THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY BIORNING, SEPTEMBER 40, 1922 ' I- - " T i i " ' immmm i i i i i"i l 'WM"aBagggBM pwwww i i njni.i.jwwsBMa rtiwi tuimmifii ii tujanji -.maw ir n mmmtmmmmmmmmnmemmmm i ; : ' A " '". - v s v v " I ' " S. - - - V- -i i: ' : ' i! ' - -am " " "-' . Young Women Tea Guests at Trinity Rectory Mrs. SanfieJd McDonald. Mr.! Kate Hanson, Mrs. C. C Fltzhugh, Mrs. Llndholm, Mrs. George Erlandson, Mrs. O. F. Campbell, Mrs. T. C.i Arpe, Mrs. Chester Ad wen. Mrs. C. B. Dahl. Mrs. N. J. Johnson, Mrs. D. C. Forrest, Miss Ethelbert Miller, Miss Florence Ladd. Those out of town, Mrs. Harry Young, Mrs. Panoe. Miss Nellie Faroe, Miss Eetelle. Overby, Mrs. Qverby, Mrs. Guy Potts, Miss Beatrice ; Potts, Margaret Potts, all of Vancouver, Wash. Mrs. Rogers received a num ber of girls. Mrs. Christina Sechtem and Mrs. Arthur Sawyer, accompanied by Mrs. Mabel Christensen. returned toi Port land Thursday after a month spent at the Sechtem cottage. Reception Last Saturday Most ImportantEvent composed of the presiding bishop, Rt. Rev. Daniel Sylvester Tuttle, his sister. Mrs. White, Bishop and Mrs. Thomas F. Gailor. Bishop and Mrs. Walter Taylor Sumner, Mrs. Wilson Johnston and the members of the reception com mittees of which Mrs. Burns and Mrs. Sumner are chairmen. ' The young women who are members of the Page comroittae assisted in serving and about the rooms. This ' perhaps was the most brilliant assemblage ever seen in Portland. t Mr. and Mrs. W. C. McNaaght (Alice M.), entertained Dr. H. P. Almon Ab bott, rector of Grace and St .Peters church in Baltimore with a trip up the highway and dinner at Chantlcler Inn recently. Tea, Given by Mrs, T. Hailey Is Charming women visitors to the convention. The) rooms were very lovely in their dooora tion of. autumn flowers with masses of foliage. At the tea table during the receiving hours presided Mrs. Wilson Johnston, Mrs. James B. Montgomery. Mrs. Thomas Honeyman. Mrs. Henry Russell Talbot. Mrs. Thomas Jenkins and Mrs. Charles Crogster. Those who assisted In i serving were Miss Mary Helen Spaulding. Miss Nadlne Caswell and Miss Elisabeth Hailey. Portland alumni of Sigma Chi fra ternity will entertain with dancing party ' at the Laurelhurst .club house. Wednesday evening, honoring the boys who will go back to the university shortly. - All Sigma Chi members are invited to attend. A NUMBER of rery enjoyabl af faire have been given this past week for the younger women who are In Portland attending the Episcopal Convention. One of th most attrac tive of these affalra waa the tea given at Trinity rectory Saturday afternoon when Mrs. Robert O. Morrison enter tained. Presiding at the tea table was Mrs. Thomas Sharp Jr. and Miss Kath erlne Alnsworth. Miss Mary Helen Spauldlng. Miss Virginia Mears and Mrs. Henry Judd assisted in serving. During the receiving hours a large number of guests called. Mrs. J. C. Northrup of Boise. Idaho, is the house guest of Mr. and Mrs. Alma D. Katz. Mr. and Mrs. Katz. with Miss Edith Shearman, recently returned from a month's eojourn In Vancouver and Victoria, B. C. Miss Elcena Green has chosen Sep tember 23 as the date of her marriage to Mr. William E. DrlscolL MOST Important of all was the re ception (at the Multnomah hotel Saturday evening when the diocese of Oregon officially received the bishops, deputies, delegates and visitors. A constantly moving line of guests filed past the receiving party which was ANOTHER of the -charming social functions which havs been given in connection with the Episcopal Con vention was- the tea Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. 'Thomas Hatlsy, when the members of the Page com mittee entertained for the younger 'uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu M 111 H II iH ,1 M m HI K a m w IK jl h.a m m iu jii iii i i m n m . m ,,i M m i hi u. ia i.i m m n jh i. jl j.i ii m jh jil jii ii m u m in k hi m m m J" '' m in 1.1 1.1 u ill J'l III III III IIMII I.. .. Miss Cook and Dr. Saari Guests At Dance Party "TR. JOHN SAARI and Miss Frances Cook were entertained with a party Monday at the Hotol Portland, givon by Messrs. Krnest M. Nordstrom oni Ensene A. Nordstrom and Miss Eva Nordstrom. The evening was ppent in dancing and cards and a de licious supper was served at midnight. Pr. Saari and Miss Cook were mar ried the d;iy following at the Grace Memorial Episcopal church, with Eu gene "Nordstrom actinir al best man and Miss lela Richardson as maid of Morion -The, puests of the evening were: Messrs. and Mrsdames F. V. Cook John