MONDAY," SEPTEMBER 11, 1922. THE OREGON DAILY v JOURNAL, PORTLAND, OREGON. U. S. LIBERTY ISSUES ACTIVE AND HIGHER WITH LIBERAL PURCHASES: BY THE TREASURY ft NEW YORK BOND TRANSACTIONS TUrported wj Th Journal's WB Srei Bgm By Stuart P W all Street. New Tork. Sept 11. The principal incident in today' market rather pronoancnd ria is some o the Liberty 3susS(tFmjrw Dona smap bm r--t erete bat general de Clin. 1H ID. ioreicn ! exchange and an ir- rgiflr stock excbane list, with operations. nowerer. stitil fsvortnf the aid of the ad sanee. The A per cent bonds of the fourth Liberty loan returned to 101. The SHi also were prominent for a time althoogti anbeeonentiy reacting Apparently the sadden enlivening of the cor eminent bond market ! after a Ions period of quiet wa the reault nnwhuM hv acrtta Stuart P. Wast y,. tjeaaury for aha! purpose of retirement. This tort of buying is Quite apt to precede the quarterly tax days. In th present in stance it would be the investment of the rem- nant of the tax receipt after taking care of the $300,000,000 treasury certificates matur ing on September IS, the current expenses of the government to be provided for by the f 200.000,000 issue of S . per cent new certificates announced this morning. Fall In Exchange . The fall in exchange rates carried sterling down 2 cents on the pound from its high of a week ago and the francs. .30 frecn the top of the recovery which culminated last Wednes day. Oerman marks sold under .07 again and were thus only two one-hundredths of a cent away from their extreme low. Ostensibly these declines were a response to the hitch in the negotiations between Germany and Bel gium regarding the natnre of the security to be girrn the Belgian government in lieu of the cash due during the remainder of 1022. Still there is no serious idea, that these confer-; ences will not go through in the end. .Over the week cables from the European centers struck the most cheerful note of any similar advices for soma time. They were uniformly favorable toward the Stinnes plan for paying the indemnity with tnaterials supplied to derostated France and were equally hopeful regarding its acceptance. Realizing Sale 8hewn At times during the day on the stock ex change there . were symptoms of large and care fully conducted realizing. But this selling was not pressed to the extent of checking the rise in individual stocks which went on tn the same fashion as it had. been going on for the last month or more. United States Steel common reached a new high for the year a clear enough answer on . the part of Wall street as to how it looked upon the question of .the fuel supply. Some of the recent fa vorites like Studebaker,. Mexican Petroleum and Crucible Steel felt the effect of speculative realizing. As an offset to this, however, new leaders were taken up, like International Paper, American Steel Foundries and Hupp Motors. Rail Share 'Erratic Railroad shares were Tariable but with more advances than decline. Here, too, there was no indication of any, change in the opinion which the market has been expressing right along that the shopmen's strike has not been interfering and will not interfere with current earnings and that the problem of handling a record coal tonnage along with the seasonal movement of grain and a good average mer chandise traffic, will be successfully solved. Wall Street, Xew Tork. Best. It Qaiet strength characterised the so ad saarset tday. Frlme ia vest meat Is aacs vers is aaasaal denaad. Tar re mi the same exnibltloa of cenfldeace la a eontiBBA&r of low money rate t)it sat bees a testers of boss trsdlsg so tost;. The Meerty loss were streamer thaa la seats tine. The foarta V grot as to ltl. Liberty beads of late bare bee a selUnr oat of tas lias with the yields oa alga grade muaieipals. Probably this was dae ia part at least to concern over tbe boaas siteatioa which seem to hare abated somewhat. At aay rate wasa a nBBlelpai bond Ilka the rity of Scheneclady lssas coald be marketed oa a 8.i basis it waa evident that there was room for Improvement la Liberties. Canadian Pari fie debenture toeh mads a new high of 84. When these bonds were first offered at 7s It was considered that the price was some what ia sdranc of ths market. For a long time they held aroaad the issue figare. radoabtedly this was partly das to the aafamniarity among Airier leaa inyestors with ths class of se en rity. This so-calif d debeatare stoek eor respoaded to aa Amerlcaa mortgage bond. At today's quotations tbe yield ia 4.48 percent, which seems reasonably high considering tbe fact that ths in come issne is tabjeet to tax. Among the 'second grade American railroad bonds Bock Island refunding 4s aad ths St. Lonls-San Francisco prior Ilea Issaes were conspicuous. The former eonalled their high price for the year. Of the latter the B's sold at 9, a new high record. STEPS TAKEN TO INCREASE MOVEMENTS OF FfiOT CABS San Francisco. Sept. 11. While the railroads are still -short of men in their shops, they are steadily improving their service and the appre hension of fruit growers as to the marketing of their crops has been allayed. Fruit is moving steadily and steps have been taken to increase the number of refrigerator cars in