r i. i; THE OREGON. SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTL AND, SUNDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 8; 1922. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE f - LOTS 403 Peninsula Lot Bargain Out of town owner authorises us to - close oat fine Tu Houghton street lots, -with, mdewelke end curbs, end dear of in- , cumbrapce, at only ; $375. The terms in -very easy, to that too may uss year moiwy in building, a borne. - These lote an bargains.. Sow la the time to make a start - osles-ree-o, wfu take yoa out See. Mt. Bym- - mends, with - COE A. McKENNA CO. ." -" Artisans . Bldg.. Bdwy. 7522. . - Tshor 204$ Evenings. RUNNING STREAM -1.94 acres of cut-over land. 1 mOe from city limitai price $950. $23 , down. $ 1.50 monthly. ? ... . - ' - 732 Chamber of Coma I :." WOODSTOCK AVENUli f" - t . A A REAL BUT " Pared street sewer, sidewalks, everything ix paid for and neat on the carline; fruit from '... Ur trees on this lot will more than pay the - taxes; don't hesitate if you want a bargain at 6SO. . .-" . F " RITTER, IJOWK A CO.. RKALTORS, - gOt-2-3-5-7 Board" of Trifif blda. '.ALAMEDA K.. facing ISO ft. X. of Regent drive: a beautiful lot with trees. See this $1400. " ROSE CITY, a. reel boy, 40107. on 87th at. across ; from Kose"-Ci-y school; $700; 'ererytbhg fa and paid -r CUE A. UcKtN'NA A CO.. Established 1889 208- Artisan,' bldg. Bdwv. at Oak. rose crry, 6m too Comer. $120U; all improvements in and paid. Broadway . and S2d- 60x100. facing west on 49tn between KBrrfcitat and Fremont $460; aU present " improvements paid. Of rice open bunds?. X eJ6hnsonDodson Co. $3 W. Bank Bidg. Main 8787 PESI.NSiTIA 1ISTRII'T COT,FAX ST. "'ICAB, PATTOM ATE, - tjere! sooth Ifront lots on Colfax st. be t,men Concord, and Campbell sin. ;' sewer. , sidewalk .nd curbs paid; on!y $40O each on -easy ferma, HENDKRSOX-BAXKtS CO. 358 Henry bkjg. Broadway 4754. , KA.SfSItJKKLA.vy Corner. S feet frout 79 feet in rear, " 3 00 feet deep: all ifaproTeiuenta paid. 1300. Will take late model 1 ton worm lnve Kord track as tirst payment. Office open today. : JoSinison-Dodson .Co. 33 N. W. Bank Bid. Main 8787 : IACRELWCKST $1100 Don't delay or you may raw this dandy hoy just "off S Bib st. This is' in a "new bungalow" neighborhood; can't be bear, HITTER. IvOVV K & CO.. KEALTORS, . 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. - : """$50 1 Jlitys yon a fine 'homesife, 50x100. on TTel street, 2 blocks to carliile. Trice $550. . Kasy term!. ' j ; , CUE A.; McKENNA tc CO., Estanusnrd XSMl 209 ArtiKans bld. Bdwy. 7522. - $575 $50 CASH. $10 MONTHLY Kast th st. Ji., near Portland bl'd-. ide wailtR. curbs and sewer in and paid; 2 blocks to car. Office open- Sunday. JohnsorsDodoin Co. H33 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 87S7 . " i NEAR HAWTHORNE AVE. A; bleb class buildisHT lot in good district, all improvements in. and paid : choice sur mundinjis;. price only $150. BITTER. LOWE A. CO.. REALTORS, 201--3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. - lCRELHCBST CORNER $1200 Ijevel corner lot with all improTements rid on both streets, only 2 blocks to car, $1200. HETfDEKSON-BASKTJS CO.. 228. Henry bldg. i . Broadway 4 754. C SUNNYSIOK $B7ft CASH ,00x100, alt lmprorements in and paid; 2H blocks to car; nortb front, on kst Taylor, near 47th.. Ottice open today. 'XT7: JolinionDo4soTi Co. rf-33 N.f W. Bank Bldg. Main. 8787 .i I . ; " I CASH TALKS )" - $7-80 ROfJB CITY PARK" - 46th st. near Klickitat, 'all improvements paid. Rose5' City Park brunch office, 45th V and ''Sandy blTd. Auto. 820-10. : L. HABTMAS COMPANY, . , HOUSES 404 EW LACRELHLBST COLOSTAL" Terms. Very mndern.- with double set of plumbing, and', double garage: built for owner's owu home, bat conditions arise necessitating safe at the low figure of $7204). Ur. Bargain Hunter, yoa had bet ter come early. gee Mr. Allen, 965 Mor rison -st. or phone Tabor 2188 $2$5(EE. eTH. SEAR ItESV. PARK o -room, bungalow, . partly furnished, L. and Dv room. 2 bedrooms, Dutch kitchen, bath and toilet, with garage $700 down, bel. like rent .. H. W. OSBORNE CO., RB.VLTORS 433 CK of Com. Bldg. . Open Xirm, and Sun. Bdwy. 5887. ' $400 BOMfS MT. SCOTT $400 DOWN " $2650 for this 4-rms. and lovely big sleeping pdrcb, I., and D. rm., bedrm. Dutch kit. double garage, i 01 00 lot $ blks. to. car, a Diss, w gaoa graoc school. . H. W. OSBORNE CO.. ST-2 Th.-af Com. bid. Open Snndaya- and 'evenings. -Bdwy. B387. ... HOME!,BUILDERS - Tor -DlansJ nweificaticn, material, birls, "oontracta, superintendence, financial and - building advice,- consult ., aney Hawkins j Broadway 594S. 415 Abinjton Bldg. 6-ROf'M bungalow, 3 blocks from car line, 2 blocks from school, lot 50x100. alley, 5 t bearing fruit trees, full basement witlv ce ment floor. launtry tray tniaia linoleum " in kitchen and dining room: French door, shades and screen jaa. all windows, screen - on all doors. Price $3000. $SO0 down. K '.. balance-to snit: Owner. 70 W. Prescott st l' MODERN HOM, HOT WATER HEAT A lirht air Mom and sleeDinc noreh: wide paved street Improvement all in and raid; near car- and school; a bargam at M&00. $600 will bandle. , ' 'J6hnsonDodson Co. 63 N. W. Bank bids. Main 8787. $4500 $1000 CASH HAWTHORNE DISTRICT 1 . OWNER LEAVINO CITY . ', 5-room bungalow. modern, fireplace, ' furnace, nngi, full - lot paved street sewer, . wauxs. paid. Aeax enx. xanor , T.boa. Tooay - oniy, " T rooms and 8, P., beautiful lot 60x - 150; in the very heart of Irvington; first -time offered at sawh low figure. If you - : -.1 UM SW - i w411 K, 1 a . -urae- mtv i " . . . . j 'want this, please", hurf. as it will not last mis, psea.e, ii 4 . . v wuj, bvv wa. PiW CASOO. 'xlfiQO cash balance long: lerma, x aoor -1 Vin BIT.'K s rooms. . hardwood floors in liv - ing and dining rooms, fireplace, breakfast nook, full basement ranuce, garage, nige lawn, $4200, $650 rash, or would consider cheap car up to $250. Tabor 1665, GOOD 5 house. ' 50 xl 6 1 lot on west slops Hi -Tabor. mne new, gooa anety hemes and liarge fruit' trees; fine garden oil. A real1 home. $3800. some terms. Owner. 87 E "2d st & Tabor 1DS8. BY OWNER 100x100 corner, 8 m house. Is vndry trays, gas, siec trial ty. f rait paved street; a bargain. Price 376i. Waiint 0230. -4S600 ROSE CITY, 5-room house, full base-.- v ment fireplaoe, built-in - buffet, imtch kitchen, attic, 2 biecka to .car. pared. Main 7244. . . . ' . $2370, SrNNTSIDE, near 39th st. 6-room . ' house, large lot. $800 cash. Owner. Ta- ,bor 6993. HALF ACRE. aU in fruit and garden, with - one large room shack, near car and school, aly $800. 0O dewn and '--rt $10 a month. B06 Sveetland bldg.- s .ACT quick;, bargain; 92d at; country home; 4i acre, treea. jnragn. ehicken boose, -everything; $300 down; neat, attraebve, -Inquire Mr. Bnrkai Tabor 3460. $4200 hawthorns: easy terms 1 ' . ; j Ckise to Hawthorne ave. and 43d. See :thia before yon buy. It's worth the money. .". Terms if desired. Tabor 2180. j ATTRACTIVE modern tmiuaiow. 3 rooms and batll. full .cement basement, furnace, fruit trees. lot 40x120. block to ear; '. bargain. Owner, 8721 Woodstock ave. 4-OOMfumished tMe.: fan condition. pavd -' street, all improveanents in. and paid; cash, 5QOO. 1090 Vernon ave. Inquire Bendaya. 7 -room bungalow,, modern. Woodiawm . distHcti beaxaia, -W." D. AJUea. Broadway FOR '. SALE Tnrae f -sewer. lights, water, patent tads. - frnrt - ,ana Iiewersj prtee aiBOO. Sg E. '- rrl jEW. aaodera. -S-reoBi bunsalow. in H Chora district. Will consider tot if pneed - right - Owner. Tabor $521. - : V- FOR SALE r-5-room buagsiow and a, troom -v hons.; good district Owner, g-2 61. JomrneA. - WTLL aeoapa 4 er $ coons nenaa m? te, $$200 - Pan pajmsnt en nvodern T sworn -Bos ... CUr AaA bentianlwn. tOJ lalBw bads. