TUESDAY,', SEPTEMBER 12, 1922. THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, OREGON. 2.7 PUBLIC UNABLE TO ABSORB THE HUGE QUANTITIES OF FRUIT BUYING PRICE ON EGGS IS HIGHER TUESDAY DAIRY TRADE Batter Erg Cheese Cebe Extra Select flat Portland 4e 7e ze San Francises. .. 47e 4S4 2e 5w Tork 4H 4e SSe Chicago -. I7c See 204e Los Angeles 4c 41V4e Seattle 41e 4o tie While considerable etrengtn Is sbown in the general egg market snuatjon Here, bo further changes were snows la selling values far tne day , , , Buying prices were inlg increased. Indicat ing toe general shortage oi first-class offer ings. Bids Tor current receipts have been ad vanced to 30o a down for Portland delivery with henneries at SSe a dozen. On tbe basis of these . buying peieea indications point strongly to higher senlnc values, although 37c continued the extreme top for selects Tuesday. Oeneral advance of 1 2o a dosen. however, is snown is the selling price of short held storage at 32c a doses. Demand for such offerings is rather lavorabas. Quality being a bi( factor at the moment. Withdrawals from storage at this time are coiwiderably a bo to the normal in Uie entire Pacific coast territory. Those desiring special information regarding any market, should write the commercial edi tor, Oregon Journal, enclosing stamp for reply. BtTTEE SITUATION FAYORABLE Market for butter is showing a farorable one bnt prices are unchanged generally. State cnbe extras continue firm around 40c a pound but that appears the extreme limit. Local in terests are not incline! to advanoe the selling price unless compelled to. HEAT SEIfDS LEMOJT PRICE UP Extremely high prices have been forced by the California lemon interest who have taken mil tuitnuie oi 1 1 :e iuh w.i.ijvr uj . .......... their quotations 80c i case. Safes along tbe street generally at 89.50 to I10.O0. HEAT AFFECTS TEAL DEMAND Because of the extreme y hot weather of the lat two days, only a Tery limited demand is showing for country kiileo calves. Keceipts hare been light and this baa been an aid. Hog i applies are limited. DRIED PRC5E 3fAEKET SLOW Very little demand is showing in the market for dried prunes. Foreign interest has prac tically subsided, due to the complicated and uniaTorabla political situation. lomeiic buy ing is of the most limited character lor many years, , POTATO DEMAND IS AT LOW EBB With Wallah Walla freely offering potatoes here around $1.00 to $1.05 per cental. Port land delivery, and with quality extremely good, there is practically no movement of local stock. Idaho stock bad not oeen giving aatisractlon here of late. BRIEF NOTES PRODUCE TRADE Cooking fata down lc a pound. Worden grapea mo ring slow around 8c a pound bulk. Celery market congested; sales around 50c to 85c a dosen. Chicken market Is about steady. Cantaloupes generally lower with a $1.25 top; soma sales 80c up. Onion market shows temporary shortage of quality stuff. SHIPPERS' "WEATHER NOTICE Weather bureau adr.sd luesday: Protect shipments during the next 30 hours against the following maximum temperatures: tioine north to Seattle. 80 dtgrees; northeast to (Spo kane, 95 degrees; east to Baker, .93 degrees, and south to Ashland. 08 degrees. Maximum temperature at Portland tomorrow, about 85 degrees. PORTLAND WHOLESALE PRICES These are the prices retailers pay whole salers, except as otherwise noted: BUTTER- Selling price, box lots: Cream ery prices Prints, extras, 44c: for plain wrap pers, cubes, 40c per 1J-; dairy, buying price. 25 27c per H. BUTTERFAT Portland deliTery basis: No. I grade. 44c; No. 2, 41c; No. X one. 42c for "A" grade. CHEESE Selling: Tillamook, triplets. 28 & 29c; lb.: Toung America. 29 30c lb.; Oregon triplets, S3 24c. Buying price, f. o. b. Tillamook-. Triplets. 2e; young America and longhorns. 27c. Selling price: Block ftwtss, fancy. 81 32c; Limburger. 24&2Sc: cream brick, 34 26c EGGS - Buying price. Front street: Cur rent receipts. Western Oregon. 30c per dozen; Kastern Oregon. 2To per dosen; hen neries. 33c per dosen: selling price, seler-t, 37c per dosen: candled, 33c; pullets. 31c; storage, extraa, 30 3 2c per dozen. K);8 Assoeiatien selling price: Select, 87c: brown, 7c; firsts. 3Sc; pullets, 8lc. LIVE POULTRY Selling price: Heavy htns. 21 22 per lb. light hens, ll13c; broilers, Rocks, 21 23c; other broilers 18 20c per lb. ; old roosters. 8c; ducks, 14 & 15c lb. Fresh Fruits and Vegetable FRESH FRUITS Oranges, 38.50 11.00 box; bananas. 9 9 He; lemons, $8. 50 g 10.00 lr esse; grapefruit, Florida, ( ); Califor nia, $0.75 (S X. 00; peathes, 6585e; csn--teloupes, 7 5c I MS : watermelons, 1 V a per lb. : ice cream melons, 2 H e lb. ; honey dew melons, 3c; casabaa. lUe; Bartlett pears, 75c W 1 50 box; seedless grapes, $2.00 lug: Malaga, lie lb. in lugs; Tokay. $3.00 4 basfcrt crate. BERRIES Blackberries. $1.28 91.50; strawberries, $3.00 per crate. DRIED FRUITS I)as. $4.50 8.00; fig, white. $8.50 3.73 per box; prunes, 40 and 50s. 30-lb. box. 14e lb.; 50a and 00s 13c per lb. ONIONS Selling price to retailers: Walla Walla, $1.25: California, $2.00 per cental; garlic. 10 (si 5c per -b.; green onions, 25 9 30e per dosen bunches. POTATOES Selling price to retailers: Ore gon, fancy. $1.23 (s 1.50 per cental; sweet potatoes, 4e per lb." VEGETABLES fleets. 40o per dosen bunches; cabbage. lHc per lb.; lettuce. $1.25 Of 1.75 crate; carrot. 40c per doe. bunches; tomatoes, Oregon, 30 40c, horseradish, 15c lb,; artichokes, ( ) J1.00 per dosen; cauli flower. 5ttc 4 31.50 dos; celery. 607Se per dosen ; summer squasli, 5a Yellow Bantam corn. $1.00 sack. APPLES New erort. $1.00 1.50. Meats COUNTRY MEATS Selling price: Coun try hogs, 14H&15e, heavy stuif leas: Teal, tops (about 80 to 100 lbs.), 15 15 Ho per lb., heavy stuff less; lambs, 18c per lb. SMOKED MEATS Hams. 25 43c lb.; breakfast bacon. 22 43c. ' , PACKING HOUSK MEATS ttteer beef. I I lie lb.: heifers. ll&12e; cows, 8 0 lie lb.; lambs, 18 20c lb.; ewes, 10 914a lb.; hogs, 15 15 He lb. LARD Kettle rendered, 18c per lb.; tieroe basis, compound, 1 4 H c. Qrocerios BEANS Small white. $8.73: large white, $8.75; pink. $7.00; limes. $10.50; bayou. (6 75; red, $8.75. HONEY .Nee, $4.00 4.30 per sack. RICE Japan!. No. 1. 6o: Blue Rose, 6e lb.; New Orleans head. 61c. OOFFE1& Routed. 21 Ht 23 He lb.; in sacks or drums. SALT Coarse, half ground. 100a. $15.00 ton; 50, $17.83; table dairy, 60s. $27.50; bales, $3 50 44.00: fancy table and dairy, $34 50; lumo, $26.30. SUGAR Cube. $8 35: fruit and berry. 7 40. yellow 1, $8.b0: beet granulated. 87 20: extra C. $7.00; golden C, $8.90. CANNED MILK Tails. $4.50; baby sis. $4.40 ease: Eagle. $9.35 case. SODA CRACKERS In bulk, 15a lb- NUTS Walnuts. 24 84c lb.; almonds. 33 2Se lb.; filberts. 20 27 Ha lb.; peanuts. 10 13c lb.; pecans, 30 32c lb.; Braails, 19 22o lb. ; chestnuts, Japanese. 