The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 10, 1922, Page 19, Image 19

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(mml eonTcntioo of Protestant Episcopal
lantreit of America, Portland, September V3.
Oregon conference of Methodist c&oreh.
Balem, Beptember 0-11.
Pacific German alettiodtet conference, Ho
islia, WaalL, September 7 to 10.
State Hotel aworimrm. Salem; Septem
ber and
r- Moltnomah County Bandar School associa
tion annual convention, Portland, September
11 and Vi
Clatsop Comity Pair. Astoria, September
12 to 1.
Tillamook County Fair, Tillamook, Septem
ber 12 to IS.
Coos and Curry County Pair, Myrtle point,
September 13 to 1.
Jackson County Pair, Bedford, Bectember
13 to IS.
Walla Walla County Pair. Walla Walla, Sep
tember 18 to 10.
Pue-et Sound conference of tne Met&odict
' churcn, Vaoconrer, Wash., September 13
to 17.
Wear Kast Keller state conference. Portland,
September 14.
Calapooia Valley Pair, Brownanlle, Septem
ber 16 to 16.
NorUnrest Grain and Hay Stiorw. Pendleton,
September 18 to &.
Waabinaton State Pair, Yakima, September
. 18-28.
Leoe County Pair, .Knsene. September 19
to -22.
Colombia County Pair. St. Helena, Septem
ber IB to 21.
Clackamas County Pair. Canby, September
19 to 22.
Josephine County Fair, Grants Pass, Sep
tember 18 to 22.
Lrfnrer Columbia Pair. Astoria. September
' 19 to 22.
Hoc and Dairy Show, liana. September
'.'0 to 22.
Malheur County Pair, Ontario. September
i'O to 22.
l'ambiil County Pair. alcMianrilla, Sep
tember to 22.
Western Norwegian- Uaniflh conference of
aletbodist cnnrcb. Portland. September :i0-24.
Mound-up, Pendleton, September 21-28.
Southern Wasco County Pair. Tysn Valley,
September 21 to 23.
Grant County Pair, John Day, September
24 to 30.
Hermizton Hoc and Dairy Show, Hermiston.
September 25 to 30.
Oregon state Pair, Salem, September 25
to 30.
Idano State Pair, Woodland. Waah., Sep
tember 27 to 30.
Cranberry Show, Lion Beach. Wash.. Sep
tember 2U to 30.
Union County Pair, Elfin. September 28
to 80.
Prone Pe-tiral. VanoouTer, October 1V-21.
Oreon Inter-State Pair, PrineTule, Octo
ber 8 to 7.
Klamath County Pair, If la math Palis, Oc
tober 4-0.
State convention W. C. T. V.. licMiwmlle.
October 12-14.
Lectures on Psychology Erma W.
"Wells of Spokane Is conducting a
series of afternoon and evening lec
tures under the joint auspices of the
Realization league, and the Metaphysi
cal library, which began Friday and
will continue through next Thursday.
Afternoon lectures are held at 727 Cor
bett building at 2 :30 and are on the
general theme "The New Psychology
Applied to Home and School." The
evening lectures are at No. 148 13th
street, at 8 o'clock, except Monday and
Thursday, and are on the general
theme "Inspirational ' Bible Interpreta
tion." .Mrs. Wells is also holding a
healing meeting from 12 :30 to 1 p. m.
daily In 727 Corbett building.
Columbia stages Portia na-Multno
mah Falls-Hood jRiver-The Dalles di
vision Leave Portland Stage Termi
nal. Park and Yamhill streets. 9:30
a. m., 11:30 a. m., 2:30 p. m., 4:45
p. m. daily to Hood River, and 6 :30
p. m. daily to Hood River, except Sat
urdays, Sundays and. holidays, 11 :15
p. m. Saturdays, Sundays and holi
days to Hood River. Leave Multnomah
Falls for Portland 9 :20 a. art.. 1120
a. m., 1:20 p. m., 4:20 p. nv and 6:35
p. .m. daily. Direct connections with
all stages 'to and from The. Dalles.
Phone Main 8611. Adv.
Sew Lathe Installed Installation of
an automatic turning lathe, recently
purchased by the Mangold & Strauss
Manufacturing company, will facili
tate the manufacture of many products
now shipped to the Pacific coast from
lCastern industrial centers, according
o M. Strauss, manager of ttie firm.
The company's plant is located at No.
