SATURDAY, - SEPTEMBER 9, 1922. ; HIE OREGON ? DAILY- JOU RNAL, PORTLAND; OREGON. 13 SPECIAL NOTICES 101 OTICE ut special meeting to amend Articles of lnearporauoa. -fu fa hereto? given -ha t & special meeting of the member of t Krai Evaageiisehe - B ruder Gememde (Free . EvangUe Brethren Cbuch) of Portland. Oregon, a, ; religions corporation, organised and existing siidcr -the laws of the Stats of Ore-ton.-will e held at 7:30 o'clock p. m. en Fri day, the 22(1 day of September A. J. 1822, at IN church of said corper-rioo at Na. 765 Mallory avenue in the City of Portland? County of Mnitnomah, State of Oregon, " for tfte purpose of amending Articlea 1 and 4 of the original article! of inc orporation of amid corporation ao that aaid Articles 1 and and 4 shall read as follows: ARTICLE I'., f. The name of thia corporation anall b Con tmrationii Evangelical Brtthern Gemeinde Congregational Evangelical Brethera Church ) f i'Gsruami, Oregon, ' ARTICLE 4 Tba officers of said corporation shall be three deacons, . three trustee one secretary, one treasurer and one Kan lay school superinten dent, who shall be elected annually by ballot at an election ordered by the congregation of aid church for that purpose-, a majority of the rotes east being required for the election of each of aaid officers. That the purpose of said meeting is to eang tha name of Mid corporation and the name and number of its officers by amend in and filing supplementary Articles of lo se mration. Done at Portland fWmn thl, c.H dav of teptember 1922. - John H. Traudt Trustee. Philip Halm. Deacon. John Schleining, Deacon. Heary Miller, Treasurer. Peter Klaus, Alter. Jahn Walker, Secretary. Officers and Trustees of FTei Evangeiiscb Bruder Gemeinde - ' Of Portland, Oregon. I WILL not be responsible for any bills con tracted by my wife after Sept. 6. (Signed) Albert Tcutschr en. ' i WILL not be responsible for -any debts or bills contracted by my wife after Sept. 8. 1922. (Signed) Louis Yogrig. MEETING NOTICES 102 BESERVATION8 are now belli aeceted for dancing parties at Cotillion hall. K. J. Belland. mar. East 2 751. EMBLEM JEWELRY a specialty-, buttons, pins, charms. Jaeger gros. 1 31 -1 88 Oth st DEATH NOTICES 103 LAIRI At his home. 4825 94th st. 6- E.. September 8. James Laird, colored husband of Margaret C, father of LUaie, Mary, Kenny of Portland and James Laird Jr. of Monument, Or. Remains ara at the funeral parlors of A. I. Kenworthy . Co.. 6802-04 02d St. S. E., in Lents. Notice of funeral later. M a V ART gept. T. at the late residence, 1512 East Yamhill t., Ketlier Jane, aged . 19 years, wife of James Manary. The re aiains aret the abore residence. Funeral ar rangements' in chirr of J. P. Pinley & Son. FUNERAL NOTICES 104 HNK September 7. at the Home of her . tlater, Mrs. A. V. Moore. fcltti t.ajjtto-1 are., Clara Henrietta Funk, sued 4 0 year-,, beloved wife of C. H. Funk of Puwbattan. Kan.; vnotner oi itaymonu l norruisori ci i aniornia ind daughter of Mrs. C. Ijeitniann of Portland, lister of Mrs. A. V. Moore, Mrs. P. W. runk and U. A. lehmarin of Portland, F. E. Lehmanu of Seneca, Kan., and W. H. Ieh-mann- of Culilcrrua. Funeral services will be held at A. K.-' teller' k. s iarlor. 59'-' Williams ave.. Monday. September 11. at 2 p. in. Fnends are invited. Interment Rose City cemetery. M'IVEN At ha late residence, 51K North ltartman street. John '. McNiren. aged HU years II month. Besides his widow, Mir. Hertha McNiven, there are left tu mourn, seven children. Ales V.. Jennie B , Albt-rta. lessie and Bertha McNlreu, all of this city, tnd J. McNiven of Centralis. Wash., and Mrs. Addison Halgore of Ualitorrn. '1 he funeral will be lield tomorrow t Sunday), September 10, at 2:30 troni th Christian church iu St. Johns.' Interment Columbian cemetery. Chambers Co., Inc.. directors. ZKICiEI.E In this city. September 8. Karl Zeigle. aaed "0 years, late of 1029 In vision street, father of Frederick Zlegele of Sheridan. Or.; Alexander,, Emjl and Emsnuel Ziege.e cf Portland. .Funeral services will be Held from tie conservatory chil of the East Side Funeral Directors, 414 E. Alder street. Monday, September 11. at 1:30 p. m. Friends tnfited. Interment in Rose t'ity cemetery. LLAiSRA At the residence, near Milwaukie. Or.,- September 8, Marie Allasra, aged 28 -years, sister of Ksudsta. Joseph and Antlmny ill of Portland, the funeral cortege will lea re the chapel of Miller & Tracey. Monday, Sen tember 11. at 1:30 p. m.. tlience to St. "Mi ehaels church, 4 th and Mill streets, where services will be held at 2 p. ni. Interment, Rose Ci ty cemetery. titOSSEL The funaral services Jtt the. late Peter Trossel will b held in the conservatory -hapel of the East Side Funeral Directors, 414 East Alder, Monday, September 11, at 2:30 p. m . under the aupsices of the Grand Army of the .Republic. Friends invited. Interment n the "U. A. R, plottireenwocd cemetery. FUNERAL DIRECTORS 105 East Side Funeral Directors F. C J3CNNING. ma. "The Family Seta the Price." 414 B. Alder l Peone East 83 Edward fflolnraan ' & Son THIRD AND 8ALMON MAIN 507 Snook WheaSdon FUNERAL DIRECTORS SUCCESSORS TO BREEZE A SNOOK BELMONT AT 35TH. TABOS t838 Lerclh, Undertaker EAST ELEVENTH AND H1WTHOS.X1 PHONE EAST 0781, - ! KENWORTHY R. 8. HENDERSON" A. D. Kenworthy & Co. 8802 93d sr. 8. E. Ant 818-21. Finley's Mortuary MONTGOMERY AT FIFTH. MAIN R. T. Byrnes tabIIInI 901 Williams Ave. QZZO j-QftlTAV U E. WILSON IL REED CHAMBESS rr 248-2 jo Killingsworth ave. Walnnt 3308 MtENTEK & E1LERS funeral parlors wilhafl tna privacy of a home. 18th and Everett It. PhoueBdwy. 2123. Auto. 821-33 UIktFn TRACKT. independent funeral oi f", Kunerals $75 and up. Washingtc. at Ella st Broadway 291. Auto. 61844 Skeweg YTh .V A. R. Zeller Co.J! THE PORTLAND MORTUARY. Morriaoa at ISlh. west side. Bdwy. 0430. MONUMENTS 108 . OT TO SCHUMANN MARBLE KKSl tgTrtlRD k. WNE CTS. r 40vtSCT43? FLORISTS 107 M&rtin&Forbes Company 334 WASHINGTON St. MAIN 369 FIXE FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS , ARTISTICALLY ARRANGED 7709 Stnith's Flower Shop "Portland's Frogre-jr Floriat xm era lor AU Occnsioast Mtfn T;i. T. a Luke. Mgr., 6th sad Alder LOST AND FOUND loa IA5ST One brown suitcase, between 37th and lath, en Sandy bird. Kindry phune East 7Trtl Am. . si.l nn. , Mrmm. sas LOST 5 large tax hounds, white- with black and tan marking ; 3 males, 1 female, Lt . .t-. wriMi tv'sra. v-ail Ian. SZ64. LOST AmethJbt and pearl brooch in Kw, City Park district. Reward. 404 E. s33 N. Tabor 43 or Kroadwmv louu pearl b Reward, roadway FDT"B1C S!iin4lu. Pjhonn Walnut ALMOST black Persian mai eat, Hoiiaday atMitiow; 3 rvard. East 08o! LOST BriBdl. female Kns lissi buiiloa: ' iaZ as Pios Atwater 3764. -:'riH i:.i3'lW LOST AND FOUND - IPS THE ioil owwc articles ero found oa the cart of to. Portland Hallway, I.icht A Power company. Sept, 7, 1922: 19 umbrellas. 1 hineh box, S purses, braeelat, check book, ear ticket., 4 paird. 