FRIDAY, . SEPTEMBER- 8, 1922. THE OREGON - DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, OREGON. 1st ' : !- HELP WANTEP FEMALE 204 'MALTED Housekeeper to keep electrically quipped bona and care for twe small kid : dies; experience with children Bract important MooBraicsdatioa ; mother is advertising Bt ager for on of Portland bis -retail stores . and necessarily up tpn every dy except Sat "" unlayf housekeeper may - have fretroevrt ev- nines and Sundays in own home, if desired. -Call Auttomatie 513-60 Saturday. ' WOMEN wanted for peeling-pears: most have health cards. Apply tomorrow mornini ready for work. Starr Fruit Product Co.. 321 . Yamhill. WANTED Elderly lady to stay with widow. who is invalid en account of rheumatism And is alone. Wish, party who desires rteady employment at small usees and food Win?; light work. Call at 9719 66th are. S. E. tiet off Mount Scott car at Mount Scott para, one block south, two wt WOMEN wanted to work la cannery at Van couver, preparing pears. Car fare paid t nd from Vancouver. Good wages sod steady work. Report in the morning, ready (or work, at the Oregon Pack sag Co. plant, 9th and Bill St., Vancouver, Wash. For informa tion call East 6096. THE WOMEN'S PROTECTIVE' DIVISION. . j city of Portland, offers Its services in aH jmatters pertaining to the welfare and protec tion of women and girls; interviews confides tt 814 Worcester Lid,, 3d and Oak sts. - Phwy P'ilay 7422. i WOMEN wanted to work in cannery at Van couver, preparing pears! 'steady work and good pay; ear fare paid to and from Portland, f Report in the morning, rea3y for work, at the v Oregon Packing Co. plant, Ninth and Hill sts-, - yanconTer. For inforroatitm. -call 6096. WANTED Young woman to work in real estate office as partner, old established of fice; $250 necessary: must hare office expe rience. Broadway 7830. HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE 205 WANTED 25 hop pickers, good yard. Meet owner at St- Paul hotel. 229 2d St.. room 3; sfter 4 p. m.. Sept. . WANTED 25 hoo pickers, good yard. Meet owner st St, Helens hotel, 220 4 2d St., room a. after 4 -p. m.. Sept. 6. Main 1421. "GO ' MORE hop pickers wanted, unal ac commodation. Apply Bishop Bros., 408 Flanders St. - Phone East 1324. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE 251 DISABLED ex -service men. trained, by the government in 92 different vocations, are nowi available for employment. These skilled mean are furnished at no cost to the employer or to the employe. UNITED STATES - VETERANS BCREAU Myler Bide., 9th and Oak Sts. Broadway 76 21. CASLOW & UPDEG RAFF, contractors and builders. . First class workmanship and ma terials guaranteed. Plans and sjerificationa . furnished, or we figure from your plans, Seil wood 2380. HfirsF WlftTNG T 1 m a. -i. ,nn an itnu nn .mf iHna i before letting your contract- Licensed elee- tncian. H)mit 6691 LET -fF. fimiM Vmt. K-f r.,! i your contracts. Old houses our specialty. Get our price On fiiturev Wslnut 2114, or evenings. Walnut 3065. APARTMENTS"; HOTELS, , CONTRACTORS First class painter, desires steady employment, references furnished; reasonable waits. Auto. "' BY MARRIED MAN, AS WATCHMAN AND FIREMAN. OR CARETAKER. WHERE KcXiIABLE, INDUSTRIOUS MAN QUIRED. P-98. Journal. IS RE- BY EXPERIENCED TIMEKEEPER IN LUM BER OR CONSTRUCTION CAMP; HB- LIABLE, INDUSTRIOU8. P 99. Journal. EXPERIENCED landscape gardener, new lawns a specialty, old lawns made over. Phone Tabor 7613. TINTING, paperhanging and. plaster patching. kalsominicg. Let me make Jfour old house new; ret. Empire 1 528. W CARPENTER Estimates given on repair wors ; -screens maue and gsrsges Cunt, saos 1367 Hswthome. Tabor 1260." PAINTING, paperhanging and tinting; prices reasonsbles work guaranteed. Shop 13oi , Hawthorne sve. Tabor 1722. COMPETENT bookkeeper wants to handle small sets. Address L. E. , Eachtus. 