TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1922. --. 20 THE OREGON DAILY- JOURNAL, PORTLAND, OREGON, - REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES ! 404 , ' J . Are You Ready l l ,. TO BUT A BARGAIN! ' 43850 buy a 4 room modern new house - with attic, laun. trays, cement basement fur- nsc. bdw. floor, bkfst. nook; la nice district. . ; 9500 down, good terms. . x ' THIS IS WORTH BUYING T $1980 buy, 4 rra. modern house, fin e- place. 50xlOO lot. lawn, fiower?. berries, fruit. partly furn., for on!v $350 down: rood term. , " j -THIS IS REALLY CHEAP ' 43000 bu a modern 4 rm. bouse. imps. all in and paid, fine pipe furnace, fireplace. ' close to school and car: cement basement, : - feoilt-ins; will sacrifice my ' equity of .$1165 tor $690; must be sold.tiis week. Will eon- ! , aider light car. f HERE'S A NEW ONE , J $4350 buys a brand new extra fine btinjra . low. 50x100 lot, cement basement, laundry v.. trays, bdwd. fin.. Dutch kitchen, bkfst nook. $1000 down, good terms. This is a real home. ' t "1 ANOTHER SNAP , $430 buys a itrirty mcdern 5 rm. home, , '5xlOO lot to an alley, all imp, in and paid. , .'hdwd. firs., tfckt nook snd everything. $750 ; : fdown. good terms. This is a well buijt house V : - -j;m every respect and won t iat long at this i -'.price. - f i LOOKIE LOO-lE LOOKIE ' -V 1 13500 buy a 4 rm. modern house, corner 1 ''' lot, paring ajl in and paid. This is some nap: only $500 down, bal. like rent. You 11 ,lire to hurry. We hare hundred of listings of houses . and farm that hate been personally appraised ( and inspected by us. If you are looking for ; , a reai home come out and s-e us. McGEE 4 1.ENNI3. : i --. We SeiJ the Earth - 9 Union ave. N. , Wl. 5684. 9 room house. 1 s blocks from Broad way, 1 block fr.ni st r.if.. 5 blocks from grammir 1 and 7 Works from the new Grant Inch school. This hmi-e is a two story structure : it Itas a hall, sitting room, living rrvom, dining room, kitchen. Ihifrh kitolisn and fire (5) bedroom' There are the following b-.tilt-ins-: Buffet, bookcases, linen and clothes closets, two ice boxes, coolers, breakfast nook, beauulul bfami ceiling in the dining room, full cement basemeni with laundry trays and the house is. alU piped for furnace beat. Beveled plate gla n front door. S4500 with an initial pay ment of $1000: .r will take small cash payment with soldier s bonus. Lauritsen. Stevenson, Schneider Co., Inc., 226 Al der st. Main 8615. SARIN'S BLUE RIBBON $3000 -SPECIAL $3000 ' A good 7 room b tise nar Ainsworh are. car and school, lot 40i140. impri.vements in and paid. Thi- home i partly furnished. STOP: THINK! WHY PAY KENT? Pa $300 cash-, balance $30 per month, including interest. W. W. SAWN, REALTOR 1032 Union Are. N. Walnut 0589. ONE ACRE A.VIi BUNGALOW A naw 4 room bungalow, double constructed throughout: cement wash tays. all boilt-ins. floored attic. Iutrh kitchen, breakfast nook, and EVERYTHING. Finished in white enamel throughout. Gas, light and city water, dandy plumbing; 1 acre twill all be plowed), well fenced. On a hard surface road,, just outside the city limits. Price for quick sale only $3500 with $500 down, .(in use the sol dier's loan. ) R I' MM ELI. & ni'SIML'LI,. 274 Stark St. Bdwy. 6729. . 89th and Sandy Blvd. - A 'it. 320-CO. A BARGAIN ROSE CITY PARK $5nf I One of the finest, constucted bungalows in Rose t'ity. Beautiful corner lot : unusually desrrned iiomo with large plat glass windows, expensive tapestry pajwr, high grade oak floors -throughout, modern plumbing, pipe funiace. - double garajje. $1500 rah will handle. . A. G.'TEEPE CO. . Tloa City Offira 4 0th and Sandy. Tib. 95SS. Laurelhurst Office. 30th and tnteah. Tab. 3433. $500 LAURELHURST BEAUTY A new and classy 5 room bungalow In j A U R E L H U R S T, with hardwood floors throughout, furnace, fireplace, erery imagin able built-in eonrenience. Irtttch kitchen, break fast nook, tiled bath, best of up to date plumb dng cement baement, laundry trays, floored atuc; finisjhed in ivory and tapestry parer. A -real beauty, "Folks. " tUiit can he handled right. " Full lot, garage. fBiiroTements paid. MT TABOR $sooo . 100x100 corner, beautiful landscape. 7 room liouse, modfm in every way, garage. This place has a wonderful view of the entire city; owner is going east and priced for quick sale. Call Malnney with CORCORAN-JONES REALTY CO, 275 Oak st. Phone Bdwy. 000(1. 5. ROOM modern bungalow and atuc, hdw. ff 'floors, fireplace, all - built-ins, full basement. mniicr, garage, jnip. in ajiu lam. a great bargain, $5000. Will take soldiers' bonus with small cash oarment down. SUNNTSIDE COTTAGE $3150, $500 down, balance to suit ROSE CITY REALTY CO., REALTORS, . East rVflol or Tabor B4 4 2. 1TOR SALE 1 lots 50x100 each, witn small 4-room. bouse on it built last fall, all fenced- in. large chicken run with- chicken bouse partly built, beautiful garden, berries, grapes and young fruit trees, clo e to high and grade schools. 3112 64th M. S. E. "whito house with green roof. Take Hawtlwrne car, let off at 65th st S. E-, 2 blocks south. Heal barjain. Phone Aut. 617-74. Take car as part payment. - '-. HOUSEBOAT CLOSE IN 4 room modem houseboat, completely fur "Eished; 'good furniture! fine graphcnola in cluded; everything in excellent condition. Owner going away. Sacrifice for quick sale, $1500; "- Liberty bonds or real estate contract accepted. Tabor 0155. $5200 ALAMEDA $500 DOWN New 5 room bungalow, furnace, fireplace. - oak floors, tapestry paper, ivory finish, nice electric fixtures, fine builtins, garage. J. R- HAIGHT FOR REAL ESTATE. 351 ANKENT COR. BROADWAY. BROTOWAY 204 5 ROSE CITY HOME WANTED Have party with $3000 cash wanting the , -est bargain they can get; will consider home up to $6400: bouse must be 5 or 0 roams, not over 3 blocks from carline. OORCORAN-JONES REALTY CO., S75 Oak st. Phone Bdwy. BOOK. $1400 COTTAGE AMONG THE FIRS 3 rooms, plastered, toiiet, large woodshed - td. chicken house. 100x100 lot; $250 cash, $20 monthly,' including interest. JohnsojnDodson Co. . 33 N. W. Bank bids. Main 3787. $500 DOWN ROSE CITY $5200 New 5 room bungalow, furnace, fireplace, oak floors, attic, garage, tapestry paper, ivory fauisli, close to car service. ' J. R. HAIGHT X)R REAL ESTATE. SSI AN KENT COR. BROADWAY. ' ' a; BROADWAY 2045 - PARKWAY We will build to suit customer 4-room bungalow on lot 1. block 8, Missouri ave. , , near Peninsula park; $250 down. Walnut i81 or call at 1293 Campbell avenue. . THE beat investment that your money will buy, is this 5 rooms snd sleeping porch; garage, furnace, full basement, u. w. floors, taacstrv paer, etc 50x100 lot; close to Irv--Moiru car. Price $4100, with liberal terms:: tie Mr. Fisher with Wilbur F. Jouoo, Inc., 22 Henry bids- Bdwy. 4 S3 7. A BARGAIN in Alberta district, 1th and l.y Webster sts.; 1 bluck from car; 5 room well built house, large grounds; garage: paved -'Street. This hums must be seen to be 'appre ciated. 1 Priced at $4500, $2500 cash. . See ltwer. 875 Webster st. &LR. WORKING MAN, here is your chance to havw a home of your own. while making Bwaey ia 9 housekeeping rooms. Small pay . asaat down: Wul pay balance itself. GREAT WESTERN INVESTMENT CO.. . 