TUESDAY, OCTOBER FOR RENT ROOMS AND BOARD PRIVATE FAMILY 303 SEE! THVI TODAY ROOMS AND BOARD. 1 FEBDAY AMD TP. 24 K. 11TH 3T. 8.. CLOSE IX. EAST 63M. , BOOM, tad 3 meal for 1, ctn i prinU .. 4094 Broadway. iilTRSE. scar 38th and Belmont will tak several Ota peopi. in -uvr lun' resJeBee. Autoaaobiia MVic. E 2533 ' or'JEaet 4222. '. A. KICE heme end sff modern" eoavaiwces lor er z mexici sxucerK; sw; esisms diataac. B. 8. Watte, Tie 4th MAia 6B39. . i i,i Mgeapagi-Ba MB! HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED 304 ATTRACTIVE room. good tight ad beat hot utd enlo. wiur, isoBary pnvises-e; uiunn welcome. Ui xuurisos, asove lui. aul 516-18. , ' ; "8 FTBV. It E. room, everything furu. 'but em; walking a atAnev; Bnusrevinicuni. a Snout at 20th and Mnnuoa. Bdwy. Bu. .PLEASANT X and Z reembookeping mite free light) lUi st, neat so, paean, noi iUr on each floor; $3 VP. Th Hendricks Apt.. 10 Flanders, i HOrjtVaTF.k'PIKU touM in alMjn aiuat place, electric tight, gas. bath and fie phone, z m weak and ua Col Hood at.. near CLEAN H, K. and sleeping room, under new management; nsht in uu uowuwiib trict. CaU 88 Park at. , i 1 AND bUMkwians row ma. suitable lor working people, reasonable rata. m - At water 4.426. 2 LA.BGS Eihl reona. lit flow. Wt, light. batb. Dbasa and Uaadrr vn nieces; v. a- pnitriM, sib uus ' CLOSE IN H.' K. roocu. tingia and dooble. 12 mon.Uk np. 1 K. OUa ?.. cor. uura id and 8ih. FCKX1SHED 1 and 2 room H. K. apta.. el- trte UghU. toot water, phone: la aoa jo ear bmU. uuiaa in. a uaTia. SCNXTCCKEST SteaJU ... beat, jnodertj II. K. roonas; priTate bath optional. mo snerman. CLEAN, caiBiortaelo boaekopiB( and alecD- int room; waaowabio. lie nth at. I BOOM witA kitebanetto, aktuiam, aleua heat; alao 1 aitifla H. V. room. 70 otii ai. "URXISSED boiuckaefnng rooms, wTth rua- nine water. 200 14thi at Main 4Q. TWO atngle baaemaot furniabad h. k. room. 3 and 4 wL 18 14th J HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED AND' UNFURNISHED PRIVATE FAMILY 306 2 NEATLY furalahad IL ft. rooms, cooking gu. light and watar famUhed, tl.3 Pt ooath; near UoBtgoaMry Ward and Amer iran ( an bldga. 884 Lpatiar ttrtot. 2.25 PER WEEK, ainglo H. K. or aitening room; alao nlc. imb on iron no flocr, f it ; walkinc diatanca: near lAnooiB high. 405 "Weat Park at. BEAUT II'DL dean nw aiaiogany furniture, floor lamp, beautiful ruga and drapea everything fuxnubed. 0O . Jbterett, nea totii at. LOWER FLOOR Front H. K. room with kitciieaeUa, rarjr pleasant; free lights- hot and cold water, bath, phone, change linen, laundry priTflegca. 40S 2d arid Harrison, GOOD bom lax man and wit; 4 rooms, fin floor, clean, neatly famished; permanent tenant, sw children; mast be seem to be !- pritd. 11S Cera are, neitr K. 89tii. FOR RENT Pleasant furniahed room in widow's new, aiv notuekeeping rooms; quiet elderly people preferred. 78 York t. near 24th St. ' THREE large clean housekeeping rooms in modern bungalow.; ga. electric lights, bath and laundry fray; 1 block from MV csr; $20. Est 5121. tWO lajr front rooms, irst floor; wins and eenTebient; hot and cold water; phone at door- Also two front roams upstairs. $20. 55 F1ner Rt. 8 -ROOM housekeeping - apartment, upstairs, uiUrde for atndenu, near Washington high-. ' also apartment on lower floor." 171 E. 13th st- East 185 2 IL K." ROOM3, ery c'onrenient: Clothes . closet, pantry, sink, light, wster, use of . 1 phone, bath: furnished or partly funisbed. At water 1701. 8S5 . Kelly t. NS car. , FURNISHED II. K. rooms for rent from $3.50 per week np. Main soz. ba front at. TWO clean, light, oozy, H. K. rooms; also one nicely tarnished room; eleetne lights, be-t, cold water, bath, phono: adults; aatr ' tine; walking dist. 44B Jtodney. g. BZi. VACANT in a few days: can be seen today; ; 3 iance. clean,' well fnntiahed rooms, in fine . c Teeidenee; adult only. 055 Intisritate are. Walnut 4551. S H- K. ROOMS WITH BATH. HOT AND COLD WATER, VERY CLEAN AND LIGHT. 088 THURMAN. BDWT. 6841. EMPLOYED LADY WISHES COMPANION TO SHARE 3 BOOM APT. ; WALKING DISTANCE. ATWATER 2247 S94 1ZTH BTREET. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. CALL -AT 25 THCBMAN ST. 0B CALL WALNUT 6183 rooms, on fmt floor, gas, electric lighta, phone, front and aide entrance; quiet location aad moat deairable. "788 E. Taylor et. NEWLY decorated, nicely ' furnished outside -room, 1 and 2 room H. K.. furnace heat, phone, electric light bath, hot water. 634 Mill at. Main S214-. TWO furs. h.'k. rooms and kitchenette: phone, fuel, light And bath, $30; 2 adults: 1 block - to I. Ji car. CaU Ant. 315-03, . ONE to fire nice rooms, furnished or unfur nished!., garag. 1352 Kelly sit, block Ful ton car; reasonable: some service accepted; : lighta, telephone, etc. Atwatar 1204. FOR RENT In nished aot.. n rate home. S TOO go MIT vat bath ; 8 h. k. newly Papered. Aut. S14-2S SEE THESB TODAT TP TOTT WANT NICELY FURNISHED H. - K. RXMS. VIBT CLOSE IN. CALL EAST 1693. MCELT ITRNISHED 3 BOOVC APT.. AT 230 ST. laTHgT.. NEAR LOVEJ0Y. fr rUBNISHKD H. K. BOOMS. H7 EAST W4UitiJUUAUi Di. caa y. oaeo. 3 CONNECTING FRONT H. K. ROOMS". NEWI.Y DECORATED; AUSO 1- SINGLE H. K. ROOM. 121 X. 23D ST. PHONE ATWATER 1502. & ROOM housekeeping apartment with aleep ' ing porrheav well furniahed. Phone, light --. and water; reasonable rent; Boa City car. 733 Pacific st. or call East 9232. 2 MODKBN H. K. ROOMS. LIGHT AND i AIRY;. PRIVATE PHONE AND E.N ' TRANCE; GARAGE FOB KENT; STORES CLOSB. TABOK 6743. LARGE, completely furnished, newly renevated suite of housekeeping noma, $30 month, with all priTilea-es. "Abo front parlor. $3. 824 Fenders at., near 19th. 1 H. K. BOOMS, heat, light and phori fur- oiahed; . walking distance. East 4226, -TWO furniahed housekeeping rooms, cloae in. $50 per month, -including ga for cooking. 502 C, Ptni Phoeie East 8918. " 1 AND 2 H. B.I rooms, hot and cold water. steam heat. 4l5 AUU at,, cer. 11th, Call " Mam 588-I. , - . - , - FOUR nicely furnished housekeeping rooaa. Srieat bth. close to medio 1 eoilege. Fbene lain 6839. fOUR H. k! rooms, first finer; aJo single , rooms. Plain furniture, cheaprent, eloe is. 310 4t H- Atwater 8672 W ELL furnished bouse keeping suit ' for 2 i herhelor. with: running water.' 414 Market. - f corner 11th. ! S.'K. ROOMS, also sleeping room; cheap; wire visrw of city: private home; $$ and $4 week. , 396 Mrttet st, Atwter 8 8 IK. COST room wVth kitcheneUe, bath, iaindry. light, sice" horn, aear csr; adult aptayd. isesr i. SSCSEKriEPING room, clean; and convenient. 813, 318, $18 per montk; epaee- for car. Bdwy. 7634. 363 K. 16th.': FOR BENT New furnished b. k. t he. and cokt water, beat, telephone; walk- ing distasee. KKE. clean I eier-iwne Ma ais S3. ilertrw V phone; . , bath. tad onkf -watexv 533 TswihuV et. TWO-BOOM suite, ground floor. . .etove -heel. ,$20 mosth. I6SN. j5tht. Phone Bdwy. . 4229. ' - .i t rOB RENT $ 28, three farniabe4 hotwekeip- . war rooms. e-sves iiu, lucnmoao. csr ' sra zita,.ea wwi aom. LARGE, rleast forsuahed b, k, roosa. furnace neaa, ngnc. poose ana twtat asuuable, 821 H S-ith a. Arwtr S)5. . . UMi, mr. . a, rooms, sat iuor -nice ir , est. married -emu FURNISHED bu k. rooms. .3 room is privaU i , srome, nam ee s; cmp rent S3 K V lwth. M. Phewe Walmit 8233. '. bOUSEKEFPIXS jrcoms, tan cncapl .close aav , 43 , Wash., st. f... " v - 4 3, 1922. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED PRIVATE FAMILY 304 HAWTHORNE D13TRJCT aiieelj fanithad iMMuekecpuia reaati, apaw Iloor, targe ironx room fo Mnea with omtj thing sew in kitchen; heat, light tad gaa; eerjr reaaon abie rent; marrird ewple preerred ; refer ence required. Call Tabor 4661. ' TWO nam $21, three MS. another (43: each inetudea light, garbage watev, tele phone: Kajtfwaod floorm, French doorg, tur atace, fluepiaee: garage; accommodate four. 117 leeiamL Walnut !&. - C.iilAX. furniahed 2 aad ' S-room B. K- aiute . wim HAS mMH I" OTnwetint , wiw i H. K. raomav CaQ Bundar all day.- Other days morning or eriung, 4 3 1 X. Aah nea.r Tth. . ; XICET.T FCBXISHED, LARGE POCSE- K.E.EPIKtt UOUat, TELerHUSB, . BATH. LIGHT .AND OAS iFCRXI&HED. CLOSE l-. BJUteONABXaS HATES. AST 7172. CLEAX. AIRY MODERN HOTSESEEPIXa SUITE. CENTRAL, WEUT'BIOE. CALL MORNINGS UNTIL 12. AND. EVENINGS. BOTT. 5157. 1 $2.75 A WEEK, furniahed housekeeping rooms, Bghta and bath included, weat' side, aeailcmg diatahee. 545 hi Firnt and 215 Mill, comer of First. - U. K. ROOMS, walking dikUnee, fine plior.e. iignu. water, garbage, apeetai raw to long renters. 275 WUliania are. East 577. Mrs. Wilcox. ; rATEBLEl4H 'HEIGHTS ' Suitable fu two ladle eanplajred, sunny frmt bedroom, use of kitchen, other liome priTjlege. Sellwood H 1 8. FIRST " floor of my home." 3 large room and pantry ; newly calcimined. e Tenrtbing -furniahed, quiet neighborliood. 814 . East tth 8., Brooklyn car. a-ROOM APARTMENT WITH PRIVATE BATH, STEAM HEAT. EAST 2878. 272 4 WILLIAMS AVE. 2 WELL FIR. H. K. RMS., HEAT, LIGHT. BATH. PHONE, CLOSE IN, CHEAP. 458 HAI.L. MAIN 465. FURN.- 3-rpom suite for liouaeaeepiiig, priirate entrance, phone, electric lights, gas range and bath. Woodstock -carlina. Cheap rent. 587 E. 20th. FURNISHED housekeeping room, .furnace heat, hot and cold water; good location; near Failing school All out-eds rooms. 188 Porter st. or Atwater 07 43;, $21 WEST SIDE. 2 suites H. K. rooms. 1st and 2d floor, fnjly fjirnished. lights free, lawn, walking distance. Mciatland, 208 Sailing bldg. 2 ROOMS furnished, kitchen, lirnu and bed. nice, airy room, hot and cold water, furnace ' heat, bath, toilet. 40U jaduon. Main 5 lt. WELL furniahed rooms tor housekeeping, for 2, $17 per month; erezything fur tdithed but gas. 722 wUliams are., near Beorh. LA RGB room and kitchenette for 2. cozy and clean, for the winter, ju3t what you are .looking for; gas light, water, heat. clean linen eflch we. alnut 4 54 5. lARGE front room for light hotvkeeuiHE. nicely furnished and clean, free heat, lights and phone. ery reasonable, flu 7 (. ley. At water S602. LARGE, lesn, eogy rooms, well equipped kitchen, H block from car; $4.75; no children. Tou will like these rooms. . Em pire 11T2. . . - NICE clean furniahed houiekeepasg rooms, rea sonable; no objection to children; no charges : for light and heat. 631 Maohall. Broad way 4876. : H.K. APTS, erery conrenience, reasonable. 2 blocks south Multnomah club. - 260 Nar- tilla it. Atwater 4173. - : TWO room housekeeping suite: gas, phone and ligbtt, bath; nngle room, $4; close in, nice location. 307 Market. MODERN 4 rooms up, or 4 room down, un furnished, rery reasonable. 880 Colonial are., in pTerloek, near R. S. car. FOR RENT Furnished 3-room apartment. hot and cold, water in kitchen, pantry and large clotnes cioset. ana pnone. --zti (Jeok. $2 UP WEEK Outside h.k. njoms; eTerything tirriiishea except gas. i( it. lTtn st. west side. CLEAN, light, front single housekeeping room 1st floor, elose in. 111H E. 8th st,. between Alder- and Washington. TWO TRUXK8 moTed, 75c: downtown district. fireproof storage 1 3 days free. Long distance hauling. Broadway 2445. WALNUT PARK, near Jefferaon high, .one, nicely furnished room with kitchen privi leges, lor iaay or eoupie. v smut 31' s. 2 LARGE light housekeeping rooms on first - lioer. l single on second iioor, cnuaren welcome. Bdwy. .436. FURNISHED sleeaing room for gentleman $2.50 per week. 497 Montgomery st. Ptiotie Atwater Otis. THREE furnished housekeeping rooma, suitable for fsmtly. 444 East Oak rt. East 1186 UNFURNISHED H. K. rooms, center of town light! and large. 221 12tb at- cor. Salmon. 2 LARGE housekeeping rooms and kitchenette. 701 K. Bumside, oor. a 0th. TWO CLEAN FURNISHED H. K. kOOMS Cloee in; cheap. 849 Salmon. Main 3182. 2 FURNISHED h. k. rooms, water, light and phone. 635 E. Morrison. ' LARGE third floor h. k. room, suitable for two. 154 N. 18th. rt. NICE, clean, 2 room apt,. $20 per month. zaot z nt St., oornog retry grov. 2 AND 8-room apt,. everything furniahed. 540 Vi William av. tst 1'87. 32.50 UP CLEAN H. K. roam for men. 40 Corbett. Main 8940. 1 AND 2 H. K. rooms, hot and cold water. 415 Mill st..cbr. 11th. Call Main 6882. H. K SUITE, with jrch, for 8; $30. N. 18th. 154 10 W. CHURCH ST,. East, 6667, and bath, gas, electricity. 8 14, L KHUKhi nicely furnished H. k. rooms, ground floor, gs. bath, $16 month. 692 Front. APARTMENTS FURNISHED 307 Leeds Apartments Fireproof building, modern, 2, 3 and 4 rm, apt ; single mi; elevator service Atw. 859T. CHAMBERLAIN APTS. T. Timer, new management. Modem 2 3 rm. apfs. ; also tleeping rooms with bath; newly remodeled; reasonable. Cor. Urand aod Stark. East 003. 3 ROOM furnished apt. with bath, dressing room and sleeping porch, steam heat and - plenty of hot waiter. 'Call et,27 Rodney or phone East 78 1 7, V f ' THE ALAM6 APTS. ' - Furnished 3-ronm front apt-, steam heat, private bath, diappearin( bed, lor working couple; rent $4u. , 494 Market - King Albert Ats. 2 and 8 room, furnished or unfurnished, tft hath, elevator. 1 1 th at Montgomery. Main 0359. The Sjtanf ieid - Modern 2 room apt . light, beat, phone, $23; winter rate. Main 73f2. x CLEAN and new. Ivory woodwork, mahogany furniture, hew bed and linens -everything furnished; $5 s week. 183 N. 18th at. THE KDENHOLM 334 5th at., modern, 2 and 3 room furnished apartments. Private bsttis. Bent reasonable. L NEWLY furnished rooms Nob Hill near 21st, walking distance; day. week or month: reasonable. " 701 Davis St. SAN MARCO. E. 8TH AND COTCH. 3 BM. MOD. APT., WK. OB Ma KAST 1990. GLEN COURT y-Jt room apta.'. ckiw in. Corner Park and Taylor. Mais 19$ L ADAMS APARTMENTS Modem 3 rm, apt-. . funuaaed, 803' Jeffer- aotv, ' I ' i HADDON HALL,- HTH AND HALL S room, kitchenette, bath, hdw.i fieera, private baleonie. $88 sn. Afrser 360. $40 3 LOVELY roonv. well lifihted, pri vste bath aod ieoepties hall, , hot water all the time, ; Main 8795. - . . 4-BOOM comer, with "or wfthout psaeu, wslkinf - distance. 2Q0 E. 1 Sth. cor. Taylor. ONE and 3 ran, with kitchenette, steam heat, hot aad eeVrf water, $1$ and $20 Bdwy. 4292. H !, ITts t-ix' ; ONE -room assrtsnest furnished. 271 McMJ ln. 4 bloeks from Broadway bridr. Kajt 3086. TWO nioely fsmWhed apt., walking diet see, side. Cell East 29ST. Adult only. FUBNISHKI) ap. for houaekeeptng; ton t.r . ; - - apt, for rei able rent. 88 Overton ONE 3 aod eae 2 room" rest. The Arcadia apts.