161 Union avenue north and employs
.18 men. Tile business was started
about four months ago with a staff of
four operatives under direction of Her
man Strauss, who has been actively
engaged in the wood turning business
in Portland for the past 22 years.
. Fortland-Astorla-SfcttSIde Division
Leave Portland Stage Terminal, Park
nnd Yamhill streets, 7:30 a, m., 9:30
a. m.. 11:30 a. m., 1 p. m., 2:45 p. m..
4 :15 p. m , 6 :45 p. m. and 12 :30 a. m.
daily. Direct connections at Astoria
for Seaside and Clatsop beach points,
except on 6:45. in. stage from Port
land. Leave Astoria for Portland 7
a. m., 10 a. m.. 12 noon, 1 :30 p. m..
3:15 p. m . 6 p. m.. 8:30 p. m.'daily and
8 p. m. daily, except Sundays, 11 :15
p. m.' Sunda- s only. ' For further in
formation phone Columbia Stages.
Alain 8611 Adv.
Appeal for I.oulne Home The girls
of the Louise- Home have grown a
great amount of vegetables this year
and much of the crop is now ready to
can. The home has Issued an- appeal
that anyone having half gallon glass
jars which he is willing to donate for
this purpose Jeave them at No. 195
- Rurnside street or calling Broadway
1665 to bo called for.
Portland-Salcra stare Leave Stage
Terminal. Park and Yamhill, hourly
from 7 :05 a. m. to 7 :05 p. m. and Owl
. car at 10 p. m. daily. Saturdays,
Sundays and holidays, 8 :3 p. m. and
10 p. m. 7:05, 9 :05. 11:05. 1:05, 3:05
make direct connections for Eugene,
CorvaJlia and Albany. Main 8611. Adv
Colambia Iliver Fall Chinook Sin
gle fish. 6 cents per pound . half fish.
5 cents. Plenty of freh salmon eggs
' (:aily. Main 4760. No. -05 Yamhill street.
Portland-Tlllamook Cadillac Stage
Stage depot. Park and Yamhill streets.
Daily at 8 ;15 a. m., 12 :S0 and 3 :30 p. m.
Special arrangements made for fishing
parties. Main 8611. Adv.
Str. America St. Helens via Colum
bia river. 2:30 p. m. daily; 11:30 a. m.
Sunday. Alder street dock. Main ;
323. Adv. ;
"Wife and Xarse have returned . j
Practice liinited to th? foot. 512 Mor- J
gun building. Main 8762. Adv. , ,
Your Artificial Teeth will be better
"if made by the plate specialist. Dr.
Jtossman, Journal building. Adv.
Alexander, Dahlia, (ilaJIola Gardens
now in full bloom at Il'uber. R. L.
Chamberlain. (Adv.)
Take the Rest Cor Klock Sani
tarium 15th and Tillamook. East
S953. Adv.
Ap.P'e King apples, orchard, at 94lh !
iu d ro 'c-U Valley load. Adv.
.ra:ivl-tod Eyelids: consult frood
f'ight I::.-.;itute. 3(-S Allsky bldg. Adv.
Community Serrlre The Portland
effice of Community Service has been
designated as one of the training
schools for those taRing up the work.
Pipe and Pipeless
Tear Old Fersaee
Takes Part Paynes!
JJ4wy. till, II Ctfc St, JTeat Wash.
State Chairman Hornbrook Re
ports Activity Among Can
didates. Boise, Idaho, Sept. 9. Moses Alex
ander, former governor of Idaho, and
present Democratic candidate for the
same office, is making the most inten
sive campaign ever known in the his
tory of politics In this state. It was
announced today by Will K. Horni-
brook, state chairman.
In making this statement the new
chairman declared that the former
chief executive has already covered
12 counties, and is at present In the
eastern and southeastern part of
Idaho. He will complete this tour
September 15, and go to North Idaho
for a three weeks' campaign.
The North Idaho campaign, will talks
him Into practically every section,
where he will outline his policies as
governor, subject to his election No
vember 7. From the platform with Mr.
Alexander, Lester S. Harrison of Kel
logg, candidate for attorney general,
will also speak In several places.
