THE OREGON DAILT JOURNAL, PORTLAND, OREGON. 19 f - ' TUESDAY, -"-SEPTEMBER 12, 1922. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS PRIVATE FAMILY 301 FOB 1 OR 2 GENTLEMEN; LARGE FEONT SLEEPINVJ ROOM, MODERN CONVEN IENCES; WALKING DISTANCE. 591 K. HATE 4 lovely sleeping rooms, bast west side district; furnace heat, good ucoaantitmu; carline. yet Sraiking distance. 332 No. 23d. Bdwy. 6785.. -.. XARGE front bed-sitting room, refined heme. Nob Hiil; furnace hot electricity. beth, phone; ui table for two; $25. I hone Main MT.1 4 FURNISHED rnia., upstairs, punt bath; the right rent to toe right people; ewn. -close la, adult only. Also , 5 unfurnished room. i.i trx. SEE THJS TO DA I LOYELT LARGE X'ORNER RV. FOR 2; GOOI BED. BEST OF BOABI; 7 MIX. WALK TO CITY. EAST 1880: A-LARUE tm. on second fir. including sleep ing porch; ell home privilege, free bath end phone; suitable tor two ox three, either sex. 283 X. 21st. Main 4078. . ONE nice, large deeping room, also one which may b. converted to light housekeeping if desired, walking distance, close to carline. 751 H. Couch. Phone E. 0533. NlCELY- furnished rooms, private home, for quiet, employed persons, walking distance, lovely neighborhood. 50 Ella st Bdwy. 004. VERY attractive front room . with dressing room and sleeping porch; nicely furnished, clean and comfortable; gentleman preferred, west side. Bdwjr. 4329. $10 CLEAN sleeping room walking dis tance; gentleman preferred; breakfast if de sired. East 7947. BEAUTIFULLY fumthed clean room at 90 N. 16th. ROOM AND BOARD 302 r Nortonia Hotel Broadway off Washington. Broadway 1 1 80. Portland's high class -downtown residential hotel. We gfve - you the comforts of home. American and European plan. Rates reason able. : HOTEL HihtMRD 738 HOTT. MALN 3303. Exclusive residential: special mmmer rata; cor meals tapes k for oor opulrity. EXCLUSIVE residential hotel; rates $45 to $50. 794 Lovejoy. Main SGlft. ROOMS AND BOARD PRIVATE FAMILY 303 CHILDREN to board, beautiful country home. near school, dose in. $14 monthly. For particulars write Peaceful Acres faun, rout 1. box 14 2-A. Hilteboro. ; SEE THESE TODAY TXWELT LARGE KM. WITH 1 OR 2 REUS. WITH 2 MEALS, IN ATTRACTIVE HOME. TABOR 8709. WANTED 2 refined young ladies who want good meals. Large, airy room, 2 beds. Home privileges. Nob Hill district. Atwater 1013. LARGE front room witli prWate family, suit able for two, no other boarders, home priv ileges. 450 K. 8th street N. Phone E. 3885. - . HiMLU Two or three children to bosrd: . modern home, large lawn, near Rood school; mother's care. Aut 610-57. 6324 82d st. S. E. BOOM WITH BEST OF H9ME COOKING. HOME PIRVILEGES. WALKING DIS TANCE. EAST 1833. 233 EAST 15TH, COK. MAIN. FOB AGED invalids, chrome or convalescent patients pleasant home surroundings, -with health-building diet and treatment, personal care of physician reasonable rates. East 8535. WANT FATHER AND CHILD. SCHOOL AGE, TO ROOM AND BOARD. LARGE FRONT ROOM; MOTHERLY CARE; PRI VATE FAMILY. ROSE CITY. TABoK 8976. 2 OR 3 persons may hare room and board; wonderful view; dressing room; hot and cold water: fireplace; sip. porch: splenedid home cooking; references. Main 0511. KOOM and board in a nice home; just what you're looking for; good meals and clean bed; nice Sunday dinners; for a gentleman. Walnut 4 54 5. BOOM and board in nice modern home, walk ing distance, $35 per month, or $3 if -hare room. Call East 4 37a until Sat. p. m. I-ater at 699 Holly at. BOARD AND ROOM. PRIVATE FAMILY. JUST WHAT YOU WANT. PLEASANT SURROUNDINGS. CLOSE TO BUSINESS CENTER. MAIN 2074. WIDOW Comfortable home, near good school, would like care of children, 6 to 12 years; mother's care and attention. 907 E. 11th st. between Kridmore and Mason. f . . . DESIRABLB . LIGHT FRONT ROOM. IN MODERN BUNGALOW, CLOSE IN. HEALS IF DESIRED. TABOB 8424. able for two: hot and cold Water in "room ; good board; walking distance; west side. Main 7681. - -WE WILL welcome 1 or 2 into the family circle. Modest home, refined atmosphere; walking distance: garage. 719 E. Pine st. Phone East 5229. SEE THESE TODAY LiOVELY LARGE KM. WITH 1 OR 2 BEDS, WITH 2 MEALS, IN ATTRACTIVE HOME. TABOR 8709. ,I"AMILY living in the country will take 1 or more boys to board for winter; near good school; references given. Address Mrs. Etta Mickley. Prindle. Wash. SUNNYSIDE SPECIAL Breakfast, lunch or dinner; rm. if desired, 2 blks. to school, good home for - teachers ; piano and phone. Tab. 1916, 1069 Morrison. GOOD board and room (6.50 wk; swell neigh borhood, one block to car: two to another: four to others; garage, $5 mo. 1197 Cleve land. Walnut 5936. i HAVE one . large front room suitable for two young people in business: will furnish breakfast and dinner; home privileges, waik ing distance to 3 schools. East 1376. BOARD and room in refined home, twin beds. pleasant for 2 girls to room together; would give special price (25 each per month. Broad- way 2293. DANDY ROOM. LARGE CLOSET. GOOD BOARD. PLANO. FURNACE HEAT. 7SS E. TAYLOR. EAST 9065. CHILDREN to room and board, from 6 to 8 ; good home, 5 blocks to school. 9314 51st are. Auto. 616-18. BOOM and .board, hot water, phone, piano, home privilege. 1 block Wood lawn car. Walnut 3552. LARGE, clean room with board for one or two gentlemen, shower bath, home privileges, walking-distance. 574 E. Taylor. ROOM and board in private family for two women, near Sunnyside school: home privi leges. 114 5 E. Taylor st BOOM and board, $30 for two meals, ail home comforts, close to Polytechnic school- gentle- rgen only. 625 E. Ankeny. East 3023. LOVELY ROOM WITH BEST OF BOARD, FOB 8. FURNACE HEAT. CLOSE IN. XEAB 8 CARL-INKS. SELL. 2840. PRIVATE FAMILY Boom and board suitable for two working aneo: will make it homelike. 15 K. 1 5th X. LARUE front room on first floor, suitable for 2 with, table board. 692 East Ash. East 1207. , BOARD and room in private family for 2 men, $S6 a mo.; 2 block from Bday. bridge. 380 Benton st. LARGE front room for two with or without board. 166 X. 23d at. Phone Atwater 1151. - - WANTED Girl (employed to room and board; . "walking distance; reasonable. Broadway 3016. . . ' NICE. CLEAN, CHEERFUL ROOMS. WITH OR WITHOUT BROAD. 13 BBOAD- WAT. EAST 4948. ; NICE warm room, hot and cold water, rea sonable, excellent board for 2 sacs. 191 11th st. Main 9121. HOMELIKE accommodation far two ladies, - teacher or others employed; Irvmgton dis trict: two car lines; best iseigbbornood; good Kast sitiS. 2 YOUNG men or man and wife to room and : board, private home, walking distance, east awe, near oenson scnooi. Kaet 921s TWO large rooms, nicely furnished, in icW - sive private home, with or without board. NICK ROOM AND BOARD FOR 2 YOUNG V ttiTlJ. Hi ,l . ... . . HVT 128$. . . NICE large room, suiuble for 1 or 2 ladle, large .closet, good heat and aU modem eon- veniences; no other roomers. Tabor 7338. WANTED" cailklren under to board, good home, mother' care; would room parents. Walnut 3994. WEST SIDE, WALKING DISTANCE. A TRACT1VE RlX)M. OOD BOMB COOK- j.vvv. iisii auwr, 5048 I LARGE freak, room, downstairs, with fire , Piaee; t large room .upstairs; board indud ed: doable er single. 82 E. 12th at. 4 PLEASANT i .om with board; tOoee'ta car line; young men mrfered; clean and airy Teem; Rurwryride; $85; meals. 