlar bank rate. . SECURITY STORAGE m TBAN8FER CO., . Foarth ana" Pine Btta, Opposite Mattnoiaab HoteL Phone Broadway 8716. ' -i- MONEY LOANED AT BANK BAIK -ea heqeeboU goods tn storage. -i " ALERT TRANSFER at STOKAC E OOt - " .'! "- au Oak' st WB LOAk MONEY aa utomaHles. Graaning at Treeee, 102 N. Broadway;- , ' 1. -' ' . ' ' lMrJi:; KVlH. m:T "is-: FINANCIAL MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS 602 : SALARY LOANS SALARY I WE LOAX MONEY . If 1 t salaried and working men oa their per sonal notea. - Bates ; reaaoeabte; easy pay . saeata. i - j no SEcxmrnr jsa tndorser. Call and investigate oar modern money lending methods. - ' Ail ' I isiness eoBfidentiai, CULCMBIA DISCOUNT CXJMPANY." i). : Licensed) - ? 218 Fsuing Building. - MISCELLANEOUS - FINANCIAL 603 TO rtiK PERSON i may nayTowa$itK and handle payment eC.$10 per month, a - permanent-'income is assured.- lAvestigate. - Journal. ' -. " ' - CASH PAID for mortgages and sellers' eon traets on real estate to Washington or Ore go". H. E. Noble, 818 Lumbermens bldg. 1 LOAN money 'on automobiles.. j , EAST SIDE AUTO BROKER., , 889 Belmont. ". - ' HAVE" contract - which will pay more than 4 0 per cent; must raise money at once; do yoa want it? W-644, Journal. WE BUY first and second mortgages snd sell ers' contracts. F- E. Bowman ft Co., 210, Chamber of Commerce bldg. Bdwy.; 600 Ti W'ILL bay small sellers' contracts or second mortgages. Gordon. 61 Ch. at -Jom. bldg. MONEY WANTED 651 $30O. $600. $750, $800 and $1100 wanted at 8 for Portland residence loans ; also 8L20O at 7 on 5 room new -bungalow, owner's value $3306. Fred- W. German Co., 732 Chamber of Commerce bldg. $107O REAL ESTATE contract for. sale at ' $900. PrnneBtv clear. Fred W.' German Ci, T32 Chamber of Commerce bidg. -WASTED To borrow $50Q on my note for 3 years; someone in C S. : preferred. P-197, ' Journal. - t . - VAST from privata party; $3000on im- provjfd tarm. value 12.0O0. . l-577. Journal. . WANT $2000 to $2500 at 7. I' t on new residence vaiue $5500. No brokerage. Walnut 5035 W.VXT tnnn -ri i Tina ws-vc iimh NEW HOMK IV c;)t I1ST. 1. C. HOWARD, 1US N.: W. BANK. " SES OREGON INV. & MORTGAGE CO., 210 EXCHANGE BLDG. HORSES AND VEHICLES 700 CROWN STABLES " For sale, exchange or hire, any- kind of horse you want If you are looking for good horse and a cheap one, we have them. We are going to close out 150 head of horses that we have been, working all summer," We- axe ready to sell all of them . and at the lowest prxrea. Hare 160 sets of new and second hand hima. Have 10 head we are- selling for feed bill. Your ' price is our price. If you are ready to buy, come to the Crowh Stables. We win sell at half price in order not far winter this stocks . Everything guaranteed as rep resented Phil Suetter. Mgr., 285 Front st Horses Horses Team of Geldings, weight 2,900 lbs. Price $140. . Team and gelding, weight 2500, 4 and 5 years old. Price $135. , One 5-year-old gelding, weight 1300 lbs. Price 380. One 4-year-old gelding, weight 1250 lbs. Price 355.' ' ' Team mares, weight. 2800, 6 yArs old. Will sell cheap, for cash. These horses have been working all summer. 234 Front 8t-. Foot of Main BAY" end dappled gray gelding, both 6 years old, weight" 'about 2850 lbs.; extra good workers. Also young bay gelding, . weight 1400 lbs. Lost mate. Will eell one or all very reasonable. 381 Water st, cor. of Montgomery. 3 ' BARGAIN Fine, chunky team, sound and true, 6 and 8 years, weight 2800, harness and wagon : also fresh Guernsey cow cheap; have mcved from farm home; no place to keep' them. 4226 41st sve. "' Woodstock csr to 4 2d. Mrs. Lee. , - ' ' ' FARM IMPLEMENTS . KEW AND SECOND HAND .SPECIAL PRICES ' P. E. ESBENSHADE, . 