2 sicj.e aloes, 1 book. 12 packages, necktie, 1 key, auto robe, roll of drawings, slicker coat and pair shoes. Owners may obtain mof npon proper sdenuficaUoa at First and Aider street station. LOST Young- cotlie. perfectly white except black and taw markiaKs on head and black spot at base of tail; name "Jerry" and phone So. on collar; Taluabla to family as pet: per son earing infermatiao leading to recovery, or finder will be rewarded; last seen in riciniey of 21st and Vaughn on Sept. 2nd. Call Tabor 5133. LOST Lady's silk hand bag on 12 :30 p. m. Portland-Salem stags, contains S3 cold. (9 check and other valuable articles; reward. Tabor 9322. LOST Boll of blankets tnd pClows. is striped canras corer. Labor day, on Loop read, be tween Welche's and Sandy; reward.- Herbert Bradley, 81 8d St. Bdwy. 8068. 810 REWARD to anjoae returning my Colum bia bicycle stolen from 600 E. Lincoln st. last Tuesday. Call Tabor 0023. or 1201 E. Main. LOST Bedding and pillows, rolled in tent Labor day on road between He bo and Grand Round; reward. Chas E. OdelL HfMinnrille. Or., TcL White 8411. LOST RoU of 5 blankets anal 2 pillows. rolled ia brown canras, Friday morning, be tween Oaks park and J 0th and -Flanders sta. Return to caretaker Oaks park, reward. IOST OR STOLEN Irish setter, female. 3 months old; a pet, named "Millie. ' Ad dress 248 East 31st st., Portland. Orescn. on colias. Liberal reward. Phone Tabor 8901. FOCN ring. Please call Broadway 524. EDUCATIONAL 200 NOTICE AUTOMOBILE STUDENTS ICmOS PRICES ADVANCE SEPTLIiREB 15TH On September 15th oar fall and winter prices go into effect. All courses will then be much higher. If you pay a small deposit new you get the summer rate and you can enter any time during the fall or winter. The ! time is snort; act now Call today at 10 a. a. and inspect our school or send for our big 112 pag 'og. Ask for book No. 4. ADCO AUTO & AVIATION SCHOOL 374 W tfro Street, Corner Cnion Ave. BEGIN EARNING MOXKT OCICKLY I Enroll for day or summer school at this j - treat -uslneas college, the training school for success. Courses include comptometer, stenog raphy, banking, bookkeeping, private secretariat- Write oi phone Main 590 for free catalogue. Fourth Bear Morrison. Portland. "We Put ilukiueaa Into Yon: Then You Into A Business College at Distinction (Formerly Link's Business College) Tilford bldg., 407 Morrison. Bdwy. 8083 6TI7DT MASoAGR Prepares cue for sanitarium work, pbydaiaa assistant or private practice. Uydrotherapy Is also taught. Portland School of Mssag!. Inc.. 414-15 Stock Exchange bidg. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE will teaefc you the trade in eight weeks; receive soot pay while learning; positions secured. Wilts or call for catalogue. 284 fBnrnslde at TEACHER will give private instruction in arithmetic, grammar or any other of the elementary school subjects ; children and adulia. Phone Walnut 0238. KINDERGARTEN I'ncier direction of certified and experienced teacher, l.ionea Hall, 600 Irving st. Phone East 5700. DECKER BUSINESS COLLEGE AlVky Bldg.. 3d and Morrison. Ot KX THE YEAR BOUND MEN, women, learn barber trade; wagri wbiia learning. Oregon Barber College, 233 Mad ison st. LEARN TELEGRAPHY Railway Telegraph In-titu-e. 434 Railway Exchange bids Day sod night classes. PRIVATE lessons, English and other acade mic uubjecti; experienced teachers, 5th floor Tilford nuilding. Bdwyg) 5ftS3 or 622-85. HFJJ WANTED MALE 201 MEN WANTED Northern Pacific Raflwxy Co. win employ men at rates prescribed by the Cnited Bute railroad labor board aa follows: Machinists Blacksmiths Sheet metal worsen .-. Electricians rr Statiocary engineers . . . . Stationary firemen . ,T0e per hoar . .70a per beau . . TOo per hour . jOo per hour , . . Various rate. .Vsrious rates .TO to TO He per hour 70o per hour 63o per hour 47a per hour Boilermakers . . . , ; Pissecger car men Freight ear men . Helpers, all classes Mechanics and helpers are allowed time and one-half for time worked in excess of 8 hours per day. Young men who desire to learn these trades wSl be employed and given aa opportunity to do so. A strike now exists oa the Northern Pactfle railway. Apply to any roundhouse or shops or su- perintendent. NORTHERN PACIFIC BY. at Taeome, Waaa. SPOKANE. PORTLAND A SEATTLE RAILWAY COMPANY RAILROV "MECHANICS WANTED STRIKE CONDITIONS 840 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BUILDING WANTED 2 -mill, sorting table and pond men. Have put our mill on per manent double shift basis, operating two 8-hour shifts. Principal production red wood; operating year round gad are in terasted in men who went permanent employment. Minimum wage 42 He per hour. Men wbo com with us quick will have best opportunity to advance into better paying positions. .CALIFORNIA OREGON LUMBER CO. Brookings, Curry County. Or. THOROUGHLY experienced tailors for all year round work. Must give referecaa. H-15S Journal. TWO mars si no er rmhhsh 428 Es- er's own' offer; new proposition. Chang bldg, 2nd. and Stgrk. WANT&D Man, young or middle age on small- berry ranch; oa who n trust; and understand earing for gad working hone, good aaosn and fair wages; one mile east of GUdStoea. rhone 432 W. F. J. Covert, WANTED An eatperieaeed nrniture ' aale -n.n . fors large" furniture, store; one with Portjajsd experience preferred. Good . salary and . permanent poeitiau to right next- N-81 JocTPal. " " FORD PARTS ACCESSORIES MANAGEIL MUST HAVE Wit EXPERIENCE AND BE ABLE TO INCREASE BUSINESS AND HOLD IT. STATE SALARY EXPIXTEU GIVE BEFKRENCEa 1335, LJOUiLVAir WANf ED A partner la advertising hniinej-T will stand iv rtigatiovj ; small inrestmeu..' 504 Boehanen bldg. P.KTNEK as - ortabhaftsd woods. w plenty work invMtment: mk f, 35 to 819 day. w p v itp DKlg. 2TON Keruhiie. ' wiLh job in cij; rMtures e" . ... - . -j ,t ct, . sf s. WaNTED -At once, man to leer a vulcauixine sad retireadiivg. Cail 483 Hawthorne. SLANTED First " class sheet ' smul! worker wih rmw f fining snd pri' ing. 833 Union ave., y.' FIRST CLASS plumber wan tod. J"-133 JirnmiL i- - " LATHER wanted.' Call p. roadway' 1 434. ""' GOOD jOwtaru wanvd, CU A ill. 3-47." faU 1 ' CSr 1 NORTHWInJ - HELP WANTED FEMALE 204 WANTED-i.Houaekeeper to keep elect ncsllT eo.iupped house and ear for two small kid dies , experience1 with chiitirea most important recommendation : mother ia drertisicg maa aser for cue of Portland's big retail stores and necessarily up town every day except Sat urday; housekeeper may bar frequent ere nisga and Sundays in owa home, if desired. Call Auttomauc 513-00 Saturday. WANTED Clderly lauy to sUy with widow. who is invalid on account of rheumatism and is alune. Wish party who desires steady employment at small wages and good home; light work. Call at 9719 65ti aye. 8. E. Get off Moont Isoott rax at liooat Scott park, one block south, two west. WOMEN wanted to work la cannery at Van