The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 10, 1922, Page 44, Image 44

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" By George Watlflns Story
LINCOLN High school opened the
fall term of 1922 last Tuesday
moriftng and more than 1000 student
registered on the first day. By the
end tit the week 1092 had enrolled and
'of that number. 300 made ,up the new
class of freshmen. During the half
hour periods the book and room asslgn-
inents were ma'ie and on Wednesday
classwork was the main order of busi
ness. : Several changes In the personnel of
the faculty were i.oted following the
'summer vacation Jutt completed, among
them: being the return of Miss Eliza
beth who replaces Mrs. L. C
Hill of the English department at Lin
coln high. Mi33 button has been se
cured Vo teach I rench. Charles N.
Reynolds of the science department
and Miss Anna Hitchcock. Latin In
structor, were mifcjed the first week
of was Miss May E. Fralick,
. Spanish teacher.
least s term it was Miss Grace Lilly
and Miss Cecile Sawyer but since the
spring term each has changed her
name. Miss Lilly is now Mrs. Patton
and is- a science instructor at Lincoln.
. while Miss Sawyei- now must be ad
dressed as Mrs. Oliver. She is a mem
ber of the history department.
The first call for fooiball practice at
Lincoln high brou?nt out 35 candidates
last Thursday and on Friday the boys
were given their first workout under
the direction of Coach H. J. Campbell
who coached the rtailsplitters two
years ago. Multnomah field will be
used for the practices until the opening
of the Portland public high school
league 1922 season
During the final week of school last
term, the Tologians eiected officers for
the fall term and the newly elected stu
dents are: Grennll Sutherland, pres
ident ; Walter Kehrli. vice president ;
Herbert Kuykend.ill, secretary; Fred
Templeton. treasurer : Robert Burch,
Kergeant-at-arms, and Robert Gilley,
President May Agile Barr called n
meeting , of the Phiiolexians, the only
girls' literary society at Lincoln high,
last Thursday afternoon' at which time
It was Voted to ask Miss Elizabeth
McGaw to be the faculty advisor, re
placing Miss Martha Stegman, re
signed. Open house for all the girls
of Lincoln will be neld under the as:
pices of the Thilos on Monday after
,'noon, September ,S. The TrI-Y s and
Phflos are planning on giving a Joint
tea in honor of the new girl students
attending the West ide high.
Two new riepaptments will be added
to The Cardinal, the official publica
tion of the students at Lincoln high,
according to an announcement made by
GrenneH Sutherland, editor. Radio"
and "Library"' will be given conspicu
ous places in The Cardinal beginning
with the freshmn issue which will be
off the press in time to be distributed
on the last day of the rresent quarter.
Miss Katherine Ogilbe. formerly of
Franklin hich. has succeeded Miss May
Fralick as . Spanish instructor at Lin
' coin and sim .- Mr. Reynolds has re
signed from the Lincoln faculty. Mrs.
Green will teach botany and Miss Man
I nlng. a. new instructor, wtil take Mrs.
Green's place aS physics t.ncher.
A large number of Lincoln gradu
ates are planning on entering the Uni
versity of Ort'gon the latter part of this
month. Among Item are : Phylis C9p
lan. Hrl--n Op. an. Eleanor Hol
man. Margaret Hughes. Ninon Trenk
man. Jean Starkweather. Eleanor
Wright. Wesley MePherson, Fran
els "Mickey" McCarthy. Jerome
Gunther. Joe I.lysohuts, Paul Tt.
Kraussf. president of the January '22
class: Robert Gardner. ,Jack. Wells.
Otto Mauthe Jr. "htl Jessie Liawton.
wrvl Kinsr. January '22. has left for
. " I
than the supply. On Wednesday a
total of over $50 was taken in.
There are seven new teachers at
Benson. L. I. Caldwell la a acience
teacher; Miss Agnes Flaskerud is a
math teacher ; Miss E. Forbes, Miss
D. Poster. Miss Virginia Patterson and
Miss Mar jorie Campbell are English
teachers, and CI Henderson is a
gas engine Instructor.
On Thursday the first fire drill of
the terra was held. The building was
cleared in fair time and it is expected
that the time will be greatly lowered
as the new students become accus
tomed to the school.
