20 WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1922. : THE - OREGON DAILY JOU RNAL, PORTLAND, :. OREGON- bEATHS Un, 844 H. E.-Benton, Sept. 28, a daughter. " , JEWELL Leonard Dwtaht JewelL etie bli, Ort. 8, 2 yean; fitr of skull. '"- HIGHLAND Bergetta Mane Highland: vS ;hipntn. Sept 30,' 73 years; debility- i WICEBOLDT Jerue Wlckboldt- Multno mah hospital. Oct. 1, 43 yest.; lobef pw aoftla. . OGILBEE Wm A. Ogilbee. 340 E. 14ti, Oct. 1. OK yran.'nirTMn prostretxm. LUNOEFORD Eiiaa Jane Luncefcird, 7427 4th ave.. Oct.: ti 04 years i .labefeulon. ' :' METZLEE Marie Mettzk-c. -1211 C- 'Baimon. Oct. 1, 4(1 jm; earcinome. ENU YUONG HOti i-OQI 3d. Oct. 1. 3a years: arterta, eelrrosi' , STACHNIEWICZ - K-itherioe Staebnic wirs, St. Vincents hospital, Oct.- 1. 85 years; ,i . "emorrbage,j , . -, -JOHNSON Jfcry Luelnda Johnson, 1040 1,2th N, Sept. 80. 51 years: caremoaa- DIVORCES FILED" XiyBIl'H Spencer T. against Etheri G. Numricdi. HAYS Lillian against H. C Hay. Salesrooms Wst Park j anJ Yamhill At lO A- Mi Tomorrow SPECIAL NOTICES 101 tS'LAMIiUEAK laboratory bmI trcm tolumma BH. to i v -1 - c"i," r ttfia bW. blda , ?J asn. st. i.r. t. :, mmo-m. MEETING NOTICES 02 (KKa ASSEMBLY NO. 1. IMTKD ART IS ANS. will give a dou cara party aim dance at W. O. V. Mail. l-'ts lltb. et, Thursday eveuHiB. Oct 5. t sards commence I promptly at "8:30. dancmi at lo. Card prizes, refreshment rwt a eeneral good time. AU- BUUKwn 26 rents. Uembrn free. DR. E. E; VAN ALST1.NE. Seey. THE MEMBERS and friends of tile Court of HiWr are inriterf to 4 public io st nation -of officera at 8 :3 an a daiice at :3 toniclit I VVediday . ' October 4. at 129 4tb tt., opptaite Circle theatre. ORIENT LODGE NO. IT. IT C &r I. O. ; O. P., meets tmi I Vedieia', eremng- tn t)n- .. tiaui. ihjtmt. ana. 'tr . Aider strata, at 8 P. re. Visitors welcome. Isiiriatory. J. K SHKPARP. N. G, fl-Al'DE HALE. Ser. ON'BOXTA TRIBE, IjI PR0VBI ORDER' OK KKU MKS, ineeu every ' Tbnrwiay tHcht. W. O. W. hall. 112 Ea.-t Sixth. Visiting brothers wel come. V. O. LEHMAN. C. of R. SAMARITAN LODGE. -No. J. . . . O. lv. WUl Hold it rfglar meeting thi (Wedne?da5'l evening at 8 'O'clock. 8 North 11th street; near Stark. In History team will .drill. Visiting brothers al ways welcome. - WILLIAM H. POPHAM, N. G. ' JKS8K T. JONBS, Kec. See. P A C I F I C HOMESTEAD. BROTllEHHOOi:OP AMERIi CAN YEOMEN.Sfaeets tonight, moodcrait hall. ith and Taylor streets. Business meeting from H to 9:15. Dsncing from 9:15 to 11:30. Refreslhments Free AQcnoNS ; l 0 fea. BoJVtra Co XML a l o members and friends. EARL FE1KE, Cor. GrL REAZEE GROTTO CHILDHOOD DANCE PYTHIAN TEMPLE THURSDAY, OCT. 12 HARRY A. McRAE. EASTGATE LOIHJE: NO. 155, A. F. A A. M. Stated com munication Thursday eve.. Oct. 5, at 7 3D. at Sdtli and East Glisali sts. Work in the F. C. degree. FOLI MBIA I.OIXiF. NO. 114. A. F. Jaid A- M. Stated com -muniration tomorrow ( Thursday 1 evening at 8 o'clock. - 'Visiting, brethren always welcome.' By or der of W. M. FRED L. OLSON. K . iSecy. WAVFRLEY LODGE No. 174. A. F. and A. M.. East 2 Bin ami Clinton. stated commuoi-A-ation Thursday. 8 p. ny WM. JAPPIT. Secy. SUNNTStDE LODGE No. 163. A. F. and A. M.. East 39th and Hawthorne. Sieeial' at 7. p. mi, Ottiber 5. F. C. degree.' SEXTOS LODGE No. 145V A. F. and A. M.- SUted :eSm-3 municaiioii Thursday, th-tober at 7:30 Bhn- H. B. HEADLEY, Sec'y. PALESTINE LODGE NO. 141. . F. AND A. M. Regu lar stated communication Wednes day. 7 :30 p. m. J. VV. WILKIN'S, Sec COURT MT. HOOD NO."l, For esters of America, meets every Wednesday night at East Side Business Men's ball. 1 14 Vi Grand are. Social night fourth; Wednes i day each month. AU Foresters 1 invited. -. - MEETS ev ei ry Wednesday wight at 8 o'clock. 1 912 Vfc Williams ave. Vuttiog broth-- ers welcvmer " . A. C NESS, N. G. C B. TRACET. See. IHK Iranco-Belgian Scriety wifl give a dance. Thursday even'iijr, October 5. at the. East ide:" Business Men'. Clnh. l-'riends" invited. HAPPY jiOTR SOCIAL CLUB will give: dancei every Saturday nisht at W. O. W. baft. 128 . 11 in at. 4 starting Sit. 23. Union music. EMBLEM JEWELRY a specialty: buttons, may charms. Jacsrer Bros.. 131-13S 4tb st CARDS OF THANKS WISH to thank cur many friend and th Spani-ih-AniericanWar Veterans and the city ew.nlcye fo, their sympathy and beautiful Ureal offering for our beloved brother. A. .V.4 Wntlesy. Mr. and Mrs. G- K. Thomas. Mr. . ;nd Mrs. X.. M. Worley. Mr. and Mrs. A. U Clirke snd family. - -r WE WIT1I tr Uiank our many friends and . , reUitit f(ir their fcindnew' and sympathy aunnf the illnew. and death of our beloved - daughter and sister, also for the- beautiful floral tfffennrs. Mr. sad MrsJ. Sk Dixon and hmther, Howard. R sincere appreciation, end gratitude is aerebyi extended: to 4 the many friends for their sympathy and arts of kind news shown . us daring onr rerewt bereavement, .also far the many beautiful f?owe. Signed 1 Mrs. Mathilda Jemmn. Carl J- Jewson. . KING At the residence. 495 Montgomery etreet, ctober 3. A (is F. Kmg, aged 27 years: beloved wife of Richard Douglas, King, aim survived by four rhildreD. - Funeral no tice Ister. lie trains at the reodenUal par ktcs of Miller- Trarey. , ' DEATH NOTICES 103 JLWl-X. in this city. October 3. Ionatd D., aged 28 years, sua of Mr. and Mrs.' L. L Jew 11 nt 903 East Everett st ana brother . . f Robert and Chf ford Jewell of Portland. The remain may be viewed between the hou rs . of 10 and 4 n sl t flctki's snort tnary. Motitcirmery at 5th. Th; remains . ' will be forwarited this (Wednesday I evening '.to Grants Pass. Or where services will be held nd iaterroewt made. ; jPLSFNar-lw this city. .October 4. 192S, teorge CT-Ttsen. hvMband of Carrie Otaen. father ef George O. Olaen and t'ncle of Arthur Ina ' ''. ealarn. Remains are at the chape) of Ed ward Holmaa A Son, . 3d. add batmon tts. ' Kooca ef Itinera! later. .-'; ':.-,.,;-.' BAIEB In tma icity, October S. 12. An . tost J. Baier. ' Remains are at the chapel . f Edward Holmaa A Son. 3d and Sataou f ata, Notice of funeral later. ... , 103 DEKOGATIS I this icity, (October 3, 192S Charles IJerr-Kaiti. hnbnd jf Catoaime D. j riigatis.i Biotlm of Mary Derogaria. brothr; . of ha lira tare fJerogatis. ' Dtcfufd wan t mem he of the Kaelea pd Christopher Co lumbns Benercieiit society. Remain an at the ebpel rf Edwsifl Holmaa So. 3d and Salmon sta, Koaee of funtrai later. FUNERAL NOTICES 104 BIVKH3 At the residenee, 188 Porter atree October S. Jobn H. Rimer, azed- 68 years; beioeed bin band of Mary EL Ktrerx, - brother of William Bera of Kan Dieerv CaL, mad Mr. Agnes Hirers of Now York. - Fmnersl aerrieea will be held T bur-day. October , at 9 . m..' st St. Lawrence cbarrli. Third ni Shcnnauv . Intemect t Bos . Citrl evBteterr: Kcmain at the raidtitial iax-1-jrs of Mffler A Trscey. : .) - :i : BAKER At the recddtBce, C-oJeni View. Oct. 4, eUre K. Baker. -ased 41 yr, belorod wifo of W. Bv Baker. - Tbe funeral cor tege, will lea.r tho chapel of ' Miller & Tmecy. Friday, Oct.