WEDNESDAY, SEPTEJD3EH 27, 1922. THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, - OREGON. ID FOR RENT HOUSES FURNISHED 311 FOR RENT. 4 room hoot, partly tWTtlshed. paved streets and cancer 891 62d st, Snap, 4 room - house, furnished, ; Glenn are. N.. mar Alberta. $1200; term. 'Heigh. Ant. 613-0" SCENIC LODGE cottage. 2 Height TaT - race. S and 4 room cottages; fine w of city -and mountains; 20 minute' watt, to heart of uty; .Hail st car on Momson to 13th st, 3 blocks west. See t sppreeiate, Reduced rents for winter. ' -- KOOM modern house, furnished, reasonable rates. Tl EUis nveT, fcleilwood ear; 25 minutes from town. : iott Kt.ST Jtodern room bungalow. A fornlhd: fnmar. 2BS K. S2nd it. HOUSES UNFURNISHED 312 FOB RENT New . 9-toem bungalow aorta nt Sandy. Win . give tease for om year. . $60 per month. - HHX.ER BROS. Railway Exchange Bldg. Bdwy. 3626. . Branch Office; 50th aad Sandy Tatior 8s PRIXaXRRELi WARESOuSls a trackae (Mora your good srtta u. . Let as do your moviaa aad partem CLAT & MORSEL BC Bdww. ' 8470. 484 OKMi'ft. MOVE THE SECURITY WAT Extraordinary Service a -- For tiie ordinary price. " PACKlXr., MOVING. STOBAOK SECURITY STOBAOE Y TRANSFER CO.. . 4 th at Pin at. Ojp. Moltnomao. hotel. - Telephone Broadway 8718. 7 litXlM bungalow, prominent corner; fireplace, furnace. French mirror door, beamed panel dining room. bolfet, bookcase, built-in features:, den. sewing room, ahadea; 12x12 bath. Albert ear to 21(t. aowth. to Preacott. 924 E. Vint at. north. Main 8105. MOTiERN, unfurnished suburban cottage with ' well improved halt acre; 8 mile from Port land. S minutes walk to station Oregon Electric; pared highway and hard surfaced road to city.. Main 8 76 2. , MODERN 0 room bouse for aale or rent, price "$4000, $500 cash. Will lease for 1 year. S3 0 per month. Phone 640-44.- 6020 80th t. 8. E., Mt Scott ear. a RQOll bungalow, basement, chicken timm bam, orchard, hi 1 acre, 2 earline.; lease $30 mouth. See owner and photo. 202 Ksiriag bfclg. WEST SIDE fcimre lower floor of 7 room liotiae, partly ftuuished; vacant Sept. 80. fan be seen at 654 6th at., or phone Ant 527-02 after 6 p. m. $4i 6 ROOM bungalow, sewing rm., sleep ing porch, hardwood floors, fireplace. fur nsce. Empire 184T. FURNITURE moving. S2 per boar and up. SO days free atorage on ii. H. gooda in brick warehouse. Estimate gladly furnished. Phone Bdwy. 1207. GOOD clean.. 7-room. modem bouse; new furnace; near two schools and earline. 12 TV. Going at. Tabor 0708. PIANO MOVING 83, furniture $2.50 per hours 2 men, larva padded vans. Call Crown Transfer Co.. East 8047. CUT RATE ON FURNITURE MOVING Fireproof Storage 18 Daya Free LONG DISTANCE HAl'UXO, BDWY. 2448 WHEN MOVING, city or country, get the beat st lowest prices, ureea "I ran, uo, jtaia 1281. 202 H Alder at. " FURNITURE MOVING $2 PEH HOUR. 2 MEN; PIANO 12 AND UP; LARGE 2H TON TRUCK. EAST B047. TWO 4 -room housea for rent. Woodlawn car to 18th at., 2 blocks a., ft block . lit liiberty t. FOR K EN X Modem Sroom bungalow at Tremont ta., M. S. ear. See owner, 5804 69th t 8. K.. 828 per month. Trunks, baggage, furniture, moring 81-50 and per hoar. Mroaqway oaa. NEAT plastered, newly painted 7 room houM, 134 blk. from MV car; 825 month. 181 K. 74th at. N. Tel. Tabor 4641 WEST SIDE, Fulton district, 7 room modern house and garage. 1273 Kelly at., rent 345. FOB, RENT A 5-room house. 290 E. 9th, near Clay. Call atternoon, at. car-aa. FOR BENT 4 -room cottage; Dutch kitchen. Apply -QM-w at., a. x.. NEW- 5-room bungalow, aduita only; referencea reouirea. i aoor WHEN moving call la lor 0288; we contzaci your Job, or oy tne nonr. MOVING i men. large truck, for 5-room furniture. 3i.nO -per nonr. aiam HOUSE FOR KENT, UNFURNISHED BATH. LIGHTS. GAS. ETC. SELL 4010 HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE FOR SALE 313 8 ItOOMS. furniture for sale and 1ouse for font, subdivided for housekeeping and pay ing" proposition. Will consider car. Phone East 9282, or, call at 733 Pacific, near E. 22 d at - - 4-ROOM modern flat, sleeping porch, com pletely furnished, first class furniture, rent $17.50; leaving at ooce;r$300 cash takes it Might consider Ford car as part. Main 2157. 494 4 Columbia. 8 NICE rooms and garage ior rent and fur niture -for sale cheap. Ms! ttooa. STORES AND HALLS 314 FOR RENT Nice store with fine housekeep' ins rooms. Apply 5928 72d st. S. E. OFFICES DESK ROOM 315 OFFICE or desk space for manufacturer or mercantile agent. G A. WAGNER CO., 230 Stark St. Bdwy. 7150. BUSINESS PROPERTY 318 HOUSES 361 WANTED To rent at once by aduita clean, modern 5 or 6-room house, garage; ' $25 or 380 per month; no shack wanted. Write L-205, Journal. r WANTED 6 rm. fur. bungalow in Irving ton. Not over $75. . C. A. WAGNER CO.. 230 Stark St. Bdwy. 7150. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE APARTMENTS AND FLAT PROPERTY 402 TO CLOSE ESTATE, 100x100. N. E corner 14th and Taylor. West Side. East 2195. LOTS 403 3750 BUYS full 60x100 lot on 20U st, in Westmoreland, east facing,, all im provements in and paid: one blk. to ear: only $10.0 cash required, then tecond mortgage for balance at $10 per month and 7 per cent interest. J. A. W1CKMAN CO.. Realtors. " )01-4 Board of Trsde bldg. Bdwy. 6784. 3 R. and B. N. New bungalow and garage, , water, gas. and elec., almost an acre of ' ground. Red. t3ec. Pacific highway, SO minute cut; if gold by ' Saturday aomesne gets ft snap. ' Sell equity for less than half, balance boat $6 mo.; , can. you peat it? W ill take good auto and cash, or what have you? 618 Henry bldg, . ALAMEDA PARK : - $900 .CORNER LOT AH improvemeatf in acd paid on both sides. . HENDRRSON-BANKrS CO., 228 Henry bWg. Bdwy., 4754. BUILDERS HOUSES COMPLETES PROMPTLY ' Our construction and workmanship, to gether with liberal ' financial assistance, will please you. Soldier bonus -accepted. KEIMER3 eWOLIYETTE. Sellweod "2964. LAUBELHUKST 312VO CORNER LOT AH improvements paid on both sides; 3 blocks lo nr. HENDERSON-RAXKTTS ffl 2? Henry bldg. Bdwy. 4754. 1 MUST. HAVE CASH HA, SACRIFICE Wast Side Apart meot Site -' comer 21st North. .WiB take 342BO for quick aale. vrwnei uowy. 31. ALAMEDA PARK" ' - $soo ALIj IMPROVEMENTS PAH) See tnm lot before yon buy HKNDERJSON-BANKC8 CO., 228 Henry btdg. BHrr 4T54. PENINSULA PARK DISTRICT ...... - . e,iu . . " . . EAST TERMS . ; AH imp. in and paid except paiement HENDERSON-BANKCS CO 228 Henry Mdg. Bdirf 4784. lOOslOO. 3450. 310 month, near ear level. .-. 