- i THE OREGON - DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, OREGON. ""TUESDAY, . SEPTEMBER 26, 1922. a HEL$ WANTE--MALE 1 NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY MEN WASTED 4 rates jmaitad by the United States Labor board as follows: MACHINISTS TO Ceem aa Hoar. BLACKSMITHS 9 end 6 eenta aa Boot. BOILERMAKERS Casta aa Hour ftikight carmen ti CcMi aa Hour. Apply to tny miMhoaM or ibop or to rape rin Undent Jsorthera Ps.?ifi rail y. WANTED Married mn. Between age of 30 and 40 rears, to handle commercial rout. Must be acquainted with Por-aad streets, neat ppnnnc am a Bustier, i-ermaneni position with e'jod salary; opportunity for advancement and to- do well. Mast furnish good reference! None but tboee of high character need apply. Apply in person between the hoar of 10 . m. and 11 a. m.. p. m. and 3 p. m. M. Gnu. 804 Spalding bldr. HELP WANTED FEMALE 204 WOMEN wanted for peeling pears ; mast hare health card. Apply tomorrow morning ready for work. Starr Bruit Product Co., 821 E "Yamhill. TWO waitresses for boarta free fre. 85 N. 2d st Bdwy. hotel, $55. room and tan Skinner St White. 8205. WOMEN wanted to ank in cannery at Van scorer, preparing pears: steady work and good pay: carfare paid to and from Portland. Kenort in the morning: ready for work at the Orecrn Packing Co. plant. Ninth and Hilt its.. I VancoaTer. Tor information call BOao. WOMEN wanted to work in cannery at Van couver. Wash. : good waaea and earfare paid from Portland and return each day. Apply ready for work, Oregon. Packing company, tii and HiU eta., Vancouver. For Information phone East 8098. THE WOMEN'S PROTECTIVE DIVISION. city of Portland, offers its serricea in all matters pertaining to the welfare and protee tjca at women and girls; tnterriews csenfuien tw. 514 Worcester Udg.. 8d and C-k ta,. PhcrtH P-rdway T422. 50 GIRLS for light factory wgrk. 16 years and over, part or full tfrae: pleasant and congenial work. Apply immediately, stating age. phene mnbfr and address. LX-206, Journal. HOt SEEEEPER wanted by middle-sard work ing man: prefer one who wants a home in stead of big wages. 2408 K. K. are.. Aber deen. Wadh. STEMXHCtPHERS and girU for miscellany or full time. Appljr i'mmediateiy stating age, plione riumber and addres?. MX-19 Joornal. HANSON'S old reliable employment office has moved from the Raleigh bids, to the Macleay bldg.. room 401. 888 Washington st Bdwy. 769a. WANTED Two girls to clera in grocery store. Must be stood writers and accurst at figures. Gite telephone and address also wage expected. A-24 3, Journal. ANY GIHL in need of a mend, apply to the Salvation Army Rescue Home. Mayfair and Alexander st". Phone Main 84-tf. 1-M r- PARTT to take care of 2 children 0 days a week at home : no huiuework ; can Irp at home if desired. Aut. 522-4 9. WANTED Good, reliable woman ta keep house and care for three children. Tabor 2007. - "WANTED Lady about 35. years old. light housekeeper. Inquire Mrs., Mclntire. 214 6th st. W ANTED Seamstress experienced in auto tops, ood wanes to right applicant. Exoe rienccd only ncl apply. Phone Bdwy. 161 7 . EXPERIENCED waitress tick sewer; steady work. United Mfg. Co., liota ana nou dsy. . Howe City, car. WANT girl to do housekeeping ia family of 2. $30 a month. East 2243 WANTED Gentlea motherly woman to care 1 for invalid: Tabor 0424. . WOMAN or girl for general housework. East 8303. WANTED Girl to assist with general house work. Bdwy. 4 738. SITUATIONS WANTED -MALE 251 PAINTING PapeThacging, tinting, sell. 14 83. Work guaranteed. HOCSR WIRING Let me give yow aa estimate on your wiring before letting your contract. Liceaei eieo- trictan. Walnut 5681. : LET ME figure your wiring before you let your contracts. Old houses our specialty. Get our prices oa fixtures. Walaut 2114. or evenings, Walaut 8065, SM1NGLEK8 When you need a shtngler. rail Main tiloo. SCHOOL BOY. 14 years old. would Uke work after school and Ssturday; would like store work. Sellwocd 3619. PAINTING, paperhanging and tinting: prices reasonable: work a-oarsateed. Shop, 1366 Hawthorne are. Tabor .1722. CARPENTER Estimates given or repair -work : screens mads and garagaa built. Shop 1367 Hawthorne. , Tabor 1280. PAINTING, tinting and wood finishing. -perienced workmen, moderate prices. R, R. Bennett. Main 8883. YOUNG man, mechanical ability, to learn auto repairing. Willing to stars from bottoeo. W-607. Journal. CARPENTER CONTRACTOR Building, al- terlng. repairing: estimate. C. J. Smith. 02 X. Third. Bdwy. 1875. STRICTLY reliable man wants work after 8 evenings : can ' adjust self to any kind of work. T 820, Journal. ONE nest appearing young' man, over 21 with sales sbQrty, to take orders in Portland; ex- perience not essential. Boom 42 S," 102 Vj 2d. EXPERIENCED magazine or newsvaper sales man; publisher's own offer. 42S Exchange Wd-i- 2dand8tark. 'STOVES and furnaces repaired, hot water coils installed. CaU East 6018. SOOf LEAKS Let me fix it in good order by expert. B4y. 6S34 or Walnut 60S4. DRIVER ' wishes position driving light truck! Tabor "124 USSR wants work; figure email home: expert repairs; low price. Walnut 4743. LAWNS mada and general gardening by ex pert, .Main 5521. ; PAPER HANGING, tinting, neatly done: esti- " ' V . WJ-. ' RESHINGLING First class work. Apyxy 108 Hau-ey st. Phone Aut. 334-53. PAPER HANGING, tinting, inside finish; first - w,fa - . .n.w ..i.KI. T.l, flfi,l ROOFS reshiasicd and 8790. repaired. Atwater PAINTING. TES'TLNG, A 1-1. BRANCHES. REASONABLE. VAIL BsiOS.. W AU 3a jo y'LUMBLNU dose very reaouo by u.. iwui cr by the Job. East 983d. CEMENT foundation, houses raised, cement work of ail kinds, reasonable. Atwater 3363. fcJIINGLER 1 2 years ezpenance. AU wuak absoiutaiy guaranteed. Walnut, 90 7. PAPER HANGING. PAINTING. TINTIW REPAIR WORK. BKLLWOOD $906. GRADING axcavstlng, team work ef all ida. Tabor 2212. 889 R. 74th st. w BASEMENTS, aradiag general Uamlag; coar- .r.ct or day wurk. Auto. 622-35. pTTs-IERiNGt. repairing a specialty; i, di, ior contract; all work guaranteed. East 689T fiOMLMNO. paintm auaa. couiraci at day wora. Caul Main 6582. TEAM1NO. plowing, excavating, etc, ; aiae damn wagons. 340 K. Sth. East 021O. iujdk'a retairea and painted; un aad Danes iKRHANGLXG aad ioiida decoratiar itsnv meix-nv -' -.wws s.-ns fNCBETBpoariaa '"a'auw, Work - raaslsat Sea. 1830. , BUILT-IN futures, cupookroa aad kitcaea - tabkav garage biult aad gaxaga daexa made to order. Caul East 98. - - RRICEXAYER, A l taechaavc, fireplacea a apa , ctalty. Phoao Aat, 319-39. 1CA.L60MXSXNGa . pain bag piaster-Csairiaa Reasonabte. Msia 2865. - EXCAVATION . tlaaa aci tsssa work. Walnut -h83 . - . SITUATIONS WAWTED-MALg 2S t PERMANENT poto with v--Mhs for fatore. by Jro-os; mart w nnpkiT'O. Have sate man-hip and off- ability, with) edge of bopkkeeiang and stenosraphy. K-189, Journal. Let at give--yea an, e trmate oa y-ar winn before letting your -pacrec Licensed elec trician. Walnut 59 r. SITUATIONS FEMALE 254 CAPABLE w wwiaa wans day work er sewing. Falt-a. d-rtriet pigferreC KrT HeKeB. 1443 Fultro Fk. blvd. .a-'OGRAPH.-J-, l-at tnroaah braana-i col fcra. desrree position, law office preferred. 163 E. 50th at. GIRL IT desire to bars office work. Wal- t nnt 0299. ... HATS made ta order. 