. TKS.Z-OHEGON - SUNDAY, JOURNAL," PORTLAND, SUNDAY. MORNING, SEPTEMBERS 10, 1922. 12 ' FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 900 - Builders, Attention! Bath tubs, toilets, lavatories, sink. r gas water heater, and other plumbing materis at lowest marxet prices, run line builders' hardware, roofing, paints. t" oflv Tarnishe. aba carpenters' and me chanics tools, wood choppers suppues. . Get .oar prices before baying elsewhere. AU material guaranteed to give aaUitao tjon. New store, new stock. I- Berenscn Hardware . Plumbing Supply Co. '235 Front St. Cor. Main. Mam 2997. - : -f - PRUNES Delivered S cents lb.; win also pack for shipping in 4 basket crates : phone order to Mam 4125 oat t town orders aaaress. v. Grieger. Woodland, Wash, for shipping. BULB prices are going up. Our advertising Collection still obiinabie at V of the regular price. Send $1 25 ar.d 5 addresses ef flower lover and yon will receive parcel post pre paid a beaur.ful collection of bulbs: Tulips, hvscdnths, narcissus and crocus total 6i bulbs at a value of $6.00. toe ether with fuil instructions. This offer only good during September. Atoerieau-HoIlad Bulb Co., Beii n.ghem. Wash. 1 Last Chance f We -win paint 6 more cars, any make, tor 37 50 each to adverti e our simp. ior oei tember only. Coma and mak reservations if raw e.nnn svin vn'i r rar iuit now. Get a nal inM loh ilniu hv real painters De'roii "Auto Painting Co. Phone East 45 7 S. E. Morrison. Open Monday. 425 LARGE sioek of latest singers. New Homes, Whites and i"J other makes, .lightly used : lower than the lowest; liberal allowance for your old ma chine in exchange on a new Singer o. in, tod. WE BENT AN D KtfiUU W SINGER STORE. 193 4th St., near Taylor. Main 6833. We Press Suits FOR 35c. French dry clean and press suit take to our nearest store Joy The Tailor 104 4th. near Stark. i $1 25. BARGAIN'S in rebuilt phonograph? everyone guaranteed, 'everyone a bargain: will repro duce aa good as new machines; all mationaily known mats. 15.00. $32.50, $35.00. 172 SrrL near Yamhill. NEW- SEWING MACHINES Why pay more for unknown make when yrya oan get a guaranteed Greyhound New Homa Electric with motor for $35.00. 8rd. near Yamhill mnm. PIANO WANTBSfc inze new Edison TMa Will exehanze new Edison Diamond Am- berola and 500 fine records for, piano. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 3 50 Aider. SPLENDID toned 8 S note Melvilie-Clark Play- w,liMnv m? Price only $2,5. l Reasonable term. 'Hyatt Talking Ilacajne ; Co.. 850 Alder. ' rj- T.lvr.R tool chest $3. wortli $10; .'0 ' rarden hose, cheap. oou c. nartu. FINB kale plants, waiter chick feed. 5o doi. . Tabor 1938. 37 E. 62d su BABY'S wicker "Rambler'' slightly ued; co-t ; f- $32.50, sell $15.00: "Rockabye swing -f-$1.00. Large oak rocker IS..HJ; manogany : !pno bench tX.OQ. Tabor mav ROYAL TYPEWRITER Ttoyal Typewriter, splendid condition, only $45; $10 down. $5 a month. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 350 A'der LOGANBERRY plant, Sl.f'O dozen delivered. Miller Brothers' Losanberry farm. Aurora, Oregon. " I ITALIAN' PRUNES 4c lb. Hazelnuts 17 lt. j $1, Laundry snap cheap. 5033 62nd se. 8. E. I $200 BRUNSWICK like ntw, $125; - down, $5 a month. Hyatt Talking $15 Mi- chine Co.. 350 Alder. ma SALE Good cottage organ, school gloos I In oak ease, book shelf underneath ; washing machine, lawn m iwer. case oi'in ,TO WEAR LADIES my apparel and low prices first. East 90. Close liADY'S blue serge coat, bust 38; brown plu,h ' oat. bust SB. Call forenoons. 443 East Clay. r ALMOST new motor wheel, $34 : trombone and - case, 17r electric vacuum cleaner. $14.50. 41-27. . , I IjaKGAIN Man s navy blue serge suit H7 " waist, tor U-fuot man. iir. w - tvw St., north. TOLEDO fireleae cocker, single, uttusils, tlier- mometer. etc.. only slightly used. Also two 4-gallon jars. Phone Pdwy. 5141. BARGAINS in nsed sewing machines, all, drop heada-. and all guaranteed, $12.50. 172 f 8d. near Yamhill. 4 IODR winter bat made to order or remoaeieu for $3. me uonnei roos. iom GHsan. -il00 BRUNSWICK like new. only $75; $15 -. . . ,k a.T s Hvt.t Talking Machine Co.; 350 Alder. X-XjADTES! Let tke" Vogue seU your mwit suxhtly used ciouimg on couioiianni. ' floor. 403 Ahsky bldg.. 3d. nesr Morri-k-n --t. f LEAVING town; wil sell home-canned cher- riat. Ktrawbenes. pickles, eic, ai iu kuu "feT quart- Call at 24 5 Dupont st. ",00 diamond: blue steel; perfect W:T1 - sacrifice. Bena otier, ca&a ot G-204 , Journal! ; 6WEBT CORN, eider and vinegar. S. Hes. KiUingswortb, near 8 7 th. Wal. 607 2. J t"C!l after Sunday ; LilANDSOME mink scarf. 15 inches wide. 6 , Vev O inches long, wu n i o wix nd; reasonable. Bdwy. 4533. ' SAVE 80. men's and women's rainc'iets and top coats; ennareu s ciia ww i"- "Auto. 625-22 for srpointjnent. yr ft TP ma i-r e practically new. very reason able. Tabor U4oa alter anauav. fT5 LARGE wicker baby buggy, good eondi- ti'on. BK05 41st st. S. E W. S. car. f- GOOD ooal heating stove for siie. Cail Tabor 797 5. FOR SAI,E One Il.idant Fire gas heater. Phone Anto. fi30 74 jpRCNES for aaie. 0535. '1 Jarrett st Walnut FOR SALE One Majastic electric heater. - Phone Ant 636-74. lFOR SALE Heywood baby bugsy. brown reed, good conaiuon. aat. ojo-. , FOR SALE Ga flixr furnace. $17 and wir. basket, loo. PBMt walnut otsit. ALCAZAR- oomblnation range, $60. 741 AlMna. XRADE Near seal stJe, new, for furniture; ' dandy bicycle. $. Main 617S. "VEMV apotlight. Majestic electric heater, man's salt, medium size. East 3974. $, CELL battery for sale reaionabie. Morrison, Fast lit3. 429 E. "FULL DREJS SUITS rented To ail occasions. JOT. THE TAIOR. 104 4th. MONARCH RANGE. $25 TABOR 1132. TERNIS MARTIN crib bed and mattress, $8. Broadway 2274. CHOICE rrunea, f,-? Tabor 2010. 