578 Hstg at. SHINGLING f-Ve speciauze on resuingling; can do your job better and save you money. Kfimates free. East 1928. BUILT-IN fixture mnhninit anA kitchen 1Diea. garage built and garage doors made to -order. Call East 03s . EXCAVATING General teaming. Atwater 1808. . ., . ,. ' : -7 . - PAPERHANGING. unung. insidef nuh; fir,t , glass wore; prices reasonable. Tabor SOMh j efe-Sci? l4RodnebT svt5' w i References. 1496 Rodney arc. Wdln. 6632. V. Mr McCORMACK. cement contractor. J 1 ene-nait aaca mtxers. aeiiwooq 1530. CEMENT WORK, guaranteed, aii kinds. Ksrt BatUe Co.. Seliwood 0919. - PAINTING. TINTING, ALL BRANCHES REASONABLE. VAIL BROS.. Wjn. 332,. FOB EXCAVATING AND GRADING CALL TABOR 1587. LEDGER clerk. 5 year's experience, dtai'ea efflce work. Atwater 35 99; excellent refer ences. ' CEMENT foundstions, houses raised, cement work of all kinds, reasonable. Atwster 8365. CARPENTER Builds, remodels, cheap br contract. Walnut 0126. EXCAVATING, grading, general tean day or contract. Walnut 1685. work, by BY" AN EXPERIENCED grocery man. in of put of town. Phone Main 0418. BRICKLAIUkI AX mecbanic. fireplaces m ' specialty. Pbone Auto. MlH-aV. CEMENT WORK, all kinds, and garages; have concrete mixer. Tabor 6070. PLUMBING done very .reasonable by the hour or by Oe job. East 9838. . TEAMING, plowing, escalating. dumt wagons. 240 E. 8th. etc. ; slso East 0210. SHINGLER 12 years' experienc.:. All woi.k absoi utely guaranteed. Wslnut 0907. WE DIQ ctw pools, connect sewers cheaper than anyone in thej city. AuL 632-01. PAINTING arid mimi. first class work, rea sonable. Seliwood 2124. CARPENTERS Repair work done or contract, tail East 9384.' " by day PAPER HANOINS. PAINTING. TINTING. REPAIR WORK- SEIJ.WOOD 3906. MIDDLE AGED married man needs work at once. M-159. Journal. BASEMENTS, grading, general Warning; coo- tract or day work. Auto. 623-35. ROOFS repaired and painted; tin and paper roofs covered with hot pitch. Tsbor 0929. SITUATIONS FEMALE 254 ELDERLY lady wants position as housekeeper for widower or two adults. Pbone Van couver 890L. or write E. Snider. 1109 W. 15th St.. Vancouver. Wash. M6THER and daughter wish chamber work toa-ether "in hotel. Main 2450. Mrs. tryer. WORK by . the hour, nursang or housework : a cooking of laundry. 235 Room . Phone Main 0831. MODERN piano lessons at reasonable prices. Call East 7132. t EXPERIENCED saiesdady wishes position; ref- erencea. Box 287 Camas, Wash.;- VOMAN waists house cleaning or other work by hr. or day; rehsble. ref. Ani 326 50. LADY wishes work with employed family; ran I rurmsn good reterences. erotaway 1995. ; FIRST class waitress warns wotk. T ' !Mr. dpj. East 6600. . HATS made tto order. 82.50. Rose Hat Shop' 610 Milwankie. - ! DRESSMAKING see ! 1 . HE MST ITCHING, an eolor. 6. Room 403 Raleigh bUi. S27 Washington at. Bdwy. 8742. HEMSTITCHING, white cotton. 6e per yard. o"o nairign tiog. 3.-i wasAington St. ALL KINDS of sewing; children's sewing aay i HEMSTITCHING any color 7r yd. while you I wait. Buttons. Stamp. 