THE . GIZZGON SUNDAY- - JOURNAL : PORTLAND, SUNDAY, MORNING,' .OCTOBER 1S22. ' t if'?' 1. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY 25 ' NEED 84OO0 at enee.- WiU pay 8 per cent - tmereat' to private party, -ywill .give j first ;i mortgage ,rn my S20 acres of fine timber . ' land in the famous Curry county timber i belt -. I' ran preferred, agent weed c ' nppl.v Andres X32. Joornal. 16 if.RES KOR HOME " 1?SrUa(L - .Bock:. road, and. electric depot. v JBdwy. 6875. " I ' iWAStXtxat girt or middle aged woman -' v for light hou-Wwork in modern apt Might ' - eontider high school girt. -Atwater 1078. f ;'U4 traile branrl new Victrola ,or ko hgbt - -.. - lira . : . u rl I fll l' J -QUINCES for sale.- 4 a far 25c - . en 41ua IT C 833 K. '1IXKGTEIC drill win take up to half - inch, ey Eimnra 1125. -.-.-"-. f- BUSINESS PERSONALS WEDDING CARD KXtiKA VKH ' W- fi- SMITH A CO.. 811 Meraaa atldav EXIAL NOTICES ' 101 NOTICE OP BOW SALE ! . isourel m bent) a. given that 'Healed bid -wiK be received by that- undersigned until the fcwr of i o'eio p. tbt i day of No-':- 'fmher. J822, and immediately thereafter publicly opened by lb board of tl fleeter of acnoot district Io. 1. Multnomah- county. Oregtm. at the office of and board, room ?.- 304,. Multnomah county courthouse, in the city of Portland, Oregon, far an tame of bond of said school district, in the sum of Ihren hundred- thousand dollars $80O.aO0. ; -asid bonds to be in denominations of one , ' KMtod dollar $10O0) each, -to bear data . iiovemher 1, 1922, and to" mature aerially . ; -; in numerical order as followi : ,v - tT6.0O0 on November 1. 1923: $17,08 C . on November 1, 1926; 816.000 on Novem .r lr I, 1927; $17,000 oo November 1. 1928; tia.000 en November 1, 1929: -t etlT,O0O on November 1. 1930; .000 ; on November 1. 1931: $17,009 oh No i Timber 1. 1932; tia.000 on November 1. ,1133; I7.O(X0 on' November 1. 984; :, 118,000 on Xoembr 1, 1935: f 17.000 ' on Navember 1. 183; $1.6,000 os No i rember 1, 1 937 1 7,000 on November 1, f 1938: i 16,000 os November 1. 1939: 917.000 oa November 1, 1940: 18.000 V on November 1, 1941; 118.000 on No ?t ;Temberi li. 1942: aaid bonds to bear inter eat at not to exceed "6 per cent t) per annum.1 payable aemi-emiaallT, ' on the first daya of Mas and November, prindiial and interest to be parabie at tbe office of the county treasurer of Maltnomab county. Ore . con. or at the fiscal aricy of tbe state of T . Oregon, Jn New lork ctty, at the option of the parebaaar. ! V"..-.. , AH bid moat specify the rate of internet, .? ' and most be aecamoanfed by a certiJfed ehedt V tor 316,000, ? .... , .TTT ' The board reeervea the ri(ht tft rejoct an ! and alt bid. , . . &. E PfLTON . Clerk, " School District No. 1, ifojtnamah Coanty, Oregon. Boom 401. Coonty Conrt--i home. - ' - - - . " - - . SEALED BIDS wilTbe received until 11a a i'rtday, October 13 , foe a stock of groceries im iu tares iocatea at rigara, nr., oi an f approzimaa value of 41750, Inventory of I' this stock may be seen at oar office and stock inspected by appointment. A certified .. check for 10 per cent of the amount of hid moat accompany each bid. The - right i re . served to reject any or all bids. O. A. Cote, i 641 Pittock block, PorUand. MEETING NOTICES 102 PUBLIC MEETING CARDS AND DANCING ADMISSION 25 CENTS nurkpatrick Council 2227. Security Benefit Association, next Friday night at Swiss hall. 8d and Jefferson sts.. cards. "500." good prises. Dancing. Hoch famoaa. union masio (4 pieces) . Come for a, real good time. SPECIAL- On Saturday tii.hf rCt A ca i - Ii-iiH. ? Salejn for sa fraternal visit " th j " installation and eonferring , , s;"" urn a large class-or candidate. au who wUh to go pkaie notify the president or financier not Otter than Tuesday for res - errations. : JOINT IN8TAt.fjtllON'" Eureka council No. 204 and St. Johns council No. 2775. S. B. A.. Monday evening, Octooer 9. East Side W. O. W. haU. E. 6th and Aider. Beautiful initi atory ceremony. : Junior President Fred T. Holm, in stalling officer. Memben ursed to be present. - CARD PARTT AND DANCE " ' Bigf popular Maccabee card party and dance by Tent No. I neat Thnnday evening, October 12. at ; Maccabee hall. 8S6 "Washington st. Ererybody in-, nted and made welcome. Cards. 8:30; dancing. 10. Best union music obtain; able. Admission.- 95c to tU. Cash nrises.' : Come early, as record attendance is expected, liCL KEAZEK UKOTTO. nhildhood '(lance, Pythian Tem . pi. Thursday. October 12. Come and enjoy tbe Wednes day mncheons. (jrotto con vention film. Liberty theatre. one week, starving Saturday. October 14. Ceremonial Sat urday. October 21. Tes. I saw your ad in the Grotto News.r Order of Monarch. HABKY A. McKAE. Secretary. On OCTOBER 0. Head Banker Aleshire of Chicago will ddrew all Modern Wood men of Multnomah and near by counties at hall of Rose City ; camp, No,, 408 . Alder street; All members cordially invited. t IV E. SMITH, Consul. H J.-W. SIMMONS, Clerk. " 1218 Teon building. j NYDA TEMPLE DAUGHTER J : Mtr Ttiny KlLai wui boM a card party Wednesday, Oct, 11th, 1 Woman's clu building. 'Buffet lunch served at 1- p. m. Card . games . will follow. 500 and " brides.. Admittance hv mem bership card. Order of Queen Lee, ADDA CELLARS WILLAMETTE TRIBE No. 6, Improved -Order of Red Men, meets every Monday evening at Wigwam, 208 Va 3d St. Members are urgent ly reqneated to be present. Visiting chief t always wel come. ALVIN 8IETER3, C. of R. WOODLAWN LODGE No, 171. L O. O. F. aeeU every Monday evening at No. 444 Bvkum are.. 8 o'clock. L O. O. J".. haO, f.Q-O.T! xrst oegree Monday. Oc tober 9. Visiting brothers welcome. R. W. TAPP. Sec i J'AKAKOSE LODGE NO. 179. A. F. A A. JM.-SUted com- manicatioa Monday evening, Oct A Mi BVd i Wvd. - and Ryan st V . Work in IT . M Amr rui: "v 'V' brethren - welcome. - By . order w. u. , rtoirt-. w. r'ti l r.iiHO.N. iot: 600 PABTT .will he given by MarrnnU ; eamn,. k. . a., jnesoay evening. Oct 10, . at -114 H Grand ' ave. - 6 frvx, - 1 draw aad a. door price: refreshments. Admisaton 2c. . : . . -. -. k. . ; SELI.WOOD O-- E. S. SOCIAL ULl B will give a dance and card party at trie Snunywde .Masonic temple I W ednesday evening. Oct 1 8. Eastern Stars " and Maiuuia and. frU-nds fn-rited. MART 1-i VKWKmrlTR ALL Wh t?nd a ffrand i2tertaitTiteat and mt W. -O. W. Tmule. tK 11th l ri K. ,. ' amun, 4B-OTHDr H. oat i vuprvrne cmet ranger. Ueorge P. Snllivan. j Monday, October 9, t. Program- at : dance f-, t 10 p. b, Adminkm free, ' u. ., - . " " H, Si Aaron, chairman. - ,'" - . - ! i- - - -.- - Jv. OF TT. ASTRA CIRCLE Jfo. 152. wiB give a. card party at 89 'lay lor' su. ThurbUay vemng, October 12, Admission 2 cents. . rraas, ; afYRCIA CIRCLE. NEIGHBORS OF wools : CKAKT are giving a masked! ball on Wednes ' day evening, October 11. at Arleta W. o. . W. HalL.aith at, and 46U nm .Everybody vtelootnev;-.. Admission 39ceata, Priaea. - KOTAL MEiUHBOim OF AMKIUCA, May ....gnezite tamp No. 14, naeeta every Tuae ,v day eve., 114 Mi Grand Ave. : , . W0VN Sr SERTICrS CLUB will meet on Ost J2 . Friday) at 2 p, m. oo tbe fifth fha(. ; LsUur temple. All members are e- -4 present SMBIXM JIWEUtl a eneH.R.v- !.' m charms. Jaeger .Bran, 1(1 1 3 Jk at. rrySSe. A MEETING NOTICES . 102 DANCE . fc ' -DANCE. - ' r FOR ALL , Jblic. Prieadst and aB i members given by the Ijre V ire ceemril. Anchor eooBr ."cili, No. 746 Becooty Bene fit aetoctatkw. Tuesday niebf, OeU)tev 10.J W. . W.