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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 9, 1922)
SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1922 THE OREGON DAILY i JOURNAL, PORTLAND, OREGOK. 15 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 800 pfaloot &vCaseyV Inc. fffoe'Used Car Corner i 'I i East Ankeny and 'Grand Ave. - ! EAST 8118. CipeD Evenings. Till 8:30 Sunday 9 to . AST TERMS. CASS TRADED. TOURINGS 918 Ford touring, new tires and rn aood condition 1143 920 Fort! touring; thU car extra, good, starter . . 365 22 5 195 9 JS Fiord touring, 318 Ford touring 919 Ford touring good throughout. one-man top, new paint. 922 Ford touring. natural wood wheels and extra -. . .' e 920 Ford touring, starter ? 250 435 3 25 ROADSTERS 922 Ford roadster, starter. dsm. rims, excellent condition ?n 921 Ford roadster, extra good 3t0 FORD TKL'l M 920 truck chassis, solid tire - 4 9ZO truck, wiu good Dooy ana cu. solid tires 5 920 (late) truck, pneumatic tires . . . o0 FORD SEDANS 920 Ford sedan, lots of extras $550 922"Ford sedan, a wonderful Talue. . . 575 921 Ford- sedan, new paint 55(1 FORD BUGS of them, some with new bodies, some with new paint. Priced $105, $225, $293. $275-slid. $325 FORD DELIVERIES of tbem. some panels, some express, some with and some without start era $155 to $400 FORD COUPES 921 Ford coupe. 3 wire wheels good tires, lots of extras $525 921 Ford, coupe, excellent condition .... 450 FOKD CHAaStS We ha seven Ford chesses, some with and bm. without starters. AU piices. No difference what kind of a Fort cr you re planning to buy, you are being unfair with jut poeketbook if Jim do not see Talbot & aaey's stock before placing your order. Talbot Casey, Inc. Authorized Ford DealeTs. East Ankeny and (.rand Ate. East 8118. Open Evenings Till 8 :30 Sundays 9 to 5. Kasy Terms. ALLEN-GOi HSEL7 " The House i f MOTOR Service'' CO.. 12th and rk Mv 921 touring. dern. run.-,. I 920 touring, starter 921 roadster, dem. rims 920 roadster, deru. rims ; 920 coupe 918 coupe, overhauled 921 sedan, new paint U2I sedan. $100 extras . .' ; 918 sedan. TERM Open Sunday 9 to 1. " Many others to choose from. AIXJBN-GOODSELL MOTOR CO.. "The House of Service" 12t!i and Stark. Authorized Kord and Lincoln Dealers. 3 7.1 3 2". 30 : 4 " 4 7.-. ;-.( r.oo 5 2 5 3 25 FORD SPECIAL ntuy extrajs, first tiauis mectu Baraa:ii price. Lawson Auto L-o. 54 East Broadway. Near Union. RADIATOR SPECIALISTS MODERN EQUIPMENT, MOD ERATE PRICES and EXPERT WORKMANSHIP. K A D IATOR SERVICE CO., HAWTHORNE at. UNION. E. K498. " E. BROAD WAY at lvOSS. E. 0121. (2 biks. bridice. ) ppdgres, Dodges, Dodges ' , Bebttilt 4nd guarantee!. BRALEY, GRAHAM & CHILD, 11th su at Bumside. 120 DODGE ROADSTER I have a Dodge roadster that I will sell at bargain. Ha 5 cord urea. 2 bumpers, spot- ght, motormeter; looks and runs like a new ne. Price $550; terms. Broadway 1130. sk for Emery. , 1919 PAIGE 7-PASS. I will sell my Paige which has 0 new otd tires. 2 spotlights, bumper, motormeter nd sun shield. This car u some buy at $000. entil Hdwy. 1130. Ask for Emery. FORD BARGAINS 1S21 Ford touring in A-l condition, all lew tire. Car looks like new; terms; Sell- kood P8B6. . r ' 1920 FORD TOURING r If yon want a good car that is fully equipped. ooks and iron like n new car, and privately wned. call Tlyr 5920. 1920- JKHk;E 1(11 1UNO Just the car you want. $685. liKALEY. g'RAHAM i CHILD, ISC, 1 1th Ft, at Ilnrn-jrie. VK PUT steel teeth in your old flywneel; crankshaft turning, cyhnder grinding. H. B. ItUck's Machine Shop. 534 Alder St.. Broad- ey 2C81. ATE 1920 Ford coupe, 5 good tires; lot of extras: factory finish: lioense; motor A-l; heap if taken at once. Main 0ti23, Mr. chioler. FORD TOURING Late 1921- with lota of extras and new a. CalL Looks and runs good. Bruad- vay 24X8 'OR SALE Win ton, Lexington, Overland. Michigan, touring, 1 classy roadster, almost ven away. Auto 1 ainlJig Co., I4tn and ouch. 1922 CHEVROLET ouring : used 1 month as demonstrator. Will U at discount tb reliable person wanting new ar, Term. Last 5568. UPERIOR model Chevrolet touring, the latest mie!. used only a few weeks; Ifko ew; car O. K.. hut am forced to se-u; easy erms. vaioor 5935. SIS CHEV ROLET tounng. This car has j been privately owned and ia m very good i ondition: $20O; terms to responsible party. I abor 7781. " 921 ln)fH;K -Uninng. so vory gixjl sliaj-: good rubber. w i sacrifce. Call owner, ! ellwood 3867. 921 OLDSMOBILE 4. in iierfeot repair and I appearance. $800; will Bell on terms. Wal- ! Itui 2461.. I iARTLETT pears, any amount. 50c per box and up. n ring poxes, at Sierra ista. on he Base Line" road. 919 DOItMJE toj.ritl. $475; guaranteed. kk a I.KahAM as UMIUIJ, LC, 11th st- at Bumside. Auto Tops.?n?b1."PUerJ Salmon sLj between oth and Broadway. 921 FORD COUPE, will sacrifiee for quick j sale; terms to responsible party. Seilwood j 918 BABY GRAND CHEVROLET, excellent, condition. very reasonable. wnwipies us- , see. 989 'Rodney ave. i 1921 ESSEX Owner leaving city must sell. LITTLEPAGE, 200 SECOND. 11919 NASH touring, owned by original pur chaser; many extras; $200 down,, ba incs terms. Ea-t 3732. HERE IS" f REAL BUY Maxwell touring car; will sacrifice for $123; asy terms. Call VVainut 6019. IFINE new 5-passenger auto to trade. Will take piano or real estate ia part payment; l-r what have yoo! 101 10th street. i VET TEAR 'EM UP ana ssu tne pieces. Port iao4 Auto Wrecking Co.. 5S1 JUder. Bear flTth. Broadway 5254. Mail orders filled. JVERLAND 1921 in good condition. $300, . or wiu take uiamona as part payment. K-2, oumal. 11922 Ford coupe, lots of ex-aa; must seiL A snap. Main law. E914 CADILLAC touring. See this one and ' wet will trade. 240 Grand ave. ) 1S20 FORD touring, just overhauled, A-l condition. Sell. 1178. . D820 CHEVROLET touring, all overhauled and looas like new ; gooa ures. Malnnt 2387. 1920 FORD tounng. starter and extras; sac- niice; 3SO gto rand ave. WHEN buying a used .car get a Buick. See mine: tuarantred. Buwy. 2324. 1920 4 90 Chevrolet roadster. $250. Wal- Hut 3201. LIGHT 6 Studebaker, i perfect condition. Bdwy. 2324. 1922 FORD 1 ton truck, cab and Dlatfbrm like new; $425; terms. Ant 638-46. iFoRD toupe, 1822. ued 2 weeks, fike new; -n, wi . mvoujiL. ryqwy. 917 Buick fi roadster, uaed private; sacritice- .'W 43 i 6. iSt of AUTOMOBILES IFOR SALE SCO . . 