MONDAY, SEPTEMBER i 11, 1922. . THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, i OREGON. HELP WANTED FEMALE 204 EXPKHTFNCED OT OCOLATE DIPPERS AND PACKERS WANTED; GOOD PAT: APPLH LANG AND CO. CAXD1 F AC TORT, SO. 9 S. 1ST. ST, NEAR URN SIDE. TOMEN wanted for peeling pears; stut have health cards. Apply tomorrow morning reedy tor work. Starr Fruit Product Co., 321 ASSISTANT bookkeeper-typist wanted by whoie i sale notion house- In applying state ace, previous experience and salary expected. Giro telephone number. References required, ' Ac curacy and diligence shsoluuly essential. Ex pert not needed but cannot consider begtn eers. Q-198. Journal. : WOMEN wanted to work in cannery at Yen I couver, preparing Man; steady work and food pay; carfare paid to and from Portland. Report in the moraine ready for work at the Oregon Packing Co. plant. Ninth and Hill sts.. lanoouvcr. For information call 6098. fHE WOMEN'S FROTECTrVB DIVISION. I city of Portland, offers its service in all Mutters pertaining to the welfare and protec tion 01 women and tins; interviews connden- .1-.- dm Worcester IMC. 3d and Oak sts. Phcne Pwdwar 7422. 'OMEM Wanted to. work in cannery at Van- COUVer. Dnnirni r tu mfAr irnrk and food pay; car fare paid to and from Portland. njjwri in we morning, ready for work, at tile )reZ0n Paca-ina- Pj nlut Ninth and Hill at..: ;, nqiuTcr. tor lniormaaon. can SPECIAL NOTICE I Your summer hat ia getting shabby. Why not make yourself a new one? No experience -. necessary if you can sew. I can teach yon. Walnut 4150. ANY GIRL in need of a friend, apply to the j Salvation Army Rescue Home, Mayfair and Alexander its. Phone Msin 3450, I-M car GRKGG shorthand taught privsfely by expert Brnadway 41 IS. HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE 205 60 MOKE hop pickers wanted, usual ac commodations. Apply Bishop Bros., 408 Flanders tt. Phone East 1324. WILL aire piano or violin lessons in exchange J for printing. Atwater 3780. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE 251 'DISABLED ex-Berrice men. trained by the i government in 92 different vocations, are now available for employment. These skilled men are furnished aC no cost to the employer or to the employe. , UNITED STATES VETERANS BUREAU Myler Bills.. 9th and Oak Sts. Broadway 7621. CASLOW & UPDEGRAFF, contractors and . builders. First cUfi workmanship and ma terials guaranteed. Plana and specifications furnished, or we figure from yourplajis, Sell wood 2360. . f HOUSE WIRING Let me givs you an estimate on your wiring before letting yonr contract. Licensed elec trician. Walnut 5 691. LET ME figure your wiring before yon let your contracts. Old houses our specialty. Get our prices on fixtures. Walnut 2114. or evenings. Walnut 3065. APARTMENTS. HOTELS. CONTRACTORS First class painter, desires steady employment, references furnished; reasonable wages. Auto. 614-43. A GOOD farmer wants job as foreman' or steady farm work; will rent equipped any where in Oregon. C A. Keopple, th and Main. Oregon City, Or. JANITOR and wife want position with apart ment; 10 years experience; can do painting, kalsomininz or take care of oil furnace. Main B582. EXPERIENCED landscape gardener, new lawns a specialty, old lawns msds over. Phone Tebor-7ttia. TINTING, paperhanging and plaster patching. kalsomining. Let me make yoor old house new; ref. Empire 1528. CARPENTER Estimates given on repait work ; screens made and garages built. Shop J887 Hawthorne, Tabor 1260.- PAINTING, paperbanging and tinting; price reasonable; work guaranteed. Shop 1865 Hawthorne are. Tabor 1722. COMPETENT small sets. Haig st. bookkeeper wanta to handle Address L. E. Eaehtus, 573 SHINGLINC1 Vve specialize on resliingling ; can do your job better and save you money. Estimates free. East 1928. BUILT-IN fixtures, cupboards and kitchen tables, garage built and garage doors made to order. Call East 9384. HIGH school boy wants work after school for room, board and spending money. Call Wal nut 1878. FAINTING, tinting and wood finishing, ex perienced workmen, moderate prices. It. It. Bennett. Main 8383. HARDWOOD floors laid over your old ones at very low cost. (.Tall us up for estimate. Tabor 4718 or Tabor 7655. PAINTING, tinting, paperhanging; work done to suit. Phone Auto. 622-96 or Sellwood 1027. AN HONEST, intelligent energetic salesman would like a position with a future. What have you to offerf G-160, Jousnal. ' MARRIED farmer wants job on diversified ranch or farm: can take charge. G-162. Journal. SPRAYING and whitewashing, with machine. E. 8. Stone. 761 Division st KALSOMINING, painting, piaster-re pairing, reasonable. Main 2865. PLUMBING done very reasonable by tiie hour or oy tne oo. fcast 3o. TEAMING, plowing, excavating, etc ; also dump wagons. 240 E. 8th. East 0210. bHINGLEB 12 years' experience. All work aosomteiy guaranteed. walnut 0907. CARPENTERS Repair work or contract. Call East 9884. dose by day PAPER HANGING, REPAIR WORK. FAINTING. TINTING, SELLWOOD 8906. PLASTERING, repairing a specialty; by day or ronmct; u wpr ynanmteeq. r.aat fi 8 9 1 BASEMENTS, grading, general teaming; con tract or day work. Auto. 622-35. PAINTING and kalsomining; good work guar- an-teed. Atwater 1485 or 5882. PAPERHANGING, tinting, inside finiah;first ciaaa ora; prices reasonaoie. Tappr 8080. ' CEMENT WORK " With concrete mixer, reasonable. W.l ftoaa CARPEN TKK. contract or day work. Tabor 1611. EXPERIENCED hardware man m,,JT!rfj go ajwnere. g--xe, journal. xoou married man wishes) work, washer in isunarj preierrea. 7116 83d K. E. suiaasu cnautieur not afraid of Work. v v , www. cuDoo aiain i u u ,i . CARPENTER Needs work; ask for carpenter". Phone Main 7003. ""-. KALSOMINING. painting done contract or day work. Call Main 6582. BOOFS repaired and painted; tin and paper wr.nM w., uiji pivco. i a por oys. EXPERIENCED janitor wants work aU or pan aw. r-nrms praaqway 0398. LAWNS made and seeded; general gardening by expert. Phone Main 6321. PAINTING and tinting, first class work, rea sonable, oeiiwuoa 4x4. PAINTING, pavperhanging, unting; estimates given, rnone vtainox im. HARDWOOD FLOORS by day er contract sieierencew. itgo nenngy ave. w Qjn. 6632. V. W McCORMACK, cement coo tractor. one-half sack mixers. Sellwood 1660. CEMENT WORK, guaranteed, ail ktdx Karl Battee A Co... Sellwood 0919. PAINTING, TINTING. ALL BRANCHES REASONABLE. VAIL BROS.. Wdln. 882a" FOR EXCAVATING AND GRADING CALL TABOR 1587. CEMENT foundations, houses raised cement work of all kinds, reasonable. Atwater 3 6 5 KXCAVATING. grading, general team workThT day or contract. Walnut 1683. BY AN EXPERIENCED grocer? All of tows. Phone Main oais Baa, in or BiytLAYlt, A-l mechanic, firiILcwa frecty. Phone Auto. 19-3. " CaCMKNT WORK, all kinds, and garages: kam concrete mixer. Tabor 6070. SITUATIONS FEMALE 2S4 MIDDLEAGED woman wishes paaittoo. as housekeeper in apartment house or mother lesa home; ccenpeteet. economical; references. E. Jacobs. 680O 63d ave.. S. E. -?si WORK by the kour, nursing or hoauaT'. w gwsiw ma 4.unary. 6. Phone Main 0851. 235 5th St.. Boeas "LACE curtains hand laundered. 