couver, preparing pears. Car fare paid to and from Vancouver. Good wages and steady work. Report in the morning, ready for work, at the Oreson Packing Co. plant, 9tb and H''l tt., Vancouver, Wash. For informa tion call East 6096. THE WOMEN'S PROTECTIVE DIVISION. city of Portland, offers its services in all mauerr pertaining to the welfare and protec tion of women and girls: interviews confiden li 614 Worcester frig Sd and Oak eta. Phernf Prnsdwsy 7422. WOMEN' wanted to work ia cannery at Van couver, preparing pears; steady work and food pay; car fare paid to and from Portland. Report in the morning, ready for work, at the Oregon Packing Co. plant. Ninth and Hill sta., Vancouver. For information, call 6085. SPECIAL NOTICE Tour summer hat ia getting shabbr. Why not make your&eif a new oner No experience necessary if you can sew. I can teach you. Walnut 4150. WANTED Reliable womin to do light house work for 2 adults and 2 children : all away from home during tha day; 825 per month; for appointment address Mr. Endicott, 334 E. Tamhill st. WANTED Young woman to work in real estat office aa partner, old established of fice; 8250 necessary; must have office- expe nence. Broadway 7630. ELDERLY woman for light housework and care or school girl 7 years old;; mother works; wages. 1022 E. SSth st. 8. Auto. 620-87. LADY, experienced, want housecleaning, wash- j Walnut 0305. WANTED Girl or woman ior feneral house work, exierienced, small house. 3 in family. 83 r month. 34th end Skidmore sty. WANTED A competent woman for general housework on farm. Call Atwater 3226 after 4. WA N T E D A M A TEC RS , PRIZES, CANDY GIRL; EXPERIENCED CHORUS GIRLS. APPLY MR. OWEN'S. CASINO THEATRE. ANY GIRL in need of a mend, apply to the Salvation Army Rescue Home, Mayfair and Aie lander t. Pncme Miin 84SO. D-M car. GIRL for general housework, waukie 45. Phone Mil- CAN accommodate two more pupils in our evening class in beauty culture. Bdwy. 3269. GREGG shorthand taught privately by expert. Broadway 41 16. HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE 205 Sfi MORE hnn t-ickers wanted usual ac- coramodations. Apply Bisnop Bros Flanders st. Phone East 1324. 408 SITUATIONS WANTED MALE 251 DISABLED ex-service men. trained by the government in 02 different vocations, are now available for employment. These skilled men are furaithed at no cost to the employer or to the employe. CNITED STATES VETERANS BUREAU Myler Bide.. 9th and Oak Sta. Broadway 7621. CA8LOW & UPDEGRAFF, contractors and builders. Fir?t cla workmanship and ma terials guaranteed. Plans and specifications furnished, or we figure from your plans, Seil- wood 2360. HOUSE WIRING Let me give you an estimate on your wiring before letting your contract. Licensed eleo trician. Walnut 5691. LET ME figure your wiring before you let your contracts. Old houses our specialty. Get our prices on fixturea. Walnut 2114. or evenings. Walnut 3065. APARTMENTS. HOTELS, CONTRACTORS umi ns pimier, uriib ca.i..u., references turuiahed 614 43. JANITOR and wife want position with apart ment; 10 years experience; can do painting, kalsomining or take care of oil furnace. Main 6582. fcXPEKDNCED landscape gardener, new lawns a specialty, old lawns made ever. Fbons Tabor 7U13. TINTING, paperhanging and plaster patching, ralsominir-g. Let me make your old house new; ref. Empire 1523. CARPENTER Estimate. a-iven on repair work ; screens made and e a rages built, shop , 1367 Hawthorne. Tabor 1280. PAINTING, papernanging end tinting; prices reasonable; work guaranteed. Shop 1805 Hawthorne ave. Tabor 17 22. COMPETENT bookkeeper want to handle small sets. Address L. E. Eachtus. 573 Haig st. SHINGLING We specialise on reahingling; can do your job better and sate you money. Estimates free. East 1928. BUILT-IN fixtures, cupboarda and kitchen . tables, garage built and' garage doors made vj wrci, - u . ....... u - - T. V r J V I Tl-- ,nH ffrsnini, tmfrmtm Kau.nant ' and moving houses. Work done promptly. ! Wdln. 8804. , PAINTING, tintinz and wood finishing, et- ucnenccd worgmen. anoderate prices. R. il. j Bennett, Main 3383. PRACTICAL machinist with experience wanted take full charge of shop on percentage basis. Address P. O. Box 358. Portland. HARDWOOD floors laid over your old ones at very low " ccst. Cail us up for estimate. Tabor 4718 or Tabor 7635. PAINTING, tinting, paperhanging ; work done to suit. Phono Auto. 622-93 or Sellwood 1027. REGISTERED chauffeur not afraid of work can keep up moteav Phone Main 703. CARPENTER Phone Main -Needs work; ssk for carpenter. 7 003. KALSOMINING, painting done, contract or day work. Call Main 6532. ROOMS tinted 33 ; painting and papering rea sonable. Broadway 3523. EXCAVATING- Chss 6400. Cheeseman. ROOFS repaired and painted; tin and paper roofs cover d with hot pitch. Tabor 0929. EXPERIENCED janitor wants work, ail or part time. Phone Braadway 0396. LAWNS made and seeded: general gardening by expert. Phone Main 5521. PAINTING and tinting, first class work, sonable. Sellwood 2124. EXCAVATING General teaming. Atwater 180S. PAPER HANGING, unuog. inside finish: first elsss work; prices reasonable. Tsbcr 8080. HARDWOOD FLOORS by day .or contract References. 1496 Hodhey ave. Wdln. 6632. V. W McCORMACK. cement contractor. J one-half sack mixers. Sellwood 1580. CEMENT WORK, guaranteed, all kinds, Ka3 Battee A Co., ScllwVod 0919. PAINTING. TINTING, ALL BRANCHES. REASONABLE VAIL BROS- Wdln. 3326. FOR EXCAVATING AND GRADING CALL TABUS ICQ' CEMENT foundations, bouses raised, cement work of all kinds, reasonable. Atwater 8865. EXCAVATING, grading, general team work, by rtsv or contra ct- Walnut 1683. BY AN. EXPERIENCED grocery man. ia c out of town. ' Phone Main 0413. , URlCKLAlR. A-l mechanic, fire PyCes specialty. Phone Auto. CEMENT WORK. aU kinds, and garages; have concrete mixer. Tabor 60T-0. 5rOUNG man with touring oar, needs work at ence. Call Miller. Wamnt 4645. PLUMBING done very reasonaiua by the hour or by the job. East 9838. TEAMING, plowing, excavating, dump wagons. 240 E. 8th. etc ; also East 0210. SH INGLE R-1 3 years' experience. All weak absolutely fuarawteea Nvamut vvti. WE DIG cess pools, connect sowers cheaper than anyone jn the city. Ant. 832-01. CARPENTERS Repair worat done by day or contract. CaU Eaat 9384. PAPER HANGING, PAINTING. TINTING. REPAIR WORK. BELLWOOD. 89Q6. BASEMENTS, grading, general teaming; con tract or day work. Aotx -as. SITUATIONS FEMALE 254 MOTHER and daughter wish chamber work together -in hotel. Main 3430. Mia. Preyer. RESPECTABLE woman would care for ehD drea in widower's home or take charge of apartment hooaev Call Walnnt 6886. WORK by the hoar, awing or koaeweek ao cooking or laundry. 