The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 12, 1922, Page 9, Image 9

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    :TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER' 12, 1922.
A cure for the social unrest of the
world is being sought by the member
of the Church League for- Industrial
Democracy, an Episcopal organisation
which has opened offices at 105 LaboT
Temple, Fourth and Jefferson streets.
The league began a series of forums
Monday in hall "I" of the Labor Tem
ple. The forums will meet at 1:30
o'clock each day this week, except
Saturday. A large mass meeting is
also being planned for Friday night in
the Labor Temple auditorium at which
the Rt, Rev. Charles D. Williams,
bishop of Michigan, will be one of four
principal speakers.
The purpose of the league as stated
by the Rt. Rev. Benjamin Brewster of
Maine, who spoke Monday afternoon,
'lw to unite, for intercession and labor,
those within the Episcopal church who"
believe that it Ms an essential part of
the church's function - to make jus
tice and love the controlling motives
In all social change, and who wish, as
Christians, to promote all sound move
ments looking toward the democrati
zation of industry and the socialization
of life."
Bishop Brewster declared that the
true function of the church in social
work is to uphold the fundamental
principles of social living, sjuetice.
service and fellowship, and to provide
a guarantee of freedom of speech for
the discussion of various views as to
methods of social and economic im
provement. The function of the league,
he continued, is to study and discuss
all methods of social betterment.
Wednesday, at 1 :30 ' o'clock,- in the
same hall, the Rt. Rev. Logan H.
Roots, bishop of Hankow, China, will
talk ; Thursday the addresses will be
made by two men. the Rt. Rev. Henry
St. George Tucker of Kyoto, Japan,
and Dr. R. A. Parsons oj the Univer
sity of Oregon- social service' depart
ment. No admission or registration fee is
changed for-the 1orum. The general
public, including those outside the
church, is invited.
pire. Including Siberia. It constituted
an -Important demand of the Moscow
delegation. - A
The soviet representatives, on the
other hand, will be asked to withdraw
their demand that questions beyond
Far Eastern matters be discussed at
the conference.
If this - request is granted it will
amount to opening of the conference by
& complete compromise "in which the
two parties made equal concession.
I These developments were looked
upon as justifying the Increasing be
lief here that the conference will re
sult in the de facto recognition of Moscow.
Commissioner Pier
Announces He's Not
Out for Reelection
Ford Sends Rigid
Order to Employes
Forbidding Drink
(By I'mUd .New)
Hetroit, Mich., Sept. 12 In an order
affecting 70.000 employes of the Ford
Motor company, Henry Ford Monday
warned his workers that the presence
of liquor in their homes, or the odor
of liquor on their breath, or the bulge
of Its container on their hips, in the
future would mean immediate -discharge.
Recent accidents in the Ford plant,
blamed to employes more or less under
the influence of liquor, were stated to
have been responsible for the drastic
Ford himself is known to be a strong
supporter of the prohibition theory.
Even beer, the new order proclaims, is
forbidden and the workmen smelling
of home brew will be fired just as
promptly as those who have imbibed
anything harder. Employment mana
gers have been given the task of en
forcing the rule. - The .order from
Ford transmitted by them reads:
"From now on it will cost a man his
job without consideration of any ex
cuse or appeal to have the odors of
beer, wine or liquor on his breath, or
to have any of these intoxicants on his
person or in his home."
Japan Compromises
With Soviet as to
Far East Meeting
Tokio, Sept. 12. (U. P. Japan has
decided to compromise with the soviet
government of Russia on the questions
which threatened disruption of the
Cliang Chung conference on Far East
ern questions, it was learned on re
liable authority today.
This action was interpreted as the
of the Moscow government.
Japan, high authorities said, had
decided to instruct its delegates at
the Chang Chun conference to recog
nize the Moscow representatives as
representing both the soviet govern
ment of Russia and the Chita govern
ment of the Far Eastern republic.