12 years' ex; penence. East 6196. " MARRIED woman wants any kind oF"work . from 10-8. Empire 0906 ork GOOD laundress wanta work by dax reasonable. Walnut T24S. Price !sta6086P UwtJM Ceil WOMAN waau any kind of work ia urwT hurat East 4254. j " WOMAN wju amaU child wishes posiUon in f rt ' ' ssIvm. r mama W,cKi?U5iG "aoiei-i. Call. tabor fe459 for appointment - T - SITUATIONS FEMALE 2S4 HAVE 4 loveiy sleeping rooms, bast west side district; furnace heat, good accommodations; carline, yet walking distance. 332 No. 23d. Bdwy. B785. DRESSMAKING 256 HEMSTITCHING, so color, c Boom 403 Raleigh baig . 127 Washington at. Bdwy. 1742. HEMSTITCHING, white cotton. 6c per yard. 603 Raleigh bldg. 827 Washington at. ALL KINDS of sewing; eudran's Sewing my specialty. Walnut 6063. HEMSTITCHING any color 7c yd. while you wait. Buttons. Stamps. 209 Aoaky bldg HEMSTITCHING white, e per yard straight. Button A Plaiting Shop, 600 Royal bids. NURSES 257 K L KSE will care for invalid and do light housework, reasonable; rlerence. Call 1220 Division st PRACTICAL nurse wishes maternity case; willing to do anything about the house. W li mit 8S02. EXPERIENCED nurse wants home cases. Wal nut 2319. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS 300 THE BARTON Clean, furnished rooms, 62.50 p-r week and up; also Sght housekeeping. 4 55 Aider st BEAUTIFUL strictly modern newly furniahed. with fireplace and reed furniture; walking distance. ;East 4385. Two bells. ARTHUR HOTEL. 170 11th St.. near Morri son Clean and modern rooms by day, week or month at reasonable rates. BUSHMARK hotel. Wasn. su, cor. 17th; clean, modern rooms $3.50 week up. NEWHALL HOTEL. 402 E. WASHINGTON. Sleeping rooms by the day or week. UNFURNISHED ROOMS 300-A SUNNY bedroom near Campbell hotel, steam heat, bath, phone, private entrance; sani tary couch furnished: private family, walk ing distance. Main 4R89. FURNISHED ROOMS PRIVATE FAMILY 301 FURNISHED ROOMS with breakfast, if d- sired: pleasantly located near Willamette river adjoining Wavcrley golf links. Mrs. Putnam" bungalow. K. 10th and Oehoco. Sellwood. Phone Bell wood 10311. FOR 1 OR 2 GEN'TIJiMEN: LARGE FRONT SLEEPING ROOM, MODERN CONVEN IENCES; WALKING DISTANCE. 531 E. OAK. T . A I? ( : frnnt H-i .... . ( 1 v. -oo nu,; lurnace heat, electricity, bath, phone suitable for two; $25. Phone Main 2975 4 FURNISHED ini, upstairs, private bath; the right rent to the rght people; clean, close in, adults onlv. Also 5 unfurnished rooms. 727 E. Stark. SEE THIS TODAY LOVELY LARGE CORNER RM. FOR 2; GOOD RED. BEST OF BOAKD; 7 MIN. WAIJC TO CITY. EAST 1880. A I.ARGE rm. on second fir. including sleep ing porch; all home privileges, free bath and phone: suitable for two" or three, either sex. 253 N. 21st Main 407 8 ONE nice, large sleeping room, also one which may be converted to light housekeeping if desired, walking distance, close to carl me. 751 E. Couch. Phone E. 0533. NICELY furnished rooms, private home, for Quiet, employed persons, walking distance, lovely neighborhood. 50 EUa st- Bdwy. 8004, ' VERY attractive front room with dressing room and sleeping porch; nicely furnished, clean and comfortable; gentleman preferred, west side. Bdwy. 4329. ONE mce large sieepuu room, in private fam ily; anyone seeing this room will be de lighted to rent it; I will rent it cheaply. 429 6 th at. LARGE front room, hot water heat. Piedmont district. Walnut 0187. NICELY furnished sleeping room, bath, hot and cold water any time. All conveniences; walking distance and very reasonable. 699 Hoyt, Main 3741. LOVELY ROOJf IN STRICTLY MODERN HOME. NICELY FURNISHED: 2 WIN DOWS; LADY PREFERRED; WALKING DIST. RENT REASONABLE. ATW. 0212. EXTRA large cor. room, 3 closets, prvi. bath, suitable for 3 or 4. in a beautiful refined home. 84 N.- 21st st-. cor. Everett, walking distance. F6RRENT Room and bath for a gentleman in pleasant home, with elderly gentleman. I H block to Sellwood cariine. Sellwood 1066. VERY attractive room in refined family, ex ceptionally well furnished, furnace heat, gentlemen preferred, breakfast if desired, near cariine. S91 K. 24th. Sell. 2566. 2 NICELY f urn. aputside sleeping rooms in first cla.os spt. house: rent reasonable; gentle men only. Main 7516. FURNISHED room $10 a month to a man; stick your feet against family stove; must be congenial. East 1058. 61 E. 27th st. N. IF jou are looking for clean, cheerful home. suitable for 2 young ladies, good car service, reasonable rates. 966 Hawthorne ave. FOR RENT In private huane, room with double sleeping porch, all furnished; heat, light, bath, etc.. 825. 741 E. Madison st. A NICE large room with fireplace for one or two; a coay place for the winter, free bath and phone. 253 N. 21st st. Main 4078. LARGE, FRONT ROOM. PRIVATE FAMILY FURNISHED HOT AND COLD WATER. PHONE 753 HOYT ST. MAIN 7030. SLEEPING ROOM. $18; RUNNING WATER HOT AND COLD; HOT WATER HEAT. CALL EAST 3481. THREE FURNISHED ROOMS, INCLUDING MODERN KITCHEN. ADULTS. CALL TABOR 6939. 2 LARGS front adjoining rooms suitable for 2 or 4 young men: very reasonable. At water 0580. 194 12Ji st. cor. of Taylor. $10 CLEAN tleepfig room, walking dis tance; gentleman preferred; breakfast if de sired. East 7 94 7. NICELY furnished front room, in new Co lonial bungalow, every convenience; H block to car; lady or gentleman. Sell. 4057. SLEEPING ROOM, PRIVATE HOME. FUR NACE HEATED. WALKING DISTANCE EAST 7618. 427 WILLIAMS AVE NEWLY furnished room; private family: gentle man preferred. No other roomers. 329 13th st. FOR YOUNG business man. very pleasant room with breakfast, private family, walking dis tance, west aide. Call Main 1349. LARGE nicely furnished front room; suitable for one or two gentlemen; also single room. 328 13th st. Phone Main 2098. 4 ROOM unfurnished. S room furnished, large outside room, walking distance. Hot water. 575 Stark st- NICELY furn. room, home privileges, for one or two. Reasonable. 186 East 32d. Ta bor 0058. 1 LARGE room in private family, 2 large win down, bath adjoining: walking distance. East 5486. NEWLY furnished sleepins room, close to high school, beat, light, phone, walking distance. Adults. 688 E. Stark st. Emt 034 8. 1 FRONT room with alcove. 1 back room fur nace heat, light bath, private family. Close to Ankeny car. 88 E. 1 6th st 1 2-ROOV and one 1-room snd kitchenette h. k. apta.; also nice sleeping rooms; 10 min. walking distance. Call at 549 6th. CLEAN. LIGHT. AIRY RM.. WITH BATH. SUITABLE FOR 1 OR 2. 657 FLAN DERS. FRONT bed room for rent in private home. for lady ; heme privileges. 370 1st Phone Main 2446 NICE, clean sleeping porch, glassed in. ouuide rouiocf, wuaing aiatance, west side $10 mo. 438 H Montgomery. Main 8570. NEAT. Clean sleeping rooms in modern home; also li. K. 'rooms. 8 E, 6th st N. East S47S. COMFORTABLE room for gentleman, hot and old water, furnace hear. s:i ; -! .. Main 1746. LARGE newly furnished haVlK atnrl V. -tn at - !i5 f2n.1 ad20 for 2; gentlemen pre f erred. 625 E. Harrison at. East 2737. TWO nicely furnished rooms in private fam ily. Inquire at 1007 E. 80th N.. after 7:30 p. m. One block from Albert SICKLY furnished, clean steeping room oaiv 63. per weg. 144 A. 14th st COMFORTABLY "ORTARLY furnished room, with iT e. 615. 