20 lbs. V0c. dahserei. FOK JsALE Secondhand buggy Tabor SSiLl. eoUapsibla baby ' GAS KANGfii good condition. $12. 50. K- Phone Ant. 817-76. QKH Tb' mrinf nhiT - wiT' 66g .. noyr- GOOD combination range only $20. Needs ' pMnot repair. Phone Wainnt 109. LADIES' used clothing from wealthy peopio. Voame. Dm. 405. AUsky bldg. i SYE GLASSES onoreditat Z.ii Broa. & CoT. 2S Wash., near 4th. iiEATTNG stove, aino and pipe, good condi tkm. $15. E. Couch st, E. 2042 - SAFETY RAZOR BLADES sharpened by ex pert. 80-35c dea. 247 Aider. -- STERLING meat slicer. upright. Sausage v " stuffer cheap. Pn3 wui'jma ave. 5 APPLES for aaie, 35c per box. 34 E, 52d st X. Tabor 7SI3. '"-BABY basainetu, ivory blue trim; reaonabn S4T XL 75th st. N. , JBXS PLANTS, six for 2 So; daffodil bulbs 39e qoa. 443 nan -,-POR SALE One radian tfire cood as new : ij pnee. vrainut m. ITALIAN prune S cents per h. Tube 0918 2915 63d st 8. E., near Franklin high. - COUNTER, in good condition; 16 tst king. - B4Q wunarns ave. walnut lONI neater, pip and atovebosxA oompletn. 414 Mill C .' fcX AMBLED reed baby buggy in good oondi- tkm. 2 Walnut S974. ft SSWING- saaclune. 1 blue axmisster rue 8 e .-st. Bantam ctock.ns. Tabor 0S76. ' EYE GLASSES on credit at ZeQ Bros. Co. 2S8 Wash., near 4th. ' ' X WINDOW FRAME complete, oak secretary ... East 1187. . f HEATING STOVE, couch, hand vscvo.ni h fUsDtr. I55SI.. nirtww, Tabor 1545. NW black Knox sailor hat for Jc - East S4.8. . lAfak at. X Phons FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 900 Sale of Railroad Freight' Ship Salvage and, Sample Goods 23c OR 5 FOR $1 FOR NECKTIES 80 dweu sample silk ties at -ioc or j for J 1 . You couldn't buy any tit like ein lor less oc SOME MORE TDZ3 150 DOZEN GRENADINE TIES AT 55o Listn. We bought 150 dozen samp grenadine and silk knit ties from a leading manufacturer of ties. These tame ties on the market today at the leading stores at $1.50 and 11.73. A good time to buy them now for Xmas gifts. 53o FOB MEN'S SILK SOX $1 23 men s sample silk -ox at 55e. 2 pair f or 1 . They come in cordovan only. Omy 0 dozen in this lot. 4 7c FOR FINE CASHMERE SOX 90 dozen in this lot. 75c and SI first quality cashmere and heather sox. It only liere you can buy lax like tueae for ttscfi money. . 127 50 FOR KENTON $60 OVERCOATS Why pay $50 or $60 for an, overcoat? We have jun 26 of these fine Kenyan heavy overcoat on sale. Each of these sample coaus u real beauty. (Vine and see tiem. $30 GABARDINES AT $19.50 Ton would be throwing money away if you need a cabaidine if you overlook thee sam ple coats. A few $40 gabardines at $25. SU.r. LADD3S RAINCOATS AT $2.95 "We hae them in sizes 15 to 44. Fine rub berized coats in tan color. We also have some for boys and girls, ages 8 to 14 year?. KELLCGG3 CORN FLAKES 8c A PKG. We hivs received from the Union Pacific T? R. Cn 1 fl(l(l narkAfM com flakes. Con- ! tents fine condition. Jil&t the cartons a little torn, fto while they lait. Come earjy COMFORTERS AND BLANKETS ON SALE READ ABOUT THEil 64x80 wooi knap blankets, $2 58. 7-i5U all wool blanKets, $5.4u. COMFORTERS Lot No. 1. I-argeat size 10 per cent white cotton iiiling. Those comforters are $4 com i ortra. J ut gat a laighl spot in shipping. The price is $2 This is 'great value. SOME MORE COMFORTERS $3 heivy grauia iiikilece corer 100 per cent white cotton. These are perfect. The puce wail be $3.4o. We are prepared to quote prices to hotels, camps or- rooming houses in dotn lots. SALE OF SEIZED. GOOD3 We bought from the L'. S. custom house this week some brings f indti&tructible pearL. These eorxls were aeiied tor nou-payment of duty. We 'are going to seil them at a sac ra ice. $5.0 5 INDESTRUCTIBLE PEARLS AT $5.93 These Btritigs of pearls are cheap at $15 and $20, but we bought 'em cheap, so here goon. Only 15 string in the iot. $5.45 IMPORTED SILK UMBRELLAS $3.45 These are not the ordinary silk umbrella but real silks in different colors. Be.-uitiful handles, celiuiid tips and all that goes with a fine umbrella- SOME MORE UMBRELLAS $1.45 for a fine covered non-rust water pr;xjf umbrella for ladies. $2 for a $3.5(1 Aci.-riran U-tfeta lady's umbrella. Celluloid up.-, paragon frame, cravenetted cover. $1.40 feir a dandy man's umbrella. At (2. 'Jo jou get an umbriLm Uiey ask yoa 4 elsewhere. Wo iko have umbrellas for $1 up i- nd f .r o.iir.,lf t hua orer 200O ti- ', pick rom. SCHOOL DAYS ARE HERE I We are here with tablets of ail kinds; also stationery and wearables for the children. Real tiiis carefully: 5c !-ncil tablets. 3 for 10c. 10J pns Jumbo l"c tablet. 9c, 3 for 23c Thick ink tabUts, 3 for 25c. ' I leaf, 4 pkgs. for 25c. fic compo-atiou bx-k3, 3 for lOo. Sprliers. 3 for 10c, St--!:irraphers' note books. 3 for 23a. 20c laige ink tablets, 2 for 25c. Su.ML MOKE STATIONERY 50c btixes writing parser, 14c. 7 .V: , bc'X-.-a, &!.-.- corrt -ionQcnce . cards. 25c. $2 bi- 'Ut'i.ricry, 90c. 25c. scliooi Inigi, 10c $.-, ,.-, ,ays 2 PANTS SUITS, $5 93 The e varni ca. hmi-re 2 pant suits at $5.95 are real bargains. Ai! w-ot bluo serge suits, $7.50, 1 pants. ?tj.I5 for fine hairline stripe 2 pant suit" 60o for knee pant. An odd lot, ROYS' $S RAINCOATS AT $2 95 They come in tan color, just the kind daddy wears. S9c FOR DOTS' CAPS 89c All wool $1.25 and $1.50 caps for the boy. They are surely wonders. Boys' blou-, 4 "sc. $2.95 FOK MEN'S HATS We can surely biai? about thete men's hats. Ymi couldn't, lluoliciir t.hom unvwh.ir f,,r i less than $ 1 50. $S '.if. FOR $7 VFXOUR HATS Why torow mriiey away and pay $7 for s. velour hat v. h.'n you can imy it here for $3 05? $2.50 AND $S MEN'S CAPS AT $1.50 Why rhould yen pay that $2.50 or $3 for your cap when yon can buy the same thing lerv for $1 50? You must consider we only pay $1.80 a day rent. That nccoirat-s for it. READ ABOUT MEN'S PANTS If