2P9 Alisky hUig. HEMSTITCHING white, per yard Mimical - ! Button PUitlng Sbap. 809 Royal bklg. FOR RENT - FURNISHED ROOMS 300 - THE BARTON ' - 1 Clean, furnished rooms, 8 2. SO per week and wt al hght bouwkeeping. 435 Alder st. -ARTHUR HOTEL, 170 lltb at., near Mocri- -soa Clean and modern rooms by day. week etr month at reasonable rates. $2 25 PER WEEK, nice, clean room; walk lag distance, west side. 405 Park sc N EWLY furnished rooms for men, walking distance.. 63 K. 7th at Oak. BUSKMARK hotel. Wasn. at., coel 17lh: clean, modern rooms 68.50 week wp. FURNISHED ROOMS PRIVATE FAMILY 301 TWO nice furnished rooms. 828 18th t J betweew pay and Market. Main 808!. 8; OR 3 pleasant unf arnilw rwms. light and '- iry- TCTwb''- R 1 th S. near Ankeny eEA lTIFULi,Y funsukod mixmn room at"w i SC. - AvtAs. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS PRIVATE FAMILY 301 CLEAN, pleasant front room, also glassed in sleeping porch with outside entrance ; walk ing distance, west aide. 433 H Montgomery. Mam 8570. - ' - FURNISHED sleeping room for rent. Main 6313. 455 Market, st. Phone NICELT furnished front room to one or two gentlemen, ail modern convenience, garage also if desired. In fine location, reasonable. Tabor 1346. SEE THESE TODAT Two H. K. rooms, light, bath, water and phene; also sleeping porch. just what you want; plow in. East 0168. COUPLE living near. Franklin high school comfortable room for 1 or 2 ladies or gen tlemen. Home privileges. Would consider beaming. Tabor 8527.' VERY attractive front room with dressing room and sleeping porch; nicely furnished, clean and comfortable; gentleman, preferred, west ide. Bdwy. 4329. 5NE e:cb large sleeping room, in private fam ily; anyone seeing this room will be de lighted to rent it; I will rent it cheaply. 428 6 th st. LARGE front room, hot water heat. Piedmont district. Walnut 0187. NICE large room, large closet, 1 block from - carline, about 10 min. ride. East 2319. LOVELY ROOM IN STRICTLY MODERN HOME. NICELY FURNISHED; 2 WIN DOWS; LAKY PREFERRED; WALKING DIST, RENT REASONABLE. ATW. 0212. EXTRA large cor. room, 3 closets, prri bath. suitable for S or 4, in a beautiful refined home. 64 Ji. 21st St., cor. Everett, walking distance. FOR RENT Room and bath tor a gentleman in pleasant home, with elderly gentleman, 1 H blocks to Seliwood carline. Seliwood lt0. WEI L furnished room, close in, stesrd heat. 807 11th at,, apt. E. Atwater 048J. FOR 1 OR 2 GENTLEMEN; LARGE FRONT SLEEPING ROOM, MODERN CONVEN IENCES; WALKING DISTANCE. 591 E. OAK. SEE THIS TODAY LOVELY LARGE CORNER RM. " FOR 2: GOOD BED. BEST OF BOARD; 7 MIN. WALK TO CITY. EAST 1880. SLEEPING ROOM. 818; RUNNING WATER. HOT AND COLD: HOT WATER HEAT. CALL EAST 8461. THREE FURNISHED ROOMS, INCLUDING MODERN KITCHEN. ADULTS. CALL TABOR 6989. SLEEPING room, wail bested, walking dis tance; prices right; come and be . satisfied. 188 17th t NICELY furnished front room, in new Co- lonial bungalow, every convenience ; 4 block to car.; lady or gentleman. 8c 1L 4057. i GOOD inexpensive, xaodern room to working woman: good home to steady, reliable Dartv: I close in. Main 357 9. - NEWLY papered and painted sleeping rooms. ! Close in. 509 Morrison, bet. 16th and j I-own-dsle. Bdwy. 1007. ! FuR KENT Large bedroom, suitable for 1 or j - gentlemen, steam heat hot and cold ter In the room. Last 9090. LARGE, well farniihed front room East- morelsnd district, Sewood 2189. 