338 6U st. Boom 8. Phono Main 851. MODERN piano at-ton at reasonabio pneea. Cad East T133. WOMAN wants house cleaning or other work by hr. or day; reliable, ref. Ant 326-60. JfcXPEKTENCED laundress , wants work. "c3 c, .. ansa . ss WOMAN with smaii child pcsiaoa family. Phape Tabe 5640. WANTED laundry to take home by experienced hiundresa. Atwater 33. LAIY wishes work with employed family; ran . fumaah god rti Mitaoea. Braadway 190J, FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE THERE'S ADJOURNAL WANT AD AGENCY IN EVERY NEIGHBORHOOD Frederick C.j Porbes Drug Co. East Morrison and Grand Ave." IS ONE! OF THESE You can take your ad there, pay the small publishing charge, and it will receive the same careful attention that it would if you brought it a The Journal yourself. Coupons for Presents Are Always Given at Journal Want Ad Agencies on Premium Days THE JOURNAL OFFICE IS OPEN EVERY DAY (INCLUDING SUN DAY) FROM 7:30 A.M. TO 11 P. M. SITUATIONS FEMALE 254 ELDERLY lady wants portion as housekeeper for widower or two adults. Phone Van couver 890L or write E. Snider, 1109 W. loth st-, Vancouver, Wash MIDDLEAGED woman vwlin pociitiwi as housekeeper in apartment house or mother less borne; competent, economical ; references. E. Jacobs. 6300 63d ave., S. E. HATS made to order. J2.50. Rose Hat Shop, 010 Milwaukie. DRESSMAKING, also remodelling. CaUJTabor alo ntmel S4 5y for aijpoi DRESSMAKING 256 HEMSTITCHING, an color, 6c. Room 403 Hale lib bldg.. 327 Washington at. Bdwy 8742. HEMSTITCHING, white cotton, 5u perT yard. 505 Kaieiglr bldg. 327 Washington st. ALL KINDS of sewing children's sewing my specialty. Walnut 6083. i HEMSTITCHING any color 7c yd. whip, wait. Buttons. Stamps. 209 Alisky e you bldg. HEMSTITCHING white. 6c per yard straight Button & Plaiting Shop. 809 Royal bldg- NURSES 257 EXPERIENCED nurse wants home caes.j Wal nut 2315. ! FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS 300 THE BARTON Clean, furnished rooms, 32.50 per week and up; alo light housekeeping. 4 55 Alder st. BEAUTIFUL strictly modern newly furnished, with fireplace and reed furniture; walking distance East 4365. Two bells. ! ARTHUR HOTEL, 170 11th St.. near Morri son Clean and modern rooms Dy aay, wees j nr month at reasonable rates : grBujARg hotel. Waan. st cor. T 17th; modern rooms $3-50 week Up. UNFURNISHED ROOMS 300-A SUNNY bedroom near Campbell holel,; steam heAt, bath, phone private entrance; sani tary couch furnished; private family,; walk ing distance. Main 4869. : FURNISHED ROOMS PRIVATE FAMILY 301 WELI furnished mom. close in. stesra heat. 307 11th st, apt. E. Atwater 04S1. FOR 1 OR 2 GENTIJCMEN'; LARGE IfBON'T SLEEPING ROOM. MODERN CONVEX IENCESf WALKING DISTANCE. 591 E OAK. SEE THIS TODAY ." LOVELY LARGE CORNER RM. FOR 2; GOOD BED. BEST OF BOARD; 7; MLN. WALK TO CITY. EAST 18b0. a LARGE rm. ou second fir. including sleep jng porch; all borne privileges, free bath and poone: suitaoie ior two or uiiee, ciuivt nu t2 .T 3 V l! 1 fit. 4 O 7 8 . ONE nice, large sleeping room, also oia which mi? ha converted to light housekeeping if desired, walking distance, close to cariine. 751 E. Couch. Phone L. 0a33. NICELY furnished rooms, private home, for quiet, employed persons, walking distance, lovely neighborhood. 50 Ella st- : Bdwy. 8004, ; "VERY attractive room in refined family ex ceptionally well furnished, furnace neat, gentlemen preferred, breakfast if desired, near cariine. 391 E. 24th. Sell. 2566. : 2 NICELY furn. outside sleeping rooms in first class apt. house; rent reasonable; j gentle men only. Main 751B. ! IF you are looking for clean, cheerful; home, I suitable for 2 young ladies, good car 'service. reasonable rates. 9rj Hawthorne ave. ; FOR RENT In private home, room with double sleeping porch, all furnished: heat, light, bath, etc.. S25. 741 F- Madison st. A NICE large room with fireplace for one or two; a covy place for the winter, free bath and phone. 253 N. 21st st. Main 4078. LARGE FRONT ROOM, PRIVATE FAMILY. FURNISHED -HOT AND OOLD WATER. PHONE 753 HOYT ST. . MAIN 7080. SLEEPING ROOM, $18; RUNNING Vf'ATER, HOT AND COLD; HOT WATER HEAT. CALL EAST 3481. THREE FURNISHED BOOMS. INCLUDING MODERN KITCHEN. ADULTS. CALL TABOR 6939. 2 LARGE front adjoining rooms snitiible for 2 or 4 young men; very reasonable. At- waXer OSSfe 194 12th st. cor. of Taylor. SLEEPING room, wejl heated, walkiug dis tance: prices right; come and be ttisfied. 1SS 17th st. w j SflCELY furnished front room, in hew Co lonial bungalow, every convenience; .H block to car; lady or gentleman. SelL 4057. GOOD inexpensive, modern roorfl to : working woman; good home to steady, reliable party; close in. Main 3579. LARGE, well furnished front room. 1 Eat moreland district, 1H blocks from; car Call Sellwood 2169. j ' SLEEPING ROOM. PRIVATE HOME. FCR NACE HEATE1. WALKING DISTANCE. EAST 7618. 427 WILLIAMS AVE, NICELY furnished sleeping rooms; private home: hot, cold water, furnace heat. Gen- tlemen preferred. 63 N. 22d st. Main 1744 BOOM with home privileges, beautiful view Willamette heights. 1069 Vaughn: st. Main 3987. - ; EVVLt furnished room; private family; geutle- man preferred. No other roomers. 329 13th st . LARGE comfortable rocm, married rcuple or business girl, cooking privileges or family hotel near. 709 East Salmon st.. FOR YOUNG business man. very pleasant room with breakfast, private family, walking dis tance, west aide. Call Main 1349. LARGE nicely furnished front room; suitable for one or two gentlemen; also single room. 828 18th st Phone Main 1098. i 1 2-ROOM and on 1-room and kitchenette h. k. apts.; also nice sleeping rooms; 10 Bin. walking distance. Call at 649 6th. CLEAN. LIGHT. AIRY KM., WITH BATH, SUITABLE FOR 1 OR 3. 657 FLAN- TIERS. FRONT bed room for rent ia private home. for lady; : home privileges. . 5TO 1st at Phone Main 2446 COMFOBTABLT rurnianed room, I with ca rage. 31a. 898 rJ. ta e. Msat 2475. COMFORTABLE rooms, uuiet ItomeL close iT t ItomeL w foi av lev a! . 203 E. lat st N. FOB, RENT Nice front room 1 or 2 - men: call owning. N ICE S xvxtau furnished apartments for rent st 41 Morris; $18 month. i ROOMS, paatry, water. $12 month. l2 Vancouver svw. East 6667, tWO uu funuabad rooms, 828lSOis, oerweew vjay ana saarwev, saam xss. 3 OR 3 pleasant unfurnished Too-uhj light and airy, reaonaote. x- a sua o. near Ankeny. 820 LARGE, modern, bed. sitting irxwo, park ing speca; west side; close in. Bdwy. 4219. BEAUTIFULLY furnished clean room at 90 sr mih , CLEAN out-side aleeping rooaaa, wH farnlsed. 126 1. . as ana as, aow eta st. Ma a FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS PRIVATE FAMILY 301 LLi5.. pleasant trout room, also glassed in sleeping porch with outside entrance; walk ing dis tan re west side. 433 H Montgomery. Jism &5 i 0. NICELY iurmhed front room to one or two gentlemen, an modern conveniences, garage T b 16reL f'ne locaUou- reasonable. VERY attractive front room with ilressitiz oom and sleeping porch: nicelv furnish! clean and cillforrahle: frnllrfn.-, A nrafa,,t ONE nice lare ileeuina r,.(im i.i nrir.i. f. ily; anyone seeing this rontn will be tie lisLied to rent it; I wiU rent it cheaply. 