1 SATISFACTION IS WHAT MOST FEOPLB DESIRE, THAT 13 WHY We completely renew, overhaul or re build Hudson and I-sex ante mobiles. Th? sr. in the best of mechanics t condition. They are $feo warranted the same as factories warrant new cars. Ia addition we give 30 days free mechanical service. I f Other makes of goo4 automobiles thor oughly overhauled, purl in first-class cob ditioa and sold with ia ten days' free trial, subject to being ' returned nd full credit given oil any ojtber car of equal price that customer may select. i This gives ample tujns for every pur chaser to try out the jtar he buys; C",vea him tiice to hare It Suspected, and we want only satisfied cusraeis. 1919 1820 (Model O series) Hud son super six, Weati nghoose air springs - . .j $1273 19 20 Hudson speedster with West lu ;Luuse air springs 1915 6-4 Hudson, . 1917 Hudson j 1275 375 C75 850 485 800 650 550 753 775 475 600 192-1 Essex . .t. . . . 1918 Liberty 1021 Olds four 1918 Stephens Cole 8 1918 Chandler coupe L920 Chandler 1919 Chalmers Maxwell truck Largest Used Car Brahch Store in this city at 4 0-4rji Broadway. Braifeh Store Open Sunday and i. Tellings. Phone at Branch Store. Broadway t739. C. I BOS3 AUTOMOBILE CO. Big Used fear Sale , HO Dayd Only Prices Cut to the Bone i ; 30 nscU rars almnsjt a.11 8iandrd makes -tt;U be diio4?dl v at th$ ga.i. I If you are thinki-is (-fjefiting a car it will uay you to look o. r mr a.-H.rLm.eiit and get ; tlie benefit of tiie li-w prices. 0.n evenings and Judy OSdsirnolbsSe jCornjpainiy Broadway anj Couch. WHY BUY? USED CfAR V- .'f n Von Caki Buy a MIW CHEV"jfOI.KT lvri.m I'ori.and a M XV CHEVROLET DEAT Ell SMALL PAYMENT DOWN With Kalande Only $9.63 PER WEEK Inciuding Ihterest Service Afur You Bu That You Will U About. MOTOR CO. Tell Your Friei ARTHUR BRYAN East Broadway at w hetel er. East 9564. Warehoused Cars New Laglrat Sixes LESS THAN FACfTOHY LIST. These are new, highf-frrade standard manufactured cars that, must ba soW at once on aeopunt of change in diitribtitors. Formnerly Priced $1731 ' NOW $B50 USUAL "TERMS See these before pujing either a new or risi oar For demonstration Call I Broalway I 7 o 2 . 521 Washington Kt .. at 15th. 1921 IIT'PMOBII.E $950 Tliis car in perfect condition, has over $100 in extras. Will take ifi , liij'.it car." as part payment, cr will sel! on ry eaay terms. See (iretnmsn at the Willys Qverland Co. Broad way dodo. 1921 DOiDGE I have a Dodge that a good as a new cm art7! will sell at a birain. Has 5 cord ; tires, bunHHT, siotlight aid motoruieft-r. Price j $310 down; easy terms. ! Bdwy. 1130. At : tor Emery. j THIR prnbpp man i- nnon.u . v Lv i w . j J. E." DURHAM takes! the kinks out while you wait: repairs radiators and bodies: Liberty BIiwv' v tV?J ST. BDWY. 3214. dO S. life st.. near Bornside. 1921 CHEVROLET TOURING Here is a good buy 14 a lgtht car. Has new tires, spot, motormeier and bumpen- A wonderful buy at $375. Bdwy. 1130. - Ask for Emery. ! $50 $50 Reo toering. Gtod 5 -pass, eoual oav'TieTiT. balance $7 5. BRALEY. GRAHAM fe CHILD. INC., 1 1th st at Rj'rnjide. . 1920 HU1WOX fPEEDSTER This car looks liie newt Has Vestinghou-e air s.!rings; will give frej service and a war- ' rentes nn thus nr. Will sell on ..t terms, i Phone Eist 1962 MY 1921 Chandler roarfter just lfke r.ew, 6 new Kelly-Springfieia cord tires, plenty of extras: car cot me $2450; will sacrifice ! for $1000 and give trims. T. McDonald, 3 ' 1 '-rand ave. East 41114. 1922 - HUPMOBILE demons! rater hnmnor , snotlicht. extra tire. anUunatin window slide rsi., vizor, snubbers and imotometer. sokl un- d".r new car guarantee: bin less than 3500 rones, ciij unvaag. rt. wan, nqwy. uic 192 1 ESSEX TOURING CAR Thi5 cr los i IiK new. Has 5 cord tlres and will guarantee ttiLs car to be m mechanical condition.! wi'.i sell at a bar- ga and give ey terois, ''n.-riie Last 19b2. Auto Painting 'ender baking, de- vcry body, letter ing, leaf work and artistici designing; 27 years a painter. Ea.-L ll'JS. 34 v iiiiaias ave. 19 IS IXilXJK touring. good con,lition. new too. cotKt Tireas: run cnlv 19.(iOO miles. snap'for Hon. ! J. R. Maguire. 787 Oregon. East 1805. ! 1920 DODGE RjOADSTER Rebuilt, RefinWped. S35U BILVLEY, GRAHAM A CHILD, TSC, 11th st. at Bprnjiide. j FORD COUPE 1920 model with lots bf extras; car com pletely overhauled; a bui- at $475, terms. Broadway 248S. j OVERLAND! 85-4 .$1250 car for $325. BRALEY. GRAHAM CHILD. INC.. lltu ?t at Bwrrj'dde. USED TCVPS Touring, roadster, bug iiruck tops. Several to pica irom. a. a. JBoUfl & Top Works. 345 w itiiains. 1920 CHEVROLET 490 Csi" has good tires, fop and upholstery; S, fop at pact TOt-RI leaving wi crust seu 11 pace. AXlt. 525-19. DDI i-ttn st. LATE DODGE TOURING. $350 va r in iirsi class condition. BRALEY. GRAHAM i CHTIJ IXC. 11th st. at Iftirnside. ' AUTO MODER NSLEEPER Autos reconstructed to tloejwrs; our system does not weaken or disfigure the- body. B B Body ec Top Works. 845 Wiiimms. East 1198 lop 1 CHEVROLET tounng, g , good mechanical eondi-. tion. for sal or trad' 415 Er. 7th at. East 1847. WILLYS SIX. in A-l cocditioa. on Iv tail Main 4US5 or caU gar ge at 1U4S voroetr. Bl'ICK roadster light 6 wiiii 06 motor, iots of Pep and extras. Qnlrra's Auto Repair Shop, 143 Kiilingswortu. Walnut 2352.- 1920 CHANDLER. aH year sedan top, good tires. East 2227. 553 VaQcocver are, G G. Stinglan. J 1917 FORD touring: aatrifice; some terma. $150. 240 Grand avef LATE model Chevrolet, prised .for Quick de livery, iv a inn t 881 a; eyninga, Tabor S89 7. BUICK 6 cabriolet, a real bay, $434; . 240 wratiu ve-r. tw lo.niig. molar Afi, practically newt , urea, tabea; $145. tslmrjiUarage, East 792. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE S00 Willys-Overland Pacific Company BROADWAT AT DAVIS 3Used Cars30 At Bargain Prices These ears were taken 14 oa WfUyW Knights and O'erlaods: Late WiBys-Knight sedan, repainted and overhauled. 1921 Hupraobiie. like new. lot extras. 1921 Dodge sian, slightly lised. Ijite aeKes" Oreriand sedan. Late serie? 0erri(l tourine car. 1920 Ford coupe, new paint. 1919 Model 90, new paint and top and rebuilt, 1918 Mode! 90. new paint and top. 1918 Overland Country Club, new top and paint. 1918 Ford tourine ear. 191 GOOD Maxwell. 1917 Ford touring car. 1910 Velie touring car. 19!S Oierland S3 delivery. 1 9 1 H OUmobile. 