Saari, K. R. Wig-gins. Walter S. Brown, Rudolph Schestler. J. 1. McCauley. Dr. una Mrs. Kdpar Andersen. Harry II.T.up-s--Tri. Iloyii Kelty, George Dirk ing. William Adams, C. Emil Force. K. . A. Burt. K. Nordstrom, Rev. and Mrs. Sulger. V. BerB, H. Rinehart, Dr. and Mrs N. i Himpton. J. Artliur Nor ,, A. V. Wells. Harry Caruthers, C. Charles. L. Kassett, Misaes Frances Cook, Edith Strowbridge, Eva fsord strom, Edna Simmons. Ruth Faust, Florence Brown. Esther Jeffries. IvO rene Salyard, Genevieve Salyard, Doro thy Seaman, Eva Wickdahl, Dr. Emma Maki Wickstrom, Helen Jacobsen. Kathleen O'Haffey. D. Leonkilde. Harrietts Welur, Elizabeth Strow bridjre, Marciei; Strowbridge. T. Knight. R. Tate. Mabel Morse. Messrs. Pr. John Saari. Ben Kisky, Ernest Nordstrom, Lee Waldron, S. Morrison, XV. Lane. Dr. J. Cotton Miles. Clyde Burns. William Gyllenberp. K. Murphy. I). Hayek, Dr. Murphy, Chris Kisky. . E. Inrnan, Dr. Richardson, E. Hennintr pen, Phil Strowbridge. Al Hennesiy, Ralph Reed, Clarence Brazell. Miss Harrietts Walters and Mr. Nathan B. Thomas were married at high noon in Trinity chapel Saturday, Dr. A. A. Morrison officiating. The chapel was attractively decorated in gladiolus and autumn foliage, a bank of ferns and palms forming an impro vised altar. Lohengrin's wedding march, played by Frederick Brainard, was the signal for the entrance of the weddfng party. The bride, who ad vanced on the arm of her father, was gowned in a draped model of delicate pink crepe satin, with which she wore a large black picture hat. She carried a shower bouquet of orchids and lilies of the valley. Her sister. Mrs. Andrew Archer, was matron of honor. She wore a gown of blue canton, heavily embroidered, a large black hat with silver trimming completing her cos tume. Her corsage was composed of Ophelia roses and lavender lace flow ers. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas will be at home at No. 425 West Park street, fol lowing a brief wedding tour. 'Cedarhurst" on the Columbia was the scene of a merry party Saturday night when the friends of Miss Ida toienntCK gatnered for a farewell sur prise party. Several out of town guests motored down for the occasion, among whom were Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Spring er and daughter. Helen and Mr. Chester Harvey of Walla Walla and Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Hamilton of Portland. The evening was spent In dancing and singing and refreshments were served. Mr. and Mrs. Frank O. Prit chard have returned from a motor trip to Lake Lytle and Cannon Beach. .. ' MISS AUDREY COLLINS, a charming visitor from Seattle, who has been honored with a number of social affairs during her stay. Miss Madelle Lyon entertained re cently for Miss Helen Rush, a popular visitor from Tacoma. Hartal Bulk Sept. 9th to 1 7th 200 Hats at $12.50 anli $15-50 Best grades of velvets, duvetynes and velours iHatrame Pourret 173 Park Street Bishopcroft Is Scene of Many Dinner Parties TJISHOP AND MRS, WALTER TAL--t LOR SUMNER have entertained the Visiting bishops and their wives with a series of dinner parties at Bishop croft the past week. The first of these, affairs -was given Saturday night week, when covers were laid for Bishop and Mrs. W. T. Manning. Bishop William Lawrence and Mrs. Lawrence, Bishop Theodore I. Reese, Mr. and Mrs. XV. J. Burns and Mrs. C. D. Sumner. Dinner guests at Bishopcroft Tuesday eve ning were Bishop and Mrs. Thomas F. Gailor, Bishop James DeWolf Perry and Mrs. Perry, Bishop Benjamin Brewster. Bishop Arthur C. A. Hall and Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Ayer. Guests invited for Friday evening were Bishop and Mrs. Moore, Mrs. Edward Kellogg and Miss Kellogg. Dr. Rjussel White and Mrs. C. D. Sumner. Preceding the reception at the Multnomah hotel Saturday evening. Bishop and Mrs. Sumner will entertain Bishop and Mrs. C. D. Anderson, the Misses Anderson, Miss Isabella Gauld. Mr. Donald Drake. Mr. Jamleson Parker and Mr. George Powell at dinner. At the University Club Tuesday night the missionary bishops and their wives will be guests Of Bishop and Mrs. Sumner. Covers will be laid for about 50. In the presence of 200 guests, a pretty church wedding was solemnized Saturday evening, when Miss Ellen Nbrdling became the bride of Mr. John Hulander, at the Mission church, in Powell Valley. The service was read by Rev. Bringedahl of Sellwood. The church was beautifully decorated In lilies of the valley and autumn foli age. Mrs. Bringedahl played the wed ding march, and little Dagmar Tild fors and