The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 10, 1922, Page 1, Image 1

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    .i -'.
Fertlaaa and s Vlelaltyi Sssday fair
and waxier. Xertherty wise . .. v"
, Washlngtea and Oregon Sendey fair -aa.4
warmer. Moderate, northerly winds
' - :
The spirtt af tit Bosm-T la StrTk
. inarly portray toy JBow-ars FlaaesV
j carnal staff artist Jb tbm treat sorer
of Tke SnndAT Jeanul aagmtliif to be
p abashed next Saadaj.
YOL. XIX. NO. 25.
U. S. Policy
tn Rejecting Ideals
ind Main Objectives
Of League
Stands Forth as Real
Untimely, Conspicuous
-By Carl Smith-
j Journal Staff Correspondent.
Washington. Sept. 9. ( WASHING
The meeting of the third assembly of
the League of Nations at Geneva Is
again bringing: to Attention the awk
ward position of the United States in
Its effort to hold aloof- from world
affairs when the stability and well-being
of all nations is the topic for dis
cusslon, although Ambassador George
Harvey is occasionally sent as an ob
server at meetings of the allied lead
ers, and R. W. Boyden sits around and
even speaks when the reparations com
mission talks over economic recon
struction. - For ' a long .time Secretary Hughes
left communications from the league
unanswered. Finally communication
was established through a neutral
country which brought some of the
questions needing answer to the offi
cial attention of Mr. Hughes. From
this lefthand method, the secretary
has now progressed to writing a letter
direct to the league.
Exited states aid asked
" :" This letter was . one requesting the
participation of the United States in a
conference for discussion of the sub
ject of prohibiting the private manu
facture of guns and munitions of war.
Explaining that th;s country has an in
terest In the subject, he sidesteps be
cause it is proposed by the league. But
the league, unsqu-lciied. is goine ahead
and performing its work, 'hampered of
course by the attitude of the Ameri
can government, but steadily con
' founding its critic--.
This may be illustrated by a few
.questions and answers:
H a a the league "aused any wars? No.
Has it settled any disputes which
might have led to war? Yes, several,
the Aland islands, Silesian boundaries,
and others:
Has it acted or attempted to act as a
super-state? No. -
Has it Interfered '.v,th the sovereignty
or Independence of any nation, or- tried
to ' do so? No.
Has it done anything practical? Yes,
- many things. It da established the in
ternational court of justice, it is work-
o ing-oflj a plan of general disarmament,
it is establishing better methods of
-disease control, it. is building up bar
riers against narcotics and poisonous
drugs, it Is assisting Ins economic . re
habilitation of exhausted countries, it
, is extending the agreements against
- ireff te.ii, s&fliea - u. children, it has
collected a great ' amount of valuable
data on an international basis on these
nnc other problems with which it will
The league is ' Mead" only for the
-United States, and this country' ap
pears now to have learned that it ex
ists, since a note has been written to
It. Five or six other nations are still
.Outside, including Mexico, which has
n'ot been Invited to join ; Hungary and
Germany, which knock for admission;
and Russia, which, unrecognised by
-other nations, has nevertheless as
sisted in some of the matters requested
- by the league.
Meanwhile the league has, had fb
build its organization from the ground
tip. and it has had a lltie more (ban
two years In -which to do this and to
begin its work on the greatest prob
lems that the world has to offer. The
work is largely preliminary, of course.
for such a task can be little more than
scanned in two years. Friends of the
league say that 10 years is not too long
a time to allow ior testing-time and
adjustment. It took about that long
for the United Staies to grope its way
to security and assuredness after the
constitution was adopted, (bough the
process of amendment Is progressive
and never-ending. .
Observers are pointing out that the
assembly of the' league is gradually
taking a larger, influence than it
had in the early conceptions, when
the council of nini eight without the
United States was assumed to be all
Important. The assembly, in which all
. member nations re represented, is
unquestionably ga'ning in authority.
Group of Electors at Saturday
Night Meeting Indorse
Marsfifield Senator.
- Charles Hall of Marshfield was for
mally named as an independent can-
dldate for aovernor at a meeting held
: Saturday night at Pythian liall. One
hundred and sixty qualified electors
-were present! W. S. Ebert of Forest
' Grove was in the chair. .ndM J.
- George, the Republican county chair
man of Washington county, was sec
retary. A platform was adopted which
Indorsed the ecompulaory public school
education 1:!1.