893 K. th B. E? 3a" rage, C0HF08IABI rooms, quiet home, close in. r 1st ax. . . FOR RENT Nice front room for l' or 2 men: call evenings. 823 Savier st NICE t rooms tanushed apartment for rent at 41 Moms; $16 month. 120 LARGE, modem, bed. si teg spaeo: west side, doee in. Bdwy. 4T1 a WUM, 2 AND S rooms, light, waief and Duono. ch.. : ; ajr ABSKU. NEWLY furnished room, every ivy,,-. walking distance- 325 1 Sth, near Clair BE A UTIFULLT furnished clean room gt90 N, 16th. ROOM AND BOARD 302 HOTEL HCkJ"Vnun wT'.5 ?OIT-. ' ' MAE 8605. Eadusiva reaidentUl: special sununar rat-: w aneala speak fog Mt popularity. FOR RENT ROOM AND BOARD - 302 iNortonia Hotel Breevdwey off -Washington. Broadway 1 1 80. Portland's high class downtown residential hotel. We givs you the cosmforta of tunas. American and European plsav, Kates raaiop able. EXCLUSIVE residential botes; rata 446 t 65ft. 794 Lovejoy. Main 8619. ROOMS AND BOARD PRIVATE FAMILY 303 GOOD HOME FOR TEACHERS BREAKFAST, LCNCH AND DiN-VEB; H. K. ROOMS IF DESIRED. 1069 B. MORRISON. ROOM AND BOARD for teacher or lady em ployed; private home, near Hawthorne car line. 806 East 40th street south. Tabor 2374. TWO OB THREE respectable young gentlemen to room and board In refined home with mother and daughter. Boys who appreciate real home life. 730 E. Ankeny at. East 1431. ROOM and board for 2 gentlemen. 630 per month. 121 E. 11th. Phone East 2322. CHILDREN to board, Peanttfol country bom. near school, close in. 614 monthly. For particulars write Peaceful Acres Farm, route 1. box 142-A. Hillsboro. SEE THESE TODAY LOVELY LARGE BM. WITH 1 OR 2 BEDS, WITH 2 MEALS in Attractive HOME. TABOR 8709 WANTED 2 refined young ladies who want good meals. Large, airy room. 2 beds. Home privileges. Nob Hill district. Atwater 1013. LARGE front room with private family, suit able for two, no other boarders, home priv ileges. 450 E. 8th street N. Phone E. 3885. WANTED Two or three children to board; modern home, large lawn, near good school; mother's care. Am. 610-37. 6324 S2d st. S. E. ROOM WITH BEST OF HOME COOKING. HOME PIRVII.EGES. WALKING DIS TANCE. EAST 1093. 235 EAST 15TH. COR. MAIV I FOR AdVTl inliH l-hmniy. nr .r,,l...T, j patients, pleasant home surroundings, with ! helth-bui)diiig diet and treatment, personal care of physician: reasonable rates. East 8535. WANT FATHER AND CHILD. SCHOOL AGE. TO ROOM AND BOARD, LARGE FRONT ROOM; MOTHERLY CAKE; PRI VATE FAMILY, ROSE CITY. TABOR 897C. 2 OR 3 persons may ha i e room and board; wonderful view; dressing room; hot and cold water; fireplace; sip. porch; splenedld home cooking; references. Main 0511. aixi uoara in a nice nome; just wnat you're lookina for: toad mnli and clean bed: nice Sunday dinners; for a gentleman. Walnut 4545. ROOM and board in nice modern home, walk ing distance. S33 per month, or 630 If 2 share room. Call East 4379 until Sat. p. m. Later st 599 Holly St. BOARD AND ROOM. PRIVATE" FAMILY. JfST WHAT YOU WANT. PLEASANT SURROUNDINGS. CLOSE TO BUSINESS CENTE R. MAIN' 2074. WIDOW Comfortable home, near good school, would like care of children, 8 to 1 2 years; mother's care and attention. 907 E. 11th at, N., between Skidmore and Msvm. LOVELY large front room with alcove, suit able for two ; hot and cold water Jn room ; good board; walking distance; west side. Main 7681. FAMILY living in the country will take 1 or mora boys to board for winter; near good school; references given. Address Mrs. Etta Mickley, Prindle, Wash. SUNNYSIDE SPECIAL Breakfast, lunch or dinner; rm. if desired. 2 blks. to fchool. good home for teachers; i piano and phone. Tab. 1918, 1069 Morrison. GOOD board and room $6.50 wk; swell neigh borhood, one block to car: two to another; four to others; garage, 65 mo. 1197 Cleve land. Walnut 6936. I HAVE one large front room suitable for two young people in business ; will furnish breakfast and dinner; home privileges, walk ing distance to 3 schools. East 1376. BOARD and room in refined home, twin beds, pleasant for 2 girls to room together; would give special price $25 each per month. Broad way 2293. DANDY ROOM. LARGE CLOSET, GOOD BOARD. PIANO, FURNACE HEAT. 788 E. TAYLOR. EAST 9085. CHILDREN to room and board, from 6 to 8; good home, 5 blocks to school. 9314 51st ave. Auto. 616-13. ROOM and board, home privileges. hot water, phone, piano. 1 block Woodlawn car. Wsinut aaa. LARGE, clean room with board for one or two gentlemen, ehpwer bath, homo privileges, walking distance. 674 E. Taylor. ROOM and board in private family for two women, near Sunnyside school; home privi leges. 1145 E. Taylor st. ROOM and board, all home conveniences, beet home cooking, salads and desserts, fruit for breakfast; just like home, clone in. B. 8248. PRIVATE FAMILY Room and board suitable for two working men: will make it homelike. 15 E. 15th N. LARGE front' room on first floor, suitable for 2 with table board. 692 East Ash. East 1207. BOARD and room in private family for 2 men. $35 a mo.; 2 blocks from Bdwy. bridge. 360 Benton st. LARGE front room for two with or without board. 166 N. 23d st. Phone Atwater 1151. WANTED Girl employed to room and board; walking distance; reasonable. Broadway 3016. , ROOM and board, all home comforts, close to Benson Polytechnic schjoL Tel. East 3023. Address 625 E. Ankeny. WANTED, gixls of school age to care for, also small children afternoon or evening. Glad stone P. O. Box 405. ROOMS WITH OR WITHOUT BOARD; GENTLEMEN PREFERRED; $8 WEEK. 624 SANDY. EAST 5308. NICE, CLEAN. CHEERFUL ROOMS, WITH OR WITHOUT BROAD. 13 E. BROAD WAY. EAST 4948. NICE warm room, hot and cold water, rea sonable, excellent board for 2 men. 191 11th st- Main 9121. HOMELIKE accommodation for two ladies, teachers or other employed; Irvington dis trict; two car lines; beat neighborhood; flood board. East 5878. 2 YOUNG men or man and wife to room and board, private home, walking distance, east tide, near Benson school. East 921 8. TWO large rooms, nicely furnished, in exclu sive private home, with or without board. 7 61 Clinton, near 23d. Sell. 0 1 8 NICE ROOM AND BOAHD FOR 2 YOUNG LADIES; HOME PRIVILEGES. WAL- NUT 12S5, NICK large rouni. suitable for 1 or 2 ladies, large elects, good heat and all modern con veniences; no other roomers. Tabor 7338. WANTED Children under 6 to board, good home, mother's care; would room parents. Walnut 3954. WEST SIDE. WALKING DISTANCE, AT TRACTIVE ROOM. GOOD HOME COOK ING. 591 H DAVIS. BDWY. 8048. 1 I.ARijE front rooui, downstairs, wita fire place: 1 large room upstairs; board includ- ed: donble or single. 82 E. 12th st - 2 PLEASANT rooms with board; close to car line; young men preferred; clean and airy rooms ; Sunnyside ; 835; 2 meals. 147 E. 30th. 1 ROOM with board; 1 block from cariine; furnace beat 887 E. Ash at East 8180. NICE room wi,h gucd board, $8 per wee. Tabor 4872. GOOD HOME AND MOTHER'S CARE FOB SMALL CHILDREN. SELL. 3906. FURNISHED room with board; slcepmg porch. 407 -Clay st. Main 3834. WILL BOARD high school or working girl "for companionship, reasonable. Call East 2796. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED 304 1 23 2 FURK. H. K. rooms, heat, light phone, walking distance, west side. 176 Stont or 20th and Morrison. ROOM and kitchenette, dean and comfortable, is in dry basement Reasonable. 560 Glisan. Srrter 17th. SUNNYCKEST Steam heated, hot and cold water, newly furn. h. k. and alp-, rm.. lndry rm.. $10 mo. np. 186 Sherma 1, 2 AND $ H. K. rooms, reasonable. 423 Pacific st. corner 6th; near dental college. East 8494. ONE trunk transferred;1 50c; additional trunks. r ' i , , u wiiVCB WESXnCKS. way 2444. LIGHT II. K.. 1-2 and S room apta.; rnnjtiaat water. 62 ier week np. 670 XL Pine. 2 LARGE ci.n furnished front h. k. rooma. aKivi. ii oitvnais st-, atar&naui zzgg HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED PRIVATE FAMILY 30S FURNISHED honsskeopun spy., lurnace hssX ONE 3 ROOM apt for H. K. and kitchenette. 635 E. Morrison. TWO ROOMS, private hoei. nicely furnished, ia yajeifi 708 E. Taylor SINGLE turn ed H. K. ronaw. gss St. Atwater 0197. S-SAOatV !-t-..t Hf nT" TORRENT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED PRIVATE FAMILY 306 TWO ooms, per Bannth 3 furniahed. downstairs. 616 607 Missistifpi 3 LARGE, J small neosekeeptng room, prtvate entranc ; g beat, electricity, bath; also 1 sleeping porch. 388 Grand an. N., near Broadway. TUKEE hoekeeptng rooms, 2 beds, $20 per month ; burgs front housekeeping room 616 per month ; small housekeeping room, 89 per month. Close in. 872 h Hawthorne ave. CHOICE of 2 large housekeeping rooms in private family, suitable fcr gentleman or lady: preferably working. 651 K. Madison at. VERY desirable single h. k. room; steam heat, clean; must be seen to appreciate; close in. 428 Mill St.. between 11th and 12th ats. ONE large, light, airy housekeeping room, $5 per week, including bath, phone, light and gaa; easy walking distance. 120 18th at. N. Phone Broadway 1025. FURNISHED h. k. rooms, furnace heat, very desirable, near Washington High and East side library: walking ditsance. 593 East Aider. coTof 15ih. 3 MODERN furnished rooms in. kitchen. dining, room, bed room, bath, light, water, linen, silver; private entrance $25. 148 E. 72d N. M. V. carl;ne. Tsb. 0475. POSITIVELY clean 3 room apartment, neatly furnished, good rug linoleum kitchen, pantry, closet; gas range; hall amd porch, atorage room. 690 E. 10th. Sellwood 1898. 2 LARGE front rooms, hot and cold water; also large front room and kitchenette, $20 monthly. Single rooms for $15. Near Couch school. 655 Flanders. GOOD h. k. room, modern. Tabor 1105. private family. CHEERFUL, COZY. WELL FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING SUITE; ALSO SINGLE ROOM 414 MARKET, COR. 11TH. S H. K. ROOMS and private bath; clean rooms; includes light, phone; no children. 510 Clay st 2 H. K. ROOMS with kitchenette; 2 large h. k. rooms connecting; also aingle rooms, 293 17th st. ONE large furnished H. K. room and closet; furnace heat, suitable for two, $4.50 per week. 421V 6th st. Atwater 2605 THREE large furnished housekeeping rooms for rent. 701 Et Burnside st. East 3206. 2 AND 3 laree housekeeping rooms, nicely fur nished, suitable for 4, near school. 271 N. 2 1st st. FOUR clean housekeeping rooms, suitable for family; light, bath, phone: $30 per month. 615 H 1 st st. Atwater 8865. NICELY furnished housekeeping room for man or lady attending school; close to cariine. flO per month. 172 E. 35th st. LARGE front room with kitchenette, newly papered and decorated; 63 week. 2 70 Columbia. Main 2 7 57. TWO tront housekeeping rooms, on oarline; walking distance; adults only. Clean. o32 East Morrison st. FOUR unfurnished light housekeeping rooms, close to carlme; light and water furnished. Must be sten to appreciate. 140 E. 34th tt. 2 H. K. ROOMS suitable for 3, furnace heat, light and gas; couid care for small child. 751 Kearney at. NOB HI LI, 2 clean, desirable front H. K. rooms, all conveniences; 1 sleeping room. Atwater 2 85 4. 2 FRONT h. k. rooms and 1 back room, with kitchenette; furnace heat, close in. 54 8 Tamhill st. ONE H. K. ROOM WITH SLEEPING PORCH. ALL MODERN 309 11th St. Atwater 3213. 2 K00MS and sleeping porch; 2 beds; adjoin ing bath: steam beat. For 2- adults. 401 10th it. Main 2480. FOUR furnished H. K. rooms; hot snd cold water; close in. 881 12th st, cor. Moot g ornery - Main 1199. TWO or three pleasant unfurnished house keeping rooms, in private home, modem. 97 8 Williams ave. Phone Wsinut 5338. TWO large rooms with pantry, well furnished, private entrance and bath, $30. 10 E. 10th st. N. 3 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms on first floor. 129 E. 3 2d, near Morrison. Bent reasonable. $16 2 LARGE furnished housekeeping rooms. 54 2 E. 27th St. Richmond car to 27th. one block southt. 4 ROOMS, neatly furn. for h. k.; walking distance to Reed college; adulta only. Sell wood 0590. CLEAN rooms, 11. h . sleeping; beautiful view of city; S3 and 84 week. 596 Market at. drive. sMain 6177. 2 FURNISHED rooms for H. K. preferably adults ; reasonable rates. 1071 E. Wash- ington st. 1 H. E ROOM, with kitchenette, I single li. K. room, close in, walking distance. 4b8 E. Washington. IN MODERN home, clean h. k. rooms; also sleeping rooms. 8 E. 6th st. N. East S473. FOR .RENT 3 large airy furnished h. k. rooms near Eliot .school. Call East 8335, Sundays or forenoons. TWO Turnished housekeeping rooms, close in, $20 per month, Including gas for cooking. 502 East Pine. Phone East 8913. LARGE furnished h. k. rooms, with heat, phone amd bath. $15; single and $20 double, west side. 409 H Jackson st. Main 5196. 2 NICELY furnished h. k. rooms, gss and light furnished; dose to business district. 532 H Yamhill st 3 NEWLY furnished h. k. rooms; hot and cold water, gas and electricity, phone, walking distance. Main 2369. 364 12th st. ONE large H. K. room, 1 small H. K. room, adjoining bath, clone to ear line. Walking distance. 10 E. 10th st- E. 2796. 2 FURNISHED H. K. rooms, very sunny and bright; light, heat, phone; comfortably fur niahed; young couple preferred. 31 E. liHth st. NEWLY furnished housekeeping rooms, fur nace heat. walking distance. 628 EL Stephens. 5 H. K, ROOMS, with bath; new apts. ; close to cariine: across from new Buckman school, near high school. 63 12. 16th st. 1-2 AND 3-RM. h. k. apta.; 2 beds, sink, hot. cold water, furnace beat, good location. 306 12th st Main 1520. ONE latse H. K. room; alv sleeping room. dean, close in. 843 W. 10th at At water 3359. 3 ROOM unfurnished apt. light clean, sink, water, gaa. electricity. $18. 173 East 7th st , cor. Yamhill. NICELY furnished H. K. rooms in nice resi dential district; furnace heat; prices reason able; walking distance. 755 Hoyt st. MODERN 3 room housekeeping apartment walking distance; adults. Call Atwater 0824. before noon or after 6 p. m. 3 SINGLE and 2 double H. K. rooma; light and water furnished; dose in. 200 14th it M. 4905. 1 SINGLE front H. K. room, suitable for 2 people; running water: free phone and light; walking distance. 4 75 Clay st M. 3799. 2 SINGLE H. K. rooms; gas rang, sink and running water; dose in. 370 12th at M. 6283. 