The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 11, 1922, Page 2, Image 2

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(Coebsued Ttom Pw Ou)
sent Jby Admiral Bristol when Consul
Genet-el Hortcm announced that Ameri
can property worth millions of dollar
and the lives of 200 Americans were In
danejsr.; Signs of the ruthless war so
typfcal of the East wsre seen as seoa
as the destroyer ten Constantinople.
- Along- the entire coast Turkish vil
lage set on fire by the retreating
Gree t troops were ablaze. Greek res
idents, fearing reprisals, were all flee
ing; and many of them who had em
barked on small craft were met by the
Litchfield. Fortunately the sea was
calml and the chances are that they
reached the Greek Islands in the Aege-
an sjea In safety. The panic-stricken
refugees had not had time to save their
belongings and the men on the de
stroyers could see the frail boats tight
ly packed with women in silk garments
andtnen scantily clad, but all carrying
rifles. Many of the terrorized inhabi
tanti of Smyrna also departed by sea
eeforb the arrival of the Turkish troops.
V'TWs writer never saw a more thor
oughly defeated army than that of
the Creeks In this war. Last Wednes
day (the correspondent made an at
tempt Jo reach Manissa. but he was
forced by the tide of fleeing Greeks
to rjeturn to this town. A powerful
motdr car which should have reached
Manissa ln three hours was compelled
to turn back after having .made 11
miles In. four hours, the compact
masses of retiring soldiers making
- further progress Impossible.
. Haggard, shabby men in uniform,
mounted on donkeys. camels and
horses or riding In old buUock carts
; and accompanied by a crowd of women
I with) children in arms, following the
army on foot, were pouring towards
' Smyrna.
They were leaving behind them a
: burning country, the Greek staff hav
ing ordered that all the towns and
; villages evacuated by the army should
i be destroyed. In four hours your cor
respondent, saw at least 5000 men and
, counted not more than five officers.
Men who found their rifles embarrass
ing threw them into the ditches, from
whl h they were picked up by women
- who hoped to exchange them In town
-for a loaf of bread.
v -Allied officers who. have been with
.-' the 3reek army for two years are un-
' able to understand how the Greeks
eould suffer such a crushing defeat.
The extent of the collapse did not be
come known sooner because the inter-
V mU4 censors in Constantinople, fol
lowing the instructions of their gov
ernment, did their utmost to prevent
,-the Inews from leaking out and tried
; to-rhinlmixe the disaster.
The' breakdown .of the Creek army
r was due mainly to- the following
licenses : .
.. 1. The commander-in-chief. con
vincH that he would not be able to de
' featLth Turk .decided that the bulk
, of tjhe army should be transferred to
Thrace with a view to keeping that
province at any cost and 'eventually to
tak Constantinople. In the course of
, the last six months the soldiers were
given to understand that the evacua
" tiort of Asia Minor- would take place
t and that many of them would be able
.to return to their homes... Then, when
the were asked to tight; they refused
.because they could not see why they
: shoikld shed their blood for a lost cause.
fl OT7T mf mfBTiSTIVftPIlf
- (SpicUl CM. to The Journal and Cbicaso
. - . (Copyright. 19221
London. Sept 11. British policy in
the present mix-up In the Near East
Is dieflnite on one point the Kemalists
will! be kent out nt rnmtlnllnnnU
""Because of the Greek defeat. Great
CTiiain is neipieas to thwart the
Turk in A Mi a hut lha ri.n4.nAllaa
occupied by the British navy, is an
lmnassable barrifer to th KVml
desta-Jng to recapture the ancient
, capital.
The British thanrv la rv
! staiitlnoDle should
present helpless sultan and cabinet
memwrs who are virtually prisoners
in t h. - Vi a nrl nf th. -I 1 tA
authority of this Turkish government
even nominally does not rnvr
thah "a few square miles in Europe.
ine uruisn reiuse to admit officially
anil legality to the Kemal ist rovrm.
meat, insisting on the myth that the
Constantinople government la the real
authority in all Tnrkev
Tjhe fundamental question now agi
tating the European governments is,
shaill the Turka K jwwi
nently from Europe? This solution
Lecture on Jewett Chassis
Public Invited to Attend
T Every Evening This Week
From 8:00 P. M, to 9:00 P, M.
. .-. ' -
Every Working Part of a Motor Car Will B Explained;
..'" .4 sjR'J'.1 : i kL" i - ; -
The Jewett is ie sturdy ;
six built by Paige and its '
marvelous performance ' .,
is the talk' of the nsftiori. ;
Come and See What Modern Motor Car
Engineerinsr Has Developed
a. . : - 1 . :' ..!. , h j '
Ninth and Burnside Sts.
United Spates Judge fames II.
Wilkerson of Chicago.
would be materially easy, but the dif
ficulty is to determine who would
then become the possessor of Constan
tinople. It would be ridiculous to
maintain the present BUltan .there
while all Asiatic Turkey defied his
authority. On the other hand, the
jealousy of the powers would prevent
any one of them from permanently
occupying it.
