1 THE OREGON SUNDAY JOUKNAU POIlXL AND, SUNDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 1,: X922. I ',5. N REAL ESTATE--FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE , REAL ESTATE FOR- SALE! 'REAL ESTATS FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE' REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ' REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 HOUSES 404 HOUSES 404 HOUSLS 404 HOUSES 404 HOUSES 404 HOUSES 404 HOUSS 4-404 .K 1 STEt 31. IRTTSQTOH DUTCH. COLONIAL. , Open Today far Impaction, From: . . . ' J - ,r 1 to 6. '' ! - fi- J' i': " ' A It wi be wall worth jmf tia. to dov ewi aad this. - T room, -ifeungsn. Using- room with arttie : firep co and hook ease .' dining roan ) ha vwry attra 1 .- buffet, den. is large kedroomt. til bath ud drain boards, er-.-. iex.re 'tepeagry . paper, dtnt ' ffetnrea. fine grade of oak floor -. throughout; far see, -Dutch kitch en, ak fast, ikkj. cement base ' I ' merit, garage all the, surrounding J borne are very sice; close to ear i service. Pne. $8900, terms. -f J. R. HAIOHT FOB REAL E8TATS 352 ANKBNY, BDWY. -049.. ALAMEDA PARK , (500 DOWf (50 MONTH t$500 DOWIS AND BONUS . , or 50 down and LIGHT CAR ! Nearly new, large hving room, firepla . ali built-ins. breakfast nook, foil . cement basement. Fox furnace. 50x100 lot. paved street! and sewer:' paid;-- foil price otHj $5500; vacant; let as ahow too. Broad way 7567. i ) :' CITY HOMES DEPT. -"''-, BITTER, LOWE A CO., REALTORS. 201-2-S-5-7 Bord of Trade bldg. - ' -xfsF- - . " LAURELHURST " 6-BOOM BUNGALOW- t $6254 One of best values in'-this district ef distincti homes,- See if any thing can be added: oak floor throuchoot, Urr brine room isrith a Terr Dretty til fireplace, dining room- with buffet, kitchen with breakfast noosf. Hood lor range, tn. drain board, bath room inch drama mir ror, tile floor, recess tub,' pedestal wash stand, two bedrooms down, one up, prac tically full bssement furnace, garage, nght , lBg fixtures, shades and term that ar in ' te resting. Glad to hr yott. . 1 CAMPBELL-RICHARDS CO..' 1112 bandy bird, 1 (On viaduct) - 1 Auto. 85-44. laurelhurst bargain $6250. $1000 DOWN ; ' 8 BEDROOM?? V ew ana vry auraanv u-room Dungs iow with every modern cc-fvenjence. beautifully . finished, art tile fireplace, hardwood floors throughout the house, i elaborate i bathroom - with tile floor and reoes tub, extra bandy Lach. kitchen, tile drain boards, breakfast room, garage and furnace. . Fine location. A bargain and very esay terma. R. SOMERVILLE., Main 8T61. 1010 Northwesters? Baitk bldg. :. . A New lioisie ;, , $400 taah. Bwns. . $3500 A thoroughly mtWsrn 5-r. bungalow, f - hdar. floors, old irory finish, large attic, cement basetnent, garage, etc ; this; home is ready to moTe into; $400 ! i cash, will handle, ft i I SEEV1CE. I RELI A BILITT. COE A. McKEN'NA it CO.j ; . ' - - tEsUMiehed 1J89) j S08 Arti-ain bldg. Uruadwey 7&22. ! EAST 8TB AND SifUJMOBE r i I S room hou.se. io fineit condition; comer ' lot. 50x100; all imprOTeraenta in and paid; $3300. .Will take good car part pay. .. " iJfi - ' - ' HERE IS A BAHbAIN Vear end of Irringtoncarline, 5-room v cottage; all newly dona over inside; tapestry paper, white kitchen, new, plumbing, new V ' Wnie fruits; $2650, easy terms. : Tabor 181U i ; " V. H. SAWTELL "Tl " $30C0 6 BOOM COTTAGE I i 100 ST. FRONTAGE ' j Pad street good locality, all modern (-oriTenianres. Rooms well arranged, .with i- iiil basement. We feel that -we can recom mend this as ftrod' Ttiue. lot. of small fruit . and; many'desirable features.ji $500 down, ; 82 monthly fnd 5 per eentMnterest. . - jQtesoBodsdri Co. flS3-N.W. Bsnk bldg. v:Mm 3787 ROSW "CTTW BARGAIN $3P90 Practically new 5-room bsmgslow. in " ' 'tne location, (below tha hiB: all street anp rove menu in and paki: fireplace, hardnrood floors, r haody Dutcli kitchen, two' nice bedrooms ;i eery easy term?. Best buy in the oatnci. V- SOMERVILLE.'Main 871. V010 Northwestern Bank bid. iose- City, - $5800 n W nice corner,, 'one of the hWst teok i liuEsfUiows of five rooms and asRic, oak fwr. a;h arti kitchen; you will like, with t-.-eatsfj.-: room, a large Urine and' dining r.rji..'. ritlt laixwtry paper and large plate fct.H-W 1rir.'lw -; double ' garage; 1 'knew you vll UV- ii; come and see the owner Sunday SwiJUi E. 59th. N ooc K tick t st. pr eaU Tabor T33S. , - - $8750 $500 AND BONCS LOATH New 4 -room bungalow, breakfast nook, hardwood floors-, fireplace, double on atructed. paTed street, sewer, walks, paid: ;new, comer? Broadway 7567. CITT HOMES DEPT. t BITTER. IXK A. CO.. BEALTORS. 20 1-2-3-"-7 Bcsrd of Trade bldg. - - $4000 ROSE . CITT PARK 'A 3-room bungalow, hardwood floors, fireplace, fuxnace, all built-ine, cabinet kitchen, full basement, wasb trape, etc. ."UxlOO lot. garage. , In fine condition. . daodjr bny at 40:with $600 down. KI MMELL JtRlJMMELX. ft 274 STARK ST. : BDWT. 729. 8QTH .ASP SANDY BLVD. ACT. 820-80 ' Laurelhurst 7 Rooms $6950 Nothing Left Out TABOR 7883. WE8TM0EELAN D 5-ROpM C0ZT BUNGALOW t Hardwood floors, 2 flrepUcea; furnace; corner lot, east front; garage. Only $5000; $1000 cash, balance like rent. Broadway Bull or East 7978. T. -O. BIRD. 528 Cham, of Com. 1 OB 8ALE a 9 roum. well built house, oa paved street; streetcsjt service at front door; all Improvements paid; 5 bedrooms, sua par lor: house suitable for large family or boarders. Pnra if taken soon ."".0O: Call any p. , m. from 1 to 6, except Saturday. 1480 E. Gli san at. ' - tiJOO NEW AND ATTRACTIVE $2200 New A room modern bangalpw, with . sleeping porch, 5 frail treesr 6 blocks to car. 1 $350 cash, $25 monthly. JohnsonDodson Co. - MS N. W. Bsnk bldg. Msin 3787. $2750 ONLX $2750. 5 rooms and sleeping porch, garage, fur naoe. curtains and draperies go with this Place, naar Rose City, park, any terms with in reason. -1 HILTNfDAHIZL TX. . Broadway 7800 I . 2700 Stark at. : A GOlD BUY iu an eight room home, semi , aaodern, basement, - garage, 75x95 corner l lot, walnot and fruit trees, near 4-8 ear; first tima offered. Small payment down and easy terms.. $3600. H. T. Allen, 1 1 30 BTtoobU Phone Tabor 9402 or f Tabor 0276. 7 ... . WEST SIDE DUPLEX $4200 " South Portland. Kelly street; fireplaces, good income, soma terms; owner aon- remdent.; mast eeii. Broadway 6011 or Eest 7978. , .-. V T. O. BIRD. $26 jChanj. of Com: 6MALL. bungalow, beautifully aituated . near river.' 3 elks, from SeUweod park, H sain. Tim house i rompletely faraished; winter's - wood in and lou of eanaed fruit,' For sate r Ty owner. -94 Bex ave, tjall Banaays. . FOR; SALE a-room house oa fall comer lot '. in nrna vrr , iu ram. wsjk trom mius. . SmalT payment down and balance easy. . Very ' msonabia pneo. owners. . Adams ii. . s., 800 Port Is nd Wed. 'W., Portland, Or. nWNEB haa new,,'beauufuL 5-room nil W gaiow, .sun room, h. trook, .oetirpaeitioBffloor , is bata. . aedaital stand, z sets Qaneh doors. Sarg attic with -heat end light;! garage: E. fere, cor. Ev 36th and SkKkcerre. g. . 