1 hk blocks from csr. i NICELY furnished b. k. room?, piano, gas. I beat, private bath; cheap rent. 551 Rodney are., cor. Knott. SLEEPIKir ROOM. PRIVATE HOME, FUR NACE HEATED WALKING DISTANCE. EAST 7618. 427 WILLIAMS AVE. NICELY furnished rooms, privste home, for unlet., employed persons; walking distance; lovely neighborhood. 50 Ella st.. Bd'vy. 8004. ! SLEEPLNG ROOM. 318; RUNNING WATER, HOT AND COLD; HOT WATER HEAT. i CALL EAST 3481 NICE room, reasonable, for 1 or walking distance ; ideal fcr nurse. 7143. tiOS Northrup. ladies, Bdwy. NICELY furnished sleeping rooms; jprivste home: hot. cold water, fui-naco heat tien- Uemen prelerred. ttg . 22d st. Main 1744 RCMM with home privileges, beautiful view Willamette heights. 1069 Vaughn st. Main 8987. - i NEWLY, furnished room; private family: rentie- ! man 'preferred. , No other roomers. 328" ; t3tn st. LARGE comfortable rxm. married couple r I hi,sin c-irl ,ki.,u nr,.i... hotel near. 709 East Salmon st. ua xvc.vy uiuibm man, very pleasant room with breakfast, private family, walking dis- tance. west side. Call Main L849. LAE "icely furnished front room: suiUble for one or two gentlemen; also single room. 32S18th st. Phone Main 2098. 1 2-ltOOM and one 1-room and kitchenette h. k. apts. ; also nice sleeping rooms; 10 min. walking distance. Call at 549 6th. FOR RENT -Nice" front nsm for 1 or 2 men ; call evenings 823. Savier st. NICELY furnished s3e3nnt rooms, bath and phone on earr.e floor, cloce in. 188 17th st. 5fEVLY furnished room, walking distance; every convenience. 325 1s 13th. near Clay. NICE 3 mcmi furnhhed apartments for rent at 41 Morris ; 815 month. 4 ROOMS, pantry, water. 312 month. 412 Nam-ouver ave. Est 6667. CLEAN outside sleeping rooms, well furnished. 8S .and up. 5C0 6th st. Main 1267. ROOM AND BOARD 302 Nortonia Hotel Brpadwiy off Washington. Broadway 1180. Portland's high class downtown residential hoteL We give you the comforts of home. American and European plan. Rates reason able. HOTEL HEKZFORD 783 HOYT. MAIN 8303. Exclusive residential: special summer rates; our meals speak for our popularity. EXCLUSIVE residential hotel; rales 845 ta 8 SO. 794 Lovejoy. Main 8619. ROOMS AND BOARD PRIVATE FAMILY 303 LOVELY large front room with alcove, suit able fof two ; hot and cold water in room ; grwd board; walking d-tance; west side. Main 7681. LARGE front room for two with or without board. 166 N. 23d st. Phone Atwater 1151. WANTED Girl employed to room and board: walking distance; reasonable. Broadway 3016. ROOM and board, all home comforts, close to Benson Polytechnic echooL Tel. East 3023. Address 625 E. Anseny. WANTED, girls of school age to care for, also small children afternoon or evening. Giad- ton-. P, IX Box 405. ROOMS WITH OR WITHOUT BOARD; GENTLEMEN PREFERRED; 88 WEEK 624 SANDY. EAST 5308 NICE, CI.EAV. CHEERFUL ROOMS. WITH OR W ITHOUT BROAD. 13 E. BROAD WAY. EAST 4948. 11.1 give good room and board to little girl from 3 to 8 years of age near good school. Price reasonable. Tsbor &260. CHILDREN to room and board, from 6 to 8: good home. 5 blocks to school. 9314 51st are. Aut. 616-13. NICE warm room, hot and cold water, rea sonsoie, excellent board for 2 men. 181 1 1Ia " Main 8121 HOMELIKE accommodation for two ladies. .'f" or he,s "nplojed; Irving ton div LTrH Eart 87?-- neigbborhood ; -good - YOUNG men or man and wife to room and ui'm. wuains uisxance. east "ear Ben.