147 E. 80th. 1 ROOM with hoard; 1 block from carUne' femaee lwL - ml B. Ash St. Kest 818.' NICE , iwm wit good board. S pr week. PJ? HOME AND MOTHER'S CARE FOB SMALL CHILDREN. SELL? 3907 . fV.RNI-SHIvD room with board i Seg'alotSil VTuxTBOAK-D high acheol er working giri for compaaicmship, reasonable. , Call East 2796. FOR RENT ROOMS AND BOARD PRIVATE FAMILY 303 GOOD HOME FOB TEACHKBS BREAKFAST. LUNCH AND DINNER; H. Sv. BOOMS IF DESIRED. 1069 E. MORRISON. BOOM AND BOARD for teacher or lady em ployed; private home, near Hawthorne car line. 806 East 40th street soufb. Tabor 2374. TWO OB THREE respectable young gentlemen to room and board in refined home with mother and daughter. Boyi woo appreciate real bom life. 730 E. Ankeny st. East 1411. BOOM and board for 2 gentlemen, $30 per month. 121 E. 11th. Pbosa Eaet 2522. ROOM and board, all home conveniences, best home cooking, salad and desserts, fruit for h rea k fast; just like- hranc. close in. E. 824 8., HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS flfftNISHED 304 FOR RENT 6 furnished rooms, furnace. light and modern' conveniences ; 2 blocks to rarline, walking distance to Jefferson htgh'and Woodlawn schools $33 per month. Piedmont district. 1235 Mallory are. $23 2 FURX. H. K. rooms, heat, liglit. phone, walking distance, west side. 179 Ptowt or 20th and Morrinon. SUXNTCKEST Steam heated, hot and cold water, newly turn. h. k. and slpe. mis., Indry rm., $10 mo. np. 1S6 Sherman. ONE trunk transferred, 50c; additional t ranks. 25c each, in downtown distnct& Broad way 244S. NICELY furnished 2 room apt., rent reason able; ahto sleeping room, $3 a week; right downtown. Bdwy. 8083 after 10 a. m. ONE small housekeeping room, suitable' for a bachelor, $2 per week. 341 11th st. LIGHT H. K. . 1-2 and 3 room apts.; running water, $2 per week np. 370 H E. Pine. 2 LARGE cleiti furnished front h. k. rooms, adults. 211 Sherman st, Marshall 2293J HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED PRIVATE FAMILY I 308 NICELY furnished 3 -room apartment, west side, clean place, good location, handy to stores, 12 minutes to town; reasonable. 850 Thnrmsn st. peer i2oth. CLEAN light housekeeping room, furnished, phone, jight, water and gas furnished, clote in. 329 Ron tt. Phone Eact 3541. 2 BOOM furnished housekeeping apartments; also 1 single housekeeping room, all mod ern, rent reasonable; space for car if desired. 863 N. 16th. Bdwy. 7684. YOU WILL. LIKE THESE TWO . NICE LARGE HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, ON FIR8T FLOOR; CHILDREN WELCOME. BROADWAY 4436. 4 FURNISHED IL K. rooms and sleeping porch, electric lights and gas included. $25 per month. 731 . 15th L S. Sellwood car to Riione st. ONE 8 ROOM FURN. H. K. APT., ONE 2 ROOM UN FURN. H. K. APT., NEAR SCHOOL, SUITABLE FOR TEACHER. NEAR 2 CARLINES. TABOR 9506 2 ROOM housekeeping apartments with sleep ing porches, well famished. Phone, light rtd water; reasonable rent; Rose City car. 7 33 Paeific St. or call East 9232. 2;ilOOM housekeeping apartments, also 2 single rooms furnished. Keasonable rent. 434 E. Morrison st. XliHEtE 2-room housekeeping apartments, lights, water, phone, bath; clean. Ideal location on car tine. 634 E. Morrison St. TO light h. k. rooms; large . and airy; nice Quiet neighborhood. 1 2 minutes from Broadway and Washington, $16 per mor. th. inc. light and gas. 795 Minnesota ave., near Beech. TWO large clean housekeeping rooms, ground floor, suitable for 3 adnlts: $25 month. Email 2-room apartment, electric light, bath, phone free. Main 27 57. 270 Columbia. TWO rooms, well fumuhed, downstairs, $16 per month. 607 Mississippi. 2 LARGE. 1 small housekeeping room, private entrance; gas heat, electricity, bath; alo 1 sleeping porch. 388 Grand are. X., near Broadway. THKEE housekeeping rooms, 2 beds, $20 per month; large front housekeeping room, $16 per month; small housekeeping room, $8 per month. Close in. 7"2 4 Hawthorne ave. CHOICE of 2 large housekeeping rooms in private family, suitable for gentleman or lady; preferably working. 651 E. Madison at. VERY desirable single b. k. room; steam heat, clean; must be seen to appreciate: close in. 428 Mill st., between 11th and 12th sta. ONE large, light, airy housekeeping room, $5 per week, including bath, phone, light and gas; easy walking distance. 120 18th at ' N. Phone Broadway 1025. FURNISHED h. k. rooms, furnace heat, very desirable, near Washington High and East side library; walking ditsance. 595 East Alder, cor of 1 5 th. 3 MODERN furnished rooms in. kitchen, dining ' room, bed room, bath, light, water, linen, silver; private entrance $25. 148 E. 7-d. X. M. V. carline. Tab. 0478 POSITIVELY clean 3 room apartment, neatly furnished, good rug-, linoleum kitchen, pantry, closest; gas range; hall and porch, storage room. 690 E. 10th. Sellwood 1898. 2 LARGE front rooms, hot and cold water; also large front room and kitchenette. $20 monthly. Single rooms for $15. Near Couch school. 655 Flanders. 3 NEWLY furnished h. k. rooms; hot and cold water, gas and electricity, phone, walking distance. Main 2369. 364 12th at. ONE large- It. K. room, 1 small li. K. room, adjoining bath, close to car line. Walking distance. 10 E. 10th st. K. 2796. 2 Ft K.N 1SHED H. li. rooms, very sunny and bright; light, heat, phone; comfortably lur nkhed: young couple preferred. 31 E. 28th ft. NEW LX lunujihed housekeeping rooms, fur nace heat, walking distance. 528 E. Stephens. 6 11. K. ROOMS, with bath; new apts. ; close to carline: across from new Buckman school, near ruh school. 65 E. lUth at. 1-2 AND 3-BM. h. k. apts.; 2 beds, sink, hot. cold water, furnace heat, good location. 306 12th st. Main 1520. 3 ROOM unfurnished apt., light, clean, sink, w.tor elrntrieitv. SIS. 173 'East ?Lh St. , cor. Yamhill NICELY furnished H. K. rooms in nice resi dential district; furnace heat; prices reason able; walking distance. 755 Hoyt st. MODERN 3 room housekeeping, apartment, walking distance; adults. Call Atwater 0 824, before nooo or after 6 p. m. 3 SINGLE and 2 double H. K. rooms; light and water furnished; clos in. 200 14th st, M. 4905. . 1 SINGLE front H. K. room, suitable for 2 people; running water; free phone and light; walking distance. 475 Clay st. M. 3790. 2 SINGLE H. K. rooms; gaa range, sink and running water; close in. 370 12th su M. R288. 1 II. K. ROOM and kitchenette, 1 single room; aas and light-, fnmiahed; close in. 430 Mill st. M. 8633. vata family is Bose City Park. Tabor 0012. 3-RDOU unfurnished apt.; iight. clean, sink. water, gas. electricity. $18. 17$ E. 7 th st.. cor. Yamhill $2.75 WEEK, furnished housekeeping rooms. lights and Data raciuaea. west sue, waning distance. 645 t 1st ana zip aim cor. 1st. TWO housekeeping rooms with light, gas and heat furnished, for adult only.' 273 14th. Phone Main 7693. SUNNYSIDE. 30th st. 3 clean rooms, pri vate porch entrance. Pleasant home. East 8146. $18 TWO turn. 11. . room with bath room on first floor, east front. Boom for parking auto. 427 N. 21st st. B'way. 6561. NICE larc room with kitchenetCR clean lin en each week. Light, gaa, (team beat, good basement, tor two only. Walnut 4 649. 4 FURNISHED H. K. room upstairs, light, phone, bath, water, garage. Anto. 615-52. IN PRIVATE home. S room furnished apt.. 3 single H- K. rooms. 288 N. 20th st. 2 FURNISHED H. K. BOOMS. 