This would mean that Japan con
siders Moscow competent to speak for
practically all of the oM R. .,, m
S. C. Pier, commissioner of finance,
has announced that he will not be a
candidate for reelection as city com
missioner this fall. He. states that his
private affairs have been neglected be
cause of the time required for the
transaction of municipal affairs ad
that he feels he can no longer con
tinue this condition.
"My work as a city commissioner
has been deeply interesting and very
pleasant," said Pier, "and I have
greatly enjoyed the associations formed
in this connection. I had seriously
considered standing for reelection, but
during the last, month I have decided
that my personal affairs require more
attention than 1 can give them should
I continue in municipal office."
Commissioner Bigelow has not yet
definitely decided whether he will be
a candidate for reelection, but it is
generally believed he will be in the
Sheriff Fined for
' Traffic Violation
Roseburg, Sept 12. Sheriff Sam
Starmer and Traffic Officer Earl W.
Perkins were arrested here Saturday
evening by 'Sgwo Gun" Frank Hop
kins and charged with operating
motor vehicles without proper lights.
They pleaded guilty and were fined
$1 each.
Rescue Crews in 2 -
Mines Slowly Gain
In Race With Death
Jackson." CaL. Sept. 12. (I. X. S-
Making" 10 feet during the night, the
rescue crew ' going through the mack
filled drift In the 3600 foot level f the
Kennedy mine completed 33 feet for the
24 hours ending at 7 a. m. today, of
open space leading to the entombed
men in the Argonaut, leaving 79 feet to
go before the 80 eet of" rock separating
the two mines' 3 reached. Soft muck,
while offering- little resistance, re
quires - quick timbering to prevent its
caving in on the rescuers.
Four rounds of blasts have been fired
in the 3900-foot level of the Kennedy,
two being shot during the nfght, mak
ing a total footage of 18 feet gained at
7 o'clock this morning since 7 a. m.
yesterday, leaving 125 feet of solid
rock to be penetrated, before making
the Argonaut's lower region.
327 Animal Pests
Killed Last August
A total of 327 predatory animals
were killed by government hunters
in Oregon during Aogust, according to
Stanley G. Jewett, predatory animal
inspector for the United States bio
logical survey. This included 35 bob
cats, 291 coyotes and one bear. In
addition, 40 badgers, 197 porcupines,
20 skunks and eight raccoons were
taken. Of the 21 hunters employed,
W. C. Snyder of Princeton made the
best record. In Harney county in 31
days he killed 10 bobcats, 70 coyotes,
four badgers and 84 porcupines.
Labor Meeting to
Consider Ticket
Roseburg, Sept. 12. A mass meet
ing for all organized labor will be held
here this evening, at which the feasi
bility of a labor ticket at the 'coming
general election will be discussed.
ri .tr rt o it m s rx rm. i- o ttv? a.!-"1 n ttv? a -at " r . ' .?-i -r-r .. I
oave luur o. oc n. xruinj oiamps iney itepresem a jireet vasn jjiscuuhi on me money iou opena nere .
Fire last week destroyed 15 acres
of wood in the form ot trees, wun ail
the fencing, as the result of an un
controlable slashing blaze on the Grant
Pirtle farm east of Browilsville.
Better Used Cars!
Still Lower Prices
Covey Motor Car Company's isn't a "This
week only" sale It is a sale continuing
which haven't moved have been STILL
28-30 N. Broadway 21st at Washington
Come to the Place Nearest You
Cars at 23-JO . Broadway, at Coach
1918 1S
1S71 me
1785 ltlS
1878 mo
2086 1917
MIS 1920
I '
1958 1980
192t 1920
2019 1921
1780 1918
2010 1918
194S 1920
Dort tearing .,...8390
Chevrolet toaring 335
Chevrolet touring 250
Dodge roadster . . 590
Oakland touring.. 225
Oakland toaring 4K
So. ' -
1SS7 1920 Bolck 5 pass 8685
1910 1918 Paige tonrtng 465
1823 1920 Overland 4 toar. 400
16991920 Maxwell touring... 345
1909 1920 Ford touring ,. 225
1956 -1918 Chalmers touring 325
1966 1916 Cadillac touring.. 8O0
Cars at 21st at Washington St.