- 6. at 8:43 a. m.. (brace to St. Mary eathedral, 15tb li IlsiTts sta., where aerrieea wilt', tw bold at 8 a jn. Interment RiTerficw cemetery. HAI-1 'FuueTal services of the lata Florence : Hall, ased 20 years, will be held at P. L. Lerch funeral parlors, ;E. 11th and Clay streets. Thursday at 2 p. m. Friends is . ited. 'FUNERAL DIRECTORS 10S .Funeral Directors I. . F. C. ICS1J. INC. "The FsmUy Bet the Price." 414 E. Alder St. Phone East 0053. Edward liolman & -Son JEHIBD AlfD SALMON ... i Mais 0507. Snook & Whealdon FC.VrRAT HERECT.Q8S SUCCESSOUS TOi BREEZE A S.VOOBt BELMQXT AT 33TH. TABOR 1258. Lerch, Undertaker EAST ELEVENTH AX1 HAWTH0RSB ; PHOJfE EAST 0781. A. D. KEN WORTHY B. i& HEN DER SUN A. D. Ken worthy Co. 6802 92d st. S. E. Ant 613-21. MONTGOMERY AT FIFTH. MAIN 4322. RTT IRvrrtife NEV RESIDENCE . u . oyrees establishment Wl Willtaras Ave. WALNUT C. E. WILSON " - R. H. REED HAMIBERS CO.. INC. 248-250 KiUincBworth are. Walnut 30 McENTEE & EILERS funeral parlors with all the- privacy of a home. 16th and Everett. sts. Phone BdWy, 2123. Auto. B21-3. MILLER A TRAOEY, independent funeral di rectors. Funerals $75 and up. Washington at i Ella st. Broadway 291. Skewes gjffiil.'fi A. R. Zetler. Co.nTrio: THE PORTLAND MORTUARY, Mormon at 12th wetf side. Bc?wy. 0430. MONUMENTS 106 foT rO SCHUMANN MARBLE WOBl t I QVAIStY MZMCKUA1S ft FLORISTS 107 iMartin&Forlbes 1 ICoiripany 5 sj WASHINGT0X 8T. ? ; MAIN 0209. 1NE 1 FLOWERS FOB ALL OCCASIONS ARTISTICALLY 5 ARRANGED MAIM T70 Smith's Flower Shop "Portlands Progressive Florist" Flowers for AU Occasions Main 7215. T. O. Lake. Mgr.. 6th and -AlAst LOST AND FOUND: 103 THE following Articles were found on the cars of the Portland Railway. IjghSU Power Company. Oct 2r 1922: 12 umbrellas, 3 lunch boxes. 2 purse?, 1 pin. cornet in case, flashlight. 1 pair glove". 5 books, 8 pack ages. 1 single rubber, "basket, sjiectacle ease, hand saw. srieker coat, ha minor and chisel, bank book. Owner may obtain; same up proper identification at First j and Aldet street station. ! - L(.rHT- ladies' platinum diamond bar pin. Saturday afternoon between 4:30 and 5:30. in Olds, Wortman A King's or on 10th st. near Morrison or in front; of HeilKg i theatre or on 3d st, nesr Main. If found. please phone East 5677 or S3 East Mdioo st. Liberal reward. kOST Diamond ring on Broadway and Mor- 1 rison; two yellow w diamonds in oblong box set- 1 t ting. Finder nh one Atwater 2542 on week davs until 6 on Sunday and evenings phone Main 5803. Laheiral reward. LOST Monday afternoon hetween Third and Jlprrison , and West Park and Washington sSreets, lady's engraved gold wrist : watch . with sapphire? set in stem. Reward. Phone ' Tabor 7499. ' , LOST Tan Russia calf portlolio or briefcase. containing literature and manual on. uooge ' Bros. motor cars. Liberal reward if re turned to Clyde 'S. Kakin. care of Braiey, Graham A Child. 11th at Bnrnside. LOST Black leather purse somewhere between 4th and 89 th sts., containing bank books, check and receipts. Finder please call Aut 53U-71 and receive reward. Address 204 Fourth st. Til E party whc took umbrella from porch at 171 K. 23d st. bet 6 and 7- o'clock Tr.-.day. will please retora and avoid twour tilo a they are known. LOST .Sept. 13, small biack curly dog, white breast, long tail, no collar; name "Pancba." Liberal reward. Auto. 324-18. LSTi Light green belted gaberdine overcoat Hart Shaffner Mane make . Main l5t FtUND Tire, Powell Valley road. Call bet t and 7:30 p. m Auto. 628-38. LOST, in checker. downtown uiatrlct, . Stone Marten Walnut 713. Rewind!. LOST Small nutria- beaver fur neckpiece, in downtown shopping dist Monday. E. 6385. LOST -Man's sic aet ring. K. N. P,- ward. Call Sell. 0013., LOST A sunburst diamond and pearl broach. Liberal reward. : Main 1886. EDUCATIONAL 200 BEGIN: EARNINO MONEY QUICKLY Enroll for day or syrramer school at tbB treat busfneas college, the training achool far rureesa ' Con rasa induds comptometer, stenog raphy, ban Snog, bookkeeping, vprivate : eecre cariat WtRa ok phone Maia $80 for free tatalocue. Foortn near Morrison, . Portland. "We Put Buaiaaat into Sea; Thea Je A Business Coueoe at Dsstn (Formerly Link's Business CbOega) TCTord bkig.. 407 Memson. Bdwy. 0S C0SIPT0 JIETEE AXO CALCULATOB " Regitstn tions accepted tbU week for eve ning Classes to epea Oct S. MILLER SCHOOL i 414 Yeess Bids. 1 MOLER BARBER COLLEME wia teach 70a the trade in eight weeks; receive some pay - wane Kinnsg; yaiirwt seem so. wms eall for catalogue. 24 Barnaide a. j MODERN .barber eoUag teaehea trade ia . weeks: tools fnraished, some pay; peaitioa . secured; special rate this month, Wriie tT can jh i st. THE DECKER BUSINESS COLLEGK AlUkx kiw Kprrl a r rvci ico 1 . --- 7r one who wishes t isajprava big Ensliah ie aU' ' cible. Reeurter now. ' ea, ssara baraet trade; ssmees sraiia Onsma fiarbet Coliaga. 3A3 JaadV LRARN TELEorapbt- SaDwaw : Teieeraph iBsritsria, 414 ' Baflway DEATH NOTICES act-To , aneaBBM. am ciar guaat ZOO DO XO0 WAST A GOOD POSITION 1 Courses at the Adcos Auto SAool aro lort jnd more expencwa. than most schools, but A4; x Craduatrs earn aor. Our record of Kelp in over 600 cradoatea trie paytasj Jobs Is :he proof, ' Dan't enroll clsewfaer until ro liars inspected our acfaooi. Jall any das (except Saturday), at 19 a. m or 2 Pl m, or send -for ear big 112 page FRIES citsiass Ask for Book No. 4. 5 ADCOX AUTO k AVIATION SCHOOL ' 3?i Wasco at nmer Cniost ave. - HELP WANTED MALE 201 lfOHTHERW PACTJTRA1VXT ! MEN WASTED x y I - - .1. At ntes prescribed by the United btetsa Labor board as fotlaws: . : ' i ' I , - - ' ' 4-1 MACHINISTS TO Cents an Hons. . I BLACKSMITHS ' , 70 aBd 60 rents an Hoot. . - ' BOILERMAKERS , CO Cents an Hourj FREIGHT CARMEN 3 Cents an Hour. Apply to any roundhouse or shop or to superintendent Northern Pacific railway. SECURITY SALESMAN ' Exceptional opening for a-man of ability and good character; must have pleasing per sonality and qualities which will enable him to meet and do business with investors; we deal only in high-class preferred stocks and bonds, and will give the man who can qualify valuable assistance in the way of names of prospective purchasers, etc. ; experience not essential, but must have energy and ambi tion; permanent position and opportunity for large earnings. Apply 421 Spalding bide. between 9 and 10:3.p a. m. WASTED 20 cordwood cutters, old growth fir. $2 per cord. Houses furnished but not tools. JTTMBO WOOD CO. 36th and Hawthorne. Tabor 1644. . AMBITIOUS men who are handicapped on account of lack of opportunity call at 716 Journal bids, 7 to 9 p. ro. today. We teach you bow to sell, scd your earnings will be good . from - the start. Permanent work advertised line'. 4225 PER. MONTH averaged by many sales men; some make more; congenial, easy work for young or old. Experience unnecessary ; cah weekly; business splendid year around. WASH INGTON NCRSERX CO., Toppeuish, Wash. Box A. FCRNACE MEN ! FOUR MORE INSTALLERS AND 3 SHEET METAL WORKERS. HESS FURNACE CO., Downtown Office. 304 Vi Oak. SALESMAN wanted, one who can really sell - automobiles. If you want to get out and work yoo can make real money here. See Mr. Stevens, Oregon Lexington Co., 632 Morrison st. KING-FISHER MATTRESS CO. wants' experi enced mattress stretchers, union scale of ; wages and courteous treatment. 