1916 OTerlaad 83 roadster. A l ihape. CASH OR TERMS We hare a few others te phooee from. Visit our ed car lot. Broad way at ("ouch sts. Open Sunday and even; tigs. WILLYS OVERLAND PACDnC CO.. Bnjad'iay 3535. AL-TCMX USED CAR SELLING AT COVET MOTOR CAR COMPANY Tins is the time cf the year when it ii really necessary we cut our used car ttck to the Tery lowest. Oi:r used cars can only be sold by rca-j-c u of our making them more at tractive buy-, tljan you can obtain elsewhere. We sold 84 used cars in Aiwut. wliai doe that mean to you? 'i he public know when to buy. Alt we a:-.k i-. for qu to verify what we claim "U-tter Cars Lower Prices" "ALWAYS THE BEST CARS AT THE LOWEJST l'KICE8' COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY TWO LOCATIONS Main pldtit. 21st' at Washington PUoiie Broadway 6244 Broadway Branch, 28 30 Broadway We have cars to take you from one place to tlie other. USED CAR BARGAINS 1920 King 8 touring $1250 750 19 is oitis 8 toiirmj 1917 lion Iteouhiur truck 1922 1-Hn Ford truck; run 500 rmles 1020 2 s -ton Standard truck- flat bed, i.. w rubber, motor overiiauled; will se4i cn king liberal terms. 1920 Ford sedan 1920 Ford coui 19 20 Ford coupe 1920 Ford coupe 1 f 1 7 Lord touring .............. 19 10 Fcrd touring ............... 1 12 I Konl touring li22 Lord touring 191 S lord bug 19 17 l ord hug 11117 Maxwell bug 191H Harley-Dividson motorcycle Sr-ripps-Bocth clmmmy 1918 Maiweil tA-uring 19 IS lUiseU sedan 375 475 550 550 500 4 50 400 425 250 175 . . 275 200 375 250 275 first-class Ail overhauled and put condition. Sold for small amount down, bal ance in 10 months. Investigate our liberal contract and you will drive a car home. USED CARS SALES CO. 101 Grand Ave., comer of Taylor, lmiiiire for T. McDonald. FORDS Buy a used Ford on easy termi; Bare time Pay for it like paying car fare. 1920 Ford touring . 1920 Forrl touring 190 Ford touring .$250 . 298 . 300 .. 425 . 150 . 160 192 2 Ford touring, 1917 Ford touring 1917 Kord touring 1917 Ford touring 1922 Ford tourintf. body like new . . 175 .demonstrator, cord tire and lots of extras . . . 1919, Ford truck chassis 1919 Ford truck chassis 540 176 10'5 Trade your old Ford in on a better one and pay the balance by the month instead of repairing your okl one. ARMENTROl'T-WICKE MOTOR CO.. 82d and Foster road. Phone us. Ant. 638-4 9. Here's Your Chance Fine 1918 Chevrolet touring. Fine paint, first clasj throughout, $175, terms. Lawson Auto Co. 354 East Broadway. Near Union. M. B.FISCIi Kadiaten. fenders, bodies, roods, tanks, repaired and re modeled; auto sheet metai ork a specialty. 1U6-U7 M. 15th st. Piiorje i'roadwty a 2 . 1921 DODGE SEDAN $1050 r . ,ik and in perfect eondltloo. Will U in light car as first payment, aud Trv easy trm See reenman at the Willys Overland Co.. or caU Bdwy. 3535. 1920 FORD ROADSTER I $275 drives it away; starter and other ex tras; new top ana upnoistenng. u vt a&a. street. - TWIN TWO MOTOR INC. OVERLAND, MODEL 90 A-l mechanically, repainted, $100 down; price $200 BRALEY. GRAHAM & CHILD. INC.. 1 1 th st. at Burnside. - j MY ESSEX demonstrator, with new extra tire. inner lui-e ,", dulusuv. uuijre. Gabriel snubber. etc. $950 cash or $400 cash and terms. No trades. Mar. rill, 615 Wash ington JORDAN SPORT CAR 1921 model, wire wheels, new cord tires, the prettiest car in town: will sacrifice for H of actual value and give easy terms. East 8879. BRAND NEW SPECIAL 1921 H. C. S tour irrs car, fully equipped: must be sold at once. On uisplay at iuth and stars sts. Make me an olfer. 10th and Stark. Broad- way 104 1. STUDEBAKER SPECIAL SIX This is a late model Stadebaker and iias had the best of care; will guarantee the condition: new cord tires, only $325 down takes it- East 8S79. FORD SEDAN 1920 model, a sacrifice for $470. H atwTv -al- rJ',Are ": car m a-i condition. Call Tabor 1091. FOR SALE--1920 Buick. 7-pass.. first clasa condition, aide shields, apotlight. motometer. bumper. camp auto bed, $950 cash. East 8176. Sleep in Your Car at your car cut make a bed. Positively -will not weak ea Uta car. Hwanson. 7U8 4 William, see. CLEVELAND 1920 touring. $650; just com pletely overhauled ; H cash, balance terms. Phone Atwater 4004 day. Atwster 054 S eve nings. Private car. BUG $50 BUG $50 Chassis witii starter, balance $75. BRALEY. GRAHAM &. CHILD, INC., 11th sr. at Bnrnside. 1920 CHEVROLET. mechanically perfect; new rubber; looks and runs like new one. Will sacrifice for Quick sale, (Jail owner, Seilwood 3867. BUICK BUICK BUICK Late model. Win accept a trade. BRALEY. GRAHAM 4 CHILD. INC., 11th st. nt Burnside. 1922 4-90 CHEVROLET, nearly new; run less than 1000 miles; reason for selling owner leaving for E st. Phone Automatic 623-22. A 5-PASS. Maxwell" in good canning condi ticn S100. 22 KL 5tn N.. comer Burn side. . Phone Tabor 8147. MAXWELL roadster; looks good and runs fine, $150. $50 down, $20 per mo. Ta bor 191S. WILL TRADE Touring made into truck for light touring, vacant lot or piano. Call VVainut S53. DODGE TOURING 1920 model in A-l condition, for $595, easy terms. Call owner. Tabor 3 SI 4. 1S22 LIBERTY touring car. bought new in March of this year, hardly broken in yet, $985 takes it, easy terms. East 8879. FORD touring, late 1919 model, an excep tionally nice running car, only $75 down. East 8S79. - -.. . 181? KISEI coupe, first class mechanical - coBdftton, $23f. - Call Tabor 4520. ttR SALE rue Hotel -191 Ftird. A. J., !ylv Belle- AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 800 We have a fine selection of hirh grade used can to choose from, i No saa tter whet you" nlan ia in vesting in car we haw what you want in a good used ear. Our reputation of over 40 yean is your guarantee of satisjEmct tioo. - 1917 1918 1918 1913 J019 1919 1921 1917 1919 1920 1617 1920 1918 1820 1918 1918 191t Dort touring $1275 Grant Sedan C00 Overland touring ...... 825 Mitchell touring 500 Briscoe touring -350 Ford touring 250 Scrip ps-Booth sdan .... 1295 Chalmers touring ...... : 3 SO Mitchell touring ....... 7 50 Mitchell touring 950 Ford roadster 1S5 Buick touring 850 Liberty Six Touring ..... 493 Mitchell light six 995 Stutz club roadster .... 1295 Mitchell club roadster . . 575 Packard tourvng 975 Open Sundays and Evening ' 77 OSl Broadway and Everett Portland, Or. FORDS FOKDs FORDS FORDS FORDS FORDS TOURING CARS 1914 Ford touring . . . . ;. . $ 65 1918 Fcrd touring 225 1919 Ford touring 225 1920 Ford touring r 265 1920 Ford touring, starter :. . 