- 166 Everett. APARTMENTS UNF1JRNISHED 308 The American Madera 4 sad 5 Slut sad Johseoa. Broadwse 3860, Tri i TUB WF18T J- "wtV "N. 23d St. - ' Large B-ronwi apartmest. Individual perch. MODERN 3 room apartment; , ivory wood- work. -beeakfast Book. JOt B. 3 3d et. S-KOOM -spt., srivaie toilet aad bath. Thur . aaaa at. Beat SOus, Atwater 8761. - J . . ; -fj ;,..', ; THE FOR RENT FLATS FURNISHED 309 ATTRACTIVE ft aeon furniahed Oa on Port laad HeignU. hardwood fioora. n9-to-4ta faminhinga. iiwtantaneeaa water asd gas inmace; fin riew; walking diaranra. $1P0. Main IIH. ; i-B, TXTRN., aiiuteJ eiean. cheerful; fire : plaee, lighta, phone, garbage, beat, piano; garage included. ' 42 Larrab it. REASONABLE 4 - room clean upper flat, Hgbta. water, pnene; adolta onlj- 727 ' Stark. 6 RM. MOD., ail oatside. upper flat, good furniture; W. 8.; walk, diit. ) 1, Ul.i ney. Main KEWi I room, p'ritrat fcatb, aleepirig. porch, piano, phone, light, water free. 781 J Oreriook bled. Walnut 0495. FOR BBNT-Tnreo Foots furnUaod flat, beii ment, ground floor. CaU 44 East Couch. 4-ROOM funuahod mKi fiat for rent, 2 S3 - 11th at., near Columbia. FOR RENT r6 room furaialied flat." Atwater 8451. IBV1NGTON Cosy I nss. sj. p., heat, gas; 4 mis a. p.; choice fnrnttUfre, East 8015; $200" CASH win handle the' eHaYin flat in Portland. Bdwy. 4884. FLATS UNFURNISHED . 310 BIX nice light rooms, conyen iant.; ore t stone. inquire ac aaax xamnm.-- raoocr-oooo UNTURNI8HEP 8 I. flai. fei $2(i. e38 ,8d st. BOOMS, porch, close to ;ear. 16th north. East 8567. " " East FLAT for rent at 182 Eat 15Ul s Call East 20T2. j FOB RENT 5 room modern fta-t, $20. "5T3 E. ErereU st. MODERN 8 rm. tipper flat in East Portland, walking cutanea; East aaut. ' CLEAN 4-ror.m upper flat, $25; walking di- -tance. i Jl B. atark. 5 ROOM lower Gat, 514 Powell st. Phone Aut. 643-61. JPPER 8 rm. flat, modern. $35.80. N. 18th it, Adulta. soas HOUSES-7-FURNISHED 311 SCENIC LODGE cot lazes, 52 Heichto Ter race, 3 and 4 room cotts ce f f-HS. view of city and mountains; 20 minutes' Walk to Heart of city : Hail it. ear on Morrison to ISta st.. 2 blocks west. See ta appreciate. Keaared rents for winter. IS LACRELHCHST ' ' ' An exceptionally fine furnished house, nice lawn, shrubbery and electrie lighted double garage; hot water heat. 1214 Lad d ng-ton Court. Phone Tabor -0904. ATTENTION, "High blood praasur patients," Hi'O pays rent o rm. turnishea cottage. Long Bcaeb, Wash., until July. 1923. Ideal climate, free wood. B-671, Journal. WILL RENT lower floor of nicely furnished house, furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors, garage. Hawthorn district; adults only. Ta- - bor 8254 408 Marguerite are. ' ELEGANTLY furnished house, high elevation, fruit; alao cottages furniahed, unfurnished. reasonable. 252 Gibbs. - - 5 ROOM modern turiii-ihed bouse and garage. 7 miles frcm Portland, LisnUiB road. $42.50. Empire 125T, 6 ROOM modern home, furnished, -reasonab'e rates. 1 18 EUis are. Bellwood car; 25 -minutes from town. SMALL 4 room house, 'partly furnished, 318.fi0 per month including water, 5420 jUth are, S. E. . WIJ2N" moTing. call East 5026. We eon Cract your job or $2 per hour, and fur nish 2 men. 6 ROOMS, furnished, 25, nice large yard, gas, lights; hot and cold water, near Ports mouth. Phone Monday, East 6860. LOWER floor, modern, furnished eompleti adults. 468 E. Tth north. Phone after 4 p. m. Kast 2563 MY HOMK, modern, completely furnished, 6 i rooms, furnace. Call 681-43. 0; ROOM modern house, furnished, reasonable rate. 718 EUls ae., Sellwood car. FOR RENT 8 rooms furnished, close in $35 per month. Call at 452 Failing st HOUSES UNFURNISHED 312 2-RM. FLAT. 1775 Belmont. $17. 14-nm. apt. bouse, 618 Bdwy. drive, $75. 5-rm. bungalow, 4420 52d are., $35. 5-rm. fUt, 60 E. 12 X.. $45. 5-rra. house, 1250 Denver $80. 8-rm. rery modern, $79 V 31st, $60. 3-rm. house, 634 Emerson, $12.50. 5 rm. bungalow. 38 E. 57th, $40. niAAK u, McGUKK. Bdwy. 7171. KENTON HOME Modern 7 rooms, sleeping porch, extra kitchen and dining- room; good condition, near school and ear. Phone East 6747. GOOD clean 7 room modern house, new fur nace; near two schools and earline. 12 N. Going St. Tabor 9708. ' TWO 4 -room uouses to rent. Take Woodlawn car, get off at 13th street and walk two blocks south. 712 Liberty street. NEAT 5 room bungalow, near Peninsula park $35 per month. Call 184 East Holland st.! or phone Walnut 5181. 3 ROOM modern bungalow, 2 blocks from car line, rent $25 per mo. Call' Aut. 620-88. CLOSE to Sellwood carbarns, 5 rooms, $2 5 Tsbor 8402. . SEVEN room house, 3 block N Wash. st. 106 X. 16th. west aide. : MOVING 2 men, large truck, for fi-room furniture. 81.60 per hour. Main 62D0. FOR RENT 9 room house, at 341 E. 12th st. north. 860 monthly. Call East 5120. FOR RENT. 7 room house. $25. Call Aut. 644-39. ' ' FOR RENT 9 room modern bouse. CaU ' East 2640. 3 ROOM houee at 77 th and Prescott sta. Phone East 3158. 6 ROOM house. East th sL, $25 322 E. 9th st. Inquire WKsT SIDE, close in; modern 7 room house, ' $35: adults only. 520 Clay at. $22504 rooma and bath. 911 Cleveland are. Walnut 4087. "No children. HOUSES UNFURNISHED 312 PPRIXKXEBED WAR KHOTJB B an track. Store your good with us. Let ua do rout ewvmg sad paekiasv CLAY . MOBSB, tSO. Bdww. S470. 454 Qttma at MOVE THE SXCTJRITT WAY Extraordinary Service For th ordinary price. . PACKING. MOVING, STORAGB SECURITY STORAGE A TRANSFER CO.. 4th at Pine. at.. Opp. Multnomah hbtet Telephone Broadway 8713. FOB RENT 7 room house, Vi. block to Woodstock car. large lot, fruit treesi- would rent te) rssiionaible. party for $33 per month, t" QUICK SALES CO. : 402 Couch Bldg. . Ant. BlljBt. FOR RENT 7 -room house, modern, full base ment, barn, chicken run; 4 blocks from R. C. car Tit 673 E. 82d st S. ; phone 981-L Vancouver, owner; address 608 W. Sth st. CaU a. m. or p. m. , MODERN, unfurnished suburban cottage with -well improved half acre; 8 miles from Port land, 5 minutes' walk to station Oregon Electric; paved highway and hard surfaced road to city. Main 8762. SPLENDID home for rent. 411 E. 87th N., 2 block from Sandy boulevard ; 8 -room . house in good, clean condition; garage for 3 cars. Automatic 321-78. i'LKNITLKr moving, i per Hour and up. 80 days free atorag on ax. H. good in brick warehouse. Estimate gladly tarnished- Pbose Bdwy. 120t. FUBN IT URE MOVING ' $2 PER Hotd. 2 MEN; PIANO. $2 AND CP; LARGE J- THWa. KAST 5047. PIANO MOVING S3, funutsre 32.50 per hoar 2 men. larr.' ntad van. lb.fl I mn fi m 1..m MiU.1 n , rraasier vo.. bin con. - CCT BATS OS 'UBN"ITUIIK MOVINU ' . Fireproof Storsg 1 5 Day Free LONG DISTANCE HAULING. BDWY. 2445 VVHi-N" MOVING, cits otv country, get thbet at Jtnrest di 1281. 202 V, Alder st. YORK EXPRESS m TRANSFER CO; Trunks, baeeaee. fumitnre. mnnr It KA and $2 per hour.- Broadway 7688. FOR RENT 5-room bungalow, stock av., 55th st 5394 Wood WHEN moving call Istor 025$; we ooatraot rwow joo, or 07 ta soar. FURNITURE FOR SALE 313 HOUSES FOR RENT , liouses For Rent . Furniture For Sale it 2 w, west Vide, renti $4Si - 14 Jtufln, net aide, rent $70. "2 roiav iiortheeet sde rent f 83. 2 tim. weat side, renti 328, 'H 4 32 Cbamber of Commerce) Wdgi FOR SALE- New farnitar of 3 room flat, rail er by Uk rnec. Fist treats 333.30. Main 136w. 1 - . -- ;. , FLAT for nek faraitare for aeleT Boom i rested pay rent. 3200 required. Krosdway 4 884. 8 BOOMS, oak furailurav; 4 bue keeping : apartmeata, pays snore than ) rent, ?