service. There has been a steady increase in bank clearings and deposits in tbe last week and a widening activity in building construction with more work in sight than the available supply of trained artisan can do. Ketail trade ia improving. In financial circles the drop in as tail trade is attributed largely to the psychological influ ence of the labor disturbances and that actual losses have been magnified. New Tork, Sept. 11. Following is an of ficial list of all bonds traded in on the New Tork Stoek Exchange today with prices and aalea up to and including the close of the market. Total sales today were 110.129,000. against $8,658,000 Saturday, holiday a week ago, $8,480,000 a year ago and $8,048,000 two year ago. . ... nnn Front January 1 to date $8,008,418,000 against $2,109,458,000 a year ago. and $S. 578,765.000 two year ago, LIBERTY BONDS Sales (In $1000) COTTOS CLOTHS TRADE IS BEVIVED I2J DETGOOBS MARKET New Tork, Sept. 11. Trade in cotton cloth received it impetus today from the firm open ing of the market for. the new raw staple and new of further wage adjustment in the Maine, New Hampshire and Massachusetts textile mills. Prices for the standard print' cloths were firm and sheetings were strong, with a tendency to ward higher prices. The demand centered largely in the print cloths and in sheetings for the bag trade, although there was inquiry also for a fair volume of sateens, drills and twills. Tire fabrics were an exception to tbe general active trend and cotton ducks also were quiet. Some shading was in evidence in the raw silk market, but in most instance current prices were well maintained. FOREIGX EXCHANGE BATES Corrected daily by the foreign exchange de partment of the United States National bank. Quotations below (except the pound ster ling), are quoted on the basia cf lOOiunits foreign currency. Opening nominal rates on bank Ub tious: uratt London ?- checks. Lbs.. sterling..$ 4.45 K 7.65 i 7.21 4 .06 4.29 H Parte Francs. Belgium Francs Berlin Marks. . . (ienoa Lire. . . . Athens Drachmas. . . . Copenhagen Kroner Christian! Kroner. Stockholm Kroner Hongkong Currency. . . . Japan Yen. . . . Shanghai Taels on bank Cable transfers. $ 4.45ft 7.66 7.22 on H 4. SO nsac I Par rvalue. 8 4.866 1S 30 lit. SO 23.81 18.30 2.70 21.31 16.73 26.52 2.70 21.36 16.78 26.57 19 SO 0 26;70 26.70 26.70 57.80 58.05 48.25 48.40 77.60 77.90 Canadian dollar discount. 1 IS 2 per cent. Philadelphia Employment Stationary Philadelphia, Sept. 11. Emnlpyment in this immediate section remainea practically station ary through August and the tint few day of this- month. According to the Chamber of Commerce figures available her today, there was a decrease of under 1 per cent Iron and steel, tobacco, automobile body man ufaetorcrs and textile manufacturers report gain. The chemical industry, lumber, leather and paper sustained the decreaata. Experiment Bice Growing Castle Sock. Wash., Sept 11. An inter esting experiment has beea made to .pt whether wild rice would grow successfully in the swamp surrounding Castle Rock. James Price purchased the seed and sowed It early this spring. The stalks have grown nine feet high bo far. Th local run club and hunters will probably prepare more feeding grounds and the wild duck and other birds are es pecially 1 attracted to th rice. Castle Reek may become a great hunting ground if, this plan la carried out. Philadelphia Basinets Im pro ring Philadelphia. Sept. 11. The homecoming tide of vacationists is at its height and as a consequence business in this city is expected to improve tremendously after September 13, as many of th large buyer a well a th large merchant have been out of town. Labor Shortage ia Bostoa Boston, Sept. 1 1 There is argent demand today for labor la this district is the building trades. In some sections mere building me chanics could be used thaa are available. Wage are very firm, with a distinct upward tendency. Cnskilled labor continues tn fair demand throughout all New Knglaiwi and there ia not enough first das tana help to till requirements. 'Overbed & Cooke Co.1 BBOXXBS Member Chleee Boars of Tiaila, Boar of Trade Bid)-. PertkuvS.. feodleten. Ore WaHa Malta. STOCKS, BONDS, GRAIN AND COTTON DIRECT PBITATB WIBES .Logan & Bryan 2TBW TOSX A.5D CHICAGO High 218Lfb. SHs 218 Lib Ss 7 do SHt reg. . 8 1 do 2d 4s reg. . 501 do ls 4 hit. . 2921 do 2d 4 Vi. . . 4 do 2d 4 Hs reg 475 do Sd 4 Hi. - 7 do 8d 4 s reg 1070 do 4th 4 s. . 61 do" 4th 4 Vis reg! 200 Vic 4l 7 do 4 4 reg . . 268 do 4s 11 do 4 reg . . . FOREIGN 1 Argentine 3s. . . . 14 do 7s 24 C. of Mont 20 Belgium 7 Ms-... 22 do 8s 4 do 6s . . I 1 Chinese Ry. 5s . . 1 Bern 8s 13 Bordeaux 6s 1 6 Copenhagen 6 V4 . elChristiania 8. . . 16 Lyons 6s 1 1 Marseilles 6s ... . l'Montevidio 7s. . . 23 Prague 7Hi 11 R. de Jan. 8s. . 8 do 8s certfs. . . 7 Soissons 8s 24lSao Paulo 8... 2'Tokio 6s 1 (Zurich 8s T tl. of Sein 7s t.e. 1 1 Danish 8s A . . . . 14 Dam. R. 5Vs.. 8 D. of Can. 5 H nU. 8 do 5s '26. 92 do 5s '52. S do 6s 31. 109.D. K. I. rcts.6s-47 69 do 6s '62 . 114 French 8s 197! do 7Hs 21 (Imp Jap 1st 4 Hs. 81 do 2d 4 Hs.. .. 28 do sterl In 4s. 6; Denmark & 27 do ctf s 1 Ttalr 6 Vi s A . . . . 