Every person on the Democratic
state and congressional tickets will be
in the field September 15, and nothing
will be left undone to carry the issues
to the people. Mr. Hornibrook said
today. "We have an organization at
work in this campaign that will func
tion up to the last minute before elec
tion, and proepects for a complete
Democratic victory this fall were
never tetter in the history of the
Osorge Waters of Weieer, candidate
for congress in the First Idaho district,
will open his campaign Septenrber 15
in Canyon county, from where he will
begin an automobile tour of the entire
district Mr. Waters is considered one
of the strongest men on the ticket, and
his ability .as an orator -and cam
paigner has Ions been recognised by
his party.
Kelso, Wash.. Sept. 9. E. W. Ress,
who recently acquired the West Kelso
garage, has had the building remodeled
into a first class store. The front of
the building has been changed, and it
will be occupied by a hardware store
which will be operated by G. W. Sains
Bandon, Sept. 9. A. B. Gidley has
been awarded the contract to build a
dam on Rink creek to furnish water
to Coquille. This work will give em
ployment to a large force of men for
two or more months.
Dallas, Or., Sept. 9. W. T. Grier.
formerly connected with the Falls City
Lumbering company, has leased the
mil! of the Cleveland & Hedges Lunf
ber company at Pedee. which has been
idle for some time. He will resume op
eration of the mill at once.
who have been graduated from the
Community Service Training School,
Chicago. Donald Marvin, a graduate
of Yale, who has just completed this
course, has arrived in Portland and for
a month or six weeks will be at
tached to the Portland office, after
which it is expected he will be made
general secretary of Community Ser
vice at Walla Walla.
Colambia Stages Portland - St.
Helens local. Leave Portland Stage
Terminal, Park and Yamhill streets.
10 a. m. for St. Helens and 4 :20 p. m.
daily and 11 :15 p. m. Saturdays, Sun
days and holidays to St. Helens only.
Leaving St Helens, 7 :30 a. m. and 1 :40
p. m. daily ; 6 :15 Saturdays, Sundays
and holidays. For information phone
Columbia Stages, Main 8611. Adv.
Salem-Mlll City Stage Leaves Salem
stage terminal for Mill City: No. 1,
7:30 a. m. ; No. 3, 10 :30 a. m. ; No. 6,
4 :30 p. m. No. 1 connects with east
bound train at 'Mill City. Jos. Ham
man, Prop. Adv.
Dr. FInier has returned from the
East and is in his office at 727 Mor
gan building. Adv.
Eye Troubles relieved; no glasses.
Good Sight Inst, 306 Alisky bdg. Adv.
Military Academy
A Select Non-Sectarian Boarding
School. Boys between 6 and 20
years. Social Advantages, Home
like Atmosphere. Small Classes and
Men Teachers.
Detailed U. S. Army Officer
Opens Sept. 18, 1922
FOR BOYS AND GIRLS who hare com
I!et4d tile cramicar school. meta the en
trance requirements of all' Eastern and
Western colleges and technical schools.
S;r.:: classes under experienced teachers.
B3S E. Salmon St. Phone Cast 271.
St. Helens Hall
Thirteenth and Hall Streets
Will Open
September 12th
Making Your Dreams Come True
No Collection
croiviweiIl blower
Of New York
Safe Sane Clear Direct
Touching the Everyday Lives of Men and Women
Lincoln High SchoolAuditorium
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
8 o'clock
To be introduced by Mr. H, C. PownaU, Kiwanian.
For full. display of, credentials see the
ij-TfcM-sfareet window of The J. K. Gill Co', t
"An -orator of note and a teacher of high repute.",
AfrI'iilt 4jos Angeles Evening Herald.
is- - v
i 7i
Town Hall Gossip
Gleaned by
Among the things the future may
bring forth is that of a municipal
hog farm. More garbage Is being
collected dally
than can be) con
sumed at the city
incinerator; vari
ous' plans for
meeting the situa
tion have been
considered, anions;
them being one
for private parties
to take oyer the
urplussage and
feed it to hogs at
a farm located
conveniently near
the city. Bat if
private parties can make a profit on
the city's garbage through hog feeding,
(he municipality might do likewise.
But pigs Is pigs these days, and the
city Is short of funds to get stock. It
might be suggested that there's a fine
variety of hogs already In its en
virons. Nominees for admission to
the municipal hog farm might well
Include: The water hog who wastes
city water simply because he gets it
at a flat rate; the parking hog. who
locates his car so as to shut out the
other fellow when there's zlenty of
room for both if he'd only use his
bean; the time-consuming hog who
monopolises the mayor's time when
his outer office is full of folk wait
ing for only a few moments with his
honor ; the telephone . hog, who drops
into the city hall offices and uses desk
phones to transact a lot of private
conversation ; the electric light hog at
the city, hall, who never troubles to
turn off the light, because the city
pays the bill and the list might run
along indefinitely.