Several unofficial suggestions have
beei made. One Is to place Con
stantinople and the neutralized straits
under the guaranship of the League
of Nations or to a combination of
great powers.
Henry Morgenthau s recent sugges
tion is exceptionally interesting and
statesmanlike. ' The powers should
administer Constantinople in trust un
til it can become the seat of govern
ment of the Federated Balkan States
of the future.
It is certain that Great Britain will
accept no solution which does not
guarantee neutrality in the militarised
straits to the commerce of all na
(Special Dispatch to The Journal and tht
Chicago pau j Nws
(Cooyriaht. 192J1
Paris. Sept. 1L The next question
after the .fall of- Smyrna Is the fate of
Constantinople. Muslapha Kemal co
vets it and the French and Italians
think he should have it. Will the Brit
ish succeed in barring out the Turks
as the French succeeded several weeks
ago in barring out the Greeks ?. A
French expert said to the writer today :
"A policy of reaiisra, that Is, the
ability to make the best of events as
they are, forms tha vital trade mark of
statesmanship. Sooner or later the al
lies must, cede Constantinople and reap
endless, complications in India and
North Africa. Lloyd George has court
ed disaster by under-estimating the
Turkish power in Asia Minor. Let us
hope that he will do better in Constan
tinople." ALLIED C03T81JLS MEET
Washington, Sept 11.L N. S.)
Allied . consular officials, including
American, are meeting today with
Mustapha Kemal. the Turkish leader,
at Casaba to arrange terms for the
formal Turkish occupation of Smyrna,
according to a dispatch received at the
state department today from Admiral
Bristol. American high -commissioner at
Geneva, Sept. 11. (J. N. S.) Greece
today appealed to the League' of Na
tions to intervene in the Near East
for protecUorf of Greek Christians In
ft, -."-V -
Si,' A.
Tacoma, Sept IU CO. P.) Three
heavily armed bodies of men Monday
morning began, .beating' the, brush in
three thickly wooded areas of South-;
west Washington in search of the
-fiend, of Schneider's Prairie." The
fiend who brutally attacked and tor
tured Mrs. Harry CHara and her four
daughters and pn and. Joe Dobson. a
neighbor- boy, for four hours late last
Thursday night and Friday morning
at the CPHara home at Schneider's
Prairie, eight miles from Olympia on
the eheiton highway, is being sought
wit desperate tenacity. . s
Notified that a man answering the
description of the maniac had been
seen near the Westbo bridge, on ". the
road from Tacoma to Puyallnp Sunday
evening about :30, a squ4 of police
with Rawed -off shotguns started
searching the brush immediately. They
were soon Joined by deputy - sheriffs
and armed volunteers, and a large
pafty organised.
Every road around the bit of woods
was watched Sunday night Combing
of this part of Pierce county started
Monday morning. The search here
was started by a motorist, who said
that while his machine was stalled
near the lonely bridge on the Puyallup
road's man dressed In -dark clothes
and wearing a khaki shirt that ap
peared to be covered with blood passed
nearby. He challenged the man, who
at once drew two revolvers and waved
them threateningly, and than disap
peared in the brush without a - word.
The man wag carrying a pair of over
alls rolled under his arm.
In the edge'pf the military reserva
tion of Camp Lewis, mr the Nia
qually river, another search is being
made by soldiers and deputies from
Olympia, This search started when
Sergeant Ralph Lord of the military
puuee reporcea seeing a man acting
suspiciously ear the southern end of
the reservation about 2 o'clock Sunday
irty mounted men from Camp
Lewis, under command of Lieutenants
G. S. Deadrlch and L D. Yeatort, start
ed the hunt. Sheriff Ray Hoge of
Olympia, joined the hunt with another
posse. The deputies worked down the
river, while the soldiers beat the brush
from the ofher direction. Larger bod
ies of soldiers were to join the hunt
today and go through every foot of
cover large enough to hide a man.
While these two hunts were going on
a third that had started early Friday
morning in the woods a few miles from
the O'Hara home was still In progress.
M5re than 200 Thurston county citi
zens, most of whom have been watch
ing roads and following forest trails in
search of the fiend for more than 36
hours, are keeping up their patrol.
Scores of Olympia residents have
Joined the hunt,' taking the places of
men who are worn out by. their efforts
during the three" days and two nights
that have elapsed since the crime was
It is believed la Olympia that the
fiend may have escaped to the water's
edge between Olympia and Oyster Bay,
or may have found a boat If this
proves to be true, he will be noticed by
some rancher soon, as that part of the
state Is sparsely settled. And a stranger
would attract, attention. Thej are
few stores in that district, too, and a
fijgltlve woiild be 1 forced sooner or
later to ask for food at some farm.
Olympia officers started Saturday
making a completer check of all the
rooming nouses in towns and TBgging
camps, which are also being searched.