48 LARGE front room, hot water heat, Piedmdnt district. Walnut 01 ST. LOVELY KOfMr TV CTII"T-T 1- f,.T.i-ri,. nr i-iT : riKSisuiil; 1" WIS- DOb; i,J n I'nr.TBuwi. iviivif DIST. RENT REASONABLE, ' ATVV. 02"2 EXTRA large cor. room, 3 closets, prvi. bath, NtncabJe fpr 3 or 4. in a beautiful refiried ditance 84 ' "lat U- cur- nalkg FOR RENT Boom and bath for a, gentleman in pleasant home, with elderly gentleman. 1966 10 Sellwood cariine. SeUwood ROOM AND BOARD 302 Nartomia Hote3 j BroarlTray off Washington. Broadway 1180 Portland's high class downtown residential hotel. We give you the comforts of home American and European plan. Rates reason able. HOTEL HEREFORD 735 HOYT. MAIN 3305. Exclusive residential; special summer rates our nu; la speak for our popularity. EXCLUSIVE residential hotel ; rates 443 o 850. 794 LoTejoy. Msin S619. ROOMS AND BOARD PRIVATE FAMILY 1 303 ROOM and board in nice modern home, walk ing distance. S33 per month, or 330 if! 2 snar rocm. fall East 4379 until Sat, p im Later at .10 Holly st. I BOARD AND ROOM. PRIVATE FAMILY JUST WHAT YOU WANT. PLEASANT St;RROUNDlN;g. CIOSE TO BCSLNESS CENTER, MAIN 2074. j WIDOW- Comfortable home, near good school, would like care of children, 0 to 12 years mother's care and attention. 907 E. 11th st, N., between Skidmorg and Mason. j LOVELY large front room with alcove, suit able for two: hot aatl cold water in room; E-jd board ; walking distance; west side. Main FAMILY Iivuik 1:1 the country will take 1 lor more boys to boar.l for winter; near g?iod ehool; references given. Adilress Mrs. Ett Mickley, Prindle. Wash. SI'NNYSIDE SPECIAL r Breakfast, lunch or dinner; rm. if desired, 2 blka. to school good hom for feacher3: pisno and phone. Tab. HMO. 1069 Morrison. GOOD board and room $6.50 wk ; swell ueifeti borhood. one block to car; two to another; four to others; garage, 35 mo. IU)' Cleke land. Walnut 5136. j - I HAVE one large front room Mittahle For i youna petp:e in Dusuteu; will furnish breakfast and dinner; home privileges, wajik ing distance to 3 schools. Eart 1376.' : GOOD HOME FOR TEACHERS BREAKFAST, LUN"H AND DINNER; 11. K. ROOMS IF DESIKFD. 109 E. MORRISON ROOM and bnard for 2 gentlemen. S30 per montJi. 121 E, 11th. Phone East 2522. i CHILDREN to room and hoard, from to 8: good home, 5 blocks to school. 9314 51st ave. Antr 616-13. ROOM and board, home privileges, Walnut 3552. hot water, phone, piano, 1 block Woodlawn opr. LARGE, clean room with board for one or tjwo gentlemen, shovrr bath, home privileges, walking distance. 674 E. Taylor, ROOM and board in private family for two women, near Sunnyside school; home piivi leg . 1145 E. Taylor st ! ROOM and board, all home conveniences, tiest home cooking, salads "and desserts, fruit ifor breakfast ; just like hrwne, close "in. E. H248. PRIVATE FAMILY Room and board suitable for two working men: will make it -homelike. 15 E. 15th IN. LARGE front room on first floor, suitable for 2 with table board. 692 East Ash. East i;t)7. uiMKU arm room 111 private lamuy for 2 mien. -- 3o a mo. ; 2 blocks from Bdwy. bridce. ami Bentc-n st. LARGE front room far two with or without board. 166 X. 23d st- Phone Atwaiter 1.131. I WANTED Girl employed to room and board; walking casta ace : reasonable. Broadw.v 8016. j ROOM and board, all home comforts. cSnse to Benson Polytechnic, school. Tel. Hait 3023. Address 625 E. Ankeny. j WANTED, girls of school age to care for, also email crainren arternoon or evening. Glad stone P. O. Box 408. I ROOMS WITII OR WITHOUT BOARD- GENTLEMEN PREFERRED: 88 WEWir 624 SANDY. EAST 5309. T NICE. CLEAN. CHEERFUL ROOMS. WITH OR WITHOUT Bit OA D. 13 E. BROAD WAY. EAST 4948. j WILL give good room and board to little girt from 3 to 8 years of age near good school. Price reasonable. Tabor 6260. NICE warm room, hot and cold water, tea. sonable, excellent board for 3 men. 191 11th at- Main 9121. ' 1 HOMELIKE accommodation for two hsdiea, teachers or others am ployed; Irving ton dis trict: two car lines; best neighborhood: good board. East 5878. ' 2 YOUNG men or man and wife to room and board, private home, walking- distance, east side, near Benson school. East 9218. 2 - BLOCKS from R. C. P. acnool. for teaSeh ers, board and room, home privileges. Tabor BOOM AND BOARD for teacher or ldy rm ployed; private borne, near Hawthorn ear Bna. 308 East 4 0th street south. Tabor 237 4 WANTED CHILD TO BOARD, CXIvKri SCHOOL AGE. ELEGANT HOME. BJKST OF CARE. WALNUT 7246. . j TWO large rooms, nicely furnished, in,' exclu - ruvo private home, with or without board. 761 Clinton. Bear 23d. Sell. 0183. ! GOOD HOME AND MOTHER'S OARS FOl SMALL CHILDREN. SELL. 8908. . . FURNISHED room with board; sleeping porch" 407 Clay st Main 8884. M NEWLY furnished room wrth board in a hew SBOdem home; good pJcatioa. Tabor 4355, WILL BOARD kit school or working girl ' for comrJanio ship. Teaoable. Caff East 2796. WIU board - girls. 32W l-er month; Elliot school dulnct. t 630 ia tiaatebeus. ara. FOR RENT ROOMS AND BOARD PRIVATE FAMILY 303 CHILDREN to board, beantirul country aonse. near school, close in, 314 monthly. For particulars write Peaceful Arras Farm. rout. 1. box 142-A. Hilfeborot " ROOM AND BOARD ia privet home for two, young gentlemen; nicely farnsshed rrom. piano sad Victrola. Maiu 5837. T9S Mar shall st. ROOM AND BOARD, private family, walking distance, 38 week; re room for tw men, also single room; gentlemen only. 244 Stout street. : -, TWO OB THREE respectable young gentlemen to room and board in refined borne with mother and daughter. Boys who appreciate real borne life. 730 E. Ankeny st East 1431. SEE THESE TODAY LOVELY LARGE RM. WITH 1 OR 2 BEDS. WITH 2 MEALS. IN ATTRACTIVE HOME. TABOR 8709. LARGE front room with private family, suit able for two. no other boarders, home priv ileges. 430 E. 8th street N. Phone E. 38S5. WANTED Two or three chUdren ta board; modern home, large lawn, near good school; mothers care. Aut, 610-57. 6324 82d St. S. E. ROOM WITH BEST OF HOME COOKIN'A. HOME PIRVH.EGES. WALKING DIS TANCE. EAST 1993. 235 EAST 15TH, COB. MAIN. j ONE room and board in clean, attractive j heme, for young men. 'Home privileges; i walking dis:ance. reajcusble. 15 E. 19th st. I East SSSjt. PLEASANT, clean rooms, double and single; home privilege; good clean tabic board; ! piano: at 8 and 88.50 per week. ' 710 E. I Broadway. East 2418. . FOR AGED invalids, chrome op convalescent patients, pleasant home surroundings, with j heaitn-huihluig diet and treatment, personal. I care of physician: reasonable rate. East 8S535. WANT FATHER AND CHILD. SCHOOL AGE. TO ROOM AND BOARD. LARGE FRONT ROOM; MOTHERLY CARE; PRI ! VATE FAMILY, ROSE CITY. TABoR 8076. 