Thus t he rumors that have been
current si me Hall threw up the, guber
natorial rn-ount contest that he ulti
mately would be found in the race as
an. independent, are erystaliii into
His independent candidacy makes
imminent a new brawl in the guberna
torial situation, in view of the statute
denylns to the defeated candidate in
the party primaries the right of run
ning Independently for the same of
fice at the evuing general election.
Although, the constitutionality of this
law is questioned. It has never been
tested In the courts. Thus more liti
gation may follow, before Hall finds
a place on tle November ballot.
Hall was not present at the meeting
His acceptance of the nomination is
expected, la view- of the public state
ment he made when the recount con
test blew up. In. which he stressed the
fact that h . 'would not dodge the
duties -of .eandidateshtp should they
b thrust upon Tiim. v - .
First Lady's Temperature Is
102.2, Respiration 36 and
Pulse 112; Pain Diminished.
Yet Report Ends by Saying Con
dition Still Grave; Dr. Mayo
to Arrive at 9 A. M. Sunday.
Washington, Sept. 10 Sunday). U.
P.) As the zero hour, when human
vitality is normally at its- ebb, ap
proached early this morning. Mrs.
Harding was apparently holding her
own in her desperate battle for life.
Though still dangerously ill and at
times unconscious from the opiates, ad
ministered to relieve her, those in. "con
stant attendance at her oWlside be
lieve that she was showing faint signs
of improvement.
Visitors to the White House late
last night, notably Secretary of War
Weeks, Albert Lasker. chairman of the
shipping board, and Mrs. Edward Mc
Lean, were visibly encouraged after
conversations with the president over
her general condition.
Whether or not a surgical operation
will be resorted to will, be decided at
a conference of all the . consulting
Dhvsieians and . surgeons in attend-
! MTf on Xfra WaivMn- m-riffcjn take
place at the White House early today
on the arrival of Lr. Charles B. Mayo
of Rochester, Minn , who is speeding
on bis; way and who is' due here at 10
o'clock this morning.
By Xawreare Hart In ,r
Washington, Sept. 9. TJ. P.) A
somewhat more.- encouraging , buUetin
on the condition of MVs. Harding, wife
of the president, was issued at 1:30
p. m. tonight by.Dr.-C- K- Sawyer, the
presidential physician: - -" - i --
Ttie patient's . condition, ' however,
continued critical, it stated. - -,
The bulletin, tne first issued since
9 a. ra. today, follows :
"Mrs. Harding's condition at 7 :80
p. m. : Temperature 102. J ; respira
tion, 38; pulse, 113. Excretion by kid
neys somewhat increased. Laboratory
findings indicate less auto-intoxica-tlon.
.. . .--. rL;
".Fain in abdomen has dimirrished".
Patient has been able, to take and
retain some nourishment. Condition
still critical. ;
"Dr. George T. Harding Jr Presi
dent Harding's brother, , joined the
medical council this morning. Dr.
Onarles Mayo, who has been called
to confi-r on surgical aspects of the i will arrive in Washington at 9
a. m. Sunday.
"Signed) SAWYER."
As the night wore on and the "dan
gerous hours" of the early morning
approached, encouraging reports con
tinued to come from the sick room.
Shortly before midnight. Secretary
Christian, in talking to newspaper
men, said that he was considerably en
couraged because Mrs. Harding
"seemed to be holding her own." and
was better tonight than this time last
Senator Harry New of Indiana, a
close personal friend of the Hardings.
; called tonight at the White House.
; fter leaving the WJilte House, New
said there hud beeiv only a slight
change in Mrs. Harding's condition
since the bulletin at 8:30, butwhat
change there had- been was for the
The high temperature indicated by
the bulletin confirmed the fact made
known through callers during the day
that Mrs. Harding's fever was giving
j her physicians coftcem.
j . White House officials were kept busy
during the night denying reports ema-
nating from various sources that Mrs.
Harding s death had occurred. These
rumors began coming in early in the
At 9 :15" p. m. one such report was
(Concluded on Vtee Thirteen, Column Two)
Passenger Agents
Will .Be' Guests in
Portland for a Day
V Elaborate entertainment plans have
been formulated for the reception of
"between 300 and 400 traveling passen
ger agents of railroads in the United
I States and Canada, who -will visit
here September 21. en route borne from
their annual convention held this year
In the Canadian Rockies. These, men
are making a tour of the country to
hich they send a great number of
tourists annually.
