1 XilDAY, t OCTOIIIUl C 1C22. :;oiu:gon" daily jouhnal, ronTLANP, :- oim g on. J. - . J' I 1? !'l FOR RENT ' . : FURNISHED ROOMS ' r PRIVATE FAMILY SOI LARGS, pleasant frost sleeping room; auitabl S . . i, uv ur iko, near m ....... w-oool elce to earMo. 181- Ea : Conch. : Marking peopto preferred. - S.ICELY furnished light IL . wm. 13 : single oe double. $25'; free gas, heat, -light, bath and phone. CaiJ Mondays, Wednesdays, -Friday, between 11 and 4 p. na 560 4th. iv LADD S ADDITION -lWe front room fa privet koBt. furnace heat, pho. bath. 1 block from Hawthorn earline, $18. 97 Holly y Et . 52 IU ' ' EXTRA large coiv room 3 cuwd, priv. bath, i CrwplacaV g tabta for 3 or 4, to besuruful : refined borne; to smaller room with pn- rate antra nee, 84 N. 21st. cor. Iwwtt. -"' J SEE THIS TODA, ?rCEUT FTJBN. ROOM. CLOSE JN. . CHEAP, HOMB PRIVILEGES, iWJJLXDKJ DISTANCE. BAST 9144. -- - .: Ji ICE. i cieaa, eomf wtaU i room, for business women. ; AH Juki privileges; eaay walking Ha. Jeimstjm, 474 Market aw. corner ltth. Atwater .3838. j ROOM AND BOARP 302 t NortoniaS Hotel ? roadway off 4 Weahingtoa. Broadway 1 1 SO. ortlend a high, . class downtown residential hotaL We jroa the nttforts of home, imrifia asd uropean plan. Kates reason abia. , : i ' . ; EXCLCiOTB residential hoiei; rate 43 ta SO. 79 Levayo. Mail 8619; ROOMS AND BOARD PRIVATE FAMILY 303 . i , SEE THESE TODAY, BOOMS. AND BOARD. $i "PER DAT (ISO CI. 24 E. 11TH Si. S.. CLOSE ; IN. EAST 6593. BOOM tad 3 ma! for 1 man in private . home. 406 ia Broadway. Atwater 1909. ;oot homit roi Grifi, i to i tears, NEAR SCHOOL. SSLLWOOD 2413. - GOOD beard and; roam for steady employed young men, . women or mimed couples an come privflegeg, furnace beat; Broadway car. East 2418. IT TOtJ WAJT A NICE ROOM AND THE BEST PF BOARD. CLOSE IN REASON ABLE, CALL 124 . 11TH Oit EAST 2BS2. - i TWO' 'peopla may 'bare" iarg room, dreasins roam, boc ana cola - water, ateepins percn. wonderful new. apfcadid home cpokiBX. noroe pn:TTieaea. . rterererjega. Jiam vt.j x -WTIX si aaother'a care to airl sehool ase; VI . x 1 1 - .kiUMn ;ti v. M n . w 1(11 CHILDREN to hoard. ontif ul country home, ear tctaoel. cloee jp;' 314 "monthly. For par dealers write Peaceful Aerea Farm, route 1, b 142-A, HBtebora ROOM aad board. 3 seals, breakfast and dinner; clean, homelike place; walktna dis Vape; Teaaonaple. 547 th. ; - CHILDREN wDI reoeiTe feod care in prirate kBBe of' responsible woman; Aut. 8 30- 5. BOAfiTj aad" room in hame off refinement for i coopsa et 2 people employed; splendid cook- 1 res and noma fjimeiei; grea. East 8SS5. JKW snsdera home La IrTiBEtou. furat hed. well boated reom to cenuemea; eoaTertient ta bath, plenty ef bat.' water; witb break- last im ainnrr. wiirnit u K1CELT furnished room wttli board, on Mt, i Seott earline. one Meek from car; all heme ' ' privileges; $2? per month; workiou eirls preferred. Auto. 633-K.3. BOARD aad room for twon room, $7 week eacb. 2 meals; furnace beat, etc.; sunny. very large rooms; fine board. 529 Hoyt at. Broadway 2882. NTRSE, sear 28th and Belmont, will take several old people into her home: all con- B!enee ; auUDmobile serrice. East 2533 " or East 4222. WILL care for small child ii mi home. Call' Tabor 0259. LADY wita'aood home in city win gre mother's care to .rnaM chitn unditr school ac. No other children. . 320,., ier; month. Address i . WEST SIDE S34 i LOVEJOY 2 NIC at LT- FURSISKED ROOMS FOR REST, WITH . OR WIJHOLT BOARD. . MAfN T. 7 FOR AGED : invalids, chronic1 or convalescent patients, pleasant home surroondrngs, with health-builtfina diet, and treatment. Dersonal csre of physicianr reaeenable rates. East 0535. FOR REJTT -Niesjy fwnrisaoa rooms on west eider welkins' autaxtco, reusonanle rent, breakfast and dinner if desired Call at 703 Xerth rnw st. " ' room atutable: for 1 or 2" genUainen. witn or without poaM'nrfn pnnlesea; near ltaae City and Menla-wll carlines. Call Tabor gM8. ; TV ': SICE,' tunny rooms, all bolS prirlleBev witb or witnout Boata; S min.JWaLk to n roadway and Washrnrton. East 04fJ8. atractina rooms, attabja for two, in rofined baste, excellent meals, reasonable. H4S etls St. At water 1I2S SICE, clean, lithfc. airy roecat in prirate fam ily, cood surraandinss- Call Main 1199. flosa in. ' LbVEW lARfS 'ROOif tvtv. i ' OR " 5 ABLE. TABOR 8709. ' KEATLT' furfeislred room and fioa'rd for.' 1 or 3 person i ; ose of piano ami phnete. Haw thorne district, furnace beat." Tabor 043- if iSTED CHILD" TO BOA SO, CSDER TEARS ; WWD rlUJIE, MUTHLR s CARE. WALNUT 954. ' 6ilr"OBTABLE slPin rooms, taasoaable; heat, hot water. A, 23l it, Mam 1749. ROOM and board for' 1 or 2 (entleraen, . . , K A v ,.1. . or just off j Broadway. East 8172. CBILTREN' TO BOOM AND BOARD; Wn.L f;lV8 THEM A GOOD HOME AND uMrwsa n.iar aity nt.ai NICELT" furnished roam with award, in mod- . 1 1 . .11 V. leges; business rirt preferred. Tabor 7338. COOT) roam and 'board in IsriTata family, res aeeabla rate; fentiesaeB. ; preterrecj. Fhoue roadway 3VJ TlReT-CLASs BOARD 4SJ ROOM. P1AVO. rt'RJitue tiur. nuE j-ki tuxutts. GOOD HOME AND Mbf ffER'S CARE FOR 4. s af Mil It A t r Tik All 1 e B3 3Z A UU I'MHH'. lp '7 IV Villi. WANT school i'l to room ana beard. Phone Tabor x T LAR'iE well -fttrnished room, all' conVeniencea, ... . Kim fn, Q xoriaWM. TS? f n wm.n KOjOU ad 3 maala for one man in private home. 46 Broadway. Atwater 1909. lai distanoe; etryUerrt eookina;. 63 K. 31st. PLEASANT rooms, nice sorroumiinn. Witb "r Wltnont pnim. r.eap ntMii.ir. &SL fyi BOOM, witi or without board, in priraie home in l4uyelhnnt. Tabor 387 WIUj, board and room child in private fam ' H - 1tfrMiMi evrhanawf. Aell. tftae . A CHITJJ to board , mother'a care. Call CHOICE family boa rains; hear Multnomah ehisv!- otna bnane. Main 521 T HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS ! " FURNISHED 304 TWO furnished housekeeping; rooms, also 2 ajnzle boustkeepkia; rooms; no children., 2J7 Knott St. near William ave. car. East 1743. t ' " ,. t FURX. H. K- rolma,i ererytjiinit funs, but aa; walkinc datanco; ebiidrea welcoma. 179 ; Stent, at 20th and Morrison. Bdwy. 1G0 PT;KASANT 1 and 3 room hoeaekeeping suites' Tree osM. caa, steam beat an pbon. hot water en each (floor. 33 up.. The Hendricks a p w. j oio runxae: aersji IS&NNYCREST Steam heat, modern H. K. rooma. priTsaw tath optional. 188 Sherman. 1 SOOM with kitchenette, modern, steam heat; aiso t gutgia H. &, room. S79 si VCRNI&HED it E. fnnt'itiO up.1 I 5th at,, ciaso in. -near Main. : aao t gutgia H. K, rocan. S70 fita st, 247 H. K. roomsi sleeping rooms; board if atsnso. Ksceiy ramasneo. v.sst till. ? HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED PRIVATE FAMILY 306 IFCRNTSRED sleepiag- Toons tor gantieman. i per weest. aaonigomery at. luh, am !i A VD 3 very larga modern H. K. f roit roouu. 9 W. CHCBCH ET,, Kttt C687, i rooms and bath, iu eiectririfx 1 . E XHREK nicely fnraiahed ' H, K. rooms, ground iiowr; ge nacn. jiiw news. 2 Front NE SMALL furnished bmekeexMtig room for gentleman or a lady, 1W2 E. 18tlt at. . OCBEKEEPLVG rooma, ivary cheap, close in. igq egg.