-haJI. 128 11 th st- 'e tieve the largest crowd, heal mosie aad best tiniM- ,c jAtse'Dd one . and . you will never nm another. Admission 33 cents. Jet jonr eostamesr ready for the big nsawiaerade baU m October 24U. HAPPY HOIH SOCIAL OI. UB wdl give danees every Baturdsy night at W O.' W. hall 128 Uta su. alerting Sept. za. bram DEATH NOTICES 103 111RPHT Ib this city. Oct. 7. Caarfea B siged 35 yearK, husband ' of " lSle tttrproF, father of folieen: and Charles B. ifurphy Jr. of 462 J ten t, nn of Jlra. Ifer nantf Murphy and brother of TUelinav Fraakj Arthur andf Fred Murphy, and Mfraj Goklie Dnncan -of Oakland, tlal. The remains are at Inley's mortuary; Montgomery sat bui. .Notice of ' funeral heTeafter. - 1 ' WILCfiiXSONW-In this city. , Oct . Cariotta WDcouoo, . aged 66 years.; Tbe remains are'' at the conservatory Chanel of -the East : Side Funeral .Directors, Inc. 414 K. Alder ' at. ' Notice of funeral will apyear in a feiter1 iwue.; '! - .''- T.' tit'l'Li At Oorbett, OT-i J. F. Gould, aged 45 yean. The Temeias are at th ibji eerratory chapel of . the East Bide Ptmeral - Directors, Inc., 414. E. Alder Tt. Notice of funeral ael iuea will appear in a later is-nir. TATLOR At tbe residence. 149 13th t . Oct- 7, William A. Taykw. aged 54 years, , beloved' husband of Soberta Tkylot. F-uner-al notice later. -Ktmnin at the residentiaj parlors of Miller A Tracer. r FUNERAL NOTICES 104 FULTON At residence. 299 K. 45th t. Gladys .jr. Fulton. aged 21 yean, wife of Robert J. Fulton and mother of Robert 1. It-, daughter of Mr. aiJ tra. W. T. Homers T Des Moines Iowa, and sister of V. S. and T. K. Somers. Funtral wiS be held from McEntee 4 -Eaers paxlors. 16th and Everett sta.; Monday. Oct. 9. st 8:15 a. m.. tltenee to St. Stephens church. E- 42d and Taylor sta.. at 9 a. m., where reqniein mass will be offered, friends invited, far tesmont Koge City cemetery. 1 j GAVIN The funeral cortege of the late Anna 2. Gavin of 167 E. 16th at. win leave , the above residence Monday. Oct. 9, at 8:30 a. is. and proceed to All Saints' r church. E. 39th and Hoyt sta., Wihere mask; ' will beceiebnated at 9 a. m. Friends in vited.' 4'oaciuduiR service Vanconier. VVasb,., J. P. Fin ley & gon, directors. 1 1 CAMPBELL At Long Beach. Oit, October 4; ' 1922, James Campbell, -brother of' John Campbell and" Walter Campbell.: Funeral . : Ft-rrieei win be held at the chapel of Edward Hoi man, tc Son. Third and Salmon FtreeU, aueaoay, iictieer 10. 1022, at 1 p. nujl Interment Riverview cemetery. jVj FOX In this eity, October 7, 1922. Clara, ' i Fox. Funeral service will be held at the ehapel of Edward Hofanan it Son, Third and , Salmon streets, today (Sunday) at 2:30 o'clock p. ra. Interment in Talmud Terah ' cemetery.. i . GARDNER- Funeral serrices were held yester day, October Y7. tor Mrs. Hattie iGardner, aged ?2 years, late of 104 61st tt. N,. from the First Adventlst ehurcb, Sixth and Mont gomery. .Interment in Rose City Park eenH tery. Amngemenbt were in 'barge of tt W. GaMe St Co., No. 7 E. 80th st N. SISTER MARTINA- Oct. 7. at tbe Dominican convent, 295 Stanton, Sister Martina, aged 47 years. Funeral services will te held at tbe Church of the Immaculate Heart, cor ner - Williams ave. and Stanton t., - Mon day, Oct. 9, at 8 a, m. A. R. Zellar Co., director. DIOUS 1135 E. Alder.- Oct. 7, Owen Justin Dicua, age 40 years. The remains are at the funeral parlors of "Walter C Kertworthy. 1532-84 E. 13th it,,- iSellwood. Notice ,of funeral later. i FUNERAL DIRECTORS! 10S "East Side ) Funeral Directors F. 0. DUNNING. INa The Family Sets the Price." '414 E. Alder1 St Phone East 0052. Edward Holmaii , : ? Son T v " ir THIRD AND SALMON 9 t :, MAIN 0507. .Snook & iWfoieaSdonn FUNERAL DIRECTORS B0CCESS0B8 TO' . . BREEZE ft SNOOK -BELMONT ATt 3 6 Til TABOR 125 $J Lerch, -Undertaker 7 ; EAST i EtETENTH ANI HAWTHOB.VH PHONE EAST 0781. A. D. KEN WORTHY - B, S. HENDERSON A. -D. Kenworthy & Co. 5802 92d t 8. E. Aut 613-21. . FinSsy's Mortuarv MONTGOMERY AT FIFTH. " MAIN 4322 R. X- Rvrne NEW residence i e Ul HC ESTABLISHMENT 901 Williams Ave. WALNUT 0220. C. E. WILSON CHAMBERS CO 248-250 Killing-worth ave. R. H. REED INa Wntaot 3306. UcENXEE it ELLERS faneral parlors with all 'the privacy of a home. 16th and Everett rami miw), 2123. AUtO. 1 321-33. MILLER A TRACEY. independent funeral dl rectors. Funerals $75 and up Washington at Ella at. - Broadway 2691. PWP UNDER'T-JlKING CO. Phone , Msin 4152; Cor. 3d at Clay. Ae-TUZelfer iCoS THE PORTLAND MORTUARY, Morrison at 12th vat sine. ' Bdwy. 0430. MONUMENTS 106 IX SCHUMANN MARBLE IMOQtGSl KZMQBIALS 4P4WE $ MONBK.T43, FLORISTS 107 Martin&Forbes Company 884 TASHINCTO- 8T. MAIN 0269. FINK FI.OWERS- FOR ALL UCCASlpNS ARTISTICALLY .ARRANGED Smith's ifiower Shop ; ,.'"PrtlaBd'': Progreaslva Florist ' . " FlowJrs for AU Occaaiooa Mala T215, - T. C. Lake. mgr.. U anl Alder ;LOST. AND FOUND -' i 108 LOST -Baby's white .silk- cap oa Grand -ave.. r-cta.iia ixmeoa . ana Ankeny. tanii eas; ovaLt'sr, -It . . LOST Wriat watch with black ribbon, ini- tiala 34. K. S. on back; valued as keepsake. Walnut LOST Tlatsonm bar sin with small blue stone. on ears; or street. - Piedmont or , Irt-mgumJ dwrmet-r ' rnrme .waiimt -iiwi. Keward. PARTY who took Collie, dog with broken leg from vicinity of Hood and Porter at please call Atwater 435 or return to i J. I tiooa at LOST Knight Tmilsrs pin; name. Ella E. Cook.-' Finder please phone Walnut 1402. Reward. - . ' . LOST A black -snirxase. - coo raining baby - rkathes, from :aniew Home te Kyaa Place. Tsbcc 82jo. Kecetve ; reward. ; LOST Wrist wsrten' wrth "black ribbon, in itials M. K. 8. oa back; valued as keepsake, Walnat O440. - - . , LOST UeweRya setter dog. white and black. . . with collar and adifrew of owner, and phone nnrnber. - Phono Tabor-1416. " Rewant. : i LOST Kappa - Sigma : fraternity ' pin.: tnitials C, J?. P; ' Firwlrr call Tabor 3885. iRewara. LOST. Oct 8.- Scorch CoDie. mo collar, name .FritA Reward. Main 0898. y i : f - LOSTBoys'- corduroy , cmt - near t Tigarf FmdeT please leave at-Tigard" school UWT-i-lt!ack and Orange Persian cat ward ITwwie 614-4 T. : i: : ---h'! ' Re LOSTr AntomofcUe , craakshaft, - nut 28S9. -. - ' j Call VaJ- I W UNO Toung eoUie 'ocsi Tabor 1189. s 108 ITHK '-fclhiWina articles were-i.foond -on -the mi"ot the Portland Railway, Light Power Company, Oct. 6: 1 r. rubbers. S parses, 1 pin,- 1 pr.- rubber booia. 1 suitcase, supper heel, 1 handbag, 1 gold fish, 4 pr. aad agL CKtves, 1 book, fi packages, sweater, rain ooat, 2 strings of beads nail and chain, X earring, knife, chisel, handsaw, hatchet, ante lack. Owners may obtain same upon proper fcientif nation' at First and Aider st. statimt. liOST 'utr-o(d brawn and white pointer fint left faosie Wednesday night. Someono m kecring . hrns. . Hasf Tour f Mighbor a t.ew r - "g WiU pay Joe infermetk.n : leaiDna; to -Ins recovery. Jntaw Meafeids, 3Tth and - Warw. Te.bor 2267. ;- i LOST-rOn! (tWumbia River highway at Mat fett creek," ajsedal dbg about year aad .half cldi-with eellar bst m'rinr. AdvfaiefW. K. : Beebe. 11,12" tianeo bids, f Phone At-, " wafer- 394.: - Reward." '. -:'" ","" ' ,;- ' : LOST, ia downtown district, a solid gold Wei- . ctng nng. rlnder iptease call 4-eu. Kewarn. Crobabry sear it, : at F. store' or on Breed-: LOST- Toy Boston; male, brmdle, white raark . ' ifta. nearly ' blind. Assam to same of Yanke. Reward.- East 6203. Uicaa.,320 Weidher'.M. . -. ..'-':' . : " LOST -A purse, ' wiih grrenhacks and rtapera Ja, on 11th and Hoyt, in front of 6.