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 5 Soon KKN'TOX SACRIFICE. Booms $804)0 1 '$700 Down ' This is the greatest value in Kenton and ant ibe sold at cere at this saexafic ' vnee.1 All unprovement in and pud. All large i room. f flushed m oJd - ivory. Ltvmc and dining- ' rooms. Two bed rooms,) Dutch kitchen, bmkfaet nook, fireplace., ail kinds ; of bmie-ins. buffet, hardwood 2 - reoms fall cement basement. I, trajni 50x100 tot worth 1200 cash; H block from Kenton car. Ouick action required, at this price. ; Will gladly .show this, borne IM time. -H. W. OSBOKA'B' CO . KEAL.TOBS 432 CH. of Com. Bldgj; ' Open Eves and gmt ' Bdwy. BS8T. STOP psyinc rentl- Bnj from ownert ! dose -" to pavement. $3750.. Beaary calumcd larce .." porch, modern bnns-aJow; smonc teeea: larce : Irrinc and dining roomwtth firepiaoe and i bnilt-ins.r a. w. floors, nifty Bghtina; fix- tares, shining white Ehitch kitcheit breakfast nook, larce bedroom, redes -oath with , shower, floored attie with aleepins -porch, space for 2 extra bedrooms: full basement, furnace, large garage: beautiinl grounds; bearing fruit trees; all kinds ; ef berries; $500 down; move right in; pay "bal to suit. Drire out at once. 1138 ' K. 99th at - near Kiliipgnrorth Te. Walnut 437. 5 - BOOH; modern, kfonnt Tabor. , $4500. f K-swra, amail payment, finnnysade. Sli W 6-mom. near Lenirelsinntt. S3250. snap. . 1 1 -room bonsei Sunnxfidc-. maare offer. 4- roam bungalow 80sl00 lot. $2500. Ti-room, Woodstock, large lot. $2S00. r-room modern. - n ;Hawthorne6 : $3800. 6-room modern, SlontarUla, $21800. snap. 5 - room modern. nearlLaarelhnrst,f$47d0. 6- room on Belmont, i modern. 3"'0. . 4 -room, in Kenton dtftrtct. 21-SO. Only need a)y sciJl ossh pajrment CUOW BUALTY 1131 Belmont. f TaVrt- S713. $2145 KENTON 2t5 6-room bnBgslow.; 1-4 Woes onth of Tombard. L. and- D. room. Dutch" kitchen, 1 bedroom downstairs," up. estn and toilet; 5Oxl0( lot beautiful lawn, shade trees, tots of fruit' and berries ; garage and chicken hcuae. : $445 down, bal. $24 per : mo. at 6 per cent WilL take ford tcuring car as part pay. H. W. OSBOIiNB CO., REALTORS . 432 I'h.- of Com. Bldg. Open Eves. and Mun. ' Bdwy. ? 53S7. $1000 , i EASY TEEMS 6 room houx, with siecpins; porch, on 50x100 lot some fruit trees. Located on Saeramento st,- Juit off of 82d st. No. 2102 ' K. ' Sacramento st $50 to $100 cash, balance on easy monthly . terms, will handle this place. 1043 5 CHAM. OF COM. BLDG. Bdwy. 2030. $1500 MT, SCOTT $1550 4-rm. modern; bengalow with sleepina porch, on gravel street 84th st 8K.J 2 blks. from car. L. and D. rm. , bedmn.. Dutch kit All kinds of built ins. Garage, 50xlOQ lot $500 down, ba. $25 per mo. and 7 , H. W. OSBORNE CO.. F i 4S2 .Ch. of Com. bldg. Open evenings and Sundays. Bdwy. 5387. $3950 SEW MODERN Bt'NGALOW Fireplace, hardwood floors, Dutch kitch en ajtu hook, cvmoot basement tiid garage. Street pa veil, and paid; $500 wiD handle. See Mr. Schmidt INTEKSTATE INVESTMENT CO. Realtors Broadway 4751 410 Henry bldg. ROSE CITY PARK New 5 room bungalow, aU large rooms. ' large closet, hardwood floors' throughout large cement bsfement, wftH wssh trays: at tic; garage. furnace fireplace, breakfast nook, tapeatxy paper and ivory- finish, built in buffet bookoaso and writing desk, beauti ful electric fixtures, inlaid linoleum and draperies included. 640 K. 4thst. N. Tabors 6232. i BY OWNER T-ror"nV house, newly painted inside and out with lot 132x240 in fruit trees; paved , street, bonded improvements amount to ap proximately $1000. Will si-11 equity for $4500. Property located at 119 Portland boulevard. Must be sold to ettfc eetste: terms if necessary, or will discount for cash. WaJnut 1028. BUNG.lLOW WANTED , Have a modern 6-room hungalovr, garage, ete. I'rico 1-$000. Will con aider clear horipe ur to;,$2."00.. INTERSTATE I.VVKSTMEN'T CO. , Realtors Broadway 4731 410 Henry bldg. HAVE a dandy house of 5 ; rooms with bath and toilet basement gas 'furnace, fireplace, garage, chicken house and 3 lots ; H blk. from car. Price $3000. 60O cash, bal ance $25 per mov. includimg interest See this and yoa will buy. B. "X O'Connor. 6003 d st R. E. Aut 626-T5. , BY OWNER Modern 5-room bangalow, two uiiflni; hed rooms upstairs, hardwood floors, buffet Dutch kitchen, cement basement, furnace and garage. 1 1 1 ft Woodstock ave.. one block eat Reed btUege grounds. $ernw. oeuwcoa livt. A WONDERFUlL bny for quick sale by owner; . will sacrifice my 5-room .bungalow, hardwood floors, bookcases, Dutch kitchen. large break fast nook, pipe furnace, full cement base ment laundry trays. B75 K. -28sh st N. . cor. KncAt st Call Broadway 0977. Be at place 1 to 6 p. n. w Snmday. A REAL HOME VACANT In Kenton. 1660 Brandon st, 5- rooms, fireplace, sleeping porch, garage, pavement and sewers, 1 blk. to car. Owner on prem ises, tan. 2 to 5. Easy terms and con sider light auto. Walnut 1201ij , NEAR BENSON POLYTECHNIC $500 Dandy 6 room bunc , large rooms. E. 12th and Davis. This comfortable home a real barsain at $3500. All imps. paid. RYDER REALTY CO.. 192 3d rt. . ' Hen. 2749. BUNGALOW BARGAIN $3250 for a dandy, double constructed" 4 r. bungalow, large finished ttic. full basement furnace, garage. near North I nion ave.-' $5.00 each. It F. FETOISTEB. 417 Atiington Bids. I SEARCHED AI-L PORTLAND for my cosy 5 jf. mod. bung,, 2 big fenced lots, fruit: a-lasaed si. p. Now mut sell vriths ranges, i shades and YEAR'S FT" EL 'in bas't $2800. easy terms. 6036 57th ave. S. E, Aut 610-73. . $6500 BY OWNER, modern 6 room house large rooms, sleeping porch", fu.l cement basement buUt-ins, fireplace, fruit and flowers; clooe to 2 carlines and school. 1011 B, 13th at N.. 1H blocks south Alberta car- 1 OWNER Cor. 'lot imp. S and paid, 5 rooms, 3 -piece bath, garage, basement frnit trees, one block to S. .S. car. Good district small down payment bL easy terms. $3500. cor. E. 4 2d and YamhilL Tabor 6912. NEW 4 ROOM BUNGALOW, $3000 $300 down, near 76th and Tiilamook. Near -'school. ' ROGER CAHT, TJPSTArHS. 142 Second st, cor. Aider. i Y. OWNER Attractive E. Bnmside home, close-in, fine location, 8 rooms, furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors. $5000. : Cash $1000. East 9486. 4-ROOM house, all furnished, lots at fruit lot 4 0x1 OO, i S" blocks from-' car. in Al berta district, cement walks, only $350 down, balance $25 month including inter est. .505 Swethuid bldg. ' WOODSTOCK New 4 -room bungalow, 2 bedrooms, bath, closets, builtins, fireplace, hardwood floors, basement trays, $3100. terms, owner Tanor 44 7 GOOD 2-room cottage, 2 corner lots, good lo cation for store, on bardsurf see road, some " fruit lota of berries. E. W. Phillips. 8204 PORTLAND HEIGHTS bargain, ' must sell sc connt death. Modern, 8 rooms, fine home lo cation, below easts, park. caah. Owner. Main 71 69. : . - . . COTTAGE of 4 rooms. bth and attic; 1 block from Knhngiworth are.; for sale by owner. Prica $1575. $200 down and $20 per monrn witn per cent int. Walnut 7383. A VERY modern ff room new bungalow, in Penineula dfct: worth S4500 SSOO -down Our prica , $4000.' Bdwy, " 6536 or East asvi eve. JUST look .at thia 8 rra. hoosci block from ear. Price ,$1500. $300 cash, bal ance $25-per month and interest F. R. Fenton, 60Q3 92-d st 8. E. Aut 626-75. . 