2 OR 3 persons may have room and board; ; wonderful view; dressing room; hot and eoid I water; fireplace; sip. porch: splenedid home cooking: references. Msin 0511. i ROOM and board in a nice home; just what you re looking for; good meals and clean bed; nice Sumgay dinners; for a gentletuau. Walnut 4545. BOARD and room in refined home, twin bed-, pleasant for 2 girls to room together; would give special prce 125 each per month. Broad way 22 33. DANDY ROOM, LARGE CLOSET," GOOD BOARD. PIANO, FURNACE HEAT. 788 E. TAYLOR. EAST 9065. BEST care taken of children by hour, day or week. References. 9SS Cleveland ave. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED 304 $13.50 PER MO., nice large H. K. room; perfectly clean, well fTlmiahed good furnace heat in winter; suitable for 1 or 2- desirable employed ladies; walking distance. Del Monte, J 107 Stout, 1 block .south of 20th and Wash. FURNISHED 2 rm. apt., hot and cold water. steam beat. Reasonable. 65S Glisaa (t Bdwy. 3935. STEAMHEATED. hot and cold water, newly furn. h. k. and slpg. rms., lndry rm., 310 mo. up. Sunnycrest. 1 80 Sherman. SCNNYCREST Steam heated, hot and cold water, newly furn. h. - k. and sllig. rms., lndry rm., SIO mo. up. 180 bherman. 1, "2 AND 3 II. K. rooms, reasonable. 423 Pacific st,, corner 6th; near dental college. Ean 8494. 23 2 FURN. H. K. rooms, heat, light, phone, walking distance, west side. 170 ?tout st. or 20ih and Morrison; ONK trunk transferred. SOc; additional trunks. Hoc. each, in downtown districts. Broad way 24 4 5. ONE suite apt, and single rooms, reasonable. Mrs. M. Millner. 228 Harrison st. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED PRIVATE FAMILY 306 TWo furnished housekeeping rooms, close in, 20 per month, including gat for cooking. 502 East Pine. Phone East 8013. NEWLY furnished h. k. room; every conven ience, waikiug distance. 325 13Ui st,, near Clay. LARGE furnislied h. k. rooms, with heat, p-ione and bath. 815; single and $20 double, west de. 409 Vi Jackson st. Main 5196. 2 NICELY furnished h. k. rooms, gas and light furnished; close to business district. 532 hi Yamhill sr. 3 NEWLY furnished h, k. rooms; hot and cold water. gas ami electricity, phone, walking distance. Main 2369. 364 12th st- GOOD h. k. room. Tabor 1105. modern, private family. CHEERFUL, COZY. WELL FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING SUITE; ALSO SINGLE ROOM. 414 MARKET, COR. 11TH. 8 H. K. ROOMS and, private bath; clean rooms; includes light, phone; no children. 510 Clay gt. ' ' 2 H. K. ROOMS with kitchenette; 2 large h. k. rooms connecting; also single rooms. 293 17th st. ONE large furnished H. K. room and closet: furnace heax. suitable for two. .$4.50' per week. 4 21H 6th St. Atwater 2605. NEAR Jefferson high, and streetcars; separate bath, also separate entrance. Call aftr Monday, 1037 Cleveland ave. j FOUR LOVELY FURNISHED HOC8EKEEP- i.m nuu via, .J vu.MU. CALL SLLL- WOOD 1222. THREE large furnished housekeeping rooms for rent. 701 East Burnskie st East 3206. 2 AND 3 large housekeeping rooms, nicely fur nished, suitahlo for 4, near school. 271 N. 21st st FOUR clean housekeeping rooms, suitable for fsmily; light bath, phone : 830 per month. 615 y 1st st. Atwater 3805 . NICELY fumtehed housekeeping room for man -' or lady attending school : close to cariine, 31 per month. 172 E. SSth st LARGE front room with kitchenette, newly papered and decorated; 83 week. 270 Columbia. Main 2757. TWO front housekeeping rooms, ou csrhne; walking distance; adultsj only. Clean. 032 East Morrison st. FOCli unfurnished light bousekeeping rooms, dose to cariine; light and water furnished. Must be seen to appreciate, 140 E. 34th st 2 II. K. ROOMS suitable for 3. furnace heat light .and gas; could care for small child. 751 Kearney st. 2 FRONT h. k. rooms snd 1 back room, with kitchenette; furnace heat close in. 548 Tamhill st. ONE H. K. ROOM WITH SLEEPING PORC1L ALL, MODERN 909 11th St. Atwater 3213. 2 ROOMS and sleeping porch; 2 beds: adjoin ing bath; steam heat. For 2 adults. 401 10th at. Main 2 4 80 . POUR furnished 1 K. rooms; hot and cold water; close in, 381 12th st, cor. Mont goraery. Main 1199. 3 ROOM IL K, suite. $25 too.; 1 single front H. K. room, $16 mo. Space for parking ear free. Atwater 821. 534 Tsylor. TWO or three pleasant unfurnished honse- aeeping rooms, in private borne, modem. 7- Hmnaa ave. l-oon. walnut 5338. TWO large rooms and kitchenette. 330 per i-iijii i , , wj 1,1 j-l. .10 per monul P-3 em st. t reo pnone. Atwater 1534. VACANT in a few days: can he a.n i4. i 3 large. light, clean, well furnished house ke;in rooms. Very pleasant Walnut 4531. TWO, large rooms with pantry, well furnished, private entrance and bath, 830. 10 E. 10th st N. 3 FURNRSHED housekeeping rooms en first floor. 129 E. 3 2d. near Morrison. Rent reasonable. 1 1G- 2 LARGE furnished house in- rooms. 642 E. 27th st Kictrmond car to iiito, one oioca amiau 4 ROOMS, neatly furn, for h. k. ; walking i distance to Heed college; adults only. Sell Wood 0590. SINGLE furnished H, i st Atwater 0197. K. room, 684 Gliaan THREE furnished H, a rooms; electric lights: adults. . 690 East Bnraside. . FOUR furnished housekeeping . rooms, 843 . Stark st , Mrs. Fordner., , ' 3-ROOM furnished housekeeping apta. Phono Xast 3185. - , SINGLE furnished IL K, room. 684, Glisaa st. Atwater 197. FOR BENT- 3 very large modern frost lET rooms. 249 13Ujst 2 AND 3 room . IX. K. apts, 2 beds, aink, phone.- close in, 3p 12th st 4 IL K- BOOMS., wood- and light furaished; very reasonablv. close in. 194 Lownsdata. J-EOOM. modern b. t apts., hot and eold water; phone, bath and lighta' 868 3farket TWO or S lovely furnished H. K ruon.-31 3 pet. tBOPtb. light. ta.: 686 Petligrove. t E PRIVATE home, 3 roont furnished apt, 2 - single H. K. rooms. 388 ?f. 20th. st WASH ST. EAST 6S85. - VERY desirable f amUhed IL K. rooma, private hath. 851 BdnTT Sva., cor. Knott at. ' . 2 BOOM flat, $3 per week; single' roouiT$ 1.7 5. ',84 Front, near Market'- H. K SUITE with sleeping poroh for 3 N, ISth at ' 154 3-BOQM funu-hed a4- 633 East Marraa., FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED PRIVATE FAMILY 30g t REE rent. 2 weeks, eanvpeis and roomers, furnished and unfurnished, etas in, lectrK light, gas, bath.; place for cars free: basement; children taken; cheapest rent in city. 313 Will isms sve, - - 18 COMPLETELY furnislsed detached house, rooms sad kitchenette, phone, pri vate bath, laundry and basement ; small but comfortable and convenient; adults. Take Fulton car to 1803 Virginia at. TWO FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. 2t iUOATH ATWATElt 117 ' 601 CLAY. ONE 2 -room furo. a. k. apt, modern, bath. phone, sink, hot and cold water, 325; sl 1 large clean h: k. room with heat. $4.30 v.ek. 421 H 6th t. Atwater 260. 2 LARGE front rooms. b nice frot room, and kitchenette; hot water always for baths, laundry; walking distance, block from Ouch -chooi. 653 Flandert ' . 