The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 10, 1922, Page 52, Image 52

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Scenic Grandeur of Mountains
. and Lakes Attracts Sports
men and Motorists Alike,
By Arthar C. Bdd
Motorists are enthusiastic ; sports
men are planning to invade Wallowa
county en ma, and local peopl are
looking- forward to th biggest tourist
summer in history next year; all a
the result of the completion of the new
roaT Into Wallowa county. . known
among its boosters as the "Switzer
land of America."
- For years the old WalIOwa Hill."
with Its "million per cent grade" and
dangerous curves, has been the block
In the wsy of extensive tourist traveL
Now the Wallowa Hill Is no more, the
new road is finished enough to travel
over, and prospects for a much visited
Wallowa county are "looking up."
Going out of La Grande over the
productive plains of the Grande Roud
river, then up into the verdant Wal
lowa mountains, the new Wallowa
road Is actually competing with- the
Columbia highway in scenic beauty.
The Wallowa mountains, clad the year
round in their heavy coats of trees
and always a source of pleasure to
the sightseer, take on even a more
pleasant aspect from the speeding mo
tor car, running over roads made
smooth with native crushed rock.
From the canyon the traveler comes
Into the Wallowa valley, marvelous In
Its greenness and Its abundance of
snowcapped peaks. At the head of the
valley Wallowa lake. that famous
eastern Oregon pleasure resort, is the
mecca for hundreds- of campers', hunt
ers and fishermen each year.
Fishing in the high mountain lakes,
which -dot the mountains of the Wal
lowa, has been especially good this
year, and many visitors are taking
the -"circle trip." which includes half
a dosen of the most beautiful lakes in
the state, and which has been declared
the. most scenic Journey in the world.
Those who take the trip always bring
back a load of fish, many of which are
frozen and sent to the folks back
Wallowa Take park, now the prop
erty of Melnturff and Son, Is- being
constantly Improved, and several sub
stantial cabins have been added to the
equipment. The new Branch Line
clubhouse, sponsored by the Elks club,
is nearing 'completion, and will be one
of '-the most delightful and best
equipped tnmmer lodge homes In the
Wallowa lake Itself has attracted
considerable attention from visiting
geologists this summer. On the east
side of the lake is the most perfect
glacial moraine In the world, and its
banks are a constant' source of study.
Indian lore, harking back to the day,
when Old Chief Joseph fought' fierce
battles on the banks of the lake, -Is in
teresting many visitors to this natural
wonderland. ,
The trip from La Grande to Wal
lowa lake can be made in about three
and a half hours, and has been made
in one hour less time than this. Only
a few miles of the road requires carer
ful .driving, and within a few montM
4 f ' '
Utility and Comfort
Happily Combined
The Gardner Business Coupe is a beautifully
finished' and completely equipped carin which
utility and comfort are happily combined.
It is equipped with full
provement over the ordinary combination coupe
top and roadster body so commonly found in cars
selling at about the same price.
The wide, roomy seat is upholstered in straight
grain, genuine leather. The angle is restful and
there is plenty of leg-room. A convenient com
partment just back of the seat affords ample
carrying space for suitcase, tools, extra tubes, etc
In the rear there is a large compartment, with
hinged top so constructed as to be easily removed,
for carrying trunk or sample cases.
Rain-proof windshield - rotary-type window lifts
cowl ventilator permanent metal sun visor
heavy, beaded crown fenders - drum-type
headlamps 32 x 4 cord tires. Complete in
every detail a sturdily built, finely finished car
designed especially to meet every business or
professional requirement.
CTtm tmm mat ti
. f liJ ac
, ST. LOUIS. U. S. A. .