The party will arrive early in the
morning an a special train and after a
brief" reception here will be placed in
automobiles supplied by the business
men of the city for a tour of the Co
lumbia , River highway. At noon the
visitors will be given lunch at the
Lancaster highway camp as guests of
the, State Chamber of Commerce.' Mem
lers ot the. Hood: River Commercial
club will meet the visitors at the Gorge
camp and escort them for a tour
thrugb the Hood River valley atid m
the evening they will be served with
dinner at the Columbia Gorge hotel
as guests of the Portland Chamber of
Commerce, .The- party wlU leave. for
the east from Hood River that even
ing. .
Keeps His
Tryst With
Dead Wife
S. A. Scott Shoots Himself on
Grave of Mate Who Died
Last May.
"Stay for. me there ; I shall not fail
To meet thee in the hollow vale."
What haunting grief has been assail
ing the heart of Sidney A- Scott of No.
209 East. 53d street north for months
was dramatically revealed last night
when his body was found toppled upon
the grave of Nellie May Scott, his wife,
who died on May 6. When William T.
Barker of No. 40 East 12th street north
passed through Rose City Park ceme
tery about 8 :45 o'clock he came upon
the body huddled across the mound.
Beside It lay a rifle. A bullet wound
In the chest, near the heart, told the
remainder of the story.
Scott had been engageB in the con
tracting business for years and was
well known in the building trade.
Although his friends and associates
knew he was grievously stricken by
the dath of his wife, few realized that
this grief had such a hold upon him.
That he had performed some rite ' of
devotion to his dead wife prior to the
shot was indicated by the fact that
three vases of freshly-cut flowers were
standing on the grave. He had folded
his raincoat and laid it near the head
of. the grave as if to pillow his hefad
.upon it. Then, apparently, he had
knelt by the grave, and so placed him
self that when he had pulled the trigger
he would fall back upon the coat. In
this, however, he had miscalculated,
for he toppled forward instead of to
the side. The rifle was found parallel
to the grave.
Cemetery officiate said they had not
heard the shot. Grave-diggers had
been working at their, grim trade only
a few 'yards away and had finished
their task about 5 o'clock. - It must
have been after that1 hour . that Scott
had slipped in to carry out his Intent
of Joining his 'wife in death, but the
body had grown cold as If the end had
come hours before.
-r. Scott' sMtAmsbUewaa found In the
roadway nearby. :
Whatever Scott's private grief might
have been, was -not revealed In a matter-of-fact
note found by the coroner
In a pocket when search was made in
ihe somber, graveyard by the light of
the full moon Which lent a sort of tra
gic mystery to the scene,
:-. Thai note readV;-iPeaf' sir: Please no
tify Albert Scott, 487 or 524 Rose
lawn avenue, phone 'Walnut .2168 or
8287 and deliver to hint this key. S.
A postscript read : "and let him take
rare of this car until my son-in-law
and daughter arrive."
Another writing said : "Alert I have
written you a letter and left it op the
(Conrludrd OS Pace Ten, Column One)
News. Index
Section 2. Pace 2.
Poller of League Handicap Section 1. Page 1.
Mrs. Harding'a Condition Critical Section 1,
Pace 1.
30 Lines to Settle Strike Section 1. Pace 1.
Pacific Northwest
Vernonia Celebrates Section 1, Paze 1.
Republicans Meet at Eugene Section 1.
Page 1. '
State Ka'r Plans Procrea Section 1. Pace 11.
McKenney Heads Oregon Elks Section 1.
Pane 13.
State llethodi'ts Exceed 23,000 Section 1,
Page 13. '
Mrs. Blower Held to Grand Jury Section 1.
Paee 14. " j
General ConTenbon New Section 1, Paces
Missing Votes Are Found Section 1, Pace 14.
Suieiies on Wife' Graje Section 1. Pace. 1.
Iteed College Opens Tomorrow Section 1,
Page 1.
journal's Round Cp Special Section 1.
Page 2.'
Business News
Real Estate Section 3. Page 1.
BcUdinc New. Section 3. Page 1.
&i&rket Section 1, Pace 15.
Finance Section 1, Pace 14.
Marine Section 3. Pace 2. t
Radio News
Sunday Radio Department Section , Pace 2.
Hatnnsorhoed News
Section 1. Page 18.