474 li WASH 8T. EAST 6885. VERT desirabi furnished H. EL rosins, private bath. 651 Rodney ave.. cor. Knott st. U. K. SUITE with sleeping porch for . 154 N. 18th at. ' 2 ROOMS, furnace heated, reasonable. 60 Bocjitei ave. r.aat pgoo.- 4 H. -K. rooms, partly furnished, lower floor 412 Vancouver ave. East 6667. 8 DESIRABLE H. K. rooms; adults. 655 xamntu. stain fiia 2 NICE front rooms, large closets, about 6 it KOOM APT clean, close m. walking SiZ2 tenca. 79 K. KUi et. K. 1712. i'L KN1SHED housekeeping apt., fursaca heat. East 8185. ONE 2 ROOM apC for H. K ; a o and kitchenettet 635 Et Morrisxm. HVO ROOMS, nx-ely furnished, is aaoderB private nome. twg a. i yior et. SINGLE furnished H- K. room- gaa hw - st, Atwater 01 7. F1"'P t-rrrhrii hnrnirkMrinf tiiiuhl 3T3 K. Stark. ICU clean furuished hosisefceeping: 'rooauT r ranahU rent. 46 Cnioa are, S. . FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS -FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED PRIVATE FAMILY 306 lis COMPLETELY tarnished detached house. 2 rooms and kitchenette, phone, pri vate bath, laundry and basement: small but comfortable and convenient; adults. Take Fulton car to 1608 Virginia St. Home for Girls Will share my lovely modern home with business girls; fireplace, piano, overstuffed davenport; all convenience. Bdwy. 677. two wr"srtsTTY:r HOUSEKEEPING BOOMS. $U MONTH ATWATER 1147 ")1 CLAY FIX EI.T fur. front room: with cooking and kitchen privilege. Suitable for mn K1 wife or single man. Also 1 small sleeping, room cheap. 348 William are. Cloae to Bdwy.. ' LAKGE" 5 room trout suite, well furnished; , good piano, electricity and phone; also single room, kitchenette; walking distance. Call Sundays cr after 6 p. m., 461 5lh at. Atwater 3833. TWO or three rooms for people employed; lights, hot water, bath, laundry privileges, tabla and bed linens furnished. Reasonable rent 609 Dekum are. 2 FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, $15 MONTH. CALL SELLWOOD 1222. VICINITY of Jefferson high, pr.vate bath; also separate entrance: gaa range and ni." nihed: block from store and cars; deairau e. lt37 Cleveland ave. APARTMENT of living room, dreseing room and kitchenette in private home in Laurel hurst. $3i covers aU expense. Call Monday. Tiber 9333. NICE, large, furnished room for two people: 2 beds, $2.50 a week each; large single room, $4 a week; close in. 747 Everett tt., near 23d. v ICE CLEAN HOI SLhttl'lMl BOOMS, ONE WITH KITCHENETTE ; EVEKi -THIN; KCKNISHU. 121 N. 23D. AT WATER 15l2. THREE Fl RN1SHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. $25. EAST 9573. MODERN hourekeeptng rooms for rent: 1 block from Multnomah cl!: walking dis- tan-q. Atwater 4173. 26Q Nsrtiila. LARGE 1 room, front suite, well furnished, electricity and phone, sink and g3 range; close in. Call Sundays or after 5 P. m. 4 4 9 Montgnmery. 2 FURNISHED H. K! rooms. Urge, clean, close to car line, walking distance, near school. $1'5. Everything furnished. 20 E. 7tr) st. 3 NICK clean rooms, hall, bath, closet in room ; age of porch, lawn : no other room ers; electricity, phone and bath free; reason- ahle. Adults. Walnut 3873 morning. WELL furnished 2-room apt. clean aa can be made: fireplace, kitchenette, done in white heat, light, . gas and phone included. Private home, adults. Sellwood 1068. g Kg THESE TODAY 4 NICE H. K. RCK1MS. WOOD AND LIGHT FURNISHEDHsVERY REASONABLE; CLOSE IX. CALL?AT 194 LQWNSPAK. i im va A or . mnms. bath, electricity (fur milled of unfurnished) place for cars free: 10 minute' "walk ; basement. Very cheap. 8 1 5 Williams ave! ' Upper rooms cheaper. Children taken. Close' to school. 2 OR 3 CLEAN, comfortable fur. H. K. rooms, -private home. 2 H blocks f rem car. Good location. 936 E. Couch, near 80th. Eagf 0698. HOME just opened. Everything new. Mingle h. k. rooms. Mahogany, -.vory wxdwork. New drapes, ruse. Lovely home. $5 week. 183 N. lKth st ONE small light h. k. room, close in. cne block from Sunnyside and Mt. Tabor car line. Phone, light and water; $10. East 5335. " NOB HJLL. 3 large, clean, nicely furnished modern rooms ; aeeonimodate 3 or 4 people ; near school and car: would like lady to look fter house part time. 736 Hoyt. nesr 231 GOOD h. k. room, modern, private fsmily. Tabor lll5. CHEERFUL, COZY. WELL FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPIXG SUITE; ALSO SINGLE ROOM. 414 MARKET, COR. 1 1 TH. 3 H. K. ROOMS and private bath" clean rooms; Includes light, phone; no children. 510 Clay st. 2 H. K. ROOMS with kitchenette; 2 large h. k. rooms connecting; also single rooms. 295 17th at. ONE large furnished H. K. room and closet; furnace heat, suitable for two, $4.50 per week. 41 v ota sw Aiwaier ouo THREE large furnished housekeeping rooms fori rent. 701 Eaot Bums ids sr. East 3206. ONE KOOM and kitchenette, suitable for lady; desirable location; one block to car; furnace heat; in modern home. East 7 531. 11. K. ROOMS lor rent; light, airy and clean; reasonable rates; light, water and fuel fur nished. 389 3d st. Phone Main 334 0. IN PRIVATE home. 3 room fur. apartment. Private bath. 3 single rooms. All newly papered. Aut. 614-23. 28a N. 20th st. tOUR clean housekeepini room's, suitable for family; light, bath, phone; $30 per month. 615 ft 1st st. Atwater 3865 NICELY furnished housekeeping room for man or lady attending school ; close to carline, $10 per month., 172 IS. S5th st. LAKtiE front room with .kitchenette, newly papered and decorated; $5 week. 270 Columbia. Main 2757. i'WO Iront housekeeping rooms, on cariir,e; walking distance; adults only. Clean. 632 East Morrison st. FOl'it unlumished liht boustseeping rooms, close to carline; light and water turnished. Must be seen to appreciate. 140 E. 34th st. 2 11. K. ROOMS suitable for 3, furnace heat. light and gas; could care for small child. 751 Kearney st. NOB HILL- clean, desirable frout 11. K. rooms, all conveniences; 1 sleeping room. Atwater 2854. 2 FRONT h. k. rooms and 1 back room. with kitchenette; furnace heat, cse iu. 54 8 Yamhill st. ONE H. K. ROOM WITH SLEEPING PORCH. ALL MODERN 309 11th St. Atwater 3213. 2 ROOMS and sleeping porch; 2 beds; adjoin ing bath; steam heat. For 2 adults. 401 10th St. Main 2480. FOUR furnished H. K. rooms; hot and cold water: clots in, 381 12th st, cor. Monl- gomery. Main 1199. - TWO or three pleasant unfurnished house keeping rooms, in private home, modern. 978 Williams ve. jnone wsinut 5338. TWO large rooms with pantry, well furnished, private entrance and bah, $30. 10 E. 10th st, N. 3 FURN1BHED housekeeping rooms on first floor. 129 E. 8 2d. near Morriscn. Ken: reasonable. $16 2 LARGE furnished housekeeping rooms. 64 2 E. 27th St. Richmond car to 27th. one block southr- 4 HOOMS, neatly (urn, ?ot h! k. ; walking distance to Beed college; adults onlv. 2i: jwooa u.vv. CLEAN rooms, H. K.. sleeping; beautitul view of city; $3 and $4 week. 696 Market st. drive. Main 6177. 2 FURNISHED rooms tor H. K ; preierably adults ; reasonable rates. 1071 K. Wash ington St. 1 li. K. KOOM. with kitchenette. 1 usgle H. K. room, close In. walking distance. 4S6 E. Washington. IN MODERN home, clean h. k. rooms; also sleeping rooms. 8 E. 6th st. X. Bast S473. FOR RENT 3 large airy furnished h. k. rooms near Eliot school. Call East 8335. Sundays or forenoons. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, close in. $20 per month, including gas for cooking. 502 East Pine. Phone fcast bS 13. LARGE furnished h. k. rooms, with heat, phone and bath, $15; single and $20 doable. wtjsi SKie. will jiawwi u -amia u go. 2 NICELY furnished h. k. rooms, gas and light furnished; close to business district. 652 ft Yamhill st. APARTMENTS FURNISHED 307 HAWTHORNS APTS. 2 and 8 rm. apt,; steam beat, electric lights, gas ranges, $25. Atwater 1792. FURNISHED 2. S and 4 room apts.. $18 and $25 per month; walking distance Main 8934. 668 6th st. GLEN COURT 2 and 3-room. " apt., dose tn. Corner Par and Taylor. Main 1961. CAROLINE APTS-. rooms, eingTe and to sulIesT from $8 to 820. Walking distance. All eoavenieneea. 81 E. 11th st, y. ADAMS APARTMENTS ' " Modern 2 rm. apt., funusfeed, 408 Jefler- 2 ROOMS, including steam heat,, hot and cold water, walking dotaBce, $X2.60 and $25 Bdwy. 4292. Jennings Apts.. 346ft N. 17th. 8 ROOM furnished Jpt-. wita private bath lights, water and phone free, $27.50. Sg2 AST . THE ALB RET 1rn bed apt. atean ' fceat, private bath. 49 ft Miseaseiprd ave. i-ROOM apts., elaan, reeaosiahle; near achooi. Sl Dekum ave. Walnut 11 50.- ONE room, kitchec. bath, nrai entrancel mAjtmtm. iliWllh jeTs K . - MS . FOR RENT APARTMENTS FUTiNISHED 307 Guild Apartments 394 Guild, near 23d and Thurman 3 ran private bath, hall, heat, hot water, very attractive ; one 4 rm. unfor. 31in 3705. THE ALAMO APTS. i Attractively lurnbhed 3-rm. apts.. steam heat, private baths, disappearing beds; back apts- suitahls for 3, two beds newly white enameled, $40; front apts. $46. 494 Market, Kins- Albert Acts. 2 and 3 rooms, furnished or unfurnished, tQa bath, elevator. 11th t Montgomery. Main 035. Davenport Apts. 3 room furnished apt with private hath; also kirrgle housekeeping room. Main 5435. Leeds ts Fireproof building, modern, 2. 3, and 4 rm. apts. ; single rms. ; elevator service. Atw. 3597. 3-KtHJM furnished apartment, light, beat, hot and cold water furnisheVl; no small children. Call Tabor 4224. 1092 ft Hawthorne ave., apartment A. THE STAN FIELD Modern 2 room apt., lieht, heat, phone, $23. winter rare. asm TT . TT w . V- TI T T 1 1 Til AVn TTlF.f, a 3 rooms, kitchenette, bath. hdw. floors, pri vste balconies. $35 up. Atwater 1160. THE EDENHOLM i 834 5th St. modem 2 and 3 room furnished rrt.menis. Private baths. Rent reasonable. SAV MARCO. E. 8TH AND COUCH, -3 KM. MOD. APT., WK. OR MO. EAST 1990. SLNNVCKEST S22.50; 2 ontsid" rms., bath. newly turn.. Bteara heat. 186 Sherman. 3-KOOM furnished apt., must be seen to be fully appreciated. 427 ft 6th st. APARTMENTS UNFURNISHED 308 The American Modern 4 and a rcom apartments. ,21t and Johnson. Broadway 33RV i'OR RENT 4 larse roomy apts , with bath and buiit-ins. "n 2d floor; on 2 cariiner ; 1 block from Glencoe school Rent $30 mouth. 1336 Belmont, corner 47th. 5ROOM modern apt-, walkii.g diatan'-e. hot water heat, garbage hauling and water bill paid. 564 Couch, Ft. 5 BOOM apt-, steam heated, S35 per month. 63 4 First- Call Main 4 795. FLATS FURNISHED 309 COMPLETELY FUBNISHED $47.50' REAL HOME White enamel finish, all j con veniences. I 10S5 Hawthorne, Near 38th. THE FAUSTPNA A modern house of flats, west side, close In. newly finished, cheerful 4 rooms and bath; a pleasant home; references. 464 Hall at, near 13th. J UPPER flat furnished, everything new; We ot basement, full bathnxoi; $35 per m'-with, includes lights and water and use of phone. II. Smith. 5625 85th st. S. E. Phone Auto matic o4 i -y IRVINGTON residential 4 room apt- Heat, lisht, gas, garage. $70. Also 3 rooms. $60. East 8015. FIVE furnished rooms, entire lower floor; newly papered; walking distance. 4 03 Montgomery. 3 ROOM, nice furnished front flat, pfivate bath, close in, $35. 689 E. Alder. East 7820. , i WELL furnished 4 room f at. $40. 706 Van couver ave. Walnut I9o3. , I iROOM flat for rent: walking distance; adults. Phone East 7965 after 6 p. m. i NICE 8-rm. flat. priv. bath, phoue. furnace; I adults onlv. 1608 Huron st. 4-ROOM fumithed flat; heat nd hot water; furm?hed. 394 Fargo, near Union. FLATS UNFURNISHED 310 UNFURNISHED lower flat; adults only. 1316 E. Clay near 46th st. Phone Tabor 6939 . ,i ."it r ) - f . . T7 Osair. Te 1 blk. south of 23d and Washington. Mam 8988 or Bdwy. 7833. 6-ROOil flat, modern in every particular; n.sli decorated; S50. Adults Only. ln- ouire 74 E. 29th N. Phone East 3070 FOR RENT 2 and 4 or 6 rooms.fTurnished isrie.1 1569 East Surk. or call I Main 7 7 09. air. Ayres u-fct amp Close in, up to date 7 rooms. Rent ?60. Call fcast FOR RENT A modern 5 -room furnished or unfurnished flat. 1 3 1 8 Corbett at. Garage if desired. NICE flat, 5 rooms and bath, close in, $20. 4 72 E. YamhilL $35 CHOICE 7 -room flat, Graham St., near Williams. E. 8 15. LOWER flat, $30. 424 Stanton sU East 1S68 after Sunday. East 6177. HOUSES FURNISHED 311 SCENIC LODGE cottage. 624 Height Ter race, 3 and 4 room cottages; fine view of city and mountains; 20 minutes' walk to heart ot city: Hall st. car on Morrison to 13 th t, 2 block west. See to appreciate. Reduced rents for winter. FURNISHED SMALL HOUSE FOR ADULTS WALNUT 3698. 6 BOOM and trunk room, garage, desirable location. 2 blocks from Rose City ;ar, 5 2d St. N.: no children: only responsible psrties need apply. Tabor 366C. FOR RENT Modern 3 room, bath and toilet; just outisde city limits; good car service fare S 1-3 cents; 2 blks. from car; lease if wanted. Brown, 618 Chamber of Com, bldg. $4 7 SO COMIXJK'IABLE UOMK. COM PLETELY FURNISHED. WHITE ENAMEL FINISH, ALL IN V ENIEN CESL" 1085 HAWTHORN AVE. j MY 3 -story home. Rose City Park district; nicely furnished except 3d story, for $85. Tabor 2746. j WILL give lease on five roosn furnished cot tage; small family; no bath. 424 and Bel mout. Mrs. Shaver, 90 E. 8th Btj,. apt. 2. FURNISHED 3 roonj house, fruit, garden and cliickens. Zella Gossett, 11,76 Dela- ware ave. . i N ICE HOME. Walnut Park district. 1159 Rodney, cor. of Killingsworth, 2d floor, 4 room apt., private and modem, with garage. PARTLY furnished 7 -room housed modern. Sellwood 3509. NORTHRCP near 21st. clean partly furnished cottage, rent $15.50. Phone East 1241. 5 KOOM furnished house, west side, south. Call Atwater 4431. 1081 Water st. MCE cottage for rent, furnished or nnfur nished. clijse to carline. Tabor 4937. 6 ROOM furnished house, gas lights, $28; adults.- 102 Stanton, near Mississippi. 5-KOOM resident flat, completely furnished with piano; no children. Walnut 7032. 7-UOOM house, furnished, $40. Call 633 E. 30th st. NICELY trunished 9 -room house, 664 Wasco. cor. 19th. $75. Main G274. j HOUSE FOR KENT. 487 Kenilworth ave. HOUSES UNFURNISHED 312 4 ROOM house, on carline, $20. Call at 712 Liberty st Woodlawn car to ISth it.. 2 blocks S., ft block K. ATTRACTIVE 4 room bungalow, newly paint ed and tinted, basement, garage; would lease. E. 78th st. N. Phone East 444D. 7 ROOM house, $36 per month, water fur nished; ISO E. 324 at. Phone 329-13. Find key st corner Bouse. 8 ROOMS, furnace, gas range, warier heater, laundry stove ana trays, garage. Wal nut 1329 S-ROOM modern house, close to car; $30 per . . . T c 1 w xr r i 11 -I 1BODU1. M BCC All- . - linimBll, "Ul- eorab Realty Go. Bdwy. 7396. 8 BOOM modern house, with 2 lota, chicken house, fruit trees. lots of rasnberries. 