By Joha Lboe
WITH an enrollment of 2039 pupils
on opening day and 100 more
expected to enroll before the week is
out, Jefferson high opened for the fall
term with the largest attendance on
record since it was organized 15 years
ago. Of these 2039. 386 were freshmen
entering for the first time. With the
heating plant of the school established
In the new boiler room and the cafe
teria installed where the heating plant
formerly was, space for the addition
of several rooms W'as obtained and it
was only through these that room for
this large attendance Was had.
Although everyone was present start
ing with Tuesday, actual work did not
hold forth until Thursday. Tuesday
classes were dismissed at 11 :30 and
Wednesday 2 o'clock saw the close of
school, but Thursday,, the regular rou
tine was' In evidence; school taking up
at 8 :40 and dismissing at 2 :45.
Under Head Coach Quigley, prelim
inary football practice has been going
on for two weeks. At the endof this
period 60 men were answering foil call
and from this aggregation the coach
expects to pick the team that will try
to bring Jefferson her fifth consecutive
championship. The members of last
year's team who are back this year are :
.JHemmtngs, Swank, Wade. Jennings,
Seabrook, Stevenson and probably
Monte on the line and Dud Clark and
Harold Blazier of the backfield.
As usual the 'Live Wire office handled
the second-hand book sale for the stu
dents and was as busy as ever, al
though it is too early to say exactly,
it would be a' very conservative esti
mate to, say that 800 books were
handled by this organization.
A new gymnasium floor that is a
big Improvement over the old one
has been laif during the summer at a
cost of $4000 and the building has been
entirely repainted both inside and out.
At the end of the first week not
much has been accomplished, but It
appears as though everything Is settled
bow and the following week will find
us going about the' same routine to be
followed the rest of the term.
By Alice Sirans
rTVHE students, as Well as the teacb
X era of Washington High school
welcomed six new teachers this year.
Miss Cadie, Miss Dobie and Mr. Major
are the English teachers. Miss New
lend teaches mathematics and science ;
Miss Robinson, history; and Mr. Parka,
mathematics and history.
Miss Lansfield "was "very glad to get
back to the library with her new as
sistant. Miss Helen. Zinasmeuster. The
library has an - addition of about, 200
books this year: ; The money was made
from the marionette show given in the
assembly hall last year. '
Wednesday evening there was a foot
ball meeting in room 2- There' were
about 82, boys there. H. Liebe. Brooks,
E. Marriot, and Potter were the four
lettermen there.
The Hi T club has a very live set of
officers this year with Jim Winston,
president; Chet Ireland, vice' prest
dent; Bob Warner, secretary-treasurar
and Bob Lursen. editor. ' v '
The cafeteria opened Thursday noon
with an attendance of 420.
,The dean's office has been moved
from the main building Into the gym
nasium building where it was two
years ago.
By Jane Frampton
FRANKLIN is busily engaged in Its
regular work after spending Tues
day and Wednesday in registering.
Special examinations were held
Thursday at 8 :30 for those who at
tended summer school or failed to take
the examinations last term.
The majority of last term's faculty
are in charge again. In addition to
these there are the following: Miss
Fields, English ; Miss MacKenzle, his
tory ; Miss Paige, mathematics ; Miss
Hammer, history; Miss Smith. English,
Mr. Harrington, English, and Mr. Heist,
science. Franlstin students regret the
loss of Miss Ogilbe, who was trans
ferred to Lincoln high. -
Miss Hansen will resume her duties
next week as cooking instructor, after
an. extended tour through Europe.
Tuesday after school a football meet
ing was held in .which the boys made
plans for the coming season. Wednes
day was set as the first day for prac
tice under the new coach, Mr. Meek.
Many of the graduates of last term
were on harfd the first, day of Bchool as
visitors. Among them was Helen Bar
tholomew, who won a scholarship In
Willamette university.
Members of the faculty of the Ellison-White
Conservatory of Music have
returned "from various points for the
opening of the school on September 11.
David Campbell; Otto Wedemeyer and
Miss freed returned from Seaside. Mr.
and Mrs. George Hotchkiss Street from
British Columbia, Miss Gray and Miss
Alderman from Tillamook beaches.