- .. .. . ;RNISHD !iht honsekeeriina' -rmn,' t ghla for working eottpie. .;313 Williamaare i2 60 ROOMS. Water, bath, carfcaxe SSUB. 7 yaacouvrr tra, , , t v FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED j ' : PRIVATE FAMILY 306 $ 1 8 aUALi-Jtenise, ewm'paaa fsraihei eomfartabl ad clean, for the winter; pri- ntes Srosn city. Take Faiteai oar to 1303 7 Vftsriai at. Atwater 0399. 90& RKNT Pleaani iumished rooms in widoWa ftssKj. also honaeheassfBa- rorens; uiet elderly Pople preferred. : 783 York st. near 24tb st ' j - ' - : THREE largo clean housekeeping rooms in saodeTB bungalow : caa. electric lights, bath. and ieundry trays: Mock frora MT car;i . A. . a . a f.na wwma tint fli Ml I eosrsBcient: hot and cold wetter: phone att door. Also- two front rooms wrwtaiisi. 320.il- aaa riaaders gt. ! BEAUTIFUL and" nw. never rented pot e fore; new bedding, furnitura and rags : ivory woodwork, grained floors; everything fur nished. 139 N. 18tb at. IHREB H. K. rooma. neatly famished and clean; shower bath, hot and cold water, aU connected. Adolta. Gamge if wasted on same tot. Tabor 3 8 S3. 1068 E. Wash. 3 H; X. BOOMS WITH BATH, HOf AND i JCOLD WATER: VERXl GLEAN AND 'LIGHT, 318 A MONTH. 383 THLHMAN. BROADWAT 6341. ! TWO " N5b FRONT BEEPING 5SOOMS. AND 1 H. K. BOOM, CHEAP; CLOSE INj CALL BROADWAY S529. r LARGE single H. ST. room, light and airy, clean, phone; hot water; well furnished,' easy walking-: distance, 313 a- month. 165 Stout su, H block of Wash, st. LA RGB IT- K. room, suitable lor 2 asen. Two beds. 154 N, 18th. TWO largo; frost H. K. rooms. Lights, , gas, phone and bath. All for 14.50 a week. 172 Monroe.; rnons vvainui osna. FIRST floor my home, 3 large rooma and pantry; newly ealcimined, everything fur nished, -quiet neighborhood. 14 East 0 th S., Brooklyn car. - S-ROOM APARTMENT WITH PRIVATE BATH. : STEAM HEAT. EAST .2376. 272 H WILLIAMS AVE. 2 WELL BTTt. H. K. RMS,.: HEAT. LIGHT. BATH. PHONE, CLOSE IN. CHEAP. 453 HALL. MAIN 4057. FL'IINISHEU housekeeping rooms. furnace heat, hot and coM x water; good location; near Failing school. li All entsid rooms. 18S Porter sW or Atwater 0743. $21.00 WEST SIDE; ground floor; niee clean suite large b, k. rooma; ater, electric lights free; laws; walking ol,u 134 - Porter; Phone Bellwood 1109. " THREE partly furnished housekeeping rooms, newly papered and painted, lialits and water roe. 14S - Hamilton ava. Phoua Atwater 3u. 32 1 WEST SIDE, 4 suites ft. K. room. 1st and 2d floor, folly furnished, lights free, iawn. walking distance. McFarhtnd. 208 FaiHna bjdg. -, 2 CRNISHED hotuekecping rooms, with closet and pantry, hot and cold water, to a married couple. 240 50th at. Hawthorne ear. 2 ROOMS. furniahatA. lavenen, living and bed. nice, airy room, hot and cold wster, furnace heat. bath, toilet. 409 Va Jackson. Main 5109. ' $20 ROOM i KITCHENETTE; USE HOME PRIVILEGES. PIANO. WE8T SIDE. f'IXSE IN. MAIN 0254, ; HEATED sleeping room, stove heat, $10; fur , nished .housekeeping rocm, $12; or will rent the two together for $20; everything . fur nished. Call East 6728. FURNISHED II. K moms for rent from 32.50 per week up. Main 3502. 695 Frent st. CLEAN and cosy hoosaReeping room wfth hat. and cold water m room: 5-min. walk to Olds & Kings. The Melrose Apiaj. 233 10th st LOVELY. FURNISHED. 2 LARGE ROOMS. CLOSE IN, REASONABLE. CALL EAST 279S. SEE THESE TODAY TWO NEATLY FCRN'ISHED HOCSE KEEPING ROOMg, CHEAP. CALL WAL M;T 346B. 2-ROOM -suite, . 1 room, kitchenette, single room, single or housekeeping ; clean, heat, fh.mr. electric lights furnished; near school ami hospital 73Q noyt- TWO ROOMS FOR HOUSEKEEPING, ALSO 1 SLEEPING ROOM FOR tfKXTLEMAM; 'KOR HIM' DISTRICT. 743 IRVlNq. ' MAIN 2425. . SEE THESE TODAY IF YOU , WANT NICELY FURNISHED H K, R(MJMS.: VERY CLOSE IN. CALL EAST 16BS. . 2 WELL furnished rooms tor hou-sekeepinB.-for 2. $17 per month; everything fur nished but gas. 772 Williams ate., near Beech. . . LARGE room awf kitchenette for 2. cogy and dean, for the winter, ri'a what ye are looking for; gas, light, water, heat, clean linens, each week. Walnut 4845. LARGE front room for light horsekeeping. : nicely furnished and elean. free heat, lights : and Rhone. Very reasonable. 507 Clay. At S water 3802. LARGE, clean front-room for sleeping or light i housekeeping; everything'" furnished; walking distance; nice location, near W. Park blocks, 37 Collere st. Main 3154. 2ROVMhouaekeer4ng apartments with sleep ing perches, well furnished. Phone, light snd water; reasonable rent; Rnae City car. 733 Pacific st. or call East 9232. HEATED, strictly modern 2 rnim apt.. MS mo., or 3 rooms $4 5; light, phone snd cooit ing wood furn. ; walking dist- East 4365. $20 TWO rooms and kitchenette, com pletely furnished, private bath, lanndry and entrance, ground floor. Take Fulton car to 1803 Virginia at- Atwater 03S. $13 50 -EAST SIDE targe, clean basement H. K. rooma, furnianed, modem, nico loca tion, lawn, lighu free, walking distance. 564 E. 6th. Sell. Ilf9. TWoTFtfRN. W. K7 BSOMS AND K7TCHEN ETTE ; PHONE, FTEL, LIGHT AND BATH. $30; 2 ADULTS; 1 BLOCK TO I. J. CAR. CALL AUT; 815-03. FOR RENT In private home, 3 room fur nished apt, privet bath; 3 h. k. rooms, rewly jpapereel. Aut. 514-23. NICK clean furnished housekeeping rooms, rea sonable; no objection to children; no charges' for light and heat 631 Marshall. Broad way 4-67H. ', - H.K. APIS, every oenvameaee. reasonable. 2 i block sonth Multnomah club. r280 Nar ; tilla St. Atwater 417; ' - T;WO TRUNKS moved", 75': downtown districL ! Fireproof storage;! 5 days free. Leag dis 1 tance hsnling. Rroadway 2445. - TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, clos is, $20 per month, including gee for cooking. 502 E. Pine, Pene East 8918, 1 AND 2 H. &. rowans, hot and old water, kteam heat. 41 Mill at. cor. 11th. Call Mam ssk FOVft H. K. rooms, first i floor; also single rooms. Plain furniture, ebeap rant, etoe in. B3Q rn st. jnwatea- aeia. ONE lav farniahad . hauarkeeprnc front : room, 604 Holly at, Ladd addition, J "block : south frm 18th and Hawthorne. ' LARGE well furnished room on paved street, H block from ear. $3; bw ctuldnm. Pbon Kmpire. 1 1 rj. IL k. ROOMS, aiao sieepsng" room; cheap; ice viw of city; prrrat bom; $3 and $4 weea. ego arwer ae; jarwater ggi. FURNISHED single boqsakeeping roma. stove heat fuel, water, light arxL, sAa fnrniahxl: walki lg distance. 492 Taylor at. hot and eoja water. heaL telephone; waik- lng oiiiancg. - m cirpnunt . main apg. NIC a. elaaa H, K. rooms. ekertrte light phone, bath.; hot 'and eold water, 6S3 TamMi! ST- -. FO& RENT $23, three forniahed heusekeep. ing rooms. ,642 East 87th; Rich muni u t a'th. ana block sooth. . A . TWO room housekeeping suite; gs4. phono and lights, bath; atngi rrxxm, fa; clos ,1a, nice , .AT U k... - 1 MODERN 4 rooms) lip, or 4 rooma down, un furuUhad. very reaaonablt). 