83.40. Boae Bat Sao. 610 Muw-ahie. - wnE addreaa your envelopes or do copying at home. Call A at. 521-58. WAX TED Hdiuework by day or .hour; good work guaranteed. Tabor 7888. GIRL will take care of children afternoon, tad e wrings, 35e hoar. Ant. 8 2 9 7 S . STENOGRAPHER utl positioa: experi enced, city references. Walnut 6830. DAT work. 40c hoar. Walnut 8802. DRESSMAKING 256 HEM STITCH IN" 8 and 8 cents, while yon wait; drees snaking, altera one; work guar anteed. Panama bid-.. d and Alder. Bdwy. 2338 HEMSTITCHING Special for hiirrh efctba. 5s yard; durint Sept. only. 1004 Broad way bids. DRESSMAKING by the day; work guaran- teed. Tabor 1824. EXPERT far remodeling and repair work done wimaWt. Wemut 6348. DRESSMAKING DONE REASONABLY MRS. GOOD. WALNUT 3146. HEMSTITCH IN ti, e crior." 6u. Room 403 5e yard; Sept. only. 1P"6 Broadway moj. HEMSTITCHING wbilr. r per yard straiga- Kama 1'taitms sum v a ai im DRESSMAKING reaeonaWe. 122 11th at. eor- ner WasMnsUm. Broadway WTO. ALL KINDS of tewmg; children i sewing my apeeiaixy. vvainm swoa. FOR K nt FURNISHED ROOMS 300 JM1 8-SlS 207 14th at., bet 1V1UB.A WCiJ a 143111 ; Taylor .nd Salmon. Furnisheil tieeprag rooms, shower bath. Steam heat, hot and cold water; 84 a week and op. THE BA&TON - Clean, furnished rooms. $2.50 per week and np; also tight honaekeeping. 455 Alder t ARTUL'K HOTEL. llO 11th St.. Bear Morri sori Clean end modern rooms by day. week or month tt Ssonabla rates. BUSHMARK hotel. Waan. av! eor! 17th; . clean, modern reoms 8S.5Q week np. SMALL sleeping room, on first floor; near Central library. 410 Salmon t. NLWHALL HOTEL. 402 iB. WASHINGTON. Sleeping mom by the day or week. TNFllSHED ROOMS 300-A THREE on furnished roorss and porch for rent. 8 E. 18th st. N. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS PRIVATE FAMILY 301 ONE targe1 front room with sleeping porch, two beds, large "closet, electric lights, phone, beth. Close in, one block of Bdwy car. Suitable for two gentlemen, also cne single room. Phone East 74 4 6. ONE LARGE FRON'T ROOM, CLEAN1 ; LADIES PREFERRED: VERY CLOSE IN, CENTRAL JCA9T PORTLAND. EAST 4697. VERY attractive room in refined family, ex ceptionally well furnnhed, fnrnace heat; gen tlemen preferred: breakfast if desired; near ear line. 391 E. 24th. Bell. 2566. VERY attractive front room with dressing room and sleeping porch; nicely furnished, with or without garage: gentleman preferred; West Side. Bdwy. 4 328. COMFORT A ELE room for 1 or 2 business men, bath adjoining, modern; no other roomers, close in, west side, furnace beat 322 H Broadway. Main 391. MCE clean, airy rooms, comfortable home eon veniences. business women preferred. Mrs. Johnston. 474 Market st-. eor 14th. Atwater 1938. . NICELY .FURNISHED .ROOM. IN PRIVATE ' FAMILY, CLOSE IN ON EAST SIDE. VERY CHEAP. CALL EAST 2678. EXTRA large eor. room, $ cioaets, prir. bath. suitable for 3 or 4, in a beautiful refined home; ai oozy light a trie room. 84 N. 21st St., cor. Everett, walking distance- FL'HXiSHKD room ior ..m, nice sleeping room suitable for 1 or 3 gentlemen, in bachslir cusrters; steam Iirst, phone, bath; rea-onable. 250 N. 19U st. Bdwy. 4294. NICE. LARGE, CHEERFUL FRONT ROOM, HOT WATER HEAT. LARGE CLOSET. VERY CLOSE IN, CHEAP. CALL BDWY. 6747. FOR RENT 3 room furnished fist, house keeping, light, bath and phone free; no cluidren; cl;e in, Richmond line, 15th and Clinton. Sell. 0814. LARGE front husekeeping room with kitchen ette; newly papered and ventilated ; also one 2 -room apartment, electric lights, bath and phone free. Phone Main 2757. NICELY furnished rooms, private home, for ejuiet. employed persnns walking distance, lovely neighborhoot. 60 Ella St.. H block from Washington. Bdwy. 8004. TWO NICK. l&rge rooms, cne with sleeping torch, suitable for three; free phone and Kith; (20 and 325 month. 253 N. 21st. Main 4 078. WALKING distance, west side, clesn and t tractive. If yon are looking for a room with borne privileges, see this. 581 Davja, near 19th. Broadway S04 8. -- WLL furnished room m nice home. Very at trecttve and cheerful. Reasonable reaa. 254 E. 2' 3rd. One block from Hawthorne, East 6088. COZY room for man accustomed to nice things, quite modern place. 883U. Park it., corner Park and Mill. Atwater 1780. $20, and well worth it. STRICTLY modern heated room with every convenience, wicker and ivory fnrmitrjre, reasonable, walking distance. Phone East 4865. " NICE front room for men or women; garage; furnished cr. unfurnished, west side, rea sonable. Main 2202. NICELY furaUhed room . suitable for twu. furnace heat, private garage; C. S. pre ferred. Tabor 3748, NICELY furnished room, all modern con veniences, furnace heat, close to golf links. 1 block from car. Sell 1S4S. NICK large, lisht. airy room. bith. electric light, reasonable rent. SCO Farr.i st. Wil liams are, car. LAHGE. clean rooms, home privileges; em ployed, people preferred; walking distance. Atwater 2003. Call 449 W'. Park. nicely furnished front room, bath will give breakfast. 1745 sandy Blvd. tabor 0282. SLEEPING room, uee of parlor, phone and hath ; walking distance; $8. East 2163. 16 E. 12th. I H K. BOOMS, also sleeping room, clean: sice i view of city. Private home. $3 and $4 I week. 596 Market st. Atwater 3318. CHEERFUL. WELL - HEATED ROOM IX NICE EAST SIDE HOME. CIA)SE IN: :x only, phone east 974s. MEN- LARGE sleeping roeia with modern conven iences, suitable for oca cr two, Wi. rk ma ms n pre f e r eei. eteiiwood 250. NICE sleeping room, suitable for una or two g-nUemen, heat and hot water, reasonable. 68.N. 2 2d st. Main 174ii. LOVELY roouu. newly famished, with sleep ing porch, suitable for 3 gentlexsirtt, ga rage, eiose IB;- 1'hooe East 4109. SUNNY comfortable rooms, turns oe heated, close ia; $1.80 week up; board if de sired. 629 Hoyt. 16th si car. ' FRONT ROOM, large enough for 2; breakfast and dinner, if detired. 753 Hoyt at.. West Side. Msfn 7030, . NEATLY furnished room, furnace beat. blocks east of Broadway bridge, si Phone East 8648. SSI Bom LIGHT, sonny sleeping room in desirable location, walking distance. 534 Eaerect aC corner at 17tfa- , t LARGE froat sleeping room, light, bath. . hot and cnW wster; private family;. $15 rt month. 868 E. Taylor. East 80481 SICE largo aieepinsTlroom. farnsce heat, close to hath: brat ear service, $15 a month. T4T Eeerett St.. near 38d. i - SLEEPTNG room ia modern reside nee. 1. 27 Sixth St. : L NICELY furnished room for 1 H 2 aentSe: ats a single room. - lata at Mam 2Q98. iHREE aicely furaished rooms, eieetrio lighU, I closa ra. rnvaro lamrry, -a jsamsua, NICELY farais-ed ironw roam, reasonaala waikmg disseisee. 4gl Montgomery st, FOR RENT rooa-s. nicely f-rn-bed. Walk- lng dw-UBce, 893 H 4th. Atwater 3282. NEAT single H. K. room, suitable for work- ig men. $2 week. 20 l$th. MCE. clean rooms for ren 885 t 4th st. t KEKN.. am. fuc reat (Jail 1433 l-iasn.. FOR RENT ROOM AND BOARD 302 Nortonia Hotel Broadway aft Waabnsttfl, Bmaowka J tM. Portiaad a hi caua Owntewa residential hotel. We give poa tbS eoenfart ot a Aaaerioa ant IMiropeaa Siatv, able. . - . .1 . . . " . 