it's work pants or drcs pants, we have it. If you are a small man or a large man we hav the size. We carry: 500 pairs of good striped worsted pants In all pizes st $2.77. You can't beat them for wear. $2 90 for dandy $4.50 corduroy pants. $5 buy a $10 sample pair of all wool worsted pants. $3.09 buys lieavy all wool winter pants. They are wjirrn. fit good. Better - and cheaper than mackinaw. MEN'S SHOES We entry a full line of men's, boys' and girls' &h(ee. AH our shoes are guaranteed to give sati-faction or a new pair free. Get curious. Come and look at them. 500 boxes of embroidery cotton, 14e s box. This is Richardson's cotton, 12 6o skeins in each lorv Blue, Copenhagen and baby blue. $3.45 for ail wool slipon sweaters. These all wool $7 sweaters come in size 36 to 44. SOME MORE SWEATERS $1.50 for all wool sweaters for boys or girls, sizes 8 to 6-year-old. We carry boys' and men's rubbes? eoata. Cape for boys and girls. $5 Gold Seal knee rubber boots, $3 SO. Whiz transmission grease, 10s 1 lb. .Too must bring your own bucket. PAINT. S2.15 A GALLON This paint comes in lead and oiL The rerv best pi.int made, fully guaranteed or your money back. 1000 linen collars at Be. All sizes. $1.2! AND $1.50 BELTS. 50o You can adiut them to any aim. o lb. can Robinson's cup grease, 35c s can. READ ABOUT MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS Read these carefully. They are money savers: $1 pocket knives for men. 45c. 7 5c fine steel boys' knifes, 25c. $1.75 and $2 knives. 95c. $4 combination hair dippers, $1.50. $5 Elskelstina Swedish razors. $1.28. Sewing needles. 3 packages 10c. Elastic, black only, the yard. Bo. Insertion, lo a yard. 23c ti-sseis, 5o. 1 lot men work hats, 75c No 8 granite dishpans, 14a. Jelly bags, Co. 2 do, box clothespins. 7a a box. 60x50 solder, 21c a lb, READ ABOUT MEN'S UNDERWEAR 2 7c for summer B. Y. D. shirts. 2 7c for Chalmers Porroknit abirt. rm "drawers. 49c for winter nndershirts. ?1.S9 for light weight cashmere wnlon salts. 92o for medium weight Balbrimn nninn Suits. $2.25 for medium weight worsted union suits. $3.15 for Bprinxtox $4.50 wool ntTMl union suits. $4 39 for 100 per cent wool $7 anion suits. $2.39 for cashmere medium iniiht nni suits. Men's wool mixed shirts, $1.79 Mens army shirts., O. Tt.. $2.39. Men's heavy wool sorx. 89a Men's 75c wool srd, 43c. Men's $2 Imported sox, 60a. Ladies' mercerised Ksle atniiiin 11, for $1. Regular or out size. Boys and alria' 4 So t,, Rdi, 9 pairs 55c, Indies fine union suits at 72c $2 ladies' silk stockings at $1 pair. Girls' fine gingham dresses, $1.49. Ktep the good work tin Fniiw e,. crowds. Start Monday moraine, rn, ti veek. Thi busy store has the goods at the trice" yon like. MAIL ORDERS OAREFTJTXY FTLI.ED SATISFACTION OR TOCR MONEY BACK. Consolidated Sales Co. WHOI-ESALK AND RKTAIL SALT AGE DEALERS. 226228 Clay St. WATCH OUB WEEKLY ADS. SECOND HAND so to top; Singer sewing machinv. for sale cheap. Call Broadway Anto Top Shop. 825 Salmon si, WICKER urn, about $5; vacuum carpet sweeper. $8. Tabor 4008. BABY'S .Coat, cap and nursery stool. East 8443. WRECKING boas lumber far sale. East 9SS3. Phone LEAVE your order for psre goat znilk st the 1'ort-ana lioat lairy. Tabor OS 07. CANNED fruit. Jam and Jeiifea. Tabor 5927. Sunday nd evenings. 4 H P. OASOL1XE tngme in good condition. i A-S04.. Jonraal NEW dining room heater, bams coal or wood. Hi. OaU waimu &27. Monday. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 900 Prospective Builders Attention! Lumber Lumber WE ARB SELLING OUT ROBERT DOLLAR'S STOCK FROM MONARCH MILL Tli roe millioo feet lumber from 2x2 to 12x12. Send us your list for estimate. A complete stock Shiplap, 1-in. material. Rustic, Ceiling, Siding, Short Ceiling and Flooring. $20 per M and up. 50 ship stairs (fine for basements) sad ladders $5 each. Car miscellaneous Hardwood and Mold ing at a great savrag. Shingles, Star-A -Star. Shingles, -std. 6 -in-clear butt, $2 per M. 100.000 ft secondhand lumber from wTecksd hotuee. $10 per M and up. Plumbing Plumbing Purchased from U. 8. Government. E. T. C. Corporation : ... Bath tubs, wash trap sinks, lavatories, high and low tank toilets, pipe and fittings. 20.000 ft. V. S wall radiators, suitable for steam or hot water at 35c foot . 18x60 1 -piece wash sinks complete $15. Heavy N P. shower baths. $5 and up. Plain finished brass shower baths, $4 and up. 3-piece bath room set complete with N. P. fittings. $65 and up. 30 gal. b llrs $10 each. 50 secondhand wall urinals from $5 up. Doors, Sash, Hardware New ship doors $1 each. Double run w.ndcws $1 25 and np. Four and bix-hgtit saih, 75c and up. One thousand Freccfc doors, ail sizes. 10 lights, glai-d, $6. Twelve hundred French doors, all sizes, 15 lights, glazed. $k and up. Fifty shipyard wheelbarrows $3 each. Builders' hardware, i. n-ks and hinges. 600 garage doors. $f per pair and up Skylights, French aaah. paru sash, porch eafh. Roofing, Plasterboard Carload roofing, manufactured by Certain - lTee.1 Products company (sanded or smooLn sur: ace l . ... ! 1 ply. $1 25 per roll of 108 rp. fort, with nails and cejnent. i.v. ' 2 ply, $1.50 per roll of 108 sq. feet, with 1 nails and cetnen:- ... . j. 3 ply, $2.00 per roil of 108 tq. feet, with Black building paper. 500 so. feet, $1.50 per roll. Rorin sized sheeting, $1 per roIL Blue plaster board. 250 ft. per roil $2.00. PUster wall board. 6. fl. ft. 9. 10 fapt lengtlis, 4 feet wide, 4 V4 r square fooC Amiwood wall board, same sizes. 4o square foot. Oailvanized Poultry Netting Field fenc and lawn fence. S-inch zarden hose. 50 ft- lengths, $4.00. 1'iafe gla.si mirrors. '?m;let stock of moldings. i.,rl.,ad of rniscellatieous ash. oak, V"0 bark at a sacrifice PTompt Delivery With Our Own Trucks. SaUifacti.