The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 11, 1922, Page 1, Image 1

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It's All Here and It All True
week In the Automotivs section 'of - .
The Sunday Journal the anotoriet will
find a resume .of .raotiva activities of
the week. The news in the section not -only
covers Portland and the North
west but the nation at Large.
if All Here and ItM All True
THE WEATHER Fair tonight and
. Tuesday ; northeasterly . winds, v
Maximum .temperatures Sunday: '
Portland. ... lNew Orleans r. 88
Boise. 8!New-York J8
Los Angeles.1.,.. ?8SU Paul ...,...64
VOL. XX. NO. 159.
'TCnUrad aa Baetmd-Claas Matter
at Poatoffjoa. Fortiand. Oresoa
err trains nb nfwi
Executive Session on Record as
Favoring Identical Vow for
; Man and Woman: Another Res
i olution Hits at Birth Control.
Bishops of the Episcopal church,
assembled in Informal executive ses
sion at The Auditorium about 10 days
ago, voted to drop the word "obey
and serve" from the w'oman'i mar
riage vow ; took a slap at birth con
trol . and opposed elimination of the
'man's vow to endow his wife with
"all -my worldly roods," it developed
Jin this morning's session of the Gen
eral Convention, when printed j reports
f the action of the secret sessions
were distributed. j
Interesting revelations contained la
the report of the pre-conventtotfc meet-
Ling Include : ' "
(1) Recommendation to make the
promise of the man and woman In
th marriage service Identical, thus
omitting the words "obey" and; "serve"
In the woman's promise.
2) The Inclusion of the : phrase
""with all my worldly goods I thee en
dow," in opposition to the recommenda
tion of. the commission on prayer book
revision, which, omitted it. I '
3 A blow at birth control in the
adoption of an additional prayer in the
marriage, service which reads as fol
lows : "Bless, O God. we pray thee, the
union of these thy servants,1 that it
n.ay be fruitful according to thy pur
pose, and enable them to train In health
of body and of soul the children whom
thou givest them ; through Jesus Christ
thy Son and our Lord. Amen."
(4) Adoption of a prayer for a bless
ing on the home of newly-weds: "That
it may be a haven of blessing and of
(5) Favored omission - frpm the
prayer of all reference to the wedded
life of Isaac and Rebeccit j '
, Favored elimination of . the
words 'In the time, of man's inno
certcy," , which, refer to the lints 6f the
"office stating that marriage was "in
stituted of God In the time of man's
Innovency.' j
. (7) Opposed elimination off thai, fol
lowing sentences : "Which holy estate
Christ adorned M beautified with his
presence cod firt . miracle; i that he
Iwraiicht in fan& of 1
commended of Kt. Paul to it& honorable
among all inft.if '' ...-rT.. V-w-8)
Opposed substitution of the fl
lowing : "If any persons aJe joined
(Concluded on. Fag Thraa. Colomft Six)
Salem. Sept. 1L Deploring? the "un
just and oppressive action i of both
capital and labor" as it" is sometimes
manifested, resolutions adopted by
the Oregon, conference of, the Meth
odist Episcopal church here this morn
ing "call upon both capital land labor
to give regard to the rights of eaoh
other i and also of the public" in an
effort to settle the controversies now
, w a icing between these two factors.
The resolution calls upon the gov
ernment "to use all proper means for
the just Interpretation of these mutual
rights and ; or the. protection ' and
maintenance of the .rights of the pub
lic." I
. ' i -
Grave regard is expressed lrv the
resolution over "the tendency use
public school property for tes purpose
of promoting those forms ;of amuse
ment that are contrary to the teach
ings of our church and the sacred
convictions of our people."! .
"We believe that no property main
tained by the public funds should be
used to subvert th tuinn
nullify the influence of; Christian
parents. - tne resolution declares.
The resolution decrtes the attitude
of certain interest- "ntaigonistlc to
the prohibition amendment to the
constitution of the United States and
declares for the .enforcement of the
amendment regardless 'at-' effort or
expense.- .;;''-,. ; .