80 Nethermds rets 6s OiNorway 8s 2 Sweden 6s 36 28 8 8 1 19 low Close 10090 10080'100&0 10090 1008010090 10076 10068:10076 9996 9976 9996 10070 10064:10072 10034 1O024I10028 10014 10012110012 10036 10026110030 10018 10012,10018 10100 1006810084 100721006il0070 1 novo 1 rtOTO 1007 2 I10052!1005210052 10034!l003jl003tl 10024110018 10020 BON Do 84 102 93 4 107 105 4 99 53 112 82 K 94 1094 83 H 82 V 93 Vi 86 100 102 80 H 103 72 115 90 110 93 102 100 99 100 97 96 102 99 94 93 82 111 99 98 95 112 10b 98 102 108 104 93 96 84 I 84 101102 93 93 106 !07 105 105 99 6-3 112 83 93 109 83 81 93 85 100 101 80 102 72 115 90 109 92 102 100 99 100 96 96 102 98 -94 93 I 82 110 99 96 95 112 106 98 102 103 104 93 . 95 111 104 121 100 102 99 53 112 82 98 109 83 82 93 85 100 102 80 102 72 115 90 109 93 H 102 100 09 100 96 96 102 98 94 93 82 111 99 96 95 112 106 98 102 103 104 93 95 112 104 121 101 102 Bolivia Ss Chile fts . . . do 8s do 8s ctfs Cuba 5s . . . Czechoslavia 8s cts! 6 Queensland 7s ...1112 21' do 6s ctfs .. .104 19iSwiss 8s 121 12!Rio Gr de Sul 8sil01 24i8ao Paulo 8s. . . 1 102 U'lfi R A: I 5s. 100 1-161100 1-1100 1-16 22 do 5s !107 107S;107H 1 do Bs 108 100 100 2 do S C ...05 105 105 89 Bratil 8 103 102 103 1 do 7 ret... 8b 88 88 27 do 7 s rets... 90 89, 89 1 do 7s C '52. 90 90 90 13 TJ 8 of Mex 5s.. J 56 56 58 51 do Urge 6a.... I 54 54 64 17 do 4b ! 43 42 42 NEW TORK CITT BONDS 10IN Y C 4 651108 Vi i ilOS MISCELLANEOUS AND INDUSTRIAL BOSDS 8Ajax Rub 8s 99 58!Am Ag Chm 7 s 105 11 do 1st ev Bs. . 99 15, Am Smelt 1st 5s. 95 24jAm Sug&Ref 6s.. 04 8Am TAT cvt 6s. 115 6 do col tr 5s. . . 99 6 do cvt 4 s.. . 101 6 do col 4s ... . 93 2Ata W Work 5. 82 2Am Wr Pper 6s. 86 26 Anton Jurgen I'n I Marg cvt 6s. . . 80 2IArraour r est 4s 92 1 Atl Fruit evt 7s. 38 26At Ref deb 5s. . 99 20Bell Tel of Pa 7sil08 lBthSUlst ext 5s. I 99 1 do ref 6 97 9! do P m 5 I 94 6 do Ss 1100 4 (Brad en Cop 6s.. I 90 2!Bklyn Edi 6 SBjlOSH 3 do gen Ts SC. 1108 6!Bkl Edi 5s I 99 16Bkl Un Gas 7s..118H 28 Canadian G El 6s;105 4jCnt DU Tel Bs.1100 2 Cent Lea Gen 6s 98 1 Cer D Pas cvt 8s!l29 19 Chile Cop cvt 7sil06 46! do col tr 6s. 94 16iCin G A El BHslOO lOlColo Ind 5s . . . 79 3'Cmp Ax Bar 7 HsUOl 10 Col G A E 5a. . 96 15 do stamped . . 96 12iComp-Tab Rec 6s 97 2 -Con Coal Md 5s. 92 3!C C S cvdbTs.. 90 6 do 8s sta . . . 93 13 C Am Sug 8s.. 106 9 Dea Gas 5 '51. SO 9 Det Cit Ga 5a. 100 3 Det Edi rfg 6s.. 105 5 Det Rir Tun 4 92H 5.Dia Match db7sl07 2'Doo. Steel ref 7s. I 94 7jl0S 5 Dupont d N 26 Du LtAPow 6Hi 7 do 7 212 Era GAF cvt7s 6 Ft Ia D deb 7l 3 ran elagar 7a. liGen El deb 6s 81 do deb 5s. . . . .2 2 'Goodrich 1st 8 s - Good TAR 8 '41 STt do 8s '81 ll;Grnby Min 8s.. 16:Hol Ara H 6 rets 16Hu O&Rdeb 6 V, si 4iIU Steel deb 4 sl 4 HI Steel 6s 3:Utt O Bs 8,Int Pap 5s B. . . 25 Int Mer Ma SF 6s: 2 '3 Kayser - 7s 103 107 97 96 103 107 102 102 116 100 99 88 100 93 101 110 89 93 103 2, Kelij -Spring T SajlOS 5s.. 5; Lack Steel 1 . So 5 llLacJede Gas ref ts! 1 Lisa x Myers Ts Si do Ss . . . 1 iLorillard 5 . . . 3 Ma 8a db7 ctfsj 7 Mar Oil 7a war l!Mx Pete 8 7 Mich Sta Tel 5. (alii Ga A Lt 4. S:Mont Pew 1st as. S Morris 4 .... "TtNat Tube 5. ... 42fN E TATlst 5s A 100 93 95 118 100 99 " 9S 111 167 94 99 88 101 98 104 99 94 104 115 99 101 93 81 86 79H 92 38 99 H 108 99 97 93 100 99 103 H 108 99 H 118 103H 100 98 129 106 94 99 79 101 96 934 97 92 0 93 106 89 100 104 , 92 107 94 108 1$5 107 97 96 10$ H 107 102 10 J 116 100 99 88 99 92 101 110 89 93 103 108 10O 9.2 95 118 100 89 99 110 107 99 94 99 88 100 99 84 98 105 99 95 104 115 99 101 93 81 86 79 92 38 99 108 99 97 94 100 99 103 108 99 H 118 105 100 98 129 108 94. 100 79 101 96 95 97 92 90 93 106 89 100 104 92 107 94 108 103 107 ' 9 108 107 102 102 116 100 99 88 99 93 101 110. . 89 98 103 108 100 92 93 118 100 99 99 111 107 9 94 99 88 101 19 do ref S (197 1 Via Fall Pow SsjlOI lSjN Am Edt 6 ... 1 SS 9(X Ohio TrALt Ss SS lOJfor StsPwrlst 5f 94 IN W Bell Tea 75107 liOnt Lt A Pwr 61 97 80 Otis Steel 7s 95 2Pae Ga A El 5) 93 17Pe Pwr A Lt 5a 94 LSiPaa TATS.. 99 108j do 5 let. ... 94 2SiPackard Mot 8a. 107 1 Peepiee Ga A Ck of Chi H. . . . -w 6 Phil Co. ref 6.. 102 17jPub Ser of NJ5. . 89 1 It-unta AMgr sasi I evt deb 7 3!Prod A fief 8s... 2 Reran 1st 6 SA. 2 R Brown Iron 7s 9'Saks A Co 7. . . 7!Sinelr C Oil 5! 155 do cvt 7 . 42 do 7 ret . ' 1 1 Sharon 8tJHoop8s 5SouPortRic8tt 7s llSoo Bel T4T 5s. SOiStndOOfCal deb Tsi 8iSUATb Co ofA7a SiTidewter OU al UjTol Edi 1st 7s.. 14, Tel Trao 6a... ITob Prod 7s .. . 80 I n Bag&P 6 efs 5 1 In Tnk Car 7. 3ICni Drug 8' 3 US Hffma Mch Ssj 2 t u uerp ctu, 1 U S Robber 7s 66 do 5 8 T7 S Steel f 5. SiUUh Pwr A Lt 6 1 7 Va-Cbem 6 . . 19 do 7 to A 1 do 7 H s -. - 56 do cvt 7s warl 10jWrner Sug Rf 7s 2 West Klee 5s . . . . SjW U ri est 4 s. 7iVestghse El 7s. . 4 j Winch Arms 7 s 8iWilson cvt 6s. . . . 77! do 7s RAILROAD 11 Ann Arbor 4 1 1 1 2 28 15 1 At TAS Fe gen4si 41 do di 4 7 do Tr 8 L 41 11 ACLLAN col tr4l AU Dan 4s . 11 B A O 6 . . do ref 5 . 8 do cvt 4 Vis 4 do P L E A W T div do TolACin div do 8 s Sws dv Bdwy. 7 th v. con 6s . . . . IBklynR Tr5 ctf si do Ts 9!Bkln Rp Tr 7s tr I CO ctfs . 10 do 7s co ctfs stl 1 5 1 Bush Term 6s . 2Can Son 5a 16 Con Nor 7s. . 2 do deb 6 Vis 74 Can Pac 4sr . . 2!Cent Ry Brasil 7s liCent Ga Ry 6 C 2 Cent Pac s f 8s 1 do 1st ref 4 llOentANew Egn 4s 185iC A O cvt 5. 