16 bearing trees, water, ru, lights, no re striction, splendid bomeslta. Owner, ' Tabor $1000 WILL buy 30x455 on Beacon near E. : 9th payable $19 an., per east, Laadi- gan. Eaat 6089. ' . . FOB BALE One to 3 aeres, Metaar atalBon n..??.0-,13- R" 60 W acre, eiay terma. : 50X100 LOT. 8 It' Kn. .lnm nrliiu l. of frart trees; cheap for cash. Tabor 878S. t' OWN are. busineas iot for sale, or take good i v residence lot fog part' Owner, East 7. I REAL ESTATE FOR SALE LOTS' 403 - SEX FTXDM0NT BEFORE BCTTNG I have aotd my 80 loto to Wffl T. Taylor, who expects to build honira on tbeai- ; . Mr. Taylor knows building thor . oughly, having designed and; built about 3008 housea in Toledo, Ohio, prior e earning to PerUand. He wsa : off ice manager' for a . prominent realtor in thia city for S years, so knows Portland thorough ly and ehoae Piedmont becanse of lta saany advantagea, . Let me arrange for hisa to build your home in Piedmont. 3. B. HAIGHT FOB REAL ESTATE ! 881 Ankeny. Bdwy. J 04 5. Second Mortgage 1 Privilege IN LADD'S ADDITIOS. NICE LOTS FOB 31000. Renvtaibet; thia premier redds nee district ia only about 25 mioutes' walk to-the eonrthonee: improvements all in and paid s beautiful ahada trees. ; 8 bean-, tifnl parka kept up by tha city. You can't beat it. Restrictions do not for bid a duplex house or bungalow. See Mr. Delahunty LADD ESTATE CO.. Broadway 6764. . t 246 SUrk st. Beaiden-, East 3482. DIRT CHEAP 8. W. corner Blandena and Missouri, 8 blocks from car, beautiful treei, $800. Everything in. One more lot with sewer, sidewalks, $450. BOSS CITY. S. W. corner 67th and Kt,itMi V Klok frtmm fT 1228. ALAMEDA, Ji. W. corner 26th and Dunckley. $1575. Thia ia a most aesirous site in Alameda. ' . ROSSMERE. E. 41st, 80 ft S. of Bra , ee. $1225. IRVINGTON, S. R. eoraer 26th and Knott, $1750. FOR APARTMENT SITES SEE US LAST COB A. McKEN'NA A CO., (Established 1889) ARTISANS' BLDG. BDWY. 7522. Westmoreland Lots $500 to 81200. Fully improved. Aaaaeaamenta paid. Small payments. Low interest Help to builders. See Patterson. Ladd Estate Co. Bdwy. 5754. 246 Stark at E. TAYIXR, NEAR 847TH " 8625; all improvements in and paid. 2 blke to car. near tchooL Thia ia real value. IRVINGTON DISTRICT Corner 59 Hat 00, all improvements ,n and paid. 81062.50. 8100' cash $10 monthly. 3 blocks to Irvington ear. See us for lots in all parte of the city. Johnson-Dodson Co. t 633 N. W. Bank bMg. ' Main 37S7. w A BARGAIN A splendid corner near Piedmont car barns, price $700. The adjoining inside lot sold for $800. See. Dwyer, with 732 Chsmber of Commerce 80x100 Lots S 10 Wk. These are bargains. Better hurry if yon want one, A big piece of ground 80x100 feet; beautiful shade trees on each lot; Bull Bun water piped in street The price la only $290. Pay $1.50 a week. See Mr. Drake at 418 Spalding bldg., over Ladd k Tilton bank. ROSE CITY PARK $675 ALL IMPROVEMENTS IN and ALL. IMPROVEMENTS PAID See HENDERSON-BANKUS CO., 228 Henry bldg. Bdwy. 4784. pbice enrr $230 more APARTMENT SITE Must be sold at once to raise immediate cash; 50x100 earner on 21st and Northrup sts. Ideal location for 2 and 8 room apart ments. Our price for quick sale, $4250. RITTEg. LOWE eV CO., REALTORS, 201-2-8-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. HOUSES 404 LAUBELHURST BEAUTY. A new and classy S room bungalow, floored attic, cement basement, wash traya, hardwood floors throughout: every im aginable built-in feature, furnace, fire place. Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, etc. ; finished in ivory and enamel; beautiful tapestry paper; 50x100 lot; garage. A real BEAtfTT at $6300. with YOTJR TERMS. ROSE CITY BARGAIN A new S room bungalow, hardwood floors, all built-ins, piste glao windows, furnace, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, break fast nook, every built-in feature: cement basement, wash trays, ivory finish, tapes try paper; 60x100 lot: garage. A won derful location, north of Sandy and below the hill: J5100. easiest rind -of terms. RUMMELL RUMMELL 274. Stark- 8t Bdwy. 6729 39th and Sandy Mvd. Aut 820-60 LAURELHCRST BARGAIN 1 $6950 $1500 DOWJ New, extra well built 5 room bunga low, all large rooms, hardwood floors throughout, tile floor in elaborate bath room, rectea tub, very handy Dutch kitchen, long tile drain boards, break feat room, floored attic, furnace and garage, balance les than rent. R. SOMERVILLE. Mam 8761. 6 RMS KENTON 6 RMS $450 down. 3 bedrooms, dining and liv ing room, kitchen, cement foun., fruit room, garage, chicken house, 7 bearing fro it tree. 8 Bias to car. Some bny at $2150. $450 down, $20 per mo. at 6 per cent , H. W. OSBORNH CO. 4-32 CHam. of Com. Bldg. . Bdwy. 83c7 ROSE CITY BARGAIN $3990- Practically new 5 room bungalow in fine loeatien, below the hiU. all st imps, in and paid. Fire place, hdw. "floors, very bandy Dutch kitchen: 2 nice bedrooms, very eay terms. Best buy in this diriet It. SOMERVILLE, MAIN 3761." 10IO Northwestern Bank Bldg. , $4725 BEAUMONT $4725 Beautiful 5 rm. bungalow, large cor. lot 125x105. a rtaj-ural park. Thia house is modrrn throne ho at Built by the owner, double con. $1000 down, easy mo. pay ments, M. W. OSBORNEj C. 482 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 5397 CLOSE IN! - $4850-' EASY TERMS New. attractive, extra well built S room hnngalow, clone to Sandy, at 796 B. Flanders at., lone living; room across the front fireplace, . hardwood floors, 2 nice bedrooms, Dutch kitchen, nook; street im provements in and paid: just completed; immediate powesrion: easy terms. R. SOMERVILLEVMAIN 3761. " BIG LAURELHURST SNAP Conch st, near 39th. $6500, on terms: 6 rooms and sleeping porch, hardwood floors np and down, tiled bath room, with bnilt ina. fireplace in center of house; furnace, garage, full cement basement: 3 toilete. Must be sold at once. First time offered, i Tabor 2189 for appointment 131 b ft Hawthorne bungalow of 8 rooms and L. bath, Dutch kitchen, fireplace, foil base ment, all improve meats in sra jmia. very easy term- . - 1. A. WICKMAJf CO.. REALTORS 801-4 Board of Trade Bldg. Bdwy. 6794 WONDERFUL ROSE CITY HOME Admired by thousands for Us artistic . beauty; never before offered although many have asked for the price of it No phone in formation. Phone j Tabor 3189 .for an- 8 ROOM aad B. N-. new bungalow and gar (ge. acres shrubbery, water, gas, etoe tricitr. SO mmtttes - out' -Equity worth $2500. Goes for $1250., Some trade. Caah and balance only $6 a' month. Why pay rerrt? Owner 616 Henry Bldg. . MR. RENTER I have a four mean unfirmhed hove at 1088 Margverit avenue north; forced to ell: $0x100 lot all for 3850V Go gee. then call Bdwy. 4517 LAURELHURST ' - ' Near the park t one of the prettiest, most modern 6 room CaKfontia 1 aslovm. Make appointment to are it. owner m going away. Phone Tabor 2189. REAL. ESTATE MEN POVT REIXi WITHOUT YOUR BOND. BONDS OF EVERT KTNT WRITTEX. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EXCH. $300 , DOWN 8300 $2200 Good , rosea house, 3 bed - noma aad- bath fall - basement Close to M-V ear. Mam 8T61. FURNISHED MT. TABOR HOME " West atope; 6 rooms, comer; good view, a tovsiy modem homo. Tabor 2189. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 SPECIAL SHIPMENT For the but auQs lost now starting at Toledo, Or. Far advanced. BO mem wautr ad. ear loaders, tember pdeta, carpenters, and common laborers for- mill and yard, This mill will -run steady from now en. . Oregon Labor agency. X North Second st A BARGAIN 87500 - 3 flato completely furnished, full cement basement, furnace and fireplace, all improve ments in and paid, upper rented for $45. tower will rent $58; very easy terms; will accept cash 81800 and buy bungalow up te 33S00. Thia is good bat yoo met act onick. . . r : ALAMEDA ':-''.- 4 blocks off Broadway ear, new 4 large room bungalow, large living Toom. - Dutch kitchen, oieakfast nook, hardwood floor in. . 2 room full cement basement, firenlaoa. and furnace, wash tnya, 33856; 3500 caah. $35 month, including interact, - PENS DISTRICT New 5-room bungalow; laving worn, dining room. Uutch kitchen, all bnilt-ina, - breakfast nook, hardwood floors throughout, fireplace, full cement basement. 2 blocks to Sand street. 8420W. good terma. This is a real buy if you want a good home. 6 ROOM bungalow; - combination bring and dining room, completely modern; furnace, garaaw. $8700; equity 8l25: good terms. Near Lombard. Thia ia a. dandy buy. . NEW 4 -room ; living room and dining room, all built-lns, 2 B. H, 2-3 cement base ment, no fireplace or furnace; wash tray. 60 feet off pavement, sewers in and paid. Price $8350. .".00. $SO month, 'including interest Thia homo is located on Michigan in., end location ia good. SEW 5 -room bungalow near Franklin high; combination living and dining room fire place, sun room, hardwood floors, built-ins. breakfast nook, 2-8 cement basement H block to Hawthorna car. $3900: $400 cash. $33 month, including Interest This is good. 314 Couch bldg. Bdwy. 65ai.. evenings East 8592. $500 Down N EWROSE CITY 6 RMS. AND SLEEPING PORCH $5900, on easiest terms; "built"; one bedroom and bath downstairs, 2 bedrooms, sleeping porch, plumb ing roughed in for another bath room upstairs ; low of attractive featurea, has handy built-ins in all rooms; oak floors, massive fireplace, nice large living room, complete kitchen, breakfast nook and honest-to-goodness cement basement with laundry and furnace; solid cement drive to garage; east front, level lot DAVID HARP, Manager R. T. Streefa Bandy Blvd. Office, 1150 Sandy Blvd. at 89th. Aut 320-04. $4258 ROSE CITY BUNGALOW New, complete, oak floors, fire place, tapestry paper, 2 bedrooms,, excellent Dutch kitchen. Bk. Nook, inlaid linoleum in kitchen and bath. Shades, cement basement and porch, furnace, garage, good location. Good terms. YOTJ WILL LIKE THIS Call Owner Bdwy. 3626. Or Auto. 314-91 Evenings PP PPPPPPPP PP P P P ALBERTA P P . $300 DOWN P P 8 Room bungalow with full base- P P ment Only 1 block to earline and P P school. Newly painted. Fruit trees. P P Fine surroundings. Owner must go P P East at once. Full price $3150. See P P PARKER FOR PROPERTY P P 605 Artisans Bldg. Bdwy. 4231 P P P PP PPP P PP'PP PP $300 Cash $25 PER MONTH. 6& INTEREST i FULL PBICE $3150 6-room cottage on 72d at, 1 block from car, on paved street all improve ments paid. Lot 76x90. All kinds of fruit Beats paying rent Phone Bdwy. 6734. eve. East 8492. MR. DELAHUNTY. PPPPPPPPPPPFPPPPPPP P p P NEW BUNGALOW P P Near Mitsisiippi Car P P $3550 1- P $500 "down and $80 a month in- P P eluding interest handles new bungalow P P on paved street Fireplace, built-in P P bookcases, breakfast nook, 2 light, airy P P bedrooms and floored attic It 'a P 1" underprieed. See P P PARKER. FOR PROPERTY P P S05 Artisans Bldg. Broadway 4231 P P ; V P P P P P P PPPPPPPPPPPPP $4750 Thia 6-room bungalow is equal to any you. have seen at $5500. containing fire place, hardwood floors, all built-ins, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, cement basement, garage, ocr. lot 50x100, iraprovunents in aad paid. Located in Mt. Tabor on car line. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. REALTORS 801-4 Board of Trade Bldg. Bdwy. 6794 . 6Rm. Bungalow $2950 Living and dining raj., kitchen, 2 sleep ing ran. and bath below, 1 bedroom and ample room for two more nice rooms up; deep, cool basement 50x100 tot, neat and clean, splendid surroundings, close to school and car. If you are looking for a real bargain can Bdwy. 7229. Ask for Rippey or Williams. NEW BUNGALOW $3500 ONLY - 8500 CASH BALANCE EASY A dandy doable constructed home; large combination livine and dining mom. hm bedrooms, bath. Dutch kitchen, breakfast none, run nasemenc tm good hard street. x oiocx to car. 'laoor 7047, ON' EAST YAMHILL ' A MnM nMt.wl Hfiitu tn mmI . lent condition. Street improvements all in and paid. Ton will agree that this home is underprieed at 83500. with $500 cash. Ralph Harris Co. 816 Chamber of Commtrw. B wty 5954. iM.v B M1V1M AAWWfcXaai $6500, 81000 cash, 860 monthly, in cluding interest Has large living and dining rooms. - fireplace, hardwood floors, built-in kitchen, 3 bedrooms and sleeping porch, nice lawn, garage. Thia is a fine tome in a high-class district Johnson-Dodson Co. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 8787. $500 DOWN buys nice 6-room house in Sunnyaide. right on earline; balance like rent, $25 a month and interest Room for garage in rear. You can easily improve .this and make $1000. Full price only $3500. Formerly offered at $4000. Own ers have left for East and must sell at once. CaH Main 2451. . , . BOCSS PLANS) 100 designs. $10 to Sit. or specuny de rtgned at reasonable feav U B. BAILEY eV CO.. 824 W. W. Bank Bldg. NEAR Franklin high school. 6 rooms, den! v.w., . tu .mm Irani, a blocks to Hawthorn, car. by owner. 2606 6SLh " . " -vm. vi.umvo. taiwr ox fo. TO CLOSE ESTATE WESt SJ1) ' Walking distance; save carfare; two old 5 room bouses. $3U0; half down; tot 60x100. wtau, wwucr, . u BE. Ant BslHll. $6004(800 DOWN, baliuce ',- mym" aarterv litUs A-wrsw. iWtAn h.wl tTNtein WooiVteck 2 rooms, plastered; a. sacrifice. 8611 Woodstock Te. Ant-61M. MWMg. a isiuaityw. Ul-aaBSS-cV, UVU.Oi48 COD stnieted. cance. bard sarfaee and aewaf -s - - - A 8iAAA wwv . . timjsj. yiwnj ar or, tvvv. Vf atnm Vgl IBT1NGTOX Only $460O; xuoiut siupL O .m. n)n kin. m .1 ., -. . e uau i income. Owner. East 6016. IF YOG want a dandy bungalow at the right - price, withont commission, phone Builder. East 6799. . StUST SELL, newly completed 4 robm bouses with Jots, near cariine: fruit trees; 31UO0 Mamnivm .mii Bill laaaQ s. W ainUt SSia, WHY FAY RENT! $150 down. 5 room boose, close in. $2800. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EXCH. -ROOM fun basement nnn. . All imp. 6873. to. Pries $3800. Phono Waluut FOR SALE By owner, a new & room bunga low, eoartalete in every detail except fnrnace. At a sacrifice. Phone Walnat 2381. $3500. EASY TERMS, by evur. Modern' 4-rooaa and bosakfast' iieok. all buQt-tea end nrep-ace. hps aainnesota ave. vva-nnt 8931. $25 DOWN. $2 . moniUly; nice 6 .room ooa-w, whs im, cams ugnts, Tnut weal s pari: tipvg. .uu waii-na. THREE room bows, for sale or trad for car. Peninsula awa. Paved -afreet. 884-53. BY OWNER New. 4 rooms, modern. Alberta ear. Walnut 04O8. - i. SMALL booM with garage. 92 F. Bnsiwtt Phone WaUnrt 2650. 4-ROOM mod. bosM. garage. E. Graat-37th. $35. Bdwy. 442. . . REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES v 404 ' Portland Heights ' $1000 CASH KOOMS $7809 Very Gno 6 ran, bungalow, modern in every respect; paved street; closw to earline; hdw. flours, natural timsh; fireplace; built in bookcase; axnepuonaUy fine largw draw ing room and dining hail; built-in buffet; fine Dutch kitchen; 3 large bedrooms, sleep ing porch, full cement basement, furnace. Tina house ia priced very tow for quick sale. Westover Terrace- Hen ia one of the finest Westover resi dencee en Fairfax terrace. S rooms, hdw. floors, old -ivory finish. 2 fireplace, full cement basement, hotwater heat, 2 bath rooms, 3 largo bedrooms, frn grounds; 1 block from car: large garaga; modem in every respect. This ia an exceptional bar gain. Price 312.4UO. Terma arranged. Portland Heights 3100O CASH 8 KOOMS 87009 This is a beautiful home, English col onial type, hdw. floors, natural froah.. fire place, all built-ins; full cement basement, fnrnace; X large bedrooms; H block to earline on hard surfaced street; very easy terms can be arranged. FOR GOOD HOMES CUE A. ilc.KK.NNA A CO., (Established leS9 ARTISANS BLAHi. BOW. 7822 $50 in Cash Prizes WILL BK AWARDED TO THB PERSONS WRITING TTTK BEST LETTERS SETTING FORTH THB ADVANTAGES AND BENEFITS TO BE DERIVED FROM HOME OWN ERSHIP: $25 FIRST PRIZE. $15 SECOND PRIZE AND $10 THIRD PRIZE. LETTERS NOT TO EX CEED 750 WORDS IN LENGTH. MAY BE PROSE OR POETRY. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL AT OFFICE. OR. WRITE FOR "THE McGUIBE SYSTEM "IS WHICH WINNING LETTERS WILL. JBE PUBLISHED. CONTEST CLOS ES SEPT. 80. A COPY FREE ON REQUEST. MAIL LETTERS TO FRANK L. McGCIRE, AMERICA'S LARGEST HOME SELLER. ABINGTON BLDG. BDWY. T171. 3D ST.. BET. WASH. AND STARK. Rose City Park 6 ROOMS $6000 EASY TERMS Owner moving from Portland and most sell. Built for present owner and la in perfect condition. Best oak floors, efficient fireplace, full cement base ment economical furnace; beautiful corner lot; gangs. $1000 cash. In spect A. Q. Teepe Co. ROSE CITY OFFICE, 40th and Sandy. Tabor 9586. LAURELHURST OFFICE, - 89th and Giisan, Tabor 3433. $4750 ROSE CITY $4750 WONDERFUL VALUE The cifitiest bungalow in the district It has a cement porch, two huge plate glasa win dows, extremely - large living room, fireplace with built-In bookcases, oak floors throughout the very best plumbing, includina a receaa tub artistic lighting fixtures, shades, bedrooms 16x 17. attic, lull concrete runway for garage, practically, a full cement basement: 2 blocks to Sandy; all improvements in: very easy terms or soldier bonus. It won't last Let us show you. CAMPBELL-RICHARD8 CO., 1111 Sandy Blvd. (on Viaduct) Aut. 315-44. NEW PIEDMONT BUNGALOW 5 BOOM $5050 Just being -completed, finished in ivory, tapestry paper, oak floors, plenty of built-ins, furnace .fire place, -breakfast nook. garage. Terms. J. R. HAIGHT FOR REAL .ESTATE 331 Ankeny. Broadway 2045. COMMERCIAL STREET $250 5 room modern cottage on Com mercial st, near Fremont at, all rooms are large, good plumbing, electric and gas; splendid basement, etc. This is a splendid little home and the price is nent. J. F. HILL 696 Williams Ave. East 0268 UNDERPRICED lO00 for quick sale cn ac count of owner leaving city. Seven rooms, full basement fireplace, hardwood floors. fine lawn, house alone would cost to build today more than price asked $4600. There is another chance to- make $1000 by this, 100x100. fine fruit trees, arana ar bor, berries, six rm. house and do your own xixmg. A nttle work on your part will increase value over $1000 on price adv. $2100 with easy terms. McGEE A DENNIS WE SELL THE EARTH 939 UNION AVE. N. WAL. 56M 208 BY 225 CORNER CLOSE IN ON EAST 39TH This beautiful piece of close-in property, consisting of 9 city lots with 6 room mod ern house, is being offered at a down right bargain. Paving, sewer and all other imp. in and paid. There -ia an abundance of large and small fruit; also berries, roses and many other flowers and shrubs. Price 37800; easy terms, or will sell part if desired. R. L. McGREW. REALTOR, 1089 Hawthorne Ave. Tabor 8892. Hawthorne District 7 rm. modem home, hdwd. firs., fireplace, built-in refrigerator, 3 lovely bedrooms and alp. porch, cement basement full concrete garage; lot 50x100; 12 assorted fruit trees; imps, ail in and paid. No mortgage to as nme: easily worth $3500. Will sell for ub. win accept s.idiei-s bonus. East 893J. 7 ROOM, modern house, full basement, large attic, hardwood floors, not H block from Foster road, which in about a month will , be the finest driveway in the city, near Arleta station, Mt Scott earline. Owner will not rent, will sell at a sacrifice. $3500. $500 caah, $25 month, interest 6 per cent NEIL SMITH. 6530 Foster road. Phone 612-65 $1150 CASH 4 -Room bouse, St Johns 55x180 lot, paved street garage, chicken house, 2 blks. car and school. Bat $1760, $23 mo. inc. interest L. A. VAIL 624 HENRY. BDWY. 6173 VACANT, nice A room bungalow, on lovely corner lot, 50x100. corner 61st are. and 80th st S. E. Can make 2 rooms upstairs, also property belongs to a non-resident aad he says sell for $2950. $600 down, balance to suit; it won't last long at this price. - Phone .7.. , nw ii-uiik aiitnn ov ' n i v rn .Tnrr.. .iIaa . -. . .- PlltBll. 5 room modern cottage, 4 blocks to Haw thorne ear. 40x100 lot; $600 cash, $20 monthly. Johnson-Dodson Co. 638 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 8787. Modern Bungalow 5 rm. and sip. porch, one floor, hdwd. firs., French doors, fireplace, buffet, full cement basement, traya; lot 60x100 lawn end flowers. One block to car.- Only $3150. $650 down, balance to suit East 8938. $3200 OU PAVED STREET $3200 8 room modern bungalow, whit enamel finish: - 1 block to ear; $500 cash,. $25 monthly and interest. . Johnson-Dodson Co. 633 y. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. $3500 EASTERN owner sacrificing Its-' story bungalow of S large rooms. 