3 N ICE clean rooms, hall, bath, eloaet ia room; use of porch, hvm: no other room ers; electricity, phone -kad bath ttfe; reason able. Adults. Walnut 3873 morning. WELL furnished 2-room apt. clean as van be made; fireplace, kitchenette, done in white, beat, light, gaa and phone included. Private bo ire, adults. Sell wood 1068. SEE- THESE! TODAY Two H. K. rooms; light, bath, water and phone; also sleeping rnor. Just what you want: close in. Ean 016R. NICELY furnished U. K. rooma. gas. electric light, furnace heat; -new hoeute. Call Sun days or evenings. 1174 Front si. Fulton csr. get off at Richardson. . LARGE light h. k. room, convenient to Ben son Poly and Dental college : prefer young man ; furnace heat, electric lights and gas for cooking. 4T E. 15th st, 8. East 1792. ONE er 2 IL K. rooms, furnace heat, laun dry privilege, elect., phone, 1 blk. Shattuek school. M and 33.50 week. 405 W. Park st. NICE' light room, everything fumihed. 121 N. 23d. Atwater 1502. THREE furnished, housekeeping rooms, hot waoter in pantry and kitchen, nice clothes closet in fEbnt room. 2(10 Cook ave.. M block from W Ulia ms ave. 316 PESTmTo. es. 2 aingle H. K. rooms lsf floor, running water, gas or stove heat, for bachelor or working person, near Y. M. C A. 330 Taylor st, Atwater 1875. ONE small light h. k. room, close in, one block from Punnyside and . Mt. Tabor car line. Phone, light and water; 110. East 5335. NOP HILL. 3 large, clean, nicely furnished modem rooms; accommodate 3 or 4 people; near school and car; would like lady to look after house part time. 736 Hoyt. near 23d. 325 TO 332 FOR 2 large, clean housekeep ing rooms in large apartment beuae; plenty of heat and hot water, free lights and phone. 402 V Third st - 810 TWO nice fur. front H. K. rooms. 2d floor, eleo. lights free; nice location; large basement rooms 313.30. 564 E. 8th. 8eU- wood 1109. NICELY furnished 3-room - apartment, west side, clean place, good location, handy to stores, 12 minutes to -sown; reasonable. 850 Thurman st near 25th. CLEAN light housekeeping rom,- furnished. phone, light water and gaa furnished, close in. 329 Ross st 1 Phone East 3541. 2 ROOM furnished housekeeping apartments; also 1 single housekeeping room, all mod ern, rent reasonable: siiaic'e for car if desired. 363 N. 16th. Bdwy 7B34. YOU WILL LIKE THESE TWO NICE LARGE HOUSEKEEPING BOOMS, ON FIRST .FLOOR: CHILDREN WELCOME. BROADWAY' 4436. 4 FURNISHED II. K. rooms and Bleeping porch, electric lights and gaa included, 825 per month. 731 E. 15th st U. Sellwood car to Rhone st . ONE 3 ROOM FURN. H. K. APT., ONE 2 ROOM UN FURN. H. K. APT.. NEAR SCHOOL. SUITABLE FOR TEACHER. NEAR 2 CARLINES. TABOR 9506. 2 BOOM housekeeping apartments with sleep ing porches, well furn lined. Phone, light and water; reasonable rent; Rose City car. 733 Pacific Bt or csll East 9232. . -ROOM housekeeping apartments, also 2 single rooms furnished. Reasonable rent 434 E. Morrison st THREE 2-room housekeeping apartments lights, water, phone, bath;, clean. Ideal location oa cariine. 634 E. Morrison at. TO light h. k. rooms; large and airy; nice quiet neighborhood. 12 minutea from Broadway and Washington, 816 per month, inc. light and gas. 79 5 Minnesota ave.. near Beech. TWO large clean housekeeping rooms, ground floor, - suitable for 3 adults:. 825 month. Small 2-room apartment, el ec trio light, bath, phone free. Main 2767. 270 Columbia. TWO rooms, well furnished, downstairs, 816 per mouth.. 607 MissisalppL 2 LARGE, 1 small housekeeping room, private entrance; gas heat, electricity, bath; also 1 sleeping porch. 388 Grand ave. N., near Broadway. T11KLK housekeeping rooms, 2 beds. 820 per month; large front housekeeping room, 815 per m on til ; small housekeeping room, 8S per month. Close in. 372 Vi Hawthorne ave. CHOICE of -2 large housekeeping rooma" iu private family, suitable fcr gentleman or lady; preferably working. 651 E. Madison st VERY desirable single h. k. - room; steam heat clean; must be seen to appreciate: close in, 428 Mill at. between 11th and 12th its. ONE large, light, airy housekeeping room, 85 per week, including bath, plioce, light and gas; easy walking distance, 120 18th t N. Phone Broadway 1025. FURNISHED h. k. rooms, furnace heat ery desirable, near Washington High and East side library; walking ditsaace, 505 East Aider. cor of 15th. 3 MODERN furnished rooms in. kitchen, dining room, bed room, bath, light, water, linen, silver; private entrance 825. 148 X. 7 2d. N. M. V. cariine. Tab. 0475. POSITIVELY clean 3 room apartment neatly . furnished, good rug lisioieuni kitchen, pantry, closet: gis range: hall and porch, storage room. 690 E. 10th. Sellwood 1898. 2 LARGE front rooms, hot and eold watery also large front room and kitchenette, $20 monthly. Single rooms for $15. Near Couch school. 655 Flanders. 1-2 AND 3-RM. h. k. apt.; 2 beds, sink. hot. cold water, furnace heat, good location. 306 12th st Main 1520. ONE large IL K. room; also sleeping room, clean, close in. 343 W. 10th st At- water 8359. 3 ROOM unfurnished apt, light clean, sink, water, gas, electricity, 318. 173 East 7th st, cor. Yamhill. ' NICELY furnished H. K. rooms in nice reai dential district;" furnace beat; prices reason able; wa'k:rig rii--t uce. 75fS llvyt st. MODERN 3 room housekeeping apartment walking distance;' adults. Call Atwater 0824, before noon or after 6 p. m: aTgLNGLE and 2 double H. K. rooms; light and water furnished: clooe in. 200 14th st, M. 4905. 1 SINGLE front II. K. room, suitable for 2 people; running water; free phone and light; walking distance. 475 Clay Bt M. 3790. 2 SINGLE H. K. rooms; gas range, sink and running water; close in. 370 12th st M. 8283. 1 II. K. ROOM and kitchenette. 1 single room; gas and light furnished; close in. 430 Mm Bt M, 8633. "FQUR furnished housekeeping rooms in pri vet . family in Rose City Para. Tabor 0012. - . 3-ROOM unfurnished apt; light, clean, sink, water, gas, electricity, -318. - 173 E. 7th st. cot. Ysmhill. ' J2.75 WEEK, furnished housekeeping rooms, lights' and bath included, west aide, walking distance. 545 hk 1st and 215 Mill st, cor. 1st TWO housekeeping rooms with light gas and heat furnished, for adult only. 27S 14th. Phono Main 7695 SUNNYSIDE. JlOth at,, 3 clean rooms, pri vata parch entrance. Pleasant ho ma East 8149. f - ' APARTMI-ST-e-H-TJRNISHED 307 3 ROOM apt staaaa beat 240 E. 16th st ' East Q472. ' - ' - fB At- RET Furnished apt steam lieat privata pstn. gq tiaassrppi ave. 2TROOM apts, oiean. reasonable; near school. 651 Ueanm ave. ainur. j j ay. 2 LANI 8-ROOM apts., also sieepina rooois. wa-chag distance. 706 Kverett st - ONE room, " kitchen,' bath; Private - entrance. pbowe. 414 atn e- S-ROOM. furnished apt, most be seen to be fully avwregiated.427T 6th st - ---v --"v- ADAMS APARTMENTS . Modern 2 rm. apt, furnished. 408 Jeffersost 2-RiL WtsJ "suitable for. eoopie or large family. - -1- lose in scnocii, i s siprnaomery. STERLING APIS. 3 ROOM ApfsTT J si. e-o.- ' xoia n r.. ujien. i-ROUM' apartment with privata " batfc, " nice ' privata Plaeg.