-n school. East 9218 LttVJOLY large from room, with alcove, for two; board, hot and cold water in room; walking distance: wet aide. Mam 7681. 8 NIl'K rooms. wiLh hall, bath and closets, I h'Ock from business center on Hawthorne g eotn. labor 184 8. 2 BLOCKS from K. C p. school, for teach era, board and room, home privileges. Tabor ROOM AND BOARD for teacher or lady im. .ployed. PP'e near Hawthorne -ar-line. 806 East 40th street south. Tabor 2374 WANTED CHHJ TO BOARI UTdER SCHOOL AGE. ELEGANT HOME. BEST OF CARE. WALNUT 7246. TWO Urge rooms, nicely furnished, in exclu- save private none, with or without board. 76 1 Clinton, near 23d Sep, 018?k COOT HOME AND MOTHER sTc re FOR SMALL CHILDREN. SELU 8906 FCR-NISHED room watts board; aSecpimg rxwr-h 467 Clay ft. Main 8834. Pa. ROOM and board for 2 gentlemen' 330 per month. 131 E. 11th. phone Eat 25 22. NEWLY furnished roowi with board in- a new modern Ixweie; coed location. Tmhnr atx WILL BOARD high school r working girl for somyoromMmj, wawniwu. an list 2j96. WI1A board 2 girU. - per RHnth; Elliot echool district-. 62' S GantenSein are. FURNISHED ROOMS, board it dosired. Tsl Roe st. East 28S. CLKAN, quiet eutsiQw room. 2 blocks from - Broadway- bridge- ' 88 Ross st. BBST care takes of chiSdrea by honr. day or . week. Befexearea. ftsS Cleveland avm. FOR RENT ROOMS AND BOARD . PRIVATE FAMILY 303 CHILDREN to board beautiful coon try bone, near school, close is. $14 monthly. Far rrticnJars write Peaceful Acres Finaw, route . beg 14 2-A, ' ROOM AND BOARD in print home for two young gentlemen; nicely furnished room. Piano and Victroia. llua 6637. 793 Mai shall st. - - - ROOM AND BOARD, private family, walking also single room; gentlemen only. street. 264 Stout FURNISHED ROOM- AND BOARD, BLEEP ING PORCH. 407 CXAY ST. MAIN 8834. , TWO OU THREE respectable young gentlemen to room snd board in refined home with mother and daughter. Boys who appreciate real home Hfe. 780 K. Ankeny at. Kast 1481. ROOM AND BOARD in private family: school teacher, young lady, or man and wife, both working; good car service, ou Kerby at. Wal nut 4186. SEE THESE TODAY T.OYELY LARGE BM. WITH 1 OB 2 B1S, WITH 2 MEALS. IN ATTRACTIVE HUME: TABOR 8709. LARGE front room with private family, . suit able for two, no other boarders, home priv ileges. 430 EL 8th street N. Phone E. ass.'.- V WANTED Two or three children to board; modern home, large lawn, near good school; mother's care. A at. 610-57. 6324 8 2d St. 8. E. ROOM WITH BEST OF HOME COOKING? HOME PIRVILEGE8. 'WALKING DIS TANCE. EAST 1993. 233 EAST 15TH. COB. MAIN. ONE room and -hoard in clean, attractive home, for 2 young men. Home privileges: walking distance, reasonable. 105 E. 19th St. East 5821. PLEASANT, clean rooms, double snd single; home privileges: good clean table board: : pieno; at $8 and 88.50 per week. 710 E. ! Broadway. East 2418. P.OOM WITH BEST OF HOME COOKING; HOME PRIVILEGES: WALKING DIS TANCE. 235 E. 15TH. COR. MAIN. EAST FOR AGED invalids, chronic or convalescent patients. Dleasant home surrnnnHine with health-building diet and treatment, personal i care oi pnysician; reasonsme rates. East 8880. WANT FATHER AN 6 CHILD. SCHOOL - AGE. TO ROOM AND BOARD. LARGE FRONT ROOM; MOTHERLY CARE; FRI V ATE FAMILY. ROSE CITY. TABOR 8976. 