-A snap, 88l6 eaeh. 171 E. 34th st - ' i " BEAITTlFtl. new modern 5 room bungalow: adults pply; fnramtrc for ml. East 8974. 8 RAL FLAT foe- seat, furniture for sate; Price $3 73. Bma.' pay expenses., 143 1 ilth. OREGON' PAtlY ioURAI '-FOItTLAyi, r OREGON. FOR RENT' HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE FOR SALE 313 SIX BOOMS of furnltnre : for sale. $O0. Rent $22.56 pes- month. Terms. $300 down. 433 East Harrison. Phone East 2188. S BOOM8 completely furnUhed, X rooms rent- e; walking distance; clean, ana rigni; pay fsons awner: leaTin city. Maim 85?. WANTED TO RENT APARTMENTS 357 MUST hT by Thursday small unfurnished apt, or flat; must be floae in, yery reason abla and desirable. 8tt full particulars. Adults. K-4 24, Journal. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE APARTMENTS AND FLAT PROPERTY 402 H - APARTMENT" HOCrlE DISTRICT CORNER,. $425) . This location is ideal for 2 or S room Ptv. being on the west Sid, conrenient to hospitals and in the high rent district. Get- . ting the lot at about M its real value you , can build and get big returns on the in- yehtraent, Ritter, Lowe & Col, Realtors ! 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade-hJdgi TO CLOSK ESTATii LOflxiaO. N. E. : comer 14th and Taylor. West Sule. ast!215. LOTS 403 SPECIAL SALS BRANCH OFFICE OPEN EVERT DAT LOTS $3 DOWN, $2 PER WEEK WILSHIRE ADDITION Joins Alameda Park and Olmftead Park. Beautiful and largo lets with fir tMea, pr if desired, there am many 1-oti all (ueared. 1 hey are as large ait 80x115 ft. DIRECTIONS TO REACH: Tak Broad way car to Bryee ae. . go east 4 blocks, or nuTtor out Fremont at. to 33d and go norm 2 eiocas. : Branch Office, Phone Aut. 328-1 J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, j 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. ; Bdwy. 6034. s SomaUiintf Very Special 5 lr.ts on Dirision sU $100 Each ! This is sure to be business prop erty in a short time; no restrie- - tions. : Only $ 100 cash. reQUired. Get busy if you want" on. Remember Ladd's addition is only 20 "minutes' walk to city hall. See Mr. Delahunty Lidd Estate Co.. 24 6 Stark sfca Bdwy.1 5754. Et. East 3492.' ISOiSOp' $845 $0 DOWN, $9 MONTH PARKROSE This tract is level.; shade trees, no rocks, neb. silt land, no building restrictions; the monthly payment of $9 includei 6. Tou can build a litsi place here and raise garden, berries and chickens. See this choice tract today. Take Rose City Park-Paxkrose car to end of cartine. Tabor 2904. J. U HARTMAN COMPANY, 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg Bdwy. 6034. $15 TX)WN. $15 MONTH CELERY AND ONION LAND I PARKROSE Beautiful building site, seme shsde trees, balsuce all cleared ready. for plowing. " Rich ,ilt land, no rpeka or gravel, low county Ui. Outside city; limits, north of Sandy bled. Take Rose City Park Parkros car, to to end of earline. Taoor 2904. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, i 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg; ' Bdwy; 6034. j BUT THIS LOT $3 SAVE $$ $325 will buy this 50x100 on 42d st.. 200 feet north of Division..; Owner paid $600 for It a few months aso. but on accpunt of sickness muse" sacrifice. . J. R. HAIGHT FOR REAL ESTATE ". 352 ANKENY. BDWY. 2045. A LbT BARGAIN v " We have a splendid 50x100 corner; in Peninsula district, sewers and. sidewalks 4n, on beautiful street with park in 'canter. Price $625. $100 cash. See Dwyer, with "32 Ch&mher of Commerce WEST SIDE CORNER $4250 100 ft. en 21st st. 50 ft on Northrup. Elegant location for store building or apart ment bouse. Bargains like tlus are not to be bad every day. BITTER. LOWE A CO.. i 201-2 3-5-7 Board of Trade, hide. E. STARK NEAR E. 28TH , $1500 30x100, all improvements in and included in price; 4 blocks to E. An ient car barns; suitable for flats, store or home. i JohnsonDodson Co. 633 X. W: Bank bldg. Main 37 87. $10 DOWN $5 PER MONTH Total price $475, 0.97 acre, 1 mile . from city limits, good deep soil, no rock or gravel. ' 732 Chamber of Commerce. BUILDERS . HOUSES COMPLETED PROMPTLY Our construction and workmanaliip, to gether with liberal financial assistance, will please you. Soldier bonus accepted, REIMERS & JOLIVETTE. Sellwood 2984 $100 DOWN $10 monthly. 40x100 on E. Yamhill near E. 23d; macadam streets, sidewalks, curbs ana sewers, ana portable garage incisaea in price; oo. i JohnsonDodgon Co. 633 X. W. Bank bldg. Ma'n 3787. PENINSULA DISTRICT ' Level lots oa Colfax at, 2" block west of Pattott ave. ; sewer, walks, curbs, graded streets, sU said; Only oo on easy terms. Hfc-NUfc.HSU.N-BANlt.L'H tu 228 Henry Bldg. '. Bdwy. HOME BUILDERS 4754 flee this: desirable lot on Albinla av. corner Deknm. Will sail law than value or take second, mortgage. W. M. HJMBDENSTOCK CO.. 210 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. 1658. BUILDERS I HOUSES COMPLETED PROMPTLY Our construction and workmaashia. getber with liberal financial assistance, . will please you. Soldier bonus accepted.' ' REIMERS JOLIVETTE. Sellwood 2964. ALAMEDA-PARK CORNER 4890 Level corner lot, with all improvements in sod paid on both street. We have 100 choice lota in Alameda Park., many an, easy term, with second mortgage privilege. See as for lota sih building loans, i , . HENDEBSON-BANKIS CO. ! 228 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. .4754 . BOSE CITY CAB LOT $376 aOxlOw let on E. 89th st," only one block north of Sandy. Owner needs cash aad has cut the prci. ; HENDKBSON-BANKUS CD. 228 Henry BMg. ' Bdwyj 4754 LAURELHURST DI8TBICT 87A0 Ivel tot on the south side of fL, DstU St.; 3 ft west of E. 47th, Alt irnprove- BMDta in rnn pshi. . HESDKBSON-BANKU8 CO. x, jin Henry Bldg. . ' '. Bdwy, 4784 A FULL half Mock on Tawthorne are., bet Sta and lPth. is offered for ou;rk rale by owner ,st one-third off its market; j value; terma.;' Phrm East STTS. YOU SHOULD own your home. I can show you s proposition whereby ; yon cas jfeay for the Same as 70a rent, save your mot! mottex. r.mrnre frs. v. r. stum. LAVRELHURST BARGAIN ONLY 131160 lis ttloeks from Ghaaa street tut Hazcl- fera 'leee. Tabor 754 7. . L:NION- AVE. baeineat lot for sale, lor : take goon restoewee sot, lor part., ajwacr, tst 4799. 7 - - KtlR hIf vslas, ouarter block, eleee in. ForU iamlrietgnta. Thou (art I7J1. i ' Full 8ALii-4-Ixti 30x100. easy terns. Aut 630-65. . tali fitter REAL ESTATE- FOR SALE LOTS 403 ACRE TRACT ' $13 DOWN. $15 MONTH i.. PARKROSE '-' . $1 520 Ririi garden sad herry lajatl. no xccks cr araiei. ail eisaral. but .fear ahad trees; . no building rassrrietions; lew oeuntyJ tax. lour cueuc to hsiss a btue ttease of yor sea. The mootaly payaaeut Inctndw alnterasa at M9. Braaieat office ewes eeery day. Take-Base City Park ear, no to cad of carlin. Pbeoe Tabor 24. ' ! J. U BABTUAX COMPANY. ; 3 Chamber of Comnaeroe Bdg.. Hriav till 3 J SAVE carfare. 