6 ROOMS : V ACRE Right in town, modern, hardwood floors, etc. 454 E. Tta St. $4250. Owner. nroaoway ijbj. 6-ROOal modern bungalow, bath, electric owct, gas; a mat- . aioow. very cneait 910. $6th st ' HOME builder's . opportunity. Sacrifice for i quick sale, acre tot (frnited) near city ear Hne. Breck. Tabor 2678,, eauept fbinday. OpSY 5 room cottage, cloee to school. ' partly furnished. $700 down, balance easy par ments. 3880 69th rt 8. K. Ant 632-46. TWO famQy house. Hawtharna district, dooble sac; piummae. vwner, , 1019 ast ; Maim sr. -aasy verms, - - y : ( EXCEPTIONALLY j fine, - large brmgalc-w; it timm w am seen no d appreraatea;) aiaou. 482 Bex avn BePewd 3752. : $309 EQUITY in 4 room, well furnished home, -steeraac porch. 1608 K. Hatoey. ac Tibor 727. . - -- - . - iavWGTOS-Only $400. Choice location. -;. :fm.;t lncoBan, Term. Owner. ast 8115. 1 ' - - - t ' " . - - . ' SES this charming new -bnnealow today as ewm sa. a. rrmiaer. East S7B9. ' aSTUO a sna. baaraVm. esc to ntass school. sls 8tn g. gV JaJ REAL ESTATE 1-FOR SALE HOUSES 404 -4- West !SideUFulton NEW--Jilst - beina 1 ecmnleted. inmgaiow. canbusooa! living and dining room. Dutch kitchen, bssakfast nook, floored r atuc. cement ftaseaaent Fwaaa trays, all bsrUt . ins. finished in whna tbroaghout Full lot ' City improremema past PRICE ONLY $3750. $500 cash will bandle. "" . : '- j - ' '-'"! Real Afameda Buy, New $6300 buys the nifties little bungalow J with 5 large rooms, all built ma, !. cabinet kitchen, breakfast nook,, oak floors, furnace, fireplace, showerbath. beat of 1 plumbing and EVERYTHINdK floored attic and; cement . basement 50x400 lot Largv garage. Open Sunday from to 5 p. m. No. SIS DCNK LEX AVE. - Xtoa't fail: to see t&u. . 4 i $5000, Dandy! Rose City f: Buy v: r ; . " ' $5000i with the easieH kind of terms buys- thia new 5-room bungalow with oak floors, all bniitins, cabinet kitchen, breakfast . nookf furnace, firplaci cement basement, wash trays, etc. Finished in ivory through out Artistic light fixtures. 50x100 Jot . Garage. City improvements all paid. BELOW the hill near Sanidy. Another good; buy en . your $620LaureSharst Here is another real buy it's hew and up to the minute in every detdil. ; 5 large rooms, every imaginable built pn : feature", furnace, fireplace, :tied tath, tiled sink, up toidate 'plumbing, ;hard'Vo dfVjofs jthroagb "nut Dutch kitchen, breakfast nrakj f'twred attic, cement basesnent vs tntyt, i fhuahed . in ivory and tapestry piiw". Fnit! lot ai d a garage. Price i(250 your terms can be arranged. J ' Alameda Pk. Bungalow The soldiers' loan and $500 cash wiB bandle this 5-roorrr turn ga low, oak floors, ail built ins Dutch kitchen, French doors, fur nace, fireplace, VERY LARGE living room, f looted attic, full -ornxent basement wst,h trays. Everything in fineeondition. i 50x100 lot LAWN, ROSES iS SHRUBBERY. PRICERIGHT. Tenna easy. , WE HAVE A LARCE NUMBER OF HOMES in all parts of the city. Our sales men at your service. Phone wo jwill call for you. - i 272 Stark st 89th and Handy. i Bdwy. 6729. " . An-, 320-60. LARGE 6 r. house witij sleeping porch; sar : ace. lawn, large fruit trees i-j2 ;blks. to Woodstock ear. $100 down. 20 :raonthly. PriHS $1800. M. V. Baron, 57tb; st and 63d ave. . J SACRIFICE BY- OWNER I-earing city, will sell my 5-rooni modern bungalow in Waverley Heights. A. bargain. Apply 1123 Woodward ave. br call Sell; 3255? Monday. FDR RENT cheap or for sale: 3-room cottage and garage, ;nWly papered, Dutch kitch en, electric light Kings Height car to circle, first street to the left 10U7 Santa- nita terrace. FOR SALE by owt!t, modern 6-room biuiga. low in Rose'. City Park: full lotj garace. furnace, fireplace, hard word Doors';. and o'ld ivory throughout. Phone Tabor OllS. Price $480O. k-1800 WILL place you in a beautifiuny far , riishjed 8 room house, ifulj iirice $5500; " balance can be arzauced to suit This price includes good bouse and lot arid should not be overlooked. Qokey Wescli Bdwy. 6706. ;' 827 Cham, of Com. 1101 HENRY AVE. ADJOINING EASTMORELAND" 5 room buhgalow, with s. p. and full floored attic. NEW. Ready to move right into. Oak jfjoors,- fireplace, tapestty walls, complete built-in kitchen, brk. nook, full basement Imp. paid. 50x100 lot, good view. Offered at $4750, on terms, Oiien today. Don't fail ta tse it 289 COOK AVE. OPE FOR INSPECTION Hers is a real Domei buy in a 7 room 2 story modern house,- jhst off of Williams ave.. 10 minutes by car to city, best car service in the city. $4250 will buy this on your own term. , See it today or call for appointment HAWTHORNE AVE. NEW BUNGALOW-i A DANDY 6 very clever rooms, with the latest built in conveniences, oak floors, fireplace, kitch en, wred for electric, range, recess bath tub,' Inge basement furnace. . 60x100 lot, garage. Reduced to $5850: must be sold at once. ' C, M. DERR, Realtor. 1216 N. W. Bank Bldg. Atwater 2245. Open Today $500i Modern bungalow, 6 . rooms and sleeping porch, living- room 15x25 feet oak floors, fireplace-, bookcases, large dining room, unusual- buffet,! full length mirrors, tapestry paper, dandy Dutch kitchen. Rill cement basement pipe furnace, trays. Located on: one of -the city's best ' streets, paved and paid, east face. -Very easy terms to re sponsible "party. BETTER SEE THIS BROADWAY 3626 Sundays and EveningB Aut 314-91. Build Yoprflome Now We assist in ; planning .and f ipancing. Come in and tac it over, i Bohail Investment jCo. 216: Panama b'.dg. , Brqadway 6157. $2f)0 DOWN j BALANCE i5 AND INT. ; New 4 room modern bungalow,! $3875, 630 Chamber iof Commerce. J ! ROSE CITY ; BARGAINS $3990 Practically jiiew 5 room ; bun - galow in fin location, below the hilL All s'y imps, in and; paid; fireplace;. $dwd. floors: i very handy 7 Duteh kitchen; tw) nice bedrooms; very easy terms. Beat buy in the district B. SOMERVTLLE, MAIN 3761 -1010 NORTHWESTERN BANK BLDG. $445 DOWN 4- ALBERTA $445 DOWN $3145 for this lovely 6-rm, bungalow on 44x100: S bedrms., L. land D. rm., krt, bath and toilet; on gravel st EasylpaymtK H. W. OSBORNE CO.,, BEALTOiRS.. 432 Ch. of Coat bldg. ! Ooen evenings and Sunday Bdwy. 6387. 1 NEW ALBERTA SEW; Seldom an opportunity like this. , Owner leaving city, must sacrifice this j 5-room modern bungalow, gaa furnace, low price of $4200, $600 down. I iv M rMBDEKSTOCK & CO. Broadway 1658. 210 Oregon Bldg Tot-Tvcrnv nisTRiirr For sale, by owner, new 5-room ; modern bungalow, double construction, fun ! cement basement large fireplace, oak floors in liv ing and dining rooms. 789 E. 17th st N.. 11 U.). t 7(11 7 LAURELHURST CORNER if It is a genuine sacrifice. Very rmodem 7 run., epic and span, 50x118 comer; cen ter of Laurelhurst Don't miss this and then regret yon overlooked it 4 Phone for appointment Tabor zips. A BARGAIN in a 7 room .bungalow, fully modem; garage: good oistrict; some aerms. WU1 take desirable lot as part payment Close to schools . and carline. Deal with owner. Call Aut 639-83 Sundays pr week days after 5:30 p. m. t irof f mruflT c.At.rivi at. i if Kew, real bargain, 4 bedrooms, doable 'garage. . every convenience nonderfnl loca tion. See this at once. 1 .. ;J- ' R. SOMERVTLLK . i MAIN 76t $4360 LEAVING city, sell at cost modern ,4 na. house and attic. Full cement base ment and garage. vWavsrly Heights. One blk. to ej. 10 saia. to -town, i Owner, Sell. S8SO. $2350 $200 CASH, $30 per month: coed 6-room houses lot 50 feet front 100 feet deep; Glenooo school district $ blocks SS ear." Surprise snap. iJ. tl r M eKeana, 11B1 Belmont at awtn. ) xapor ne3 kOShi Oi l Y PARK Modem 5-room , bans " Jow. aleepins porch, car age, pevvd ; street; - soldier's .banns aocepted.; Owner, f Taber ' 2035. - - - ' - - H i - - . . $204 DOWJ PRICB $800 i 4 mean .nones, elaotrie lights, gaaj "water. ; . cement walks, elot-a . to tear and school. 