860 Colonial WALNUT!1 PARK, mat Jeffersoat higli, one nicely famished rawea with kitchen priri 'Wgea. for lady or conpla. Walnut 3208. 2 LARGE light hoascxeeping .rooma ea first floor. 1 sing ' oei seooisd lloor. childrea feloome. Biwadwiy 4486. $18 FEB month 3 f arniahed housekeeping mom to quiet couple or bachelor; first floor. 403 a 4th street. Phon Main 1T86. THJ&EE furnished laousekeepihg rooms, suitable ror family. 444 Eat Oa at East 1136. $2.3 VP CLEAN H. K. noma foe y 40 jortett. Min BSio. 3-ROOM furnished flat, heat and bath. -Wal- Wirt. "32B3. . --' .; NICK ciean 2-roem aiH., $20 per "inoiiifc. UH ! ret. sr.. ccmer Fene. l. At 3,'M- - rooms, not and cold water. 415 M'U eL. eor.- Ilth. Col) Main tas H. K. SUITE, witi jicrch, lur 3; SdO. 134 FOR RENT NOUSJCEPlNCi" ROOM5 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED W ' PRIVATE FAMILY 306 TWO rooms $23, thre $5, another 945; . each indssdea light, garbage, water. ele ; phono; hardwood floeaa, French toea.fr . naee. fireplace r gamge, atceommodaf faatr. " 119T ClevehindL Wahrot 8936. CLJEUNT fnvaiahea,2'aii4 B room H. KTaauta with sink and bath co ejected; also emgl H. K. sooaast Ca Samdaw aU day, Ot.be days montuuj or evening, i 431 B. Ash 1 tta. . : 1 ' CLEAN. AIRY MODERN HOUSEKEEPING SUTTB. CENTRAL, WEST SIDE. CALL. MORNINGS UNTIL 12. AJI0 EV5STNG0. SUttl. 8197. 2.7S A WEEK, fiimi had TirtnnalrTrnr'l' tegnta. and bath mcliKiod awe axle, vraigutg dimvawewi 643 First and 215 Mill, coiner of First. H. K. RUOMS, walking" distance, free phore, nght water, garbaa. aoecial ratea to long reBteta. 275 Williams ave. East 6797. Mm. W9cos:. . . ' -,: t - H WAVERLE1GH HEIGHTS . Surtabl for two ladies egnployed. sunny frmt bedroom. ass of kitehoa, other home privUegef. eVellwood 1316. . f TWO nicey furnished Irani" aooma for housc koeping. 90 N. 1 th atraet. i APARTMENTS -FURNISHED 307 Lefcds ApartiTients Fireproof building, modem, 2. 3 and 4 rm. apta; singl rmi", elevator service Atw. 3597. WAttONEB APARTMENTS $60 71S WAYNE BT.. NEAB KINQ. 4 large, light rooms, living room, dining room, kitchen, bath and bedroom; heat and water furnished. Main till. , CHAMBERLAIN APT. V: Under new jnanagement. Modern 2-3 - rm. apt,; also slecpigg rooms with bath; newly remodeled; reasonablav Cor. Urand and Stark. East 0082. ' ! 7: ' MASTEN APARTMENT ' "T" 3 -room, steam heated, newly renorated fur nished modem apartment in new brick build ing of only ruoe gpartmett,ts. 927 Ctqon av. north. i King Afljert Apts. i 3 and 3 rooms, furnished or unfurnished, rfle bath, elevator. 11th at Montgomery. Main 0359. THE ALAMO APTS. Furnished 3-rooa f mat afartmantv steam beat, p5,?&te bath, disappearing bed, for working conple; rent 340. 494 Market. The Stanfietd, Modern 2 room apt., light, bcsA phoSw, 323; winter rat. Maitt 789fc VERT DESlBABXE""MODERNJ APT8."4 Now availabl at the Garfi)d Apts., the House of Comfort. 861 Failing at. Walnut 46 6 3 . i NEWLY fumi&bed rooms. Nob Hill hear 21st, walking distance; day, week or month; reasonabce. 701 Davis st. NEW 3-reijeo modern apartment; 2 beds; fire place, hardwood f loo re. etc.. close in. 554 Tillamook. East 7085. BEST value in city, 3 lovely, sunny furnished rooms, steam heat, private bath: also 1 rm. and kitchenette; no children. 448 day. SAN MARCO. E. 8TH AND COUCH. 3 RM. MOD. APT . WK. OR MO. EAST 1990. GLEN COURT Corner Park and Taylor. Main 1881. ADAMS APARTMENTS Modern 2 rm. apt. lunaiahed. 403 Jeffer son. - HADDON HALL. 11TH AND IULL, 1 3 roona. kitchenetta, bath, hdw. ' floors, erivata balconies;. $35 np. Atxatar 1160. . 3403 LOVELY rooan. well lighted, pii ' rate bath and reception hall, not water ' all tlte time. Main 3765. 0NE and 2 ran with kitcheoeii. steam heat, hot and cold water, $15 and $20. Bdwy. - 4292. 245 V No. 17th st ONE' room apartment furnished. 271 McMil len, 4 blocks from Broadway bridge.' Eait 506. FIRST floor, front 4-roam apartment, base ment sjnd furnace: 3 blocks east Broadway bridge.; 381 Bom. East 8648. SEVERAL very "attractive west aide aptZ within. 5 -minute walk from Portland hotel; rent ren'rmaoie. aia Hail at. 2 2-ROOM apartments, suitable for couple employed: good location. 404 Park et. CLEAN.' bright, sunny apt, first floor, walking distance, hardwood floor. 2QQ K. 3th. 2 ROOM furnished apt. The Klein, E. 10th gna . mirnfiM. NICELY fum. 3-rm. apt.. "1st floor. J Harrfson v-'ut, jot Bin. maiEi 01 1 4-room apt. nicely ' furnished sad clean ; garage if wanted. . Sellwood 2960J. 2 AND 3 room fum." apartment, strictly mod ern. walking dist T Everett. Arwater 8716 TWO, nicely furnished apt., walking diktaace. east aide. Call East 39S7. AdulU only. APARTMENTS UNFURNISHED 308 ; The American Modern 4 and 3 room apartmeata. 21t and Johnson. Broadway 3366. WAGONER APARTMENTS $70715 WAYNE ST.'. NEAR KING 6 large, light rooms, 3 bedrooms. SMITH WAGONER CO STOCK EXCH. THB WEI8T I ! 89 N. 23d St Ijrge 6-mom apartment Individual powK ' i -'" SfARLBOROUGH APTS. f FiTe room nnfurnished apts, newly decor- ajtcd phone.. Main 7516. MODERN 3 room apartment: ivory wood ' work, breakfast nook. 191 g. 33d St. CHOICE of 3 3 room apt-. $2. East 4172. 568 K. Salmon st FLATS FURNISHED 309 NICELY furnished 3 or 4 roan flat. 1643 GanteebaiB, eor. Alberta, near Jsfferaoa high. ; 6-ROOM lower flat, adalta. genUemen ; owner reserve on room and use of kitchen. Mais 90l after 7 p. m, . 4 -ROOM furnished uppar' flat for rent, 293 11th at, near Columbia. KOOaX fumisJieoTftaC, -,39i: "d Vanc-oir., av. Walnut 1863. LARGE a room moely furnished flat. ITT2 E. 1 8th. 4 ROOM modera fumLhed flat Main It. Tabor 6216. 1209 E, IRV1NGTUN Cosy a rms.. a. p., heat, gas; 4 rm., s. p.; choice fnrnjtwe. East 8015. 5. ROOM furwahad flaC " East, 634 T: FUVTSUNTVRNISHED 310 FOR RENT 4-room and 5-reaca flat, 410 and 410 H E. Nrnth st, eoraar Grant, $20 each. A. W. Lamhert sV Sons. 404 E. Alder St. Phone Kast 840. DANDY -room flat in' good "eondiUon." " 200 Margin at., foot - of Halsey set. ; only 16 . minuto walk tram Union depot 80, 10- cntaing water. 3 ROOM modern flat,' close . to two good . , aehoela on good oarlinr; heat and water fUThMhed. Call at 580 39th . B. E. or Aut 628-88. oO E. 12TH S-room.' fumaos god tfrepUca"; j newly tinted; rent 943.. Main 3903 at Broadway 7lfl. 6VIX se liat rooms, " eoeieenient. ser atom. 3 BOOMS, "porch, doe to ear. East llth north. East 888T. tNFURNISHE3 6-room tUi, rest lf. 6S8 3d at - 6-ROOM fewer Cat, 690 Division at; modern, lawn: 825. - lower Cat. los in, on earline. Phon Aut 643-81, UPPER 6 rm flat, modem, $43.60. 309). N. 19th at. Adults. HOUSES FURNISHED 311 '-. k J! LAUBELHURST An etoeptirmalhr fm furnished honae, pie lawn, shrnhbery and electric lighted double gerare; he water bead, 1214 Lad- dmgton Court Phone Tabor 0904 LEAVING city, will leas 6-rootn bungalowT fn lisheet. for mamtha Is 1 year, $45 per aeon tb. Alberta diet ; good car service. i-non Ma; ot 6T9f 1695 K. 1Kb a. N. 3 KOOM funnahed he for regit, gas," electrie lights, bath, piano, waah tnba. eement baea mawt, 787 Miehjgen ave., I hiock from streetcar. Phone WsJirqt 6768. - FOR BENT Ciaa -room farwMd heuee, eiectrle lights gad caa. walking dtatane-; 411 divide into 2 tieem an tea if went- ea. vaa iTttt ft. ft. Bdwy. 1H3 WHEN aseving, caU East 3026. , We t n tiact yeerr job oa $2 par gov, In- --nish .2 anew. '"r .i .