3280. fc-EE the lovely" bungalow today. : 1214 : . : 30th at. N. You'll say it'a & dream. Insect ' to- ywq without eoreminslreA. Owner and buuder. East 6799. " ssooo n"ew! 5 porcn, fail basement, furnace. 1 caved street fine location; near Sandy; soma cash 50OT. A. c - Lsndsey. . Tabor $ 7 851150 CAJSH $23 MO. - , - Furnished hmxsa boat, - & xooma, larga pseehea, gardns loa. near rrrar, Fulton' oar. . Kweada at. Bdwy.5497. CJ Bingter. ,- ,1 $10O DOWN. $15 month., pricw $800. small Bouse; gas range; 3 lots, (rut and Imrrses. tor. Sftth at. and 35th are. fw 836-02. $ SaiO-IRVaNGTON-S mo umssual Colonml, remarkably underprtced. J $1000 cash to handle. East 3941. . ;V . A - T -ROOM house, 3 ilots. gas. aleetrio- lights, bath, 830. $30 cash, sway terms; Alberta r. A-a 77. Journal. KEW, aaoaem a-room baagatew lor sale, $4000 $430. Fboa Waiaut 4380. 627 NEW 4 room bungalow $0x100 fee lot, 1 hlack from Hawthorne Arline; - fall cement 'basemenj ' tirrplace, etc $250 down and $24 a taonta. 9 room boose. aer of beaetrdam land, on O. .. splendid place for . chickens anil gardening. $250 down : anfl $25 a month, including Interest at 6 per.aent I , ; , 8 room piaatered keasw, . 50xl9O f ocelot, $1300, $600 down. $ room house, two full-sis lots om ; 0th st $250 down. Hew 4 room bungalow, 50x100 foot , lot, $2650;. $500 down. 6 room "hone (3 bedrooms) garage. 1 block from streetcar; $20 $SOO down. - H acre tracts on Oregon City cap line. $30 down, , . SEE r ABOUT, TOCB rSSTJBASCB EVEBTTHING ELSE BEING EQUAL DEAL WTTH JIN EX-3ERVICE MAS Laurltsen-steTeneoo-Schneiiier Co.. Ine. 22 Alder st. (Suit ). kCala 815. Genuine Bargain Value $3890 BY OWNER ON REASONABLE TERMS (No Real Estate ku'i CommlssioB to Tay. 5 rooms and 1 2l ! S feet glaased-in sleeping porch, with clothes closet, hard ware floors in living, dining and both bedrooms; tapestry paper, natural wood work; bedrooms tinted and ivory enamel, full cement basement, fruit; rooms, . laundry trays and furnace, garage. Lot ia 60x100. ' L. k' AT HOME TODAY ; 038 E. 18TH N.. NEAR PRESCPTT Three block from Irringtoa car.1 P. B.i Furniture and Tugs for sale, too, if interested; This, bowers r, will hare no bearing- on the sale of house, as furnishings are entirety satisfactory and will be used la my new home if not sold. $3000 WONDEBrTTL BUT Two ft-rm. cottages ou Mississippi are., near Fremont St., pared at.: rent $40 ir mo. Price $3000. Very easy terms. J..F. HILL. : 60S Wffliama are. East 0268. 1 $4000 $750PASH Quality, workmanship, value and general proportions are embodied in these two new bungalows ; aE boil Una. .breakfast nook, 5 large rooms, attic, full ' cement basement, furnace, 50x100 lot, pared street anrt sewer In and paid ; garage; East Mount Tabor on one of Portland's main arteries. See these and get a real surprise. Broadway 7567. I CITY HOMES DEPT. BUTTER, LOWE it CO., REALTORS, 201-2-S-B-7 Board of Trade bldg. - j LaurestMarst . $500 Cash. i . 5 Rooms. . 8500O. . i This is the meet reasonably priced bungalow in Laurelhnrst, 4 rooms and .v sleeping porch, hdw. floors, fireplace, cement basement, furnace, all builtins, old ivory finish,- garage, ate. ; this home la complete In erery way ; $500 cash, balance like rent. 8ERYICE. RELIABILITY. COK A. McKENNA CO.. . (Established 1880) 208 Artt.an bldg. , Broadway 7522. ; - $6500 LAURELHURST BEAUTY A NEW" and classy 5 room bungalow with every imaginable built In feature, fur nace, fireplace breakfast nook, beat of up to date plumbing. Dutch kitchen and EYBRYTHING. Hardwood floore through out, beautiful light fixtures, eement bae rrrent, floored attic. . Plate glatsv windows. Full lot and garage. Price $8500. TERMS ; RUSJMELL & HT .MMELL 274 STARK ST. BDWY. 6720. S9TH AND SANDY BLVD. ACT.: 820-80 BRAND NEW BUNGALOW $3650 $500 CASH NEAR HAWTHORNE CAR ' A genuine map in. a new bungalow, fin ished in beautiful old ivory and tapestry paper; has combination living and dining roomf with oak Oooti, fireplace, 2 bedrooms, Dutch kitchea, breakfast nook, cement basement, concrete porch, double construct ed throughout and located on 60x100 let. Hurry! Hurry) Hurry I . R. L. McGRKW, Open Sunday. 1089 Hawthorne ave. Tabor 8892. PPPPPPP-PPpppppppp P , ROSE CITY P $200 Down. P 5 room buusalow, with beautiful P lawn and garden : exceptionally clean P and1 homelike ; garage. It won't last at $2100. Bee PAR KJ2K-FOR-PROPEBT Y 505 " Artisans Blldg. Bdwy. 4231. PPPPPPPPHPPPPPPPPP t BOOM HOUSE NEAR PENINSULA PARK Full basement, double constructed: fire--, place, buffet.' .cabinet kitchen. 2 large bed - rooms and-nth: 40x95 lot, town, rosea and firan trees; 1 block to Kenton ear; owner leaving efty;- food ; terms can be arranged. Pries $4200. Call' at brancti of Dee. Albiria and LamhartL Wat 1609. , . , Johnson-Dodson Co. 683 N. W. iBank bldg. Main 8787. 181600 SPECLL $1600. " TERMS 7-room reaidenee, 3 nice lota, plenty fruit, water, lights, gas. basement, 8 blks. car. a snap for $1600 on terms, .Bear Franklin high school. i ., . ALSO' aiee new 4-room house, cement basement, cement walks, alee garden garage, wueatrays. bath, lavatory, gas. lights, one blk. to car; lot 40x100. A snap at $2200 on terms, J. H. KICHABDS, 308 McKsy g bldg.' "l BOOM ALAMEDA BUNGALOW 1 $B00. 81500 cash. $50- including in Iterest, monttly. Large living and dining ' ' rooms., hardwood Doors, fireplace, built-ins. jfurns.ee. garage, satire trees, corner lot -67x405; oa Shaver St. Was built for a home this year. Johnson-Dodson Co. 638 n. W. Bank bldg. Main 8787. 6 Room Cottage 76x228.fi. lot. fruit and berries, garden, garaga. new plumbing, gas and electricity, Preecatt and 36th sts. : a wcoderful bar gain lor $2750. on 'easy terms. Sea Rip pey or Wilnams. 610-11 McKay bldg. iaxk ladd3 add. $5000 siosm) Cash, balance to suit . tKxcaUen condition. 6 rooms with 'sleeping porch, furnace, fireplace; no mortgage. Sea and you'll bay. . Aroadway 6011 Tor East 7978. T. Q BIRD. S26 Chrra of Oonv iEW DUTCH COLONIAL BEAUTIFUL ALAMEDA VIEW Seven rooms, lull basrinent, shower bath and all modern improvements. . Bast con soraetion SB city. Buy now and have choice of paper and fixtares. f 799 HAMBLET AVE. ATWATEB - 864$. Rose Cityungalov Featursa yoa wilj Sks: If you ara laok ing for a fral bomg see this Wonderful boy; nf eotf nkx. H fcterk of Alameda drive. 592 E. 67th at. K. Tabor $873. i $500 DOWN $500 ' Boaa Cicy park. 5 rooms, strictly modem : tuaaaee. i fireDlaee. sudeiuri finnn. paved street; will cosuider eoidier'a laaa. HELTON -DANIEL CO. T Broadway 7 80O 279 Stark at. -BY OWNER 106x100 corner; 8 ra. housa, laundry trays, gas. aseeaneitje. fruit. -pavM street: a Bargain. Price $3750. Walnut O230. , T- 4-EOOM house, ail famiahed: leea. J fZZTT- ks SBiiuu, a 1 blocks rrosa, car, hj Al- . wrm, osut aaaw oowa oa as. aal. $28- a saonth iaeksdina iatn ana omasa orrsr- , ... FOB SALS odd- $ roosa house in KeatoaT oa lot, tor $700 : 2 blocks of ear line- tSOO down, baa. $15 aa CaB Mrs. Lisxie ateuiaia, Tabar 0902. 