285 L921 Ford touring, starter 375 1920 Ford touring, starter and dem. . . 325 ROADSTERS 1917 Fcrd roadster, new body and dero. . $2(55 1918 Ford roadster 250 1919 Fc-rd roadster, starter . 275 1920 Ford roadster, starter 340 1921 F..rd roadster, starter 350 1921 Ford roadter. starter SS5 CLOSED CARS . . 1919 Ford coupe ..$435 1920 Ford sedan 475 1920 Ford coupe, extra equipment . . 495 1921 Fcrd coupe, slightly used . 550 1621 Ford sedan, practically new ...'52 5 1920 Ford eedan 495 1921 Ford sedan . 525 COMMERCIAL CARS 1915 Ford delivery $ 9.T 1917 Fcrd delivery, panel . 250 1919 Ford dilivcry. etarter 350 1921 Ford delivery, with roadster seat aud panel body, all practically new 473 X91S Ford one ton truck chassis ..... 285 10 IS Ford one ton truck chassis . . . . 2,25 Over 50 car to choose from. Buy your used car from a reliable dealer. We give tlie same service on ued cars as we. do on new onen. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR CO.. GRAND and Hawthorne ave. East 3770. the high overhead of exnensive downtown stores when you can buy as good used automobiles at 530 Alder St., where rents are low and cars are carefully xelected and inspected before of fering for saleT FORD ROADSTER FORD BUG FORD TOURINGS BABY ORAND CHEVROLETS MAXWELLS BUICK BUG BUICKS OAKLAND OLDSMOBILE HUPMOBILE STERNS-KNKiHT HUDSON SPEEDSTER REO SPEEDWAfJON MANY OTHERS C. Q. Bleasdale: TERMS NO BROKERAGE 530 ALDER ST. BDWY. 1852 Specialists Body and fender re pairing, tope and paint ing. Auto Works 12th and Everett. Large Stock Used Cars A fine assortment to (elect from. : CASH, TERMS OR TRADE BRALEY, GRAHAM & CHILD. INC.. 11th St. at Burnside. ' , FORD BARGAIN 1921 roadsUr, many extras, Tery rood Uirousbout, priced eheap. Lawson Auto Co. 354 East Broadway. Near Union. 1922 MAXWELL TOURINO: Excellent condition. One of the mot attractive, best ninnirtg cars in Portland; 1922 licen.-e. extra tire and cover; used by- factory official. $750: terms. East 0531; BABY GRAND Chevrolet touring, late model, in first class -condition, curtains open with doors, bumpers, front and rear: must sell, easy terms; wid consider small car first pay ment. Tabor 5935. t AUTOMOBILE ACCESSORIES 801 Complete Storage Battery Outfit, Tungar Rectifier and Fifteen Service Batteries With Miscellaneous Tools, Must Be Closed Out at Once. Building Leased. Good Terms. Phone Residence East 8058 TRUCKS AND TRACTORS 802 14-TON GMO on cord tires j. $ 300 lH-ton Msxwell with cab snd windshield 250 1-ton Ford with eab and windshield . . , 250 1-ton Republic with express body and windshield 800 2 -ton Republic, late model, overhauled 1450 3 -ton Republic, late model, overhauled 2000 ROBERTS MOTOR' CAR CO.,! Park and Everett St COMET truck, in first class condition; electric lights snd starter; a bargain for cask; could arrange some terms. E, tt S. garage, 400 First st. Main 4843. DODGE SCREEN SIDE DELIVERY Rebuilt and guaranteed. $650.! RRALEY. GRAHAM it CHILD. INC., Bdwy. 3281. 11th and Barndde Sts. PACKARD, 1920 model, looks like new, must be disposed of quick. Phone Jensen, Bdwy. 0691. Evenings East 2418. ' j FOR SALE or will trade for clear lots or acreage. 1920 model 1-ton Ford trucks, A-l condition. Call East 8833 or Walnnt 4150. 1920 3 ht ' ton Republic, yours for ; $500. Phone Jensen, Bdwy. 0691. Evenings East 2418. i IK TON 1922 model dump truck, license and all complete, yours for $ 1 500. i Phone Jensen. Bdwy. 0691. Evenings East 2418. MACK 2 ton, guaranteed eame as new. 1922 license! Phone Jensen, Bdwy. 0891. Eve ning East 2418. 1820 MASTER, Just like new, drive it sway for $500. Phone Jensen. Bdwy. 0891. Evenings East 2418. , FOR SALE New 1 Vi-tcst Comet truckj. never been ased; electrically equipped; pneumatic h front; cheap. Write E. P. Fried. 43g 3d at. LATE model 2 hi ton GMC. cheap if taken at once. Phone Jensen, ttdwy. 9S91. Evi nines Kast 41. 1918 814-TON fcSMC, $1300. with job. Call Wittaer, Bdwy. a4S. j 4-TON tmc and trailer: will furnish good logging job. Call Wittner. Bdwy. 8848. , TON logging trailer, 8350. A, C.i Kou 271 Argyw st. JJr a i as TRUCKS AND TRACTORS &02 BANK 8AIJ! OF MASTER . AND KISSEL. TRUCKS One of the leading Portland banks will hare, on hand a few all sizes new end used Master and Kissel trucks, which must be said at once at prices that will surprise you. If you are in terested " ia trucks it will be to your advantage to inspect these trucks, aud note ' our selling prices. Also have one- only 3 -ton Atterbory. newly equipped for wood haul. No Brokerage Charges. TERMS Removed from 341 Burnside to 10th and Stark Sts. Tel. Broadway 1041. Evenings aud Sundays, Tabor 2739. NEW 1H-TON TRUCK Enclosed steel eab, stake body.- pneumatic tires, sll units serviced here in Portland. Calr to sell haM price. $1350. TERMS. f BRALEY, GRAHAM & CHILD, IXC. Bdwy. 3281. Hth and Burnside Stay N1LSON tractor. 24-36 h7P. No. 480 Af bins ave. 5 MOTORCYCLES BICYCLES 803 V , , . - - r FOB MOTORCYCLES OR BICTCLES, NEW OK tSi.P ta. Goods right, prices right, terms rignt. INDIAN MOTORCYCLE BICYCLE CO.; 209 Third St. DREAM iiiotorrjcie. tandem, cheap, lumbia St.. bet. 14th and lf.tli. 50 Cuj- H.-D. DREAM tandem Broadway 1301. Like $10 & ? T-r--k nrnitD cunDC CO .4 auiis rvt-i "" R 3 HflKF fit., aatomobi-e and general ma chinists: experts on Oohttnental. Studebakef and Chevrolet eiigmes. (512 Jefferson. Auti 536-98. L CYLINDERS rebored, 2 oO each, in mo4 cars, without removing; work guaranteedi Walnut 2352. 143 Killm;r"ft;rth. ; AUTOS reiaired at your home or my private shop with guarantee. Tabor 5 063. i AUTOS FOR HIRE 806 NEW CARS FOR RENT Without drivers; roadsters and touring car. H. H. Kebstock, ti-t 4th St.. cor. Pmei. Broadway 5503. ACTOS FOR HIRE WITHOUT DRIV t i CITY GARAGE 1S2 12th St. Broadway 840. GARAGES AND PARKING 807 CARS stored ia fire proof building at d4J Vancouver ave.. lust off East Broadway, live storat-e $5 !r montli; dead ttorse $4 per month. Cottner Garage. NICE, well built garaee with concrete, floor for rent. 129 E. 32d st. AUTOMOBILE storage spa-e for rent, montn. H i L nion ave ,-. AUTOMOBILES WANTED 850 CASH PAID FOR FuRDS Why trade your" old car on a new one. when wa will give jsju its value In cash! Tbea do Toor shopping wWi the cash. Cash cnunta T. McDonald. 