-n Guarantejed Mail J1 Your Inquiriea to Dolan Wrecking & Construction Co. El 8th and Belmont St. Portland. Oregon. Phone Easr 6110. JUST PURCHASED LAROB STOCK RUBHER COY FRED ixm i rr.T copper wire, s- l o-l and 14 SINGLE AND DOUBLE LOW PRICES ON APPLICATION. Alaska Junk Co. 201 FRONT STREET Independent of any other firm bearing the same name. OFFICE MAIN 4110. WAREHOUSE MAIN 2 632. Pitpe Black and galvanized. New and second hand: a to 10 inch. Any kind of plumbing sm-pUes. 3 pieces for ba broom. 6-. 6-foot bathtub, $2 5. 3 0-gaL boiler. $9 Estimates furnished free. AU work guaranteed. Portland Pntpe Slhiop Main 6325. 269 271 First St. TTsed Akron-WiniaiBS retrea-iiiig mold, Gen- -).-;-. Mfu. anri i-PoiiATirer. Bcw auto- matic grease gun. bicycles and siippbee, brand new $125 cah register. $68.50. Fireproof safe. O.ir prices on plumbing supplies will surprise NORTHWESTERN NEW A- SECOND HAND HARDWARE. Main 54!t0. Pipe-Stopped? Frozen? Deaolvo" cleans sewer drain pipes in 20 minutes Generates 2S0 degrees heat. Pout it in. out she goes. 7 5c XPid. nte today. FLEMING PLUMBING SUPPLY HOUSE 292 Washington St-. Portland. Or. ALMOST new radiant. gas heater. Cost $65. Take $25 Ruud hot water heater. $10. with pipe connections: Acorn gas range, with 4 burners and oven, $15: 2 Oriental rug?, double white enamel bed with springs. CaJ Sunday morning. 7S9 East Yamlml st- SEWING MACHINES 10 machines must go at $5 to $10 each. Don't miss this; come early and get your piek. We need the room for new ones. Sincer Store. 166 W. Park 3 TRUNKS 2 heaters, bed and sprii.;s sewing rocker. 3 crutches, 400 sacks leath ers pillow Chinese tabourett., ladles shoes. 3610 6tith st. S. E. Aut. 623-74. bTRTLETT pears, 2 5c. 50c and 75c boi bring containers. Ba.-e Line road to end of pavement, take first right hand ! rojd. go to first house wa right. E. TOMATOES Come and pick them by the pound or bruhel. BrisiE boie. eiw hridre. Aurora. Or South end Pudding vTT-.nrisiTf CK TYPEWRITER Woodstock typewriter jtt like new. only $30: $10 down. $5 a month. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 850 Alder. - - BARTLETT rears, any amount, ooc per oox and up. nng noxes, as omn. ' ... u the Base Line road. FOR SALE Cheap. Vulcan ga stove and Alamo range. 356 Stanton st. Phone East 6651. TT.i7rRTXG business, establisned lor years. wrTn leaving city. vtuiiania . 1132. HKCUf DUCES A few Mallard ducks for sale. B. -Toee, lAureL Or., or phone Scholia IBo-8. r.i-TD urrvTFRS. LOOK I Winchester rine, 25-35 eal ivory bead. oTT,e shells. $22.50. Tabor 5702. . CHILD'S larse iron crib, fine conditum; also medium-size Universal wood heater, reason able 1"70 E Washington st. cor. 3tfh. FURNACES Several used wood fumaoea for sals at a bargain. Call 125 11th st- Miwivd OIL BURNER Klirfitlv used Manning oil burner for fur CaU 125 11th at. naces lor sare coi FOR SALE A 6-volt starting and lighting battery or for radio. $10. Tabor 8388. S72 E. 37th St. - II SUITS and overcoats cleaned and preseeo. We call and deliver. East 9162. BEAUTIFUL mahogany library table, like new: a bargain. Call Tabor 5567. kODVK. 3-A special. Teseon kns and equip ment. Call Atwster 0990. LUNCH counter, steam table, dishes and other eouioraent. Call L. P. Bene. Bdwy. 5659. GOOD bicycle, 1S; mandoUn. $15; os trade for Tjhcmc-grsph. Main 5188. FULL sise bed with steel spruigs: quarter bed, cheap. 08- three- RADIANTFIKB, Eka new, Washington. East tlOX. abaia 881 H BEAUTIFUL skunk wxap m tM aoodjtwn. Coat 8140 OO. seB 86O.0O. Tabor 225. FOR SALE Standard Branswiok-BaJta pool table, cheap. A-203, Journal. I FEED my baby goat mUk man d ran land Goat Ijairy. Do yonf Tabor 0307. EVENING gowns black and colors sixes 18 to 40. Tabor 2825. j; SEVERAL thousand fine kKanberry traas- plants. . a.iiorg. uaiw- DEOPHEAD sewing machine, $15. 114 Union ave.,' Bear Aider. Storage. GOOD wood and coal range. $20. Main 932 S. Cats deliver. . FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 900 SPECIAL SALE ALLWEATIi ER CORDUROY SUITS AH weather corduroy suits, same style as cut. made -with long pants or bnt ton bottom breeches; every suit best of workmanship. Pure sulphur dye. Will not fade, guaranteed npproof. A wonderful suit, two grades, priced special . $22. 50.$ 1 7.50 Men's Norfolk suits, as above, in offi cers' serge, ail wool, long trousers, in khaki or forest green $23.30 Men's N5rfolk. su ts ia English gaber dine, lace breeches, a wonderful suit for hiking or dres Breeches High gTmda arrr jr moleskin breeches, r infored seat and leg; a wonderfui broech. Special this week only . . U. S. Army ktaii breeche ARMY cot Urn khaki double seat breeohes Krilih whixK-ord breeches .......... F-Cilish gaberdine breer lies Al1 wearhr Cointton rorduroT breeches 8.75 complt-te l ne of ladies" or mn'a Nor folk outing co.ts to mi'och. ArrrayandNavy Shoes Men's Army last shoe, double soles.. $ 2.95! Munson Army last shoes, Goodyear welt, full leather soles 8.95 Of:oerV Dress Mahogany Tan Shoes, solid leather haals, outsoles, and counters, ail top grade stock 4 95 U. S. Niry ail leather shoes 8 93 ASlLeather Puttees In wrap or pring frrnt; made of m hoeany ran lrjather, jerfect fitting; four grades at $3.85, 54.85. $5.45, $.45 U. So Navy Middies i Gennine V. S. Navy white middies, heavy navy duck 95; Genuine 1'. S. Navy white pants, heavy navy duck 1.95 Whit duck middies with plain or blue collar and cuffs 2 25 Genuine khaki middies 2.25 Indies' khaki shirts 2.50 Genuine U. S white navy pants, lace up back, bell bottoms 2.00; U.S.In, ection Label Button Aoes Stitched Conbrt -Leather U. S. Leather Jerkins - A genuine leather coat, wool lined with out iteeye better than a sweater; a garment of the greatest utility for hunting, fishing and every outdoor use. Special $ 4.75 Lamb Skin Leather Vest A reet for auto, motorcycle or any out drxr use wheTe warmth is required. Heavy lambskin lining. Special . . 