The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 10, 1922, Page 16, Image 16

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    ' . . . ?
AMPFIRE GIRLS National Field
Executive, MissEdith M. Kemp
thorne of New York, will give a
training course in Leadership, begin
ning tomorrow at Public Library, 8
P, M. For further particulars call
Campfire Headquarters at this store
(Atwater 4600).
Portland Agents for
Perrin's Gloves
These famous imported kid gloves, short
and long styles, are here in newest and most
complete assortments. Specialized fitting
service. .. .
MteE A Frank's S Main Floor. '
ira The Quality Store
-Us op Portland, Oregon
, , . . , . - i
KltJUW fr fr IfTV
Enroll Tomorrow
- .
and Insure Your Getting the Benefit
of the Entire Instruction in
Madame Coates'
A descriptive folder, enrollment cards and full particulars of the courses
may be obtained at the Pattern Shop, Second Floor, or Notion Shop,
Main Floor. The dressmaking school opens tomorrow, the millinery
school Tuesday, both at 2:30 P. M., Fifth Floor.
Class A Dressmaking
Begins Tomorrow 2:30 P. M.
This class which meets every Monday and Wed
nesday at 2:30 P. M. and Friday at 9:30 A. M..
will cover in twelve, lessons the complete four
weeks' course in dressmaking, tailoring and
French model makinjr, including garment plan
ning lines, figure fitting, garment draping and
cutting and "Color Harmony in Dress." Course $5.
Class B Millinery
Begins Tuesday 2:30 P. M.
This class which meets every Tuesday, Thursday
and Friday at 2:30 P. M. will cover in twelve les
sons the complete four weeks' course in practical
hat making, taking up all points from selection
of models, making foundations, wiring, covering,
trimming, bow-making and French-flower mak
ing. Complete course $5.
Madame Coates in Person
will conduct the classes. She will be in the school. Fifth Floor, tomorrow from 1:30
P. M. (lessons begin at 2:30 P. M.) to explain the courses to any one who may have
missed her explanatory lectures.
fVV ".
Attractive Needlework $1
An interesting new collection of stamped needlework specialized at $1. The
assortment comprises cooking sets, bath towels, hand towels, scarfs, pillows
and centers, stamped for embroidery in simple, easily-worked designs.
Many are hemstitched. J
New Novelties
A special lot of needle
work novelties including
towels, tea aprons, clothes-;
pin bags,,hot dish holders,
centers, etc.
Odds and Ends
Regularly $1 to $1.25.
Stamped needle work
hemstitched buffet sets,
scarfs, centers, also
towels, aprons, etc
Stamped Spreads
Ordinarily these spreads
would be priced at $5.
They are stamped for em
broidery on unbleached
art cloth.
New Fasraoimsl
wer PrneesS
Fashions and Modes That Intrigue Yon
With Their Charm and Distinction
On tiptoe to be worn out into the first scarlefeleafed autumn day's, the
newest conceptions in fall dresses; coats And suits offer a startling array
oftvaried treatments. No taste has keen I overlooked. Gorgeous modes,
fur trimmed and richly, embroidered for-the luxury-loving woman--
strikingly-tailored apparel for the woman who, recognizes this as best
conforming with her type youthfully-piquant fashions for all with a'
claim to youth; these are but a-few of the many designs that await yoiii;
here. And nowhere are they more satisfactorily priced.
Coats Luxuriously Eurred
the costume of their wearer. They are i
tailored with-an expertness that assures !
you of many months of wear wherein i
they will marvelously. maintain the style .
and freshness 1 they had the day you:
bought them. . ' ., i
It is impossible not to wish for just such
coats ,as those that greet you in this
group. They hang with grace in straight
and bloused lines. They welcome the
Autumn days, confident that they impart
an air of individuality and distinction to
Caracul, squirrel, nutria and wolf trim these coats that. ,
are fashioned of the newest fall fabrics in the rich fall
tones of navy, Hawaiian, brown and black,
New Draped Dresses ;
Assuredly graceful, these dresses follow
the longer waistline silhouette that fash
ion has looked upon with favor. They
lend a certain air of dignity and charm
that imparts the atmosphere of studied
perfection in apparel. And with - all,1
these dresses are so Parisian in their
smartness so modern in their treatment
that they claim your admiration instantly,
and retain it indefinitely, j
Sketched Above: A Fex of the Styles
Canton crepe and repe back satin are successfully
fashioned into the slender looking gowns in the vary"
ing fall shades of brown, navy and black. - -v.
New Fall Tauleurs
Meier & Frank's : Second Floor.
(JMail Orders Filled.)
A Special Purchase Jmd Sale
Dainty New Silk Underthings
Made of the finest quality satin striped
crepe de chine,' figured radium silks,
wash gatins, Georgette, Arlette crepes
and checked crepe de chine.
Camisoles $1.59
Step-in-drawers $2.59
Step-in-combinations. ...$4.95, $5.95
Bloomers $5.95
Gowns $9.95
Some are lace trimmed some are embroid
ered some with filet inserts and all are
Frenchily smart and attractive.
Colors are
Peach Flesh White
Sky Orchid Maize
Black Flame Rose
-Meier &. Frank's : Third Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.)