Tacoma deputies 'arrested one sus
pect Sunday at Midland. The man
gave his name as Eminett Brightman,
16. He wore brown overalls, but car
ried a pair of blue overalls. It is not
believed that he is'the man wanted for
the crime. ,
L. S. May, private detective of Seat
tle, made a careful examinatlon-of the
O'Hara house Saturday and obtained
fingerprints from ths chimney of the
lamp. He said that a man answering
the fiend's description had been
brought to Tacoma by-a motorist . Sat
urday night The man had asked, for
a nde near Nisqually. - The man ap
peared to be extremely nervous and
left the car on entering the downtown
section of Tacoma.
It was stated la Olymcia Mouday
that Mrs. O'Hara, though sufferinjr
rroma severely fractured skull, will
. '. e
(bq nj mtatj pnoiia()i
Rocky mountains, la to be preserved
aa a monument to the pioneers of the
uregron country.
A resolution introduced hv S A.
Danford of Kugene, superintendent of
the southern district,'' and adopted by
tne conrerenco this morning, provides
tnat tne ustoric old buildinsr be main
tained as the property of the Methodist
church and that steps be taken to pre
serve thes tructure. A bronse tablet
is te be placed in the church building-
With proper ceremonies.
Many men prominent in the shaping
or Oregon history, it is said, have been
connected with the Jacksonville church
la the years of it existence. Amonj
thee -were the Rev. Robert Booth,
tether eT R. A. Booth, of Eugene, chair
man of the ertate highway commission.
one of the; few circuit riders of the
Oregon mmry in the early days.
' Thai Rev. ; T. F. Royal was the first
pastor and jthe saddle . bags used by
him oa his circuit are. being used
the models for the saddle bags on the
equestrienne' statue to be presented to
the state in honor of the old circuit
riders by R. A Booth.
The Rev. L.. Jonea, -pastor of. the
Jacksonville church mors than (0 years
ago. was present at the conference hers
Plans are pow under way for a re
union f the pioneers of the Southern
Oregon country to be. aeid in the Jack
sonville church In October.
A number of Important changes are
Included in the assignment of pastors
te the Methodist Episcopal churches pf
the Oregon conference, as announced
this morning by Bishop .W. O, hepard
at the closing session
The Rev. -A.-R.. MacIaB. 'he has
held the - pastorate at the Central
church. Portland, leaves the Oregon
c,"7,r. w
chprcb. at Swnyslde. Wash-v the .Rev.
x. uiosqh ui 4icu ucmj v
pointed q- (he: Centra. -rtiurch, porV
land. r , . , j
The Rsv. J. E, purdy of Bend , is
appointed to the Sellwood . eaurth,
Portland, with, the- Rev. R- Stbley
going to the charge at . Bendl - The
Rev." F. L. Moore, formerly af the
Epwortii church, Portland. Is assigned
to the church, at Klamath Falls, th
Rev. M. A. Marcey is transferred
from McMinnvlll to HUlsboro and the
Prfv. J. E. Strsvey, formerly of the
Columbia River conference comes to
the Oregon conference as pastor at
: Beveral changes in district boundr
aries are aiso. made effective with
today's appointments, principal among
these ' being the addition of several
churches -in the. vicinity of Gresham
to the Eastern district, formerly
known as The Dalles district, and the
transfer of some territory from the
Salem district to the Eastern dis
trict, -u,: .-
The next conference is to be nld
at the First church, por UanJ, abot
this time next year:
Appointments follow:
Z. H. Leech, district euperintendent ;
Appletqn, -to be supplied by W. IB.
Lamb; Arlington, A. J. "Neufeld;
Athena. U. P. Paine; Bend. f. K Sib
ley : Canby, -W. B. Moore; Caseade
Locks, to be supplied by H. C. Claifk ;
Clackamas. Carus and- Oswego, S. ! J.
Kesteh ; Dufur, K. B. Lockhart ; Echo,
F. R. SpauJaing ; Esticada Community
center, H. F. Moi t ; Fossil and Lone
rock, T. P. Harelton rl'Tiend, to be sap
pliad ; Goldendale. M. L, Sanders ;
Hcnpner, to be supplied: Hermiston. H.
A- Wann J Hood Biver-Asbury, Gabriel
Syckes : Hood River Pine Grove,
James Kaye ; Huboard. to be supplied
by -Osear Payne ; Madras. A. F. La4y ;
Moro and Grass Vailey, M. C. Soothers ;
OdeH, W. S. Gleiser ; Pendleton, J. H.
Becor; Prineviile, A. II. Clark; PoweU
Butte to be supplied; Powell Valley
circuit, ; Boring, E. G. Rantdn ;
Fairview, to be supplied by L. F. Smith ;
Gresham, A. S. Hisey ; Pleasant Home,
S. C. Berriman ; Pleasant Valley, to be
supplied by E. G, Ranton ; Rockwopd,
L. F. Smith ; Sandy, to be supplied iby
G. C- Borriman ; Troutdale, to be stp
plied by L. F. Smith ; Redmond. C. ;M
Brown ; Spaulding chapel, M. t C.