1 EOTKL BaUiiTORO T88 HOST , aUU tlOL Exelaatsw reaideBOal: special snsnaaer tataa; eatr saeala apeak for nor popsUarity. EXCLUSIVE residaBtial botaa; rataa $45 ta $58. 784 Loeaioy. Mara 8818. ROOMS AND BOARD PRIVATE FAMILY 303 GOOD HOSTS TO GIRLS. TO J TEAKS, NEAR SCafOOL. PHONE BELaV WOOD 3418. NICE, ehcerfnl room, with ewtthont board. East Broadway. East 4848. ROOM and ooard ta art- fesairy for 8 to 5 medieal atwdewtsr; 3 aTaa. frn toot of stepe; aU saoderst aonsvnieaeaai 830. . 710 4th st. Phone Main 8888. , WANT working girl to shae room with re fined TDOtit lady; BTrikfart and dinner served : attractive home, closo in, reasonable. CaU Aut. 828-17. , FOB AGIO Invanda. eni patients, pleaaaat boaaa Miinlki with Deaito-oaiKrmc am aiu f ml ! MftMIK cara of physician; reaaoaabla rates. East 8588. S TOtNQ sztan or mam and wife to room and board, private homo, walkiaa distance, east side, near BcaaoQ aehooL East 8218. LOT EI. T FRONT ROOM. BOARD IF DE SIRED. CHEAP. VERY CLOSE IN. WILL ALSO BOARD CHILD. SCHOOL AGE. CALL BDWY. 4-43. . TWO voucs men to room and board, largo frost, 2 closets, small congenial family -of young people, lota of music. $7 each. Main 0698. . . . OPPORTUNITY- for real homo for man and wife employed, or 2 , gentlemen ; attractive home; front suite; room and board; 15 min. ear service. East 1044. GOOD ROOM AND BOARD. GENTLEMEN PREFERRED. 383 E. 11TH. VI8T CLOSE IN. REASONABLE. PHONE EAST 8034. w WELL FURNISHED ROOM, GOOD HOME COOKING. WALKING DISTANCE, WEST SIDB. 5914 DAVIS ST. NEAR 19TH. BROADWAY 8048. ROOM and board for two yoona men who ,aill room together. Homo privileges. Nob Hill district Bdwy. 1088. A HOME for young maa employed, easy wajk ing distsnco. 174 N. 15tn st. Phone Broadway 2883. 38 per week. , . SMALL CHUJD TO CARB FOR $18 PER MOaTB. 772 W1U.1A11K AYE.. NEAR BEECH. WALNUT &4oJ NURSE, near 2 nth aad Belmont, will take several old. people in her home. All con veniences. Automobile service. Eaet 2538 or East 4222. 2 OR 8 respectable yong teatleiaea to room and board, ia refmoa acme with mother and daughter; boys who appreciate real home life. 730 E, Ankeny st. Phone East 141. WILL ROOM and board, and give mother's care to 2 or 3 children, school age pre ferred. Nice home, in best of locality. 1084 E 15th st N. Alberta oar. DESIRABLE room and board, , Suitable for one or two ladies or married ccaple. No other boarders. lrrington district. 2 car lines. East 8879. GOOD board and room for steady employed people or married eouple; all home privi leges ; piano; $9.50 s week. Eat 2418. NICE room with board ta private family for $6.50 per week for one or two employed women 46 W. Jeesap St. Walnut 4097. NIC!? ROOM AND BEST OF BOARD. 121 E. CLOSE IN. REASONABLE. 11TH. CALL EAST 3522. ROOM and board. 2 meals, breakfast and din ner, alean, homelike pate, reasonable, waik tng distance: 547 H 8th St. . BOAl ID $7 week, double room. $7.80 single; walking -distance-. 264 Stoat St., one block 2 lb. west Mnltnomsh cm' LADY wants small child, mother's care. S20 per mo. 373 H Cable, near Mill Jr. Chap maw sta. ROOM and board ior 2 men. in modern home; eooked meals. Call at 216 Graham are. or phone Walrrot 0880. TRALNEf) NURSE of" mature years would lik babies or small children to car for la her home. Tabor 4141. WILL GIVE good room and . board to little girl from 8 to years of age; aear good school. Price reasonable. Tabor 6260. NICE front room suitable for 2 gentlemen. Also single roomy. Reasonable. Either two or three meals a day. Eswt 8798. ROOM aad board. 2 meals, breakfast sad dia ner, clean home-like place, walking dis tance, reasonable. 547 H 8th st. ROOM AND BOARD IV CHEERFUL HOMK FOR GIRL EMPLOYED. $25 MONTH. BROADWAY 2293. BOARD and room, 88 per week; also 1 H. . K. room, walking distance. 389 Grand are. S., near Iranaa Jr. Ponlsen mills. East 0920. TWO occupying same room $8 room $10 wk. Tabor 1455. wk; single WANTED Baby to board and room and nice - yard and good care. 473 Jefferson st, NfCELT furnished front rooms, with or with- out boards good location. Phone East $990. GOOD HOME AND MOTHER'S CARE FOR 1 SMALL CHILD. CALL TABOR $137 HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED 304 FINE, CHEERFTTL ROOMS One front room, also 2 room suite, newly arranged, large, cheerful rooms, complete line as. dishes, silverware. Better hurry. 187 Chap men st, near Tsauuu. Mill St., Apts. & Rooms $10 to $25. Main 1630 SNAPPY, clean furnished h. a. rooms; every thing new and everything furnished; good yard tor ear; Bear. Williams Ave.. 383 Tilla moofc sffset- ' ' XICK large H. K. rooraa, sragla, 3-room, 8 room. free hot and eofcl water, -light, phone, for rent cheap. 481- Everett st. Phone Bdwy. 6258. FURNISHED aoosesieeping rooms, homeiige conveniences, 38.50 to 34.50 per weak. 295 17th St. CaU Main 7SRS 2 H. K. ROOMS, with kitchen famished, ase of bath and phone. 52 E. -12th St. N. CalllO a. m. to 3 p. m. CLOSE IN. very comfortable basement room; I hot end cold water, breakfast and all cora t forta of home. $22.50 per mo. 468 Clay St. I i HOUSEKEEPING room, snotiern. '"Ftp 6th at. 1 LAKi;E sunny H. K. rm., oeeutifully fans... $32.5. 631 Hoyt. cor. 20th. Bdwy. 4048. 1 2 U . K. ROOMS, heat, light and phoue fur ' nished: wjlking distance. East 42-20. S UM. newly far. spta. also sleeving a am 11. ! FURNISHED housekeeping roams tor rent. 840 Front st. -, FURNISHED siagla room. $3 per week. 187 12th st. UNE ROOat with kitoiMistette. modern. .'1 l$th Bt- 2 Large rooms, si so single housekeeping room, mooern arv otn st. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED PRIVATE FAA4ILY 30$ THREE FTJRNTSHED HOCRT'KEEP IN; ROOMS. CALL AT 25 THl RMAN ST. CALL WALNUT 6168. HOUSEKEEPING APTS., RUNNING WATER IN ROOMS. CALL AT 28 E. 17 TIL , THREE aiea cleaa rooms. ha9: nice loca tion, goad car sen ka. free light, phoaa aad bath. Lovely rswa. porch Reasonable, AduHa. Can morning. Wslirnt $873. IB VI XG TON 3 asrwry furor-Ned a. k. krwe r floor; everrthiny esc: gas; J sleet ta Irvinsrum antKkal: rbiMr u aerws ne) vacs at Oct 1. rent $8. East 1111. 441 E. 18th at N. - 'krriJ'B e U c- ttal baib: aisa 1 gtes rsxmt waht pri.e a-jranca. frirnacsi V light C aad ' phnn. Atwater 1293. 731 Kearney. s TWO .fine ho!ekeerng rooms, everythiag fur- Hsvrd, foraaoa beat, elstrie light, gaa tor t cooluaa, walkina d-rtaaea; 3 peenle only; ao ! dnklr-a. 441 E. Coaah, ear. 7th. E. 131. LARGE, eleaa farawksd b. -. room, fara-ee Beat, ngnt, poon aae Beta; ' raaaaasbie. 421 H Steth at Atwater 2805. TWO roam H. K.. $$ pat week- ia- 31.76. 848 rTwat. CLEAN fura. L. H. rooms, 1st floor. Modem home, aear car. Adulta Pboaa 881-32. FIVE furaifthed H. K. rooms over itora. . a- eiaira gBrptra tnester. m sjraad ave. H, k ROOMS, fir-t floor; W-lking 0stanc; piano. fS135. FOR TRENT I40USEKEEPING. ROOMS ' FURNISHED AND UrVFlfRNISHED J- PRIVATE. FAMILY 04 UARGE. front, folly furasrtied sruto of H. K. raoraa, $25 month, also a hrvety H. K. room. $4. Bom like place you'll Hko to Bw taw Bath, paosssv eta, bassiy. Belmont street. or., lota. . , ; .; - .; - . . TWO neatly rsrawanl K E. rooms, running .water, furnace heat, good Jewatioa; also 1 H. K. rswsa, hsrtw close. 