5 do gen 4 s . do cvt 4 Vi s & Alton rfg 3s do 3 H s B Q gen 4s. do ref 5s . . C.B.Q. 4s 111. div. C. A E. I. 5 Chi A Erie 1st 5s iChi. G. W. 4. 32:Chi G W 4s. . ISiCMST Pert 4 139 do rfg. 4HsA. 30 do cvt. 6s B 29 do 4s 6 do deb. 4s. 6 C. M. P. S. 1st 4s 110 102 95 3 100 99 105 101 98 102 98 106 100 103 108 100 106 101 104 118 103 94 109 90 108 98 100 98 105 08 lu3 100 93 101 U 87 107 BONDS 71 93 85 89 it 85-vr 101 91 86 107 191 96 96 8 107 97 95 98 94 98 98 107 96 101 89 110 1S2 95 5 100 99 103 101 98 102 98 105 100 103 108 99 106 100 104 112 103 94 107 191 SS 96 94 107 97 95 93 94 99 94 107 99 101 89 110 102 5 93 H 100 99 109 101 98 102 98 106 100 108 108 100 108 101 104 112 103 94 109 109 H 90 108 98 100 98 105 97 103 100 93 101 103 96 ( 90 108 93 100 98 105 98 103 100 98 101 103 96 106 1107 84 71 98 77 64 92 91 89 91 101 114 114 84 92 100 93 90 65 98 90 91 56 37 92 101 H 91 86 98 68 58 75 69 78 85 67 74 110 111 107 108 82 84 86 2 C. St. P.M.AO.d5s 97 1 S P M A Ocon8s,109 2Cbi TJ 8 A s. . . 77 2 f'h Ok A- l Hi! 98 4 7 tO C Q A 8 U 6 A. 102 i a i r-i tt n.. k ix .:i AK Ti A Tt i vi xj ICiUl ss 7W 8 Cub R R 5s 98 Del A Bud cvt 6s 161 do 6Hs . 10 Del I R 5s. . . 1 Den A R G imS 9 do . rfg 6 5 do rfg 5s bk ctf liDet U Rys 4 Hs. 56 82C Z7 i;c 27 1 28 8 32 1 1 10 2 12 2 279 C. N. W. 7s do SHs. do gen. 3H. do a-en 5s Chi. Rys. Co. ffs C. R. I. A P.I. 4 do rfg. 4s 1 Erie 1st con 7s ext 4 3 do gen lien 4. 3 do pr lien 4s. . 6 do cvt 4s A. . . 11 do cvt 4s B. . . 27 do cvt it D.. 1 do Gen Rir 6s 6 Dul & I R 5s 24iGr Trk of Cn 7s! 3 do 6s . 141 Gt Nor 7 1 do 4H 6 do 5s 6!Gr Bay-W deb B liHav 1 Ry 5s. . 31 do Lt A P 5s 4 HVU 1st con 4 Hs 7 H A M ref 5 A. 91 do adj ino 5s. 9:IU Cent 5 21 do 4 1 i do 4 Cairo Bdg div 23 Inturb Met 4 Ha. 301 do ctfs 4 Hs sta 2 9jlnt Rap Tr cvt 7s 6!) do tr ref 5s. . 26 bankers 6s do rf 5s ctfs 48 Int Gt N adj 11! do 7s l:fowa Cent rf 4s. . 12iKCFtSM 4s 24jK O Sou 5s. . . . 5 do 1st 8s ' 10!K C Term 1st 4s lS KeokADMoin 7s Siblings Co El 4s sta 1;L K A W 1st 5s 2,L S M S3sdb4s 1 Leh V P con4s 81 do gen 4s. 1 'Long Is ref 4s. 2:L A unl 4s. 2' do 5Hs .. 20lL & A ANW5 llMan S W CoHx5s! 11 Mat St Ry con 5s 2 do 6s 2M K RyALt Ssl 2:M SpartaAN-VV 4a 5;M St L OS 91 do rfg 4s .. 2 MStP A 8 S M 6s, 15 do 6 Hs 27 M K A T 4 B. 187 do 6s A . . . 22 do adj 5A. 134 do 6s C .. . 10 Mo Pac rfg Ss.. Hi do s 281 do gen 64s . 2IMAO StL C ill 2 Mont Tram ref 5s fiN. O..T.AM.ine.Bs! 69:N. T. C. deb. 6s: 1 do eoL 7. . . . 2NTC.AH.RvKS 180 N.T.C.AH.B.6. .. 2 NTCLSeol tr.SHs, 1INTC MCcoL tr.6J 7 pTTNH AHdeh. 6 7( do evt. S. 2 NTNHAH deb. 4s 1 6 6 5 9 4 3 2 46 184 2 5 30 6 105 88 102 102 101 82 48 45 85 99 55 86 52 52 64 96 101 114 105 118 96 105 14 82 87 89 88 66 102 86 92 15 H 15 H 96 72 H 73 64 100 H 44 83 92 ' 71 86 94 79 95 93 93 84 83 93 106 75 97 89 94 99 92 81 43 101 106 t3 89 65 99 97 108 t-UH 91 91 82 107 )107 81 H 99 77 80 65 68 98 63 86 NTNBAH debSHsl N T Ry ref 4s do ref 4 tr eo ctf 87 do adj 5s 1101 NT 8 Ry con4Hs 78 NT WABos 4; Nor A Son sen 51 NAW & R con 41 do cvt 6 . . . Nor Pac 6a B. do 4s ... do pr 11 4. do aea 8. . do ref A Imp 5 si l'Or A Cl 1st 6s Ore 8a Line 1st congtd ss 8 de rfg 4 . . HIO W B R. N 41 58iPZ.sC R R 6 ctf.l 13 7 1 11 1 12 2 21 16 14 34 5 " 2 56 Tl 18j 42 52! Pa & U 7 do 5 ....... do eon 4 H . . do gold 6Hs .. do g a 4s. do gold 4. . . P AA E too 4. . Per Mar rfg 5s. do 4 . . . PCCASt. L bs A P R L A P 7, Reeding gea S. R I A A L 4 StL I MAS gea 61 de ref 4a . . . . do R A G 4. . StLASFpr m4A. do do do 5 B adj 6. ine S . 57 69 94 124 110 92 91 64 99 100 106 94 86 77 112 102 100 111 B9 83 100 84 101 107 86 85 99 1 S3 75 SO 86 79 71 92 84 89 83 83 101 91 86 84 71 98 77 64 91 91 88 91 101 114 113 H 83 H 92 100 92 90 65 98 90 90 64 36 92 101 91 85 98 58 58 75 68 77 84 67 74 110 111 107 108 82 84 85 97 109 77 98 102 105 86 101 101 101 82 47 45 85 99 55 86 52 62 54 96 101 113 105 113 16 194 14 82 H 86 89 87 66 102 : 8iH 92 15 15 96 72 72 54 100 44 83 91 71 H 85 93 79 95 93 98 84 83 93 106 75 97 88 94 99 92 81 44 101 106 83 88 63 96 97 108 69 91 91 82 106 107 81 99 77 80 84 51 98 58 86 37 101 72 67 69 94 123 109 93 91 64 99 100 103 93 85 75 112 102 100 111 s 88 88 100 84 101 MT SS 85 99 90 7 75 89 84 78 96 88 4 78 71 92 84 89 85 82 101 91 86 84 71 93 77 64 91 91 88 91 101 114 114 83 92 100 93 90 63 98 90 91 65 36 92 101 91 86 98 58 58 75 69 78 84 67 74 110 111 107 108 82 84 88 97 109 77 98 102 105 86 192 102 105 82 47 45 86 99 53 86 62 52 54 96 101 113 105 113 96 105 14 82 H 86 89 H 88H 66 103 60 92 15 H 15 oe 72 72 Z4 100 44 83 92 71 83 f4 79 95 93 93 84 83 93 106 75 97 89 94 99 - 92 81 44 101 S 106 83 88 65 99 97 103 69 91 91 62 107 107 81 99 77 80 85 52 98 63 86 87 101 78 67 69 94 123 110 93 91 64 99 100 105 94 86 T5 113 103 100 111 94 88 88 100 84 101 107 86 85 99 91 87 75 89 85 78 96 88 4 79 WEARING APPAREL PRICES TO RISE y l. O. Movie (Copyright. 