38x455 on Beacon 4 $1000, swt i v ser mo, per cent. JLatioraan. East 8039. HOUSES 404 JiOKB rlTY $13,000 Wonderful 8 room bossealow. on corner lot 100x114. hdwi. Aaors, osd ivory finis, full cemont basement, fireplace, furnace, break fast nook, sunroam. large bedreoaaa, large isieeping porch( au built ins, double garage, . laundry trays, an ideal locacfon far a doctor. This is s beautiful home. Terma arrssiged. Pbon Bdwy. 7522. ' iSEBVICE RELIABrLiry. CUE A'. McKENNA k CO., (f-UUbiished 1S89) Artisan Bldg.. Broadway and Oak. LAXTRELHCRST, $6401 A brand-new bwigalow wish hardwood floors Uarough out, tiled bath, reeessed "tab. best fur nace, tapestry paper, large living room. Built by one - of Portland's beet build ers. A. G. TBpe Co.. LACRELHURST OFFICE 3th and Gfcsan. Tabqr 8433 or Tabor 5. ' Jafej.'. &RVI 1 (Mill I W In the newest Vart of frvin-rton! where all the fine homes are being built, we hare a ! :new 5 room bungalow with hdw. poor, full ' cement basement, breakfast nook, all baih- ina, laundry uays, garage, located on E. litli st. N. This is a real snap. Total price $5250, very easy terms. Phone Bdwy. 7522. SERVICE RELIABILITY, i COE A MrKEXXA ec CO.; ( Established 18S9) Artisans Bldg. , Broadway and Oak. ptdld Your Home Now We assist in plannus? and financing. Come in and talk it ozer. ' IBofon Investment Co. 216 Panama Bldg. . Broadway 167 LAUBELHURST $1000 fash W cannot imagine anything finer than this i room new modern bungalow, with hdw. floors, ivory finish, fireplace, furnare, cement basement, larce attic, breakfast nook, all bullt-ins, laundry (rays, garaee. 50x100 street-level lot. etc. The total price is $5750, with terms of $1000 casn, balance $50 mcnthljv includhig interest. Phone Bdwy. 7522. SERVICE " BKLIABILITT. .COE A. McKEflnXA at CO., Established 18 89) ; Artisai Bidg. , Bradwey and Oak. i IRVLNGTOX DISTRICT " $800 cash, $35 monthly and interest; new 5 room strictly modern bungalow ; large attic, garage; corner tot, 1 block to car and school: surrounded by new homes; real value at $6300. Johnson-Dodson Co. 633 X-W. Benk bid. Main 3787 IRVINGTOX PARK S00 Cash Balance $25 Monthly Here's a very good 6 room modern bun galow, on ear line, close to school, full ce ment .basement, furnace, all built -ins. , nat ural finish, etc. Tii is th biggest bargain in our office. Total price $4000.; The best of terms. Phone Bdwy. 7522. SERVICE RELIABILITY. COE A. Meet EX N A At CO.. (Established 1889) Artisans Bldg.. Broadway and Oak. ROSE CITY 3 tth st. near new City park. ,$5230. Not new. but well' built and coay. - Wcnderfui lawn and shrubbery. The - bungalow is modern, too, with every convenience and gar&ge A splendid buy. A. G. Teepe Co., 4Uth and Sandy. Tsbor 9586 or Tabor 8433. (1500 CJtSHC A dandy room Rose- City bungalow, brand new, nmdern in every way. hdw. floors, firepiaeei- furnace, full cement base ment, breakfast nook, old irory finish. 60x 100,. street-lel lot, garaga, cement run way. . The canst complete home in thia beautiful; district. Total price $5500. ex ceptiaBatfy easy terms. Phone Bdwy. 7522. SERY1-PE RELIABILITY. ? COE A, McKESA A CO., ; (Established 1889) Artisaiis Blg., Broadway snd Oak. ROSS CITY PARK BARGAIN 6 roams, right on Sandy bivd., $5250. any reasonable terms. Large. -tfvine room, oak floors. .fireplace, .full basement, fur nace,. BeaiiUful cor. lot Any reasonable terras. A. G. Teepe Co.. 40th and Sandy. TAbor 9586 or Tabor 3433. You Can't Beat This Bfc rooms and sleeping porch, . one floor, haxtwood floors, fireplace, French doors, buffet, larje' Dutch kitchen. 2 large bed rooms, bat between, full cement ibasement: trays. A real bungalow, $8140," $650 down, balance te suit East 8935, 15500 IRVINqTOX SACRIFICE $5500 An 8 room large house. Would make a fine duplex house with small amount of remodeling. Eight large rooms, full base ment, fu ranee, garage, all improvement in, 50xltO tot Ask for Mr. Fisher, with WILBUR F. JOCXO. INC. Bdwy. 437: , 224 Henry Bldg. 16 ROOM piiastered house, "4 acre ef beaver- dam land, on U. K. oolendid place for chickena and gardening, $230 down and $25 a mouth, including interest at 6 fe . Lan ritsenSterensoni,Schneider Co.. Inc. 226 Al der st Main 8815. BOSK CITY CAR. $4600 NrTW .BrXGALOW, EAST FRONT. Oak floors, . furnace and fireplace. Well built. A real heme. Priced right A. G. Teepe C04 40th and Sandy. Tabor 9586 or Tabor 8433. 2Rm. Bungalow S HI SO. A eossfortahle little home on 30x100 ft lot. SioiasstA. to assume; near 79th and 1 Gliaaa, -SOnly ; $450 cash, balance easy. John Fs Zutoer,!1824 E. Glisan. Tabor 7547. LXCEELHUBST PARK 1 BLOCk Widow going- to Salt Lake with daughter will seli lovely 80x100 eorner, 8-rooxh houto, full cement basement, fireplace, fur . naee, lowely turabberv, garage: only $6500, -31208 dowit Tabor 2189.- NOT INFLATED 5 rm, bungalow with large sleeping porch, full bmemrnt, builUns, modern; lot 100 xlOO iJ,s 18 fruit tree. $3500. half cash. A. X. fKARLK, 192 f. Glisan. ? 6 ROOM plastered house 3 bedrooms) , fully furnished, blocks from Alberts snd 8 block from lrvington at. car, 33100; terms. Iauritse-8terenaoa-dchncidr Co., Inc, 228 Alder st Main 8615. 5 RM. COTTAGE, heart of Sunny Kie, dose to car and park. Big discount for essh. Come aut, let ws show you. Party leaving town, must aacrlfios. Scott V Berry, 1039 ' Belmont. "- : BY OWXEB t . yiOxlOO comer; 8 rm. house, laundry trays, gas . ieetpcity, fruit paved rtreet. s bargain. Price $$150. . Wajnnt 0280. NEW 4 room bungalow, 30x100 foot lot, 1 block from HawUmnie ear; full emeat ha - ment: fireplace, etc., 3256$ down aad $23 . s month. Leuritaen-SUvenwin-kehrieider Co., Inc.. S28 Alder :t- Maim 8618. ' Z ' ON'LY 82100 - 5-reorn cottage, electric, gas and hath, amp. all In snd psid. t block to 8 eartines snd aehont; $900 down, balance long time. East SP35. KENTON 7 -rm. House, modem, lot. 30x100, fruit trees sad flowers, street pavement and sewer reid. H Mk. from car. 9280O. half cash. ' -4dn R. -sjillette: 1761 Denver ave. 3 ROOM house, 2 lull sta lota. 4 r-loess from stout villa oar. 323 down. lAarltaea- Btevenson-Schneider Coj,,; lac., 228 AJder st - Mais 8616; i7.-jio ca5h-5J ua . Fumisbed'' house boat. 5 rooms, large -awrchsw. aazdea lot, near river,' Fsitoa, ear. -levees, st BdT-3497. C5. Bincier, ' I , BOOM, .houasv in very good condition, for sale or renl; close to car and scheoL Pries - 4280. Rent far 32$ per ma. Owner, '- Wslrmt B913.' ' I8950 IRVINGTON'S snoat umnuial Coaeaisl, remarkably undevreiaed. 81000 cash to handie. - East 894T. ' - OWNBB WTLTj TAKE I-OT' AS PART PAY . OS SEW BBHOAhOW, OEO. C. HOWARD. MIS IS. Vf. BANK ' FOB oALE- Xaw 5-room modern kungaiow, : close in., block te ear. East 3971. , ffiVINOTON J room house, 100il(w 549 E. 8 1st st Berth, near Roott Ptv 2''-M. CHARiilN. MW: 5 room bungajo'i "air jstl bv nice, " LasC 679. . T REAL ESTATE fOR SALE HOUSES 404 PSAXK U McGULRE Han. tleHer as Amerira. sni -I HAVE THE KEY TO YOUR HOMK. "20a FBtahs4f Besses for mis are on di?rir SB my offVc, Taere's a home to ' suit every ruisejnent. rearardlea of what it may be. Every distrtet homes ef every type at every pnee. "Eeery hont is personally inwrKeted sad appraised. ' "l a help yos make your first payment if THE MrGUIRE (SYSTEM will save you tame and mosey sod put you la immediate touch with tti keae you are looking; for.' Year every inter at protected. Came is tadrv and hsxy sour hem the Me- mv ... - . -;7r -r Opsn evenin)g until 9. 