21 FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS PRIVATE FAMILY 301 .TOR J OR 2 GENT ICEMEN ; 4LRGE FROST SLEEPING BOOM, - MODERN CONVEN IENCES; WALKING DISTANCE. 591 . OAK. x ' "HAVE 4 lovely sleeping rooms, best west aide district ; furnace beat, rood accommodations; rutin, yet walking distance. - S3 2 So. 234. Bdwy. (785. LARGE front bed-sitting room, refined borne. Nob Bill; furnace heat, electricity, bath, phone; auitable ft two; 329. Phone Main- 2975. ; . ' 4 FURNISHED ims., upstairs, private bath; the right rent to tha right people; dean, dose in, adtiiu only. Aiao S unfurnished rooms. 727 K. Stark. SEE THIS TODAY LOVELY LARGE CORNER Bll. FOR 2: GOOD BED. BEST OK BOARD; 7 KIN. WALK TO CITY. EAST 1880. A LARGE rm. oa eecond fir. including sleep ing porch: aU borne privileges, free bath and phone ; suitable for two or three, either sex. 253 X. 21st Main 4078. ONE nice, large sleeping room, aiao on, which mar be converted to light housekeeping if desired, welkins distance, close to carline. 7S1 E. Conch. Phoae E. 0533. NICELY furnished rooms, private home, for 9. net, employed person, walking distance, lovely .neighborhood. 50 Eila at. Bdwy. 8004. " NOB HILL BEAUTIFUL FRONT ROOM. 9 MIN UTES' WALK TO HEART OP CITY. 627 LOVEJOT. BDWY. 4425. ; VERY attractive front room with dressing roost and sleeping porch; nicely furnished, clean and comfortable; cenUem n preferred, weat aide. Bdwy. 4329, , ONE nice large sleeping room, in private fam ily! anyone seeing tais room will be de lighted to rent it; I will rent it cheaply. 428 6th st. LARGE, STRICTLY MODERN. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOM, WITH FIREPLACE AND WICKER FURNITURE; WALKING DISTANCE. EAST 435. NICELY furniahed aleeping mom, bath, hot and cold water any time. All conveniences; walking distance and very reasonable. 699 Hoyt Main 3741. LOVELY ROOM IN STRICTLY MODERN HOME. NICELY FURNISHED; 2 WIN DOWS; LADY PREFERRED; WALKING IIST. RENT REASON ABLE. ATW. 0212. GENTLEMAN ONLY. NICELY KI US. KM.. LSE OF GARAGE. NOB HILL. CLOSE IN REFERENCES. MAIN 7312. 791 KEARNEY. 4 ROOM unfurnished, 3 room furnished, large outside room, walking distance. Hot water. 575 Stark st. ROOM AND BOARD 302 Broadway off Washington. Broadway 1180. Portland's bigh class downtown residential hotel. We give you the comforts of home. American and European plan. Rates reason able. HOTEL HEREFORD 783 HOYT. MAIN 3303. Exclusive residential; special summer rates; ear meals speak for oor popularity. EXCLUSIVE residential hotel; rates 443 t $80. 794 Lovejoy. Main 8619. ROOMS AND BOARD PRIVATE FAMILY 303 2 OR 3 persons may have room and board : wonderful view; dressing room; hot and cold water; fireplace; sip. porch; splenedid home cooking: references. Main 0511. SEE THIS TODAY . LOVELY LARGE CORNER RM. FOR 2; C.OOD BED. BEST OF BOARD; 7 MIN. WALK TO CITY. EAST 1880. ROOM and boara in nice modern home, walk ing distance. $35 per month, or $30 if 3 ehsre room. Call East 4379 until Sat. p.. m. Later at 599 Holly st. PLEASANT room, breakfast and dinner, Wil liams ave. and St. Johns cars; near .jeffea son high. Waiwut 54 84. ATTRACTIVE home i Irvingtorr, with garage. near 2 carlinea, suitable for business people who appreciate a- real home, with privileges; excellent meals. East 6724. WILL give room and breakfast for 315 to girl employed snd who would stay evenings with children. East 6705. WIDOW Comfortable borne, near good school. would like care of children, 6 to 12 yesrs: mother's care snd sttention. 907 E. 11th st, N., between Skidmore and Mason.. DESIRABLE LIGHT FRONT ROOM IN MODERN BUNGALOW. CLOSE IN. MEALS IF DESIRED. TABOR 8424. LOVELY large front room with alcove, suit able for two ; hot and cold water rn room ; good board: walking distance; west side. Mais 7681. WE WILL welcome 1 or 2 into the family circle. Modest home, refined atmosphere; walking distance: garage. .719 E. Pine at. Phone East 6229. SEE THESE TODAY iOVELY LARGE KM. WITH 1 OR 2 BEDS. WITH 2 MEALS. L ATTRACTIVE HOME. TABOR 8709. FAMILY living in the country will ts 1 or more boys to board for winter; near good school .- references given. Address Mrs. Etta Mickley. Prindle, Wash. SUNNYSIDE SPECIAL Breakfast, lunch or dinner: rm. if desired, 2 blks. to school good home for teachers; piano and phone. Tab. 1916, 1069 Morrison. GOOD board and room $6.50 wk; swell neigh borhood one block to car; two to another; four to others; garage, $5 mo. 1197 Cleve land. Walnut 5936. 1 HAVE one large front room suitable ?or two young people in business; will furnish breakfast and dinner; home privileges, walk ing distsnce to 3 schools. East 1376. CHII-DKEN to board,, beautiful country home, near school, close in, $14 monthly. For particulars write Peaceful Acres Farm, route 1. boy 14 2-A. Hlllsboro. BOARD and room in refined home, twin beds, pleasant for 2 girls to room together; would five special price (25 each per month. Broad way 2293. 2 YOUNG anen or man and wife to room and board, private home, walking distance, east side, near Benson school. East 9218. LARGE front room on first Uoor. -suitable tor 2 with tabl board. 692 Ifest Ash. East 1207. BOARD and room in private family for 2 men. $35 a mo. ; 2 blocks from Bdwy. bridge. 360 Benton st. NICE warm room, hot and cold water, rea , sonable, excellent board for 2 men. 191 11th st Msin 912L HOMELIKE accommodation for two ladies, teachers cr others employed ; Irvington dis trict: two car lines; best neighborhood; good board. East 5878, TWO NICE FRONT ROOMS, FIRST AND SECOND FLOOR. BOARD IF DESIRED. BDWY. 3355. CI7 MARSHALL. NICE ROOM AND BOARD FOR 2 YOUNG LADIES; HOME PRIVILEGES. WAL- NIT 1285, NIU large room, suitable for 1 or 2 ladies, . large closets, good heat and all modern con yenlences: no other roomers. Tabor 7338. WANTED Children under U to board, good home, mother care ; would room parents. .Walnut. 8954. fWEST SIDE. WALKING DISTANCE. AT T ACTIVE ROOM. GOOD HOME COOK ING. 591 H DAVIS. BDWY. 8048. 1 LARGE front room, downstairs,, with fire- place; 1 lsrge room upstairs; board includ Vl : double or single. 82 E. 12th rt- 2 PLEASANT rooms with board: close to car line; young men preferred; clean and airy rooms; Sunavsule; 835: 2 meals. 14 7 , 30th, 4 ROOM and board, all home convenience, best r home cooking, salads and desserts, fruit for breakfast;, jut l;ke home, cloee in. E. 8248. DA.NDY ROOM. LARGE CLOSET. GOOD JiPARD- PIANO. FURNACE HEAT. J8 E. 1-tlIAIK. KAS1 9068. CHILDREN LO T-OOUi LK Krri t rna A i A Coo4 home. 5 bJoc to school. $$J4 -'C. CBWI.'JW W - i 1 . ROOM .and board, hot water, phone, piano. priTueges. i woc woodlawn car. Walnut 3552. - LAHG E. clean room with board for one or two get , snower bath, noaaa privileges, walking distance. 574 E. Taylor. nuui ana ooa.ru in private family for two women, near sunuyside school; home priri leges. 1145 K. Taylor t . ROOM and board. $30 for two meals, all home wi i , cw w i-oiytectuuc acnool; genue mew only. 625 E. Ankepy. East (023. LOVELY BOOM WITH BEST OF BOARD, EJ0B 2. FURNACE HEAT. CLOSE IN NEAR S CARUNES. SELL. 2840 NURSE will take 2 or 3 old people ia her home ; all hojna.conveniencea. Full parttcu iars East 4232. PRIVATE FAMILY Boom and board aaitable for two working men; will rnsk. it homelike.' 13 K. 15th N. HOUSE furnished in Oriental rug and ma hogany furniture. Prefer couple that win room together. (40 per month. 