Smothers; The Dalles. H. C. Kefer ;
Wasco and Rufus Circuit R- C.
Young; White Salmon, R. T. Holland ;
Woodburn, W.-K. Ingallh Willamette,
J. R. Shaffer. . j-
W. W. Youngson, district superin
tendent ; Astoria, M. T. Wire ; Beaver
ton. G. A. Gray; Clatskanie, F. jA.
Ginn ; Garden Home and Westmore
land, G. L. Tufts; Metgxer and Tigard.
W. J. Warren; Oak Grove, J. J. Fjat-
Portland : Bennett chapel, to be sup
plied by S. A. Yeoman; Brentwood,: to
be supplied by a, u. Carney ; carson
Heights, to be supplied by G. ! S.
Brown ; Caruthers street, to be sup
plied by E. T. Randall ; Centenary-Wilbur,
Charles MacCaugher and H- i P.
Greene: Central, C. T. Gibson: Clin
ton Kelly, J. H. Irvine ; Epworth. C. i B.
Harrison; First church, B. E. Parker
and E. T. Randall; Fremont street,: to
be supplied by C C. Rarick ; Laurel
wood, F. E. Finley ; Lents, T. H.
Downs ; Lincoln, W. N. Byars ; Linn
ton, R. M. Gatke; Monta villa, R. E.
Myers ; Mount Tabor, D. L. Fields ;
Patton. G. ti. Bennett ; Rose City Pars,
C. W. Huett ; St. Johns, W. E. Kloster ;
Sellwood, J. E. Purdy ; Sunnyside, ; T.
H. Gallagher and L. C. Poor ; Univer
sity Park, H. T. Atkinson ; Woodlawn,
E. s. Mace; wooastocK. wsiton KKip
worth. Rainier, F. R. Jackson ; St. Helena,
S. D. Johnson : Seaside, J. R. ' Jeffrey ;
Warrenton arid Hammond, A. i P.
Bates ; Westport and Wauna, J. ! D.
Woodf in ; Wilsonvllle and Tualaton,: V.
R .R. Carlos.
E. E. Gilbert, district superintendent ;
Albany, J. C. Spencer; Amity, M. iB.
P&rounagian ; Banks, J. H. Bennett ;
Bay City and Garibaldi, J. T. Keating ;
Brooks, jonn set nor I ; uuena vista,
to be supplied; Cornelius, J..W. War
rell; Corvallis, L .B. .Wood; Dallas.
Frank James; Dayton! F. J. Schnell ;
Dilley, to be supplied ; Donald, Fargo
and Waeonda, Leroy H. Walker ; Dun
dee. M. W. Goes ; Falls City, F. J. Dun
lop ; Forest Grove, B. N". Avison ; Halls
Ferry, W. J; Morrow ; Hillsboro, ti. A.
Marcy; Independence J. S. Green; Jef-
ierson, H. ti. Miles ; iveiser, to be sup
plied ; Lafayette and Carlton, to - be
supplied; Liveely, Earl Macbee ; Mar
quam, R. Hocking ; McCabe and Bell-
yue. Paul . Green ; mcMinnvuie, l.
Dark; Nehaiem ana wneeier, xj. , m.
Taber ; Newberg, J. E. Strevy ; North
Howell, to be supplied ; Oak Grove,; A.
S. Mulligan ; Pratum, J. A. McJN'ees ;
Salem, first church, B. E. Kirkpatrlck.
Salem ; Jason Lee Memorial, Thomas
Acheson, SalenJ ; Leslie, II. G. Pem
berton ; West Salem, Alex Hawthorne ;
Scholls ana Farmmgton, j. uoie-
man ; Sheridan, . s. msnop ; aqer
wood, P. M. Blenklnsop ; SUverton; S.
w wall ; TluamooK. BimDSon- nara-
rlck : Turner and East Salem, Ri L
Thomas; Wiliamina. Earl B. Cotton;
Yamhill. F. G. uraxe.
8. A. Danforth, District Superintendent
Asniana, . j. l-naucj , Danuuu,;
. rtinrman : Be&ttv and Yaniz. Li F,
Belknap ; Bly, Bonanza and Merrill.
I,, p. Belknap; Brownsville. C s G.
Morris : Canvonvllle. A. L. Bennett ;
Central Point ( ) : Coburg, Grace
Driver; CoQuille, L. D. Cook; Cottage
Grove. J. H. Ebert : Creswell and
Goshen. Robert Parker ; Dillard, Cam
Tis Valley, Ten Mile. N. M. Shroda ;
Drain, J. R. Benton ; Elkton, (-r,-) ;
Eugene. J. M. Walters: Fall Creek.