60x100. in monta. B'4 xracnanan pide. 8 ROOM hoas and furniture, piano and range , inelndad, S3rd.-and JBawthome. Easy terms. - Tabor 2 $89 after Swnday. Call-evenings. .. t A SNAP -$1250 j . - . 1 For sale by owner, 6 room noose, jl 3x5 ft 70$ Hood at Owner. 717 East Ilia at FOR BALK By owner. 3 modem Imiigiloas ' For pavrtsenlara,! caR SeO. 1808. ; 6-BOOM modern tesna tot saia. $100, Phone REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 HAVB TOUR HUSBAND SHOW TOTJ THIS NEW JLArRELHL'RST HOME TODAY : A super-attractive 6-room bnngaknr. built alone the latest lines by ana of Portland's best builders. - Located near the park. Truly the last word in bungs low eonstmcuon. Nothing could ba added to -enhance ha appearance on its nwfnllneaa. TJie ouahty of material and workmanship speak f for themselTea, It .will be a pleasure to abow yon. A. G. . Teeps Co. Laarelimtst tract office, 3tfa and eiuan. Tabor 3433 or Tabor 9586. HOSE CITY PARK $iOO Down or Bonus $5400 This : attractive 5 room bnnga low, located on a corner lot facing east st this price and terms is a splendid buy; ..large cement porch,-, nice-siaed living room, one of the most convenient Dutch kitchens with loada of cupboard space, breakfast nook, oak floors, fireplace with dampen, lighting futures to suit, mirror doors in both bedrocann ;: practically a full basement furnace, all improvements in and paid for; monthly paynienta -,as yoa wish. Glad to how you. CAMPBELL.RICHARDS CO., nil Sandy blvd. (On. Viaduct) Automatic SI 5-44. i . . West Side Duplex - : Seiisationat Snap Only $6500, $2300 cash. At Park st between Shartuek school and Lincoln high; eas& walking distance: present owner gets . $60 per no. for 2d floor and has his home besides. One of the best finished houses in the city, with all built-in conveniences of oak. hardwood floors every room. 2 fire places. 2 fine sets of plumbing. Takes quick action; investigate. 1. A3. Its IN EX 617-18 Abington- bids. ' Bdwy. 6269. English Colonial . $6500 T i". 'V cry fine English colonial on 50x 100 -cor. hdw. floors, old ivory finish. 2 fireplaces, sun room, den, full cement base ment, furnace, close to Sandy blvd. This is the biggest 'snap in this beautiful dis trict If you want a real home, don't let this one go. Good terms. Phone Bdwy. 7522. ' 1 SERVirE RELLVBILITY COE A. McKENNA 4 COi, 208 Artisans Bkig. Bdwy. it Oak. Established 1889. NEW 6 ROOM BUNGALOW NEAR FRANKLIN HIGH SCHOOL - Genuine snap iir this brand new. dou ble , constructed bungalow, finmed in golden oak. with (hardwood, floors in liv ing and diijing room j. Dutch kitclfen, he.k fat took, 3 lov-iy bedrf.xms and sewing room, fii-cplace. French doors and buffet Full ccn-nt bafemeut, furnace and ga rage, 50x100 lot, all imp. paid. Price $4 500. $10O0 . man. You will have to hurry for this doivisripht bargain. A,k R. L. MeGREW, OPEN SUNDAY, 1089 llawtlwrne ve. Tabor 8892. COMMERCIAL STREET C $2850 5 room modern cottage on Com mercial st, near Fremont st, all rooms are large, good plumbing, elec tricity and gas; splendid basement, etc. This is a splendid little home and the price is rieht. j. f; hill 696 WILLIAMS AVE, EAST 0268 Here's, a Dandy- ADJOINING LACRELHURST ' 6 r. story and half modern bungalow, 3 lovely bedrooms with sicious closets, full cemeut basement fine furnace, entire house beautifully decorated arid at the price, $3700, is a wonderful buy, $700 cash will handle, balance like rent Phone Bdwy. 7522. ROE A. McKENNA CO.. 208 Artiaans Bide. - Bdwy. at Oak. Established 1889. NEW bnnealow at, 63 Skidraore street, corner of Minnesota, for sale today only. Corner lot with all ' street improvements in 'and paid. Large living room with fireplace and built-in bookcases. Roomy white kitchen with breakfast nook and all built-in features, 2 light airy bedrooms.; floored attic and basement Price $3550, with $500 down. Open for inspection all day today. EX-SERVICE MEN We have som real desirable modern bungalows ready for anmediace occupancy; very reasonable term. ARE YOU GOING TO BUILD f Sen our plans and up-to-date ideas. We can help you finance. W. M. UMBDENSTOCK & CO.. Bdwy. 1658 2 10- Ofesoo Bldg. Beautiful Mt. Tabor 5Room Bungalow Owner refused $8500 cash a year ago and is now forced u sacrifice it for $7000. with but $ 1 0M dawn and bat on monthly " payments if so desired, to dispose of 8ifp -.A-k TJ tAFi..u trvm Wc , on now business undertaking. Call siin j40 1 Sunday, trom 1 0 to 3 tor appointment LATTRELHURST BARGAIN Partial brick house of most expensive construction. $6750. We doubt whether XitOOO would . .duplicate - it today. . Steam heating plant Out-of-town owner says sell. Drive out to our Laurelhurst of fice now -the key is there. Terms can be had toot A. Gi Teepe.". Co. Laurelhprst tract office, 39th and (iiisan. Tabor 3433 car Tabotsa 95S6. " , IRVINGTON NEW 5-ROOM BUNGALOW $7900 j New. never been lived in. 5 large rooms, right in the heart Of IrTington. II you are in the market for one of the neatest homes in the city of Portland, let us show you this beautiful home. You will like ; it and we know it will suit you. : OORCORAN-JONES REALTY CO. 275 OAK ST. PHONE BDWY. 6006. PHONE SUNDAYS, AUTO. S34-7 NEAR AIAMEDA PARK NEW 4 ROOM BUNGALOW . $3500 $500 CASH Real double constructed bungalow, with living and dining room. 1 bedroom and Dutch kitchen, has oak floors, fireplace, tile batb, built-in recess tub; tiled dram board in kitchen: cement basement; 50x100 lot "See it today. R. L. MeGREW, OPEN SUNDAY, 1 0 8 9 Hawthorne ave. . Tabor 88 9 2. CORBIN DEALS WORTH THE MONEY LIKE RENT 6 rooms, $2350 r 5 rooms, $2100; 4 rooms, $2000; 4 rooms. $2300. Why pay rent? Act 4ndsy. $17,000 easy terms, wgnifieiit noma. Ladd add., looks S25.O0O Wa have more like these and they're u dtnni.-v jjea.'s. JT. PL CORBIN CO., 305-8-7 Lewis Bidg. STOP Stop! Take n&Ucel Don't cheat you? self. Is the pleasure of saying "It's new" worth $2000 to you. If so see. this house and save your money. The same house new would cost S4bOO. This one js first class condition, only $2850. 6 im, large sleep ing porcn, bsmt, -..paved st trood district By owner. Must sell, leaving city. 711 Spokane Ave... Tabor 4368 ", NEAR ' PENINSULA PARK and Jefferson Sigh school. Owner leaving , city. Will sell modem 5 room bungalow on very easy terms. Price reduced to $4000. Call at branch office, cor. Albina ave. and Lombard or phone Wal 1609. ' JohnsonDolson Co. 633 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 8787. 3267ifRichmond$267a $650 CASH. BALANCE EAST , 5 rooms and bathroom.- 55x100 ft lot Paved street in and paid. Has nice lawn. 8 fruit trees,, chicken bouse, etc. Shown by appointment only. John F. Znber. 1824 K. Ghsan st Tabor 7547. c $3200 HEART OF SUNNTSIDK $3200 6 rooms, -very neat and attractive: on paved street nod cjbse to ear; thia ptupetly will appeal to those who must be close in and must hare a pleasant hotuer good lawn. lartre rooms sad Jgeat fixtures. 633 I. W. Bank Mde. Main STST. COZY 8 room house. $5300, , on terms; pipe furnace, fireplaoe. sleeping porch, built-ina , and modern in every wsy; fine view. 688 E- 4Sd st N.. for appointment" Ant 643-72. ' -.' -.:-; $ ROOM pUstered hoUse, completely furnished; . full cement basement SOxlOO foot lot 3 "blocks from Irrineton car. $310O.. Tenaa. "' -Main 8615. - 6 BOOM, house, on caj-lina. near school, French doors, tapestry, paper, $2500. Would ex--chenga $1600 aquity for 4 rooms, rlrms Id, - Walnut 0209. 6-ROOM bouse, full basement connected to sewer; $25O0. $500 down, terms. 4. fiof- stranjd. 