4.95 Corduroy t-t, high-grade leather leeTm seal akin lined. A waterproof and windproof Test. Has to be seen to be appreciated. Special 12 50 Reversible Leather Coats All leather colt skin reversible coats. Can be worn on both sides for rain or wind. Used by autoists or oan be used for dres. Comes in tan or black. Triced special $25.00- $22.50 Mackinaws A complete line of wool mackinaws priced special at $8.95, $10.45, $11.45. U. S. Army Khaki Blankets : All-wool khaki blankets. larse size, free from holes aii tears Z.&tf Army Raincoats (Reclaimed, in fine condition) Army raincoats, one that will keep you dry and. warm $ 2.93 A wonderful coat for outdoor use. Also for motorcyclists ; sheep lined of the very best of lamb skin lining, high-grade moleskin outside, Beaver ized coliar. reinforced leather pock- j ets: a wonderful coat, priced spe cial 810.60 A complete line of Tents, Fly. Cots, Tables. Hiking arid Camping Outfits, reasonable priced. WRITE FOR OCR FREE CATALOGUE MAIL ORDERS FILLED Always include rarcel oost with remittance. IF OUR ' VALUES ARE NOT THE BLEND THAT WTLL MEET ANY KIND OF COM- i PETITION ANYWHERE. RETURN THEM AT ONCE NO OBLIGATION AND WE'RE I THE SAME FRIENDS. CAN WE DO ! BETTER" i IF THE ARMY OR NAVY USED IT j WE SELL IT I ARM Y AN DN A VY j STORE j COR. THIRD AND STARK STS. J (This is the original Army & Navy store i of Portland.) I Showcases MADE TO ORDER Buy. Sell. Rent or Trade i New and used Show- Cash Registers. Scales Soda Fountains. Tvnmrft i Newman's Trading C 138 rvrst. bet. Alder and Washington B roadway 7161, Auto. 627-46. 625-82. BARGAINS WE HAVE SEVERAL 34x4 H oord tires ana tab at 8 per. One good rue. heavy and suitable for an; business, $10. One electric vulcanizing outfit, moulds and svery- xhing complete, at $15. Pirena for your noose or auto at so. so eaca. some are fUled smt fir extincTtishers cheap, different kinds. Open Sunday and all week at 614 Aider at. Phone 01S-O7. KING CLOVER'S finest quality table alfalfa and sweet ciover honey, clean and aanitarr. 60 lb. cans. $6.50; 2 60-lb. cans. $12.75. at euBnysioe. waan. amf viMyrer, ennny side. Wash. j PROTECT YOUR HEALTH Suit pressed and sterilised, 85 cents; raits French .dry cleaned, sterilized and pressed. Guarantee no odor from gasoline, $1.25; five stores in ForOand. Joy the Tailor. 104 4th st. R ! I V 1-Tl lV 1 vt -.or ri t V. 1 ,1 I . , t rru used ery little. A bargain at $65; t down, $o a month. Hyatz Talking Machine Co.. S&O Aider. RADIO MAGNAVOX New 84$ Maznavox. Term SIS down. $10 a month. Hyatt TaJkiaf KachiM Co., 50 Aider. - 3 95 Jm 4'5;i (liAJ J Jt'nru -r. . M: ,' W. tl - K -I I 1 I FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 900 BIG SPECIAL FOR THIS WEEK THESE PRICES AKB FAIK 8AMPLF.S UF THE THOUSANDS OF BARGAINS TO BE HAD HERE VOVMJB BK'KET CUT. TO 65c BEST UUALITY PULL SOCKET 45c FLECTHJO IXHIHI PELL TRANS FORMER TO TAKE THE PLACE OF BATTERIES CUT TO $1.25 HOTPOINT ELECTRIC IKON CUT TO 5.5 ELECTRIC BULBS IX ALL SIZES BEST QUALITY, THE KIND THAT SAVE THE ELECTRICITY. REDUCED TO FROM 30c "Each -and Up BEAUTIFUL SELECTION OF FIXTURES AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES THIS WEEK A iiiuu,tiu, t-oinpiete with sLmdes. wired complete rtady to install, SI 0.00 "Save a Third" STANLEY LUTZ 200357 Chamber off Commerce Bldg. Second Floor Third and Stark Sts. ZidellSteinberg Co. 209 FRONT ST PORTLAND, OREGON. PIPE PIPE PIPE WE HAVE A LARGE STOCK OF PIPE ON HAND. ALL SIZES FROM 4 IN. TO 12 IN. AND ALL IN GOOD CONDITION. THAT WE ARE GOING TO CLEAN OUT AT A GREAT RE DUCTION. AS WE MUST MAKE ROOM. Attention Loggers WE HAVE PURCHASED ALL OF THE CLARK LOGGING RLIM'KS FORMERLY HANDLED BY THE PA CIFIC ENGINEERING A EQUIPMENT CO THIS IS A COMPLETE LINE AND 13 PRICED VERY ATTRAC TIVELY TO MOVE UUICKLY. PROMPT SHIPMENTS. 8PECDVL FOR THIS WEEK GUARD PREPARED PAPER ROOFING BE SURE TO GET OUR QUOTATIONS 10 AND 12-TNCH HOUSE MOVING JACKS AT $2.50 EACH. ZidellSteinberg Co. 209 FRONT ST. PORTLAND. OREGON. ATWATER 1332. RooffingRooffing Just received carload shipments Guard Roofing Stop that leaky roof. Our prices are right Alaska Junk Co. 201 FRONT ST. Independent of any other firm bearing the same name. OFFICE MAIN 4110. WAREHOUSE MAIN 2632. Plumbing Supplies . SoJd Direct to the Public at Less Than Wholesale' MAIN 6277. 207 3D ST. NEAR TAYLOR Mesher Plumbing v Supply Co. OWNFR to raise some money quickly: will slaughter elegant Kimball piano. Just bike new for only $200. or for only $220 monthly payment plan. See or write resale dept. Filers, 2nd floor, Bilers music bldg. t - Garages Wired Old and new houses wired, meters moved, floor plugs and switches put in by lleenaed electrician. 1278 Belmont or Tabor 5932. EYE GLASSES on credit at Zeil Bros. A. Oa. 288 Wash., near 4th. LARGE ivory reed baby carriage, reversible body, wooden wheels Tabor 5932. WALNUT Queen Anne dining table and chairs; also RadSantfim East 2786. ONE coal heater, fine for briquets, $10. 1586 Mac ram St. Johns car. FOB. ALE Cabinet sewing machine. Wal nut 3948. MAYTAG elect, washers. Dolly type, good condition. Ant. 624-55. $35; PLUMS 4c pound. 1491 E. Lincoln st. All day Sunday. GOOD" Yellow Bantam seen com. Phone Tabor 8768. WHEELBARROWS (2) for cement con tractor; nearly new. Ant. 82Q-23 A-B GAS RANGE, like new; Main 8380. price $25. HAND WASHER, with wringer, for sale. 807 Vancouver ave. Walnut 6911. FOR billiard and pool tables m Qui ley A Clancy. 366 Hawthorne ave. East 174. EYE GLASSES on credit at Zell Bros. A Cx. 283. Wash., near 4th- ' KACTUS OH a polish that ia better. Oar customers know why. WsiBot 4298. HEATING STOVE, cost. $35, wLl aeU lot $10. 7S6 CorbeU st. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 900 M. BARDE & SONS, Inc. 340-4 Fraet at.. Portland. Or.. Main 0668. Guaranteed Money Savers TONS: ANGLES, PLATES, SHAPES, . STEEL BARS GET OCR PRICES - ROOFING 70 Tons New, galvanized, corrugated; 8, 9, 10 foot - lengths. SAVE MONEY BUT NOW I ' TRANSMISSION Pulleys, boxes, hangers, shafting, rears, pinion SEE BARDE BEFORE BUYING. BELTING Rubber and ' leather. OUR STOCK IS COMPLXTB. Loggers' Equipment WIRE ROPE, any sie. any quantity. Skooknm blocks, "the block that makes log ging easy." 4 Axes, peavies. sledges, wedges. Falling, backing and drag SAWS. BARDE S PRICES ABE SIGHT. Barde's Big Bargains PUMPS 20 (liSHil Blake pumps, new .....8110 10 oi5it Lardner pumps, new ... 110 10 ox7xH Blake pumps, new 135 8 10xxl2 Buffalo pumps, new .... 210 10 10 in. American circulating double auction centrifugal pumps 32 5 10 4 12 Hi 4 Dow duplex pumps, new 75 2 3x2x3 WTorthington pumps 4 5 6 3i3l3 Worthington pumps ..... 50 1 3x2x3 Gardner pump 45 3 3x2x3 Snow pnmp 45 2 3x2x3 Fairbanks-Morse pumps ... 45 4 Single-acting feed pumps, 14 Inch suction 15 2 1 in. centrifugal pumps (new) ... 8B 1 5 in. centrifugal pump (new).... 110 3 3x5 Typhoon belt-driven pumps . . 60 15 Double action deck pumps ...... 22.60 10 Double action deck pump 17.50 10 PER CENT DISCOUNT ON PT71RCHASK OF TWO OR MORE 100 ft. Presto tanks.... ....$80 200-ft. Presto tanks.. $60 Guaranteed by Presto-Lite Co. BARDE'S BARGAINS SAVE YOU MONEY STEAM ENGINES Upright and horizontal Special prices that ' mean a bis savins Miscellaneous Gasoline engines Boilers (vertical and horizontal) Steel tanks, air receivers, 300 to 1500 gaL Motors. 10-hp. to 850-hp. Compressors (all sizes). MACHINE TOOLS loathes Shape rs Planers Key seuters Bolt Threaders Milling machines Boring mills Grinders (electric and belt drive) Punches Punches and shear (vertical and horizontal) Air hoists Ingersoll and Daks Locomotive cranes, etc WRITE. WIRE OR PHONE TOUR ORDER8 M. BARDE & SONS, Inc. HOUSE OF A MILLION BARGAINS. USED FURNACE BARGAINS We can direct you where to get a good used furnace ot almost and make if yon CALL IN PERSON at our office, fu phone information. Hess Furnace Mtg. Co.. 804 Oak St. DOORS windows, mouldings, mOlwork, f lass, screen doors, roofing and hotbed sash. Sea our odd stock of sash and doors for price a D. B. Scully C ... downtown lumber store. 171 Front, bet- Morrison and Yamhill. Main 4218. A PPLES APPLES A PPLB8 EXTRA FANCY GRAVENSTEINS 75c per box and up. Also ' fryers and plums; 1 blk. south of 46th St. and Wood stock ave. HANDSOME beaded bags made reasonably by girl who is Working her way through school. For further information call Walnut 3552 after 6 p. rn . PR V N E S PRUNE S PRUNES Ripe today, for sale at 3c per lb. at Webb Cherry farm. Base I.ine road. Vs mile east of 12 Mile. John A. Hamilton. DRESSED ducks and chickens, peaches for canning, apples, plums, pears and melons. Curtis Fruit Ranch, one mile east Monta villa. Base Line road. MR. RESTAURANT MAN I have long range re splendid condition, for sale; no reasonable offer refused; can be seen at 09 Washington st.. Vancouver, Wash. PRUNES, Bartlett pears and other fruit; also vegetables and dressed chickens at Sierra Vista, 1 mile east of Monta villa, on the Base Line, road. EXTRA fancy Bantam corn, just .right for canning, 75c per sack. Columbia blvd., 1 mile west junction wiOi Sandy bl vd- FOR SALE Fine Gravenetein appies $1.25 a box; bring a box. CaU at 1513 E. Mor rison st "yoWLLNG MOB and Golden Bantam sweet corn 75c and $1.25 per sack.' Walnut 14K5. GARLAND side oven gas range, Ljon copper coil water heater, small gas rsnge. East 4 852J ' B A RTI.ETT pears 50c a box; Base Line road, first hcue nest of Ruby Stock farm. Bring your containers. STANDARD droyhead sewing machine, good cond tien, $15. Walnut 2049. 88 . W. Ainsworth. ' ITALIAN PRUNES 3c a pound at 104th and 53d ave.. 'n mile east of Lents school. J F. Gray. FOR SALE Reed oriole baby cart, like new, $1 2. 690 E. 62d st. X. PIANO, sideboard, 4 rockers, kitchen treasure. Premo kodak. Walnut 4878. 32 SPECIAL rifle, peep sight, good as new. R. L. Hanson. Rt- 1. Clackamas. Or. 2 POOL tables, complete with equipment, sale or trade. 624 8 Foster road. ONE new Manning burner for sale. 108 Sd st, Broadway 2096. YELLOW bantam sweet corn for canning. Tabor 4 284. BART LE IT pears, 1.5o per box. Phone Sali wood 3945. SAFE Large double door safe, good maka, bargain. A-230. Journal. 5 AND 6 ft. oak counters, coat $60 each; sell $5 each. Bdwy. 4219. FOR SALE Cheap, like new. Ithaca ham mer less ihotg n. Auto. 623-74. $75 Thor Electric Mangle 469 E. 11th at. 8. T .A T1I7.R' eoata. salts, dreesea. In excellent values for fall. Tabor 2825 FOB RENT Electric vacuum cleaners, 75c a day, delivered. Walnut 1259. BIG SALE of Vancouver ship yard paints, oils and yamizbe. 227 Alder at. YELLOW Bantam sweet corn. 1892 Thorbuns sve. sTbor 9033. A SIX chcair shining stand and one eaih reg ister. Call Main 7161. Ask for Ben Brawn. APPLES 50c box; prunes. 1663 Scott sve., ML Tabor. FDR BALE French grey Oriole and Superior, gas water beater. Aut- 648-fil.: APPLES KING APPLES Orchard at 94th and Powell Valley Boa-. GRAVENSTEIN and Yellow Waxen apples, $1 to $1.50 box. East 6539. KACTUS OIL. a polish that ia better. Our customers know why. Walnut 4295. PRUNES. Sc a pound, applaa cheap; bring . containers. Tabor 184 7. ITALIAN PRUNES 3c per lb, crab apples 3c, Sweet corn $1 per sack. 958 E 89t at. 8. OAK dining table ia good condition for aaie reasonable. Phone Walnut 1601. 1897 WINCHESTER shotgun $1$. 