Section 5. Page 1-S.
Section 6, Pac 1-8.
Section 7, Pages 1-4.
On the Finer aide
The Week in Society Section 4, Pace 1-4.
Women's Club Affairs Section 4, Pace 5. ,
American Veterans Section 2, Page 8.
The Kealm or Made Section 4, Paces 8-8
Fraternal Section 2, Pace 8. f i
How to Care for Babjr Section 4. Pace .
Ir. Portalnd Schools Section 4, Pace 8.
General Contention in Picture Section 8,
Pace j. jt
0r the Hills to Vernonia, (Pictorial) Sec
tion 8. Pace 1.
Bin Laiuners tetter Section 2. Page 5.
Town Hall Gossip Section 2, Page 8.
Theatrical Scrap Bock Section. 6, .race 1.
A Blue Streak Section p. Page 1
Gotham's Shows Ate Poo Sectsosi S. Pas 1.
The . Peeee." s fey , Bay Stannard Baker
. . Seetiosi 3. Pas 4- ?
Chxstun Scieaee lerore-Scti 1, Pas 4.
National Capital Seetwa 2. Pas 4. ' -
Letters Front the PopJe Section 2. Pace 4
:- il Waiartne - ''
' ' Section 8, Paces 1-8.
" i. j . Com lea . t
Section 9, Pacee 1-4. .
New Chapter Seen in State In
dustry as First Train Goes
Into Nehalem Valley Town.
265 Portlanders Attend Jubilee;
$3,500,000 Railroad Line
Taps Region Virgin Resources
- Oregon's development, history had
another and a vital chapter- added Sat
urday when the first steam passenger
train to go over the new Portland, As
toria (k. Pacific railway - carried 265
Portland excursionists into Vernonia
and the upper Nehalem valley.
It was a gala day lor the blossom
ing lumber center of
district. The arrival
the peninsula
of passenger
trains bringing visitors from the out-
side world meant the injection
life which was needed to give
to the embryo city.
of the
r Around the skirts of wide-fluhg and
prosperous valleys, past no
towns of newly hewn wood, over high-
flung trestles and through lanes - of
forest giants, the train crept oyer tile
new rail, lines. - is
The 'rails, unpolished by traffic,
screamed their protest to the new bur.
den which they had to bear, and the
forest '"giants frowned down and
echoed the refrain, but remained aloof
and uncomplaining in the face jf their
The trip-was one which conveyed
new meaning to the Portland busl-J
aesn men was m&ae tne journey, xne
sight of virgin timber, of un trammeled
wilds and limitless potentialities
ed a new pride In the resources of
the state and stirred up greater con
fidence in their hearts that the
of Oregon held great promise
Among .the visitors were many bent
upon missions of Investigation a rid -possible
investment, for Vernonia and Its
future growth promised to them the
prospect of flourishing business.
But the majority of the visitors were
intent only upon-' seeing th6 nlew
gion. which has been opened
by a
$3,500,000 railroad line, and
Jto ex-
change felicitations and promises of
cooperation In the future development
work, which is promised for that- sec
tion. They gathered In the city park at
Vernonia. a place of "50 inhabitants,
to hear the progressive leaders of the
community tell of their plans :'or the
The Central Coal & Coke company
has decided upon Vernonia ps the
sight for permanent milling operations
while inroads are being made upon a
(Continued on Paee Fourteen, Column Three!
Progress Keported
In Effort to Get
lo ijuriea Miners
At Argonaut Mine, Jackson
Sept 9. (U. P.) Jackson
hope and fear tonight as it
closed its
thirteenth day of waiting for
the re-
lease dead or alive og the 47
imprisoned in the Argonaut
Reports tonight indicated
was gress than on any day ; this
made by the two crews digging
on dif-
ferent -levels, attempting to
driye tun-
nels into the Argonaut.
Offers oPa bonus of $5000 to
of the two crews to break through
rock wall int the shaft where
ie men
ire imprisoned, turned the work
s into
a race.
By H endrik Van Loon
An illustrated chapter
a day on American his
tory in The Journal
An miormins and en
tertaining feature.
, See detailed announce
ment on Page 15 of Sec-j
tion One , today.
President Jewell Will Ask Policy
Committee of the Unions to
Make Separate Agreements.
Arguments on Daugherty Injunc
tions to Proceed Uninterrupt
ed m Federal Court Monday.