1383 ireeiey. Wafaxnt 5965. iZSOO 5-room modem hou.se with garage ; "$700 cash, or Ford or lot vp to $400. 1136 E. 17th N. Inqwrs 486 E. S5th. & vxtL SELL, 5-rcxsn house at sacrifice, '.a bar- -OOat aonas. lot 60x100. Nertn Imngtun . faq nittnin, Mas ajss. wee REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 Westoven Terrace - - i '. - $24,7K)0 .'1 : - , 7 One ef fha finest view nssidettcea en Westo-ver. S r- Dntch eoicnial style, hdw. floors, fireplaoe, full cement basement hot wacer heat large living robin, sun room, large dining halt- breakfast T room.. 4 bed rooms, sleeping porch, 3 fine hath rooms. Tbis home is very i complete. - plenty of cle-thes, and hnen closets, very fine spacious ' grounds and ahrubbesy, large garage, etc Yea will have to see tins heme ito really ap preciate us beaoty. iReatoaabie term ar- . ranged. Phone Bdwy." 7522.- SERVICE - I RELIABILITY COE- A. McKENNA & CO.. 248 Artisans Bt.lt'- Bdwy. at Oak. . " E.nabli?evl 1889. OPEN FOR IKSPECTBOX , ; 76 K. FLANDERS MAKE YOUB OWN TERMS $4850. new. verv uretrv r,-rw bussahrw. lone, living mom acaass, the- front pretty amine room, best now: fkwrs. fireplace. Dntch kitchen, , nook, i elf the built ins. 2 airy bedrooms, beautifully finished in white eoaniei ana tapestry paper; expensive e?c. fixtures, best of eoBstructien. AJ street imp. In and paid. "Close to Sandy blvd. Open Sunday lro your inspection. Jt. SOMERVILLS, MAIN S761 . 10 lo Northwestern Bank big. - IRVINGTON ' rTttNAlLO " $5000 SACRIFICE $0-000 Beautiful 6-rotna bonesidiw cn 7th st, Irrii" gton, j baa hard wood floors. fireplace, t furnace. many builtins. large -basement with cement floors and laundry itrays ; lot 50x100, with fine parage.- This is a dandy little home and priced below its ,ac 'tual value. Price: $r0OO; terms. J. F. HILL 696 W ILLIAMS AVE. EAST 02C8 AN OPPORTUNITY to; secure fine home for little money. 5 room bungalow, furnace? . iirepiace, lull basement concrete waJKS ana curbs, sewer, lot 60s! 00, located, 33d and Columbia st. Vancouver, Wash., lO miles from business disu-tdt of Portland ; pave ment aU the way. Owner has sick boy and must go to Calif onus. - Will sacrifice for' .$3250, $1350 cawhw balance ' monthly pay aienta. Must be seeo to be appreciated. 5 . Atkinson Porter TO 5 Main St : Vancouver, Wa?h. NEW ROSE CITY ttomei corner lot swell bungalow, a real uy $58.. Before you buy inspect' tins. Some 2ucky chap will buy this today. Great big living room. The interior decorations- are unusual. This.. i; one of tiwse super attractive bungaloM-s one, sUipa to ad mire; nothing else -gust like it Complete even to double jgamge. But, folks, taks this tip.hjirry. 5 Ai G. Teepe Co.. 40th and Sandy. Tabor 586. or Tabor 8433. Woodlawsi District -'$3200 5 r. modem buntals-w, l'blk. to Union ave. carline, close to school, in good neigh borhood; a well built home, full cement basement large fine rooms, garage, etc. Terms to suit; reliable parties. Phune Bdwy. 7522 '. ' COE A. McEENNA & CO., 208 Artisans Bidg. , Bdwj. at Oak. r EstablUhed 1889. 6 ROOM BUNGALOW NEW Three blocks ffaom the new Alameda school and five blocks from Broadway car; built for a home and has all of the latest built-in features; beautiful oak floors, plate glass windows, fireplace full cement base ment trays "and Fox furnace; over-size lot, east front and f splendid garage. Price $6000; best of terms. " , r E. M. BROWN, u .1122 N. W. Bank Bldg.- Main 2422. v NEW WESTMOiRELAND CLASSY 5-room bunealouj, hardwood floors, beau tiful fixtures, all modem builtins, fareplece; lovely Dutch kitchjsn. , breakfast nook, fin ished in ivory, fnlTi cement basement, large attic, cement perch, east front 18th st. best locution. This beautiful home, is ex ceptionally well bctjlt Come see for your self. You will buy; Any reasonable terms. East 7978. IN LAURELHUEST $10,000 We have one of ,' the most up-to-date new homes in Laurelhurst This wsss built by the owner by day labor, the. best of everything in thia home, it will be a plea&tire to show you this home. It has 7 largei rooms. CORCORAN-JOKES REALTY CO. 275 OAK ST. PHONE BDWY. 6006. PHONE SUNDAYS. AUTO. 334 97 jcsSo $1500 CASH f IRVINGTON DISTRICT r New 7 irooin bungatowf- 5 rooms pn , first floor; hardwood floors, in 'ail -rooms;:; vitroiite battroom floor; second fjoor has 2 beiiroom and sewing room ; sill kinds of bnilt-ics. ''furnace and garage. Al vdB Johnson -Co., Reialtor, 605 McKay bldg. Bdwy. 7201. ; - " COUNCIL CREST PARK $5000 7 rooms and glassed-in sun porch, in fine condition; hagdwood floors, builtins. cabinet kitchen, fireplace, cement basement and good furnace about three and half blocks from car; , $1000 cash and good terms on balance. E. M. BROWN, ! 1122 N. W. Bank !Bldg. , Main 2422. , WALNUT PARK MAKE AN OFFER New, very- a tractive, large 5-rooni bunga low with attic, strictly modern throughout. Many unusual features, finest surroundings. Owner says sell at once. - BDWtY. 7567 . $3150 FOR: TODAY ONLY 1 story, raodfern 6 room home, full basement, fireplactt, close to school; car and library; $500: cash, $35 monthly, in eluding interest at fi per cent Jo!msonDdso;n Co.! 683 N. W, Bank bidg. Main 3787. 6 ROOM BUNGALOW. JUST FINISHED $4350 Has hardwood doors, fireplace, built-in bookcases, buffet i Dutch kitchen, cement basement and laundry trays;' iot 50x1 0O; $500 cash, and very easy terms on balance. " " E. M. i BROWN. -1MB N. ;W. Bank Bldg. Main 2422. -25Cla$500 Cash Dandy 6-room ootfcige-on 6thi at. neat Burnside; fruit, berries, garden. A good buy. BROWN-M'GREGOR INV CO., 510-511 Gaeco Hug. Atwater 8324, t New, New, $3m Near S room buEgalow only $3000, $600 aownj Balance to suit; lota at shrubbery ana irnit; a aanayi HILTON-DANIEL CO.. Bdwy. 7800. 270 Stark st ROSE 'CITY PARK Near Sandy. 5-room bungalow. 60x110 lot large living and. dining room, Dutch kitchen and builtins, lawn and akrubbery ; oniy eJiuu, terms, SUTTER LACEY 252 E. Broadway.' East 9218 NEW, modern 5-room bungalow and sleeping pogen, inn cement basement furnace beat hajdwood floors, all kinds of built-ins, frnit sna oernee, s lots all fenced. S blocks to car; a snap for $4500,' some torms, STRUM-KEFER CO, , 214 Fifth at $3890 NEW ITVB BOOMS $8890 A sacrifice at the price. New and mod ern: hardwood floors. 2 bedroom, fimnla.; let me show you this today, Mr. Fisher, with UUBUK JF. JUtJFU, tc, 224 Henry bldg. Broadway 4837. .- - Tabor 4392. ONLT $4600. new and nifty. Ma Ex Service Man, here is, the chance of your life time. $300 with bonus loan will Fee yon into a new o-nu. bungaiow. U- W. floors, fire place and garage.! A real bargam by owner. Must sell, leaving the city. Tabor 4 36H. SUNNTSIDE SPECIAL. - r: 9 rooms, conveniently located near school and car, has 4 'bedrooms, furnace, garaee. . full cement "basnrncnt aU modern conveni enoes; price $4200, easy terms If dnir-d -For appointmenta can Tabor 2189., - AT 1358 DIVISION ST., new bungalow with as modern eonswmettcea, : nreafefast nook. . lots of builtins, hardwood floor, papered; street assessments, taxes, paid; ail kinds of .frnit and nuts. ; Just com and see owner on the place. : - -- , ; . - -- - - $2850 BOOM HOUSE Good condition, cloee to car and- school, small sajrment down and esar terms. Bar from owner and aav commisrioni Waltrot 0913. ' f . A tJOOD OLD lidCSE . 1 ONLY -$2lOO $250 CASH 1" On paved streat 100x100 ft lot Lota of frnit, be i lea. eta. . A large garage. John f. Zuber, 1B4 a. Ulhu st vjabor 7547, BEAUTIFUL 5-rocKB bunsalow. fuil lot,, close i ts, Hsvt; o-ruom snoaern mmgaiow, : ! st near Hawthosne, $3600; 6-raoiB modern - house, 3 'lota. ! close in, $$600. C Knratii. 