The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 14, 1922, Page 8, Image 8

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5 H'l BHD
l ' Dare Llghtner he ; of the -pictur
esque flight acres th PaciOa to
avoid trial tn federal court -litre, for
dope smuggling and a few other thing
S -wm bandied off a 'Southern acifi
train at last night, chain and
and whisaed In an automobile to
oovrty Jail. f where a : ceil . door
I opened tor htm and clanked after him.
: fiot that Deputy United State Mar.
ahal Henry Leesner and Federal Guard
I: Donald Hamilton were afraid Light
" ner wotrid make a break for it. Bu)
thn he has a reputation for slipper
, slns when there are no guns around,
J and th chain were kept on all the
; !y up from e :Angele, where he
' aa landed' on: hi return from, Sbang-,
f " hai. Indeed, the truth 1. Leasnisr
f Pi : " . '
"David has been a " real "nice "boy
; jrlth ua,"
K In fact, Lightner, with his short.
Wx Iftt-pound body nd bis fat. good-
naturtd face, doesn't five the ap
peeranc of being a very worthy snc
I? ceaeor to Gardner and Dr. Brumfleld
I u tlie most notorious Oregon fugitive.
-' But the length of his flight has put
mm in heroic mold for the time being.
' "If J do get big time." he said last
r- pisnt. :j want It to be Leavenworth
f instead of McNeils."
i"j- ' There are men at McNeils who may
t, have a. grudge.
r . . .''It's-sudden death for Dave If he
C, oes there." one detective at his heels
" aid last night.
f t; - Wghtner is of strong build just an
evergrown newsboy with a hull neck,
who never 'left the treet. unless sin
pearances, are deceitful. Ht doesn't
how excitement easily; but last night
-hiai smiles' were mechanical and sickly.
Ainey always came at the wrong time,
I - and he was Solemn, en Ih hir Kant
when he should have smiled. The
P"P" "of: ht eyes were dilated pain-
"VIRGIN WOOL means pure NEW wool directly.f rom the sheep's back, containing no cotton or shoddy,
jr. "fk
1 -av t 1
rh LA PI :Arg
: M , Wool
111 ' lh
V II1 IrS - II I I . . v
i I 17 i
t: If:"
t j I ' - k
fully; like a man near the fnaaaity
"Maybe ITI talk. he said. "M the
right time comes, f don't wan (o pet
anybody fa trouble t but maybe If the
right time eomes." : .-.r .
TELid of ncmr;!;i4
" XJgbtner told reperters' ef bis two
escape and bis recapture lit each to-
-" -"V ' " ' 1 iV,.
:'"Ob ;um- IT, h day before iny
trial. ' I left on the steamer Iouise
Xeilsen, shipping as C. J HIbSman.
Hibsmaa was tmy mother's name. I
didn-'t suspect anytajnf sti we war
three days ouf Thea - the third
gineer . asked me a lot of questions
that made pe know saraeWtlng was in
the wind. We got la a spat and what
he said about -something happening
when we got to Shanghai made me
leery. -J tried ta-pump ths-rad'O' jPserT
ator on vhat he had got from-North
Head, but he wouldn't pump. On wire,
lees orders, I was put: in irons before
we got to Shanghai. - V.-tf!
nPhy P-,ne, Jn Jail at the 4fT?
lean consul's. I didn't have any in
tention of breaking out until I naked
how long it would he before the amer?
lean Judge came around. : They told
me maybe nine months, so $ tore the
piaster . end hoard off the roof and
made iyv getaway. . ( ; v -ESCAPES
TO SHIP ' ; r ' " y
' "Ij slipped across Ouv' river -a
Chinese (own where there weren't any
white- men and stayed .there' for; U
days. Then I smuggled iay?f aboard
the West Faralon. Two .other smug
glers were' aboard. The crew td us
well, but .when the captain found "us
he was meaav ''
."VVlen I B. Gross, vice-consul,
came aboard, the' captain toldhim
about the . three stowaways. There
doesn't happen -to be a fellow named
LJghtner. a short, heavy. man. among
them 7 he asked. The scaptsft eaidJ
one of the men. answered that deserls
tlon. Qross. naturallyb couldn't iden
tify me for sure, but when they found
a Portland trademark Inside, my coat,
they decided they had the right man."