478 Al ' bioa ave. CHEVJtOLET salesman wgfited to work on straight commission basis, down payment on. demonstrator required. Apply sale, manager. Fields Motor Car l!u,jl4th and Alder. MACHINISTS. boilermsJrirs and freight car carpenters for" out-of-iiown. Strike condi-: tions. 840, Chamber pot Commerce Bldg. WANTED Carrier with Ford or motorcycle with side car, to carry paper routes. 0-244, Journal. WAITED At once. broommaSers for steady work. National Broom Atfg. Co., 945 Sandy blvd. ' PARTNER in established woodsaw business; plenty work; small investment: make from $5 to $10 a day. 803 S wetland bldg. WANTED Expert automobile trimmer. Ask for Mr. Pigg. Francis Motor Car Co.. 405 Hawthorne ave 1 EXPERIENCED house-to-house canvasser to sell furnaces. The Vinton Co., 5th and Flanders. ' ALUMINUM polisher, thoroughly familiar with cast, aluminum. Apply at once. 505 N. 29tli. GOOD, inside steady job for an old man. ply 480 Belmont. Ap- SHEET metal worker wanted. Co.. 146 Pag st. Gun tiler-King OT8TER openers wanted, Portland Oyster Co., 48 N. 23d st WANTED At once, man to learn vulcanizing and retreading. Call 432 Hawthorne. BOY to work on small dairy, good wages. L. Oldenberg. Gresham car, Belroe station, TAILOR for busheling apxl pressing. Conley. Condon, Or. -WANTED A first class Woodworker. Body Works, 715 Division. Acme WANTED Errand boy for 1st sL 127 HALF interest in auto wash rack, $100. 511 Burn side. WOMEN" wanted to wark in cannery at Van couver. preparing pears; steady work snd good pay; carfare paid to and from Portland. Report m the morainz ready for work at the racamg 1.0. niani. . into ana ui sta. Vanconver. For information calf 6096. THE WOMEN'S PROTECTIVE DIVISION. eity of Portland, offers its servicv J ia all matters pertaining to the welfare and protec tion -of women and girls: interviews confidents- - 514 Worcester Lid.. 3d sad Oak sta Phcrw Penadway 7422. ' WANTEI Reliable girl or woman for general housework in small family on Portland Heights;- must be good plain cook; good wages and pleasant home to right parts. ; References. Call Main 2730. WANTED A Beat , middle seed lady to keep bouse 'and take .care of a 2-year-old baby while mother goes to the maternity hospital; wages $30 a month. 501 Clay st, first floor. -'. WAN TED Lady sot over 25 years of age to cook for two and work in store; small v.-aces to be siren with ennntrv. litrtv nre- - teilW? must be Pntestant and ronsjfcbs, accurate In VX-15?. Journal.'T LADIES In Portland, throughout Oregon, in terested in making money for themselves. their clubt. churches. lodges, etc., call or . write 637 CoTbctt bldg. WOMEN wanted for peeling pears. Apply tomorrow morninir, ready for work. Starr Fruit Products Co.. 821 E. Yamhill. WANTED Girls to Jeara beauty culture and electrolysis: thoroughly taught, diphwnas given. White school or Heeuty tmiture, 325 Fletdner bldg.. Yfashington and 1 Oth. DEPENDABLE salespeople wanted for I'eas- iey pHotocraph stntiKH 407 Morrison st No eoopons. Preferably young peoiile from 18 t years. . g -y-w-nonrs nay. ANY G1UL m need of a irteM. apply to the SalvatKi Army Rescue Home, Maytair and Alexander sts. Phone Main 3450. 1M ra- WANTED Lady to take charge of home, ialao do washing, in East and V estmoreiand dis trict. Selrwood gaga. WANTED A girl oa woman for, light house work 00 ranch; good borne and gotid wages. M-Z37, journal. FIVE women, able, to cell on homes. Special WOrs. mraniaBC wb i'i'.J t tu d s Bl7 a hinotnn 1 WAN TED--Woinan or tnrl for general bouae- work ; no washing. ;Sell. 0491. GIRL for general housework; wages $35. East ' 8927.: ' . ; v : . - WANTED i'hambermaid for rooming house. K-423. Journal. CAN accommodate 2 snore pupils in our eve ning claac in aeauty culture, asuwy. a.a. HELP WANTED WITH INVESTMENTS 206 SALESMANAGER for a. pmmisinc Joint Ten ture; if you have had experience ia tn r ranee, office equipment or atatiooery; '-.S200O cash, handle your own money; ; give ...city reference and bank. . . Y Writ P. HAMPl.E. Mgr.. 806- Couch bldg. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE 251 -tack mixers. Work rmrajnteed. Sell. 1630. "CUT-RATE PAINTERS Waiput 6612. COLLEGE maa with Ford delivery wants a ft aTnaoa or night work. - Call eve. Wal. 09Q6. PLUMBER, wants small jobs, .expert repairs; lew griea.' ca asct-nray. - tubsi tits PAPER - HANGING tst . xoaide . deo rations. Wainnt ftiv. POPOOiSr Painting, kalaoiaining, paper hang taC BToadwaj 0093, ,. EDUCATIONAL. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE 251 DISABLE.! xserie. ' aoen. trained by the government in S'j difterent vocatiosm. ! sire - now available for emuloTnenl; Umbo skilled am nv fnmisheel at au cost to the-emu "ployT ori t the nvplnfne." TJniSKl States Vt emnr' Hureetl. Mylrr bide., 9th and Oaktsts. IIOTTSB tVIRTVa .' . ' i . Lt give yon an eauraata on' your wiring beforst ietb'ne yonr coatrat. i Uccoaed ise-CTM-iap. Wainnt 9691. i - PAINTING Paperhaiurlsav . tinting. eO. 1493.1 . IvsrTb gna ran teed. LT ME fig-uro yor wsnnc ' before yo 1st yoar contract. Old boose oar specialty Get our prices oa fixtures. Walnut JU. evening. Walnut 806S. PAINTING, paparhangins and tinting ; prices raasonabfas: wnrk mnntud Rhfio. Hawthorne jave. Tabor 1J23. . CARPENTER Estimates given or repair work; screens made and garages built. Shop 1367 Hawthorne. Tabor 1260. . j AKTHUit HARRIS, i I Houso Painter, tf 185 Stanton st. Walnut 447. ONE neat apnearjng ytrang man, ter 21, with sales jbi'irv tn tikA nrdra in ' Portland : ex- perienoe jnot essential. Hom 42S. 1 02 H 2. TTVUI rslt? .VP- ' ..htn.Hn - SHINGLING We speciahse cn reablngUng can do our Job better sad? save you money. Estimates free. East 1928. - WAN TED-j Work for 2 ton truck equipped with lbn. rolls; will haul anything. Phone Walyot 15213. j DON'T reshingle or recover. Strong company guarantees 10 years. Representative, Wal nut 2998. CARPENTiEU cuntraetor; otuliir.g, altenile. rciairii?8: estimate-. C. Smith, 92 IS. 3d. Uruadwsy 1975. I WE DIG Cesspools and connect -sewers; all work work guaranteed. Ant. 632-01. HESliINGrINU First (Mas work guaranteed. Apply ! Sp9 Halsey st l'hone Aut. 334-53. PAPER HANGING tinting, inside finish; first class work; prices reasonable. Tabor 8080. HARDWOOD FLOORS by day or contract. References, I49 Rodney ave.. Wal. 6632. PAINTING,,. TINTING. ALL REASONABLE. Via BROS,, BRANCHES. WAL. 3320. PAINTING. iper hanging, tinting, reason able. Broadway 0834 -or Walnut 0084. l'LMtftNG uoue very -reaMniaDia by tue buur or by the job. East .9838. :' PAPER HANGING. PAINTINO.. TLVTLSu. REPAIR WORK 8K1.I.WOOD 8906. J GRADING excavating, team work of all kinds, i Tabor- 2212. 