65 N. 21st t N1"E. LARGE FRONT ROOM IN PRIVATE FAMILY; VERY CLOSE IN; EASY WALK ING DISTANCE.- ATWATER 11 31' . ' N ICE front room, boacd, piana, furnace beat A real hum Tb8 E. Taylor. Et 1 BOOM "with board; 1 block from carline"; furnace heat 667 E. Aah st Last (1(0. , TORRENT ROOMS AND BOARD PRIVATE FAMILY 303 GOOD HOME FOB TEACHERS BREAKFAST, LUNCH AND DINNER; H. K. ROOMS IF DESIRED. 1Q69 E. MORRISON. BOOM AND BOARD for teacher or lady em ployed; private home; near Hawthorne car line. 304 East 40th street south. Tabor 2374. TWO OR THREE respectable young: gentlemen to room and board in refined home with mother and daughter. Boys who appreciate real home life. 739 E. Ankeny at. East 1431. ROOM and board for 2 gentlemen, 330 per month. 121 E. 11th. Phone East 2522. SEE THESE TODAY LOVELY LARGE KM. WITH 1 OR 2 BEDS. WITH 2 MJCAL-, IN ATTRACTIVE HOME. TABOR 8709. WANTED 2 refined young ladies who want good meals. Large, airy room, 2 beda. Heme privileges. Nob Hill district. Atwater 1013. L FOR AGED -invalids, chronic or convalescent patients, pleasant homo snrrotrndwign. with health-building diet and treatment, personal care of physician; reasonable rates. East 8535. WANT FATHER AND CHILD, SCHOOL AGE, TO ROOM AVD BOARD. LARGE FRONT ROOM; MOTHERLY CARE; PRI VATE FAMILY. ROSE CITY. TABOR 8976. a large rooms, nicely furnished. IN EXrLUSIVE PRIVATE HOME. WITH OR WITHOUT BOARD. 761 CLINTON. NEAR 23D. SELL. 01815. NICE room with good board. S per week. Tabor 4872. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED 304 FOR RENT 6 furnished rooms, furnace. light and modern convenience; 2 blocks to cs r line, walking distance to Jefferson high and Woodlawn schools 355 per month. Piedmont district. 1235 Mallory, ave. FOR RENT Newly furnished housekeeping and sleeping rooms." 591 WasMing in . st. Walking distance. - 323 2FURN. H. K. rooms, heat, light, phone, walking distance, weat side. 179 Stout or 20th and Morrison. ONE trunk transferred, BOc; additional trunks, 2 5c each, in downtown district. Broad way 2445. LOVELY large rooms, hot and cold water, laundry privileges. Reasonable. 501 Har mon, above 14 th. Aut 518-13. TWO nice, clean H. K. rooms. Everything except gas for cooking. Adults. Phoneq East 6481. . THREE fur. H. K. rooms, gas. elec, phone, hath, walking distance. 8 E. 11th at. S. ONE small housekeeping room, suitable for a bachelor, 32 per week. 841 11th st LIGHT H. K-, 1-2 and 3 room apt.; running water, $2 per week up. 370 E- Pine. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED PRIVATE FAMILY 306 THREE Urge rooms, kitchenette, bath, light, gas.- telephone, water and heat. Upper floor of pr-.vate home. lesirable location, near Rus-sell-Sbaver car. Lovely home for couple or c':ub of girls. C. S. people preferred. 880 Colonial ave. 2 ROOM housekeeping apartments with sleep ing iiorclies, well furnished. Phone, light and water: reasonable rent; Rose City car. 733 pacific st. cr call East 9232. $13.50 LARGE, clean, comfortable basement II. K. room, furnished, electric lights free. Nice location; lawn, walking distance. 564 E. 6th. Sell. 1109. JUST vacant. 3 rra.. well furnished, large, clean and light, in nice, large residence. Very plea-ant. Adults only. 955 Interstate are. Wdln. 4551. TWO room apt. first fioor, ground front, very clean, gas range, sink, fireplace, furnace, electric 1 block Shattuck school. See this. 405 West Park. TWO room fur. H. . apartment, modern. One large 2L K. room, furnace heat, clean snd reasonable. 421 H th st. Atwater 2605. GOOD h. k. room. Tabor 1105. modern, private family. CHEERFUL. COZY, WELL FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING SUITE; ALSO SINGLE ROOM. 414 MARKET, COR. 11TH. 3 1L K. ROOMS and private bath; clean rooms; Includes light, phone; no children. 510 Clay st. 2 H. K. ROOMS with kitchenette; 2 large h. k. rooms connecting; a single rooms. 295 1 7th st. ONE large furnished H. K. room and closet; furnace heat, suitable for two. $4.50 per week. 421 H 6th st, Atwater 2605. ON E large front room with piano, on first floor, suitable for two; 15th and East Couch. East 4976. TWO large rooms sink in kitchen, side and back entance, (6 per week. 369 6th st. Atwater 1455. ONE ROOM and kitchenette, suitable for lady; desirable location: one block to car; furnace beat: in modern home. East 7581. 11. K. 1UH1MS for rent: light, airy and clean; reasonable rates: light, water and fuel fur nishrd. 389 3d st. Phone Msin 8340. IN PRIVATE home, 3 room fur. apartment. Private bath, 3 (ingle rooms. All newly papered. Ajit, 514-23. 288 N. 20tWst. NICELY furnished housekeeping room for man or lady attending school; close to carline, (10 per month. 172 E. 35th st LARGE front room with kitchenette, newly papered and decorated; $5 week- 2tO Columbia. Main 27 67. IVVo front housekeeping rooms, on carline; -walking distance; adults only. Clean. 632 East Morrison st. ' FOUR unfurnished light housekeeping rooms, close to carline: light and water furnished. Must be sten to appreciate. 14fyE. 4tn st. 2 H. K. ROOMS suitable for 8. furnace heat, 9 light and gaa; could care for, small child. 751 Kearney st. NOB HILL -2 clean, desirable front H. K. rooms, all conveniences; 1 aleeping! room. Atwater 254. 2 FRONT h. k. rooms and 1 back room, - with kitchenette; furnace heaV close in. 548 Yamhill st. 4 ROOMS, neatly turn, for hi k. : walking distance to Reed college; adults only. Sell wood 0590. CLEAN rooms, H. K., sleeping; beautiful view of city; $3 and (4 week. 696 Market St. drive. Msin 617 7. 2 FL KN1SHED rooms lor H. K. ; preferably adults; reasonable rates. 1071 . Wash lngton st. 1 a K. ROOM, with kitchenette, 1 single H. K. room, close in. walking distance. 486 E. Washington. IN MODERN home, clesn h. k. rooms; also sleeping rooms. 8 E. 6 th st, N. East 8473. FOR RENT 3 large airy furnished h. k. rooms near Eliot school. Call East 8335, Sundays Or forenoons. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, close in. $20 pr month, including gas for cooking. 502 East Pine. Phone East 89 IS. IjARGE - furnished h. k. rooms, with heat. phone and bath, $13; single and $20 double. wett side. 409 Mr Jackson, st. Main 5196. FOUR H. K rooms, first floor; also single rooms. Plain furniture, cheap rant, close in 326 4th st- Atwater 96T2. $23 THREE clean furnished H. K rooms. 127 E. 16th at., near Morrison. No chil dren. 2 NICELY furnished b, k. rooms, gaa and light furnished; close to business district. 552 4 Yamhill st 2 FlRNlSUED H. K rooms, very sunny and bright; light beat phoae; comfortably rur niahed; young couple preftrred. 31 K. 28th t NEW LX furnished housekeeping rooms, fur-' nace heat waiaing aistance. 628 . Stephens. 5 11. K. ROOMS, with bath; new apts.; close to carline; acToaa from new Buckjnan school near high school. 55 E. 1 t)th lt- -". 1-2 AND 3-RM. h. k. apts.; 2 beda. sink, hot cold water, furnace heat, goad location, 306 12th st Main 1520. ---a. ouo NICELY furnished H. K, rooms in nice resi dential district; furnace heat; prices reaaoa aMe; walking distance. 755 Hoyt at -MODERN 3 room housekeeping apartment walking distance ; adulta. Call Atwater 0824. before noon or after 6 p. m, S SINGLE and t double H. K. rooms; light - and water furnished: close in. 200 14th at. M. 4905. " 1 SINGLE front H. K room, suitable for- peopie; rua wamr; rree pnone and light' walking distance. 