4-Ot' Has Aa Park, i-mn Lm S:,K , . ti flrepJacav basesneat. pared rtrevta. newly fmu) mi cgw w war, lernrs. atata TS44. S-BOOM lla hasaa, fine eoaaitioa. pared . sues, aU smpravameam ia sad paid: cash. 3500w. 109w Veraoa are. Inonire Saadara.- a -ROOM far sale by owner, in Ro City pat k. 1 Broadway' 7836. $52 BACatmCB JUST ONE BLOCK OFF BANDT BLVD, On pavael atraat and earner. 7SxlO: 7 room boeue- aS alesprnej pesvftu swoeptleai . hail, large living and -timing room, built-in feaxares. de lerate4 srp two- steps i with fireplace; also tsar fireplace- ia living room, sice wide) stairway, 8. bedrooms npeleira (1 extra large bedroom with ., dostbea elothas eioaets, sleeping purrif m 1st Or. with built-in bed : eeaoeot basemeet and tanaee This is a need house and wit& a little eatprnss eaa be made a beaubfoil aoma.- As ideal location class to Boas Git school sod were, i May be bad tm tanas. ' Cafl Uom City braach of fice. 45th and Saudy old.. Aut. 826-10. J. L. HA&TMAM 4.-OMPANT, 8 Chamber of Cammerca bldg. Broadway .6034 : J-aurelhurst Owner Musi; Sell i You can buy this beautiful home for $8500. Wonhj infinitely snorA The owmir is sacrificing to make an immedi ate sale. Located on Oak St., near park. Extra large lot; living, room 15x30. best of workmanship. Every cceioeirabia con venienoe You Just - couldn't plan or build a better home. AeQTeepeCo. Laurelhurst Office J 9 th a ad GUsaa. Tabor 8488. Bass City Office 40th and Sandy. V Tabor 0588. . OPEN ' SUNDAY OPEN FOB INSPECTION , 796 E. FLANDERS MAKE YOUR OWN TERMS $4850 New .very pretty 5-room bungalow, long living room across tha 1 front, pretty dining room : beat hardwood floors. eal fi replace, Dmteh kitchen, nook, 2 airy bedrooms; beaatifuSy finished tn whit enamel and tapestry paper; expensive electric fixtures; bast of oonstrnetioo. All street improve ments 'in and paid. : Close to Sandy boulevard. , Opes Sunday far your inspection. : I s B. SOMERVtlLLE, Main 8761. , 101O Northwestern Bank bldg. ! Rose City ark Was $72alON6w $6300 Never keen Hyed in. Owner most soil Ouickly. A woaderfttlly well built hun. gilow, downright modem. Terms. Dif ferent from the ordinary type. Sea this. s A. Q. Teepe Co. : Bos City Office 40th and Bandy. Tabor 0586. Laurellrarst Office 80th and GUmn. Tabor 8433. . OPEN SUNDAY j COMMERCIAL STREET $2859 6 room modem - cottage on Crm mercial at., near Fremont st. all rooms ' are large, good -plumbing,- electric and gas; splendid basement, rtc. This is s -splendid little home and the price is right. . J. F. HILL ! 696 WiUiams ava. East 0368. BOSE CITT PARK l $5600 An extremely niXly Colonial hnagalow. located on 46th st.. just . off Sandy, 5 rooms with large -living room, oak floors. tapestry paper, finished in old ivory; buffet eaareiy across aimng room; expenstva light ing fixtures, ahades, furnace, , eement . basement, attic large enough for two rooms. Terma. CAMPBELL-BICHABDS CO. r 1111 Sandy blvd. (On viaduct.) Aito. 315-44. WILLIAMS AVENUE ' , BUNGALOW XYPE COTTAGE $3100 5 rooms., good gssemeut, white! en amel plumbrtig, lot 50x120 with allej ; the lot - alone is worth the purnhaae price of $8100. Very easy tanas. J. F. HILL ! 696 Williams are. East 0268. A DANDY DUPLEX : T94 BELMONT STREET ' . PRICE- $8500 . Look over this swell duplex i Bunds'. Tou will like it. Nothing bettsa for thj money in the dry. You can Madia thii with $2000 cash. -One of the best in-ve-rtmeits hi the city. Ltt us chow yuu through this place at any time. ' Xrt CO BAN-JONES REALTY CO. 275 Oak St I'hona Bdwy. 6006 Sundays call Auto. 334-97.: A Cosy Home i $400 Cash. 5 Rooms. . $3300, This is a dandy bargain: I-r. bunga low, on- 50x100 "cor. lot, finished ia old ivory, large attic, " cement base ment, close to cariine; $400 cash, balance like rest. SEBVICE. RELIABILITY. COE A. McKENNA CO., ( Established 1889) ? ; 208 Artisans bldg. t Broadway 7522. LAUBELHURST $5750 $7SO CASH Large 5-room bungalow, breakfast nook, attic, hardwood floore throughout, furnace, mortgage foreclosure; about 1 year old. See it 8 you want a real buy-. Broadway 7567. Sunday Tabor 7605. CITY HOMES DEPT. RrTTBB. LOWE A CO.. REALTORS 2018-3-5-7 Board of Trade bids'. SRSON HIGH Downf$200Down FEB MONTH 6 nm eoftasa on naved Emerssa St.. near PIEDMONT CAR BARNS; all tm provemevjta in and paid; full ntuma lng; price SJIOOO. STAR REA1, ESTATE A TNT. CO. Broadway 5018. 512-413 Wilcox bidg. $6300f ALAMEDA PAKK . Here is a oral artistic -bungalow : B rooms, furnace, fireplace, all' built ink, cabinet kitchen, breakfast nook, best of plumbing, oak floors,- jtull cement Abasement, wash trays, floored! attic, shower bath; 50x100 lot; large garage. "Folks," this la a beaut. Investigate. . RUMMELL a RCifMELL 274 STARK ST. - BDWT. 6729. 39TH AT SANDY BLVD. - 'ACT. 820-60. ? HAWTHORNE DISTRICT NEW MODERN BUNGALOW Hera is a ; beautiful new 6 room bunga : low with oak 'floors, attractive buffet, fire . place. Dutch kitchen: breakfast nook, ce ment basemeot, 50x100 corner lot. -A hesna you will be proud to own. . Prica $5$30. Terms. R. L. MeGREW. OPEJT SUNDAY. 1089 HAWTHORNE AVE. TABOB 8893. srvvvmr ? rn'riu $4200, ; $300 cash, 40 ' monthly. 7 rooms and ireceptmn hall; Bring, dining, masie room and kitchea downstairs, 8 bed rooms and- bath up: full basement, furnace: paved sAraat. On E. 3 2d st. Johnson-Bodson Co. 683 N. Wj Bank bldg. '- Main 878T. $75 Cash $750 for new" 2 room aaflaished small housa; lot SOxlOO; Bull Boa water. Bear new school: 73d ava. 8. E.; $15 monthly, including interest- AasrJn UrKWdahL 509 McKay bldg. Bdwy. 7890; evenings. Auk, 632-46. HOME BUILDERS ' Eor plans, specificaticau, matarial, tails, contracta, superinterrdenoa, . ;j.i4 and building advica, consult. -' ; - Olney Hawkins, Broadway 8848. 415 Abtegtoa Bldg ALBERTA NEW . ' 'Seldom aa opportunity tike Una, Owner leaves city, feast aaeririoe thm II lanat baa- j gaiow; gaa iuraaee. exeryuung saodan ; pnee at 4zuv; cn9 dewa. ; W. M. UMBDENSTOCK as Ca Broaaway xeoa. iio VMegua Mg. AIGS-AftDMOKS lT i new; aerfse .1 mechsi I good milea; rubber: $136 in axtraa: caae 60O6 win sadnrssa say ecrairr. BaX sat, Jtrwarar uroi. air. Hutsoav 4280ft BY OWNEB At 1441 S. th at. k. S soasai Boasa, gsod, plumbiag. aieetricrty and gaac boasa ta exeeueat cooditioa; lot 50x100. t bearnig Trait traea, aiee lawn and berrlas; soma -terma. Wahrut 041.' ; . . ' ' ', ALAMEDA PARK, ! ," . J '! This new 8 room bungalow, oa eeraer. bary dSstrwr; easy rerra . M Umbdeaatock at to.. xir irregpa niog. aawy. ioa. 4-ROOM IrOLSX a-aa. eiertnciig, water, built , ia eosTanienees.MtwOgllO tot,-aQ for $90. S-189.' Journal. N. . . -.,. - ., S-BOOM hoase and 1 acre, bvated ia Park ruse, For sab) by owner. Ikjwy. 