1923. by The ; Joromal.) New Tork. Bept. 11. Wearing apparel nnratstakablr is headed for higher price, bat th increases in prospect will he kept within tsirty narrow limits. " This trend is being shown especially in the ease of ' woolen goods, according to telegraphic report re ceived from New England manufacturers within the but 12 hoars,' and to the opinions of the early arrival among retail dealers here for the meeting of the National Retail Clothier as sociation. ' .. . ' freer a vnilNna srBofll children retnrnea to their studio today in this city alone and other million throughout the country began their school year. The outfitting of these children tor tbe fan and winter, annooga aesayeet ey warm- weather, can be counted pn to exercise a tremendous in flue nee in the apparel trades. The agreement of tn tann com ere oa a 81 cent a pound duty on wool ha strength ened the wool msrket materially. Buying in ty,m m.1 Mtm bv manufacturers of doth is widening and domestic wools are Becoming more scarce. Holders of wool are convinced that prices must move upward, although th limit nf their advance is ekterly marked by the point at which foreign wool may be removed from bond or Imported in competition with tbe domestic product. Mannfaetum of woolen ana womtea l today that there wa a steady improve in demand for their prod nets, especially for men's suitings aad overcoatings and pro HnkB nf th mills ia ineraaaigig. Labor east are also oa tn increase, now- ever Tor nvuiufactnrer are baring to go into the 'market and bid for labor against ether industries. Other mannraetunng coat are high and manufacturer therefore regard in- erased rjrieea lor wooian ciotn a weviwoic. The emnloves of tne Amoskeag Manufac turing company, operators of th largest cotton mill in the world, went to work at in creased wages today. The amount of the inmate was not fixed, bat textile men be lieved it will be more than th 20 per cent reduction made last month. AU the main textile mill and the majority of th Masi ihnactt mills have restored the eld wage scale and similar action i expected by New Hamp shire miuowTier. Minneapolis Sept. 11. Wholesale cloth iers report a Wc demand for men furnish Ins, shoes, hats, caps and furs, COAL Da Witt. Mo.. Scot. 11. Two more eoal mine will be opened shortly with additional development in the vicinity of this town. ZINC Joplin. Ma, Sept. 1 1. The Joplln A Pittsburg railroad ha completed plans for n extension from the Kansas eoal fields to the xino district of Oklahoma. Tbe extension will run from Columbus, Kan., to Pitcher. Okla. FRUIT San Praneiseo. Sent. 11. Tne prane mar ket ia weak with few buyers in sight. The managers of the Prunegrowers association are apparently satisfied with the situation, but the individual growers are discontented with th crop. Little Rock, Ark., Sept. 11.. Applegrowers in Northern Arkansas will meet in Spring dale next Monday to form a cooperative mar keting association. AUTOMOBILES Cleveland. Ohio, 8ept. 11. The second week of September found all of the automo bile plants pushing their fall production to the utmost for the purpose of meeting heavy orders. WALL STREET STOCK QUOTATIONS Reported by Overbeck A Cook Co. ?f yr Tors, Seat. 11 Tks prtaetaal features oa tas ears tosay were rea soned su-ttTltle aad realtalaa; sales U tas Staadard Oils, hlfrher price for tems af the department stars stocks asd wide nsetaaUoss ia U shares of tas Seaslts Stores corporation. Kappeaheimer Co. 7 per seat caraaia ttvo preferred stock aad commos atock were admitted to trading; apoa wwaea lssaed" hast. The first" sals ta ths preferred took plaea at a premium af 34 point soots us sassenpuoB price. Later ths stock sold np a point, to 11. Kappeaheimer eostmoa alio com maaded a sabstaatlal premiajn. Standard Oil of Iadlaaa opsaed ftroBc bat raa lata BeaTj- reausia; aalet aad dropped S polats before ths reaetloa was checked. Imperial OU af Canada International Petroleum aad Staadard Oil of Keataeky alas ea ro an tared rcaUslas; aaies. Oa ths other a sad, oa a starls traasacUoa, Ohio Oil told as 8 polats aad Staadard CIl of ew Tork was firm. Cities Service Issses coatlaasd strong;, bat as a rale the ladepeadeat oils were lower. Tkls was tras of Xw E ar ias Fsel Oil, New Tork Oil aad Carrlbbeaa Syndicate. Soatkera States OU aad Salt Creek Producers were somewhat higher. Daraat Motors was aa active leader arala la tas astomoblle grasp. LIVESTOCK Kansas City, Sept. 11. Fodder supplies are low throughout the range district of Okla homa. The pastures have failed in many sections aa a reault of the protracted drouth. Lack of moisture also is playing havoo with she cotton crop in the western and southern sections of the state. Corn also has been hit. RUBBER Akron. Ohio, Sept. 11. Tire factories of Akron and other points in Northern Ohio report a heavy increase in buying orders dur ing the last three weeks. The August output of th Akran factories was reported aa 2,760, 000 tires. The Goodyear company, which turned out an average of 6000 tire a day for the Ford eotxtpaay, has announced a re duction to four day a wvtek in the working schedule on account of Ford cancellations. GLASb' Huntingdon, Pa.. Sept. 11. The Pennsyl vania Glass Sand and Pittsburg Sand com panies hare announced general wag in creases. SHOES Mew Orleans, Sept, 11. Shoe order have advanced materially in volume thia week, but are running slightly under the total of 1921 in money value. Factories are operating at about 60 per cent of capacity. HARDWARE Pittsburg, Sept. 11. Machine tools are in fair demand after the recent price advance of 10 per cent. CANNED