By W. 8. Serlbner
TJniTersal Senic Staff -Correspondent
Chicago, Sept. . 9. Approximately 30
big railroad systems of the country
have definitely accepted the terns of
settlement of the . shopmen's strike.
Between 25 and 30 ether roads have
the matter under advisement, accord
ing to best information tonight.
Railroad executives and union of
ficials were expected to continue in
formal conferences for the next 10
As the situation stood tonight, B.
M. Jewell, president of the rail em
ployes' department of the American
Federation of Labor, will ask on Mon
day the policy committee of hut or
ganization' to give him authority to
make separate agreements with the
roads. He expects to get it.
Between 20 and 30 railroads win
sign up, it is said, and negotiations
will be continued with other systems.
These negotiations, it was said, may
be ' continued indefinitely. But the
strike will fee over;
The motion to make permanent At
torney Genera Daugherty's injunction
against the strikers promised tonight
to -overshadow the peace movement.
The matter will come before Federal
Judge Wilkerson..' Monday. -,,
An army of government attorneys
and attorney, representing tbx Ameri
can Federation of Labor and other or
ganisations had gathered "here tonight.
They were examining evidence to be
submitted to the court.
. T!ieoejrnment is expected to urge
that the "injunction be made perma
nent, ' but will permit certain modifi
cations to bring it-trader the provisions
of the Clayton act. which protects
labor organisations from - court inter
ference in specific matters.
The necessity for-, the Injunction is
expected to be presented at great
length. It may'equire several days
(Concluded on P&fe Seven, Column Fire) i
Party Leaders at Eugene Ses
sion Decide to Frame Plat- f
form Tuesday, Sept 26.
Eugene,-Sept. 9. Republicans of Ore
gon will have a Dlatform; this year to
pull votes for the fiock of candidates
that will be up for election this fall, if
plans laid at the Western Oregon Re
publican rally her do not miscarry. A
resolution was passed that called for a
meeting in Portland, at a place to be
named; on Tuesday, September 26, of
all the Republican candidates, present
Republican office-holders. Republican
county central committeemen, defeated
primary candidates and others high in
the party.
At . this meeting, it is, expected, a
platform will be adopted. A committee
will meet in the Imperial hotel the pre
vious Sunday to draft a ' prospective
declaration of principles. This com
mittee is to be composed mainly of defeated-
candidates for ' governor and
central committeemen. It was picked,
apparently, with an eye toward get
ting representatives of all factions in
order that an agreeable - platform
would be drawn up.
- It is planned that Republican candi
dates for state and county offices this
faU stand or fall by the principlles
decided on.
Those "entrusted with the delicate
task of drafting a platform are Bruce
Dennis, chairman of the committee ;
L L. Patterson. L. E. Bean, George A.
White and J. D. Lee, gubernatorial
candidates defeated In the primaries;
R. EL Farrell. B. L. Eddy. Ed Cusick
and Gus C. Moser, candidates for presi
dent pf state senate : K. K. Kublu Tom
Kay, Denton Burdick and Herbert
Gordon, candidates for speaker of the
house; I. N. Day, Lair W. Thompson,
A. J. Johnson, George Neuner Jr., T.
: U Concluded on Pace Four, Column Two)
Five Hundred Acres
Of Grain Destroyed
Klamath Falls. Sept. IV-More than
50O acres of standing grain . had been
destroyed today: ' on the CJhjn Lung
ranch in ' the ' Midland district. ' near
here by . fire of undetermined ' origin,
starting yesterdays morning. All ef
forts to cheek the -Jlames -were unavailing-.
A harvester And other equip
ment was burned. ' . . w ,
, - f
Consecrated to Lepers
4.VJL cated life and means- to betterment' of lot of Japan's
1 00,000 1 outcasts. No less noteworthy ; than magnitude of
work itself is the heroism of this Englishwoman, who is appeal
ing to General Convention to back up this movement. ,
- - ? t,
, "i
A I i
t - A. ' "-r A -
I - - . : I
U - , - " . -. . I
" , ' . - ' -
v V - -
Dedicates Her Life
To Work Among Lepers
In Japanese Colony
Four thousand feet above the sea in
a lonely spot among the mountains of
Japan is the village of Kusatsu, which
ie the refuge of lepers. Five hundred
of them inhabit this unique munic
ipality and 4here they live their lives,
less wretched than many of the 100,
000 in Japan similarly afflicted be
cause they know their neighbors -are
leprous also anct they have their friends
and their work and their social life. ,
In the midst of this Tortoidding en
viron lives Miss Mary Hi Cornwall
Legh, an English woman who has
dedicated her life and her small means
to lighten this disease burden. She is
one of the Interesting women attending
the Episcopal General-Convention in
Portland, for hers is a life of heroism
and of more than ordinary sacrifice.
