18 THE OREGON ; DAILY JOURNAL, i'OUTLAND, OIILliUJN. . YXDN ESD AYr - SEPTEIEEIl I 13, 1122 101 .SEALED BIDS -will toe received at Om office of Ua uadrrvtsned. 401 Court-onse. Port land, Ox., until ft p. ra September 13. 1922. for Cafeteria Strophes. Bid will be mMl at a meetin of tfa Board to be held In room 804 Courthouse at 7:80 p. . the same day. , Speeificatiotis may be obtained at th 'office of the Superintendent tf Properties. Old Fail in school. Fim and Patter sta. Portland, Or. A certified check for lea (10) per cent of the amount of the proposal, payable to Clerk of School district No. 1, most accompany each SPECIAL NOTICES . jntJtKjmmn At rau urn ' w u ... m, . f lect aav or all bids, or divide the award. - . 1 - R. K. FULTON, i School Clerk. PatM September 11. 1922. ' SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at the office of the undersigned, 401 Courthouse. Portland Or., until a p. m.. September 18. ?22. for ooe ( 1 ) only three-spread truck for one (1) ton type. Bids will he opened at a meeting of the Board to be held in room S04 Courthouse at 7 ?30 p. ra-, the aame day. Condition of purchase may be obtained at toe office cf the Superintendent of Properties. Old Failing" school. First and Porter streets. It Aland, in. 4 - A certified check, for 10 per cent of the smcunt of tike proposal peyable to Clerk of Sri sol district No. 1. must accompany each bid. - The Board of .Directors reserves the . right to reject any and ail bid. (Signed) R. E. FULTON. School Clerk. ' : Ptted September 9. 1922. XOT4CE OF FILING TRADE MARK The trademark "Pretty Polly." with design of a parrot and a girl, to be applied to packages of salted nuta and confectionery, has been registered with fits secretary of state voder. No. 2193. and is owned by Ens than Sweet. 138S E. 36th St.. Portland. Or. MEETING NOTICES 102 SONS OF HIKAM. K. B. P. No. 01. 208 H 3d St. Reg ilar e n e a ra pmeot Wednesday. -Sept. 13, at 8 p. m. Work In the Black degree. Business of import ance to discuss. Vis iting Sir Knights al ways welcome. V. C. ELFORD, W. P. P. L. WADLEY, Reg-.- " ATTENTION AH Ciril war vet erans. G A. B and auxiliaries an requested to attend the faneral 'est oar late comrade, T. F. Som- ers, who served in the 11th and 2th Indiana cavalry. He was a member of Gordon Grange post No. 43. Funeral services will be held at K. T. Byrnes faneral home. 901 - Williams arenne, Thursday, September 142 p. m. E. E. COVET, Commander. i A. 8. CAPP3. Adjutant. REGULAR Maceebee Renew of Portland Tent No. 1 will be held tomorrow night (Thurs day) at Maccabee hall, 386 W Washington St., at which large attendance is desired and mem bers of degree team are espe cially requested to attend. Visiting frnr Knights always welcome. TY80N KINSELL. R. K. MEMBERS of Hanalo lodge are requested to attend the funeral serrices of the wife of onr brother, J. C. Semes, to be held at Pearson's undertak i.. n.,ln 'n 371 Russell t.o.o.- street. Thursday. September 14 at 2 .30 p. to. (Signed) J. W. DAVIS. N. G. ' w. p. SCOTT. Rec. Sec. aiutgtTiv t iru; e. xn. 2. S3 .ju A . . , .... - - 1 O o: F. Will confer the first degree this ( Wednes H. ewtnin- at 8 o'clock at 8 North Uth .t, near Star. Memoer, . , vt-iting brother urged to be present and witness the work of the new degree team. ' WILLIAM H. POPHAM. N. G. - JESSE T. JONES, Rec. Sec y. . VICTORY CHAPTER NO. 130. O E. S. Stated communica tion Thursday evening. Sept. 14, .rcher' Place. Degrees. HAZEL 8TRUBLE. See. ORIENT LODGE NO. 17. I. O. O. F., meets this Wednesday evening in Orient naif E. tSth and Alder sta.. at 6 o'clock. First degree. J. L. bhepArd, N. G. CLAUDE HALE, Sec. JTiiito welcome. KENTON LODGE 145, A. F. & A. M. Special com munica- .. 1 . -, 11 jaVi uon inu uay evs. h. 8 V 1922, at ;80 sharp. Work m the M. M. degree. K. BRLCB HEAWLET. Secy. SUNNTSIDE LODGB NO. 163 A. F. A. M., E. 89th and Hawthorne Stated tomorrow. September 14, at 7 30 p. ra. I Hscwwion on the public school situation. EAST GATE LODGE NO. 155. A. F. and A M. Special Thursday. 7:30 p. m.. E. A. degree, 80th and Ei GUsan. OXEONTA, TRIBE. 1MP D. O. R. M. . meets every Thurs day night. W. O. W. hall. 112 E. 6th. Visiting brothers wel come. F. O. LEHMAN. C. of R. MEETS every Wednesday night at S o'clock, 812 Si era welcome. A. C. NESS. N. O. C. B. TRACET.-Bee. COLUMBIA LODGE NO. 114. A. F. AND AM. Special com munication tomorrow ( Thursday ) evening at 7:30 o'clock. Labor in E. A. degree. Visiting brothers always welcome. By order of FRED L. OLSON. Sec'y. SELL WOOD LODGE NO. 131. A. F AND A. M. Special meeting tomorrow (Friday) eve ning at 7:30 o'clock. Work in B. A. degree. Visitors welcome. By order of W. M. i: H. BDTLER. Sec'y. COURT MT. HOOD NO. 1. For esters of America, gneeta every Wednesday night at East 8ide Bosinesa Men's hsll, 114 Grand sve. Social night fourth Wednes day each month. All Foresters invited. W. M. ' RESERVATIONS are now being accepted for dancing parties at Cotillion haU. B. J. ; Belland. mgr. East 2751. , KMBLXM JKWELR1 a apecialty; bnttons, pin, charms. Jseger Bros.. 181-188 6tb at. TWO gray fox furs. Monday, on Washington, above 30th. Bdwy. 28S5. Reward. CARDS OF THANKS Vj WE WISH to thank Fourth United Brethren. ' relatives and many friends for their floral .. of f eringa, kind ' assistance and sympathy given . us during ear recent bereavement through the i death of our beloved daughter. Zetha. Mr. and-Mrs, H. C. Shejlhous and Sons. DEATH NOTICES 103 BOTHAM 7-Septe mber - " a.a.aa m. AWWtatH Itl 87 Interstate amm. Th remains am at V Fimley'a mortnary. Montomry at 6 Lb, Kotioa f vi ituitriai nrmilPT, .. BUHL In this city. September 13. George KuhL late of Wintock. Wash. The remains are at Finley's mortuary Montgomery at 6th. , J - FUNERAL NOTICES rrA ' RA 1 irF.U In tiia MitHv fiui o ' . I I . Matilda Badder, age4e4 years, behoved wife of Tnomaa W. Badder and mother of Oscar - W.I Badder, Mrs. Delia Meyer and Ma Edda lien sou. sister-of Joha P. and Justus Wixtrand and Mrs. Hannah. C Grabs, all of Portland- FterS. 6 ; Kimer WV tni HsiTX Funeral services w be eocxiuc-ted . Friday Sept. 15. at 2 p. m.. from the 1. O. O F baa at Cascade Lacks. Or., Wring Pearson's andertakmc padon. Raasea st at Cnioa ave.. at ft a. m bv ,tA wumM ltl w - Badder was a charter member of tea Cascadia lodge No. 221, Order of -Vit of Csei site Locks, Or. SELNE-SefL 11 at Cove Orchard. Or" Mrs HuMa Johanna Seines, age 2 yesrs, , eeloeed wife of Jens Heloea, dsogbtac of Mr. and Hn. Osctr Hobtnm, 173 W. Alberts St., aistwr of Mrs. Harvey GostaffeB. Cove Orehard. Or., diaries. Harold. Clifford and Rudolph Holstrom. all of this 'city. Funeral cervic wriU be conducted ThHisday. Sept 14, at 2:30p. nu, from. Pearson's ndertakinc parlors. Bussell st. at In tow avc. Friemis invited. Interment Rose City cemetery. ' 6CMMKRS -Faneral eer-ricea : for Ota - late Civil wr veteran, Theodore Summers, will bw haW Thursdayept .14. atTanC from tba B. - T. ' Byraea funeral bwne 901 W illume sve. at . Mason sc Tntsiiauil . at w emeiei.j. - mnm m vi tea s a FUNERAL NOTICES 104 CARN EY The fnnersl services of the late Simon Carney , will be held Friday. Septem ber 15, it 1 p. m.. at the chapel of MUier Traoay. Interment. ML Calvary ieemetery. Servieea at the cemetery private. '1 FUNERAL DIRECTORS IPS East Side Funeral Directors r. x Dciraifco, ufc. -The Family Seta tba Price. " 414 g. Aider ,st. Phone East 88. Edward floltnan & Son : THTBD AHD 8AUC0S MAIN T 1 i Snook & Whealdon . , FUNERAL DfRECTOKS . 