804 Spalding bldg. - j $250 DOWN boys a sosy yoom eotGage. ruinisnea; naevtit in i ana psja. Oloca ' to paved street j Near car and only $1400. , Open all day , Sunday, i Ant 615-18. 6-ROOM modern kungaiow,. free of sll liens, , . 33d at Broadway; $5800, flOOw down. ., , naaonabln monthly: paynunta. Owner. . 904 - K. 20th at S. ': ' ' - REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 Co'Icntal Heights , l -$11,000 i.. .: ... . 8-room tloronghly modern Dotrbr colonial, hardwood tloort. natural, flc eb, 2 fireplaces, hot-wafer heat . full cvuioiit bazixiaeut. tua rthreom. .St. large btdrocms, elaased-in slewing porch. exccvtionallv' large Unng room, sun' room, den, all buila-in-v ' fine large " garage, - eUi. This a i wonderful home and can be had on very easy terms, , Pbone Broadway 7522. "- i - SERVICE : " RETJABnTTT COE A. McKENNA ek CO.; . - BstabHancd .1889. ' " - 203 Artimuia bldg.. Broadway at Oik ' ;i i-:.--, , -;- : 4 ROOM house on 55th ave,. 1 block to car. Let 45x85; garage; a cost home. Price zauo; 50 cash, balance $35 per ntonttt. Or $ 2.1 OO cash. L ' : . . 8 room house, mod kit S blocks ta car. iPrice .$2300; $1000 cash, balance like rent 5 room bruise, . 2 good lots, ; S blocks to car. . Dole as as acsjoot met suuu caan. . : 1 1 room furnished house, ready for house keeping, corner lot on paved st $4100 cash. iuu is a 6(1000 home, - . 5 room house, near school. Pries $2400; 1 nnn - , - , K wwm. AAA. tOA Mail , .wu, ... in, ill,, f JUU", , . . balance terms. : Several "good business prop P. LARSESf,- 038 Foster Rokd. ' ; , Ant 63-30. Otfice, Aut 636-01. - LaureI2iurst: ' '$1000 CASH ' ! -We cannot imagine anything finer than this S r. modern bungalow, with hdw. floors, ivorv finish f 1 r.n frnniML c- ment basement large aUic, breaklast nook ail ouut-ins, jaunary txays. garaeu 50x100, treet level lot etc The total: xmrx is $5750. with terms of $1000 cash, balance $50 monthly, including interest Phone nawy. 7o22. COE A. McKENNA & CO.. 208 Artisan Bldg. . j - Bdwy. at Oak. Established 1889. 736 East 6Sth St. North ; ROSE CITY PARK WELL, BUILT: : .- Double i Constructed $450 I (4500 t45O0, New 5 room bungalow with large break- - rast Ttoea, plenty ot Duiit-ins, tile sink ana tile bath, built-in fireplace, hardwdod floors, pipe furnace; the best of plumbing and beau tiful . electric fixtures. See thia ; at once. Owner there from 12 to 5 daily, or phone evenings, Aut 317-76. $235,0 CLASSY WOODSTOCK $2350 Very attractive, 4 nice rooms and bath, sleeping porch, garage, 40x120 tot to alley, 1 blpck to car, nice lawn, - shrubbery, f I ewers and garden. A very pretty little place, in good neighborhood. At least $500 cash to handle. Phone ;lfor, our auto and see this pretty hoine. CROSSLEY at ABBOTT 283 Stark St f Bdwy. 1188. $500 Cash A dandy 6 : Rose Cfty bungalow, brand new, modern tin every way, ltdw. floors, fireplace., furnace, full cement basement breaifaiO nook; odd ivory finLih. 50x100 (Street level lot garage, cement runway. ' the , most complete home in this beautiful ! district total price $5500. -Bdwy. 7i22. Exceptionally easy terms. SERVICE REI,IABILITY COE A. McKENNA & CO.. 208 Artisans Bdwy at Oak. ' , Established- 1889. . ' VV See This ; Home If you are in the market to buy an 8-room substantial home with beautiful hardwood floors in all rooms, has garage, the lot is: 100x100. planted - to choice shrubbery and excellent fruit located 2 blocks of f Hawthorne carline and west of E. 25 th. For appointment to see this, phone Afwater 3324. Brown-McGregor In. Co.. 610-511 Gaseo bid. ,, $400 $750 CASH New 5-room bungalow Breakfast nook, attic. al large rooms, plate glass windows, double construction. cement basement furnace, parage, 50x100 lot, paved at and sewer paridt It's wonderful value Let us show yoU. '.CITY HOMES DEPT. R1TTER LOWE A CO-, REALTORS 201-2-3-5-7 BOARD OF TRADE BLDG. BDWY. 7567 : MUST BE SOLD ' Owner forced to leave this beautiful 4 room home on account of change of busi ness. This block built up with beautiful homes. Hardwood floors in living room, fireplace. 2 bedrooms, splendid kitchen, ce ment basement bent furnace.- garage, soliil cement runway. Price $4450. $500-down to responsible party. 8 EE THIS TODAY. W. M. UMBDENSTOCK. A CO.. Bdwy. 1658 210 Oregon Bldg . JEFFERSON HIGH Down$200Dbwn $25 PER MONTH 5 room cottage on paved Emerson st, near PIEDMONT CAR BARNS ; all im provements in and paid; full plumbing; price $19004 STAR REAL ESTATE 4V INV. CO. Broadway 5618. 51.2-513 Wilcox Bids. BOfcE CITY SPECIAL $6200 If you want one of best 5-room bunga lows in Rose City, let me show you this one today. This is a ' real bargain. Owner just cut the price from $650i to $6200. You will hke thiC-moraa. ; Located lust where you would like to live in Rose City. Don't overlook this if yon. want a real bargain. CORCORANJONES BEALTT CO. S75 OAK ST. PHONE BDWY. 6006. PHONE SUNDAYS, AUTO. 384. . PTEDMONT DISTRICT DANDY BUNGALOW 5-room modern -bungalow on Jar rett at, near Union ave; hard paved st large lot garage, etc.; this is a st; rent $40 par mo. - Pries $3000; terms. J. F. HILL 696 WILLIAMS AVE EAST 0268 MR. HANDYMAN " 5 rooms, nnfiniahed- inside, hrmber, paint, doors, ate., to finish; lot 100x182, on pave ment outside city limits; finish this' and make $500; total price $2300, $350cash. See Hurd. with. . ' t 7j' Chamber of : Commerce bids. IN HAWTHORNE DISTRICT - West ef 50th st, an aioely furnished bungalow, $5000. ; . w t , s 1 unfurnished (-room bungalow, gar a. $4200. 1 nnfnrnished 5-room bnnsalow. 84 BOO. - 1 unf urniahed . 5-room btzscaiow, carage.jir WW. ..-..-'. r 1 unfurnished 4 room bungalow, $1800. All an paired - street land paid. Tabor 7236. 1890 Division at ., Why Pay; Rent i B -rooms on meat side. $500 down, $16 month at S per cent int . See this at onea. Won't last tone. -' i - HTLTON-DASIEZ CO.. Bdwy. T800. ; , ' S?0 8a st FOR. SALE A , bargain, 5-room home with ana room,- lighta, gaa, twater. bath, garago, cement Fork, paved sot, close ear, Te faro - to Portland. 1-10 of acre of fine land: a -dandy buy for $2800. Zelaafco MxK3ormick. 11111 lilK, vnr. ib a-s.. - 4-ROOM HOUSE "for sale, esse. ficht ess sidewalka. patent toilet nssr icesspooi, Prioo . $1000; $20O down. $20- a month.' -Take lit neott ear to Tremon staaoo. - 641W ' " 7th st 8. B."' "'- - :" ' - - :-- - " - ' 8400 DOWN BALANCE $4f MONTH ' i Almost new bungalow, oak floors, furnace and finylace. garage, 60x100 ft, pared street, irt-sr high school. - Tabor ; 2530. f WEST SIDE SNAP s - v S family flat . bide, fireplaces, cement basement 56x100 tot imp: in- A anaj at $5000. H cash. Tabor 2580. - WHERE can yon receive 16 int on invest - meat and have an idesl borne T Look thig np. ooi 48T4. - t 1081 K. Alder. Tab. $6000 CASH, BALANCB. TERMS 4 Oat bade., good repair, etosa to osi silt .-a, bargain. Cail Kami 611L. , f ; y- ; , L- ' aU REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 Irvington stooo i- !: Tn til. newest part of llrrington where aS the fin bamea are being built we have 1 a new 5 r. bungalow with hdw. floors, full , cement basement breakfa.- nook, all built- ins. laupdry trays, garage, "located on E. . l7QrstjN. This is a rati snap, total price i $5350e Very easy tanas, - Phono Bdwy. j- Tsii. ;i ---'t., .j -. - "SERVICE .v--,;:- ' w. RELIABILtTT --. ' I i coe aJ McKEnnaT C04 - J 203,; Artisans Bkig. Bdwy. ai Oak. - I. '. ' Ewablishtd 1 .. " ,,f --,-r,Jii:iJ-ci:S.;V:,J .'"):!.'- " LAURELHURST --! " j ' I MORTGAGE FtRKCLOSURE i , Nearly new;- 5 room, bnngalisv. bk. nook, ; attic, hardwood floors thrangiKrat, fireplace. , furnace. Jk wen built attractive ; bungalow rat exceptional' price and terras. 