Unity, Oak Ridge, Walter Ross; Fort
Klamath ana tjnuoquin, imga.r Ken
dall ; Gardiner, C. C. -Dlx ; Gold ' Hill,
( ) ; Grants Pass, Joseph Notts ;
Halsey and Harrisburg, C. T. Cook ;
Jacksonville, ( ) : Junction Cityj N.
W. Phelps ; Klarrfeth Falls, F.i L.
Moore : Klamath Indian Mission. 'Ed
gar Kendall ; Lake view, A. S. Gris-
som ; Lebanon, A. C. Brackenberry ;
Lyons. H. R. Cross; Marshfield. Tj H.
Temple ; Marco la and Wendling. Earl
Hersell ; Med ford, J. R Sasnett 5 Mon
roe and AlBine. K. K. Clark: Myrtle
Point, L D. Cook; North Bend, JL S.
Van Winkle; Paisley, F. L. Ypung;
Pine Creek and Davis Creek, E. S.
WUcox : Roseburs. W. S. -Gordon :
Shedd. M. T. Nolen ; Stlers, Indian Mis
sion, vy . fogue : Bpringiieta, f
Yarnes: Stayton. J. SL Pinnex : Suth-
erlin and Wilbur. F. A." Brown -, Talent,
i ); Toledo,' J. D. Cain; WSlderyille
ana ltirny. ) r Won CPeeK and
Merlin, C. L. Bennett; Yoncalla, J. R.
Clarence True Wilson, corresponding
secretary of the board of temperance,
prohibition and public morals.
Guv Fitch Phelna- field iMntAHr af
"ra or temperance, proniDtuon ana
puono morais. . -
C G. Doney, president ; F. TS. Eljiott,
vioe nresideni : J. Rntfr itul
E. C Richards, professors of Wiliam-
ifi uiuversiiy. . j
E. C Hickman, preeldent, ana E.
S. Hammond. J. D. llcCormlck and
p W Riddle, professors in KlnibaU
nwi vi i neoiof - - :
nW. B. Rellhigshead. field agent, i and
R. SI Dunlop, assistant statistician
01 comauttee pi conservation and ad
vance. i
G. O. - Oliver and If f. Burkhoider
on staff department of finance of the
board of education. f
A. C, Howarth. Portland area, execu
tive secretary of committee of 1 con
servation and advance. .
W. J. Herwigr, superialendent of ant-
C C. Rarick, conference evangelist
. F. M. Jasper, conference superintend
ent of Sundar schools. .
3. IL McDonald, with Methodist Book
coneem. -- --
W. H. Fry, superintendent of Hawa
iian mission. -
i C. it. .VanMarter. MutsinnarV. in
Aiaaka. -
C- A. nacordi, agent cf conference
claimants permanent fund.
R. W. Maulden. Rolh'n StiehL t R.
n...F tt'Iii;- rt.v.n id...k..
.'i., hiiiuui r mnui ivmui.
C M Keefer, J. Stanford Moore. Flovd
M. Reeves I and ! E. W. Withall j left
sitaont appointment to attend school.
H. Rummell on leave of abmnrc.
. a . V.ltU . , S- . - :
Artntendent ef Portland Deaconess
j We ; Cress with Rose City
, .rK cnurcn ; ttena w. Stevenson, wita
" "(Br I'nitrd Jtewi)
Seattle. Sept. 11. As result of
failure of strenuous efforts to combine
t&e progressive vote of the state Behind
a single -candidate United States, Sen
ator Miles Ppindester. regarded as "the
administration's standard Bearer in tfes
Washington primary sleclons Tuesday,
probably returned..-, "u,
. Three strong candidates are running
as progressives, against Polndeater" I or
the Republican senatorial nomination.
They are Judge Austin Griffith. Colonel
George Lamping and Mrs. Frances Ax
tell, a former member of the. state leg
islature and one of the best known
women in the state. Sh has secured
ihe endorsement ' of the . state federa
tion of labor andr grange. .- "
The election will wind UD one Of the
hottest campaign in the history of
the . state. Three progressive canau
daUs have att mad extended towrs. the
principal cudgel against Polndeatep
being hU vote tft seat Senator New.
berry.. :l 1 - - - ;- .j:;-.:-."
issue ijr micuigax rawiART
r tJntt .
Detroit, Mich-, Sept. U-The pri
maries In this stats Tuesday will prove
to what extent Michigan has been in
fected by the progressivs wave Whicn
has swent other central west states.
The issues. from the : national
standnoint. m the Reoubllcan primary
are clear cut. eras Harding adminis
tration will either be upheld In the re-
nomination of Senator Townsena or to
a less extent by the nomination of Con
gressman Kelly, or t wjlt be repudiated
bv.tha nomination of Horace Baker.
who represents., the same forces that
swept Lafollette to victory, jrrasier in
North Dakota, and Brookhart In Iowa.
