tfEDNlSSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1922. THE OREGON 'DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, OKKliON. 10 SITUATIONS FEMALE 2S4 EXPE1ENCD (tranter an foun tain girt nati work, either restaurant or confectionery. fRef- nces.) Phone Miss Define. Ms 7$76. rx-rjrni vnrTV tr two rthy lady wants cleaning. Wishing or canex won; goon wen tia rantced. Walnut 6305. LAX made at your home ot new or old ma- teriaL Milliner classes being organized. It En t 0838. J JlDERLY lady wiahee position "with family . going onauinii vwiuiun 1 1 lin WUKCT. Ira. I. M. Clarke. 630 E. Mxinwi at. IIDDLAGED woman desires position man aging apartment bouse. Educated, refined. US, Journal. IDDLEAGFD woman wants general houe work. $59 . per month. Write C-197. - burnal. IKT STUDENT for interior decorating studio willing to accept low salary for excellent op- feminity and Urine. EX-223. Journal. ADT companion. Englishwoman prt-f erred; good quick needle worker. If possible, to - jre" with and aid artist EX-2fg, Journal UGHT house work wanted. A good- home pre- L f erred. fc15 85th at. S. E. TECl'BTA IN 8 HAND LAUNDERED. 12 TEARS' EXPERIENCE. EAST 6198. ! aE LIABLE woman wants day work in- Laurei- burst East 4254. EXPERIENCED woman wants day work. Auto. 818-80. F LADY would like care of apartment; ... a i t hi IATS made to order. $2.30. 810 Milwankie. Hoae Hat Shop. DRESSMAKING 256 L K ANTED Ladies' plsin sewing, children's wt a ipeciaiiy. Mrs. cj. b. .-n. 438 28th tt Sellwood 198S EST CLASS dressmaking, A l references. 1332 E. Mrs. Keuworthy. nimut 6831 lt at. N. iiivninu, raor, o noorn uj Raleigh kldt-. 827 Washington Bdwy. 1742. aEMSTITCUING white. Of per yard straight. Button - P-tting Shop. tOt Hoyal blag. SrERSMAKING by tlie day: work guaranteed. Tabor 1324. il KINDS of sewing. children's sewing my specialty. Walnut 5063. NURSES 257 HATERNITT home. Fine place. Best care to patient. Reasonable. F..t 0868. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS 300 MaxwelJ Hal! liold Furnished Bleeping rooms, shower bath, steam teat, hot and cold water; 84 a week. and up. THE BARTON Clean, furnished rooms. $2.50 per week and tp: al.-o light housekeeping. 4 55 Alder ft 4.RTHUR HOTEL. 170 11th St.. near ilorn aoo Clan5nd modern rooms by day, week month at reasonable rates. OR RENT Rooms st 4 03 Russell street. near Union bUSHMARK hotel. Wain" nT, looT 17th; clean, modern rooms $3.50 week up. NEWHALL HOTEL, 402 K. WASHINGTON. Sleeping moms by the day or week. - FURNISHED ROOMS PRIVATE FAMILY 301 tWO njf-ejv fiirni.K-.i nvim, with 11 & nf piano and kitchen. $13 month each: fifM lfultnotn.h club; win board and room school j tin rwsonaMy. 651 Ta;lor st U5VELY ROOM IN STRICTLY MODERN ! HOME, NICELY FURNISHED; 2 WIN DOWS; LADY tREFEKBED; WALKING rUSTv RENT REASONABLE. ATW. tf212. VERY attract! r front room" with dressing room and aleenin norrh : nicelv furnished. rith or .without garage; gentleman preferred. (Vest aide. Bdwy. 4329i NOB HILL BEAUTTsn-l. mnvr ponv uiv. PTES' WALK TO HEART OF CITY. 627 LOVEJOY. BDWY. 4425. EXTRA large cor. room, 3 closets, priv. bath. suitable for 3 or 4. in a beautiful refined home. 84 N. 21t st, cor. Everett, walking distance. W ALKING distance, west siiie, clean and at tractive. Xf Ton am Irwiit Iner for & rnom fwith home privileges, see this. 691 S4 Davis, ir jtn. wroailwsy 8048. SLEEPING ROOM. $18; RUNNING WATER. HOT" AND COLD; HOT WATER HEAT. ;ALL EAST 3841.. ILARGE. CHEEKCLL HUNT ItOOM ; LARGE CLOSET: HOT WATKffi HEAT: WALKING DISTANCE: REASONABLE. teDWY. 674T. 66 NOKTriRUP. x l'LLASANT furnished front room, bath, elec tric bshts. furnace heat, aaras if riecired. fivaiking distance. For gentleman. East 0439 E. Itne. IlILEAN. liffht &irv tmnt mnm Hrwntjiif- I furnace heat, eiectrw lights, telephone and pa. waia-ing mstance; suitable lor one or two. !3 Broadway. BEUi FL'RNISHED sleeping room, steam near, close in. 301 11th st, apt. . Atwater 04 81. pilCELY furnished rooms, private home, for quiet, employed persons, walking distance, arely neighborhood. 50 En t U. Mn-k from wasaiDgton. Bdwy. 8004. PLEASANT ROOMS FOE CLEAN. RESPECT- 1 HOKMNG WOMAN. $16 PER W 1 HOME PRIVILEGES. SELL. 0765 IFUKNiSHED room, witn use of kitchen, bath. pnoiie. etc.. in private noma: no children: pweicr ousineas woman or teacher; near Ken Fdy school and car. Pboae H1S-20. FURNISHED ROOMS USE OF PIANO. GARAGE CLEAN, NEAR CAR BARNS 959 E. B17RNSIDE ST. PIO CLEAN sleeping room, walking distance gentleman preferred; breakfast if desired. -ast T947. UNNY outside furn. room for young lady employed: next to bath. 2 windows and loset west ae. 15 min. walk r jt hnnn r.n- r: $16 mo. Bdwy. 8071. I "LOSE in. very desirable room, breakfast and I all comforts of home. 469 Clay. Call jusw 29. pOiltOK TABLE room for 1 or 2 business men, oaui aajaining, modern; bo other reeroers, close in. west side, furnace heat ftZSH Broadway. Main 8291. E48 EAST Btark 2 furnished rooms, kitchen nas sine; aesiraoie, wiui batB, light water ree: walking distance. S blacks cant, of wh. pgton high. NICE sleeping room with velvet ruga, big rocking chair. S big windows, stove ht temi-basem ent; sweat and clean. Rent chean 1191 Park. tTRNISHED sleeping- room for rent, 1 block I from HswUtorne sve.. 354 E. 23d st. S. fUat 6068. FURNISHED room. adjoU bath, h. w. floors. I beautiful view; reasonable. 1068 Vang he It Main 3987. LBE room, suitable for 2; meals if desired; eery best oommnsoon of food. Ha other Atwater 101 LIGHT, sunny . sleeping room in desirable location. waine- distance. 554 Everett at erner of 17th. , X IRVING TON Furnished room, aceommo- datioas for 1 lor 2 gentlemen; breakfast erved. Aut 85U86. bLEEPINO ROOM FOB RENT. -WALKING -Isi-A-St.-. ULrOSB BATH AND HONE. 75 E. 9TH N. EAST 6085. fcCRNISHED SLEEPING BOOMS. DESXR- I lASUATio, UUOSK.IN.:. 558 K. riiJA. ai. mm U7o4. fo& iJiSLIril11- LARGE FRONT fKNCfcS. VVALklX DIST. 591 B, QAK IEASONABLE, a large clean furnace heated aaatly fornuhed rooms. Adults. , Phone Faat $II. irWO tlyfBrnished rooms; will give break- i i i . nui rent one or both i "p P-rvi . rcone. ranor 4951 KlCS aw roma. S blocks from Lincoln high ov w. cd(iki ui. slain 2342 references required. MCE sWpis roonu. suiubl. t, or one er two gentlrmen. Beat and net wste: reaaonahle. 3 N. 2 2d street Main 1746. 'IC"1 and g roeta apt; also front" of! walk lag diataace. aaas school, ckwe ta ;ne. 11T r. 18th a . - LaG1 sleeping soom with saodera convei- nce, suitable lor 1 or 2; Kellwoed 280. OR RENT 3 rooms, nicely furaiaoed, waik- s mcv. vgn at. Atwater 3262- pESIRABE. newly faralshed. laxaa or ae- beard optioaal, 851 8lb, . ; a. v 14TU iT. Front room, madentooa-H wnmiew, unif nisranre. HISHED siacla room. $3 per we--!? 