MONDAY, OCTOBER A2, 21922. ikEt OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, OREGON. 19 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 800 Ia; Used jCar Snaps" 1 , Tbe beet f-iontl ,n era aaead for the motorist. Bay row ear bow and b son to select it free the Mitchell atoek of Good1 Ued Can, . I i 4 L- -V i Chevrolet tooting , 1916 Mitchell roadster ., 1 92 lOwland toorin .. ' Oakland tourine . . 1923 Mitchell touring- ... WilIy-Ofrland , . . 191 Maxwell taurine ... Chevrolet touring'' . . . S25 .350 (465 . 900 . 130 t - I (SSO1 575 1914 Studebaker tourine 110 1930 Maxwell touring ti. I Esi. j,,. . -'?-- C . -'. .- f4S0 850 -44 OO S-2SO 875 875 825 ITS 950 150 675 275 175 425 1H5 280 '1919 Briscoe tonnnt ' 1 a 1 T Mitchell luoriac ; 1921 8cripp--Botl sedatt 1917 Mitchell tourine:-'.'.. 191T Buick tourine . i. i.. 1911 Overland taurine; . . : Fond roadster . . . . . J92 Mitchell toarinc . ,. 1911 Overland toarinc, ... Grant sedsn . . . . 191T I)ort touring .... . 191T Maxwell ton tin .. llf OkhmobOa 8 ..... 191 Stats . .1 191i Briscoe taurine . . . . r !- Wa sell on easy terms and yon will like our fair -and sguar tar moat at. dome business; 40 Iran in the Nartfewen. Broedway and Everett st. ' Portland. Ore son- Used Cars Nash coupe, lota of extras. 1 bumpers; run only 700si miles ..i . i. ,..$1075 1920-- Oakland roadster, orig inal finish ' ............ r. . . 550 1920 Yelie, lot of looks like new . . . . extras. 750 1S20 Scuts roadster, 0 cord K Urea: rverything In the -way 'of extras you can put on a " car. Don't overtook this. 1917 Dodge toarinc. $150 top; at a real bargain. 1919 Nash; repainted, ever hauled roo 1921 Nash, sport model; new paint,, guaranteed like new 1000 19 19 Chalmers ... .630 Peer!, bug. a classy Job. with -: ' a lot of speed. . - 1917 Cadillac. 7-pass.. privete If used :. . 850 ' ' m East' terms .Portland, Motor Gar Co. 10th and Bqrnside. Bdwy. 0521. BET CSED CAJfS FROM A. REPU TABLE ESTABLISHMENT There is a creat deal mate than just the car to ronsider. probably the- moat important thine is the house ' from which yon buy. We endeavor? So tell you exactly the cooditicn of every car we stand back of what we tejl you, no matter what coat. T ' REMEMBER THIS ONE THING Our policy of doing business is based upon the ECESSITT OP HATINO THE PUBLIC'S OOOD WILU WB WILA. NOT DEVIATE FROM THIS "ALWATS THE BEST CARS AT THE LOWEST PRICKS - COVET MOTOR COMPAt TWO LOCATIONS Mste plant, 21st at Washinfton. ; Photie Broadway 6244. Brnidway branch, 28-80 Broadway. - -We haTe'cars to take you from one place i to the other. DODflE BROS ATTTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVES 10-JO V ELI E sedan $775 192t VEIjIKtourme 750 lltlS BCW-K toitriMg 40O 1021 MITCHELL tourine "50 1948 85-4 OVERLAND 325 J920 SCRIPPS BOOTH. Uke new .... i ... 650 "Also Dodaes, tourings and roadsters. Your car In trade. BRALET. RRAHAM i& CHtLT, INC. Broadway 32S1. 11th and Bunuide. i HERE i a real ; opportunity : For financial reasons must sell, my new II olwxler, 123 louring car, popu Ut..mke iromediatelj, at sacrifice; .'.'irries full fuarantre and many f.i.-a. ' Will use small car in tiade and eiT terms to responsi ble party. I.ook rnto ttua if you snl ieal car at a sarine. I'nce Il50. CSU Walnut 2615 .or Broadway 5S79. REAL HAR;AIN-S REAL j4aR(AIN8 REAL BARGAINS REAL BARGAIN'S 1920 Hudson Speedster ..$985 1919 fcswr. A-l condition nan 83 4 75 445 825 350 3 23 295 275 195 1918' Buick Tourtfit . ISIS Buick Roadster 1920 OTerian.1 4, used rery litUe.' 1920 Orerland 4 1920 , Chevrolet Tourine ,. . 1920 Chevrolet Tourina . . r : 1920 Chevrolet 4teadster ! 1818 Biiacoe Taurine--' 1913 Buick Toimt C-S3 -IfRANCIS MOTOR CAR CO . Grand at Hawthorn ae. East 37 70. . . ' 1919 Cole 8 $$73 A ' wonderful buy for. the money. Just overhauled, and a car that will move faat, Toa ahouM ride in ft In order to appreciate a real ear. -John K, feander Co., -.341 Bureatde aC, near' Broadway . , ' 1921 STCDEB AKER -$1175 Same as new or ruarantee eood rubber, in A-l ihape.- H. B. AtTTO. CO.. 19tA at Waabiactaa. 'Bdwy. 2820. 1922 HEVRGLET SEDAN $585 1922 Chevrolet swdan. 3 good tares, apot .Beht, ete. ; motor like new. A real bargain 'tea good autoBHwtile; $585 and very eaay terma Pacific Motor Co.. Broadway and Flndrg. Broadway 7916. "rTr $35, DolHiE SEDAN -.;' Terms. - i - BRALET. GRAHAM A CHILD. .EC. 11th st. at Bmnskfe. 1919 CHEVROLET tourine. cood tirea. cood condition: S19ji cash or aaas terms. Pa. rtifte -Motor Cat, Broadway and FSanders. ' Btry Tfio. : '.'-- - .' - : $4251923 FQRT TOCRIN Demountabla rims, spotlight, ether extras. V BRALET, GRAHAM CHILD. LN a ' ' ' Bamsida. l-: 6A ELAND light six. climb any bin on high, eoaotnie, good tires, good paint, veal buy; ' $.195 cash '-'' $ terms. i Parffia. Motor Co., Broadway and Flanders, f Bdwyv7 916. ---- - ' . rSET TOPS i ' - Ttwring. roadster buav . truck tops. Pev , aval to pick.-' from. : it. B. Body- A Top Works. 843 WiBiams. . , . i20 CHEVROLET in exoeliem mechamcaV ronditiwn. . Kid- in Uhis car before you buy. :' ao make1 you attractive irrms. .Call Sell wwod 2016. " - -. . .. ' - - '- A RTAL rood Ford, priced for quirk sale; $126 will not th car m vtinr m, Can Walrrnt 8612: eveninc. Tabor 8897- 5 OVERUAND lour touring, a - good car. pneaa r-( ecu trnwaiy. - rsam at peer, la, jmsanr-jUa ciauuen. jsroaawajp lstia. AUrOMOBItES-rOR SALE 800 Authorized Ford Dealer's Ad : Tna bett clac to Inw ntetf ff to w?ere they sell the aaina ear new. Became they are interested ia ma kmc that ear evv aatis factjon, OCR CARS GIVE SATISFACTION - No misrepresentation Always a complete stock of all aaodals Used Fords. 14 toarinc cars.. -with starter, from $300 to $390. Early 0 folate 1921. aUny of them have extra equipment. They era all in condition to Eire you rest service. Roadsters, with starter. $285 to (325. 1918 roadster. $175. 1914 tourine. with late motor block, all ed tires, shock abmrBera. other extra equipments rnnoinr flD. $123. 1918 tourine. $224. Be comfortable la a Ford sedan. 1920 with complete motor oternaul, $440 1920 particularly fin 475 1921 eoupe. If you rid in this you'll want it .... k ..... . i . . . 490 GROCERTMX3J BAKERS 1921 panel body delivery, with I tarter and mechanically tint .1365 We will trade your Ford in on any of these. - . . -. . ' Dunning Motor Co. tast Third and Broadway. Phone East 0303. If yeu don't look you'll never know. " 1918 ' Buick 6 roadster a bear of a road car. $425. . Service Studebaker i ; Distributors .i The John K. Leander 3o. is t! new - Studebaker dealer. Their policy is one of service to .the owners and pur chasers of new STT'l EB A EE R S and the buyera of used- cars traded in. We estehd to you, MR. C3ED CAR BUY ER, special invitation to visit our VHED CAR DIVISION at 341 Burn aide, near Broadway. John K. 