The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 10, 1922, Page 38, Image 38

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Trinity Parish
Will Entertain
With Large Tea
TRINITT parish vill entertain with
& lnr tea Monday afternoon at
Th Auditorium for th Episcopal
Convention. In the receiving line will j
bhr vr. ana Mrs. A. A. Morrison. Mrs.
Loyal B. Stears and Mrs. Warren
Keeler. Presiding at the tea urns witl
be Mrs. Joseph N. Teal, Mrs. Charles
F Adams, MrsN James B. Kerr, Mrs.
J ; William r. Wheelwright, Mrs. M. H.
, Lawiond. Mrs. J. Guy Strohm. Mrs.
i". James Cook, Mrs. Oeorge Cartsr Ster-ling-,
Mrs. I. H. Am oa, Mrs. Edward
t Fail In ft, Mrs. M. Plamondon, Mrs. I.
B. Peters, Mrs. Joseph Creton O'Gor-
man, Mrs. F. C. Austen. Mrs. William
;" J Thompson, Miss Laura Eaton, Mrs.
Oger it. Slnnott, Mrs. John Park,
Mrs. S. E. Lounsbury, Miss Ruth
Grant, Mrs. George B. Van Waters,
'Mrs. C. E. Cunningham and Mrs. R.
W. Blakeley. The women of the par--ton
will assist about the rooms and
" about 60 of the young girls aid In
. ssrTlng.
m m m
PM alumni chanter nf Air, ha
f uamroa Leita held Its regular busi-
1 - Thad Wilson (Helen Shoemaker), 205
t Hex Arms iMrtmsntn. wrfneHa
r I evening. Officers for the ensuing year
I , wer:. eteciea. as roiiows : President.
j M iss Beatrice Quackenbush ; vice
- president, Mrs., Paul MacDonald ; re
i corflmg secretary, Misa Marguerite
I - Amato ; corresponding secretary. Miss
i Elisabeth Reid ; treasurer, Mrs. Thad
Wilson. At the conclusion of the
meeting a surprise shower was given
' in honor of Mliu Re,aLtrir cinv,
bush, who will become the bride of
r. irkw- LAngston Saturday.
.Mrs. Arthur K. Welsh will entertain
- with a dancine- nartv WYniKHar
. Jting at her home. No. 455 East 64th
street, in nonor or Miss Beatrice
' Quadcnbush. Miss Quackenbush and
Mr. Langton are-former students of
Oregon Agricultural college. Mm.
Iangton being a member of Alpha Tau
f Omega fraternity.
' --. ,
fca u. ami re
turned Monday evening from a motor
trin to SttaMidn n.-hervK fSm
w- - " "' j l.V UIO
" week-end at the Seaside .hotel. Mr.
and Mrs. Boss were dinner hosts Son
day, at th Seaside hotel to seven
- guests.
"J Mr. and Mrs. Jaoob P.osenthal, Miss
Celia Friendly and Mrs. Cohen, who
' haro been abroad for the past year,
w-lll sail from London, October 14. on i
the Aquitania and will arrive In Port- I
land about November IS.
Cards have been Issued by Mrs.
Charles Bliiss Preston for a tea to be
given at her home in Irving ton Sep
. tember 19 for Mrs. Frank Douglas
Cohan Of Marshfield and Miss Helen
Miss Mary Holmes entertained Sat
. utrday for her sister. Miss Florence
, Holnies, whose engagement to Mr.
Waiter H. Gerke was recently an-
noasced. The guests Included former
college friends of the bride-elect
- Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Samuel were
t dinner hosts Saturday evening enter
f taining in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Philip
i Jacoby of Saa Francisco.
Wlss Olive alker entertained with
; a bridge party for Mrs. Norria B.
. Gregg Friday afternoon.
Tho Opening Dancing Classes of
the Alisky Dancing School win
begin September 18. Instruction
given In Modem Ballroom, alao
Fancy- Jnd Aesthetic Dancing
taoght. Enrol now. AOXKS SUM
3CEJBS, Hate 414, td and Horrlsoa.
toc DARoina
Hlht rmi) ef the Art ef Dsneina
Fusil ef tomtmm ""--imm
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THREE popular summer visitors who have been extenshre
j ly entertained are Mrs. William Reginald Jackson, who
left yesterday for her home in Kansas City. Mrs.Norris B.