22 24c lb. Fish and Shellfish FRESH FISH Chinook, fresh, 18 9 lSe; INTELLIGENT PRODUCE MARKETING j Ton will get higher return for yew produce if you will use our new meth (da before shipping; u produet to market, Wrlta u at Oeee We Will Be Pleased te Tell Yea Hew Ruby & Co., 215 Front St. PORTLAND. OB. Veal Very Firm PRICE IMftte , Ship Immediately' Cola storage ea PrtmUti . IHh SAVINAn CD., INC. 19 Froat Street. , Portlaau Oregoa BASKET CS-TSV.B- ewifcga ' Bjr Eyraaa H. Cohea Consumers are miseing a real treat unless they - purchase very liberal sup plies of prunes for processing. Not only are prunes today one of the cheapest foods on the market but they have a taste all their own. Sales in the retail shops at Sc to 5c a pound. So enormous are the supplies of corn on the market that even the desire of the averae stall renter on Commis sioner Bigelow's public market, to se cure the maximum price, does not carry enough weight, to force all sales at that Rather than throw the stock away, many are selling the best com down to 15c a dosen, although 20c re mains the general price. Season for cantaloupes is closing fast but some very good local and The Dalles stock is still available. Gen eral sales at 5c each for the best stock. Gravensteln apples are today avail able as low as $1 a box for good qual ity offerings. Retail prior generally show: Butter -Fresh creamery. 46 50c Fish Salmon. 2025c; halibut. 25; black eod. i 1 2 H c. Flour best local patent. $2.00 2.25 per 49-lb sack.; Potatoes New, 2 3o lb. Onions 3 4e lb. Yamhill street prices: Carrots. 4c bunch; string beans. 5c lb. ; peas, 1 Sc lb. ; cabbage. 3 He lb.: cauliflower, 20 23c head; lettuce. 5(k10c bead; new potatoes, 2 He lb.; celery, 10 15c bunch; torastoes, 4c lb. Com Green, 15 20c dozen; Bantam, 16 C 20c dozen. Honey Comb, 25c: quart. 65c; pint, SSe. Eggs Public market, 3 7c; prirate stores. 40c dozen. Poultry Light hens. 22c lb.; beary hens, orer 4 lbs.. 20c lb; fryers. SOo lb; broilers, 32e lb. Cantaloupes Fancy stock, 5e each. Wheat Trade at Chicago Erratic; Undertone Heavy Chicago, Sept. 12. Wheat had a heary undertone. The market started higher on bnying credited to seaboard account and on orernight 'short corering because of the strength at Liverpool. Southwest cash houses sold on the advance and this waa followed by local pressure. Commission houses supported the market on the dip but Northwest houses con tinued to pour whest into the pit and finally bulla tired of supporting the market, and when they withdrew a further decline was re corded. September liquidation appeared to be on. There was a break of 2c to 5c in Min neapolis cash wheat premiums. Canadian wheat crop is now officially estimated at 388. 733.000 bushels, or over 50,000.000 bushel in exceaa of the August estimate. " A local house reported the sale of 270,000 bushels of bard winter wheat now at Montreal at 13c orer September f. o. b. Montreal for export. Strength in Liverpool September waa at tributed to buying by millers. Reports of rail strike settlement induced some selling. Corn was weak. There waa support from the pit trade esrly but the pressure of liquidat ing sales and selling by some of the bear lead ers caused prices to dip. Crop reports indi cate that the damage by the recent drought was not so severe as reported a week ago. Cash corn lost some of its premium, the great est weakness being on the lower grades. Iocal houses sold 60,000 bushels of corn to export ers and seaboard reported 100,000 bushels worked for export. Oats were lower with other grains. Trade was slow and without interest. ProTisions were easier. Commission houses led the 'Selling. Psckera' brokers supported the market. Wheat dosed ; H le lower, showing very little recovery from the low point. Sep torn ber. fl9Ha9,e; December, $1.00 1.01; May. $1.061.06. Com cloned unchanged to n lower. Sep tember. 62Hc; December. 56 (?56c; May. 60 Ho. Oats were H He lowr. September, 344c; December. 34H34Hc; May, 37 (&37Hc. Lard closed 7 a higher to 5c lower and ribs 15e lower. Chicago range by United Press: Open. High. Ijow. Close. September. 101 101 99 99 December.. 102 102 100 100 May...... 107 107 103 108 CORN September.. 63 62 62 62 lecember.. 57 57 3 56 May 00 0 HO 60 OAT3 September.. 3.1 35 34 34 iHicember.. 35 35 34 34 May 38 38 37 37 LARD September.. 1017 1030 1017 1023 October... 1015 1027 1015 1023 RU1 September. . 965 975 955 955 RYE September.. 71 71 70 70 December.. 71 71 70 70 BARLEY December . . .... 35 Money and Exchange New Tork, Sept. 12. (I. N, S.) Call money on ilie floor of the New York Stock Kichange teday ruled at 4 per cent; high. 4 H per cent : low, 4 per cent. Time money was quiet. Rates were 4 4 per cent. The market for prune mercantile paper was quiet. Call money in London today was 2 per cent Sterling exchange waa steady with business in bankers' bills at $4.44 for demand. Dried Fruit and Bean New York. Bept. 12. (I. N. S.) Beaqf Market easier. Marrow, choice. $8.50; red kidney, choice. $7.00. Dried Fmita Market steady. Apricots, choice to extra fancy, 23(3Se: apples, evap orated, prime to fancy, 17(S19c; prunes, 80s to CO. 12 18 He; do 60s to 100. 7 ( 13c; peaches, choke lo extra fancy. 1 2 H ( 19c: seedless raiaina, choice to fancy, sulphur bleacked. 1 7 tf 1 9c. Buenos Aires Wheat Muenoa Aires. Sept. 12. Opening: Oct.. $1.08 H . Ho lower; Feb., 31.08, unchanged: corn. He lower; flsx, J 3 He lower; oaU, He higher. Weather fine. 4 halibut, 18 20c per lb : black cod. So per lb.; basket kippered eod, $2.00; basket kippered aimon. $2.00; ling cod. 7 sc lb.; sole, 10c per lb.; sturgeon, 20o lb.; red snappers, OYSTERS- Eastern. $4.50 gal.: Olympia, $3.00 per" gallon, $1.40 quart; crabs, large, $3.50 dosen; small. $3.50 doaen. Mope, Weol swsl Hides HOPS 1921 crop, nominal, 15e lb. HIDES Calf skins. 12)lSe lb.; kips, 10c lb. -. green hides, 6 0 8e lb. : salted. 7 9c per lb. MOHAIR Nominal. 20S3eTb. SHEEP PELTS -Long dry pelts. 18 20c; short pelts. 910o lb.; long hair goat pelts, 10 12c lb.; short hair goat pclU, S0$30e each. WOOL Willamette 'alley, eearse, 30 30r; medium. 30S2e 1. : fine, 30S5e lb.; Eastern Oregon-Idaho. 30 37e lb. TALLOW AND GREASE No. I tallow. $ 5 H e; No. 2. 4 8 8e; grease.- 8 0 4e lb. CASCARA BARK 1922 peel. He: 1921 peel. 7 H e lb. ; grape root, 6c lb. ROPE Sisal, 18 016c; Manila. 16 9 .8e per lb. WIRE NAIL8 Base price, $4.25 keg. WHITE LEAD 100-lb. keg. 13 Ho lb. LINSEED OIL Raw, bbla., 81. 16; kettle boiled, bbL. $1.12; raw. eases. $1.23; boiled. eases, $1.27 gallon. GASOLINE Iron bbls., SSe; eases, SSe per gallon. TURPENTINE 5 gallon cans. $l.Tl gal. Lumber an Shingles latest carload lumber sales by msnufao turer. quotation rep resenting f. e. b mill val ue in direct sales to retaUara and including selling expenses: FLOORING: Hign Lew. Ave 1x4 No. 3 and set. .$53.00 $52.00 1x4 No. 2 . 88.09 88.00 28.00 FINISH: -1x8 10 56.00 58.00 CElLWCs 4x4 No. S and pat., 88.00 85.09 38.00 DROP S1D1NO : 1x6 No. "2 and bet.. 4 3 00 88.99 40.00 - BOARDS AND SHIPLAP: 1x8 10 sis 19.50 14.50 18.59 DIMENSIONS: 2x4 ia-l ........ 19.80 15.40 18.50 SMALL TLVBESS: 4x9 12-16 23.50 I T.0 LATH: 4 ft No. 1 fir 8.09 4.89 ..... SHINGLES; ; A shingle ...... Ii $50 ..... Total sales by. 44 milix. 