' Leading
Forty Yean
" in the North-best
vifrf 1 ' f
:-. i w LJ
.. m ii 1 roiffrinniul,.
ii''ViiliiyiiiVf Til iMiiiiiiiiliiVMiiMlMi iri ii'iiiiind'illiniiattig
YiUj-inight bnlkls a taxi body on Etan(Iard chassis, according to an aunoancemcnt made by J. J. Miller
the AVillys-Knlght' Pacific company. A sliipmcnt of the new model, which Is a five-seater, ia expected
- here soon.
the entire, stretch of macadam will be
completed. It Is now possible to go up
the valley to Lewiston, Idaho, via En
terprise, the distance to the Eastern
Idaho metropolis being about 90 miles,
or approximately the same - as that
from Joseph to La Grande.
(Con tinned From Pl On)
ry road the motorist can either turn
to the left at the Oswego road or com
plete the loop trip by gong on to
Tualatin and returning by the high
way. When, coming In an the Oswego
road, which Is very rough in spots,
the route leads , to the Pacifier high
way. The roads mentioned, with the ex
ception of the Oswego road from the
Boone '.Ferry-road east, are macad
am, but are in good condition. The
roads are not heavily traveled and the
motorist, will have a. concrete example
of the beauties that await those ven
turesome enough to forsake the real
hard -surface roads for a few miles.
Some Of the joys of real motoring
are found on such 'roads, for there the
scenery at every, turn is a variation.
The road alternately skirts farming
land or passes through, wooded patch
es. It is delightful and refreshing to
get away, from the beaten path.
The exhilaration of having traveled
a road that ia new and one that is not
crowded with other machines more
than repays for the time spent. t' It is
said that the: modern day .motorists
lack Initiative. In finding new places to
go. This la undoubtedly true, f0r.4h.ere
ar many -places that 'are attractive
coupe body, & vast
Broadway at
Portland, Ore.
Also Seattle and
k. teate ; -
near Portland that when mentioned
in the presence f a car owner bring
forth a look of sheer ignorance.
There Is no doubt that the ordinary
driver is slothful and prone to follow
the crowd, forgetting the peace ahd
'solitude to be found along the by
ways. More fun and enjoyment can
be had from the car by trying for
something new than by merely staying
on the hard-surface.
Try it some day and see if there
Isn't a thrill in poking along some
strange road. It's something akin to
that feeling in the boyhood days when
you discovered a new trail through the
woods and wondered what pirate's
crew or tribe of Indians went over it
V (Cofl tinned From Pas One)
Of the opinion that the greatest diffi
culty is in getting the rolling stock.
The majority of the moto cars con
signed to Portland are shipped over
the Union Pacific system. Cars so
routed, dealers say. are rarely delayed,
but those coming over the Great North
ern suffer delays from three weeks to
30 days. The normal time of a ship
ment in transit is two weeks.
As a result? of the delays and car
shortages some of the Portland dealers
are considering having ears shipped by
water from the East. This la possible
even to factories In the Interior, Tor
there 1 a. aystfm' of waterways that
enables faetortes to ship to the sea
board by canals, gome of the facto
ries are e fortunately located that
such transshipment to not needed?
Dealers, however, are confident that
within a few months the car shortage
will be greatly relieved and that ship
ments will be loaded as ordered. Until
tbat time, or until the plans for ship
ment by sea are completed. Portland
will have to submit to the delays.
Single Seat Coupe
Proves to Be Big
Motoring Success
As an evidence of the popularity
with business and professional men of
the single seat coupe, a surveT of the
automotive industry, just completed,
shows that there are 16 leadrpg manu
facturers producing' these cars, Leroy
Fields of the Fields Motor company,
Chevrolet distributor, said.
"While complete production figures
on this type Of car could not be ob
tained from the factories, it is said
that It la becoming more and more.. a
major unit in the schedules, a&i
within the next year it is expected that
sales of this coupe will so increase
kthe closed car production figures that
they will break all records.
"Among the leading manufacturers
making a specialty of this car is the
Chevrolet Motor company, which .at
the first ot the year announced the
new single seat model, with the Fisher
body and complete equipment, de
signed to sett at a price low Tor its
quality, with a view to meeting the
demands of salesmen, business houses,
doctors and ethers who need art all
weather automobile. Other makes of
this type now include Dodge. Wills St.