There are Indications that the
bridge campaign history of Portland
is by way of repeating itself, as his
tory has a habit of
doing. When the
movement for a
new bridge) over
the W i 1 1 a m e tte
river south of
Hawthorne avenue
was started. It
gave great prom
Ise because the
several communi
ties directly inter
ested had the
common sense to
concede that unity
was. the essential
ponii aiiu they, just all get be
hind one proposition or it would stand
little chance Of going over. Sellwood
had a favorite plan, but it joined in
the union movement and all seemed
well. But now it shows inclination
of secession and standing out for the
Sellwood ferry location, whether or
no. A few years ago, when a bridge
campaign was on, thematter of sites
split up the bridge supporters into
so many factions that the entire pro
ject was defeated and the same thing
may easily bappen again.
The city council's question : Shall we
trim ourselves or be trimmed ? This
refers to the annual budget, of course.
for more than
JLOOO.OOO must be
lopped off from
the estimates to
make them fit the
prospective T e
sources. Each
commissioner has
the just and right
ous feeling that his
neighbor might
have used more
discretion, to say
the least. And
while they , each
are pondering
where the slashing shall begin, there
flits about the- rumor that all but
Commissioner Pier turn their eyes to
ward the park department as the most
X Complete Llae of Late Models
Underwood, Remington,
L. C. Smiths Royal, Noise
lets and all makes
of other late model Standard Visible
Writing Machines.
Rebuilt and fully guaran
teed at a saving of 35 to
75 per cent from fc
Manufacturers Prices
No. 4 Underwood, No. It Befelsg
ton, No. 8 li. C. Smith, S mostss
for S7.SO. Send for Illustrated
price list or call aad Inspect oar
321 Washington St.
the Gossiper-
obese and from which hunks of fat
might possibly be cut without; so much
pain. Anyway, the councllmen are
of the opinion that it might be less
distressing to do the whacking with
the . carving knife themselves: than to
pass the matter along to the! tax con
servation commission, which ; wields a
nasty blade and has no tremors of
compunction when it plunges sthe carv
er into the budget vitals, "the work
of trimming Is to begin within a few
days and must be kept up vigorously
until the end of September, i
For the first time within many years,
says L. S. Kaiser, superintendent
of. the water bureau, Portland has
gone through a
summer season
without ta water
famine :in some
of its districts. It
may be a fact that
no one ; actually
has suffered for
the lack; of water,
but there's many
a householder, in
cluding ye Gos
siper himself, who
found It: practical
ly impossible to
get pressure
enough to reach the parking spaces
in front of their homes at i numerous
times during the summer, even when
this was tried out at various times of
day. The blame lies mainly on the
"water hog," who turns on jthe water
and lets its run indefinitely, simply
Decause he gets a riat rate on its
use. Probably not a single one of. them
would use half the water they do if
it was measured through a meter. And
that would make the difference be
tween poor pressure and good pres
sure for those who pay for exactly
the amount of water they use. Meter
ing Portland's water system is bound
to come along with the other things
which are achieved as an overgrown
town passes on to the state! of a me
tropolis. Seems like some of the policemen
of Portland are apt to jump from the
frying pan into the fire in this matter
of taking up out
side Jobs when
their hours of
walking i the beat
and graceful ly
swinging the sap
stick are o'er. It
was but a few
days ago that
Mayor Baker read
the riot act to po
lice officers who
were hiring them
selves put . after(
their mbnici pal
working; hours as
epecial officers for the j railroads.
Baker stated in emphatic terms that a
cop must give his entire allegiance to
the city's own business and not to
up with private concerns or, his resig
nation, in all probability, ' would be
accepted muy pronto. Now, !but a few
days later, the papers carry stories
.of how half a dozen of: the cops
have been engaged by a motion pic
ture corporation to work at ;its studio.
Portland seems to be following the
path of Los Angeles in this line. The
policemen down there got to putting
in so much time working ak the mo
toln picture studios that their slack
ness while on official dutjy became
notorious and was the subject of a
scandal that spread over ! the first
Copyright 1922 Hart
" '
New Hart Schaffner &Marx
Styles for Fall Are Here
We have a most interesting selection
to show you; the latest Norfolks
an4 sport models; 2, 3 and 4-button
sacks; business suits as fine as ever
$35 $40
Sandl Rosenblatt W Co.