18.517,578 fee . . APPLES SELLING AT LOWER E Br Hymen If. Cone Market for apples a allowing the greatest supplies tbe local trade baa ever known. Usually at that time of the year the demasd for Gravensteln is favorable at some price, but as we moment all handlers appear overstocked. Sates of UraTeBsteiea are shown renerailv around 81 e bos for the better Willamette TBiley offerings, although some are asking an advance over this for packed stock. Demand. however, aboTe the dollar market la almost too limited to -consider. There continues an OTersmvolT of frnit erajly in the local trade. Far the greatest oTiermgs oi rreao Italian prunei are Hunts at the moment. Sales averse around x a Se a pound;' a price that la one of the lowest known in tbe trade here. However, those that are asking a great price are selling but scant stock and considerable dumping ia reported. Pear market la snowing a liberal movement ot unpacked stock, but at comparatively low prices. Most of the BarUetta are moving around $1.001.25 a box with a limited volume of business at 81.50. Peach trade as not snowing health at the mgner price now being asked at primary points. Local prices range from 80e to SSe generally with. tie bulk of the Elbertaa moving around 75c a box. Home late Crawford are finding a fairly good caU around 80c with a limited sale aa high aa 85c NEW INCORPORATIONS Salem. Sept. 12. Capitalised at 3400,000, the Reilly Land A Livestock company at Bend filea articles of incorporation with the state corporation department here Monday. The Incorporators are R. D. Sullivan, i. T. Re inert sen and E. J. Bergstrom. Other corporations filing articles Monday were : Greenfield - Hawkins company, Portland; $50,000; George L. Greenfield, J. E. Haw kins and J. P. Kavanaugh. Ray Johnson post No. 44, American Legion, Redmond; 81500; W. L Smith, P. M. Houk and J. F. Hooch. Kelso Supply A. Lumber company, Port land: $5000: H. E. Beckett, E. K. Oppen neimer and Delia Pickette. The Bohemian Club. Inc.. Portland: $250; Chart Garing, Helen K. Garing and T. E. Mueller. Permission to operate in Oregon was granted to the Grand Central Mines company, a Wash ington corporation, capitalized at $150,000. George T. Cullen of Baker is named aa attor ney in fact for Oregon. A certificate filed by Bon ham 4k Currier. Inc.. of St Johns shows an increase in capi talization frcan $5000 to $35,000. Itesolutiona of dissolution were filed by the Reilly Jand So Livestock company of Portland. The Bethany Baptist church of Portland filed suplementary articles changing the name to the Sell wood Baptist church of Portland. COTT02C MARKET ERRATIC OVER GI5SEB8' REPORT New York. Sept. 12. The cotton market showed symptoms of uncertainty today. The small crop prospect ia responsible ,or Terv general confidence In ultimate values, but the trade still wonders whether the outturn of the gins, which will be ateadiv increasing for tlie next month can be absorbed without temporary declines. Whenever there is only slackening of demand tliis possibility of a break under the weight of the baits comes to the front in market calculations and promotes liquida tion of long accounts if it does not inspire some speculative selling for the aeetlne. On brtsaks. however, the bullish view of ul timate values asserts itself through trade or investment tarring, and the market is financ ing between these conflicting influences, which for the past month or more have seemed strong enough to hold prioea between the 20 and 23c levels. The market opened steady at an advance of 8 to 13 points, sold 10 to 13 points net lower right after the call, then rallied on the National Ginnem report, pointing to a crop of only 9.900,000 bales. Decem ber sold up from $21.66 to $21.85 but met increase offerings at the higher price and eased oft with the latter market Ir reeular. Despite conflicting influences hte cotton market maintained some ground today. At one time in the afternoon December sold well above the 22 cent level, but some realis ing came in before the close, reducing the earlier gains. The net advance waa 80 to 34 point. Range of prices reported by Orerbtck A Cooke company: Open. Hich. Low. Close. January 2170 2202 2143 2186 March 2175 2215 2157 2109 Msy 2170 2208 2151 2191 July 2173 October 2150 2185 2133 217 December 2185 2215 2156 219S New York, spot market, 2200; steady; 30 points up. DAIRY PRODUCE OF THE COAST San Frsnofsoe Mark. San Francisco, Sept. 12. (U. P.) Mutter Extras, 47c; prime firsts, 42 He; llrsta, 39c Eggs Extras. 43 H" extra firsts. 41e; extra pullets. 34 He; undersized pullets, 21e. Cheese California flata. fancy. 26c; firsts, 20c. Lee Angelee market Ixis Angeles. Sept. 12. Butter. 46e. Eggs Extras. 41 He; case count, 87c; pul lets. 31c. Poultry Hens, 19c; broilers, 32c; fryers, 28c. Seattle market Seattle. Sept. IS. Eggs Select ranch, 40c; pullets, 2 8c. Butter City creamery. 44e: brink. 45e. Cheese Oregon triplet, 23 24c; Young. Americas, oc. 5w Tork Butter and Ege New York. Sept. 12. (I. N. 8.) Butter Market quiet. Creamery, extraa, 89 H 40 He; do firsts. 33 H 0 89a: do higher scor ing. 4v42e; lad Is. fresh extras. 80 80 He. Cheese Market firm. State Whole milk, specials, flats, 22 H2Sc; average run 21 22c; lower gradea. 18019c Wiscon sin Whole milk, fancy Young Americas, 20 H s 21e. State Skims, specials, 13 He. Eats Market steady to tirm. Nearby white, fancy, 62 0 64c; do brown, fancy. 45 0 48c; xtra, 42 0 44c; firsts, S5 0 38e. Milk The nominal wholesale price ia 82 89 per ewt,. delivered in New York. Official Quo tations discontinued, Potato Crop Half of Kornal Monte sann. Wash.. Sept, 15. Potatoes ia Grays Harbor county will make little more than half a crop this year, ia tbe prediction of A. B. HoUoway, prominent potato grower of the Brady district. Mr. HoUoway behaves tiie same condition ia general on the eoast. The excessive amount of dry weather during the summer ia given as the cause of the short crop. The quality will be good, Mr. HoUoway believes. Many growers are digging early po tatoes now, although the viae are still green. Haines Hay Used at Boend-Up Haines, Sept. 12. For the sixth year in succession, the Pendleton Round-Up associa tion haa purchased Haines bay to be fed to the stock used in the annual exhibition staged ia that city. The bay ia the choicest timothy produced in the Haines valley and pronounced by the purchasers the finest grown in the state. Hew Tork Metal Market New York, Sept, 12. (L N. 8.) Cop per Quiet. Spot. September and October. 13H13e. Lead Steady Spot, September and Octo ber. 3.95o bid. Spelter Firm. Spot, September and Octo ber. 6.23 H eS 6 37 e. Sew Tork Poaltry Harket New York. Sept. 13. (L N. .) Dressed Poultry Market steady; chickens, 85086c; fowls, lft81e; turkeys, 40 0 58c; ducks, 30 25c; geese. 15 018c 14v Poultry Chirkna, 25 0 88c; fowl. 23 0 28c; turkeys, 23 0 85c; roosters. 