Miss "Alice Genevieve Smith from Chl
cago, Mrs. Susie Fennell Pines from
camping in. Eastern Oregon, Miss Mar
fraret No'tz from Berkeley. Cal. : Miss
Woodcock from Boise. Idaho : Madame
A. Van Roosendael from Helena. Mont.,
mil Miss Elizabeth Woodbury from
Lancaster camp. All are looking for
ward to a busy season of musical and
social activities. Several interesting
features such as the coaching depart
ment and players' club have been added
to the regular courses this year.
The first of a series of recitals was
held at the Modern, Conservatory of
Music last Tuesday evening. Carroll
Day announced that he had added two
urn Or wlwr. she, has accepted a I members to his faculty and introduced
. . 1 , . , .Vinnlo ; . ,. I.' 1 1 ; O 1. .1 Vw. will
pOSitiOn in Olie OI I I lauunai -iiwujj rjirain ' v iwuipc owi . " ' "
of that district.
A letter received by Portland friends
conveys the information tt'at vame
Bowles, captain cf the Lincoln high
football team last year, is traveling in
Europe and he plans on going to col
lege In Switzerland before returning to
the United States.
Janice Damon, January '22. and Hnr-
3ftence Bleker. June '2 will leave short-
9 , . . . . . V. . . .
ly for t ainDriogv., ai-, -..
will enter the Sarjfent School for Phy
sical Education. Enid Newton, also
June '22. is in Europe where she will
remain for two years studying music
in Paris.
During the summer vacation. Her
man Nenilro. June 22. was in Chicago
'" preparing to enter the University of
Chicago Mediciil school.
Benson Tech
r Hill t;emmel
BNSON registered the largest fresh-.
assist him in teaching piano and voice,
and Miss Alys May Brown, who will
teach dancing. Those who participated
iii the very attractive program that fol
lowed were Bernice? Lee, Aline Zachri
son. Miss Stockton. Leon Drews, Sallie
Ingersol. Irna Cavanaugh. Jeanette
Glandon. Anita Bell Austin, Maxine
Rankin, Pegram Whitworth. Robert
Caldsky, Alma Cottrel. Theaccompan-
ist was Lucy Giovanetti.
Mr. and Mrs. George Hotchkiss
Street have returned from their vaca
Itinerary to Portland and other Pacific
Northwest cities.
Miss Steers Is also in positions to
state that neither Gajli-Curcl nor Mme.
Schumann-Heihke are contemplating
visits: to this section of the country
the coming season, since both were here
last spring and enjoyed patronage lim
ited only by the capacity of The Audi
torium. But this does not mean that
Portland music devotees, and they are
legion, will not be Well provided for.
The various announcements already
assure this.
The Ellison-White Conservatory of
Music will open September 11 with an
enlarged faculty of interesting teach
ers. One of the Jjew instructors to be
identified with this Institution is Mrs.
Doris Smith, who conies to the con
servatory as assistant to Miss Eliza
beth Eugenia Woodbury in the speech
arts department. She will have, charge
of stage craft, technique and play proi
dHctlon. Mrs. Smith comes to Port
land from San Jose, Cal.. where she
created the department of stage craft
and play production for public school
teachers in the State Teachers' college.
Previous to this, she' was for two years
head of the dramatic art department
of the State Teachers' college. Kar
ney. Neb. Mrs. Smith did her founda
tion work with the Columbia" College
of Expression. Chicago. 111., her post
graduate work at the American Acad
emy of Dramatic Art, New York, and
pantomime with Madame Albertij of
the Albertli School of Expression, New
i orK. ana educational dramatics with
resumed their professional activities.
Last Wednesday evening Mr. and Mrs.
Street entertained for Mrs. John
Haynes and Miss,. Dora Haynes of Se
attle. Musical acts were presented in
costume by Marguerite Bourne, so
prano ; Carl Fricke, violinist, and Lel
lah Fitzloff. accompanist, also Thomas
Whited, baritone and Scotch character
actor, and Miss Helen CorbetC accom
panist. Other solos were given by
Mrs. Jane Burns Albert, Mrs. May.
a i i it . nvxr nn
Wednesday .Hon 4. ne w students i Dearborn Schwab, and Mjss Helen
were registered. This is the largest ; ?voff. sopranos, and Mr. Street, bar-
class of boys ever registered in Ore- i
gon and the class nas more mtraunt
than many high schools in Oregon.
More than 50 per cent of the number
registered in the technical course and
the remainder divided among the vari
ous trades, the electric and gas engine
drawing the higher percentages.