230 Cham, of Cum. Bldg. $100 DOWN $100 DOWN roosB house, bath, sewer in. close in. 2 .his, to car. Terms can be arranged to suit etf. 804 Buchansn bldg. NEAR Franklin high school.. 6 rooms, den. sleeping porch. 9 1x200, all kinds fruit. S blocks to Hawthorne car, by owner. 260S 58th SC. $00 ft. south Division. Tabor 0170. ' - S00 DOWN PRICE $2100 R. a P.' - ft raw modern bungalow, bath, basement; 50 ,iwu Mvf, . wv auiicuTt; iswa ana snrsbs r loe so car. ; Failing bids. i00 Bargain, small 9 room house, 83 29th St., valuable Tabor 038&. corner. 38x75. Phone $a0O DANDY block to car ouncai ow. rooms, bath. 1 . sniwr. ; ' - - - ? - I jING away, mast sell my bosie. near Beosoa Owner. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 ROSE CITT BARGAINS E. 38th St. Nor. $500 Down 7 roots ' bongalow. hardwood floors. fi replace . fud cement base ment, furnace, modern in every respect- This is a real fine home and the term very easy. Price $6000. im provements all in and paid. E. 40th St, Nor. $500 Down 5 room new modern house, hard wood floors, fireplace, full cement base ment, breakfast nook, old ivory finish, on nice lot. improvements in and paid. Price $5250. Easy terms. $1000 Down 5 room bungalow, as fine a home as there is in Rose City, com plete in every way; hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace. cement basement, old ivory finish, breakfast nook, priced at $5250 for quick sale. $500 Down Laurelhurst. 5 room bungalow. with hardwood floors, fireplace, cement basement. 2 large bedrooms, sleeping IKrch, combined living and dining hall. Dutch kitchen, garage. This house is close to 39tb it. Improvements all in and paid. The total price $4000. A real Laurelhurst snap. tOE A. McKENNA & CO.. (Established lSS9i ARTISANS' BLIx;. BDWY. 7522. STOP RENTING $100 DOWN $25 PER MONTH Straight monthly contract. MOVES YOU IN AT ONCE. $1950 Large 5 r. hosise on 2 lots. Lots of fruit Close to car. Fix this up and make $$$$. $2209 NEW 4 ROOM BUNGALOW Move right in and put your spare time into work and finish. Chance for free RENT and $$$$ besides, if you will work. $2150. Large FURNISHED house on carline. Big grounds and lots garden space and fruit. r$a4 0 630 Chamber Commerce bldg. ROSE CITT BARGAIN Owner , selling, furnished or unfurnished, large 5 room bungalow, situated on comer in the heart of Rose City, below tle h.ll, 2 blocks north of Sandy bird. This home has ail built ins. finished in enamel, everything almnet new; one look and yoa will be convinced this home is a bargain; owner leaving city. For particulars call 40 E. 42d it. N. ComrapIeteSy Furnsshed ROSE CITY BUNGALOW $4250 GOOD TERMS House almost new; hardwood fl-vsn, com plete cabinet kitchen with breakfast ncok : cement basement with laundry. Furniture fir-t class and new; new mes, linoleum, over stuffed chairs and davenport, mahogany table. William and Msry dining room set, bed room set with dressing table MOVE RIGHT IN. DAVID HARP, Mgr. R. T. STREET'S Sandy Blvd. office. 1150 Sandy b.vd. at 3Hth. Aut 320-04 Adjoining Alameda $3$S0 Down New 4-room bungalow, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, full basement. laundry trays, garage, sidewalks and sewer in, close to car and school. STAR REAL ESTATE & INV. CO . Bdwy. 5818. 512-13 Wilcox bldg. LAURELHURST NEW 6-ROOM BUNGALOW $0250 Hardwood floors throughout, tiled bath, tiled sink recessed tub. colonial type with large plate glas windows, concrete porch, garage with full cement driveway. $1000 cash will handle. Someone will buy this today. Hurry. A. Q. TEEPE CO. Laurelhurst Office. 39th and Gliun. Tb. 3433 Rose Tity Office 40th end Sandy. Tab. FT KXFSHKD BUNGALOW Modern. 4 room.-1, laxa sleep inc porch and attic, tapestry paper, built-ins. beautiful lawn, STaraffe, cement basement. 50x100 lot. t'nm I'letely furnished with highly polished walnut and mahogany furniture. Smith & Barnes piano, davenport, ruas, etc. Furniture worth about $1500. Price Complete $4600, one half cu&h. JohnsonDodson Co. 33 N. W. Bank hldg. Main 3 77 Opportunity Knocks Three 55-foot lota with 4 room bungalow, garage, fruit trees and paved street, in the Irvington-Alaroeda district, for $3100; $500 rash. This gives you a home snd 2 fine build ing lots in the bargain in a locality where property is moving. If you have the $500, which is the first essential, and appreciate a bargain when you see it. call East 7211. IRVINGTON. li-room house, 7845. $4 500. Eait ACREAGE 405 Diversified Farming SUNDERLAND ACRES, at E. 29th St. N. and Columbia b'.vd. (paved!. This is that NEW CLOSE-IN ADDITION, convenient to Woodlawn and Alberta cars. Rich soil, all under cultivation; 1 to 20 acre tracts. $4 50 per acre and up. Easy terms. Branch office E. 29th st. N. snd Columbia blvd. Phone Walnut 3110. ' J. O. ELROD. Owner. 2S3 Stark St. Bdwy. 11S8. AUCTIOiN SALE I will sell at public sale on Monday, Sept. 18, at 1:30 p. m , near GToveland, Washing ton Co., Or., snd 3 miles N. W. of Orenco. Or., 105 acres in 10-acre cr larger tracts to the highest bidder. This land will be 6old regardless of prices, lo per cent cash on day of sale, 4 0 per cent casm when marketable title is made, balance on time. For further information see Hains. at 1107 Spalding bldg.. or J. C. Kuratli. auctioneer, 804 Spalding bldg., Portland, or. S50 CASH ACREAGE A big piece of rich garden scU, 150x221, southeast of' Mt. Tabor, just outside tbe city limits, where you'll have no city taxes or as sessments to pay. Bull Run water and a good hard street in front. The price is $025 with nearly 4 years' time to pay. Let me show you this today. If you buy I will give you credit for lumber to buUd a little home. See me at or.ee. Mr. Bortiun. 263 E. 5 1st st. Tabor 1030. HO Acres All in cultivation, 5-room house, good well, pomp and sink on back porch, barn, chicken house, berries, other fruit: price $3500: will accept house in Portland for my $2000 equity snd assume to $500. Prefer Mt. Scott dist. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. 4 05-6 Panama bldg. 3d snd Alder. TRADE STOCK AND EQUIPMENT 585 acres, 300 acres bottom land, balance level upland, on highway, close to Portland; 3 5 milch cows. 30 heifers, 2 bulls. 4 horses. 70 chickens. 0 tons of hay. Dodge delivery; ail farm machinery. C. W. MILLERSHIP 185 H 4th st Main 5275. CHOICE TRACT CHEAP Fine soil, only 2 miles out. 2 i acres, just a block from pavement on good road, half in cultivation, half in trees: ideal home site, with water light, phone; only $400 an acre. Will divide. D. McChesney. 62 Henry bldg. Bdwy. 2505. evenings Main 7844. V ACRES $675 $ dowfl. $3 month, acres. $10 month. Natural trees or cultivated. City school, water, electricity, graveled road. Beaumont or Alberta cars. ROGER W. CARRT. Upstairs. 142 V Second st. cor. Alder. ON CRAIG road near Park Rose. $50 cash. $15 a month 6 i int. beautiful trees, sightly view of Columbia and mt. ; acre and two acre tracts, $1000 and up. water, light snd gas. Owner. Tabor 2415. A-l 5-ACRE tract for sale by owner. 20 miles east of Portland: good house, barn and other outbuildings: small orchard: place in crop: for full description, price, terms and reason for selling, write Wm. Dawson, Boring. Oregon. SEE THIS BARGAIN TODAY 5 acres unimproved garden tract, on John sen creek, at 8 2d st and Gresbam-Estacada esrtina. $2000. M cash. R. L. Yoke. 113J N. W. Pank. Main 41 7. 