LAghtner - was kept chained to the
deck on the trip . to Loe Angeles. , He
made no tfoublexoa the way across or
on the trip up nrom 'California, i
And yet well, accordmg to United
States District Attorney Humphreys,
Llrhtner has .gone so far in. a prefea-
siqnal way ta carry a pocketful j,t
drugs to a dance ana give - snois
to ' boys and girl who wantad a
"thrUL" and In this way, be made new
customers for himself and bis -dope
The inventor of a spring wire. loop
to stretch vest pockets tight, claims it
will prevent pencil falling out.
Gomes Home iri
; Chains
L I I I I I . I J .H I I... Ult
: ;...:' r.:.-:
HHMIiUthWaMlli1:.' :iJ'
. I
pa.vid IJf htncrf allege qa rootle ldler, -wliose flight from trial in the
federal court took him to China, where lie was imprisoned and broke
jail, taking refuge on Americanrboun4 ship, where lie was detected
These Suits FIT for they
are Built Especially
for Western Men
CondjtiQns hye developed the Western Mair
into a strong, ruggfd individual. ,
No other clothes tan fit him like those de
signed especially for him." as the result of
years of p4rience in making hif clothing.:
For years 'we have been cutting patterns,
; studying different Types'and im
proving our models
A remarkable achievement in good fitting
clothes now awaits your selection.
tKTanj fine patterns in the Famous xpg Wearing
'YtRQfN WOPL materials. Come in vand slip' one
pnget th ''feer of these fine clothes..
Other; Suits $25 to $45
Tailored to Your Measure
Brownsville Woolen Mill Store
Third and Morrison
CJuf pf fpWff jPq fpfrtf f; Writ for Sample of Materials
Moonshine ' Suspect
.Who Was Shot Dies
From His Injuries
iWewherg, Sept. 'li Lee LaDue, al
lef ed moonshiner , who was 'shot by of
ficers early Tuesdair morning wle h
trd to escape from them and started
firing, died Tuesday night at 10 o'clock.
Testimony as to the gun battle was
given yesterday before Coroner Glenn
M fey and an autopsy was held to de
termine the course of the bullet that
wa supposed to nave lodged by
spine anu caused nia aeauu,
2 Lad Accused of
$ogus Gbeqk Deals;
Kdsehurg, Sept. J 4 Edward and
Earl Cole, age it and II years, were
arrested here Wednesday charged with
passing -five had checks on local mer
chants under" the names of Murphy
and McDonald- ' When arrested by
Deputy Sheriff . Sewell at their room
in iie Rosehurf apartment house th
oiaer ox ne yoifngsterss arew a uoit
automatlcipistpl, which was taken
away-from 'him by the officer. Both
boys carried pistoI which were stolen
from- -m hardware" store here. They
Vctmt aiere rrom Eugene with their
grandmother. ' who - is , canvassing the
town selling dress pattern. They have
been turned over to the Justice court.
K . . " r
Maplif leld Naval
'i- dioMay Close
Wahlngton,' SepC if WASHIQ
Continuation of the naval radio station
at Marshfield for six mQBths, injebarge
of on bui and abandonment ..after
Ihat, Is -'forecast in information re
cejved hy Senator McNary from the
navy department, following - inquiry
from the Port of Coos Bay as to reduc
tion of the personnel. The department
States it is considering abandonment
of 3 less Important stations' because
An . agreement was raitehed Wed
nesday kr the state highway commis
sion and the Clatsop county court
which makes provision, for the con
struct! oa of a new bridge across TJswia
and Clark river on the Columbia river
highway to take the place of the pres
ent iirwum, wmcn snsjimre mm.f a
In a dangerous condition, the rust
having eaten Inta the steel membera
Under the agreement the stats wis)
i fifty-fifty with' the county In the
cost of a new bridge. ' No estimate
baa yet been made but it 1 thought U
will approximate $l$8.ft0a. The pay
ments by the county will be extended
ever a period or two years. Work oa
the new structure can not be under
taken before next May. In the mean
while the county will make temporary
repair to- extend the life of the old
bridge and take other steps to insure
against accident
Car Driver's Wife
KPleads His 'Case
In Police Court
Mrs. John Ward, No. 1121 Knapp
avenue, rose to the defense of her
husband 'In municipal court Wednes
da.y-when the court asked if he had an
attorney, and pleaded his case so elo
quently she obtained leniency for him.