191, rand ave. East 6319. WANTED to trade in a nics lot valued at $S0O in Seilwood, near car line, lots f fruit, on a good car, Buick touring preferred. W-173. Journal. TRADE standard auto for almost new ma hogany furniture fir 5 room apartment. Harding. Bdwy. 1179. it iv-ir mKmni' ni.n.i with evtra olaver at- ! tachment and music ftir Kght late modtrl j auto. Bdivy. 1179. Harding. ! CARS wanted to wreck; parts tor all cars for j less. S. & S. Auto Wrecking Co., 15th and ' Alder. Broadway 636. J ! WILL pay CASH FOR FORDS, CHEVRO I LETS AND OVERLAND FOURS. 10 GRAND AVE., N.. cor. East Burnside. i WANT Ford rrsdsttr, must bs bargain. Call Auto. 638-tiS. , WANT Ford chassis cheap. Condition no ob ject. Schuel", Broadway QH73. WANT Ford-touring car. Condition no object. Call Auto. 33-(,8. FORSALE MISCliNEOUS9qO USED FURNACE BA-GATNS We can diiect you where to get a good used: furnace of almost and ruk if you CALL IN. PERSON at our office. J phone information.; Heaa' Furnace Mfg? Co., o4 Oak St. i DOORS windows, mouldiugi, millwork, glass.! screen doors, roofing and hotbed sash. Seei our odd stock of sash and doors for prices. D.t B. Scully 0., downtown lumber store, 171 Front, bet Morrteon and Yamhill. Main 4213.: APPLES APPLES APPLES EXTRA FANCY GRAVEN ST KIN 8 75c per box and up. Also fryers and plums; 1 blk. south of 46th st. and Wood stock ave. j HANDSOME headed, biss made reasonably by girl who is workifl'g her way through school. For further information i-all Walnut ii552; after 6 p. m. ; PRUNES PRUNES PRUNES ' Ripe today, for sale at 3c per lb. at Webb Cherry farm. Base Line road, Vs niUe eat of 12 Mile. John A. Hamilton. DRESSED ducks and chickens, jeache8 for canning, apples, plums, iears and melon. Curtis Fruit Ranch, one mile east MontvUla. Bse Line roaxl. MR. RESTAURANT MAN I have Ions range i" splendid condition, for j for rent; sewing machines cleaned and re sale; nn rea-wilable offer re'.i ed; cn be . psired. K. R. 8 teen, 152 Grand ave.. 23 39 wen at m'. tuiliniEtcu ft., altcouver. aso. I TRUNKS, BartJett iars and other fruit; also vegetables anil dressed chickens at Sierra Visti, 1 mile east of Montavilla, on the Race Line road. EXTRA fancy Bantam corn, jut right for canning, 75c per sack. Columbia bivd., 1 mile vvYt jimetioii with Sandy bivd. FOR SALE Fine Gravenetein apple $1 25 a box; bring a box. Call at 1513 E. Mor- rison at. UOVVLING MOB and (iolden Bantarn tweet corn 75c and $1.25 per sack. Walnut 1485. - GARLAND side oven, gas range. Lion copper coil water heater, small gas range. Eadt 4 852. BARTLETT pears 50c a box; Base Line road, J first hcu e west of Ruby Stock tarni. Bring , your containers. STANDARD drophead sein& machine, good condition, $15. Walnut 2049. 36 W. A ins worth. ITALIAN PRUNES 3c a pound at J04th and 53d ave., H milo east of Lents school. J. F. Gray. FOR SALE Reed oriole-baby cart, like new, $12. 690 E. 62d ft. N. PIANO, sideboard, 4 rockers, kuclien treasure, Premo kodak. Walnut 4878. 32 SPECIAL rifle, reep sight, goi-d as new. R. L. Hanson, Rt. 1. CUckama.. Or. 2 POOL tables, complete wita eiinipment, tale or trade. t24 8 Foster r-ad. ONE new Manning burner for sale. 106 3d st, Broadway 2090. YELLOW bantam Tabor 4284. sweet corn for canning. BARTLETT pears, $1.50 per box. Phone SeJ wood 3945. SAFE Large double door saie. good make, bargain. A 230. JoumaL PRUNES 2 hi c per pound ; pick them your; self; Zion place, Bonnie Brae sr. FOR SALE lc pound, windfall apples; also Damson plums 3c. Tabor 14 70. 5 AND 6 ft oak counters, cost $60 each; $5 each. Bdwy. 4219. sell FOR SALE Cheap, like new. Ithaca ham- enerless shotgun. Auto. 623-74. $75 Thor Electric Mangle 469 E. 11th st. S. LADIES' coats, suits, dresses, in a home excellent values for fall. Tabor 2825. FOR RENT Electric vacuum cleaners, 75e a day, delivered. Walnut 1269. BIG SALE of Vancouver ship yard paints, oils and varniafaei!. 227 Alder et. YELLOW Bantam sweet com, 1892 Thorburn ave. aTbor 9033. FOB SALE Jewel range in good condition. Call Walnut 1970. A SIX cbcair shining stand and one cash reg teter. Call Main 7161. Ask for "Ben Brown. APPLES 50c box; prunes. Mt. Tabor. 1663 Scott ave., FOR SALE French grey Orioje and Superior gas water heater. Aut. 642-5 1 APPLES KING APPLES Orchard at 94 th and Powell Valley Road. GRAVEN STEIN and Yellow Waxen apples. $1 to $1.50 box. East 6539. TOMATOES 2c per pound. Walnut 1198 DECOY ducks for sale. Call Miiwaukie 45 PRUNES. 3e a pound, apples cheap; bring containers. Tabor 1 S4 1 ITALIAN PRUNES 3c per lb. crab apples 3c Sweet com $1 per sack. 958 E. 39th. st- S. OAK dining table in good conditio- for bale reasonable. Phona Walnut 1601. 1697 WINCHESTER shotgun $15; Tabor 8169. - SCREENS, mirrors, furniture repairing, cabi net work, etc Walnut 1487. GET your furnace property cleaned and over hauled; don't wait. Call I-eocani, E. 7608. FINE canning tomatoes 2e lb. ,829 Culuta ' ta bivd.. next to Oregon Humane Hocioty. . GUARANTEED rebuilt batteries fur cars. $10 to $15. Bdwy. 42. FOR SALE NITSCEXLANEOUS 900 O Read and ; eJHL Rememler V7 Men's Elgin Wstch. 20-Year Case. $10.85. l6jm r.lfm Wrist Watch, cut to ll-85. e-. Keystone V Jewelry Co. y V- 274 Washinrton at Fourth SEWING MACHINK EMP0RIUM Maenlnes sold for less I He agents employed.. Uuaranteed sjse4 sssv chines cbearp. Psrta an- eepatring for ail makes, slsrhisea te-tad. Main S411. I gQ 3d,, near Taylor St. SHOWCASES. NEW AND USED. SCALES. FOUNTAINS, CASH REGISTERS. FULL UNE STORE FIXTURES. BOXER TRADING CO.. 129 FIRST ST., NEAR WASH. BDWT. T438. CARPET CLEANING O T ? mm srMm lA.n4 91 VatttMMS i over. Feathers ranovs'ted. 4 0 lb. cotton tiaitI-M. tt U Cl..f . n, U. 1 , V . V V . WWW . . U,U nv carr-els. PIONEER MATTRESS AND CARPET CLEANING WORKS. 1072 E. Lincoln t. Tabor 7902. WE SATS TOO MONET Boats, wiring. lighting fix to res, eleetriaal npairwg. snppliea, Third Street c-tro Store. 