Benson's library has received a num
ber of new books during the past sum
mer months. Several of the books
- were of a technical nature and were
needed badly. "Experimental En
gineering'" by Carpenter and Died
ricks ; "Industrial Oil Engineering" by
Battle, "Machine Tool Operation" by
Ouest, "Elementary Machine Shop
" Practice" by Pallmeter, "Abrosives
and Abrosive Wheels" by Jacobs. "Au
. tomobtle Repair" by Wright (vohime
1). are Included in the last of tech
nical books. Several valuable and
jnuch needed books on various topics
were also added to the library. They
include an illustrated edition of 'Pil
' grim's Progress" by John Bunyon,
' "Manners' and Conduct in School and
" uf by the dean of girls of Chicago
'high .schools. "Greek and Roman Myth
oology" by Fatlock and the "Art of
Versification," Esenrein and Roberts.
:. Benson has started the 1923 football
. season in earnest. Clifford Mason has
been elected captain of the squad and
;: Harvey Harris Is temporary manager.
The suits were issued on Tuesday, the
' first day of school, and practice start
ed Wednesday, when almost 60 tu-
. dents turned out. Not all of the let
termen are back yet, so that inside of
. a week the squad will be greatly
. The "Tech Pep" staff being anxious
" to get down to real business as soon as
possible has appointed a temporary
" staff. The acting editor is William
Klien, who is being assisted by A.
C. Seldlgkelf. The staff expects to
' get the first issue out on Friday. The
' regular staff will be organized dur
ing the next two weeks.
The Benson Tech Hi- Y club will hold
its first meeting- next Monday eve-
nine The officers of the club for
. . this term are Lawrence Cappa presi-
dnt: Leonard Barber, vice president;
Harry Harris, secretary, and Fred
Morelock. treasurer. The adviser to
, the, club is. Mr. Lawrence. The club
has a membership of nearly 20 at
present. and "this number will be in
creased soon. t
t The book exchange has again Opened
at Benson and the sales have been
pood , so far. The "book store" Is In
charge of Cus Hall and Clarke Rock
eter. The demand for books la greater
tion, spent at the seashore, and have I Emma Sheridan Frye, Dramatic League
oi America. Mrs. smith began her
professional training with the Wash
ington Square Players, Band Box the
atre. New York. Her following en
gagements were : Leading lady with
the Alberta Galatin Shakespearian
company and second leads with the
1916-17. Realizing the necessity of th
knowledge of the commercial stage,
Mrs. Smith then played vaudeville,
repertoire and stock, returning as a
teacher of the art in 1920.
Mrs. Fred L. Olson, soprano, has re
turned from Chicago, where she spent
the summer studying with Percy Rec
tor Stephens, the ISew York voice spe
cialist, and Richard Hagemann,, at the
Chicago Musical college. Mrs. Olson
sang In public in Chicago, and made a
most favorable impression and was
offered a very flattering position as
teacher. In Omaha, too, she was of
fered a promine'nt -church soloist posi
tion. With Mrs. Olson on the trip and
at the college was Miss Olga Ruff,
who did the accompanying for Mr.
Stephens, and. also studied piano un
der Mr. Hagemann. Mrs. Olson and
Miss Ruff stopped over at Omaha,
Denver and Salt Lake on their way
home, and attend musical events
Miss Flora Maloney, a talented
pianist and organist of McMinnville.
has been engaged by the MacManus
Music school of Corvallis - for the en
suing season, and will also serve as
organist at the Baptist church. Miss
Malouey has been presented In re
cital by- William Robinson Boone, and
Is a graduate teacher of the Perfield
system for teaching children.
Miss Mary Sohultz. talented violinist
of Salem, who has spent several years
in New York studying, will be pre
sented in an informal recital by Mr.
and Mrs. Paul, Petri, at their residence
studio, . Monday night at 8 o'clock.
Miss Schultx will leave for New York
K. Berger, violin teacher, has re
sumed work, after the summer vaca
tion. His daughter, Tosca Berger.
whose phenomenal playing has at
tracted wide attention, is booked for
several concert engagements the com
ing season. - -
William Robinson Boone played the
opening numbers for the General
Convention of the Episcopal church
at The Auditorium Wednesday morn
ing. A recital of an hour's duration
was much enjoyed.