1$S6. Rose City Park Laurelhurst Buyers, 5 attention! i ' : If you cohtemplat buyfaig In either of thsiia popular , dBCrLeta. you owe it to yourself to inapaot war listings. We keep in; rinse -touch with, the best buys and are tat a poaitieet to yos nseaey. We aamtntaia two wfOeee ' one at Oth And ttaadjs sssd tha ether at S9rn aod Gbaaa. Drive Out tedayv-both offices open: You wiH be Uruirr no obligatieA. A. Q. tTeepe Co. l laurelhurst Offiea 8th and GUsaa. ' Tabor HM tstarelbarst Office 40th and Sandy. - - Tabor 8433. ' - . OPEN SUNDAY OPEN FOR INSPECTION , LAURELHURST BEAUTY 194 HAEELFERN BTBEET , i 36950 Easy terms xor one of the finest new bungalows in this district. Every thing 'tha beat .and latest in design. All Boors i are hardwood, except tile floor In eia borate bathroom ' and linoleum in handiest Dutch kitchen, with its long tile drain beards: breakfast room, floored attic, garage . and furnace. Before you buy. : yon owe it to yourself to see this.; It was built for a home, but eireum ' stances - snake it necessary that it be sold today. R. SOMEBVILLE. Main 8761. 1010 Northwestern Bank bldg. Alameda District Bargain, i38i50 New bongakwr ; with large attie, hard wood floors, fireplace, economical furnace, etc. ; $500 cash. $40 monthly, includ ing ia tercet. Surely you will ' inspect this. A. Q. Teepe Co. Boss City Offiea 40th and Sandy. Tabor 9586. Laurelhurst Office 89th and Glisatt. Tabor 8483. OPEN SUNDAY MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM M 1 M HEART OF IRVINGTON M M $4500 M M A little gem of a new house. M M 6-r., fireaJaee, rurnaee, breakfast M M aook, DuBA kitchen, lots of built- M M ins, old ivory finish, hardwood M M floors, oement basement, wash trays. M M on paved street; this is a sacri- f M M fice price and you must act quick; M M $1500 down, BaL $25 per month, M M SERVICE. RELIABILITY- f M COE A. McKENNA . CO.. M M (Established 1889) M M 408 Artisans bldg. Bdwy. 7522. M M M MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM LAURELHURST . 6 room bungalow, $6200. This splendidly constructed bungalow, with 6 rooms all on one floor, loeatcti in Haselfern Place, is modem tat every way. No expense was spared tn its construction to make an ideal home. - Not new, but a mighty good buy. Inspect this. A. Q. Teepe Co. Laurelhurst Office 39tb and Git sen Tabor 8443. Rosa City Office 40th sad Sandy. Tabor 9586. OPEN SUNDAY 64750 6 room bungalow, brand new, oak floors, fireplace, bookcases, buffet, tapestry , paper, complete Dutch kitchen, cement bssement. furnace, screen porch. Lot 50x100 ft. Lo cated below the -hill. Small amount cash. Easy monthly payments to responsible party. BETTER SEE THIS. Bdwy. 8626. or Tabor 8485. DUTCH COLONIAL IX THE HEART OF IRVINGTON PRICE $10,000 This home eoaslsta of 7 large rooms, two dressing rooms, located in tha heart of Irrington. We will be pleased to show you through this wonderful home at any tima, and you will agree with us that it one of the best bargains in Irving t - n. Can make any sort of terms to Mtlt, COBOORAN-JONES REALTY CO. 27" Oak St. -s Phono Bdwy. 6006 Sundays Phone Auto 334-97. I CLOSE TO ALBERTA. CAR AND IN I GOOD DISTRICT 83650 New. 4-room house, extta large living room, or could be used as a combina tion living and dining room ; 2 bedroom, bath and breakfast noow; cement basement . This place can be handled on $500 down (payment and $40 per month, including in terest. Call Rose City branch office, 45th and Sandy bird. Aut 128-10. 1. U HABTMAN COMPANY Broadway 6034 PPPPPPPPPPPT'PPPP ; ALBERTA - $800 DOWN 6 room bungalow, with full base ment, only 1 block to cariine and school; newly painted, fruit trees; fine surroundings. Owner mil Ft go east at once. Full price $31o0. See PAKKER-FOB-PROPERTY 506 Artisans Bldg, Bdwy. 4231. p p p p PP PPPPPPPPPPP MODERN RESIDENCE HOT WATER hxAT $4500, $600 cash, bale nee monthly. Re eepUoB hall, living room, dining room, kitchen and extra toilet downstairs; light, airy bedrooms with foil height ceilings, steeping- porch and bathroom upstairs. On 3$th st, near cariine. JohosonDodson Co. 6$yN. Wi Bank Mg. Main 8787. Build-Yoiir Home Now We s saint is planning and financing. Come in -and talk it over. Bohn Investment Co. t 21$ Panama Bldg. ; Broadway 6157 ftAWTHORNE DISTRICT S BOOM HOUSE Yoa JwiQ find this home in excellent con dition inside and out: finished la natural woodwork and tapestry paper; has oak floors, den, Dutch kitchea, full eement base ment, Gasee furnace, garage and 45x100 lot. Prica $4750; terma Let as show you. B Lv MeGBEW. OPEN SUNDAY. 1089 HAWTHORNE AVE. TABOR 892. .A DELIGHTFUL HOME Must be seen to ' appreciate; ornamental. But and fruit trees, lota of flowers, -half sore. 8' room modem house, 2 fireplaces. 2 sleeping porches, furnace, all city con veniaaces, 4 mists courthouse; 38000, terms, or exchange for city housa same RM. GATBWOOP CO.. 1684 -40. at. 1 ONt,Y '8100 CASH I Fata you ia good little 4 room cottage, good plumbing, large bssement. 80x100 lot, cement Walk. 4u& 84th St.; go out 8 2d st to 49th, 2 blocks seat. Balance of 81T50 Bke rent.' - 8IDXET 6. LATH BOP 414 Abingtoa Bldg. O-BOOM housa. bath, pantry, lam reception hau, completely furaiahod with new. ax-' pensive furniture, rugs, gas range, telephone, lot 50x145. fruit, 3 blocks to car. 8 blocks to school, hi block to pared street, afl dear. $8000,. $1000 down, "$25 month and in jerest. : Qwser, 6Q28 47tb ava. 8. E. MODERN car: doabss ooastraated: aoar- ly f replace, Dutch kitchen, white aagmal basement, $2000, small pay- Aut. 641-84. rBOOM heassy 75x100 lot. near" car and school; fruit and- shade trees. Prica $1600. $ aash, or will take light ear as first BUTTER eV LACEY. 2S Broadway East 9218 jy -t Toa are looking for a 8 er 6 room, bamga leW a a bargai prieo eoeae and sea mine. Close la, paved St.. white . Dutch kitchea. modem light fixture and plumb ing. - $3250. 98$ E. 8th st KEAT i roosa bangaiow, garaga, close in. goraer aoxlOO. $2800. boBdsd $855. Owner. - - THOMSON. MOHAWK BLDG. SEVEN roam boasa am oao' acre of choice groond.; covered with , fruit, berries and , floweie; on -aasy karma. - For pai Uculaxa sea pfca mrrj.ri see rrsot rstqg. S OR -SALE, 3-r house in good eonditioa, and Kent, eament sidewalk, $800- down. rest oa assy rerreeota. Cat! .Auto. 621-24. TTlTT fr j t V Is mnm'iMiiiiBi V 1 T TT ' side. 81600: $5009 bandies: turn stare for liviv. '. vr Awur wwa.. sjawsoa. . T- . Ik '1- . - 1 - 1 FOR SALE by fni, aew $ roosa bangaiow us swtaoraa district. gtrieUy arodem. Ta bor. $521. f I $56 DOWN - Koeea. Yea lata Owe of These. ' Pack Oaa astd Stop ' Baas. $f 280 New 4-r. bangsJow.' aads swsaa firusa work sod paint; liawtlwrna oar; near 82d and PowelL :,. : ; y ' $788 4-.' piaatered house! ' needs re pairs; Mt.. Scots can , - 8248W- ew 4-c bungalow, hardwood floors, connected to sewer. a0 assessments paid. 3 . btocks north '.Woodstock car oa 61st; needs some finishing. 