- -71;-OtB. , 1 WO' basement apt, and 2 sip! rms, fur rent; very reason. hie. 4 W is Ytmhil st . UNION '. AVE. and : KUlHiga worth, tarnished ape, .s; su aowpiete; concrete bidg. FOR RENT APARTMrXTS FURNISHED 307 Guild; Apartments ; ; 394 Guild, near 23d an Thurman 3 rms, private bath, halt, heat, hot water, very attractive ako org 4 "nu, unfurniined. Mam. 3705. ' " - ' U. . . - SW 'vJ'ESTCOTT COURT APTS. E. 'bTH AT WEJDLEB An outside rooms, ktrge living rooms, bed rooens, balcoaies, ivory fuush. aardwood floors, shower-bataa, eiecAna rangaa,' taauogauy. fur n I to re. - . , LOVELY OOMMODIOUS APTS. . "rrvmte bath and sleepmg porch, wow avail- -J!8 the UABF1ELD AlTS.; .THE HOCSB J-42. ; " King Albert Apts. sad S rooms, furnislied Br wafuraiahed elevator. lltliat Montgomery. Main 0 Davenport Apts. 8 and S room furnished apts.- with private oath; also single housekeeping room. Main 8488, " THE STANFIELD- Modem 2 room apt, light, heat, phone. 2I. winter rst Main 7898. FOR RENT 4 large -roomy apt. with batk and built-hu, ott 2d floor: cm 3 ear line.; I block from Gleocoe school. Rent 83v month. 1836 Belmont corner 47th. Apartments : Fireproof building, -madern, 2. , and 4 rm. spt. : single tun. ; elevator service. Atw. 8397. .- LAUlfitt HjK AlfS. 7.TH AND YAMHILL For rent reaaonable, Turrusned. 3 and room apartments. Call- East 4QU2. . 3-KtiOM furnished apartment, light, hat.' h and cold water' furnlshtM: no email children. tlall Tabor 4234. 1093 Vs HAwthorno gvs.. spartnrent A. ONE large room and sleeping rorcb,. bath. cUwet,' kitchenette. wash trays, phone, light and heat .. All for 30. Phono ' East ViO-tlf. SUNNYCREST 822.30"; 2 outside rooma, bath nenly furn.,- steam Leat. gas, elec 186 Sherman. THE KDKNHOLM 33 4 5th st modem 2 snd 3 room furnished apartments. Private batlia. Bent reaaonable. . UADDON HALL 11TH AND HALL S rooms, kitchenette, bath, hdw. floors. pri" vata) balconies. 385 up. Atwater 1160. JULIANA APTS. 45 TRINITY PLACR FUR. 3 AND 8-ROOM APTS. 3 ROOMS, Including steam heat, hot and cold water, walking distance, 822.50 and 825. Bdwy. 4 292. Jennings ApU., 248H N, 17th. SAN MARCO, "is. RTU AND COUCTt, 9 RM. MOD. APT., WK. OR MO. ' EAST 1900. ONE, two tor., high school. Walnut 5802. three rooms, near Jeflenuin 244 Killings worth ave. Call ALICE COURT. East 8ta and Burnaid-; walking- distance; 8-rm., apt, ,2 beds, fireplace, prtv. tel. and bath. K. 8566. . - - HAWTHORNE APTS. 2 tnd S rm. apts. ; steam beat, . tlectrie IlghU, gas ranges. 825. - Atwater 1782, IUIS, KATHE1UNE Threw rooms and path fpts; large, light kitchen don in ivory. Atw. 2996 149 N. 23d street FURNISHED 2, 8 and 4 room apts., lis and 823 per month; walking distance. ; Main 8934. B68 5th it . ATTRACTIVE S room apt, all outside rooms, well furnished, strictly modern, clean and light East ,6745. THE NICKELS 3 or 4 room apt private . bath, steam heat, phono. 656 E. 6th. N. Walnut 4971. - QLEN COURT,' Comer Park snd Taylor. 'J, and 3-room ' apt., close in. Main 1961. THE LILLIAN Z and S-rm, furnished spts. ; wast side, close In. Atwater 1878. 881 6th st - ' APAlUTvIENTS- UNFURNISHED 308 The American : - : . Modern 4 god ream apartments. -21st and Johnson. Broadway 8860 THE WE1ST, OV ' IV. ,4P. Finest S the city. room and 3 bath apartment In 0 ?PPt t- Wted. 8S per month. 634 First, Call Main 4793. FLATS FURNISHED 309 IHB FAUSTINA A modern house of flats, wwst side, clou in, newly finished, cheerful 4 rooms snd bath; s Pleasant -boras; references. 464 nu gt,, NICE 4 room flat for rent; also 3 ' room apLl 8983th b,loon'- Prie ' mo" Lst IHVINGTON residential 4 ' room apt Heat WILL rent part of my ieely furn. 4 ; rm. house, neat and cleani adults. Call 1193. Cora sve.. near K. 89th . 4T"3".K0lIa t; will furnia-. TTTl. 9th st, N-. 0-ROOM upper flat, partly rurnished. ' at 390 took ave, near Union. Phone iuit 4203. $2SnT5.EftN 6 .partly' f'um-ilea. 998H Commercial. Walnut 0187. WELL furnished 4 room flat. $40, 70S Vsn- conver ave. Walnut 1088; 4-ROOM flat for rent; walking diaUnce: adults. Phona East 7963 after 6 p. m. NICE 3-rm. flat Priv. bath, phone, furnaue; i " omy. mua ntiron st. 4-ROOM furnished flat; beat and hot water; furnished. : 894 Fargo, near Union. 4 ROOM upper flat reasonable rent; adults frPly.- T27 E. Stark. Csll evenings. rT--4JNFjNISHED 310 4 BOOM modern flat 7?3 Oaaga ve., 1 blk. south of 23d and Washington. Mala 8B3S nw f ti tt . 0 -ROOM flat," modern ia every particular; newly decorated: 350. Adults only. In qtrlre 74 E. 29th K. Phono East 6070. . CLEAN modern 7-room flat, large yard, garage corner East 8th and Grant Phone East 0298; Sunday and evenings, East 9740. WEST SIDE: 3 large, light, clean" rooms"; walking distance; psrtly , funushed 1 if de gired; adults. 505 Columbia. - a2.50iA)WER 5-room fiat, 649 2d; brick cuiiuins. aiam invn; 4-ltOOM modern lower flat, garage.: loL'4 H. Main near 34th. Tabor 1033. MODERN 4 room upper fiat. Bear Piedmont car barns. Walnnt 4889. 6-ROOM lower flat, all modern conveniences. ill r Kunrnnf. t-tione r.ast H002. 6 -ROOM flat -823 . a ' month. 1109 Haw thorne ave.- . HOUSES FURNISHED' 3 1 1 FOR RENT 4-ruom house, furnished conT pletely for housekeeping, water and light fmisbed, $30. HsvrthoTBe car. 8723 67th st, FURNISHED or unfurnished, gooi modern S room bouse; concrete garage: on paved street, closa to Alberta car line. Phone Walsut 1981. FOR RENT Fully rurnislied cottage at 55o:t 5Ui at 8. K. ; $88 per moot-. For infor matioti. 6840 65th avo. MX 3-sLory home, Kosa City ' Park -Utrlct; nicely furcisbad except Sd story, for $85. saoor i so. CLOSE In, East side, modern home. 8 rooms, fine view and neighborhood; leas year $8- month. 879 E. Harrison. . . - FOR, RENT or .ease, 4 room furaished bunga low with garage, $30 month. Call eve nings, to 8 o'clock. 1508 Alblns. 5-BOOiI modern housa $30 pr month; Ful ton ear. 161' Pendleton st Atwater 2396. WILL give cheap rent to anyone renting my 6 -room furnished bona and boarding me. Call st 22 E. 7fth t '.. owner. NICELY furnished house, 4 rooms, without 2 partly furnished rooms. 2t st m. Sell. 2S9.- ' with or 784 . 818 4-HOOMS" furnished 1st floo,, ,ard; walking distance. Inquire 627, Market, near 16th. at -.' -'.- - COMPLETELY, furnished 6 -room bungalow, player piano,--furnace, $60. 1366 E. IStli . St. Sellwood 2929. . FOR RENT 4 room furnished hotuo $23; . 760 Clevwlaad ave., between Beech and Tre-. mont - ' - ",: : - - . FOR BENT 4 - rotm house; with garage; partly furnished; -$23 Suiubia for -two. Call 756 K. th N 6-KOOM rumiabed boimalow. str-tly modern. . ' h btorA- to Mt Scott or Hawthorn ear trna. -Tabor 4624. : 0-ROOM 1 ur-iaLed house, $33. . , Auto ma tin . B33-1S. - - - : " - - - - - -fSOOM hinualied liooae, $35. 6248 V tosd, ' nta. 62J-73. : ,. -' .. , 4-ROOM flat with bath, $25 (nouth, 150 fk East 83d St.. riouth. two ear lines. HOUSES -UNFURNISHED 312 WE specialise in piano and fun.itiir i IB-day Tr Btirraga. p Bdwy. 1207, Ls E MOVE furniture lor hoar. Main 8059. (Continue ca Following PagaJ J