232 E. 65th. St. ,3.. 'faPor 1B 4 BOOK house, near O-W. B, l shop, tS a mo. East 2242. 4 ROOM unfurnished house for rent. 1393 Denver ave. Walnut 1029. j BRAND new house. Bear S. P. shop. 841 E. 2 4 til St. Sellwood 3266. FOR RENT 5 room cottage, modern. 354 W it! isms ave. 7 BOOM house, garage. 619 Beedway st. 80 feet from Bellwoou car. MODERN 7 -room bouse, yard, walking dis tance, wee side. 636 Market et. WK speciaiia. IB piano and furtiture saoving, - 18-day free storage. Bdwy. 1207. FIVE rooms with sleeping porch and garage. 6219 7B0tn St. g. a.. S-ROOM house. E. 21st near Oak., Walnut 3526. 1 4-tCOOM modern hosjew. Inquire 218 N. Jw- sey at, Bt Jotsns. 1-KOOM private home; wlii. rent to adulta. AoC 2-l2. . KMAIJ. to fog rent. jlt East 8th at, north. j S BOOMS, 2-story b-we,- st 575 E. 8th SU. erV. s.ji sat e-v-ew " WE HOVE fiar tot ti hour. 8058. FOR RENT HOUSES UNFURNISHED 312 fPR INKLE-RED WAllEHOCS- on trackage. Stem your goods w.t us. Let us do your DOTDf and packing. CLAY & MORSE. INC Bdwv. 8470. , 4B4 filtea at. FLRN1TL KE moving. 2 ter hour and. up. 30 days free storage on H. rl. goods in bricfc warehouse. Estimate gladly furtoshed. Phone Bdwy. 1207. 8 ROOM house, arranged for boarders and roomers, newly painted inside and out; new plumbing and newly papered; near O-W. B. A rs. noii, o a montn. mt gsu. 6 KOOMS and" finislisd atuc. modern. ET. Bornside west of HOth. Phonj 8 :10 a. m. East 3702. YORK EXPRESS fBA-NS. CO. Trunks, baggage, f-.imiture moving $1.30 nd $2 per boor. Broajway 768S. MOVING. 2 PER HOUR AXD UP Fireproof storage 13 days free. Long Di-tapce Hanling. Broadway 2445. WE MOVE furniture. 2 men, ior $a pet hour. Long distance hauling, 30 days' tree storage. Main 6290. PIANO MOVING $3. furniture $2.50 per hour; 2 men, large padded vans. ' Call Crown Transfer Co.. East 5047. .- WHEN moving, cali East 6440. Crating, packing, shipping, long distance, by hour or contract- FURNITURE MOVING $2 PER HOUR, 2 MEN; PIANO $2 AND UP; LARGE 2ft TON TMUCK. EAST 8047. V HEX MOVING, city or country, get the best at lowest pries. Green Trans. Co., Main 12fil. 202 Alder st. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE FOR SALE 313 MODERN' 5 room upper flat, with sleeping porch; cflknpleteJy furnished with high graiie furniture, including 2 $150 overstuffed chairs, dining set and 6 chairs. $150; South Bend Jfa'.leable ranee, mahogany bed. $100: birds eye maple dre.-er: mcst reasonable rent on West Stiie: a at-rifk-e for $500 cash Act quick: 44ft Columbia si.,' near ' 14th. CaU M:n 21 : ST. S HMS. e.iuipi-cii for liuuekeepinc. l'".w rent. Nets a nice income- From owner. Bdwy. 4 4 30 SFASIDE 4 a n i 5 rwim cot :ac, nr rrh end of beach: gtxi location. BJwy. 2190. FUUNni'KE for sal". ") room flat tir relit 'r not. 746 'v Jrthnson. STORES AND HALLS 314 MACHINISTS Take notice. Shop for rent. Good location. Call East 0160. NEW store building for ri-nu Southwest cor ner 8 2d st. and Fo3ter rd. Phono Aut- 628-87. WILL rent automobile paint shop fully equipped. Phone East 413 6. OFFICES DESK ROOM 31 S DESK room, with plume service. 305 Henry bldg. Ask for Baldwin. ' ' BUSINESS PROPERTY 318 LEA VINO i OWN r ttCSYf We are in a position to handle your recitals and collections ou city property at a nominal cost. , LIN DEI A NELSON 715 Wilcoi Bi.ig Broadway 770-. WANTED TO RENT ROOMS AND BOARD 352 WANTED A good home in prita'.c family for school bey. 10, preferably no other chil dren. Call Atwater 471 Sunday momins. Evenings after !. HOUSES 361 WISH TO RENT AT ONCE Furnished house or cottage in the Sellwood. ! Westmoreland or Midway district. T?nt mut I not bo over 330 ajer month. 'all Pell. 117S j or 1414 East 1 3ttT street south.' I WANT TO, KENT MuaLl modern l,ungalow j witn option to ouy tjoung cuupio aiiu cnuui. H-149, Journal. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE LOTS 403 IRVINGTON PARK ami COLUMBIA BLVD. Beautiful acre tracts. $2 5 per month, in cluding interest. Very rich soil, all under cul tivation; excellent view. Fine district. Take Alberta, or Woodlawn cars. Branch office Columbia blvd. at E. 29th tt. N. Phone Walnut 3110. J. O. ELR0D, Owner. 2 88 Stark St- Bdwy. 11S8. HOMKXKHIIR -WHY NOT BUILD T tt to lees expensive. We ste inter ested jn bow wetl w eaa bnild. not bow much w can get for building. e a before buying or building. Robnett & McCIure BUILDERS, 102 Coecb bids. -roadway 651. ROSE CITY PARK DISTRICT i ACKK $430 $43 DOWN Fronting on K. 71st st . 4 blocks north of Sandy blvd.. lot 115x100, containing over 14 acre graded ?treet and Bull Run water, no restrictions. $430; term $43 down, nearly 4 years to ry the balancr. HEXDERSON-BAXKUS CO.. 228 Henry Bidg. ' Bdwy. 4 754. COI PAX ST NEAR PATIOS AVE. 4 fine lots on Colfax St.. between Concord and Campbell sis. , sewers, curbs and walks, graded st, paid; several fir and 'dogwood trees on these ikts. Trice $400 each, on easy terms. IIENDEBSON-BANKUS CO.. 228 Henrv Tag. Bdwy. 4754. BUILDERS HOUSES COMPLETED PROMPTLY Our construction and workmanship, to gether with liberll financial assistance will please y:u. Soldier bonus accepted. REIMEKS ft JOLiVBTTE. SMlwood 2964. n&?i ouvi u "l - . ..t. v-.-, . - - 50x100 lot fronting on E. GOih St.. be tween Belmont and Stark at". ; all imp. in and paid. Here is a fine view lot for only $750; terms. HENDERSON-BANKUS CO.. 228 Henry Bidit. Bdwy. 4 754. : PENINSULA $930 All improvements in and paid. Close to Jefferson high. Beautiful wooded lots; $350 to $600. Easy terms. JohnsonDodison Co. " 633 X. W. Bank Mda:. MsJn 37S7. ROSE CITY PARK i 50x100 $750 Paved street in and paid. Hose City Branch Office, 45th and Sandy bird. Aut. 326-10. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY $675 SCXXYSIDE All improvements paid on E. Taylor nearE. 47th X. face, surrounded with nice small homes. 2 ft blocks to car. Eeal value. JoainsonDodson Co. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. lot Bargains fS50 Piedmont. 60x100. $750 Lanrelhurst, 50x100. corner. $800 Ladd's addition. 43x118. $450 56th, near Couch. J. R. HAIGHT FOR EEAL ESTATB 381 Ankeny St. Bdwy. 2045. HAWTHORNE CORNER $1050. $100 cash. $10 monthly: all im provements in and paid. Fair view, easy walking distance to Franklin high. See today. JohnsonDodson Co. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 8787. 75x113 FEET $4 50 $30 down, $10 month. Walk are in and paid, trunk sewer and channel paid. 87th St., near Prescott. Can you do better f ROGER W. CART. MAUN 2007. 142 ft Second 8L, cor. Alder. IRVINGTON DISTRICT. $875. $300 cash, $10 monthly; on carline, near school and new city park. Ait im provements in and paid. JohnsonDodson Co. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. lOOxlOsJ LOTS. ALBERTA ' GAR $575 Price includes trunk and channel sewer. No building rtsstrictioos. Light,! water, gss; $8 down. $3 month. ; ROGER W. CART. ;TJpsiair. 142ft Second St, cor. Alder.' REAL SACRIFICE PRICE $760 TERMS 100x100, E. 85th. 150 ot Stark, facing east; complete eewer. eement sidewalk; 2 ideal lots. Tabor 5196. . 100x100 MAPLE WOOD LOTS- $600 blocks to ear, natural trees, water, gas, electricity. No city restrictKms. Roger W. Cary. 1 42 ft Second st cor. Aider. LOTS 14TH KT. $400 Cssti. C. Cole, 42ft Lumbermen Bldg. TWO -JjOTS 100x150 esc! 74th ave. and 2rvd ft. East 8551 2 LOTS on Villa rd ave.. 66 ft xl 10,. very usee location, for $1000. CaU Walnut 0046. 