- , . -BOOM modern nous, tornace, fire pea. etno ateee, X 'lea. 9ae PSth at. Agt. caa-ca. - ; ; -v- . . , HA WIHORN B distnev' rorn" furnished; f; badroomA, ASwS Glenn ava. $35 4 LARGE reams, nicely ions ashed. Mar M-V oar, to rear W eowp lie: an , have : refeernce: children- 131 K. 9th N WT, MODErLN S-room bungalow caan phsialy furn.. piano. swg gaaehine. $10. W 236;. FO! RENT ! HOUSS-FURNCSHED 3H FOB BENT A basmtifta home, at 297 t Fargo t," partly furnished, kitehea and - pantry equipment quite ' tonaplete. . Imoieum. rang, dinlag tebse, etc: first . floor and ' stairs all carpeted wi& baaMMama A Bin f ar ahada. water heater, gas plaAea, gas floor- fnmac and two Badiantfirca, garage, -, am frnit This is- as eaeellcnt Beiglihor . hood and coeveuient location. Key at 301 Fargo at or call Automatic 321-23 aft 4 p. m. $60 a month. ' ; NICXLY iurni4 j 4-rocm 1 639-88. . . - .- - j ooaa. Aut tiOUSESr UNFURNIStffiD 312 RPRiVKl.FWf n WAstEHOUSe m trackag. . Stons your goods witb us. Let as da your saovmg and parging . C4? . MORSE. ,n4 Bdwe. 8476. ' ' . 484 GBwg St. MOVE THE SECURITY WAY. Extraordinary Service - For tb ordinary jprica. PACKING. MOVING, ; 8T0RAGB SECURITY STORAGE - TRANSFER CO.. 4th at iPSna at. Opp. Moltnomah hotel. ; ' Telephone Broadway 3715. 2 BOOM inodcre Cat 1 771 i Beliouf st. $it 5 rm, bungalow. 4420 52d ave.. $35. 5 rm. bungalow. 6430 E. 824 st, $25. 6 rm. modern flet, 80 E. 12th No.. $45. 6 rm. modern house. 474 Sharer at, $25. FRANK L. MoGUIRE. Bdwy. 7171. 6-BOOM on Hoselawn av., paved street, fur- nace, block, from car, rent j $40. . Mc'itK et iic..iai WE SELL THE EARTH 99 l aion av. N. Wabiut 5684. UNFURNISHED 8-room houe. modern- every respect. Imrdwood floors. Price $30. Will build garage-; it required. Price then a;55. - " 4TS E. 45tt ft N. Csrtf daytim Antematic ' 627-58. evenings or Sunday 'Atwater 2880. ' Sft-t Turn hidir ' MOIiF.RV nnfurnished suburban eottaga with well "insproved. H acra;-8 mil from 1 Port-- land. 5-minute walk to station " Electric; paved highway and bard surfaced road to city. Main 8752. $6 SMALL house, barn, gamge. chicken house; 9 miles out 10-minute walk to Oregon Electric : elderly couple , preferred. 131 E. 69th st N. ' 954 EAST 21ST N. 845 7-room bung., den. slpg. pr.. fur nace, fireptace. garage. 2 carlines. Owner, Atwater 4678. " i " YORK EXPRESS V TRANSFER CO. T ranks, baggage, furniture, moving $1.50 and $2 per hour. Bdwy. 7688. PIANO MOVLVG 3. fumitwre 2,5l per hour; 3 MS, ra padded vans, j Call Crown Transfer Co., East 5047. J fORNITCHE MOVING $2 PER HOUR, 2 MEN; PIANO $3 AND UP: LARGE 3V- TON TRUCK. EAST aOT CUT RATE" ON FURNrrUREi MOVING Fireproof Storase 15 De.vg Fre LONG DISTANCE HAULING. BDWY. 244 5 WHEN MOVING, city or eountry get th best at lowest prices. Green Traut Co., Main 1261. 03tt Aider at ' ' MODERN 6-rooni house and gaiden at 790 Kelly st.. 1 block from N. S. car. Inquire 187 wmtaker it SELLVVOOl-5 rooms, $23. at 05 Cw- alia ave.: adults. raoor eu. FOB REST Go look; 7 rooms; 401 Rose 1 . . 1 ... n .11 w ! : . ,J qkh UlWg 1TB, 1V. w"pUi My.wv, vw. FQR BENT 8-room house, partly modi-n. cloee to car and school, $40. East 41189. 4 ROOM modem hous. garage. $15. 37th and Woodstock. Inquire 215 Front et. 6-ROO.M. 109 E. 19th at. Walnut 0845 after a p. m. t NEW 4-room house fur ; rent at Woodlawn. Call Sell. 1125. j NICELY furnished 4 room house. Aut 638-30. ; ' , FOR RENT 6 soom bungalow, modern, with garage, aau per montn. ioiiu uituhoh &u MOVING 2 nien. large truck; ; for 5-room furniture, 31-50 per hour. Main 6290. FOR' BENT 9 room house, st 341 EC 12th t. north. $60 monthly. Call East 5120. .FOR RENT Unfurnished ! room haiiae ; 4 - room cottage. tast -:up. $35 (VROOM house with garagei 1378 E. illsan st. laoor 11111 FOB; BENT-5-room bungalow. 5504 Wood stc-ck ave.. 55th st 1 WHEN moving call Talor 0258; wa ceatract your Job. or by tb hour. i HOUSES FOR. RENT FURNITURE FOR SALE 313 MUST sell furnishings of a 4-room flat every thing elean and in good condition. Price as reasoname: rial rents lot ao.po a moaui. B81 E Pavia- .1 FOB SALK-i-.New fuifaiture of 5 room flat, ail or by the piece. Flat rents- $33 50. Main 1209. STORES AND HALLS 314 FOR RENT i Big Rf room, 17 1t65 ft, fine location frr dry goods and gent's furnishings. Will lea for 3 year or longer. Tabor 7236. OFFICES --DESK ROOM 313 DESK room, deik, C-996. Jeumal. 2 phones, swell office. WANTED TO RENT HOUSES i ; 361 WANTED To "2" anMlf furnshecji house. , not over $15. K-4SQ, Journal,! REAL ESTATE FOR SALE APARTMENTS AND FLAT PROPERTY 402 A SNAP, BY OWNER. Newly overhauled 3 flat house, close in, full I t and fruit tree. Phone East 8435 rr East 8998. ' ' T0 C1A1SE ESTATE, 190alOO,iN. E. corner 14th and Taylor, West Side. East 2193. LOTS 403 ALAMEDA A beaatiful site, . 60x100, j wonderful ' location, - fine trees ; priced for jquick sale, $3150. . . ) ' 1 Glean are . between Mason and Skidmore, 50x100; $975; big trees. i Many other good huys in thia ditriet. W. M I MBPENhTVM'K; A CO., Bdwy. 1658-210 Oregon Wrig $10 DOWN $10 MONTH $450 JIOKE CITY CAR 75x1 0O ft, ceaient sidewalks land ctrrfw, alo water piped into lot, Man 63d and Fhaver st. CaU at Hose City- Park branch office, 43th and Sandy bird. Ante. 826-10. J. U HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Co mm pro bklg. Broadway S034. j brand "New bungalow " 32600 $500 cash, $30 monthly: living room haa tapestry paper, oak floor and fire place, 2 bedrooms, kitchen and bath, full plumbing T vacant; move right irj. JcfonsonBcdson Co. 33 N. w..Bana: bWf, Main 3787. CASH TAtKf Ti6 ROsB CITT FaSS 46th rt, near KiickiTat, ell impvevvments paid. Bos City I'artt branch office. 45tu and Sandy hhs. Astai 424-10.! J, L. HABTMAN COMPANY. , ' BUILDERS i HOUSES COMPLETED PROMPTLT Our eeets? ruction and. workmanship, to gether with ttberal financial assistance, will please yon. : Soldier bonus accepted. KEIMERS ft IDUTETTK, Sellwood 2964 CORNER LOT 82x185 i ! Rose City district, oataid lintita. facing graveled at; X room bonse, woodshed. Bull Ran water, gas. electricity, telephone- ia; 8 minute to ear. eement sidewalks all the way. tiiv aown. Ant. jiv-: LOT fof buaiaeas pumoaea "in IrvinatorL Johnson-Doslson; Co. 633 N. W. Bank bldg. , Main 8787. -lOOalOO- LOTS. ALBBSTA CAR. 357$ $8 damn, $8 month, no aaseaemests to assum. BOCK-: W. CXt, f fUPSTAIBBl 142 H d at. ; Comer Aider. t . rosb tint park,lo' 33x22 garage, street, paid. Price $1190. A JohnsonDddoni Co. J883 T.; XT. Bank Wdg. Maw 9T8T. $850 50x100 "FEET, jut" east of; Beech "kt .