3 3 90s Wonderful new bungalow, firs plaoe, hardwood f loom, -sleeping porrls, built-in Ilratch ajtcheni. all sisistments paid, close to Woodstock ear norf iscuool, wwswwsWye 630 Chamber of Cosaaaerca Bldg. LaurelhtjrstSpecial NEW T-ROOM i HOCSE $7900 ' This splendidly coa-tracted home Is located at 1133 Buxnaida at. near 39ta, facing park. This is one of tha choicest locations in all of Laarelhiurst. Wa think that you could . aqt begin to reprodooe the house for this money. Modem ia every way, even to aa automatic gas heater. L Teepe Co. Laurelhurst Office 80th and Gliaan. Tabor 8433. Boss City Office 40th and Sandy. I Tabor 9386. OPEN SUNDAY . ' STANTON STREET BARGAIN s Two good houses oa . large lot on Stanton st.. one njiise has -8 rooms, ar ranged for 2 families, rents for $40 per month; the other hoase has 6 rooms, rents for $20 per month. Both houses are in good condition. This is a splendid' opportunity for someone who wants ah income and. a home. Price $3250, very tasy terms. J. F. HILL , 696 Wulisms ave. East 0268. IBVINXJTON New 7 room bungalow, ' $6500. We bellers we are offering here the best value in the district. A well built bungalow with class and dis tinction. Every conceivable feature is incorporated in its' construction. " Living room extends entire width of housa. Ga rage, too. A..Q. Teepe Co. Laurelhurst Office 89th and) Glisan. Tabor D586. 1 Laurelhnrst Office 40th and Sandy. Tabor 8438. OPEN SUNDAY ON CORNER 47TH AND SANDY BLVD. BOSE .CITY s. Large 8-room home, all hardwood floors, large tun room ; most attractive borne on- tha inMde ' you ever saW? double garage: 100x460 comer; lots of shrub bery; be fine Iccation for sny professional man such as doctor or music academy; price $12,500. and yon know property is increasing right along on Sandy. Look for the blUB sign. Call W. F. Mahoney. With. CORCOBAN-JONES REALTY CO. 275 Oak St. Bdwy. 6006v $3700 8 BLOCKS TQ CAR AND 8 BLOCKS TO SCHOOL ALBERTA BJ8TRIGT New 5 room hcuie, living room and din ing room with hardwood (loose snd built-in features and fireplace, cement bapement and a good garage. This is a splendid home at a price that is right. Call Rose City branch office, 45th and Randy bird.. Aut. 326-10. i. L. HARTMAN COMPANY . 8 '.Chamber of Commerce bldg. .: Broadway 6034 ;Can We Help You? ' We build homes that please the owners. AB materials and workmanship guaranteed first class. Assistance in. financing and terma that will please you. Morgan Co. 327 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Office Phone: Broadway 6906 Besidence Phone Evenings: Walnut 8612 Attractive; New Home New, . all modem bungalow, best oak floors, full cement basement, built-in fra '. turea, artistic nghting features, furnace. . garage, built by owner for home and has . many extras. Must be seen, to be ap preciated. Agents do not apply. 890 Capitol are.. Overlook district. A GENUINE 8NA"P $1000 BELOW VALUE 5 room modem bungalow located in the heart of Hawthorne, naar grade school; has firepjaee Dutch kitchen, excellent floor plan, full cement- basement and wash trays. Price 33150. You will have to hurry for this downright bargain. B. L. MeliREW. OPEN SUNDAY. 089 HAWTHORNE AVE. TABOR 8892 ATTRACTIVE HOME COUNCIL CREST $5000 7 rooms and glassed-in sun porch, in very fine condition, hardwood floors, built in bookoasds and Dutch kitchen, fireplace, cement basement and furnace, about three . blocks from, ear; $1900 oaah, terms oa bal ance. E. 11. BROWN 1122 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 2422. NEW IRVINGTON BUNGALOW $6500 $1500 CASH T-room bungalow, first floor has 6 sorely rooms, .all hardwood floor. vitrolit. bath Tlonrt f mnraa and sewina room oa - second floor' all kinds of built -ina. furnace, xaraae. ALU JOHNSON CO., Realtors, 605 McKay bidg. Broadway 7201. 4 ROOM3 FURNISHED - New liftte 4 room bungalow, o 0x100 lot. double constructed, hardwood floors, best plumbing. Price, Including almost 310OO of new furniture, $8800. Terma arnnged. 1150 E. 22d st. 8. W. car to Ellis ava.. 8 blooks east. SIDNEY G. LATHROP ,414 Abingtoa Bldg. ALAMEDA PARK New 6 room bungalow all on oaa floor, modern ia every respect. Owner will take good building lot If priced right. ,$5500, '$1500 cash. : Johnson-Dodson Co. 633 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 8787. NEW BUNGALOW 881 SO Yoa will appreciate the value in this cosy N bungalow, finished in old ivory, most complete kitchen with largo break fast nook. Very liberal terms, too. A. G. TEEPE CO.. Tabor 9586. : ONLY $4600. new and niftyl kr ex-serv-ice man. hers is tha ohanoo ef a lifeurasv ' ! $300, with bonus loan. srCl let ytm Into a j now 8 room bungalow. Hardwood floors , j fireplace, garage. A real bargaia. By : owner. Must sou, leaving state. Tabor : 4368. $500 DOWN, i $500 DOWN. ! 5 room modem bungalow, nearly new, largo finished attic could have 3 extra rooms, bath with separata shower, double eonstroetian. full basemcnV $4500, "4500 down. bal. easy. It- M. GATSWOOP ek OO.. 168 4 tax EXTRA FINE WAYEBXY HT8. BCNGl 5 rooms and attic, weadarful hotno; aew, strletty modem, 70x100 lot, landscaped, garage, all imps. paid. $5500. $1000 cash. Bargaia. , , B.YDES REALTY CO., 193 Third. ' 11 wood 2740. FOB SALE Modern 1 story bungalow. reosaa ana sweiiiiir poroa, AVwUOO iot: lx frnil and nut treit , gTapea . and berries; ckao In. oa east fide A 2 blocks from cariine. This is a hay si $5000: terras. WU1 aeoept soldier'a bonas.' CaHAnt. 618-TB, $335S NEW 5 BOOMS 88S30 "sewing ra, sp; Dutch; hiirften :' garaga; irory vwmv. -cm. oww oasa, oai. "w a. .JJ. aear KilUngjworth. East Broadway District Taw 1 Lot SOxlSO. lacoma $80 per assv 81280 cash. Price 9UU. ... i ' SIJTTEa ex LACEY. 1 25S" E.; Bmadwsy i East ajla t new nvisiinr t fi? C - Baal Bobby a-aom eoenpesse baagasow. oeiwo; vaa aeeepi ae aoera troat ro spoosible party. .... ;A seal oppos-tunit-r act at oooa, -.. ' '""".j' 4 ... r., ,.- W. 1C fJIB DEN STOCK A-' CO. Broadway 1638. i 210 Or-nn bldg. MODERN roosa. housa (er uls or rent. Prieo 84000 8500 cash; will lease for one year at (30 par month; hare aoasa fwraibare for Saie. Tel. AatomaUe 4-44. adrsss &020 th s. 8. E.. Bear Ma. ScotV , . - PORTLAND HEIGHTS horde, modern.' bar- gala for ouick salst Maia 7159. READ THESE OVER KVKRT ONE IS A SEAL BARGAIN New S roots aangaloar. 1a Overlook 'addition.' ea Long view arenusw Prica ' ..' $4780. ' j j. Modern 7 room bungalow,-on Mis- , aisaippi are. tiiia is a wonderful ht ale home; $4850. i .'.:... - : 1 Beantifol little cotuge of 6 rooms, an Greeley sueet. paved street; a wonderful, buy; ' $3350. A dandy litths d roosa bungalow with furniture, large sot, "garage, etc lo cated on 83d st; $3000. bltietly saadem 3 room bungalow, oa Vernon ave., in the Albeata section. This ia a vary auractiva plaos, Th. prica ia axtt $$200. - S room cottage, pn Fargo st-. tiear Williams avenue, lot 80x100; price? 