- P. ' -t S freight sheds. Please at 448 Glieaii st. r and reecive reward, j . '' ! LOST TneTdeyFlct. 3, wrirt watch with black .1 ribbpn, initial M on "hark. Suitable rewsnL . Mrs. Mary E. Carr, 90 Jrvtng st. Main 2719. . - LOST A Mack -and wnite male t from. Dr. Ander-on's cattery. Kenton. Notify owner. 1168 Detroit ave. Walnut 6619. Reward. - " v : LOST-H-By poor widow, black .leather rurse on public -market, containing month's salary, '"keyt and papers. Reward if returned. 120 Knott t. :- " STOLEN from place, 6904 64th ave. S. E.. October 3. 1 ,ete female bloodhound. Wack and dark Us, 1 year okL, . REWARD. ' Telephone Main 6938, - - . ' ..-! PlJlCED in Ford oaf by mistake, Victrola d 5th streets on Mor- motor, between -4th an rison, Saturday afternoon. sinaer please call Jat 4 374. EDUCATIONAL 200 , STEADS' POSITIONS : .l ' ' and ;- . - GOOD SALARIES -v.... ' 'for- -'.-" r- LIXOTTPE OPERATORS. A shortage of competent operators sl ready' exists and thousands of typesetting machines will be installed within the next few years. ' ' . Prepare now. Ton can learn to ope rate a linotype in IS weeks Printing in alf its branches taught In from 12 to 18 months. .Easy terms.. Address. : ; i NORTHWEST SIMOOL OF PRINTING." JSi. 218-24 Dtririan St. j Spokane, Wash, 11 DO TOD WANT A GOOD POSITION T i Courses a th Ad cox Ante School are longer and more expensive than most atfaools. but Art cox graduates earn -more Our -record of help ing over 500 graduates big paying Jobs s the proof. Dan't enroll elaewher until yon have inspected our school. - Call any day except SatnrdBy). at 10 a. m or 2 p. ra . jr send for onr big 112 page FREE catalog. Ask for Book No. 4. 1 ADCOX ATJTO A AVIATION SCHOOL 1 3?i Wasco st. earner Union ave. . ! BEGIN EARNING MONEY UCICKLY i - Enroll for day or summer school at tnb treat- business college, .the training school fat necess. Cannes include comptometer, eteoog rsphy; banking, 1 bookkeeping, private secre tariat. Writ or phone Main 690 for free atalogne, , - - v ! Fbnrth Morrison. - PorUaad. w e s-ut mmness Into Ton; - Then You Into Businaat' A JBnsineas CoOece tit Distinction - . - 1 Formerly"e 1 Business 'nlm.i TCford bids 4U7 Merrlsorju" M-lwj 50" J TAILORING AatENTS WiNTCri Live wires make 312 to $20 day selling enr fine made to measure' suits and overcoats tt $21 and up, which includes .a good profit to you. Yon get your cemmiasions every day. write for samples. John Bond Tailoring " Co.. Denver. Colo. j COMPTOMETER AND CALCULATOR RegiatratioM accepted this week for eve ning classes to open Oct. 9. , MILLER : SCHOOL j -- - 414000 Bldg.- -'' I MOLE It BARBER ' COLLEGS will "teach 'you e the trade in eight weeks; receive some: pay whil:- learning; positions secured. Write or call for catalogue. :234 Boroiiide st i MODfcHN barber college tenches trade in 8 weeks: 'tools furnished, some pay; position secured; special rate this month. Writ cr . csll 234 1-st it. " l , j THE DECKER-BUSINESS COLLEGE. Aliskv bldg. SPECIAL ENGLISH CLASS. Any one who wishes to improve his Fng-nh Is sli- Siuie. Acajaver now. STEEN SEW'iNG SCHOOL Sleek 's .system St - ladies' tailoring and dressmaking taught pat terns cut to measure.! Phone East 2359, B 8307. 152 Grand ave., near Belmont ' MODERN barber CoUege teaches trade in' 8 : weeks; tools furnished, some payj position secured; special rats this month. Writ or can o. Jkhj. bu ROCKY MT. Teachers Agency. Enroll free". Frank K. W'eilee, farmer asst state supt, mgr.. N. W. Bank bldg. Automatic 512-13. MEN. women, learn barber trace; weirs while learning. Oregon Barber: College, 233- Mad. iscn st !-" .; LEARN TKLJ;RAPHY Railway Telegraph. InsUtnte. 434 Bxenange om. Day and night ek WESTERN SCHOOL OF MASSAGE 700 Dekum bids, phone Ant 512-41; HELP W. ANTED MALE 201 TWO NKAT appealing Tonne men over; 21 with salci ability; to take orders. Satisfied ' to earn $25 per week to start Experience not essential. 428 Exchange bldg.; 2d and Stark. i WE" WANT intelligent aura as our exclusive sales representative. $40 up weekly. Per manent noiit.ionn. ArlranmunMtt. Wsetiin,,- ' ton "Tasty-Drons" company. 931F Rust I bldg.. Tacama. Wash. f . LARGE SHIRT MANUFACTURER wanS agents to sell complete line i of shirts direct to wearer; exclusive patterns; big values;! free samples. MADISON MILLS, 803 Broadway, Sew York - " j WANTED Auto tracks for deliveririg i,m rt is . , , , . : , . . : ami fctarx sts. ; WILI. let labor contract to man withT tools ' and. rigging to brush down and paint, three . ; srnoxtacks, t ail at ofTice, of West Oregon liwawr cempany,- unntoB or. a mo v (icecry for ttto that has 7ver:beew placed -on-the market Some territory' open, i Call nicnaar, L'lit -B-irKpatnck vUdg..-.-- o.,ir.jur..Ti or women can make good now selling engraved erecting card, to finnf and individual-. rtig opportunity.-. Pay daily. Phone Tabor J429 for appointment- I BOYS over 16 for 6x factory, ; also one rip wvw, i cutorrt eawvr l tver. i aticker , for small planer. 1144 Macadam. Oregon Box 4k Mfg. ,Cov EARN $5 to $10 day gathering evergreens, roots;- and herb in the fields and roaAiide book and prtcei free. .Botanical, 312-A. 11 HEX for I'. S. mail service, $115 .to 8190 per month: experience' or correporsdetme coarso nnnecesfary. tint ti. 8. Bishop. Box 391, JopHn. Ma. - SIDELINE ,. salesmen to istradoce fast sellirtg art! - . ele to the furniture trade. State line and i temtory; confidential; W-64a. JoumaL :, WANT man to cruise lib acre near Sllve? tea. G. Brooks, 232 8. jOolina ave.t Los : Angeiea.' Cat. - " - , WANTED Salesmen, for every , city in Ore gon of 3OO0 or more popabtiont Write Metalgbm Pvodncta Oo.. 304 Pine ft, Portland. BOOKKEEPER who baa had 6 years' lamban h experience will take anv ioh in bookkeerjiasT or office-wrrk. East 7039. G-84, Jnnrnal.. YOUNG MAN for outside work; good i oppor tunity for live wine. Matney Fnrwiturb -; Mrop.173 KjlllngHworth. '.-; -, - . e-t o ; on pnttmg in ,cespgot: conr- i ' tprsten also sow and toilets-3527 N 87th t -t-. .n ss .-- . - - . . . i . t .X.' L ' ' ' "y..." . ' J i v.-t u lean vo orrre a miurora trnca. i-r anytime aboat 3d and -Madison. i,-23i wanrnai.. ,. - - ..... - iv.r V; IVA.VTW) A good, reel estate eaelsmaas mast ' knowv value : in Willamette valleyj and -,iarse county. 3er, Joornal. J -- .1 -: PRINTER waned to purenwe one-half rnter egt tta linotype machine 3-238. Jonmat. WANfEDr Salesmen to 'sell savings' jin"fcan wort, , j-e;, .oiirmt hu.ubu'. neip oo ranch,- sineie awn or man omr wtte. v 'afj-jw ajimt OVS-s ev-riing. wmtku Koagai ra:...rt7r. $5 sperj -day; HIGm - clwl i stattrlerrf nant i k StprvUys ana wvenircrs. -- t-uon AOt, - LOST 'AND FOUND T HELP WANTED MALE 204J' KOBTHEHN PACIFTO RAIL r AT MEN .WANTED At rates prewxnSed by. the United fctatse labor board as foiiowaz - MACHINISTS 70 Cenm an Hooc BLACKSMITHS 0 and SO ccnu aa Hoot. '' BOTXCSMAEER r 70 Ceate an How FREIGHT CARMEN" 8 Cento an Hour, Apply to any roundUonse of shop or to fiortnaxn aaetue , railway. WANTED A SALESMAN By FRANK L. McGCIRE No experience neceasary. Well "teach you the business. Ton can make' big money Selling Real -Estate. Associated with a live, progressive established- fa nn. Onr sne cessful salesmen make thousands of dollars per year.. All property - furnished. .Your commission paid you, the day your deal is dosed.. Portland, is on- the verge of one of the greatest real estate actir:ti-s in her entire history. ' YOCR opporrnnity to per ticmat in it ia SOWI Call for Chas. W. Borders. ' with ' . .FRANK L..McGCrRE. " Ahingtci Bidg.. Bdwy. T171. . 