-'- 63d at N.; wt and atdawa&a i and pain. Atwater - 30x100 LOT oa Killingsworth ave.,, near 11th et, 3316; terms $50 dia, for cash- Walnut ';i 0634. "512 Alberta at. i B.OSE CITT. N. W! cor. 41st-Hancoek, $1150; next- to corner. $1059. Tabor !. ALAMEDA PARK. 8. E. Cor. iSt-Eryc tv., $1 3o. Tahor 6441. FOR SAUK Lot 50x1 00, easy terms. . Aut 80r. Call after w- m. lrRELHT RST lerel lot, 2 blocks from car. tnw. Tabor gt89. ; - LOT baj)-se, ciioap. Cii Xtbor 790. REAL ESTATE FOTt SALE t LOTS 4Q3 Lad d's Addition Something Very fcpecial ' 3 Lots on Divisstt at Th kt mtr to bav businaaa' prep erty in ar ahart tarn; am zaatrto Uons. Oaly $10$ cash quired. Get busy if yea want ogte. Kamembee Ladd'a addition k oal SO at Btea walk to city hall. . ... . See' Mr-yDefafaunty Ladd EMSataC.. 246 Stark st Bdwy. 3764. Eva. East 349?. - - Wetmorefanst ? i , - .- FUlia IPBOVET LOTS FOB $50 CAjsH Balance ea?y st 6 interest W gire second mortgage privilege to home boikieVR. Everything ia here to' make hem life 1 ngoye. Select your lot now.- i CaU Mr. IJatterson, Ladd Estate Co. Bdwy. 8734.; 244 SUik'St $S50 THREE FULL LOT 8 S3S0 Bight at city limit, oaly 1 bit. to car. city -water and 'gaa. On acesrast of the enormous reduction in price we must bav ALL CASH. See Dwyer, with -. g ..is , ""T" . . 732 Chamber of Commerce WEST' SIDE 818040 $30 rash. $30 monthly, in ducting interest, Vjf block to , Fwlton car, close to school, small bedroom.' living room, kitchen and bath. Practically new, flowers and fruit , . aJofonson-Dbdson Co. ;633 N. W. Bank bldg. Main.3787. LOTS, corner and adjoining, Alameda Irvington diiL, for sale cheap for cash.. East 4 899. HOUSES 404 $25' DOWN BEAT THE LANDLORD 325 Per Menih Straight Contract ACTUAL RENT TERMS , Mores you into a nice, clean, NEW little - bunsalow that you CAN BUY at actual rent terms. The price is reduced to the actual cash cott of lot, sewer assessments and cost of construction. The cost price is $2360, and we offer it to you at $25 per month straight. Tkere is a UUl work to be done here yet, which you can easily do m your spare time and mats $300 on this. No phone calls will be an ered on this and the first one putting up a deposit gets their pick of any one of three of these liousea. ' 630 Chamber of Commerce Blrig. ' Here's ,a Dandy Adjoining Laurelliurst 6 rcom. sttfty and . half, modern bunga low, 8 lovely large bedrooms, with spacious closta; full cement basement fine' fur nace, -entire hone beautifully decorated and at the price, $3700, is a wonderful buy. $700 caU will handle, balance like rent. ITione Bdwy. 52t'. SERVICE. RELIABILITY. COE A. McKENXA CO., Established 1889. 20g Artisans bklg., Broadway at Oak Rose City Park NEW. NIFTY 5 ROOM BUNALOW $5S0O Here, folks, is the. home you bars. been looking for. B lam rooms and sttie. bring room 14x24. hardwood floors' throughout, large plate glass windows, fire place, furnace, double garage:. Located on crner lot. $5eO cash and bonus will. handle. Beady for occupancy. Hurry ! A. Q.; Teepe Co. 40th and Sandy Tabor 9586.' 3'titn and 4ilisai Tabor 3483. Can Yoia Beat This? ' $300 CASH Hanttes this new 5 rcK.ra rhodeVn bunga low, hardwood floots, firepiaee. furnore, full lot. ikived street, splendid distrret nrar Ils.wthr.rne are. gnd 36tli t-C This is an eacentional oitur; total price 45ft: will consider a good automobile hit to $700 as part. Tiaymiru, Phrn Bdwy. 7522. SERVICE RELIABILITY. COE A. McKENNA A CO., 7 Established 1689. 20 Artism hlil; Bmadwav at Oak. West Side $3750 NEW : FULTON BUNGALOW A 4 rosin bungalow jnst being conipletrd; rcmbination liviipg nd dining room, Dutch kitchen, .breakfast nook, all builtiins. floored latitic, cement basement wash trays, etc. A dandy little home for $3750. Easiest kind of terras. Full int. 'city improvements, paid. 274 STARK ST. J9TH AND SA."DY. BDWY. d72 ACT. 820V60. Piedmont $4330 5 room modem -new bungalow, hardwood flot,rs, natural finish, cement basemeirt, fur nace, all biiilt-ins, large attic, large kitchen, 50x100 lot. on paved street J block frora . earline. Tond ( terms - arrai.ged. Phone Broadway ' 7522. SERVICE. ' B.ELIABILTTY. COB A. McKENNA CO.. Established 1389. 208 Artisans bklg. Broadway at Oak. ENGLISH1 x COLONIAL . " $6850 . . New 6-roo 1 very beautiful English colo nial, heart of very fine district on .2ftth st N.. Imp. clear. Full cement basement, furnace, den, H' W. flooasv fi -phre and jnooved att,ic- This house is of dotibtrs run structiori, built for a home snd of superior appointments throughout, fiwner must sell. Easy term 3. Piling East 983 " ' " " A GEN?tTNK SNAP4 $1009 BEtOW VALUE -5 room modern bungalow located 1st the heart of Hawthorn-, -near grade arhenlK ha fireplace. Dutch kitchen, excellent floor plsn, full cement basement and wash traya. Price $3150. You will have to hurry for this downright bargafn. R. L. McWREW, REALTOR, 1089 Hawthorne' Ave. Tabor 88H2. : . " 16 X 200 " ' ' 4 rooms, strictly modern bungalow; close in, goed epstriet;i only $806 down, balance to suit J ' - ' ' .-. ' I See "GRIFFITH ' '-; ; FfSHRB REALTY CO. 1 315 Cbaimber -of Commerce. . Bdwy. 06 FOR SALE -A bargain, 3 -room home with, : sho foen, Kgbta.;: fas, water, bath, garage. cement work, pa tied sts., close car, 7, far to Portlao. 1-1 of acre of. fine land; a rtanrty -Ry fee $21800.. Selasko MeOeeaeAck, muwansae, rrtone BY "OWNEB 'Sem 4 room," modern At berta 1 ear: Walnut H408. 4 room cozy home. Alberta ear, modern, .term. Wa!. 0408. Owner. i-. - Posaeasion at once. 4 rooms, new, mod - en 1.' terms; everyttimg ymSA. Wslnat 6408. WEoTMORELAND DISTRICT $4i0O ' 6-pnom bouse, ifujl cement bajeraant. on 160x109; all improvement in and paid; see it. East 14tb, Claybourn a corner. Sell- woeq 3735. Fwr7J7 eoniry in a 4-room bnn. ea than 1; year- old for 320O9 cash. . j This is located on . Minnesota are. near 'Killingsworth. Tabor 4393. A VERY" modern ' 3J "room" oew':'b.rtgaiow.' in Peviisaula dist.; worth 34600; $600 down. Onr irric $490. Bdwy. 6536 er'East 8592 eve.- ; v ' g 6-ROOM Tnrnkbeal ViTZT City7 lovely li aapenaive frmutum; isswiediate aw ; expensive for anirk sale, $2'10 cash, $60 pec 1 wronv tueioqirrg interev Taoor zigiw, - $3230 6 BOO Mi bungajow en 39 th, near Lavralhurtt Make yowr own terms. - - . . - ttain JUUTK, .1181 Bateient I - Tabor 5T13. . - 1 , FOR SALE BY OWNER " ", , 4 -mm bouse, j eerner Jet,. 1 block to ear; 315Mf; term. Ant 622-81. .. . B1fsi!A6v4-i2ooo:, tut :' tw; ! terms. Fmit and berries. 3343 66th .sa. g. E.,t near Pow elL. Ilawthor! eejrBne. A SNAP if taken at- oooe. 2 lots, 6 ream , hovtsev garagav chicken boese, ad kind f rait. !' Tabor 7329. . , KICK 7 room bnngak tn Sunnyaide; furnace' .fireplaca, hardwood floera, paved st.;-"t 'bh k' to car. ijniy eoiow. lenm iiMrjiis. 83O0 t-4-oo an bswgalow. fireplace, cement paai- 285. Bdwy. 7429. dwyrT4. WTT.T, SELL 6-rori bouse at sarrific. a bar- fu rgia, don t miaa M. Call Toog Tbll fog ull panic , .. , , t- i REAL ESTAT- FOR SALE 1 HOUSES 404 DO TOO tSOW tha It poesible for everyone - to own" hts oa home vnder my aystewif - Hent payg-gets y est -no 'here 1 9MM Totoarapha oj be ea far gale. Compriag homea of " eve dsiine ro the eatyl .Aa a ertmeat that is nnhnutedt Every boas persosmlly tnspeoted :i and ap praised I A home to aait tb aetpniwan nt of every hawneneeker. regardless at what it -may bal . 