1 II. K ROOM and kitchenette, 1 aingle room gas and light furnished; doss in. 430 Mill st M. 8633. FOUR furnished housekeeping rooms in Dri- vsts family In Ross City Park. Tabor 0012. 3-ROOM unfurnished apt; light, clean, sink, water, gaa. electricity, $18. 173 E. 7th st, cor. Yamhill $2.75 WEEK, furnished housekeeping rooms, lights and bath included, west side, walking distance). 645 to 1st and 915 Kin St. cor. -1st. TWO housekeeping rooms with light gaa and heat furnished, for adulta only. 273 14th. Phone Main 7695. SUNJCYSIDE. 80th st, 3 clean rooms, pri vate porch entrance. Pleasant home. East 8146. ' $18 TWO" furn. H. K. rooms with bath room on first floor, east front Room for parking sntr. 427 X. 21t st B"way. 5561. KICK large room with kitchenette, clean lin ens each week. Light, gas, steaun beat food basement for two only. Walnut 4545. 4 FURNISHED H. K rooms upstairs, light phone, bath, water, garage. Auto. 615-52. 8-ROOM. cnodern h . k. apta., hot and cold water; phone, bath and Kg'hts. 666 Market TWO or $ lovely furnished H. K. rooms, $16 per monm. ugnt. gam. rec grove st IN PRIVATE boms. S room furnished apt. 2 single H. K. rooms. 288 X. 20th st 2 FURNISHED H K. ROOMS. 474 ST WASH ST. EAST 6885. VERY dasirahla furnished H. K. rooms, private bath. 661 Rodney ave.. cor. Knott st 2 BOOM flat $3 per wek; singl room. $1.79. 846 Front, near Market IL K. SUITE with sleeping porch for S. Til N. 18th a. 2 ROOMS, lunian heated. resaonabiav, 60 Bachtei aw. lart S955. 4 H K. rooms, partly furnished, lower floor. 413 Vancouver avo. East 666T. 3 DESIRABLE H. K. moms; adults. Yamhill. Main 4415. 535 2 AND S room H. K. apts, 2 beds,.aiak. phone, closo in. SOS 12th at NICE front room., lsxg oae, ahouk S am. vsw. t-lay. saauos 5409, S ROOM. APT., clean, close in, walking "dliJ tuc. 70 K. 8U st, XL JJ1S. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED PRIVATE FAMILY 306 618 COMPLETELY furnished detached house. 2 rooms and kitchenette, phone, pri vate bath, laundry and basement; small but comfortable and convenient; adulta. Take Fulton car to 1605 Virginia at Home for Girls Will share "my lovely modern home with business giria; fireplace, piano, overstaffed davenport; all convenience. Bdwy. 6779. TWO FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. tdi MONTH ATWATER 1141 01 CLAY. FINELY fur. front room, with cooking and kitchen privileges. Suitable - for mew and wife or singlo man. Also 1 amali sleeping room cheap. 348 William ave. Close to I .A R G K front upetairs rooms. Alcove and aleepinf porch overlooking city. Walking distance; partly furniahed. suitable for sleep ing apartment or light housekeeping. No children or dogs. Main 6851. LARGE 2 room front suite, well furnished; good piano, electricity and phone; also single room, kitchenette: walking distance. Call Sundays or alter S p. m.. 4bl 5th st. Atwater 8833. - TWO or three rooms for people employed; lights, hot water, bath, laundry privileges, table and bed linens furnished. Reasonable rent. 509 Deknm ave. 2 FURNISHED HOUSEKEF.PINO ROOMS. $15 MONTH. CALL SELLWOOD 1222. VICINITY of Jefferso.i ii.gft. priTat bath; also separate entrance; g range and fur niflied: block from stores and cars; desirable. 1037 Cleveland ave. ' APARTMENT of livau room, dressing room and kitchenette in private home in laurel burst. $82 covers all expense. Call Monday. Tabor 9333. LARGE 2 room tront suite, well turnlihed. electricity and phone, sink and gas rang: close in. Call Sundays or after 5 p. m. 449 Montgomery. 2 FURNISHED 11. K. njoms. large. Clean, close to car line, walking distance, near school. 625. Everything furniahed. 20 E. 7th st, 3 NICE ciean rooms, hall. bath, closet in room; tse of porch, lawn; no other room ers: electricity, phone and bath free; reason able. Adults. Walnut 3873 morning. WELL furnished 2 room apt. clean as can be made; fireplace, kitchenette, done io white hear, light, gas snd phone included Private home, adults. Sellwood 1068. SEE THESE TODAY a Kiev H K ROOMS. WOOD AND LIGHT FURNISHED; VERY REASONABLE: CLOSE IN. CALL AT 194 LOWNSDAE. LOWER 4 or 5 rooms, batli. electricity (fur nished or unfurnished) place for cars free: 10 minutes' walk; basement. Very cheap. 315 Williams ave. Upper rooms cheaper. Children taken. Close to school. 2- OR 3 CLEAN, comfortable fur. it- v. rooms, private home, 2 Yi mocks I com ear. Good locstic.n. 936 E. Couch, near autn. Eaet 069S HOME ju t opened. Everything new. Single h. k. ruoni. Manogany. ivory woouwwi. New drape, mgs. Lovely home. $5 week. 133 N. 1Mb. st SEE THESE TODAY Two H. K. rooms; iighu bath, water and phone; also sleeping room. Just what you want; close in. East 0168. ONE or 2 H. K. rooms, furnace heat, laun dry privilege, elect., phone. 1 blk. Shattuck chool, $3 and $3.50 week. 405 W. Park at. NICE light room, everything furnished. 121 N. 28d. Atwater 1502. THREE furnished housekeeping rooms, bot wanter in pantry snd kitchen, nice clothes closet in front room. 266 Cook are.. H block from W llhams sve. $16 PER MO. ea. 2 single H. K. rooms. 1st floor, running water, gas or stove heat, fc-r bachelor or working person, near Y. M. C. A. 830 Taylor st. Atwater 1675. ONE small light h. k. room, close in, one block from Sunnyside and Mt. Tabor car line. Phone, light and water; $10. East 5335. NOB HILL, 3 large, clean, nicely furnished modem rooms; accommodate 3 or 4 Leople near school and car; would like lady to look after bouse part time. 736 Hoyt. near 23d $25 TO $32 FOR 2 large, clean housekeep ing rooms in large apartment house; plenty of heat and hot stater, free lights and phone. 402 Vi Third st. $16 TWO nice fur. front fL K. rooms. 2d floor, elec. lights free; nice location; large basement rooms $13.50. 584 E. 8th. Sell wood 1109. NICELY furnished 8-room apartment, west side, clean place, good location, handy to stores. 12 minutes to town; reasonable. 850 Thurman st. near 25th. CLEAN light housekeeping room, furnished, phone, light, water and gaa furnished. cloe in. 89 Ross st. Phone East 3541. 2 ROOM furnished, housekeeping apartments; aleo 1 single housekeeping room, all mod em, rent reasonable: apace for car if desired. 363 N. 16th. Bdwy. 7634. YOU WILL LIKE THESE TWO NICE LARGE HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, ON FIRST FLOOR; CHILDREN WELCOME. BROADWAY 4436. 4 FURNISHED H. K. rooms and sleeping porch, electric lights and gaa Included, $2 25 per month. 731 E. 15th at. 8. Sellwood car to Rhone st. ONE 3 ROOM FURN. H. K. APT., ONE 2 ROOM UNFURN. H. K. APT., NEAR SCHOOL. SUITABLE FOR TEACHER. NEAR 2 CARLINES. TABOR 9508. 2 ROOM housekeeping apartments with sleep ing porches, well furnished. Phone, light snd water; reasonable rent; Rose City car. T33 Pacific st. or call East 9232. 2 ROOM housekeeping apartments. also 2 single rooms furnished. Reasonable rent- 434 E. Morrison st. THREE 2 -room hous teeping apartments, lights, water, phone, bath; clean. Ideal location on cariine. 634 E. Morrison st. TO light h. k. rooms; large and airy; nine Quiet neighborhood. 