Gregg is the house guest of her mother, Mrs. Mary Brigham,
and Mrs. Huntington Malarkey, who will return to her home
in Chicago the latter part of the month.
Dinner Party Is
Given Friday to
Eastern Guests
HON-ORINQ their house guests. Dr.
and Mrs. Frederick Budlong of
Pittsburg and Bibop and Mrs. Dar
lington and Miss Kata Darlington of
Harrtsburg. Mr. And Mrs. William C.
Alvord entertained tritlt a charmingly
appointed dinner Friday- evening. Mrs.
Budlong who is a Water of Mrs. Har
rison Corbett, a former resident of
Portland, Is being ae loomed enthusias
tically i by her sister's many Portland
friends. e
Three Reed eolieg boys. Virgil Up
ton, Atvin Pearson and Harland Hous
ton, left September 1 oa a motor tour
to Boston. Mass., where they will enter
the Massachusetts Institute of Tech
nology. In Seattle they were Joined
oy two Seattle boys, former students
of the University of Washington, who
wfil enter the Institute. The trip will
take about 10 days and they expect to
camp along the way at night. -
Mis Lillian Behnsen. daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. X. N. Bohsssn. was mar
ried to Mr. Davis Willis Bowes tn Se
attle. Sunday evening. Dr. T. W. A.
Fredericks an old friend of the fam
ily officiated. Motoring to Seattle to
I: ' i' til
attend the wedding were Mr. and Mrs.
George "Vernon White and Mr. and
Mrs. A. A. Seekats. The bride is a
member of the class of 1913 from the
University of Oregon and Mr. Bowes
is a member of Kappa Sigma fraternity
from Denver university. Mr. and Mrs.
Bowes will be at home at the Boon
Vista apartments after September IS.
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar E. Pper are
now occupying their new home at K.
1320 East 13th street tn Eastmoreiand.
PttpO of aba. L4aa Steier. inmim
danaeuM, aaaooaeM the openins at Bet
from $35.00 p
feSu Tvtsh every day
, Morrison St,
L17ZI12 TeL filaia 7709
Dinner Dance
Is Enjoyed
At Waverley
WAVERLE3T Country Club -was the
scene of another enjoyable dinner
dance Saturday night. The affairs
have been a fortnightly occurrencie
during the summer months, and have
been largely attended by members ani
their friends. Among those who en
tertained with dinner parties were
Mrs. W. C. Alvord, who invited a num
ber of the younger people, in compli
ment to Miss Kate Darlington, daugh
ter of Bishop and Mrs. Darlington, the
honor guest. Mrs. C. D. Brunn enter
tained a party of eight, and Mrs. Wil
son Clark was hostess to a dinner
party of 10 covers. i
Mrs. W. W. Northcutt entertained
Thursday at a card party in honor Of
Mrs. E. S. Robe who is leaving the cit
in a short time. An artistic arrange
ment of autumn flowers were used
about the rooms for the occasion and
the tea table was centered with a
basket of pastel tinted sweet peaaX
Quests Included Mesdames N. D. Long,
J. P. Marnach, J. A. Hooper, Charles
The sun room, living room or bedroom cannot be more
artistically or usefully furnished than with genuine Reed
Furniture. IV e make no imitation all pieces made from
selected imported round reea, finished to match any deco
ration. See our big display at factory.
Whetherj entertaining
friends at a banquet, din
ner or a quick lunch, we
can 6upply your needs
and serve you with the
best the market affords
at reasonable prices.
R l- t J.
Hedidch. Jf. C. Eppa. E. A. Oil p. C. K.
Talbot. A. W. Porter. W. N. Blood, J.
R. McDonald. K. W. Agnew. A- I.
Doyle of Salem. Mrs. Robe. Mrs. Lena
XUes of Albany, card honors fell to
Mrs. J. R. McDonald and to Mrs. W. C
Eppa, and a guest gift was given to
Mrs. Robe by the hostess.
A surprise party was given Mr. Fred
W. German Thursday evening in honor
of his birthday. Cards were stayed,
the honors going to Mrs. E. Lucas and
Mr. Elmer F. Bennfett. A buffet supper
was served by Mrs. Fred W. German,
assisted by the Miaees Winnafred
Meade and Elda Lessing, The follow
ing were present : Mr. and Mrs. H. S.
Hudson, Mr. and Mrs. Carl B. Wentler,
Mr. and Mrs. J. K Stephens. Mr. and
Mrs. Elmer F. Bennett, Mr and .Mrs.