Former Commander John Emory, of
the American Legion m also a eandH
date, and while he is expected to poll
a formidable vote, particularly from
ex-soldiers, his strength Is not believed
to eoual that of the other three.
Senator Townsend has made a strong
camDalgn. in which he has met the
assault of his' liberal opponent. Baker,
without any " quibbling. He has de
fended the seating of Newberry,: the
record of the Harding administration
and the Esch-Cummlns law, without
reservations. ' - '
Baker, little known in a statewide
way before announcing his candidacy,
is repeated making strong headway
and he will receive. Kccordinar to indic
ations, the labor vote and the vote of
several other , elements, discontented
with the handling of national issues.
It is now believed that either he or
Congressman Kelley will carry Detroit
and other Industrial districts.
Senator Townsend will receive the
support of the conservative element of
the party, and according to some ob
servers the number of candidates and
his own vigorous personality will carry
him to victory. -
Baker's hopes of victory, it is said.
will not be based on his own personal
ity but on the progressive forces he
By Naval Badiou )
Denver. Colo., Sept. 11. Bitter con
tests between candidates of party ma
chines and progressiva elements -3 of
both parties have created keen Interest
in the Colorado primary election Tues
day. -
The principal fights' are between the
Democratic candidates for governor
and for congressional nomination In
the first district. -
W. E. Sweet, millionaire banker, is
backed by the progressives and is ex
pected, to poll most of the farmer and
labor vote in the democratic guber
natorial contest. The party organisa
tion candidate is Fred Sabin, a La-
Junta banker. Dr. B. L Jefferson,
minister to Nicaraue during the Wil
son administration. is the third can
Former Congressman Benjamin C.
Hillyard, who opposed the entry of the
United States into the war, has been
forced to vigorously defendVils record
In the congressional fight. His oppon
ents are James C. idarsh, Denver attor
ney, and former Congressman G. Kin-
dell, who Is running on a beer and light
wines platform. 9
Both Marsh and KJndell have bitter
ly denounced Hillyard for his course
in congress prior to the war.
Boston, Sept. 11. -U. , P.) Senator
Henry Cabot Lodge's fight for the Republican-
senatorial nomination neared
an end toaay.
Voters of Massachusetts tomorrow
will choose between the veteran statesr
man and Joseph C Walker, whe op
poses Lodge's stand on the bonus. Is
an advocate of the League of Nations
and Is against modification of the pro
hibition laws.
Four candidates are pitted against
each other in the Democratic senatorial
primaries. They' are; Colonel Wil
liam A. Gaston, Sherman L. Whipple,
John Jackson Walsh and professor
Dallas Loree Sharp. . -
(By Unite Ken)
Phoenix. Aria. Sent. 11. The fight
between .George T Hunt and Charles
Ward for the Democratic nomination
for governor in the Arisona primaries
Tuesday is expected to be one ef the
closest in the history of the state. Ex
cept for this the primaries are void of
Interest, and Thomas F. Campbell is
the only Republican candidate for gov
ernor. God Not Far Away,
But Here With Us,
: Says Bishop Weller
"God is not to be thought of M
lng far away in the heavens, but aa be
ing here with us," declared Bishop R
H. Weller of Fond -du Lac, Wis., in
preaching at St- Marks churchy list
and Marshall streets, Sunday morning.
"One man is -more religions than
another is proportion as ae recog
nises and realises this divine ' prea
eoca, i . ; : . -
Bishen Weller impressed . spoa the
congregation his belief in , the im
portance of holy communion, as a
means of acsociatlpg the spiritual and
the natural world.' TtUs eeremony and
symbolism is not simply an appendix
o worship, hot Is a highly necessary
part of K. he said. -'
Epworth church i Martha Warrington,
with Albina mission ; Lila Newbury,
hospital visitor in Portlamd ; Cora Mi
Btukenberg. secretary to resident
bishop; Busan E. Kuter, with Ashland
and Grants Pass churches f Martha
Buck, left to be appointed later 1 Ne'4
C. Johnson and Emma M. E. Sundei.
mer, on ieavs os neew
Home Town Nevos for
Coriventioh Delegates
Eastern State? . i
Washing-ten. Sept. 11. (I. N. &
Mexiean authorities have restored cer
tain school property to foreign mission,
board Of the Southern Baptist church,
which )iad previously been seised at
Saltlllo. Mexico, the state department
today advised Senator Harris. Derao-1
erau er Xieorgla. Word of the restor
ation was received by the state de
partment. Harris said, from th Amer
ican consul at Saiuuo. .
Foxboto, Mass- Sept. lL Bus fares
here nave gone on a conscientious basis.
?Pay as you please" is the sign which
greets the passengers.
New York. Sept. 11. Police were
paging the most absent-minded woman.
4n New York today. She got out of a
taxi, put a suitcase, hat box and pack
age of lingerie on the sidewalk, re
turned to the taxi and. sped away. .