478 Clay at M. 3799. 1 BOOM furnished; walking distance; close to car no.: gui maa waser luxrusneo, 671 E, Stark st . 3 SINGLE HU K. rooms; gaa range, ' sink and running water; close in. (TO 12th at M 8283. 3 ROOM APT., clean, close in. walking d-1 I III 11 I-' " ' .. E tance. I v r- e e niz. FURNISHED housekeeping apt. furnace heat East (left. i ONE 2 ROOM apt for H. K. ; also room and kitchenette-. 635 E. Morrison. TWO ROOMS, nicely furnished, is modern private tiwss- ids r nyior st. - SINGLE furnished L room, 684 Glisaa at Atwater 01(7.1 . tM R furnlsued boiueteep ig roonu. , , (a. ts. ersix sr. H'-' -J.. tj t., ; i , .. naaecabia rant Umo ave. JS. ". FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED - PRIVATE FAMILY 308 JUST BEES FURNISHED NOW READY . Largs 2 room, a mm keeping apt., 330; 2 beds if- necessary; ground floor. largo yard, f rneee heat, running water, phone, bath, etc Also one large, clean, oosap tely famished housekeeping mom for 34 week. 624 FLANDERS' ST.. NEAR 19TH JUST BEEi FURNISHED Large, completely furnished front suite with aleeping porch; 44.50 wk. ; handy to bath, phone, etc. 582 EAST 6TH. OVERLOOKING RIVER Sell wood 881. Brooklyn CaT. 318 COMPLETELY - furnished detached ' house. 2 rooms and kitchenette, phone, pri vate bath, laundry and basement ; mall but comfortable and convenient; adults. Take Fulton car to 1603 Virginia st. FINELY fur. front iwsm, with cooking and kitchen privilege Suitable for man and wife or single man. Also 1 small sleeping mom cheap. 348 Williams ave. Clow to Bdwy. a LARGE 2 room trout suite, well furnished: good piano, electricity and phone; also single room, kitchenette; walking distance. Call Sundays or after 3 p. m . 461 6th st Atwater 3833. 313 FRONT ROOM. WITH KITCHEN ETTE. COMPLETELY - FURNISHED; FREE LIGHTS. BATH. OAS, PHONE: ADULTS. 182 E. 23D. S. S. CAR. EAST 7074. NICE, large, furniahed room for two people; 2 beds, 32.60 a week each; large single room. 34 a week; close in. 747 verett it-, near 23d. NICE CLEA MUtSEKKKVlNU ROOMS, ONE WITH KITCHENETTE: EVERY THING FUKN1SHD. 121 N. 23D. AT WATER 1502. THREE FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, 325. EAST 9o73. MODERN housekeeping rooms for rent; 1 block from Multnomah club; walking dis tance Atwater 4173. 260 Nartilla. LARGE 2 room-front-suiteT-well furnished, electricity and- phone, sink and gas range; chxe in. Call Sundays or after 5 p. m. 44 9 Montgomery. 2 FURNISHED H. K. . rooms, large, clean, close to car line, walking distance, near shjol. $25. Everything furnished. 20 E. Hth st. SEE THERE TODAT 4 NICE II. K. ROOMS. WOOD AND LIGHT FURNISHED; VERY REASONABLE; CLOSE IN. CALL AT 194 LOWXSDAE. LOWER 4 or 5 rooms, bath, electricity (fur nished or unfurnished) place for cars free; 10 minutes' walk; basement. Very cheap. 315 Williams ave. Upper rooms cheaper. Children taken. Close to school. 2 OR 3 CLEAN, comfortable fur. 51 ST rooms, private Borne, 2 hi blocks from ear. Good location. 936 E. Couch, near 30th. East 0698. . HOME just opened. Everything new. Single h. k. room.. Mahogany, ivory woodwork. New drapes, rugs. Lovely home. $5 week. 133 N. 18th st ONE small light 1). k. room, close in, one block from Sunnyside and Mt Tabor car line. Phone, light and water; $10. East 5335. NOB HILL, 3 large, clean, nicely furnished modern rooms K accommodate 3 or 4 people : near school and car; would like lady to look after bouse part time. 736 Hoyt. near 23d. NICELY furnished 3 room apartment, west side, clean place, good location, bandy to stores, 12 minutes to town; reasonable. 850 Thurman st. nesr 25th. 1 SMALL, neat and ciean h. k. room; every thing furnished, only $15; also 1 nice 2 or 3 room apt. vacant 17th, $25 and $35 Call Man. Weds, and Fridays, between 11 and 4 p. m.. 550 4th st. 2 ROOM furnished housekeeping apartments; also 1 single housekeeping room, all mod ern, rent reasonable; space for car if desired. 363 X. 16th. Bdwy. 7634 2-ROOM housekeeping apartments, also 2 single rooms furnished. Reasonable rent. 434 K. Morrison st. THREE 2 -room housekeeping apartments. lights, water, phone, bath; clean. Ideal location on carline. 634 E. Morrison st. TO light h! k. rooms; large and airy; nice quiet neighborhood. 12 minutes from Broadway and Washington. (16 per month. Inc. light and gas. 795 Minnesota ave., near Beech. l'VtO large clean hdueaeefHng "rooms, ground uoor, suitable for a admta; $25 month- Small 2 -room apartment, electric light, bath, phone free. Mam 2757. 270 Columbia. SNAPPY, clean furnished h. k. rooms; every . thing new and everything furnished; good Tard for car; near Williams ave., 302 Tilla mook street. TWO rooms, well furnished, downstairs, (16 per month. 607 MlssuaippL - LAKGE, 1 small housekeeping room, private entrance; gas heat, electricity, bath; also 1 sleeping porch. 388 Grand ave. N., near Broadway.- THREE housekeeping rooms, 2 beds. $20 per month; Urge front housekeeping room (16 per month; small housekeeping room, (8 per month. Close in. 372 l Hawthorne ave. CHOICE of 2 large housekeeping rooms in private family, suitable fcr gentleman or lady; preferably working. 651 E. Madison st. VERY desirable single h. k. room: steam heat clean; must be seen to sppreciste; close in. 428 Mill St., between 11th and 12th sts. ONE large, light airy housekeeping room, $5 per week, including bstii, phone, light and gas; easy walking distance. 120 18th st N. Phone Brosaway 1025. FURNISHED h. k. rooms, turnace heat very deairable, near Washington High and Esst side library; walking ditsance. 595 East Alder. cor of 15th. 3 MODERN furnished rooms in. kitchen, dining room, bed room, bath, lieht, water, linen, silver; private entrance $25. 148 E. 72d. N. M. V carline. Tab. 04 75. POSITIV ELY clean 3 room apartment neatly furnished, good rugs, linoleum kitchen, pantry, closet; gsa range: hall and porch storage room. 690 E. 10th. Sellwood 1898 bMALL house, completely furnished clean. comfortable and coay. Private bath and laundry, 15 minutes on Fulton car 1605 Virginia st Phone Atwater 0399. $18. CLEANS LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING ROO".M' PHONE. LIGHT, WATER AND GAS FUR NISHED; CLOSE IN. 329 BOSS ST. EAST LIGHT h. k. room, furn, or unfurn, 2d floor; attractive aleeping room on 1st floor, suitable for business couple, near 2 carline! also garages. Tsbor 9506. 2 CLEAN, pleasant-modern h. k. rooms, . light, phone, water, bath furnished: separate en trance, 1 -block, two carlinea; walking distance. Ksst 2505. 2 LARGE front rooms, hot and cold water; also large front room and kitchenette. $20 monthly. Single rooms for $15. Near Couch school. 655 Flanders. 1 H. K. ROOM and kitchenette. 1 single room ; gas and light famished; close in. 430 Mill at M. 8633. FOUR furnished housekeeping rooms ia pri vate family in Rose City Park. Tabor 0012. 3-ROOM unfurnished apt; light clean, sink, water, gas, electricity. (18. 173 E. 7th st, cor. Yamhill. 3 NICE, ciean rooms furnished for IL K., first and second floors. Walnut 3883. 732 Albina ave. $2.73 WEEK, furnished houeekeeoin. nut lights and bath included, west side, walking aistance. oeo ft in ana aio aim st. cor. 1st TWO housekeeping rooms with light gas and heat rurnisnea, tor aui amy.. 7i 14th. Phone Main 7695. SUNNYSIDE. 