83000. - AH tha above properties are. real bargains and can .ke bought on rea sonable terms. . J. F. HILL 696 WILLIAMS AYE. EAbT 0268 TWO SPECIAL BUYS Sunnyside Bungalow $4250 Very attractive 5 room bangaiow. liv ing too no. dinsng room, white en Sine led kitchen, beautiful breakfast nook, two large bedrooms, dressing room and bath. Full cement basement. laundry trays; beautiful lawn, fruit and shrubbery. This property is located B East Alder st.. near Laurelhurst park. Owner leaving city and m-net sell at once. Rose City. $5250 Very attractive bungalow tyfes house located below the : hill north of Rose City . cariine: reception hall, large liv ing room, dining room, beautiful built ins, hardwood floors, very attractive white enameled Dutch kitchen, 2 bedrooms, dressing room, large sleeping - porch. Full cement basement, furnace, fire lace, laun dry trays; fall lot. fine shade, fruit snd shrubbery. This is a very special buy. EVERETT PHILPOE. Nelian & Parkhill Sales manager 21 Lumbermen bldg. Bdwy. 2832. . Sunday: Call Tabor 8263. i ROSE CITT PARK Close in. $5400. New bungalow with tiring room ex tending entire width of house. You will appreciate the class of workman ship and material in its - ranstntction. Arrangement is ideal.. Modem in every way. including garage. The prise is ex tremlyclow for such a Quality home. A. Q. Teepe: Co. Lanrelhursc Offios 39th and Gossa. Tabor 9586. ; Laurelhurst Office 40th sad Sandy. Tabor 8483. a, OPEN SUNDAY TRVtNGTON--BC NO AiLOW $5000 SACRIFICE-r$5006 Beautiful 6 room bungalow pn 7th at.., Irrington, has ha idwood floors, fire place, furnace, many built-ins, ' largo basement, with eement floor, and laun dry trays; 'lot 60x100. with fine ga rage. This, is a dandy Iittla borne and ' is priced below lis actual rslue. Pries $5000. Terms. J. F.7HILTL7 696 William' are. East 0268. Furnished Bungalow $3250500 Down New 4 room bungalow, adjoining Ala meda; firepiace, Dutch kitchen, rail base ment, laundry trays, garage, sidewalks and sewer in; close to car and school; STAR REAL ESTATE eV INV. OfX Broadway 5618. 512-13 Wilcog Bldg. $2950 $350 DOWN 4 BLOCKS TO GOOD CAR SERVICE New bungalow;- 4 rooms and bath, large living room, 2 bedrooms with closets, kitch en and breakfast nook, cement basement and laundry trays. CaB Rose City park branch off&e, 4 jth and Sandy bird., Aut. 326-10. J. L. HABTMAN COMPANY 8 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Broadway 6034 BOSE CITY $5250 6 room' new modem bungalow, never been lived ln, and worth more than money asked; owner leaving city, and soma one is going to get a good deal. Can sell this home wih a $500 down payment. COECORAN-JONES REALTY CO. 275 Oak St. Phone Bdwy. 6000 Sundays call Auto. 334-97. STOP, STOP. Take notice. Don't cheat yourself. Is tha pleasure of Skying it's new worth $2000 to yoa? If not see this hotue and save ysur. money. Tha same house new would cost $4800. This one ia first-class condition, only '$2850. . 6 roams, large sleeping porch, basement, pared st. ; good district. By owner. Mu,rB;iaH city. 711 Spokane ave. Tabor 4368 3 ! $500 CASH 1 1 Close in. 6 rooms and bath, finest plumb ing, full cement basement, hardwood floors, window shades, Knolans: may install fur nace. Balance $8000 at $25 monthly. 7fl Ellis ava. S. W. ear to Ellis, 2 blooks east. Key at oppoaito corner. SHWiET, G. LATTrROP 414 Abington Bldg. $3200 SUC1 BOOMS $8200 Psved street, sidewalks, sewer in snd psid. Large, , airy rooms with good light ; full basement, furnace, lawn and shrubbery; some nice fruit: close to schools, streetcar and library; terms. Jofinson-Dodson Co. 638 N. W. Bank bldg. Msin 8787. LAURELHURST SACRIFICE T 7 rooms, large corner lot, south and east front, thoroughly modem ; garage. - In pink of condition. Sickness farces quick sale. Be hove yoa will hardly want to wait to show wife-or husband when you see this aad get the price. Phoae Tabor 2189 for appoiat ment. $1000 EASY TERMS Have a 8 room' hoase, with sleeping porch, shed, hit KOxlOO, fenced, scene fruit trees: located fast, off of 8 2d it ehrmt hilf Tmi between MontariUs and Boss City cars; $50 ' to $100 cash, balance oa easy monthly terms, will handle this place. 1045 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Bdwy. 2030. HAVE a brand now 4- ra. bangaiow. just completed, lot 60x191, good street. $300 . cash, balance, monthly payments. Take Mt. Scott ear to Lents. Get off at 9 2d st and yon are right In front of office. . Sea B.TJ. "Conner, 6008 92d sv S. E. OFFICE OPEN SUNDAY LAURELHURST 36500 ! Oa Coach, near 89th. 6 attorns and A p., full eement lissiuient, fireplaca, faroeoe; garage; hardwood floors throughout, tiled bath, S toilets.; other business aecessitates selling at anee. It's Burked to selL '- Ta bar 2180. ROOMS, sleeping porch. Dutch kitchen. trait, flowers, east front; near Peninsula para; aood saapo: giro possrseig-a at ones. Prieo aad terms very reasonable. Wai take lata modal Buieg as part payment. . Owner, Waiaut 0159. 8 BOOM saadara furnished house, close in. oast side. - Lot cuxlUO. rratt treat, lawn, good urhiture. ImmediaAs possession. $1000 cash. r Fries $4600. - SUTTER sV LACEY, SSS K Broadway East 021$ $200 UOWN. FROM OWNER $1650 ' 8 room cottage, deetrkaty, gas. bath, full six. tot. all improve me rrta in aad pard. Will eoasider light oar , and . assao cash. - 018-80. 1218 BoiaB at. - : . -FOB SALE New stylo bangaiow. Nice firo plaoa, cement porch, alactria Ughts. tele phone and fall basement. Hies- location, ia asBfioo snwones. . ' sjaii . rvainac ssfi, LAUBETJ3CBST" BARGAIN Oruv 81100. That is oa BsstKem rdsoa. John F. Eube,. J.824 . V -GUsaa sr. Taoor-iaae. CLOSE IX. 630 E. MSC&SOB i . fioe abaaer small Jot,: aanoasr no incumbrance.- tBOOO. Ojuwi. FOB vSALK or exchange. 6fO0 4Miniiv M $3400 4-room hoase with bath, lot 0x100: iveea mora room. laoor iiga. FOR SALE Modera 8 rra. buagalew, $4400, - teraat; jast oomplsned; 6th aad Fremont - sts.-. Fast 1814. - . 4-ROOlI hoase. lota oC fmiti aico socatioa. y Paoaw 3-86; ..: " ; NEW baagasuer. Ladd -add. Take racaaa as part payment. Tabor 0900,' . ' - TBI KOUE -Of 8XTTER rTOMES tALESX5T j IGAKTS AMD HDMIBUILSINS 40A-7 StOOL tXCBASm BXDcl W-M435 The oris you hare been waiting for; a real : home and aa investment tm the wast aide; 1 1 nice rooms, furnished with es orUeat furuitnre; this 'shows -a good ta -nnu, ,lu) h , ,Af . 1 nrfM 4a m1v MfiSl himI mM Har', hi, . . ,a 1. taT. I..'' Another west aide . property' of IS nice rooms, lot 40x100. and in good condition, tor $9000. ' - Income, property showieg ever 15fc en your investment; win trade for good acre age or chicken ranch- ' ' t A beautiful bangaiow In Boos City, be low the hill; 5 rooms, hdwd. floors, strictly modem; st a real sacrifice; Vnce only $500O. terms. . ' " 6-room home completely furnished, mod em except heat: only 3 btocks to Wood Bvwn ear; only $3550, $500 cash, balance ' $25 per month, including Interest. - A beautiful Dutch Colonial. 