2 OR 3 persons may have room and board: wonderful view; dressing room; hot and cold wafer; fireplace: alp. norch: SDlenedid home : cooking; references. Msin 0311. ROOM and board in a nice home; just what you're looking for; good meals and clean bed; nice Sunday dinners; for a geatleman. Walnut 4545. BOARD and room in refined home, twin beds, - pleasant for 2 girls to room together; would give special price 825 each per month. Broad wsy 2293. ROOM snd board in nice modern home, walk ing distance, 335 per month, or $30 if 2 share room. Call East 4379 until Sat. p. m. Later st 589 Holly at. BOARD AND ROOM. PRIVATE FAMILY. JUST WHAT YOU WANT. PLEASANT SURROUNDLNGS. CLOSE TO BUSINESS CENTER. MALN 2074.' WIDOW Comfortable home, near good school, would like care of children, 6 to 12 yeafs: mother's care and attention. 907 E. 11th st, N.. between Skidmore and Mason. WILL board and room 1 or 2 children, school age. Reasonable. 367 N. 20th. Bdwy. 1036. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED 304 VERY dteirable, large 2 room H. K. apt. ; comfortably fumiehed and clean, well venti lated ; hot and cold water; electricity and laundry privileges; gocd furnace heat in win ter. This is fine for 2 or 3 employed adults. Reasonable winter rate; desirable neighbor hood; walking distance. Del Monte, 167 Stout St., 1 block south of 20th and Wsh JUST FINISHED. NOW READY Large completely furnished 2 room apt. on first floor, 830 month; also one large room for housekeeping. 84 week; also a dandy little .room witn gltcnenette lor 23.00 week. B24 rated and refurnished. 318.50 PER MO., nice large H. K. room; perfectly clean, well furnished; good furnace heat in winter; suitable for 1 or 2 desirable employed ladies: walking distance. Del Monte, 167 Stout, 1 block south of 20th and Wash. FURNISHED 2 rm. apt., hot and cold water, !leam heat. Reasonable. 658 Glisaa st. Bdwy. 39-35. STEAMHKATED, hot and eold water, newly furn. h. k. and slpg. rms., Indry rm., 810 mo. up. Sunnycrest. 186 Sherman. 1, 2 AND 3 H. K. rooms, reasonable. 423 Pacific st.. corner 6th; near denial college. East 8494. 823 2 FURN. H. K. rooms, heat, light. phone, walking distance, west side. 179 Stout st. or 20th and Morrison. ONE or two clean H. K. rooms; furnace heat; laundry privileges; 1 block Shattuck school, 83 week. 405 W. Park. TWO large, nicely furnished H. K. rooms; one with water; furnace heat. 715 Everett St. ONE suite spt. and single rooms, reasonable. Mrs. M. Millner. 228 Harrison st. TWO large, clean front H. H. rooms, 7 windows. 4 89 Jefferson. Mam 1363. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED PRIVATE FAMILY 306 ONE large furnished H. K. room and cleeet furnace heat, suitable for two, 34 50 per week. 421 H 6th st, Atwster 2605. MEDIUM furnished housekeeping, for families large or smaii. nose waia to public market. inquire r onrui st. Atwater 3672. CLEAN basement IL K. room, suitable for one or two people, iiu monuu 414 Columbia jt. si am ONE large, light pleasant room with kitchen ette, west side, wslking distance. 549 Xam- niii, Detween xtn ana lotn. NEAR Jefferson high and streetcars; separate bath. also separate entrance. Call aftr sionaay. ivoi leveiana ave. FOUR LOVELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP ING ROOMS. 825 MONTH. CALL SELL- 1 H REE large furnished housekeeping rooms foe rent. 701 East Burn&kle su East 2 AND 3 large housekeeping rooms, nicely fur- nisara, muisdm xor , near scnooi. 11 - 1st sr. FOUR clean bouMkeeping rooms, suitable for lamiiy; iignt. Data, phone: 830 per month 615 "4 1st at Atwater 3663. 