2 windowa, 801 RosseU St., Mock aaat of Uaaoa. East 1740. CLEAN 8-rsa. fwra. H K. apt., first floor. beck, ssowe bea. prreate sail r sate. waDrinar distanco; adults. Call Atwater 8324 forenoon or after p. aa. . - FURNISHED. $30, rsfaroiahed. $28. aewly finished gYvxxad fjoer 2-room and bath apartment: large pantry; 388 Rsrfisoa- Street. Main 24 28. . - ' 2 FURNISHED H. K. ROOMS. WASH. SI. EAST 6885. 474 E. APARTMLNT of a iomm, fcrst floor, tarnisbed for botsseksopantt; bath aad coavoniersces; de sirable, sunny, cheerful rooms. 4C Clay at. 14tn. 2 CLEAN pleasant furnished h. k. toome, 00 aida entrance; 1 block two cars. 822.50 per mo. 328 E. 1st N. East 2505. TWO large, warm front rooraa, first floor ; ehwy nice room and kitchenette, only lis; single rooms 310 up; hot water always. 655 Flanders at, ' ... NICE arg$ raoa with kitchenette, clean ikn eaa each . Light, gas, steam heat, food hasesaent, for tsfw oaly ; good iooatloa. near high setwoi. Walnat 484$. . THREE la raw. c learn fanaMsed lower, h. k. rooms, close in, Call East 8333. water, (2u per mo. NICELY FURNISHED. LARGE HOUSE KEEPING BOOM. TELEPHONE, BATH, LIGHT AND GAS FURNISHED, CLOSE IN, REASONABLE RATES. EAST 7172 Large, cIiekrful alcove ri. K. boom. FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED, MOD ERN. REASONABLE; VERY CLOSE IN. BROADWAY 4219. 2-ROOM apartment, fme neighborhood, yard; women can work for part or alt of rent; garage. Call after Sunday. Walnut 5936. 1197 Cleveland ave. - 3 FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. 55 E. 22D. REASONABLE BATES. LARGE, completely turnisneoV newly reno vated suite of housekeeping rooms, 530 month wttn all privileges. - Also front parlor, $3.eO. 624 Flanders St.. near 19th. m FOR RENT 3 room furatshed apartment; light and airy, eloso to M. V. car: beautiful surroundings; reasonably priced. 12S E. 6 Sth N., eor. Glisan. CHEERFUL. COZY, WELL FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING SUITE, R V N N I N G WATER; ALSO SINGLE ROOM. 414 MAR- KET. COR. 11TK. ONE single H. K. room with 2 la re outside windows, fu aacar heat, phone, gas. light and water all - convenient, $20 per month. 120 18th St. N. Bdwy'. 1025. . 54 N. 16TH, NOB HILL. VERY CLEAN ROOM, NEWLY PAPERED. WHITE ENAMEL; 8LEEPING OR LIGHT H. K-, TO. ONE REFINED ADULT. N ICEL Y FUR. 2 RM. FRONT APT. Dowatcwn, only $25 per mo. to responsible party. Fuel, linen, lights and phone free. Call Bdwy. 8083. NICELY furnished 3 room front apt., spot lessly clean ; close in. west side ; alo 3 room basement apt. with rent reduced for a little light work. 474 Clay. Atw. 4194. 2 ROOM housekeeping apartments with sieep inc porches, well furnished. Phone, light and water; reasonable rent; Rose City car. 783 Pacific at. or eall East 9232. ONE FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOM, t. mi ritjc.f vt.L,tjuife. oui jax. Ai- WATER 1147. . t ROOM1, neatly furnished apartment; electric lights and water freer $25 a month. Adults only. 34 College at., near Park. DOWNSTAIRS sleeping room with private en trance and furnace heat, for gentleman. Atwater 1293. 751 Kearney at. 2 CONNECTING FH.CNr H. K. ROOMS, NEWLY DECORATED; ALSO 1 SINGLE H. K. ROOM. 121 N. 23D ST. PHONE ATWATER 1502. 3 FURNISHED TTOl "-Ri-EPING ROOMS. $5 L. 224. BEAU.AiLK RATES. CLEAN basement H. K. room, private en traace. no stairs, running water, lights, gas; very reasonable. 512 Clay. ONE room and kitchenette; also sip. room: heat, light, phone furnished; elose in, near Couch school and hospital. Near 2 3d at. cl. 736 Hoyt. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, furnace heat, hot and cold water; good location; near Failing school. All outside rooms. 188 Porter St.. or Atwater 0743. FOR COUPLE, two clean, light housekeeping rooms, light, fa and phone furnished; laundry privileges; completely furnished, $30. 403 Ivy. Kan 8891. 4 FURNISHED H. K. ' rvoms and sleeping porch, electric lights snd gas furnished, $25 per month. 731 E. 15th st. S. Sell wood car to Rhone st, . 2 MODERN H. K. ROOMS, LIGHT AND AIRY; PRIVA-flP PHONE AND EN TRANCE; GARAGE FOR RENT; STORES CLOSE. TABOR 6743. COME to ls7 Cleveland ave! Desirable location, near cars and schools: furnished, private bath, separata entrance, gas range. Call after Sunday. THREE furnLhed H. K. rooms, private en trance, $28, with garage $33; no children preferred. 671 Pacific, cor. 19th. Rosa City Psrk car. NICE large front housekeeping room, heat and water, in room; reasonable. 443 Vancouver are.. I blk. Williams ave. ear. H.K. ROOM and kitchenette for neat bach elor; heat, light and cooking gas furnished. 306 12th st. 4 FURNI-HED h.k. rooms snd big sleeping BOvob. all modern. $30 per no chlhrrea. 464 Flint st.r FOUR unfurnished rooms', kitchenette, bath. in private home. Walking distance of O. W. R. A N. shops. 860 Colonial ave. TWO TRC NKS moved, 75c, downtown diatriet. Fliepiwuf storage 16 days fn ha. . Lorgy distance hauling. Broadway 2445. FOR KENT- In priwe Home, 3 room fur nished apt., private Dais, 3 H. K. roosts; fiswry rape red. 8 14 -2 a. $2.75 WEEK, farniehed housekeeping rooms, HfhU and bath included. West Side, walking distance. 64 5 H 1st aad 215 Mill st. cor. 1st. 3 PLEASANT, roome; sink, st.. cor. 16th. elean furnished bouts keepiag downstairs. 620 E. Morrison FOR BENt Newly furnished h. k rooms; hot aad cold water. heat. telephone; walking distance. Tel. Msia S369. 2 LARGE FRONT HOUSEKEEPING RMS.; HEAT. LRiHar WATER AND PHO.Yf FUJRN I8HED, $7 WEEK. 580 8D ST. e . TWO furaishad housekeeping rooms, ekae fat, $20 per month, including gag far "cooking. 582 E. Pine. Phone East 8918. FOUR H. K. rooms, first floor: also single room ran tunmare. eneap rent, ha. 326 4th St. Atwater 3672. 1 LARGE front room: very eloso in; $$.50 per week. Abo smaller room, $2.50. 369 6th St. CLEAN basement H. K. room. suitabJa for 1 or 2 people. 32.50 a week. 4JM Co lumbia st. Main 839Q. TWO lovely f urn. houses cuing rms. 1071 East Wash. St. Tiber 4507. Adulu. CaU b.fere 1 p. m.. Sunday. SINGLE furnished H, K, romu. 6S4 Goaaa Atwater 0197. 2 H. K. BOOMS, walking dtatance. $3750 per wk. au commercial, near Russell. , ROOM h. k. apt. single a. k. room; also 2 room basement. 3J? ' Taylor st, FURNISHED H. K ROOMS. ' SXECTttlc LIGHTS. $1.50 AND- UP. 324, H 1ST. APkRTMI-tTS-FURN-SHED 307 FLO TOM APTS.. 861 E. Washington, enrner 29th rooraa. slew pfflg pore-, paaae, lifhts. Deal, ayrw. r ifc jvx. 2 ROOMS, including steam beat hot and cold water, walkina distance . 822.58 aad 828. Bdwy. 4332, Jennings Apts.. 245 H N. 17th. BJADY today, aloe 4-roum aT.. first floor. hardwood noon, private . bat. 209 tS. 13ta. THE STILES - . T -S nosn wtta t h. East 484T. FURNISHED boatekeepr-g rooms. aad 9 room apartments. Mam ZSaV ROOM furBisW apt, mun be area to tun- appreciated. 427 'etht, ',,.,, THE ALBRET Furniihed apt. steam heat. private pain, osor t mwma a ipps sve. Ft"RNISHED 2 room spta, "chlldrea wejeoma, closa to school. 272 Moots mgry. 2-KM. awwly fox, apt-.; also siecaing Main 2141. - DESIRABLE fum. apt, 3 sou.; ad-lta. ITS Ysmhin st. Mate 441$, - ' TWO RMS. Bata, porch; waikmg 414 4 th. CLEAN ' hou-ekeeracx rooms cheap, atic diMSBrw. 71 E. lltii N. N ICILY faraisaad 4-rooaa apts. desirable for teres a-alts. tToaa in. refrrsase, 344 Beataa. 