12th st , : i, r - LARG FRONT ROOM, bCrTABLE FOK ROOM AND BOARDS 302 hoTl stobd : t8s oyt. main 880$. - Scalasfwe Meideetial: svecial iiamu .- or meal epeaa for cr iwoaniy. FOR RENT ROOM AND BOARD 302 Nortonla Hotel Broadway off Washington Broadway 1186, Portland ' high class 4nto9 residential hotel. we give you to weaves t xae. Amexxcaa ana aropeen p able. - E CLUSIVK rend hotel; rmtee 445 te (50. 784 Lovejay. Main 6619. ROOMS AND BOARD PRIVATE FAMILY 303 FOR AGED invalids, core e or convalescent patients, pleasant home surroundsBgs. with health-build g diet and treatment, personal care of physician; reasonable rates. East 8535. SEETHI3 TODAY LOVELY LARGE CORNER EM. YOB 2; XiOOD BED, BEST OF BOARD;. T MET. WALK TO CITY. EAST 1880. PLEASANT room, breakfast and dit.ner, Wil liams ave. and St. Johns cars; near Jeffer- on high. Wnlnat 5484. BOARl and room. $8 per week. Also 1 11. K. room, walking distance. 38 Grand are. S.. near Inman Pose a mills. East 0U20. ATTRACTIVE home Irrington. with garage, near 2 cs nines, suitable for business people who appreciate a real home, with privileges; excellent meals. East 8724. ROOM and board for 2 gentlemen. 830 per month. 121 E. 11th. Fbone East 2522. WELL FURNISHED ROOM. GOOD HUMS COOKING. WAIKING DISTANCE, WEST SIDE. 591 H DAVIS. NEAR 19TH. BROADWAY 8048. . WE WILL share a nice clean room with a man; with a private family and board. Working man preferred. Call at 751 Missouri ave., city. NICE, LARGE FRONT ROOM IN PRIVATE FAMILT; VERY CLOSE IN; EASY WALK- .il A AnV.' J, ATWATER 1151 j ROOM and hoard in a nice home; Just what Vfin'm lemlrinv trtr .ala a, -1 - - wa; njo Sunday dinners; Tor a gentl j Walnut 4545. I Ai roim . for man and wife employed. 1 iooa ue ooara. Home privileges; also room for 1 or 2 young ladies. $8 to $9 week each. K t 2418. 2 YOUNG men or man and wife to room and boerd. private home, walking distance, east ifle, near Benson school. East 82 18. NICE cheerful room, with or without board. East Broadway. East 4948. WANTED Children under 6 to board, good home, metherto care: would room parents. Walnut 8954. SUNNi'SIDK Board and ICorm $30 Special Rate for Breakfast and Dinner 108'J E. Morrison. Tabor 1916 SEE THESE TODAY LOVELY LARGE RM. WITH 1 OR 2 REDS, WITH 2 MEALS, LN ATTRACTIVE HOME. TABOR H709. ' NICE ROOM AND GOOD TABLE BOARD. $30 PER MONTH ill E. 11TH. DHO.M, EAST 2 522 LARGE front room, suitaole for 2. board if desired; close in. 469 . BurnsMe St. TWO NICE FRONT ROOMS, FIRST AND SECOND FLOOR. BOARD IF DESIRED. BDWT. 3355. 617 MARSHALL. NICE ROOM AND GOOD BOARD, $8 PER v. tLOSi. 1M. CALL. TABOR BOARD $7 week, double room. $7.50 single; walking distance. 264 tout t. on. block west Multnomah club. ROOM and board. 830 for 2 meals, ail home comforts, close to polytechnic school: gen tlemen only. 65 E. Ankeny. East 3023. FIRST class board. 2 meals and fine. large rooms, furnace heat $30 month. 529 Hoyt. 16th st. car. LAURELHURST Double and aingle rm.. with board, in lovely borne; prefer gentleman or coup.e employed; garage. Tabor 0976. GOOD KOOM AND BOARD. HOME COOK INC. 316 GRAHAM AVE. CALL EAST BOARD, room, heat hot water, phone, home privileges, $33 for 1, $60 for 2; 1 block Woodiawn car. Phone Walnut 8552. SEE THESE TODAY Nice room and board for 2 young ladies; home privileges. Call Walnut 1285. W A N TED ONE OK TWO CHIL-REN TO BOARD. BEST OF CARE lN LOVELY HOME. CALL ATWATER 8530. REAL Home for young men employed, good cooking, home privileges, ft Tina room, piano, close in. 285 14th streat. Main 2538. HOUSE furnished in Oriental rugs and ma hogany furniture. Prefer couple that will room together, 840 per month. 65 N 21st st WILL give good room and board to little girl from 3 to 8 years of age near good school. Price reasonable. Tabor 6280. MODERN home for 2 girls. piano, $30 per month. 6324 82d st. room and board. Auto. 610-57. 2 YOUNG men or man and hi to room and board, private home, walking distance, east aide, near Benson school. East 9218. NICE front room suitable for 2 gentlemen. Also single rooms. Reasonable. Either two or tli ree meals a day. East 3798. GOOD home for girts. 6 to 10 years, near school. Phone Sellwood 8413. WILL room and board one boy school aae. reasonable. Walnut 337, 1004 E. 18th. N. NICE front room, board, piano, furnace heat A real home. 788 E. Tsylor. East 906 5. NICELY furnished front rooms, with or witli out board: good location. Phone East 3990. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED 304 FINE, CHEERFUL ROOMS One front room, also 2 room suite, newly arrangmi. large, cneenui rooms, complete lin ens, dishes, silverware. Better hurry- 187 ynipnun sc. , near x amnui. wsiri, clean lurnianed h. a. rooms; every thing new and everything furnished; good yard for car; near Williams sve.. 302 Tills- nrooa street. Nob-Hill Apts. Rooms 310 to $25 Main 11630 TWO rooms snd kitchenette, $25 per mo. light and wood furnished, bath mil linn. dry privileges. 246 H Russell st -phone tst uea. NICE, clean single IL K. rms. : ass. : phone and heat inclnded in rent: wsikinr uMiiuce, niiv lor employed adults. 314 Milt cor nth. At 0879 TWO nice, clean H. . rooms. Every thine exceut gas for cooking. Adults. Phone East 84 SI. TT " ' T T T -v VT w . ' n.-. tiiatu ii. . rooms, 1 ana 2 rooms. cneap rent; not ana eeio; water, steam heat 69 Market st. 4 VERY desirable housekeeping rooms, will rent en-aev iws or tnree en suite, eiose in. rea reasonable. 126 16th a. N. TWO large 2-room II. K. and 6 single. Everett st Call between 10 a. n 4 p. m. 491 and 2 AND 3 furnished housekeeping rooms with car axee" if desired- r schools. 415 4th st HOUSEKEEPING and sleeping rooms for rent reasonable. 482 V Washington sr. 3 IL K. ROOMS, gas, elec.. uaooe. h.Lh' walking distance. 8 E. llth ?t South. LARGE ranny H. , !., beautifully furn.. $32.50. 631 Hoyt cor. 20th. Bdwy. 4046. NEWLY furnished IT. K. suites, hot wat?r in day, night, $20. $23 month. 422 Second. 1 LARGE front housekeeping room, modern t-'u .c-ueiM-F. x 1 1 rn st STEAM bested modern house keeping rooms. wi or wimont private pat Atwater 876$. LJ-f'A- ''. houseaeeping rooms, walking distance. 48 E. 8th N. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED PRIVATE FAMILY soe $ PARTLY f she apairs rooms, ughte i water, phone. $14, Walnut 1763. 1668 1 E. llth St. N. SINGLE furni .ed k. room, $84" Glisaa st Atwmmr 6187. TWO "roa H. K . $3 per1 week. Singls room $1.75. 346 Front j 364 " "Cl.t shd ' rioasiikesping"" no small child ren. Call today. CLEAN H. K. rooaaa, gaa, light 'and nh 1 $26.50. 