8CCCESSOBS TO BBEEZE SNOOK BELMONT AT 35TH. TABOR tJ8- Lerch, Undertaker BAST ELEVENTH AND HAWTHORXB , PHONE EAST 0781. . II. KENWOBTHl B. 8. HENDERSON. . D. Kenworthy & Co. 6803 2d at. 8. g. Aat 18-3 L Finiey's Mortuary MOJfTGOMEBT AT FIFTH. MAW 4811 e Is UIIICS ESTABLISHMENT 001 Wfllisms Ave.' 0Z80 iavlVAl C SL WILSON. R. H. SEED . CHAMBERS CXX. INC. 248-160 Kiilingsworth sve. Wahrtrt 3803 Mc ENTER 6 FILERS funeral perform with all the privacy of a borne. lflth and Kverett mm. raw, nqwy. Ill, Ants. MriXJCB A TRACET. Innepsndesit faneral dW auwna ece ioa upt. waafungiosi at Ella it Broadway 2681. An to. 618-44. Q!LrPS7f UNDERTAKING CO. Phone OACWCa Usw 4152. Cor. 84 at Clay. A. R- Zeller Co.iS?"?oVt mo-m ftw-wTTT ivn " umjttt a TtT UOt A Vt a v m ' n a, v , 13th. west side. Bdwy. 0430. MONUMENTS 10 TO SCHUMANN MARBLE WQCKS j IJUAUTT PUT8HBIAU J HWUfU L8W ST3L FLORISTS 107 Martin&Forbes Company. 334 WASHINGTON St. MAIN 283 FINK FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS ARTISTICALLY ARRANGED MAIM 770 Smith's Flower Shop "Portland's Progressive Florist" Flowers for All Occasions Main 7218. T. a Lake. Mgr.. 6th and AMer LOST AND FOUND 108 THE following articles were found on the cars of the Portland Railway. Light and Power company, Sept. 11, 1922: 1 bunch keys, 5 lunch boxes, rosary beads, car tickets. 2 suit cases, 1 hand bag, 8 pr.. 1 single glove. 2 books, 12 packages, powder box, overcoat, hat, 3 boxes peaches. Owners may obtain same upon proper idetnification at First and Alder street station. LOST On D. M. car. Tues.. 7 p. ra.. brown leather purse containing abont 81.90 cash. Fidelity Security stock and keys. Keep money, return balance to Mrs. Bertha B. Wells, 704 uiisan st-er pnone jnwaier o i . LOST Black traveling bag out of auto on road between Scio and Ibsnon Friday morning, Sept. 8th; earl st 420 Railway Ex- v kU. n) n CI 1 (l7i FOUND September 8. between Sandy blvd. and Rose City cemetery, gents' purse. Owner can have same by identifying at 151 7 3d N LOST In Kenton. Sept. 12. ladies' black patent leather purse. Finder keep all cash and phone Walnut 0175. where purse can. be procured. LOST Squirrel and ermine neck piece Sat urday, between 25th and North nip and, Nor ton is hotel: reward; return to 475 Schuyler, apt. R. Ka-'t 6015. MOTHER'S WEDDINU RINU and 5 in gold lost near North Bank depot: $5 reward. Bdwy. 2325. J. F. Harris, 408 Hoyt st. LOST Silver woven bracelet. Auditorium, evening Sept. 8. Return to owner st 681 Mam st. city, or pnons Auto, osi-hb MINK fur choker at Hivoli theatre Saturday evening. Lady picking same up please call East 7174 and claim reward for its return. LOST b'mail fox terrier pup, black spot on back, short tali Finder please return to 150 4th xt Reward. LOST Scotch terrior, 1 1 months old, last seen in Milwsukie; - c lease notify O. T. Nsibaner, 441 Mason st. LADIES' wrist watrh and chain, between 6 th and east end of Morrison bridge. Phone East 1740. Reward. LOST Silk sweater with crocheted collar; on west side: no questions asked if returned to ,6655 82d st 8. E. LOST Lady's leather purse, from city to Cornell road and skyline bvd. ; need money; reward. East 0126. LOST Saturday, blue satin dress trimmed with grey georgette; partially completed. East 2651. LOST Music portfolio, Thursday; name Gil bert. Finder call Main 1478. LOST Brown scarf, in Mt. Tabor park. Finder please call East 8625. Beward. LOST Reward: all white Setter female. One black eye. Bdwy. 7621. Ant 813-14. LOST Near 63d and Hawthorne are., lady's .lavender silk scarf: Tabor 0196. reward. WILL lady who found films please call Walnut 3194 again r- EDUCATTONAL 200 son-i ATJTOMOBILB STUDENTS TUITION PBICES ADVANCE SEPTEMBER 15TH On September 1 5th our fall and winter prices go into effect. AH cours will then be much higher. If yon pay a small deposit now you get the summer rata and yea ; east enter any time during the fall or winter. The time Is short: act e . Call today at 10 si m. inspect oar school ex seed (or our big 1113 page ioe. Ask for beak No. A AKAJX AUTO A AVIATION SCHOOL 374 Was Street. Corner Cnioa Are. BEGIN EARNING MONET QC1CXJLT Enroll for day or sum zaer school at thk great business eoOesje. the training school fog roe we. Courses include comptometer, ataaog rsphy. banking, bookkeeping, private secre tariat Writ ee pboae Mais 690 for tree ntaloeoa.". ' Fourth 'near Mm rletm. Portland. w m VMHHa Aaw aim. N0I (Formerly Link' Bmdassa CoBegal ' TCford bids-. 407 Morriscm. 'Bdwy. 8083 IMPROVE TOUR ENGLISH A short, practical eon e la English win be givea by a nniversity graduate of wide ex perience, at the DECKER BUSINESS COL-I-KliE, JUiy bMg. Monday. Wednesday and Friday or each week, beginning soon. , Those wishing to improve their English are eliriblc Night claseee Monday, Wednesday and Thurs day. Register now. .. . fcpPOBTCITT to save 50 of tnltie- try helping to install new auto school equipment. Hemphill Motor School. 6th and Gnsaa sta.. near Union depot. ': . ' STUDY MASSAGB nmstaat or wriveta practice. Hydrotrntrajq m uuau- iruana seoooi ox eie-io shock ssacnaagw bMg. MOLES BARBER. COLLEGE, will teach j the trade in eight weeks; receive, some j wtiOe learning: potiona aeesn A Wuss caa far eatalogun. 884 Bumakw st. LKAHN TELKGRAPHT - Bafiway'' Teh ra t Insrltato. 484 ' Baas w jsj aaaw otqg. imy ana tnsTht ei MEN. Wtt trade: sun whUa Them Ion Ism Bniliism- A Businass GoOssm af Dtstinetioa I N0rrnfvrTSiT3i- Barst Colinw. 833 MasV : ' . -s ; e - " HELP WANTED MALE 201 TE WAJTTXD , :t. farthers Pacifla KsD if Osv vfS employ men st gates prescribed by the United States -ilroad Moor hoard as foiknmi Mschinlsts ffiaca-mttha ....... Sheet metal aisUu Elertridaas ....... TOa pwt ...I.. TO -per i.....T0e pa ....... ...T0 pa Statlona r ......... .Tgrloag ratss BUtionary .nruniSw ......... .Tgdow rataa Boilermakers .........70 to TOma pec turn Paasengec east man ......... .Too par boirj Frelglit car mat ............63d per hoot Helpers. afljVlf ......... .4T pec hoar Ueehaales and helpers are allowed time ami aae-half foe time worked is excess of 8 hours per day. v - Toons' men who desire to learn these trades wl be employed and given aa opportunity to do so. A strike mow ex 1st oa the Northern Padfie railway. Apply to any roundhouse er shops or sa- periniendent NOK'THJOUf PACIFIC ST. st Tacoava. Waak. SPOKANE, POBTLAND A SEATTLK RAILWAY COMPANY RAILROJ- MECHANICS WANTED 8TRIKS CONDITIONS 846 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BUILDING SALESMAN WANTED For the state of Cali fornia, to lep resent an old established manu facturer of a nationally known line of toilet preparations. Only those experienced in this line will bo considered. Permanent future with big earning possibilities for right party. Basis of compensation salary, com mission and traveling expenses. SANITOL CHEMICAL LABORATORY CO., 404 S. Fourth st, St. Louis. Mo. Salesmen Investigate oar Date Prune investment plan. Better than bond" or insurance policy. Sells to everyone everywhere. This new fruit marvel now on display at 106 Tenth st. Drop in and let's tail you about it. OREGON NURSEBT COMPANY, Oreaco, Oregon. BUSINESS is good, we need two good real estate salesmen with cars; to men who will make good will be given charge of depart ments; commissions promptly paid. See J. W. O'Connell, with GREAT WESTERN INVESTMENT CO.. 230 Chamber of Commerce Bklg. WANTED Subscription solicitors for old es tablished, high class weekly publication. Ex ceptional opportunity. Ask for Mr. Smith. Call from 0 to 10. 