3 bedrooms and bach on 1st floor and 3 on second: L. B. 17x30, D. R. 18x20, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, big at mint basement 8 feet high with floor aad L. trays; sewer eon. and pd., 1 btock to 70th arid Giisan; 31500 cash. Tabor 2934. OWNER MUST LEAVE CITY For aale 2 lota, 50x100. and 5 room house, furnished or nnfumished; gas. elec tric, water, 8c ear fare. Mt. Scott ear to end of line, walk 4 blocks north of eat 10326 oota ave. o. THREE room bouse with bath. SO1II8 foot tot. V btock from at ear.; $1250; terms. Lauritaen Btovwneon Schneider Co.. Inc. 236 Alder sc Suite . Main 8618. - FFnK to a sTMcndid 5 room bungalow. Caa be purchased trees owner for $2800. Caa be rented front owner for 830 per "rth, 4827 70th street S. K Phone 817-36. ROSE CITY Modern 6 room bungalow, sleep ing porch, garage, paved street; will accept Bwrna ana some casn. may, xaoor zoso, MODERN 5 rasa cottage, partly furnished. 8830 6th st. & . Ante. 632-46 alter. T this creainc 5 BOOMS. 60x100 foot tot. on E. Main st at 43d. $1400; terma. Mala 8615. BY OWNER." 4 oom noaae. 3 garages. 100 O. float ZUi at. LenLa, 9214 Foster road. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 RENT SAVERS .. $425 -3425 $4SS 50x100 act, 3 room ceiled cottage. $23 cash, $19 monthly. ; $950 $950 $950 Exceptionally ' neat httle 8 room cottage with 'leeping porch, city water, gas and elec tric lights, close to schooL' $400 cash. $1000 $1000 $1000 - 4 room box bouse. 50x100 tot, electric lights, gas and city water, patent toilet, acme fruit and berriea. $175 -cash and $15 monthly. $1000 $1000 $1000 3 xopnt cottage, lot. 45x105, maradamized street, one btock W oodstock ear, 11 assert ed fruit, some berries.9 . $250 cash, $20 monthly. -.''-These are just a few of the hundreds of small hemes that ww have on our. iirt for workisgmen. Call at the office and see paotograrhs. Bee Kertson with g 732 Chamber of Commerce, Below the HH1 FATED CORNER $5750, with about 8900 cash will give you the keys sovthia pretty 1 Rosa City bungalow, consisting of . 5 .large rooms and attic; hardwood floors, fireplace, handy built-ins. nice kitchen, 2 large corner bedrooms with ample closet (pace; full cement basement with laundry and fnrnace. Garage: all improvementa paid. Come out and talk with us about this. DAVID HARP,' Manager R. T. STREET'S Sandy Blvd. Office. 1150 Sandy Blvd. at 89th. Aut 320-04. Laurelhurst Buyers, Attention v . - If you eon template buying in Lau relhurst you owe it to yourself to in spect our many attractive offerings. Our office is located in the center of laurelhurst; our efficient sale force ' is familiar with practically every house in the district that ia for sale. Sure ly we can be of service to yon. A. Q. Teepe Co. LAURELHURST OFFICE. S9th and Giisan. Tabor 8433. NEW ALAMEDA BCNG ALOW $4800 $1200 CASH 6 rooms and breakfast nook, ivory finish, tapestry paper, , furnace, fireplace, builtins, Dutch kitchen, cement basement, east front good car service. 3. B, HAIGHT FOR REAL EoTATE 351 Ankeny. Broadway 2045. Laurelhurst 7 ROOM BUNGALOW $6650 This unusually attractive bungalow, built by one of Portland's best build ers: modern to the last detail. Come prepared to see an unusually atr traetive bungalow classy -and dis tinctiveyet the outstanding feature is the quality construction. I be lieve you have seen nothing to com pare with it at the price. t Shown by appointment only. Principals only. Tabor 7242. 9-ROOM house at 82S E.,80th at N. 14 blocks south of Broadway and one block from the 24th st car. There is a reception ball, ilving room, sitting room, dining room, kitchen,' large pantry, 5 bed rooms, full cement basement with laundry trays, the house is all piped for furnace heat the dining rom has a beautiful beamed ceiling, builtin buffet with large French plate glass, hardwood floor. Builtin coolers, ice box, cupboards, ironing board and all other conveniences Jn the kitchen. This place must be sold this week and therefore the price has been cut to $4700 with $1000 down. I will be at the bouse from 12 o'clock noon to 4 p. m. daily. Main 8615. BRAND 2?EW BUNGALOW 83000 $500 CASH NEAR HAWTHORNE CAR A genuine snap in a new bungalow, fin. ished in beautiful old ivory and tapestry paper; tiaa combination living and dining room, with oak floors, fireplace, two bed rooms, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, cement basement, concrete porch, double conrtructod mrougno-ut ana located on a ouxiuo lot Hurry 1 Hurry! Hurry! Hurry! R. T. McGREW REALTOR 109 Hawthorne ave. Tabor SS92 ROSE CITY PARK 5 room bungalow, $4000. Complete with hardwood floors, fireplace, full cement basement furnace and garage. Terms. Hurry. A. Q. Teepe Co. . ROSE CITY OFFICE, 4 Ota and Sandy. Tabor 95S6. LAURELHURST OFFICE 89 th and Giisan. Tabor 8433. $3250 $3250 A BARGAIN $260 Will handle 4 R- btfng., in Goodhue Park. win be ready soon. I have others from $2375 to $8500. In good districts, with terms All I ask is a chance to show you. R P. PETRCSICH,' 303 Henry Bldg. Res. Ant 315-27. Bdwy. 5080. CLOSE-IN $500 Brand new 6 room home, 50x90 lot, pav ing paid, full cement basement, hardwood floors, window shades, linoleum, best plumb ing. Balance $3200 at $35 per month, including interest ' 711 Ellis ave.. 2 blocks east S, W. car. Key at opposite corner. SUJNEY J. LATHROP, 414 Abington Bldg. LAURELHURST DISTRICT B. C. - CAR INSIDE OF 35TH ST. 5 room modern bungalow facing south ' on paved street Living and dining rooms have hardwood floors,, full basement furnace, laundry trays, etc. Exceptionally good buy at $4600. Terms, JohnsonDodson Co. 638 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 8787. MODERN 5 room bungalow, with garage, fire place and fnrnace. 145x100 foot lot If you are looking-for a largs piece of ground in one of the best sections of the city, this is it; three blocks from st car. Franklin" high and grammar lelooL Lauritsen-Stevenson-Bchneider Co., Inc., 226 Alder st (Suite 9). Main 8615. YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD WHY. PAY RENT! We will build yoa a home on your own lot or ours. Liberal terms and financial aid. Quality rather than quantity our motto, T MORGAN A CO.. S2T Cham, of Commerce Bldg.. Bdwy. 8706. Kesidence : walnat 8813 Evenings. ONE of those cute little "Peter Pan" bunga Iowa, out in the forest primeval; only 13 minutes from 1st and Alder sts. There ia a half acre of land; 4 blocks from station, stores and splendid bathing beach. $200 down. For further particulars see Lauritsen-btevenson- Sehneider Co.. Inc.. 226 Alder st Main 8615. 