3d st. bet- Wash, and Stark. SECURITY i, SALESMAN Exceptional epening for a man of ability and good character; must have pleasing per sonality and qualities .which will enable him to meet and do business with investors. We deal only in high-class preferred stocks and bonds and will give tbe man who can qualify valuable assistance in tbe vj.y of name of prospective purchasers, etc. Ex perience not essential bat must have energy and ambition. Permanent position and op portunity for laqre earnings. Apply 421 Spalding bldg.. between 9 and '10:30 a. m. AGENTS- $12.58 daily easy. Sworn proof. Latest style guaranteed hosiery. No expe rience or capital needed. Your pay in ad vance daily. Just take orders, we deliver and collect . 4 big uewest leaders. Orders filled ia 24 hours. ,Specials on ladies' and - men's wool mixed heathers and silks. Out ; fit furnished contains all colors, grades. - Write quick; postal card will do. - Some thing new. Mao-O-Chee Mills Co. Fall 4067. Cincinnati, Ohio. AGENTS Overcome coal shortage... New in vention that burns coal oil. kerosene or dis tillate in any coal or wood beating stove or furnace. Nothing complicated. . Just set in stove and use. Sell thousands this season. Send quick -for information and samples. Make $10 to $20 daily. Territory going ' fast Jennings Mfg. Co. Burner 701. Day ton, Ohio, , YOUNG man your chance, is here to get in bosine-3 for your-'etv. Lbarn plastering and brick work on actual work ; . will guarantee - you same in- 5 months' eonrse; per pay while learning. Get out - of the labor mar ket. For information address Waiahire. School of Mechanics, Box 8; 4 1st and Fre mont, city. .LIGHTNING-STRANGE BATTERY COMPOUND Startles the world. Better than sulphuric acid. Charges discbarsed betteri IN STANTLY". Will not FREEZE. HEAT or OVERCHARGE. Gallon fr.-e to ugents. LIGHTNING CO., 245 Grand ave. WANTED, GENLTEMEN SALESMEN We want salesmen oi high character, who think in terms of $5000 per year and up, permanent, with plenty of opportunity to ad vance to executive positions. We teach : you the business and give every possible co- - operation. Call at 1108 "Wilcox bldg. HISKa postal and learn how to start prof itable business without capital or experi ence $60 Weekly easy. Silvering mirrors, riinismng tableware, reflectors, plating. . Complete outfit- furnished. International Laboratories. Dept. 7$. 309 Fifth ave., 1 New York. I AGENTS $2 hour, $16 day. Distribute $3 household article free to 10,000 new cus tomers, for oar guaranteed goods. Part time satisfactory. , Send for free samples, and full information. Jennings Mfg.- Co. District 1642. Dayton, Ohio. - . f AGENTS $300 pen month. Steady pay. .New style written guaranteed hosiery. Must wear or replaced free. Experience unneces sary. Spare time satisfactory. Sample free. Jennings Mfg. Co. Line 867. Dayton. Ohio. S. O. S. Wanted. Several young men or ' boys over .16 to deliver telegrams, in the city. Boyr with wheels preferred, but can use a few without wheels'. Steady work. Apply to Mr. Loop, 253 Osk st. DISTRICT MANAGER for Crook, Deschutes and Jefferson counties. Must ie experi enced life insurance man with i ability to t develop agency. ,A real opening or a good man. Address West Coast Life, '704 Gasco - Bldg., Portand, Or. - WANTED Second cook for restaurant; good position; steady work. $120 per month. ACME EMPLOYMENT AGENCY, V 50 N. 2d street , WANTED Names nieii-loyj over 17, wishing to become railway r- til clerks or mail car riers. A 133 mon..,. Steady. Common education sufficient Answer immediately. UX-250, Journal. AGENTS Make $25 to $50 EXTRA weekly- law ruAiuiuLiiA' aen-einng novelty. Kena 50c for sample Vnd start taking orders. Everybody buys. The Pokerou Co.. Topeka, Kansas. f IF YOU can sell and- are confident of your ability, we will spend time with yon; if yoa axe alive and will- stick w will .pay you a salary. Call between 8 and 9 a. m. 806 Gasco Bldg. ' CHEVROLET salesman wanted to work an straight cemmissioa basis, down payment on demonstrator required. - Apply sales manager. Fields Motor Car Co.. 14th and Alder. A MAN with ability to sell mince meat to the grocers and butchers, established brand; sal ary and commission to right party. Tabor 3325 fos appointment. WANTED 1 rough carpenters for millwork. 65c an hour. Lona job. OREGON LABOR AGENCY. No. 1 North 2d st. QTHER YOUNG- MEN are making better than S25 per week, why not you: City work. ., Experience not essential. Room, 4 2 8. 102 ii Second st WOOD CUTTERS WANTED, good timber. level (-round, good cabins with, stove and bed; all winter's job. Call for Kirk Hoover, 095 M Williams ave. Phone Walnut 5155. MACHINISTS. Boilermaker and freight car carpenters for out-of-town. Strike entu mil, 840 Chamber of Commerce Bidg. GHtL or lady wanned to assist with general . housewori. r Tabor 8766. 32 K. 41st st. N, i au Sunday morning or, Monday. - WANTED -Anto mechanic's helper and service car drivet. -Elite " Ante Repair Shop. 12th and Jef f erson. IF OUT of employment, see Director Brike, Mo.;e temple, 4 th and Taylor, after 10 WANT pepeibanger end pain mswt be A .5(X. 1 , no others need apply. 350 Cora-; seerciar sr. walnut ooq. -- ' PARTNER ia established woodsaw business; plenty wotx; small investment; make . 35 u 310 a day. 505 Swetland bldg. CARPENTER Call at Clark, A, WiUoa Xtun ber - Co. new dry kiln, "Linn too, or phone Walnut 02 H7. . - - svXCEPTlONAL opening- for talesman with ear. See Mr. Symmons, with Co A, JscKenna A Co.. 208 Artarans bldg. REAL ESTATE fule-iua with car. jho knows city. We furnish listings snd prospect-. -, J. C. CORB1N VO.f 305-6-7 Ijewis bldg. I WANT a flrstrclaas painter and paperhanger. Give address and phone number. L-4 26. i Journal ' . ; . ' - EXPERIENCED real estate salesman with car, plendd opportunity in reliable office; S00 Henry bldg. ."'.- PHOTO coupon solicitors. 465 -: Washington i- reet,. ) . '. --v-.:. WAIST First class Chinese coeA t- hospital C-I4 7J Joornal. -. for MAN wanted. Tenth rt. rwaine -station, be- twren -Wa-ihlhgton and- Stark, g- to I o. . ; .WANTED AU rv ami-farm aand. rkilled lie care of hoirs and dairv era. tl--31 'j-wj - - - - - WANTED - A plast, lerer: mast be an sjl-smiiwt man; and A-l-mechanic Walnnt 6554. WANTED- County rrereientatJves far RENU , Wv-M nav fii. a. - lAf . --'- - .t" " TUB.. ,K 'WAN TED' Agents' . for. heat 3 selimg --- city.' ST 4th st. " ';: r Hmtr In WASTED- A Grrt class wotatworker. Acme Body , Works. V718 - Drvisios. ; r . MACHINE men for aash ad doer factory. 504 E. LtBcoln. " i iill.KER WaVTED. 14Jf KastSlst at ji. -i Tabor'7678. "';- v -;':,- . ..- WANTED. '. experienced anjeery : jieri.-: ;Ca 1 liiin 4537. '--t-.. - . -. . ,tv i : . FARM ..HAND . wanted. 815 month, xuv. and . Jwara.: 45eiWlO20. : aj . ;--' g-.v ; , :: -. ',--.T-d-'----T-: i'----t -: - ---, , 5 r . - j HELP WANTEP-MALE ' 201 "7- APPLE PICKERS WANTED DITUR ORCHARD'' COMPANY ' -'.''AT DUFUR.1 OREGON - " . J " . - -e - FARE ADVANCED APPLY AT HAN LET EM PLOYMEVT AGENCY AT 28 N. 2D ST- Tailoring Salesmen Attention v " Halesmen wanted in Oregon and Wash ington to sell onr high-grade, all-wool tail-ored-to-measTire suits and .overcoats fnnioo made). Our salesmecf fix their oWn profits; no experience or eanttai reamrod. A rep resentative of the company will be is Port-. land in. a week to grant interviews ana snow compel te sarnsJe : outfit . Give temphone number, expersenee .and, 'qnalirioaOons in first, letter, answer immediately., GX-26S, Journal. - . OPENING- for 4 men of good address to represent us ia Oregon; prefer men wit fa securities or real estate selling experience, bat not necessary; no-stock but a readily : marketable proposition Stacked by one of the largest- irg financially strongest companies of its kiiiu in America; permanent position and opportunity for advancement to sales manager's position ; lucrative l earnings as sured: only. tliromrh' investigtHon can you judge this opportunity . coxreexly. -H-242, JouxnaL: i - Jr.