8 E. Ankeny. , oa. OW"-DO apt ' for H. .' and kitchenette. $$5 E. Morriaan. ttriTTKEKT.KPTNG mmmm - Whl-, 'TJij- oisus. foo s9 vil. ast sx PRIVATE -use. f urnd light Hapu mom. Watont 830. y a H. . ROOM with porch, $is par atmtSL 154 N. 18- - TVKO furaiahed raosas tor light housdi7r. at 1171 Minaesota ave. Wahrat I486, THREE furnied BL K. rooms. 25 T har ms e st " rTione Wanrat 6188. - 1 - TWO clean H. K. roosaa. bath, XX and t4el week. 305 H 3d st - ' 5OR 3 H. - rnoina in private hem,; aedara coBven oc. vaBat 3IS. . FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHER AND UNFURNISHED PRIVATE FAMILY 306 THREE large rooms. kitchenette, bath, light "', telephone, water and heat. Upper floor of private home. Deaf rakls location, near "Russell-Shaver ear. Lovely home for couple or nuo 01 gins. u. B. people pieieiie s Uolenial are. TWO neatly famished H. K. rooma, ming water, tnreaee heat, good location; ateo 1 n. K. room. larre closet S windows, 391 RusseU ., i block east ot Union. East 1740. 1 SEPIXG BOOM WITH SLEEPING PORCH 1 HOUSEKEEPING ROOM 1 CHEAP BASEMENT ROOM B7 TRINITY PLACE. BDWT. 8741. LOWER 4 or 5 rooms, bath, (fur- sosnea or wnturniahedi ; place for cars tree: 18 minntes' walk; basement. Very ebeav. 31 Williams are. Upper rooms cheaper. Children '"en. yoso to scbooL 2 BOOM housekeeping apartmenta with sleep ing porches, well furnished. Phone, light and "mr; reasonatue rent; Koae Uity car. T33 Pacific st. cr call East 8232. A KRT coay 2-room apt, for couple; fire- plaoe, phobe, furnace heat, doe n. waik in distance. Phone K. 88SO. 145 E. 12th. 4th at Pine st, opp. Multnomah hotel. 813.50 LARGE, clean, comfortable basement n. . room, rnrnisbed, electric lights free, Nice location: lawn, walking distanee. 564 S. 6th. Sell. 118. JUST vacant, 3 rn., well fHrnUbed, large, clean and light, in nice, large residence. Very pleasant. AdnlU only. iS Interstate arc. Wdln. 4551. THREE .furnished bousekeemna rooms in mod em home; fine location, complete kitchen, rooms in white enamel; adults only. 106 . s tu st- Taoor 5 AO I. NICE large room with kitchenette, clean lin ens ecch week. Lht- rat. uteajn bt. eood basement, for two only; good location, near j high school. Walnut 4545 THREE furnished hOHsekeeping rooma; heat, water. $26. Walnut 3098. litht. 2 H. K. ROOMS with kitchenette: 2 large h. t rooms connecting; ao single rooms. 295 17th st WALKING distance, attic room well furn., clean: phone and light included. $18. Fine for a school or buines girl; refined widow's home. Broadway 8048. FOR RENT 3 housekeeping rooms, hot and cold water In kitchen; large clothes closet in front room; Vt block from Williams ate car. 268 Cook are. Wamut 0624. 2 LARGE If RONT HOUSEKEEPING RMS. : HEAT. LIGHT. WATUl AND PHONE FURNISHED: 87 WEEK. 680 3D ST. 3 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms in mooVera heme; fine location, complete kitchen, rooms in white enamel; adults only. 196 E. SOth st. Tabor 6501. 2 FURNISHED H. K. ROOMS. 474 Z. WASH. ST. EAST 6885. POSITIVELY clean 3 room apartment, neatly furnished, good rugs. linoleum kitchen, pantry, closet, gas range: hall and porrh. storage room. 690 K. 10th. Sellwood 1898. WEU. furnished large living room, bedroom, kitchenette, bath, phone. light; adults only; references. 274 Carruthers. Phone Main 4 701. 3 ROOMS, unfurnished. Dutch kitchen.- pri vate entrance, bath, gas, elect, extra, fur nished bedroom. 3889 Grand ave. north. MODERN housekeeping rooms for rent: 1 block from Multnomah club; walking dia tance. Atwater 4173. 200 Nartilia. 2 LARGE front rooms, hot and cold water; aho large front room and kitchenette, $20 monthly. Single rooms for $15. Near Couch tehooL 655 Flanders. CHEERFUL. OOZY. WELL FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING SUITE, RUNNING WATER ; ALSO SINGLE ROOM. 414 MAR KET. COR. 11TH. THREE rooms, tiled bath, three large closets, linen press, large attic space, heat; beauti fully located. Phone Et 0916, 680 E. Harrison, Idd addition. PARTLY furniahedf house keeping rooms, newly varnished and painted. Bent reason able. Adults only. 635 Knapp ave. cor. MUwsukie st BOOM IN MODERN HOME. ALL CON VENIENCES. WALKING DISTANCE. ON SS CAB. PERSON EMPLOYED. EAST 3753. TWO furnished light II. K. rooms, on irst floor, gaa, electrio lights, phone, front and side entrance; quiet location and most de sirable; rent only $25. 786 E. Taylor st FINE 3 rm. apt, office rm. or dressmaking parlors in front 2 H. K. rooms back: elose in; immaculately clean; new beddings, draper ies rormingwaterJ191Iark TWO NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms with porch, water, right, heat; gas fur nished. 2 blocks from Mississippi car; adults only, $25. Walnut 6830. SEE THESE TODAY 4 NICE H. K. BOOMS, WOOD AND LIGHT FUKNISHED; VERY REASONABLE ; CLOSE IN. CALL AT el 94 LOWNSDAE. 2 OR 3 furnished H. K. rooms, near Laurel hurst Park, close ,to carline. Light snd water furnished. Private bath. 1043 . Washington. CLEAN 3-rm. furn. H. K. apt. first floor, back, stove heat, private entrance, walking distance; adults. CaH Atwater 0824 forenoon or after 6 p. m. 2 CLEAN pleasant furnished h. k. rooms, out side entrance; 1 block two cars. $22.50 per mo. 826 E. lt N. East 2505. 1 LARGE front room; very close in; $3.50 per week. Also smaller room. $2 SO RQ Din sr. $23 THREE clean furnished H. K. rooma. 127 . 16th St. near Morrison. No chil- aren. LARGE front housekeeping room, well fur nished, reasonable lent 671 K. Stark tt. East 1952. $2.75 WEEK. furDislied hoekeenine room. lights snd bsth included, west aide.' walking uikbucc. aioi xsi ana 210 asm St.. cor. 1st. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms. clo in $20 per moatb. Including gss for cooking. 503 East Pine. Phone East 8913. SUITE of 3 rooms partly furnished, a 34$ elose in, 2 brocks from car, near Laurelhnrst Park. Call Tabor 6179. T TWO pleasant clean, furnisbed boekeepg rooms; light and water included. Adults only. 875 Hawthorne, corner 2tth, WAVERLB1GH HEIGHTS Front bedroom, furnished, ure of kitchen. nome rnvuegea, g moies employed. SelL 1816. FRONT room, clean and comfortable, suitable 1 or 2, 314 per month including gas and elec. Walking distance. 801 17th, West Side. LARGE front upstairs room, kitchenette and sleeping porch, west side. See to appreciate. Main 6651. FOR couple, two clean upstairs housekeeping rooma, light gas, phone furnished; $20. 403 Ivy st East 989 LARGE, nice housekeeping room, beating stove ana gss; suitaoie icr i or 2. 420 . Har rison st-, bet 6th and 7th. TWO or three lovely furnished housekeeping rooms; light and bath; $16 month. 