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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 10, 1922)
THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL PORTLAND, SUNDAY r f ORNTNG, SEPTEr.IDII.l 10, 1S22. ' A!JL REED COLLEGEI in OPEN TO UPWARDS 0F30O STUDENTS ienssSSBBmaBSMeBUSBBMSUNeHBi J Registration Will Begin Mon .. day; New Members of Faculty Have Been Arriving Past Week Heed college will start its .twelfth year -Monday with a larger registration than ever before in Its history. More than 300 students , are expected ' to en- ' roll tomorrow. The total may reach 315 by Tuesday. , ... ..Of thia number, many 'are entering Reed college for the first time. Up to yesterday afternoon, 117 students had been admitted. ' ,Jf these.' eight have " advanced standing: from other institu tions, but the rest're freshmen, ; The total number of students is Very even- "1$- divided between men and women. The increase in the tuition for new students to $200 a year has bad, no apparent effect on the large number of applicants! f J JS'ew faculty members have been ar riving throughout the week. Tr. Benjamin SI. Woodb ridge and Mrs. Woodbridge arrived last , night. Dr. Woodbridge. a Harvard man. who has traveled extensively, is professor of romance languages. Me hast spent the - last two years at the University of Texas. - . ; Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Botsford are bein welcomed back to Portland by theirSjnairy friends here. Mr. Bots ford wJttKat Reed college from 1912 1919.' He has been director of intra mural athletics at Stanford tTniversity for the last two years and returns to Reed as director of physical, education for men. KW ME5 ARRITE Professor George B. Noble and Dr. Forrest Glenn Tucker are new faculty members who arrived last week. Dr. Noble is assistant professor . political science. He was a Rhodes scholar at Oxford in 1913-1916. was overseas during the war with the A. K. F. and served on the United States peace commission in Paris. He haa been. at the University of Nebraska for the last two years. Dr. Tucker is as sistant professor of physics. He is a graduate of the University of Indiana, where he took his master's degree in 1916. He served with the coast ar tillery for two years during the war: This summer he took his Ph. D. at the University of Chicago. Miss Ebba. Dahlin. instructor in his tory and Knglish, Is another new fac ulty : member. She is a graduate of the University of Washington, where she was a fellow in 1920. Fredick Wil liam ; Bachman. new assistant in French and German, is a Stanford graduate. ACTING' REGISTRAR The new acting registrar at the col lege,; who is also secretary to the presi dent. is Otis D. Richardson, a Univer sity of Washington graduate, who has been, a member of the faculty at the University of Idaho the past: year. Mr. Richardson will be an instructor in Knglish in addition to his other duties. .. Miss .Dorothy Duniway, assistant registrar and information secretary, is a. Portland girl, a graduate of the Uni versity of Oregon, who has been on the 1 HONEYMOON ON CYCLES j ftll'Hlf.'HUI' 1,!.' . ""M!U'" jf";;;;ill' )' I'U I . J tv; t x ;4f ,'fi - v'rp 'r v,'.rr, ,0 ill ; l, ; WECOMEASSURED 1925 PAIR SPECIAL Mayor of Josepli Would Have , Visitors See Wallowa ,.k ' Lake. - -:- - Z X KTT fill Mr. and Mrs. E. Farnsworth, better known as Millions and Donoran, the dancers, spend their honeymoon on a bieycle jaunt from Alaska to Ijos Angeles. The picture was taken as they were leaving Port land last week. To train for season of stage danc ing and at the same "time to enjoy a novel honeymoon, Mr. and Mfs. E. Farnsworth, better known in theatri cal circles as .Millions and Donovan, are taking a bicycte tour from Alaska to Los Angeles. They passed through Portland last week, stopping to visit with Mrs. Farnswqrth's sister, Miss Cleon Pemberton. The couple started their tour from Peterborough, Alaska, - a town north of( Wrangell and came south by boat. From Seattle south they are making the trip on bicycles. They left Port land V ednesday morning and from a note received by The Journal arrived in Salem at 1 -.30 the same afternoon. "We are doing this to put our legs in trim for our dancing season," Farns worth said. "It is hard work at, the beginning but after a while-we will he able to make at least 80 miles a day. W fully expect to be in Los AngelesJ within 14 or la days, i During the sMromer months the couple made several long distance hikes before conceiving the cycle tour ing idea. When that idea hit them they proceeded to get machines and set out on the road. The trip from Seatjje to Portland was made in three