224). Sd it. -ear Main 8053. -: ....n. . in iel. WhyWa comfortable snd perma nent roof 1 We repair. ai, red rejuvenate U kinds of warped, cracked, weather beaten, deteriorated snd disintegrated, old. laaky roofs; work guaranteed. Phone Broadway 5958. " Excelsior Furnaces PIPE AND PIFELESS FURNACE REPAIRING IRVIXGTON HEIGHTS FURNACE CO.. 909 Prescott t. bet. fc. 29th and 30th Aut. 320-S8 Walnut 3472 CEDAR CHU-STS Direct irom factory to ycir tsoste, Ts nesses and Port Orfeert cedar ; solid copper tnas mings; latest designs. Writ, for catalogue. J. W. H1GG1N- 4s BON. 1912-16-18 E. tM3AJT TABOR 808. WZ HAVB the largest stock of used sewing machines la the city. Compare prices. We rent and re pair. 172 3d, neat; TejbU. SAFES Fire ana . burglar proof aafea new and second hand, at nabt pru s: boDght. sold and exchanged:, easy Urasa if desired NORRI3 SAFE St LOCK CO. 103 Second st. Sroadway 7048. PRIVATE party will sell for any reasonable offer slightly worn personal wearing apparel, consisting of Cross fox, Hudson seal and oUier hots. suit. 2 coats and dresses, sie 38-38. Alan boy s suit and overcoat 307 Air worth. W alnut 3487. ; BABY carriage $8: Reliable gas range $40: heater with coils $12; magazine stand S2.50; drafting board $2. Other household goods. 1227 Denver are., afternoon Walnut 4885 Electric Motors Bought, sold. Tented and repaired. Walker Kleetrtq Works. 413 ttora sie. cor. 10th. Broadway 5814. ELECTRIC FIXTURES ab wholesale; 1-Hght chain 70c; 8-ligbt fixtures. $3.75 : porch hghts. 90c; we do electric wiring. ReUabla Uectric, 543 Union ave. No. Aut. 10-4 4. Last 3186. FUR TRIMMINGS Collars, cuffh Furs Iw styled. repaired to order. THE FUR SHOP 405 Morrison Bdwy. 4022 SPECIAL NOTICE Come out to -No. 112 East 55th and Washington sts. and get the finest and beat eookrng apples on tlie market; also Bartlett pears', cheap, snd see a wonderful sight. THE JOCRk'AL naa 14, brascolite lamp fu tures, complete and in good order, carrying any lamp up to 200-watt, for sale. Come and see them at The Oregon Journal bldg., ask ;or tieorge N. Hamilton. Hups. .- al I ml esy terms. Latest eta -1 I fe W tries. Mepavring. MeaVd m E m S 13 xno. kiotors. Pss. STOUK 1 WEST PARK. -MARS1IAIX T21. ELECTRIC fixtures, supplies, lowest prtoea ever heard of. Send for big UltutraUa bul letin to Stanley LuU, Chamber of Com me roe bldg.. Portland. Or. AUTOMOBILES. lAU.NCHES, 1IOTOR CCLES or boats are separate elasslfica rfon; a large lisuna will be tmiaA vndsr th ass diltetenx classificstiona. CASH registers and computing scales bought. Fold, exchanged and repaired. Portland Cash Register & Scales Exchange, 228 Stark St., between 1st and 2d sts. Broadway 7584. SEE THE VULCAN camp bed vifor camping and touring: fiuont camp bed made; suitable for spare rooms, or sleeping porch. 41 Grand ove. East 4896. in 11!1(1PHEaD sewlne machines wit- tt eh. . mentji. S.20 each: Dortable electrio maehlne PICKED Italian prunes, 2 Vic per lb. 1333 Denver ave; three blocks north of St. Johns cur. ELECTRIC fixtures tor 6 rooms,- $15: big selection other fixtures. 207 Chamber of Commerce bl'l.T.. Broadway 4258. 500 BUSINESS CARDS ROSE CITY PRINTERY $11 .50 24 9 Washington, bet. 2d and 8L ONEbrown reed sulky in good condition, for sale. 4 06 E. 57th street, near Lincoln. I'hnne Talior 174 5. D1EBOLD SAFES, new and second hand; loa ds! prices. Pacifie Scale & Supply Co.. 4 8 Front at- Broadway 1968. SAVE $2 to $10 on your trunk; buy direct from maker. THE BAGGAGE SHOP. 288 3d St REVERSIBLE body reed baby carriage, uaed veTy little. 25; high cnalr. 3. Main 8326. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 901 $10 CASH. $5. $0 OR MORE MONTHLY buys a $475 piano, used, for $195, and 1921 model for $295. or a $675 player piano, used, for $395. and 1921 model for $495. $15 each. $8 and $10 monthly, during the world's, largest factory clearance sale, right here iu Portland at Schwan Piano Co., 101 10th st Stark. $ 75 cash buys used $275 upright piano 145 cash buys used $475 upright piano $195 cash buys used $575 upright piano $24 5 cash buys u.ed $650 upright piano $C95 cash buys used $950 player piano at Security Storage Co., 10th at Stark. S20, $35, $75 buy phonographs, including 5 or 10 used records. $5 cash, $S, $4 or more reouthly. at th Schwan Piano Co., 101 Tenth t at Stark. . -' ANNUAL HOME-COMING SALE Pianos. $195, $265. $375. $3 to $8 a month. Player pianos. $395. $476, $8 and $10 a month. Orand pianos. $675. $875. $14 and $17 a month. Lipman, Wolf, ex Co.. Washington and 5th sts. RENT a piano, no thump boxes or dissatis faction. HAROLD L. GILBERT 1.07 WEST PARK. JUST NORTH OF WASH. SPLENDID uprignt piano, oak case, $175." HAROLD L. GILBERT 107 WEST PARE 1 WANTED To keep a piano for storage. Will give t best of care and pay drayage. 1108 E YamhilL ; ( PIANOS moved. $3, ground floor. Work done by experts and guaranteed. Can Broadway 207. Atlas Transi. A Storage Co.. -104 N. 6th. FONOGKAPH repairing, springs 20c op; parts wholesale and retail. 848 Wash. Bdwy. 2044. (2.50 BENTS phonograph with lata) records. Empire Transfer. 145 11th. Bdwy. 0155. WILL pay cash tor uaed piano. Tabor 7994. HOUSEHOLD GOODS 902 FOR. SALE Daisy heating stove;, si so small cook stove with hot water coils; fin con dition. Call Walnnt 5095. 1 CHARTER, oak range. 1 gas range. 2 heat ing stoves. AU in good order. Phone East 0298. 421 East 8th St. SEVERAL pieces of furniture; also plumbing supplies : cheap. Tabor 6049. FOR SALE cheap. My almost new White sewing machine; leaving ctty. Main 1822. BEAUTIFUL oak library table. Tabor 8157. like ALMOST new, latest style. New Horn sewing nachine. 5 Walnnt 8522. SIMMONS bed and spring, $12.50. ' 848 Coo gress st. M. A. car to Prescott. "" A BARGAIN Like new, 1 bin-eye maple prinoeac dresser. Wamnt 8194. 1 SIMMONS steel bed and springs. 1 iron bed and springs, 1 dresser. Tabor 1468. FURNITURE for sale; no dealers. !, ; lst St. N. 108 . FOR SALE CAMPBELL. AUTOMATIC f . RAPID ELECTRIO cook stove. Aut. 842-51. DIN IN U table and sajutary oouca. Tabor 2951. HOUSEHOLD GOODS 902 1 " PROFESSIONAL" AND BUSINESS ! High Orade Furniture , directory v Nearly new. exerything complete for 5-4 COOWPIOW Pt,-Tt10 Imams; half price: term to responsible party. CUT. SEAM. heav. anacUina pleat aiirt for ' j Janitor, Ionian- Cotftrt Aprs., 18th and Couch. 75c ;. hemstitching 5c, etc. ; mail orders so- UNIVERSAL combination range, overstuffed Netted. Eastern Kovehy Mil. Co.. 85 H 8th. living mora set; walnut dining set, bed- - Bull dims .i ixi . ' room furnitare. is, wardrobe trunk. Wal- - r, ' - 'i,,,t.-i,i nut 5S89. " , PI AFV 10u ajTOCK itM $18 FUMED OAK buffer. Banner tss range, garb V 588 .A4 A M. ,K.Kira4WI- B-DO. HEATING stove." Universal warm: air blast, ' BtsIWK BOOK WaKIM nearly new. 1-3 cost. 858 Williams ac DAVIS HoLUAN. INC, 109 2d at., blank Wainut T165. . boot manutactnrera. A-81H. atdwy. 