890 E. 74th st N. BASEMENTS, grading, general teaming; coa- Tmm in ROOFS repaired and painted ; tin and paper tw.fa covered with hot, pitch. Tabor Q92. CEMENT; f oundations, -bouses raised, cement DJ 211 fc I , ICBWIU1C. Al.llXI .1.1.1.' TV.AM1NG. ,'iiiowmg. excavating, etc. ; also dump 4agou. 240 E. 8th. East 0210t BRICKLAYER. A-l mecnanic. fireylaces a spe cialty. ' Iftone Aut. 319-89. FOR cabinet work, alterations, repairs, rages. t. K. F. Schildan, East 4531. ALlTwOKK guaranteed. Estimates free. Kalso Jhunins ; decco-ating. Atwater 4470. .fc-M t'Sl' wOKK, guaranteed. aU kiads. Karl C itir.ee i& Co.. Sellwood 019. eTa-TNTING and tinting, gtxid work, reasonable; have tqols. Walnut 5036. SITUATIONS FEMALE 254 L 4DY Hifith daughter wishes .jjnanagement of apartment house or hotel, i Husband work ins, will do repair work in spare tame. Hav had. experience. Phone Atvrater 2330. 1 j ELDEULV Jady wishes work in family of 2 ; nke " Iwme. jgood cook and housekeeping; wages $30. Sellyood 3798. , WIDOW With small income to save rent would accept ; position as housekeeper for an old couple tot wiQiowe.r. REFINED young lady "wishes position in doc- 11 , ... - can keen OVntist's office once; some books. Sell. 2289. AN ACCREDITED teacher will exenange piao "lessons for light work one aftejSioon a week. at kLi'1-0'! YOUNG SMjnognaplier willing to start at mod erate wages, desires position at once IB3 E. 5001 ft HIGH SCHOOL: girl wishes work of some kind. Saturdays only. Tabor 368. WANTED Work by day 3961. - or hour. Atwater PIANO lesions at reasonable prices. Phone East 71122. . HATS made to order, Rose Hat Shop, 610, Milwaukle. WANTED Position, ill tailor shop; some ex perience, tail Last oi. LACE CURTAINS HAND LA-W-N 1 h. KiviJ ; x. YEARS' EXPERIENCE. EA8T 6196. DRESSMAKING 256 DRESSMAKINC:. by day or piece: reasonable; references. Sell. 1569. 885 E. Carnthers I YARD l REE with order over 50c. Catty cor. Rk.ot. Bros., upstairs from Bon Maiclie. HEMSTITCHING, an color. 60. Room 403 Kc vard: Sect. only. 1006 -Broadway bldg. DRESSMAKING DONE REASONABLY. MRS. GOOD. WALNUT 2146. HEMSTITCHING white. Oc per yard straight. Button et naramr. bkjp. vv wj ALL KINDS of sewing: children s sewing my specials. . Walnut 50ii3. ; NURSES 257 u'iirk hetween 3 and 12 p. no. janitor, nigfit watenman or ruumns nrw... erences given. B-618. Journal. : MRS. ME BOA LEE'S home for aged or con- vaieftcents. ox vy bsl v u l. . a. v. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS 300 Maxwell Hal! T0.y,or14and E Furnished sleeping rooms, shower bath, steam heat. hotnd cold water: $4 a week and tip. ro...; nrtiihcd rnomi. 2.5T) per week and up ; also; light housekeeping. 4 irs Ataer sr. BUSHMARK hotel. -WasnJ St., cor. I7ta clean,; mooern rooms ee.ow w KEWHALL HOTEL 402 E. WASHINiiTdsi. Sleeping nooms by the day or week. FURNISHED ROOMS PRIVATE FAMILY 301 FOR RENT Nicely furnished housekeeping car to oza. SLEEPING room, se ; of parlor, phone and bath-1 walking distancerS. East 2163. 166 te. i2th " - " : ; WKTJ. 'furnished room, walking distance, east Side, ;$10; gewtiemaa iwicictvtTj. sey st TWO furnished single rooms; steam heated: one ifor; housekeeping, one for sleeping room. I2 N. 22d -St. - '' j NICEL'x' furnished room with bath, for ' gen tlemsn; only roomer. 824 East 34th st Tsbor iwi EXTRA) large modern front sleeping room, hmnal comfort: With three windows, for 1 or 2. walkingdistame. 447 Columbia st si rri'ivr. Rf M M. every convenience; home nrivileaes. walkinK distance.. 825 V ! 13th, near lay. FRONT ROOM, large enough for break fast and dinner if desired. 753 Hoyt st. west side. Main 7030. " . : ' ' FURNISHED frotnt room for respectable fen Ueman. Inquire evenings or Sunday; ; $8 mo. 206 N. lth. st LARGE 2 room iron t -suite, wen lurnisneoi. Phone lights and sink; suitable for three, close' in. 449s Moataemery. '; ; NICE large furnished room for 1 or ?2 - gen tlemen; also single room. 328 lata j st Marnj LTNNY 209". ' . .-" crrvvv. front room, lower tioor; iicirma watkmff fllfiTa nrr RPMUiaic. . -iimi r- armeiry. LARGE tacely furnished rocan, suitable tor 3l dose rni imnucv mnw . yii.ut,c 370 IE. Tth N.E risE IN. veryj cerafortable basement room; not atMl com - fnrts et home. $23.50 per mo.. 469 Clay St. LARGE, pleasant room, adjoining bath, steam heat every OMuihk, omiimium air int nasllltA t Atwater 0808. TrnAvT room, new Hate City Park CoL home; tilt ibatb,--' 0 E. 44th north. Cat! 314-sa HOMELIKE room lor gentleman ; reasonable; Hot i ana wms wr, w.uw 4438. DESIRABLE raoais. steam heat walking dis taoce. gentlemen preferred. 403 H 12tJh st NICK Uraw room, near Broadway bridge, beat and ! bath. $8 per week. 423 Rosa st FBOS VF room for aeritiraau, with ' or without rale. Ladd' addition. Ea-it 4690. ! NIfrJ furnished rooat, private home, walking 'distance. nawixiot'ue uistricu FURN (SHED housekeaping and eleenuaa rooms, 2. pet week' ate 207 Market ;' a; i"U RN is HEP room, aear BnKdOym yards. S cast pm. x CLEAN, omfortsble room, good neighboi ' hood, ho comforts. Atwater 4761. FOR RENT 3 room, aseeiy famished. Walk ja disuace. 582 la 4U. Atwater 3262. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS PRIVATE FAMILY 301 LARGE, pleasant rant sleeping mom. suitable ion one or two, near Benson Polytechnic - school, close to carl met. 751 East, Couch. working fwopie preferred. NICELY furnished light H. roosas. $13; ainc-le or doobie, 823: free gas, heat, light, . bath and phono, rail Monday. Wednesdays. ' Fridays, between 11 and 4 p. m.. 50 4th. IN LADD'S ADDITION Laras froot roum in private home, furnace bea t, phone, bath, . 1 block firm Hawthorne cartine, 13. 597 - ' mnii sr. rasc zazi. LARGE, cleem front roam for steeping: or light housekeeping-;' everjthing fumielied; walking ditance; nice location. near-W. Park blocki. 387 College st 'Main 3154,. ' t $20X0 rooms and kitcheawtte. WverriewJ completely furnished; private bsttt. laundry and eastrance. ground ' floor. Take Fulton ear to 605 Virginia st." Phone Atwaferr Q899. SEE THIS TOiDAY , 'J NICELY FTTRN.; ROOM, CLOSE IN. CHEAP, HOME PRIYILBGES, WALKING DISTAXCK. EAST 9144. J ; , NICE, clean, comformbU; rooms for business women, ar home gxirilages; easy! walking durance. Mrs. Johnston, 474 Market St., comer 14th. Arvrater 193S. 1 BED. sitting room, a. and C water, bath, hot water heat. 31 Si mo; alsof 1 large rm. auiUbla for 2, twin beds, large closet, 322 moi; Bdwy. 74T. ' HA E sleeping roaca suitahje for 1 or 2 ten tfemen; light, heat, bath, .phone, reasonable, near car. Can betore T p. nv. 25 N. 19th. . Bdwy. 494. , NICELY furnished room, tsodim home, walk ing distance. Main 2828. v $2,25 PER WEEK, single H. K." or sleeping ro,n. also nice room oo ground floor, $5; wanting distance; near Lincoln blab. 405 West Perk et. FOR HENT Pleasant, furnished rooms in Widows home, I.slso housekeeping rooms; quiet elderly people; preferred. 786 York - st. near 24th st. NfCELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM WITH BEDS. FOR GENTLEMEN; MODERN nyMBi; CLOSE '-IN. lOl ,'K. 1BT11 ST. i-WK BROADWAY 14951 VERY attractive front room with dressing room and sleeping oorch: nieelv furniahed with or without garage; gentleman preferred; west side. Bdwy. 4829. : KOB HILL 2 lovely, rooms "and kitchenette, fireplace; warm, comfortable place for win . Ur; first floor. Atwater. 