8169. ' Tabor SCREENS, mirrors, furniture repairing, cabv pet work, etc Walnnt 1487. GET your fnrnace property cleaned and oer hraled; don't wait. CaU Leonard. E. 7608. TOilAXOE- So pax puu Walaut llSL FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 900 .EmpMeror Napoleon! Stood before his w eery, down-trodden sol diers of ancient Egypt, and to hearten their spine dramatical ly thundered : "Forty gnerationa look down npoa you! Men do your duty!" Thirty stern years look down., upon LEVIN, every one a record of service, honest fair treatment, and above all, satisfied customers. Are yoa enlisted among our patrons! MR. HOMEBCILDEB : A little warning. From available fac i the bnilders' hardware line is stable. Two leading manufacturers advise a 10 to 15 per cent advance. Don't purchase if yoa have no need. On the present market it is at its lowest ebb now. As to, price, the builders' hardware depart ment needs no introduction. For beauty our bungalow sanded boss finish inside mortise set is a winner, retail $1.75. our build ers' price -. $1.14 Our American type, in good hues, is real value, builders' prioe. .7o . Some 12 patterns of inside glass knob sets. bungalow handles. Anything in hardware at ' saving values. Heavy rain? Our STORM KINO rot fins guaranteed 10 yean and with care 15 yean of service, a rod .,..$2.24 This roofing replaced if not satis factory. Other grades as low aa $1 a roll. Heavy concrete barrow a, K D.$8,45 Drop in for suggestions and prioe. Service and courtesy, our main display. OUR WOODCUTTERS' DEPARTMENT ia now In full swing. The woodcutter feels at home. - Anything be desires from a raker gauge to a drag saw. A nsed VACGHAN. mounted on "wheels for one man service. 2 blades, in Al condition. $165 ' value, quoted at $85 OO Gentlemen, thia is value in a new crosscut saw, combination for fall ing and backing. The celebrated -Oiilen saw, fully warranted ab solutely new. A 7-foot rewular $11.90. just consider now. $.. Many usud but damaged saws, 5 to 7-foot, $1.75 to $2.75. Irop in for value. Home of the faraons BEALL mauls and wedges. Nearly 75 per cent less than most hand made gradea and just as good. Kelley falling axe, a real axe, a real price, $2.75 value. our price .$1.4 5 Many rood used tools for the wood cutter. N Installing a pomp? Or having trouble? Home of the famous MEYERS pump, glass seat, full flow of water on the -up and down atrofce. anti-freese brass cylinder. A cheap investment ie last ing satisfaction. At the drop in prion over one third Its on s shallow or deep well pump. Drop in for a few ideas on a pump or a water system and your price. HOP PICKERS: W can rent you anv tire tent and keep your cost down. Tin camp stoves, camp dishes and accteiories for your needs at a little cost.. TOURISTS: This Is the home of the Storm King auto tents, w-th r-ollap-dble pole complete. $15.00 value. LEVIN'S price, in the heavy-10-oe $10.55 Keep the rain oat Wagon covers from 5x7 up. Made up ready for use. Flies for your tent. LEVIN FOR. VALUES. LEVIN HARDWARE & FURNITURE CO.' 2212325 Front - 20246 Cor. Salmon On this stand for '30 Years- We always treat you fair. ELECTRIC FIXTURES Buy Them at Wholesale Prices WE NEED TOE MONEY Porch Light 85c 1 -Light Chain Drop 70c Less Shade 16-INCH DECORATED BOWL. REGULAR $12.50. NOW $9.00. ABOUT BOO PLAIN AND DECORATED BOWLS FROM 10 TO -INCH-PRICED AT FROM $3.50 TO $9. fin THESES PRICES ' GOOD 10 DAYS RELIABLE ELECTRIC CO. 642 UNION AYENTXB AUTO. 810-44 FINE canning tomatoes 2c lb. 629 Colum bia blvd., next to Oregon Humane Society. GUARANTEED rebuilt? batteries for ears. $10 to $15. Bdwy. 44 92. DANDY toned Behr Brothers' piano, only $135; $20 down. 5 a month. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 860 Alder. ALASKA stole and muff 1 139 E. 28th at N. all ta .price. Call PURE goat nul for the baby irem Portland Gost Ifixr. Tabox wd07. . r: i ti MUSICAL INS aKUMENTS 901 PHONOGRAPH BARGAINS BRUNSWICK New -Mahogany Case. gold plated $195 AEOLIAN. VOCALION Mahogany case. Ifold plated ........... . . ........ 123 SYMl-JloXY Oak Caw-, ri conditio. will records .........,.....".. 80 COLUMBIA TaWe ModU. , oak, case. Bargain ...... ..... ifJo And Others. Terms Given. r SEIBEKLING-LCCAS MCSIO- CO, 1 23 Fourth ', , ' USED PHONOGRAPHS I 390 Cheney Console model. maliosny...$28.7 17 275 Victrola Cabinet, oak .....!... ISO Brunswick Cabinet-, oak. . . . . L, - . ?T? Columbia Cabittet, walnut ... i.r. . . J,r Magnolfc Cabinet, ttishoti any . . L . . , li Packard-Cabinet, mahogany ... 175 S 75 75 73 85 80 7o CVhiuihia.. Thi oak 60 Columbia'. Table oak SO And many other good bargains-i-Tenn G. F. JOHNSON PIAXO CO. i j . n sutb St. DECKER, fanciest player piano, est mipn lenient, including all lab- cabinet ana o. Milendnt music mlk ri .tv..n choice and like new. cost $108 three years ago; win e aoid tor less than! $5O0: owner breaking up housekeeping and most sell right away; this is one! of ths biggest snaps e halie ever had in our re sale department. FILERS, Liters Musio bldg.. 2d floor. Take elevator st en trance, 2S7 y Wssiuii.-Uiu st,. just, be low Fifth st. . . OWNER1 to raise some money quickly; will slaughter elegant Kimball piano, just like new It only $20O, or for only $220 monthly payment plan. See or write resale dept.. Filers, 2nd floor, Eoiers music, bldg. 1 SECOND-HAND phonoprapha ,. at -big reduc tions, including Kdiscn Dismtnd Dim-. Victrola. Brunswick, Pathe. Mundel,. Columbia and others. Prices are low and terras reason-" able. REED FRENCH PIANO CO.. . 