The old Methodint jnui4h a to,.v
ponville, the oldest standing Meth
odist church - building west of the
(Concluded on Paca Twa. Column Thraa)
Senate Page, 15, J, ;
Sends President
Psalm in Frame
(Bs TJnlranal fUrtinl
Washington. Sent. 11 Richard R-
del, a page in the seflateTlS years of
age, sent President Harding a, small
gilt fram containing a quotation from
the 121st Psalm." f
sh"- II" up my eye's to the' bills
wnence Cometh my help." " 4
In a note young Redel raid :. t
"I believe" God will lei Mrs. Harding
live.-, 3i y mother and I are, praying
for- her. I am giving you -the Ulat
Psalm. This psalm has Sustained-us
through many trials. It will sustain
you now.f , , .1: .-. . .
The note was signed "A Senate rage
ho fovea Toa and Mrs. Harding."
II, S. Bluejackets
jDn Duty at Smyrna
,-.thnf; SeP- --tL n! S.) United
States bluejackets are protecting the
ii?,r S"1 reBef torkert-at. Smyrna
wUils French and Italiaal soldiers are
wding the ' railways and churches,
advices from Smyrna today state.
Fight Devil With Printers' Ink
FIGURES in "publicity" mass meeting at Auditorium tonight
Convention, who will tell of progress in exploiting religion
and secular press. From left Bishop George A. Beecher of
Clowes Charley, historiographer of the Episcopal church; the Rev. Robert FGibson, execu
tive secretary of the department of publicity. Below is John Stewart Bryan, publishe r of
the Richmond, Va. News-Leader and member of thetnational committee. !
- x -A
London, Sept. 11. (1. . N. . S. The
Greek army, which , was massed in
Thrace to menace Constantinople from
the nprth, is withdrawing, according
to ' advices received today from Con
stantinople. Newspapers predict that
the allies will concentrate, a fleet of
British airships along the Dardanelles
and Sea of . Marmora te prevent . the
Turks from, trying to cross into Thrace,
Constantinople, Sept. 11. (f. N. SC)
Fighting between 'Turkish Mohamme
dans and"" Christians in which several
persons were killed was reported from
Pera today. Pera is a suburb of Con
stantinople. Athens, ' Sept - 11. (L ; N. S.) The
new Greek cabinet, headed .by ' M.
Trlantefyllakes, who holds .the post ef
premier, minister, of war and minister
of marine,, began, to function
after taking the oath to support, the
crown. It will attempt to avert 'a' do
mestic catastrophe. Ail the new imln
'iaters are moderates;. Sensational re
ports-are current-'ir One -is that former
Premier Venlselos will attempt - to " re
turn l King Constantine .will abdicate.
Greek military- headQuarters have
been removed to the Island of, 'Chios
in- the Aegean sea. a- 7 -- : . -;
Typhus v Is 4 reported to have "broken
out among the Greek refugeea at
Smyrna. ' - -
Near East relief workers at Smyrna
report that their: supplies ; have - be
come exhausted. Thousands of fugi
tives are blockln"-the; roads' leading
to Smyrna. The misery la acute. Many
are dying of starvation.' , . ; .
Special Wlreltea to The Joamal aod Cbieace
: '-- - Daily Nawa . . .. r , ;
Smyrna. Asia Minor,; Sept ""-11. Two
regiments ' of Turkish cavalry. com
manded "1yf Col.? Salxheddcn Bey,-iH
tered thaj. city at Hli ,'. Saturday,
followed .by . a; number of .Irregular.
The discipline .of -the. troops 'was; ex
cellent tod eventhe. irregulars seemed
to obey saoartry he orders of thor
ricers In, command. Th icolonel after
having established 'his; headquarters.
received the? officers of the allies and
the Americas naval officers. ' He Issued
orders In the name of Mustapha Kemal
rasha a warning? - Ms. troops that any
attempts - on ; the lives of Christians
or destruction of their" property "would
be punished with immediate death. -"
These . orders were not In vain. In
the morning, a. Greek civilian threw a
bomb, at the officers leading the -advanced
guard, ; wounding two of them,
but the Turks did not retaliate.; Greek
a well as Turkish civilians were armed
and5 the allied- corisula'Xeared.'txoiible.i
i t, if
I ..
i; : . vss .5:;;;;.: '
r'',vx. .. W.VS'i-;'-. : s
J , . v-v:-:-;iy:x. a . ?-...