'Leander Co. 341 BCRNSIDE ST. and 10TH AND Uf.ISAN STS. For Sale One Cole r Aero 8; A-l condition, $800. One practically new- 1922 Stephens Silent Six demonstrator. Never licensed. $1150. One 1918 ChaTmers tonring : ; good rubber, new paint; completely overhauled; A-l con dition. $450.; One 191S Buick tourine, $2&0. One 1820 Ford coupe. I condition; spotlight; extra tire. $475. terms. CITIZENS. INVESTMENT CO., East 0940. . LATE 1920 Ford touring car. complete equip ment, $265. We are o)en evenings. G BANNING & TBEVECE, . , 102 N. Broadway. Bdwy. 1723. 4 Cl'L. fi pass Franklin. staHer cheap, or trade. East 1705. 404 E. Morrison. AUTOMOBJLE : ACCESSRTES 8Q1 SEVERAL high tension magnetos, cheap or trade. East 1705. 404 hi E. Morrison Ft.- TRUCKS AND -TRACTORS 802 $325 1920 490 CHEVROLET ' DELIVERY Rebuilt and Guaranteed; BR ALT, '.GRAHAM CHILDJ INC. Jtth st. s Burnside BRAND newiJH-ton Commerce truck; fully quipped. tp and all pneumatic tires ; ready to to, $11 is, terms. No brokerage. 10th and Stark Its. LIGHT deliVE roadster, late mcxitl ; starter, shock absorbers, speedometer, demountable rims; in Jirst class shatpe: terms to right party. -Call Mr. Senter, phone Tabor 0978. HAVE frame rear end and engine of a model T. 1920 Chevrolet truck. Will- sell all or part,- $75. Tabor 8862. 359 E. 7th y, ' EXPRESSMEN "'look! I -have I Ford truck "and one delivery, stored at Kuehn's Auto 1 mobile Co., 320 Oregon at Must be sold this week. ;Both food Call Walnut 4189. FDR SALE 1-ton Ford' tnack. with express .body. If you are looking for tmck see me before you buy. VC30 p. m. Call Walnut 70S, after 3 H-TtlN Icnbr-, 90 new. a sacrifice at $1250; will take part trade, balance con tract. Nl r. PendercrafS. Bdwy. 2320. $1751920 FORD delivery for uulck sals. BRALY, GRAHAM A CHILD. IN'C. ,' i llth st. at Bnnritde AT A BARGAIN Beemsn . tractor, implements; must be sold, cheap as dirt. Tihnr 1Q6T. 1819 FORD tfixrk, in good condition ; slick body and ready to go; your wu terms. an wooa, namnt si9. -$27TT 1921 FORD PANEL DEI fcKALY. OKAUAM A CHILD, INC. llth st. at. Burnsida 1917 FORD delivery. This ar is in No. 1 shape ; good buy if taken at -boce. Call Nelscn, Broadway 4572. FOR SALE nut 4166. Mxi wood "truck. $500. 1 Union ave. .N. BEST offer. Overland ton truck. Might trad -for-light ear. 1179 Mikter st. ONE 2 S -ton truck, good rubber, fn A-l con dition, to trade for team. Empire 0722. IVi-TON 'Repubire tsuck.. Must be sold,: at a bargain. 594 6th st. MOTORCYCLES BICY CLES 803 BICYCLE. $10: suiUM for a girl 10 or 12 5rs.;.also boy's bike, good 2S new, $12. 3606 66th st SE. . MAN'S bicycle, like new. very old viojm, mandolin., for what? Tabor 618S. Hawaiian guitar. Sell or exchange A O H. MOTORCYCLE for sale cheap or trade for a eead bike. $63 N. 19th st. $7 WHEEL for bey. 9-12 years old. 4606 63d t. 8. E. -. CLEVELAND '19, new paint. A-l snap. $63", S'25 Interstate ave. FUR SALE Motorctcle, $35. 1189 Michigan. AUTO REPAIR SHOPS 804 CYLINDERS re bored. $2.50 acn. in mt cars, without' removing: - work' guaranteed. Wa'But 2352. 143 E. Killingsworth. HAVB YOUR CAR PAINTED; A-l work; prices right. Main 4343. AUTO REPAIR SHOPS 804 HOUSEBOAT .WANTED I want a 4 tr 5 tootn houseboat, pre farably furnished, in rood condition. I J giva morteagaa, lots or house equity or aeceagw ia part or full payment. Write what you have and I ' will call if suited. Aatlrwsa BA-ZW, Journal. LEST YOT POSf.ET - Tour battery steeds attention; see as for free rfc.; rebuilt batteries cur specialty: w. hav. on for your ear. North Bank Bat- tery Shop, 101 S. lift st. . ACTOS repaired at your nom or my pritat with guarantee. Tibor 5063. I KlbKAlK yoaf car at P Phone Kast 1T3. ; ' 4 ur horn of mine. TOCR ACTO repaired at fowr horn or mine with guarantee. Tabor- 1146. ' - AUTOS FOR HIRE 806 NEW CARS FOR BENT ' Without drivers; roadsters and taurine eara, H. H. Rarntoek, 64 4th St.. enraer Pina. Broadway 6598. . "ACTOS jrOR HIRE WITHOTjT DRIVJi3 CITX QAJtAGS - -182 IStb Sk Broadway 4a. r; GARAGES1 AND PARKING 807 CARS stored in fir proof building at' 343 , Vancouver sea., iuat off East Broadway. Uva- staraea $5 per month; dead storag 4 per month. jCortner Oarage. : Jt OARAGES. K. Vth and uinan, on lotts . saongh for: back. : JPboaa East 8233. i r AUTOMOBILES WANTED 850 WAXTED-t-Hudson speed-tr. Must b bar - eaio OaU Walaut 2154L Pnvaza. ('11 aiver a aeioec 1 AUTOMOBtiLES WANTEB I 850 HATB yeu been trying to seR jour car with na results T Why not eomign yoor ear to oaf We eaa sell it for cash: ne charges for toraee adwartisine or upkeep. USED CAR BALES CO.. 1S1 Grand ava T McDonald. East 4114. WANTED Second-hand Ford with delivery m dy and liceuse, for nursery stock or lanrtacape -work. Phone alter 6' p. m. Automatic 810-49. I NEED 1 2 light ears, taurine, unliveries and fbadstera; will pay higher cash price foil asm. T. McDonald, 191 Grand are. East 4114. WANTED A small bouse. eat aid. VU1 trade a Chevrolet cax. 192L. in irst-claas dnditioq, and some cash. Phone Empire 091.6. ' . ' WILL TRADE cabinet pbonograph. with lot records, cost $275. for your car even up. What naive your, U-208. Journal. AV ILL pay CASH FOR 4-"OKDS. CHEVRON LEti AND OVERLAND FOURS. IO GRAND AVE.. N., cor. East Bumsside. CARS wanted to wrecx ; parts lar all cars far less. S. S. Auto Wrecking Co.. 16tk a4 Alder. Broadway 686. ' FORD touring wanted, with or without starter; liave electric washing machine and cah to trade. " V-l 5S. Journal. ' WANTEji t'KULKLE. no dealers. Maui 4056. 246 Montgomery. . WANT Ford rear eud lioa 114. Whit Salmon. Wash. FORD or Dodge in exchange for Silent J Tama Motion Picture stock. Call Walnnty692T. FORD' tcurine runabout or Chevrolet; aaait be cheai. E-215, Journal. HOOD WU roadster. IUiT or 18 inodeL k atuat be cueap tor cash. I'hone Bdwy. 3093 WAiT late model car iui $2000 bouse euaity. Bdwy. 6B51. Cash" for all makes oj (-ara, condltiijn iu b ject. 414 Glissn. woodyard. Bdwy. Q293. WANT Al'TO as first payment on 4 room house. 2 lota. Tabor lUi. RADIO TELEPHONE TELEGRAPH 875 HIGH GRADE crystal receivers, guaranteed the most practical and highly perfected low priced broadcasting- receiver made. 4 6 Union ave. Ntrth. - LOOSE coupler receiving et. $5; tumll- crystal .set. $4.50. Walnut 3596. FOR SALE: MISCELLANEOUS 900 ELECTRICAL REPAIRING Authorised service fetation lor Hamilton 1 nil. aiim i i . n 1 4 i in ririu- ers. We repair sll makes of ir..n. ht-aterx. J toasters, curlius irons, etc. Hyiisoii Elect r-c , Co.. t2 6th t. Broadway 420;i. hpt-cial ists in electri'-al rt-painug. ' . i LATfc-.ST .Singer 2."