Middle .WcstStatcs.1
Chicago. Sepfc lL I. N. 3. Mrs
Walter T, Candler will aid her hus
band, member of the Candler family
of Coco-Cola fame of Atlanta. Oa.
la his defense of the 1100)00 suit
brought against ' him by Mrs- Claude
Byfield. it became known today. Mrs,
Candler, returning east, from Hono
lulu. , met, her husband, who had
Journeyed here front Atlanta, - today.
H am his wife." she said, "and
remain at his side. - despite' the
charges of this woman,
could do otherwise r
What wife
Southern States j 4
Kerr, N. C. Sept. 11. (I. n 8.) On
a ' knoll within, sight of the .: colonial
home of his ancestors, the 'body of
Lieutenant Belvon W. Maynard, "the
flying parson,' rests today. i'Ht was
(Cootiaiwd From Pace Oat)
have been opt In one day. Lieutenant
Colonel W. C. GUmore, air officer of
the Ninth corps area, -with Lieutenant
E. C,, Kiel, is here from San Fran
cisco Inspecting the forest patrol
Astoria, Sept. 11. Astoria yesterday
sweltered under, the rays ef t&e hottest
sun of the year, when the thermom
eter reached a maximum of 91 de
grees. Many people sought relief
from . the heat by : flocking to the
beaches and seeking cool, shady nooks
along the highways adjacent: to town.
The largest number of peonie to in
vade the surf at Seaside this year la
reported to have been in the. breakers
xor many hours, while aU swimming
pools near Astoria were crowded
throughout the afternoon. 'Sunday's
eat wa hy degrees the hottest of
tne year in pu span Of Oregon.
Vancouver. Wash., Sept. ! 11. The
record of is years was equalled Sunday
when the thermometer at the govern
ment station here climbed to 80 degrees.
u oepiemner is, ists, 9(1 degrees was
reached and onr September 9,7 1907, the
nermometer registered ?$ degrees. .
Christianity aW
Community Bife
Is Bishop's Theme
The relation of Christian! faith to
the three fundamental moralities of
dutyf truth and the spirit of. sacrifice
was the subject of the. talk given by
Bishop Lawrence of Massocausetts at
th.o evening services at St ; Stephens
pro-cathedral Sunday night ; ,
"The msn of the street has a strange
conception of Christian faffth," said
Bishop -Lawrence, "and does not see
what it has to do with the, practical
fundamental moralities." i
By exemplifying the life of-Chrlst in
his sense of duty, his love of honesty
and his willing sacrifice. Bishop Law
re nee showed the bearing of Christian
ity upon community life.
Oregon City, Sent. 11. A marrtare
license was issued here to Ernest Shul
son, 2. Oregon City, and Edna Butts,
17, rarkpiace. '
i . .
Take Broadway 'car to Bryce avenue, fjo 4 blocks east
to Branch Office or motor but Fremont street to 33d
street," G north 2 blocks. Phone Automatic 329-31,
Free Plats Showing Prices and Terms :
; 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldgv ;
, - 4 . Broadway J6034
buried 4a the sandy-soil 'of Sampson
county yesterday. Three thousand per
sons from " an ' over the country at
tended the-services prior' to interment
of the aviator, who was killed at Rut
land, Vt. A hnge floral offering from
the Rutland woe f the American Le
gion was chief of many floral piecea
': San Antonio, Tex Sept, 11. Gene G.
WHiardr- ef St." Louis. Mo., civilian
rflov was instantly kUled, Mlsa. Vivian
Johnson, is at a local Jiospital slightly
Injured, and another young woman es
caped injury when an airplane from
Stinaon. ; field near here, - crashed at
Mission Burial Ground shortly before
7 o'clock tonight- - The plane fell sev
ers! hundred feet. .'.
Pacific Coast States . '
Madera. CaU Sept -11. (U." P.)
Vorest fire ahtch was reported to" have
destroyed Saturday night the mills of.
the M4era Sugar Pine Lumber com
pany and wiped nu( the small town of
Sugar Pine, Madera county, was atitt
burning today.' according to meager
reports s reaching v here. Estimates,
based oa what information was avail
able, placed the damage te the mill,' the
oaf ef the town and timber destroyed,
at 11,000.000. Telephone lines were
burned out and all communications cut.
? Los Angeles, Sept. 11. -!. N. S.
The police today -were ; searching for
four negroes, who late last night as
saulted Kenneth Mott, said to be a
practicing attorney from Atlanta, Oa
who. according to his story, was beat
en, stabbed and thrown from a Central
avenue street ear when he left his seat
because a negro woman seated herself
pesida him, Mott was treated at the
.emergency hospital for a bad cut in
the back and lacerations about the
head. He has been staying at a fash
ionable . downtown hotel for several
days, it was learned,!
(CoatiBiiea Pros Pass Oa)
Koser bf that time if Hall is to he
given a place upon the ballot.