5 ACRES Bull Run water, just east of Mont aYills, $350 per acre. Best acreage buy on east sides Owner, 615 Ry. Ex. bids. Bdwy. 5985. FOR SALE SO acre relinquishment, R. R. land, IS acres slashed, close to depot, store, new highway: good improTetaents; $600. E- Sutton: Hugo. Or. ; KOW does this strike yoa 1 Threw acres in ksttse Park Acres, $400 per acre. Easy terms. G. L. Bohr. 218. Knott st Phone East S13. ' - ONE FOURTH acre, 4-rwom house, on graveled road, mo to Lents Junction. City water, gas. electric lights, $1250.' Terms. .Walnut 2328. after. 8 p. week days.- -lO ACRES. 2 miles te highway. 1 block to iwa&bjostoa. st - Room. 312.. lira, etmcnieU. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ACREAGE 405 2 ACRF.8. on good macadam road, close to paved highway, one Mock from elec tric station, close to city limits: all cul tivated ; good bearing family orchard, every variety, lots of berries; attractive 1 J, story plastered bungalcw of 7 rooms; concrete basement, best of white enameh plumbing; water, lights and gas; good garage, chicken oaudings: exceptionally gooa land, no gravel. Photo at office. H acre, near 82d rt. and Mt. Tabor car; all cultivated; young fruit trees; at tractive bungalow with plumbing, city water, gas and electric lights; gas range, water heater, kitchen cabinet and lin oleum included at ue price of $2100; terms. JOHN FERC'SON, Realtor Uerhngac Bkig , Over 500 Small Places Near Portland BEST CLOSE IN ACRES i Water, Light. Phone. Pavement. ! Only $750 n acre, just 6 tracts: he very ! sightly just above grade 'on paved state high way. 2 miles out, 15 minutes nue. nave 10O0 feet frontage on pavement; perfect drainage, best soil; all cleared except border of trees; nothing on market to equal these for price and quality. D. McChesney, 628 Henry bldg. Bdwy. 2505: evenings, Mala 7S44. SUBURBAN HOMES 406 NO CASH NO CASH APPLY BONUS LOAN HOME GARDEX TRAI TS Averaging 9 acres of richest kind of garden land, each with a frontage on the Columbia river, just at the gateway to the city of Portland, are no-.v available to ex-erivce men who have applied for the state loan. There's no better garden soil in Oregon. A fine place for the home with an in come. We. will build house on each tract and take second mortgage over term of years. JUST INVESTIGATE. There are but nine of these matchless garden tract available. CKOSSLEY & ABBOTT. Ja!es Agents. 2S3 Stark St. Bdwy. 1183. GOOD LIVING AND $$$$$ BESIDES One acre, 4 room hou-e, garage, - wood house, etc., 1500 strawberries, loganberries, raspberries, crapes, bearing fruit. 11 cords wood aut, on gravel road, cl.se to elec. sta tion, 12 miles out. Price $1900, $30 cash, bal. $15 per mo. and int. See Hurd with RE ALTOHS "32 Chsm. of Com. BUNGALOW IN THE FIRS Just outside city limits. Has all conven iences. New 5 rooms, modern. hardwood 1 floors, breakfast nook. 2 bedrooms, 20 min- j utes from center of town. If it is a suburban i home you are looking for i have it. This : one is only $3000, with liberal terms. See ,' Mr. Fisher, with ! WILBUR F. JOI'NO, INC. 224 Henry Bldg. Broadway 4837. I MODERN SUBURBAN BUNGALOW A mslem home with 1 acres ground, as-J sortnient of fruit and berries, chicken house ! and garage ; Bull Run water, gas. Snap for $4 500, easy teims. JoihnsonDodson Co. 33 N. W. Bank bids. Main 377. NEARLY 2 ACRES BEAUMONT CAR Why pay mors for ordinary house and lot farther out. 3 room bungalow ready for plaster. City school, water, electricity, graveled road, $3200. $200 cash. ROGER W. CARY. MAUN' 200T. 142 "4 Second st.. cor. Alder. e- $27oO A TEN DAY BARGAIN 1 arres, with new 4 room house, bath and kitchenette; porch on front and back; rarage, wood liouse; on highway. 1 hi blocks from station. S. G. Rogers, Aloha. Or. ! FOR RENT- House, bam and chicken coop. 2 acres, near Muttnnman station. hee Sundstrom at Fahey-Brockman Clothing Stre, 0th and Washington. . FARMS 407 OYER 15 acres. 14 miles from center of Portland, macadam road, near Ore gon City; 4 acres cultivated, balance heavy timber; level land, no waste: woven wire fences, young orchard, strawberries, loganberries, bjackberne-i, etc; new house, 12x20, barn 20s30, chicken houe; about 500 cord- of wood on place. Price $2200. Terms. 20 acres. Clackama county. 24 miles southeast of Portland; good road: all under cultivation: good joani i-oii; one half mile to school and church; build ings. Price $3000. clear. Consider city liouse f same value. John Ferguson, Realtor. Gerlinger bldg. Over -500 Small Places Near Portland. SABIN'S BLUE RIBBON FARMERS, HEAD THIS! 110 arres, 00 acres blacte loam soil in culti vation, balance good pasture: 1 good room plastered h:use; 1 good 4 room house; 2 good barns; 3 horses, 12 cows, 6 heifers, 1 reg. bull; all kinds of good farm implements. The price is only $125 an acre, terms. Stp ! Think ! Only 20 miles from Portland. W. W. SABIN. 1032 Union Ave. N. Realtor. Walnut 589. ROSE CITY A REAL BUNGALOW 0 delightful rooms, and floored attic, oak floor., firuplace. attractive buffet, lhitch kitchen, breakfast nook, 3 bed rooms, large basemen, furnace, nice lawn, douhle garage; E. 45th st. near Satdy. If you want a good buntfalow buy; get in touch with me at once. C. M. DEER 1215 N-W Bank bldg. Atwater 2215 FOR SALE BY OWNER 60 acres, fine patented placer mining claims, with water permits from 2 creeks, just opened up. House 12.6x14 tt ; good road; some timber. $3000. Good investment for man able to work. Old age and poor health reason Kr selling it The mine is located 4 miles from a-sphalt paved highway in Douglas Co.. Or. For lull information see H. T. San ders, 808 Albins see., Portisnd, Or. 112 Acre$3 All A-l soil, no rock, no waste, some elesred and fenced. Spring snd creek water, hard- rosd. clows to school, town, R. R. and highway; 2 hours' ride by auto. Adapted to nut--, prune, berries, potatoes, clover or any valley crop. 4 0 acres bottom. 20 per cent cash, very easy terms Micht accept part clear property. John A. Meisoner. S21 Gssco bldg. A HUGE BARGAIN Dairy ranch, 135 acres. 90 acres irrigated, balance sub-irrigated, pasture for 50 cr 80 head of stock; price $13,950. including mortgage of $8700: this is s bargain, as it cost owner $21,000; beautiful surrounding country. If you are interested, write at once to Box 630. R. 8. Buckley ave.. Portisnd. Or. 34 ACRES. $5500 . 44 miles from Portland, iu Yamhill county. 30 acres in cultivation. 8 acres in prunes. Fair set of bnilcicrs. On rock road. Cloe to school. With place, stock cd evjuipnunt A real bargain. WILLIAM T. GOESER, 12 Pacific ave. W.. Fcrest Grove. Or BARGAIN SELL OH TRADE 5 improved acres, "4 mile west of MKlford, Or : has 4 room plastered bungalow, small barn and chicken bouses: is under irrigation. GREAT WESTERN INVESTMENT CO. 230 Chamber of Commerce bldt. THIS WILL SELL ITSELF SO acres. 75 level. 50 ready fcr plow, no buildings but will give you 4 room house to move. 2 fine springs. 