., iaiKt Wlnie I Rutary. $80, larteat New linine $2 5. Wlieeler & Wilson Sis, latest lee 20. lateft 66-1 Sineer '3.'; all - drpphearis and all gtutranteed. SINIiEK AGENCY 193 4th M. at Tsyl,r. Main 6S33. Wiil sell my two Rado gas radiaturs at half price. $2) each. I'sHl one winter, ja.-t like new. Call Walnut 2G93. WK HAVE the larsest stock of usett eitig mactiinea in tlie city. '8miiare i-'fice. We rtnt and repair.- 172 3d, near Yamhill. SAJi'ES lire . and burglar proof Mte; new and second liand. at right prices; bougUt. told and exchanged; easy terms if uesiretL NORRIS SAFE & LOCK CO. 105 Second st. Broadway 704 5 FUR TRIMMINGS Cellars, enfls Furs re st" led. repaired to order. THE FL'K SHOP 4 05MorriMjn Bdwy. 4922 Electric Motors Bonght. sold, rented and repaired. Walker Electric Works. 413 Burn side, cor. tOth. Broadway 5C74. THE JOURNAL ma 14 DrascoUte lam? fix tures,, complete and ia good order, carrying any lamp up to 200-wstt, for sale. Coma and eea them at .The Oregon Journal bide., aak for George X. "Hamilton. Sirpt. s 2 g iSKWtNii MACHl.Na. l "fej I tf 1 S g -j Easy terms. Latest eW v - p 3 g i " sr tries. Repairing. Rant- d r ill sm B 3 mo. Motors. Par a STORE 16 WEST PARK. MAKMULL 721 DOORS, windows, mouloings, uiiilwork, glass. screen doors, roofing and hotbed, sash. See our .xld stock of sash and doop for prices. D. B. Siully Co., downtowns lumber, store, 171 Front., bet. Morrison and .Yamhill. Main 4213. SINGER sewing machine .". Rotary White . . - . i Wheeler and Wilson Hemstitching, rr yard 171 Park-Street. ELECTRIC FIXTURES t wholesale;, 1 -light chain 70c; 8 -light fixtures. $3' 7 5 : porch Hgbta, 90c; We do electric wiring. Reliable Electric. 542 Union ave.. Ko. Auu 310-44. East 3686. WHY FAY MORE FOR .WOOD When yon can buy tig double load of block and slab for $8; guaranteed 1 "ft cords: single loads, 34.&Q. Empire U7. PURE apple eider, 2 gal. lota and orer de livered, 50c per gal. Apples. $1 per box. Portsmouth ave. and Columbia blvd. Em- pi re 1722. ' ELECTRIC fixtures, suputlea, lowest prioas ever beard of. Send for Die 'frustrated bul letin to Stanley Lutz, Chamber of bldg.. Portland, Or. ; t CASH registers and computing scalea bought, sold, exchanged and repaired. Portland Cash Register A Scales Exchange, 220 Stark St.. between 1st and 2d sts. Broadway TB3.4. 10 DRQPHEAD sewing machines with attach ments, $20 each; portahl electric machine for rent; sewing machine? cleaned and re pel red. K. H. Steen, l.i2 i-nna are.. K. 23J PPLES 50c per box and np: . pears per box up; prures, eraoes and ycgctahle ; ducks and dressed chickens at Sierra Vista, on Ba-e Line. 1 mile east of Montailia. 6-CYLI.VDER 4S horsepower Pirce-Arrow mc4rr, suitable -"or lxt : bargain. East 1705. 404 W E. Morrteon st. SEVERAL new and used electric farm Iiihtmg piants. with or wiLhout engines; bargains. East 1705. 404 H E. Morrison st. BOY' S bicycle. A-l; " also 22-ineh bicscle. Hcoier cabinet, violin, ukulele, chiffonier. 4 E. M atter 4 . p. m. V ' A 1111 1 1 .1. L, Have that roof repaired. For etpert roof serney call C. Knos, Wtlrrot 5084 llth yr. ...i" i . '7- : T - T 1 . 1 1 ' UI UHIW rTnt . t ,-m lesK thin Sat 11 411 over 5 sxs. . $1.30.; delire red anywhere in T 5 luin. ill- . - , riuaiiu MANTEL CLOCKS repairei. Will call and deliver when finished without extra charge. E. R.'Mowrey. 1651 E. 13th at. Sell. 3036. AUTOMOBILES. iCHCHE. MOTOR - CYCLES or boats are separate classifica tions; a large Hsur-a will bo ficuad ander theaa difleretK classifications. : FOR RENT -Electric vacuum cleaners. 73c a day, delivered. Tabor 8531, formrely Wslnut 1269. Wire Fence Bfs Pac.-.W. Co.. E. llth. cor Lincoln. East S591 WINCHESTER pump gun. case, coat and cat of shells. $40. Monday, 535 Alder street, Bdwy. 0641 - RADIANTFIRE and pipe for sale: good as new, $30 cash. 4604 44th St. S. E. i Aut. 635-35, J - ! .- i FOR.SAl.E, wood saw, horse and harness, com plete. c!eap; .trade for wood. 898 Ciere land. Walmit g'JlS. CONCORD grapes' 5c 7er pHnd at Tineva rd. Bring containers. Buckley ave. near Foster road. i i . GOOD heating iRojntoo furnace, with hot water coils, for j-room house. : TOO East 46tii st. N. V. - - DAMSON, 3c: King Apylea." $1.00. 1371 E. 8th N. BEAUTIFUL hand crocheted beaded bag, $15 Phone East e9. Apt- 3- $35 PORTABLE typewriter. looks and oper atea like new. 40 leaner Temple. BADIANTF1RE, used only three months, bar gain. Tabor 0TS8 TWO TAILOR tsblea for sale. 4737 75th st S. E. . GOOD organ $20, maedolin $5.' rubber drew form $5. bicycle $ll. 4431 58d ave. S. E. REED SULKY for sale. $3. 740 Minn4soLa vetiue. ' - ;, i FOR SAX 12 -sauce - Wincheeter ahoiAun, $22.60. -Walngit 47SO. GOOD CABBAGE, le per pound. R. K. MHTWlli CTm nta suuayavima. wai. ?ls. FOR SALE Ohio eleetrio vacuum deaner.fSik Bow. $30. ISeUwoog 13T9 LaDIES' exciuivs iMd dresses, suits, coats. lare selection in a nom. iaoor azo. 60-EGG BUCKEYJi incubator and 500-ehifk brooder, almost ew $25. Rellwood 41827, fsTPRlNG couch and canary bird. . 3SS Boecb at. Walnut 25TT 1)K KALE- 'onoord crapee, large. TZtS t Tibbett st. Phon Tabor S. FAUINER'S furoianro shop fori ujkhoisterine and repairing. Main 4477. Ct 0960 T UCARANTEED rebmR batteries for -AlX ran, 1 t llL-JMsy. 4411. i $3 ORIENTAL PEARLS $3 Aay shade. CB f Tabor 693. BLACK wolf far, worn 1 ton; anil as :ri. . fww frr $40. Main 4015 Sundsy a. . tXH SALE Baby buggy, $5. 127 Suoitia at. S17.00 FOTlSAlJZWSCELLkKZOVS 900 Free! Free! i SEE TOD AT' S SEWS FOR'YrLL PAGE ADVERTISEMENT OF EEOTBJCAL FIXTURES AND SCPPLTE8, -ALSO PAKTICCLARS ON HOW TO GET ONE OF THESE ELEGANT LAMPS. Free! 4 Stanley Lutz 00-3-8-7 Cham, of Com. Bide. Second Floor i I 3d and Start Sts. Bdwy, 4253. 'Builders, Contractors, . Attention! ; ? We have 600.000 good, clean 2d hand red bricks which we are offering at a very low prite. also several thousand bats suitable for cesiools, - etc. Alaska Junk Co. 208 Front, Cor. TaCr Main 4110. Read and 0 $10.S5 $11. N5 o iletria Elgin watch, 20-year case, I -a.l 's Eigin wrist watch, cut to O Keystone Jewelry Co. 274 W'ahington at Fourth I SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM Machines sold, tor tessl No accata employed. Uaarantaed used ma chines cheap. Parts sod repairing for all mkaa. Msrtiinaa laatt. Main atst. jg) 3d, near Taylor iSt. SHOWCASES. NEW AND USED, SCALES, FOUNTAINS, CASn REGISTER. FULL LINE STORE FIXTURES. ' BOXER TRADING CO., 1!) FIRST ST., NEAR WASH. BPWT. 7488j Shotguns For Rent We buy, sell. rent, or exchange. Newman's Qun Store 12S First St; Bear Airier : 'lril . , A;ut 625-82. 