12 to 1. 5 to 6. 1036 Chamber of Commerce bMg. SALESMAN for established laundry route; ap i plicant must prove sales ability by house to house work. Apply In person after 4 p. ra. Wednesday. Tabor laundry. 1256 Halaey st WANTED A partner in advertising business: can make 3200 to 3250 a month. Will stand investigation. Small investment. 604 Buclisnsn bldg. . WANTED Several boys and young men over 16. with or without wheels; experience un necessary; good chance for advancement. Ap ply C. W. Loop, 76 8d it. SALESMAN wanted who can really produce. If you are such a man. apply to Oregon Lexington Co.. Mr. Stevens, 632 Morrison st. WANTED An elderly man. for watchman on S5k Je- Fin hin. All winter home. X-TS6, Journal. WANTED Expert shoemaker) good" waeea. C W. McPeak. 1700 Main st, Vancouver. Wash. WANTED At once, man to learn vulcanising and retreading. Call 482 Hawthorne. YOUNG man wanted 1321 Macadam. Port land Basket A Handle Co. PLUMBER anted, with or without tools. A-227. Journal. WANTED Cabinet maker; steady job. 970 Mscadam Road. PLASTERER wanted; steady work to right man. Tabor 5963. EXPERIENCED shingler wanted. Tabor 4035. SHIN'GLER wanted. Call Ant 642-51. HELP WANTED FEMALE 204 HELP WANTED FEMALE Thoroughly experienced furrier. Apply em nloyment bureau, before. 10:30 a. m. LIPMAN. WOLFE A CO. WOMEN wanted for peeling pears; must have health cards. Apply tomorrow morning ready1 for work. Starr Fruit Products Co., 321 E. Yamhill. WOMEN wanted to work In cannery at Van couver, preparing pears; steady .work and good pay; carfare paid to and from Portland. Report in the morning ready for work at the Oregon Packing Co. plant. Ninth and Hill its.. Vancouver. For information call 6096. THE WOMEN'S PKOTKCTIVK DIVISION. city of PorUaadU offers its serrices in all matters pertaining to the welfare and protec tion of women aad ctris; interviews confiden ts - 814 Worcester Mdg. 3d and Oak ata. Phone Fmadway 7433. WOMEN wanted to work in cannery at Van couver, preparing pears; steady work and good pay; car fare, paid t to and from Portland. Report in the morning, ready for work, at the Oregon Packing Co. plant. Ninth and Hill ata.. Vancouver. For information, call 6006. SPECIAL NOTICE Your summer hat -is getting shabby. Why not make yourself a aew ooe ? No experience necessary if yon can aew. I can teach you. Walnut 4150. WANTED Subscription solicitors for old es tablished, high cuss weekly publication. Ex ceptional opportunity. Ask for Mr. Smith. Call from 3 to 10, 12 to 1. 6 to C. 1036 Chamber of Commerce bldg. WOMAN to help around house watching 2 children : wife tick ia bed. ' Apply Mr. Tom Hnson, 8622 4 9 tit sC S- R. or Broadway 6821. After 6 p. m. call An to 617-64. WANTED Experienced woman for - general housework; Scandinavian preferred to go to Pendleton; ood pay' for right party; refer ences. Call WaL 0926. ANT GIRL to meed- of a friend, apply to the Salvation Army Rescue Home. Mayfair aad Alexander ata. Phone Mala 8450. D-M car. WANTED A girl to take care of baby sad to do soma housework. If want to caa go home at night Call 033 East 18th st N. TWO experienced girls to make paper boxes. Apply Grigsby Bros, paper box mfg, 295 LADY, experienced, wants boaseeleaaing. weah ing or o tiiex work; good . work guaranteed. Walnut 305. GIRL or elderly woman for light housework, assist with baby. 1 par sao. Box 23 8 A R. F. P. No.-!. Oswego. YVANTriO Woiuaa foe. general housework in family of 0 adults. Address Aim . ; X 8. Vsa Vleet, mats, Wash. WANTED Lady to keep hook sad. help wrap batter ia smart conn try nmmsrj. KX-119. Journal. CAN accommodate two atoro pupils a oar evening class fa beauty culture. Bjiwy. 8280. GIRL for gea. boasework; mast be food of children. 82T BV Oth st N. East 0637. WANTED -Elderly lady, without borne companion. Call after 6. Tabor 0767. EXPERIENCE! girl for general house ork. wages 685. Ret required. Maim 1906. GIRL Light housework; good name; a adaUs. 711 Thorn paoa. - - . GREGG, shorthand taught privately by expert. - Broadway 4116. ' ' HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE 205 40 HOP PICKS RS WASTED " For 'eery fine hope; yard close by; aaar Newberg. on , Willamette . river; vernal aecem modsdons. 0 Worcester bras-. 3d aad Oak. Phono Bdwy. 7084 or East 2640. HOP PICKERS WANTED --Convenient camp e ad, tents aad wood fanushed. - casaa straw for beddmg- Apply ' Til Chamber of Com ere e bldg. Phoe Bdwy. 6580. 10 PRO'S packers wanted; - wstec f . Aalo. S24-8L, camp, wood aad SITUATIONS WANTED MALE 2S1 ARCHITECT, registered ia two slates, en . cased- to general practice fee past 1 2 years, oeai a position -; with architect -or good con- icon . company of -Nona eat - Hnndlw work from sketches to compleuon of building. Married, aged S3, Available immediately. State fall particulars first letter.- Address Boat 1121. Baiinys, Mont s - ' ig DISABLED ex-service men. trained by the government in 92 different vocations, lire mow available for employment These skilled mam are famished st aa cost .to the employer or to the emrdoye. T UNITKU s STATES VETERANS rBCBEAtf . Myler Bldg., 6th and Oak Sta. . f .' ' Broadway T621. travelincT saletpata of merit open for po sition; prefer mill, mine ami camp cuppliee; T years "with, mat employer; good reasons for leaving; know tba trade in Oregon and Cali fornia; my refer noes wjU satisfy. E-I80, Journal' - j ' CASLOW A CPDEGRAFF. contractors and ' tmild a. f ,:... nrmMn . tA w.. aerials guaranteed. . Plans -and specifications furnished, or Ve figure from yoar plana. Seil wood 2360. HOUSE WIRING - Let ma give you an estimate on your wiring before letting your contract UceaesH' elec triciaa. Walnut 6691. . LET ME figure your wiring before yoa let your contracts. Old houses our specialty. Get our prices on fixture Walnut 2114,; or evenings. Walnut 3065. APARTMENTS. HOTELS. CONTRACTORS First class painter, desires steady employment. references furnished: reasonable wages. Auto. 614-43 ULPEKIKN CEU landscape gardener, aew lawns a specialty, old lawns made over. Fhpne Tabor 7618. TINTING, paperhanging and plaster patching, kalso mining. Let me make your Old house new; rer. r-mpire Itto. CARPENTER Estimaies given on repair wora; acreens made and garages built bnop 1867 Hawthorr re. Tabor 1260. i PAINTINO, paperbanging and tinting: prices ' reasonable; work guaranteed. Shop 1365 Hawthorne are. Tabor 1722. SHINGLING We specialise oa reahingling; can do your job better and save you money. Estimates free. East 1928. EXPERIENCED waslter wishes to rent wash rack In garage. Call Walnut 0880, or. 216 Graham sve. Call for Arts. CONCRETE foundations, floors, walks, steps. porches and stucco work; estimates furnished. Phdbe Wsmut 5403. . s: BUILT-IN fixtures, cupboards