1 mile to high school bus. Rocked road close to place. $2S00. cash. Hurry! Horry I Hurry! JOHN A. MEIS3XEH. 21 Gasco b'dg 80 ACRES, up-to-date, stocked and improved ranch, first class buildings, located in the Chehalem valley; on mail route, all year auto road. Will take cottage as first payment, balance terms to suit D. E HUGHES. Newberg. Or. GOOD farm for sale by owner. 300 acres, 75 under plow, pasture, timber, running water, good buildings. 18 miles from Olympia. on paved highway. U mile from school ; equipment and crops included. Writ for particulars. Ed Taylor, New Kamilche. Wash. A DANDY BUY 160 acres wheat and alfalfa land. 60 acres irrigated: good buildings; price $12,000; must sell, so price is pot when it will go immediately. Write at once to R, 3. Box 630. Buckley ave.. Portland. Or. FOR CITY PROPERTY 120 seres improved, hillside farm, cool soil, running water, springs, good large barn, old house, good road, -most all cleared. $70 per acre. Near Washouxal. Immediate possession. R. L. Ytke. 1188 N. W. Bank bidg. CHOICE irrigated tsjxs under new project, near Oarombia .-highway : win sell or lease : fear crops alfalfa yearly: large yields eon and froit. Geo. C Howard.: 1113 Northwestern Bank bids;. -: .- - - ;- MUST sell 34 acres at station, part cult; bnQdiags. Siwing. creek, timber, house, furmi rcre, 81750; . terms. Dubois. 80 Bpaldaia bilk- - . . . . ' - REAL ESTATE FOR SALE! FARMS 407 ACRE BARGAIN By Owner This is all the finest kind of land. 3 miles of Canby. Or. It is gray like soil with a little sand in it; no better spud and clover land in the valley; 30 acres in cultivation. There are about 40 acres of the place that is easy to clear; some acres can be cleared in 2 days' time by 2 men. Place all well fenced, spring water in pasture; 5-room frame house, barn with sheds, 2 hen houses, wood house, cellar. 3 acres of bearing assorted ' fruits and some berries; fine well at house with windmill. Place on good road, graveled all the way to Canby and to Oregon City, on mail and cream route. Fine dairy place, close to school. I bought tlie place some time ago, expected to keep it. but owing to certain things ccming up I will have to sell it: only $8500. $3500 down, balance st 6 per cent. 5 years' time. This place is worth $100 an acre if worth a cent. Land all around it sells from $125 to $200 per -acre. Might consider small house and lot up to $2000 in some valley town, if price is right- John A. Weber, owner, care of Huntley Drug Co.. Oregon City. Oregon. 13 ACRES located on Pacific highway, all under cultivation: suitable tor berry truck or a dairy tarm; 14 mile's tram Salem and 1 mile to Woodburn. The adjoining land sells for $30t acre in 10 or 20 acre tract. The buildings are fair but the land is A No. 1, and the pr.ee is right. I can sell on good terms, il yVi er acre and the balance at 6 . 10 7 acres; 110 acres of this n under cul tivation; 30 aires bottom land; 2 separate buildings: one of the best farms in the coun try. The balance of the land is slightly; roil ing; 4U acres of saw timber; H mile ; f rain sawmill. '1' he roads are gravel; lo miles from Forest Grove. Ail stock and implement. 4 bead young horses, 8 milk cows. 2 brood sows, 4 shoats all farming implements and small tools. . Good family orchard. This is a real place and a person can be proud to own. Price $13,000. with good terms. We hare a number of other farms that are real buys. McGEE & DENNIS !! I'niou Ave. N. Walnut 58S4. FOR RENT FARMS 408 FOR RENT A ock .arm. partly stocked. with gocd building and farm implemenus; a rood proposition tor the right man. Ad dre -v H . C ( m b . ( ot t a ge G ro e. Or. 400 AOUKS, 3 miles sourhrast of Haley, Or,; '200 acres under cultivation, 200 pasture; food dairy farm. House, barn, outbuildings, orchard. School on farm. Address, further information. Mrs. Eliza Brandon. Htly, Or. HOMESTEADS 410 160-ACRE homestead location on auto road. 50 miles to Portland: nice creek on place; fine neighbors: 1 acre in garden. $200 cash. 301 Corbett bldg. TIMBER LANDS 411 $2500 EQUITY in 5000 cords of good timber. close to electric and reads made. Sell on easy terms or tra-ie for real esute. 527 Albina ave., Portland. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 413 IF lOL WANT TO TRADE SKE IS $3300 5 room modern bungalow, in fine con dition; want Vs to 1 acre on Oregon City carline. $4500 5 nm eotta?e, close in, where the lot la worth tne price asked. Want s to 1 acre on Orrgon Uity carline. $3500 "4 of an acre, outride city limits. with modern 5 room bungalow; want residence close in up to $4000. $4 2003 acres, all cultivated, with a dandy 6 room plastered bungalow, near Huber station, on Oregon Electric: warit house in Portland up to $8000. This property is worth investigation. $2O00 5 acres of tine soil-, all under culti vation, no bldgs., l miles out. Turn in as part paymefft ott house in city to $350. $14,000 60 acres, 4 5 seres In cultivation, large barn, fair house, fine running stream. 13 miles from courthouse; one of the very best one-man dairy ranches near Portland. Tlus place is stocked and equipped. It will stand investigation. Will take 4 or 5 close in for part, payment SEE STEPHENS. WITH KW-.-row 732 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. We Want Trades, Trades, Trades Vhat hae ymi in real estate that you don't want r Maybe we can trade it for something you do want. City homes for farms and farms for city homes. We hatwile anything in real estate, business ehanres, hotel, apts. and roomirt? houses. What haxe you you want to aell or trade? See Brown or Hummntd. Qoick Sales Co, 402 Couch b'.dc. Aut511-09. St. Johns District Small house, lot lOOilllO. 3 blocks to car. 6 bhx-ks to school: price $000. Want acre age near Scappoose or St. Helens. What have you? ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. 40V6 Panama Mds. 3d and Alder. TRADE STOCK AND EQUITY 585 acres, 300 acres bottom land, balance level rplaud, on highway, close to Portland; 35 milch can'. 30 heifers, 2 bulls, 4 horses, 70 chickens, 00 tons of hay; Dodge delivery; all farm machinery. C. W. MiLLERSHIP 165 V, 4th st. Main-3275 Income Brick Bldg. Located on west side, 2 stories, price $20,000; wsnt good residence or good building lots to $10,000, bsl. long time. Bdwy. 5317. Income or Apt. House Wanted in exchange fcr one of the choicest 385 acre farms in the valley. 285 acres under plow, close to town and highway, stocked and equipped. Case tractor. Here is a chance to get a good farm. Owner 65: wishes to re tire. John A. Meissner, 821 Gasco bldg. TO EXCHANGE for small pe. 104 H acres, 60 acres nnder plow, running water, all kinds fruit, H mile to store, church and schoolhouse, mail and cream route, 3 is miles Estacada. KX-137, Journal. CALIFORNIA HOME 4 H acres all in fruit, berries; chickens; cement bungalow; summer kitchen; garage: pipe irrigation; $10,000, take part in Port land rroperty. Call Mr. Ayres, Main 7759. 2 LOTS in Ea.tmo-eUnd, all improvements iu, paid. Trade Corvallis. Salem or Mc Minnville property; $3000. C. W. MiUership. 