33460 A REAL SNAP $3450 7 room modern home, garage, fruit and berriea; 60x100 tot. on paved st, X block to ear. $750 cash, $30 monthly. Johnson-Dodson Co. 838 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 8787. HOME WITH INCOME Flato ia- fine location. 80x100 - lot frnit trees. Imp. ia aad paid. $5000 $1000 caah. baL $50 per mo. , L. A. TAIL J 624 HENRY BLDG. BlJWT. 17 Just what you've been wishing yon could find, a new and modern bungalow that looks fix. borne, which yoa caa bay on small pay ment and pay the rent to yourself. 'Monta rilla earline. Owner, Tabor 2119. THREE room. 2- story, homos, also one donbto flat. 6 rooma each, for sale; good ndittoa: to be- moved off property wit hi a 80 dare -on account of btrildina- new rron- asereial building. Apply 80S E. .Pin st. or phone East 0088. . ; SACRIFICE BY OWNER ROSE CITY PARK $4850 S-rsoaa bungalow, break fast Book, lares liv ing roots, aak floors, all aaodera built-ins. paved street, garage, fine lawn and ehrubbery; 3I600 case win nanaie. laoor zasu. $300 4 r. new bungalow, fireplace- Wash trua cement basement, . Dutch - kirehen. frnished in ivory: sacrifice, $2975. Bdwy. 7429. Bdwy. 4794; 28th and Sandy Blvd. S rm. modem cottage: has 2 bedrooms, ex cellent location. $3000, $800 down, balance to suit. " East 883$. BEST buy ia Mt Tabor, classy "6 room bua- awiew, sun mesa ana sou .ubhsh Basement, twraace, only 4 $4256; kbaxat terma... Ta bor 4785. --J - - . 32430 SUNXYSIDE 3250 DOWN rooma, lots aad Aider t; a snap. : gnire HJ K. g. Morrison. Tabor 2189.' $1750 CASH. $$30 time. 5 r. house, fur-! K - A 1 f E. Ojtti at Tbi. TSTS REAL ESTATE FOR SALE . HOUSES waa,tvaii .as -vsi-ato aaawgaw-a 404 ; Laureiurst Home . " 89TH AND ASH FACING PARK OPEN FOR INSPECTION TONIGHT This uaasaal : homo with its many diet-uteri v features, its spiendid cob- straction will appeal to your aease of value. Every eoaceivabta cooven- . tone von be found incorporated ia , ' its construction, - Nothing could be 1 : added to enhance its valne. INSPECT i THIS YOU'LL BE UN DER. NO OB-: LIGATION'S. . A. G. Teepe Co. - LAURELHURST - OFFICE. 'S9th and Giisan. Tabor 3483. LAURELHUBST TNTJSTJAL ' BUNGA- . LOW LOW PRICE . I bare tor. sal one of Laurelharst's . , beautiful bungalows planned with the. " idea of haviEg tha utmost, efficiency. - ; It to truly modern. No expense wss . spared to ite eonstroctioa to - build what I beliete is the perfect bungalow. You will appreciate the extra value in the hardwood floors, plate glass wiaw dows bied bath, the economical fur-, naee, the roomy garage with full drive Way. Priced at only $6300. Occu pied at present and will show only by , appointment No agents, plea as. Fbeae ? Walnut 8822. . v - . . Sandy Blvd. BIO IN. COME BARGAIN 3 stores sad 4 rm.. apt, with garage, 58 V4 it- frontage on 1 of the moat traveled streets ia Portland. A dandy buy for some one desiring a comfortable home with, all modern conveniences with an income that will pay you ample returns on tbe iavaet ment Price only 35350, with very good terms m responatoie party. DAVID HARP. Manager R. T. STREET'S Sandy Blvd. Office. 1 150 Sandy Blvd. at tk Ant 820-04. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW $50OO SACRIFICE $5000 Beautiful 6 room bungalow on 7th ' st, Irvington; baa hardwood floors, fire place, -furnace, many built-ins, large basement with cement floor and laun dry treys: tot 60x100. with fine garage. This is a dandy Bute home and la priced below gits actual Talus. Pnce $ 60O0. Terma. J. F. HILL 606 Williams -Ave. East 0268 IRVINGTON T ROOMS $000 $850 CASH . 7 rooms and sleeping porch, oak floors, furnace, fireplace, built-ins, newly painted, close to school. Let us show you this and you will agree that it is a good buy. J. R. HAIGHT FOR REAL EoTATE 351 Ankeny. Broadway 2045. WILLIAMS AVENUE BUNGALOW TVPK UOTTAGE $3 10O 5 rooms, good basement, white enamel plumbing. -tot 60 120 with alley ; the lot alone is worth the pur chase price of $3100. Very, easy terms. J. F. HILL 696 Williams Ave. East 0268 ROSE CITY BARGAIN 6 ROOMS LOCATED ON SADY ' Make an of fer on thia home today. : Owner wants to sell quickly; any reasonable . offer win be accepted; unusual terms. In spect this.' A. 'Q. Teepe Co. ROSE CITY OFFICE. 40th and Sandy Tabor 5S. LACRELHTJR3T OFFICE, 80th and Giisan. Tabor 3433. A GOOD HOME in Mount Scott, elose-ln 4 rooms end sL porch. Two tots in garden and lawn, $2800. AN EXCEPTIONAL BUY on Francis. 6 rooms, nicely arranged, b tea m heat, nice 60x0O. all improve ments In and paid, $3760. ALBERT L. SwAPP. . 335 Chamber of Commerce. Bdy. 6948. . Orceha8f Acre and New Bungalow Nearly half acre, new bungalow, 4 large rooms and bathroom, large closet, concrete foundation, front and back porch, beautiful grove native trees, on canine, near school, Just outfiide city with all city conveniences, between Stark and Giisan sss. Great bargain at $2100; terms. 8. P. One urn, 610 McKay bldg., 8d and Stark. PIEDMONT BARGAIN I am offering for sale this spiendid 6 room bunga low, located on Williams ave nue, 150 feet north -at Killingsworth very choicest location; complete, with hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace and garage. Priced at only 66350, 8750 cash, balance easy. Now vacant and ready for occupancy. . Phoae me, .Ta bor 7242. , BEST BUY IN HAWTHORN B $1000 BELOW VALUE PRICE NOW $3150 $1650 CASH 5 room modern bungalow in excellent lo cation, fireplace. Dutch kitchen, excellent floor plans, fun cement basement and wash trays; actual value of tha attractive borne will surprise you. S it today. - R. L. McGREW REALTOR 109 Hawthorne ave. Tabor 8892 OWNER WILL SACRIFICE Four large rooms, garage, barn and chicken house, ground 60x296, assorted fruit aad nemes, close to school, on hard street Price only $1850. $550 cash, -s See Hard, with 7az tjhamber or Commerce. $3950 FURNISHED $3950 . 6 room attractive bungalow, located on East 19th st near Alberta oar; paved street, lot 50x100: white -enamel woodwork, polished floors, cement basement, furnace, . completely furnished with oak furniture. Terms reasonable, ' JohnsonDodson Co. 688 y. W. Bank Bldg. ?. Main 8787. ON MISSISSIPPI AVE. 7-ROOM MODERN w HOUSE. PRICE $4800 . "ere i? bargatos 7-room modern bouse, located on Mississippi gee. This is a real bargain and can buy with $1000 cash, balance like rent CORCORAN-JONES REALTY CO 275 Oak fit. Phone Bdwr. 6006. ATTENTION ! ! I ST. iOHNS HOME BUYER University Park district, good 6 '",w room house, - This Js forced sale and owner orders us to accept any laaapnabla offer, with $1000 caah. " Ralph Harris Co. 816 Chamber of Commerce. Bdwy. 6654. bt Trvtrca TtARnatV w - li .m m li MS lust 1 block off Willamette blvd. ; sewer end sidewalks tn ana pnia, vii iw. www ew down win handle. - Your own term, on bal ance, or will trade for small tana. - 504 Buchanan bldg. RT OWNER Furnished boms, $3000; win . sell unfurnished. - 5-room house with Urge bathroom and white enamel plumbing, etoa trtdty aad gaa. Lot 60x100, with lawa aad .11 mt trait atoA builai A- btoaks from school, 'li Blocs rrom car use, Walnut 2001 X2200 NEW AND NAPPY $2200 New 4 room modern bungalow with sleep -ing porch; 5 fruit trees: 5 blocks to car. $350 cash. $25 monthly, t - Johnson-Dodson Co. 633 K. W. Bank Bldg. ' Main 78T. srwrnur' TkiJsTTr:'f 3-roora modern bouse, plastered, elec lights 1 u m4v liiiilt.