860-366 E. MOHRISON BT. ONE ROOO-lb. team. one. 2600 lbs.: choice of teams $100; also one 1200-lb. single horse i v. i i ., ' t . ova v. Ot K St.. nesr Hawthorne ave. TEAM, weight about and right at vsork Z90O lbs., eg ram fed Sell at a bargain. ' Have no further use for tovrmi 1087 Francis ave. Woodstock ear to 86th st SPAN of ybung snujes, weight about 2400 lbs., well broke and very gentle.' Cheap price for cash. 38 1 Water St., west side, FOR SALE cheap, 8 head of horses, 8 sets of good breeching harness. 1 stock -saddle. Call 270 E. Tth st BIG. true work team, weight. 3 GOO lbs.; wagon and harness, $9 a -day job farm goes with them. Come quick,- 1029 JE. Yamhill. GRAY MARE. .1200 lbs,, will drive or ride, or exchange for cow. H. - B, Goodfellow, Multnomah, Or. ' ' .-. DOUBLE team, $3 osy: uncle team, day. 646 Front st Main 2208. ' $1.50 TEAMS if or rent by day or month, reasonable. 37 Wgter rt. Atwater 8837. FOR SALE Milburn wagon, good as $75. 100 E. 9th st north. new, TEAM, 3200, harness, dump Wagon, 2 plows, 2 fcraiiers. harrow; bargain.. 632-83. , WAGONS, BUGGIES AND HARNESS All Kinds. 285 Front St. LIVESTOCK 701 FOR SALE -2 milk goats, very reasonable, 1 and 2 years old very heavy milkers. Call ' or inquire 122 hi 'Union ave. Boom . 2, or ' Phone Esst 5500. V - ' FINE, large; young, fresh Durham cow, very gentle; also two young family Jerseys, $35 -and $45. 75S East Ash. JERSEY COW and calt, fresh 1 week. Gentle, 2 mi. east of Lents, -on Foster road. Box 609. FULLER & JOHNSON gas engine and pump for farm. use. 1 hi horsepower. $50. Tren , grov. Poultry Farm. Route 5', Box 1 50. BIG DURHAM cow, fresh with calf ; giving 5 hi gallons per day; sell cheap ; for cash. 284 Front st. ..foot of Main. ! GUERNSEY cow, fresh with calf, heavy milk er, test t per cent butterfat 284 Front, foot of Main; " WANTED BEEF, VE'AL AND HOGS j TABOR 7882. , BARGAIN in Jttorsea, harnesses and- wagona of all kinds. They mut be sold. 240 E. 8th. CALVES AND BEEF CATTLE - WANTED ATWATER '2178 - NICE Jersey cow. fresh with calf,, giving 4H gallons per day.', 284 Front-, foot of Main. JERSEY st -B. cows, must sell. 68$ list POULTRY AND RABBITS 702 RHODE - ISLAND-RED ' FARM - ; Invttei you to visit their up-to-date plant st West Portland, iurt beyond Multnomah sta tion. We are exclusive breedtrs of purebred Rhode " Island Beds. If you 'are in seed cf breeders, chicks or hatching eggs we will PS glad to fill your wants. We are booking orders now for spring delivery. We have a few cock erels for sale at a price that is -right. . Send for catalog. . Rhode Island Bed Farm. R. 6. Box-202. Portland, Or. Msin 4742. ' i 200 HOGANIZED White Leghorn hens T 5c each; Ancona hens ' 81 -eacb;' from Vv;. 1 . pallets; cheap. J. K. Magnire, 787 Ore gon st. - . ' - FOR SALE White Teakin ducks. $9 ;. Barred Rock hens, $7; eggs. $8 per dosen. Main 2181. WHITE LEGHORN pullets, Hollywood strain. 1876 Hawthorne, 73d st. Take Mt Tabor car. ' - ; FOR SALE 20 White Leghorn and Plymouth Rock hens and 20 ' fryers. . Mrs. 'Paul La Made, 116S E. 25th st N. FEW more 6 month S. C. B. It cockerels of etock which are Gresham and Oregon state fair winners, .Call Monday, Sell. 0627, WHITE LEGHORN pullets, Hollywood strain. MS7 6 Hawthorne, -near 7Sd. Mt ..Tabor 5 .AVHITE WYANDOTTE bees. 2 to 4 years old, . $2 each. Phone Tabor 7368. 