1 2 minutes from Broadway and Washington. $16 per month, inc. light and gas. 795 Minnesota ave.. near tteecn. TWU large clean housekeeping rooms, ground floor, suitable fcr 8 adults; $25 month. Small 2 -room apartment electric light bath, phone tree. Main 2757. 270 Columbia. APARTMENTS FURNISHED 307 King Albert Apts. 2 and 3 rooms, furnished or unfurnished, til bath, elevator. 11th at Montgomery. Main 0359. Davenport Apts. 3 room furnished apt with private bath; also single housekeeping room. Main 5435. Leeds Apartments Fireproof brrUdlng, modern. 2. 8. snd 4 rm. spts. ; singl rms. ; elevator servioe. Atw. 3597. 3-ROOM furnished apartment. light beat, hot and cold water fumisheTl: no small children. Call Tabor 4224. 1092 Hawtliorr ave., apartment A. HADDON HALL, 11TH AND HALL S rooms, kitchenette, bath, bdw. floors, pri vate) balconies, $35 up. Atwater 1160. SUNNYCREST $22.50; 2 outside rooms, bath newly furn., steam heat, gaa, lac 186 Sfcerman. THE EDENHOLM 84 Cth st modem 2 and 8 room famished spsrtmsnts. Private baths. Rent reasonable. 2 ROOMS, including staaun heat, hot and eold water, walking distance, $22.50 snd $23. Bdwy. 4292. Jennings Apt.. 245 H N. 17th. SAN MARCO. E. STH AND COUCH. 3 RM. MOD. APT.. WK. OR MO. EAST 1990. ALICE COURT. East bta and Burnside; walk ing distance: 3-rm. apt. 2 beds, fireplace, priv. tel. and bath. E. 8566. HAWTHORN B APTS. 2 and S rm, apta.; lights, gas rangje. 625. steam beat eleetrio Atwater 1792. FURNISHED 2, 3 and 4 room apt., $18 and $23 per month; walking distance. Main 8934. 563 Sth st QLEN COURT Corner Park and Taylor. 2 and 3 -room " apta.. elosa in. Main 1961. THE LILLIAN 2 and 3-rm. furnished apts.; west aids, close in. At ter 1878. 881 Sth tt CAROLINE APTS.. rooms, singl and in suites, from $9 to $20. Walking distance. All conveniences- 31 E. 11th St. N. ADAMS APARTMENTS Modern 2 im . apt. furnished. 403 Jmfftr 9CHm 8-ROOM spt t , heat 240 E. 16th st East 0472. THE ALB RET Furnished apt steam heat private batn. E4Q hi jsissippt ave. 2-ROOM apta.. dean, reasonable ; near school 631 Defcum see. Walnut 1150. ONE room, kitchen, bath. pnvata entrance. phone. i -em - 8-ROOM furnished apt, must 'be seen to be fully appreciated. 427 H 6th st. 1-E1L spts, auitahl for coops or lam fasaily. Ctoos to school. 272 Montgomery. XWU basement apts. and 2 alp,' rms. for rent. iwasuii') --498 YasnhUI st tNION AVE. ad- JUllina orth. t rmsbed FOR RENT APARTMENTS FURNISHED 307 Homeseekers, Attention A cost, practically newly fur- niahed. four-room bungalow: gm roll basement: 8500 cash: 64t i in cluding interestA per ma; tall price 63000 including furniture; owner must tot looe immediately; win be sold this week. Rich&nlb&ch & Co. Suite 603 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Broadway 4154. NEW WESTCOTT COURT APT3, E. 8TH AT WEIDCEB AU otataide. raoaaa, large living roams, bed rooms, balconies, ivory famish, hardwood floors, shower-baths, electric ranges, mahogany fur plture. a - Guild Apartments 394 Guild, near 23d and Thurman 8 rms. private bath, hall, heat, hot water, very attractive: one 4 rm. unfur. Main 870.5. APARTMENTS UNFURNISHED 308 The American Modem 4 and rcom apartments. Jlrt and Johnson. . Broadway S360. FOR RENT 4 large roomy apta.. with bath and built-ins. on 2d floor; on 2 carlines; 1 block from Gkncoe school. Bent $30 mouth. 1336 Belmont, corner 4 7tb. THE WEIST, 69 N. 28D. Finest 9 room and 2 bath apartment in the city. 6 ROOM apt., steam heated. $35 per month. 634 First. Call Main 4793. FLATS FURNISHED 309 COMPLETELY FURNISHED M7.50 REAL HOME White enamel finish, all con veniences. 1085 Hawthorne, Near 36th. THE -FAUSTINA A modern house of flats, west fide, close in. newly finished, cheerful 4 rooms and bath; a pleasant home; references. 464 Hall at,, near 18th. UPPER flat furnished, everything new; use of basement, full baihro-an: $35 per month, includes lights and water and use of phone. II. Smith, 5625 S5th st. S. E. Phone Auto matic 647-93. WILL rent part cf my nicely furn. 4 rm. house, neat and rVan; adulta. Call 1193. Cora ave., near K. 3th . 3 ROOM furnished flat, bedroom is sleeping porch: private buth; clore in. 689 E. Alder. East 7820. $40 3-ROOM apt.; will furnish. 412 E. tn sr., j. 5-UOOM upper flat, partly furnished, at 390 Cook ave. near L'nir.n.- Phone East 4203. $22 MODERN 5 rooms, partly furnished. 998 hi Commercial. Walnut 0187. WELL furnished 4 room flat. $40. couver ave. Walnut 1953. 708 Van- 4-BOOM adults. flat for rent: walking distance; pnone East 7 9 at after 6 p. m. NICE 3-rm. flat. priv. bath, phone, adults only. 1608 Huron st. furnace ; 4-ROOM furnished flat; heat snd hot water; furnished. 394 Fargo, near Union. FLATS UNFURNISHED 310 UNFURNISHED lower flat; adulu only. 1316 E. Clay near 46th St. Phone Tabor 6989. 4 ROOM modern flat. 773 Osaga ave.. 1 blfc i south of 23d and Washington. Main 89S8 or Bdwy. 7833. 5-ROOM flat, modem in every particular; newly decorated; $50. Adults only. In quire 74 E. 29th N. Phone East BO 70. CLEAN modern 7-vom flat, large yard, "garage. corner Eaat 8th and Crant. Phone 0298; Sunday and evenings East H746. 3 ROOM flat, hot and cold water, $13 er month; central location. Mrs. Shaver. 90 E. Sth st.. apt. 2. FOR RENT 2 and 4 or 8 rooms, furnished or unfurnished. 1569 East Stark, or call Main 7759. Mr. Ayrea. WEST SIDE Close in, up to date 7 rooms. Rent $60. Call East 0649. WEST SIDE 3 large, light, clean rooms; walking distance ; partly furniahed if de sired: adults. 505 Columbia. FOR RENT A modem 5 -room furnished or unfurnished flat. 1318 Corbet t at. Garage if desired. NICE flat, r rooma and bath, clos in, $20. 472 E. YamhilL LOWER Hat, $30. 424 Stanton st. 186 after Sunday. East 6177. East $22.50 LOWER 5-room flat, 649 2d; brick nuiiaing. Main 1696. HOUSES FURNISHED 311 6 ROOM and trunk room, garage, desirable location, 2 blocks from Rose City car, 52d st. N. ; no children; only responsible parties neea apply. laoor ooqo. FOR RENT Fully furnished cottage at 6503 65th it S. E. ; $36 per month. For Infor mation, 6340 86th ave. MY 3 -story borne. Hose City Park district: nicely furnished except 3d story, for $86. Tabor 2746. CLOSE in. East side, modern home, 8 rooms, fine view and neighborhood; lease year $85 month. 879 E. Harrison. 5 ROOMS, modem, furnished, near Franklin high school. $80 per month. Call Broad way 7338. FOR RENT 4 room furniahed house $25; 760 Cleveland ave., between Beech and Tr- mont IX RN I SHED 3 and chickens. room house, fruit, garden Zella GosacU, 1176 Dels- ware ave. PARTLY furnished 7 -room house modem. Sellwood 3509. NORTHRUP near 21st clean partly furnished oottage. rent $13.80. Phone East 1241. 5 ROOM furnished house, west side, south. Call Atwater 4431. 1081 Water st 6 BOOM HOUSE PARTLY FURNISHED CALL SELLWOOD 4010. NICE cottage for rent, furnished or-" unfur nished, close to cariine. Tabor 4937. 5-ROOM resident flat, completely furniahed with piano: no children. Walnut 7082. HOUSES UNFURNISHED 312 FOR RENT Upper floor of store building at 610 Alder st cor. 16th; suitabls for living or light manufacturing business. Call 233 Stark st Phone Broadway 7863. COMFORTABLE HOME. COMPLETELY FURNISHED; WHITE ENAMEL FINISH, ALL CONVENIENCES. 