1 i Sea this before yow deckle. :. ' :- CTi'Y HOMES DEPT. ' RrTTER,, XiOWE 4i COJ REALTORS 201-2-3-5-T BOARD OF TRADE JBUMJ.. , i . BDWY 7567 ;- - i - - ' ' : - '$1859 f I- -.-v-V.- A small payment down, .'balance- month! vj takes this clean little 8 room cottage, with garaen. on a acre, lots' of fruit trees and mes, minutiea from; aomt town, oa Oregon Eteotrkj car. See Mr. Phillips, : J. L HARTMAS I CO. 8 Ctaniber of Commerce Bldg. Bdwy, B0344 Can We Help You? ,- "We build homes Giat please the owners. All materials and workmanknip guarantee! first class. Assistance in financine and terms that will please you.; 'vMorgais'&jCo.-' $27 Cliamber of Commeqree B!dg . Office Phone: . Broadway 6706. Residence Phone Evenings:! Walnut 8812. : IRVINGTON BARlAIN jt . . OWNER LEAVING CITY Will sell this attractive, 4 rm. bungalow. completely furnished or i anfurnislied. all large, beautiful rooms, hdw.. floors, tile drain boards in wonderful Dutoh i kitchen, break fast nook, tile floor" in bathroom, 3 large i corner berirorms, garage and furnace. Terms. R. SOMERVILLE ! MAIN 87611 1410 NORTHWESTERN BANK BLDG. LOOK! WBST. SD)E -VACAlfT - 8 Large Rooms, Cheap 1 Exceptions! fine home, t hdw. floors, fur-:, nace, fireplace, all modern, built-ins, bean-i ' tiful lichtine fixtures; sleeping porch, -attic.; garage. Lovejoy st Best location. Splen-i ; did nome. i.oad income.. ! Wonderful terms. sow nurry. Bdwy. 6011, Monday T. O. BIRD, a 626 Cbarai. of Com. NEW HIGH ! SCHOOL 'DISTRICT New modern (-room brrnjklow, below the mil. Rose Cityf large living and dining room, hardwood: floors, fireplace, finished . in ivory and tapestry nanerl builrln buffet Dutch; kitcben, j 2 bedromsi cement base ment; this is an excellent tiny and can be handled for $300 cash, balance $40 a montn inciuding interest; tota price $4750. labor 3S80; evenings. Tabor 5087. ' . Modem Bungalow $3350$ 500 CASH j 8 rooms, hardwood ' floors, firerilscW. Vfin- . is! ted in white . enamel, cement baseinent; - .very well built; located on east i slope of Mount Tabor. A real bargaia. J .. BROWN-M'GREGOR 'INV. CO.. 510-511 ftascj bldg. 'Atwater 3324. UAWTHOK.MS DISTRICT -Modern 6 room bungalow; it has two larae. i airy bedrooms. nrtng room across the front of the house, a , large dining room4. large kitchen with break fast yjoui, a large basemant j with a pipeless furnace. The living and dining rooms hsvs tne srenea celling witn indirect- lignang; hardwood floors. Price $5000: terms, Any reasonable offer accepted, PHONE EAST $2975 $200 DOWN buys , ai new 4 room, lovely little modern bungalow; ivory finish. ' breakfast nock, Dutch kitchen, 3 sleeping rooms, bath, large living room, basement cement porch,; sidewalk, ; t block to hard surface street near school.' This is a dream oi a lifetime. ' I 1 EDWIN Gi WIISON. REALTOR, 5621 Woodstock Ave. , Ant 615-1$ i You Can't Beat This t rooms and sleeping porch, one ' floor, '- hardwood floors, fireplace, I French doors, buffet large Dutch kitchen.- 2 Unr bed- rooms, bath between, full cement basement trays, 100x100 lot A keal bungalow; $3500, $650 down, balance to suit . East 8930. - ' Beautiful 5Room $4750-$1250 4?ASH " 50x100 ft ehrner lot paved street know you will like this. Tabor 7547. We BY OWNER ; Only $4250, $500 cash, practically new 6-room story and a half bungalow, floored attic, space for 8 extra rooms, all bruit-ins, ivory enamel woodwork, best j plumbing with ouut-in D&tn tub ana pedestal lavatory. 1 blocs: to M on ta villa car. Tabor OaS3. ALBERTA NEW Seldom an opportunity like this. Owner leaves city, must sacrifice this 5-room bun galow; gaa furnace, exery thing modern. Low price oi nziiu; snoo flown. . - W. M. UMBDENSTOCK CO. Broadway 1658. ; ' 210 Oregon bldg. BUY. FROM OWNER AND SAVE COMMISSION j Very nice 4 -room bunitatow. enameled fin. ish, modern: 2 bedrooms. Dutch kitcben. full basement garage. 75x100 lot,' full price szeou witn amau payment aown ana very liberal terms. : Phone Aitit 62-44. $2400 $200 DOWN, balance $23 per mo.. buys a modern 5 room bungalow with bath, ivory finish, nice, lawn and shrubbery j good garden spot garage. 21 blocks to .car, near scnooi. -a nome to re prona-oi. ED WDf G WILSON. REALTOR, S 6621 Woodstock: Ave. ' Aut .615-18. FOR i SALE, by owner, new, niodem 5-room houxe, hdwd. Doors,1 . nook, furnace, : sttte. garagn and nice lawn ; lot 50x120. - Ajl "t; imp. in and paid. Near Franklin high. Mt Scott and Hswtborne cars! 1450 Division st- Phone Tabor 8558. BY OWNER Kew 4 rooms,! modern. AI berta, ear. Walnut 0408.; 4 room rosy horns, Alberta car. modern, terms. Wsl. 0408. Owner. t Possession, st, once. 4 rooms, new, mod ern, terms; everything pejdt jWalnnt 0408. SACRIFICE bargain. 8 rooms. basement: fine location, in A.l shape-; near car.- Only $3200; good terms, Going away; must sell. H. P. Allen. 1139 Belmont Phono Tabor 9407. lfivenings. Tabor 0K76. ' ONLT X210B 5 -room modern cottage one floor, imp. all in and paid, 1 -block to $ carlines and school; $600 down, balance $20 per mo.. inciumne interest. r.ssttgga. LET me give you my figures on your new borne you're going to build. I will save yon money and belp .finance. I Have - thirty bouses andar way this year; fisst class work. H. H. Harris.-1016 . Mrbok'yn. SelL 2859? HP YOU are looking for a In S 5 room modern bungalow, up ta date, and have $1500 cash, call at 864 Weidier st Prtee $4750; etosa in; must be sold this month. - - . , " FOR SALE 5-room modern bungalow close In, ; built - fsr . convenience! ' corner Skid more and fcarfield- Prica right Inspect and get further particulars from owner. J-251, Journal. . -' .- jr - - FOR SALE A dandy. 5 room" bungalow; small payment down, balance i hks rent A working man's chance. Phone Aut 420-65. n snap. . I'M. y si OWNSS 8 rocsns. ms, electricity, gi full lot. bemes. xrtut improvi ad i to street toeid: $1650. $200 down; H block to sax. Write 9 1, jwirwti. S BOOMS; Colonial. uodern, hardwood floors. builtuu, fireplace ; east front,-; full tot; .4 2d au near1Ssndy blvd. Worth $8006,- sell for $5500. terms. Owner, 146H Second st : HOTJeuB , xLAJt I ti. oa ' 106 designs. $10' to specially da shmsdr st reasonablo fan. L. U.j BAH.EY A CO.. 92 If. W. Bank Bldg. ARE TTOU GOING TO BUILD r j maks alter atiensf See my work. - - Flan furnished. XI years in Portland. . 2086 j E. Morrison, Tutor 2s. X 1 200 RCYS sartiv furnished B-moia Iiai.. $0X100 lot. bearine tress, aarage. Owner) 1804 Drum mend at, 2 blocks iroat Pen ; insula svo. -! - - '-'!- v i , .BUT this T reoma, modem, and! earege, etosa monthly and in $450, terms; - nets -$30 suite. - Bdwy." less. 6-ROOM bouse, furnished, $2500.; $800 down, balance like .rent;- 95th. at ( S, E. , Ant "626-28. - t -' -:' -r-i T- . 5-ROOM cosy home. 1 blk. Sunnyside car"; 6300O. $1850 cash. 141 .IS. ,4t at Owner. 8NA- if taken at once.- a lota. $ room house, garage, chicken nonsn, sll kinds fruit Tabor 7829. -,. LOOK i sacrifice! " "' Best deal in Postland. 7 hooia house, 1116 Denver ave,. near Willamette;; no' humbug. MODERN California . ; bungatowl contatoini' , weery eanresiencei at 887 J5. 78th st north -of Bandy., $8950 SEW Irvington coioruaU $1000 cash to bandle. For inspection. East 8941. ' ' KEW h room, brutgatow, saodern thranghoot . 5500 down. "Main 441 ft. 7 , TTJRNISHED Inrington nome $5000. Mownire, $4$ Colon. , lEast 4407. STJ. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSE. 404 - HONs.si-TiMiOODNLSS BARGAINS . $3040 BUNGALOW FOR 620OO j 4-roem . bungalow, - bath. Irutch kitcben, as and alectrio lights. 50x100 lot cement walks, street newly graded. 