- WANTED . SOME REAL' SPECIALTY, SALESMEN To- men who -ere. real :i , ; . SALESilEN r . We have something: ta offer that is worth your wjille. BIG . PAY . - ': , and plenty bfj prospects, i . 409 Oak : street WOODCHOPPEKS Oldtgrowth limber.- can ule a draes&s-, $2 per cord; bolt putter, $4... s noum, good mill boara only i per cay; laborers or " quarrymcn f for The Dalles. $4.50, 8. hours: a long job ont of the rain, 0 laborers in the city; $4 hours. " Apply today" withuut . Tail BUTTS & OASET 124 Bumside. SALESMEN Exclusive T territory. - Patented article, first time uere. "Lepgterm con-tract. . First impcrtiict improvement ef its kind in -2000 years. Kseponsible merr only. One capa ble of taking full f ijirte of busioes ' and lcoking siter jale-men. Reiiresentative wanted in every coumty. W-639, Jonrnal. MEN-s $90 a week to special men to travel by auto and install new -stove cohrertor in every home. Wonderful invention. Cook pnd bake all year without1 .cool or wood. No gas or electricity meeded. We furnish ' the auto. Sample free. Thomas Mfg. Co.. Convenor. 267. Dayton. Ohio. . MEN wanted to-silver mirrors, plate and refin i ish metalwaxe, autoa, chandeliers, headlights. - Independence assured steady workers. $10 daily easy, without capital , or experience. Outfits furnished., Write for information. Kenneth-Decie Laboratories, j 1133 Broad way. New York. BIG PROFITS selling Ehoor-Faoch for tires ' sad tubes; jxrmaiifnt reparg made in one minute and guaranteed to outlive tire or tube, saving 600 per cant over vulcanising ; tre mendous demand: for: particulars and free sample, Shoor-Patch Rubber Co., Philadel- pWa. IX . Dept. 4 7. $60 WEEKLY- ReftniiHing. staining, varnish ing, gilding of furnitmre, automobiles, pic ture frames; making varnishes, stains, pol ishes. No experience or capital necessary. Ward-Jampel Chemical Co,, 210 E. 22d st. New York. , THREE men who can nelL for steady posi tion, with splendid chance" for advancement References, required. 1-240. Journal. CLARKE maile $1S an hour selling vestpocket wind'hield cleaner: needed by every auto ist, mojonnan. engineer; one rub keeps glass clear ' 24 hours; f 60,000 sold; amazing' proyosiiion free. Secunty Mfg. Ko., Dept 652, Toledo, O. GODYEAR MFG. CO.. 12-C Goodyear bldg.. Kansas' City,' Mo., is , making an offer to send a handsome raincoat free to one per - son in each locality who will recommend it to friends. Write' today.' WANTED Millwright experienced in operat ing; (teady job to active competent man; out of town applicant by mul considered; reterences. West Oregon Lumber company. Lmntcn. Or. ' s , PORTLAND men over 17. become railway mail cl'-rk-, commence ($188 month; steady; common education sufficient; list positions free. Write immediatiely. Franklin Insti tnte. TKpt. - 363;N, Rochester, N. y. NORTH AMEHICAN LIFE IN & CO. of Oma ha, Neb., wants salesmen for Oregon. Old Line' Reserve Co.: good territory, liberal com missions. Address George: Young state man-. ager, junction city, or. WANTED- Energetic young woman used to meeting public. 264 Stark at. HELP WynrEI--4fEMALE 204 WANTED To - meet ' woman of samirban store expesenoa to -dperato confeetumery. bakery goods, shelf grocery or ar stock on profit -ha ring basis with .owner or vith inveatraent Parrtrrrjlarly good location. H-241, Joornal. - : - WOMEN wanted to work a cannery -at Van couver, preparing pears; steady work aad good pay; carfare paid te and from Portland. Report tav the morning ready for work at the Oresrcn Packing Co. mantL Ninth and Gill sta, Vancouver. For information - call 6096. ' A GIRL, who -wants to maa-age and hydro therajiy with some ecqperience in practical noising may' attend onr class which start soon. Tuition reasonable, also board and room if preferred. East 4222. MEN wanting'- railway station office positions with traitsportatiori furnished, 'experience un necessary, write quick. ' Baker, Supt Dept., 243 Wsinright, St. Lot! is. - . AT ONCE 5 ladies to travel, demonstrate ' and sell dealers; $40 to $75 per week; By. fare paid. Goodrich Drug Co., Dept 102BB, Omaha,- Neb. ' WANTED By man with 3 children! aged 7, to iv years, on emau ranco, woman, tinder 45 years to keep house, good- home, small swages. Wrrte P.-O. box 35. Ashland, Or MAKE extra money selling Krs-oco-Americati A Hygienic Oo. toilet aiitirles and house h old -j requisites. New . offices located at 61A Irroadwsy bldg. $6 $ln PE'Jl DOZEN deoorating pi&ow tops' at home. Eipenence- unnecessary. . Par-sJ tciiiar-i iur sutmp.. tapestry faint-Co., 21. Lagrange Ind. i WANT ' 3 - waitrasses at : $13-..per week, S wartresue sis-'per ustt-amy I tt45 per mo., s board, and room. Lewes. Employ yment. 43J Na 2d st WANTED-; Girls to learn beauty euitnre aad- eiecroysi; tnonmcniyi tanght; onomsa ' given. ' White Bcaool ; Of Beauty Culture, ' a;ra r igKtner twg. Wlafbtngton arid I Oth. - ' - WANTED - - -ij Woman to cook forithree men mt ranch near - PoTtland. - $35 and room and -boanL: Oregon Labor. Agency.. LNo, 1 North 2d at LADY , far general housework; i- chil dren; 122 per mm; -Jonetios CSty; . best of references Catl: Tlbor 1588. r HlftH school girl to ass at with light house-i . work for room and board. ahon Walnut 11144. . ' i - -- - ' fj WANTED A lady' to help in1 boarding heusa for her. and-'- h1 sband'k board-. aad . room.: Broadway 0819. 510 N.: 21st MAKE '-Co. to $3d weekly, in spare time; suy lexpcTjence riecessary; we teach ; yotB v 81. . ' Broadway Ma. ' ": " ' ;.f v : ivANTEDi-Girt taking I btarineas eoorse to work spare timet. Xmpire Tnnsfer,r Broad way flii.. t WANTED- Old woman far light; housekeeping! 372 Clay.' UbertyfApt Call 9 . m. " to .p. m, Room--.h- - 'r'- MATTRESS tick sewer. : espermnced - tiok - sewer ' rfetred-. steady work. United C.ailgx Co., , 25th imf HhUdy. B, tL- car. GREGG , sbortliand - tonsht prtvately- bti ex-pert- Broadway I1C'"-:- "" " ? .y TWO lady ssents,'$l per -- ' mission and fare raid. Aay and 25 cons-Ii-28.t JpumaL - APPKENTICK - for- work, in costuase noose, 182 IQth etv. , ' ' - I ;f ' " f-..-.. --. SCHOM -irl to help 'with work, sod home' and unail rjtlary. ; Taber-4601. i tlU' .watC- n ladies' tail:.riOSrtensle'.' 40f . wirl bloc . i . x' BtTUtKlL GIKL in assist: with housework for -jrocfsvJmcrd atasi small wages. .Taaor 4105. gffiLP WA11T3---4TMALE 204 Luitibermens Employment Agency ' ' S40 AN KENT" ST. COR. SBOOND 1. EXPERIKXCKD LADY COOK ' CAMP SEE BOSS AT OFFIOB BETWEEN 8 , A. M. AND -1 i yNOON, T09AY, t WANTED aliirt , 16to 1: not. attending acaont. wno wiahee eomfortahhej .home and good environmewt-Arfth small aellary toe aa aisf mc wth hcht heneekeeptnat po washing! and eare of 2-yeae-old child. lAppy Moat day. Taaor 131L . - "-: 1 i- i WOMEN wanted for peeling pears. Apnvy , tomorrow morning., ready foe work. btaxv ' Fruit Products Co S31.C YftaguU. THE WOMEN'S fhOTECTIv"S DIVISION, V city of Portland, offers Its servio in all kaetters. pertaining e the waltar and prunee 4an a wne end girls: -teteraewe wmfirlen ti gl WertestCT 1 fig .; 841 anal Wak em. Phcne Pwwdway 7422. - - LADT bookkeeper wtjOted by well known fur nitnre store; muat be experienced and cap. : able of taking care' of complete - set -of - books; good salary and : permanent position to right party.. R-841. 