Claire, Hupmobile, Cadillac, Buick,
Reo, Hudson, Essex. Franklin, Nash,
Overland, Packard, Oakland and Stu
debaker. f' Many distributors report that they
ave never seen a type of Inclosed car
which took so quickly with the gen
eral public as has the single seat
Park Dedication
To Be Postponed
Chehalis. Sept. 1. It is found neces
sary to -postpone th dedication of the
Lewis and Clarke state park, 13 miles
southeast of Chehalis. The postpone
ment is from September IS to Septem
ber 23, the reason being that the Good
lioada association is in session the
earlier date, and many who would at
tend ona could not attend the other,
invitations to all parts of the state to
attend this big events are being sent by
Secretary O'Connor and th com
mittees la charge.
Tires Inflated by.
Automatic Machine
, Invented by a Seattle man. a new
type of air control device is being, put
on the market for use at filling sta
tions. The device consists of a stand
ard similar to the engine , room tele
graph o& the bridge ef a ship. The
handl-of the device is set at the pres
sure wanted in the Urea and the valv
filled to the desired pressure. The de
rice la known as the Cooley tire lo
cator. tEAttX SIGHT WAT j
Thar is a right and wrong way to
put on the spare tire. One saves time
and the other not only wastes it but
s dangeEous. . Learn tne correct way.
Continued Work Said to Be.
Keeping Roads in Condition?
Some Detours on Highway,
- Walk.a Walla. Wash.. Sept . Ratna
during th early part ot tha last week
followed by cool weather again Worked
a great benefit to roads In the Inland
Empire. Dirf and grsvU4 stretches
are In excellent condition and with
the heavy grain hauling ever for th
season bid fair to remain- so for ' the
remainder of the tourist seaacn.
Motor traffic from tne Walla Walla
valley to Spokane has Been heavy dur
ing the last week and many tourists
have registered at auto, camp parks ot
the valley on return trips. All report
two excellent routes' to Spokane, one
via Pasco, Connell and Ritsvillev and
the other via Central Ferry. The route
via Lyons Ferry is in excellent shape
for the most part except for a few tin
graveled . stretches in the region of
the'Suake river.
Wall Walls to 8pokne ris Central Perry
Take the uppr road .out of Walla WaUa to
Preseott and Uwnce tr Waitsburs. The' de
tow araond construction Work be rood Dixie ia
not in good ahape.
Dixie to Waitsborc Cloaed: detour begins
A constant unremitting process of betterment has
been Dodge Brothers policy from the-first in
consistent with that policy, the body lines of the
car have recently undergone a new and dis
tinctive revision in design. 1 .
The nev radiator is singularly smart and grace
ful. The cowl is higher, and more vividly express
ive of the oar's roominess and abundant power.
Further improvements in the vital mechanism
have notably increased the excess margin of
strength which has always, characterized the car
in every rugged detail, of its structure.
llth at Burnside . Broadway 3281
H. S." KETLSKT r Oregon territory
representative for the Chevrolet Motsr
Car company of California, arrived last
week from Oakland to succeed W. J.
Richmond, who was recently promoted
to the assistant of Mr. Coats at Oak
land. Mr. Kelsey has been with the
Chevrolet organisation time 181$. The
past six months he has spent trailing
Southern California. He ia ttaw resid
ing at the Multnomah hotel.
appointed the 'Haw ley Oarage of Ku
gene as their dealer for the Chandler
and Cleveland line in that territory and
also have secured R. Ci. High of the
Class A garage of Ashland, as dealer
for their line in that part of the state.
FREO COOK of the Cook A GUI Co.,
Inc.. Who made a week-end trip down
to Seaside, spending .part of his time
playing in ih surf, has Teturned to
make things hum around the servicing1
of Paige and Jewett automobiles. .
C. I. BOSS of the ,C I. Boss Auto
S4 mile aerta erf INxie; ins- Waltabnrs to
Colfax tul Central ferry, good macadam;
tax it Spokane, macadam. AQ road ooa
with exception of mH distaste of
Wails Walla to gpekaite fi I-yon Kerrr
Oood to Preacot. rair.dirt road from Pre
estt to terry. Kerry ' Waahtocna, fait, dirt
road. Wasbtonui te Cheney -via Bitarille. an
Soed macadam. Chenor to Sppkaae, pared. All
road oat of Ritaniie soed.