1085 HAWTHORNS AVE. YORK EXPRESS TRANS. CO. Trunks, baggage, furniture moving $1.50 and 32 per hour. Broadway 7688. MOVING. 82 PER HOUR AND CP Fireproof storage 16 days free. Long Distance Hanling. Broadway 2446. WE MOVE furniture, 2 men, for $2 per hour. Long distsnos hauling. 80 days free storage. Main 6290. PIANO MOVING $3, furniture $2.50 per hour; 2 man, large padded vans. Call Crown Transfer Co., East 6047. WHEN moving, call East 6440. Or tin. packing, shipping, long distance, try hour orl contract FURNITURE MOVING $2 PER HOUR, i MEN; PIANO $2 AND UP; LARGE 2H TON TRUCK. EAST 5047. WHEN MOVING, ekty or country, get the beat at lowest price. Green Trans. Co.. Main 1261. 202 hi Alder at. MODERN 7 -room house, within walking distance- 427 Hamaon. $35. Heated by stoves. No children. 4 ROOM hoots, on cariine. $20. Call at 712 Libertr st Woodlawn ear La 18tb. mt.. 9 blocks S.. tt block E. ATTRACTIVE 4 room bungalow, newly paint ed sad tinted, basement garage; would lease. E. 78th st N. , I'hooe East 4449. 7 ROOM house, $36 per month, water fur- nished; 120 E. 8 2d st Find key at corner house. Phon 329-13. WILL give lease on five room furniahed cot tags; small family; no hath. 4 2d sad Bel mont Mrs. Shaver, 90 E. Sth st. apt 2. FOR RENT 5 room eottag. modem. 854 Williams ave. 1 ROOM boose, sarage. 639 Reedway at.. SO feet from Sellwood ear. FOR RENT -Portland Height. 4 roosm burs galow. $35. At 2846. MODERN 7-room house, yard, walking dis tance, west aid. 636 Market st FOR RENT Portland Heights 4 -room bun galow $86. Atwavtor 2846. WE specialise in piano and fntui nsovisa, 15-day free storage. Bdwy. 1207. WEST SIDE 4 rooms snd bath $177 Kelly t Broadway 2487. F1VB room whh sleepuvf porch ajd garage 6219 790th st B. E. 7 ROOMS, 2 -story house, at 676 E. 9th st. 680. CsB Awt. 62Q-89. FOR ktlVT 6-roon noose with garage. 94.T . E. riande C. casrnsr list. - ' WE MOVE fornitar for $2 , 05sC FOR RENT HOUSES UNFURNISHED 312 SPRLVaLKREO WAAKBOCS traokage. Store yonr goods with ua. Let aa do raw moving gad packing. CLAY a, MOM, vac, ' , '' " Bdwr. 4T. " 466 Cwn ! IRVINGTON BUNGALOW, io ROOMS AND SLEEPING PORCH. TILE BATH,1. HOT WATER FURNACE. OAK FLOORS. LARGE YARD. GARAGE. AM IN EXCELLENT SHAPE. SEE OWNER MONDAY. ROOM 604 PANAMA BLDG. - ' 4-ROOM cottage with bath at WUlbridge on Linntoa road, close to Standard Oil Co. Plant. Call 235 Stark St. or Phone Broad- way 7368. MODERN 6 -room house. 160 Flower St., near nutrm factories. Sellwood 1AB1. HOUSES FOR RENT- FURNITURE FOR SALE 313 MODERN 6 room upper flat, with sleeping porch; completely furnished- with high greds furniture, including 2 $150 overstuffed chain, dining set and 6 chain. $150; South Bend Malleable range, mahogany hod. $100: birds eye maple dresser : most leawnable rent on West Side: a sacrifice for $300 cash. Act Quick: 494 Columbia t.. near 14th. Call Main 2157. 8 RMS. equipped for housekeeping, low rent. Nets gs nice income. From owner, BJwy. 4486. FURNITURE for sale. 5 room flat In r-n t or not. 746 H Johnoon. 6 -It. FLAT for rent, furniture tt !c -nt . pay expense. 148 11th. M.lwy. -Jolts STORES AND HALLS 314 BUSINESS place for rent, with nice light living rooms; Inquire 875 Taylor, corner W. Park st. NEW store "building for rent. Southwest cor ner 8 2d st. and Foster rd. Phone Aut. 628-87. - - WILL rent automobile Hint shop fully equipped. Phone East 4130. UNION ave. store for rent. H. 1. MoGuire. 545 Union, E. 5407. FOB. desirable suae m I ire proa war sheas phone Broadway 8716. OFFICES DESK ROOM 315 DESK room, with phon service, bldg. Ask for Baldwin. 603 Henry BUSINESS PROPERTY 318 LEAVING TOWN! iJL'gYT W are in a position to hands yoor revtal and collection on city property at a cost. UN DEI NELSON 716 Wilcox Bldg, Broadway 7702 WANTED TO RENT ROOMS AND BOARD 352 WA NTED A good home in private family for school boy, io. preferably no other ehu dren. Can Atwater 5471 Sunday morning. Evenings after 6. HOUSES 361 WANTED To rent a 4 or B room bouse might consider buying it terms are right. Tabor 6607. WANTED To rent, by 2 families, double house or 2 flats, on - same bouse. Phone Walnut 3627. WANTK1) To rent modern unfurnished house 6 rooms; 8 adults. Tabor 9810. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE LOTS 403 81235 $13 DOWN $18 MONTH PARKROSE Ash and oak shade trees, rich silt garden ; land, no building restrictions, low county tax. 246 feet frontage. The south boundary is a stream. This it a beautiful spot for a little suburban home. Com out today. Park ; roae Branch Office open every day. Take i Rose City Park-Parkroao ear. an to end of jn.e. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY 6 Chamber of Commerce Building. , Broadway 6034. Build Your Home IN LADD'S ADDITION Only about 20 minutes' walk to the court house. Nice lots for 1000. SECOND MORTGAGE PRIVILEGE WAKE UP. MR. BUILDER Do you know there is not a finished bung alow for sale in this beautiful, close-in district. Restrictions do not forbid a duplex bous or bungalow. See MR. DELAHTJNTT. LADD ESTATE COMPANY. 246 Stark St Broadway 6754. Ke. Tabor 7046. NEARLT TWO ACRES SHACK BARN PARKROSE 6178S 5 ? down. $18 month, interest included at 6. All cleared but few chad trees, ash and oak; 200 feet frontage; the south bound ary is a stream: rich silt garden and berry land, no rocks or gravel. Ideal little suburban tract See it today. Park me Branch Office open every day. Take Rosa City Park-Park- rose car, go to end of line. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY 8 Chamber of Commerce Building. Broadway 6034. rTOVESEZ KRS WHY MOT BUILD T It is bas arpenelva. W a tat sted ia how wU w can build. bow mneh w can got for bntVltag, Se befor buying or buUding. Robnett & McClure BTJTLDXBS, 803 Cease baag. auosdway 667. $B90 Furnished,' $1900 $300Down$300 4 -room cozy cot tag, garage, full plumbing, concrete foundation. 4 base ment, full lot plenty fruit. S blocks to Alberta car, sidewalks snd sewer paid, completely furnished; a real sn p. STAR REAL ESTATE It INV. CO.. Broadway 581S. , 613-1$ Wiloox bids. $3T5 HTDB PARK LOT NORTH OF SANDY BLVD. "I St 100 ft corner. 66th st This is snap. Call at our Rosa City Psrk Branch Office. 4 5th and Sandy blvd. Ant 826-10. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY 8 Chamber of Commerce Building. Broadway 6084. BUILDERS HOUSES COMPLETED PROMPTLY Our construction and workmanship, to gether with liberal financial assistance will please you. Soldier bonus accepted. REIMERS Jt JOLT7E TTE. Sellwood 2964 ROSB CITY PARK 60x100 8T50 Paved street io snd paid. Seaw City Branch Office. 45th and Bawdy blvd. Ant 826-10. J. I HARTMAN COMPANY LOT BARGAINS $850 Piedmont 60x100. $750 Lauralhnrst, fcOslOO. esrasr. $800 Ladd's addition. 43x116. 1450 66th. sear Couch. J R. HAIGHT FOR REAL ESTATE $81 Ankeny St Bdwy. 204 S. SPECIAL 8875. aU iwiDrovemenu is and paid: en XL Taylor near E. 47th. JohnsonLPOGSon Co. S8 N. W Ban- Bldg. Vafci TT. WESTMORELAND 30x100. improvesnents all in sad paid; $860. 8300 cash, balance terms. Call at cur Branch Office. 