Mr. a.nd Mrs. Paul .Petri, who have
been spending the summer at Breiten
buah Springs, have resumed teaching
voice and piano respectively. They re
port having had a wonderful time hik
ing and fishing in the mountains.
Breitenbueh Springs are 12 miles from
Detroit, in the wildest part of Western
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Eichenlaub have
returned from "a month's vacation at
Seaside an - cava - reopened then
studio. . . . . f- , .-
Miss Lelia Walter. for the past six
years .head of the children's depart
ment of the Fischer Music school of
Walla Walla, has located in Portland.
Miss Walter will be connected with the
Boone Conservatory of Music.
Mrs. L. H. Hurlbuit-Ed wards, who
has been enjoying a month's outing at
Classic Ridge beach, has returned and
resumed her duties with the Oregon
Conservatory of Music. The first pub
lic musicaJe during the fall term will
be the presenting of Miss Ruth Lent,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lent of the
suburb of Lents.
The different sections of the Port
land civic orchestra now being
formed, are reported as being rapidly
filled. Several well known perform
ers on different instruments have sig
nified their Intention of joining. The
first rehearsal will he held on Monday,
October 2. at 8 p. m. in the Social Turn.
Verein hall in 13th street. The ensem
ble ts now about 30 players. Conduc
tor Harry Linden Is arranging an at
tractive list of numbers for the mem
bers to play at the first rehearsal.
The Society of Oregon Composers is
offering a set of books called "Roose
velt and His Time" with illustrations
by J. B. Bishop, to any author in the
state of Oregon who will write the best
poem on it. to be set to music for. use
at the dedication of the Roosevelt
statue. All poem must be sent to
Emil Enna, SU Bush & Lane building,
before September 15.
F. W. Goodrich and family have
returned from a delightful motor, trip
to Crater lake, the Oregon caves and
other sections of Central Oregon and
Northern California. " .
H. A. Webber has just returned
from a successful tour on the Pan tag ea
circuit in California . with.. Webber's
Juvenile orchestra. i - -.
Virgil I sham, pianist, has returned
from a delightful vacation at Cannon
Beach, and has resumed teaching.
Faderewskl is announced for a tour
of 40 concerts and if that number Is
to be his limit, then the Pacific North
west will have to forego the sensation
of hearing him this season. Miss Lots
Steers, when In New. York recently,
was told by the Polish pianist's man
ager that only In the event that the
tour is Increased to S9 or more appear
ances will it be possible to extend the
Dictionajy of
Baby Terms
C" Continued
COWS MILK. When It is necessary
to resort to artificial food for your
baby, cow's milk Is the 'best food to
employ. When It is modified correct
ly It is the nearest like mother's milk.
Simple mixtures of cow's milk usually
agree with, babies better- than any
fancy feeding or prepared foods. Most
babies even at afew weeks of age
can take a food made of one part milk
and two parts water. This can gradu
ally be increased as baby grows older.
For feeding your baby, it' is well to
follow the modified milk directions
prepared by the American Medical as
sociation. These directions have been
tried and found very satisfactory. They
supply the needs of an average baby
very welL The milk must be clean
and kept clean. Milk absorbs impuri
ties and collects germs -when It is ex
posed to the 'air and flies. It must,
therefore, be well covered. These
germs multiply very rapidly unless the
milk is kept cold. Be sure that your
milk comes ' from tested cows. Many
people who now have tuberculosis were
infected while they were babies.
CRACKERS. Crackers are a very
much abused .article of food in the
diet of babies and young children. They
are entirely too convenient for moth
ers td give- and thus they are eaten in
excess. There are many good makes
of crackers on the market; graham
crackers, whole-wheat crackers, bran
crackers, oatmeat crackers and some
of the soda crackers are excellent for
baby when he is about a year oldj if
they are given at ,the right time and in
the right quantity. One or two crack
ers of a reliable make given with a
meal, do no harm, in fact they do much
good, but too much of ' a good thing
often proves a very bad thing. Crack
ers should not be given to babies under
nine or ten months old. The starch, in
the crackers and other constituents
cannot be well absorbed by young
babies so may cause trouble. Sweet
crackers and those that have raisens
or other things added to them should
not be given to young children. If they
are allowed, a child will often lose
his appetite for wholesome bread.