1 block from! UontavfUa ear an 2d at, $300 caao, $2i. monthly. - ': . .. ....... 1 ;- : , ALBERTA DISTRICT $2150 , 'i ! ; ' - 4-soom bungalow on pared street ft: 30th st. a -wonderfnt vahae; $300 cash, bal anoe at the rata of $25 monthly. i IDEAL, FOR THK NKWLYWFDS . Very neat and nifty 4-roora California! typo . of -, bungalow, very,, wide, projecting oaves, Urge living room, concrete founds-; tion, small beaemenJU corner lot 4 blocks to " car; par $1965. $300 cash. $36 monUuy.I - ROSE CITY CARLINE - . .. - Price $2100, $300 cash. $xO per. month boys brand " new S-room bungalow,- - larre ." combiastiea hving and dining room, batii, ' : 1 Mitch ; kitcben, inlaid linoleum on Idtcbea : floor, new wood and coal range, ahadea and i ; screens on all windows, screens on all doorvj -; Everything goes, '-;. .;" ';.- ... - i . ; If yea. knew a bargain when yon sea eno, i - come in and. we will tell yon about these : -Wanes. j,.-.-8e Kertson, with....... . . 1 W l-ii-"Tf"' i 732" Chamber of Commerce bldg. " -.;-, -- - - - 4AA " j lH BLOCKS OFF ANTT BLVD. f SOMETHING DIFFF.R ENT IN ... . , ARRANGEMENT -'.;- ',. ' : New 6 room bonsa with aleepins; porch, i , reoeptiiyi hall, liviug and dining room, hard-; wood floors, . large Irutch. kitcben and breakfast nook. 2 nice bedrooms with eloe- i 'ets and aleepine porch, beautiful bathroom; with - comnosition" floor' and reoesa tub. aW composition drain board . in kitohen. oement ' basement furnace and good garage. This is a wonderful home. This house is aplere-i didly arranged and is close to school sndi tore. Priced -very tow. Rose City Park) branch offico open every day, 4 bth and, Sandy blvd. Aut 824-10. v ,i i J. L. HARTMAN, CO.-" ,'; " J ' 8 Chamber of Commerce BWg. "1 J. Bdwy. 6034. ......- , . : ,: Iryington $25,000 - Without a doubt thia home is the finest I that money can build. 10 r. English col onisl, 100x100 cor.; wonderful shrubbery,) ' and lawn,. hdw. fkxirs throughout .finished imi old ivory, fine - fireplaoe, hot wator heat -full cement, basement cliauffenr's room im basement 2 fine bathrooms, beautiful large i sun room, den. breakfast nnokr, sewing: room, -fine large bedrooms, all bullt-lns. plenty linen and clothes closets, large attic.! This homo is just wonderful. If -you want ' something a littls better than is usual be ! -sure and . make appointment to sea this! eieeant proTHfrty. Phone Bdwy. 7522,- SERVICE RELIABILITY . : ' COB A. McKENNA A CO.. : - 208 Artisans Bldg. .. Bdwy. at; Oak. fetablished 1889. $2800 PARKROSE BUNGALOW Just outside city limits, 1 block f rora oar Kne and school, ideal location, south of Sandy bird., 70x100, ft corner tot water, gas, electricity. . This is an np-to-dato apartmeat buneatog. consisting of Mvlng room, bed . room, kahen and breakfast nook,, aloo -a bath with very- modern plumbing ttxturea ' (recess hath tub) : lot on erede witn atreet There Is slso a sarasa. Fog just two - In the family who desire a real home, .yet In expensive to keep up, this plana wa can well - recommend. Terms $800 'down, balance ar " ranged. Our branch office at the and of;' the Parkrose carline is open every day. Tak. j Rosa City Park-Perkroae oar to end of Una. I J, L. HARTMAN COiiPANT ) . S Chamber of Com. bldg.. .1 ' Broadway 6034. - ' ' .1 . New-Colonial Residence Beautiful modern eieht-rooml home,-, large living room, dining room, Dutch kitchen, breakfast rm., enclosed back porch, lava tory, and toilet; Rudy furnace, laundry; 8 ; fine bedroma, sleeping ; porch. TeL, bath, large finished attic suitable playroom or bil liard room, ' hardwood -floors throughout; first clasa snperior - construction, garage; high clasa district, 655 Wasco, 2 blocks. Irvington car; -will accept 1 or 2 Well lo cated tots- or good, small house as part pay ment Owner, Robert B. Beat East 1875. A-l ROM IS $8750 COOK.; AVE. $3750 . 6-room modem boose on Cook ave., near Rodney Are,; corner lot ' 60x106; electnn and gas; Una is an excellent buy.: $730 down; balancs monthly.. -.. . ... J. F. HILL i : , 69CTVIXiIAMS AVE. EAST 0261 $3500 ONE BLOCK TO ROSE CITT , PARK CAR New ' room . house, living room with hardwood ; floors, fireplace and bookcase, lares bedroom and bath, . kitohen and break fast nook, cement basement and laundry trays. Call at Ross City - Park branch of fice, 45th nd Sandy blvd. Aut 826-10. J. i L. HARTMAN CO. , . 8 Cluunber of Cnrameros Bld$. lldwy. 034. v, . , . . , , . ; $4500 $1000 CASH' t aROVELAND PARK DISTRICT h , B Room bungalow , and attic, all - large rooms, fireplace,, builtins, cemeut basemstit, trays, ' furnace, 60x110 tot ' earags, ' fruit trees. Paved st. and sewer and walks paid, 1 block to car, near high school. ; .1 An excellent buy; CITY HOMES DEPT. HITTER. LOWE A CO.. REALTORS 201-2-3-5-7 BOARD OF TRADE BLDO. ' - BDWY. 7667 ' IrtjpLE - : . : NEW AND UP-TO-DATB $8500 . N.w Drtplex, tented for $100 per month, just, completed, nothing better in Portland, the-owner will sell for $8500 and will take . $2040- cash, balance -to suit If yon want a real bargain let us show you this Duplex today. . i - - - -"' .- . . OORCORAN-JONflS REALTT CO. 275 OAK BT..PHONE BDWY. 6006. PHONE SUNDAYS .AUTO. 834-97 BOSR CITY. DISTRICT - ' FRACTt- . CALLY NEW BUNGALOW $4600 '. You win appreciate the value; a real attract! s home, built 'right; ' classy, - distmstive. Special,, terms to right person. Inspect thia, " A. O. Teepe Co.. 40th and Sandy, Tabot 9586 or la- - - ' bor $488... :,-;.,, i'.- HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW . " This is one ef the finest bungalows in the district, .modern, with all kinds of built ins; beautiful oak buffet and fireplace ; must be sold this week; let s show you this; we will take "a building lot as part payment; if yon want 'a roar bungalow, see this. -,-'(,-. -....-.. REVEBMAN INVESTMENT CO., 210 Lewis Bids. - Broadway 2954 . NEW--OVERLO0K HEW ll Real nobby flroom complete bungalow. $4800. Will accept $500 down. from re ' sponsibls party, A real opportunity. ACT AT ONCE. ' - - - ; W. M. UMBDENSTOCK ; JOn Bdwy. 1868. : 21Q Oregon bl' ;i j $10 CASH $35 MONTHLY " 6 room house on one acre, fine garden soil, chicken hntitaa. berries, (Trapes, etc; surrounded by nios homes, close to osi. See Mr. Phillips, with J. L. Uartman Co., o Cham, of Com.- btng. 81T00 ON PAVED STREET-r 4170Q , - 1 Story. 7 ; room heme; A 1 btocst to car, 60x00 lot; $250 cash, $25 monthly. i Johnson-Dodson Co. 68$ Vt. W Bank bldg. Main 8787. -TO CLOSE ESTATE rWEST BIDS W'alkina" distance: save cartare; 2 5-room honsoa - $$500". half down, lot BOxlOO; need some reDairs: a good buy for someone. Inquire owner. 421 6th at Auto- 620-81. Call Monday. $6500 GENTLEMAN'S 9-xoon modern home - on-west swpe oi saw aaoov,i mts ivavv -"-: feet; frnit berries, hrnbbery. Will take ,: one or two good automobiles or $2600 oaafa. V balance aa we can agree,.. J. C. McKanna. 1151 Belmont, at 89th. f Tabor 6493. SUNDAY SPECIAL -4 room modern busra-. low, aZTav; xirepuiew, muoomi,, ouu, - -yy. E. kitchen, cement, basement L. trays,. . Jrvington Park, $330- Owner. Bdvy. 7429. '- Bdwy. 4794. - " . "".,'.. WESTMORELAND DISTRICT 8430O -1 6-room house, full - cement basement on 100x100; aU improvemenie in and paid ; see it East 14th, Clayboorne corner. Seji- wood 87a. t nr.i DL-VE-r,Ti"l'lVl? UTS " Walkin distance. - 4 ro;m cottage, full lot ail imps. paid. " Snap at $1400. Ryder rteaity ,o., iw in"". inn sitr tit iiunifii ; . 4 -room' house, corner - tot, 1 "block to car; iisvv; r mi. am. o.. oi. t"(R SALE fepreruhd . Iiurelwood . furnished Broom bwngatosr. 4124 & 44tn at ,', iaber Jt7$. f. . I, - : .i a-: i c mm