4 large sleep i Ing rooms, oak floors in all rooms; this is a real home and cannot be described hero; pleased to -show;, price $12,000. terms. G. C. CLRICH CO.. INC.. Suite 403 Stock Exchange bldg. Msin 4354. Main 4355. T Piedmont '. ROOMS AND 'GARAGE $5350 . Thia splendid home, located en Wil liams ave., ISO north- of Killingsworth ; $750 will .handle. Modern ia every way. Hardwood floors, fireplace, fur aane, .garage. If yon are looking for a good buy, inspect thia. A. Qe Teepe Co. Rosa City Office Moth and Sandy. ' Tabor 3433. OPEN SUNDAY BEECH STREET NEAR WILLUTMb AVENUE 4 room cottage, on Beech street; has good plumbing, targe bssement, etc.. -A splendid little bonis st a very modest price,' $1900. Small payment down, balance like rent, J. F. HILL' 696 Williams are. East 0268. ! A Real Bargain ONLY $3600 $1000, CASH Built for a home, with very beet of material, 5 beautiful rooms; no breaks or cracks in plaster : nlcw large bath and clothes closets; a wonderful kitchea that spells comfort and convenience. Big. full cement basement. laundry traye. Beautiful 50x100 foot lot only 2 blacks to car. If you want a real double constructed homo see this. JOHN F. ZUBBR 1824 E. Glisan St. Tabor 7547. $3670 PENINSULA $8670 An. extra well double -constructed 6 -room modem bungalow with Serge front cement porch, fireplace, living and dining rooms, 2 large bedrooms, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, hardwood floors 2f. rooms, buffet and built-ins of all kinds, old ivory enamel, full .cement bssement with wash trays, 1 block to . car. $493 down, balance easy monthly payments. H. W. OSBORNE CO. Open Sunday. 432 Cham, of Com. bldg. "Bdwy. 5887. 115 You can make this on your investment by buying this home. Elegant, . modem, hard wood floors, fireplaces, furnace : beautiful view; ornsmental shruKs; Willamette Heights. Can divide into 8 apartments. Yoa can rent 2-3 of it and still make 10. Your own rent free. Price $5500. Terms. JOHN A. MEISSNEB, 821 Gaseo Bldg. $27006 BOOM HOME In a good district, modern conveniences, dose to ear and schools, H, blockNio pave ment, small fruit, garden spot, nieV lswa and shrubbery; $2700. (400 cash.X$30 monthly. . JohnsonDodson Co. 633 N. W. Bsnk bldg. Mala $787. WEST SIDE ON 23D ST. 9 -room house suitable for rooming boose. 50x100 lot. in a very fine location. You will find that this has been priced vary cheap at 84200 and terms. J. R. HAIGHT FOR REAL ESTATE 352 ANKENY. BDWY. 2045. 7 ROOM, modem house, full bssement, large attic hardwood:, floors, .not block from Foster road, which in about a month will be the finest- driveway tn tha city, near Arieta station,' Mt. Scott cariine. Owner will not rent, will sell at a sacrifice. (3800, $500 cash, $25 month, interest 0 par cent. ' -NEIL.' SMITH, 6530 Foster road. Phone 612-68 9-ROOM house, garage and chicken hoase, lot 130x159; cherries, pears, prunes, spplea. - English walnuts, grspes, 1200 hotly and other shrubs. Full cement basement, laun dry travs. hot and cold water, electric lights, gas. Will take late model 7 -passe ruse r car part pay. Call or write- 16 E. 8d st. THREE 6 room, 2 story, houses, also -one double flat, 5 rooras each, for sale; good - ouarsloa acoount of buUding aew com mercial building. Apply oo w Pino St., or pfeone East -0038. . ' ROSE CITT HOME. Will take anto or lot to $1000 aad! $800 eash as first payment oa 6 room, house with fireplace, furnace, etc. Phoao Main 9012 weekdays, or Tabor 0878 on Sunday. 7 ROOMS AND BATH (2500 . A mighty good horns near stona and ear. 50x100 ft lot See this today;' John F. Ruber, 1824 B. Glisan at, : Tabor 7547. LET ma give you my- figures oa your new house you're going to build. , I will save you money and help finance. Have thirty nouses under way this year: first class work. H- H. Harris, 1016 Brooklyn. Seu. 2859. NICELY FURNISHED, new. modem bungalow, bedroom, living room, dining room, Dutch kitchen, fireptaee. garage. Prica $3000. - $350 cash balance monthly payments. Sea owner. VPS ti. aza St. W. Auto. 828-95. CHEAPEST HOME IN PIEDMONT -Old-fashioned, comfortable homo, 7 rooms, sleeping porch, fine corner lot, city improvements aQ ia, C$3750,. terma Broad- way 735 i IN THE HAWTHORNE DISTRICT 4 ra. bungalow, old, fine for carpenter to remodel, en improve! street ana paid, race 8150O. G. T. -Jaeurlck. 3890 Division st. 236,; - ;$150 DOWN 'v ' ' WALKING DISTANCE, WEST SIDE V 5-room modem, a real buy for $2800. . SMtTH-WAGONKR CO.. STOCK EX. $4600 COUXiilL CREST, 6-room modem, high-class bungalow and garaga, $800 down, balance like rent; must sell. Owner, 449 Sherlock bldg. ' SMALL house in fine condition, ruse tot, small fruit, walking distance, street r im .. proved and paid; price (1500. feellwood 0530: $1000 UNDEtt VALUE ' If yoa want to sea m good buy ia Boss City a-room bungalow, H block to oar, -call Maia 7606 for appointment. FOB SALE. BY OWNER. Modem 6 roans bungalow with garaga; lot 80x100; 1 black from car; cash or tarms. Phono Tabor 2001, evenings. ROOM house: full basement; connected to sower; good district; $2500. $500 down, terms. G. Uofrtrand. 1882 Greeley st, Waiaut 8968. ' 4-BM HOUSE, oa carliue, aear school, French doors. Upertry paper; (2500. Would ex- changa $1600 canity lor 4 rras.. daw in. Walnut 0209. 8 ,BM. mod. bouse, 50x100, SeUwood, Will trade for larger hpsart snd . assume. Price 83000. See Will ms, 227 Waatw East era Exchange. COZY 4-room i bujuuiow. garags. 2 lota. 7 fruit trees, i near Jefferson high; $2750. 048 ioagraas st. M. A. ear to Preaeott tt, btocb east. . $1400 (250 DOWN boys a cosy BU-TT. . ra, boas-low, cas-pletely . faraishsd. . sido ' ''walks in aad paid, V blk to hard sartseo street. Why pay rentf Auto 61(1$. THESE room sotnge. ossaont hearm ant.-fruit. : chickea booso sod run. C. S. Miller, 1981 U-t Glial.1 - . - MODERN SELI.WOOO BUNGALOW S roeesn, Iweskfe-t none, elegant baffrt, btrilt-isis, tar-try. ivory. Ternw. ma. 1 250. I WILL sell my two 6 room kungalowt ad yoining. W ill take saiomooue. , C. 8, Miller. I981i Eat GKsaa, - MOUEHN 4-rovat cozy home. Aiberta cailina at Tei ; Everything W slnor 4fts. SNAP ii taken at once. 2 kits, o room hro se, garage i gfurkrn boasa, all kinds fruit. Tabor 7.29.1 a tvsf iiiit $400 POvTNt IT. SCOTT' SPEC! Ali i HARDWOOD FLOORS TMRrrTtGHiilTTl $283 $40 dowal . How would rou, lika to . - sea thk besgaleel A,or -rm i. - arotto plaeo with - hardwood' floors . . throng-out. living room, dining room, : i massive bullt-ta buffet, Dutch kitchea . with breatfast aook, bath; 2 un ,. '. ligrit ;, bodrooeta. fuM eement bsae'- . si meat, This is aa ideal homo, and. eta as,.