and kite hen tables, garage built and garags doors made to order. Call East 9384. t FAINTING, tinting and wood finishing, .ex perienced workmen, anode .te prices. Jtj B. Bennett, Main 3383. HARDWOOD floors laid over your old ones at very low cost Call us up for estimate. Tabor 4718 or Tabor 7655. PLASTERING by contract; first class work guaranteed; married ex-service man. i Jos Knox, Multnomah station. MARRIED farmer wants job on diversified ranch cr farm; can take charge. G-I82, BETTER and cheese maker wants position; also cream and milk pasteurizer. H-151, Journal. SHEET METAL work of all kinds; furnace. gutter and roof work. Uood work, prices reasonable. East 4470. EXCAVATING General teaming. Atwater 1808. LAWNS made and seeded; general gardening by expert. Main 6521. SPRAYING and whitewashing, with machine. E. S. Stone, 761 Division s.t. KALHOMIN'ING. painting, plaster-repairing, reasonable. Main 2865. PLUMBING done very reasonable by the hour or by the Job. East 9838. ' SHINGLER 12 years' experience. All work absolutely guaranteed. Walnut 09O7. ' CARPENTERS Repair work done by j day or contract Call East 9384. PAPER HANGING, PAINTING. TINTING. REPAIR WORK. SELLWOOD 8906. PLASTERING, repairing a specialty; by day or contract: all work guaranteed. East 6891. BASEMENTS, grading." general teaming; con traet or day work. Auto. 622-35. : TEAMING, plowing, excavating, etc. ; also dump wagons. 240, E. 8th. East 0210. PAPERHANGING. tinting, inside finish; ifirst class work: prices reasonable. Tabor. 8080. CEMENT WORK T With concrete mixer, reasonable. Wat 6069. KALSOMINING, painting done, contract or day work. CaU Main 6582. ROOFS repaired and painted; tin and paper roofs covered with hot pitch. Tabor 0929. PAINTING and tinting, first eiais work, , rea sonahle. SeUwood 2124. FAINTING, paperhanging. tinting; estimates given. Phone Wainat 7171. i HARDWOOD FLOORS by day or contract References. 1496 Rodney are. Wdm. 6632. V. W McCORMACK. cement con tractor. ' one-half sack mixers. Sellwood 1680. CEMENT WORK, guaranteed, all kinds. Karl Batteo A Co.. Sellwood 0918.. PAINTING, TINTING. ALL BRANCHES. REASONABLE;, ullbhub., Wdtn. 3329 FOR EXCAVATING AND GRADING CALL TABOR 1587. CEMENT foundations, bouses raised, cement w .11 k-ini. ra.ann.hlM A . , . 3 .t . PAINTING. KALSOMINING, FIRST CLASS WORK. 25 YEAB8' EXPERIENCE. 62S-40 EXCAVATING, grading, general team work, by day or contract Walnut 1685. . BKlCKLAitH, A-l mecnanic. fireplaces a specialty. Phone Auto. 819-39. ; CEMENT WORK, all kinds, and garages; hare concrete mixer. Tabor 6070. FAINTING and tinting, good work?, reasonable; have tools. Walnut 5036. SITUATIONS -FEMALE 2S4 WANTED Position as caretaker for old couple, or housekeeper in country for :man with little girl. Only nice people need answer. K-199, Journal. YOUNG lady with 1 year nurse's training wishes position in doctor's or dentist's ot- nce. w-iitH. onrrmi. A LADY of 46 would like housekeeping in gentleman's home. Call 227 Porter st, or write Mrs. Annie Pool. YOUNG WOMAN wishes position as teliet operator on telephone exchange. Aut 842-Q3. i EXPERIENCED, truitworthy lady wants house cleaning, washing or other work; good Work guaranteed. Walnut 6805. j EXPERIENCED woman will do light house work or practical nursing. Call Walnut 1S09. WANT day work 3 days; ut be 8 hours. Main 0747. room 20, MODERN piano lesson at reasonable prices. Call East 7122. LACE curtains hand laundered. 12 year&f ex perienee. East 6198. j WOMAN wants any kind of work in Laurel burst East 4254. HATS made to order, 82.50. Rose Hat Shop, 610 Milwaukee. DRESSMAKING 256 HEMSTITCHING, soy color, 6c Room 403 Raleigh bldg.. 827 Washington st Bdwy. 8742. ; HEMSTITCHING, white cotton, 5c per iyard. 605 Raleigh bldg. 827 Washington at: ALL KINDS of sewing; cildrea'a sewing my specialty. Wrant 5063. I HEMSTITCHING any color 7c yd. while you wait Buttons. Stamps. 209 Atisky ibldg- HEMSTITCHING white. Or per yard straight, Button A Plaiting Shop. 809 Royal bldg. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS 300 THE BARTON f Clean, famished rooms. 82.60 per week aad wo: also Bgbt bone ekeepina. 45 Alder at ARTHUR HOTEL, 170 11th at. near Morri son uiasa aaa mouera rooms ay is. or annul as naoqaoie itee. BUSHMARK hotel. Waso. at. cor. 17th; clean, modern rooms 63. no wees up. NEW HALL HOTEL, 402 . WASHINGTON. Sleeping rooms by the day or week.; UNFURNISHED ROOMS 300-A SUNNY bedroom aesr Campbell hotel. heat, bath. phone, private entrance; ! aani- tary ooucti rarniabed: private lamuy. :Wa; tag oistance. saara . t FURNISHED ROOMS f i ; : PRIVATE FAMILY 1301 TWO nicely furnished rooms ia private fam ily. lnQwiro at 1007 . , 80th SL. I after T:30 p. at One block from Alberta car. 310 CU.AN aeping room, walking dis tance ; g ltlr in prefarred; breakfast if de Slrea. -East 7947. , ... j BEAUTIFULLY furnished clean roma at 90 N. 16 th. - . j NICELY furnished, clean sieeping room .only 32.80 per week. 144 X. 14th st i - COMFORTABLY f umished ra oat, with Ea- rage, a to. w s w . et 475. COMFORTABLE rooms, quiet home, close iaT 206 as. let ex. a. ; FOB BENT Nice front room for , or . -men; call evenings. 828 Sevier at 1- --- MCE 3 rooms furnished arrmants lost real at 41 Morns; 813 month. - ! $20 LARGE, anode rn, bed, stung room, park - lag space; wort aide, class in. Bdwj. 418, FOR RENT , - FURNISHED ROOMS PRIVATE FAMILY 301 FOR 1 OR 2 GENTLEMEN;' LARGE- FRONT SLEEPING BOOM, MODERN CONVEN IENCES; WALKING DISTANCE. 581 .. OAK. . , . , -: - - i -.. -- HAVE 4 lovely sleeping rooms, best west side ' district; furnace heat, good acronwn odation s ; earhne. yet walking 'dUnce. 332; No. 23d. Bdwy. 6788. ' : . f " " - . LARGE front bed-sitting room, -refined home. Nob Hill; furnace beat electricity, bath, chnne; suitable tor two; 826. Phase Main 2975. - . . - A FURNISHED rms,, upstairs, private bath; the right rest to the right people; clean, close in, edolts only. Also ' S unf umished rooms. 727 E. Stark. .- SEE THIS TODAY LOVELY LARGE CORNER KM. FOE 2; GOOD BED. BEST OF - BOARD; 7 MIN. WALK TO CITY. EAST 1880. !- A LARGE on second fir. including sleep ing porch; all borne privileges, free bath and phone; suitable for two or three, either sex. 253 N. 21st Main 4078. ' ON E aice. large steeping room, also one which may bo converted to light housekeeping if desired, walking distance, dose ilso carline. isx c ouen. rnone e. .ussa. NICELY furnished rooms, private home, for quiet, employed persons, walking distance, lovely neighborhood. 50 Ella st Bdwy. 8004. VERY attractive front room with dressing room and aleeptng porch; nicely furnished, dean and comfortable; gentleman preferred, west 'side. Bdwy. 4329. ONE nice large sleeping room. In private fam ily; anyone seeing this room will be de lighted to tent it; I ill rent it cheaply. 42S 6U1 st LARGE. STRICTLY MODERN. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOM. WITH FIREPLACE AND WICKER FURNITURE; WALKING DISTANCE. EAST 4365. NICELY furnished sleeping: room. bath, bot and cold water any time. All conveniences ; walking distance and very reasonable. 699 Hoyt. Main 3741. LOVELY ROOM IN STRICTLY MODERN HOME, NICELY FURNISHED; 2 WIN DOWS; LADY PREFERRED; WALKING DIST. RENT REASONABLE. ATW. 0212. GENTLEMAN ONLY. NICELY FUKN. Ril.. USE OF GARAGE. NOB HILL. CLOSE IN. REFERENCE'S. MAIN 7512. 