Ueprge I Hurd, Mr. and Mrs. ii. Lu-
caa, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Griffith, Mr.
and Mrs. W. C Kertson. Mr. and Mrs.
Frank D Arcy, Mrs. Charlotte Meade,
Miss Mildred Pratt. Mts Elda JUssaing.
Mr. Hodges and Mr. James Kertson.
On Saturday evening, September 2.
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bruno
Mauro. Mo. 364 East 44th streets was
the scene of a very pretty wedding,
when Ida Doris Peotmorin of Merrill,
Wia became the bride of Mr, Vilas
Arnold Holbrook, nephew of Mrs.
Mauro. During the ring service, which
was read by the Rev. William Evan
Brinkman of the English Lutheran
church, music from Lohengrin vesta
d laved by Miss -Mabel Adams." The
bride was attended by Miss Alma
Alsieben. while Leon Shaw was best
man. . After a brief honeymoon in the
mountains, Mr. and Mrs. Holbrook will
make their home in Portland, where
Mr. Holbrook kas business interests.
Miss Ruth Slipp entertained at her
home in Rose City Park Friday night.
with a dinner party, in honor of Miss
Lissette Canuto. who is leaving next
week for Corvallis, where she will at
tend the Oregon Agricultural college.
The guests were Misses LUsette
Canuto. Dorothy Pointer, Florence
Moran, Ruth Aldrich, Grace Muhleisen,
Una Gunther. Violet Curc ans, Mrs. E.
G. Coburn and hostess.
Miss Bertha A. Jennings and Mr, Roy
A. Thomas, both of Portland, were
married in the stuay of the First Con
eresrational church Wednesday noon.
and Miss Genevieve Powell was married
to Mr. Charles W. Holbrook Wednes
day evening in the First Congregation
al church. Dr. W. T. McElveen offici
ated at both services.
Mrs. Ralph , Miller entertained
Wednesday at the Portland hotel with
a luncheon for Miss Ethel Fels. Miss
Fels will sail very shortly for Hono
lulu, where she will be married to Mr.
Walter G. Tichenor the first part of
October. She is a memfcer of one of
Eastern Oregon's pioneer families.
Portland Alumni of Kappa Alpha
Theta, sorority meet with Mrs. H. L.
Temple, No. 748 Halsey street, Satur
day afternoon at 2 o'clock. All Port
land The t as are cordially invited to at
tend. ...
Mrs. A. A. Morrison entertained the
executive heads of the various depart
ments of the Women's Auxiliary at
breakfast at the rectory Thursday
morning following the corporate com
munion held at Trinity church at
which 1600 members of the auxiliary
The Misses Clara and Ella Strauss
of New York city, who spent the sum
mer in Portland with their brother, -Mr.
Nathan Strauss, kave returned to their
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Van Leeuwen
of Grand Rapids, Mich., are the house
guests of their son-in-law and daugh
ter, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Beard.
. . .
Miss Pauline Bondurant and Misa
Helena Pittlekau will be at home
Thursday from 4 to p. m.
Miss Flora Mae Ross has recently
returned from a six weeks' visit with
her sister in Los Angeles.
Mies Marion Winter of Los Angeles
is the house guest of Miss Helen Car
man. Mrs. Walter Wilson is the house
guest of Mrs. Raliph H. Burnside.
Mrs. Frederick A. N itchy was
week end visitor at Seaside.
Miss Cook Is
Bride of Dr.
John A. Saari
1tX became the bride of Dr. ijohn A.
Saari at a lovely wedding ceremony
held Wednesday St high noon in Grace
Memorial church. , The church was at
tractively decorated with palms and
ferns interspersed, with masses f
gladioli, The ceremony was performed
by Rev. John E. Sulger of Terre Haute,
Ind.. assisted by Rev. Oswald O. Tay
lor. The strains of Lohengrin's wed
ding .march were the signal ifor the
wedding party to advance. " Jtflss Cook
was charming in a bouffant gown of
white satin with which ahs wore
whits satin list In keeping with her
costume she carried a French nose
gay composed of white Toses asd sweet
peas. Her attendant. Miss IXis, Rich
ardson, was gowned in blue and orchid
taffeta also fashioned on bouffant
lines, and a large gray picture hat
completed her costume. She carried
an old fashioned nosegay of, flowers
in pastel shades. Dr. Saari : wss at
tended by Mr. Eugene Nordstrom at
best man. ;
Dr. and Mrs. Saari will be at home
at 454 East 22d street north following
a snort wedding trip.