165 s 4th st WANT any kind good city property for sale or exchange. See A. K. Hilt 426 Lum bwinens bide. RELIABLE SERVICE 20 AND 40 ACRE tracts, spring and running water, clear incumbrance. Price $600 and $800; exeb. for lota. C. Cole, 426 Lumbermen bldg. 30 ACRES, about 13 miles out, good bunga low, fireplace, bath, fine soil, lies rough ; mortgage $1400; want car for equity, or what have you Phone Main 5S66. FREE AND CLEAR FAtOl LAND. Owner will accept lots or house equity in exchange. Geo. C. Howard, 1115 N. W. Bank bldg. 5-ROOM cottage, store DuUdlng. good busi ness location. Sell or trade for small resi dence. 790-92 SliM. Ave. Walnut 4612. LOVELY Nub 6 car. just like new, with extras, some cash, for bungalow or lot in Rose City. Tabor 6020. 16-ACRE, well improved farm, clear incum brance, will exchange for automobile. C. Cole. 426 Lumberman bldg. HAVE house in Portlanl to exchange for small acreage near Vancouver. 227 H Washington st Room 312. Mrs. Steinrsetz. PBOPEitrY EX CHANGS SPECIALIST A. GORDON ROSS. Broadwav 5178. 624 Henry Bldg. 7! ROOM apt, trade for1 good farm within 40 niles of Portland. 454 Belmont; Eat 73S9. i 1 CANADIAN farms, ail sues, to exchange. C Coie. 426 Lcmbermens bldg. FARM Unas and cash fori merchandise busi- ness. Box 7. Madras, Oi. MY AUTO FOR OUR LOT T 1085 HAWTHORNE AVE. KEAL ESTATE 1 . FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 414 FINE 80 acre ranch, 55 cultivated, 35 pas ture : fine buildings, hot and cold; water system, good fences, fins) road". SH miles to town; hay, feed and tools S win take 1 er 2 bouses in valley ox good cair as part payment. Koute S. box 11, juccnoa: uny, irr. 18 ACRES on paved hiighway, party im proved, : for grocery and confectionery. For farther information address) Bex 137-C. Van- cosrver. vtasn.. it- r. at 2 SELL or trade 40 acre (arm la city lot or boor dor is. Call or write 60 20 83d St. a. fi. i Pfcona Ante. 840 4 , . WANTED REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY 450 PPPPPP. PPFFPPPPPPP P P SOU) SOLD SOLD P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P, P P P P P P P Buyers waiting. We want properly priced homes, say district, any price. Our sel!mg system never fails. We tus with the buyer until YOU get the money. Business is good! Call as NOW for ACTION. PARKER REALTY CO SOS Artisans Bldg., Broadway at Oak. Phone Broadway 4231. P PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP . V. UXKICH CO., INC. Suite 4U5 Stock Exchange Bldg. Main 4354 4 30 J. We have a client with $50,000 to invest in good, close-in West Side business proierty. , Mut show good net income, be wtil located and have guod clitnce tor increase in value.' Has Cash To pay down on a 6 or 7 -room house, mu-t be close in : dosirable district neceasary Wfll pay between $40O0 and $5Ot(0; no after all the old houses in town, but if you have something good, phone me. as this is a bonafide proposition. DAVID HARP. MGR.. R T STREETS SANDY BLVD. OFFICE, 1150 Sandy Blvd. at 3Pth. Auto. 32O-04. HAVE CLIENTS DESIRING HOUSES If your place is priced right we can sell it for you. JohnsonDodson wo. 633 W. Bank bldg. Main 3787. Owners, Attention I want a new house from $3000 to $4500. in auy good di trict in f-wn. Will pay $o00 down. If you really want to sell your house rail me sip. Walnut 5634 WANT TO Bl V direct from owner 5 or ti- rnom bungalow; niu-tt be modern, price from $4(Miu to S5SOO. in good dl5tri"t; can pay $750 to $1500 rash and 40 to $60 mouth. Phone evening-;. East 0407. W VNT reasonably priced city homes for auici sale. We sre selling others, why not yours See A. K. Hill. 426 Lumbe miens Lld' RELIABLE SERVICE HWF C'iert with $1000 cash an3 4-room 'house valued at $2000 clear, wants a 5 or 7 ro:.m mndtru houe in Piedmont or Wal nut I'ark district. 5f4 Fuchsnan Bldg. OUR client has just sold. o they must buy. If yours is a bargain in a bungalow see us Quick. Mr Fisher, witr. Wilbur F. Jouno Inc.. 224 Henry hide Broj-lway 4937. WE SELL. BUY AND TRADE ALL KINDS OF REAL ESTATE STAR REAL ESTATE & INV. CO. . BDY. 5613. 513-13 WILCOX BLDG. WANTED Any site luanes tliat can be sold on ea.-y terms. Ralph Harris Co. 3D Chamber of Commerce. Broadway 5654. WANTED One or two good building lots on paved street in good district- P-S6. Jour- naL . I HAVE party with $3600 ca-h for house near Brt.adway bridge, betwe.ni Bdwy. ana . . ir.t. sTrt Mutter. East 0213. WANT LOTS snd acreage. C. Cole. 426 Lumbermen blag. SMALL HOUSE. WILL PAY CASH 630 Chamber ol commerce om. ACREAGE 455 ACRE OR Vx ACRE. PAY CASH Must be bargain and Close'in. 630 Cham ber Ccmmercf bldg. v..r.a , axrrNC DtrivrT OT I TV AST rU.ll l-miw 'x- " w - ' Wanted, Farms Wuve more inauiries for both large and small farms than I can supply, about your farm if it is for sale. it if you are sincere. JOHN A. MEISSNER 821 Gasco Bldg. W rite me I can sell URBAN PROPERTY Salem and Vicinity 475 DAIRY ranch 134 acres, well improved, only 3 miles from O. A. C. Corvallis. for only 40o' acres improved south of The Dalles. $35 per acre, trade for -valley. H. E. Brown, room 29, Murphy Building, Salem, Oregon. FOR SALE Hotel and apartment houses, good income property. H. E. Brown, over Buick's State Commercial. Sali-m. Oregon. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES STORES. GARAGES. ETC. SOO RESTAURANT snd lunch counter, fully equipped, downtown location; owner un able to handle business. The best buy in the city $2250. Consider car part payment. O. O. SLETTEN. REALTOR. Suite 415 Railway Exchange Bldg. GROCERY BARGAIN Kuburban cash and carry; living rooms; daily avcrase $50. Leavinc city; for qu-.ok sale. Make an offer. Harjer, 218 Ry. Ex. bldg. CASH AND CARRY GROCERY $900. neatest little store you've seen; 3 fur nished living rooms; rent $25; swell locatann, doing good business. Universal Sales, 435 Railway Exchanae, LIGHT GROCERY AND CONFECTIONERY $1100; nice living rooms, doing a nice business. Terms. Harper, 218 Ry. Ex-. change bldg. WANTED A small confectionery, not over $80(1; have $400 cash. Will trade in my Chevrolet car be-ide if satisfactory. Call Main 2431, or 213 Stock Exchange bldg. PRESSING AND CLEANING $4 00 Heart of city; deposit on lease in cluded; average $75 a week. HarpeT. 218 Ry. Exchange lbdg. FORD agency and gsrise en main highway, do ing fine business ; making large returns on investment: can be bought at low figure, j X-loa. Journal. A MERCHANDISE STORE in one of the het vslley nw-n- Trvi"e , $7000. Sales $120 day. Very little ore- head. Room 401 lfkv.m bid;;. $350 -FULL PRICE Confectionery and fruit stand: good location. . .... ... ntvv m nil ment on small poolroom and confectionery. What have you! Call Main 2451. 213 Stock Exchange niqg. CAUTION, BUYERS Before closing a deal of so-cau ea interest is .Lwiwc , " business, get dries of Portland Realty Board. 421 Oregon bldg. Phone Broadway 1903. SMALL cash grocery and confectionery, with living rooms. Price $1075. JOHN E. WALTER 1421 N. W. Bank Bldg EASi demonstrating auto accessory. Pendle ton Round-Up snd Salem fair- open. 50 cents brings sample and particulars. Use on your own car. b'J N. 17th st LADY of experience snd ability wishes psrt- -. ' . .. . ... in , f K t t h ,.H lir I . : l.j uicBu . 1 - - - - - paying business; big profit on investment; si lent or active. C-13 9. Journal. S700 GROCERY bargain, dandy corner location, fixtures $275. stock about $550; rent $26; lease. This is a snap. Living rooms. Universal sales, oo jnaiiway excuange. PLUMBING business, established for years: leaving city. 843 Williams sve. Walnut 1132. Universal Sales, 435 Railway Exchange. A PARTNER WANTED Manufacturing; pay good salary; also profits; $500 required. Room 401 Iekum bldg. RESTAURANT in heart of town, be sold st bargain. 