3ournal. ; WANTED A reliable woman, fond of chit '" drea, to help with general -hooseworki end ' care of tittle girt, Most do washing; wsah ' ing marhime. but mo hqarvy cleaning. .Good ' wages to right person. Main 5810. - E0 GIRLS for light faetory work, 17 yra. : and ever, part or fall time. Pleasant and congenial work.; Apply immediately, . stating age. phone number aad Address.' HX-24, .: JoumaL . r . WANTED I jdy not over 25 years el age to cook for two and work in store: small -. vum to ha lins with, eonatnr . lady nre- ' tuivs must be Protectant and must be . accurate lu :rw-es. YX-157. Joornal. 8TENOGBAPHERS and girls for-mtseellaneoae office work. -17 yra. and ever, part or fun . time. Apply immediately, stating age. phone number end aonrese. jonrnai. WANTED Women to do fancy work at home; ' good pay: materials furnished; self -addressed envelope brings particulars. , Fhtrence-Ait Goods Co., Cambriage, Ohio. D? OUT of emriloyment. see Director Brike. Moose temple.j Fourth and Taylor, after 10 a. m, 1 , ' ' . IF YOU have safes ability and $100, a fine . opportunity afaits you.v Pre vices exper ience not necessary. E-2-6.4.' Journal. ANY G1KL m need ot a ineid. iDly w ths Salvation Army Kescne Home.' May fair and Afexander nt'. 'Pnone Matt t4fl. H-M n- WOMAN to take care of two small children and light house -cork: for Mother Webb; $12 a month. Empire :1580. '.-. . EEdERLY lady to. Wst in home for home and some wages, 2 small children - in family. 210 Beech. Klasisaippi ave. car. HQUSEKEEPKja- wanted. Phone Empire 0217. Between 7 a.- ra. end 2 p.--m. - GIRL- for general housework. No washing. East 7668. Small family. RELIABLE wotaan: to assist with -housework and 3 children, i Walnut 4197. ft PHO'iO cijUiR3 solicitors. ;5 Wash , St. -HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE ' 205 v- MAN OU WOMAN ' - To rjcantry produce on market : must have refereneeK commission only. Call 514 Stock Kxrhansfe bWg.. Third and Yamhill A STRICTLY new idea. Lady to list apts.. hotei and rooming houses. Gentleman to list ' grocery stores. restaurants, garages, etc. ' Each : must have car. See Hampton. 705 Conch: bldg. " WANTED Men and women to call en mer . chants and professional men. Call 408 ' Dekum bldg-. I HELP W ANTED -WITH INVESTMENTS 206 WANTED Partner, plumbing business; man handy with tools preferred; small capital re quired. 1-233, Journal. '" - SITUATIONS WANTED MALE 251 CARPENTEK Estimates given or repair work; screens made and garages built.- Shop 1387 Hawthorne. Tabor 1260. I k T UTT V TI- r, ... . . 1. ' .l.nna repairing ; estimates. J. jmitBk '2 - a 3d. Bsoanway 1975. - WIRING, Let us figure your electrical work. New or old houses. Walnut 2114. Evenings , Walnut 8IQ63. ' i ". NOW IS THE TIME TT . Have that roof- repaired. Foe expert roof service call C. ,Kno8. Wal. 5084 ; 1 1 th yr. SHINGLING We specialixe on reshingling; can do your job better and aave yost money. Estimates tree. East 1928. IF in nee of an experienced furniture and stove salesman, call secord. East 5717, fore noon. WANTED iby married man, handy with tools, work with plumber or pipe fitter. Experience ' in' these lines. Phone Aut. 044-12. AUTO MECHANIC. 10 - years in best shops, wants work; go any place. W. A. Dickin--aonv-4v Washington at Bdwy, 14-47. - DENTAL slodent senior, desires work of any . kind evenings after 6 o'clock, and Sundays. ; Can drive car. East9068. Kyle. TYPING, mailing circulars by piece or con r tract Apt 8, 1 1 8 Vi - Killingsworth ave., Walnut 6184.. LANDS5CAPING by day or contract by first clans gardener. New lawn a specialty. Phone Ant 644-12.1 FIRST class carpenter, just finished an up-to-date-home. Open .for new or old' work. Ad-drg.-sj BF, 674 East Ash. EXl'EKISNCED farmer wanU work on small place gardening, fruit of alt kinds, B-672, ounai. EXPERIENCED, man wants job as ranch fore man1; "can give reference. 883 8. Pine st, Roeebnrg. Or. WORK between hours 8 pm. and 12 p. m. by an elderly; man, nightwstchman or rnn ningt olevator. W-640, Jonrnal. A-l BUILDER Estimate gladly furnished. See -any work. ' Walnnt; 8035. YOUNG man wants work after school an3 Saturday. Phone SeU. 2859. OdeU. WE DO prttmbmg. dig cesspools and connect sewers, cheapest in the city. Auto. 682-01. PAINTING, paper .hanging; and tinting. Price reasonable. Auto. 617-43. MARRIED man. wants farm work. Milk or . .manage farm. 994 Albina ave. KALSfjfMINLNG. . painting, plaster repairing, reasonable. Main 2865. ' PAINTING ' and kalsoniining, : gnamnteed, Atwater 1455. food work FIKS'C class carpenter wants work by hour. day or contract Phone Eal 6521. PAINTING, paperiug. kalsomining. ell interior work,. Contract or day work. Auto. 639-62 PAPES , HANGING, tinting, ioaide finish; first; class work ;" price reasoiiabie. Tabor 8080.' ' XAKP5NTER WORK Ay" AN TED CARPENTFR.. rough or finish, $8 per SCHOOL lOY want work oa Saturdays, any kind of work. 264 fitont t LET t"S build your home.' . tas-a, : Intn -. Hayes and Vanor- AV"ANTE1 I'-itoitum by sop. janitor, elevator operator, or watehsnan. s Phone Ant 680-63. ALL WORK gnaraateed. Estimates free. Kaieo mlmng. decorating. - Atwater 4470. - - GRADING. ' liaising aad moving bouses. Con crete work. Walnnt 680 PLASTERING. - repairing , a specialty ; by' day or contract; at! work guaranted. East 6891. HARDWOOD FLOOR by day or contrsct. Kelerences. iftt Koaney ave.. Wal. 6632 PAINTINw, TINTING, i ALL BRANCHE"S REASON ABLE. VAU. BROS.. WAL. 8326. PAINTING, tmuer hansinc tiotuie- abla. Broadwty 6834 or' Walnnt 6084 i-LUjsBl.NU oone Very reaaon.iue by toe asar cr by tbe yon. East 9638. - PAPER HANGINii. PAINTING. TINTLNt,. REPAIR WORK SELLWOOD 3908. GRAXrlNQ axeavating, teas k,Bd. Tabor 2212. 899 work -of 74th at' POSITION by middle aged saan aa janitoa. or watchman. Tabor 8779.- j- TKAiilNG. plowina. excavating, etc : dump wagons. 240 E." 6th. East 0218, p2lfi2 wish to dig potatoes -by contract. Call 'Sat. gun.' oe- "' suHft ois-si CEitSSI WORJL. guaranteeo. ail ksnda. Karl sjitee Co.. Sellwood !. t . -, ' . xxcaVATING. grading, general teas work, by rTot ttract-- Waleat 683. CONJRETSptmrinv. twe) .-eak mixers. Worfc rVgaranteed. BaiLi trii&.. - CUT-RATE P1INTEBS- ! wainat oeia. BAKErt'S' heiper .wants work" in smaiL. shop. WslMt M75 PAINTtNGa tinting. . rttnnnWe; specialv-onceaJ toi-i apartment Atwater 141. PLUMBER wsm , small lobs, expert repairs; low prioev Jack McCnrdy.T Walnut 4743. FOPOOS Painting. kalsorainHig. -papei , haaev ,, lBg...:- Broadway 0093. ------ - - . . BKSmiNGlJNG--',irs .class work gnarantevd. I ... Ultl I r-fi. Is PWmm Sm. :eA Km 4 XTRA1IY asarrisd ansa- wants work ia - alccgrical store or shop. Call Ant, 844-12. I SITUATIONS WANTED MALE 251 1 1.- JUST OUT , Have never served- time in any penal insti tat ions, oonsequently nnable te supply any famous names for references. ' DO NEED WORK Have 'always been energetic, willing end cottwiantiooa, -.. like square stealing ahJ Ui be square. Can write legible, keep, books, do accountSng.