30th st. 3 clean room- iri- Tate porch entrance. Pleasant home East 8146. (18 TWO furn. H. K. rooms with bath- room on first fioor, east front Room for parking auto. 4ZT Jilt st gn ay. 6S61. NICE large room with kitchenette, clean lin ens each week. Light, gas, steam beat good basement tor two oruy. wamat 4 545.- S NEWLY furnished h. a. rooms; hot and cold water, gas and - electricity, phone, walking piy gee. Alain , col l zip at. ONE large -U. K. room, 1 small H. room. adjoining bath. Hose te car line. . Walking distance. 10 K. lOtb at B. 2796. S BOOaf' furniahed apt; place for automobile free of charge, 162 N. 2 2d st 4 FURNISHED IL K. rooms upstairs, light phone, bath, water, garage. Auto. 615-52. IN PRIVATE borne, 3 room f rnfshed apc72 single H. K. rooms. 288 N. 20th at. H SUITE with sleeping porch for 3, 154 !. IBtn st. THREE furnished H. K. rooms. (23 Thur- man at Phone Walnut 6183 2 ROOMS, furnace heated, reasonable. 60 Bucbtel are. rst 8956. 4 H K. rooms, partly fumuhed. lower floor 412 Vancouver ave. E t 6667. 3 DESIRABLE H. . K. rooms; adults. is 3 T.mhUL Malar 4415, SINGLE H. K. for neat bachelor." Ev.rytuin fnrn-hed. 308 12ta st -. IJf1-.?,0-,,s' fcUl. (( ad $4:6 3 NICE front rooms, large c wets, about-5 mm. il a (48 Clay. M(43r . i-- ' i i : -- - -- - v" : v .: - I-" . r i - - " i--. - FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED PRIVATE FAMILY ! 1 SLEEPING BOOM WITH SLEEP: PORCH 1 HOUSEKEEPING ROOM 1 CHEAP BASEMENT ROOM 37 TRINITY PLACE. BDWT; 3741 FURNISHED 3 room apt-, light, water, heat and private bath. Use of phooe. Sunny side district. 1 block to carline. Tabor 5188. 126 E. 34th st. 2 OB 3 furnished H. K. rooms, near Laurel hurst Park, eiose to carline. I Light and water furnished. Private bath. I 1045 E. Washington. : f FINE FOB BACHELOR Large, clean, well furnished housekeeping zoom in nice house, only $1.75 week. 624 FLANDERS ST.. NEAR! 19TH TWO or three rooms for people employed; lights, hot water, bath, laundry privilegea, table and bed linens furnished, i Reasonable rent. 509 Dekam ave. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, $15 MONTH. CALL SELLWOOD 1222. VICINITY of Jefferson high, private bath; also separate entrance ; gaa range and fur. nished; block from stores and cam; desirable. 1037 Cleveland ave. j 3 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms in modern home ; fine location, complete k lichen, rooms in white enamel; adulta only. 196 E. 30th st. Tabor 6501. SEE THESE TODA VERY CLOSE IN, 2 NICE, LARGE HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, ON 1ST FLOOR CHILDREN WELCOME. BDWYi. -4436. FURNISHED H. K. ROOMS. WASH. ST. EAST 6885. 474 E. APARTMENTS FURNISHED 307 394 Guild, near 23d and Thurman 3 IK. private bath, hall, heat, hot water, very attractive; one 4 rm. unfur.1 Main 3-703. THE ALAMO AFTS.l Attractively furnished 3 rm. apt., steam heat, private baths, disappearing beds; back apts. suitable for 3, two beds newly white enameled, $40; front apts. $45. 4 94 Masket, $30 WAGONER APARTMENTS $30 715 WAI.NLVOT.. NEAR ;K1NG 4 large rooms with 2 nice closet, nice bath, good furnishing. Heat and water furnished. Adults only. Call Main 6111 : King Albert Apts. 2 and S rooms, furnished of unfurnished, tils bath, elevator. 11th st Montgomery. Main 0859. Leeds Apartments Fireproof building, modern, 2, 8. and 4 rm. apts, ; single rms. ; elevator service. Atw. 3397. 3-ROOM furnished apartment, light, heat, hot and cold water furnisheTl; no small children. Call Tabor 4224. 1092 H Hairthorne are., apartment A. THE STANFISELD Modem 2 room apt., light, heats, phone, $23, winter rate. Mam isa. HiTlDON HALL. 11TH AND HALL 3 rooms, kitchenette, bath, hdw. floors, pri vate balconies. $35 up. Atwater 1160. THE EDENHOLM 834 5th st.. modern 2 and 3 room furnished irtartmenta. Private baths. Rent reasonable. SAN MARCO. E. 8TH AND COUCH, 3 RM. 10I. APT., WK. OR MO. EAST 1990. GLEN COURT Corner Park and Taylor. 2 and 3 -room apts., close in. 1 Main 1061. ADAMS APARTMENTS Modern 2 rm. apt. furnished. 493 Jeffer- n. - j JULIANA APTS. . " 45 TRINITY PLACE FUR. 2 AND 3-ROOM APTS. 2 ROOMS, including steam heat; hot and cold water, walking distance, (2250 and (25. Bdwy. 4292. Jennings Apts.. 245 H N. 17th. THE ALBRET Furnished apt; steam heat. private bath. 840 H Mississippi ave. 2-ROOM apts., clean, reasonable; near school. 651 Dekum ave. Walnut 1160. ONE room, kitchen, bath; phone. 414 4th st private entrance. 3-ROOM furnished apt, must be seen to be fully appreciated. 427 H 6.th st. BANNER APTS. Nicely furnished 2 room apt, one in basement 480 Clay st. APARTMENTS UNFURNISHED 308 WAGONER APARTMENTS 715 WAYNE ST.. NEAR KING 6 large, light rooms, all on one floor, close in and quiet, fine residence district Heat and water furnished. Adults only; Call Main 6111. ! The American Modern 4 and 5 room apartments. 21st and Johnaon. Broadway 3360. FOB rent 4 large unfurnished rooms and bath, on second floor, 1 block from 'school, on two canines'", (25 per month. 1336 Belmont, cor. 47th st ' THE WEIST T 69 N. 23d St , Large 6 -room apartment Individual porch. 5-ROOM modern apt. walking distance, hot water heat, garbage hauling and water bill paid. 564 Couch st FLATS FURNISHED 309 THE FAUSTINA A modern house of flats, west, aide, close in. newly finished, cheerful 4 rooms and bath; a pleasant home; reference- 464 Hall st, near 13th. , 4 ROOM furnished flat, in a nice residential location. Gas. elect lights,1 bathroom, all modern conveniences. Call at 660 Belmont st. for key. BEAUTIFUL 5 room flat with sleepinc porch. garage, fireplace, built-ins, ion Willamette Heights, rent (55 per month. 1046 Vaughn st Main 2921. 5 ROOMS, new 3 rooms, modem, clean; whole floor to itself: completely torrusned; has to be seen to be appreciated. Adulta only. 572 Mill at- i- NICE 3-rra. flat. priv. bath, phone. furnace ; adults only. 1608 Huron sti 4 ROOM flat for rent heat and water fur- nished. 394 Fargo st. near Union. NICELY furnished 5 -room uppir flat 2 bed- rooms. 711 Kearney. Maio 1563. 6-ROOM flat comfortably furn. ; piano; walking distance; $42.50. Atwater $295. $32.50 6 -ROOM furnished flat at 390 Cook ave. Phone E. 4203. GOOD -modern 5 room flat furnished and fire place, gas range: in good district 253 E. 17th st Walnut 29B6- FLATS UNFURNISHED 310 DUPLEX, beautiful, modern 5 .rooms and re ception hall : ivory finish : newiyj decorated ; gas stove, linoleum. 190 21it-st N. Broad way 2483. 4 ROOM modern flat T2 Osage ave.. 1 blk. south of 23d and Washington. Main 89SS or Bdwy. 7838 j GOOD modern 5 room flat, furnace and fire place, gaa range: in good j district 233 B. 17th st Walnut 2996. NICE flat, 6 rooms and bath.1. close In, $ 0. 472 E. Yamhill. j UPPER -room flat, modern, $35.60. 809 H N. 18th st: adults. (35 CHOICE 7 -room flat, Graham t. near Williams. E. 8015. ) 6 ROOM modern flat in east (aide. Walking distance. Rent $45 per month. Ea.t 2801. 6-ROOM flat for rent B47 Powell t. HOUSES FURNISHED 311 SCENIC LODGE cottages. A24 Heights Ter race, S and 4 room cottages: fine view of city and mountains; SO minutes' walk to heart of city; Hall st ear on Morrison to 13th at. 2 blocks weak. Bee to appreciate. Reduced rents for "winter. j STS 3 -story home. Rose City Park district; nicely furnished exeept 3d story, for (85. Tabor 2746. WILL give leae on five room furnished cot tage; small family; bo bath-' 4 2d and Bel mont Mrs. Shaver. 