16c; ducks. SieS3c; (east, IS 032c San FraaeUeo Cash Grain , San Francisco. Sept. 13. (U. P.) Barley : Spot feed, per cental. $1.17 01.20; ahipping. $1.23 0 1.85. ifeeember Parity closed 31 22 Hb. 81.25a; bags, spot. 9 b. 9 a; Srpt-Oct . no duty, 9 b, 9 a. Xw Tork Wool and Hide New Tort, Sept. 12. (L N. S.) Weol Market firm- Domestic fleece, XX Ohio. 48 0 56c; do pulled, scoured basia, 6Oe0 $1.00; do Texas, scoured basis, Soc$1.30; Terri tory staple, scoured baais, $1.10 01.33. Hide Market firm Katie steers, 30c; branded steers, 18c Hew Terk-Loadea Stiver New To, Sept 12. !. JJ. S.) Com mereial bat afleer: Dames tie, unchanged at 98 e: foreign, e higher at 69c London. Sept. J 3. Bar silver. Hd higher at 35L Havml Store Market Hb 81.38; New Tork. 8189. Rosin Savannah. $3.37 0 S.2 14 J New Toxk. . 89.35.em' HAY SUPPLY IS NOW HELD BACK TUESDAY WHEAT BIDS Bid. Iiols. Tr. Age. Blaeitem lUt Nert white 1.98 Western wklte 1.99 Hard winter 1.94 Northern spring .... 1.94 Western red 1.01 11.18 1.18 1.13 1.1$ 1.1J 1.1 le NORTWEST GRAIN KECEIPTS - Cars i Wheat. Barley. Flour. Oats. Hay. Portland. Tars. 7 . . . 3 4 7 Year ago . . 78 . . . 10 1 4 Season to date. 8883 184 279 154 418 Year ago ..7954 79 490 811 292 Taecma, Mob.. 57 1 2 ... Year ago . . 119 2 7 1 . . . Season to date. 1498 10 248 83 104 Year ago ..2787 69 249 89 104 Seattle. Moo.. 27 ... 18 2 ... Year ago . . 59 4 11 1 9 Season to date. 1099 8 641 127 800 Year ago ..1824 51 434 74 319 of tbe lack of transportation facili ties, a somewhat atronger tone ia Indicated In the hay trade, but there ia also a holding tendency on the part oi many growers. All hay are quo tod strong, but not enough stock is coming, because of the lack of cars for shipment. Willamette ralley growers are asking $20 for oat-retch hay. Portland deliT ery. but buyers are not offering above $19. Tery little clover hay appears for sale in the valley, with growers' price ideas firm at $20, Portland, but only $17 being offered. Demand for straw is active around $7.50 per ton Foreign markets were somewhat mixed in character Tuesday with a loss at Buenos Aires and higher to lower figures at Liverpool. Chicago options were easier and lower in the early trade. Local wheat activity is not liberal because of the unwillingness of the country to accept current values. Premiums on club wheat for immediate deliTery continue, but there ia practically no activity noted on milling wheats. Trend ot the flour trade is very uiat and WHEAT Buying price, tidewater track de livery: Club. $1.09 0 1.12; blue tern. $1.22; Big Bend blues tern. $1.25; Turkey red. $1.13 01.15: red Russian, $1.0601.07. DOMESTIC FLOUR Selling price, mill door: Patent, $7.20; Willamette valley brands. $5.7005.85: local straight. $5.45; bakers' hard wheat. $7.20; bakers' bluestem. $7.10; bakers' pastry. $5.90 per bbl. : graham, $6.00; whole wheat. 6.20l rye. $6.80 per bbL Price for city delivery. 15o extra; subur ban. 20c extra. EXPORT FLOUR Club atraight, $4.85; bluestem. cut-off, $3.10 per bbl. HAY Buying price: Willamette timothy, fancy, $20.00; Eastern Oregon timothy, $22 00 per ton; clover. $17.00; straw, $7.50; alfalfa, $18.50; grain hay. $19.00. GRAIN SACKS Nominal. No. 1 Calcutta, 1 Oo for new crop deliTery. Domestic bags, 10c each. MILLS TCTFS Mill run at mill, tacked, ton lots $29.00; carload lota, $28.00; mid dlings, $41.00 per ton. OATS Per ton. buying price: Feed, $80 00; milling. $32. 00. BARLEY Buying price: Feed, $28.00; brewing, $29.00. FEED8TUFFS F. O. B. milla: Rolled barrel, $86.00; whole barley. $34.00: alfalfa meal, $30.00; eocoanut meal. $38.00; cracked corn. $37.00; whole corn, $85.00. Merchants Exchange bids: WHEAT Sept. Oct Hard white $ 1.20 3 1.18 Soft white 1.08 1.08 Western white 1.08 1.06 Hard winter 1.04 1.03 Northern sirring 1.04 1.03 Western red 1.01 .99 FEED OATS v No. 2 36-lb. nsturals 80,00 80.00 86-lt. clippe 29.00 29.00 88-lb. naturala 31.50 81.00 BARLEY 44-lb. minimum 2o!oo 27.50 40-lb. minimum 27.80 26.00 CORN No. 2 E. Y. shipment 29,00 29.00 AMERICAN LIVESTOCK Ohloaeo Noes SO. SB PRICES Chicago Sept. 12. (I. N. S.)-i Hogs Re ceipts 20.000; market steady to strong. Bulk, $6.8509.35; top, $0.65; heavy weight, $8. 15 9.23; medium weight. $9.00 0 9.60; light weight. $9.40 0 9.65; light lights, $9.00 0 0.40; heavy packing sows, smooth, $8.90 7.50; packing sows, rough, $6.00 & 6.85; pigs, $7.769.00. CatUe Receipts, 12,000; market steady. Beef steers Choice and primes $10,60 0 11.13; medium and good $8000 10.00; good and choice, $10.50 011.10; common and medium, $6.00 9.50. Butcher cattle . Heifers, $5.0009.50; cows, $4.0008.00; bulls, $3.50 0 6.50. -Csnnera and cutters Cows and heifers. $2.25 0 8.50; eanner steers. 33.50 0 4.75; vesl calves (light: and handy weight. 810.00 0 12.50: feeder steers. $5.00 08.00; stocker steers. $4.7507.75; stocker rows and heifers, $3.30 0 4.75; stocker calves, $5.5007.25. Sheep Receipts, 12,000; market 15e to 25c higher. Lambs (84 lbs. down), $12.50 013.25; lambs, culls and common, $8.00 11.50; spring lambs, $8.00 010.50; yearling wether. $6.00 0 7.50: ewes. $5.00 0 6.50; ewes, culls and common, $1.00 0 3.50; feeder lambs. $11,50 0 18.00. Omaha Hees 99.26 Omaha. Sept. 12. Cattle Receipts. 11, 000 : market best grade corn fed beeves steady to strong; top. $10.75; other gradea beef steers x and grassers alow; bulls and reals steady; stockers and feeders weak to 2 5c lower. Hogs Keceipts. 8600; market active to 10c high eft l Bulk 200 to 30(1 pound butchers, $8.25 09.10; top. $9.25; packing grades, $6.90 0 7.25. Sheep Receipts. 15.000; active, all classes 16025c higher. Westerns. $12.73 018.00: top, $18.10; natives, $12.75; ewea, $6.75; yearling wethers, $9.75; feeder lambs, $12.75: top. $12.90. Kansas Orty Hots 88.10 Kansaa City. Sept 12. (1. N. S.) Cat tle: Receipts 24.000; market steady. Steers. $S.0O 010.50; cows and heifers. $4,00 0 7 00; stockers and feeders,, $3.00 0 7.85: calves. $8.50 910.50. Hogs: Receipts 8000; market active. Bulk of tales, $8.85 0 9.10; top. $9.10; heavies, $8.7509.00; lights, $8.9009.10; me diums. $8 83 0 9.10. Sheep Receipts 4000; market steady. Lambs. $12.00 013-10; ewes. $6.00 0 7.00. Denver Hogs 89.80 TVnver. Colo.. Sept 12. (U. P.) Cattle Receipts. 900: steady; steers, $6,50 0 7.85: rows and heifers. $8.35 0 5.75; stock en and feeders. $3 00 0 7.25; bulla, $2,25 0 3 50; calves, 36.0009.00. Hogs Receipta, 1000; 10 915e higher; top. $9.80- bulk, $8.00 0 9.25. Sheep Receipts, 5600; 1015e higher; lambs, $11.75 013.65: ewes, $6.25 0 7.25; feeders, $11.76 012.40. Ne Seattle Moo Mr. Seattle. Sept. 18. Hogs None.- Cattle Reeeipta. 119; market steady. Prime teers. $7.75 0 8.00: medium to choice, $7.25 07.60; common to good, $6,50 07.00; best rows and heifers, $5.26 0 5.50; common to food. $8.00 0 4.00; medium to choice, $4.75 0 5.00; prime calves, $3.50 0 4.60. Sheep Receiptst, 270; market steady. Best rearlinea, $8.75 0 9.00; yearling feeders, $7.0007.80; wethers, light. $7.2807.60; wethers, heary, $6.7807.25: ewes. 35.50; cull ewes. $2.50 0 8.40. San Francises Hees 912.00 San Francisco, Sept. 12. Cattle Grass fed steers. No. 1. $7.73 0 8.00; second qual ity. $7.0007.50; cows and heifers, $5,750 6 00; calves, light, $8.75 0 9.33; ealve. heavy. $3.5008.50. Sheep Lambs, $11.75 012 25; wethers, $7.0008.50; ewes, $3.0008.00. Hog Hard grain, weight 100-175. $11.50 013 00; over 800, $9.00 010.00. POTATOES ALOSO THB COAST San Freiseiaee Marks Saa Francisco, Sept. 12. (U. P.) Onions (new crop), yellow, per cwt-, $1.25 01.85; green onions. $1.75. Potatoes River fancy. $1.00 01.15; sweet. 