- SlOA linmm 191 per'saoa, including interest. 604 Buchanan bldg. - - r - LET ran give - yoa my figures en yeer new house you're going, to build. I will save yoa money and help finance. ' Have thirty bouses under way- this year: t first class work. H- H- Harris,.1016 Brooklyn. Sea 2859. TO CLOSE ESTATE WEST SIDE Walking distance; save carfare; two eld n houses. $8800: naif down: tot 60x100. Inquire owner, 621 StB st Ant. 030-81. ARK YOU GOING TO BUILD T make altert attonsf - See sty work. Plana furnished. 21 years te Fvrtiand. 2086 E. Momaoa. labor 2909 g REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 A HOME TO SUIT EVERY PURSE AND EVERT TASTE 3000 Photographs of Homes for Sale. ' - Largest Hoars Selleg la America Every kind f every bosae at every price. Moderate dowa payments. If necessary I'D bete yoa make your first payment. Opea evenings until :00 t 90 Salesmen with Autos Tdephoae, Bdwy, Till , t "'2 TOCU SAVE : $3990 EASY TERMS! Now this Is one of the biggest bargains we've had . for. months in a very substantial - large, attractive heme in heart .of Sellwood . district on M aides ave. Large, ebeerful Kving room, fire plaee, 14x24. dandy, hcht dining room and most convenient kitchen. 3 bright bedrooms and bath up: garage, -FaUL, lot, near school and park. - SEE THIS AT ONCE If YOU WANT SOMETHING es vecially good. - .j. $3866 8487 cash satire price tor thia m- toveJLy Httle home; baa 8 rooms, low,, rambling California typical ' bungalow; living room with big ' fireplace, hardwood floors, massive f buffet in dining-room, and one of ' the nicest Dutch kitchens that any - bungalow is bleared with; 2 bed rooms, bath, garage, full tot. Bear . car and school. E. Aider at DON'T HESITATE. , -$300 CASH FOR THIS $2190 for one of the prettiest bungalows in the entire Peninsula district: 4 : rooms with all built-in -conveniences: white enamel Dutch kitchen; combination lirmg and dining room ; 2 bedrooms; in a fragrant natural " grove of giant trees; Ysto st You should see this if you want a dandy little home oa very easy terms. $250 DOWN I - MT. SCOTT $1490 $250 down! Comfortable 4 room cottage, completely fanuabed; ath, electricity, gas: garage; 67th at ' $250 down and rest like rent $500 DOWWI RICHMOND SNAP -136903600 down. Very subsUntiaL at tractivo 0 room modern home, on Kved street: 1 blk. to earline; baa ilt-ins ana all modern featurea; 8 light, airy bed rooma ; full eement basement with laundry traya; ce ment garage; $5O0 down and bal ance on monthly - terms like tent E. 85th st ' WALK AND SAVE $4990 $500 down! Splendid opportunity to own your own borne. This it a good 6 room modern home in Cen tral K. Portland and on B. 9th st, a few minntes' walk to town; con venient to school; all improvementa are ia and paid; 6 airy rooma with built-in buffet: Dutch kitchen; built-ins galore; S nice bedrooms; basement with laundry traya. The monthly terms are much , less than rent yon are paying for someone else's property.' ! WOODLAWN SPECIAL $3280 AND VERY EASY TERMS I In a - pretty natural grove on a corner tot to thia delightfully coxy little borne. Reception bait liv ing and dining- rooms combined; buffet. Dutch kitchen 2. airy bed rooms; white enamel bath; fur nace. E. Lombard st Sea this now. HAWTHORNE HOME BARGAIN $3590 6 room comfortable home on 68x 100 with abundance of fruit; nice lawn: near earline on paved st $500 dowa and rest oa monthly terms. - RIGHT IN STJNNYSIDB $2950 $500 down I THIS is a comfort sble practical 6 room modern home on Ev Main street, close to . . B.S. car and school: all improve ments are ia aad paid; baa two. bedrooms and sleeping porch: built- in conveniences : furnace: attic. Owner Just reduced price from 38600 MUST BE SOLO AT HUNDREDS OF OTHER GOOD BUYS Come dowa to the office any time, eve nings if yoa can't come during the day time.' Our courteous salesmen are always ready to assist yoa In looking over - the boards and will . take yon out to see the originals of sny homes- ia which you sra interested. I'LL help you make your first pusmu ii necessary- oee FRANK U. McGCIRE. - To Buy Your Home Realtor. Abington Bldg. - Bdwy. 7171. 8d St. bet Washington and Stark. READ THESE OVER EVERY ONI IS A REAL BARGAIN . . i l . New S room bungalow, in Overlook addition, on Longview avenue. Price 84750. Modern 7 room bungalow, on Mis sissippi are.; this is a 'Wonderful lite tie home; $4850. Beautiful little cottage of 6 rooms, on Greeley street, - paved street; - a wonderful buy; 33350. A dandy little 4 room bungalow with furniture, large lot, garage, etc.; lo cated oa 88d st; $8000. Strictly modem 5 room bungalow, on Vsrnon are., in the Alberta sec tion. This is a very attractive place. The pries is only $3200. - i' . i ' ' 8 room cottage, oa Fargo st, near Williams avenue.; lot 80x100; pries $$000. . AH the above properties are real bargains and -caa be bought on rea aonable tetma. J. F. HILL 696 Williams ave. East 0268- Extraordinary Value Vt THIS " ' FTVE BOOMS AND ATTIC ' $4625 oa terms. Situated below the . Mil, Bear Sandy: almost new: hardwood floors, fireplace, French doors, 3 large oor . aer bedrooms; linotoum in kitchen and bath as good as new; cabinet kitchen, cement basement with . laundry garage. Let us - hear from you. - ; ' DAVID HARP. Manager Bv T. STREET'S Bandy Blvd. Of flea, 1180 Sandy Blvd. St 89th. Aut 320-04. - BEECH STREET -- NEAR WILLIAMS AVENUE . 4 room eottaaw, on- Beech -street has good pinsnmng. kuge basement etc. . A sptendid little sot at a very modest price. 91900. - email payment down, balaaee like rent J. F. HILL 088 Williams Ave. East 0268 4 - BOOMS? FURNISHED Beautiful little 4 room bungalow, 8 Ox t00 tot sidewalk and sewer paid, doable uuswliuufod. hardwood floor. Worn is new. , completely faxaished. Immediate ntwaissinn given. Pries 6 3660. which includes al most $1000 worth- of - household goods, ' 1180 E. 22d st S. W. ear to Ellis sts. t blocks east. Tttrtnt grrsnged. SIDNEY G. LATHROP." -. 