: Ward wag charged with drlvmr an
automobile, while intoxicated and the
seriousness of the offense bid" fair to
place Ward in Jail, if found guilty. In
regular police court ' attorney ' fashion.
Mrs. ""Ward argued the case with the
deputy -city attorney and aucoeeded in
getting--, her husband - released ruritb e
! fine and f uspeadef JaJ4 aentanse
of ten. daya,
His driver's lloetuse was revoked for
a year. ;
Whirlwind Spur
Grain Fire Qyer
: Midland Distriot
Klamath Falls, Sept. liy--Whirl winds
are responsible for the spreadlp- "of
th grain fire tn the-Midland district,
according to T. a. ttevcneov fepretary
of : the chamber of commerce, -" '"One
moment the fire seems out, when sud
denly will appear a whirlwind efi
feet In diameter, spouUrj flames and
emitting thunder clapa, jad spreadinc
soarka aver a wide area' ' he -: said.
Stevenson end others -esere' forced to
beat a hasty retreat, when a whirl
wind approached. A fire fighter who
was overtaken was blackened Vrem
head to foot and slightly burned. '
Fire lines nave been plowed, but are
of no value against the Whirlwinds.
Water baa not been turned on the land
due to the objection of- aoma em.
bera of the irrigation district.
The forest fire an 3 ear valley moan
tain near" Kane la under control after
burning over about f 0 -acres of gov
ernment land. Jack Kimble, head of
the Klamath fores-. protective associa
tion, said Wednesday. Only a small
amount of green timber was damaged.
: K I J. M ' J- '
Stock Is. Judged
Tillamook. Sept. The second day
of the Tillamook county fair was taken
up In judging the 11 head of pure bred
cat ue enterea in comptuuon. oziy
one Jerseys, 67 Guernsey and ii Hoi
tains are on exhibit. Official an-
1,- xtpoer cm
between ri
"'if ??7lt"
k U
; V w
6 j JSTO
for Miitmi
Children Garter pwde'with the tkteuted
ruan cwsp, wwa notag sottki ngi . xjrmij
ibbet aixi rubbet- Saves wear and tear on
- gxpcKinga ana means less gaming. v - .
2. Highest quality elastic Land webbing. thoiowghly
" tested, inwref ang wear. N
3. -The pJa, btKIe tod clasp are absolutely rust prooJ
Extra strong pin. Cannot break cr bend. ' .
5. The buckle is easily adjusted and prevents broken
finger mil N ' '
-v clepend!; "upon style and size. x
CovtpUtg sf&facfio assured or yout tpoBcy back
- j fl.CTi:iN u COMPANY
r --
Of economies
forced by reduced
Pensions Asked for
.- Wives of Victims
vJ.; I?
- ; Members of both the Spanish . War
veterans and the Veterans of Foreign,
wars have signed a petition to the
Oregon congressman tasking for jthe
drafting of a 'special b!ll providing pen
sions for the widow of Glen H. Pierce
eod .Grovec Todd, two prohibition en
forcement officer wbQ were killed by
an Indian recently near the Old Grand
ftonde. District Judge Richard Delch
has charge of preparing anj. present
ing the petitloni ' !
; j t ... .i n ' -
fJoricalla Paving i
upenea to ruDiip
.c - ' -. I
Roeeburg. Sept.- 1. The Toncalla
paving' has been opened to the public,
according to an announcement mad
Wednesday.' This small strip, through
the Mam streei ox xoncana, nu vrd
closed- for two weeks. It is of the as
nhalt tame. The stae replaced the pav
ing through Toncalla where It had been
broken down, ty peavy trucKa.