627-4 Bdwy. 100 SLIGHTLY USED mar chines st very much reduced prices. Singers. White Ro tary, New Home, Domestic, Wheeler A Wilson and others. Every machine guaranteed. White Sewing Machine Co.. S. S. 81GEL. $82 Washington St. CARPET CLEANING 0x12 rugj steam cleaned. $1.25. Mattresses made over. F-atliers renovated. 40 lb. - cotton mattresses, $6.50. Fluff rugs war en from old csrpets. PIONEER MATTRESS AND CARPET CLEANING WORKS. 1072 E. Lincoln st. Tabor 7902. CEDAR CHESTS Direct from factory to your ' home. Tenne-iee and Port Orford oedar; solid cop per trimmipiJ; latest de'signa. Write for catakgue. ; J. W. HIGGINS & SON 1812-16-18 E. jGLISAaN TABOR 808 Bt't.BS frcan TuKptown. Advertising ; collec tion: 12 tulips, 12 nsrcissiu, 6 hykcintbs, SO crocus, total 60 bulbs for $1.50; parcel post prepaid. Tulips all colors, per; doaen, OOci narciisus, 70 c: hyacinths, i$1.30; cr(xsis, 25c. Cash with order. Ask price list. American Holland Bulb Co., Belling 1 .irf. Wash. j LEAKY ROOF, EH ? Very aggravating, in deed. Wliy not a comfortable and perma nent roof; We. repair. RUBBER-BOND , and rejuvenate all kinds of warped, a racked, vreatber-beaten, -deteriorated and disinte grated, old, leaky roofs; work guaranteed. I'hnne Broadway 5958. WE SAVE TOU MONEY Hou'e wiring, lighting fixtures, and electrical repairing, sjipplies. Third Street Electric Store 224 li 8d it, near Salmon Main 5058 BARGAINS in used phonographs. ! These phonographs are all guaranteed and wiil re produce as good as new ; machines every one a bargain and all' nationally known; makes; $15. $22.50 and $32.50. 172 3d, near Yamhill. , , FURNISH TOUR OFFICE Both new and used equiment at real .bargain priceaT Desks, tables, chairs, type writers, adding machines and safe.), i Prices lowest in city. D. C. Wax. 24-26 fc. 5th. Bdwr. 2780. ! NEW SEWINti MACHINES i Why pay more for unknown makes, when you can e't a gits ran teed Greyhound New Home, electric, with motor, for- $351 172 3S, near Yamhill. CDN'OORD grapes. 5o ibTI Urge Quantities, deiivered; cooking apples, J5c box; Anjou .and Bosc pears, 7 5c box. Brine containers. ' 4ith ' and King, Milwaukie, Or. i Phone siM. POPCORN machine, good as new, recently overhauled, cost $960; will sell for $250 fcr immediate sale. 523 Main St., Oregon City. SEE THE VULCAN camp bed for camping and tcurinE: finest camp bed mades suif abln for siare rxm or bleeping porcb. 41 t.rsnd are. Ea't 4S96. .. i SEVERAL lengths of stovepipe, 2 trunks, V iron bed and spring; 2 dcz. gteej traps, 45( cunnysacks. 3610" 66th st. ; S. E. An'. 623-74.. ' : ; AM FORt'ED to sell my late Rotary White sewing machino for $30. Thia machine is not junk, but same as new. 84$ East 40th street north, one- block from Broadway. SAFE : Hall make.- 34x22x23, cheap. C-186. Jc-urnal. ' GARBAGE burner, heater, gas range; wood range, gas water heater. Very cheap. 558 Poweii. ; WOODSAW flltachment for Ford, with license, S-4 0. our fir-t offer. Inquire Room E, New Rosmond liotei. 3d and Pine. j LARGE seetionai refrigerator for meat market, bargain. 80 Belmont. ' GOOD steel range with coll, caeap, i 503 E Market, cor. 10th. FOR SALE A cood furnace with pipes. Ta- bor 4Q47. - i LARGE coal and wood heater, $18.! CaU Aut. 64 4-39. i SEED, baby buggy, first-class condition, $15. !; 13U1 ST. 15 I'lAMOND Shrine pin. platinum, for sala Sacrifir-e. Ea.-t 43319. FOR SALE'$4(I baby buggy at' $10. See it at 454 Market t.. apt. 11. FOR? SALE, Concord crapes, dill pickles. sweet pickles. Aut. 618-67. 1 300 FT HOG wire; price $12. 3p E 57th N. ' ! SINGER sewing msabiao, almott new; iea- arlag city. Main 1822. 12 GAUGE Laiever snoteun with leather case. Tabor 0170. - : j ; j . , NOTICE, duck huoters, decoy ducks, for sal. Phone Walnut SBSi. j. GOOD plow. 12-inch, or cultivator, $4; $65 fireleea cooker. 310. Phone Sell. 1109. GET your furTiaoe properly ciened and over hauled : dp n't wait- Call Leonard, E.I 7608. FOR SALE High grade Axminster rug, like new. 9x12. Call Tabor 0876. ' ; HEATER" ia good condition, $10. Phone Walnut 2132. REAL sealskin coat, must sacrifice,' i$125. iSeiiwood 1529. 3 ' GALLONS paint. $7.50 takes it. CaU quick. 165 N. 16th st. SAFETY RAZOR BLADES sharpened by - pert. 30c aad 8 5c fr. 24 7 M Alder. FINE C nickering piano for sale cheap: 93 ned the money; sacrifice. W-605. Journal, LARGE robber plant; well .' branched. Walnut 99 i. BABY" BUG4Y. large; wicker and reed, ik good condition. 10. East 6123. ; : FOR SALE Good wicker baby buggy'; also sewing aoacfam cheap. Walnut 4624,. . 16 GAU(?E Winchester gun; -.22 aafooaatie rifle: reascnable. 62 Wese Blanderia. ' PORT ORFORD cedar cheats mediUTa atse. Ca3 Sunday after 12 m. East TwOS.f- BARGAINS Ladies' dresse. coat, bats, tc 1 . t.. Hoyt, eor. atstn. Montavtila ear. GREEM Wilttra rue.: about 9x12.-$20; avaod - connmoit. r-ast 1 a. iCLltlLM brown tranaformatioB. suda tr order. west ; sou coeop. 4 1 jparaat. LARGS fatrsx, rubbar . plant . aad - erochelaa luncheoa sV, xabor 3078. IvIUSlCALgTRUMENTS 901 $10 CA8H, $5, $6 OR MORE MONTHLY . buys a $475 rpiano. seed, for 8-105, and 1921 model for $293. ou a $075 player - piano, used, for $395. and 1911 model for $49. $15 cash. l and $10 monthly. during the world's iarttet factory olearane sal right here in PorUaed at Schwan Piano Co.. 101 lOthiSt Y'ia: ' $550 BaBett & Davis -ttprieht. . i . . $195 600 Emerson upright .$2i , 8900 Ste-nway upright ...$395 $950 Thompson pWyer piano . . . .1-. .$395 PHONOGRAPH CLEARANCE 60 Ronora. $S3, $5 cash. $2 monthly. $125 Columbia. 73," $5 cash, S3; month. $18S Brunswick, $85, $5 cash, $4 month. $260 Bruriek, 1S5. $8 caab, & month, $300 Edison, $235, $10 cash, $8 monCu $830 Victroia, $273, $10 cash. $10 mo. SCHWAN PIANO CO.. 101 10th at Stark. SECURITY ST GE CO. CLOSING LOUT '$275 Bard iCo., upright . . j.f. -8 75 $375 Emeraonfupright . .$145 $400 Laffarque upright 19? $750 WeUer Player 293 - 108 10th, at Washington st. j ONE Kohler & Chase player, mahogany caao. , modern 88-not. Thia is an $850, instru ment that we had to repossess, first class and guaranteed; terms: $480. , V H. H. ' PRINOEHOUSE. ! x 8H Broadway. Located at Kohler Chase Wholesale ' Warerootms. Broadway . 