791 KEARNEY. FURNISHED ROOMS USE OF PIANO, GARAGE CLEAN, NEAR CAR BARNS ff59 E. BURNSIDE ST. EXTRA large cor. room, 3 closets, prvi. bath, suitable for 3 or, 4, in a beautiful refined home. 84 N. 21st st, cor. Everett, walking distance. , FOR BENT Room and bath for a gentleman in pleasant home, with elderly gentleman, t blocks to Sellwood carline. Sellwood 1966. VERY attractive room in refined family, ex ceptionally well furnished, furnace heat gentlemen preferred, breakfast if desired, near carline. 8H1 E. 24th. Sell. 2566. LARGE front room, suitable for 2, and smaller room, suitable tor, 1. close in East Side, good neighborhood. References. Call East 3UZ. 2 NICELY turn, outside sleeping rooms ia first class spt house; rent reasonable; gen tle men only. Main 7516. FURNISHED room (10 a month; lo a man; stick your feet against family stove; must be congenial. -East 1058. 61 E. 27th st ,N Uf you are looking for clean, cheerful home, suitable for 2 young ladies, good car service, reasonable rates. 966 Hawthorne ave. FOR RENT In private htane, toom with " double sleeping porch, all furnished; heat tight, bath. etc.. 825. 741 E. Madison st A NICE large room" with fireplace for one or two; a cosy place for the winter, free bath and phone. 253 N. 21st st Main 4078. LARGE, FRONT ROOM, PRIVATE FAMILY, FURNISHED HOT AND COLD WATER. PHONE 753 HOYT ST. MAIN 7030. NICE airy room, 2 blocks from Lincoln high eciiooi, 3it loui. currier Aim. Alain 2342; references required. C1.0SK-IN, very desirable room, breakfast and all comforts of home. 469 Clay st Call Main 2228. SLEEPING ROOM. 118: RUNNING WATER, HOT AND COLD; HOT WATER HEAT. CALL EAST 34 81. THREE FURNISHED ROOMS. INCLUDING MODERN KITCHEN. ADULTS. CALL TABOR 6939. 2 LARGE front adjoiuing rooms suitable for 2 or 4 young men; very reasonable. At water 0580. 194 12th t cor. of Taylor. SLEEPING ROOM, PRIVATE HOME. FUR NACE HEATED. WALKING DISTANCE. EAST. 7618. 427 WILLIAMS AVE. NEWLY furnished room; private family; gentle man preferred. No other roomers. 3 9 13th at FOR YOUNG business man, very pleasant room with breakfast, private family, walking dis tance, west side. Call Main 13 4 9. LARGE nicely furnished front room; suitable for one or two gentlemen; also single room. 328 13th st Phone Main 2098. 4 ROOM unfurnished. 3 room furnished, large outside room, walking distance. Hot water. 575 Stark st NICELY furn. room, home privileges, for one or two. Reasonable. 186 East 3 2d. Ta- bor 0658. 1 LARGE room in private family, 2 large win down, bath adjoining ; walking distance. East 5486. ' NEWLY furnished sleeping room, close to high school, heat, light, phone, walking distance. Adults. 683 E. Stark st East 0348. 1 FRONT room with alcove, 1 back room, fur, nace heat light bath, private family, doss to Ankeny car. 83 E. 16tb st 1 2-ROOM and one l-room and kitchenette . h. k. apts. ; also- nice sleeping rooms; 10 min. walking distance, t'sll at 549 fith. CLEAN. LIGHT. AIRY KM.. WITH BATH. - SUITABLE FOB 1 OK 2. 657 FLAN DERS. FRONT bed room for rent in private home, for lady; heme privileges. 570 1st st Phone Mam o NICE, clean sieeping porch, giassed in. ouStiiie entrance, walking distance, west side, 10 mo. 4 33 Montgomery. Main 8570. NEAT Clean sleeping rooms in modern home: also' H. , K. rooms. 8 E. 6th st N. East 8473. COMFORTABLE room for gentleman, hot and cold water, furnace heat 63 N. 22d st Main 174 LARGE newly furnished room, bath and phone. Slt lor X sou . v iui , icuucunu yitj- ferred. 825 E. Harrison st. East 2737. 2 AND 3 rooms light wster and phone, cheap rent. Call, 500 Commercial, near Russell. SEWI.1T furnished room, every con lenience, walking distance 325 H 13th. near Clay. ROOM AND BOARD 302 Nortonaa Hotel Broadway off Washington. Broadway 1180. Portland's high clsas downtown residential boteL We give you the 'comforts of home. American and European plan. Bates reasoa sbla. HOTEL HEREFORD TS5 HOYT. MAIN 8305. Exclusive residential: special summer rates; our meals speak for our popularity. EXCLUSIVE residential hotel: rates 446 to S50. 794 Loveioy. Main 8619. ROOMS AND BOARD PRIVATE FAMILY 303 r LA RGE front room on first Door, suitable for 2 with table oosra. oif.: asi aaa. jsi 1207 BOARD and room in private family for 2 men, $35 a mo.; 2 blocks from Bdwy;. bridge. Soo Benton st- LARGE front room for two with or without board. 166 N. 23d at Phone Atwater 1151. WANTED Girl employed to room and. board; ' walking distance; reasonable. Broadway 8016. , NICE warm room, hot and cold , water, rea sonable, excellent board for 2 men. 191 llth st Main 9121. HOMELIKE accommodation for two ladies, teachers or others employed; lrvingtom dis trict; two car lines; best neighborhood; good board. -East 6878.' - - NICE BOOM AND BOARD FOR 2 YOUNG LADIES; HOME PRIVILEGES. - WAL NUT 1285. NICE large room, suitable for-1 or 2 ladies, large ck eta. good heat and all modern con veniences ; no other room. Tsbor 7388. WANTED Children under 6 to board, good - home, mother's care; would room pare ta, Walnut 3954. V " ' WEST SIDE, WALKING DISTANCE, AT - TRACTIVE ROOM, GOOD HOME OOOK TNQ. 591 H DAVIS. BDWT. 8048. 1 LARGE front, room, downstairs, with fire piaee; 1 large room upstairs; board toclad- ed; Ooutiie or single. nz R. lth st 2 PLEASANT tooms with board; doss to car Bos; young men preferred; dees aad airy rooms; Sonnyside; $35; 2 meals. 147 E. 80th. BOOM: and board, all borne conveniences, best - - home cooking, salads sad desserts, fruit ' for breakfast; j tt late h sc. ctoae in. g. 8248. 1 BOOM with board; 1 block from carline'; furnace heat - 867 E. Ash st East 8180. NICK roam wa good board, , $8 per. : .Tsbor- 4872,-' - - GOOD HOME AND MOTHER'S CARE FOB SMALL CHILDREN. SELL. 8908. WILL BOARD high school or working girl for conn-imoaskip. reasonable- CaU East 2798. FOR RENT "ROOMS AND BOARD PRIVATE FAMILY" 303 GOOD HOME FOR TEAUHRftS BREAKFAST. LUNCH AN lb DINNER; H. K. .ROOMS IF DESIRED. 1069 E. MORRISON. ROOM AND BOARD for teacher er lad em ployed ; private home, near llawthome est line. 806 East 40th street south.- Tabor 2374. TWO OK THREE x epec table young gentlemen to room and - board in refined, home with mother aad daughter. Boys who appreciate real home life. 730 E. Ankeny st East 1481. ROOM aad board for 9 gentlemen. $30 per : mouth, 121 E. 11th. Phone Rest 2522. SEE THCSK TODAY LOVELY LAB6S KM. WJTB 1 OR 2 BEDS. WITH 2 MXALS. IN ATTRACTIVE HOME. TABOR 8709. WANTED -2 refined young ladies who want good meals. La rge, airy room; 2 beds. Home privileges. Nob Hill district Atwater 1013. f BOOM WITH BEST OF HOME COOKING. HOME PIRVILEGES. WALKING DIS TANCE. EAST 1993. 236 EAST 15TH, COB. MAIN. FOR AGED invalids, chronic or convalescent patients, pleasant borne suit oun dines, with health -building diet and treatment, personal care of physician: reasonable ratea. East 8535. WANT .FATHER AND CHILD, SCHOOL AGE, TO ROOM AND BOARD. LARGE FRONT ROOM; MOTHERLY CARE: PRI VATE FAMILY, ROSE CITY. TABOR 8976. 2 LARGE ROOMS. NICELY FURNISHED; IN EXCLUSIVE PRIVATE HOME. WITH OR WITHOUT BOARD. 161 CLINTON, SEAR 2gD. ' 8ELL. 0186. 