Airtl that, as well, raises a cuestjon
that will have to be solved before Hall,
should ha accept the nomination, can
gain a place on the official ballot
There Is a statute which, provides spe
cifically that any person who sought a
nomination iar any. office at the ert'
mary election and was . defeated . may
not become an Independent candidate.
The statute Inhibits the -secret aary of
state. In this ease, r from certifying
Hall's name to the county clerks for
place on' the .ballot.
It Is contended by the supporters of
Hall, however, that the statute is un
constitutional, in that it abridges the
right of aa elector to become a candi
date for office should be he desire, and
also that it works to. prevent electors
bf the state from nominating a man of
their choice should that man havt been
a defeated candidate the preceding
primary election. v .
Secretary of State Koser says that
should- Hall accept, the nomination he
will -submit the question ta the at tor?
ney general and be guided by his de
cision. Should' the attorney general
advise him that the law is good, then
Koser would refuse to certify his name, 1
and it would be up to Hall and his foU
lowers to bring mandamus proceedings
to test the law. Should the attorney,
general determine that the law Is un-
'constltutional and advise that Hall's
name be put on the ballot, then Kozer
would certify it, and It would be up
to the supporters either of Olcott or pf
Pierce to bring Injunction proceedings
against the secretary of state and at?
tempt to have the name kept off.
Stage Line Sued
After Collision
Montesaho, Wash., Sept. 1L The
Twin City Transit company, operating
busses between Aberdeen and Hoquiam,
was made the defendant in two damage
suits filed In superior court Saturday.
Mrs. K. H. Smith and Rose Lant? both
of Aberdeen, were - passengers in one
of the company's busses June 10 when
It collided with another ear. They ask
$1100 and $1025 respectively for Injuries
suffered when they wera thrown from
their seats by the collision.
75xl50-Ft. Lots
2)0 to $
No Assessments to Assume
Aa If attempting: 'to Imitat the tac
tics of Ue TPenlnsula park gorilla,
two young men, so far unidentified.
made separate attacks, both futile, over
the week-end, Saturday - afternoon a
Utile girl was kidnaped In an automo
bile from Laurelhurst park and escaped
by jumping from the car on a lonely
pywfy off th Base Line road. ' Sunday
night a young woman was seised in
the Mount Tabor district as she re
turned home rrom a picture show.- A
passing motorist's headlights saved her
from harm. - , -
Viciously attaaked by a neatly at
tired youth Of About 15 years, near her
home, MUdrea Aiuinn, ino. zbut tiiast
(2d street, was struggling with her as- .
sailant when Thomas B, King drove
by and the rufftaa fled. - -'
The airt had barely left the Alham-
bra, theatre. East Oth street and Haw
thorne avenue, when the youth started
to follow her. HO Kept Close nenma
for several blocks . and when they
reached a -dark Stretch of the street
near zsth avenge soutneast, ne ac
costed her. .---jr.:-.;
Glve me a kiss,' he said; tapping
her lightly on the shoulder.
- "Oh. no. nothing like that." the girl
replied, quickening her pace to get
near an are . light a short distance
The youth then grabbed her ana
tried repeatedly to kiss her. Falling
in this, he began to tesr at her
clothes, the girl screaming and at
tempting te beat him away. .
The tu sake had haraly begun, now- ,
ever, - when King, who lives at No.
110& East Harrison street, approached
In his automobile with, his wife and
baby. When the car eame Into view
over the brow of a low hill, the girl
threw out her arm, waving for the
machine to stop.
King speeded tup . and as he drew
near the assailant ran into the brush.
King took th-irl to the home of
W, Y Rollins, No. 141 Division street.
after ' she had Tainted.
Miss tlullln said she had never seen
her assailant before.
Roberta Edroonston, age It, No. SI
Cast $5 street, found her way dazedly
to her home at $ o'clock Saturday night
after an absence since early afternoon.
She told almost . incoherently of being
kidnapped by a young man in soldier's
clothes who had accosted her In Laur
elhurst Park, of being- thrust into an
automobile and driven into a lonely:
by-road and of jumping from the car
when her captor ran into a ditch. Jn
trying to drive with one hand. i:
. The police were given so hasy a de
scription that they had small hope of
finding the man, but are looking-for a
man of 11 or J5, 6 feet s. Inches tall
and of slender" build. r
. The police investigated the case Sun
day, but could - get no trace . of the
assailant.' -- .
. Charged with ' loose conduct toward
glris he Invited tQ ride with him to
work, John Mod in, 13. and married, is
in the city Jail facing complaints of
two girls who rode in his automobile
Saturday morning. ' I
axoain was arrestea aaturaay eve
ning by Inspectors Goltz and Collins on
a John Doe warrant, after the number
of his automobile was traced down.
According to -police Mod in drove
around street car stopping places and
Invited working girls to ride jto work
with him. Three girls, as far as police
could determine, accepted bis offer.
They are
$2 Per Week
r V.