2 H 08a pe pound. eamie snarme i Seattle, Sept. 12. Onions Walla Walla, 1 0 1 H e. Potatoes ' Yakima Gems. $1.60 01.83; local. 101 He. , Lee nneelee Market j Los Angeles. Sept. 12. Potatoes -New stock, best locals. $1.36 01.50, meetly $1.33; poorer, $1.00; Northern River. $1.90 02.00. San Francisco pool try Market Saa FmaeaseA. Sept. 12. (TJ. P.) Poul try: Broilers, 1 to 1 rbs. 80 0 SSe, t to 3 lbs. 38 0 SSe; fryers,' SO 032c: Trying, roosters. 8 lbs sad up 34 0 86c; ataggy. 98 0 38c; cakared old noetera. 17 018e; Leg horn eld leeatera. 14 015e; Leghorn bene, 3 08 lbs. 14 018c. 3 lbs. and over 180 20e: largo colored hen. S8 032e ducks, young. 18 0 20c; geese, young. 20 0 22c; lire tetters, 2$5e; spring, 42 47e; dressed turkeys, ncuaiinal; Belgian haras, j live, 150 18e; dressed, 811028a; squabs, lire, fancy, 50 012c w I Hew Tork rotate Market New Yerk. Sept. 12 (L N. S.) -Potatoes fin bulk, barrel or bag) Market steady; nearby while, $1.00 02.50. , . - '. NO CARLOADS If! PORTLAND ALLEYS TUESDAY MTE STOCK TRADE Hog. Steers. Iambs. Portland 8 18.19 8 S3 f 11.99 Chicago -. 8.65 11.15 XJti Denver ...... J 7.85 lt.i Kaasag City .l 19.59 18.1 Omaha 8J5 18.7S 18.1$ San Francisco ... 11.99 8.99 HJJ Seattle 8.18 . So market. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK RUN Hoes. Cattle. Calves. Sheep. Can. Tuesday .... ...... ..... .... .... .... Week ago.... 449 104 8 830 18 2 weeks ago, 18 ST . . . . 1 4 weeks ago.. 1353 156 17 Year ago 79 588 36 251 22 2 years ago... .... 1105 7 8 years ago... 180 26 .... 80 4 4 years ago... 692 6C6 6 791 33 North Portland had no carload surmlv report ed ia tbe alleys at the opening of the Tuesday market and all quotations were continued, but on nominal basis. In the cattle alleys there waa some stale stuff held over but demand waa limited at the previous price range. General cattle market range: Choice steers ......8 Medium to good steers ...... Fair to common steers Common to fair steers ....... Choice cows and heifers ..... Medium to good cows-heifers . . Fair to medium cows-TieTrers . . Common to fair cowa-heif ere . . Canners ................. Bulls Choice feeders Fair to good feeders ....... Choice dairy calves .......... Prime light ealres ......... 7.50 6.75 0 6.75 0 4.00 0 6.00 0. 8.50 0 8.00 0 . 2.00 0 1.60 0 8.00 0 6.00 0 4.00 0 8.50 0 90 7.50 6.75 6.75 6.50 4.50 3.50 8.00 2.00 4.00 6.50 5.00 9.00 8.000 7.00 0 8.50 6.00 Medium light ealvea Heavy dairy calves 6.00 0 7.00 Swine Trade Steady Latest sales of swine were at steady prices in the .North Portland alleys, were shewn at -the opening trade. General bog market range: Prime lights Smooth heavy, 230-800 lbs. Smooth heary, 800 lbs. up. . Rough heary Fat pig , Feeder pigs ., Stags No carload lots ot the Tuesdsy . .810.00 010.50 .. 9.000 9.50 .. 8.00 0 9.00 . 6.00 0 8.00 , . 9.75 019.00 . 9.75 010.00 , . 6.00 0 7.00 Sheen Supplies Absent Nothing at all waa available for sale in the sheep and lamb alleys at North Portland for the Tuesday morning trade Price considered on a iteady basia. General sheep and lamb range: Prime east of mountain lambs. $10.00 0 11.00 Choice valley lambs .... 9.50010.50 Medium valley lamba 8.00 0 9.00 Common valley lambs 5.00 (a Cull lambs 5.00 0 Heavy yearllnga ........... 7.00 Light yearlings ........... 8.00 W Heavy wethers , 5.00 0 Light wethen 8.00 9 Ewes 2.00 0 Monday Afternoon Sale STEERS H.00 6.00 8.00 8.50 6.00 7.00 5.00 No. 11 . 2. 6. 9. 8. 1L 11 . 11 . 6. 4. 5. 13. 9 . At. Lbs. . 493 8 . 1075 . 836 .1150 .1040 . 923 . . 923 . 960 , .1150 , . 900 . . 832 , .1136 . . 818 . . 875 , . 1065 ,. 832 . . 975 . . 850 . . 900 . . 858 . 977 .1124 . . 875 , . 990 . . 865 . .1056 .1238 . . 852 .1185 . . 728 .. 860 3 .1153 .1040 . . 918 . . 823 , . 495 , .1015 , . 1005 , . 1 150 . . 1055 . . 1085 . 1045 .1005 . . 1070 , .1086 . . 810 .1110 . . 880 . . 1016 . . 920 .1122 . . 932 , . 990 Price 1 No. Are. Lbs. Price u.r.O 6.25 5.00 6.00 7.50 .550 4.25 6.00 6.25 5.75 6.50 7.50 6.50 6.50 6.75 5.00 6.00 6.0O .1080 I .1100 . 793 .1080 .1106 . 876 , . 875 . 915 . 865 , . 923 .1060 .1110 . 908 . 1060 .1014 ' . 887 .1063 . 90S . 920 . 1093 , .1023 , .1055 . 886 . . 978 , . 946 , .1251 , .1155 .1193 . . 728 .. 775 . . 1066 , ,1070 . . 820 . 910 .1150 . .1058 . 1080 . 925 .1050 , . 827 .1055 .1090 . 1035 . 945 . 850 . 940 .1143 . 970 . 995 . 975 . 911 . 904 6.25 5.00 6.55 7.00 5.50 7.00 5.00 5.75 6.75 5.75 7.50 4.00 6.00 7.75 4.00 6.00 5 50 8.00 7.35 9.00 6.60 8.00 4.00 6.75 7.00 7.00 8.0O 6.50 4.00 2 . 7. 5. 15. 5 . 23. 4. O 25. 13. 3. 2. 5. 20. 3. 2. 4 . 19l 26. 6. 7. 3. 6. 4. 35. 5 . 4. 11. . 4. . 20. 5 . 1 . 25. . 2. . 9. . 2. . 2. 8. 4 . . 2. 6. 3. 3 . 2. '8. 2. 2. t 3. 10. , '10. 2. . 6. 2. . 17. , 3. 8. 2. 3. . 2. 6. . 4. . 4. . 7. , 2. , 2. , 10. . 6. . . 3., 1., 1. . 1. . 6. . 4 . . 8. , 1. , 1. . 1. . 1 . . 1. . 1.. 5.50 7.35 8.00 7.00 6.50 4.00 6.75 6.00 T.00 6.00 7.00 4.00 4.00 3.50 8.35 3. SO 8.50 4.23 4.25 4.50 4.25 4.25 4.50 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.50 4.50 5.25 5.00 4.50 5.00 5.25 6.00 5.00 10. CO WS 3.50 8.60 2.00 4.15 4.35 4.25 4.25 4.50 3.80 8.50 4.50 8.60 4.50 4 00 8.23 4.50 4.23 4.50 860 4.00 4.00 5.00 3. 3. 13. 3. 4 . 6. 3. 8. 4. 4 . 2. 2. 2 2ll 2. 8. 23. 4. 17. 23. 10. 10. 2.00 I HEIFERS . . 873 . . 607 . 838 . 833 4.00 830 782 904 710 310 120 370 460 298 4.00 4.50 4.60 4.00 5.00 S.00 7.00 6.00 TOO 4.00 7.00 2.50 3.23 3 60 8.50 2.75 3.73 4.75 4.75 CALVES ,. 270 , . 150 . . 150 . . 202 . . 382 , . 133 . . 190 . .1270 . .1450 .. 610 , .1580 . .1880 7.00 9 60 9.00 9.00 4.80 7.00 7.00 1 . . 2. . 1 . . 2. , 3. . 3. . 6. . . . 273 . . 266 . .1680 . .1070 . . 1770 . .1400 . .1550 BULLS 8.00 8.25 4.50 3.60 8.00 1 . 1. 1. 1. 1. STAGS .1380 8 6 50 MIXED CATTLE I 3... S3.. 2. . 41 . . 37. . 1 . . 1 . . 1 ... 2. . . 4. . 9. . 1 . . . 4. . , 4. . , 4. . 3. . . 1... 1. . . 2. . . 4. . . 6. . . 8 . . . 6. .. 3. . . 8... 3... 6. . , 47. . . 4. . . 31. . . 226 . . . 8. . . 21... 20. . . . 645 , 460 . 187 , 195 . 200 . 185 . 167 , 240 . 155 .. 174 . 290 , 222 . 105 , 110 . 206 , 380 . 310 . 363 . 215 . 175 . 172 . 196 . 190 80 63 90 $ 8.50 4.50 646 $ 5.25 HOGS 910-50 10.50 10.50 10.50 10.30 10.00 10.50 10.50 8.75 9.75 10.00 10.00 10.50 6.50 10.00 10.00 10.80 10.30 10.60 10.60 10.50 7. 1 . , 12. . 1 . . 1 . . 6 . . . '. 3 . . 12. . 8. . 4. . i:. 6. . l. . 2. . 1. . 8. . 1 . . 211 500 185 250 140 210 170 242 148 107 ISO 110 580 186 270 225 170 186 410 11 800 68 T2 75 183 810.50 6.00 10.50 8.50 9.00 10.50 10.50 9.75 10.50 10.00 10.00 10.00 6.50 10.60 8.60 10.50 10.50 10.00 8 50 19.50 8.60 8 8.00 10.00 10.60 8 4.80 4.60 $ 8.25 8 05 8.00 6. . 1. . LAMt (10.00 I 7.00 10.00 WES LAMBS $10.00 I 18 9 161 108 130 4.90 9. . . 4.50 86. . . SHEEP 162. . . 25... 166 89 190 103 YEAR LIN 100 $ 7. 50 86 96 8.00 7 50 s WETHERS 113 104 TOO 7.00 10T $ T.50 Tueaeav Jtornine Seles . STEER No. At. lbs. Price. I No. A. Ib. price. 1 540 $ 4.80 I COVS 8.00 I 1.. . . 