Chevrolet touring 8325
Marmoi toaring.. 925
Ford touring 345
Maxwell toaring.. 325
Oakland toaring.. 315
Dodge roadster... 725
Wlllys-Overland 6 390
Chevrolet, w tp.. 315
Patterson touring 415
Dodge tonring ... 545
1996 1919 Elgin tooting S325
19711920 Franklin touring. .1150
2016 1919 Dodge roadster... 525
261$ 1916 Maxwell toaring.. 65
2022 1918 Bnick touring.... 485
1S97 1920 Dodge coupe 925
20291920 Chandler Coupe.. 950
20321917 Saxon' Tonring 125
26891917 Cherrolet Touring 85
Covey Motor Car Company
21st at Washington BRoadway 6244 28 N. Broadway at Couch
Covey Service Satisfies
To assist
you in banking.
Many Facilities
There are so many
services performed by
the modern bank that
one should make it a
point to familiarize
himself with the busi
ness and personal helps
afforded". For instance,
here there are four
great general depart
ments ' Commercial,
Savings; Trust and Safe
Deposit each having
functions very, useful
to you.
What Goes On
PERHAPS you only come in
contact with the Teller at
. your window here at the United
States National Bank little
realizing what a great service
organization is provided behind
to make your banking conven
ient and prompt.
There are departments within de
partments through which even our
smallest individual transaction must
pass yet without bother or loss of.
time or worry to you and alf bper-?
a ting with smoothness and accuracy. ,
"One of the Northwest's Great Banks
National Bank
l?tth and Stark-
No deliveries except with other grocery
purchases. Glenwood best grade Cream
ery Butter. Special7 at 2 lbs. for 95c
Cream ' Fudge, assorted, ' pound 29c
Chocolate Creams, special,, lb. 37c
Glazed Nou t at, special a bag 10c
Basement Underprice Store
. Featuring a Big Showing of . '
Women's Fall Coats
At $27.50
Basement Coats such as you would expect to pay $35.00 for, and we consider
them exceptional values at that price. Smart, attractive styles for.. Fall and
Winter wear, made up in splendid heavy materials Bolivias, Broadcloths and
Velours in navy, brown, black and fmedium blue. Belted and loose effects,
some with fur collars, others with collars of self material. 'All sizes in the lot
from 18 up to 47. See these Coats theyre wonderful values atigO'T PZfl
the price. Basement Sale price for ' tomorrow is only choice t tlvl
Rain Gapes
Basement Just what the children
need for school wear. Rubberized
Rain Capes in the popular hooded
style. Cut generously full to af
ford greatest protection in wet
weather. Sizes 6 to 12. (g-J OA
Priced special now at tD-L-7
Sateen Bloomers
39c Pair
Basement Of excellent quality
Black Sateen. Elastic at waist and
knee, cut extra full and well made.
Sizes 4 to 12. Specially OQg
priced tomorrow, the pairO
School Dresses
k )
Basement Attractive School Frocks for girls
7 to 14 years of age. Made up in checked,
striped and fancy plaid Ginghams of good
quality. Variety of desirable col- 1" f?Q
ors. Basement Sale price only t5AOI
Girls' Middies
Basement School days bring the need for a
fresh supply of Middy Blouses. These are
made from jockey red or plain white Galatea,
attractively trimmed with braid. Sizes QK,
8 to 14 years. Priced special at onlyOC
New Fall Skirts
At $3.98
Basement Black, navy and fancy Plaid
Skirts in new fall styles. Tailored and
plaited. Made up in excellent QQ
materials. Priced special at only DO0
A Fourth Floor
Toilet Paper
12 for $1
Basement No telephone or
mail orders. Limit 12 rolls to a
customer. 1000 sheets to the
roll and good grade Toilet Tis
sue; On sale Wednesday
at 12 rollstfor D-L
Sateen Petticoats
At $1.19
Basement Women's Petticoats ! of good
quality Mercerized Sateen in black, brown,
green and purple. Well made and Q" T Q
nicely finished. Priced special DAXi
Special LuncH
' 69c
SorTle :! A. X. to 9:S P. X.