12th and Washington. DANDY $260 Victrla . and 17 records, some Red Seal, now offered at a clean $100 sacrifice. $100 if sold imraediatelv. Owners leaving for Missouri. See Resale Department Filers Music bldg.. 3d floor. or pliune Broadway 8523. i A GENUINE; Weber. In first cla- condi tion, upright, of cv-urse, Jitis c,),. or ft per cent additional for monthly i payments. .Se at once re. la d,.pt. E"lrs, Take eleva tor to 2nd floor, 27 K Waahinepon street, just below Fltth street. SOME fine bargains in slightly uned phono- ' graphs: Victor, Columbia. Brunswick, Pathe, Good as new. 1. POULE BROS. ! ' , 16 10th St. . Near Morrison 1 WE HAVE a few Phonographs we will rent; turn them in later and get credit, for what you havo paid on a new machine. G. V. JolfNSOS PIANO CO. , 1 4 9 ftixth St. PIANO TUNING AND PHONOGRAPH " REPAIRING Any Make. All Work Guaranteed SEIBER LING-LUCAS MUSItl CO. 1 25 Fourth St. Broadway 6576. GENUINE KIMBALL FIANfii A fine mahoBiny case piano in good condi tion, specially priced at $213; $25 down, 1D a month. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 350 Alder. , . FRENCH fc SONS player piano. Late model Player, in excellent condition, with bench and library of musie. $387.50. REED FRENCH PIANO CO.. 12th and' Washington. all DENTS Special Violin Outfits, includes noun, bow, oae. toain, chin rest and extra strings; $18 to $25. G. F. -JOHNSON PIAN'O CO. 14H Sixth St. 1 - WELLINGTON piano, latest model, juft (ike new. Perfect cbwlition. $297. i Beautiful bench with music compartment included. REED FRENCH PL. NO CO.. L 1 2th and Washinpton. j PIA,NO TUNING Special rat, in-elfecL Too many pianos are being neglected; have yours looked ftr now. Phone! Broadway 5523. Filers tuninir deot.. best in the Mtv. GHAND piano, equal to new, only $4i;5; used about 8 months. Sold by Sherman k Clay Co. for several hundred more. Act quick. Brokerage Co.. 312 Worcester bklg. WE WILL- take your old piano in exchange for a new Victrola or Cheney Phonograph. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO (JO. ' 149 Sixth St $1350 GRAND, one of America's best artintio pianos, brand new, $750. Don't be fooled, there is no better grand made .regardless of price. 312 Worcester bldg. ' PIAXO MOVING, no mars, no trouble; our exiierta insure satisfaotion. Piioo' $2.5( for first zone. Phone or call Eilcrs Delivery IVpt Broadway 55L-3. i STORY & CLARK, late model. Newly refin Lshed. Beautiful mahogany. 82751 KLKD FRENCH PIANO CC 12th and - Waiihinston. PIANO WANTED . Will exchange new Edison Diamond Amha. rola and 500 fine records for piano. Hyatt Talking Machine, Co.. 850 Alder. . PEASE piano. Thoroughly overhauled, good tone and action. A snap $200. i REED FRENCH PIANO CO., , 12tli and Wastiington. . OHICKERING player piano just like new. any offer better than half its present day price takes it in our -resale dept.' Call 2nd floor Filers music bldtr. : CORNETS--Ruewher, Y'ork. Conn, brass and silver. $2o to $75. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO. 149 Sixth pt , , J. C. FISCHER piano, good condition. One of the good old makes. Only $192. REEf) FRENCH PIANO CO.,' 12th and Washington, THREE brand new Hobert M. Cable pianos, sell at a real bargain; terms. These are strictly high class pisnos. 312 Woveeeter bide. MUST SELL piano, excellent 10004 for $125 if taken ax once; leaving town. 1258 Min nesota ave. . $200 BUYS $550 J.wett piano, fine eon. . dition; $25 down, $10 month. 812 -Wor-ceetcr bldg. ! $195 BUYS excellent toned piano, Caro. wal nut case, German maae. Must be sold at once. 254 Market st. I 40 I1ANOS. $100 to $205 each, many of America's best makes: terms. ! Brukerags Co. . 312 Worcester bldg. ' $600 HORART M. CABLE, used' 3 months. nei price. leaving city Tuesday, fell less 130 K. 2fttli, near Belmont. DANDY toned Behr Brothers' kiauo, only $133; $20 down, 5 a month. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder. F MA1KA1ANY Vitanbla for sale, some records. $50. Also fruit jars, 40c duzeu. 4319 58th ave. 4- ' I . $57 5 KOHLKR A CAMPBELL .piano, fine condition, $175; terras. 812'- Worcester bldg. : $2O0 BRUNSWICK down. $5 arnomb, Co.. 350 Aider. like new. $125: $T5 ' Hyatt Talking Midline PIANOS rented. Reasonable rates, REED FRENCH PIANO CO., 12i and Washington. ' KIMBALL piano, fine condition, li'.": an other, $225; terms. 812 Worcster bldg. PIANO and phonograph service. 2"4 Market st. Repairs any make. Main 6012. $775 FARRAXD player, just new. perfect, $385; terms. 312 Worcester bldit. PHONOGRAPHS $5 and up. 254 Market st. cash or terms. $550 HARRINGTON piano. $200; $25 down. $10 month. 812 Worreter bldg. . GOOD viehn and ! ; sl"o Gibson mandoUn and case. Waln'it 112. ' $530 LATEST Th''.uon piano, 825; $35 down. 81 it. SO month. 312 Worcester Mdg. VIOLE $s. guitar. $6. banjo $10; niandolin $7; lerson.s fr. Muic studio. 409 Yamhill. $630 IV K 118 & POND pUnoi, gnod uprUhC $130; terms. 812 Worcester Mig. C melody saxapfc'one. plu.h-iinl cane $10 Sell for $lO0. Main 15C.5. cost . $9-50 PACKARD: equal to new. only 2tt6 ' e ,tni- 32 w'rct""'r I'i'ix. WVT the u-e of piano foe storage; beat at ave. Tabor 9083. - $600 ESTEY piano, just new, $300; terms, X 1 2 Woveester bidg. - - ' WANTED Bargain in used piano for ail cash. Call Broadway 1B48.' Monday . . $573 BRAND new Shoniuger plant, only ; $363; terms. 312 Worcester bldg. MAHOGANY PIANO, ae no agent. 59 Leo less Uiau Ss price; $1050 FINE- player piano, amme aid bench, only $250; easy terms. 812 Worcester bnig. $600 ADAM SCHAFF piano, fine condition, $225; terms. 812 Worcester Id. PIAXO Auto. for sale, 815-91. almost., itfu. N dealers. FOR SALE Violin, old make, cheap; good shape. . Call 1035. E. 7th' X. Bandar. $500 CLARENDON piano; utily $225; late; terms. 312 Worcester Mdg. - PIANO,- perirct coiKlitkm. walnut cane, gotsl tens. Bargain, $lf.Q. Bfjadivsy 2910. $500 HARVARD piano', plain ' caae, . $160; term. SI 2 Worcester blig. $lf.O VICTROLA. 40 aaiectwms, just new, $85. 812 Worcester bidg. -'-' - WANTED Second-hand piano-., pay Cash; no dealers. Broadway 5902". - ' WILl pay ca-b for Used piano. TaboT 7664. CO - X' U - bareaiu. . 'iaUur 4U7 10 DOZEN, viuart tnut jars. JaAa 5138. 5 MzMMmmA rm - . 1 V