35 THOttOt GfiBiJED U. I. H. bens, old, fine layers. Ant. 625-97. WANTED 1 dozen Phone East 0758. Black' Minorca pullets. FOR SALE White Minorca roosters., v Berst. stall 473, public market-' , PETSs DOGS, BIRDS, ETC 703 'AO blaclc and tan poppies ac "toy ftv4-nnla." la aw ntanUaV . ln"CH n inawwa .'4U. aU4 I lunha mO. . s- Vmtitra al7(S - '. atawssaakU aaups w- UEGISTERED and trained EngiL-h setxer snj pointer dogs for sale. J. H. Maguire, 77 Oregon st. ' ''" . - - - FOR bALE St. Andreamrg rollers, etock; reasonable. Soon to -move; beat of ba Saw day calls, tast 84 4 9. v- -- .---j.-; AIREDALES, dandy males, dark , color. 8 months old, . from regis! eved - stock, . $20 each. Boas Cntsforth. rvals. - Jr. '" ; TWO - American hail pnpifies 4 mo.i old, ' 1 - pointer bulldog 8 mo., 2" "male ! Airedale regiffcered poi. -"' 9128 . Foster roadi - POINTER,' broke , to cunt. 46th St. 123. ,350 K. PETSi DOGS, BIRDS. ETC 703 ltk.eah.K aad exhibiter snd trainer of high class rollers aad Yorkshire. - My winners at - t . V f ' . . V , , - , -vfliwui, mis yesr win , prove say strata. Few for sale. . H. Stanley , bird speciahsW. 488 KiuiagaworUi aia. Portland. - O.NK PCRKBKD Airedale avmale. 7. months old, A. K. C registered ; an excellent emale: for ; breeding purpose. Price 835. . Pedigree furnished and register - number attached. Wahwit 6324. :- , FOB - SALE Beautiful, aaowwhite, purebred! Angora kkteus.iblu. or gmy eyes. $5 to 32a w . Lnnuuii w aav. r w lull par hculsrs address The ' Uearbart . Cattery, .Gearhart. 4r. ' ' : ' '" .PEDIGBEEb )IJi'EDOi PUPPIES : ' '" 8 Months old, that will keep burgUrs away, , . SPEEDWAY KENNELS. V t ;: Miles West Csoyou Road. Route .s xiain ma. SCOTCH wire Lair puppies for aala. .very rtai sonable. 429 Union ave. N. i 1 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 800 :.- .. ' ' Service ",trV;-;lp :.- Stuldebaker Distributors The John K. Leander Co. is the hew tudebart dealer. Their policy at one of servic to tbe " owners and pur chasers at new STUDKMAKER8 snd tbe buvers of used ears tradi in. Wa extend to you, MR. USED CAR BUT- rit, special invitation to visit our ' USED CAR DIVISION at 841 Bum side', near Broadway. - , t . k John K. Leander Co. : 841 BURNSIDK ST. - - aad "' " . 10TH AND GLISAN STS. Why Buy Cheap , - New Car? when you can buy this $4000, 1920 sport model Roamer, la perfect me chanical .condition, newly painted,. equipped with wire .wheels, tonneau, . windshield, automatic rata swipe, 8 cord tires, spotlight, fancy motometer, full band buffed Spanish lesthar. up holstery! Am sacrificing thia car for immediate sale at 81100. Wiil eeil this ear on terms of -6500 down, 10 man tha on the balance. Can yoa afford to pass nj tbia enatf ' Call Bread wax,. $878. 1922 Ford' Sedan4 $575 With extra equipment as follows: B Disteei wheels, : 6. good tires, counter balaneed crankshaft vacuum feed, shock absorbers, speedometer, spotlight with in side , control. Alia vieor, door locks, door - mats, tiding , steering wheL Stewart gas saver, clock, cutout, apoOight, : Stromberg cartjurstor ana boscb lgniaoa. - Joon a,., Leander Co.. - 841 Bornside. 'aaar Broad, way. Broadway -3781. - ' I i a l;,'-il V I9t7 Hudsoh Touring ' ."- "M ": i.-i.. ' Do you want a car that will get you . there and back, the pure has. of which will cost you very little money! HERK IT 181 5 good tires, spotlight bump er, .ready to go. - Full pncs .$350. Call Broadway 6878.- j - ! 920 Ford Touring f225 '-A real value. Repainted; est, lowest priced Ford you will be the ble to find. John K. Leander Co., 841 Bum Side near. Broadway. Broacyray 2TS1. 1 9 fl 6 Chalmers Touring ? All I'm going to ssy about this car is that it ie worth $200 more than we are asking for it 8 brand new tires. Full price $200. Call Broadway 5878. '. - ' " '"' . '" - . t - , liey-There!