GOODS Monnett, Ark., .Sept. 11. Canning factories with a daily output of 12,000 can have been put into operation in the peach dis tricts around thia city. Shortage of Befriaremtor Cars Wenatchee. Wash., Sept. 11. The reduc tion in the crop estimate from 1 5,000 car to 14.000 cars doe not effect the need of this district for refrigerator cars. Seven thousand will be needed in October, and more than that could be used. Tbe reduction in the estimate of 887 car on account of th hail storm August 80 doe not mean a reduc tion in the amount of shipping thia fall. The reduction should come from spring shipping. I run snippers Foar Cars Cedar Skipped Bsndon, Sept. 11. Four carload of cedar were ahipped by the E. M. Beckham A Co. mill this week, with two more loads ready for shipment. 9S A L gold Sta4s 61 j J 60 61 21 do rfg 4s. .1 46 46 j 46 15 do adj 5s ...I 29 29 29 66 do con 6s . . 70 69 69 6 Sou Pao cvt 4.. 93 98 93 9 do rfg 4s... 91 91 91 36 do col tr 4s.. 89 89 89 29 Sou Ry 4 71 71 71 14 do com 5s.. 99 99 99 7 do 6Hs 104 104 104 SSou Ry St L dv4s 81 81 81 S Ten Coal ImRR 6s 1 00 100 -100 12 Tex Pao 1st 6s.. 98 98 98 10 8d At rfg 4... 67 ST 67 4 do adj ts 68 68 68 1 Term AssnStLs 5s 99 99 99 27.U P 1st 4s 94 94 94 60 do evt 4s 95 95 95 26Un RH of 8tL4s. 67: 66 66 liUn RR Inr Co of 8 F 5s 90 90 90 10 1 V Ry A Pow 5s. 84 84 84 ltVa Ry 6 100 100 100 4Wbh 1st 5s.. 100 100 100 7, do 2d 6s 93 92 92 136Wt Md 4 69 68 68 12Wt NYAPolst 6( 88 87 87 12 West Pc 6 98 87 87 20 do 6 99 99 99 SjWest Shore 4s 85 83 85 1 WhlALE ref 4s 71 71 71 1 Wilkesb AE 1st Ss 69 69 69 8TANDAR DOTX. ISSUES 900 Anglo Am Oil... 20 20 30 100 Anglo Am Corpn of S Africa... 24! 24 34 40 Ohio Oil 293 390 292 860 Imp Oil of Can. 118 113 118 3800 InU Pet Co Ltd. 22 23 32 SOiPxairie P. L. . . . 266 265 265 27500jS O Ind 119 11.7 118 1800)3 O Ky (new).. 110 109 110 608 O N T 452 461 453 SOTacnum OU 475 473 475 Efficiency Low Cost I - F.W. Baltes & Company Printers . ,;t . . First cod Oak Streets Broavdw7ayel64i Adams Express. Advance Ram . do pfd. Agr Chem do pfd. Ajax Rubber . . Alaska Gold Alaska Juneau . . Allied Chem . . 1 3 00 lAUis-Chalmers . 6001 do pfd. . . . . Am Beet Sugar. 600; Am Bosch 800 .....! 1600 600 7500 6200 2600 100 ! 200 "iod1 ...... I 100 1809 600 6200 " '466 2300 1800 Am Can Co. . , . , do pfd. n Car A Fdy. do pf A a Cot Oil. . . . do pfd. Am Prog Syad . , Am Hide A Lea. do pfd. . . . . Am let ....... Am Int Corp . . Am Linseed . . . do pfd. .... Am Loco do pfd. Am 8f Rssot. . . Am Chip A Com Am Smelter . . . i 1 do pfd. 400!Am Jlnuff 4000Am Steel Fdy... 1000 Am Sugar do pfd Am Sumatra .... Am Tel A Tel.. I Tobacco. . . do "B" Am Wool do pfd do W P pfd. . Am Zino Anaconda Aasd Oil . 3700Atchion 100 do pfd 2800 Atl Coast Line.. 600 AU G A W I. . . 12300 Baldwin Loco. . . . do pfd ...... 50OO Balto A Ohio 7O0 do pfd SOOOIBarnsdell Corpn.. 8500 Beth Str-"B" Booth Fish 700 B R T. . 200 Butte C A Z. . . . 1100 Butt A Sup SOOIBnms Bros . . . . 200jOeddo Oil 8700Calif Packing. . . 1700Clif Pet 200 do pfd 5800Cndin Pao . . . 8900Cen Leather . . . 400Cerro de Pasco. . 1600 Con Textile ... . 8300Chndler Motor. . 9000Chi A N W 600 8400 800Am 400 11800 100 800 4400 TOO 4000 1100 4600 4500 6000 1000 1600 1200 400 Chi Gt W do pfd Chile Cop Cbino C M St P do pfd Coco Cola C A O Colo F A I Colo South Col Gas A Elec . . Colombia Graph. . 22 40 73 15 89 59 193 44 '' 83 isi " 28 8 '73' 130 35 I 127 "7 20 65 iss" ' 46 123: 167 163 103 110 82 '55 103 93 124 81 187 58 65 38 79 25 7 29 188 10 88 64 98 149 42 40 11 64 95 7 7800tOon Ga 1600jCon Cigar .... 1000 Cont Can ICity Svo Bank.. 1900!Corn Prod do pfd 7600 Cosden Oil 10000 C R I A P 500 do "A" pfd . . 700 do "B" pfd. . . 8600 Crucible 100 do pfd 700 Cuba Cane .... 609 do pfd HOOlCnban Am Sugar, 400 Del A Hudson. . , 600Dom Mine ... 900D L A W , 200Dsvtson Chem.... 1 lOOjEndieott Johnson 25001Erie 2100 do 1st ofd 6300 Eleo 8 tor Bat. 6500 900 2900 700 200 42000 1500 5200 2400 10O 200 4100 7100 "iioo 8100 1480OI 2400 800 " "soo 100 300 4000 200 Famous Players Fed Mng A Smelt do pfd Fisk Tire Gen Cigars . . . Gen Elec ..... Gen Motor .... do 6 Gem Asphalt ... Goodrich ..... Glidden Oil A P Gran by Gt Nor Ore Gt Nor pfd ... Greene Cenanea. Gulf S Steel . . . Glen Alden Houston OU ... Hupp Motor . . . Ills Cent Inspiration .... Int Agr Corp o. do pfd Inter boro ..... do pfd Inter Callahan . Int. Harr 21 89 72 87 58 101 "43 63 iii" '8 "e 'is" 119 34 I 126 19 64 150 " 42 83 40 122 165 168 100 j 110 32 I 55 104 93 123 81 185 67 65 88 78 '24 7 29 185 10 85 68 66 148 41 40 10 63 94 7 24 81 35 64 72 77 84 106 8 148 85 91 119 78 20 56 89 72 14 - 1 87 59 101 45 43 63 109 192 122 38 55 6 14 72 119 84 85 54 126 120 7 19 64 102 153 45 88 110 40 128 165 L63 103 110 , 82 7 55 116 104 93 49 49 100 90 96 99 14 38 36 140 89 136 49 89 16 .26 48 103 61 18 81 183 15 85 68 36 15 82 41 95 84 'ii" 23 115 42 'ss' ' 1 4 10 112 24 80 84 58 70 76 83 104 3 141 84 90 118 48 48 99 89 95 99 18 ss 25 138 89 185 49 87 16 25 48 101 60 12 81 182 14 B.I 66 80 15 81 40 94 88 83 21 114 41 87 1 4 9 112 aalea.1 STOCKS : I MIg&. I Low. aid. 80011st Merc Marin.. 8000) do pfd ...... 12 OO lint Nickel 490011a Paper ... T.l do psd 60O Invincible Oil ... 