Mrs. May Dearborn Schwab has
sked a number of the relatives and
friends of her pupils to a tea this aft
ernoon when she will present a number
of her pupils at an informal musical
hour. The affair will -be given at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert) . Far-
reil. Presiding at the tea urns will be
Mrs. Warren E. Thomas and Mrs.
Thomas H. Williams. The young girls
will assist in serving.
Mrs. J. H. Boo her (Arilla Cook) of
Pendleton is the bouse guest of Mrs.
Florence Cook, and during her stay in
.Portland is being honored with many
social affairs. Saturday evening Miss
Amy Maier entertained with a dancing
party for Mrs. Booher. Mrs. Julia
Sanders was a recent luncheon; hostess
complimenting Mrs. Booher.
Mrs. O. M. Brown, of Salt Lake City,
delegate of the Veterans of , Foreign
Wars, which convention was iheld at
Seatle, is visiflng her sister, Mrs. P. J.
Comera of No. 3S3 East 49th street.
She Is accompanied by Mrs. Lina
Brown and small son Kenneth.
On September 19, 1872, at the camp
meeting grounds at Dixie. Or., polk
county, the Misses Davis became the
brides of Mr. W. S. Elliott nd Mr.
J. W. Hedgepeth at a, double wedding
ceremony, with the Rev. J. M. IOveli
of the Methodist Episcopal Church
South, officiating. The double golden
wedding of these two couples will be
have that high
degree of style and
quality found in
shoes that you have
been paying from
$12.00 to $15.00 for.
Note Our Prices
Patent Kid $7.50
White Kid 840
Black Satin, without
cutouts . ... .$8.00
White Kid $9.00
Black Satin $7.50
-Black Kid $8.50
287 ALDER ST. ?
Just Below Fifth ;
celebrated at the Elliott homo In Har
rtsburg. Or, September 19. and will
be attended by -over 100' children' and
grandchildren of the Elliott and Hedge
peth families. This celebration . will
bo of wide Interest to the many friends
of these two prominent pioneer fam
ilies in the Northwest. .
Sandy Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. Kerr
entertained about 15 Portland friends
at dinner -Sunday -at " their summer
place. "Glen Crag." on the Bluff road.
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Wedemeyer were
among the guests. - Recently Dr. and
Mrs. Norman K. TuJIyi and children
were house guests of the Kerr family.
The engagement of Miss Gladys
Emery, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. H.
Fall Top-Coats
of Quality
from the new
English and
Scotch Tweeds and
Scotch Shetlands,
these garments of
exqttisite design will
appeal to women of.
discriminating taste.
The colorings are
soft dull tones, in
varied shades and
patterns. These mod
els and fabrics are
sold exclusively in
this store. The Wel
le s 1 e y, illustrated
above, is a chic coat
of straight, youthful
lines with all-around
belt and patch pock
ets. You should see
these coats of a de
cidedly better grade 1
40 45
-end 'Up
Women's Wear Department, Third Floor j;
' ' ' . . i .'!.' '
Morrison at Fourth - !j
4 ShennanSayCo.
minutive piano is a com
plete, practical instrument
with keyboard of stand
ard size -an excellent
piano in every way yet
its height is only forty
three inches. And it has
plenty of knee-room for
adults. This in
strument is sold
on very attractive
bherman ml
Sixth and Morrison Streets
Opposite PoetoSco
P. Emery of Macleay. Or, to Mr. A.
N. Doerfler' was announced at a lunch- .,
eon when Mrs. Karl Hanneman enter-''
tained in her lienor. About 20 guests'
were present.' Miss Emery is a grad
uate of the Sacred Heart academy and
a student of the state normal school.
Mr. Doerfler is a primiuest farmer of
Silverton. Or: ' - - -
' ' - V
Mr. R. J, Belland, the manager of
Cotillion hall, announces its formal
opening with a large dancing party
Monday evening. ' The Interior has been-,
newly; decorated and the famous ball'
bearing : floor ' has v been entirely rer
finished. A large orchestra . has been
secured so that the many social func
tions to be- given there this coming ,
season will . be assured oxeellent music.
Tweed f O - Wool ; Suits
and Top Coats for Fall
are included in the new
arrivals in the women's
wear department.
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