- . BTBXv-' "--y" r'r - - seTaeaBseaBBM .T.-.:- ,vBaJ" V "V
. i... , "V - -.r - --- "fc1aiaaai - -. - -. --- . :. - - . -laTaTaTtawts"- " , & ' .
iiiirv I nrnii iinrriv Mnivi r hi i inr.' r vyv-
aTstV BBSS! SBtaai B B B Si - m SI Bk Bl Bt Si B.B BL M BL M . BE Bi Bl M Bl I K :..: ?
...... - aaaa V latll , f
especially as the. natives In their ?exu
berance were .firing into the air and
it was thought ithat they might use
their weapons; on the Greeks later in
the day. ... ' . , r ,
British officers, riding in motor cars
through the . Christian' quarters- of the
city exhorted ; the . people to t remain
quiet," Atthe same time Turkish ot
fleers riding through the Ktreetsio'r
dered the tvllans- to disarm, Kemal
Pasha having guaranteed the lives and
property "of all. "The Pasha-wants to
find the city as It was two years ago,"
they said, "and he desires to restore
it to its former prosperity."
H The1. Turkish, troops, .which continue
pouring Into the city, are remarkably
weir equipped and though the cavalry-J
men nare Deen marcning for three
weeks, they show no signs of fatigue.
.Soldiers as well as officers ' salute
smartly ' aTT the allied ' officers: they
meet. Many, of the men wore Amer
ican i tunics , which thyf probably, cap
tnred from .the Armenians last year.
, The destroyer .Litchfield, which ar
rived Jtertf on the fifth,- made the trip
from "Conatintlno pie to Smyrna.1 which
usually takes X4 hours, m 10. she
( Ocodaded on -Paca Two. Column On)
DelTidpra in Good
"HealtK; 3 Explains
; Free State FigM
Dublin; Sep : 11. 0-" P. Eamonn
Do Valera was discovered today by. an
English i newspaper correepondent,
writer' for the Manchester Uvenlng
News.' - " - u
The former president of thsirish
republic" had .not been wounded and
was Jn- good health, : the correspondent
reported. -iC,., ,.3.A ifi :
4 De ,Valera.declard 'himself ' stiH'opr
poeed -to tho -treaty 5 establishing 'the
Free State, declaring Jf it, were not re
vised Ireland wotjld witness violent tur
moil for many years to come.' -v-
New; Judgeship Bill 4
Awaits Signature
- .WahingtoBr. Sept. 11. (I. X.- S.) .
The bill creating 25 new United States
district Judgeships i: to .'relieve- conges
tion in the federal courts, is now ready
for President Harding's signature, fol
lowing th adoption of ;the conference
report this alternooa, by-the house. r. '
in connection with General
by agency of 'denominational
Western Nebraska; Dri E.
;1 v
r - a in
oix -Are iiiiiea in
WeekTEnd, Fighting
Dublin Section
' ITefcenplue k eommunication between; IXib
lin .d Kniriand has bean cut - off . aiaee 4
o rlock Sunday -.eTeniiie. as" resnlt of tha
njce or itbOi postal employ. -- The Dnb
lia trterraph atatioa u operated by tha
pott: aairraruMs.- - --
IJublin, .Sept. ;1J. By , ' Courier to
London) fl. . N S.) Muny " persons
were .killed and woanded In week-end
fighting. In -Dublinpreceded by an, at
tkbif. adherents of Eiriionn tde Va
lera, commander-in-chief of the Irregu
l5 At least six persons Iwere, killed
and others wounded.5, "Officials believe
thaf- the Irregulars sare . trying Tto'-cre
ate a reign aA. terrorr. - f
The uew cabinet is scheduled to meet
Monday morning to consider an ulti
matum to the'rebels,; warning them of
more drastic action unlejss- they sur
rendeiv.' -. ' ; ?-:. ! t .
w The; BaU 'Eireann ; is to meet Mon
day .afternoon to, take, aw .the -CjuesUon
of extending, the authority of the .gov7
erament tf .-restoration , of 'peace and
rkflflcationiof the Irish, (constitution. ;
BUl-Asfis AboUtion
Of Bail -Labor 'Board
Washington. Sept.. . U.-MI. N. ;S.)
- tV. it;,j
j V ii. kwi i
1UHU MW ' . " " lit O.
bar; Introduced in the- hous this -after,
noon by iRepresentatrve Hoch, Demo
crat ff Kansas. 'Hoch- susgested the
establilshment ot a". disinterested. tri
bunal'" fot the Bettlement of railroad
Bulletin Gives Temperature as
99.5, Pulse 96, Respiration
30 Night Is Less Restless;
Proposed Operation Postponed
Washington. Sept. It. (U. P.) Con
tinued improvement in the condition
of Mrs. Harding has led i attending
physicians to postpone any: operation,
an official bulletin Issued today stated.