Chicken Broth and Rice
Clam Bouillon t - J
Fried Little Neck Clam in Butter
Baked Royal Chinook Salmon
Holland tee Sauce
Cream Chicken, Noodles i
Pot Roast ot Beet with Spaghetti
OWK- Baked Beans and L
, Boston Brown Bread
WITH . i .
- String- Beans, Mexican Style
Cake . Sherbet Tart
Tea Coffee Milk i.
Tea Room, Fourth Flbor I
Main Floor
Boys' r ; .
2-Knicker Suits
That these Suits are unusual val
ues is attested by the great1 num-,
ber we have sold during tfie last
ten days. Tweeds, cheviots and
cassimeres in a large selection of
handsome patterns and colors.
Latest loose belt models, with patch
pockets. Two pairs full lined and
taped knickers with each (IQ Or
Suit. Specially priced D7OtJ
Boys' Store, Main Floor
, .,.:,
The Basement's Greatest Hosiery Sale
Men's, Women's and Children's Hose at Phenomenal Savings
Women's Cotton Hosiery
6 Prs. for $1
Basement LOT 1 Clean-up of odds and ends
and broken lines in Women's Black Cotton
Hose. We also include about 200 pairs "of good
quality Lisle Hose. Sizes 8 and 9 only
in the sale. Priced special at 6 pairs for
Women's Silk Hosiery
Special 49c
Basement LOT 2 Several hundred pairs of
Women's Fiber Silk Hose in a great clearaway
at about factory cost. These are of excellent
quality, and the color range includes nude,
camel, taupe and Drown, lisie neei fil
and toe. Sizes 8, 9, 9. Special, pr. rilC
Shop Early in the Day
Women's Hose
At 95c
LOT 5 Pure Silk and Fi
ber Hose with lisle heel and
toe and ribbed garter top.
Black, white and cor- AP
do van. Special, pair itll
Silk Hose $1.19
LOT 6 Women's Novelty
Silk Hose with mercerized
heel, toe and garter top.
Black, white and several col
ors. All sizes 8V4 up to 10.
Priced special for 1Q
tomorrow at, pair DXeXl7
Women's Lisle Hosiery
3 Prs. for $1 '
Basement LOT 3 Changeable effects in navy
and green. Owing to trifling imperfections,
these are sold as "seconds." Splendid quality
lisle, with reinforced heels and toesi AA
Sizes 9, 9& only. Pair 35c 3 prs. DeUU
Fancy Sport Hosiery
Special 59c
Basement LOT 4 Fine quality derby 'ribbed
Sport Hose in lisle. Very popular to wear with
sport oxfords anck pumps. Shown in navy, cot
dovan, Russia calf; gray and black. CQ
Sizes 84 to 10J-i. Priced special atUC
We Give S. & H. Stamps
Cashmere Hose
At $1.19
LOT 7 Women's Cash
mere Hbse of fine quality
with fancy silk clox. Shown
in popular heather (I "J Q
mixtures. Special DXeX
Wool Hose 89c
LOTL 8 Women's Wool
Hose in heather shades. Made
with good' strong garter top.
Ideal stockings for fall QQf
wear. 'Special at, pair OaO
LOT 11 500 pairs Boys'
and Girls' School OKf
Hose, on sale at, pairtlv
Children's Hose
At 29c
LOT 9 Medium weight
Cotton Hose in black or
white. Good serviceable
stockings for boys' and girls'
school wear. Sizes 5 OQ
to 9. Special at, pair
7 Pairs for $1.00
LOT I 10 Children's me
dium weight White Hose in"
sizes 6V4 up to 10. Splendid
quality and most remarkable
values. Priced spe- fl- AA
cial at, 7 pairs tPJLeUl
Men's Hosiery
At 10c
LOT 12 Men's Cotton
Hose, black or brown. 1 A.