days. local staff of the Oregonian for the last two years. Dr. Helen Ahrens has been appointed to fill the place left vacant by the res ignation of Dr. Estelle Ford Warner as medical adviser to women. Miss Janet Scott will assist her as the nurse. Airplane Fire Patrol Ends September 30 i Eugene, Sept. 9. Airplane patrol of the forests of Oregon en4s September 20. Orders were received today by Captain Lowell H. Smith, in cfiarge of the eight planes here that have patrolled for forest fires this summer, to report at Crissy field, San Fran cisco, by September 24. Colonel Gil more, commanding air officer of the ninth army corps area, issued the or der. The trucks and enlisted men will go south on September 20 by train. Captain Smith and his flyers will take the air the same aay. To date a total of 215 cars of pears have been shipped from Medford this il 22 y-Fiinutur e--Nbw HITCH YOUR FURN ITU RE-BUY I UG FAITH TO THE "STAR" ? On any furniture you buy from the "Star," you may. expert low priced good quality and terms to suit your convenience. Fall and winter stocks are ready for you to see!. Dainty Bedroom Suite Only S77.45 In silvertone or ivory over hardwood ; eggshell finish ; ' dovetail construction. Won derfully good quality at a big saving ! ' Four Pert ectly Matched Pieces ' Ik . " '' 4 New Overstuffed Davenports SSa.. $69.50 . Here are splendid, full-size davenports, uphol stered in beautiful tapestry: spring seat and back, and three loose spring cushions. Truly, a won derfully good piece of furniture at only $69.50. See sample on our floor. Extra I Extra! Simmons' Continuous Post STEEL BED $9.85 In ivory, white, or 'Vernis Martin finish. .Value supreme at our low price. REGULAR $30 BRUSSELS RUGS IN 9x12 SIZE $21.75 Two Ranges in One 1 J-.''H$, Burns Coal or Wood and Gas All in the Same Range For comfort, convenience and perfect results in baking, broiling and cooking, buy and use the DUPLEX ALCAZAR. It is the economical range for you to own. ".The Housekeeper s Delight' Call in and let us show you the many good features of the "Duplex Alcazar. Now's the time, folks, to huy your heaters and have all snug and warm for Fall and Winter !; See our stock note our prices. You'll bay here! We have heat ers for wood or coal, or both. HEATERS ; Inlaid Linoleum Regular $2 Qualityr ;$l.lp!: l f ' I i i 1 I j $2.50 and Up SPECIAL! Coal Oil HEATERS 7.i Valae $3.95 6 lite Yard! fSS. r OD riDQT f mhddi qam Convenient Location Courteous SerricePrompt Deliveries " Girls Walk to Portland Left Chicago In "July Word received at ' 192i " exposition headquarters Sat j: day from Joseph, Or, irave the informaUon that, the eo-; Uegll'at year pie of that city are preparing: an elab orate progrrajn of entertainment foil the excursionists on the "l2i Special which Kill leave Portland the night of September 18 to visit Pendleton and other Eastern Oregon points. In al let ter to Mayor Buter, the. mayo, 'pi Joseph says plan are being made to take the visitors. 125 in number, on an automobile trip to view the beiuties of Wallowa lake, seven miles distant. Then it is proposed to convey the boosters to Enterp. Ii?e. five miles from Joseph, by motor cars instead of by train, as the schedule calls for. f Ac ceptance of thia invitation will depend upon how it may interfere with! ar rangements made by the railroad Com pany. :,-, i However, matters such as this will be left to the judgment of Monroe Goldstein, who leaves tonight aaj ad vance agent for th special. He will call : upon the mavors and prominent citisens on the route and make all necessary arrangements to receive) the visitors. -This is to make certain that the meetings will be held without de lays. William McMurray, general pas senger agent, has notitied all agents of the Union Pacific system along the line to cooperate with Goldstelft in making: arrangements. - WiUiam P. Merry, with offices in the Title & ' Trust building, reported last night that more than one-half the 125 reservations for the trip had been taken. After cross conntryJ'un "from Chicago with a young woman friend, Miss Email-, Skarra of Port Arthur, Ontario, is visiting Mrfe. H. F. Wilde, a friend of her mother's, at No. 511 Bast 23d street. " - " Miss Skarra. taught physical educa tion Jin Oklahoma State Agricultural She also is a Red Cross life-saver. It was In July that she and Miss vlary Jane Gammett of Spring Valley, Minn., decided to take a walk to Ore gon. They were ta -Chicago-- at the time both. of them 'arey graduates of the Chicago Normal 'school. "We walked ft an average of five miles day. said Miss Skarra, "and sometimes 12 and- 14 'miles. We rode mostly through" Wyoming-i and