200 TAKES 50x100 ot 74ta between Halsey . and Sntin;,. facmg euL SVw 641L REAL ESTATE FOR SALE LOTS 403 Build Your Home IN LADD S ADDITION Only about 24 minute?' walk to the court house Nine- lo for $100O. SECOND MORTGAGE PRIVILEGE WAKE TP. MB. BUILDER Do you know there is not, a finished bung alow for sale in this rtamiruiuL rlose-ia district, liectrictiona do not forbid duplet hoifce or bungalow, - See MB. DULAHCNTT. LADD ESTATE COMPANY. 246 Stark St. Broadway 6754. Res. Tabor 7045. ONLY TWO TRACTS LEFT Over ft acre in each tract; near Willamette bird, and Greeley st, S block from carline; streets paved to property; fine garden anil, shads trees; no building restrictions. For the man of moderate means this is a splendid nroposition. Price only $1260 per tract, 'terras $125 cash, remain ier monthly pay ments. Act auk k . if you want one of these. H. F. WOOD 1203 Yeon bldg. Telephone Atwater 4892. NEAR Franklin high. $10 cash; three block Hawthorne car; big full corner lots, price $325, $10 monthly. Owner, Tabor 2416.' HOUSES 404 $5 in Cash Prizes WILTv BE AWARDED TO -THE PERSONS WRITING TOE BEST LETTERS SETTING FORTH THE ADVANTAGES AND BENEFITS TO BE DERIVED FROM HOME OWN ERSHIP: $25. FIRST PRIZE. $15 SECOND PRIZE AND $10 THIRD PRIZE. FOR FURTHER INFORMA TION CALL AT OFFICE, OR WRITE FOR "THE McGUIBE SYSTEM." IX WHICH WIXX1XG LETTERS WILL BE PUBLISHED. CONTEST CLOS ES SEPT. 30. A COPY FREE ON REQUEST. MAIL LETTERS TO FRANK L. MrGUIRE. AMERICA'S LARGEST HOME SELLER. ABINGTON BLDG. BDWY. 7171. 3D ST.. BET. WASH. AND BT A RE I V ARTISTICALLY FURNISHED I Modern home, sacrifice; only $750 down. This home and its furnishings are practically brand new and very charm ing in every detail. There are 5 spacious rooms, with large, roomy closets; also glassed-in sleeping porch, beautiful 4nw hardwood floors, fireplace, artistic elec tric fixtures; almost 2 set new plumb ing; new furnace; full cement basement, novel breakfast nook, with charming out look: lots of built ins: garage 12x18; full lot and view of Willamette river; 2 blk. north of KHIingsworth. 1 block V east of Willamette hlvd. 1228 At- J lantic. Walnut 0648. ' LAURELMURST BUYERS, ATTENTION If you contemplate bujlng in Lanrelhurst, In spect our listings. We maintain the only cifue in Laurelhurs.t. iuve 3 competent, courte ous salesmen in chara and are peculiarly fitted to serve best the buyers and sellers of Laurel hurst property. We are always glad to show you. You will be under no obligations posi tively. A. Q. TEEPE CO. Lanrelhurst Office, .19th and Glisan. Tab. 343$ Rose City Office 40th and Ssndv, Tab. 9586. SABIX'S BLUE RIBBON MODERN EXCLUSIVE PIEDMONT HOME On Ainawnrth ve., in the heart of Pied rrrnt. Ideal environment among homes of the letter clasa. This home supreme is on s cor ner lot 100x100. B'h streets paved. sU im provements paid. Ten moras and sleeping porch, and all modern. This is the best buy in Piedmont today. Tqal pries is $6500. Good terms, W. W. SARIN, REALTOR 1032 Union Ave. X. Walnut 0589. $6000 IRVINGTON $750 DOWN 7 rooms and sleeping porch, in good condi tion, newly painted, 2 sets of plumbing, oak floors in living and dining room, tapestry paper, natural finish with white enamel, Dutch kitchen, lots of blultins, house has good out look, near school. Will sell adjoining lot for $900. J. R. HAIGHT FOR REAL ESTATE. 351 ANKENY, COR. BROADWAY. BROADWAY 2045 FREE KENT FOR 10 YEARS arid own a ennl T - . Y. ..... .4 o - - iwui uuuif o the end of that time, at a cost of about $1000; oil E. 6th near Haw- thnrtre W V. . n t .rhj.. ... give away, but wilf be pleased to have you call at our office if you are interested. Harris Co. 316 Chamber of Commerce. XEWLYWEDS bungalow cottage for sale; $2650. $300 down, $25 monthly; move right in; brand new bungalow, large combina tion living and dining room, cozy bedrooms. The cutest little built-in kitchen you ever saw. I-ot 4.tI00. fenced with a nice wire fence. We will accept a Ford or Chevrolet car or piano or 1 or 2 vacant lots, a stock of groceries or what have you? Come in and let'a talk it over. Tremont Realty Co., 6915 72d st. Aut. 614-40. $4300 ROSE CITY $800 DOWN 6 room and sleeping porch, 8 months old, breakfast nook, Dutch kitchen, lots of builtins, furnace, fireplace, oak floors, tapestry paper, nice electric fixture, cement basement, garage. J. R. HAIGHT FOR REAL ESTATE. 851 ANKENY. COR. BROADWAY. BROADWAY 2045 $3200 BUNGALOW $3200 5 rooms, modern, hardwood floors', fire place. lenndTy trays, good basrenent, 1 bloct to car$1250 cash, $30 monthly. JohnsonDodson Co. 633 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 3787. LAURELHURST Must sell beautiful Colonial home of 6 rooms, sacrificing for $63 50. Wife Injured m accident, must move; lovely fireplace, buf fet, hdwd. floors, full cement basement, fur nace, garage, built-in features, south front. Tabor 2189. 4 Rooms, Bath, $ ON PAVED STREET Very attractive little bungalow, with bath, lights and gas, lawn, flowers and shade trees. Half block to car. John F. Zuber, 1824 K. Glisan. Tabor 7547. $300 DOWN PKICE $1900 4 room house, bath, toilet, cement hase ment. electric lighUi. gas. 100x100 lot, 2 blocks to car; fruit trees, berries. Make your own terms on balance. Not in Mt. Scott district. 504 Buchanan Bldg. GET AWAY FROM KENT $750 Alberta District $750 New 2 rooms and sleeping porch screened. Gas range, linoleum, rug. 100x100 lot, $250 cash, balance $8 per month. 6 per cent 624 Henry ik!g. L. A. Vail. Bdwy. 5173. NEW YES. IT'S ALL NEW A new design, a new kind of a bungalow. Tea, it is more attractive than anything you have seen. See it and you will be low-sick for one like it. On Glisan st.. between 47th and 49th. Only $5900. terms. Tabor 4368. MT. TABOB, west slope, fine view, new 5 room bungalow, complete with concrete ga rage leading to basement, built-in, breakfast nook, fireplace, hardwood floors. Complete home, $5500. Owner, 615 Railway Exchange bldg. Bdwy. 6985. Reduced From $4000 5 room modern, bungalow, one floor, fire place, furnace, garage, lawn and flowers. Only $34 50; easy terms. East 8935. MY 6 -room modern home; 2 lots; good garage; fruit and berries; good garden; line flowers; S4206. 31600 cash. Phone Tabor 2977. 294 K. 76th st, N.. week days, mornings only. No agents. V SUNNYSIDE SNAPS $3600, $800 cash, -room house, cement basement. laundry trays On Belmont t. near E. 35th. Scott tc Berry. 1838 Belmont et. $3200 $650 CASH 5 -room cottage, lot 73x126. garage, close in, E. Burnside st, Scott Berry. 1038 Belmont rt. 7 ROOM HOUSE VACANT Good condition, clows to car and school; lot 60x100;. lots of fru.l. $2950, $450 down; easy terms. ..Owner. Walnut Q913. 5-lvOOM bungalow and desw moderu. cement basement, garage, chicken Kouse and runs, 2 corner lota, one inside ; sell all or part; furnished or unfurnished. 211 E. 76th- St. N. 84 760. S1S0O CASH 5 roem new tew, garage, fireplace. laundry trays, on carline. close in. Scott A Berry, 1038 Bel mont st ' " . ATTRACTIVE, new corner bungalow. Walnut Park, terms, owner; furnace, fireplace, attic 321 Alberta rt. NEAR Bose Cit echool; rooms, sleeping porch, bath. 2 toilet, tray, garage; $1000 Amw fHimr. Tabor Ji282. BY OWNER, 4 room house, 3 garages, 100 ft, from Main et.. Lenta. 