The bulletin, issued by Brigadier Gen
eral Sawyer at 10 :15 a. m. stated :
"Temperature 39.5 degrees.
-Pulse 96.
"Respiration 30.
"Night less restless. Elimination in
creased. Complications subsiding. Gen
eral appearances indicate improve
ment. Operation procedure deferred.
(Signed) C. 13. Sawyer."
The phrase ''elimination increased
referred to Mrs. Harding's increased
ability to throw off effects of the poi
son and prevent further auto-intoxication.
President . Harding and those con
stantly In attendance on Mrs. Harding
since she became critically ill were
greatly cheered by the encouraging
reports coming " from the sick room
Curing, the day.
Although . elimination from the kid
neys continued to increase, efforts are
still being made by hot application
to hasten the flow of waste matter.
The surgeons fear that an opera
tion might prove fatal in Mrs. Hard
ing's present weakened condition.
. Secretary of the Navy Denby left
the White House at 3 :30 p. m. with
the news' that Mrs. Harding was still
maintaining the improvement she had
made last night and ' today and that
there was a general feeling among
the physicians and surgeons at the
bedside that an operation might not
be necessary to save her ' life.
Washington, Sept. 11. I J. S.)
After lingering between life and death
for three days. Mrs. Warren O. Hard.
ing wife. -of the president, is improving
today and the 'contemplated .operation
upon her kidneys has beea 1 deferred
pending further developments, accord
ing to an official bulletin issued from
,the , White .House shortly after . 10
When, he called, at the White1: House
shortly before - o'clock 'inquirins: con
.cgrntnMr.i. KartfWig'y condition, Sec-
l Conclude . Pran Tha. Colnnn- Vtrtt
Senator. Charles Hall . of Marsh f ield.
nominated . as an Independent candi
date for governor by .""an assembly of
electors," which met at the Pythian
hall Saturday night, "has nothing to
say" until after he has conferred with
the. leaders of that meeting today,
found out who nominated him and
given, the subject due consideration in
the light of what he discovers at the
conference. . -
- Senator Hall, who came to Portland
from Marshf ield last night, is regis
tered at the Benson. He insists that
he knows nothing about the meeting
of - Saturday night, that he did not
know it .was to be held, under whose
leadership it was staged, or who is be
hind it. ,- -
. He came to Portland, he 'says, to at
tend to.T?rivate business, and with nd
inkling, of the Saturday meeting. He
has " been : busy all morning, and at
noon waa still 'busy attending to the
personal matters which brought-him to
the city- He had a meeting scheduled,
howevery-for the early afternoon, he
said, With the leaders of the Saturday
night assembly. a which time he in
tended to go over the action of that
gathering and determine whether he
will accept the nomination or de
cline it.
Under the law tomorrow, September
12, is the last day upon which nomina
tions made by. an-assembly of electors
can be filed with the secretary of state.
It Is also the last day upon which the
nominee may file his acceptance ; of
that nomination, so it will be neces
sary not only for the certificate of Sat
urday's meeting to be .forwarded to Sa
lem fey tomorrow evening, but the ae
ceptance of Hall will have to be placed
iii the hands of Secretary of State
(Casehtded on Pan Two, Cohamn Seven)
Complete Revision
0f Income Tax Law,
? Proposed by King
1,' t
Washington, Sept. 1l-t. x. S.) A
complete revision of the present Income
tax law as applying to both individuals
and corporations was proposed in the
senate this afternoon by Senator King,
Democrat of Utah.
The proposed revision. would: substi
tute a single graduated tax for the
present normal and. sur taxes and wipe
out dividend exemptions. He also pro
posed a new graduated direct-profits
tax on .corporations, -which. 'he said,
would force. big monopolies to' disinte
grate ln , order to escape the higher
rates. .
Bill Would Bar. All
." Letters of Threat
v... . .'i: .-. 4 - . V' i .
1 ".."'"- v- vj. -
xne te judiciary committee today
approved the New bill which would bar
all threatening- letters from the mails.