56$ reirygrove. VERY NICE houiekeeping apartments, iuraace heat electric lights . reaaonahle rent 171 E. 1 Jth st. Phone E. 3183. NICELY furnished H. K. rooms with piano. electne light, rumare hea. use bath. nhnn. reasonable rent 061 Wash ngton st. 2 STEAM heated H. v. room and kitchenette. reasonable. ttiBaus rooms 88 oer k 445 Columbia. . FOUR H. ! rooms, first floor: also aiasda rooms. Plain furniture, cheap rent 826 4th at Atwater 3672. LARUE front room,' n.-cy furnished. H If suitable for two: gas ranee. ii.k furnace fceat $8 eek. 641 Washington st. LARGE cool ;it K. mom with kitehenette' lower floor: free light hot and U w., bath, snd phone; change of lie en. 403 34.' AN IDEAL homo for man sad wife, 4 rooms on first floor, clean, neatly furnished, per manept tenants QP'y: no children- BelL 0590. 8 LARGE, eleah, furnished lower k. rs" elate in: shone, water. 820 tier i.n East 8688. NOB HILL 2 CLEAN, DESIRABLE FRONT a. xtoua. au tU- ve.ijiENC a- 1 fcT- lOV idl CLEAN" Sunny house-kepg appartmcot in aaersi mat, i. eia eta atr eet 1 HOUSEKEEPING room aui table for 2 aen tlrmen. llti lKit APARTMENTS FURNISHED 307 a ROOMS, including s am best, hot and cold water, walking (lists ace. $22.(0 and $25 Bdwy. 4292. Jennings Apts.. 4H N. 17t IKVINGTON 1 and S roam apsrnts. completely for jrished. light and beat free. East 8669. THE DENXJSON. J03t ia BELMONT " -room front corner, urn bed apartment, private bath and phan Tsnor 05 el. - -roo lurais na apt, nma, cor. of E. 7th st N. Esse 6435 4 liND 3 roeia furniahad apt. lUrrisca Court. 894 6th, Main 6143. THE ALBKET Fur wished apt sua Lcat private bath. 848 H M.inHppi ave. YWO BMS. Bath. sapg porch; waing distance. 41 4th- l-ROOJI fumitja-d ap; ., B.ust be aeaa ta Is fully appreciared. 427 6th at. FOR RENT APARTMENTS FURNISHED 307 Guild 'Apartments 384 Guild near 23d and Thurman rooma, private bath, hall, heat, hot water, eery attractive: one 8 rm. unfur. j Main 8705. WAGONER APARTMENT 875. 715 WAYNE ST., NEAR, KING. 6 large - rooma, 8 bedrooms, front and rear perches, large hall, heat and water famished. Main 8111. , " THE ALAMO APT8. BeautiTally furnished S room front apt, steam heat, private bath, disappearing bed, 845; 3 room back apt-, suitable for S. 2 beds, newly vnameied. $40. 44 Market at THE STANFIELD Modern 2-roora apt., tight, heat, phone,' $23, winter rate. Main T392. King Albert Apts. 2 and 3 rooms, furntsbed or unf nrnVhed. tUa tath. elevator. 1 1th at Montgomery. Mais 0358- Leeds Apartments Fireproof building, modern, 2f 8 and 4 rm. an; lUugle rms. ; elevator service. Atw. 3597. $16 AND $20 Two single or double apart ments; beat and lights furnished; no objec tion to one or two children. West side- 681 Marshall St. Phone Bdwy. 4876. haddon hall, hth and hall S rooms, kitchenette, bath, hdw. floors, pri vi te balconies. $85- up. Atwater 1160. SAN MABCO.VB. 8TH AND COUCH. 3 RM. MOD. APT.. WK. OR MO. BAST 1990. GLEN COURT lZ Comer Parkland TayloT. Main 1961. A DA MS APARTMENTS Modern 2 -rm. apt-, furnished. 403 Jeffer- ALICE COURT, Et Ui snd Burnside; walk ing distance; 2 and 3 ret. apts.. 2 beds. fireplace, private) tel. and bath. East 3586. THE JiDENHOLM 384 5th at. modern, 2 and 8 room furnished apartments. Private baths. Kent reasonable. LUZERNE APTS. Modern furnished ants, with bath; reasonable rent. Walking distance. t3 nau. MODERN 3 room furnished apt., lower floor. 703 Missouri ave.; take Mississippi car. AND clean s' room aparien; running water; 214 13th st. APARTMENTS UNFURNISHED 308 WAGONER APARTMENT $60 715 WAYNE STREET $60 6 large, light rooms, dose in and very an let. nice residence district. Heat and water fur nished. Adults only. Main 6111. The American Modern 4 and 5 room apartments. 2 1st and Johnson. Broadway 8360. IRV1NGTON APARTMENT Beautiful, very modern. 3-room apartment. 2 beds, fireplace, built-ins. very desirable, doee in. rent .. 6B4 Tillamook, cor, lain. THE WEIST 69 N. 23d fit. Large 6-room apartment. Individual porch. 2 ROOM apt. No objection t children. 90 E. 8th St. B. East 8367. FLATS FURNISHED 309 THE FAUSTINA A modern house of flats, west side, close ia, nswly finished, cheerful 4 rooms and bath; a pleasant home; references. 464 Ball at. near 13th. FUR. 4 -rm. flat elect, gas, sink, private en trance eJd bath; walking distance, near 3 carlines. 462 Flint St.. between Tillamook and Page. Adults only. East 5571. WAVBBLEIGH HEIGHTS 4 rooms, living, dining, kitchen, bedroom. pantry, bath, furnace, trays. Belt 1316. COMPLETELY FURNISHED $4 7.50 Modem flat In ivory finish. Hawthorn. Phone 547-50. 1085 IRVING TON Oozy 3 rms. s. p.. heat light gss, $60, 4 rms., s. p., $80: choice furni-1 ture. East 8015. 2 ROOM flat $18. Vsncouver sve. Walnut 1953. 706 $25 5 RM. lower flat 825 N. 17th.; 1 block to 28d or 16th ear. Aut 633-16. FLATS UNFURNISHED 310 $37.50 MODERN flat In pink of condition. 1083 Hawthorne are.. near 36th. Phone I 547-50. $35 -CHOICE 7 room clean flat. Graham it near Williams ave. la st 801O. UPPER room flat, modern. $35.60. N. 19th st; adults. 309 Va 6 ROOM modern flat in east side. Walking distance. Rent $45 per month. East -301. HOUSES FURNISHED - 3 1 1 MOVE THE SECURITY WAY Extraordinary Service " For the ordinary price. PACKING. MOVING. STORING SECURITY STORAGE TRANSFER CO., 4th at Pine st, Opp. Multnomah hotel. Telephone Broadway 3715. SCENIC LODGE cottages, 524 Heights Ter race, 8 aad 4 room cottages; fine view of city and mountains: 20 minutes' walar heart of eity; Hall at. car on Morrisoa to i ,i. . o ki.w- . o- :. I Reduced 'rent, for winter. I 5-ROOM house. 580 E. light, gas and garage, East 6442. , a I tmv. 5 ROOM resident flat, completely furnished with piano: no children. Walnut 7032 after 6:30 p. m. NI(." K 5 room semi-modern; house and garden. 2 blocks to scnooi snd ear; desirable teaaa U. S. preferred; Alberta. Atwater 2854. FOR RENT Modern 5-room house, furnished reasonable rent for man and wife: in good I ciiimm,t, j 7v ui irvig car, opii. i goo. NICB house for rent, all eonvehiencts, rent I reasonable, furnished or unfurnished. 14 E. Hoyt st Take Montavilla car to 5 3d st LOVELY 4-room furnished bungalow, 801 DePaow st., first class furniture. Call M. P. Co., Bdwy. 6855. ALBERTA Modern 4 room bungalow, piano. 57 7 E. Webster, 1 blk. N. of Albert car on 14th st ' FOR BENT 5 room furnished house, in Ken- ton, close to car. Call Walnut 4038. FURNISHED 5 room cottage, at N.. near Alberta garage. 1038 E. 25th I $4 7.50 Completely furnished home, ivory finish. 1089 Mawthome ave. Tel. 047-50. i 7 ROOMS, modern, clean. $40. CaU mom-I ings. 646 20th S. E. I $25. Can afternoons. 