800(Uland O0 . (Jewel Tea 4 00 IK. C Sootbara . . . soo do pid 7tfOjKeUy-tipgfM . . . 3700jBLenaecot ...... ISOOjSUyatono Ttr ... 600 1 Lack steal . 6t0Le Tire 3700Lehigh Valley ... ILorillard ....... 1400iLoew Theatre ... SOOjL A N 16 00 1 Lime Loco SSOUlMax Motor A ... 500j do B 3400May Stores ...... 1 6800, ilex Pet 300 (Miami 3OU,Mtd State Oil .. . 360OiMidTle Stl 2600 MKAT Wi 400 do pfd Wl .... 100 : Mont Power .... 1000 1 Mont Ward HOOlMo Pac 11200 do pfd 200VMex Seabrd SOOiMeriand Oil 12700liartin Perry ... 1700Xatl Enamel .... 10O0 Natl Lead N'ev Cons ...... 3800 Nw Haven 400 Norfolk A W .... 5509 Nor Pac ... SOO Nova Scotia BU.. X Y Air Brake. . 8700J? T Central .... 3600orth Am .. . . . . lSOOjOkia Prod ref.. Ont Silver , . . . SOOjOnt A W 200lOtia Steel 100 Pacific Dot . 2001 Pao Ga A Elec 200;Punta Aliegr . 4900 Pacific Oil 6S00 Pan Amn Pet. . 2700 do -B" . . . 6000Penna 100 Peo Gas SeOlPere Marquette 2500 jPnre Oil . . . . 4800Philllp Pete .. 1100 Piero Arrow .. SOS Pieroe Oil .... 100 Pitt Coal ... . 700 Pitt A W ts,. 2600 Peon Seaboard . 7 00, Pressed steal Car 18 600 j Pullman llOOiRay Coas .... 8900iReading euoKnngton .... 500t Rep loele Steel . 3200 j Republic IAS do pfd. .... 2100 Rep Motors . . 2T00. Royal Dutch Oil. 1100 By Steel Spg.. S O NT 7608 Sears Roebuck Shattock, Aria . 800 Shell T AT.. 9300 Sinclair 1700 Stand Oil K J. 800 Slots Shef 6700 Sou. Pacific ... 1600 Sou By ...... 10700(8 O Cal 13008t L A 8 F... 1800IStromberg Carb. 20800Sttadebaker .... Swift A Co 81 186 114 57 65 87 79 9 24 6 29 183 10 85 64 67 149 41 40 10 83 94 7 18 24 80 84 6314 72 76 83 49 105 8 142 84 91 21 118 117 48 48 99 89 95 98 14 ' 88 25 188 88 135 49 16 26 48 103 15 60 12 81 180 14 84 67 86 15 31 41 94 82 84 60 83 28 115 41 9 87 1 4 9 111 200 12100 500 1400 4700 4900 2000 6300 800 500 200 100 1500 17800 800 8300 200 70000 1700 3000 200 8s66 1000 1100 1900 100 200 700 700 600 2700 2400 TOO 1700 600 SOO 200 700 700 1200 600 18 57 I 18 I Sl i .; 25 681 45 37 9 79 27 71 id" 141 64 00 1 188 192 29 1S 35 19 48 73 28 23 08 20 41 33 6J 108 33' ' 124 85 H SSH 99 98 3 f "27 10 8 84 49 58 81 77 47 98 89 83 64 11 7 71 89 I 90 189 16 82 40 83 71 . 68 122 110 98 40 84 188 61 (Si 27 117 80 57 132 108 18 65 17 69 ii" 33 68 44 37 8 79 27 71 19 1 189 jl39H est o 67 I 68 18 19 188 1187 188 13 56 17 60 85 14 16 23 SbH 44 87 8 79 37 71 ITS 19 29 13 84 18 47 78 22 23 01 19 40 80 61 107 32 124 88 87 '98 91 2 37 10 8 84 49 68 80 38 t 93 88 f 83 52 11 "70 39 7 89 183 16 81 89 83 70 "8 67 119 109 91 46" 33 184 50 94 26 115 30 56 ISO H 108 Tenn Coo A Chem! 10) 10 raxa uu Tea Pae Tex Pao C A O. Too Product . . . Traa Cont OU. Union Oil Del . . Union Pac United Alloy United Food Prod United Fruit lOOOUn Bag A Paper. V 8 Cast Iran P Un Retail Stores. V B Ind Alcohol. V S Rub do Pfd U S Smelting. . . . U 8 Steel ...... do pfd Utah Copper . . . Va Chem do pfd Vanadium Steel. . Viva ndou . . . . . Wabeah . .' do A pfd . . . . Wells-Fargo Western Pae do pfd Western Union . . Weatinghse A B . do E A M West sra White Motors . . . Willys-Overland .. do ofd Wilson Packing . . Wia Central Woolwerth Worth Pump . . . W A L E. White On White Eagle Oil. Orpheom Total Total ales, stocks, (ales, bonds. 49 82 26 58 15 10 154 38 82 . .1 154 T7 84 87 68 68 102 48 32 26 58 15 18 15 29 IS H 84 18 47 72 28 23 61 20 40 82 61 107 17 32 124 89 88 78 99 91 2 6 27 10 8 83 48 68 81 76 46 98 88 83 68 11 7 70 89 7 90 188 16 81 89 33 71 92 8H 67 121 110 91 8 40 83 187 61 94 27 117 30 57 131 108 H 10H 49 82 26 58 Money and Exchange w New Tork. Sent 11. (L N. - 8.1 Csll I money on th floor of the New Tork stock ex change today ruled at per cent; high, 4 H per cent: low, 4 per cent.. Time money war- quiet. Rates were 4 9 4 pee cent. Th mar ket for prime mercantile paper waa 2 per cent. Sterling exchange waa steady with business In bankers' bills at 34.45 for demand The current ex pence - hud ret for Walla Walla county ia estimated by officials at 3171,000, a reduction of id- froximately 28,000 from last years igurea. 18 153 H 37 82 2 37 80 6 1 6 I 6 H 154 H 154 H 76 84 84 1 65 57 102 10 121 70 28 62 IS 13 34 79 19 64 1IBH 102 H 64 H 16H 50 H 7 47 I 82 192 44 14 8 29 28 104 121 69 28 'ii" 12 12 84 79 19 63 118 102 63 15 50 7 46 '81 189 44 14 8 29 28 76 84 86 65 57 101 42 106 121 69 28 63 61 12 12 84 79 19 64 119 103 63 18 60 7 45 46 81 192 43 H 14 H 8 28 23 BOSTON SUFFERS LABOR SHORTAGE Boston, Sept. 11. The growing sbortag of labor la the building trade nas become a note worthy development here in " th last weak. It is almost impossible to secure - competent clumbers, aad ether trained near are almost equally scarce. Tbe same condition obtain in the metal trades, and manufacturers throughout new England ara bidding for laborers. Advanoea in wage are , reported - from many scattered localities aad newspaper are carrying a large volum of help wanted cd.