90 E. 8th at, apt 2. NICE 5 room, semi-mo era: boose and garden, 2 blocks to school and car: desirable tenants. IC. 8. preferred; Alberta. Atwater 2854. NICE HOME. Walnut Park i district 1159 Rodney, eor. of Killingsworih. 2d floor, 4 room apt, private and modern, -with garage. MODERN room furnished- house, cement garage, on paved atrcet, (40 a mo. Wal vrut 1951. 3-ROOM furniahed bouse, 4721 64th st, S. K., opposite Baptist church. Art eta sta., M. S. car. ! 5-ROOM house, furnished; Alberta district (30. Bdwy. 3743.S j 3 BOOM furnished house, west aide, sou v. Call Atwater 4481. 1681. Water at C BOOM "TlljTfiahed houaa, gaa lights (28; adults. 192 Staaten, near Missis prj L FURNI&BE D SMALi; HOUSE FOR ADULTS WALNUT 3698. FOR RENT- Furn bed 5 room, bouse ia Hawthorne eHstriet Phowa. Tabor 7694. BOOMS and aleeping porch. $27.50 per as see . tty. r. East 1982, UOL-E FOB JNT. . 467 .Kerulworth ave. FOR RENT HOUSES FURNISHED- 311 FURNISHED house or furnished rooms, reay aooable. Call at 82Q E. 30th. at. HOUSES UNFURNISHED' 312 SPRINKLERED WAREHOUSE on track-jeT 8 to re your goods with ua. Let ua da your monsg end pecking. CLAY & MORS K. INC. Bdww. (470. . 454 GB-aa st FURN11URK moving, (2 per hour and up. 3U days free storage) on H. 11. goods in brick warehouse. Estimate gladly furnished. Phone Bdwy. 1207. 107a DIVISION. 6 loom, entirely modern bungalow, with garire $42.60. C. A. WAGNEB CO.. y0 Stark. Broadway 7150 5 -ROOM NEW MODERN BUNGALOW Hardwood, floors, furnace, fireplace, full ce ment basement and garage. Rent only (43. SMITH-WAGONER, STOCK EXCH. 489 N. 22D ST., -ear York. 10 rooms, very , good location for roomers. ' C. A. WAGNER CO. 230 Stark. Broadway 7150. WE MOVK furniture. 2 men, tor (2 per hour. Long distance hauling. 39 days tree atorage. Main 6290. PIANO MOVING (3. furniture (2.50 per hour; 2 men. large padded vans. Call Crown Transfer Co.. East 8047. 9 ROOM hoiue tor rent suitable for fam ily of adults. Garage. 104 8 3 2d and Alberta st WHEN moving. caB ,East 6440. Crating, packing, shipping, long distance, by hour or contract FURNITURE MOVING (2 PER HOUR, 2 MEN; PIANO (2 AND UP; LARGE 2 TON TRUCK. EAST 5047. WHEN MOVING, city or country, get the best at lowest prices. Green Trans. Co.. Main 1261. 202 Alder st 5-ROOM. modern bouse, close to car, $30 per month. Fuel in. W. H. Redman, Hol comb Realty Co. Bdwy. 7396. 8 BOOM modern house, with 2 lots, chicken house, fruit trees, lots of raspberries. 232 E. 55th st N. Tabor 1696. YORK EXPRESS TRANSFER CO. Trunks, baggage, furniture aoving $1.50 and $2 per hour. Broadway 76Si. TOR RENT G room house, 9th and E. Mar ket sts.; key at 4tf h,. Market. BRAND new house, near S. P. shop. 841 E. 24th st. Sellwood 3266. WE specialise in piano and furniture moving. 15-days free storage. Bdwy. 1207. 5-ROOM house, 3526. E. '1st near Oak. Walnut HOUSE ' for rent, mile N. W. of Pen insula school. Phone Empire 0124. SMALL cottage for rent north. 1169 18 ill st WE MOVE furniture for $2 hour. Main 8059. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE FOR SALE 313 FURNITURE of 4 rooms for sale; chicken house and wood, $75; reasonable rent. Call afternoons. No dealers. 368 East Madison. CLOSE IN 8 room furniahed home, piano, etc. Will trade for partly furnished or smaller place to $500 and some cash. East 18 80. FURNITURE for sale, first class condition, pri( $300 cash. 457 Rodney ave. GOOP 7 room house, $40. Furniture. $175 cash. 34th and Hawthorne. Tabor 4872 STORES AND HALLS 314 MACHINISTS Take notice. Shop for rent Call East 0160. Good location. BUILDING good for any kind of business; steam heat Phone owner. Main 8639. TO LEASE WAREHOUSES 317 ALL or part of 10,000 sq. ft of space for light manufacturing, printers, storage, etc on First st Trackage, elevator. See 269 OAK ST. BUSINESS PROPERTY 318 LEAV1NG TOWN 7 BUSY T We are in a position to handle your rentals and coUecti ona on city property at a nominal cost -INDEX HELSON 715 Wilcox Bldg, Broadway 7702. ROOMS '350 REFINED young lady wishes room in good modern home, kitchen privileges. L-163, Journal. WANTED TO RENT HOUSES 361 WANTED A modern 4-roora furaisned house or lower flat: East side, no children: ref erences if required. Walnut 5910. MISCELLANEOUS 362 DESIRE to rent, 142, Journal. reasonable, desk room. M- APARTMENTS AND FLAT PROPERTY 402 S. PORTLAND 2 family flat, with fireplaces, full cement bssement. Kelly st, close in J worth (6000. take $4200; non-resident owner j terms. Bdwy. 6011. T. O. BIRD, 526 Chamber of Commerce. REAL ESTATE FOR SAI.E LOTS 403 ONE MILE FROM CITY LIMITS $860 buys 2.42 acres of cut over land, very small creek, near Boone's Ferry road, on prop, ext of TerwiU iger blvd. (25 down, $8.50 mo. 6 WW-UTOW I 732 Cham, of Com. A Big Money Maker This lot is just across the street from the big new auto tire factory on the Columbia bird. A splendid site for a store or other business. The price is $450; pay $10 a month. You'll make some money if you get this. See Mr. Comte, 418 Spaulding bldg. Phone Bdv. 6550. . Watch Tacorsma Grow 43 lots for sale at 3Stli st. and Portland ave., Tacotna, Wash.; tliU proirty has side walks and street car service arid is free from ineurbrances ; owner is a Portland resident needing money and will sacrifice. Price $2250; East 7211. W. N. Carter, - 663 E. 31st st. N. Portland. Ore. ' $850 I 50x100 FT. LOT ! Between Braree and Knott, .a beautiful lot : and priced low for tinick sale. Call Rose City Park branch office, 45th and Sandy 1 bird. Aut 326-10. J U HARTMAN- COMPANY. WILLAMETTE HTS 100x100 CORNER (2750, terms; all improvements in and paid; level with sidewalks; surrounded by good nomes. JohnsonDodson Co. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 8787 LOT BARGAINS (850- -Piedmont 50x100. f (IK- Laurelhurst, 50x100, corner. tTBOO Ladd's addition. 43x118. (450 58th, near Couch. J. B. HAIGHT FOB REAL ESTATE 351 Ankeny St Bdwy. 2045. SUNNYSIDE $875 All improvementa in and paid; 214 blanks to ear. Real value. JohnsonDodson Co. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg Main (787. Real Sacrifice. $325 BASEMENT CONCRETE WALK About 24x32. lot 50x100, cement side walks in and paid; on E, Alder, 83 ft E. of 84th. facing .N. Tabori5196. IRVINGTON HEIGHTS 50x100, all improvements in and paid; (100 cash. (10 monthly. Jofanson-Oodson, Co. 63S N. W. Bank Bldg. Slain 3787. FOB SALE 4 lots. 50x100 each, with 4 room house, oa it, at) fenced in, beautiful garden.'. 3112 64th st 8. E. (1450; real bargain. Aut, 61 7-74. Two blocks from Hawthorne car. - PIEDMONT (WITH BIG FTR TREES 50x100, (600; sidewalks and sewer paid; (60 cash, (10 monthly. JohnsonDodson Co. 633 K. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. WALKING distance. 50x100, all tmprove- menta in and paid, 24th st near Sandy; only (1000. Bdwy. (Oil. 1. O BIBD. 526 CHAM. OF COM. 50x100 CORNER lot, 3 blocks from Jeffer- ob nigh, paved sts. ; everything in and paid; only $759. terms. Sutter. 248 E. Bdway. East 9213. lOOxlOO. (500, (50 cash. (10 month, -mar car, no restrictions, water, gas, tights, east front 16 bearing trees. Owner' Tabor (984. - .' LOTS 14TH- T. (400 ". - Cash.- C Cole. 424 I limber-mem Bldg.' (200 TAKES aVOxlOO on. 74th between Ha ey and Broadway, facing east Tabor 441. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE LOTS 403 ANY OF XHSE--(S CASH. (5 MONTHLY Splendid center, 46x100, 3 blka. from car, price (689. -- ' y - Splendid corner. H' acre tract In Brent wood, fust .outside city hmiu, price (6S0. 60x1 00. 1 blk. off Union ere., near Inter state bridge, sightly, splendid view. We ban two of these lots at $465 each. SOxlOO. Bear Portsmouth, splendid soil, blks. from ear. pricw (349. East front, 62x87 H. on sew macadam street, sewers and sidewalks in. Price $410. ANY OF THESE (10 CASH,, (10 MONTH lOOxlOO, in Stanford Hts.. ence (520. k Splendid 50x100. in Irvington Park, all kinds of native trees, 50x100, in Alberta district, sidewalks oa both aides, price (475. 41x100, with alley In rear, sear Woodstock are. Has splendid shade trees. Price (206. See Dwyer, with' g FsraSa&ra gE-RiJ Srf 732 Cham, of Com. WESTMORELAND Where else in the whole city can be found for the money all that we offer here? A fully improved district, best car service, near Reed college and golf links. Lots as low as (500; easy pay ments, second mortgage privilege to builders. We con Id mention many more things. Look for yourself. Call . Mr. Patterson, with LADD ESTATE CO. Bdwy. 5754. 246 Stark St Build Your Home IN LADD'S ADDITION Only about 20 minutes' walk to the court house. Nice lots for (1000. SECOND MORTGAGE PRIVILEGE WAKK l-P. MR. BUILDER Do you know there U not a finished bung alow for aale in this beautiful, close-in district. Restrictions do not forbid a duplex house or bungalow. See MB. DELAHUNTY. LADD ESTATE COMI'ANY. 246 Stark St Broadway 6754. Res. Tabor 7045. ONLY TWO TRACTS LEFT Over H acre in each tract: near Willamette blvd. and Greeley et. 3 blocks from carline; A streets paved to property: fine garden soil, shade trees: no building restrictions. For the man of moderate means this is a splendid proposition. Price only (1250 per tract Terms (125 cash, remainder monthly pay menta. Act quick if you want one of these. H. V. WOOD 1203 Yeon bldf Telephone Atwater 0892. IRVINGTON PABK and COLUMBIA BLVD. Beautiful acre tracts, $25 per month, in cluding interest Very rich soil, all under cul tivation; excellent view. Fine district Take Alberta or Woodlawn cars. Branch office I'olumbia blvd. at - 29th st N. Phone Walnut 3110. J. O. EL ROD, Owner. 283 Stark St Bdwy. 1188. Ho"sernnM WHY NOT BCILDf It la leas expe are. We are later. etad w how wU we can bnild. net bow much we caa get for building, -ee as before buying or building. Robnett & McClure BUILDERS. (03 Coach bid. IKoadway $7 BUILDERS HOUSES COMPLETED PROMPTLY Our construction and workminship, to gether with liberal financial assis tance will pipage you. Soldier bonus accepted. REIMERS Sc. JOLIVETTE. Sellwood 2964. HOUSES 404 -Room House Living room, dining room, den and 2 beau tiful bedrooms, one has dressing room and bath down stairs; 4 bedrooms and bath up stairs: hdw. floors, full basement furnace, 2 fireplaces garage, nice shrubbery and lawn: located in high class district; will take high class 5 room bungalow to (6500, ba mtg Price only (8500. Boone k Clearwater 511-512 Conrh Bldg. Bdwy. 5317. ST JOHNS $200 DOWN New bungs lows. living and dining room combined, 2 bedrooms with large closets, kitchen, bath, full ce ment basement, laundry trays, rooms all bright and cheerfulr house is equipped with the very finest win dow shades: artistic electric fixtures, lots of built-ins in kitchen; lot 50x 149; -1 block to beautiful wooded city park, 65 acres; 2 blocks to fine grade school; 4 short blocks to car. 819 Smith ave. N. Atwater 0746. Sale or Exchange 1 lA acres at Lebanon, highly Improved, nice buildings, family orchard, etc. ; flow ers and shrubbery. This is a fine home, but owner unable to take care of it and offer at $25O0, or will take small home in Portland to (2000, purchaser assume (500 mortgage, runs long time. Investigate this. ROBNETT Sc McCLTJRE. REALTORS, 302 Couch Bldg. Bdwy. 6374. (7350 Buys one of the best homes in L eu rel hurst, eons-ting of 7 rooms, with all built-ins, furnace, fireplace, 4 bed rooms and sleeping porch; cement Abasement garage; all improvements in and paid. This is a real home snd will stand inspection. Can be handled with only $1000 as first payment l,et us show )ou. J. A. WICKMAN CO., REALTORS S01 Board of Trade. B'way. 6794. $3850 5 room modern bungalow, with all the reetures that make a real home. Combination living and dining room, Dutch kitcbe.i. breakfast nook. 2 bedrooms and bafh, cement base ment furnace, fireplace and all built-ins. . J. A. WICKMAN CO.. REALTORS, 801 Board of Trade. ' B'way. 6794. Brand New Cozy Home dainty little home in Irrington district; hardwood floors, fireplace, papered walls, Dutch kitchen and breakfast nook. 2 bedrooms downstairs, large attic, nice ha?e- ment with wash trays. All the modern built- j ins. $4150; (500 cash and monthly payment. (3500 Buys this 5 room bungalow, located in the Hawthorne district full base ment bath, Dutch kitchen, buffet; all street improvements in and paid. Easy terms. Salesmen with antos at your service. Let us show you today. I. A. WICKMAN CO., REALTORS. 801 Board of Trade. B'way 6794. DUTCH C0LONIA ALAMEDA DRIVE LARUE GROUNDS Owner must sell beautiful home, modern to the last detail. Priced at only (10,500. In vestigate. A. G. TEEPE CO.. Rosa City Office. 40th and Sandy. Tab. 8586 Laurelhurst Office, 39th and Oliwn. Tab 3433. CAN USE LIGHT AUTO and cash for my equity in 5 room, modern bungalow, fireplace and aU bniltins, garage, paved street, sewers, located 1860 Brandon st, in restricted Kenton. George F. Crow. 801 Mississippi ave. Wahrat 1201. $27, Only $250 Down 5 rooms, jat re-decorated, tapestry paper in using ana dining room, all street imp. in and paid, close to school, only 10 minutes to city. East 8696. $2600 NEW AND SNAPPY (2G0O 5 room modern bungalow. 2 light, airv Ledrooma, cement basement 100x100 lot; aouu cash; aza monthly. JohnsonDodson Co. 683 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. (3500 PRACTICALLY NEW I am offer- - rng this. attract! v. bungalow at a low price and on good terms. You will appreciate ita convenient arrangement Finished in ivory. Splendid fireplace. Good neighborhood. No agents, please. Phone Walnut 3822. . TERRACE PARK, MONT A VILLA J5 room, modern house, fireplace, basement lawn, fruit flowers and berries; a bargain ; (2800, (1600 cajh; would consider as auto in part balance easy terms. 47 E. 834 st N. Ta bor 6674. Ascot Grocery. Base 14ne road. $3504 -N EV and nifty a-room bongalow, l , UMM UUItl I. . . is,w. wwv ment basement 50x100 lot. fruit 1 Sunnyside car, 4 block Glencoe school; must be add today. Hurry. Clow -Realty. 1131 Belmont. Tabor S713. ' t - ( BOOM cottage. 2 blocks Irons car, (27(0. . 