2854. -CLEAN, pleasant frorit room in good neigh borhood: private family, 13j good board near; convenient to town; 2 carlines. East 8743. 776 E. Taylor. S. S. car to 23d. FUP?NLSHED room for r-nt in private family. 169 N. 22d. Maini782. VERY sttrsctive -roonj in refined family ex .ceptiouaily well famished, furnace Keat; breakfast if desired:; sear iarliae. 391. E. 24th. Sell. 2566." : VERY LARGE front room for 2 young men. with breakfast; terms very reasonable; walk ing distance, cor. 14 th and Hall, west side. Call Main 1349. EXTRA large cor. room, 3 closets, priv. bath, fireplace, suitable, for S or 4. in a heautiful refined home; also ismalier room with pri vate entrance. 84 N. 21st. cor. Everett BOOM in young couple's home one or two ladies, . with home privileges; rent reason able; near R. M. cat 487 Kenilworth ave.. cor. Division. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM, BATH, v?.-5 GII? BREAKFAST. 1755- SANDY blyd. tabor 0292. TWO jruee, clean, newly furnished . rooms 15 - strictly modern flat, slose in. east side; meals if desired. East 3561. 633 E. Main st. VERY pleasant sleeping rooms for 2 or 3 gentlemen employed. ,at $12.30; walking dis tance. 546 Jefferson st IRVINUTJON, $13 ' Front bedroom, beautiful furnltare; grill privilege. East 8259. STRICTLY modern healed room with every convenience, wicker arid ivory furniture, res sonable, walking distance. Phone East 4365. LARGE, cheerful room in Walnut Park di met Near library and- Jefferson higli school. Walnut 6306. NEATLY furnished room, furnace heat, 3 blocks east of Broadway bridge. 381 Koss st Phone East 8016. i SMALL sleeping rooms, modern. 327 6th st Atwater 6784. t ROOM AND BOARD 302 Nortosiia Hotel Broadway pfi ; Waohinaruxa, Broadway 1 1 80, Portland's 'iigb flass downtown residential hoteL W give you the 'omforts of home. American and Euroxean plan. Kates reason' abla. - RESIDENTIAL HOTEL 633 KEARNEY. COR. 2 OTH For business people; newly tumished. also sleeping porch. Broadway 1509. HOTEL HEREFORD . 78S BOYT. MAIN 8303. Exclusive residential : special .summer rates; ear meats speaa tor our popularity. EXCLUSIVE residential hotel; rates $43 u $60. 794 Lovajoy. Main 8619- ROOMS AND BOARD PRIVATE FAMILY 303 DENTAL and other students Want 6 or 8 young men to occripy entire floor; -new beds; best board. $30 per mo. ; bath; near college. ITS Union ave. N. East 0308. BOARD and room in home of refinement for couple or 2 people employes-; splendid cook ings and home nrivileaes: ranre. Knst 883,5 NEW1 modern home ia Irvington, furnished. welt heated ream toentIernjeD; convenient to bath, plenty of hot water; with break fast, and dinner, $40. Walnut 154 2. NICELY furnished room with board, on Mt Scott carline, one block from car: all home privileges; $22 per month; working girls preferred. Auhd. 633-63. BOARD and "room for two in room, $7 week each, i 2 meals ; furnace heat etc. ; tunny, very large rooms; fine board. 629 Hoyt St. Broadway 2892. FIRST-CLASS BOARD AND ROOM. PIANOi FURNACE HXAT. HOME PRIVILEGES. EAST 9065. Wn..L care for smalL child in my home. Call' -xauor vzo'j. ?:; , a WEST SIDE 834 LOVEJOY ' 2 NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT. WITH OB WITHOUT BOARD MAIN786v FOB AGED, invalids, chroma or convalescent patients, pleasant borne surroundings, with health-buildioe . diet and treatment nersonal care of physician: reasonable rates. East 8535. N ICE front roora suitable for two gentlemen ; also singled rooms : reasonable: either two or three meals; a day. East 3798. 9 East ' 7th st S. '' .: ,. ' ," I' FOR; basinesa people, room and' excellent meals, lovely borne, in desirable neighbor hood, close in. .;i-"CT S. preferred. CaU after 0 a, ... Ante. 32-7-l. FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms on west side, walking? distance, reasonable rent. breakfast. and dinner if desired Can at 703 j Northrnp st : : NICE, clean, light, air rooms in private fam ilyi good sutrroundings. Call Main 1199.1 Close in. : " ' - LOVELY LARIrE ROOM WITHi 1 OR 2 BEDS. BEST OF 'BOARD. REASON ABLE. TABOR 8709. - .. ROOM and board ,for man and wife or two young men ; also one single room; rate rea sonable. . M. 267. ' NEATLY furnished room and board for 1 or 2 persons; use of piano snd phone. Haw thorne district, furnace; heat Tabor 0663. ROOM, board and home .privileges, reasonable. 325 Msrguerit ave, block off Haw-H thovne. .. " TRAINED NURSE -o! mature years would hke babies or small children to care for ia Jier home. Tabmr 414 1- COMFORTABLE sleeping rooms, , reasonable ; heat, hot water. 63 N. 22 at Maia 1746, . ' -';;; J ROOM aad board for 1 or 2 gentlemen, or - couple employed. 350 E. th N., fust oft uroaaway. - Blast fiti. NICELY furnished room with board, ia mod- era home on Sandy MM.; all; noma privi legrs; business girl preferred . Tabor 7338. GOOD room and hoard in private family, rea sonable rate: gentlemen preierreo. Pbone Broadway 4392. t- , WANT, school sriri to room aad board. Poone Tabor 17. UlRGE well farxuahed room, all convenience. nawn I or 9 pessmja. ' iaa axivrjoy at. ROOM and 2 meals for one snaa in private home. 406 H Broadway. Atwater 1909. WELL furniahed room, suitable for 2, walk ing distance exceuent roosirtg. e a. aist PLEASANT rooms, nice surrouncUtits, witb or 1 withowt feoara. - ;Esst Broadway. East 4948.' BOOH, with or witaoat beam, ia private la Lawrelbwrst. Tsibor 8870. WTLL boardTaad' aeom' child In private fam- ijy. Reference escnangeq. rteit. 1 9V. A CHILD 42-42.- to baaad; . mother's eare. .- Call CHOICE family baarmng near Multnomah dob; aloe iume. Main 2219, FOR RENT ROOMS AND BOARD t PRIVATE FAMILY 1 303 SEE THESE TODAY ' ' ROOMS AND BOARD. $1 PER DAT AND UP. 24 E. liTH ST. S.. CLOSE IN. EAST 6593. , - - , , ROOM and 3 meals for 1 oat In private home. 400 Broadway. Atwater 1900. NURSE, near 18th and Belmont, will take sever! old people in her home. All con veniences. Automobile service. East 2533 or East 4222: NICE home and, all modern conveniences tor or 3 meaicai students 30: wsikinz distance. li. S. Watts. 710 4 th it. Main 6839. GOOD HOME FOR GIRLS. 8 TO 10 TEARS. IOOL. i and ra GOOD board and room for steady emEdoyed. young men, women or mamea couples in home privileges, furnace heat; Broadway car. ' East 2418. ,V IF YOC WANT A NICE ROOM AND THE BEST OF BOARD, CLOSE IN REASON ABLE. CALL 121 E. 11TH OB EAST 2523. TWO people may have large room, dressing room, hot and cold water, sleeping porch. woroertui view, splendid name cooking, heme pririleges. References. Main 0511. WILL give mother's ears to girl school age; blocks from school; no other children . will give best of references. Tabor 1533." CHILDREN to board. Beautiful country; home. near school, close in. $14 monthly. For particulars write Peaceful Acres Farm, route .1. box 142-A. Hillsboroi BOOM snd board, : 2 meels. breakfast and dinner; clean, homelike place; walking' dis tance: reasonable. 547 Vm oth. ROOM and good table board in Sunnyside homo, for employed couple wifti child, $70 per mont. 184 E. 4 5ta st S. BOARD and room $7 and $7.50. 204 Stout st; one block west Multnnmsh club. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED 304 3 FURN. H. K. rooms, everythitig furn. but gea; walking distance: children welcome. 179 .- Stout, at 20th and Morrison. Bdwy. 1609. PLEASANT 1. and 2 room housekeeping suites, free light gas, steam heat and phone, hot a water cn each floor, $3 up. ' The Hendricks s Apts , -510 Flanders. HOUSEKEEPING rooms in clean, quiet place, electric lights, 'gas. bath and free phone. $2 per week and up. 663 Hood st. near Arthur. ' . CLEAN H. K. nd sleeping rooms, under new management: right in the downtown dis trict Call 83 Park st i 2 LARGE light rooms, 1st floor, heat light, bath, phone and laundry privileges; C. S. preferred. 325 12th st. CLOSE IN 1I-. K. rooms, single snd double, $12 a month up. 16 E. 6th N., cor. Burn side and oth. . SUNNYCR EST Steam heat, modern H. K. roo nis.private bath optional. 186 Sherman. CLEAN, comfortable housekeeping and sleep ing room; reasonable. 129 1 3th st l ROOM with kitchenette, modern, steam heat; ' also 1 single H. K. rcwn. 370 6th st. LIGHT H. K- rooms sleeping rooms; board if desired. Nicely furnished. East 94 17. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, with run ning water. 200 ,14th st Main -4905. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED PRIVATE FAMILY 306 2 NEATLY furnished H. It- rooms, cooking gas, lights and water furnished, $15 per month ; near Montgomery Ward and Amer ican Can bldgs. 864 Upshur street $2.25 PER WEEK, single H. K. or Sleeping rooms; also nice room on ground floor, $15; walking distance; near Lincoln high. 405 West Park st. BEAUTIFUL clean new mahogany furniture, floor lamp, beautiful rugs and drapes everything furnished. 550 Everett, near 16th-t LOWER FLOOR Front H. K. room with kitchenette, very pleasant free lights, hot and cold water, bath, phone, change linem laundry privileges. 403 2d and Harrison. GOOD home for man and wife; 4 rooms, first floor, clean, neatly furnished; permanent tenants, no children; must be seen to be ai- prenated. 5 . ura "v'v m-ar 39t-h- FOR "RENT-TrPleasant tumished rooms in' widow's home, also housekeeping rooms; quiet elderly people preferred. 786 York st. near 24 th st THREE large clean housekeeping ooms m modern bungalow; gas, electric lights, bath and laundry trays; 1 block from' MV car; 820. East 5121, . m . ' ' TWO large front rooms, first floor; warm and convenient; hot and cold water; phone at door. Also two front rooms upstairs, $20. , 655 Flanders 8t 3 FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOM8. CALL AT 925 THURMAN ST. OR CALL AVALNTjT 6183. BEAUTIFUL snd new. never rented out be fore; new bedding, furniture and rugs; ivory woodwork, grained floors; ever thing fur nished. 133 N. 18th at THREE H. K. rooms, neatly furnished and clean: shower bath, hot and cold water, an cold water, an if wanted on-i 6 E. Wash.yrt, connected. Adults. Garage same lot Tabor 88S3. 10S6 NICELY FURNISHED 2 ROOM APT.. AT S30 N. 18TH ST.. NEAR LOVEJOY. ; ROOMS WITH BATH HOT AND fXCI CLEA.V A. MI 033 THURMAN. LIGHT, $18 A MONTH BROADWAY 6341. 2 FURNISHED H. K. ROOMS. 474 SAST WASHINGTON ST. EAST. 6885. i-jr"- . . . 2 CONNECTING FRONT H. K ROOMS. NEWLY DECORATED; ALSO 1 SINGLE H. K. ROOM. 121 N. 23D ST. PHONE ATWATER 1502. LARGE single H. K. room, light and airy, clean, phone; hot water; well furnished, easy walking distance $12 a month. 165 Stout st, block ot wasn. st. 2 ROOM housekeeping apartments with sleeping- porches, well furnished. Phone, ( light ana wr . . . . . . - 733 Pacifle st or call East 9232. 2 MODERN H. K. ROOMS. LIGHT AND AIRY- PRIVATE PHONE AND EN TRANCE; GARAGE FOR RENT:. STORES CLOSE. TABOR 743. ' f LARGE, completely furnished, newly renovated suite of housekeeping rooms, $30 month, with all priviktges. . Abo front par tor. $5. 624 Flanders st. pear 19th. . TWO large- froot H. K. rooms. Lights, vihon and bath. All for $4.50 a week. 17j Monroe. Phone Wainnt 5695. 2 II K. ROOMS, heat, light and phone fur nished;, walking distance. East 4226. TWO furnished housekeeping ; rooms, close in, $26 fcer month, ineruding gas for cooking. 502 E. 'Pine. Phone . East 8913. 1 AND i It. K. rooms, hot-and cold water, ' steam heat 415 Mill st, cor. Hth, Call "Main 5882. '; ..'-..' '? ' - ' FOUR H. K. rooms,, first floor:; also single rooms. Plain furniture, cheap: rent close lit 3126 4th at Atwater 887?. ONE large furnislied housekeeping front room. fH4-r IJfMly stiv laan a(lttt-in, a- pioca south from tOth and Hawthorne. LARGE well furnished room 'on paved street. H block from car, so ; no enuarea. jmone Empire 1172. WELL furnished housekeeping, suite for 2 bachelors, wita running water, tit ataraet, cetraer 11th. - -. , ; H. K.' BOOMS, also sleeping room; cheap; - nice -view of city; private home; $3 and $4 week. 59 Market at Atwater 8318. COZY - room with kitenenette, bath, laundry, light- nce noma, aaar car; auuiia cmptayea. Tabor 100. "'-.'- '- I...,-' ' HOUSEKEEPUSO rooms, clean and eoevenient. $13, $10. 318 Per month; space foe car. BdWT. 7634. 883, K. 16th. ' . FOR KENT Newly furniaued a. k. rooms; Aot aad cold water, beat, telephone; walk - . hi distance.' Telephone Main 2369. NICE, clean H- K. rooms, electric phone, bath, hot and eold water. light. 533 Ysmbill st TWO-KOCH aaite. ground floor, stovt heat, 320 month, 133 N. 15th L PhoM Bdwy. 4223. j . - ' FOR RENT $23, threw furnished housekeep ing rooms., 342 East 27th, Richmond cat " to 27th. oaa block south. T.BitEL clean furnished h. k. raoea. furnace 4 beat. Hgbt, phone and, bath; reaanislik. 4S1 Sixth st Atwater 2605. CLEAN.' fur. H, K. noma, 1st floor nice ; modem home, near car. married , couple. 631-32. ' FURNIBHEI h. k, rooms. 3 Moms in private home. - bath, and gas; cheap rent 883 E. 10th, ?.' Phone -Walnut 0285. HOUSEKEEPING room, very cheap, close in. 486 E- Wasb.'.Bt' '..' .1 FURNISHED light - housekeeping rooms., suit able for working couple. 815 Williams Te. $26 50 5 - ROOMS, - Wi garbage. . Kghts, 478 Yanconver ave. 3-KOOM furnished DmX. heat and oath. . Wal- .,.ttt2283, . J ; FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS I FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED PRIVATE FAMILY '. 306 TWO rooms $25- three $35, another $45; , ac,h include light, garbage, water, tele phone; hardwood floors, French doors, fur nace. , fireplace; garage, acecmmedaU four. 1197, Cleveland. Walnut 3930. CLEAN, furnished 2 and S-ruora H. K. suite with sink and Jnth connected ; also single II. K. rooms. Call Rnnlay all day. " Otlier days morning or e teniae 431 E. Ash 'near 7th. ... NICELY FURNISHED. LARGE HOUSE . KEEPING ROOM. TELEPHONE. BATH, LIGHT! AND GAS FURNISHED. CLOSE IX. REASONABLE RATES. EAST 717 CLEAN. AJRY- MODERN HOUSEKEEPING SUITE; CENTRAL,, WEST SIDE. CALL MORNINGS USTIL 12, AND EVENINGS. num. i .- - -v $2.75 A WEEK, furnished housekeeping rooms, lights and bath included, west side, walking distance. . 545 V First and 215 Mill, corner of First ' . . ' H. ROOMS, walking distance, tree phone, .lights, water, garbage, special rates to long: renters. 