1 i . . i n- ; TU hSg ywo make 'yow Bsat payment If necea pi I 1 .. . . ; J OPEM KVENINGS' t'STH. 9 :90. i 40' Salesmen - with autoa. 1 .7171 for prompt err ire! REA PENINSULA BEAUTY. . ' $500 Does-Will Make You Happy.! $S250rr-lJem1t be a, slave to the- landlord 1 pay rent to yotfraelfl. Thia beau , tsfui bungalow will answer vry- requirement! fir reonu; new and " i iramaealata; la rg bring won Hi ; 29. witb fireplace; large dining ' , room wth xoasaive -mirror buffet: ; liardw nod floors ; ' whiter enamel : I hitch kitchen; two - bedreoms and i white enamel bath.' garage. West Portland bird. ' ,- BEST BUY ON THE HEIGHTS $519urr Beatuiiul new,, eery modern bun galow on Portland Height; 5 ' looms; just completed and ieon i tairung every, wiahed fog comfort . and convenience. Let's show : you today. Terras. Fern avanu. ! ' : -i BEAD JTHIS SACRIFICE I . ' $400 CASH AND LOT , 34759 $400 down! Thia is truly a bungalew beautiful; 6 rooms; with awry coaservable feature for dm- fort. conrenisnoe and beauty: there's a large cheery; living room . with fireplac. solid, paneled dio 1 ing room with massive bualf-in buf- fet; white Dutob kitchen; three bedrooms witb aoomy eadsa ta; 60x 100. with fruit floweta, etc.- East 69th st See this today ENGLISH COTTAGE $509 DOWN " $4190 -9509 down I Vary aUraatira Eng. U-h eottaga gyp bungalow bt Haw -tliorne diairict; t nwn, furnace, paved street 1 blocks to ear; all heaa are paid; no miortgage to -snmsv .East 82d at"; $500 down. .. and balance at $35 month, in clad ing' interest FRANKLIN HIGH BUNGALOW . $39(00 $500 down handle thi large mod ern f room bungalow, only half block -to car on hard surfaced street; 100x200 lot, with abund ant as fruit, etc. A large f am- ily'a paradise. 62d at. I PENINSULA '$250 DOWN i $2890 25u down: must be sold at once. 1 j Here i a vary bw and attractive i ' modern bungalow ia Pesinsuht dis trict; has fireplace; i all buUtrins; 2 bedrooms, close to the big in-. duatriai plant PorUmouth ava. . $400 DOWN TAKES THIS 1 $380 3400 down Thia very artistic' and homelike, bungalow is gdeetined to make you a splendid home! 5 airy nasu with hardwood floors i ' thronghont; very" ckeerful living room,, dining) room-' with pretty built-in buffet, airy Ditch kitchen with breakfast nook; ' two light airy . bed rooms- and white enamel v hath; full cement hajtment; 69th st. Just $400 down, and rest like rent $2."i0 MAKES YOU INDEPENDENT $2490. $250 down This is. a substantial. warm 6 room modern horn ia the Mt" Scott district close ta car and sehool; in excellent shape : built in conveniences; 3 airy bedrooms; abundance of fruit : big grape ar bor; nuts, garagr; fine place for the "! children. 64 ;h st Monthly terms are Very easy. FRANK L. McGUIRE, To Buy Tour Home, Realtor. - Abingten Bldg. Bdwy. 7171. 3d .. Bet Wash, and Stark. Deal with art old reliable firm. a CORBIN LISTS "WORTH THE MONEY" NOT "HOW MANY" BUf "HOW GOOD" j $5590 5 roam., Dixon Place; terms. 85250 5 rooms, WeMmereisnd", easy. $23(M) 4 rooms. Irvington Park, terms. 4 SO cash. $35 per month for 6-room rom mgiew $2109. $250(9 cashK40 for large showy heme in Ledd's addition. Every refihe- . incnt and convenience.' i They re CORBIN Deals. ; J C. '.CORBIN CO., 803 6 7 Iwia Bldg SSm Cash- 6 mom Rn 1 'try runsalow. brani new, modern in every way, full cement basement, he.naocd floor, fireplace, furnace, pseek fist nook, ol,l "ivory finish. 60x190 street level kot, garage, cement runway. The most romplete home in fhui beautiful dirtri. Total price $5500. Evoeptionally easy terms. I'hone Broadly 7522, ' SERVWR. HELIABrLITT. COE A: McKENNA CO., Golablixhed 1889. ; 208. ArMpgns bldg., Bredwy gfi Ogk. ' Rose City Par! NEW 5 ROOM BUNGALOW $4609 Can . you imagine being able, te buy a' thoroughly double ceaistmcted bungalow, with liFdwoea floors, fireplace, famaca, attractively finirtted in rich old ivory and white, with expensive tapefltry paver, artistic light eivtnres for so little money f Ineprct this, today. Really a bargain. A. Q. Teepe ,Co 4 nth and Sandy Tabor 58. BSith and Glisa n Tabor 34 39. Rose City. $1666 CASH S room modern bungalow, hard word floor throughout, eld ivory fiuia, fiieplaoa, fur nace, tull oameat basement very large attic that wo make three extra room. This is a, dandy bargain. Total j.rioe- $6000. Geod easy terms. I'heaw Bdwy 7523. SERVICE RELIABILITY, TOE A. McKENNA V CO. j Etabhahed J889. BPS Artisans bldg.. Broadwsr at Oak. IRVINGTON . 8460A .New Imost bunsalow, fir 4ac, eement basement, furnace, all the latest builMna. fmished i ry. 0ll0O let. located ta the best part of lyrington, one ef the aneeet lit tle plans yogi ewf is; !WtO aasb will handle. ' r OORJCORAN-JONES REALTY CO. ?75 Oak st Broadway 6O06 LAUBELHURaT BEST IBs A banker said : "I'm sorry I didn't see this before I closed another deal. I've been looking and looking gad It's ' the beat I seen at the price; it far ea tamly right." W sorely think thia ia the- best buy ia Lanrelbatvat; 7 lovely rooma, eery modern ; a beautiful targe earner. H will g, sniirik. See.' Mir.-Allen. Tabor 9189. ' NEW-T-0VERlJ0K-rdiEW "" Bex! nobby 3-room complete hanigslc , $4100: will accept $569 down Ism re apoaaible psT. - A teat opporteaitai set at one. ' . W. VL TTMBPaWSTOCBT CO. Broad Say. 1838. 510 Osweow Mdg. ,$170 -ON PAVED 8TBEETIT0O r In -story T-roesg home, 1. block to ear, 50 1 100 lot: $259 raaii, $23 ssumthly. Johnson-Dodson Co. 633 S. Wl Hani hldg. Vafh JSTST. i ONLt $2i0" ' " ," " -room modern cottage, em floor, imp. ft inl and paid, 1 Wee to 8 earltna and scnonl; $MH down, balarie 820 per me.. LET me give f oa any"fjBraee ea" your" sww 'laoaue yeet'te gett -to bohld.,. f will save ycu mc ey and fr heiu finaooa. .Have thirty heuira nre way tliit year! first elas work H. H. Himij 18; Brook lyn . Bell. 26B9. 4 BOO bouse, sU fernishad. iota of fruit ; lot 49x100; 3 Woekg from ear, in Al berto district; cement wslksv, only 4350 down, belassew 925 sw aroma, . mclortling ior terest 605 S wetland bldg. " KICELY Vl'UN IhliEUnw, aaodera bungalow, bedroom, hving sworn, dining unwsn. Imteh kitchen, fireolac garage. Fssee j $3 000, 6AaO esh, baatne mewtbty parments. See owner , vv9 K. st. . Aotoi FOR S A I.E.. sVaooea mat lent ' bangaiow r elbae ia. baflt for eesieasdesM , erner Skidaaere ' - and Garfield. ,' Prie right . Jns-act aad get fnrthea partieo r . frag. me. -26,, 'wnial - - ..I' . " i -'. . ' ' LOOK I SACRIFICE. - '. I ' 1 -' Best deal in Portland. br-m bsaise. 1116 Denvee ., eear Willamette; no Jnsmbug. SEW room' snedern bense, near m, eloae to a..1l A M.l Vn m - 9nS It mliii v.-.Eat 76.19. , bardemod fjavik. etc.; $4239.. Owner, Bread- way -1 5 83. .- '.