90 salesmen with autoa. ! TO SETTLE ESTATE ! Must be sold immediately I 3373 --r- EASY TEBMSt - Undnplicated vaiae is tin in a substantial, at- . tractive 7-soom very modern home I te Alberta district. - BseepnioB : hall. Large cheerful living and dining rooms; airy Dutch kitchen; up are four sunny bedrooms; sleep-tig parch and white enamel bth; full ! cement basement with good furnace; garage: 100x100 . with abundance of bearing fruit ACTUALLY ONE OF THE BIG GEST BARGAINS NOW -LISTED WITH OUR OFFICE. Meaiu qiiiet actios to sec are it Jerrett ttreet. MUST BE SOLD f $230 cash! $250 cash! $2990 $250 downi!'- Look s this todity without fail I Owner being vers snxicus to difpoee ef has cut the price so yeu can have itl Think ef this! Comfortable 6 room bungilow cottage, very prac tical and meat; all modern fea tures; 9 airy bedrooms snd white enamel bath, all isiprovetaentx are in and paid. Missouri ave. TERMS AUK FAR EASIER THAN RENT. $400 AND A LOT! SEB THIS! . $4750 $400 down and a lot! will put you ' in poMesnien of this weaderfal 6 rm. bun.; large, well-lighted Hv iRX. rt.,m with ' cheery fireplace, solid jianeged d-ning room with inspire built in buffet, fine white euamel DDtcU kitchen, 3 bed rooms, roomy closets, bath, fur naee. laundry trsya, 68x100 let You'll know it's a SXAP as soon ss you look at it East 49th st CLOSE TO FRANKLIN HIGH, $449 -$500 down. No mortgage or street liens to assume; after you look over this home you wilL never want to rent again; dandy- 7 -room house . with sleeping porch, fire place, furnace, moat convenient kitchen; all moderu features; den. Uiree bedrooms, full cement base ment! 50x200, with abundanc of fruit, flowers, shrubbery. This ia a value that defies competition. . Monthly terms on balance. 53d t $4 00 DOWN MT. -SCOTT SPECIAL $2850 $40O down) How would you like to own the bungalow 7 A damly 5-room srtistic place with .hard wood floors throughout, liviiii room, dining room, massive bu:it in buffet, Dutch kitchen with breskfast nook, bath, two ru n lit bedrooms, full cement baemi-ni. This is an ideal home and is worth your while to investigate. K. GUt' street COST BOSE CITY $2790 Attractive 6-roora modern H in? In Bose City Park on a full lit; paved street with all improvements . paid; combination living and d o ing rooms; white Dutch kitchen: fcur bedrooma, two of which are down; white enamel bath; two lavatories, garage. East 59th st Terma. THESB ARB ONLY A FEW of the many hundreds of unparalleled home bargains which we have for sale. I'il help you make your first payment if necessary. See FRANK L. MoGUIRE. r - - To Buy"- Your Home. - Realtor.' Abingfcon bldg. Bdwy. 7171. 3d St. Bet Wash, and Stark. . There ia sn opeainc on our sales fi for a salesman with car. LAURELHI'RST ff BOOM BUNGA LOW OX OXE FLOOR. Exception ally large living room. Wonderful loca tion. Price reduced to 57250 Jor quick aale. Come prepared to find a perfect house you'll not be disappointed. 'A. G. Teepe Co.. LACRELHURST OFFICE 89th and Gliaan. Tsbor 3433 or Tsbor 9586. SUNXYSIDB $4200, $500 cash. 840 monthly, 7 rooms and reception hall. 8 bedrooms, full base ments, furnace, , Thia is near 8-8 ear on pared street Johnson-Dodson Co. 633 N-W. Bank hldg Main 3787 ROSE CITY New 5 room bungalow, combination living and dining- room, hardwood floor snd best of finish and fixtures; 2 beautiful bedrooms, built-in kitchen, breakfast nook, garage to match bouse, with cement basement and full - cement drive. Price $3800; $1250 will handle. 317 Henry bldg. MODERN 4-room bungalow st Lanta, near stores, school, car: double constructed; near ly new, gas, , fireplace, Dutch kitchen.-white enamel bath, basement, $2650, small pay meat down. Sewer asst paid. - Aut 641-84. - $600 CASH WILL HANDLE 6 rooms and sleeping porch; hot water treat paved district Price $4500. JohnsonDodson Co. 633 N-W. Bank bldg. Main 8787 LASGE 0 BOOM HOMB , 33500 EASY TERMS ' Big rot, oa paved, street, with all kinds oC fruit Beal homey bouse and grounds. Close to Westmoreland and only one block to car. East 4865. J LAUBELHUBST CALIFORNIA BUNGALOW 6 rooms, all one floor, near the park; very artistic in design snd -modern through out; going to leave. Hurry; if you want a GOOD buy. Tabor 2189. . ? 6-RSI HOUSE, on earline, near school,- French doom, tapestry paper; 82500. Would ex change $1600 equity for 4 nnj.( close in. Wernot 0209. f f I4U 8250 DOWN, buy s cosy httle 4 rooraw bungalow, eompietely sfurniahed, side walks ia aad paid, V block to hard surface street Why par rent? Am.; 615-18. NICE plastered 7 -room house' 1 block from good csr service; 80x190 lot $2760, terms. Best buy in leity: s 191 E. 74 th st N. at car. Tbo 4641.- BOTJSB ! ?LAT : 100 deslrn. $10 to $16. ft pecially de- sigxted st ressonsbls ' fas, i L: B. BAILEY e CO.. j 824 . W. Bank Bldg. HERE is a splendid 3 room ' bungalow. Can be purchased tram owner ir iS0O. can . be rested from owner for 3 SO per month. 4827 70th rtreet 8. . EL Phoae 617-38. ARE YOU GOING TO BUILD t! make aTteT atisnsf Be my work; PUns furnished, 21 yean In Portland. 1084 . . Morrison. Tabor 2909. ' j Willi sell my fi room house sad 3 lot, for $1230: ia good residence d strict; terms, $150 down, and $15 per month. Owner. - ,404 Piatt bldg. FURNISHED BOSK CITY ' HOME 8 rooms, nicely furnished. lovely home, - $6200, $200 down, balance $60 per mo., including in tercet Tabor 2189. NEAR Franklin high school, 6 rooms, des, sleeping peeeh, 81x200, all kind fruit, 8 h locks te Hawthorns car: by owner. 2806 88th st 3QO ft. sorrth Dlvialow. Tabor 017O. " SAVE $1000 ! By -dealing wrth owner : 6-room modern housa. hard woo floor, alaeping porch, fur. aac heat, gsrag. gnod diatnec. East 86 185. $ 52 30 LAUBELHUBS If ww. 5-room aad large floored attic, full eo -basement furnace, fireptar, buffet, imp; paid. 2 bracks to rar. I Tabor 218.' $810oJ EAST TERMS, by owner, modern 4. room aad breakfast Book, aU buihVia and firepiscs. 1209 Minnesota sve. Walnut 3031. A SNAP if taken l m. .3 lota. 8 room house, gangs, chlcksa bouse, aU ktada f nut -. Tsbor 1? "- ; . . $2700 4-ROOM baagalow, ' fireplace, L. - trays, CevnetU bseement, built ins ; imp. pd. ; terrific. 3564V Bdwy. 4794. Bdwy. T4 29, 33850 COZY 6-voom modera eoctace. partly farrashed. e70 dews. - 8880 69th. . 8. E. Ant. 632-46. - WILL SELL any e,usly u 3 4MB Hawthorn hoane or trsda tor eae or lot. aasaaoe ef ' erg1-y rn rash. -283 R. 84h et. - - MY HOMK.' 6 rooms. Bear Benson trad acuooU Easy terms. 628 g. Cooeh .; . 4-Bi Hill modern bungalow, Irvuietou distriet, $3500. mostly cash; : Owner. East 7211. - REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 ! $50 DOWN" ' - - v' ' i WORK AND MAKE 9o . ?8 Per Month Total Payment -L Bread NEW small buaral.-w with 2 bed: v rooms, hardwood' floor ta hving room, sewer' in sad pasd for, Clcse -la W eod-tock er; sad atiioci. ' t- : STOP BENT - Cond Fumished Hease ' $l0 Ato YS-4 I Bal. $13 Per Month and interest 7 At 1219 46th s. 150 set west of Woodstock earline, an 46U v. . Nr HulgaU and 41st st KEW MODERN BUNGALOW $2 nows $83 per month rtraigut cestraet. Side walks, euro aad sewer ia and ni4, 4 . roasns sad aleepisar perch, all new cad mod ra la every -respect. Sotal pro $3730. 