5475. . ONE Smith ft Barn 38-note player; can not be told from new : mahogany case ; an instrument well worth tf7: can be bought on terms for $36o j H. H. PRINCEHOUSE, 86 V, Briulway. Located at Kehier & f;Uase Mliolesale AVarerooms. . Broadway ."s4 7r. $125 PARAMOUNT (cabinet) . ... . $150 Brunrwfak (Bk itJ .... $125 Brunswick (newi $150 Victrola (perfec;) $225 Columbia lelecfric, new) . . 65 ;o loo 1 15 200 HAROLD S. GILBERT, 107 West Patk. Pianos Repaired, Rented. Soldi ONE Haines Broa. Maru Anipico,; snup worn, but just like new; a $1073 Instru ment for $725; terms. H-, II. PR1NCEHOUSE. 86 y, Broadway. ' Located at Kohler & Chase Wholesale s, , YVarerooms. Broadway 5475. A BEAUTIFUL Kindier & Collins. l)Uu-aluw aire, mahogany case; a piano returned! by a customer; to sett la the account you can buy this on terms fJr $27-2- H. H. PRINCEHOUSE. 88V4 Broadway, located at Kehler A Chase Wholesale Warerooms. P roadway 54 75. A BEAUTLFt L Hobart M. Cable, waiuut case: player in perfect condition, case flightly dauiaced; returned from a censjguuient dealer; regular nst $9tK ; easy terms; now $465. If. If. PRINCEKOUSE. 86 14 Brodway. Located at Kohler & Chase Wholesale Warerooms. -' Broadway -5473.' FOR aevirral- goo buys oa rtiiuaseaaed instru mnU, and goods returned from consign rrnt dealers throughout the country ter ritory, see H. II. PRINCEHOI'SE. f6'i Broadway. Located at Kehler A Cbas Wholesale WereTooms. Broadway 54 75. A BEAUTIFUL Sunora Lfit phonograph, just like 'new and guaranteed, for one year . a $265 machine for S195. terma. H. H PRINCEJKJL'SE. 86 BroadwAy. Locased . at Kohler & Chase Wholesale YV'arerooms. Broadway f475. ' ill Buy Your-'Paano For Cash Broadway B47p A LITTLE used rich mahogany eased genu ine autcpiaoo iiayer piano. Coat now $85. Owner's breaking up housekeeping. Will take $465: payments $15 a month; 'give a little farther discount if sli cash. See- Eilera Bessie dept. . A KtHlLER & CAilPBKLL upright piano, guaranteed; case slightly damaged, other wise: like new; easy terms; $345. H. II. PRINCEHOrSE, 86 H Broadway. Located at KoMer Sc. Chase.: Wholesale Warerooms. . Broadway 5475. ' ANNUAL HOME-COMI4VG SALE, -Psanos. $195, $265, $370. $5 to $8 a monlfi: player pianos. $395, $475. $8 and $10 a month; grand pianos. $675, '1875, $14 and $17 a month. Lipman, Wolfe A CO., Washington and 5th sts. WANT shotguns or rifles; will trade you talk lug machine and all kinds ot brass or strine instruments. Newmsn'a Exchange. 128 1st St., near Alder. Bdwy. 7161, AL 625-82 or Ant. 627-46. .. DON'T buy a piano until you see the new B. Schordneer piano new Hobart M. Cable pianos at 812 Worcester bldg. You can save money. Terms given to suit. GENUINE Bush l Lane piano, boost design, only $385, with terms. Just compare this with a new on, uptown. The "Brokerage Co., 312 Worcester bldg. GOOD selection of fil.e pianos in our new location; very low prices: terms. MILLAR 3 EXCHANGE. 13 X. 6th street. $2000 CHICKERING tr!or grarxl. mall.. $6C5. Some bargain. Terms. 812 Wor cester bM t . PLiNO bargains, see them at Muiar's Ex chance. 13 N. ftth. bet. Ankeny and Burn- side. 3 PIANOS, $lO0 to $268 each, many of America's best make: terms. , Brokerage Co., 812 Worcester bldg. $630 BUSH & 5 AXE Victor piario, as rew, $265. AOllar's Exchange, 13 N. 6 th. Ternvt. GOOD selection of fine ptaaos. la our 1 .4 n - . . u iri. - te 1 iiIk MILLAR'S EXCHANGE, 13 , N. 8th Street THOMPSON pian-i an-l bench, late style, plain mahogany. Musi be solo. Bunaay. cawy. 2910. $975 BEAUTIFUL grand, late model Bald win make, only $487.50.- Owner said sell quick. Brokerage Co.. 812 Worcester bldg. 2 BRAND NEW Hobsrt M. t'abl pianos : sell . at a real bargain; terms. These are strict ly rtign-cia.5s pianqst. 01 iTnnif , EUR SALE -Heater, all cast iron, combination grate, wafer coiL Pipe snd floor board in cluded. Practically new. 82Q. Tab. 9202. 10 PIANOS $115 to $200 each, many fine standard makes; terms. 3L2 Worcester bldg. ; WANTED Tenor and j melody saxapbone. mellowphone and fishhorn. Millar's, 13 N. 6th St.. Broadway 7424. FINE $200" oak Edison diamond disc, including 50 selections, only $135. 4507 70th. cor. 45th are. Mt. Scott car. USED piano so cliasap you cannot, afford to rent. Millar's Exchange. 13 N. 6th st. Terms. $2.50 RENTS phonegrafih, late records. Em- pire Transfer, 145 llth St. Bdwy. 0155. WANTED Bargain Hi used piano for aU cash. Call Bdwy. itus aeiarw a FOR SALE Ohio electric vacuum cleaner; like new; 83fi. Sellwood 1379. $750 MENDELSSOHN piano, sweet tone. $250. Millar's. 6th near Burnside st. $225 GIBSON harp guitar $135. Millar's. U K 6th. near Burnside- $830 PLAYER, fine condition, iierfect; make offer: terms. S12 Worcester bldg. MJ'SICAL insUnments. all kirnii. 13 N. 6th near Bumside. Millar's, $150 IVEBS & PON"I piaao, cood upriht, $ loo: terms, sia Worcester oiog. $880 HAIKE.S.BROS.. wonderful pisno, $165. Millar's. '6 th bet. Oak and Burnside. i $650 LESTER piano, latest mah. $275 with Ix ; terms, gig -ivorceister otae BEAirriFtX. Chickarine piano. Make me an offer. Most have the money. SdL 127H. $550 HARRINGTON piano.f200 $25 down. $10 month. 312 Worcester Diag. 2? 5 DEAGAN marimba phone $135. Ma ter's. 6th bet. Arikeny and Burnside. ' $580 R.' S. HOWARD. $236 ; terms. 312 Worcester blag., se ana twa. XYLOPHONE, nice tone, $30. Miliar s," Com- monwealtb bide.. 13 M. 6tb St. $550 LATEST Thompson piano. $223; $35 down, 12.30 monta. 312 Worcester wag. $750 BUYS' elecrrte piano band organ, valu 32060 ; antst be aolfl at onsV. 254 Market. KIMBAIiL'piano. fin conditioa. $165; terms. 312 Worreter Md-. Bd aMht $950 SCHULTZ akCO. player piano, iuat new, 409- Millar. ,18 N, Stb L Term. $150 VKTROf: 40 eWticms. just new, $76-. 312 v orcesser , niae- WE sell aod exchanaw all kind of snufical trmtriimenra. Millar's Evchj rise, IS N. 6th. LLN HERMAN A SONS piano, latest make; wffer terms. 3 1 2 Worcester Mflg PIANO bargain hunters, look! Millar's, 6th Bt. pear Burnside. . 13 X. 254 BOMBoid TOUBfc.-fia toa, , to aaST amaSrrsl TTSl $600 STODDARD mano, MlHar1. 