-; '; .. ' . . . j ' . Iff HOMEi sam,har Bein'trad school. Easy terma. - 8 R Couch -at - - rURNIsBED Irvington i&me liOOO.", JL I. REAL ESTATE-e-FOt SALS " HOU 404 wiejiieteeBwraetce e a WNgrs roma plastered! eabarbsn borne, with H acre of be Verdana sand, city water ,. . and gaa; 1300 dowa.. ; - New 4 rooat boncvaser. modern. 120ft down. ".''. -' ' T room bongalow. 89 by 196 foot lot, 4 blocks from B. C car. $2000 cash, S wmb bovmn 9 by $90 foot lot; $200 .. dowa. 1 H acr rmcta 00 Oreeoa City earline; - $59 down. i : , . - See us about your insurgno. f Eveaything else . being equal, deal: with an et-servic aaau. - - , " LA URITSES- STEVENSON SCHNEIDER COMPANY,- INC. 336 Alder St tSwito ). . Maia 8613. University Park $399 CASH. BALANCE LlKIC RENT This ' bunisalow . an of the finest fa tbi fast gruwinc dastrict. Iarg: eombined BTuig aud dining ball, hanlwee-1 floor', fir ptkca, 2 fin bedaiocaisL fin istrg kitchen, bteakfast nook. eement baseasent, cedar lined ctotlea closets, taundry traya, compo sition, dminboard, all built-ins, fine , elee trie fist area, etc. Total price $-3609, Th best of terms. Phone Bdey. fiaa. SEbVJCB. BEL! A pH4T Y. COK A. MrKENNA A CO. ' .. Eatablished 1889. r 208 Artisan blcig., Broadway at Oak. Alameda District - . '$5250: $500 Down) New. 5 room bungalow with hardwood floor in hviaK and -dining aeoms. fire place, pip raraace. 2 large bedrooms with - windewa m cloteta, paved street, teveral nice trees ia lot, investigate. A, Q. Teepe Co. " 0th and Sandy -Tabor 9586. S'.ith and pGusan Tabor 343. Woodlawn Disict '.Nt-$a20 l . 3 room .modern, bongalair. 1 1 . block to Union ave. earUn. cios to school, in good lie ighboi hood, a well built borne, full cement bveiuont targe fine . rooms, goxag.. etc Tcrmt to suit i Belts bit- ' p-trUea. Phoue Bdwy. 7522. - . x SERVICE. I BELIABHJTT. COE A. McKENNA A CO ' -. . Establixhed 1889.. 208 Artisan bidg..-Broadway t Oak. HOME SEEKERS. ATTENTION! , If you are in1 the market for a bom in the city, it .wiH pay you to catt; W. Fl MAHONEY. Broadway 6(r08, aa I have ft the present time aoma of the best buys I have ever had gt any time. I have won- derful buys in I-AURELHURST, IRVING TON, ROSE CITY, POHTLAKD HEIGHTS and ARLINGTON HEIGHTS, also WEbT OVER. Let me know what you want and I am sure I can please you. Before I list a place it raiPt be worth the money. W. V, MA HONEY, Kealtor, Witb CO RCO RAN -JO N Ea REALTY CO. 27 5 Oak st Broadway 6066 BEAUTIFUL PIEDMONT ' NEVV BUNGALOW $67 59 ' Just having the flniaiiing touches . put on, oak floora, ivory finish, fine Dutch kitchen, built-in buffet and bookcase, very artistic, fireplace. . plate class windows, furnace; ce ment basement paved street, 1 block -to car, near school, terma. J. R. HAIGHT FOR REAL ESTATE 352 ANKENY j BDVVt. 2045. A Rea! Gift . '81960 . .7 moms, rtory, and half bungalow, cine to H-hool snd earline, in th WOODLAWN DISTRICT. 59100 let, i graded street cement walks, al aseamnta paid ;This home if a gift at ta price. $300 cash handles, balante like rent. Phone Broad way 7622. . SERVICE. ' RELIABILITY. COE A. McKENNA A CO., Established 4 880. 208 Artisans bldg., Broadway at Oak. ROSE CITY BARGAIN . $3990 Practically new 6 room bunga low, in fin location, below the bill, ail street improvements in and paid; , fireplace, . hdwd. ' floora, very, handy Dutch kitch en. 2 nice bedrooms; very easy terms; bet buy in tb district. B. SOMERYILI.E. Main 8761. 1010 Northwestern; Bank BMf. Can We; HefjrVou ? W build laoaaeg fhat pwase the owners. All materials and workmanship guaranteed - first glass. Assistanse in financing and terma that will: pleas . ' ' , Morgan 4 Co. 82T Chamber of Com arc Bldg. Office Phone : Breed way 8706. ' Residence ,Phae Evenings: Walnut 8912. COLONIAL HEIGHTS Nearly new heme, modern to the 1Jt de tail, living room 154 by 8;' golden oak finish,, lovely quarter aawad oak- floors, Beywtea furagee, . Buud beater, eleetric raage, garage. A' lovely view. Nothing against this. Wilt lake $1009 dowa and arrange balance to suit Pheoe for ap- poin-rnenr. laony ma-. $150FOa TODAY ONLY $3130 1 H -story aaedera 0-aoom ' hoaae, full ban stent, fireviare, close to sehool, ear and library) $690 eaeh, $36 monthly, ineluding interest at t pwr cent, ; Johnsors-Dodson Co. 633 N W. Bank bldg. ' Main 2787. owner Sacrificing on house built FOR A HOMBs Larely 8 sm. bungalow, 8 eieeping rms. , : living rm., dining rm., Dutch kitchen, plre : less furaaee, bnitt-in bnffet, bgMikcasea and fireplace, in Jaffemon, high district ;-$3500 MftDERN 4-room bo a ga low at Lents, Beat store, school, car; double eeost eted ; near ly new. gas. fireplace, Dutch kitchen, white enamel bath, nAsemeat $2650, small pay ment dew n. ' Sew asst. paid. ' Aut 641-84. " ' - ' - BEAUTfFPL IRVlNiJ-TON HOME Large living room, ball and dining room, kitchen and pass pantry,, fun btmsnt, furaaee and fireplace; .4 bedrooms and bath up stair. Owner srerving , ejty, will sacrifice for $8769. ' Some' term Bdwy, 881'7. " $$430 CLOSE IV , 340 ' " 1 J 2-story 7-foom modem home; pared street' 1 bloc to ear... -''-.-! Johnson-Dodson Co. 633 W. W. Bank. Wdg. .Mtrla 78T. " 1300 TOWNPRirE" $100 "1 " 5-room house, bflmktaat nook. gas. water, close to re and tehees, eement we Ike in, 60x100 tot, Alperta district; $16 month, at per -coat-,' " - eo PTjenanart oiog. $25004 ROOM modern buugalew," 1 block to ear; let 80x190; terra, fruit, berries, lmprovemeats in. See- thia. , CLOW. REALTY, ' 1181 BalmoBt Tabor 8T1$.-' A SACRIFICE bargain. " i " room. baaesaW; fine location, bt A-l shape; near ear.- Only 320; good terms. Going away; muat sell. H. , Anew. 11$9 Belmont. Phone Tabor 0407. .Everting. Tabor f27. FOB "SJiLE $4259-Lare, medera, " 7-roV-m nous, 139x2e-foet black r large barn; alt kind fruit . 4 2d at. $50f eaetl, bslaac $2A per mopth-. Owner, 413 Aliskf bkl. boo Main sn. 6-"RM HOUSE, eeriitae, near sehool, French doors. Upewtry paper; $2300. Would ex change $1699 canity for 4 rms., clos -iu, Walnut , , "-.' UOC a-LAa 10. daeigng. $10 to 1, aw, specially de sigBsd at seaeoaable tea. L. B. BAILEY er4.. 924 W. W, n BM. XEC T0U GOING TO BUILD t teak aiter stiees? See thy work. PTgni famisbed. 21 years "In roytlaad, 20$ , , Morruoo. Tabor 2909. - - - ' - 11306 BUYS; partly burnished 6-room heme!, ' $03190 iof, 9 bearing trees, garage. Owner, .. 1894 D ammood t, 2 hioeaa from Pen- lnaula ae. -..- -;, i WEAR. Franklin bi'sti eeoooi. " ' rooms, dan, . slsepitig porch, 91x290. all, kinds fruit, 8 blocks to Hawfborne erf by owner. 2404) 88tb et, 3ut ft south Division. Tahor ft 70. 82&50 F15iX 3-rbom modern' coagr,". fur-l; V furwteliad. i. $700 dOfttV: f 830 , 9& at B. E. An. 62-46.t ' - -- -;. p-BOOM hou-a, furnished. $2590; $3u duw. 1 , ,;. . . es.i. m sr . . ... 623-S8.1' i ' ': ' a S-HOG'S "iry borne, I pik. " ooa-niaide ear; . J3009, I13J9 t - JU . 4Ul at ' -- J .. ;-t' -...;-.'