Thsa measure, aimed at blackmailers
and so-called biack hand" letter writ
era. would fix a fine, of $3000 and two
years imprisonment as punishment for
uv violation- . "'. - r -
Republican House Leader Finds
Rules Block His Move to Try
Attorney General for High
handed Use of His Office.
Washington, Sept. 1L (U. P.) A
movement to begin impeachment pro
ceedings - against - Attorney General
Daugherty was frustrated by Repub
lican lears In the house today before
it was fully under way. ;'
A resolution demanding the institu
tion of formal impeachment procedure
against Daugherty was introduced by
Representative Keller, Republican, of
Harassed by several objections, Kell
er wa sforced to read Jiis charges first
and then present his resolution. When
he asked adoption of the resolution.
Republican Speaker Glllett held that
he had automatically released the floor
and . prevented him from continuing
with his speech. . ,
Republican Leader Mondell then
moved that Keller's impeachment reso
lution be referred to trie house judW
clary committee., claiming this was the
formal procedure.
The resolution Is certain to be killed
speedily, or allowed to die without ac
tion by the committee, where an ad
ministration majority .holds sway, it is
Keller made - the following specific
charges against Daugherty:
"Harry M. Daugherty.! attorney gen
eral of the United States, has used, his
high office to violate the constitution
of the United States in the following
particulars :' '
"1 By abridging freedom of speech.
"2 By abridging the freedom of the
"3 By abridging the right of people
peaceably to assemble. '
"Second That,; unmindful of the du
ties .of his office and his oath to de
fend the constitution o - vthe i,United
States, and unmindful of . his' obliga
tions to discharge.1 those duties faith-
fully and impartially, the said -Harry
MT Daugherty has, in- )he capacity, of
attorney-, general of -the. United States,
conducted' himself Jn.a manner arbir
irary, -oppressive, unjust and illegal.
- -TMrt-He ' has. ' without; , warranfcJ
tnrcatenea, wHb punishment ettisens pf
the - United ; States jKtut r$ta-f 'opposed
his attempts to f override the- constitu
.ttott hftd. tha l4ws f this; aatlotti. fj
."Fonrth--He has used the iunds of
his office niegally and without warrant
in the- -prosecution a of -individuals and
organizations ton certain lawful acts,
which, under ths law. he was! specific
ally forbidden to prosecute.
'Fifths He has failed to prosecute
individuals and organisations violating
the . law after - those -violations have
become a public scandal.
"Sixth He has defeated the ends of
Justice by reoommeading the release
from prison ; .of "wealthy offenders
against the Sherman anti-trust act.
Seventh He has failed to prosecute
defendants ' legally indicted for crimes
against the people" -
Girl Warned Escort
Of Danger! as She
Plunged 200 Feet
Vancouver, B. CC Sept. 11. (I. N. S-
"Go back, it won't hold you!" cried
Gertrude Bishop, 1?, to Clifford Mc
Klnney. Gertrude was hanging by her
hands to the underpinning of a flume
which -bridges the C&pilano rives, can
yon, near North Vancouver, the
having -broken under her as she was
crossing, on the -flumei McKinney was
c caw ling towards her' hoping to rescue
her. But a moment later .the girl
plunged 200 feet to the torrent below
and death. She feared. McKinney
would also meet death and didn't wait
for him to reach her. . ; -
-This, testimony, was given today .at
an inquest which was held here, Mc
Kinney was the only-witness to the
tragedy, which occurred Sunday after,
noon. . . ;
Daugherty Attacked
In Gompers' Speech
Atlantic City, N. XL Sept. II. I. N.
S. A bitter attack on Attorney Gen
eral Daugherty- was 'made by Samuel
Gompers, president -of the American
Federation of Labor; in a speech here
today opening .the 7th convention of
fhe International Typographical union.
Gcmpers described, Federal I: Judge
James H. WUkersonj of Chicago,- who
granted the injunction against ' the
striking railroad shopmen, as "Daugh
crty pet" - '- ? : 4 t : ' v
Angeles at Portland, 2 .46 p. m.
San Francisco at Seattle 2:45 p. m
Ko other games-scheduled? 11
;i-: HATI03TAI - i
At Hew Tork fwat eamat l H. S.