18 N. vHa aea iik new. $225. WELL trad nice lot ia fieatin- fat. KOod Broadway 1424.. " . MUSICAL iraTRUMlOTS 901 A Real Piano Sale In addition to a number of good, used pianos sorb aa - f A Kimball $170 A $650 Decker $215 i A Chickering S190 A $400 Cable Only $135 yne are also cjosinc out 'this weekj for fac tory account, nearly a carload bos tnaho- ' any. mottled walnut and fancy fitrured oak up ricbt piano, equal to any $500 instrument offered elsewhere. Ouick closine-out price only $34 5. Smaller s-ars. $280 J AU guar. . anteed, with the famous Eilera money-back . warranty. .! This is A mo?t extraordinary opportuntfy aad. if you cannot coavenieatly - pay all rash, make a deposit now and pay balance within rwonable timif. Eilera Wholesale and ReraillPiaiio House. Seconal Floor Eilera Muric Bn tiling. Kverythmg for the musi cian. Take elevator, 28 7 Washington, street. PRUNCEHDCSE caa furnish to the i retail trade a i choice of 21 different makes and styles of new pianos aad phonographs at .a great saving. . H. H. PRINCEIIOC8E, 6H Broadway. Located: at Kohler & Chase Wholesale Warerooms. Broadway 547.. A $2100 K.N AHE AMPICO, electric, atyie JOE, for sale at a sacrifice; Just Ilk new; $1475. H. II. PRINCEHOCSE, T S6 Broadway. Ijocated: at Kohler & Cbasa ,rWholssJa Warerooms. f Broadway fi4 75. WILL" TAKE excellent care of piano for use nf it. Quiet family of adults. I' hone Aut. 525 20.. HOUSEHOLD GOODS 902 ?' Free Records ' . 25 TO Inch double records with evry -Grafonaila . and Victrola sold this week. 1 8oki on. small payment down. Come in 'aad heart- Columbia Model "E" that sold for $lib. Now only $S5. Helpful credit No interest. Mlsh Furniture Co., 168-190 FIRST ST.: STORAGE SAI,E Good sacrificed for storage aad loan charges. Consisting furniture. household goods, sewing - machines, dishes, pianos, phono grapiis, vacuum cleaners, stoves, tablets, etc SECURITY STORAGE A TRANSFER CO.. 4th at Pine st.. Opp Multnomah hotel. rOR SALE, Stewart wjod and coal range; also Garland 3 burner gas ranger both . ia good condition. - 178 W. Portiaad WvL Walnut. 4 4 68. COAL HRATKtt, kitoava tabl, rus. xuorru chair, chiffimier. commode, curtains. 133 LL 28tl. East 58SO, TWO Wilton rues, 7x12- ll13i body Bras sels, 12x12, in cood order; furniture for sale, no dealers. 1169 Moor st. N. Kitlingsworth. FOR SALE Heater, all cast iroa. combination crate, warier eiil.. piiioa and floor board in-r-iiided. practically new. $20. ; Tabor 9202. KITCHEN FI ' RN ITU RE", overstuffed livinc room sitt, mahogany dining room set, ruga. bedroom farmtosre. 1 wardrobe. Wat. 5389. ANDIRONS and ttiriulur lor salts. 409 E. 6th st. HA car DAVENllKT BED 65TH ST. FOR SALE. IT ET A-B GAS : RANGE, gooa condition. $40; also . refrigerator. 10. 92 E. 29h. East 8593. , - FOR SALE, household furniture, beds, chairs, .carpets, plants, garden" tools and other ar--ticles. 46 Sharer at. Phone Valnnt 1 590. FL'HNITUlRE of flat for sale Icheap. Beds., dressers, tables, chairs, rugs, ertc. East 4172. EXCELLENTS $75' gas range foi! sale for $25. 1... 1 1 (ifl i iaj.ui i c 1 i 'v mi otiiaa a v; - v FURNITURE for sale cheap. Addresa 6923 5 9th are. S. E. GOOD FURNITURE for sal f cheap. ' 220 Knott St. OAK dinime table and 4 chairs and wood range, cheap. East 2793. LAWCHES AND BOATS 904 NEW houseboat, cost SO0, wfll take $4 50. aiso launch, 30 h. p. engine. M. H.. Monckton, Milwaukie express man, Milwaukie, Or. . ; - FOR SALE Houseboat, 4 rixims and bath, furnished; ia good moorage, with all- city coav.nienoes; terma if deeiredv Phone Sell wood 1983. f FOR SALE OR RENT TYPEWRITERS 905 ALL MAKES GUARANTEED REBUILT 83 to .75 per cent below manufacturer's prices; TERMS $5 monthly If desired. LATE MODELS RENTED, 8 months $7.50 up. WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO.. 821 Washington St. . Broadws y 7481. REBUILT typewriters, all kinds, or sale. rent. exchange. We era exclusive distributors of Corona; portable, $50 complete with carry ing case. Supplies mi repairs for all makes. Oregon Typewriter Co., 94 Fifth st. Broad wsy 7169. Rebuilt GUARANTEED TYPEWRITERS All Makes CASH PAYMENTS DO AXE'S. 124 FOURTH ST. REPAIRING i a . specialty, estimates, rental: ; buy, seB, n. ; ad machines repaired. Tyi- writer Inspection Co., 812 Stark. Bdwy. 7549. GOOD Underwood, cheap at $45 cash. It water 3878. 744 rnring. A SPLEV'DID No. 5 Underwood typewriter for $2$. 314 Alisky bMg. Monday. NO. 10 ROYAL typewriter, ia. good condi tion, $35. G-165, Journal. OFFlCat RJRN1TURE 906 BARGAINS SANITARY ROLL-TOP DESK and cliair. sectional bookcase, . Todd check writer, filing cabinet, library - table, type writer. NEWMAN. 128 FIRST, NEAR ALDER SWAPS 925 WANT SHOTGUN OR RIFLE PAY' CASH OR TRADE ON ANY OF THE FOLLOWING ARTICLES: Vibrator, field glasses, check writer, elec tric mixer and 1000 other: useful rubles. NEWMAN'S EXCHANGE. 128 First, bet- Alder and Washington. I WILL tsad a phonograph for your piano or accept your phonograph on a piano. H. if. FKINCEHOUSE, 56'i Broadway, j. Broadway 6475. Located at ' Kohler ft Chsse Wholesale Wsreroomfc WILL accejit a good typewriter or other of fio furniture on pian or player. 86 Broadway. Broadway 54 75. II. H. PIUNCEHOUSE. Located st Kohler ft Chsse WhalMaat W srerooms 5-ROOM& tie ping porch, steam boat, fire place, double garage, electricity, gas, 50x165 int. BTeriooktnc Willamette; want cood car. lot or what . for my equity. East 5779. WILL TRADE 80 - acres timber, estimate 3,500.000 yellow fir, for 1022 Buick six or Studebaker six: timber near logging op eration. X-S02, Journal. BED DAVeS'PORT. vain $25. for dmningroom set cr bed and springs or library table. Fred Johnson. Kenuall station. FINE OLD VIOLIN TO TRADE FOR SHOTGUN OB RIFLE 128 First, bet. Alder and Wash. FOR SALE or trad lor bicycle., rules n range, in cood condition. CaU evenings at 5919 99th at. S. E. WILL TRADE 2 lot on Woodstock are. fog auto. C. W. Bobbin, 411 E. 39th after 6 p. m. . . ' DIAMOND. Talus $250. a part payment an late model Ford. Atwat.r 0345. FXRELESS cooker for couca , S3415 Foster road. Auto. 611-12. ISO, ACRES iu Central Oregon for cood ear. Xo Itm.' W. Jarrse. 49 K. Ttfa st. , EQUITY in 3-iroaa modern bungalow for sale -ar trade for lot or larger boun. -Tabor S2&9.- FI RNITUKK ot 6-room flat to exchaage for light ear. What ha v. you? Bdwy. 4884. WANTEIV--MISCELLANEOUS 950 WANTED Poopl of Portland to know that 1 nay tha higbast wash prices tor areoBd baad hoashoj coeds. No amount toa JC or too smaU. Prompt attention. . , H. M. SEATEB. Pbon East 2203. 14S Enssefl at SEODXD BAKU CLOTEUXii BUYER MEYER THE TAILOR pars jsot for aaa ajnoVhaad snlla. shoe, evereoatn. . W call day or evwning. Atwatac 1229 at 258 AUdissa St.. aw 3d. " -'. -' " - WANTED Small stationary a aacine -abdut 3 h. p. ; mast be in cood sneclianical con dition; give make aad pneev Address 74 W. Coifsa st.. Portland, or. ' . WANT SHOTGUN , OR RIFLE;1 TEXT ,. ' , HEATER. . - - Bdwy. T161. Auto. 627-46, 628-82. AttHiY and bna fur Shetland pooy." J. ' WeHand, Independence, jtlr..- Rt. 2. : -, - j SAFE Fireproof ; Civ au and .prior. X-238. J'lallSSl. ' 1 - --:"---l-i - - y- -. rjIAMOXDS and eoid bought, WliabW asumatea, G. CranMB-. 