; The piteous appeal of the 100,000
lepers their entreaty for spiritual
guidance, for medical care and for food
and shelter is Miss Cornwall-Legit's
message to the convention and to the
people of America. For more than six
years -she has been In 1 charge of St.
Barnabas ; Mission 'to Lepers at
Kusatsu. - . -t '
. Miss CornwaH-Legh is a woman of
rare culture and "refinement. Before
she took up this particular work she
was a missionary and for a time was
associated with IMra . Frederick . A.
Kiehle, then "missionary in J a pan
and during, her stay .in Portland she is
a guest, in the home of Dr. and Mrs.
Kiehle at their home In Cumberland
i- "Ours Is an entire leper village." said
Kiss Cornwall-Legh. "and that is the
thing the people iike about it. They
dislike more than anything to be looked
upon as different and there they are
not. as they are all known to be af
flicted. u Some ot them cultivate the
ground "around the village and others
run the stores and shops. The village
comprises about 600 souls and of these
half are Christianized. Their cheerful
ness and desire to help others la the
greatest ' possible testimony of the
miraculous triumph of faith over suf
:i "1 first went to Kusatu as a spir
itual worker," but the work soon de
veloped along social lines.: It is nec
essary to have an interest in and
make some effort to heal the body
before the spiritual : contact can .be
made, and the way the people respond
is a constant joy. We have now two
homes for men. St- Stephens and St.
Philips ; SC Marys for women, and
St. Luizia - for couples.; , The medical i
needs - are met - through-- a large dis
pensary in which the chief doctor nd '
; 3
: '
: I Ml I. ,.lMl.l".W'.WSIMSLjsJ
x 7
; '
' e
the chief -nurse are women. A few of
the lepers are able : to pay tor their
treatment, some of the Japanese of
means contribute, , the iihurc : helps
tis. and by rigid economy we have
come to be almost self-supporting.
"Our work, however, is a mere'Jbe-
ginning, and great sums of money are
needed to establish villages through
out the country where separate homes
for men a.ndl women will . be main
tained. It-Is bnljr by the. segregation
of the sexes that the problem can be
solved. . Otherwise the government
asylums, of which there are five, being
highly inadequate . and Immoral, the
disease spreads at an alarming rate.
When a member of a family is found
to be afflicted with the disease, he
is either made a prisoner in his own
home or turned: out. frequently pen
niless, to shift for himself. - The tales
of some who ' have , thus been cast
adrift, who have finally come to us,
would melt the hardest heart. Hun
dreds of -them go to a suicide's grave
annually. - . . ' -
"Our village la particularly fortu
nate In its location, as it is near the
wonderful Jiot springs, whose , waters
are so strong of sulphur, arsenic and
other drugs that It has proved an ab-
( Continued on Pace JToorteen. Column Four)
Benefitlsto Be ;
Given for Widows
Of Slain Agents
For the Joint benefit of Mrs. Glenn
Frice and Mrs, Grover Todd, widows
of the two federal prohibition officers
murdered" a week ago at Grand Ronde,
Mr. and Mrs. William Morton Rasmus
of Los Angeles will give a reading of
"Ben Hur at the First Baptist church
next Wednesday evening at S o'clock.
The entertainment Is sponsored by Dr.
J. A. Linville, federal prohibition di
rector. : -.:',-.?- ' P ... t-A--f
Mr, and Mrs. Rasmus have been giv
ing Biblical readings in many of the
churches of Oregon and have already
entertained at the First Methodist
chureh; ., Their . performance at the
First Bajptist is a voluntary offering,
and at it a voluntary collection will be
taken .for the two widows. -- Xs&,r--
Arrangements are also being made
for a musical program which will be
announced later. -
- Ministers are being: xequested by Dr.
Linville -to announce the event from
their. pulpits today. ,.-.-- :
Various Matters , of Vital Mo
ment to Episcopal Church In
troduced at Saturday Session
Bishop Paddo6k's Resignation,
Drastic Stand on Divorce and
Women as Readers Discussed
7:80 am.-rGlrl'e Friendly ocl
ety corporate communion. St.