6424 65th st S E. FURNISHED SMALI, HOUSE SYiR A DTTT.ts I WALNUT 8698. i a"P-nnr hr tm. iJ "t'ff montn. xnvision St. owner, sst 6561. I HOUSES UNFURNISHED 312 1 MODERN 5 room house, garage: blacksmith Shoo doit good business- Selline livivinl I wrauwn. ruwuv oat xj, Vancouver. ,sii twl ROOM modern house, furnace heat, fine fireplace. sleeDir oorch and h ih I : iioers. wuiametta heights. 1095 Vaughn gt rtice view. WK UOVK furniture. men, tor 82 par hoor. nwmw an u oara r anp a ww. "ANO MOVING $3. furniture $2.60 per hour; I . . I I 1 Transfer Co., East 6047. Call Crown I CUT BATE ON FCRNITURB iloVlNG Fireproof Str race 1 S 1 w FV LONG DISTANCE HAUUNQ. BDWY. 2445 WHEN MOVING.,cKy or country, get the beat as men prices, ureea. xrsas. Co.. Mais hoi. ea A er at. BEAUTIFUL- 8 room modem house ui garage u xan laou, rvusii vrus ov ti pK HOUR 2 VAU m vrr-w S7,fiw KM.. YORK EXPRESS TRANS FTTft rA Trunks, baggage, furniture marina; $1.50 wu w Sr Hour. gioBowaj yeas. MODERN 8 nnm ini wita a mge, aa I paved street 4855. eeai outa a rasma Tabor I TEN rooms, modern house, 66T Hoyt st Price fiv per montn. vu at 3Z4 Front st Phone Msin tlO. f .-OR RENT Attractive 5 ii t .11 I modem conveaaeaces. Garaga. i Inquire 899 ! E. Cooeh. Phone. East 7664. $32.50- MODERN 4 room hoose, parUy iuriwut vi is mg aoe; garage. 11 road way 100. - 5-ROOM house. 652 North 60th Vf, half block irons son ity car. Bean evened an. 5-ROOM o4ara;ilat;64 2d. 422.50."i:; "'S .. g q evnng 1)K -EKT Mew tV-roam se. 1193 '. sat s eet sr. ipen wsj. avvS. 4-EOOMi?, saodun liouae. 481 E7 10th - leu at r-ront st. mans T608. WE tpaeialisa, in v no aad faruitur. movina. lS-daya tree staeage. Bdwy. 1207. WUiN moving JJ TW 0238; we esmtgs OUSE far-rant. $20 p aontk: good loca- . tao w n av FOB. KENT- 8oomifcga. 1$.8 p ana, 1 ea xssa. I Phone Sellwood WE iiuYE fsitia tor i t-ctr. a S55. I FOR RNT HOUSES UNFURNISHED 312 7-RM. mod. heuee, eiose In. eaeariine. f I cement basement, furnace and garage; $42.50 par aao. 7-rm. hoee, strictly mod., ia Irvington, hdw. floors, furnace and fireplace; $ 60s per mo. Strhstly Baod. 5-rm. house, 100x100 lot, fmit trees, garage. 1 b. car; about $204 worth of furniture for sate; $3$ per o. If Toe want your eooee rented wo can rent it. If yon wast tt anld we can aajQ it. - If yeu want to trade, w can trade it. McGee & Dennis WE SELL THE EARTH 969 T"nIoU are. N. Wal 8684. 8PRLE E WiKI'JIOCS- on trackas- 6 tore your goods wit- us. Let as do your aovg aad fackc CLAY S. MORSE. VSC t BdVr , 470. 454 (TBsaa tt. FUKNITUKK ovg. (2 per hour add up. 30 days free- storage en H. M. goods in brick trareho . mate gladly furnished. Phone Bdwy. 120T. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE FOR SALE 313 fcURNITURE for sale, $300: - -room bouse may be rested for .$30 per month; good neighborhood, near gooB school.. 804 Height ave. Wms. are. car to Failing. GOOD 7 room house. $40. Furniture, $1J5 cae h. 34th and Hawthorne. Tabor 48T2. STORES AND HALLS 3l4 STUDIO fr rent, da lifting or musical pur pose. Grand piano. 610 Eilers. East 8821. OFFICES DESK ROOM 315 WANT party to share private offices with re ception room, stenographer and telephone. Expenses prorated. 1002 Spajaldina; bldg. OFFICES for rent. Fliedner bldg., Washington sts. 10th and I WANTED TO RENT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 354 A TOUNG coup.- want 2 or 3 houskeeiting rooms or f :ty with fiarme. ; rent reasonable. Kat 5V4. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE APARTMENTS AND FLAT PROPERTY r- 402 jjp- 1 Second Mortgage Privilege IN LA DO'S ADDITION NICE LOTS FOR $10OO Remember this premier residence district is only about 25 minntes' walk to the courthouse ; improvements all in and paid: beautiful shade trees. 5 beau tiful parks kept UP by the city. You can't beat it. Restrictions do not for bid a duplex hie or "bungalow. See Mr. Delahunty LADD ESTATE CO. Broadway 5754. 246 Stark st Residence East 8492. SMALL APARTMENTS FOR SALE Modern. 2 stories, brick and tire; 12 furn ished apartments, prive bath with each; u paying $4000 a yeaf net ; .'u,uv. ny put your money Into furniture and lease when you can buy building and all at this price? LUDDEMANN COMPANY 314 Chamber of Commerce TWO FAMILY FLAT $4200 West side, non-residents, close in, firs places, full basement 50x1 Oft. lot Good in come. Some terms. Bdwy. 6011.' T. O. BIRD. 556 hm, of Com. TO CLOSE ESTATE, 100x100. N. E. rorner 14th and Taylor. West Side. East 2195. LOTS 403 2 Blocks East of Piedmont $800 CORNER $800 Southeast corner Sixth N. and Hoi man, jnst 2 blocks of Union are. Improve ment paid; 50x100: sightly; several pretty trees; $80 cash. $10 per month; second mortgage privilege. J. - G. Rainey. 517 Abington bldg. Broadway 6269. HOMESEEKERS WHY NOT BUILD? It is less expensive. We are inter ested in how well we can build, not how much we ran get -for the nuilding. See us before buying or building.' Robnett McCSure BCIDEB8, S02 Couch bldg. Broadway 6574. $575 $50 CASH $10 monthly, sewer, sidewalks and curbs paid; 2 H Mocks to car; near scnooi, stores. - - , VTurr1 i a mtoit $25 CASn $10 MONTHLY 60x100. on Portland blvd. near Campbell i sr. : paring, siaewaiaa. euro ana sewer ai Paid, fnce tvou. I.TU. . rAel0e.M f'. JiIlila Hii'U' II VV. 633 N W. Bank Bldg. Main 378 Watch Tacoma Grow 45 lots for sale at 88th at and Portland ave.. Tacoma, wash.; tms property nas sit - walks and street car service ana is free trbm incurb ranees ; owner is a Portland reaident needing money and will sacrifice. Price $2250; t 7211, w. r. Carter, DBS . s 1st at. N- Portland. Ore. -ACRE TRACT, $430 ROSE CITY PARK DISTRICT T-evel lot 11 Mil 00 front on E. 71st St. 5 blocks .north of Sandy; Bull Run water and graded st" $43 down with nearly 4 years to pay the balance. HENDERSON-BANUS CO.. 528 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 4754 WILL BUILD New 4-room bungslow with hardwood floors. basement fireplace, breakfast nook, French doors. In Alsrneda district Will build the above, furnish the lot and seal for S3OU0 on r ""PJf; V-V,'. AC?? r, . " we -"-" v i,,.,o .-.j. . .' "T" " Z iut.t.ntBi x Diiuva i -in v .i i A .i. . - : l . a aa f. - "' of ftiTU : tti. is . hV ' w- have buildinar loan money. HENDERSON-BANKUS CO.. 828 "f BMg- Bdwy. 4754 ton iu jjudi i aui xue , c i,tck, o m ' i i ree to improvements. Uske your terms. JohnsonDo-Son Co. . - - W. Bank Bldg. Msin 8787 BUILDERS HOUSES COMPLETED PROMPTLY . Our construction and workm aashio. to gether with liberal financial ateistsnee. will please you. Soldier bonui accepted. Kt.iMa.it3 tt jubufciTg. Beiiwooq m. PIEDMONT SPECIALS- Z. and ear ia. 50x100; alee fir trees. $600. $60 esah. Johnson-Dodson Co. 688 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787 PIEDMONT SNAP $1200 Imp. paid. E. side Mallorr. SO ft 0tjmJ- G" 617 "V NEAR FRANKLIN HIGH Hawthorne ear. big. beautiful ssmrr Iota. sza eaaa ana bid a montn. slave so no this summer. Price $325, 10 per. cent dig. lor easn. uwmr, laoor atia, evenings. 