2 OR 3 bersnns may have room and board; wonderful view: dressing room: bot and cold water ; fireplace : alp. porch : spleaedid home cooking; references. Main 0511. ROOM and 'board in a nice home; just what you're took g for; good meals aad clean bed; nice Sunday dinners; for a gentleman. Walnut 4645. - , BOOM and board in nice modem home, walk ing distance, 333 per month, or $30 if 2 share room. Call East 4379 until Sat p. m. Later at 599 Holly st ' BOARD AND ROOM. PRIVATE FAMILY. JUST WHAT YOU .WANT. PLEASANT SURROUNDINGS. CLOSE TO BUSINESS CENTER. MAIN 2074. WILL give room and breakfast for $15 to girl employed and who would stay evenings with children. East 6705. WIDOW Comfortable heme, near good school. would like care of children, 6 to 12 years; mother's care and attention. 907 E, 11th st, N., between Skidmore and Mason. DESIRABLE LIGHT FRONT ' ROOM IN MODERN BUNGALOW, CLOSE IN. MEALS IF DESIRED. TABOR 8424. LOVELY large front room with alcove, suitable- for two ; hot and cold water ia room ; good board ; walking distance ; west side. Main 71. WE WILL welcome 1 or 2 into the family circle. Modest home, refined atmosphere; walking distance; garage. 719 . Pino st Phone East 6229. SEE THESE TODAY LOVELY LARGE RM. WITH 1 OB 2 BEDS. WITH 2 MEALS, LN ATTRACTIVE HOME. TABOR 8709. FAMILY living in the country will take 1 or v more boys to board for winter; near good school: references given. Address Mrs, Etta Mick ley, Prindle, Wash. SCNNYSIDE SPECIAL Breakfast, lunch or dinner; rat if desired. 2 blks. to school, good home for teacherat piano and phone. Tab. 1916, 1069 Morrison, GOOD board and room, 36-50 wk; swell neigh borhood, one block to 'car; two to another; four to others; garage, $5 mo. 1197 Cleve- land. Walnut 5936. I HAVE one large front room suitable Tor two young people in business; will furnish breakfast and dinner; home privileges, waix ing distance to 3 schools. East 137 6. CHILDREN to board, beautiful country home near school, close in, $14 monthly. For particulars write Peaceful Acres Farm, route 1. box 142-A. HUlsporo. BOARD and room in refined home, twin beds. pleasant for 2 girls to room together: would give special price f io each per momn. roau way 2293. - 2 YOUNG (aen or man and wife to room and board, private home, walking distance, east side, near Benson school. Kast 9Z18. DANDY ROOM. LARGE CLOSET, GOOD BOARD. PIANO. FURNACE HEAT. 788 IS. TAYLOR. EAST 9085. CHILDREN to room and board, from 6 to 8; - good home, 6 blocks to school. 9314 61st ave. Auto. 616-13. ROOM and board, hot water, phone, piano, home privileges, 1 block Woodlawn car. Walnut 8552. - LARGE, clean room with board for one or two gentlemen, shower bath, home privileges, wslking distance. 574 E. Taylor. ROOM and board in private family for two women, near Sunnyeide school; home privi leges. 1 1 45 E. Taylor st. BOOM and board. $30 for two meals, all home comforts, close to Polytechnic school: gentle- men only. 625 K. Ankeny. East 3023. LOVELY ROOM WITH BEST OF BOARD. FOR 2. FURNACE HEAT. CLOSE IN. N EA K 8 . 1 HKLUta. est . NURSE will Uke 2 or 3 old people in her home; all home conveniences, -full panicu- lars East 4222. PRIVATE FAMILY Boom and board suitable for two working gnen ; will make it- homelike. 15 E. 15th N. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED 304 FOR RENT 6 furnished rooms, furnace. light snd modern conveniences; 2 blocks to csrline, wslking distance. to Jefferson high and Woodlawn schools 655 per month. Piedmont district 1235 Mallory ave. $23 2 FURN. H. K. rooms, heat, light phone, walking distance, wast side. 179 Stout or 20th and Morrison. ONE trunk transferred, 60c; additional trunks, 26e each,1 ia downtown districts. Brosd- way 2445. - , ONE small housekeeping room, suitable- for a bachelor, $2 per week. -841 llth st LIGHT H. K-. 1-2 and 3 room apta.; running water, $2 per week up. 370 K. Pine. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS ( FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED PRIVATE FAMILY 306 1 SINGLE front H. K. room, . suitable for 2 people; running water; free phone and light; walking distance. 476 Clay st M. 8799. 1 BOOM furnished; walking distance; close to carline; light and water fcirnished. 671 E. Stark st. ' 2 SINGLE H. K. rooms; gss range, sink and . running water; dose in. 370 12th st M. 5283. ; 8 NICE clean 'rooms furnished for H. K., first and second floors. Walnut 3883. 752 ATmna ave. 1 H K. ROOM and kitchenette, 1 single room; gas and light furnished; close in. 430 Mill st " - pooo FOUR furnished housekeeping rooms in pri vate family ia Rose City Park. Tabor 0012. S-ROOM unfurnished apt; light clean, aink. water, gas. electridty, $18. 173 E. 7th st. , cor. Yamhill. t 75 WEEK, furnished housekeeping rooms, iiM. .nil bath included, west side, walking distance. 545 Vs 1st snd 215 Mill st. cor. 1st TWO housekeeping rooms with light gaa and heat furnished, for adults only. 373 14th. Phone Main T orvvrsniE. 80th st. 8 clean rooms, pri vate porch entrance. Pleasant home. East 8146. - . $gTWO" fura. H. K. rooms with ' bath- room oa first floor, east front Room for parking auto. 427 N. 21st st B way. 8861. NICE large room with kitchenette, deaa Ba ana each week. Light, gas, steam beat good nasement.. ior . - "IJr- .. - - 4 FURNISHED H. K rooms upstairs, light, phone, bath, water, garage. Auto. 615-62. IN PRIVATE home, 3 room, furnished apt, 2 single n. . -- - FURNISHED H K. ROOMS. 474 , . WASH. fli. ox H. K SUITE with sleeping porch tof . 154 N. 18th at - ' ' ROOMS, furnace bee tect reasonable, SO y Bachtel ave. East 8955. 4 H K. rocans.- partly turn-shod, lower Qooa. 412 Vancouver avn' East -6667.. J $ DESIRABLE H- K. rooms; adults. 653 YsmhilL stain iio 3 NICE front rooms, large closets, about 8 mto. walk.- 848 day. Main 3459. 6 kOOM. APT., dean. oan in, walking du? . ia KL-Mt-t at -- -.719. FUKN1SHD Jwusekeepmg apt, "furnace beat Eas 8186. - - ONE 2 ROOM apt for H. K. ; also room . and Btehepetto. 883 E. Morrisea. TWO ROOMS, nicely furnished, in modem i private Home. ifg t. tayior s SINGLE furnished H. K- room, 684 - Glisaa ;- st Atwater Q197. - ' -- -'-'f , LARGE light H. K. room-- dec light bath. : ; $3.23 week. 305 H - 3d St. . t OUM furx luhed housekeepuig rooms, 842 K. Stark at. NICE clean f uraished Housekeeping rooms'; - reasonable rent 46 Uaioa avs. . : FOR RENT" HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS ; FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED - PRIVATE FAMILY S06 JUST BEEN FURNISHED - . - SOW .RKADT ) -:: La rue S. toom housekeeping . spt, 330; 2 beds if iseeessc r; ground floor, large yard, furnsea boat, running water, phone, bath. etc. Aim one largaj ' clean, eomfdetebT furnished housekeeping room for $4 week. 624 FLANDERS ST.. NEAR 19TH 4101 jir.F.. rm.i lom." eutki hmld - front suite with sleeping porch; $4.60 wk.; handy to bath, phone, etc; J s 682 EAST TH. OVERT XK1KING TR1TER pen w isis. nit aiyw it $18 COM PLETELT f uraished detached house, 2. 'rooms and kftcheaetto, phone. Pri vate bath, laundry and basement; small hut comfortable and convenient; adults. Take Fulton ear- to 1605 Virginia str ' TWO FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING BOOMS. . 