275 Williams ave. East 6797, Mrs. Wilcox. - - WAVERLEIGH HEIGHTS , '- ." Suitable tor. two ladies jemployeii. sunny f not bedroom, use of kitchen, other 'home privileges. Sellwood 1816. FIRST floor of my homs. a large rooms and pantry; newly- cakimined, ererytlilng fut niihed. quiet neighborhood. ' 614 East 6th . S.. Brooklyn car. , - . 3-HOOM APARTMENT X WITH PRIVATE BATH, STEAM HEAT. EAST 3376. 272 14 WILLLAM3 AVEX S ' 2 WELT. FUR. H. K. RMS., HEAT, LIGHT, BATH, PHONE CLOSE IN, CHEAP. 453 HALL. MAIN 4057. - - V ' FURN. 3 room suite tor housekeeping, privste entrance, phone1; -electric lights, gas ranee and bath; Woodstock carliue. Cheap rent 887 E. 20th. s FURNISHED housekeeping rooms; furnace beat, hot and cold water; good location near aliing school. All outside rooms. 188 Porter st, or Atwater 0743. $21 WEST SIDE. 2 suites H. K. rooms, 1st and 2d floorj fully furnished, lights free, lawn, walking distance. McFarhuid, 208 Failin$ bldg. 2 ROOMS, furnished, kitchen, living and bed. nice, airy room, hot and cold water, furnace heat. bath, toilet 409 Vi Jackson. Maui 5198. $20 ROOM; KITCHENETTE; USE HOfE PRIVILEGES. PIANO. WEST SIDE, ICLOSE IN. MAIN $254. ; NEWLY decorated, nicely furnished outside rooms, 1 and 2 room H. K-, furnace heat, phone, electric' light bath, hot water. 534 Mill st Main 8214". TWO furrt, b, k. rooms and kitchenette; phone, fuel, light and bath, $30; 2 adults: 1 block to L J. car. CaU Aut 315-Q3. ' - HEATED sleeping room, stove heat. $10: fur nished housekeeping rocan, $12;' or will rent the two together for $20; everything: fur nished. Call East 6728. FOR RENT In private home, 3 room But nished apt, private bath; 3 h. k. rooms, newly papered. Ant 514-23., FURNISHED H. K. rooms for rentrom $2.50 per week up. Main 3502. 093 Front' st LOVELY. FURNISHED. 2 LARGE ROOMS. CLOSE IN, 'REASONABLE. CALL EAST 2796. " SEE THESE TODAY . TWO NEATLY FURNISHED HOUSE KEEPING ROOMS, CHEAP., CALL WAL NUT 3466. i 2 ROO II suite, 1 - room, kitchenette, single room, single ior housekeeping; clean, heat 'phone, electrii lights furnished; near school and hospital 7 ap Hoyt. TWO ROOMS FOR HOUSEKEEPING. ALSO 1 SLEEPING ROOM FOR GENTLEMAN; NOB HILL" DISTRICT. 742 IRVING. MAIN 2425. i SEE THESE TODAY IF YOU WANT NICELY FURNISHED. H. K. ROOMS. VERY CLOSE IN. CALL EAST 1693. i 2," WELL furnished rooms tor houiekeeplng, for 2. $17 i per month: every tiling' fur nished but gas. 722 Williams ave., new? ' Beech. j LARGE . room and kitchenette for 2.ycoay and "clean, far the" winter, Jitst what you are looking for; gas, light. water-, heat. clean linen each week. Walnut, 4 545. LARGE front room .for Mght bbraekeeping, . . nicely furnished and clean, free heat, lights and phone. Very reasonable, '50-7 Clay. At- ws.ter.S002. . LARGE, clean, cosy rooms; well equipped kitchen. W ibloct from car; $4.7.5; no children. You will like these rooms. .Em pire 1172. j ' ' NICE clean furnished housekeeping rooms, rea sonable; no objection to children; no charges for licht and - heat 631 Marshall. Broad- - way 4876v -r 1 ' H.K. APTS. every convenience.; reasonable. 2 blocks south j Multnomah club. 260 Nar tilla st. Atwater 4173. TWO room housekeeping suite; gas, phone and lights bath; 'single room, $4; close in, nice ' location. 307 -Market. "- . MODERN 4 rooms up. or 4 rooms down, un furnished, very reasonable: 860. Colonial' ave., in Overlook.' near H. S. car. FOB BENT-furnisbed 3 -room apartment ' hot and ctJdS water in kitchen, pantry and large clothes clcget, and phone. 266 Coot. $2 UP W'EEK--t-0tside h-k. rooms; everything furnished except gas. 173 N. 17th St. west side. S ' CLEAN .alight, frMit single housekeeping room. 1st floor, close In.. Ill E. 6th .t, between Aider and Washington. . TWO TRUNKS itnoved, 75c; downtown district Fireproof storage 15 days free. Long distanoahaulins - Broadway 2445. WALNUT PARK, near Jefferson high, one nicely furniihed room with kitchen privi- leges. for ladjj or couple. - Walnut 820S. 2 LARGE light housekeeping rooms ,'om first floor, 1 single on second floor, children welcome. Broadway 443tl. -FURNISHED sleeping room - for . gentleman, $2.50 per Week. 497 Montgomery st Phone Atwater 8115: ''' - . .' THREE furnished housekeeping ropms, suitable for family. 444 East Oak st Essji 11867 2 LARGE housekeeping rooms tad kitchenette. 701 E. BunUide, cor. 20th. TWO "CLEAN FURNISHED H. K. ROOMS. Close in; cheap. 849 Salmon. Mala 8182. 2 FURNISHED! h. k. rojims; water, light and phone. 635 H. Morrison. ' LARGE third tloor h. k. room,; suitable for TWO. 1n .V. ;'om, ru X1CE. clean, roost, apt. $20. pea month. 290 is N. 2 1st at, comer Pettjrgrofe. 2 AND 3-rosii apt, everything furnished. 540 Willhans ave. East 9287. '..- 38.50 .U ;lean H. K rooms for men. 940 CorbottJ Mam 8940. 1 AND 2 H. K. rooms, hot-and cold water. 415 Mill st, cor. 11th. Call Main 5882. H. K. SUITE, with porch,- for 8; N. 18th. - ' .--" 330. 154 10 W. CHURCH ST.. East 6667, 6 - and bath, gas. ; electrtcitr. $14. THRfcE" nicely urnuilied H. K. rooms, ground -, floor, gas. bath, $16 aMnrtlxA, 692: Front. APARTMENTS FURNISHED 307 rKing Albert Apts.1 ; 2 and 3 rooms, furnished ot unfurnished, tfl bath, elevator, llth at Montgomery. Main 0359. THE ALAMO APTS. . .' Furnished 3-room front apartment, steam 'heat, private! bath, disappearing bed, for working couple; rent $40. 494 Market i The StanfieSd - Modern S I room, apt, light, heat, phone, $28; wtnterl rate. Main 7892. CLEAN ana new, ivory, woodwork, mahogany 1 umiture. new beds and linens everything furnished; $5 a week. 188 N. lftth st . TWR f.nENHOLM -- 334 fith at. modem, 2 and 8 room tarnished apartments. Private baths. Rent reasonable. NEWLY futnished rooms. Nob Hill' near 21st walking distance; .day,: week ear - month; ' reasonable. "101 Davis st - SAN MARCO, k 8TH AND COUCH, 8 RM. MOtt APT.J WK. 0B M0. EAST 1990. GLEN COURT Corner Park and Taylor. . 'i $o4 3-roont ,, gpta., close in. Ham '1961. w : ADAMS APARTMENTS Modsrir- S rxa. apt furnished. 403 rJeffer- . KinnON HALL. liTH AND HALL 3 rooms, kitchenette, bath, hdw. flooxa, twivate balconies, r3 5 up. Atwater 11 aw till a TiVff.Y mnmft. well hahted. nri- . Tata bath and reception hall, hot water " ' all the timej Main 870. - ' ;' '- v. ONE and 2 rms. with kitchenetta, steam heatj . tHrt asnz ettiu wvuvs tip hv ew, mivj, 4292, 24H So. 17th st - ONR room apartment furnished. 271 McMil- ien. 4 blocks from Broadway bride. El ; 5083- - - NICELY furn.' k-tm. spc. lst floor. . fiimum Cowrt. 894 ata. Main aits.. TWO nicely furnished apti walking distance. Hue. ' Call East 2887. Adult only. FOR RENT 2 jjjyrfr'vRj hp, ?jp7 . CORNER 3 ROOM APT., $00 . -OORSER 4 ROOM APT., $60 , : . Beautifully furnished and modern. ' ' THE COLUMBIAN 4 24 Columbia St. cor, tlth. 1 ' ' 'Leeds Apartments , : ' Fireproof building. modem, 2, 3' and 4 rm. apts; single rms; elevator service i Atw. , 8597. - - i 1 CHAMBERLAIN APTS!.' I '";! .Under new rnanamment Modern 2-3" rm. apts.: also sleeping rooms with- bath; newly remodeled;" reasonable. Cor. Grand Stark.