CREEPING. A baby usually begins
to creep at seven to nine months : of
age. Some babies never creep, how
ever, but learn to walk as soon as they;
are strong enough. Creeping affords
a good amount of exercise for the
CRIB. See bed.
CROSS-EYES. During early baby
hood a condition that is known as
squint-eye or crtSes-eye Is common.
Usually this adjusts itself and need
cause the mother no great anxiety.
If this trouble persists after baby
is a year old. It is probable that
some definite medical treatment i la
needed. m The trouble may affect
either "one or both eyes.' The
early treatment of cross-eye consists
In the use of proper glasses, whllcb
rests the muscles of the eyes and fal
lows them to return to their normal
condition. The trouble should never
be neglected,' for in a few years : an
operation may be necessary, and, if
neglected still further it may lead: to
CROUP. Croup is one of the com
mon ills of babyhood. It is very dis
tressing but practically never fatal.
The onset is usually very sudden. Baby
goes to bed at night apparently well
and awakens in the night with a harsh
dry cough. The room should be made
warm and steamy at once. There Is
a "croup kettle" on the market which
Is very convenient for this purpose, but
an ordinary tea kettle will serve very
welL You can make the spout longer
by attaching a spout- made of stiff
paper. Make a little tent by draping
a sheet over the crib and allow the
steam to go into this tent to the baby.
In using steam great care must be
taken not to burn the child and i he
must not go out of doors the same day
that the inhalation is given. Keep jthe
baby warm and dry after the attack
subsides for a sudden chilling at this
time would be serious. The moist at
mosphere of the steaming kettle will
soon cause the paroxysm to relax and
the baby will be relieved. A pinch of
mustard In a cup of lukewarm water
may be given to the child to make him
vomit if the attack of croup is a hard
one. If the child haaJ a mild attack of
croup an application" of warm moist
cloths about the throat would be of
great help. Care should be taken not
to bum the baby's flesh.
CRYING. It is perfectly natural for
a baby to cry hard once or twlci a
day. A good cry is excellent exercise
for the lungs and stimulates the cir
culation, the only exercise a ttny
baby can get. A healthy cry is strong
and loud. Crying due to pain is sUd
den, explosive, and stops when the
pain ceases. Crying due to temper is
loud ; the body stiffens and baby
throws his head back, and becomes red
in the face. Crying due to colic is j se
vere, the legs are drawn up and baby
rubs his feet together. Crying due to
hunger is a fretful ery. Crying due to
earache Is loud, and the hands 6trike
about the ears. Crying due to habit
and Indulgence ceases as soon as baby
is gratified. Babies often cry because
of cold feet, tight bands, thirst, lying
too long in one position or from heat.
When the crying is from habit or over
Indulgence it is best to break it,, at
once. Let baby have his cry out. It
may take a few hours every day for a
few days before you have a good baby.
. CURDS. Curds may be present) in
the movements. Fine soft curds which
can be flattened out mean too much
cream in the diet. A hard dry move
ment means too much cream. Hard
tough bean-like curds, mean . that the
proteid In the milk is not fully di
gested. Sometimes this condition needs
no treatment, sometimes the addition
of lime or barley water is needed. :
CUTS. In the case of cuts, first
stop the hemorrhage, where it is ex
cessive. This can be done by using a
piece of sterile gauze held firmly oiver
the bleeding spot or bound tightly oiver
the cut with a bandage. The cut must
be kept clean to prevent infection. Soak
the wound for half an hour in a hot
antiseptic solution. A piece of sterile
gauze may be wet with the antiseptic
solution and placed upon the wound.
Bandage the wound and leave it undis
turbed until it is healed. Consult a phy
sician In cases of bad cuts.
(To be Continued Next Sunday.)
No Great Task !
The mayor of a large English town
was showing a distinguished American
guest - the things worth seeing. He
praised the town to the skies, and end
id up. "If we only had the sea here"
'Wen," "Interrupted the American, "lay
a pipeline from here to the coast. It's
only a hundred miles. If you can suck
as well as you can puff the sea'll soon
be here." I
Leads to No Division j
. Douglas Jerrold once said he thor
oughly approved of publishing books! on
the half -profits system. "It leads to1 no
division between author and publisher,"
ne said.
. ' - , ,. - ..... .... - '. , . ; :':. .. :. -.v- , ....