100x100 CORNER lot . in Piedmont buick sals, all cash: sewer assessments paid or niitn,1 fmm neirw. 1700. Ren r. . rn- pargams. Wat iolUncnM-lliorlonn SVI40W1I e. 683 N. W. Bank Bldg. Mara 8787 tt vk y: "s i mivirv a s o es IsOWN. 810 PER MONTH Lot 56x100. earnest sidewalks. 2 blocks lit Tabor ear, on E. Alder, g ft east of 84th 5t Facing south. Tabor 5196. r-- KENTO-' J" 1 T" For low priced lota in. Kenton on ea tera, Be vVABacj a.t4-.r-lt , Bank Bldg.. Kenton. Walnut 65l. CAN sell you a $0x100 ft lot ia beau til ul FMOmorrt jor up- es t au fewer asacss- its paid, JohnsonDodson Co. 8$ K. W. Bank Bldg. Main 1787 . BEAU SACRIFICE NEARLY 5 LOTS PRICE $900: TERMS Tkrse blocks from Mt Tsbo car. 9180 . Taylor at Tabor 6L96. NEARLY S LOTS . 7 PRICE $550 TERMS - " Two Masks fram Mt Tabor ear. 31S8 . Taylor st. i soor axva. iD PAR- Tv? -fi . ... a 'it lit sd SStM and Mass st, $1406. - 8. ,-corner Bryca avvk. $1590. Tabor $441. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE LOTS 403 - RENT SAVERA 3398 SS 39S 50x160 lot. good siied Z-roont . $1T5 ah, C monthly. 4S5 -8425 -84SB 50il 60 lot, 3-room ceiled cottage, $15 eai ia,. IIW atonthry. - aais k69S -s9S 1 room shack sad 60x100, Kenton district. 3U( casA, balance monthly. 8IOO f O0 1700 2-rocrn shack and large porch, ground lOOx job. ettt vaster and -gas. Aloerta ois-ict 1233 cash and $S monthly. iaoo tfioo taoo 8 room cottage, lot 65x18$, 19 assorted bearing f rtut trees. $100 cash. $950 8930 8930 Exceptionally neat little 3-room cottage with sleeping porch, city water, gas and electric ugnts; Close to schooL 3400 cash. $1000 $1000 $1000 4 room box house. 50x1 10 lot: electric lights, gas and city water; paient toilet; some fruit ana berries, s 1 T 5 cash and $ 1 monthly $1000 $1000 $1000 8 -room coftaae. -lot 43x105: macadamised street, one block Woodstock car; 11 aaaor d fruit trees, some berries, $230 cash. $30 monthly. These are just a few of hundreds of small homes that we have on our list for working men. Call at the office and see photographs. see Kertson, with 9 732 Chamber of 0mrc. $1520 2-ACHE TRACT $15 DOWN, $1$ MONTH Parkrose North of Sandy blvd. and carline in new addition; a few shade trees, balance an ready for plowing: level; good view; no rocks or ..1 . -...V. .....!. . tAUnil- a. K.. il- illg restrictions; low county - tax. deal place for little suburban home. Hem this today, Parkrose branch office open every day. Take Rose CKy Park-Parkrose car to end of carline. Tabor 2904. J. L. HARTMAN COMPAUT 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Broadway 6034. Rose City 50x100, between Stanton and Alameda, evrything paid, - including stwer, only $700. 50x100, H block south of Sandy. $700. Montavilla 8 lots, between 6 2d and 63d, on Hrryt, cheap, sewer, sidewalk and curb In and paid. 800 Iiewis Bldg. Bdwy. 1906. See McDuffea or Pengrs. WESTMORELAND Where else in the whole city can be found for the money all that we offer here. A fully improved district, best csr service, naer Reed college and golf link. Lota as low as $500, easy pay ments, second mortgage privilege to builders. We could mention many more things. Look for yourself. CALL MR. PATTERSON WITH LADD ESTATE COMPANY 246 Stark St Bdwy. 674. PENINSULA LOTS $400 South front lots on Colfax st, between Concord and Campbell sta. : all imp. except paving in and included in price of $400, on easy terms; we have 4 lots, including 1 corner, at this price. See us for building loan and lots. HENDERSON -BAXKUS CO.. oQ Um,. nM rt 4TR1 IBVINGTON HEIGHTS Close in east side restricted district: good business corners and few inside Iota. All improvements In snd paid. $100 cash, $10 montniy. Jofonson-Bodson Co. 633 N. W. Bank-Bldg. Mam 378 ROSE CITY PARK 60x100 east front lot on E. 67th at, only 1 block south of Sandy; all imp. except paring in and paid. This is real value for $675. We have 100 lota in the Boss City district to select ircm. HENDERSON-BANKUS CO.. 228 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 478 HOUSES 404 Must Sell LEAVIjJa CITY Haa an unusually attractive 5-room- bungalow in the Piedmont dis trict modern, close to car, on over sued lot fireplace, furnace, full ce ment basement, wash trays, fine ga rage, nice shrubbery, lawn, flowers. Price $4000; teirns. Frank McCriilis 824 Henry bldg, Bdwy. 0779. 8150 as:-: Balance easy terras, buys a new double con strue tad bungalow. 100x100 ft lot near CHRV $3250 $750 CASH $30 A MONTH Hawthorne District 354 E. 43d STREET 4 Ox 1 00 Berries-Garden A nice clean home In an .valient mbtvViKa. hood, living room, dining room, large kitchen with in builds. dandy bathroom, three bed rooms, i nee includes nesting stove, gas range Kuud wa tern eater in kitchen, radiant fir. in dining room, 4 loads wood, 2 ton bricfuets in tHr.mezii Home Builders W. build substantial, well finished homes, assist financing. Get our figures. AlSrolm Inv. Co. 216 Panama BJdg. Broadway 6157. . Alameda $500 CASH 5 ROOMS $5250 a very beauBrul o-room sew modern bun- caiow en paved street close to carline. hdw tloon, old ivory finish, breakfast nook, cosy iireniace. in II cement basement furnace, all ouiit-iiis. in 13 is a real nome; favu cash will handle, balance like rent. CUE A. McKNNA CO.. -(Established 18891 ARTISANS' BLDG. Bdwy. 7522. BEST BUY IN HAWTHORNE $1000 BELOW VALUE PRICE NOW $3150 $1650 CASH ' 8-room modern bungalow in excellent loca tion, firepca. Dutch kitchen, excellent floor plans, full cement basement and wash trays; actual value at this attr active horns will sur prise you. See it today. It. L. McGREW. REALTOR. 1089 Hswthcrnc ave. Tabor 8892. t ROOM HOUSE, WEST 8 TDK On 23d. near Thurnian, suitable for rooming house or business prop- Srty; is cheep at the - price asked. 4500. terms. J It HAIGHT FOR REAL ESTATE 851 ANKENY. BDWY. . 2045. "" "" WEST SLOPE MT. TABOR Jtra large living , roots across front with fireplace, lars dining room, white Dutch kitch en, 4 bedrooms and septus peach, large at tic, lull eemeet DBsesnent, inrnaee. garage, BO foot let Price $83O0; tarms, JohnsonDodson Co. 633 N. W. Bank bid. Maia $787. ROSE" CITY PARK. $5400 V "are offering a new a room bu ngaiow, wtut largo attic, eoaspts with oek foes, firefaca, furnace, n. race, hving ream across entire front, rlosa ia; terms. Inspect, A. G, Teepe Co. Boas City Offica 40ph gad Sandy, Tsbor t58. Lent elhnrst Office 39th and Clisan, Tab. $43$. "IT CAR BE DONE. 19 NOW Albarta 4 roc ma, rkBea. -; eameot haiimsat brand new: 3 fcedroeasa. Dutca kitohe Priced at $200 for evek mis, $1606 tms - .