820 MONTH ATWATER 1147 I 601 CLAY. FINELY fur. front room, with booking , and kitchen privileges. Suitable for man anj( wife or stogie man. Also 1 small sleeping mom cheep. $48 Williams sve. Close to Bdwy. LARGE 2 room front suite, well furnished; good piano. I electricity and phone ; also single room, kitchenette; walking distance. Call Sunday er after 5 p. m., 461 6th , st Atwater 8888. FIN 14 FtiR BACHELOR Large, clean, will furnished housekeeping room in nice house, only $1.75 week. 4 FLANDERS ST.. NEAR 1 9111 TWO or threw rooms for people employed; Hgfata, bot water, bath, -laundry privileges, table and bed linens furnished. Reasonable rent 609 Dekum ave. . 2 FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING BOOMS. $13 MONTH. CALL SELLWOOD 1222. VICINITY of Jefferson high, private bath; Abo separate entrance; gas range sad fur nished; block from stores and cars;, desirable. 1037 Cleveland ave. 3 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms in modern home; fine location, complete kitchen, rooms in white enamel: adults only. 196 K. 80th at Tabor 6501. 1 APARTMENT of living room, dressing room and kitchenette in private home in Laurel hurst, $82 covers all expense. CaU Monday. Tabor 9888. NICE, large, furnished room for two people; 2 beds, $2.50 a week each; large single room, $4 a week; close in 747 Everett st, near 2Sd . - NICE CLEA HOUSEKEEPING BOOMS, ONE WITH KITCHEN ET-l'K; EVERY. THING FUHNISHD. 121 N. 28D. AT WATER 1 502; THREE FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING BOOMS. 625.- EAST 9673, 4 MODERN housekeeping rooms for rent; 1 block from Multnomah club: walking dis- tance. Atwater 4178. 260 Nartllla. s LARGE "3 room front suite, well furnished, electricity and phone, sink and gas . range; close, in. Call Sundays or after 6 p. us. 449 Montgomery 2 iX'RNlSUED H. k. rooms, large, dean. - dose to car tine, walking 1 distance, near schooL $26. Everything furnished. 2V K. 7tb st en.- ttil'up nmv a vice ir dooms WOOD AND LIGHT HK.MSHUi; V ll I Ii. JWV . " ' . itiME fv C1I.I. AT 194 LOWJSDAE. LOWER A or 6 rooms, bath, electricity (fur- msura ov un i u, t i-- -. 10 minutes' walk; basement Very cheap. 316 Williams ave. Upper rooms cheaper. Children taken. Close to school. 2 OR 8 CLEAN, comfortable fur. H. K. rooms, private boms. 2tt blocks frrjm esr. Good .location. 936 E. Couch, near 80th. Kajrt oena - HOME just evened- Everything newHinrle n- a. rooms. saanoaar, j w New drapes, rugs. Lovely borne. 35 week. 1SS N. loth st ONE small liaht h. k. room, close ia. One Klnek- from Siinnwirte and Mt TaboT CAT line Phone, liaht snd water; 310. East 5835, NOB HILL. 3 large, dean, nicely famished modern rooms; aocommouaie o or w , near school and car;" would- like lady to look after house part. time. 73 Hoyt. near zoo. GOOD h. k. room. Tabor 1105. modern, private family. CHEERFUL. COZY. WELL FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING SUITE; ALSO SING Lit ROOM. 414 MARKET. COR. 11TH. 8 H. K. BOOMS' and private bath; clean room.; includes light, phone; mo , children. 610 CUy at 2 H. K. BOOMS with kitchenette; 2 large h. k. rooms connecting; also single rooms, 298 17th st . ONE lsrge furnished H. K. room snd closet; furnace heat, suitable for two. 84.50 per week. 421 V -6th st Atwater 2606. FRONT room, with kitchenette, completely furnished; free lights, bath, gas, phone; adults. 1 8 2 East 23d. S. 8. car. E. 7074, ONE large front room with piano, on first floor, suitable for two; 16 th snd East Couch. East 4978. ' ! TWO Large rooms, aink in kitchen, side and back entance, $6 per week. 869 6th st Atwater 1455. THREE large furnished for rent 701 East 8206. housekeeping Buraside st rooms East ONE ROOM snd kitchenette, suitable for lady; desirable location; one block to car; furnace beat; in modern home. East 7531. H. K. ROOMS for rent: light airy and dean; reasonable fates; light water-'and fuel fur nished. 889 3d st Phone Mala 8340. IN PRIVATE home, 3 room fur. apartment Private bath, 8 single rooms, - All newly papered. Aut 614-23. 288 N. 20th st NICELY furnished bousekeeping room for man or lady attending school; close to- carline. $10 per month. 172 K. 85th st - - , isARGK front room with kitchenette, newly papered slid decorated; $6 week. .270 Columbia. Main 2767. TWO front housekeeping rooms. oa csrline; Clean. 682 walking distance; adults only. East Morrison st . - FOUR unfurnished light housekeeping rooms, dose to carline; light aad water fnrmahed. Must be seen to appreciate. 140 K. 84tb st 2 H. K. BOOMS suitable for 8. furnace heat light snd gas;" could cars for small, child. 751 Kearney st ' ' NOB HILL 2 clean, desirable front H. K. rooms, au conveniences, Atwater 2854. 1 alee ping room. 2 FRONT h E rooms and 1 back room. with kitchenette; furnsea beat, close in, 648 TsmhiU st ; ONE H. K. ROOM WITH BLEEPING PORCH. ALL MODERN 809 llth St Atwater 8218. 2 ROOMS sad sleeping porch; 2 beds; adjoin ing bath: steam heat. For 2 adults. 401 10th st Main 2480.' - FOUR furnished H. K. rooms; bot and cold wster; close ia, 8S1 12th st, cor. Mont gomery. Main 1199. . ' y ' TWO large rooms with pantry, well furnished, private 'entrance aad bath. $80. 19 . 0th it N. 4 ROOMS, neatly furn. for h. k. ; walking distance to Reed college; adults only. SeU wood 0590. CLEAN rooms. 11. K., sleeping; beautiful view of city; $3 and $4 week. 690 Market st drive. Main 6177. - 2 FURNISHED rooms for 1L K.; -preferably adults;- ressonsble rates, : : 1071 a!. Wasa ingtoa st ' 1 H. , ROOM, with kitchenette. 1 sinsi U. K, room, dose in. walking distaaee- 480 L Wsshrngtoa. - IN MODERN iio e dean h. k. rooms; also sleeping rooms. 8 S. Uth st N. East 6473. - - ... FOB BENT 8 large airy furauhed h. k. rooms near Eliot schooL CaU East 8386. Sannays or forenoons. ' - TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, dose In, 820. per month, tcludiag gaa far cooking. 602 East Pino. Phono Eat 8913. LARGE -furnished h. , k. rooass, with beat. phone and bath, $15; single snd 820 double. west side. 409 H Jsckson st Main 6198. 2 -NICELY faraished h. k. rooms, gas and light furnished ; dose to business district 652 TsmMH st - - 2 Fl.RNlSUED H. A. rooms, very sunny and b riant: light, beat, pboae; eomfortebty fwr- piahed : rang couple preferred. 61 E. Htb et NEWLY furnished bouse fJeeping rooms, fur nace beat, walking distance. 628; K. Stephens, ' - . ?. ft ii. K. ROOMS, with bath; new apt.; close to eartine ; across from aew Backmaa school, near high ae-ooL . .66 K. 16th st 1-2 AND 8-KM. h. k. apte.; 2 beds, sink, hot cold wster, furnace heat, good loeattcn. 304 12th mt. Main 1520. -- - ' 3 BOOM unfurnished apt. light clean, sink, water, gas, electridty, $18. 78 East JtA st. euK- TsmhiU.- - " ' -:' iirF.t.T f-nrninhed H. K. rooms ia aie - deat1 district: furnace beat; .prices reason able; walking distance. 755 Hoyt st. . ' MODERN 3 -. room - housekeeping apartment - walking ' distance: adults. CaU AtwatM 0824. before noon or after 8 a. ay 8 SINGLE and 2 douoie H. K. rooms; light and water furnished; dose in. 200 14tb C U. 49W5. - FOfc RENT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED PRIVATE FAMILY 30 NICELY furnished ,3 -room apartment wet "We, ekaa place. good location.- handy to etorea, 12 minutes. to town; reasonable. 850 Thnrmaa . near 25th. m, e. Io. WILL LIKE THESE, . uinus tnitatjiiisrivi ROOMS. ON FIRSIT 'FLOOR: CHILDREN WELCOME. BROADWAY 4438. . 