2 AND 3 rooca apta-i rn ruling water; cleaa. i 214 lSlh st. FOR RENT APARTMENTS -FURNISHED 30? ; Guild Apartments 394 Ctffid aesr 23d aad Thurmaa S rooms, prirsta bath. haiL heat, hot water. ery attsrscrrve; 1 rm. anfur. Main 8705. King Albert Apts. and rooms. farnUlsad or" anf anils heI. ffla bath, elevator. 1 1A at Moatsfomeiy. Main ft3. CHAMBERLAIN APTS. anctst. Moaera 9-9 rm. apas. ; also slospiini roams wif balk aewly sa- motieeM: sasaonatita. Kasc OU8i Tht? Stanfield Vodarav 3-room apt,. Mght, Beat, 823; wwiter (rate. Mala 7pa. THE DENNISOS 10 7 4 BELMONT -fora. aoC. prfea ta S-rooan front bath and phosse. Tabor 0546. Mt, Tabor aad S. S. ear. BlST" value ia city. 8 lovely, aaany famished steam heat, private bath: also 1 room and kitchenette; no children. 448 Clay. SUN NTC REST Steam heated modern H. K. rms. with or aithout prir. bath. '188 Sherman. SAN MARCO, E. 8TH AND COUCH. 8 RM. MOD. AJPT., WE. OR MO. EAST 1890. m CI rAltDT 2 and J-room apt., close in. Main 1981. Corner Part and Taylor. ADAMS APARTMENTS Modern 2 rm. apt., furuiahed. 403 letter- ALICE COLKT, East Sta and Rurnside; walk ing distance; 2 and 3 rm. apta.. 2 beds, fireplace, private tei. and hath. East 3866. t LARGE, clean, furar-hed lower h. k. rooms, close ia; phoue. water. $20 per mow Call East 8335. " THE F.DENHOLM - 884 Sth St.. modera. 2 snd 3 room furnished apartmenta. Private baths. Bent reasonable. CLOSE IN. nx-ety famlaaed apts., everything furnished butgas; reasonabte rent, 432 2d st. Atwater 4426. THE ALAMO Fnrn.' 8 rm. front apt. steam heat, private bath, disappearing bed, $40. 494. Market. SEW YORK APTS. 1-2-8 rm. apts. ; gas ranges, sink, eke. light, steam heat; walking distance, $4 and up. 4414 Belmont ALTAMONT apartments, 30? College snd Fifth. 4 rooms. Private bath, nicely furn- ishod Msia 6373. HADDON HALL. 11TH AND HALL " 3 rooms, kitchenette, bath. bdw. floors, private balconies. $38 op. Af-eater 1160. APARTMENTS-; UNFURNISHED 308 The American Modern 4 and 5 roam 'apartments. 21sf snd Johnson. , Broadway 3868. FIRST floor. 4 rooms snd kitchen, use of bath and phone, 52 E. 12th st N. Call 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. THE WEIST 89 N. 23d St . Large 6-room apartment. Iwdlridnal porch. ARBOR COURT. 14th and Cejumbi 3 room apartment new avail able; adults; reason - able. IRVlNGtON Cozy 3 rms. s. p. , beat, light. $60; choice furoi- gas, $60; 4 rms. a p.. tore.. East 8015. LARGE apt modem: sleepina norch. kiteh- enette. bsth. 511 Corambia at FLATS FURNISHED 309 $5250 ONLY $5250 TWO 5 ROOM FLATS FURNISHED Two - 5-room flats elegantly furnished ; close-in on west side; will rent for $100 month: very reasonable terms; see these before yea buy. HILTON-DAN IEL CO. Bdwy. 7800. 270 Stark st. THE FAUSTINA A modern house of flats, west side close In. newly finished, cheerful 4 rooms sad bath; a pleasant home; refereaosa. 4 $4 Hall at. near 13th. 5 ROOMS, ail modern, finished in white ivory. 2 bedrooms, Dutch kitheen, built-ins. beat, light, telephone; also garage if wanted : must be seen to be appreciated. 925 Height ave.. cor. Skidmore. NEW, 4 rooms, private bath, sleeping porch, piano, phene, light, water free. 7814 Ovsrlook bird. Wslrrat 0498. CLE AM 8 room heated upper flat. 3 bed-, 126 y. 28d. Cor GHssa. 3 ROO! furnished flat 501 Clay. Children welcoma Atwater 1147. 3 ROOM, modera. furnished low r fist. Missouri sve. Take MissiseipBt car. 793 NICELY furnished 5 -room upper fist 2 bed rooms. 711 Kearney Mam 1SC.S 1 ROOM flat. $18. Walnut 1953. 706 Vancouver ave. FLATS UNFURNISHED 3 1 0 1 LOWER 4 room flat; gaa stove, wster beat er, linoleum. 251 East 2d rt X.. be tween Hassalo and Multnomah, 8 -ROOM modern flat 515 Vancouver are. for rent, price $15. Call East 8702. 5-ROOM modern fiat 77 8 Wilson st TIo si am riisu after Sunday. LARGE 4 -room lower flat 830; upper 4- room. $25. 605 E. Washington. GOOD, modern 5 room flat furnace aad fire- place. range, 333 E. in good district; garbage 17th st, Walnut 2996. and water. HOLLADAY addition, modern 5 or 8 room flat, sleeping porch, linoleum, furnace, close in. 262 Vk E. 2d st. N., corner Multnomah. UPPE R 6 rm. flat: modern. $35.60. 808 hk N. 19th st Adults. HOUSES FURNISHED 3 1 1 " SCENIC LODGE COTTAGE 524 Heights Terrace. 8 rooms, sleeping porch, fine view mountains and -city. 20 min utea' walk to heart of city. Hall rt car oa Morrison to 13th st, 2 Mocks west; ase ta sp preciate; reduced rents for winter; tab and shower bath: don't t i tt. FRANKLIN " HIGH 'BAftCAfN Owner will lease cosy 5 room bnnealc to party buying some furniture at 8200. good value, or will sell house partly furaished; $3060, $700 down, balance monthly, or will lease partly furnished. Tabor 8 527. v SCENIC LODGE Cottages. $24 Heights Ter race, S and 4 room cottages; fine riaw ef city snd mountains; 20 minutes' walk te heart of city; Hall st ear on Merriaoa to lath st. 2 blocks west See to appreciate. Reduced rents for winter. CLEAN, modem 5-rvum bungs low, compieteiy furnished, piano, sewing machine, $35. Wai nnt 2362. 6 ROOM modern bouse, furnished, reas onabie rates. 718 Ellis are. Sell wood ear; 25 minutes from town. 4 ROOM furnished house for rent or lease ; large garage. 187 E. Buffalo st 6-ROOM furnished, near high school ; close in. Walnut 2128. 810 Heia-bt ave. FURNISHED SMALL- HOUSE FOR ACLT WALNUT 3698. HOUSES UNFURNISHED 312 SPRINKLERED WAKK-fOCSK on tracks ga. 8 to re year goods with aa. Let at do roar aie-rrag aad paciuac CLAY S. MORSE. INC. 1479. " 454 GEsaa Bdw-. MOTE THE SECURITY WAY Extn urdlaary Service For the ordinary price. PACKING. MOVING. STORAGE SECUBITY STORAGE A TRANSFER CO.. -4th at Pine St. Ops. Multnomah hotel. Telephone Bread sy 8713. WEST SIDE: Entire lower floor of 7 room house, partly farnis-exl; vacant Sept, $0. Caa be seen at 624 6th st, or phoaa Aut 527-02 after 6 p. m. FURNITURE Bte-nnc, $2 per hour and up. 30 days free storage on H. M. goods ia brtet warehouse. Estimate gladly fun-shed. Pboaa Bdwy. 12Q7. 1 5 ROOM bungalow. 1031 E. S8tb st ; hot water beat, some fwmitare ; $35 per mo. Key at neighbc- s. CaU Bdwy. .8988 or East 5300. GOOD clean, 7-rootn, modera nouse ; new furnace; aear two schools gad e-rtiaa. 12 W. Going at Tabor 6708. - sv per Cafi aisa laree aadded Crewa Transfer Co., East 5047. CUT RATE ON FURNITURE MOVING ' Fir preof Storage 1$ Days Free LONG DISTANCE HAULING. BDWT. 244$ WHEN MOVING, sraty or aeaatry. gat the best st losrert y-ieea. 6-ses Traaa. Co., Mans 1261. 203 V Alder st. FURNITURE MOVING $2 PER HOCB. 2 MEN; PIANO $3 AND UP; URGE jt TON TRUCK. EAST 647. f TORS: EXPRESS Js TRANSFER CO. Trunks, baggsge. farai tare mring $1.58 awq ea per awr. div nraj l.io. TWO 4 room aa see fee rent Weadlawa ear to lSth at. 2 b-Mska fa block K, .713 Liberty t - - FOR BENT A 3-room house, 2 DO K. 6th, aear Clay. Can afteraooa. Aat 641-45.- mit RKN1 Pai kitcaea. a pry - w o.- x . SEW e-rooea b-aaalow. adult only; refareacea reowired. Tabor t188 WHEN movii-i call ta-or 0258; we coatraet jmn or by the hour. 5-BOOM cottage, rest $25.60. l-one East 7737. akorauiea. FORi RENT HOUSES UNFURNISHED 312 FOR RENT Modera S-rom ' Trsnaont atau. M. - S. oar. ; Sea 5W4 0th st, S. E.. 825 per meanh. WK MOVE fumitass. a gosa, lac S3 pes hou. Loasy distaaaw barm. 8 aaya area Main 6S90. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE FOR, SALE 313 8 ROOM&, fomvturo for -sal aad aoasa for rent, snbdieieted for oewvfceerimg aad pay- is proamastaaa. Will eesisarjev car. PbsM East 92X2, s eaU at 788 Pacific. Bea K. 22d st. 4-ROOM n-Khnra Oat, aleepiag pwh. com pletHy furnished, Israt class fumitare. rent $17.50; leavtnr at oac; $5 caaa takes it. Might consider Ford car a part. Maim 2157. 494 H Cot-arbta. FLAT foe rant, faraita i for sale, steam heated, alking ess-nee good' loea-oev cash oe will vacnamae tor nght. ear 4Q3 1 th MODERN 7 room heaae. $4$; stwne good fur- njcwra, a I Or, trms. Tabor 4K72. 8 NICE wim aad garage lor rewt aad tur- nitnre for sale cheep. East 8503. STORES AND HALLS , 314 FOR RENT tn( rooms. -Nice stan with fine aoqsakaep Apply 5929 7 2d st S. E. OFFICES DESK ROOM 31 S t DESK 110 4 3d for rest,- Koam 87S. PARTLY fttss sished office, Hrhas. heat, gas, good location. Inouire 165H 'th. No. 18. BUSINESS PROPERTY 318 EXCRLLENT locatton for barber enop. preea int and cleanins; parlor, or shoe repair abop; g 1 1.SO mossth. 23S Harrison st. Main 2428. ROOMS 350 Mil Hit. K ssed wnmsm wsarra room w rth kitchen- petTiiege. vicinity E. 28 th snd Glisen or E. 2th and Ankeny. Address F. L.. 143 It. city. HOUSES 361 WANTED To- rent at once by adulu dean. Btcdern 5 or 8-room bowse, garass, $25 cr $0 per esonth; net shack wanted. Write L-2t. Journal. REAL ESTATE -FOR SALE APARTMENTS AND FLAT PROPERTY 402 TO CLOSK ESTATE, lOOxlOO. N. E. corner 14th and Tayljr. West Side. East 2195. LOTS 403 Second Mortgage Privilege Pf LAIVDS ADDITION NICE LOTS FOR 31000. Remember. this- premier residence district is only about 25 minutes' wsik to the courthouse ; improvements ail in and paid; beautiful shade trees, 5 beau tiful parks kept up by the city. You can't beat it Restrictions do aot for bid a duplex house or bungalow. See Mr. De.ahunty LA Tin ESTATE CO. Broadway 5754. 246 Stark st Residence. East 3492. SPECIAL SALE BRANCH OFFICE OPEN EVERY DAY LOTS $3 DOWN $2 PER WEEK WILSHIRE ADDITION Joins Alameda Park aad OUnatead Park. Beautiful large lots with fir trees, or if desired, there arc many Iota all cleared. They are 50a 100 to 8 Ox 115 feet DIRECTIONS TO REACH Take Broad way car to Bryee ave.. go east 4 blocks or motor out Fremont st to 33d snd go north 2 bloeka. It ranch office phone Aut. 329-31. J. L. HA RTMAN CO.. S Chamber of Commerce bldg. Broadway 6034. IBVINGTON DISTRICT : 52x150; $lf0 cash. $10 monthlr: on r-rcraont near E. 15th. H block to car. 4-i to new city para, blocks to school: fine soil for garden and herrie.- Intumtes' ride on lrrington car. Price $1250; a . improvements lu sad paid. Johnson-Dodson Co. 633 N. W. Bsnk BMg, Msia B78T. WEST SLOPE MT. TABOR ' E. 68TH AND HAWTHORNE Northeast corner E. 58th and Hawthorne ave.; all imp. in and paid; bearing fruit trees. Here u a real buy in a coiner lot Price $100. Te also have 2 lota on E. 58th st at 38.10 and 31000. See ns for lots in any good district. We hsre building loan money. HENDEBSON-BANKCS CO.. 228 Henry bldg. Bdwy. 4754. PRICE CUT 3250 MORE APARTMENT SITE Must be sold at once to raise immediate ; HOrlOO corner on 21st and Northmp at Ideal location for 2 and 3 room apart ments. Our price for quick sale, $4250. RITTKR. LOWE sV CO., REALTORS. ' 201-2-8-8-7 Board of Trade Bldg. LAUBELHURST LOT $1175 NEAR THE PARK Choice level 50xlOO east front lot 8 blocks South of Glisan St.. near Burnsid. st All imp. paid. A buy at $1175. Sec us for lotsvl ana ouiiaing loans. n HENDEBSON-BANKUS CO.. 228 Henry feWls, Bdwy. 4754 WALKING DISTANCE 40x100 on E. YamhiR near K 23d. Price $980. 1 cash, 910 monthly including iaterest; Bars re, m-cadana st. side-alks, curbs and sew -r. 2 H blocks to 8. S. car. Johnson-Dodson Co. 698 N. W. Bank BMg. Main 8787. 80x!00 Lots $1-50 Wk. These are ban rains. Better harry if you w t one. A big piece of ground 80x100 feet; beautiful shade trees en each lot: Bull Run water piped ia street The price ia only $200. Pay $1.50 a week. See Mr. Drake, at 418 Spalding bldg.. fiver Ladd A Tilton bank. $675 AH imp yr entente in and paid: facing north on E. Taylor near K. 4 7th. The improve ments cost almost this amount , Johnson-Dodson Co. 838 K. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. PENINSULA LOTS $400 Level Jots on Colfax it., 1H blocks west of Pstton ave., convenient to school and ear. Sewer, walks and curbs included in price of $409; easy terms. These lots hare several fir trees. HENDERSON-BAN EX'S CO.. 228 Henry Vtrlg. Bdwy. 4754. BUILDERS HOUSES COMPLETED PROMPTLY Our cot ist ictioa snd workmanship, ether with liberal financial assistance. tr will pieai you. tjokiier annus sr-cepted. REIMERS s JOLn-ETTETellwood 2964 I MUST HAVE SH WILL SACRIFICE . West Side .ApaftaurnJ corner 21s9 Nottl Ite Will .take $4230 for quickX sale. Owner Bdwy. 4210. ROSE CITY PARK $95 NEAR SANDY 2 choice Ma oa the east side of 60th st, 200 ft north of Sandy. All imprt can cut in aBd paid; $950 each. HENDEBSOX-BAXKTJ8 CO., 328 Henry bldg. Bdwy. 4784. I' hose crrx car - 0x100 LOT 850 Level lot on E. 71st at, 3 blocks north of Sandy. Walk a, carba, water and graded streets paid. Only $350, on easy terms. HENDEBSON-BANKCS CO.. 228 Henry bid. Bdwy. 4754. ALAMEDA PARK CORNER $890 Leeei corner lot with all imp. ia aad- paid aa both, streeta. Easy terms. We have 100 Alameda Park tots, many oa easy terms with second mortgage privileges. f? - HENDERSON -BANK US CO., 2-8 Henry bldg- - ' Bdsry. 4754. VUO wants a aoed lot with a ne- ready to five In. In Alberta, an., ( OO, terms. MeGEB a DENNIS 869 Union are. S. . Walnut 5684. WE SELI THE EARTH ' NEAR FRANKLIN HIGH w ' - Hawthorne ear, big, beautiful corner lots, 825 cash sad $10 a m-nth. Have sold 60 this summer. Price. $325. 19 per cent . for cash. Q-w r. Tioor 2415. evenings, - , $10O WELL bay 30x455 oa Beaeoa aear K. 9th. payable $10- a&ov, 6 - per seat. Landi gan. East 6039. . ;. -. - - - FOR SALE One to 8 aerr-. MeUget aUtioa on O. E. R- R-, $900 per acre, easy terms, O-20S, Joornal. -- - LAURELHURST ' Level let, t hiocks from ear. JllSTaV Pboaa Tabor 2189. ' A BARGAIN. Mast sail 50 by 100, . Tewinsala park. Walaut 4 1 ST. ' 50x100 LOT, 2 H biks. from at lr trees: cheap for cash earh-e, lots Tabor 8768. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE LOTS 403 15eaBeH FEET -- $845 t DOWN $8 MONTH PAR ROK This tract as krrewa, no rocks, rich salt land, no bvrijdtas; saricaons: montnly Darmenc cr a men inter st at 6; yoa can build a litis place here and raise garden), beiiMw-aad chick os. See, this chotc tract today. Pmrkro aa branch office opea every day. Tske Boas City Park Park rose ear to end of earlina. Tab r 2904. . I MARTMAN CO.. T 8 Chamber at Cximnieaoe bMg. Broadway .6034. 1HREE fna eky ksu far $39 cash U top by TaeaeJay. Aeto. 845-4 a. ' HOUSES 404 $50 In Cash Prizes N. BE AWAkbXD TO . TrTB PERSONS WRITING THH BEST LETTERS SETTING FORTH THE ADVANTAGES- AND BENEFITS TO BE DERIVED FROM" HOME OWN- v ERSHTP: $25 FIRST PBIZK, U SEtXIND PRIZE AND $1 THIRD PRIZE. LETTERS Ntvr "1v IX--. CKEtt 7 SO TVOn OS IN IfTN-.-t'I MAY BE PROSE R pvETKY. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL AT OFFICE. OR WRITE FOR THE UcGCIBE gTSTM." W, WHICH WINNING I.ETTRRS WILL BE PUBLISHED. CONTEST CLOS ES SEPT. 30. A COPY FREE ON REQLEST. MAIL LETTERS TO FRANK L. McOUIRE. AMERICA'S LARGEST HOME SELLER. ABTVGTON BLDG. BTVWY. 7171. $D ST , BET. WASH. AND STARS- $4750 ROSE CITY--$4750 WONDERFUL- VALUE. The nifitiest bungs low in the district. It net a cement porch, two huge plate glasa win di vrs, extremely large Hriug room, fireplace with built-in bookcases, oak floors throughout the very best plumbing, including a recces tub, artistic lighting fi tures, shsdes:i bedrooms Ida 17. attic, full concrete- runway for- garage, practically ('!: cvaient basement; 2 blocks to Sandy ; nil imiwtcments-in: very easy te rns or soldier bonus. lr won't last Let u show you. CAMPBELL-RICHARDS CO.. 1111 Sandy Blvd. (on Viaduct) Aot. 815-44. Rose City District B--ROOl BUNGALOW $8500; TERMS Eiterter flnih stone-tone, garage to match; living room, dining; room. Z bed rooms, bath; hardwood floors tJirortthoulC Dutch katcaea, Pullman nook, all bmlt-ins, fireplace, book cases, built-in buffet; expensive tapestry paper; specially designed ' lighting fixtures; French beret plate mirrors; cement basemen: plastered J id, aad out, furnace, foil crimen t driveway, lawn graded aad seeded, shade trees; bouse built oa honor and finished down to the ground. Owner oa premises from 12 to 6 p. m. Evening by sppointment 554 B.' 43d at V, near H razee. Phone East 1851. . WHY pay rent when I will sell you a moUern-to-the-limit bungalow of 4 rooms 7 Has ce ment basement, waah trays, fine furnace, gas fireplace, full lot This house is less than 1 yr. old, is very attractive with all French doors and windows. Fmuhtd in old ivory through out with tapestry paper. All shades are in and go with place. Located north of liedmont be tween Williams ave. and Colon ave. Price $3575 with $275 cash, balance $20 per me. and interest at 7".. WilgUi D. Smith, owner. Otro Williams ave. East 12118 or Walnut 5881. PIEDMONT 6 rooms- $5300. Hero is an opportunity for someone to buy a splendid home, ideally located, hi block to ar; exceptionally large living room, firciiecc, furnace and garage ; hardwood fiors. Terms. A. G. TEEPE CO. Ro?c City office 40th-Sandy. Tab. 9588. 6-ROOM BUNGALOW . Near Portsmouth ; $2450. terms, a dandy buy for handy nun who can paint. This house caa be made worth $3004 with a little work. Raiph Harris Co. 316 Chrui. Com, bhlg. - Bdwy. 5634. Hawthorne' District 7 rm. modern home, hdwd. firs., fireplace, built-in refrigerator, 8 lovely bedrooms and alp. porch, cement basement full concrete garage; lot 50x100; 12 assorted fruit trees; imps, all in and paid. No mortgage to as ume: easily worth 85500. - Will aefl for 84500. Will accept soldier's benae. East . $1500 PAVED STREET AND SEWER 5 rooms, i paved street; paving, sewer. all assessments included in porebae y,nc; o large Dearlnc fruit trees, nice lawn, cement basement near schools and carlinc; $300 cash, $25 monthly. Jofonson-Dddson Co. 633 N. W. Hank BMg. Main, 8787. $150 CASH 4 Room house. -St Johas 53x180 lot, pared street, garage, chicken bouse, 2 biks. car and school. Ral. $1750, $25 mo. Inc. iarterest U A. VAIL 624 HEN BY. BDWT; 8178 VACANT, nice 5 room brinaalew! oa lovely corner lot 80x100, corner 61st are. and 80th rt S. E. Can make 2 rooms upstairs. akery property belorucs to a non-resident and he says sell for $2950. $64)0 sews, bakmce to suit ; it won t last long at tills price. Pboaa Ea-I 9HW2: no agents. .. 200 NEW AND SNAFFY---$$20O" ' 5-rocra modern bungalow with' all boilt-ln features, 507.106 let; pared atrvt. one block to ear; $50 cash. $30 nw stlily. lnt rest -: Johnson-Dodson Co. 6.13 NT. W. ytank BMg. -Main 8T87J: . Modern Bungalow- S rra.' gnd gfp: 'porch, one floor, bdwd.' tiff., French doors, fireplace, buffet, full cement base leaf, trays; let 80x100. laws, and flowers. One block to car. only ssiow. aov balaaee ta suit East 8988. $3150$300 CASH 75x90 ft corner Jot" on pared street; lots of fruit; comfortable 6-room eottage, aot new but in good coaditlan. John F. Zuber, 1824 E. Olisa'n. Tabor 7547. - A350U EASTERN - owner sacrificina 1 story bungalow' ef 8 large re me, 2 bedrooms snd bath on 1st floor aad 8 on second; L. R. 17x30. D: R. 15x20. fireplace, Dutch kitchen, hie cement basement S ' feet aiah with floor end L. trays: sewer' eon. and pd ., 1 block to 70th and Gljeaa; $1500 cash. Tabor 2934 WONDERFUL ROSE CITY HOME Admired by thousands for its Brtitic beauty. Many have atopped to look at this and wanted it Never ottered Before. o phone inform lion. For spaoiataneau. Tabor 2180. : i . a ROOMS, sleehsne porch. Lniteh kitchen. fruit, flowers, all np ia good abepe; pst a very reasonable; give p neea stonat .ones; easy terms. Owner. Walnut Ol59. $793 HOUSEBOAT, perU- furnished. 5 r.. , i - a v ,-. acreeaea porenws, nv. m .ct v, lot T-rms Bke rent 204 By.. Exeh. bids. Bdwy. 5497. - $40107 rooms, s mi-mod., good kos as, 8. 8. school: $500 cash, maybe leas. bei. email monthly payments. This is a bargin.' I want to sell. Tabor 6493. GXXD 6 room modern Bouse oa Graham, near Rodney-.- Thia is ' a good buy. Caa be handed v terms.' R. g. Yoke, 11 $6 N. W. ttarrk bWg. Main 4179. ., , $309 DOWN, $25 per month, will handle .8309)" 3-room eottage: hardwood floor, fire place, large parch, beautiful view. 422 Kerhy at,- Atoms district' Telephone Walnut 0676.' THREE room kouae with bath. 50x118 foot tot. 1 block from st car.; 31360; terms. Lauritse-S-Mr-soB--C-neider " Co.. Inc., 326 Alder st Suite ) Msia 8618. - EOSE CITY Modera room bungalow.. alee p ing porch, garage, paved atreet; will a rest borms and some cash. - Ovrner. Tshor 2036. . AfODERN 5 room eettatge. partly funqsried. S839 CBtk at W .kl. ..- - 8. EW Auto. 682-46 alter Walking dwtance; save earfare; two oidT $: room hou-es. 1 18(H); half dowa; lot 50x100 Inquire owner. 621 6th st Aat 520-81. $3500, EASY TERMS "by owner- Modem a-room ana ore is s .if . jpwuv- en firepkacx. 1209 Mmrnag ta eve. Wahrnt 6031. $25 DOWN', $20" moalhTy; Bice a..- room home, with ,' hcria lights. fritrear Kern park: $1800. Aat 42-85. NEW. white finish, large lot. garage, payr-eeta. Eella o-ctt. 1176 flelsware ave.- -' THREE room lea fst- sale or tra-le for - ear. Pevunsala ave. Paved street 834-52. BY OWNER New, 4 rooau. awkn . . Alberta nr. Walnut 0408. . EXCEPTUINALLY attractive gruunds aad H bang-low. 7 rooms. 677 E. 63d X. S-ROOM newt modera house, - Rodney ase. East T619. aear ia. . 70a FOB, SALE New modem -.S-room boaga low ia Alameda district 93 1 E. 80ta N. BEST effer takes $3uU0 equity ia 49160 hoeae. - law t 8941. ' . - . ! -SMALL hocse with garage. .. 