009 000 42 14. 1
New Tot .i.... '202 00 1 T 12 2
Battarias-lIaiqttaTd.? Cooeay and OKatu,
Oumtiy; i. Bamcav Kiaa and T. .Barnes and
8oydar. ? ,-. -u
, Ai Naw Tork Secona same: K. H- E.
Boatoa OOS 800 000 - 8' 0
New YoA eoo Boe-20 TH 1
- Battariaa ' Wafoa. Bnzton. McNaniara and
Oowdr: Seott, HiU and Bauth. f ..
-Only games-.:-.'
At raaainctora ' i - R. H E.
Bcwton. ........ OSO' 030 0O0 - S - 3 O
Washinrton . .'.'.Ill; 020 J2 IX 17 ' 1
Batteriea Pierrey. Karr and Had; Brill
baart, Johsaoa and Pioaich..-
At PhilaleUia - v t . R. H. E.
Sew Tork ..... 218 SIO 9 l o
rhiudsiphia. ieoi et 020 2
BattaT iaa filia m ry -amd Schans; . Snydar,
Hoffman. Haty. -Karlar.. Schillutav . Setehaaa
and Perkina. . . . :t , ... ... ...
: Cleveland, at Chicago, rain.' 8, p.- m. :.
4' Detroit at SU locals, 'cliaxr .3 p."m -
Games Jloday
Hot Wave
To Remain
Two Days
tentpcratsrrs: - - .-
....... 4 IO a. n. ....... 7S
....... M il a. m. J9
....... S12 m. ......... -7
....... ST l.jyrm . .......
. .... T2 2. p. m. It ....... 90
Record breaklnghlgh temperatures,
which" moved 4 into . Western I Oregon,
Sunday",'. will continue foi; at least two
days, according to forecast of the dis-
triet weather office today, j-v:yV'
While the ; climb of .the . mercury
Sunday stopped at 91 degrees, the ele
ments have foday and Tuesday to try
for a . higher record. .The weather of
fice was of the opinion that tempera
tures would remain close around the
90 mark or a little higher.
South of Portland the highest la.t
seasoif temperatures on , record were
reported. Medford had a temper taure
of '104 degrees, Roseburg ;100, Red
B'uff 108 and Sacramento 104. . t
A rise of only 2 degrees in the maxi
mum temperature of Sunday would set
a mark equal with the record high
marks ' of September in last -year's.
These - three record high . marks were
recorded in 1909, 1905 and 1886. r
Humidity was high in Portland Sun
day and made the heat Seem more op
pressive. At 5 p. m. a, humidity re
port of 39 was taken -by the weather
office. Humidity was high again to
day with 80 reported at 5 a. m.
Jfortheasterly winds wilt - continue
for Portland tonight and Tuesdays and
will bring' more hot weather. -
Marshfield, Sept. 11. When the mer
cury went up to 94 Sunday It reached
the highest point on record . at this
place. In September, 1919. it went up
to that point but recent records do not
show it has ever been higher here. The
temperature was going upward today
at the noon hour.
Eugene, Sept. 11. Sunday was the
second hottest day of the year here.
The mercury went to 84. Local pre
dictions are 96 or 97 'before today
is done.. The bulb stood at 84 , this
morning at 10 o'clock, with no relief
in sight. Because of the. resumption
of, the hot wave, five airplanes took
the air here .today from: 91st squadron
headquarters to guard Oregon forests
from fire; ' This . Is . the, first time m
almost a month that mo -many ptaes
(Cosdnoad a Fasa' Two, Columa iglx) J
-America must either, propose an as-'
sociation of nations superior to that
proposed by the League of Nations or
go into the league, said "Rt. Rev.
Charles H. Brents bishop of New Tork
and head of chaplains: of the -American
Expeditionary Forces, in an ad
dress' before the members 2 at ' th
Chamber of Commerce at noon to
day, '
'.-"When the-Harding administration
came into office, it came on the prom,
ise that some commonwealth of nations
would be proponed and joined in bjrthe
United States," said Bishop Brent, fit
is true the limitation of 'armaments
caused an Internationa agreement, but
that must not be taken as a' substitute
for a League of Nations.