Fifth at Alder Gasco Building
pages of the daily papers until a halt
was called.
Portland will never know whether
one-way traffic is beneficial for Its
traffic troubles until it is tried out.
That is the senti
ment that is grow
ing at the city
hall, and Mayor
Baker's move to
get some definite
action to this end
is receiving sub
stantial support.
At least three of
the members of
the city council
stand squarely for
its trial. When
the Baker resolu
tion requiring the
city engineer, the city attorney and
the traffic bureau of the police depart
ment to make a survey of traffic
conditions and submit - an ordinance
providing for one-way traffic, for
streetcars as well as vehicles, the may
or said : ' "This is rather . a serious
resolution, gentlemen." Commissioner
1 1 1 Hill rv".
Should Glasses Be Worn?
There is such a thing as wearing glasses when you
should not, and not wearing them when you should.
It is a mistake to do either. After an examination
conducted by specialists in one of the finest equipt
optical institutions on the Coast, you absolutely know
what is best for your eyes. Consult us. Phone for
Appointment Main 3759
Take Elevator to Second Floor, Morgan Bldgf.
Turn to Your Left
Schaffner & Marx
Barbur responded : "It isn't anything
serious. It's the only thing; to be done.
Others have tried their way and it has
failed ; It's up to us now. arKi we
should go ahead. - This line Baker,
Barbur and Pier up definitely In sup
port of the measure. Pier having been
an advocate of one-way traffic for
Is Portland a city of lawless auto
drivers or Is it safe and sane?. All
depends on the point of view appar
ently, as is snown
by the following
excerpts from two
letters in Mayor
Baker's mall one
day the past week.
One from B. K.
Knapp, cltisen of
Portland, says : '
"I have driven
my car In Port
land," where I own
my home, and other
property, as well
as all over the
state, for IS years.
but I'm getting afraid to go on- the
$50 $60
MZ'AtUS Jffj
er Comfort
streets or highways with it for fear
of getting myself or family killed. The
roavds are strewn with wrecks, many
of them fatal ; all caused by the most
flagrant and outrageous Violations of
law. I never go Upon the street with
out seeing traffio violations too nu
merous to count."
And in the same mall was a letter
from Bishop C M. Beck with of Ala
bama, here to attend the General Con
vention of the KplscopalJ church. In
which he says:
Start the new school jyear right
accurate time-pieces of Jaeger
schedule every day. j
WRIST WATCH is a wonder
price others at $20.' $25, $30
Beautiful rectangular shape watches in
18-K. white gold, at $45, $50 and up.
For the Young Man
our new Gruen thin model at $30.
also Elgin and Waltham watches in
new effects, $20, $25, $30 and up.
We specialize on Cruen Watches
for both ladies and gentlemen, and
a great part of our fall stock has
already arrived.
Our $100
Absorb th
War Taa
Portland's Only HALLMARK Store.
131-133 Sixth Street, PARIS ADDRESS:
OREGONIAN BLDG. No. 8 Rue Lafayette.
that suits
Ask your
Mason Ehrman & Co.
Union Pacific Syste
Boilermakers, Machinists, Blacksmiths, Car
Repairers and Car Inspectors. .
For Employment at
, ; .
A strike row exists at these points..
Free transportation and expenses paid to place of em
ployment, also steady employment guaranteed and sen
iority rights protected for qualified men regardless any
strike settlement
" i Apply :'.
i W.J. HANL0N,
. 410 Wells-Fargo Building, Portland, Oregon
or A i C MOORE, 526 Oregon BlrJgVor Superintendent's
Office, Room 29 Union Station :
"I am moved to make a record or aa
impression . that has i- greatly added to
the pleasure of: my visit to your city, ':
Z refer to your streetcar system and
-auto travel. IV is : not possible for3
one to visit Portland and not be struck
with the courtesies of your public of
ficers and the guarded respect paid to "
the- sac redness of human limb and life.
As the mayor Y this beautiful city, I
offer you my congratulations."
for School!
by being on. time. One of those
Bros, will insure your arriving on
for the
and up.
,on Expert
Repairing :
iou to a
Grocer jbf