- The Sew England railroads new have nearly all th shopmen they normally rue sad art weeding out the less efficient and hiring skilled workers as opportunity offers. Coal M still scarce although bituminou fuel is moving more rapidly this week. Bids Opened for V Montesano'Dykin Montesano, , Wash.. Bept. ll.r! : wars opeosd Saturday,' by ths cou-v commissioners for tns work In oonnc -Uon with dralnags and dyking improv merit district Jfo. 4 artth the Westerr Dredg-Inf company of Marshfleld, O low at 80,SO. No award eras tna but it I waa Mnouncsd ths comm: skmeraiwiU meet again In a few daj to award tha bid. Thia Improverner district consists of approximately : acres; located in part within tha cit. Utnita of Aberdeen, FHMB BHIBGE TOISH5D Sandy. SepU 11. -Tha cabla tlun-. bridg 'over tha Big Sandy has Ju; been eompletsd. It is X50 fset lor, lt fast jwids and has a towsr 0 fe high and ls.0 fast Abovs ths water Work on tha flume will bs finished I the middle of December, according t Mclntyra A Mitchell, contractors. Foreign Exrhaags Market New Trk. Sept. U.U. P.) Foreign ex change opened easier. Sterling. 84.45, off 4 : franca. .0764 . off ontou- ir .0429, off .0005 : Belgian. .0728. off .0008: marks, .0006. off .0000: Dane, -.2137. FOUNDED 1870 IiOMESTJC WOOLS IX GOOT) DEMAND IJT BOSTON MARKET Boston. Sept.- 11. The wool market eon tinued - to broaden oat today and domestic wools In general were in excellent demand. The demand is followinr incraaaad iw- .t th Woolen mill and some weavers are re-, ported to be investigating with a view to fining their heavyweight requirement aa well as bar ing for the lightweight line for next orin. Ths medium grade territory wool were firm and fairly aetire and there wa a good inquiry for quarter-blood. Tisse Call for City Beads City Treasurer Adams ha Issued a call for tha presentation for payment of Portland im provement bond numbered consecutively from 29,908 to 80.1 JO. inclusive. They are dated October 1, 4915. and gr to be redeemed Oc tober 1 of thia year. Naral Stores Market New Tork. Sept. 11. (I. N. 1 Tur pentine Savannah, 81.23 01.28; New lork. $1.29. Rosin Savannah. 85.40: Jitw Tork, 86.85. GREAT WESTERN mm COMPANY OF CALIFOFmlA 6 BONDS Pae February Jtl $52 These bonds ara soured by a First Mortgsgs on ths Com pany's Caribou Plant, and a general raortgaga on ths entire property. ThS Company aervea thsi grsatsr . part of Central California,- . including Ban Francisco with . about 14.009 sustomsrs. . :Z - 4 ; '' Price t 100 to yield 45 eji.rollins &so::s ltrtmmt TJovuO 411 "LEWIS BUX1X1NG PORTLAND, BOSTON arSW YOK CflrCACO rf 1.048.700 shares, 312.230.000. Electricity Coasemption Increased St. Louis, Sept. 11. For th first time since the beginning of the economic reaction, light, power and gas companies in thia section today reported increasing consumption among th merchant, especially in the industrial department. Renabte labor bureau report that in th but week there has been a strong demand for common labor by manufacturers and road construction and farm work. ORDAW-WErsTWORTH &tg .a aT-a a? 201 Railway Exchangm Member Chicago Board of Trade STOCKS BONDS GRAIN COTTON PEITATE LEASED WIBES TO E. P. Hutton & CW MEMBERS XLJj PRINCIPAI. EXCHANGES Solicit Iaqairies AH Ical Bee arl ties There is nothing speculative about these bonds except as regards price of sterling exchange. It has been steadily advancing, and as it advances the value of these bonds increases. They now offer you A YIELD OF OVER 8 and OPPORTUNITY TO PRACTICALLY DOUBLE YOUR INVESTED PRINCIPAL United States of BRAZIL Sterling Ss of 1895 -Den. 200 At the present time these bonds can be purchased at less than $570 for each 200 bond. With ster ling and bonds at par they would be worth $972 each. pRICE ON APPLICATION Make Immediate Reservations MONE WANTED); HUNDREDS of thousands of people with surplus funds Have, tjjeir money remaining idle because they do not know how to use it to obtain the maximum earn ing with safety. There is yet opportunity 4o loan to Ameri ca's foremost corporations' your funds se cured by first lien bonds yielding 65&" to 7 and in some instances in excess of 7. ARE YOU GETTING YOUR MONEY V 6; TO 7 ON Prosperous municipalities--towns, school districts, irrigation districts, etc.-7-constant-ly require money for needed improvements. These are "little governments." In the mat ter of security these bonds rank next to those of our states and government They will pay you up to 6 and even" as much as 614 for the use of your money and are INCOME TAX EXEMPT. OTH ERS ARE OBTAINING THIS TAX FREE RETURN j ON THEIR MONEY. ARE YOU? Call on us. Write us. Phone us, Dd ivy. 5740 You nUl incur no obligation, ' , FnEEMAN, SMITH 0 CAMP CO. LOwW VS. ymmmmmm 1ITOyRia. IM'0", aas S55lfJa IIJ 3 '' :IUI!lltll!ltlllli!llilll!lli!!ltl!l!l!ll!lffiillilllllilllililllili El mmmm !. Municipal Bond 0 EXEMPT FROM FEDERAL. INCOME TAXES Rate Sherwood, Or., water.-.-. . . 6 Port, of Toledo, Oregon. .... 6 , Umatilla County, Or., school 6 Vfc Union, Oregon, water. . . . v. 6 . ' Weston, Or., improvement s Wilder, Idaho, water. 6 ; Cascade, Montana, L. I.D7 6 Deer Lodge, Mont L. I.' D. 6 ! Winnett, Montana, L.-LJD. 6 Due 1933 1933-39 1942 1933-37 1924-28 -1930-40' 1925-29 1929-30 192T-28 Yield 6.25 55 5.10 5.40 5.30 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 Western Bond & Mortgage Company Fourth at Oak Street , 1 , I; Portland, Oregon Telephone Broadway 6464 V s 84 99. 84 100 107 ' SlXTGElLHAPparSsj 4 do ra sxn BROADWAY AND OAK "SM do s ... . I S T Tel deb A do sea 4s ISO 107 100 107 12 S L 8 W Tna 51 83 St P St A M4H 94 SS : : 16;Sa Aa AAPlst4i 79