Casement Gauze Lambskin Gloves
$1 .50
While many of the jackets are very long
equally as many are smartly short and
not a few feature the Russian blouse.
If tailored, a suit is very strictly so
but if more informal in line, it may be.
richly embroidered and also, collared and
cuffed with soft fur. Admirable assort-,
ments of the new suits are here.
The regular $3.50 quality4at $1.50
yard while the quantity lasts. Fine
quality silk casement gaue in gold,
rose and sand. To be trimmed with
fringes, etc., for pretty curtains.
Meter & Frank's : Seventh iFloor.
(Mail Orders Filled.) !
Regularly $4.50 tomorrow only
$2.95 pair. Women's 16-button
three pearl clasp lambskin gloves
with corded stitching. Over seam
sewn. White. Sizes 5 to TVs-
Meier & Frank's : Main Floor.
(Mail Orders Filled.)
The furs chosen to trim these suits are caracul, squir
rel, nutria and wolf. They are in the new shades of
brown, Hawaiian, navy and black. '.
Meier & Frank's: Fashion Salons, Fourth Floor. "
Huntley & Palmer's
English Biscuits
. S&fM- A new shipment
direct from Read
'&A2:7C f I m, mS, England,
comprising many
kinds that are al
ways in demand:
Sweet Assortment, 1 tins, $1.35
St. George's Mixed, per tin $1.25
Acorns or Philippine, per tin 75c
Breakfast or Tea Rusks, tin 60c
Wheat Meal, No. M pkt.. 40c
Shortcake, No. i pkt 35c
Dinner, No. pkt .50c
Albert, No. H pkt .35c
Breakfast, No. i pkt .50c?
Arrowroot, No. hi pkt 40
Digestive, No. hi pkt 40c
Ginger Nut, No. pkt 35c
Grocery Bulletin
Flneapplr l,arraalade. made from
fresh fruit and cane sugar, 4-lb.
tins SI. 33.
orange' Marmalade, Empress, Cana
dian make, lever top tins, 4 lbs.
"W fcatwortb who) wheat tira ham
! er-kers. dozen j2.80 Pkg. 25e
Baker's Cw, long established brandy
lb. cans 4$4C the -lb. cans 25.
XH!rs M rra:"lal. imported -Scotch,
JMo. 1 stone jars i 0. '
Imported stfs, II. p. or A-l brands,
bottle. 3S.
Sis Preserves. He! Monte brand, Ko. 1
tall jars 3 for 1, each 35.
Meier Ac Frank's : Ninth Floor.
1 ' fcriife pill i T
New Gostuine Blouses
A Special Showing and Sale
These blouses were designed
with the new fall tailleurs
in mind and in both color
and patterning they hav:e a
distinctive charm.
Some are beaded in elabrate
motifs others are trimmed with
braid--others show touched of
rich embroidery. A few are
banded with fine laces and all
are made in overblouse style.
Sizes 36 to 44.
Chinese Green Brown
Black Navy
White Lark. Muffin Paisley
Barberry Fancy Prints Mohawk Flesh
Meier & Frank's : Fourth Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.)
Boyish Tailored Coats
for Stylish Girls
Eldredge Seeing Machines
Run Smoothly and Efficiently
One distinguishing feature of the electrically operated
Eldredge is the almost absolute silence with which it
operates, a point alrwomen will instantly appreciate.
The Console Eldredge fittingly serves as a beautiful table.
The polished top, when opened, adjusts the machine and pro
vides an unusuallv large working1 surface. Soft, sheer fabrics
may be sewn with ease. All Eldredge .machines may be had
On Your Own Terms in Reason S
Meier & Frank: Second Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.)
A Presentation of
Lovely French
Pattern Hats
Direct Importations From Paris
The French Salon will harbor on Monday the largest
collection ever shown in Portland of model hats from
the French capital. The-Tfrost famous designers are
represented in this display. Hats from.
Suzanne Talbot Maria Guy
Martha Yertes Marie et Annie Mon. Lewis
Mme. Louison Vasselin Villetard
The salient points that one notes at first gfance at the
loveliest hats of fall are the great number that have no em
bellishment beyond flaring bows and wide ears of the material
and the Use on more elaborate designs of metal cloth and
metallic lace.
We have just received this most com
plete assortment of .smartly tailored
coats in all sizes for girls from 4 to 16
years, v
Of fine wool weaves, warm enough to keep
out the Sharpest winter wind and in pretty
gray, brown, tan and heather mixtures.
Pocketed for convenience and belted for
style, they are splendidly tailored, many
lined throughout Priced $9.95 to 45.
i .
Dresses Designed for
Navy serges, homespuns, wool crepes and
- velvets accomplish the most attractive re
sults when they bend their efforts to frock
the school girl from 6 to 14 years. While
many of them are navy and brown other!
are much more brilliant.
Meier h Frank's : Second Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.)
m ;
, Stunning
. Hats
greet you on every hand
wit h relatively few in
brown, navy "and the light
er blues.
' In conjunction with the
exhibit of imported models
we are featuring a display
of extraordinarily lovely
hats from America's finest
Meier & Frank's :
Fourth Floor.
.4 -