Special at, the pair XUi
LOT 13 Men's Heather
Socks, imperfections, pr. 19c
' At 29c
LOT 14 Heavy gray OQf,
mixed Wool Socks, pr.
LOT: IS Men's Cashmere
Socks in black and natural.
Slightly imperfect but 'splen
did values. Full range fl"J
sizes. Special, 3 ?airs DA
Basement Sale 1000 Pairs of Blankets
An underselling: event that brings timely savings3. Special
mill purchase of over 1000 pairs wool, wool-mixed and cotton
Blankets go on sale,4eginning Wednesday, at Economy Prices
Heavy Cotton Blankets $1.47
Sheet Blankets $1.59
Oregon-Made' .Wool Blankets
At Special Low Prices - V ;
Basement' Heavy quality Gray and Vicuna Blankets special
purchase from one of Oregon's largest; woolen mills. ; Slightly,
imperfect but the low price more than compensates for defects.
Supply your needs now. . ; " - : ,
lb. Blankets, special 54.80 6-lb. Blankets, special $7.20
Blankets, special $5.98 1 7-Ib. Blankets, special $8.40
Basement Wool-finish Cot
ton Blankets in gray, tan and
white. ; Single. Just the thing
to use ' in place of sheets..
On sale Wednesday J" A rj ,
special at, each
Plaid Blankets
Basement Heavy quality
Cotton Blankets in fancy
plaid patterns. Large as
sortment in this CO QQ
lot. Special, pair iD&mOV
Cotton Blankets
Basement Extra large -size.
Cotton Sheet Blankets in
gray with fancy. CO A(
border. Special, pr.'OAJ4i7
Basement Sheet Blankets
for double beds.' Excellent
quality- and - good weight.
Shown' in gray and tan only.
On sale Wednes-; Gi ' pTQ
day, special, pair tDA.Ma
Wool Blankets
Basement Plaid Wool Blankets-
in pink, blue and tan.
Size 66x80 Inches. Weight
4 Ibsr Only a limited quan
tity get yours early the
day. Prieed . spe-.Oft OJT
cial : at, the y pair tDU.OO
" S. ' & H.'i Stamps
Main Floor
Notion Specials
Bias Seam Bindings. Sizes rj
4, 5, 6, 7i Special at tonly I C
Cotton Tape, 24 yards to Off
the bolt. Priced SDeeial at
.--Boys Supporters - waist
shoulder strap tyle." Reg- QArt
ular $1.25 values at9 only OUK,
Pocahontas. Pins, paper at . 4c
Kid Curlers, 20c kind, at 13c
Curling Irons, 15c grade, at 10c
O. N. T. Darning Cotton in black
and white. 45 yards to: the A
ball. Priced special at only irO
Coat Hangers, wire, each at 4c
Sanitary Belts, 25c values at 19c
Safety Pins, Defender, choice of
3 different sizes a card only 4c
Hair Pins, wire, package at 4c
Skirt Binding, satin faced, black
only. Regular 15c and 20c rj
kind. Priced special at, yard C
Silk Belting, black -and white; 4
and 5-inch. Regular 455 opj
and 50c grades. Priced, yardOl
Silk Belting, black and white. 3
inch. Regular 30c .value, "j rj
Priced special at, the -yard llC
Notion Department
. Main Floor
Basement Millinery
Special Sale
New Fall Hats
. $150 " :
Basement-A selected lot of. about
50 early Fall Hats offered at a very
special price for - Wednesday,
Trimmed Felts, Velvets and. Duve
tyns in desirable colors. (JQ
While they last yours at Z).UU
Hats 50c ;
at slight expense these may be
transformed into .smart, becoming
hats for sport, outing and school
wear. Two-tone Felts in the new
est roll shapes also several styles
in Velvets and -Velveteens, and odd
lines hats and caps. Large - as
sortment to i select Irpnu- Kfn
Your choice -tomorrow at
r Basement v
9 i ,