197 E. 7SUv at Ji. - ... REAL' ESTATEFOR SALE HOUSES 404 Are Yon Ready TO BIH A. RARGATVt (3850 buys a 4 room modem new ham with attic, laao. trays, cement basement, fur nace, hdw, floor, bkfst. nook; la Bice district (50O down.! good terms. THIS 13 REALLY CHEAP (8000 bays a modern 4 rm. house, fmpa, afl in and paid, fine pipe furnace, fireplace, close to school and car ; cement basement built-lns: will sacrifice my equity of $1163 for (600; must be sold thja weak.. Will con cider light car. HERE'S A SEW OSE (4350 buys a brand Bear extra fine bunga low. 50x100 lot cement basement laundry trays, hdwd. firs. 7 Dutch kitchen, bkfst nook (1000 down, good terms. This is a real heme. asnn -yLTI J-Jtr a s,.Jt" Br -Alberta:' a wonderful value balance 50x100 lot to an aUev. ail imna. in amUna bdwd. firs., bkfst! nook and ennrthfne. $750 down, good terms. This is a well bailt house in every respect and won't last long at this price. i IXiOKIE LOOKIE OOKl (3500 buys a 4 rm. modern house, corner lot, paving all in and paid. This is some snap; only (500 down. bal. like rent You'll pave to hurry. We have hundreds of listings of booses and farms that have been personally appraised and inspected by us. If you are looking - for a real home come oat and e us. j McGEE , DENNIS. ! We Sell the Earth 969 Union ave. N. Wal. 5684 " ' I LACRELHURST : " $5750 5 ! room bungalow, just being com pleted, ready for occupancy in about 10 days; hardwood floors, old ivory finish, fireplace, cement basement furnace, breakfast nook, 30x100 kit, garage, improvements in and paid. Total price (3750. -Good terms. LACRELHURST (6500 Wonderful 5 room bungalow across the street from park, hardwood floors, old ivory finish, full cement basement fireplace, furnace, breakfast nook. This is a beautiful home, with very fine floor plan, fine Ugh ting and plumbing fixtures, all built-ins, garage, etc. Total price (Co 00. Good terms. LACRELHURST $6750 5 room bungalow, hardwood floors throughout, old ivory finish, fireplace, full cement basement, furnace, break fast .nook, all built-ins. tiled bsth reom, nice level lawn. Price includes: Electric stove,- gas plate, hotwster heater, 6 cords cut wood, etc. This is indeed a fine home. Total price $6750. Good terms. If you want a home in Laurelhnrat, Irv ington or Rose City, be sure and see our lists. W"e have the exclusive selling rights of some of the finest homes for these districts. These homes can be slrown only by appointment FOR. GOOD HOMES C0E A. McKENNA A CO. Artisans Bldg. Bdwy. 7522, (Established 1889.) s ffiawtborne District This coxy home of 5 ' rooms is an excep tionaly good buy. Has f. p. all built-ins, beautiful shrubbery, 2 excellent . garages. ' Let rent from One pay your Interest Clear of in cumbrance, imp. in and paid; near 37th; $500 cask, $3000. 8 cheery rooms, neat as a pin, in Ivory throughout f. p., excellent furnace, facing fine homes, near school; an attractive buy; easy terms, (4(00. This beauty is just being- completed, near nawtnorne car; every conceivable built-in fea ture, east facing, excellent garage; terms, (4250. - , HAWTHORNE REALTY CO., Brick office, corner 39th and Hawthorne. Tabor 7463. Irvington Bungalow $5000 Modern 6 room buugalow on 7Ui street: has hardwood floors, fur nace, fireplace, many built-ins. tilpd bathroom, large attic, lot 50x100 with garage. This is a wonderful little home and far below ita actual value. Price $5000;, terms. J. F. Hill . 696 Williams ave. East 0268. $420f ROSE CITY CAR $450 DOWN. (5 mo., including interest straight contract, no mortgage", 3 blocks to car. New 4 room Dutch colonial bungalow, large sixe tiring room with hardwood floor, fire place and a built-in swinging bed with dressing room and built-in features, large bedroom, ce ment basement; and gas, furnace, also dining room and kitchen with built-in features and stationary tub. Call Rose City Park Branch Office, 45th and Sandy blvd. Aut 326-10. J. L, HARTMAN CO. (3850 2 W BLKS. FROM ROSE CITY CAB New 4 room bungalow, large size living room with hardwood floor, fireplace and built in bookcases, nice large bedrooms with closets; bath, kitchen with aU the built-in features, large breakfast nook, cement basement and laundry trays, snd a garage. Very reasonable terms. Call Rose City Park branch office, 46th and Sandy blvd. Aut 326-J0. J. L. HARTMAN COMPaHy. Opportunity Knocks Three 5 3-foot Jots with 4 room bungalow. garage, fruit trees and paved street, in the I mng ton-Alameda district for $3100; $500 cash. This gives you a home and 2 fine build ing lots in the bargain in a locality where prop rsy is moving. you nave the $500, which ia the first essential, and appreciate a oa rgain w.nen you see it, call East 7211. (750 50x100 FT. ROSE CITY PARK ADDITION, all improve menta in and paid, worth maeh more ' Call Rose City Park Branch Office, 45 th and Sandy. Aut 326-10. J. IV HARTMAN COMPANY. 6-ROOM MODERN $2400 Close to Portsmouth, St Johns car: sacrifice at (2400. cash. lots of fruit If you'je got the money, thia is the best buy in town. Ralph Harris Co. 316 Chamber of Commerce. Bdwy. 5654. LAURELHURST 7 room bungalow. $6860. Quality construction, modern to the last detail. Colonial type, cement porch, beat grade oak floors throughout; tiled bath, tiled sink, splendid finish, expensive tanestry pa per; tiled fireplace; a real workable one and distinctive in type; highest grade plumbing. Prospective buyers phone Tabor (438, BEST BUY IN TOWN 5 room and large attic, full cement base ment 50x100 lot fine lawn, fruit and ber ries; street improvement in and paid; close to car and high, school; cast side; only (4000, good terms. Stewart A Morris, 202 McKay building. NEWLYWEDS. TAKE NOTICE Something new and cozy, Hawthorne bunga low, fireplace, hdwd. floors, buffet Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, full basement imp. in. 1 block Hawthorne cars, close in ; priced at (4250 for quick file. Clow Realty, 1131 Belmont Tabor 5713. (1500- i-EASY TERMS (1500 3 room plastered cottage; 100x100 lot; 1 block to car; (250 cash, (20 monthly, includ ing interest 4 , Johnson-Dodson Co. 60S N. Ws Bank Bldg. Main 3787. (3500 PRACTICALLY NEW. I am offer ing this attractive bungalow at a low price and on good terms. You will appreciate ita convenient arrangement ' Finislied in ivory. Splendid fireplace, ' good neighborhood. , No agents, please. Phone Walnut 3822. SNAP - New 4 -room bungalow, (500 down and (33 per month; rb, nook, 2 bedrooms, bniit-ins, hdw. floors; full basement 50x100 lot; block to car ,on improved street B. 15. Loritt, Bdwy. 6231. . HERE'S A BUY $3odb - Modern 6 rooms, basement, full attic, lot 50x100, garden, berries.- fruit trees: .(120 casta. baL (20 monthly. Would take light car and cash ' Inquire 1221 Wilbur at FINE ) city 'home, ( airy rooms, with entire bloek ot ground ; i djock to street - car, on (9th tt: -now "vacant; will take any good paper for my (4O00 equity. (13 Board of Trade. Bdwy. 6619. - - A LITTLE BEAUTY (460O - Double const, 2 bed rms., breakfast - nook, fireplace, "bookeaee. hdw. fioor, plate glass windows, garage-, paved st Terms. Sell 1250. DANDY big osse in Laarelhnrst with sleep ini porch anel -garage, in A-l condition ; fine location : furnace, - hardwood . floors, full lot. -renor si bo. (300 WILL handle & room bungalow, white enameled throogho t; also -garage no pared street; handy to" good school; only ($230. Tabor 6788. - " - -- (3800 (1000 CASH 5 acrea, large bouse. .electricity and gaa, bam, chicken, house, garage; good road.- near school and electric line. CaR Bdwy. 7838. ONE acre all cleared; new bungalow ia Rose City; price (400. East "2d at. N., Bear Presents, owner; K. M. Smitb, FOR SALE Small house with garage. " Eat Btrett I'hone Wain tit 2650. 