Davids Church. ; l ,
11 a. m. Bishops to occupy ma
jority of Episcopal pulpits. '
8 p. m. Muslo practice at The
Auditorium. 1 .' ' ' . '
3 p. m. Department of religious
education mass meeting. Presenta
tion of Birthday Thank Offering of
Church School Service league. The
Auditorium.' I' ' ;
8 p. m. Nationwide campaign
department ; mass i meeting, The
Auditorium. - I -
9 a. m.- Daughters of the King,
business session. , Labor Temple. '
9 a. m. Church School Service
League classes. Labor Temple. '
930 A.f. m. Woman's' Auxiliary
study classes. ; Central library. ;
10 s. jn- MeeUng," House of
Bishops, The Auditorium,
10 a. m. MeeUng. House of Dep
" titles. , Th "Auditorium. 1
V-ji. tn to 1 p. m. Joint session
'House -of ; Bishops and House of
Deputies. ;j The.- Auditorium.
. 1. p jn.4-Daughtere of the King,
Election of Council. Labor Temple.
1:30 p. i m Church League for.
Industrial Democracy. . Forum. La
bor Temples- - v"?"' ' '
1 p. m.-Woman's Auxiliary busi
ness session. - The, Auditorium. '
2 :30 p. m. Separate meetings of
the House of Bishops and House of
Deputies. The Auditorium.
4 p. m. Church School Service
League tea. Labor . Temple. -
4 p. m. -Conference department
of religious " education. Labor
-Temple.' :
5 p. m.--Conference of all bishops
and deputies having diocesan hos
pitals. The Auditorium. '
6 p. m. Church college dinner.
Portland hotel. - . - ,
8 P- m. Department of public
ity mass meeting. The 'Auditorium.
- 8, p. ra. Giels Friendly society
mass meeting." Unitarian church.
.S p. m. Mass meeting in the in
terest of Old-Catholic and Eastern
Orthodox, churches. St. Davids
church. - -
Prellmlnariee are over.. The Epis
copal General Convention has eettled
down to the task of details. , ": .-
In two short hours Saturday the two
houses ' of the -convention considered
more new matters of vital Importance
to the church than were introduced on
the three preceding days. Delibera
tions; varied from the unanimous vote
in favor of a resolution extending sym
pathy to President Harding because
of his wife's Illness, to animated scenes
in which proposed changes In the
prayer book and constitution were
hotly and fiercely debated. '
Everybody in both hoeses seemed
to be glad when .the adjournment
gavel fell shortly after rnoon. Hun
dreds took advantage of the afternoon
to the Columbia river highway
and other scenic spots about the city.
Of outstanding interest locally among
the matters considered Saturday was
the proposal in the House f Bishops
to accept the resignation f the itt.
Rev Robert L. Paddock, bishop of
Eastern Oregon; and in the House ef
Deputies the ' proposals, to admit
women as delegates to the General
Convention and to admit women as lay
readers in the church. , Other Imnnrt.r
Jtems heard were the recommendation
commission on healing that the
church .pay more attention to divine
healing, .the resolution forbidding di
vorced members to remarry , as long
as their first companion, lives, agree
ment to reconsider the motion to
grant suffragan bishops the right of
franchise, suggestion that Haiti be
made a missionary' diocese, and, con
sideration in executive session of the
troubles which the Rt. , Rev. Charles
M., Beckwith, bishop of Alabama, has
been having In his diocese over the
trial of a rector for allowing a Jewish
rabbi to speak before his congregation.
No definite "action was taken on any '
of these matters, the majority of them
being referred to . the various com
mittees. " :.,::,-u'-;f'-;..v. -;,...
The only completed action of the day
of great Interest ! was the concurrence
by the bishops with the house of dep
uties In the : new prayer to be said
regularly for the president of the
United States. The new prayer, how- '
ever, does not supplant the old one.
The rector -will have . the s option of
either prayers hereafter, whenever
prayer is offered for . the president.
The bishops defeated a motion to add
to morning prayer , the, versieles and
responses which come after the- creed
hj evenings prayer. i
The Right Rev. Herman Page, D, D
bishop of Spokane., brought in the re
port of. the special committee appoint
ed to consider the resignation of
Bishop Paddock. The committee ree-
l Conclude em Pace bMx, cotaaaa Use