3 ROOM housekeeping apartmenta with aleep - tag porches, well "furnished, phono, tight and star; reeso nab) rent; Mone City car. 736 T'agific st or call East 9233. I SMALL, neat and clean h. k. room; every thing furHt.hed. dnly $15: also 1 nice 2 " s,rooPt vacant 17th. $25 and 135 CaU Mom. Weds, aad Fridays, between II. and p. m , 650 4th st 3 ROOM furnished i housekeeping apartmenta: also 1. single housekeeping room, all mod r 7r"?b;3 eee for ear if d aired. 866 N. 16th. Bdwr.j764. - i-KUOil bou-eaeeuina n-itiun amgie rooms Keaaonabls Morrison st i,.k.. .; r. . '. . '- , - . 1 n, oatn; 5 1 , clean. . Ideal location oa carline. KM K. Morrison st TO light h. k. rooms; large ami airy; nks uiet neighborhood. 12 mtnnua from Broadway and Washington, 816 per month, inc. light and gas. 795 Minnesota ave., near Beech. TWO .large clean houeaeeping rooms, ground floor, suitable for. 8 adults'; 625 month. Small 2 -room apartment, electric light, bath. phone free. Main 2767. 27U Columbia. , . SNAPPY, dean furnished h. k. rooms; every- v- , urr usneq. ra. vi j Ei. THREE I noffl Hri ysrd for car; near 'Williams a vsv. 303 Tills look street - - ' - TWO rooms, well " furnished, downstairs, $1$ per 'month. 6071 Miaalssippt 2 LAKGK, 1 small housekeeping room, private entrance: gas heist electricity, bath: also 7 alaenine noreh InKM flrsnrf hi M.e Bmedwsy. ..-' :- THREE housekeeping rooms, 2 beds, 820 per month: large front housekeeping room $16 per month-; small, ton isefceepiog room, 58 per month. Close in. 1872 H Hawthorne ave. CHOICE of it- kwrg housekeeping roooss ia private! family, suitable tot gentleman or lady; preferably working. 661 K. . Madison st VERY desirable single h. k. room; steam heat clean; must be seem to appreciate ; close in. 428 Mill St.. between llth sud 12 1 .v..- j v : . ' u.a targe, light airy nouseseeping room, $5 per week, including bath, phone,'- tight and gas; easy wslking distance. 120 18th st.N. rnone Broadway loya. - , FURNISHED h. k. i rooms., furnace heat very desirable, near Washington High and East side library; waikina ditsanca. 596 East Alder, cor of loth. i 3 ODERN furnished rooms in. kitchen. dining room, bed! toom, -bath, light water, linen, silver: private entrance $25. 148 E. 7 2d. N. M.'V. eartine. Tsbi 0476. POSITIV ELY clean! 8 room apartment neatly faraished, good ruga, linoleum kitchen, pantry, closet; gag! I range; ball and porch. storage room. 690 K. 10th. SeUwood 1898. b'MALL house, completely furnished, dean. comfortabls and I coxy. Private bath and laundry, 15 minutes oa Fulton car. 1606 Virginia st Phono Atwater 0399, 818. LIGHT b. k. roam, furn, or unf urn, 2d floor; attractive sleeping -room on 1st floor, suitable for business .couple, near 2 carlinea. also garages. Tabor: 9508. 2 i ifc. a , pieaeanti moaern n. a. rooms, light. pnone, water, nut xurnisneu; separata en. trance, 1 block, two carUnes; walking distance. fcast zooa.i 2 . LARGE front rooms, hot snd cold water; also large front room and kitchenette. $20 monthly. Single rooms tor $15. Near Couch school. 665 Flanders. - ' 8 NEWLY furnished h" k. rooms; hot and cold wster, gat snd electricity, phone, walking a is tance Main ZBQ, 864 12tb st ONE large 11. K, toom, 1 small it K. room, adjoining bath, dose to ear line. Walking itance. 10 K. 10tt st K. 2796. - ad 2 BOOM furnished; apt; place for automobile tree or cnatge. da :s. st APARTMENtS--4:JRNtSHED 307 . Guild Apartments , 394 Guild, near. 28d and Thurmaa ' -8 rms. private bath, ball, bear, hot water. very attractive; one 4 rm . unfnr. Main 3706. "" ' ! THE LAilo" AP'i'iT. ; . Attractive) furaished 3-rm. apts.. Steam heat private baths, disappearing beds back apta. suitable for 8, two beds newly w hits enameled. 840; front apte. $46. 494 Market Kins Albert Apts. : 9 -e.4 m- i.MI.V. ws.-maal.V.-4 4l. m, ava s iuvuis, a us uisuuvs vi hu a w hmss a bath, deVstor. llth 1st Montgomery. Main 0869. Leeds Apartments Fireproof building.' modern, 2, 8, and 4 rm. apta.; single rms.; jshw ator service. Atw. 8697. 8-ROOM furnished 'apartment light., heat hot snd cold water furnish ; no small children. Call Tsbor 4224. 109214 Hawthorns sve., apartment A. ' - : Davenport Apts. 3 room furnished apt with private bsthl also single housekeeping room. . Main 6485. THE STANFIELD' Modern 2 room . tight, beat, phone, $28, winter rate: Main! 7892. HADDON HALL. 11TH AND HALL 8 rooms, kitchenette, bath, bdw. floors, prW vete balconies. $85i up. Atwater 1160. THE 7 EOENHOLM 834 6tb st modem 2 and 3 nomafuraiaheil spartmenta. Private baths. - Beat reasonable. SAN, MARCO, E. 8Ttt AND COtTCH. S BK, MOD. APT.. WK. OR MO. EAST 1990. - , HAWTHORNE APTS. ' " 2 and 8 rm. apta.: steam heat t lee Lrto lights, gas ranges. $26. 'Atwater 1792. , QLEN COURT: c?, room oso in. Corner Pant and- Taylor. Main 1961 i ADAMS APARTMENTS Modern 2 rm. Apt; furnished, 408" Jeffer son. ' 2 BOOMS, including steam beat hot and col) water, walking distance. $22.60 and 326. Bdwy. 4292. Jennings Apts.. 246 V N. 17th. 8 ROOM furnished apt, with private bath ; lights, water and phone free. $27.60. -888 E. Asb t. -. 1 - - ; - - THE ALB RET Furnished apt steam, beats,' o rivals bath. 80 H Mtssissipnl avn ' 2-ROOM apta., clean, reasonable; near schooL, sm uf sum svafl mfc a-otj, : ONE room, kitchen, bath; private entrance phone. 414 4thiiit S-BOOM fnrnishsd apt, must bo seen to be) fully sppreciatedt 427 H 6th et. BANNER APTS.- -Nicely furnished 2 apt, one in nasement 4pw iiay st. HOTEL, and apartment rooms tinted, $3; gowi work. Broadway 8628. APARTMENTS UNFURNISHED 30S .The American ' Modem 4 aad S room snsrtments. ' 21st snd Johnsonj Broadway 8860. FOR rent 4 large iunfurnlsbed rooms and bath. on second floor. 1 block irom scncoi. oa two csriines, $23 per month. 1338 Belmont, aor. 47th st . I BENT $22 " Cosy partly fur uraisnec Iran u ait, rarbage bed 2-room apt, doss in. walking dwtance, Tabor 1781. walking distance, hot hauling and water bill 6-ROOM modern water heat ca paid. 564 Couch! 8 BOOM apt, steam hasted, $36 per month. 094 first. ei MinvivB. Ts! FURN FLA ISHED 309 THE FAUSTINA - X modern house of fists, west side, dose la. newly finubed. cheerful 4 tooms and bath; a pleasant boats; references, 464 - HaU St. sear 13th. ' r -- ;; ' : ' j ' 4 BOOM furnished flat, in a aioe residential location. Gaa. j elect bints, bathroom, all modern oonvenlencea. Call at 660 Belmont t. for -key.- . J ' ' ' IBVINGTON renideDtial 4 room . apt .Heat. light gas. gam ae. $?o. - Also 8 rooms. ov. East 8016.- - ' - . - - , 4-BOOM fiat for rent; walking distaneej adults. Phone iEsait 7965. after 6 p. m. NICE 8-rm. flati priv. bath.' phone, furnace! adults only.- 16KJ8 Huron st - . ; 4-ROOM furnished flat; hast and bat water fanria-ed. 4 Fargo, near cmon. ' - i NICELY furnished t-room upper f-'4 2 bed- rorsns. 711 Kearney. Main 1663. 8-BOOM flat comfortably furn. piano; waialn enstanee;- 4Z.o. atwater jeo. ; ROOM furnished flat phone and yard; ea- rage if wanted! w alnot I ano. EXRN ISHED 5-room apper flat; new, c 9A rni.MA-i. tt'.i ax9 $32.30 6-B(OMi ?umhed flat at 3.0 Coulcl ave. Phone R. 14203. Cootimtod en Foitewlno Pae (CLEAN. LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING ROOM. PHONE, LIGHT, WATER AND GAS FUR NISHED; CLOSE IN. 829 BOSS ST. EAST 8841. f