114s. FOR SALE Complete dining room set, fumed ' .. . nuiinsnnun ' " oak table, sideboard, - china cabinet, six TWl '.1 " -i tJC : chairs. 445 Starke Broadway O290. ' ,.u- -KlCHER Jfoot trouble aci.; i if.nve , - ' 5 v. . tm-Uy correeted; tody assMtan- 818 Mm- 1 tVING city ; good furniture of all kiuds. no bide aisiit 73 including Victroia. cheap. C9 2 Elliot aye. g.. ssain East 4109. ' CQil AWO WOOO klfS EOAT? S(Ui S46 PER LOAD, $4-50 FOR SALE One new V-boUotu. Is foot speed TUAinin-tivra boat, cedar hull, canvas deck asd- wind- XK inck ei, Vl-J-w .l .i.sT ji, ' shield, very class, beat, one lo-foot fantil for f" ms h-S, a. nisi snl arf. cypress hull, 6 be r power. Brook s lotor. on. ORfx;oN FT'FlTvV ' wrwiivr aww " n v 18-foot sailing dory, eomplete; one 20-fout fir n-lvL. CO.. WOODLAW? 4103.- skiff model with cabin and 8-borse power two IV TWOjxiAD LOTS cylinder -Buffalo motor, one 2SxS-foot tow . '1'4R1XTEP 1H (RD8 boat, old style, 14 horsepower. 2 cylinder S4.S(fD Block and Slab fljyf n. Union motor: one Columbia river fih boat T . mixed. tne for fur- '.-'. with 6 horsepower motor; one Columbia river load. naee or Sea tar.. per Iwid. fish boat with 6 horsepower, 2 cyl-ncier 4 eyckt NATHJuNAI, 8ffEL. CU. ... KAHT 2041. - motor; one Columbia river fish boat. 26!l-foot, . , . ' 1 - ' ' Port Orford cedar. 4 horsepower, make and OOX WOOO S4 PCT LOffld break Standard engine, cae made-over ship's - 1 V. " --'4ftJ boat wit k 10 horsepower, 2 cylinder motor; - i7' .Dd' Green Slabwoed. one 10-foot round bottom d.nkey; one 18-foot '"" "pod Co. Mala 4171. ' skiff with Little Giant motor. Any of tbete WOOD for sale; first growth fir. 18 in. $8.39 boats for sale or .trade for anything we can ,, vt eord, or $8.00 foe 2 cords or more; 4- nse. Jt- wood $3.00. Mr. 30 two cords or more.' PASSMORE & SONS. Boat Builders Peacock-Fuel Co.. East 9588. . Ridcefield, Wsah. . srTh A B " ' COMPLETELY furnished modem houseboat: s ' VLfJL - exceptional opportunity: leaving city. No. AtTSTR ALIAS AND UTAH 18 Willamette Moorage. Sellwocd 1042. ACE FUEL CO. EAST 8400. r- - FIREPLACE WtlJI :arTrinclwa ' "long FOR SALE OR RENT .Jn "lr D htk. old growth, eiUier TYPEWRITERS 905 ZtiVl bW "V. ALL MAKES GUARANTEED REBUILT 85 to 75 per cent below manufacturer's prices; TERMS $5 monthly if desired. LATE MODELS RENTED, 3 months $7.50 up, TVi'i'u it it iru rr 821 Washington St Broadway 7481. REBUILT typewriter, all kinds, tor sale, reut, exchange. We are cxclusiv. ehs tributors ef Corona portable. $50 complete with carry Ing case. Supplies and repairs for all makes. Oregon Typewriter Co.. 84 a at. Broad way 1169. Rebuilt GUARANTEED TYPEWRITERS . Ail Males CASH PAYMENTS 124 FOURTH ST. DQAXE S. REPAIRING a -spec ialty. wstima tea. rentals: buy. sell, ex.; id. machines repaired. Type writer ItLSneorion P. 1 f Ktarkr l'.ilnrv 7349. FOR SALr: No. 5 r nderwooti typewriter in good conditibp. $35 cahi. E-18a, Joiitaal NO. 10 ROYAL typewriter, in good condi- Uon, $35. Q-165. JoumaL j Typewriters lor STUDENTS 3 miHtlis 10. 124 4th st. DOANE S. SWAPS 925 MAMMOTH Peking ducks and young Barred Rock chickeiis forcow or hogs. 1820 Tyn dall st.. Kenton district. l'OHD touring car for. .. $15(1 cash or might trade. What have your 10207 68th avesS.E. - MACHIN ERY and auto tools, full set, for eale or trade. 75 Union ave. 490 CHEVROLET or 7 -pass. Studebaker or similar car. Tabor 1918. '' GOOD bed, springs 'and mattress to exchange for cook stove.. 575 East Bnrnside. WILL chanse new china closet and 6-ring water coil range for bed and 9x12 rug. 548 Hoyt, $1200 EQUITY', good house, paved streets, for light truck. East 8226. WANTED MISCEIXANEOUS 950 SECOND HAND CLOTHING BUY EH MEYER THE TAILOR pays more for see-and-hand suiu, shoes, overcoats. We call day or evening. Atwater. 1229 or 233 Madison rt,, near 8d. DIAMONDS and gold bourn i, reliable ealunatea. G. Cramer. 713 Selling bldg. FIRST clasa dental services for'shingling and tinning work. Bdwy. 7205. SAFE Small or medium siae, onable. A-229, Journal. Must be rea- WANTED To buy painter's swinging stage; will pay cash. Call Main 6605. apt. 14. SMALL Radiant Fire, must, be reasonable. Walnut 7231. - . SAFE Giv. pliope ana pnej. B-62.H. Joui-rtaL TABOR 78 14 WIA.L BUY OLD CARPET. WANTED FURNITURE 952 Owl Furniture Co. ear Morrison. Wa want your used furniture, stoves, " car pets and pianos. - We pay the highest cash prices. 166-168 FIRST ST. Call Main 4627. Pacific Auction House 142 First tt Pays the highest cash price for all kinds of furniture. Main 3249. M..R. S EATER; , Buys the bent as well, as cheaper grades of see. ond hand rurnitnre. 286 Grand ave. East 9817. WE WANT Your used furniture. We pay the price. EAST SIDE FURNITURE STORE 271 Russell ft. East 5387. FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS WANTED. WE SAY LESS AND PAY MORE. CALL MAIN 0734. MUST have second hand furniture, prices paid. Walnut 2300. H icbet PERSONALS 975 PICKWICK STAGES. INC. BY AUTOMOBILE TO SAN FRANCISCO" DAILY, 17.S0. SEATTLE, DAILY. $5.50. ,j BOUND TRIP $10.50, DELIGHTFUL TRIP THE BOLLAM AGENCY, . 122 THIRD ST.. PHONE BDWY. 002B. j TAB AND E8. FAITHJSTS. will lecture. subject "A New Bible and New Relig ion," every Tuesday and Friday. 8 p. m.. Pacific States hall, 409 Alder st,. between 10th and 11th sts..- also at W. O. W. hall, cast side, corner East Alder and E. 0th sts.. every Sunday, 8 p. mt Admission free. DR. J. ALLEN WALLACE Main 6761 31 Bush & Use Bldg, CHIROPRACTIC. ELECTRO-THERAPY MASSAGE 30 minutes, absolutely painless treatment), evenings by appointment. . Why diet"? eatwhat youwant. mme. le m.vire THE PERFECT FLESH REDUCER! 424 Columbia St. Phono Main 433T. $1 GETS both feet iixed up at Dr. Eaton's Kelly's painless CHIROPODISTS and ARCH specialists. Estab. 8 years. Exam. free. Bine Mouse Theatre bldg.." 11th at Wash. DO NOT threw your wttcn away. I will re pair and guarantee any watct. 2 years; prices reasonable; 20 year experience. Harry Brown, 171 1st St.. near Yamhill. 8 UP EH FLUOUS hair, moles, blackheads, pita- .pi em. large pores removed, expert operator. (Diplomas Boston. Chicago. State Medical Board) 801 Broadway -bldg. Main 5109 WHY DIET! EAT WHAT YOU WANT I MME. LE MA IRE THE PERFECT FLESH REDUCER! 