- East 00S2. - I ; 3 ROOM furnished apt. with bath, dressing rooe and sleeping porch, steam heat and plenty of hot water. ; Call at -437 I Rodney or phone East 7817, -- I - ' OS,E ..,Hl oa room apt for rent, Arcadia apts... 708 Everett 4 Xhe APARTMENTS UNFURNISHED 303 Thd Airierican stooera 4 and 5 room apartments. i: 2 1st and Johnson. Broadway 8300; - - THE WEIST H- ijj - ; "9 N. 23d st -r . 'lire- lACga g-rooTfl apartment IndWdnri porrH. MODERN 3" - -room apartment: ivory I wood work, breakfast nook. 101 E. 3 3d at 3-ROOM apt," private toilet and bath.; Thur man st near 20th. Atwater 476lj : ,. . : FLATS -FURNISHED N 309 ATTRACTIVE 5 room furnished flat jo Port land Heights, hardwood floors, ubto-date - furnishings, instantaneous water sad gaa furnace:; fin view;, welkins distance. $100. Mam 8383. . ' .p-- , i .i - 4 ROOM strictly modern funilsliied fist Newly papered and painted. A-l condition. Nice neighborhood. Adults, $10.! i 643 E. Ankeny. Phone East 5540. j .1 ' ' ; M i 3-R.. Fl-RN.. absolutely clean, cheerful; flre place. lights, phone, garbage, heat j piano; garage jincluded. 429 Iarrsbee t T i ti NICELY furnished 3-room ..flat, 744 1, ; E. Anseny. ao. rtione East 1134 ; no .chil dren. J 8' RM. MOD . all outside, upper flat, good . furniture; W. S. ; walk, dist :713i Kear ney. Main 1563. .- . j I.. '. nj j JTOR RENT Three room furnished flat bam-! - merit, grannd floor. Csll 449 East Confh.i 4-ROOM lirnkired npper Hat for rent, 203 11th st. nesr Columbia. ti ' ! EOR RENT 3451. -5 room furnished flat ; Atwater IB V 1 NGTON Coy 3. rms. s. p.. Iieal. 'ga; 4 raw., s. p.; choice furniture. East 8015!. FLATS UNFURNISHED 310 FOR RENT 4-room and 5-room flat, 4l and 410 H E. Ninth St., comer Grant, $20 each. A. W. lAmbert A Sons. 404 E. Akiet st Phone Es-st 6Q. 8-ROOiI modern flat, close to two np4 schools on good? csrline; heat and water furnished. CalHat 5.309 89th ave. S. : E, or Aut 628-8KJ ;- '.' U 1 4-ROOM flat eletti-il v, gas. bath, hot waterj il central location i $17 . per month, t Ul.. ... . O.l I.- .L-E..1..1.'. ... J Mrs, SIX nice light nwmsi convenient. ..over, store. Inquire at 933 East Yamhill. Tabor 6063. UNFURNISHED 5 r. flat, rent $20.n 653 H 1 3d st! i - : J- i , ,1.7 ; 3 ROOMS, porch,.;: close to -car.. !' 8' East 16th jriorth. Esst 9507. -i '-' ' ' .'I- FLAT for rent at 182 East litfi t CaU East 2072. - S WWII lower 0t, 514 Powell stii Plione - Aut 643-61. ! i ., 7 UPPER B rm.' flat modem. $33.60. 300 Va N, 19th st Atiults. ! HOUSES FURNISHED 3ft SCENIC LODGE cottages. 624 Height Ter race. 3 and 4 room cottages; fine view of dtr and mountains; 20- minutes' .walk- to heart of city; Hall st car on MoirrisOBl to 13th t 2 hwic. .r a., Reduced rents fcr winter. TO RENT ern, spat ysleeping ' or for sale for n 00-resident, rnod- spacious 9-room and garage dwelling. porcn, comer, lovely yard: splendid car service, E. 12th, facirla ladd add.; gooa resiaence location. Apply U., G. Gnf- nn. 000 nucnanan OKig. 5 'i?i.a rn Er.nj-naT An exceptionally tint furnished: house, nice lawn, shrubbery and electric lighted double garage l hut water host. J2I4 Lad- dmgton Court" phone Tabor 0004. ! i. WILL RENT lower floor of nkely furnislied house, furnace, . firejilace, hardwood floors, garage. Hawtborbe district; adults tonly. iTa bor 9254 400 Marguerite ave. .f J-:r LEAVING city, will, lease.- 0-room ltoiigaln-nr, furnished, for imonth to 1 year, ' $45 per month Alberta dist: good .car' service. Phone Walnut 6793. .1685 E. lit st, N. 5 ROOM furnished house for rent, gas, electrio lights, bath, piano, wash tuba, cement base ment 797 Michigan avfc, 1 block from streetcar. Phono Walnut jS708. ELEGANTLY furnished houne, high 'elevation. fruit; also cottages furnished. vunfurrusbed. reasonable.' 252 Gibbs. iXj! ' 5 ROOM modern iurhislied house: and garage, 7 miles, front" Portland, i : Linntoo toad. 842.50. Empire 1257. 'j a 1 WHEN moving, csll East ! 5926; '' win. tract your Job or $2 per hour. ' and fur- ninli 2 ,ini. - - t.-'.fl.- : -Jl A N LOWER floor, modern, furnished complete; -adults. 466 E. 7tli north. 'Phone after 4,.Pw m.. East 253. . I -I -n;- )-'-.' HAWTHOttNK dititru-t, burnished ; 3 bedrooms. $60. i . ' ' 7-rotRU! complete! At 805 Glenn ve.. $35 LOWER floor with or without garage. 323 E. 4 4th St.- ' ' . ky MY HOME, modem, completely furnished, A roomily furntoefe Call 631-43. j' . .1 :. 6 ROOM modern bouse, furnished, reasonable 1 1 rate. . 718 Ellis ave.. Sellwood ear. 1 .' f MODERN 5-room'-4 bungalow completely furn! ! piano, sewing machine. $30. Walnut 2862. j FOR RENT 3 rooms furnished, close in, 323 ft . per month. Call at 452 Failirtg tt', '- f S ROOM and bath, hot water heat; will lease. 46Q E. Clay at. cor. 8th. ' ' . HOUSESUNFURNISHED 312 r FOR RENT I I T room . home H block to Woodstock ! car. large lot ' fruit- trees; would tent to T -responsible party for $35 per' month,; I ! ! V UICK SALES CO, . 402 Coach -iWi.t . -. . aucRll-nO. 6-ROOM on Roselawa ave. .paved street, fur -aace, H block from ear, rent $40. ' ' MeUEE A DENNISt ' WK SELL THE EARTH i i 369 Union tve. ?. Walnut! 5684. ! FOR RENT 7-rootii souse, mooern, full base meat, barn, chicken run; 4 block from if. s C. car at 673 E. 82d at N. ; phone 981-L -Vancouver, owner; address 508 Wj. 5tb st c Call fu m". or p.wm. - ) i - j i -: ? -' -;: ', 934 EAST 21ST-N. T . $45- 7 -room .rJting., den, slpg. pr.. fnr nace. fireplace,- garage, ,2 carlines, Owaet,. Atwater 4678. i : i - GOOD clean 7 room, modern bouse, l new f ur- aace ; near ; two schools ana carune Going st Tabor 0703. ,- 13 . : FURNITURE MOVING $ PER HOUR, 3 MEN; PIAKU fj AXD UJ'j-LAJtGti X - TON TRUCK. EAST 607. i ; J YORK-JSXPRESS A TRANSFER Co. Trunks, bagasge, furniture.- movuig $1.50 and $2 '! per hour. Bdwy. 768. PIANO MOVING $3. furniture $2.80 'pea boufi 2 men. large twidded . vana CaU Ucwwa Transfer Co.; East 404T.3 CUT RATE ONf FURNITURE MOVING .Frrenroof Storam 15 Days Free r- LONG. DISTANCE HAULING. BDWY. 244S WHEN MOVING, cay or country, get the best at lowest price.; Green Trans. Co.. Maia. 1261.. 2024 AkUr st . 3 ROOM modern bungalow, 2 block from car bne. rent 32a per mo. t ill Ast. iXR RENT GoJook; 7 rooms.-401 Rs- : lawn ave, $40. Donnelly, Sellwood 2960.. FOR. RENT 4-room bouse. 483 . CUy. Automatic 641-43. 4 ROOM moderrs. bouse, garage, 315. 87th and Woodstock .V Inquire 215 Front st' ; CLOSE to Sell woodses carbarn,. 5 rooms. $25. Tabor: 8408. NICELY fuzoisbed room houses Aut. 688-86. -ROOM. 109 19th at Walnut 0843 i ' , I i after Si p-, m. SEVEN room house, 3 blocks N Wash, tu 1V f. intn, wnt smsy. - NEW 4-room. bouse f or rent abi. Woodisau. j CaH Sell. 1125. MOVING 2 men, same truck, I lor 6 -room ' furniture. $1.60 per hosxr. Main 6200. : i FOR BENT room heue, at $41 E. 12th. ' t rorth. 360 monthly. Call Fast B2. ; A 8 ROOM bouse. Call Sell. 0574. after I , o elork. FOR RENT 0 East 2040. room, modern bouse. Call 3 ROOM house at 7 7 til and Prescott at. yfacw Exit UlSg. ' - ;' WEST SIDE, close la; modem T room house, ' $35; adults only, 520 Clay-st FOR RENT 5-room bungalow. 3504 Wood - stock ave., 35th st. - , , .. WHEN moving call Talor 025 6 i w contract' your Jobj or by the hour. , . . i iOontlnuta aa Ftiiowlnt Pagt) ! -V