740 8 4-00 2 970 $ CALVES 225 3 9.00 I 1..., 230 8 9.00 4. BLuLS 1.... T30 $ 2.60 l l..,,1220 $ 8.80 HOGS 44 168 810.50 4.... 190 $10.50 Eastern Cask Wheat Cbicago, Sept. IB Cash wheat: K. S red, 31.04; No. 8. 81.08; No. 1 hard, 81 02; No. 2. $1.02 0 81.03: Net 2 mix, 81.910 1.01 HI No. 1 dark northern spring. $l.ll' 1.22; No. 8 by. $1.00; earn, Ne. 2 mixed. 68 He: No. 3. 62 02 He; Ne. t yellow. 3 0 84: Ne.. , 93 2e; No. 1 white, 63 e; Me. 2. eS03c; No. 8, 93 093; eats. Ne. 2 whit. 86 088 He: No. 8, 84 0S6e; Ke. S rye. 73 0 7c Minneapolis, 8ept 12. Cask wheat: Ha 1 dark northern, $1.10 1.18 ; No, 2. $1.03 01.10: Ne. 3, 97e1.07; Ne. 1 northern. 81.04 01.04; Ne. 2. $1.09 01.08; He. 8. 84e0 1.04: No. 1 dark bard Montana, $1.10 01.14; No. 1 hard Montana. 8se0$l.O5: No. 1 durum. 81082a; Ne. 2, 78 0 8e; Nat 8. T4 0 82e. , Winnipeg. Sept. 12. (sail wheat: - Me. 1 nortnern. 8e; No. 9 northern, 97e; Ne. 8 northern, 93 e. Chicago Potato Market Chicago. Sept. 12.(L H. S.) Petateea: Receipt 39 ears. Minnesota sad Dakota early Ohio. $1 600 '.lj Nebraska early Oblee. $1.0301.15. 4- . SVAYIOHOYT LINER IN SOUTH From Buenos Aires and the eastern coast of South America, the Swayne 4t Hoy t liner, A. M. Gillespie, agents. arrived at noon Tuesday. The Inbound manifest showed 2000 bags of coffee from Santos In Brazil, 1200 bags of sunflower seed and 1200 bass of Braail nuts. The coffee was divided between D wight Edwards & Co., Wadhams A Co. and ClosBett & Devers. . STEAWO lOfr. PLACED OTT RTLAKD.IE DALLES BUS" In command of Cajttain Lyle O. Hos ford. the steamer 4n left for The Dalles on a regular ran alternating with the steamer Madeline. Tbe steamer Iralda was discarded aa too small and the heavy shipments of freight both ways call for big carriers. The new schedule of the Harklns Transporta tion company between Portland and The Dalles calls for a daily sailing from each end of the run except Satur day. This will give a Sunday service, which will be appreciated by tourists who desire the' river trip as far as Cascade Locks. Flans are being drafted for a new stem wheel steamer, combination freight and passenger, to take the Portland-The Dalles run In the early spring. The new boat will . meet the last demand In speed and comfort and will be a big cargo carrier. Not since the days of the famous old Bailey Gat cert will such n boat have whistled for the locks and Captain Tomkins will take the purser's report In person. C. F. Jackson will be purser of the lone and Captain Knos Crawford pilot. HOQCIAM MARINE 3IOTE9 Hoquiam, Wash., Sept. 12. The Jap anese steamship Clyde Maru cleared the bar at 5 o'clock yesterday after noon for the Orient, with about 3,500. 000 feet of squares, most of which came from the Schaefer Brothers mill of Montesano. The Pacific Mail liner Santa. Malta cleared for Puget Sound In late after noon with about 1,000,000 feet, loaded at the Grays Harbor and National mills. Steamer Edna Christensen Is due to arrive today from San Francisco to load at the Hoquiam Lumber & Shingle company s plant. TO ATTESD BATE MEET K. F R. De Lanoy, coast manager of the Holland-American and Royal Mali Steam Packet company, repre sented In Portland by the Oregon Pacific company, passed through Port, land Tuesday en route to the conven tion of steamship agents, which will be held Thursday in Victoria. The agents will take up matters of east and westbound conference rates and Northwestern Earns A Dividend Surplus The 30th consecutive quarterly dividend to shareholders, in the Northwestern ' Elecerie company was voted at a meeting of the board of directors of the company at Ban Fran cisco September 7. according to announce ment by James G. TsTaree, chairman of the beard The financial condition of the com pany never was better, Tararea stated, and the past year broke all records in the sale ot light, power and heat. Checks for the dividend will be, mailed October 1 to stockholders or recora on nep teraber 18. when transfer books will be clos ed. The dividend voted carries $1.50 per hint or at the rate of 0 per sent per annum, on the original issue of A per cent preferred stock of the company, and 91. 10 per share, or at the rate of 7 per cent peg annum on first 7 ner cent preferred stock issued prior to June 20, 1922. On first 7 per cent preterrea siock issueo. sittr June 20 the dividend will be at the rate of 7 per cent per annum from the Oat oi issue to September 30. 1922. During the last yssr the Northwestern Eleoerio oompany earned a net profit of 12 per cent, acording to the announce ment, and surplus funds of the corporation are sufficient to pay dividends for the next 7 year. Popularity of the company's i-e-curitiea among investors is Indicated by the rapid sale of the second million dollar issue of 7 per cent nrttt preterrea svocs, acco ru ing to officials of the company. TRADE IK DRYGOODS MARKET New York, Sept. 12. Uncertainties con nected with the production, sale and distribu tion of cotton cloths tended to hold down the volume of trading today and to make traders chary of making commitments tor future de livery. The extension 6f the wage increase in the New England mills waa one of these fac tors and the rail strike situation was another. Prices, however, were firmly maintained and a fairly good volume of trading was put through in standard print cloths, sheetings, sateens, drills and pa jam checks. There waa a moderate amount of business transacted in the silk market, with the pre vailing prlos levels subject to some shading in individual instances. BOSTOIV WOOL TRADE WAITING TARIFF BILL TO BECOME LAW Beaton, Sept. 12. The wool trade is anxiously waiUng for the tariff bill to tjecom e law. confident Uiat tbe volume of business will Increase materially when all uncertainty over wool rates is at an end. Trading waa on a taisly broad baais today with price fully up to the prevailing levels. In view of the possibility of the heary Im portation of Australian woola, the ooming sales in the Antipodes which open at Brisbane soon will be closely watched. Ohio and Pennayl Tanla fine dalainea were quoted today at 54 to 67 cents. oastav rnrPKR STOCKS (Reported by Over beck A Cooke Co.) BirL Aak Hill Ask 4 2 12 6 80 23 87 48 32 1 42 27 10 1 TO 1 8 44 48 3 28 1 )! AH Com 0 Adventure SO Ahmeek 68 Algomah Allouea 25 Arcadian 2 Bins Mas 18 CalAAri 91 CalAHec 899 New CoralS Centenial 9 Cop Rga 43 THvla Italy 4 H B Butte 10 Frank Mg 3 Hancock 8 Helvetia 1 Isl Crk 111 Keewenaw 2 Kerr Lake 8 Lake Cop 4 Ia Sane 1 Michigan 3 Mass Con 2 Mohawk 60 9 51 64 -23 26 3 May Old C 3 Jinn vai. . x 74 N Butte.. 11 Mint, . S NLake.. 35 Old Inn C. 24 18 85 riuinow t A 800 IsleRoyl. 32 18 Sup Boat. 1 10 UaShM. 43 43 dopfd.. 27 4 S Utah . . 5 10 Trln Cop. 1 T-19 2 Toulum., 65 2 Utah Met, 1 a Utah Can. 3 U lllHjUSMin.. 43 l)t aa pro. . . 4 1'Uh.Apx 4 Ventura. 1 Victoria.. 8 Winona.. 5 Wolv. . . 61 Wyevndi 48 2 38 1 1 10 60 Cklcage Dairy Prodaee Chicago. Sept. 13. L N. 6) Butter: Reeeipta 9046 tubs. Standards, 84 He; ex tra firsts, 84 0 37c: firsts, 81 0 88 He; parking stock. 