424 Columbia St. Phone Main 4 33T Stamps, Coins, Curios Bought and sold. Open Evenings. Colum bia Stamp 8r Coin Co., 94 North 16th st, WANTED Cue turners for" beauty treatment in their own homes; hairdressktg, facials, scalp treatment and manicuring by experienced operator. Phone Mra. Baird. Broadway 8559. rfcff Hf ltr8fV Kyesight specialist, 608 UT. OUneyualiegh Bids- Eyes ex amined and glasses fitted. VVork guaranteed. JAZZ PIANO Beginners, 10 lessons, guar anteed; practice rooms. "Jaxx" Parker, 818 Ellers bldg, Washington street, at 4th. UO to the Betty Jaue Hair Shop for a good marcel. 75c; also hair weaving, scalp treat- ments. etc Room 401. 327 Washington st. DRToVIDIA LAHSEN "ha returned and ready for her scientific electrical treatment, 634 Morgan bldg. Main 1999. SUPERFLUOUS BAD, mons, war . removed by 10 needle meOtod. Trial free. . Josi rnUey. 614 Bush 4c Lane bldg. Main 8368 Dentistry YiTf, PAIN. Your TEETH bL-stP" while w. work. Lawyer ConaaitaUoB tree. Bdwy. 4KU3. ew p.-1 wi, w ma sr. ment. massage. 1 to 5 p. m..7 385 Tain bill. Atwater 1 3 2 LADY going by train to Minneapolia win "fjd H to her advantage to caU Tabor 2143. 1 AgXHETlC' DANC1NU taught in Ross City Park. Phone 310-10. SWEDISH body massage at jour hoaie. Eao pire 1257. WAN TEl W ri (er of scientific health articles, xsroaaway low. STEAM bath, massage. Dt. Eln breasen. 608 Pnma bldg. Bdwy. 7088. EAT AMERICAN BEAUTY CA K ' ASK YOUR GROCER. GENTLEMAN going east kiudly call Eat 4121. . . " ; ...ow sua a-s; jhx wood, , :-- i'1 H-in. thick. $5. anywhere; No. I cord. $7.75; heavy 4 -ft, slab. Seilwood 1769. . OLD growth fir for furnace r heater. boiy u Sk" drjr or : prompt de livery. Broadway 125B.' HEAVY pUnerT wood.: dry. t 84 a load: Utah and Kock Springs coal., lump, $15.60: egg. 315. East 7921. ' . DBZ. Biff ? ! aUh. $5, per load: partly .. nu?T904 tm 1"b f ,$ c Wa? 4 -FOOT country slab, 'car run; excellent for ' Ea"t7485 n rfn"i. 5-7 Pr "rd. . I,wd7,,TJeS' riJ!loJ cord-. E s'r.l;-7C:v7,, H fi0? "" tnijnge. J ; J"' " -"."waiia, jt., Koilte 1, at 1 Jry . -iidaai kindling. $S.7lf; - , m.p, ipso. nau walnnt 8649. DRV boxwood. ' Main t3 " OAWCiaiQ LESSONS! TTfnZ, t teach you to dance or rtrTu-'T mouty. magler'a Broadway r," yaw Main., g-rofoaal in structors. Auto. B13-B9. , ---- iu- P.WTI8T8 DR. B. E.IWRIQHT. nH rioor Maletgn Bdlg.. Corae Ota and Washington Hta. BrOadwa 1 it l u ' Dentistry LJLti NO PAIN. "TFKTH SLKKP while, we woi St work. POO. CT AWD HOHU HQgPIT L KOBE CITY VETEKlNAKk1 HOHPl'iAL."" East 1847;. K 7TH AT GRANT. Aut 219-63 FLUFF BOOS AWD WAO RU08 OR EVi ON FLU FF HUG CO. , -1984 K. STARK, TABOK Tgl. ""DWOOP nOQRi liAKDvV'ooD floors in your ' Lome at' sami price wa charge contractors; Tabor 7655. HAT OL8ANIWQ. BLOCK IWO ' FORf eiert cleaning and biockiug of na U at tT !erJ reasonable prices bring them to the Hat Shop, 251 Washington, bet. 2d arid 3d. MU8IO Composing HAVE your POEMS set to musia. Danlet' Wilson Mnsie Studio, 802 TUfard bldg MU8I0 8CHOOL8 AMD T1ACHCR8 LESSONS given in pianoj roice, dramatics; j uw. q IV V. T. EL LAWSON. 20 ,vir.' .' ... .." leasona at yoqr home 81. Auto. 64a-18. OiTOMsrrt8T -GLASSES AT A SAVING ' '. xuoussuds of satisfied pa trons can testiry to our effi ciency and ' fair dealing in the last 20 ears. Chaa. v. ' Goodman, 0 Morrison, bet. V . .. . s . . - - riunt. , , xrr. oamuel Coodrnan. Associate Optometrist. Main 2124 swaasw WHY PAY MOREf 35 Glasses in gold filled frame fitted SSr Wtr "ith modem iostru- menta. a low at $2.50; aoubla vision glasses at a great saving; glasses la all styles;" satisfaction guaranteed. s i - , DR. E. A. THURWITZ. Optometrist ' 25S 1 t. BETTER slenae. for lesa ison. st n.. w..i " stein's, the veteran optician. - Eyes tasted, glassea fitted, broken lenses duplicated. Jica aonable prices. 820 Morrison st. PAIWTIWa, TIWTIWQ, PAPtailstQ - C J . 'a aUtttlL nousa and asu painting pi! ner-hanauaa and tu m. I J i7t4, Tabor attll. ,( PATEWtTiTTORW.Vt" U. 3. GOLDbklM.j. paUnta. trademark. copyT right. 430 Worcester bldg. . PMY8IOIAW8 DU. K. A. PHILLIPS. Broadway Bldg.. Offica Practice Only. PIP- BEPAIWIWQ PIPES 5Jd expert; r PipeSnop, ma Waso. PLUIvl-IWQ AND 8T8AIW FITTINO LOW price on all kinds plumbing supplies; let us figure on your iiutaUationa. Alberta Plumb. Co.. 617 Union are. N., nr. Russell, East 4X88. PRIWTIW-, KWOWAVIWO, BiHPIWO Printing A y W. BALTES a CO ay. 4641. EXPERT tinUDg. painting, paper hung right aide up. Low price. Wd.n. 1484. THE 1KVV1N-HODSO.N COMPAN Y " 887 Washington, Broadway 8144. A-l 24V, - ROOF B-PAIRIN ROOFS reshiim'md . and tepaired and covered with rooting paper. Main 1688. SANITARIUM BELLEV8EW 5 , The most beautiful, exquisite rest cure, in valid anil convalescent home, , Electro-Hydro-Therapeutic institute. Six acres of sunshine and majestic trees. Diet, good home cooking, the beat of nurs ing Patients csn be - treated under their own doctor's care. . " For terms apply superintendent. Dr. Alfred Bach, Portland, Lent', Or., Foster and fcpnng road. Phone -Anj. 616-93., .- HECTMETAL WORK Multnomah. Sheet metal ' Works HooOna. " guttering, spontlag, JobMng, gen eral repairing, Prion. Bdwy. 82, 22s Asa. SPECIALTY MAWUF AOTURIWQ MKTAL spinning and specialty manufacturing of all kind. Patents developed. Kauffmaa Msnufaeturmg Co.. 288 Union ave. K. 82 4 . TEAMIRq, ORAPINO. KXCAWATiWa TEAMING. U HADING, AD i-VCA V AliNli ' ll.iuilll A XAI Ml lrus , ,- ' ' WOODLAWN 47, TRANSFER AND 4TONAOE TRANSFER. STORAGE AND WAREHOUSING ' " We-' transfer and store merchandise and' household goods of all kinds. If you have a storage o rtranafer problem of any kind, mm want to figure with you. Brick building. ' Low lira risk, :, Call Mr.; Spinning. .East 8510. .. ,- v . ,, AMERICAN WAREHOUSE & SALES CO. . .-. ; 415 East Ash St, , . . -. AX .WA 18 PICK IU Bfcar ttOCJstlioiJ OOODel ttPEClALlSr Storage, packing, snipping and moving; asm and .auto' vans; special rates to sll point. C O. PICK X RAJ.- K sk S TORAGB CO.. 8d and Pine sts. Broadway 6U, A-1V98L Oregon Transfer Co. 474 Oil. n st. Broadway 128L DUAlfAG- BTUHAUK ' Four Warehouse en Terminal Tracks. REDUCED FREIGHT rates to all polatTa. bousebold goods. : Pacific CoW Forwardiug Co.. Uiad Hoyt Brwdway 703 UVKUSEA VETERAN'S transfer and baggage delivery. General hauling. Main 5252. li YOU'RE goiug to move, call ltcZTadway , 29 tor Quick and courteous terries. - - i