9 iKsei.t Phone Walnut 2650. , : , REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ; HOUSES 404. f e . t-iUREI-HCTlST--- 't-aars . $19,300. - " WILL ACCEPT LOT AS PART PAY - MENT. large rooms and music room, all est one floor, everlookine Laaelhur park. - This artrartiv. hao alow. , built . by one of Portia d's beat ba-ders, at hs PMta ta every way, with, hardwood fWrv tiled bath, f ireplaca. furnace aad g-rea . Really an opporrwnity for snme-ne. ; aAa O. TEEPE CO. Rose Cltsy offW 4 Orb-Sandy. Tab. 9Sa. Law ral ha aat atfioa Satay-GUaan. Ta. 84 3 a. 8BOO-f a-aua at 328 T $Oth st N. I w - btocfea sata of B-oad-ap and or blnck from the 28th at ear. Thee is a r-s-ntinai ball, ilraaa rooav sttti-a reoaa. aiarnr mora, klh-hen. laraw pantry. S bed toama, full eamant tisas merit with lanudr trays, the boasa as all Pvped far far are larat that rh tag" form has a . beaatiPul beamed celling, huilurt bof let with atrge Fruach ptata glaav hasdwoad floor, Buiitra' coolerV tea boa. snprsne-Is, ironing board and aU ether cooveoinas ia tha kiaohaa. This place mart bei soid this weak and therefore tha prsre haa been cut ta- 8470ft with $1000 down, I anil, be at, tha a-asa from 13 o'clock boots ta- 4 p. ml. daily Maia 8618. BRAND SEW BUNtiALOW " "' " - S860 83-0O- i'AHH v , . NEAR HAWTHORNE CAR ' ' A genuine map in a new baas-low, finished in b-aatiful old ivory and tape-try paper:, has combination living and dining- room, wit IV oak floon. fireplace-. 2 bedrooms. (Match kitchen. breast s t aook, esiasnif basement coocrete posea, tiouOl. onat e I. the -shoot avxt In ca.d on a . 50x1V Jo. Uurryl Hun I Hurry! Hurry I - - . R. L. 5IcB!CY. UKALTOlt . 089 Hawthorne are. Tshor 8893. soak rrrTn svisui-n 4a-. jt thiah of bet-ar aa buy ass at-rerti-e 4 room buaaalow and at'le.. cp4ete. - with hardwwott floors, firrvlaca, I-trfa kitcbew. fnmsce and sll krnda o . btult-ina. furnished . for only ?,ti' Located eae block frora Sandy bivd. -- Te ma.- ' .. - 'A..G.-TEEPE "CO. Rose City office 40th-Sandy. Tah, 986. Laa,lBut atOca 39ta-Gllsav la. 14$$, BTfANB NEW BUNOAfjOW HOSB CITY $50 CASH roosne -Ba -r-sarest nook.'oa pave eurr-anainj nomas too beat, v-rj attracrrre "'""i leraaa, niwpiaca. tapestry pa per. , Ivory finish, oak floors, built-ins that will phssse- cwaient baaameat Very BMd-rately priced at $82(V0. HA I6HT FOB REAL ESTATE ' aai A ?j w, KN Y. BDWY. 2045. 1 -- i... nil miton IB A III -1 f ll H . mmm ,i. - a . trsk I. baeement, fine locst-sn. $3500. . atrteUy medsT heatse erlthj Ssn. tZ-? -- Tiu- $380v 989 CNIONV VWrT 4.84 Wg SELI, THE EARTH BEST BUT' IN HA WTHORNE, ' ra0 IIKIIW VAI.Ig PRICE .Nj-W $3184) 81.50 CASH ' roaa Biodet- bang. low Us ene-Heat le-e-"r- httcaea.. exc-ll.aa n-or 1089 Hawthevv- are Tehea 8n. .vi;.- h.,h ,.iUW' H two bedrooms, fine floor, h r"wl - Hralace. hard-ood l.' Wtchea. ceraeat basement with rr,.VL'"k - raace. beawUful pa- dTstricr " Woe, from AlamedaTiod 210 Oregoa blda. Bdwy. 158. $3200 stARDWfMlD FLOORS AND FIREPLACE U room. -T.i "J1, who appreciate Urge u ' JfhM.tilirrI,wooi Uann- r..L, " taaid MrMteam; full basement aad aU modera conveni,.,-,. ayonnson-liodson Co. 638 N. r. Bank Bid-. Main 8787. Rosa City diatriet. Ms, " 1 1 I . . ful 4ilZJJLml konaaUrw. very beaotJ fuJ. 'fBBt fpat aarrthlas. sou ha,. ,T "oma. bath, breakfast aaab, ","' ""' ; wtU be wortk yorrr lab "."f Citymhaot Oa bor 4?68 "' ta-Tta a- 76-ROOU HOTEL w Lease, iactudiac 1925; netting 8300 per month: price 320.000: Will tj-da 813-iaa .Vitvlt. so- .i! ley farm or what have you 1 Ralph Harris Co. 318 Cham. Com, bldg. Bdwy. 1634. MODERN 5 room baawalow. with garaae, fire place aad furnace. 143al0v foot let. If pea are looking for a large Piece of ground in one of the beet sections ef the city, this ia it; three bloeka from at ear. Franklin high gnd grammar aebaei. La.nt in-Steve s a Schaeider' Co.. Inc.. 229 Alder at (Soke v . ssaiw ssii. TOUR CBEDI. IS GOO- " UI MI BENT 1 We will build you a home oa your on lot T our- M"1 ad fiaaacial aid. VoalUy rather than quantity ear motto. MORGAN 4c CO.. 827 Cham, ef C-meterce BMg., Bdwy. 6706. -Uasdeaee: Wslant 8813 Evewtng- -NEW, $33605 ROOMS -' ' Just completed. 4 rat dawn. Bedroom aad sewinc rm. up; Date- kitcaea, full Plumbing, connected to sewer; large garage; rlr to ear, seaoov. 840 eaah, kaL easy. 1128 K. 88d " r siiroirwsrtn. inert a ear. Owner. o.v r ..'. 11. .1- ",... . . . - . ... f mm, aa was- towa oat ta Use forest primeval; ealy IB miMtea from 1st aad Alder eta. There is aaK acre ef lead: 4 Mocks froea statsm. etore snd srHcadld k-rhiag k-ach. $209 dawa. For further. 1-:- - tkhueWei fa,-,- tne. -g3e kMer st Msia 8618 ' as-a,., a. - vj -uwrg- w. aisin BT) 1 ta HOME WITH INCOME Flats la fin. tor rJna IllitSS W ei. leU-t 1 -JrP. In aad paid,, $000 $1000 rash, bai. J50 per. a ia , : - e ... 1 "' - I-' . I- A.-TAIT- J r.-; 824 HENRY BLDG. BDWT. 8178 PLEDMONT v baa-alow. ,1.17 WlUi-ms ave.". a nsu -swas-ilia. - hard wood f-ert; 3 ap: Ivory f ti tv, fumavesv fireplace shades, fixt-rws. baUt-ias. toteat , prumbiog. eemaat EPvS -w oa prraiks) or phone stst 4594. - 0XLY $4600 New aad alfty. Wr. lvx-Servire Man. here is the chance of a lifetiBMr. 1300. with boaaa ioaa. will set yea into s mew ( room h-agakrw. Hardwe-d Ooora, frsplace. Garaae. A raal baraaia. By owner. Mast bu; lesvuis staia. isoor 4og. THREE '6 room. 2 story. heuM. also one doable flat, rooms each, for sale; good eoadit-oa; to . be asoved off pr-pertr witbm SO daea en sec net of building aew ceas-merci-j tiatldrna. Apply 80$ E. Pine St. or phone East O088. ' 8ACBIFICE BY OWNER """ ROSE CITY PARK $4859 5-room bung-low. breakfast nook, large Uv iaa room, ask floors all Budrnt built-ins, -paved street, garage, fine lawn and shrubbery: $160 caaa will handle. Tabor 28$o. . BY OVT.VEB - " ' r 100x199 corner, $ mi. house, Unndry trays, gaa. eleerrtcity, fruit paved street; a tersaia. rms t.mu. vvaiaus wae. ONE OF THE BEST iUvtitM m Lsureihurmt" 1221 I-addins-toa court .Artistic bunalow of 9 - rooms and sua room. Win be ready for eexwpaney fa about two weeks. Call builder. Tabor 8858. - - $3630 BUYS from owner, save eomauesioa; leavine- aity aad selline at east; aew. mod ern 4 room and breakfast aook; la nr. ertie, bard wont floors, furnace, fireplace. Adjoining Alameda. aellwond 3880. , . k $1280 BUYS a $ room house and 3 iota' is - West 2 Portlsad. last beyond Multnomah. Terms, $1 dowa aad $15 per wumth. For , par-ealara see. eaaca at 404 Plait bkdg., $27 t-ara sv. - $3004 r. -aew bungalow, fireplace, was train, eeasent basement Dutch kitchea, ffnished in Irory: saorifica, $2975. Bdwy;. 7429. Bdwy. 4794. ri Ktrria piii ' 1 ; Thia aeW 5-roo 1 bangaiow, aa corner bu ay e-strictj, Easy terms. W, M. Umbdeastock ek Co.; 210 Oree a BDdg. Brosdwsy 165 8. $1200 Equity in S-room. modera bangs inw, - H-srfaeraa district j will take lot about 5700. balaaee eaaa. Owner Jeeviaa atty. Aiae faxai tare for sale. Phone Tabor 7281. - ' . Bf OWNER 6 rosea ba-gaiew, strictly mod-" ' em. J-t 58-100; garage aad cement baee-aaepti- it informs tioa -call at 712 E. 19th st N. - .v ; . -. 28th and Sandy Blvd. 8 ria. modern cottage; baa 2 bedreo-u, es eeUeat loeatit-a, 88000, $609 down, balaaee ta suit, east stis. $24 JO SUNNTSIDi: 8250 DOWN' ' S rooms, 60th aad Alder st; a snap. In tra 945 E. M-rneoa. Tabor 2189. aaira FOB SALE By owner, a aew 5 room banga - tow. complete lit every detail except fur ace. At a aa-rifiee. - Phone wslnut Z3BI. S ROOMS,. 50x100 foot lot oa E, Msias at 4 d. ioo: terms, stsia an is. $1750 tASH. $830 time 5 r. Boa. fur- nished. See at 412 E. 84th at BY OWNER. 4 loom boose, X gar-sea, 100 ft from. Mala st, Lenta, 9234 Foster rood.