45th and Sandy blvd. Aut 326-10- J, I. HARTMAN COMPANY ""WILL SAckjlCB FOR 84500 CASH : Beautiful rice-in qusrter blocs; on Portland Heights; hsvw refused $8000. Call owns evening at East V721. CORNER lot '60x100. in Portland, on Preav cott and Maryland ave., near .Mississippi esrlin. W. A. Gisey. AoroTS, Or. 60x100 ON Multnomah st, near E. lid st, near Montarlila esrlin. Portland. W. A. G4esy, Anrora,- Or. NEAR Frank high. 310 cash; three blocks Hawthorns ear: big fall corner sots, price $25. 6-1 monthly. Owner. Tabor 2416. TWO LOTS 100x150 eachoat 7 4th sve. and 82nd t East 8681. i Lots on Vulard av.. 6xll0. very nisx locaUon. for $1000. C Walnnt v046. HOUSES . ' 404 Chapman and main, i60sioo sii ia two p reels; cash; terms. Ward, owner, 407 Bps'ding bldg. ' EQUITY in modern 5 room Sannysid home. 995 E. Main. FOR SALE Small hoot with garage. Enst Rnssett Photv Walnut S650. 75 S-ROOM HOUSE snd kvth,guda sad 22T Ws4 Haal St., KaaLom. fruit REAL ESTATEFOR SALE HOUSES 404 $50 in Cast! Prizes I SJMM. BE - AWARDED TO TTTJ PERSONS i WHITING TUTS BEST LETTERS SETTING FORTH TUB ADYANTAGES AND BENEFITS TO BE DERIVED FROM HOUK OWN ERSHIP: $25 FIRST PRIZE. 1S SECOND ' FRISK AND $ 1 0 THIRD PRIZE. FOR FURTHER, INFORMA TION CALT AT OFFICE. OR WRITB fOR "THE McGUIRK STSTEM." IN WHICH WINNING LETTERS WTLI BB Pt RUSHED. CONTEST ClAKS ES 8EPT. 0. A COPT FREE OS REQUEST.' MAIL, LKTTRRS TO FRANK I. MeGUlRE. AMERICA'S LARGEST HOME SELLER. ABINGTOV BLDG. BDWT. T171. D ST.. BET. WASH. AND STARK. Laurelhurst Bungalow . 5 Rooms Sleeping Porch S5200$7CLCash ' Nifty, clever; classy, comfortable, cute bun galow, fine location, bandy to cars and school: 2 cheerful bedrooms and sleeping porrh. oak floon in main rooms, fireplace-, bookcaw-s, com-1 llet cabinet kitchen with brAkfaat nook; cs-j m.nt basement: with laundry and gas fnrnce; lull ceni.nt d-.tve to garage; Wrel lot 3Mxlo(). with cod laitiVe fene all around' hard aur fao laid. DA fill HARP. Mnaer ,.,P-,T',8IUt';KTj H"d Wtd. Office,. , 1150 Sandy Blvd. t glHh. Aut. 320-04 8A K ,OU EXCHANGE Brick busine-s bvilding, im nesrby town, free . of incum brance, for Portland res. or what bars youf Heath n fsmiily forces dUpossl of this prop erty. ir r SUMMERVILLE REALTT CO.. 1039 Cham, of Com. Bldg. $8650 1 BLOCK TO ALBERTA CAR " IRVINGTON PARK ADDITIO.V Jlew -V living room, dining room, kitchen, breakfast nook. 3 bed rooma and ratn. fireplace, cement basement snd lsundry trays Vory easy terms; 8300 down, $41) month including interest Call at our Branch .i' and boul.v.rd. Auto- SBStio J6-10 J. L HARTMAN COMPANY 820 FOR THIS cert side modem 5 room, bungalow, full basement, gss ranee, ice chest, linoleum . and blinds gra with house. 8mall cash pay ment, bal. like rent Owner going quick U pUc mU,t ,olL rl " HUMMER VlIr,E REALTT CO.. Rdwr. 8627. 10$9 U of O. Bldg. ROSE CITY PARK "" - -$4200 B room bungalow, with hardwood floors, fire place nw Fox furnace, roomy garsi. A mighty good buy. A.:G'. Teepe Co. : Laurelhurst Office, 80th and Glisan Tabor S433. Hose City Office, 40th and Sandy '-: Tabor 0586. Home' -Guilders - We tw did sabatsatial. well finished hm. assist fimsacing. Get our figures, i Alboltn Inv. Co. 2 1 6 Panama Bid g. J Broadway 618T. $4300 ; .. H BLOCK, FROM MONTA VILLA CAR New 8-roorn house, hardwood floor in living room snd . dining room, fireplscs, alt built-in features in kitchen, living . room snd dining room, cement basement A good buy snd st the right pries. Call at our Branch Office, 45th and Sandy boulevard. Aut lattr 926-10. J. -U .HARTMAN COMPANY SABIN'S BLUE RIBBON EXTRA Modem bungalow, completely furnished. 6 lovely rooms, floored sttic, cement basement with furraci, ate., full lot 60tl00, on pavd street all improvements in. Just 2 blocks from Alberta car. - - ..W- W. SARIN. REALTOR 1032 Unlow Are, N. Wsinut 0689. BARGAIN $T8S0 BARGAIN . IRVINGTON S ROOMS Let ns Show rots this ham. uta. th. sink oak floors, fusnsce, fireplacef plate glass win, do a, whit enamsL full basement fine electric fixtures, gsrage, Unas. Shown by sppolnt- . H. HAIGHT mit llRAf, FtT'iTF 861 ANKENY. BDWY. 2045. Iff Winter Comes Hsr is s fiandv hrand new K hHnniM finished ia daintr nD-tvdata atv W avtth rno.h kitcban and breakfast nook, papered wall. " hardwood floors, fireplace, 2 bedrooms down stairs. Urge attic, fine basement with wsh trays, full tot snd garage. AU for $4750; on ay terms. For appointment call B. T211, Brand New Cozy Home S room. ! dainty ' little horns In . Ir Isetnw district r hardwood floors, firsplsce, papeied walls, Dutch kitchen snd breakfast nook, 2 bedrooms downstairs, largo sttie. Bios base snant with wash trays. AU tbs modern builb lSt7 J 5 e"h Jd monthly payments. $100 DOWN,- 7 rm. house, close in, arranged .JI'-I,atia Purposes, good locaUoa. Price $2000; a rare bargain. $250 down. rns.. A-t pn., modern, Paved st, wer snd sidewalk ia and paid. Price $3200. 202 FaiUng bldg. S-ROOM plagtsTsd he-use,, mod m eoorenience. 100x100 corner lot, fruit trees, double garage, pared street. Wilt sell house and on lot if desired; . reasonable terms. 483 Bid well sve., or telephone Belrerood 8676. . .OWNER '''.- 100x100. 8 rooms, cement fciatnast aleo- tricity. gasd wash trays, gsrage. fruit 63160. terms. Wsinut 0230. SEIXW00D CITY VIEW CHEAP scant. 6 lsraw rooms. . 2-storr house. s- eellent conditio, fireplace, garsge, 50x10(1, paved st, all paid. $8900; $700 cash. bal. like rent: less for eauh. Owner, East 7978. BEST LOCATION IN I.AURELUURStE FOR SALE New. Modern 6-room rmnaalnw at 106S FT Davis. ' All hardwood floors, gss furnace, 6a rage. Bargain. Tabor 6054. WORTH $4200, take $3900 cash.' 7 room hooss, 50x100. xeUnt neighborhood, near ear and school; good buy; must sU within 0 days. Owsr. 788 E. 12th st Mar Irvington ear.; JENNINGS LODGE Modem bungalows, 4 and 8 i room each, tt aere; attrawtir Seeond house west on Hull av. from ver road, er first fstrsot south al school kxu E A. Young. ! $1260 8230 DOWN, balance oaay, nlos 4 room exxtags; lot 60x120: 2 grape arbor, 10 bearing fruit tiwea, 2 blocks to ear. A real sacriiiee. 8621 Woodstock av. Aut, 616-18. 7 HOUSB PLANS 100 den urns. 610 t I 16. eg cpecially 4s : atsoMd at rwmbls tea. L. R. BAILEY CO., 026 W. W. Bank Bldg. aCENTON, S2150, -room, . modern oottag. 60X100 lot. fruit and berri 1450 down. balance like tent. own1, swust leave. Walnut 8298. S00O, $650 CASH 8-room nous. Msin st. near n. 84th. A cooa tray: now rested, Sestt V Barry, 108S Belmont st g)R' hi-Lti Cheep, corner lot EDiliiU; ' I- reem honae; MsetneBt, as to, gang; Beat Glen co school. T Owner, , Tabor 6912. FOR SALE room bouse; 968 Division t ; - pipsl ii furnace, vl garaga. laauue st 1026 A raws Id at. Pheoe Tabor 6607. ROSE CITX bungalow; Ivrnsee; garage; built-tna. ; Owner v)ng city: 83400. Tabor 2464. B0SB CITY bungalow, 6 large rooms, atriet- ly rnederai euut. aiaoo cash, easy Unr.s est swlane. Aut 821-68. TAKE lot e part payment ca new 6 roon U Howard. 1116 N. W. stank btdg. 82500 FOR KALE by owner, 6-room bouse, Unre lot 8624 424 are. S. .. 2 blocks frcra street ear and Archer Place. OWNER eniist, leave, city ;3 lots, 6-room houseT sa. siaotncity, water; enosp. 1 US4 st, and teut av.. n. r . jio, im: tCsxalntseei est fellow mt ae