414 Abingtoa Bldg. v MT. TABOR Resideaew, 1 moras, strictly modern, hdw. floors, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, cement base ment, . extra good furnace, gangs; fevely grounds and shrubbery; lot' 75x100. Owner's interests ill now ia tha East and ow premises to close deal. Very good terms snd excep tionally low rats of interest Call Tabor 8894. REAL ESTATE FOR SALU HOUSES 404 Laurelhurst Snap $6450 TEEMS One of those attractive colonial home that appeal to the home buyer; 6 lr.-,-. bright, comfortable rooma with lots f closet spec.; alee, large living room 14x2-. very pretty dining room with attracti built-in buffet: maasivw. fireplace, bardwoo-1 ftoore; eeeaplwte cabinet, kitchen; full ce ment basement with laundry and furnace; full cement drive to garage; bard surt paid. IAVm HARP. Manager R. TV. STREET'S Sandy Blvd. Office. 1 1 50 Sandy Blvd. at 39th. Aut 820-04. $4500. ' Five-room bungalow oa Division, hsrd wood floors throughout modem in every re spect A. small payment dowa bandies tins irfacw, '.. : - $4000. ' A new 6-room honm. Owner must leave and la selling this place at a seen! ice, $1000 casta win handle. This place ia mod era in every respect. ... .. , . $200 HOWS N ; Leta yoa move in a modern 6-room bungalow ia the Rose Park addititw. This , iy the best boy in the city. Call Murph. Bdwy. 6006. , COKOOKAN-JONES REALTY CO. 27.1 tlak Bt I,ew(s BMg. . STANTON STREET BARGAIN - Two good bouses on large tot on Stanton st, one turn, has a rooms , ar-e ranged for two families, rente ior $4 per month ; the other howa baa t rooms, rente for $20 per aranta. Motn hou-iee are tn- good conditio a. Thia ia a splendid opportunity for someone who wants aa income and a home. Prioe $3250. very easy terms. J. F. HILL- 696 Williams Ave, East 026S ACREAGE 4C3 Tabor. Park Acres Brown McGregor Inv. Co'. ' , 110-01.1 Caaco bid Are " plsolng on the market beautiful tract subdivided ia Quarter Acres Priced at $650 and $750 an ' aore, with payments- of $100 dowa and balance $15 per month. These tracts are tha beet of garden soil in garden ' inow. Thia tract must be seen to be appreciated. It ia located on East 7 2d street between the Mt Tabor and Hawthorne - oarllnwa,' and 600 ft north of -r earner 7 2d and Division st - Do not delay looking this over. , Makw your selection now. . Fog further information see Brown McGregor Inv. Co. Atwater 8824. , 810-811 .Gasco bldg. Will also build to suit purchaser. OH CAPITAL. HIGHWAY S acres, between Portland and ' Tiaard, U mile -to eleotrio station ; all under ; -euiavauon: pssnng ore asm, some mi ries; i 4 room house with eleotrio : lights,-' barn, eliickea house, other build ings. Price $3500: $700 oash. Con sider 1 5 to 40 acme, improved or un improved, not over 25 miles from Port- " .;iand. ; , YAMHTXJV COUNTY, OREGON Over 5 acres, mile from good town with high iwhool. bark, store, can nery, etc.; 1 block off paved street; good soli; all cultivated; young fruit trews, 8000 berry plants; new. attracU . ive 4 room "bungalow, city water, eleo- trie lights. price $1450, eloar, $600. v down, balance assy terms, I'uotoa a offlca,-' ' ., - i 10 acres, 8 miles northeast of Oro gon City, S miles from eleotrio Mation; hi under cultivation ; 8 acres bearing fnilt. apples, peaches, pears, -etc., - in good condition; 8 room bouse with fire plaoe, good barn, several chicken, -bous; w.11. Prima S220O ah. balanoa 3300 cijOsb ry consider house Over 6 acres at Tigard, 9 miles from , center of Portland;, cultivated: family orchard: 1 M acres berries, good gar-'; den; 4 room, ptartered hemse barn,' chicken house. - Price $$800. terms. , Consider Portland rssidenca same value. - John Fersiuova, Realtor, Gerllnger BMg. Over 600 small places near Portland NEW 8 -room house and 1 sera on the . 8. P. electric; close to station. Pries . '- 81500. Your own terms or will take light car as part payment . ' . :v ; One acre and new small " plastered house oa 48th st, for only $1800. Good - " s . terms. r ' , . A beautiful acre, all planted in fruit and berries. This Place ia immaculate: Just like a park. Good 4-roora house; will sell all or Vk acre and buildings. Good terms, - Five acres in bearing prunes, on paved road; 3 blka. to car; 4-roora house; chicken house, barn, mar Vanoouver, for only 62500, good tenjaa or will trade for house in Portland. Q. C. Ulrich Co., Inc. Suite 408 Stock Exchange blag. .Main 4854-4858 20 ACRES EQUIPPED FOR $2500. ,.. Also several other small farms eouuwed and bow receiving cream checks which caa be bandied- with $600 an, ' Ralph Harris Co. 816 Chamber of Commerce, Bdwy. 8654. FINE 8 ACHES CHEAP lost think. S acres, 2 miles oat, for $1200; on pavement; city water, lights, phone; best' soil, young orchard, berries. A very fine ehotos bomesite much below surrounding prioes. , Best reasons for sell ing. D. MoChssney, 626 Henry bldg. Broadway 3805, evenings Main 784. EQUITY, new bungalow and garage; lot 250 It.- ny izu v alley; water, ga. am wmc A good chance for ehicken ranco. 6 minutes to Red Eleo, station, o fare. Pacific : highway, nice neighbors. I will take a good auto or cash or what have you I Better look thia up as someone Is going to get a snsp.' 616 Henry bldg. CHICKEN RANCH REE DV ILLS PIST! - 2 V acrea,-Q. cleared, 8 room pltr-fl bouse, with gas, 3 chicken bouses, barn, garage, broodfr bouse, 240 hens, fine cow. This i a reil bargain. Price $2550; half each, 1 - LUEDIITTMA NN OOMPAffY, 814 Chamber of Commerce. NEW 4-TOtaa i.ra house, H acre land. ctssred. ' 4-roora house, hMrM earMyritv. , chicken house, $00 Also H acre tractsNajt of R. C. epeed- wsv: easy paymenta. Wsl.TSlfl40. : '3 ACRES 3120T - f PAVEO ROAD WATER LIGHTS " Best soiL- only 3 miles aut on bighwsy; ' has young fruit and berries; a real bar gain. D. McChesney, 626 Henry bldg. Broadway 2506. Evenings Main 7944. SEE THIS BOTTOM LAND r" acres unimproved garden tract on John son creek at -d at Gresham, EMacada ear line $2000. H eaeh. - R. L. Yoke. 11S6 N. W. Bank otdg. mam tin, GRE&HAM DISTRICT 5 acrea exeeueut n.ii. au cnitivateu, -vww, - school. Prtoe 31360. very eaay terms. W, M. Umbdeostoek . tt .Co., 210 Oregon bids. stroaqway iwaa. FIVE acres of land, Tualatin valley, Orenburg Sts.. uregoa r.iec. jo. m., ac. ii, of onion land; $600 per acre' $00 cs.r-. - balance terms. Inquire at store for S. . ACRES, Clarksmas Heights, Oregon Ci' r canine, a scrw n.. , . . , -lahack, good road. Price $750, $100 down. 8-191, Journal. HOW does this strike you! Three acres In BOSS jrsrm aciws, svvv per acre. a-ay terms. G. L Kebr, 213 a.eott st. rootie Esst f9- ' ACREAGE tract near Multnomah, with a 1 modera eenveniencea. en easy terms, as l' aa $925 per acre. For parttoalars see BLN RUTLAND, 404 Plstt bldg. FOR SALE 10 seres at (iobls; . Ut. pnooe Tabor 8470. taea 3-3vaei ' t. i