TJ. of 0. Entered by
: aotidtership Body
University of Oregon,' Eugene, ' Sept
11. In recognition of the high scholar
ship requirements at the University of
Oregon, Phi Beta Kappa, national
scholarship fraternity, has authorized
installation of a , chapter f ( .or
ganization" on the caropushere. i '
v A " alas stopper : that encloses the
J- f ptire neck of a hortle to keep it dean
n a- FTertn doctors invention, i
I ! In right ai that auto trip
CtlTsn Chlla Cheese
Oil II
mi t. i t m jufmnM. j( W"
for Caood ShoQoJ
"Always Your Money's Worth v
IWpmen's Pumps and
New Ar?ivala
M, Si 1
9f sZS Jr
"Patent, Black and Brown Leathers; flat heels or military heels;
jneqiirm or neavy sates, uur new low price is $3.85
Wojien's Leather Slippers $1.45
Black leather lw ' heel, silk pompons; also with one strap.
Men's Shoes $3.85
Dress Shoes, brown or blac)c
leather; uoodyear Wflt soles.
Bqys' School Shoes
Black or brown Jeather;
blucher cut; swing last; solid
Sizes to 6 $3.35
Girls' School Shoesl
Black leather, f ootform shape,
durable soles. 10 - K
SizesV8 to .11. . Lp
giiea UU to 9 $2.35
. English last
Work Shoes,
black or brown
Jeathers, oak
soles, Munson
last. Sizes 6
to 2 ..$3.85
' -.V BUI,.
. .$3.85
Tmr- k. jar i
In tbt Htrt '--JNsj 7tin - -Jar
Simon's Store
nouncement "of awards will -b made
today. The school calf clubs have eai
tered purebred calves. Today is the
big day of the fair. Business houses In
Tillamook city; including both hanks,
closed at 11 o'clock. , . - -r
'- a.-y - a.j.... w-jl-jj."! stj-; school to or eh S
Oak Grove. BepC 14. The remodeled
Concord school district " tlldlj!g; cnv
pleted af a cost of f 14.604. ilj he
warming. -yhe cho4 ivrttl open klon-
aay witit - the - tciiowuta" teacher :
Mia Bartha pnnlnram, Portland,
principal f hfra. ,: Ida $4 Perry, Ml
Bradford of Qtsk i (3n-a aa4 Miss
Mllla of : Pertland. i i , , ,
a A- '
' m-- -.Gaiarm
; Doesn't hurt 9 bit! Apply a fpyf drop!
of Freezone upon a tender, aching
corn or a calluf for a few n!ghti. Tie
lorcnesi ?topj and shortly the entire
corn or calli It removed,
Freezone removei hard or soft corni,
also corns between the toes and hard
.ened calluses. You feel no pain when-;
applying it or.afterward. - -
$ma3 heltUs qt any drug surt , -
'Attend Style Sfav-Ottr Stores-Next hfoniay
I ' ' Evenin$-Ever$Dd fmlfed
Twills1 Tricotine-Canton
Grepe Roniaine-Satms
Every Que Ju$t Fresft Front
New York
You'll have to see thee charming frocks to
fully appreciate them. Judge their style,
fpr the unseen worlunanship. for quality of
materials and above all. for the price. ,
There are. youthful models for the woman
whose age is measureo only by her appear
ance and also several more models for the
more elderiy type. ' . ' -
Every frocjc in this exceptional Assortment ) '
represents most attractive values.": Plan on
seeing hem early. ierhemberf 1 the group
includes both ji& ajid wool dresses.
GxxM Wool Grtpo Presses
Mothers,' here is euimg new. A
wool crepe material, fashioned in the . !
smartest of girlish styles. Several dif
f erent modes and colors; Ideal for
your daughter for : school or dress -'
wear. - ... - . -'. - '- '
trduroy Bath Robes
collection of 11
fee, made pf duraV!-
uroy, - p9 rtl ttrac
colors trow which
you may choose. '
qia coiicctton or - new
ington at Tenth
It happens .every dayvalu
able bqsjness paj) era, care
lessly misplaced, art Jost,
perhaps, forever., v
Keep them in a Safe Deposit
Vault. t.
Oldest in the Northwest z
Washington! at third
I. " . . : ,