Idaho, because of the long desert stretches. We each carried 10-pound' packs, con taining a few personal belongings, a smlll quantity of food and a blanket. On the entire trip we slept under a roof only three nights." The ' girls confined" themselves' to bare essentials, and after a few days out, discarded one of their combs and brushes, their mirror, jack knife and camera, as being too much to carry. Tourists helped them out. with tar paulins or they would have been drenched many a time. "They found their one blanket apiece quite insuf ficient for warmth in the mountains, but they were often loaned bedding and at other times they kept a fire going. "Tourists were absolutely wonder ful," said Miss Skarra, 'especially in Yellowstone park. We were also treated fine by the residents along the way. In one little place j in Wyoming nearly the whole town turned out for as. We stopped at the hotel for a little lunch and the woman called the editor. and all the poolhall gang came over to see us, and one woman asked . us to wait until she coaUTbrlnr her hus band in three, miles from the country to see us. Bt we couldn't wait.. . ' One of their experiences consisted" in getting caught in nighttime in the middle of a 6-mU stretch between towns, with no water to drink. Miss Gammell - picked up a position at Mites City. Mont., and - returned there by train almost aa soon as she reached - Portland a week agol i Miss Skarra hopes to remain here, for the winter at least, and la now looking about for a. position in the. direction of, physical-: education,' --.JZi.i:J?: "1 am just craxy about j Portland." she said. - "I ;- will : have to write mother how It "haa-grownJ She -was here many years ago, and when I asked for Mrs. Wilde's address before she etarted, she told me I didn't need it, that if I would stop at any drug store they would be able to tell' me where she lived."' ' . .- Police Are Accused , In Liquor Scandal Hoquiam, Wash., Sept. $. Henry Fournier, traffic officer, and M. L. Pettelle, patrolman, were ousted from the Hoquiam police department yes terday.: following uncovering .of "Infor mation regarding an alleged illegal booze seizure on the Japanese steam ship Clyde Maru ia Aberdeen last Sat nzjday night. " Donald Cooke, of the Aberdeen police department, and John Damitlo, a taxi driver, have been ar- The town marshal rested in connection with the case. Fournier ia satd to have departed and! of whisky are said to have been illegal haa not been arretted.' Thirteen caaea I ly taken from Hid shin, i " r " " You may be born lucky BUT You are not so lucky that you can' afford. to do without injurancei .The risks are too numerous and the stakes too ?high,H Shift .ithe riskt on us where frjendiy claim service is a part of the insurance, "policies, f -"r'iii, r WE WRITE, FirW Insarance . t liability Insurance J ' f " j .1 Auto Insurance '. Compensatioa Inarancc , Accident & Health Insurance Burglary Insurance - f .' Plate Class Insurance 4 t:s;',.t FideUty and Surety Bonds WM. H. WITT & CO., Inc., Agents : - " - Northwestern Baafc;Bldg. Phone Main 4241 ? :- , .WE ADJUST ALL LOSSES. The Portland Cds"6 CoJe Co. tak$s pleasure in announcmg'its Annual Sale of .Radiajitfires. One ? rpeek commencing tomorrow. ; ; y, -Vnitillp;'iibosl.iJe space healer s!-.1 Prices Tire higher: and advancing at ; lhesfa&, tory, but ours mill not be advanced while 'present - stock lasf$ ' ' - y ' Vi?. ' " ocreasaiiig me z urn ver 01 capital .invested property BUILDING activities now under way in Portland total millions of dollars. For the first six months of 19221 permits amounted to more than $11,000,000. i Idle prdperty, like unsold merchan dise on dends. store shelves, eats into divi Profits lie in turnovers, not in leftovers. i Property owners are also learning that the problem of turnover of keeping capital busy is all-important. Therefore, we see dormant prop erty bejing developed dnd put into condition where it attracts buyers. As you constantly plan to meet ever changing conditions in your business, perhaps we can help you. We have been making constructive analyses of business statements for three gen erations. We wantou to feel free to consult with the Officers of the First National at any time. Be . they large or small, we are inter ested in the affairs of our customers. We want you to avail yourself of all the facilities of the oldest and largest national bank in the Pacific' North west. If you are not a patron of the First National, we invite your account. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF POimNil QREGPt; THE FIRST NCnaterBANK WEST OF THE .ROOC FOUNTAINS 1 ? w H t It 8 B B-. i. 1 n iff 6 v. J