T!U Walla to- Lteton Take upper vroad
at of Walla Walla via Preacott to Waitsburs.
Old road, IJodee to Pomeroy, doaed. Go e
eral tnilea north of Dodge and take flrtt road
ia right; aisna, Poineroy to Lewietoa, new state
highway, good. Road te Soise via Whitebird
aomrwbat roBab but open.
Walla Walla to heat tie Good macadam al!
the way to Yakima eitlier via Hoover ferry or
mobile company the avenue of
the automobile row says that on -account
of the crowded highway it , took
him about tour and one half hours to
drive ' Bp rrom Seaside last -Monday.
Too bad that had come along
our beautiful highway at a snail's pace
but lis had a wonderful view ot the
scenery. - .
' CATL1S WOLFOnD. "msnager of
the Mason Tire - 4k Rubber company,
will leave some tlmethia week for the
factory at Akron. Ohio, on a business
trip and: is expected back in about two
ARNOLD COHEN f tore Otdsmobile.
company was ' seen ? tn Portland last
wek, talking things over with his
brother Eddie. who also has his fin
ger in the pie at the OMi place of busi
ness. Arnold has been out in the ter
ritory for the past few months, -and is
likely to take another trip out around
the state.
Toll bridge tad Faaeo. Praneed from Paaee to
Tiiamerman'a ferry at nicbland to maka the
rroaaitM of the tolsmbia liner, if - tba route
via Paaro ia eheseat. itetoor aronnd eonatrac-i
rinn work at Oranser to Tofipeufaiti. Toppen
Wi to Talima. paved. Takima to EDenaburg,
fair dirt road for IS mtiea. out ot Vakima. re
mainder rooga and rocky, Kilensburr to CI
Elnm, eood. Threwea the SBoqaaimM paaa.
good. Pass to Seatdl, mfUj good.
liewEtoa to Points Sontb and Eas& Twis
ton to Or age ri lie Tia Caldeaac, sood ; partly
pared. All roads oat of Cuideaae good to Ao
tin and Anatone. Good to Moacow and Ge De-
are, jwttly pared. Good to Co! fax. Fair to
Boise Tia Grangerine.
Spokane to Point Kaat and Kortii (rood
in general over the Yellowstone trail, although
it ia somewhat rougb over the mountains at
WalbK and again at Belgrade and Itnieraail.
Moo. Spokane to Marrna, saod. Spokane to
KHensbarg. good. Cle i-lum to VVenatcbee via
Blewit paaa, fair. -
Star Car Scheduled
To Appear on Coast
Aboijt September 15
Oakland. CaU Sept. 9. The first Star
cars are to be seen on the Pacifio
coast by September 15, according to aft
announcement made here today by
R. H. Mulch, sales manager .ef the
Star Motor company of California. It
was at first believed that the first
Star cars shown on the coast -would
come from one of the eastern plants of
the Durant Motors. Inc., but care built
m the Eat have been demanded bv
dealers along the Atlantic coast and
the Pacific coast H id to wait until cars
could be bqtlt herev
President Norman - De Vau x an.
nounced today that the company was
planning- to exhibit the Star for the
first time in Oakland about September
17. It is to be a public-showing which.
It is belieevd by K.' Durant and
other officials of the Star and Durant
interests, will equal the showing of
the Star In the East.
The first cars to cnmi nut nf ' t
Oakland plant WW all be touring cars.
out is expected iy. Mulch xhat there
will be some closed models by October
1. It is known that there are more
than 500 Pacific: coast dealers now
waiting Star contracts and as soon as
the cars are available and organization
will spring into existence over night
that will rival the largest' motor car
organisations' In tlie country.
a - - '
Never turn off the ignition on a hill
or the car will .drag the engine.