I! II if kLi U
Mm m
Fo r many years this great store has been headquarters
fo r fine living: room furniture because we only place on
dplay the work of the finest builders of good furniture
ia America today. We knefw what's under the cushions,
riow each and every piece is made and the satisfactory
? service it will give you. Our guarantee of positive and
genuine satisfaction goes with every living room suite.
ana wnen you make your selection here, you buy for a
i generation. Below are just a few of the many new Fall
; patterns in fine overstuffed livirigvroom furniture now
on display at moderate prices. Gome in and see them now.
Evei y Overstuffed Parlor Suite or Odd
Dafehpor t Is Reduced 10 to
TVipestry Davenports
3 Loose Cushions
3-Pc. Suite in Tapestry
Loose Comfy Cushions
9x12 Ft. Perfrict Axminster Rugs
A most comprehensive display jf the new fall patterns and colors. These
first-juality floor coverings Ire too well known to require a lengthy
nesenpuon nere as to tneir suraouity ana wearing qualities, mciuaea
tomorrow are combinations t rose, blue, tan, etc.
Choice at
Now is tha time to buy
those dining chairs you
have wanted for so lone.
These chairs are solid oak
finished in golden or
fumed, have slip seats of
genuine - leather and are
exceptionally- well made.
Four-Room Outfits V
The September bride and groom -' will
find this great store presents a "most
remarkable opportunity to furnish new
homes complete at a moderate . cost.
For Instance, -our special September
Bride Honie' Outfit completely furnish
ing the living room, bedroom, dining'
room and kitchen with - furniture of
tine character.-is priced at only $495.
It is not necessary, either, to pay the
entire amount 'in cash, for we will-be
glad to arrange easy credit terms to
suit your own individual requirements;
On Sale
This Week
The Liberty Range on sale this
week needs no introduction. We
have been selling them for ten
years. Has six 8-inch covers,
sectional plate, top polished,
large Oregon fire box : plenty of
room for wood and coal. This
range is fully guaranteed by
Gadsbys'. CECl 7(5
Special t J
Bedroom Furniture of Striking Beauty
Now. Priced at; Lower Levels
Jt will be a pleasant surprise to find bedroom furniture of such attractive
design, of such reraarkible individuality - and dependable worth .included
in our fall in rich brown walnut, handsome, suites in deco
rated. enamel finishes, as well as mahogany. - The four-piece suite similar
to above Is a typical example. In walnut finish, its price com- QinJ
plete is only v P
Six-Piece William and
Mary Dining Set $64.75
(fTTA 1 J ,
i n ic -i i
Pay f ".SO -Cash, Then l9 Weekly
Even (those who know Gadsbys reputation for low prices will be sur
prised at this splendid value. A 45-inch Round Dining Table,, In oak
or walnut, with five genuine brown leath'er-seat Chairs to match (all
eiuitei like one pictured, but table has no center leg). This outfit
would cost much mere elsewhere than Gadsbys' & 2 A TC
special price of t))04l0
An Arm Chair Say Be Added for S9.7S
I ij i? im y jo' ""' o i
W e w e re fortunate In
securing a large quantity
of thea, dressers from- a
manufa cturer, who was
in need of cash, at a big
sacrif ici s. They are solid.
oajc, ii isnea golden have
a largje mirror, as pic
tured, and four spacious
drawei a. If you want, to
buy - a dresser at a real
savtoy.. see this outstand
ing vj4ue.
A combination range insures a warm
kitchen in the winter and a cool
kitchen on the hot days of summer.
We are exclusive dealers for Wedge
wood combination ranges, which bake
and cook with gas. heat the kitchen
and water with wood or coal. Coma
In and let us -demonstrate - the excep
tional advantages of these combination
ranges. See how low in price they are
and what a' real convenience It Is to
have one of them in your home.
15222 2F FURNITURE; f $ 5.00 CASH, $1.00 WEEK
$ 75.00 WORTH OF FURNITURE $ 7.50 CASH $1.50 WEEK
$100.00 WORTH OF FURNITURE $10.00 CASH, $2.00 WEEK
125-00 WORTH OF FURNITURE, $12J50 CASH, $2.25 WEEK
$150.00 WORTH OF FURNITURH, $15.00 CASH, $2.50 WEEK