-... . Ralph Harris Co. 318 Chamber of Bdwy. $654 BOOM haa. with 3 broooM, 1 oek from street ear. $2009.,'- Terms. La aritaen. Stevenson, Bchoeider Co., lac 22$ AJdaa- St. Main f$I5- r 2ND. ST aoutai of Divisioh ate " 5-ra . and prea'sfest. aoav f aa basement, ienan. hardwood f era, garage, $42iu; Unas, iMraer 1. ussy. r : . - REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 FRANC L M QUIRE, . . erica 'a. trgeat Horn Seller, says: "I have the KEY , to Your Housing I "-"ci . ., -i . : . ".i .; t . , (, ; , "A Home is ths safest investment in tht world! I Ita taveatment cannot be estimated in dol- t is ia -tne real. riUl aaibitioa af rverj -mencaa tamuy to ovm a bomel . . "I can help yod rsaliaa that ambition!" Ia my great public display room on the second floor of the Abington building are ore. wan . j . 2000 Photographs of Homes For Sale. EYEBY district in the city. All -lira and terms! In such an etMirmeua lining there bound to be some wonderful timely bar Cains. Every homo personally inspected and appraised! I'll help you nuke your down paymeat ft necessary. a 80 Salesmen With Autos. Broadway 71T1 for service. Open veninga latil 9. $54 90 This is value beyond compare.. Dis tinctive, substantially constructed 8- rnom very modern boms, adjoining Murraymead. on an attractively sit uated lot with fruit flowers, etc.. Duiit-ina; 3 dandy bedrooms, fur nace, fireplace : mi It 2 blocks to car. KT EAST TKKMS. East 26th. JEFFERMOV HlliH $1890 This bestltifnl bungalow has iuatbeen. completed, spick and span and ready tor you to move into; o rooms, old Uory snd tapestry; hardwood floor, furnace, fireplace. 2 exquisite bed rooms and bath; Commercial st. clone j to Jefferson high school, park and library, tan give terms, lou ll en joy this $4790 EASY TERMS! A big 2-story - room home in Rosa Citr Park. A wonderful bargain: hardwood floors. massive builtdns. French doors lead to living rooms, fireplace, fine white Iutch kitchen. 8 sunlit bedroom; and ?: Ei'S nf-TS ..Ji".Y. ' . -. - . . . f" "i, oa tna turning point m your me: out a comiortaoie uome ana settle down todays of enjoyment and! freedoml -1 his very attractive 7 - rooms ultra modern bungalow home in iiawtnorne aistnct ss snpie enougu to accommouate a large nappy ram- it j i nas rrcruuns; iuiu.wki floors, built-ins : beautiful clinker brick fireolace in living room: sleep - i"it v su gie ruuv ou HOME. E. Yamhill. THE FELLOW WHO HESITATES $3990 Is lost! Why be a loser when only $300 cash will make you first in the gsmef Dandr 6-room bungalow ia - ' - .fciir-niuuuiu uii winouans aw i larm that are real buys, that csr and achooi; must ba sold at once; 1 have been appraised and inspected by us. If juu uowb n casj i iw n t TANG O' THE PINES I SS8D8 Among fragrant ptnea In deugbtiui jrving n xara. wi . one oi tie pvwi i best yards any mortal nouia con ceive, with fruit, flowers, garden ; on 100x100. You'll find this arusuc I homey bungalow of 5 rooms, every modem feature. " furnace, fireplace. aleeping porch and 2 light, airy bed rooms wiui closets: former nnoe waa $6000. Your big opportunity. Can give terms. E. 31st st $3780 $500 gives possession of this Ten attractive modem o room bungalow i on Irvington carline; full sightly lot; I everything in snd paid; no mortgage I to assume. s io St. saonuiiy terms less than rent. $500 DOWN I BEST BENT! $3870 K LEVER KENTON BUNGALOW. Heart of this prosperous home dis trict Shaded by a fragrant fir; a lovely new bungalow: bring snd din ing rooms: fireplace, ivory tapestry I finish ; built-in buffet: hardwood floors. ! S bedrooms; wbita Dutch kitchen with breakfast nook. E. Staf- $3580 $500 down f Here's value In a good comiortaoie 8 room riswtiiorne home; 8 bedrooms, bath. 88x100 lot: 1 blka. to carline: .vl rt. R kt.ln "-JS?.Aj ; ? .-? - avelrl"nr- aU in and nald for eoeTerdint to ycuroov . iu .w van gi' terms. 5 room Rose Citv $290- -$500 down I ga-WT very cost and nrsctlcaL ntu Bcnnn I at vast - wu I. 4 1 a a 7 - ..." I with fireplace; dining room with buUt- I in buffet: 3 . llcht airv rmdronmi- Dutch kitchen; large scrsetisd-in back porch; garage; full lot. E. 74th it sii mouern conveniences; newly ren- ovsted; 8 bedrooms, white enamel oa, lurnace. JS. VW st Wi diets noe. $2480 $500 down! Biggest value In the city i or tna money l a room, very com fortable, clean, modern bora in Mt Scott; very conveniently located, be ing 1 H blocks to csr and H blk. to scnooi; bullt-lna; 8 light airy bed- - rooms; loads of fruit, berries, big: grape aroor, etc. uwKH MUST DISPOSE OF THIS AT ONCE. This is your wonderful chance to own a home on nv inn,. aatv. mt $2450 $500 downl Jnst a few minatss to beautiful Laurelhamt nark, nn K Ash street; , very eozv white bungalow of 4 ronm. all mnrfn ..,; . I a real snap. Wa jus, gold two ether. I k a this. . Th.v Got $1190 $400 cash, includes all furniture ! cosy white cottage of 8 largo airy rooms: .'eery clean and neat;, fruit and shade trees; flowers: alley in rear, aiai gva. Terms lika rent PHOTOGRAPHS IN OUR 0FTICK" B IB FRANK L. MoOUIRB To Buy Your Homo Vf..!. - ADingtoa bldg. ; Bdwv. 7171. v., asq. ana atarx. Deal with an old established flm. 11 -. V VF..1. . . BRAND NEW BUNGALOW" saonw-gooo CAaH NEAR HAWTHOWVI?. ais i A genuine anas In a nn ni. . in butitful M Ivory and tap try paper; has combination .living and dining roe. with oak L CI a "eorooms, AMitck kitehen. , w . ccisssi nml . . - v :u, ia ovanronsa toroaghovst and lo ffL, 00 80x10 lot. Hurry I Hurrryl H T. W inirur 1089 Hawthorne ave. Tabor 8892. Owner Going East Must sell before fletrtiai 1. TJvln. mmA ining rms.. kitchen. sleenli m, . oai Pw, x a spin g rax. up and room for 3 mar, deep cement k. .,, r 1 wiw. a miMM. e l nr I- J Ub, sr - c n or. a QtMiar lew rauairs nan ti I aasa o n t au aa.n at inn, i rant O. s.,PptT, 810-n McKay Bldg. . Bdwy 7$29. 8TOP ROSS CITY -UPKB BARGAIN Do yon want a vein sbl. dream nf kmn. I -. i w .. ana ear, wortB I gombt itinn living snd room, fir- grery penny of $6000, fur $60001 Has tt I plane, hdw. floor throughout, 2 niee bed rooms jifuvplace, atl buirt. uk fumaca, bean-1 room , Dutch kite hea, breakfast nook, garage. Tlf n 1 1 a mm wal 1 e f In., ... a-iaap. as spaa arwa, $-. -, M-Jtgf 1 poreb. Am. mnbJ p7lt down I wus -vwai maBU- lia rB. M ae.r am dopaeat tlii. m burrr. I Broaawtv idhi i C3'feoTjS--VAT. A k " 1 " I eH. lrrrivr. XaT tLTZritl, j mt 844 Maiden, ave. Owner, . East 778 m wmaAasjftnv. - ' laSO llS-.twITSs-O" Baerlflca 200x180-1184 Talma, a., n-.r I Reed collage. I wn W 11 ffih' "gags r.fu.rHlk Broadway. 