- $890 DOWN! COZY IJTTIJ! BtJNttALOW ' $.'630 $800 down and rery easy tons oaf no oaiance here a a home than which it wis be hard 4a find a cosier! Just, .as snta aad spaa! ' Ideal for a small faauly aa it has 4 roosna, witb overy-l CTinreniencet pipeiy. sirranged I aa a ahartment Matly hers's a dandy car-. - dan where yoa eaa, putter around ia x , yoori lee-are hours: fnuu tosis. ga- ! N lore i , paved: eorr.ee lot with parirtg X emeat sidewalk ia ani 'pa-., -5 ( ROOM IIOMB -',,' (2400 $240 down I Ftit, grvo. fleooiV pas.v close i to ear and school: a roat , home of 0 noms, in "splendid con dition. xf, actually a beae;'- 8 bedrooms, all eoarenUmoes. btsilt-rns. garage; a aaady gardea for tha. chil dren. 4th sk. The monthly terms ara aucs less tnan rent. THIS MUST IR ioiJ) $850 Cash Take- k. KirW. 950 4$850 down! . Comfortable - sj-waij. iowrteel ' loattage ia Mt. Scott district; ' Jnst redttoed prica fori immediate sale; : baa good garden, fruit. 4 1st ava. ; ,o uu. now. sve aavo more- u vsn j 100 s-od buys ia t-U dietrictr -come ' ' mrom rr - vur lnaai VPOB ' ,s nosy ror your opavoaieaoa, ' SEE i FRANK I.. McGUIRB .. i -' Ta ftitv Vrtai U,M, ' I - i ; ' ' Realtor. '- -'I Abingtoa bUg.. 8d at. bet. Wash, and Stark. . Broadway T171. Rose City Park Not new. bat splendidly built and comfortable. - Modem, too. with hard wood floors, fireplace, full eement base ment, furnace and garaga Inspect ithla, . A. Q. Teepe Co. I. Laurelhurst Office 39th gad Glisan. 1 Tsbar 9586. t LaureUiurst Office 40th aad Sandy. Tabor 8483. . ' , . OPEN SUNDAY 1- ' I - ROSB CITY PARK f- ' BELOW THE HILT, ; rooms, fine ettlo. ' beeattful (lawn, close to atoraa aad scneoi, 8 blocks north of Ssndy. This house has hardwood floors and ia strictly -modern throughout. Bags and draperies included fca the prica. 8800. cash and easy terms on the balance. HILLS R BBOS.. BEALTORS 211 Ky. Exch. Bldg. Bdwy. 3628. Branch Offiea 60th aad 8a dy. Tabor 84(0. j ' - ' ' fS, ' 3 (600 CAbH. balaaca like rent; modem 8 rrn. bungalow and garaga Wsverleigh, ($700. - " . .' X , ; ' 'v. $50 eash. monthly payments, good 4 room boms. Bear cariine" ( 20O0. PORTLAND HEIGHTS' homa (8000. A borne youll be proud of at a price you'll ba glad -of. . s ,;, '-'- ". THEY ARB CORBIN DEALS J. O DOBBIN CO.. 808-6-7 lewis bldg. YANCOUVEB AVE.,. KEAB FABGO 8263ft 5 -na, modem cottage; good plumbing, alactria and gas, basement, lot 50x100. All imp. la gad paid, l'riva (2650. (780 cash, j-- j J. F. HILtr ' I 6(0 WUUa-u ats, ' East 0X68, NEW SIX liOuM BUNGALOW - i (UOOO Exeeptionally well constructed -and beaa tifeily fiaishod; has hardwood floota. plate glass windows, ' bult-ln bookcases, i buffet, cabinet kitchen and break fast nook, fire- . plana, full eement basement snd splendid furnace, lot $0x115 aad good .garage; 8 blocks from the aew Alameda sohoui $1000 oaah aad monthly payments. - i E. M. BROWS ' I 1128 N. W. Bank Bidg. Mala 2422. MODEBN NEW BUNGALOW T St. Johns district. 4,. room, end bath, modern, ivory finish throughout, sidewalk, hard surface road, well-- eoastrwGed. , tou Crete bsaemeat, 1 block from carBui. fan. be haadled with small payment down, bal ance $80 month including Interest. A good buy. Prieo (2700, Call Mr. Scbsscu tkiwy ... 8d24. . .',,1.. ti r'V . i I 1 '.It? .w v.wua, Hvu u, ,'awww ,rai, - . ' place, plaster paper la- living room i and din ing room, kitchea, breakfast book,, bath-' . roosa, 2 bedrooms, light woodwork through-: out, floored at tie smd fall basement. Will take small car as part payraeat down. 1840 -E. Flanders:. Tabor 7638. . i '. ' NEAR It ANKENY AND 88TH ST. 6300 eash. (25 aad 6 per cent latorest monthly; 5 room, bangaiow, including wood range and ga range, aU connected; 11 oleum, seresas aad. shades; prica (8200. Johnson-Dodson Co. 688 N. W. Bank bldg. Main' 8787. 4 ROOM ho-w and faraiuuro .$8250 6 room housa and furniture ...,.35Uf 9 room housa and furniture $7500. S room shack, sema furnltara .. . ,( 800 FORSYTH, Walaat 64 17; Maia $267, : ' . We Hell Everything. ' -' ' ' 801 Stock: Kx. - ' 1 ' ' OWNER mus leave eitr. For s 7 modem nouso, 4 aediumi y bata, ran o se tae nt, eement Coor, wash trayx, gas water hestoT grid furnace, 0 fruit trass, 3 blocks to car, 4 blocks to school, t tnorng Uookum, 6 cords good Wood; snot $4200. -job for quirk sals. ($800. oasb. Owner, 768 S. -. 12th et. W. - ' --- ' ' l R'-N.' SaVeB.1 ' ." - - '. 4 room cottage, modern, ha a at aoa di--oa; log 60110 ft. $1000, $250 oaah, (15 month. . -T - 4 room cottage, funis-ed. $1000, $400 dowa, (20 month. -i R. M. OATEWOOP CO.. 168 H 4th. BOSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW 6 roe i, modem, large attic Prica (5250. owner going ast. This is a , new place; 60HO0 Lot, garagsu Wul take small pay ment dowa. UNION SAFE DEPOSIT eV TRUST CO. 284 OsV St, Bdwy. 0948. BRIDGES, who cares for BRIDGES t Go to MULTNOMAH, oa tha west sal -of the' river. One continuous ribbon of hard sar is . BEN RIF.SLAK D, operator excln- -. sirely in this district. 404 I'Utt Wdg , 127 Park n. Branch, office st Mnltnomsh. ' . LAUKELUURST district, choice location, (4250, terma; 7 -room home, with 8 bed-", rooms, sleeping porch, cemeat bssement, laundry room, furnace, full lot, shrubbery. -room tor 3 cars, Be McClure. 600 CON CORD BLDG, : j FOUB aifty roams for sale. Has to be seen to bo appreciated. Handy to park, all schools -and -stores, 2. blocks from best car errV ia town. Terms or sum trade, or good " small ear. 806 Himpeoa st. -. - - i lN'E. largo home of reoma snd large aula, floored and . studding ; set for three addi- -s tioaal -rooms; full basement, double garage. lOOxlOO lot; a genuine bargaia far onty 8370O. terms.- Maia 4354. $1500 CASH. Ulaaco to suit purchaser; i5 : rooms, old ivory, ., tapestry paper, fireplsoe, furnaoe, ceraent basement, paved, street. Keel a-rgaia. . 961 B. 2 3d sL N. ' Walnut 1422. ; . :- I ! A LAM Eli A ! PARK BARGAIN .- " How $ room buagalo , hardwood flssrs, througbont, buffet, fireplace, . bookosies, French Anon, funmcs. large attic, driveway. '" Mast sell st one.- 869 Glenn s. N. " .""' ! IIU lAlWN , ; ' . Su-nysid, & rooms, bath,; gas. slectrlcity. full bassme-t,; paved atroet paid) , close to i cars, and school ; a aoost yoa eaa handle '. eay ; price 27QO. 1004 B. Main at, (100 SOWS, $20 ' mooUily. prica (1800. take large . rooat boas. "! with sleeping porch, garage, fruit trees, graperines, sawn. . ; M. V. Barva. 2 , blocks sooth, of gad of Woodstock earlliw: . . V ILL sell my S room house ' snd (lots for (1250; in good resldsneo d-trlct. tersas. -(150' dowa. sad (18 par meath- . Owner, 464 Plstt bhig. ' . . . GOOD s; 'aiation. 8 room bungalow on 7c ' aabarbea lne; largo sot, fmi, - gool f w $3100; (1000 cash will handls. 02 -, Veiling bldg.; . . . . , GOING BJssy. Sacrifice any $1.00 Oquily in - T roosa snd ,bstb or $lOu. Total riee , - $21P. Harry if yoa want it. 41 U. t. h. . E." ; ' - ' - . FIVE FsMiia Iraiigslow, rtfk-tljf ovud ern ia avrrv .Xrespeei oa wort slop Mt. Tsbor. Desl wi'li . ownev For farther toformarJoa call 4 It L'. 69th or vbnn e Tsbor 0HX4. -v . ; . , in. u fc re is ' $8600 $6H) dowa take ttrta 6 . bungalow orn (vOilOu tot u utur rsn t. buu.UU W m. A. Hughes, Bdwy, 089$, 1