718 SeUinx Bldg, WANTELWrVRNsTURE 952 Owl Furniture Co. Morasoa. W want your oed ftsmitura, stance, car pets and pianos. - Wa pay tb Mcbaat eash leo-iss ruta r bt. uaa Maia si. M. R. SEaAJER - Buys tba bewt as w0 as ebaap (rads at w od-hand rnrniture. 2 86 Orand East 0817. FURNITURE, cook saoves. ranee, canwts. rues, ec.-, wanted for ca-h. - Hart". Fwr-ra-a ft Hardware Co., Atwater 2675. 41- S-5 First , st. ' ' - " - '.. WE WANT ' l Ycur a-aed 1 fnralture. . We pay tba "price, EAST SIDE FURNiTCRE STORE S71 RusMurt. East 6S8T. VfE aeed foraitnr. rugs and stoves of ever rrj p aacrqfuw, Kiugie piece utiwu, win . mors; prompt attention given. East 2405. WANT SHOTGUN. RIFLE. TENT , Bdwy. 7161. Ant. 625-82. 627-46. MUST have second harjd furniture. Hicbsst prices paldi Walnut 230O. I BUY diamonds at highest market price for spot cash. E. Bleeds. 340 Wash. st. TABOR 7314, WILL BUY OLD CARPET. PERSONALS 975 RHEUMATISM lack King's MinsrsI Pack is beet iAdia and Oentlemen. ' Ladiosv department ia charge of a trained nurse . In onr new auarters, . 207: Dekuni Bldg. I 3D ST.. NEAR WASHINGTON. OFFICE HOrRS f V M. TO 6 P. M. PHONE BDWY. 4905. PICKWICK STAGES. INC. BY AUTOMOBILE TO SAN FRANCISCO DAILY. $17.80. SEATTLE. DAILY. $5.50. , HOUND TRIP $10.50. r DELIGHTFUL TRIP PHONE OR WRITE FOR DESGRIPTn'E FOI.DF.R THE BOLLA M AGENCY. 122 THIRD ST., PHOVE BDWY. 0036. N SIP ft BITE SDOUGHXUTS. unexcelled In fir ing that satisfied sa-t isf action. Mad from fresh eggs, natritiou". light and positively -not greasy. Ask -our neighbors. 20c per doe., ia cartons- Fre4h 3 times daily. 203 Morrison st,. opp. Swerlands. - FREE FREE FREE Oirr 3 and 4 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. Your bodily ailments correctly (HaitnoKed. 262 6th. cor. Madison St., Room-U. . FREE FREE FREE Sl'At'LDlN'C S HAIR AMI COSMETIC SHOP. SHAMPOOING, manicuring, dyeiug, SCALP and -PACK TREATMENTS. ' iRDKR8 TAKEN FOR ALL KINDS OF HAIR liOOliS. 302 BROADWAY BLDG. MAIN 2530. SCHOOL F BEAUTY CULTURE Will take : a few more students Slid Blvv individual attention and thcrough training. If Interested call ' "BURKE IMPROVEMENT SUOPPE 428 Medical bldg. HAVING MOVED inm tUe Morgan bldg. to new offices, at 122 H Grand, near E. Akler, am better prepared to treat those needing adjustments. Dr: T. 8.- Pollard, chiropracr tor. t'hone Last .IOOfl. $1 GETS botn feet fixed up at Dr. Eaton's ft Kelly's painless CHIROPODISTS and ARCH specialists. Estab. 8 years. Exam. free. Blue Mouse Theatre bldg., llth at Wash. NATUROPATH Scientific treating of chrdnie and nervous diseases. Dr. William. Bu chanan bldg.. Wash., bet. 4th and 5;h sts., over 15c store. IS your hair falling? Sea Helen E. Jones.J nil croaaway oiag., tor sca;p treatments, shampooing, facials, marcel waving. At water 1007. AWDE'S indestructible hats for rain or shin. Stylish and Serviceable. For riotbrinc, coif ing, work, school or any occasion. .Patent applied for. 4 55 Alder st,' BEATTTY CULTURE, Marcelling, water -wat- inaf. Day and evening classes. Special rates. Exirt teachers. 323 Wash. bldg. Opp. i j , i ; k . . , $3 SENDS a fresh 10 pound red salmon to-l your Eastern friends. We pay express snrK guarantee delivery. J. U. Maasken, 292 Taylor St. DO NOT throw your watca away, t will r pair and guarantee any watcl. 3 years; prices refesocsbl; 20 years' expert eoca liarry "a v aa, a aa, sv , uwa a aiuu SUPERFLUOUS hair, snoiea, blackheads, plm, ttrown, ill tat st., near lamhill. jjia-ssa taiae pviw iviuwisu, aa l7a s VPTI SB lAXTj Kpsosaas Boston, Chicago. Stats Medical poaro. But attoanway Didg. Mam D109 WHY JIET f -EAT WHAT YOU WAXTI MME. LE MAIRK THE PERFECT FLESH REDUCER t 424 Columbia St. Phone Main 4S3T Stamps, Coins, Curios Bought and sold. Open Evenings. Colum bia Stamp ft Coin Co., 94 North ltfe et DRUG LESS METHODS 30 yesrs' experience, all treatments given at your homo; one trial free. Dr.' G. E. Horton, Tabor 5419, pel oro H i, m., or after 0 p. ar, YE LADY'S SHOP, 505 Bdwy. . bldg. Hem stitching, lingerie, aprons, novelties, bttt . tons. 5 THE widely advertised xColor-Bak for sale exclusively by .The Powder Puff, 637 Mor gan oiog. Dr. Hurley LTec,hhtB.!dru,E 6 ill iriei mm .ioot-o i . ... v.. ..v.. v-. ... MILLINERY Special attention given to re modeling, .hemstitching, our prices.are right. 519 Morgan bldg. . ; JAZZ PIANO Beginners. 10 lessons, guar anteed; practic. ronn "Jasa" Pavkse, 816 EUers bide . Washington street st 4 th. bL'PERFLL'OCS HA IK. moles, warts, removed by 10 need method. Trial free. Joai fnuey, on nusn at mm piuc. aisin obb Dentistry lJt PAIN. lour "Tr.KTH Mi-kilgP" whil we work. THE PORTLAND Feather Dye Works. Old feathers made into new and useful ornaments. 833 Morgan bldg. Mara 7tw. MASSAliE FOR LUMBAGO. ETX 415 Buchanan bldg.. Wash, bat.' 4th and 5th. 10 to 9 p. m.. also bnnaay. MISS GLADYS BOKLEE of Deniahawn School of Dancing, .610 Eilera bide. Bdwy. 2566. SWEDISH body massage at yoar home. Exn- . , , n y - . i ii ) t n.,nai t'cnauilalion ire. Bdwy. 4tfi. LaWyCI 04 S.-cant1ea bidg , 4 t t pire i i. PRIMEDA BALM, tor men y called " Balm of Figs.' 844 33d. Sail 2213 mornings. cii.T daw a shower, massage, scientific nurse. 4 11 r learner "U"J. MINERAL treatraerit. massage, 1 to 5 p. m., 7 "h. L oss V.mhiU lt.. 1199' V.O W V. "I- " ' ' tTr LOUISE NETZEL, naturopath treat 's: .. rViltimhi. st Main KKlia mra m. v . $1 TJATMlkNT'o.-'-'c'nifppracOe, SO gninut isiayaging, eiecvnc oeiimg oiog. t AMERICAN BEAUTY CAKE AS XVlL-'tt AVJbXt. EI. li.iM hwlrAth,nn lYMtmMt, V 1 Sorensen.' 606 Paaams bade-' Maturopata. Professional and Busings Directory AOOORDION Pt-EATIiaa CUT. SEAM, hem, machine pleat skirt for . 76c: bemstitchinc 6e.. etc.; mail or tiers so f licited. Eastern Novelty Mte. Co., 85 8th. UlLDtNd PLANS Dir 'AMQ 1&0 STOtK DESIGNS $10 SrJLJrU.yHJ and up. rOthsrs to order. ,. O. VL AEERS. 606-7 WIS BLDG. J - Broadway 204 Bt4-NK SOOK MAKERS DAVIS Ac HOLMAN. INC, 109 2d St., blank book- manufacturers. A-ST88, Bdwy. 7143. CH1R0PQDHTE '" - - irtw rynvi m mm " i r Dli." b. E. FLETCHER Foot trouble lacien" . tifically eorrected; lady sssiatant. 61?- Mor can bldg. ; Min762. , -COAL AND WOOD FIREPLACE WOOD Cut 16 inches. -, lone frons extra heavy bark, old growth, either : smooth, or knots; bone dry; $0.50 per solid cord, anywhere in city. . East 7485. 