84aO. - alOwo down. lnn sen. Stovenaoa, Scaasvda Oa-. Xt Alder at, . - ' - ' ' I $008 seaaa bungalow East SaIman"stT I near 2 ear Unen A real bargain an good I r gden PLAN. at re. sons hie lea. I , L B. BAILEY - CO., y. ay. B.k h. I Ut OWNE- 4Vraa aad sleeping pogeV rasa, west aide, walking dutaaaa. ko. I evewings. Main 1241. No agents. J 18sO 4-room buaaaiaw frnhnf. st 'iib'd! -raoaa as Urn bonealow, fireplaoe, fur in. walking Uist, sa ban, aacrUiea. 00. "ce, garaga, lot SOxloo. 40 fc. 41th sC terms. Bdwy. 74?$, Bdwy. 47947 H. A. ear. ' " $5 50 4 ' rouse hopae. garage. ' bam. corner, ST " oVv'Ss 4 room " house, aU buiit-ias, 60x140. Lenta district; nacrifiaa. 8250. close to ear. Walnnt 0408. 1 McKay. Broadway 742. ! -ECK"honur,;ar j- Sli """paTad j atreet, 741 Cmau. ave. Pho ae k 1044. I' REAL ESTATE- FOR SALE HOUSES 404 A I'KW C.HD .TRADKrt W HAVE DOZENS OF OTHERS " $2300 8-room bungalow, with modern plumh s . lag; 90x100 tot, 'covered-with fruit: . want 1 or t sjcrea on Orrgoa Vay car Und. , -'.'! $3000 3 mm cwtUg,5' 7i 1 60 lot. Wear , Kenta; dear of Vncumbranre. Want to apply as first payment est realdeu ce s closer in. up to S4&OA. $4500 5 -room cottage, ' real close- In. a good business locattatx Want 1 acre, Im i ' proved, of equal value, on Oregon ; Uity car line. i , 4000 5 -room modem tmntalcvw. on Wit side. Went soma cheap building lota. (4350 6-room modern bungalow -in Haw thorne district ' Tbia is good prop- erty. Want 3 or 4-room residence up to $3800. J500 5-room modern bungslow with i f a , an acre of (round, $ blocks outside : city limits,. Want place duel in. Will assume. $4430 5-roora bungalow, modern and oa Iaved Street, In' Sellwood district Want J or 8 aevres. Lonk this ai. If you want to trade, see Us. Be Stephens, with . . ' ,4fgL5.tmIa.; ' 782 tliamber of Commerce. Two Fine Buy sv! EAST "STARK STREET 85500 Only $500 rash, balance eery easy terms. ' Attractive 8 room house, liv ing room. large dining room. 1 hitch kitchen and 8 fine bedrooms full ce ment basement: hot watrr heat; laundry and fruit rooma. corner lot 65x100. Very rioea in and near both grammar and high school. A .good home snd fine investment ' Close in, eEast Side $4500' Very atlractrre T room house. Hy ing room, large den. dining room snd kitchen on first floor; $ nice bed rooms snd bath oa second floor. Full basement, furnace and fireplaoe. Lot AOilOO. Beautiful lawn. Lots of flower, shrubbery and , fruit. , This property is located within willing dis tance of the business district and is close to all schools. Everett Pbilpne. Kalekroanaf er. Neilan & Parkhill . 210 Tmbermna Bldg. Bdwy. 2832. ; - I THIS 13 A pmrH I 848XA hv irij n. awns-imp Viitn ml rvr ran a corner Jot You will hare to see this. I Ppit4. It It fa a new .t,l. bungalow I -- ij, comiiHM aius Domioru oin, in lot U, only $800 down, balance like rent i BHixn kkw iinur iv vrvTON $8650 .buys 4 rm.. strictly modern bungs- I low In Kenton. It haa hardwood floors in li. ina. dinine mm " k ir.. it hn a nrepiace, bookcases. 60x100 tot: sarslt: imp. i atl in snd paid. It a wonderful buy. $750 i quvs; gooa terms. NEW IRTTVrtTfiV ivip I $5806 tvnva n i irvingto n. ngnt on carline. near school, full I lot and . n- k.. . i.u I firs ,a .. j . t '. .i... I go by as you will ba the aer if no dtx SIOUO I dewn. tha rt Ilka rent I Wa have huniii. -r . u.tin . n i rw are uox ins tor a b viin n I stctiKB DENNIS, I w. n k. ..v. I 999 fjeion ave. N. Walnut 8684. THE BEST. BUY. . IN PORTLAND - room modern bungalow, : hard wood floors, lot 80x100. on paved street; Must be seen to ba appre ciated.. Price $8800. $600 or mora down, easy terms for ha lance. BY OWNER . 7$l East 47th St North. Or writ Christ Hersog, ItouU 8, Yaanpuver, Wash. . I WITHDUT . h,k .I., u... .J' ' l W ULT J V1? bt. b"yT- B.".r71 m . i viogwo slot. A ItBAU OM3 sbuni'ii,' - - ; .-..M i:1 S.'""1."? uooc' oeareom 18X38 feet In sis.. . i f -wn. kia. k.-k wY -rri7r huh-l!r,; nam&T . all description ; garage with rfA""', n'"'- Pwn must have giaoor eash In lO daya, Shown only by' ap pointment Full nr liana a l Mia SfTV. will handle. BDWT. 861$. Coe A.McKenna HOUSE BARGAINS Alameda S0tt 16000 . TERM Beautiful room modem new bungalow, hdw. floors, old ivory finish, fireplaoe, cement basrrnent large attic: imerav.m r n. .11 in paid; iarga break fast nook. baauUful built-in buffet. Unoleum, shsdes, fine lawn, . Tbia house baa tha best of everything and built a horn aa should ba built Oood terms, Laurelhurst 5 ROOM" $7000 TERMS Very fine new Laarelhurat ttnns nia location, has the beat of .v.rvthiia I loon' oll l'ory finish, fireplsca. cement baaa- merit furnace. 1 blk. from cav. laean ru.. ate. This is a very fine residence: good tonus. we sv. sua tnsa to.. . (Eatablishl 18HQ1 ' V' Artisans' bldg. Bdwy. 7622. 780 CASH TRYINOTON 7 BOOMS $6000 Hera is a chance to get a real noma with a small payment down ; 7 rooms and sleeping porch, oak floors, furnace, fireplsca, natural finish, will whim enamel; 3 seta of phumbingi Ma of. buliUna; cement J. R. HAIGHT FOR BEAD ESTATE 851 ANKENY. BDWY. 2045. NEW BUNGALOW . $49 DOWN ' $4$ Par Month straight Contract 3960 PRU'E All modern and Kr -t Close to Wood stock car and school. . ' 630 Chamber of Commerce ldg. No Phone. CLOSE TO BROADWAY CAR New Alameda Park 1 story bungalow; large living room across front dining room with . i. uw .win, siicnni v is an bui It-ins. 2 bedrooms eaeh with closets and hardwood floor throughout A bargain at j ' IohnsonDodsdn Co. 88 N. VT. Bank bldg. - Main 8787. ItO.'- ClTV RMLTx' V ! k.uii tm. n..j- J4mf49ff JC rtTtX. tL. tt UMEKVtl-i.K. MAIM S761 raanhvatt Kwlw Mlta ' Btn,iiv-, wo t. -1 Bunuauun .k.m- rms. all on, floor, very nPttaAn th ra. af a --tin blk. off 'lb m of a home. You 2r,.U tuymg. Owner Uav-g. Cozy Modern Bungalow ; J0 ''??'. 53'" .-. st'",1.1 :ii .n. . k. IS .-.. - doors aad fireplace; woaderf ul shrubbery and trust trees; mast ba sold at oace. Owner to C Ifornia. Call Aotomatio 8 1,3-48. 100x180 ft; fr roam, adern a, modern home, lot fruit flowers, il blocks to esr. bet walk to Bead college or Franklin bigh. aehooL . idaal place for chad ren. Price (4 850. Call sew. Aut 644-8. oTiuTin a m.i in w ti. i. . tT H block froW st, car. 68760. Terma. Laarita. SUveiison Jtebasider Co , Ins . Alder st Main 8fl. ' 'kiVVTOOBNS DHJTRIcl' ' ' " &MALL beu with s age; 92 at R su. l'non. wwini z.'o. imti en