830 Chamber Cocaine ro bkt. - ONLY $500 CASH A dandy bsiagaiow with lerge liv ing and dining room e-aM'V.ned. buffet 3 faedroomi, Isrg r'iMi, ceilsat Duteh kitehea, Ri:. ook, cement basement, tlsrorii; .11mm. Lot of fine roses sad tdiruS).. tVr aer lot. good location. ILou i Mlit 2 wear old snd s stood -ims st $4850 335 sin. : Call Broadway 328 or Tanssr 8483. OPEN fob ixsnocTioy 78 E. FLANDEIUv MAKE TOUR WX TERMS 34850 -New, very pretty 6-room buaira low. long living room across the front pretty' dining room; best hdw. floors, coal fire place, Dutch kitchen, nook, 2 airy bed room.", beautifully finished in, white enamel snd tapestry paper; expensive electrie fix tures; best f construction; all street n provemenU in and paid, close to Sandy boulevard. Open Sunday for -your inspec tion. R. SOMERVILLE. Main 8761. 1-ftia Northwestern Bank bids. NSW 5-ROOM BUNGALOW -HAWTHUUXE DISTRICT Irge livi:iT room .across front n c sized dining room vi.tli lovrlj- buffet, tt flmi. throughout, furnace, v.ery arttot tirepiece, tile bath, Dutch kifelieti, plate glass win dows. Flench doors, ivory finish, beat .grsd tapestry paper, cement basement; price $6500; terms. J. R. HA4GHT FOB BEAL ESTATE. 852 ANKENY. BDWT. 2045. LAUBEIJICBST COLOXTAL, FACING PABK. OPEN FOR INSPECTION T TO 0 TOXKiHT. A HOMrJ OF UN USUAL MERIT, LOCATED ON ONE OP THE CHOICEST OF ALL LOCA TION'S. W Just doa't know how to write an ad descriptive enough to do this jtwtioe.- Come prepared to find the best in, construction, style.- design and ; finish. Inspect this. A. G. Teepe Co., ; LACRELHURST OFFICE 89th snd : Glfaan. Tabor 3483 or Tabor 9583. i 8200 DOWN $3000 ALBERTA $8600 100 TEET TO CABUXE , 5 room moderu bungalow with garage; on 25th st, in best part of Alberts; only 100 feet from Alberta car; house m excel lent condition and well worth the money. This ia. a good buy "and the down payment is exceptionally low and if you want a nice home on very -easy Unas you will have to act quickly. MERRICK CO., 304 Panama Bldg. '" Broadway 6942 Open Evcpiaigs snd Sundays. M Can ; We Help You? i We build home " fht " please the owners. All materials and workmansiiip guaranteed first class. Assistance in financing and term that will please you. . . Morgan & Co. 827 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Office Phone: Broadway 6706, Residence Phone Evenings: Walnut 381g. " VLAMKDi ' A dandy 5 room modern bungalow, all modern conveniences, nice lawn, garage, fine locality ana close to csr. ,v SOUTHEAST . A 'fine new ' 5 room modern bungalow, beautifully arranged, all btriltdn feature, corner lot gsrag. etc. A bargain at 35600. For information about these and many other properties phone 3L Zimmerman. Auto. aiu-SB. Attractive Xew modern 4-room bungalow, Vi acre, cor ner, 12 minute walk, from car; recess bath, breakfast nook, sleeping .porch, , ce ment basement hardwood floors, efficient fireplace, low ceilings, r renea window, full cement porch. 25 minute from town, -com pletely furnished, 83550 ; Email payment down ana easy payment. Bdwy. 3t esa Owner. - - , .,VA.'T. As. UA. Looking dowo'Regents' drive; 6 room bun galow, moderu. new. clean, never occupied hardwood floor . throughout, finished in white, extra large living room, fireplace, fur: nace, full bacemeat Price only $5500, $1500 will handle, - . Johnson-Dodson Co. 683 N-W. Bank bldg. Main 8787 ' EX-SERVICE MEN . ' We have some real desirable modern bun galows ready for Immediate occupancy; very easy terms. ABE YOU GOIXG TO BUILD? See our plans and up-to-date ideas. . we can help you finance. W. M. UMBDENSTOCK A CO. 210 Oregon bldg. Broadway 1658. NEAR E. 2 STH ST. CAB BARN 6 room bungalow, with wood rang) and cas ranee: linoleum, screens and ansae: 1 blcck from ear snd business center. ' Price $8200, $BOO essh sad 325 monthly a per cent - - . JohnsonDodson Co. 633 N-W. Bank hide. Mam 3787 ; ' ROSE CITY BARGAIN 83090 Practically new 5-room bunga low, in no location below the hill, all treat simp, in sad psid, fireplace, bd floor, vary handy Dutch kitchen. 2 rue bedrooms, very ssy terms ; best buy in this oiatnet. -K. SOMERVILLE, - Main 8761. 1 01O -Northwestern Benk bldg. 82600 MOXTA VILLA 82600 5 room, modern cottage. 2 large bed room: carare. 19 fruit trees, lot of ber ries: 100x100 lot en graveled street; $850 canb.' balance $80 monthly. Jqlinson-Dodson Co. , 683 X W. Bank bldg. . Main 8787 NICE new 3 room bungalow. It ia a beauty with fireuiace. and too aanoiest ntg living room you ever saw corner lot close to car, balance like rent $4000 $50O cash. . - . . Ralph Harris Co. 816 Cham, of Com.' Bdwy. 5654 83430 MODERN HOME $3450 2 . star. . 7 room, modern, large base ment garage. 60x109 lot, on pa red. street. close to ear; 3700 eastv $35 monthly. JohrtsonDodson Co. 638 N-W. Bank bldg. Main 3787 BY OWNES New 4 rooms, modern. At berta ear. Walnut 0408. 4 room cosy -horn. Albert car, modera, term: Wal 0408.- Owner. Posscsaioa at once. 4 rooms. nw. mod era. terms; everything paid. Wahrot 0498 BY OWNER 6-room bungalow, large bathroom. A- rage, 50ilOO iot' chicken run, fruit tree. berries, all furnished; Tv; terms. a e E. 12th st, S. Phene Aut 823-94. XEW 3 r. houe. dark finish , Biodern cxrepi furnace, on Missouri a vs. just beyond Pen. park, close ta ear. cheap far cash or will accept small payment down and good tertu. Ttii must sell - Tsbor 4392. 8200 DOWN. PRICE $1000 8 roam house, break fast Book, gas. water, 1 close to car ana) school, cement walks - is. j 60100 kt,'Alberta district $15 a month, : 9 jir - cent. - - - 804 BUCHANAN -RLDOr - , "RKLLWOOIV ?: " 8 room modrm Wiralow, near -ear hams, ia good tondiyofi. $2850; $650 down, bal. It k; GATBWoim v V., 4th t 1750 CASH cad 2 amall monthly psyment for 8 r. Jtsr nished hews, baae., wav. cas, ek-., sewer. Based st, das arad. sad high aebL charrtie, fcu., st, er. and library; Jot oxjuv alley. 41S3 K- 64 1 st. Tab; 7973. - 82800 4 reona Alberta home. 27th at 1 old. 3 Bedrooms, kitchen. ItvtnaT and dining . room combination arras front 2 blocks to car, very easy terms.- slain 7244. i , FOR SALE BY OWXEB ,-rncm bouse, comer .lot, . 1 block to car; 81500; terms. Aut 622-31 iOB SALE Comr house. "$SOO0, . 81000 down, $ 2 3 a month with ri it rest, . hay. gars If It once. esx raiimy at, i a 0 0 CASl r X EW B UNGALO W 3 300 K, J. iXcGUIBZ, 34S Csioa are, . 3407 17 REAL" ESTATE FOR SALE .i HOUSES J. A. WsCKMAN CO., See as for th Tea bay ia any section you may desire.- We have toe property snd X can arrsaae terms j sat Sasssatea with ewvos ta you. , xt viacss fosj uoser ma Obligatiea. ;. ;': ' -vi? f---. i 1 - slOS - 8420w Let ua show yoa Shis 8 roam home -only oa Wh. from bandy, oa paved ' - street This ess e easily .ejoavet-ted - - int twosjjiilv flat : NEW COBNKat MUKliAf JOW HOM E 84T54V Here is a ewmarkahry ood ' buy tbat3ta he Bad en reasonable ta si. . . racuni sad bth. breakfast nook aad attic, hdwd, doors, firepiare. half- fet. Duteis kitrhes.. cement basement, carage, tfhssn sti : Pared snd Pid. SEW AKT KEVER OCCUPIED Ms $3$50 Combjnstiea ' hring sad dining room. Dutch kitchen with breakfast nook. 2 Bedrooms snd bath, -cement basement hdwd. floors, furnace, fire peace. - Texmsv .-- - ' i. ' Let fas know yoiix - wants and 1 we will . gladly submit th bt that we have to of fer correanoniUns to.yowr ivquI rement.-t. 1 s ' 3. A.'. WICKMAN CO.. KKALTOR!".' 