- all clerical work, timekeep- sus. Age o. smr cu. At PHONS WALN Ct 35 3 3. DISABLED sx-serrica trauaed i by ,the gosernment in 92 different vocations, arv now available fori employment; these- skilled ten am furnished at no cost to the em- - plover or to the employe. United SUtes Vet "as- jsorean, atyler bidg., U and Oak sts. Broadway 7621. . - " .. . ... .-- T -f- EPKRUvNCED window, trimmer nmi card riCer desires work. , Can haadle any kind r mn 1, 1 - - tt- geerchandisa. Refemwies. - , ; LIONS, 708 NORTHBCr " ' '! - Main 1678 . Housa WIRING : -Le saw give yost ata estinute oa yotur wiring Before istting yoor ooa tract.. Licensed , elec trieiaa. VValnnt 6l. ! .- t j j ,y f " RA1NTINQ laaaiasL : tintiaa. " Work guaranteed. gQ. 493. -' - - ... ' H - IXN'T ..tar. roshUwls, repaber that roof. large company' guarantee cement (for 10 Jfcain-' against leak. KepreaenUUre, Wal--- hut 1998. -,:-:-.- !!:-.. -'.. ".:- -SHINGLERSi -.. It-,.-, -s; Reshingling doao by contract only best i grade slungies used; patching also: -neatly J done. Phone - Taoor 4085. I- HARDWOOD FLOORS LAID AND Jrnt ,. ISHKD. PAINTING, ENAMELING.' ES TIMATBS FREE. v DAVIS, ATWATER . -1894. - " ' ;i , i ACCOUNTANT, cashier, auditor, otfios mana ' ger desires positioa where sevica with per sonality appreciated. Twenty rears ptacu- - cat experience, r. o. lien 11: MAN WITH FORD WISHES WORK WITH COLLECTOR OR SALESMAN BY DAY. WEEK OU MONTH, PHONE ATWATER - -8397. - , ,-. ' PAINTING, paperbangtng and tinting 1. prices reaaaaable; -work guaranteed. , Shop, 1865 Hawthorne ave. Tabor 17224 - SITUATIONS FEMALE ' 254 NOTICE TO EMPLOYERS When calling for Portland Ladies. Agency, 286 Washington st, insist upon getting ft, ' as. this office has- no connection with- the Portland Labor office, 11 N. 2d st, ainee Sept 1st . ' ; ' Lady with ' daughter wishes j', management of apartment house or hoteL I Husband work ing, will do repair work i in spare time. Have- had experience. - Phone Atwater 213ft- ' ' ' ' i " : MIDDLE AGED woman wants housekeeping .t for business people, or man. with caiKlgm. Would care for semi-invalid. Main 2766, Monday. i. 1. i-" WOMAN with email child wishes - position as companion or housekeeper. Tabor 5040.. 80,5 E. Main sta. f- EXPERIENCED working housekeeper want pouion taking care apt honae. Walnut 7104. -'-.!'. : '' EXPERIENCED colored girii want cleaningl ot omce at night or day. -Gail Atwater 2908. . " EXPERIENCED and relUble nurjo, girl wishes position ; win do upstairs work, Xfood ref, Main vttL'. itoom 40. GOOD cook and housekeeper with, boy wants References, A- gooa place tn nice home. journal. ) r MARRIED woman whose husband b. employed to take care of apartment house in exchange for apartment. 665 hi 1st- st . EXPERIENCED trustworthy lady wants house- cmarar-g, wasning or otner j wi cleandrg. washing or other work ; good work SCHOOL girl wishes permanent place to work for board and room and small wages. .1 , - ; , i - . . Call o , &iiiiic.-rwortn ave. GRADUATE piano teacher-at your home. $1 ah hour. .Main 4506. . t- jKXPERIENCKD seon4 girl desires poaitloa. .li - tt.'i not a - i- EXPEBIEXCED day worker - Will earn for eroiaren, wash dishes evenings. East -6041. WOMAN WISHES DAY . WORK. PHONE AUT; 626.36. ' ! ' LADY. 143 E. 94th st- N.j near E, Glisan, will Isie infimllv w.ahinn. 'family w shines. - - IiADx desires steady housework. 6 ' day week. flML 8610. DISH - washing or cleaning. night work " pra- lerreo. o-azz. Journal. LADY wishes to do housework 4 or 5 hours , a day. D-284. -Journal, j ' ' SCHOOL GIRL. 14, wants good place to stay ana o to scnool, r -ai, Jtmmsi. i YOCNG girl would like position in store or oaaery. Journal. LACE CURTAINS HAND LAl ' YEARS' EXPERIENCE. EAST 6180. GRADUATE piano teacher. ; Lessons home or mine, Tabor 6542. , it your WANTED Day work. CallWlnut 1843. SITUATIONS WANTED , MALE AND FEMALE 255 EXPERIENCED man and wife Wishes posi tion managing apartment Or rooming bonse. Hotel Busbmark, Boom 23. "Phone Broad- way 5463.,:. . I A i DRESSMAKING 259 HEMSTITCHING 8c. while yol wait Dress making and alterations. Work' guaranteed. Panama building, . 3d and Alder streets. Broadway 2838. !' t .' -i HEMSTITCHING , ir Special Jnnch . cloths straight 5c par yd." Itt08 .Bdwy. bldg. Main 6478. ' . - HEMSTITCHING any color, 6c Rm. 408 Raleigh bldg.; 327 Wash. Bdwy. 8742. FIRST l" Afg home or out: beat ref., satisfaction. Main 3384. Whitney apte. DRESSMAKING, plain sewing, curtains, drapes and lingerie: price reasonable, . 820 Tilla mook. East 7039. j . : bRESSMAKING. reasons hie. 122 12th- rC corner Waahington. Broadway 6970. 1 ' PRRSsVigrVC mmA Kllsrln. 1 ".: perienoe in East Satisfactiooj guaranteed. Mata 4707. DRESS MA KING by the day, work guaranteed. Tabor. 1324. 1 - SEES SMAK ING and plain j aewing at 'your home Walnut 2181. Apt 1. I HEMSTITCHING whit. Be per yard straigba ptiuw as t-isioag nnop, evy itoyai Dtag, aAruiiaitiuw aressmaxer wcruia Ilka en- gagements; alteration. Wal. 5068, ALL KINDS of sewing; chUdrens sewing my specialty. Walnnt 6t3. : LADIES' TAlLuulNG. alterations, coats 're- iineo. wrs. jeocmer. M Mornswi; B. OS all. EXPERIENCED OreMmaaer i wants sswing by day, - Sejlwoed 2549, ! ,-- ..... .' 'NURSES .tv":257 EXPERIENCED' nurse Will. Lake toed tfegple, . aoonvalescent. patients, chronic, in any home Plenty of fresh sir. eggs and milk. ' Raa- oaabl rate. -Main 1073 for write Box 48 Maltnomah, Or. EAST 1590. 716 E. Ankenv st Colored graduate nurse, will take care of babies and small' children in my home by week or -month. MRS. MEROA LEE'S home for Aged or con vaiesoenta. 81 West Watt at. Walnut 0799. WANT ED Practical nursing- by day or-week. Thoroughly experienced. Tabor 4069.- FOR RENT FURHED ROOMS I 300 1 Hotel Qoodwin: 192 Park Street i - Everything or month. - . Special rates .by week CALL AT I. M. C. A. to see free. -list - of . m oder to priced? -room for yoong i men Irr - all parts of city, including i rooms -at T. M. -C. A . with- phone ink each - room, shower baths aad club facilities. I - r THE BARTON ; CleaB, tnralahed room. $2.80' per week 'and np; also Bght honsekeeping, 455 Alder t ' HOTEL MEDFORD. 120 N. 5th. eor. Gllsan. . Hot i and: cold water. : 84 i week on rooma with private bath.- 88.50; special summer rates. 794-LOVEJOY MAIN 6319 - Newly rsnrrished rooms with' ot ' without board. i - ,. : - . - - ' -1 - t FURNISHED rooms for neat; not bnusekeep- ing- 1609 Ffeks st. Empire 1386. NJiWHAIJ. HOTEL. 402 tC WASHINGTON. . Sleeping rooms by the day or week. FURNISHED ROOMS i PRIVATE FAMILY ! 301 NEATLY furnished, nght eteas room. 8 blocks " t rota T Merrieon st. $12 a month; working - man preferred. 225 Wert Park st BOOK for raaperUMe man; right off . Wash. t. 83 West Park. - . LAUBELHt-BST KOOM, ON- CARUNE V TABOK 3284. .V-.' ":.. :-.-,i - .T, v fineTTa roe'pkost-hi OM AXir"FIRE- S PHWKiAKt.K.- 7t. STiCKLV FtuNl.Tlti O raTra "eiwap. '"T tUTtC. 14IA , g-nosw ssawy. iivi, , -.-.-' FOR RENT - FURNISHED ROOMS f -I PRIVATE FAMILY H SOI NK'K home and all modern conveuiencea - for 1 or t medical students; $30; walking v dinanoe. , B. sWaUa 710 4th. at Haia FROST steeping room suitable for 1 or 2 geoi. r tlemea; light heat bath, phone, reasonabl oar. : ja Oelore ? p, m.. iu emwy. sict retaiamwBv-efe . wa-' IX furnkhed room, jnodena home. autaoe. Main 238. 1 . FURN ISHKD '- room for - gentleman. 82.50 per week. 497 Montgomery st. Phone - Atwater 0115. --:' -.' FitUXT mum' te one or tao ladies. $10. Six'' - : eexlt fare on iniwrurban. Fifteen minutes from downtown. Halt block from bellaood sat Sell 1938.