4t FOOT conn try slab, car' run; excellent for use In beaters and ranees, $6 .per cord. East 79o. HEAVY planer woou. oxy. $6 Aoad; Utah and Bock Springs oal, lump, $15.50; CC, $15. East '7921, BONE dry dox wood, ideal kindling, $3.75; - block and slab, 86 load. Call Walnut 8649. OLD growth ir.t$ 8.50 cord. "MOOKE BROS., walnut isa?. DRY 4-fL wood foe sale. $7.75 cord. East - 3206. ' . -' -r- r -;- ... - . BOXWOOD $350, planer wood-$5.50 and $650. Pbon Empire 1475. I 4 FOOT eordwood. $7 aad $3.50 per cord. ueiiverwu. niinai uaij. e ... .. SHORT dry and green bkwav and railroad- ties; slab and eerdwood. Main 267. ... $2 AND $2.75 load cedar Mock wood. Kenton aad Peninsula Walnut 3265, evening. - PROFESSIONAL AOT BlSlMSd DIRECTORY , j ' OOAk N woa 34.S0 PER LOAD, $4.50 TWO-LOAD LOTS ! 16-loch fir blacks and slab, runs partly dry, for furnace or heater; guaranteed 1 H Pords. OREGON Fl'KL -0., WAU 4ir2. V ' WOOD ' BLOCK AND SLAB MIXED -. $4.60 PER LOAD $4.50 IX 2 -LOAD LOTS ir WBfY PAY ItOREf 1 BrXWET WOOD4X).. WALXCT J1 ix TWO-IiOAD 1JITS GUARANTEED 1 44 CORDS " I 34.50 -15: S S4.S0 . ' rr im nace or tteateT. Per Load .KATIOXAL FUEL CoT1 - EAT 2041 ; Coal and .Wood I Australian CUh- NWeUe Brfoett) Cvrdwood and Oak Wood Ace Fuel Co. I v, East 3400.' - BOX WOOD OrtCK DEUVKRY : FTJLTyx WOOD CO. ' , Main 41. NICE 16-ia. 'slab; $3.50 and $4 ; box Wood. $4;. big lH-in. thick, $5, any vf here; Noj I coru, (.io; neary 4 -II. slab. Sen. 17. HEAVY sountry slab, $7 per cord; No. 1 old growth fir, $8 50; htsvy secoad (Tewth, g per corn. iaoor pa 4 a. FIRST OROWTU fir, cut 10-ins., ig,50 ; iu! cord. 4 ft. S cords or more. $7.7$ per aad rswari ruei i.:4i. jlsx vaas, 16 INCH BLOCK aad slab, mixed, $4.50 per load or 8 loads fsr t. vPill Walnut 3a4. , HEAVY 18-in. block and slab, BtUed. i6.l50 per corx Atwater JNJS.A OLD growth cordwood. X.BO. Tabor 5216. OONORsTTE WORK i CEMENT wra ot all kiada by day lot contract. Alt work first class. J. A. Butler. - - Saat Ila. OAWCfWO LKSSOW - N E lU'ARANTEE to teach yon to aanc - 3 or refund your xaoaey, ' Ringler Broad- way school, .Broadway at Main. ' Profes sional instructor. Aut. 513-89. I DENTISTS I DR. B. E WRIGHT Third Floor Raleigh bloc.. Corner 6th and Washington sts. Broadway T219 Dentistry "nsr 851 M. TLiultoO let. NO PAIN. TEETH SLEEP'- rai we whrk . bOO. CAT AND HOR6C HOSPITAL RIW5E CITY VETERINARY HOSPITAL E 1W4T. H 7th AT GRANT. - Aut. 219-62 Et-ECTRIOIAWA L 'T'- HOUSE wirlnc $4.00 pet roam, pin $3 25 for each push , button switch. This includes an material aad la bor. Estimating free. Us- ctton guaranteed. 'Phone Walnut T0Sj PERSONAL SERVICE ELECTBMG CO, ATWATER 0484 FLUFF RUQ8 AND RAO- RUQ OREGON FLUFF RUG CO. 1984 E. STARK. TABOR 7814. . MAROWOOD FLOORS , 1 HARDWOOD floors In your bom St sama price we chare contractors. . Tabor T665. MAT CtlaWIWq, BLOCK INQ . j FOR expert cleanine and bloc king of bats, s very reasonable price brine them to Ui Hat Shop, 26-1 Washington, bet. .2d and gd. MANUFAOTURINa JEWELERS Jewelry jMfg. GEO. FETY." 10 Raleigh bide. iNUBtO eOMPOSINQ HAVE your POEMS set to. music. Daniel ill. Wilson Music Studio. 802 Tilford bldg. mwaie oohoolo and teacher 1, E. LAWHON, 20 years' exper ece ; piano , 3-18. i 1 lessons at your home $1. A PIANO lessons, begin ning jgTuSli preferred. ruon vinut 7U4. M I -- -4 ORTOMETKI81 OIASSE3 ' AT ' A SAVLNO L Thousands of satisfied pa trons can testify to our effi ciency and fair dealing in the last 20 years: Chas. . Goodman, 200 Morrison, bet- 1st and Front. Dr.- -Smuel Goodman, Associate Optometrist. iMsirt 812 . WHY PAY MORET" w tl x fA i axuttaii . is . Glasses in cold filled frames, fitted to your -ys -with modern ..justri e- 1 . . . . . SO ill, L..hli vision glaasn'at a great saving; glasses, ill all styles; satisfaction guaranteed. i : DR. E. A.JHURyiTZ, OPtoroetrigt. 2J tt ' BETTER glasses for less money at Geo. Ruben stein's; the vetentn optician. - Eyes - tested, . glasses fitted, broken lenses duplicated. Rea--sousble jjricfSi ' B26 Morrrson st. , i PAINTH4Q, TINTIWO, PAPERINQ C. H. TERftlU, bouse and sign psiutine, P per-hangine and tintine. 467 E. -87lh. Tabor 2611. .. '-:"- -. . I; " fATENT ATTORNEYS C S. GOLDBKRU, patents,, trademarks, copy rights. 480 Worcester bldg. - . j vNVIC1AN8T : biL k. a. i'H iLLii'4,' Broadway Bide..-' i Offica Practice Only- PIPE REPAIRINQ OIOIpQ Repaired "by expert IT BIT JLJ Kipe Shop, 272 Wssi. PLOWtNO AND TEAW FITTINa H LOW price. on ail kinds plumbing supplies; llt a fignr. on your installation. Alberta Plum.. Co.. 81T Union ate. near Russell; East 4286.- ... , .. ; - y PfftNTINa, E NORA VI NO, INDIfTQ 1 P ss-nd- Imtv VVV BALI ES ft rintmg First V,. Bdwy. 464 4641. EXPERT tinuna, naintibe. paper i. hung right alO up. Low price. WdIn. 14 MP THE 1KWLN-HODSON CVMPAN Y 887 Waahington. Broadway 8144, A-l 23. ROOF REPAIRINQ 'A' RDOFS reahingled and repaired . and corverrd with rooting paper. Main 1688. n "i i SAN3TASlUr4 - Tlie most beauttfu!. naulgito rest cur.. In- walid and convalesctat noma, L ;i t Electro-Hydro-Therspeutic lhstituta. - . i Bit seres of sunshine and majestic tree. . - i - Diet, good home cooking, the best of nurs ing. . Patient - caa be treated : under 4hir own doctor's car. i For terms apply superintendent. Dr. Alfred Bach. Portland,- Lents, Or:, Foster and sVprioe rou. fhone Aat. 1 o-w. Klock Sanitarium 15th and Tillamook East-8958.. For aervou diaeaa, mild menu case .and -eonralescente. Take the Rest Core. -t SHEETMETAt, WORK ultnomah Sheetmetal Works a I , Hoofing, guttering, spouting, Jobbing, gen eral tvpaufln. - Pbona Mdwy. OX. 22 Asai. PECIALTV MANUFAOTWRINQ- - i METAL spinning snd specialty maaufacturini of all kinds. Patent developed. - Kauffma sfanufscturine Co.. 288 TJnfag re. E, I24J. . - TENewArMY ' PUBLIC atctieeraphers. ' Corresponaenoe, msnV uscrJpts, statements, reasonable rates, offi ciant work. i. .' Forbes. 402 Exebsage bid. Bdwy. .4420. ' V ' ' - 1 - TgASima, ORAOINO. EXOAEATINO l " ISauLsO. GHikDlb'G AU JkAUAVAliJblX . IWOODLAWKt 4736. 1 TRANSFER AND STORAGE . ' TRANSFER. STORAGE AND s , WAREHOUSING W transfer vand .store merchandise and Kneiuild aoods of all kinds. If .von h. a storaaa o rtraafer- problem of any Una, w want to figur with you, . ; Brufe building. Low . fir nak. CsU Air; Spinninc. v . AMkUlICAX WAREHOUSE ft SALES Col 415 East Ash SU J :i ALWAYS PICK Tb A k.B) 1' AMXJSkiuOLil ' ' OOOlid bPa.ClALlr torse, packlac- - shippiuc and moving ; bora and auto speaal rates to aU pouts. . -h r, r, . i -C. Ot PICK TKAftfrekR 8TOKAGB CO.. 2d and Pine sta Broadway 696. A-l9 Oregon Transfer Co. T4 GUsaa at. I J , Broadway 128Jj uiuiaB - sivaaos Four V are house em Terminal 'Irackm. SEDUCED FREIGHT rate to aU pwlaT. - nonsenaia eoaa: rsenio ust corwaraiae Co.. Otb end Hort- Bndav 793. PENINSULA TRAN'SFER CO., 2 an hour, Broadway 8031; Res., Walnut 5721. i . WOOD EAW ' - - . - - 1 II" YOU VANt YOUB. WOOD SAWED, CAUa : SELL- 2492. - . .. j : a, ..' ,- '. 1 :.- V A A A !