801-4 Board of Trade. Broadway 6784 FOB SALE, bv" esner, doubl. eoutrucul buhgaWw of 5 roam and bath, front hall, living : room. bath sod dining ' room genuine oak floor: fireplace aad builtis bookTea : with leaded doors ia living room; dining mom ' - jneled. also bufltin buffet with leaded glasa doors; Dutch kitchen, floored attic, f uiirhed stahrway, screened back povcti-, which -.covers , outside entrance te barement: full exu high cement basement, wash trays, preserve closet in basement,;1 fall length window seroes. wTeen tkiois 't nmt and back: howse btli t ou corner lot 3-1x1011 with extra lot 5txl0l) Iut'se has a Hall afu;Tice aad floe electric . fixtures; Jullt tor " Isuso by owner. 1'rire for all 8.V5U6. g3v(to cah. balance -ittort- . SKte at 7 per eent Kee ern t 641 LlUS ave., comer. jiafst 1 n'.n, roTttaBU, sT.- ' Why.lryVRent?1h 1 cr anil fcvf3Mroou aunealow w6th all built-in- IrtrciTkitchen. breakfast Book, cement easement waU trsya, floored attic . - combination living snd diaing room, 2 ied room with' large ciethes closet; . finish d in-- irory threughsuut ga. light i and city water. Acre ia -all plowed and well fenced. On hard surface road iuat outside . city limit. ONLY 8S14H wrth $500 deava. (You csa use the hiasil. t Rumme.li & Rummell; 274 fitrrk et DWY? 72. 1 I 80TH ANlt SAXDYBLVD. Aut 320-6. ! Furnished Bungalow $3150 Down XEW 4-room bungalow, garage, use-! lent furniture, adjoining Ahmed. mod-K , -era built-in, includint; fireplace.-full ce- . ment basement, sidewalk and. sewer paid ., for; close to ear and school. If j - STAB REAL ESTATE ISF. COj-" . Bdwy. 5618. - ta-l$ Wilcox bldg.' $6S0LAtBELHURST BEAt TT t A NEW and classy 5 room buagglow with -every imaginable built-in feature, furnace, -fireplace, breakfast naok. best of up todte plumbing, Dutch kitchen snd EVKH1- j THING. Hsrdweod floors throughout beau tiful light fixture, cement basement, floored, attic; Plat glass windows. Full lot i and V garage. 4 -rice $6500. TERMS EASY. , , RUMHELL at BUMMELL-, ft 274 STABK ST. BDWY.. 6728. 1 IIIH AAU SAMII AUT. 82Q-68. ' A BEAL BOT-w-SAVK $8 - L ! - t NEW ALAMEDA BUNGALOW: f t , 35750 terms t 1 5 room -and attic.ibresktastBook. all the v.. latest, features, oak E floors, fumsce, jfire-- place, rery nice builin. ivory finuh, tap- ; x i estry napr, cement baument Let us bow , you thia rery attraaairs pave. W hat many other home ws will be glad to how ' you any time that if is oavenient to you. .-: J. B, HAKiHT FOft BJ&AMi ESTATE , . 852 AN KENT. f-BpWT. 2045. " You ran make this on your tBTtmnt br busing this horn. Elegant, modern, hard wood ; floors, fireplace, fwrnac; beautiful tUw; ornamantal shrubs; WUlametU Heitrhta.. Can divid into 8 apartment. Youeaa rent 2-8 of it snd afill make 10 loar own rent free. Price $5600r Term. 1 ? ; JOHN A. MEI88NEB. 821 Gaeoo Bldg. $6800 ALAMEDA PABK ! ! Here i a real artistio bunsslowt 8 room, furnace, fireplace. sU - built-ins, -eaome kitchen, breakfast Book, beat ef plumbAnx, oak floor, full cement basement wash txays, rtnnexl .trio. ' ahowsr . hath: 50x100 ! lot; Urge garage. Folk," thl S beautjt. Sis. vetogate. ' RUMMELL ex BUMMICIJU 374 STABK ST. . BDWY. 6728. 3 STH AND BANCY BLVD. . AUT. 320-60. $3250 .88280 A BABGAIX-$360 . Witt Iiandl 4 B bung 1b Geodhu Prk. Win he reedy mob. I hav other from $2875 to $8500. in good dUtricts, with terma,. AU 1 ask to a chance to show you. ' '' -" " - - - - "i i' B. P. PETBU8ICH. W I 803 Heary Bldav v t 1 Be. Ant 313-27. Bdwy. 6080. STOPi STOP.- Tak notice. Don't cheat yoursen. is tn pleasure or saying a new worth. $2000 to you? : If not see this ttour and sir your money. ' The same house new would cost $4800. Thia en ta first-class condition, only . $2830. 6 room. larg aleeping porch. Basement, pared st ; i good f district Br - owner. -Must ssu. lea vine i city: 711 Spokane ave. Tabor 4366. t 329753200 DOWN Buys a w 4 room " lovely little modern bungalow; Ivor finish, , breakfast Book. Dutch kitchen,. 3 . sleeping ' , . room, bath, larg living room, -basement, cement porch, aidawalk, H block to bard , , urface street, near schooL Tola is a dream of a lifet'm. - . -. -. ..; EDWIN O. WILSON, BEALTORTj ; ' J ' 6621 Woodstock ve. Aut 616-18. sawaBw 6 ROOM hens near hew Jnies w . jonit niga sonooi, , Vk niocf to car ena pavement; uuiiud xov "abundanee-pt fruit .This is a (enuine with snap at 34o a. rwittt good terma.. Ralph Harris Co. 816 Cham, of Com. " - Bdwy. '11654 1 ?M6uxl taIoh ' 8 reoma, jiving room and dining room, French doers, tapestry paper, fireplace, best of fixtures, built-in buffet sua porch, built in kitchen, cement basement with urn act, 8 large bedropmi with large closet space, and bath, oa a beautiful view lot, close to car and schooL . Price $8850; first payment $2500, 81THenry brag. i- I $8200 """""J '' " " ' $3200 ISVUiHTUV y T r. house, full cement basement, bath, beautiful lawn, fruit trees, etc.; $500 Wiil nsnai e. , - . ... ; B. B. PETBUSICH f 803 llenrv bids. Res. Ant. 3I5-2T. ' - Bdwy. 8060, . LAURELUL'HST CORNER HOME 1 To sell ! auick this thoroughly modera, nearly new 7-room '.home on large corner with south- and east facing. Is priced at $7000. ! Ask any contractor If it could be ' duplicated ' for , the price. .; Yott had Better hurry. Tabor 2189. . I ONLY 34600. new and aifty. Mrs, ex-aerr- ice man. her ia the ebanc of a lifetime, $800, with bono loan, will let yon into a new 6 reem oungalow. itarawoon floor. fireplace, i garage, , A real bargain. By pvnw, ; asui,. miwi . asw, 4$68. " ' Tabor $2400$20O DOWN, balance $25 'per mo.. - buy a modera B-room bungalow mug bain, ivory finish, rdea lawn and ahrubberyj good garden spot, garage, 2 blocka to ear, : ear . school. A hem to be proud ef . u. . -EDWIN G. WILSON, BEALTB,i ! ' 5621 Woodstock sve Ant 418-rw. , $156 WILL HANDLE- ' ArtrscUv bungalow. '8 rooms snd bath; eery large garage; lot with slley; owner leaving eitjf. wUl sen for 32000. 1. i JohnsonDodson Co. 633 N-W, Bank bldg. ' Msin T"7- 6 ROOMS, aieepinr porch, Dutch kitchen, fruit, flower, est front; near Peninsula '; : park;' good bape; -f1ve poaeion ati once. Pric and term, very reasonable, f Will imt- snnt.l IMk l TJSrt taVmBt ;: i-'Owfer, Wmnt 6189. i-i - - . ; NEW 4 ROOM BfNGALOW - i v 'y X lot 30x100 etck, 33000, 3800 rainV. Clos to arhooi bat vra block to Mont- . BOER W. CaBTjtrPBTAIBa 1 14? 2d t ' Cor. Aider, A NEW 6-room house. ..fireplace, modern . piumBrnc. hardwood floor, cement i bi sent kitchen buiUins, etc. Prise 3360; wtrTaept 5800 cash and balance easy, or win accept soldier' Soon and sny reoB- able term an patarjee, yv-oo numai. LET me gi o" my furore -u your i new bouse you're going to build. will save yeu - money - aad help finsnee, Hav tlnrty house under wy thfa year; flr-t jUss work, H- - H. garria. 1016 Brookhrns Sefl. 2i59. . NICELY FURSISilED, new. modern bancajew, bedroom, bvrng room, dining room, Dutch kitcbes, tireptaee. garag. Pric $30e0. ' $350 cash,- baktnea monthly jyment. ! eo pea -ri. sq st. n. aiinii ej-io. 8 RQ)M modern bone low. free of ail liens, y . $ 3d aod Broadway, $3800; $1000 down, ' respnblc monthly pay si en ta. Owner, 966 tOtA -! '- '- - ; ' - - ;-!- i K : oCXNl'SlL-E SNAP - i i y -, rooms, 4 bedroom and hath upj xlr ' toilet down; full basement furnace, garage, l brk. from car, 2 from chuol, $4000, T 31000 down. Tabor 21 63. - i i? " 9-i : (Continued on following Page) i I '.