. Bishop Brent was followed by Cyrus
Pierce of Cyrus Pierce & Sons, finance
house, who recently returned from
Europe. Pierce echoed the sentiment
of Bishop Brent, saying -America has
two- courses 'to pursuer-isolation- or
participation in world - problems and
the former, he said could have but onej
result , and that would be .50 years of
famine, wars and bolshevism. ' -
Pierce .branded as 'rot the thought
that America could live Isolated with
a bankrupt Europe. - ; " --
; "America as a commercial - nation
cannot make entire reparations' of Eu
rope's debt, but it can at least do the
decent thing and cut the debt in half,"
added Pierce. . '"Even' 810,000,000,000
would be cheap for world peace and If
we refuse to consider .the matter from
a political standpoint any longer and
not get Into foreign affairs on a hu
manitarian basis we might -just" as well
kissjg-ood bye to our-prosperity."
-TV ,, i. ,n. - - n,J,- ,w
.First "itf NcwsFeatarcs:: ari3.i-Ph6f oraphsl-
Portland Heights. Residence : Is
Looted of Furs and Silver as
Family Sleeps; $6000 Sedan
Stolen to Haul Loot Is Found.
Systematic burglars, who Sunday
night ransacked : the home of F. 3.'
Cobbs. No. 588 Montgomery drjve, -stole
furs and silvei'ware valued at . 83000. :
loaded the articles into a : 86000 sedan
belonging to Cobbs. and escaped with
out attracting the : attention of eight
occupants of the house. -w . . :
'The .-less, was' discovered by servants "
early this morning. Cobbs has ss.yet
wen unaoie to. rurnsn a .aetauea list oi
all the missing articles. ' , -
of the 22-room 'house, except the bed -rooms
occupied jby the, sleepers. "They
toolf tVA lnrCA ctii tnu Mo full 'nf Jnnl -In '
addition, to a sealskin coat worth more
than 81000 and a fur cape valued at
half that amount. - !,
"Entrance was gained by jimming a
basement window. '. Police found clues s
in the way of fingerprints on glass
doorknobs, a -black silk : cloth doubt-
orange peeling. which was dropped in
the house by the intruders. Pollcs
say the orange peeling may Indicate
the job was the work of drug addicts.
ing for fruits.
The ,burglsrs toofc advantage of the
big sedan parked in a driveway to
malrj thsii nlamr Th autnmehile
had been left outside because the ga
rage bad.been freshly painted. -:
SU I v'ar ' stolen was worth- about
81000, according to Mrs" Cobbs. i '
After making - ready to leave, "the
burglarsT helped, themselevs to -Cobba'
cigars.. . - -j: ,-
ni rnnninrm to
li r V m irM I
-.f nnni-iii 1 1 n
- ;'v .... - . . f ':
i 443Wrlht. 1952,' b a- Cskecl rry.
rtJWlSSeiit.UrTirges. Clemen-
cfM is going; ttfi IB (Ltnted Htats to
rt.AlnreljoansAitry should stand shoul
der to shoulder with-s Franca and Kng
land, fo .finish the-" U&k of cStabllbhiiis
worldjpeace. i ' :
The , old Tigerl. of France! who has
been In "virtual, seclusion, since .his re
tirement .from- politics two years ago,
made. this decision in a telegram, to
the United Press. ; ; " . - ,
. He will make four speeches in Amer
iea this ? year, according to present
plans. --' . - -. ' - . - . f , , ' -. ' - '
Clemenceau'S telegram follows f - .-' t
T consider that America magnifi
cently' accomplished ail her duties -of
solidarity during the war, bat in veace
which is the goat of .war, the Iu ties of
solidarity of each' party ;are not ex
hausted -by.-an arrangement of condi
tions whereby one of the partiefcmay
stand aside. I believe that if the soli
darity had been maintained between
America. France and England, then the
present erisls would have been avoided.
It cannot be solved with6ut a, resump
tion of that solidarity. I am disposed ;
to go and express myself publicly on
this .In Anaerica before the end of the
year.. . . ; . - . '.-.; --
- .: - tssigneaj - uiAitiNUKALr-. . -
Announcement of Clenienceau's opin
ion of the attitude of the United States
was elidtdby the statement' of Rud-
yard Kip ing, .famous English" poet, se-
4 (Coocloded on Pass Foot. Columo Two)
Ruth Gets Two
Homers in One Game
".' r: ''".''-' . " " ' ' " "-' '
: 'Philadelphia Sept- 11. -U. P ) '
Babe Ruth hit his thirtieth and thirty
first home runs of the season hefe to
day in the fifth and eighth Innings of
the Yanks' games .with Philadelphia.