92 BY OWNER 1 room house, comer; Urtus to ard tl 105 E Alder. - .',.v-,. . FOR a bargain in a Krr. bouse and large lot. call Tabor 4382,-Hawthorn, diat REAL ESTATEFOR SALE HOUSES 404 HUMES FOB THE OLD FOLKS PRICE $2400;" (300 DOWN . Urand new Pullman bungalow, large com bination living and dining room, coay bed room, the cutest little bviltin kitchen yon ever saw. tapestry wall paper. (163 new range,' oaf ty fixtures, window eereena com plete, large lot 50x164, It C Park line: bal ance can be paid at tha rate. of t-5 monthly. , PRICE (3400; (309 DOWN Bungalow of 4 rooms and breakfast' nook1, t year old, concrete foundation, cement floor ia basement, stationary tub, lot 50x100. - ce ment walks around hmiee; balance - caa be Paid at the Tata of (15 monthly. PRICE C215A- isnn rv-iWV : -" room bungalow on pared street car 86 th PRICE (1995: (300 DOWN CT neat and nifty 4 -room Calif omia-tyr of bungalow, very wide projecting - eaves, large living room, concrete foundation, small base ment corner lot 4 blocks to car: balance caa be paid at the rate of (20 monthly. Photos of all of those, and many mora, at office. Sea KERTSUN. with . T33 CHAM. OF COM. ROSE CITY - A REAL BUNGALOW BUT ' 6 rooms and floored attic, oak floors, fire place, attractive: buffet Dutch kitchen, breaks fast nook; ( bedrooms, large twiseracnt, fur nace, nice lawn, double garage. This is a real bungalow and tha price ia right. E. 45th St. near Sandy, . . . - . REED COLLEGE ' . CLEVER BUNGALOW B rooms, aleeping perch and fun floored attic, oak floors fireplace, Dutch kitchen, full concrete basement; Imp. paid; only blocks to Reed college. $4750: terms. - - NEW BUNGALOW NEAR HAWTHORNE AVE. " J. tha Boost nnique ft room bungalows m this district complete in every detail: oak floors, fireplace, furnace, garage. (350O. Let me show you acme real buys in homes. i C. M. DEKR 1215 N. W. Bank Bldg. Atwater 2246. New Bungalow.'""."-' Stanton Street Sear Union Avenue " Brand new strictly modern 6 ror-ra bungalow on Stanton atnrrt near Union avenue: is one of the classiest little homes in this splendid district and you ; an buy it -with your rent money. Price J5000; $500 cash, balance Ilka rent No mortgages. J. IF. Hill ' i " 699 Williams are. , East 0268. $4250 !H BLOCKS OFF BANDY BLVD. . New 4 room bungalow. 2 splendid largo bed rooms and a well arranged bath with lota of built-in features; a large kitchen' and a break fast room, full cement basement and a splen did garage. Thia is mj beautiful little homo, well arranged and priced very low. Call Rose 1 PfS brcl ' Hoi. 45th and Sandy blvd. J. h. HARTMAN COMPAJJY. Bargain! 4 Rooms Bungalow with built-ina, Dutch kitchen, laundry trays; mantel bed and bookcases; lot 40x120 with alley; (1900. with termv Abo 6 -roons modern furnished house ; lot 50x100, with fruit and berries; (2500 with terms. These bouses shown by appointment only. Many other food buys. Call us up.' Rohblns Realty Co. 403 6 E. Burnslrte. Phefce Fast 9R96 EAST MT. TABOB, LARGE GROUNDS Modern bungalow, extra large living room with fi "place; dining room and breakfast room eacli with buffet; den, Dutch kitchen, 3 bed-." rooms; oak floors in 3 rooms; cement base- ment: garage, fruit trees, berries, nice garden, 75x100 lot; block north of E. Stark. Immediate possesion. Price (4850. (1200 cash, (45 monthly including interest -. Johnson-Dotison Co. 633 N. W. Bank BHg. . Main 8787. '! WOODSTOCK . ''-' (300 DOWN . ' Six room home just off 39th street; full basement. Urge "lot and sewer, con nected ; S fine sleeping rooms. . Full price $2500. See , PARKER FOB PROPERTY 503 Artisans Bldg. . Bdwy. 4231. P P"P P P P P P p p p p p p ( RAVE ( SAVE t RAVE ( 8 ROOM BUNGALOW (6000 Story and 'half, large living room, with fireplace and built-in bookcases; dining room with fine, buffet; 2 bedroonia on first floor, Dutch kichen. oak floor furnace fir.tl. temertt i basement, garage, nice lawn witii saniDeery, ierms. .?-SAlUHT FOB REAL ESTATE 351 ANKENY, BDWY. 2045. A SPLENDID BUY (4650. , . - . ' - Thia artistic 5 room bungalow, ready for occupancy, located on Flanders, just off 47th St., complete with oak floors,, fireplace, tapes try paper, shades, fixtures. Dutch kitchen, extremely large cement basement garage and exceptionally eay tennj- or soldiers' bonus. CAMPBELL-RICHARDS CO. 1111 Sandy Blvd. (On- Viaduct I ' ' - . Anro. 815-44. CLOSE TO BROADWAY CAR 6 room, one story bungalow. New. Large living and dining rooms, with hardwood floors. . French doors and artistic built-ins. 3 large bedrooms with closets ami hardwood floors; full basement, laundry trays, furnace. ' $3700. s !olhtnson-Dodson Co 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 8 8787. 4 Rooms,. Bath, $ 11 80S l OX PAVED STREET r Very attractive little bungalow, with bath, lights and gas. lawn, flowers and shade trees. Half block to car. John F. Zuber, 1(24 M. Glisan. Tabor 7547. , . NEW WESTMORELAND 5-room bungalow" excellent construction, -.classy design, 'all modern) built-in. features, hardwood : floors, buffet etc. 18th at East front A real home at a- bargain. (1500 cash required. Bdwy. 6011. . T. O. Bird, 526 Cham, of Cora. PARKWAY We will build to ruit customer 4-roem bungalow on lot 1. block (,- Missouri ave,, near Peninsula park; (250 down. Walnut 2381 or call at 1293 Campbell avenue. $4200 ROSE CITY, A splendidly built bun esjow with hardwood floors, fireplace, full cera int basement efficient furnace, garage. Terms., A mighty- jrwt buy. Investigate. A. G. TEEPE CO.. Rose City Office, 40th and Sandy. Tali. 9586 La nfelhnrn Office, 89th and Oiian. Tab 84S3. MT. TABOR, h west slope, fine view, new 5 room bungalow, complete with concrete ga -rage leading to basement built-ins, breakfast nook, fireplace, -hardwood floora. Complete home, (5500. Owner, 615 Railway Exchange bldg. Bdwy. 5983. ' - - . ill 6-room raodera ome; 2 lota; good garage; f rnit and bernes; good garden; fine flowers; (42041. (1600 cash. Phone Tabor 2977. 294 E. 76th at, N., week day, mornings only. Mo agents. " SELLWOOD 5JO CASH: VACANT 6 large room home. City View arldirion- Malder ave. " lireplsce. finished In Ivory, ea cellent - condition, , garage. Dear ear. (3900. Payment like rent. East 7976. , Owner. COME and see this, (3509; 150x100 lot. 5 room houae, 3 -piece bath, garage, chicken house and run, some fruit: lota all in garden. Just off of Portsmouth and Lombard. Owaer, 1649 Exeter at SPLENDID 6 room house on 89th at, with large lot; (4500; (500 cash will handle: 1 bloek to carline. - 319- Board of .Trade. Broad- way 6(19. .- - Z " k'Vli W1CK SALE " ' 6 room flat for sale, all furnished, batb ; (165 wiU take it No agent 70 K. VUi at KTerett. - ;- .- -. - ..-'.. (50O CASH buys 7 room bouse, 75x100 lot; all kinds of fruit and berries; paved sta.; close In, east aide, - A map at (2650. Sutler, 246 East Broadway. . East 9213. -t- . : . HOU8- aLANft - ,. 100 designs. (19 to (15. or specially eigne at reasonable fee. U B. BAILEY Ac CO.. 924 X. W. Bank BMg. (290O 4 room bungalow, fireplace, bui.u. ms, full basement, waah trays, (400, aac rif ice. Bdwy. 74 29. Bdwy. 4794 evenings. ATTRACTIVE, new corner bungalow. Walnut " - Park, terms, ownsr; furnaoe, fireplace, auic .. 321 Alberta -st- 4-KOOM modern bungalow in good location; must sell this wee., Prica. (3000; good terras. CaO Bdwy. 4o4. t-ROOM house by owner. 706 Lafayette ia Br oklyn, cheap for eah. Main 8671. BY OWNER, 4 room boose.. 3 garages, 109 ft. from Main at. Lenta. 9234 Foster road. BY OWNER New 4 -room house, all but iina. clore to car. Walnut 0408. - (300 CASH. -4 room bunealow, (3000'i Owner-, (57 Stafford, Bar-CnN tCnUnua wi Feliowlrf Paga) 'I