38 926s. Eggs .BeeetpU 11.821 eases. UlsceUsne eus, 87028c: ordinary firsts, 28 0 36c; firsts. 28 feSOe; checks, 18020c; dirttea.SO 031c. Cheese: Twins, new 20e; daisies, 30 20e: Young Amsricas, 30 e ; loegliam. 20 0 Sir; brick, 19 0 20c. Vive poultry: Turkeys, SSe; chickens, 19 4c: springs. 24c; roosters, 14e; geese, 80c; dueke, 22c - MlaneapoUa Wheat Options Mlnneapelie, Sept. 13. Wheat: Open. High. Lew. Close. Sept, ..31.08 81.04 $1-01 31.02 Ilee, ... 1.03 1.03 1.01 1.91 May 1.07 1.0T s.l .09 1.06 FROM AMERICA Winnipeg Wheat Options Winnipeg. Sept. 12. Wheat: Open. High. Low. Close. Oct, .98 9 .99 8 .95 t .95 Dee, ... .84 94 .93 ,98 May ,. .99 .90 .98, . Livenreo! Wheat Market LTrpooL Best, 13- Wheat: ... . tipen. Ciese. Uaia. September ........... tl 84 s 94 1 Decesober ........... Va ' 9s 3d fed TMe9 4 Astoria. wdied9y Hi Water. Low Water. 6:34 sw m. S.S ft, li:ST v at 11 ft. 5:03 p. m. T.J ft ..... pj m. ..." ft. Seaside High TTbter nto minutes artier.- 4- Seaxide Low water it minutes earlier. 1 will attempt to tablUs all olt- tthnr-e. rstH , 1 POSITIONS OP VESSELS Radio reporta by Federal Telegraph give the pooiuoa of Uie touuwmg esses as s p. as. September 11 : " i . . President Lincoln, Yokohama for SaS Fran cisco, 66T miles west et Saa Fraacieco. Torba Linda noon) , Teerayama for Ban Pedro, 480 miles from ban Pedro. La Furiaim. San Francisco j for Portland. 438 miles front Portland. f Psratacv Saa-Pedro for Grays Harbor, ST tSM llaTaat taUkaVabSm aTSaf Bw1 94. Claremont, Saa Pedro for. Raymond, milei north of San Francisco, Sierra. Sea Pedro ' tee Bcklngham. 660 mile north of Saa Pedro. Willamette, bt, Helena, for Saa 145 milea north of San Franciece. Georgina Rolph, Portland for Baa Francisco, SOO miles north ot Saa Frkacascsx Henry 8, Grove. Saa Padre fee Savannah, 480 miles southeast of San Pedro. Columbia, New York for Saa ; aTntaeltea 89 miles south of baa Francisco. ) Multsomab. Ban Francisco tor Portland. 118 miles south ef Columbia river, j Quiswult. San Francisco for j Seattle, 188 mile from SeatUe. - Horace Baxter, Everett for Sea Pedro, 888 miles south of Everett. 1 Wahkeeaa. Saa Pedro foe Everett. 454 re ilea from svrerett. i Hart wood, San Francisco for Grays Harbor. 168 miles north of Saa Francisco. baa Diego. Tacorna for Sea Pedro, 84 mile north of Cape Blanco. i Bv Naval Radio) Everett. Everett for San Pedro, 48 mile from Everett. Meridin, Seattle for Everett; arriving at Everett. United SUte Light house tender Heather, at Roche Harbor. Texan, San Francisco for beattls, 418 miles from Cape Flattery. W. 8. Porter, Linntow for Saa Pedro, 39 miles from Lin a ton. West O'Rowa, Portland for Yokohama, 1084 mile from Columbia river. Dilworth. Ban Francisco for Shanghai. X99T mile from Saa Francisco. Eastern Bailee, Yokohama tor Portland. 8120 miles from Columbia rivers Apus, Hongkong for Saa Pedro, 8207 miles from San Pedro. Shabenee, San Pedro for Nagasaki, 8594 miles from Ban Pedro. Redwood, Waterfall -for Seattle.' 459 milea from Seattle. News of the Port Arrival. Sewtember 18 Boob yalla, American -motorship, from Saa Francisco, general. . West Jappa, American steamer; from Buenos Ayres and way ports, general. MARINE ALMANAC Weather a River's Meuth North Head, Sept. 12. Coaditioas at the mouth of the river at noon, sea. smooth; weather clear; wind, northwest, 19 miles. DAILT, RITES READINGS 8 a. m., Paeifle Time x3 Uver . Sr ' ' ! r. I -1 . . Umatilla 25" 6.1-0.1 Ot. 00 98 I 66 Albany .... 20 0.9 0 0.00 97 68 Salem 20 -1.9 0 0.00 99 57 Oregoa City 12 . . . . j. Portland 15 9 . wj-0 3 Qi. 00 98 64 (-) Fall. . RITEB FORECAST The Willamette river at Portland 'will re main nearly stationary during the next three days except as affected by the tads. to Arrive TesseL From. . , Vancouver . . . Betevie i. . . . San Fran; . , . . Muroran i . . . Baltimore' . . . West Coast . . Tacoma j . . .New York San Frani. . . .New York . . . San Fran . .West Coast. . .China - J. . . .San Fran). . , ..New Tork. -. .Yokohama . . . V ancciivee . Dabs. .Sept. IS .Sept. 14 .Sept. 14 .Sept. 15 .Sept. 15 .Sept. 15 . Hen 1 K Afrika .......... Araksn Wakkeena ....... Eastern Prince . . . , Steel Navigator Regulus Baje California. . . . A. 1. Kent Celilo Kobt. Luckenbech. . West Islip . . . . . . . Meriden York City Annette Rolph . , . Edgar Luekenbgch . . West Keats Kinderdijk Lose City Vessels Vessel. Senator ......... Minnesotan ....... Mexican .Sept 1 ..Sept. 16 .Sent. 18 .Sept, 16 .Sept. 17 .Sept. 17 ..Sept 17 .Sept. 17 .Sept 18 .Sept 20 ..Sept 20 .San Frani.. to Oepart ; jror. i . S. Diego way. .Sept L8 . ..New Xorks. . . . . Europe , . . . , San Frani . Buenos Aires. ..Orient .j... . . New Tort . . . . . West Ceest . , . San FraUi. . . , .Europe . . . . ..New York .-. . . San Fran . . . Orient . . . . . . New York . . , ..Phil ,.r... .Bept 1 .Sept 18 .Sept 14 .Bept. 14 .Sept 14 .Sept 15 .Sept 15 Sept. 15 .Sept 16 .Sept 16 .Sept 16 .Sept 18 .Sept IT .Sept IT .Sept 18 Rosa City Went Jappa Torrey Steel Worker , Regulus Wapama. . , An ten Steel Navigator . . . Multnomah . . . . . . Montague . , Kobt. Luckenbacb . . A L. Kent. Celilo .v . . .aan r ran,. la Vessels. Baltimore Mara , . . , Roob valla 'liillicothe Edna Chris tensou . , Frogaer Knngosan Luise Nielsen . . . . . ivi G. Burgess . . Mexican . . Minnesotan Montague Orient City ....... Hose City Ryder Hanify Stathia Torrey , Tokofuku Maru . . . Tof uku Maru Ururi Maru . . . , . Victoria Mam . . . . Wamapa . . . Welsh City We-t Jappa ..... Xoahida Maru No. 1 ......Terminal No. 4 Supple' Dock Terminal No. 1 St. Helens w . Astoria ....... Terminal No. 4 . . . . j Albers Terminal Mo. 1 i North Bank Terminal 'N 1 . Southerni Pacific Dock Peninsula Lot. , . . .i. . . Ainsworth i . . St Helena . . O-W Dock Port Flour Mills ........ Peninsula Lbr. . . . I . . . Peninsula Lbr. , Columbia City ....... Peninsula Lbr. ........ , .. St- Helens Inmsn-Peulsen . Albers No. 8 West Oregon L. AT WORLD'S POSTS Astoria. Sept 12. Sailed at midelght, steamer W. 8. Porter, for Ban Francisco, Left up at 1 a. m., steamer West Japsa. Astoria, Sept 11. Arrived at 8:18 and left up at 10 p. m., motorsbip Bsobyalla, from San Francisco. Arrived at 4:80 P- m., teamer Hornet from San Francisco, Arrived at 10:80 p. m.. steamer West j Jappa, from Buenos Aires and wy porta. Saa Pedro, Sept 1 1 . Arrined saotoohk) Missourien, from Portland, for Europe. Ar rived. British motorsbip Loch Katrine, from Portland, for Europe. "ailed, steamer Root Luekenbaeh, from New York, far 8a Fran cioeo and Portland. Sailed, steamer Admiral Farragut from 8 an Pedro, for Saa Fran cisco and Portland, Sailed, steamer Albert Jeffre, from Philadelphia and way porta,, for San Francisco and Port land. Arrived, steamer Steel Inventor, from Baltimore, fee Baa Frea CMee and Portland. Arrived, Norwegian motor ship Geo. Washington, from Antwerp, for San Francisco and Portland. Arrived, Japanese steamer Sakuyo Maru, from Portland, for West coaAt porta. Arrived, steamer -Thoa. L. Wand, from Portland. Arrived, steamer Lena Lueken baeh. from. Portland and Pug's Sound, for New York and way ports. Sailed steamer Siskiyou, for Colombia river. Arrive steamer Edgar 9. Luckeebaeb. from New York and way ports, for Portland via San Francisco. Sailed, steamer West, Catenae, from Baltimore, fog Saa Francisco and Portland. Sailed, steamer J. A. Moffett for Portland. Sailed. steamer Celilo. for Saa Francisco and Portland. Seattle. Sept 1 1. Arrived. Nerwesian steamer Regulus, from West coast - tor Port land. . j - Raymond. Sent 1 1 .Arrived, meaetuhm Keoaeeett, from Portland sad Puget Sound, for New York and way port. Yokohama. Bent 8. Salted, steamer Eastern Sailor, for Portland. i Glasgow. Bant 9. Arrived, steamer Vir ginian, irons poruano. Raymond. Beet 11.