9234 Foster raad. WHOTJ5 block and 8-roou bouse St 1.000. C 18th and Muitnomsh. East -784i OWN VB New 4 -room bouse, ail built- ina. close to car. Walnut 0408. IS00 CASH, 4 room bungalow, $3000; term. Owner, 857 Stall or a, near Union. , REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 FRANK L. McGUlRK SATS. I HAVE THE KEY TO YOCK HOME1 2000 PHOTOGRAPHS OF HOMES tVU SALE . i are on display in my large publics show room, with price, address snd all information readily available, so tliat you can accomplish here in a FEW MINUTES what would reaulre day else where! " I Hundreds of remarkable bargains In "every part of the city! All prices and terms that you can easily meet! I'll help you make your CrsU. payment If OPEN EVESEVGS until 9 . 90 Salesmen with Autss Telephone .Bdwy. 7171 $3490 MI ST BE SOLD AT 0NCE! Will give good terms. This t a - beautiful bungalow on Linn ton read with an unsurpassed view; 5 rooms, strictly modern, garage-, bcutifnl shrubbery, etc.: all improvements in and paid; must he seen to he fully appreciated. DEFIES COMPETITION ! Very easy terms Real Snap! $32SO Look all ever Portland and you won't find a Diver, rnore homelike bungalow for less money; in a beautiful natural grove of trees, yet with plenty of sunlight in every nook; rustic brown; artistic rambling line; living and dining rooms combined: built-in buffet,: dandy I Hitch kitchen. 2 bed rooms aud bath; . furnace ; v cloee to car on rretty corner. E. Lombard. $3190 $460 does! This family is being broken up and hone mutt he sold at a sacrifice; on 100x100. ifh the heart of Alberta, with fruit, fbywer, shrub bery; good, comfortable 'S-lsWvvn sltb staniial modern heme saved street; just 2 blocks to carline nd 3 t school; $4 50 down and very ey monthly terms. E. 12til sL SEE THIS AT ONCE! $300 Downl $300 Down? . $2090 A fine little bungalow, wvll built nd ariiiiic; new living and dining rooms are (bmbined, with fireplace, 2 dandy spotless bedrooms, very bendy kitchen with built-in drawers, bine, shelves galore, sunny breakfast nook, cement basement with laundry trays; doubly constructed throughout i and very warm ; the easy term will satisfy you; - Detroit st.. 'close to beaftifuL scenic ' Portland boulevard. i $-630 $350 down and rest easier than rent; delightful brand new bungalow, spot less in every respect living room, stained woodwork, 2 dainty bedrooms and white enamel bath. Dutch kitchen with cheery breakfast nook, glassed in sun parch or sleeping pore Ik double garage; plenty or room to grow own veer tables snd cut down expenses; see this copy home today; Rdtll st. $2890 $400 cash will handle' this pretty new bungalow in Peninsula district, cine, to big industrial psants, where you can go home for piping hot din ner; 4 rooms, 2 bedrooms, all builV ina. very- cosy and homelike; easy terms; Portsmouth ave. i $1590 $400 down, on Carson Heights among the beauti.'ullf wooded hills ofsotithern Portland, is this comfortable 6 -room modern home. 3 bedrooms, garage, full-lot; A REAL SNAPi Kth st. HUNDREDS OF OTHER BARGAINS It s practically fcnpottaible to advertise them all! Photograph jof every home i our office! Any one of our courteous salesmen will take you out at any time most convenient for you and show you homes in which you sre inter ested; open evenings until 9. Se FRANK L. McGriRF4 To Buy Your Home REALTOR Abtngfon bldg. Bdwy. 71T1. 3d st, between Wash, and ! Stark September is the-lrlesl Home-Buying Month! HOMES FOR THE OLD FOLKS PRICE $2400; $300 DOWN Brand new Pullman bungalow,! large com bination living and dining room, cozy bed room, th cutest little bull tin dtchen you ever saw, tapestry wall paper, I $185 new range, nifty fixtures, window screens com plete, large lot 50x164. R. C. Psrk line; bal ance can be. paid at the rate of 825 monthly. PRICE $2400; $300 DOWN Bungalow of 4 rootn and breakfast nook, 1 year old. concrete foundation, cement floor in basement, stationary tub, lot SOxlOO, ce ment walks around house; balance can be paid at the rate of $15 monthly. PRICE $2130; $300 DOWN 4 -room bungalow on paved street, on 80th St., near Alberta; a wonderful value; balance can be paid at the rate of $23 monthly. V PRICE $1995; $300 DOWN a very neat and nifty 4 -room California-type of bungalow, very wide projecting i eaves, large living room, concrete foundation, small base ment, comer lot, 4 blocks to car; 'balance can be paid at the rate of $20 monthly. Photos of all of these, and many more, at office. See EERTSON. with - lSsiit siexirc Pg 732 CHAM. OF COM. - - yt ST JOHNS $200 DOWN - New bungalows, living and! dining room combined. 2 bedrooms with large closets, kitchen, bath, full ce ment basement, laundry trays,- rooms . all bright and cheerful; hsuse is equipped with the very finest win dow slisdes; artistic electric fixtures, lots of built-ins in kitchen; fot 60x 149: 1 block to beautiful wooded city nark. 65 acres: 2 blocks a fin. st M grade school; 4 short blocks jto csr. jL Atwatert 0746. PORTLAND HEIGHTS 8500 , tt P0 Wh9 I've been wanting the Heights, here is your chance. 0-room English colonial; all room very large, ail hardwood floors, ? fireplace, full basement, furnace, ft block from car. You can get a new electric range with this house; $2000 cash) will handle, balance to suit " 3 blocks front Ainsworth school. W. F. Mahoney, with I CORCOHAN-JONES REALTY CO., 273 Oak st Phone Bdwy. 0006. $tW Furnished, tS II 900 $30GDown$3 4 -room eory cottage." garage, full plumbing, concrete foundation, i base-, merit, full lot, plenty fruit, 8 blocks to Alberta car, sidewalks snd sewer paid, completely furnished ; a real snap. STAR REAL ESTATE INT. CO.. Broadway 5618. 512-18 Wilcox bldg. IRVINGTON 23d. between Knott and Stan ton, 85250. Someone will get a mighty good buy. Lose no time in . inspecting this substantially built, modern 9 room borne, with garage. You -never, never would expect to buy anea a borne in this splendid location for to' little money. Hurry. A. a. TEEPE-'CO. 40th and Bandy, Tabor 086. 39th and Glisan, Tabor 848 S. A SPLENDID BUT ( 84650. ! This artistic 5 room bungalow, ready for occupancy, located on Flanders, lust off 47th t, complete with oak floors, fireplace, tapea try paper, shades, fixtures. Dutch kitchen, extremely large cement ' basement, ) garage and exceptionally eary term or soldiers' bonus.1 CAMPBELL-RICHARDS 1CO. 1111 Sandy Blvd. (On Viaduct.) Auto. 315-44. i HEBE'S A BUT $3000 Voders S rooms, basement, full attie, lot 60x100, garden, berries, fruit trees; $120.1 cah. - baL $20 monthly. Wcroldi taka light ear and cash." Inquire 1221 Wilbur t. ' - FOR BALE In Peninsula distrlcft- a 4 room bejite, strictly modern, lot 109x100, with bearing fruit trees and chicken' house, on paved street. $2800.. Wsinut 0040. LOT 60x100. 6 room bouse, Spieee hth. chicken house and run, garage and some fruit; 80 feet from Lombard. Inquire of owner, 83500. 1648 Exeter at I . ROSE CITY bun ga lew, 6 large raoms. strict ly modern; 86000, 81500 cash, easy term k.l.n. Set- 821.48. TAKE lot a part payment on new 6 room bungalow. Uea. C Howard. 1116 N. W. Bank Mdg. nana s- - - - 12500 FOB SALE by owner, -roots house, ' Urge lot. (524 42d sve. S. 2 blocks from ssrees ew may wict rv. CHAPMAN . AND MAIN. ISOslOtf; seft in two parcel, rua; irivi. vs aiu, . owner. 