-' - I -! 2 , HlOOalS, SS0. -exchange for cement work. I ' -; painting or cash. " Also 8 rooms, Ht W. Jt fleora,' farBaee, fireplace. Frenc hdoors. fiilk -: drfepe. garage. Walnut. 8 VS. ! J -1 . " . . . r-f i - FURNISHED 1 rode for: rent; private family. - Phone and heat, dote ia. Tabor 28AA. i.v ' Gentlemen only. ' ;-A '-;. ". -- .., '- -- "; TWO very large furnace heated rooms, first i floor. 2 -persons ia room, $3 each per weehj-V-f -bath, eta., board it desired. 529 Hoyt at 1 Broadway 2893. V - 1 Rent Very, Reasonable Front newly - tinted: gentleman preferred. 207 Sheridan. - -. J . j PLEAhANT' sleeping roriw well : lighted,! ea tilated, heated and furnished; nse of bone, and puna 3 blocks east of 'Broadway bridge,. 981 Ross. East 8848. - i - rUHNISHKD more foe rent in private family. 188 N. 22t Maia'7829. . . . ... I BOOM in - young couple's borne, one or twe ladies, wtth home privilege; rent reason able; near B, U. ear. 487 Kenilworth ave.. cer. Division. - i -i I ROOMS with sitting room.; aultahW fori two ladiea or a business couple; west side; ( waiting distance, j Main 0544 ' ! rvTu , i ? 1 " , ! : - evr, IWU, a Closvis, pnv.j USUI. . fireplace, suiuble for 8 or 4, Ha a beautiful - refined home;- also smaller room 1 with pri- vate entrance, 84 N. 21stv enr, Everett ; OSt, or 2 sleeping rooms and sleeping torch. with use of kitchen, diuirig room and par lor, well i furnished," reasonable, j Adults. Rsferencea.-- Atwater 1878. - . ! j - 8 CLEAN, weU furnished' rms. Prvt' bath."Oa ground Itoor, Furnace neat Good loeaOon. Comfortable place for winter. 891 HuaselL H block K. of Union.- East 1740. tW(Otbrigl4, weU furnisbbirooiias in prl ata noma tlrvihgton). Iuiies or gentle men. 2 blocks- from Broadway and frving ton cars. Call East 8258 bet. 9 and Ill- WAN TED- Young , man of aood . hahir. ti 1 vww wtui ovoer ymng man. neparate r beds, areasers and clothe closets, bath, eta. ! $1.75 iier week. 751 E. Couch st UNDER NEW MANAEMENT,' very (attrac tive front room; heat bath, phone. - 657 riaauers. between 20th and 2 1st qS -1 y NICE, clean 1 and 2 room h. k.-rooms. C. Hendricks, 16th and Flanders, -1 NICE. clean, comfortable rooms for bunlnes ' vomen. - All home privilege: easy walking! distance. Mrs, Johnston. 474 Market cirrner aetn. Atwater iwbh. 'fJp -7 v a.w vjr 1 vJsW. ffin FRONT BEDROOM. BEAlTTIFUIi FUR NITtltE; GRILL - PRIVILEGE. . I EAST NICELY -furnished rooms in refined family; I gentlemen preferred: breakfast if -demred : on NS and Fulton .ear Una. 961 Corbett at"'- Atwateg-4181. ' - -,' ' ' f - f NICK warm robin, home privileges , employed ircrani. .si jr. iiK.,it ctton. nroaaeay 2329. -1 -, LARGK front room, for 1 or 3 young mn. I bsth and shower; good beard; , reasonable. I I Walnut 6818.' ' - - "I . -j . . - .j ' NEWLY ' furnished front room "w)th ue of ! telephone, bath and home-coo ke4 mls for ! two mea. 314 Satuson. -' . - i I : CLEAN, comfortable sleeping rooms, heat and i hot water, at all bra, y 68 N. 22d C Phone .. Main 176.- , X; -'. . - ,j .. .. 4! FURNISHED room. I a. a., fc'ulton car;! i else lights, beat gas; at pnees; reasonable.': Phone, Atwater 0499. -1 NICE large rocm; euitatHe for 1 or 2; anm a sinsie rwsv . cioea . in. , cneap. , , can 2098. . " .1 DESIRABLE. ckaB room In modern i home; -heat, hot water. Phone Mala 6050. 241 N. 21st st V '-V -,'"' " -.' '! "'. STRICTLY modern bested room' with every .: convenience, wicker and ivory furniture, ree sonsble; walking distance. Pheaa East 4363 FURNlliiiaiD 4-zoom Oat, hot and cold wstar.' private bsth, steam beat . 418 . A1JJ1 at. , cor. , 1 1th. Phone Main 8882. ' i . ( IaBGIC cheerful rocm in Walnnt Park, dis- i trict Near library and Jeiktrsoti hlth school." Walnnt 6306, ' .i'--, I SLEEPING ROOM. very eoavenlence.'. pome 13th,. pnvileaas. walking', distance. $25 near .iay. SLEEPING room. reliable party; ocinqiled during .day. 1043 Cleveland ave. attec "-'2 p. -m. :',- -. ' " . ji i -ih'-' 'i SUNNY front .room in private family. 4 blocks from earline, $1 S per month. Apply 664 ' Water- nt,- 8: ', PortlaitdV - - - ': WORKrNG girl with reference Irishes! onoone - ro share ?t;. apt - expense ; $12.50 each. - Ant 685-84. - -- - .N-:V ;. 2 COMFORTAbLB rooms, 'furnished.'' down. . stairs, ws Iking distaaoe- $16 ' per month. qui Mississippi ave. A NEATLY furnished room for rent in mod-t am, close in K. O. bungalow, 1 4- blks. to ear.- Ba K. otn ia. n. prion 812-18J BEAUTskTJL roota, all one aide, outside SnSf: stow. lurnaoe, . rireplaoe, modern. , , 2 iota st. BUNNY front room, lower , floor; Victrola; walking distance reasonable, ' 498 1 Mont- gomery. . - . . -i . I : HOMELIKE room for gentleman; reaaonablei . hot and cold water, furnace heat : , Main " ' 4488. -. ' - ' - r . )' ! ' WARM, light, well furnished rooma, with 'EeT, . heme - cooking for refined men and 1 women at 881 12th street Main 1199. Mrs. I Dillon, . FURNISHED sleeping room for gentle isan, $2.60 per week. 497 Montgomery t Phone Atwater 018 - . - : - I K6B ttlXL large front room with fireplace. Ruita or 2. close to two ear lines. Main 6244; TWO persona to room with eg without privilege - of kitchen.- E, 1939. Two blks from Wash, - high. - '. ' ' - - - f. DOWNhTAIRS , furnished. Ught . ana,; waUr. 336. 140 E. 34th and Morrison, I : DESIRABLE rooma, steam beat, walking dis tancg. Bruucmcq ymwitu. lf? ;SZtO St, VERY close i. 2 clean . rooms, ' near bath room. la.Bw inn v jvcn.. any otn st FURNISHED aiseptng room with garage, 472 N. 83d st. .' -' " j FRONT room for gen tl man, - with or 'without aarage. . Ladd's addition.- East 4690. N1CE furnished room, private home. Walking - ciatnnef nivuigpw qmnCT. nait saua. ; CLEAN. . cornf ortsble room, good neigh: hood, noma comiort. atwster ,7gi. K'lf'K Ilitlrt front room, light and heat r, sonaDie. .zow rargo st., east snie, BEDROOM and aitting room eoubineil; 874 K. '" el tars, t-aone ru. it, -- T - -- - 1 :i 1 FURNISHED room, $12. 148 R. 16th 8. ssemson. aisx o no. TWO furnished room facing : WasbingtoaL r - Reasonable rates. 489 Washington. 1 , ROOM AND BOARD 1 1 302 i r Wortonia Hotel ; t Broadway off Washingtoa. Broadway I786L Portland's high class eWwntewa reetdeatlal betet - We give yen the - eosntorts o aossa. AwiericsB and Koxupeaa plan. Rates vssioee ahia,'' -- ''"'.' ' - - -r " j p - 1 EXCLUSIVE residential betel: rate $45 to $68. 794 Loveloy. Jlaia 8619. I 11 1 y ROOMS AND BOARD it ' PRIVATE FAMILY 303 P.OOM and board h private famUy. close ia. Call Sell. 0477. s.1 - ; MJ. ' 1 ' . CHOICE family boarding neeg Muitnomah ' club: nice hoaa - Main 2219.' -i I ' "W ANTED Rabies to cars for by th hour: or day. Reference. " East 8883. BOOM and board for 2 yoang men, very rea . eonable. ' 911 B- 37th st- N. BOARD and - room, in - a Tine family, ; yoang mes preferred. .; W!nut 2007. , ! ; GOOuThOME AND MOTHER'S CARE FOR' SMALL CHILD. CALL TABOR 9197. . iJkDY -boarded,-over-20 yean; privste famiiv, '- voota and boaivl. Bell wood 1796. ! ' ROOM and 2 meal for one, man ia privat borne . 406 H Broadway. Atwater1 1909. M'ILL board' and room child in private- fam ' ily. Keferennes exchanred rJeU. 1942. Ay CHUD .to .board; motuers care.) ( Call 642-42. . '-.'. ' " - '. ' ! : l . N1''E large trout room, breakfast and d'nner '- if rtefitrrd; close In: cheap. Call Main 701. , FLT:iA5iTft nms. nice eumMuirUr.fs, wi:b or wlUwmt boaid. - Sat Baa4wa. has 8948. . ','.-' "-" a, ! ' ' i- . ! .' - '- -.At ,l ' - a