-. Jv-Here's a Buy!', 1923 Maxwell, run 5-000 mllef, motor A-l, 7 2 extra tires, a real bargain at $675; caan, sio senna, - iiavi a. morrisoi Tabor 7274. I Dodges Dodges-Dodges All cam in - guaranteed condition. BRALEY, GRAHAM JA CHILD. Inci xitn at. . at nrrmae. 1923 BUICK 4-CYLJNDEft SEBAK Financial conditions compel us to 3. our new 1929 Buick 4 -cylinder sedan.. Three ' weeks old., - Run 900 miles. Phone Coa- radine hotel, Broadway 4049. Room. 411. 11 M MJJ11..1J -i . it . . j . aiw. l 1 ' YOUK OLD CAR IN TRADE ,i P. H. DUNN MOTOR CO. ' .K' OVE4SLAND -DEALERS ! " 6-8-10-12 GRAND AVE. if. Dod ges-Dod ges-Dod ges , All ears. In guaranteed condition. I j BRALEY, "tlRAHAM. As CHILD, lao., H : 11th st. at Bnrnside. k A "" FORD COCPB ' ! . ': " 1921 model oar. in .xoelWit eondlttorl, ' looks and runs food: sots of extsas; $476. Broadway 2488. or 609 WsshlsHtan at . $825 LATEST model 1918 MaaweB Stoaring. -- in bent nunning condition, paw top, whh-" plate glasa, new curtains, spotlight, Ueenss, good tires; Tabor 4898. , OAKLAND six. 1920 model; baa new tires. mechanically Derfeet Aut 618-1$. Caa be seen. Burke's Garaae, 724 bet. BHth aad 56th are. Take! Mt Scott oar. I ' FORD COUPE . . -) ' , . 1920 model, with lot of extras, ear com pletely overhauled aad looks good. $480. Broadway 2488. ; . 490 CHEVROLET tou ring, la, good condition; csr has had. best -of care. ' Am forced to i sell and will take $8 cash, balance $13 per ' month. Tabor 5938. - - ' - ' $400 1922 FORD TOURING ,1 " ! Demountable rims, spotlight, other extrsa, i - BRALEY. GRAHAM at CHILD, Save, ,i , J : -l ltm St at Bnrnside " j il ; f SUPERIOR model Chevrolet touring. .' Latest ' ,., model; used only few weeks: like new. Car K " O. K. ' but am forced to sell. Easy terms. "Tabor698S- ;- '""'.' 1 " '.' $885 DODGE SEDAN Terms - : BRALEY. GRAHAM:, ac CHILD, - - - 11th St at Buraaide. -I ft? I CHEVROLET touring. In fine cal condition; has Just beaa evethaale4 and has 5 good; 6res; csr looks like new. i WaJ- nut 2887.1 - " ' - 1 ' -T " 6A'&LAV,b SIX $866 "I f-T- Only run 12,600 miles, good Condition; . owner. 552 East 16th at. So., terms . OLDSM0BILE touring car, must sell quick; $525. - Palmer Swaason, 1058 E. 80th St. . north, comer Alberta st Phone Wsl. $872. A. SNAP Olds 8 5 pass., fine condition, aew cord tires, 1 spare, $300 cash,. can na-rvsv. . MUST sell." my 1922 490 Chevrolet touring . Sunday night, Will give long, easy terms; ' csr like new. Msin 1005. ' I $550 '.1820 DODGE ROADSTER BBALEYi; GRAHAM CHILD. Ina. , 11th St st Burnslde.- . ! ; FORD $ORD -FORD ' ,, 1921 : delivery,. A No. 1 eonditiba, 143 . e. '8i; n. -- -; : " f $252.50 PUTS-tms 1922 Chevrolet demon - strator in your posts anion, if takes before 1 Oct. lO. .'. A. Docksteader, Walnut 8201. 1917 FORD roedate. new top, upholstering ana cwsntons, gooa runaer, motor, m shspe. $185 cash. 10t N. Broadway. $550 1920 DODGE BOADSTEU S HALEY, GRAHAM A CHILD, - lac - 1 1th St at Barnside. I 1919 FORD, aew top. oew paint new, tires. - the 'motor is in , perfect condition.! Call . Ant 620-30. " " "- j - 1918 FOB D "roadster, good mechanical 'shape, balance monthly. I tm- - pi re a i a -. 1920 FORD touring, blocks for starter, aS 1 fine shape i 6 1.6$. 108 N Broadway. FOR KALE My -cyi. 7-paaa. car or trad. for Ford eonpe- H-68. Journal. I -OWNER moat sacrifice lata 1921 Foni teur- tnc. $ tires, extras; terms. Kellwood 0602. f 921 CHEVROLET, must U. 1217 wiil Ua die, balance terms. Tabor 0167. FORD SEDAN. 8509. ia: model. Phone East ; iCenUnued aa roilawlRg Page) '- c 1. i-