227 hi Washington st Room 312. Mrs. Steinmetz. PARTNER wanted in going business, man or woman: $500 and services; salary $100 per nfo. to start. C-819. Journal- A PARTNER WANTED A fuel business, clearing $75 to $100 week. Room 401 Deknm bidg, PHOTO studio fully equipped, located on best street in city. Owner will sacrifice. Call Bdwy. 3400 or Main 1852, Printing: for Cess Ryder Printing Co. Main 6536. 192 3d t DELICATESSEN restaurant and confectionery in one of the best locations fa city. By owner. Tabor 5360. A GAS STATION Sell gas. oils, etc: also hght repairing.; clears $400 month; $1000 bandies it Room 401 Dekum bldg. CON'FECTIONERT and lisht grocery can be bought at invoice. Universal Sales Co., 433 Railway Each, BATTERY and vulcanising shop for sale; no competition; 230 cars in community; am leaving: sell cheap- -. v. -ndde-sck. More, Or. WANT narter to assist me in buikhns- a new apartment house ca Wast Side. C-140, Journal. GROCERY store for sale, good location, ave? aging $63 a day. Call Tabor 7847 or Tabor 6339.- - ATTRACTIVE beautr Perlor. fine location, for sale reasonable; Call Tabor 5 ST 9. BARBER SHOP Jor sale; 8 chairs and 2 ba Prfccs reasonable. 247 Coach st FOR SALE Wood saw on automobile chassis' and Mt cords mt wood. 81-ft. BeO, 8159. FOR SALE Half interest m good established voodsaw b-uness. by o-aar. AUia 18ii8.. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES STORES. GARAGES, ETC SOO Garage Bargain Fully Equipped Close in. west side, ideal Vocation ; lots of business; good lease at rea sonable xent; an absolute bona fide bargain and exceptional opportunity for A 1 oarage man; price $3 ISO. with some terms, some trade. This place will be sold this week, so harry. See owner at S27 Morgan bldg. GROCERY STORE AVERAGING BETTER THAN $50 DAILY Good, desirable location ; good clean stock; rent $35;' under lease; 3 living rooms; no fixtures to buy; will invoice stocky which will run about $"1400. This is a bona-fide buy and will eland fhrrongh investigation. . ARTHUR L- SCOTT CO. 330 Chamber of Commerce. Bdwy. SS. WASHINGTON JST RESTAURANT. Owner paid $230O 12 months jfcaV" -w igo : will sacrifice for $145(1 for N immediate sale; 12 tables and 12 stools': fully equipped, including coffee urns, ice chest, etc.; terms half cash, balance $50 per month at 0 per cent. larris Co. 310 Chamber of Commerce. Bdwy 5054. GROCERY STOKE AVERAGING BETTER THAN $50 DAILY Good desirable location, good clean stock, rent $35; under lease; 3 living rooms; no fix tures to buy Will invoice stock, which will run about $1450. A bona fide buy that will fatand thorough investigation. ARTHUR I.. SCOTT CO.. 3 30 Chamber of Com. Bdwy. 38. Transfer Business S750 full price for old established transfer bnsiness in thia city ; can nhow you where you ran clear from 5 to 2."i ner dav. Hbt i good truck and other equipment. A good ! Una- C... HILI.ER BROS.. 211 Railway h'.X'-h. bldg. $550 BUYS CIGAR STAND Good, desirable location, downtown locstion, Co-t $.0O to'eciuip this place, and there is about $300 stock. The owner is saerific ing. mat bo away; wants uuick action. Here is your opportunity to clear up, a couple- hun dred on a resale. ARTHUR L. SCOTT CO., 330 Chamber of Commerce. $1.10(1 GROCERY and ooafectionery, . choice corner location: residential district, doing $50 daily: all cash business; 4 well fur nished living rooms, iow rent First rime of fered for sale. Thi ( bareain. Morris, with O. O. SLETTEN, REALTOR Suite 415 Railway Exchange Bldg. TOR-RALE ! $2500 Pool room with four tables, soft drink bar, light lunch couner, cigars and confectionery, in fine location. Rent $75; $H00 cash will handle, bal. on good terms Lunch counter pays rtinHlna; expense. Call Main 2451. -'13 Stork FjtcinHrge bldg. FOR SALE PlunitMbg and electrical busi ness in isnsll town' "in Eastern Oregon; a good buy; plenty of work all the time: good opportunity to increase, bustfiess; $1500 cash will handle; stock, fixtures, tools tod service car. all go. I.X-182, Journal. MEAT MARKET- GoodlocaTlnn, cheap rent. nice fixtures, doing good business, $9Q; $2(( cah and terms; hy owner. Errol Heights Market. 52d ft. and 75th ave. E. W. F. Jcnes, Errol Station. MUwaukie. Or.. Box 24. I ON ACCOUNT of having other business inter ests, will sell my automobile, garage and , accessory business, located in the heart of one of besi dairy, sawmill and tourish section, and ?!n?. ood busin' ' Add" c" BX-200. l journal, I ! HOTELS. ROOMING HOUSES AND APARTMENTS FOR SALE 502 9 ROOMS, fine West Side location; house keeping; 2 baths; hardwood floors and all modern conveniences: extra high grade furniture; lease, if desired; $500 icash handles, balance easy. A splendid ! bar gain. - 9 room. East Side, near College; clesn and attractive; lr.west rent and best in come on investment of any' small place in city; $9Q( handles. li you want easy income buy this. JOHN FERGUSON. Realtor Gerlinger bids. WHO WANTS TO MAKE MONEY 12 rooms H. K. Wlnte Temple dist Lease. Rent $4 5. $100O cash, small bal. 9 rooms fine furniture. Flat . Swell house. Only $45i cash. $300 will handle a 11 room house, corner location and money maker. H- 5 rooms H. K. and No. 1 furniture; clcwe in, $400 cash this morning will take it Ion't overlook these and .call and see me. as we have so many good buys. See Dad Kennedy with II. W. OSBORNE CO.. 432 C. of C. Bldg. THOMSON A THOatSON REALTORS Acknowledged I .ceding Hotel end Apartment House Brokers. TO BUY OR SELL. SEE US 620 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 4880. FOR QUICK SALE List your hotel. . apartment and rooming houses with its. Youc Interest will always be protected. We have cash buyers waiting for your proposition. See Mrs. Keller. GEO. T. MOORE CO 1007 Teon Bldg THE CASTLE ROCK HOTEL For sale, on Pacific highway. 1 acre of ground, mostly furnished, csh. one-half down. Address Castle Rock hotel. Box, 95, Castle Reck, Wash. WE WILL DEAL 82 rooms, H. K. or transient ; N. W. heat; close in west side, lease. Will take house and lot or rooming house and seme cash. Net incrme 300 per month. 301 Yamhill. By OWNER 14 room housekeeping, clearing $110. and large room with kitchen! $1500 ca-h, $1600 terms. Saf? buy. 108 13th snd Morrison. Atwater 0245. 33 ROOMS, all single H. K.. rent $115; 5 year lease, nets $125 month; stove heat; good place to fix up and make money; close in E. side. $100O handle". Eat 7S9. SMALL rooming house, Nob Hill district, west side, $500, terms. 309 Couch bldg.. Hennings. HOME with income; lease and furn.; 8 rooms. Nob Hill. Main 27t0. MUST SELL 10 rooms, furniture; $400. terms. Call 586 First st- close in. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED 550 DO YOU want to sell your business, or do you want a partner? See us. 504 Bnchanan Bids. ' WANT good cigar store from owner. Forsyth, Main 8668. FINANCIAL MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE 61 CTTT LOANS1 W0 COMMISSION. Oa improved property or for Improvement The best snd easiest method of navies a loaa is our monthly payment plan. $32.26 per month for 86 months, or $21.24 per month for 60 months, or 815.17 per month for 94 months, pays loan of 81000 and interest Loans of other amounts in same proportion. Repayment Privileges. EQUITABLE SAVINGS A LOAN A8S' 843 Stark st. Portland. Or. $250. $400, $500. $700, 3S50. 81O00 and up. Low rates, quick action. Money on band. lay off any part any time. 630 Chamber of Comnferce bldg. Bdwy. 6370. $300. $1000. $1500. $2000. $2250, 3300O local money, available for loans on im proved city property; prompt and efficient ser vice. HERMAN MOELLER. 426 Lumber men bldg 81000 $1500 $2000 $2500 38000 NO DELAY. We are loaning our own money. Loans quickly closed. F. H. DESHOX. 1007 Spalding bldg. MORTGAGE LOA-h'S on unproved city and suburban property; sellers contracts and mortgages bought Cowlishaw, 626 Cham ber of Commerce. Bd-vy. 6X82. $1500, 82000, $3000 TO LOAN at 7 per cent on good city homes. A. H. Aker- scm. 420 Henry bldg. Bdwy. 5549. $143,200 Divide. $1000, $1500, $2000. $2500. $3000. S5000, 810.000. fpton. East 7304. BUILDING loans on city and suburban prop erty; shop r savancea as W. G. Bock,' 213 Failing bktg. Msin S40T. 8200. 8400. 3500. 8750. 81000 AND CP low rates, quick action. Fred W. German Co.. 783 Chamber pi Commerce. $100 TO 8250; qulcs aeuon. A H. BeO, SSI. Morrison noma 10 and 1L SEE OREGON INV. UOBTGACS COl. 318 Loabct Fichsnaw bldg .. r FINANCIAL MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS ; 602 DO YOU NEED MONEY LOANS MADE ON i - Automobiles rURNTTUBE. FUNDS. HOUSEHOLD GOODS, REAL ESTATE. BONDS OH JLNYTH1NG OF VALUE SECUR ITY VStJALLY LEFT IN 1 TOUR POSSESSION. . Also Salary Loans TO SALARIED PEOPLE OS THEIR NOTES WITHOUT SECURITY. IF YOUR PAY MENTS TO OTHER LOAN COMPANIES Ok ON FURNITURE OR A I'TOlIltBII JJ CON TRACTS ARK TOO LARGE. WE WUX PAY THEM UP, ADVANCE YOt MORS MONEY IF NECESSARY. AND YOU CAN PAY US IN SMALL MONTHLY PAYMENTS TO SUIT YOUR CONYEaiUENCE. i LEGAL KATES NO DELAY PORTLAND LOAN CO. (LICENSED) . 1 S08-S07 DERCM BLDG., 8D AND WA& BROAD W A a 586T. ' SALARY LOASb SALARY WE LOAN MONEY ' to salaried and workingicen on their notes. Rates reasorsble. easy psysssnta NO SECURITY NO INDORSE Call and investigate our moiera moale lending methods. All business confidential. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COUP AN X (Licensed) 21 Fsilinn Handing. ; MONEY TO LOAN Money loaned on household roods or chtndlse placed is storage with us at a regular bank rate. ! SECURITY STORAGE TRANSFfcs CO. 4fh snd Pine st. Opposite Multnomah hotel Phone Broadway 3715. WE LOAN money on automobile. G vanning Treece. 102 N. Broadway. i MISCELLANEOUS FINANCIAL 603 CASH paid for mortgages snd sellers' contracts on teal estate in Wssmncton or Oregon. I H. E. Noble. S19 Lumbermen bldg. 1 WE BUY first and second mortgages snd sell ers' contracts. F. E. Bowman. & Cv. 210 Chamber pf Commerce bldfc Bdwy. 6007. WILL brry small sellers' contracts or ,serimd mortgages. Gordon. 631 Ch. of Pom, bldg. MONEY WANTED 651 ; CAN place to good advsntage on first: raort I gage loans amounts of $500. $550, $750, $800, $850 and $1000 st 8f.. Also $1280 and $2000 at 7. We appraise and show i property, attend to details of lending, and col- lect interest without expense to lender. ' Fred W. German Co.. 782 Ch. of Com, blttg. DON T WAIT TILL MONEY GETS TIGHT Amounts up to $2400 to loan in good dis tricts on improved property on pared streets, close to cariines. Main 4179. - s, R L. YOKE. 1136 N. W. Bsnk bldg. $5000 WANTED for two years at 7 per cent interest and bonu, ' by manufacturing con cern ; real estate and equipment security ap-prai-ed st $20.000. R-187. Journal. ' j WANTED A loan of $5000 on country prop i crty worth $12,000. GUt edge pioperty. Trivate iiarty preferred. W-602, Journal. W UN TED $1000, 8 per cent interest, 160 acres wheat land as security. Address, L. C. Lynn. Redmond, Or. WANT $80,000 loan to build apartment house. H I"i2, Journal. ; SEE OREGON INV A MORTGAGE GO.. 210 EXCHANGE BLDG. ' HORSES AND VEHICLES f 700 25 iiKAl) horses and mares, from 4 to 9 years old. weight from 1000 to 1700 lbs.: this stock is all well broke and sccustomed I to all kinds of farm woik, will be sold very reasonable; have some very well mated: teams. Call and see them. Foot - Montgomery St., across railroad track. J U ST received a slapment of horses and mules frm Eastern Oregon, weight from 120O to 17'xi lbs.: 1 have also 40 head that hare been working here in the city that I can sell for tr m $75 to $200 per team, as I am almost through with the summer's work. Columbia Stables. 302 Front st. M. K. Howltt FARM IMPLEMKNTS NEW AND SECOND IJASD ; SPECIAL PRICKS P. E. ESBENSHADE. 360-306 E. MORRISON 8T; $25 BUYS browu horse, weight 1 100 lbs., good, gentle, useful horse; works sny place. $175 buys tea n black mules. . nearly, new har ness. Foot Montgomery st. across railroad tracks. - . ! TEAM of red roans, msre snd horse, well mated, true, gentle and in good shape, weight about 2500 )hs. ; price $125. Inquire , Wat-" son's team. Keystone Stables, 88.1 Waster t, cor. Montgomery. FOR SALE cheap, 8 bead of horses, 3 sets of good breeching harness, 1 stock saddle. Call at 2 70 E. 7th st. KEYSTONE Stables, horses for sale or hire or sold on commission. Wagons and harness. 3M Water st. W. Atwater 3515. FARM WAGONS One and 2-horse, all kinds. Front and Main. On dock. i SPAN Pcrehiron roues, weighing 3000 lbs., 0 years old, ound, none better; svll rea sonable. 6717 431 ave.. Mt. Scott car. SMALL saddle horse, weight about 9150 lbs. Sound and true. Must tell at once.: $35. Sell. 2004. i. BIG TEAM Sell cheap or exchange for hght automobile. 4301 C fth st., Mt. Roptt car. FINE span young mares $150. or will trade for car, wood or tractor.. "East 84017. BARGAINS Horses, all sizes, chea: harness and wagons, ail kinds. 240 E. tSh- DOUBLE team. $3 aay; single team,; $1.30 day. 546 Front st Main 2208. GOOD farm team fbr sale or trade, for Ford Call Tabor 8768. LIVESTOCK 701 FOR SALE Good grade Guernsey cows and heifers that will freshen soon and beef steers. O. D. Upton. Rt 1. Bog 11T. Gast n, Or. ( ! FOR SALE 3 large young, fresh cows, hesvy milkers; all A-l. 1967 E. Stark' st cor. 7 8th. - ' j 10 FRESH cows, 3 to 6 gallons; 1 brown mare. Take Vancouver car to Columbia blvd, ask for Hansen at Gasoline station. 3 IIOLSTEIN' -dairy cows. 5 and 6 gallons. Sell one or all. 1245 Halsey st i Tabor 9468. FRESH Jersey Holstein cow, 5 years old, $60. 420 82d st. nesr Division. : POULTRY AND RABBITS 702 RHODE ISLAND RED FARM ! Invites yon t isit their up-to-dste plsnt at West Portland, lust beyond Multnomah sta tion. We sre exclusive breeders of purebred Rhode Island Reds. If you are in need of breeders, chicks or hatching eggs we Iwill be glad to fill your wants. We are booking orders now for spring delivery. We have a few cock erels for sale tt a price that Is right, Send for catalog. Rhode Island Red Farm,, R. 0, Box 202. Portland. Or. Main 4742. WRITE, wire or pnone ns your" wants in all breeds of poultry ; satisfaction guaranteed. Poultry Producers" Exchange, 600 E. Uavis st. Portland, Or MUST sell cheap on account of ill health, a flock ot high-class single comb Rhode Island Reds, pullets and cockerels. 