Charlotte Bringedahl were flower girls. Mrs. Charles Nordling was matron of honor. The bride was dressed In white crepe de chine covered with a full length veil .of tulle. Her bridesmaid. Miss Myrtle Anderson, wore a light rrn rhanppnhi trft Mr. Thomas Greer of Portland acted .Dest man. Week at Post Nearly Devoid Of Social Affairs T"VHE past week at Vancouver bar--- racks has been devoid of social af fairs as a great number of the army women are attending the General Con vention and taking part In the social functions connected with it. The com ing winter season is being looked for ward to with greit expectation, the number of new officers and their fami- ! lies at the post bringing an aisurance of numerous social entertainments. T,. rt. . ,.! . .... , a wxzaio o.ii .Ai. kjl extreme dus- tle at present clue to the number of new families arriving daily. In many cases three officers families are oc cupying one house. The Woman's Progressive unit of Laurelhurst club will meet for the an nual election of officers Tuesday. Sept 12. A no-hostess luncheon will be served at the clubhouse as usual at 1 :30 o'clock, and a business meeting will follow. Miss Rae Olshan. whose engagement came as a surprise to her many friends, was recently honored with a shower, given at the home of her aunt. Mrs. G. Weinstein. Miss-Olshan will be married today. Mrs. B. A. Belcher has returned to the city after visiting relatives in Astoria. Miss Elizabeth Cadv a dancing party at her fcome in Fair view last Friday night for a few of her friends, before they leave for their respective colleges. The rooms were attractively decorated with golden glow, jthe color scheme being carried out with yellow Japanese lanterns, yellow punch and yellow and white cake. The fol lowing guests were present: Misses Haiel Border, Maurine Conover and Zoevelalr Andrews of PorUand. Misses Victoria Rice and Margaret Riley of Falrview, Messrs. Lyle Winters. Wal ter Schuved,Ier. Walter Sweek and Francis Peak of Gresham. Frank Greenman of Falrview and Paul Wil- kins and Royal Brown of Portland. i . PI Beta Phi fraternity win m..i. with a dancing party Tuesday evening in comoliment to a number nf girls who will enter the university this fall. The affair will be given in the crystal room of the Hotel Benson and will be largely attended by members of the sorority and their friends. Pa and patronesses will be Mr. and Mrs. George B. Guthrie, Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Lynn. Mr. and Mrs. Frank L- Knight and Mr. and Mrs. 'Burton 1 What Is ! j Quality? I An authority says that I "Quality" is "the decree I of excellence or fineness. For grenaine honest-to- 1 goodness, unexcelled qual- f ity in I CURTAINS I j DRAPERIES i Curtain Materials 1 I Interior Decorating This store modestly admits of no superior in this city. m v s mm m it -- YAMHILL51 Phone Main -4727 Furs and Individual Style Shops Broadway at Morrison Of sheer crepe Roma with the much fa vored Vionnet flare. u in 1 1 ill wppFT J iy u u iu Far trims this soft, draped frock "of , MaUlard faille crepe. Autumn stands sponsor for a statelier mode Practically all of the new skirts ar p wrapped, fastening q with snaps at one side. This is true of the three piece cos tume tailleur, as of the simpler, tailored snits. TQOISE follows naturally with the long, draped way of FalL Femininity triumphs over the mannish modes of Summer. And Fashion places types ahead of tenden cies and considers the individual before the silhouette. ' I HE drape, the flare, the straightline silhouette. Choose which becomes you most and you will be correct! "VJT 7"RAP your coat tight about you ; blouse it if you will. Let your frock drape graciously or flare, as Vionnet would have it. Wear a simply tailored suitj or one rich with fur and braiding. Fashion asks only that your skirts be lowered. You may depde the rest! Y N the matter of individual becomingness our Style Shops were never so well prepared. With jeune fitle modes for the young or frivolous. With smartly -serviceable garments for women of business. With each and every requisite of the woman whose social demands are many. Smartest of the hew, low-waisted blouses is the Mandarin jac qaette, which traces its intricate pattern in white embroidery on black crepe mate lasse. 1 TJ OR these we have searched long and tirelessly- we present them with pride ! Wraps from 75.00 Tailored Suits from 55.00 Fur Trimmed Suits from 75.00 Frocks from 39.50 Costume Overblouses from 22.50 ESTABLISHED tO - and Beck. uwiwiiicn!ntnfiMiRiiR!niHwiiii;MtwiHi I K V.