- -Arrived. 3f. 8. Xca- neeett from Seattle, a :su p. rat Aesrdeen. Berrt 1 1. Arrived J lea. fi San Fra.ne.iaco,. 6:89 a. m. Sailed. Sept. 11 cyu Maru. ree noee. p. m. Saa Francisco, gent 12. Arrived today;. Sea Foam. Timber Cove. 1 av m.; Hamer, Shanghai, 1145 a. as.; Bruns wick. Los Angeles, 8:80 a. m.; Nanking, Hongkong, 8:10 a. as.; Colombia, Baltimore. e.-ia a. m. ; sxaui. Honolulu, ; a. a.; L'nimak, Unioa Landing, T.30 a.i aa. I Avaloa. Grays Harbor, 7 :40 a, aa.; La Tlaeentla. Las Angeles. 7:40 a. m: MeatebeBe, Los Aa geles, 7 :9 a. as.; Admiral Goodrich, port, land. 9 a. m. ! Toss, Maru, Shanghai 9:20 a. m.; H- M. Storey, Los Angels. 9 a. m.: Dorothy Alexander, Seattle, 19:10 a. m. Sailed, teday i V. 8. fuel ship Cuyama. Los Angie. 9:80 a, m,. V. S. S. .New Mexico, Arizona, Pennsylvania, New Tork,! Texas. Okla homa, for Lai Angeles, It t, at, ,v ' "t1-" '.j. 11 e1 1 i ' in Sew Yerk Snrar and Coffee New Yerk. Bept 12. (U, P.) Sugar--faaa' -8 rfiBe4. 4uB; granulated. Coff -. T m WI- jew. 19 10 . ssniin, -a B xe W V ! . . 1 ...11L1L TYI jjuccii uin s riau To Wed at Astoria 11-11. iL llu..A naiiea uy rarouiy 'i ... ., ' j"i i ! .-',..' ,'" Astoria, Sept. 12. Helen Smith. 17-year-old daughter f Mr. and Mrs. A. It Smith of No. 10 East Slat street north, Portland. was arrested by the police lent evening and la held at the station , on telegraphle Instructions from the Portland police, who say parents want the gift returned to her home In that city and her proposed marriage with Wesley Wright, 22, an Astoria telephone, company employe, prevented, on the - grounds the girl la too young. ' , ;,'"" .." Miss Smith - Ssras rrBted at the apartments ot Wright at No. 524 Ex change street, this city, by Sergeant of Police Donnelly. She admitted her IdenUty. but aald her parent Were putlng every obstacle possible In the way f her Marriage to Wright, Whom she Insists she loves devotedly and who apparently vlovea th girl, with whom h haa teen acquainted several months. Miss Smith : and Wright tried to get a. license from th county clerk in Astoria, Saturday, but failed because neither she nor Wright is a resident here. Likewise efforts of the pair to get a license in Ilwaoo failed. Not having time- to go to South Bend they had planned to go to Kalama, Wash., to try for a license today. Democrats Put Tin Complete Ticket in Spokane Primary MiSVMeaavasraveM Spokane. Waslu Sept 11. A com plete national, state and county Demo cratic ticket for Spokane county waa announced Monday by H. E. Merrltt, P em oc ratio national committeeman for Washington. The state and county candidates were formally considered and 'drafted, by the Democratic county central committee, ot which 80 members have been actively working- on the local ticket. With the. completion of the. ticket, stickers have been printed and 1500 sets for every office have been sent to committeemen In ail the precincts in Spokane county. The', county central committee. ' ac cording to Merrltt, ha the power to flir the places'of any of the candidates who are nominated In the primaries and who may resign.. Quartet Held on Auto Theft Charge Roseburg. Sept. 12.- Joe and Frank Armone, and Loula and Frank Selva, were Wrested here Monday, charged weth stealing the automobile In which they "were riding from a reeldent of San Joae. They will , be held here until word is received from Califor nia. The men were first arrested for stealing watermelons, and when ques tioned became confused and admitted stealing the car, . off leers said. Forest Fires Again Reported Menacing Marshfleld, Bept 18. Forest fire subdued by the heavy rain last week, are again breaking out . Two are re ported In tha Brewster valley section and a fire In the Eden Ridge country Is said to be bad. ... STBEET VACATIONS SOUGHT The school board will appear before the city council at 10 o'clock Wednes day forenoon to ask for th vacation of portions of East Eighth and Clack amas streets for the purpose of throw ing into one undivided area the lands required for the new Holladay achooL Michael O. Munley la leader of the opposition to the proposed vacations. TOJTjrAOB EAST TO BUT " New York. Sept 12- (I. N. 8.) Ocean freight rates for wheat are quiet and the range Is wide. Ex porters can buy tonnage tof anything they choose to pay. General cargo is weak: United Kingdom. Is d3s: Germany, Hamburg and Bremen, 18c; France, Atlantic, 15c, Mediterranean, 17021c; Holland, Amsterdam and Rot terdam, 9l0c general cargo, small demand and weak. COOS BAT TO BUT TUO Marshfleld. Sept lJ.The port of Coos Bay has closed i deal for the purchase ot the tug Oregon from the Cary Davis Tug & Barge company of SeatUe for 820,000. The tug Is to be delivered here in a week and will be used as a bar tug by the port For the last year the port has been -leasing a tug for this purpose. ! -. POLICE CHIEF RESIOlfS Hoquiam, Wash.. Sept 12. Chief of Police William Thompson resigned Saturdaw-and eras nl.( t . Carnine. for two years night patrolman on me Aoeraeen rorce. Thompson said his resignation was due to the fact that he had been offered a better Job. CARATAIT PAYS VISIT Newberg. Sept 12. The Yamhill county fair caravan from McMlnnvllle, seeking to arouse Interest In the fair September 20-22. visited Newberg at noon today, being entertained at lunch eon. ,....ruM,.ii.i,i, x tax Dulutb, Sept 18. Flax: September 82.28: Octobee, 69.90 ; November. 3?20i ' eember. 82.14; track. 82.21 arrive, 63.23 Foreign Exekang Market New Tart. 8ert 12. (U. P.) Fe reign e change opened easier. Sterling, 84 48 8-16. I! .;l:-,T.llnc '. "ft i "re, .0480 .oooo; 9Ur m"kt- Foreign exchange waa easier at the close. Sterling, 84.45. off ; franca, .0765 Vs ; lire. .0429 Vi i marks, .0008 It . ' Liverpool Cotton Easier . LlvemooL Bebt 13. (t. N. n iT.it- spot demand; prices easier; sales 5000 bales. American middling, fair. 814.11: ran mid dlings. 313.16; fully middlings, 818 01: mid dlings, 818.01; low, 112.41 oed ordinary. Ill III nr.tiM.rv it! 11 ... 'I stead. - - .. . Hew York Cottonseed , Oil New . Tork Sept, 1 9, Sentember, 68.00 9 S.20: October, 8T.60T.65; November. 17.40 8r7.n0: lWW. 87.50 7.60: Jan uary, 37.62 7.8ft i February, T.587.0: March. 87.70 7.72: April, 7.707.85. "Overbeck Cooke Co.cn Wembees Chlase ears f Trade, ' aws ef Trees Blds Persian. ridMeV Ore-, tVatle Walls, Wash, - STOCKS, EOHDS, . GRAIN AND .001703.- . DIRECT rJUVATB Lostin & Bryan JfBW T08JC AJTP CHICAQO