. iSi P2AL rsTATT rn r i - ... ByS mT VC THE HvJtrlk VA M'llli riUMiD i u i m mm' IQMIZ A-0 rOdlS'JOIT aVM-T ST0GI &XCHAHGS B d W 100x104) ta tb heart ef Irving. toa with aa old houae ia fair eo -dition. This is an inveetmeut prif-e -cy fgiae, goo in as. 1 1 ,' ' - u - ' ' I'i Alberta divtriet: S mom mooVra ! home for only 33400, $u0 gtvwa .' ' .. posaesaioa. , .1..., .Jlj 1 . .' ni 1 New . T room hot la Irvington Park ; hardwood floors. - furnace, breakfast nook and up to tb mia ' lite, only $3933;.. food to ran. . 1 . . 1 Six room bouse on 60x100 corner: J lust on the edge ef Laurelhumt; all modern; doubt concrete garage, foci $5W0; guy raaaoaahle Vsrma- i C. C. VLRICH CO.. TNC., i SulU 405 Stock Exchange bld$. ; Maia 4334-4355. r - t .. -! ' : i .J - ' ' -.' . ! .. .il UONEST-TO-GOODNE89 B3.BGATNS; .. i i $3009 BUNGALOW FOH, 33000 ! 5 t 4 room bungalow, -bath, Dutch k i tehee, ; ga ad elee. ligbta, ' lOxlOO- lot cement t walks, street newly graded, t block from ; MotiUTiUa car ea 24 at.i 3 H) 6. cash, f:i moaibly. -.',!, . i i.. ( ALBKBTA WSTBlCTW 1II50 I ( t 4 roong bucfalow on pavstl, street.! rm 30th St. a wonderful lvalue. $800 cash, balance at the rate, or 325 monthly, ij i j IDEAL 6-OB THE NEWLYWEUS I 'j'.. Vary neat and tuftyf- 4 mem Callfoanlav type ef bungalow, very wide projecting !, larg 11 nug room, eoneretoi founda tion, onau basement, corner lot, 4 .blank to car. Price $1085. 8300 cash. r a0 ROSE CTTT- CARLINB - il "'7 Price $210,0. $$00 eash. $20 pet" ., buys brand new 1 3 reom bongalow. large combiaatioa Urine and dining room. bath. Dutch kitehea, inlaid linoleum oa kitrhea floor, new .wood and aoi range; ahadea aad screens oa- all windows, acre us;, oa ail ' Mora, vryutg goes. 1 ; - " I "u If yea know iw a baraain wbaaa vm aw am. ' rail come ia and we will tell you about see vaacea. '-Baa rtaa , linbsa 732 Chtm. of Com. English Colonial j , ' ' :.-',-. $8890 " -f' ;:'it 'I T rooma, very fin Engliah eelenial, oa : 60x100 eerner, bardweod flenra, eM- ivery . . finish, a fireplace, aua room, da, full ' cemcut basement, furaaee, elue r to Sandy 1 Blvd. - This i the biggaat snap ia thia beau' tiful district If you want a real bam don't let this one go. Good liKU. Phog . Broadway 7 $32, - - -SkRVICB. BELIABILITT J COE A. McBTKNNA A tO., T , dablied1889. i V: 'r . 208 Artteana bldg., Broadway at 'Osb-i Rose City Park KBW BUNGALOW $6300 Living room 13x30. large dinina- with built-in buffet; eomplute Ihitch kitchen with break fust room,' musia rt.om. 2 large bedrooms, nsodcrn batliroum, larg attic, hardwood fleam throughout. - fir, piece, furnace aud garese. located be low tbay 1011.'- Bear dandy, facing fart. Owner baa- seduced ptioa fog immediato ale. TauBg.. . . - ,. ') .. v t A. O. Teepe Co. i ' 49tb and Saodr-r-Tabor 9886. 38th ami Glisan Tabor 3433. . Laurel hurst '.--M 1 8309 CASH. 0 BOOMaW..J 36096. Beautiful new 6 room modera bungalow, hgrdwpod floora, i eld ivory fiuUti, fire jilsce. full cement baaemvnt, laundry- trays k ranch Paneled daors between living and dining halls, fin eleetriq fixtures, all b'M-tn. This U aV- dandy aom. Total price $6000.: M ill give yea any terms yed wgut withini season. Phone Bdwy. 7622. ' .; j i -'- COE A. McKENNA CO... i I tUblisbed 1889. -T - .! I -Hi '-"' - Artisan bldg. - Broadway at Osh A REAL lfOME BARGAIN f '!... I- k "t ( i. H -, . - Wgt mt E. JJlth t 3 Meets r. - Of Hawthorn ear, l0iip comer. tVlths an 8 room modern hum, m i All extra large rooma. withr! -i I ; f . . Hardwood floora throughdiit.1 Tbi t .. an exceptioaally wall arranged plactg - .(rat garage gna small assortment of iry choir fruit gnd ghniblitry. ' last ua show you thlv. You will See V seat h.m r cr gppointmeut Plson, Atwater 8334. , . , . BROWN MeGH EGO R twfi CO-'. 616-611 teep HWg V 4 -Laurel hurst -1 1 naaa .-. iru nn Iasagine gnvthin fin than this 8 'room moreru buaxalcw, with haidw-vxj floora. ivory finish, fireplac. fnrngce, rment bsmeiit, Una s,Uio(- brtakfgst no-k, all built-in,, laundry trays, gana. 6UttOO $5750. with terms of $190 kah, bstgne $60 Monthly, Including intoriwt. fhong Proedway 7322. - I. - f J.;T '. SERVICE. BELI A RILJTY, . COB A. BfcKEKNA fjO.J f Esttbti-hed 1889. ' 20S Arjewa bldg, Broadway at Oak. ; ..- -. -';-.! ,',: ' ..!-. JUST IXlOKi rOR A REAL ' -CHANCE, FOR $4000 4 , , Tb( la really ry 'attrartiv. la very fine condition. 6 reoms, Poteb -kitrhen, natural . ftntrh. ale. neat built-in, oak tloosa. fiseplgoe. must eH oil aewount of qgtdiaf pioney for ' . the budues. -Terra - " I l J. R. HAIGHT FOR BP AL E6TATB -- S2,ANKENTE -; -.v , BpWf. "64. ' ... : 150x143, near 'Down ttstinn,' n 4 room modern bet is. rWy water eleetrle light; good subuebaa bum; $3166; $500 down. 100x100 room house , old I but well ,.: built;, lot of fruit, chicken bouses; with g little Work and smair amount of money eta b asade a good hem; worth twice what own asks: $200; liberal terms.- MeGEB V DENNIS 1; .. , - WB SELL THB EA-RTH ' I ' 969 Union Ave..N. - Walnnt 3684- -J - wew "HuVffACow 1 '" ADJOINING EA8TMOH ELAND I 8 rooms end B. .P., eH the latest buUt-fwa. oak floors, fireplace, tapestry walls, com plete boilMa kitchen, br. aeoh, if ull cea cret basement, 60x700 jot. imp. paid; na . pMructed flew. $4730. on torau. i tr: m. herb, 'i ' , 1213 !T. W.'Bank bldg. Atwater 224 8 Ruifd Your ffoi ow , W ggelat: la platrarag- and f Come a aat talkt M , , I tiaaaetag. I Bohn Investmeni Co. . :.' ; 216 Pangea. Bldg. . -' j. - -' ' . .' Jtoaademy-dltt" " -' -i ' BY OWXER. j . !, .... J ' - Only $4380, $200 eaab, practically e w atory and a halt, bungalow, fler4 attic, space for 3 extra- roams, alt bullt-m. ivory enamel woodwork, es plumbing with built-in bath- tub and pedestal lavatory. 1 block to Mow ta villa car. Tahor 9-683 $2460 $560 .UOWnT" balaise 315 jmf'no., buy a modern 8 room bungalow artth bath, ivory fmth. nice law and ahrubbery, good . , aeror , epos, garage, , Dtosaa ae , car. . acoooi. a noma to ne nveqo or. ' KDWIV (1. WIIJON, REALTO 5631 Weedetock Aut, divis: (..' ' .r ' I "- ' 3 a av It.J- Cf ' f KKW STK1CTLT MODERN - ' 6-room bungalow; built-lns; srerytbuig la the la 'eat of) furnishing; alirubbery. i Built for'a bom, i $th at;Owaer, 37090, terms. la tor FOR ' 8ALB A dasTly 5 reem bungalew amxH payment dewa, bs lance Hkarent. A working man' chance. Phone Aut 620-45. jb eiiap. . t29D3 A BARGAIN " V ! - "J . "'5 re na hurigelow, fireptaoe. gttiej bae-' mwt iawwd trays; sewer and !sitewa ,.J Heyting A Wider, 292 3 Failing bldg. $" BOOilg, Cloriii.' modern, hard wood floora' i builtitu. fireplace; front; i full, kii) 424 st, near Sandy i blvd. . WerH $$009. sell " for $5509, te ea- O tier, J4!H piece el t. HAWTHORN E--4 room Sangafr.wT "firei. tmtltin. eement beaemeat tiil 078." :- I Tabor 7078." -.--- i -J 4,- BOOM furnished1 bungalow.- $229; lot T5 - 100; fake ear for first payment J 'v Forsyto, 601 Stock EwhauE. i o J" . .- f fOOofl COUiNIAL HEItiHtS.' J 'room ' pion, modem to the minute; good term; aag : lea ring city, -raoor sin. ; ; -j 1060 Bb1n10N , & room garage.' pared at. " . vacant: fu by appointment: easy terms;. fom nCer light irif. Owne-r. Wgin-it l?l. , (CtPttauud m foliewini Peae i