407 8ping bldg. - . --f --g FOit SALE Small hotiae with garage, . 92 Hint Bussett. T-none walnut ytiau. J-KOOM HOUSE and bath, garaea. and Iruit . S2T West WerhTfU .st., Keotm. siOOMS. faroace, garsiie; iaxJlUO; pared atrwat. CaU vValout HI.. . . . ... . -i REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES . 404 CoODHOUT.rJ BCTS 8 room modern, bungalow, furnace, fire place, cement basement, nice built-ins; garage; M)xl00;. ii iww; $3300, Unas; Tath sC room modern bun low, furnace, fireplace, near ear; like new; $4000. $looe down, use mall ear a -part: good values Montavilia. room modern bungalow; 8 bedroom, fur-IV?.".- rrl"ci hi flue cooditioa; paved st S3S0O. terms; Montavin. . room modern bungalow, large finished ate 'lc-. extra nice . batiiroom, acparate shower; J"1'-" tub, cement floor, nearly new; $4300. $300 cash, soldier' bonus; Montavilia. 8 room modern bungalow, new. latest built , rilne. corner lot: gsrage; paved a,: $4750, $1850 down: Jonemore7 6; room modern bungalow, furnace, ftrepUce. n fine condiUon; paved st: cvment garage: c?r "ot f i00, term, ot trade for larger house up to $6300. Mont.vtS CTU,; i ,800- 'V0' - .?. J? 'modern house, in good oondlUoa; East S 5th t. near C3inton: $4200 1 term. ... BT mod!'?l "alow, imtch kitch en, shower bath, $1500. $400 down. 820 "?" jrval brg.ii. , aW"" ni. iMimwu CO . 163ft 4th t Laureihtirst Bungalow - Rooms - SSeeping. Porch $750 Cash . Nifty clever. cUsky, romforUble, euU tnin. galow, fine location, handy to car and school . - cheerful bedroom and tleeplng potvh. ok' noors in msin room, fireplace, beokcasea, nam lleU cabinet kitchen with breakfast nook; ce. jnent basement with laundry and gaa furnace; full cement drive to garage; level lot SOxlOO. iixm Zid Uc ttnc " around; hard sur- ' DAVID TfABP,' Manager ,s.?-0T.8TR,ETB Hkftdy Bird. Office 1159 Ssndy Blvd. at 89! Ant. 320-04. Cif?5T BUNGALOW Modern, fonr nice rooms and batli. garage. 40x120 ft lot to alley, pne block to car; good neigbbor ftond; enly $2850. Owner moving to farm will take good used Ford anto and few hundred dollar down. Vera easy term on balance. -sa .SKi,8 UET ABBOTT. -83 stark St. Bdwy. list. .ffiome.: Builders . ' Wo build ubfntlal. well finished t immes. assist financing. Oct our " figurea Albolm Inv. Co. I6 Panttnia.BSdg." - Broadway 6107. SABIX'S BLUR RIBBON HCX XR A , .rKl"r71 bungalow, eompletaly furnished. 8 lovely rooms, floored attio, cement basement, with furnace, etc.. full lot 60x100. on paeed frVberWmenU ,USt 2 bluck ,.w- W. SAB1N, REALTOR 1032 Union Are. N. Walnut 0888.. 7 ROE CITY PARK $4200 An opportunity for someone to get a br- fTr-ni. "rJfm un?"w hardwood floor. AghtV,'"08' T0ar ? A. Q. TEEPE CO.' 1 I .J L. I. . - $2750 $250 cash rent term on bal.rm. A love neat for . 8-rormi artutic bungalow, double cons, -throughout, large living room, bedroom, Dutch , klti.hen cement basement, wash tray., i "iisheu In Ivory and white enamel; f."JL..Iot- Wh' P rentl Tabor 2BNII? ... 1'Ka SliK Winter Comes ffSr!. '? ,ltndy bT,nJ new 8 room bungalow finished in dainty up-to-date style, with ouh kitchen and breakfsst nook, papered wall. hardwood floors fireplace, 8 bedroom. amn .tairs. Urge ,tUe fine basement with wash trays, full lot snd 'g rag. ,AU for $475(1; on easy terms. For appointment call g. 781 i. $2500 -4 BLOCKS TO MON TA VILLA CAB .W-rf8.!0m '""W"1'. Im and well arranged rooms, bring room, kiumea. break- in living room! garage. (CaU at our branch office. 45th and Handy biTn. Auto. 8 u-10 , J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY . .EARGE ROOMS 85060, $1000 cash, balance 380 monthly. ?OM.i, tU between Rose City and Knit- m ?7 crUne 0oI renUng district. anYHow""1" "U0 lot' JoHnsonDodson Co. 683 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 8T8T. . I 0x260-$ 11325 . "'rin1 boy a big Piece of ground 100x260; Bull Run water, gas, lights, graded anJ, 'feled street On the land 1 a 3 room unfinished building 26x28. stoves, some dishe nd furniture Jncluded in price. The location Ui',n.ev:.ijl the HoM Cit district. Don't miss thb np. Call Mr. Smith at Aut. 818-83. SPECIAL FURNISHED ! . at a -aer1flo price of $3000; good ., fc substantial heme of 6 rms. near i" r,'v- car. blocks from Laurel hurst; any reasonable terms. Ralph Harris Co. Broadway 6654. 818 Chamber of Commerce. Brand New Cozy Home 5 roots, dainty little home 1w TrsHtiirit district; hardwood floors, fireplace, - papered walls. Dutch kitchen and breakfast nook, 2 bedrooms downstairs, 'large attic, nice base, meut with wash tray. All the modern built- ins, fi au; 8600 cash and monthly payment. r.ast ,211. S Rooms, Bath. $2000 VERT EAST TERMS Living room, dinivig room, 2 bedroom, bath, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, 60x100 lot, with fruit and flowers. Onlr 3 blocks to ear John F. Zuber.n1824 K. Gllssn. Tabor 7647. $ 3 o oo montavhXa BdNdiXow iioow 6 rooms, moderni extra large garage, 1 ft block to car, all Impressments in, except pavement; $500 cash, balance $30 monthly including" interest 3 per cent. - jonnson-Uodson Co. 638 N. VT. Bsnk bldg. Main 8767. 3-ROOM Plastered house, modern convenience. 100x100 . corner lot, fruit trees, double garage, paved street. Will sell bouse and em lot tf desired; reasonable term. 488 Bid well ve!oveleThoTrefsllsrood 8076. ' OWNER ' 100x100, 8 rooms, cement bsaement, elec tricity, gas, wash trays, garage fruit, $1150, terms. vvainu vau, hi OWNER 505 Umatilla ate., roem house, ready to owupy, lot 60x100, paved st., clue to senool sad esr, bearing fruit trees. choice shrubbery and flowers. $000 cssh. pnoe $2wtK Taoor S42. SELLWOOD CITY VIEW CHEAP Vacant, 6 large rooms, 2 -story bouse, ex cellent condition, fireplace, garage, 60x100, paved st, all paid. 88900; 8700 cash, bsl. like rent: less lor cash, owner. Kast 7978. BEST LOCATION JN LAUBELUCKaT . trVU. BALK-, New, Modern O-room trangaknr st 1063 K. ' Davis. All hardwood floor, gaa furnace, ga rage. Bargain, is oor ua. WORTH 84200. take 8500 eaah, 7 roem bouse. 60x100, - excellent neighborhood, near ear and echool; good buy; must sell wmwiin 80 days. Owner. 70S E. 12th st N.. awl irvmgton ar.- i YOU CAN'T BEAT THIS ' 8-roovQ celled ' house, electric lights, gas. water, largo chicken house, 1 acre ground. aU goes for 8130(L (780 down, balance 820 a montri. including o per cent mt. ivast JENNINGS LODGE Modern bongaiosn. 4 and 8 - rooms each. ' ft . a; attractive price. Second bouse west on Hull ave. from river road, or first street south of achooi bouse. E. A. Young. FOR ul'lCk. tiALE .. 6 -room flat (or sale, all furnished, bath: 81i - wirt take it, No agent. 70 N. 9th at Everett. . HOC SB) PLAN 100 design. 810 to $16. or specially de mwnmA .t VSonsble tog. . U . BAILEY e CO., 834 If. W. Banb BVig. 4-stOOM modern bungalow in good locaUon; must eell thi week. - Price 33000; good terma. CaU Bdwy. 484. KICK tvsw 4 -room bungalow, shower bath. 60x100 lot: 6th ave. Only 31400, easy term. Owner, 77t Tib bets at ' $30ou, $650 CASH 8 -room house. Main st. near Ei 34th. , A good buy; now rented. Hcott A Berry. 1038 Belmont rt UOfeE'ClTY bungalow; furnace;, garagt; hnilt-tna. " Owner leaving - city: $3400. Tabor 2444. ' ' - ' . . - TO SEE city iwoperty. call Tabor 44J, be- tween and 8 p. m. iContinusw OA Feocemg f aa