490 Clat sop are. Sellwood 06-27. i 50 THOROUGHBRED R. I. Red pullets, choice $1 each. 4535 40th sve, S. E. Auto. 625-97. i WANTED Rhode Hand . lied pui lets' V the price is right. EX-189, Journal. PORTABLE house. 14 S. C. W. L. bens; will deliver. Walnut 0204. - ' ' PETS: DOGS, BIRDS. ETC. 703 FORCED SALE, choice St. Andreasberg roller singers, also females and young singers, $6 and $7.50; beautiful - yellow trainer, $14. 551 2d st. near Lincoln. Atwater MT36. FOR SALE Pedigreed French fcud puppy from blue ribbon stock. Dam ia from the famous Dr. De Luxe strain. Rt 1, Box 96. Tabor 2225. ' j FOR SALE, pointer dog. I year old. Just right for hunting. Call C. Hoaglatid, 742 Mississippi are. or pltoce Walnut 085B after 7 p. m. -- ; OREGON SEED STORE Headquarters for Kaempfers Birdor e and Canary Highballa PET STOCK AND SUPPLIES ifsin 6888. 224 Yamhill St GENUINE St Andreasberg rollers; low," sweet singers. 85, $7.50, $10; also .females. Mrs. Kesaler, G res ham. Or. POULTRY culled and deloiised: charges mod erate, satisfaction guaranteed. A- L, Homp ton, Jennings Lodge, Ore. 1 . PEDIGREED Boston terrier, male puppy; prise winning stock. 600 East Dsvis. THREE LeweDyu setter. 7 weeks oi.s 407 E. 58th. GOOD CANARY SINGER -AND CAGE East 6066. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE SOO 1920 FORD touring with 1922 body, starter) new tires, Hassier shocks, in A-l shape, $293. Phone Broadway 3083, f 1921 FORD If yen want an almost; new ear at a used ear pries don't fail to see this ooe. The beat buy in town; term. Sell. 088. AUTOMOBILES-lFOR SALE 800 SOME PACTS Every used par ruyr should know. We hav been NINE TEARS in oar present location, selling Hup. mobiles, also all standard makes of used cars. We do not find it rece-sary to tell LIES or do MUD SLIXCINO to meet competition, lor our pass- ree cord will show the reputation wa bear. We are having a sale which is , bona fide sale and oar prices arc the ssme to every one, as they are all marked ia plain figure, snd " wa don't use him trading -methods, but offer yon staple merchandise at rea sonable prices. ir you are locking for a safe plsce to buy. ak your banker or your neighbor who w. are and how we. do business. . , We give' terms without brokerage, as we do not sell your contract to a broker. Too should not pay brokerage. Wa don't ask. it The following ears sre overhauled, most of them reiisinted and sold to you with a guarantee of satisfac tion : . 1920 Hapraobile touring . , . $00 1919 Hupmobile touring .... 683 1822 Ford, like new. extras .. . 443 1920 Overland 4. top condition 865 1918 Psixe. refio.shed like new 4 78 1918 Oakland; refinished like new . 825 1918 Chevrolet rcfinished like new 225 1920 Ford sedan, refinished like new, 478 1920 Ford coupe, refinished like new 475 1918 Ttodge, near new condition 45 1918 lodge roadster, new tires 4 SO 1920 Gar.) tier, first class..... 633 1919-1920 Oakland 84B tour . ing 400 Be rarsl Others $200 to $1200 Standard makes only MANLEY AUTO CO., Hupmobile Distributors. Nine years at 1 1 tli and Bunukla. BDWY. 0217. SEPTEMBER CLEAWUP 58 CARS TO PICK FKOSI 1917 Ford roadster f 188 1917 Ford touring ........... 1BO 1918 Ford touring '. . . ' 185 1919 Ford roadster, extras 1 lt0 1020 Ford touring, starter ...... 825 1920 Ford roadster, extras ..... 850 1920 Ford coupe, extras ..... 4 93 1920 Ford sedan, repainted . ... 485 191 B Chevrolet touring ...... . 17.1 1920 Chevrolet express 235 1917 Saxon roadster ......... 185 1917 Bulck 6 coupe ; 425 1917 Hup 4 touring ' 285 1919 Dodge touring, like new.. 523 VKANSON 8 USED CAR EXH. Grand are. and E. Main st DODGES. DODGES. DODGES TODAY TODAY BIO STOCK SPECIALLY PRICED AS 18 AS IS others guaranteed Terms braley. graham & child, inc. Broadway 3281 llth. st Burnaide Good Stage. Car 1 1918 Reo 7 pass., good tires, runs. fine. Mskes fine car for stage run. 8250 down, bal ance easy. Lawson' Auto Co. 354 East Broadway, near Union DKT.Iv-ERFD. ERECTED STAINED " lOzia. 858 Other prices in proportion. East 8866. 890 Weld let. 11920 .Stutz, 6 Pass. Just painted, 8 wire wheels and cord tire, many extras. . Wonderful buy for 81250. Lawson .Auto Co. , 854 East Broadway, near Union M.B. FISCH : Radistors, fenders, bodies. i hoods, tanks, repaired and re 1 modeled; auto sbeet metal art i a specialty. I ioa-07 n. lath st ij Pbone Broadway -K99. jl' 1921 FORD C0UPB Privately owned. Must sell in order to at tend college. Cord tires and extra equipment: runs fine and looks well. Sacrifice for quick sale. 3425 cash. Phone Tabor 8214, eve- nings. FORD COUPE 1921 refinished. extras. Walnut 4602. 1020 DODGE ROADSTER I have a Dodge roadster thst I will sail at a bargain. Hsa 5 cord tires, 2 bumpers, spot light, motometer; looks and runs like a new one. Price $550; terms. Broadway 1180. Ask for Emery. $50 $5"0" . Good 5 pass.. Reo touring, balance $75, equal payments. ' BRALEY, GRAHAM St CHILD, Wtt . 8 llth st' if Bo-nldc. MITCHELL LIGHT SIX 1918 model, 5-pass., extras, car A-l me chanically and looks good; am forced to sell;, will sacrifice for $425 cash.' Phone owner, Broadwsy 8090. " - BUICK light 6 touring. D-45 model, good condition, many extras. $495; terms. L. Y, BILL ING SICT MOTOR CO., Hawthorne ave. at 8th. East 0720. FORD ROADSTER 1921 model. In -best of mechanical condi tion; good rubber and shock sbsorbers. $75 down, balance 10 months. Tabor 1091. FOR SALE Oakland auto. 5-enger, good tire, and - in good order. From owner. Going away. Look this over. $450 buys car. Main 7392. 2V4 Porter st. Dcpfc 16. FORD touring car for sale, $200 cash. Can be seen at Commercial Iron Works, Union are 4 blockss sonth of Hawthorne, from 8 to 4.80. Ask for Bowoen. BUICK BUICK BUICK. Late model. Will accept a trade. BRALEY. GRAHAM A CHILD. INC. -1818 CHEVROLET 490 touring, good tires, good condition, $225: easy terms. L. Y. BILLINGSLKY MOTOR CO.. Hawthorne sve. at 8th. . East 0720. i.a.tk MODEL Ford coupe. Thi. car in ErT- vste use and is a dandy. Looks fin and motor is jierfect Must be sold at one. Soma extras. Pinsrd, Bdwy. 0821 or East 7. FORD SEDAN, '21 modal, starter, speedome ter. wire wheels, iota ot extras, in fin condition, good buy. and value. Call Tabor -6S3. - MAXWELL touring with, all tires nearly new; good value at $185. Easy terms. L. Y. BILLING8LEY MOTOR CO., Hawthorne sre. at 8th. East 0720. OLIti 8, Model 44, just overhauled, 5-pass., irso cash. Phone Walnut 8423. , SUPERIOR model Chevrolet touring latest model; used only few weeks; like new. Car O. K., but am forced to sell. Easy terms. Tsbcr 5935. 120 CHANDLER. Kwchauically perfect needs paint: will saetilice; trade for Ford bug. soma cash. rsoas Belt -1 l I. CHANDLER eoupa $750. ; Jhis is just like new, and will make vary efy terms of pay ment, w smut - - ' FOB SALE rord.1918. 8200; .new top; .h.r. It 1f)Rli t HUl ml mornings. Phone Sell. 1824 - Bradl & Oppel - VReh.bie ' Ante Patnten. - Broadway 140O. 18th snd Alder. 1918 FORD roadster, gear shift and other eat-as, cheap for cash. 715 E. 22d fl. 82 HUP delivery; good terms, in fin running shape. 9100. Call 4719 82d st 8. R. ICvMtrMMd o Foliowlna Pag) t n