2 H. K. ROOMS suitable for 3. furnace heal. iignt ana gas; couia care tor small child. 751 Kearney st. 2" FRONT iT rooms and I back room. with kitchenette: furnace heat, rtose in. 548 TsmhiU st. dNE H. K. ROOM WITH SLEEPLNG PORCH. ALI. MODERN 309 11th St. Atwater 3218. 2 ROOMS and sleeaing porch; 2 beds; adjoin ing bath; steam beat. For 2 adultA 401 10th st. Main 2480. FOUR furnished H. K. room; hot snd cold water; close in, 881 1 2th st. cor. Mont gomery. Main 1199- - NICE large front housekeeping room andJ .u-ucitrvw, Ba wiinw iwb, wsucing uiS- tance. 171 y. 170tsit. Bdwy. 184 7. 3 ROOM IL K. smite. 32 mo.: 1 single front H. K. room. 41 mv. Src for parking car i ire. Atwater ezo. pas 1 ST tor. TWO or three pleasant unfurnished house keeping rooms,, in private home, modern. 878 Williams ave. Phone Walnut 5338. TWO large rooms and kitchenette, ' $20 per month ; .also 2 room apt. 316 tier month. 623 6thst. Free phone. Atwater 1534. VACANT in a few days; eaa be seen today"' 3 large, light,, clean, well furnished house keeping rooms. Very pleasant. Walnut 4551. TWO large rooms with pantry, well furnished. Private entrance and bath. 830. 10 E.' 10th st. N. TWO H. K. rooms for rent, hot water heat, gas, electric lights. 2 block west of Laurei- hnrst park.- 14 E. 8 0th st. 3 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms ou first floor. 129 E- 3 2d. near Morrison. Rent reasonable. 816 2 LARGS furnished housekeeping rooms. 542 K. 37th st. Richmond car to 27th. one block srmtht. S CLEAN furnished housekeeping rnens, up stairs, near Williams ave. car. 267 Knott st. Price 885. East 1748. THREE furnished H. n.. rooms; electric lights adults. 680 East Bun-side. FOUR furnished bottseAeeping rooms, 843 K. - Stark at, Mrs. Fordner. 3 ROOM furnished housekeeping apt. Phone East 3185. SINGLE furnished H, K. room, 884 '-"-in st. Atwater 4197. FOR RENT very large modern frost H. K. jsu ex. - AND S room H. C apt. 2 bed, gink. lioq-iv. cwie-sr -a. . grn SS. NICELY furnished Clean housekeeping looma. walking distance. 46 Unioa ave. Nj-- - 4 II. K. ROOMS, wood ud light furnished; eery rea actable-, dose in. 194 Ixwnrlale. 8 KO W. cneder-a h. k. apts.. fact and cold water: phone, bath and hgit.. (W Market. 3 -ROOM furniehed apt. CSS East HcrrieeB, : THE JOURNAL M AM Phone in your classified ad. Plenty of ad girls always ready to take your ad. JOURNAL WANT ADS DIME-A-LINE ANY TIME FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS cttrnished AND UNFURNISHED PRIVATE FAMILY 306 FREE rent, 2 weeks, campers ana roomer., furnished and unfurnished, close in. electne light, gas, bath; place lor oars rr. children taken: cheapest rent in City. ejio Williams are. 818 COMPLETELY furnished detached and kitchenette, phone, pri nt hath Unndrv and basement: small but comfortable and convenient; adults. Take Fulton car to 1605 Virginia st. ONE 2 -room film. b k. aDt.. modeTTl. bath, phone, sink, hot and cold water, 825: aura 1 large clean h. k. room witn neat, . week. 421 H 6th st. Atwater 2605.. 2 LARGE front rooms, alao nice front room and kitchenette; hot water always for baths, laundry; walking distance, block from Couch school. 655 Flanders. THREE blocks from Auditorium, lower floor, large, clean housekeeping rooms, light, bath, phone, hot and cold water, change linen, large cool porch, 85. . 403 Segorid st. : - " 816 Second floor, nice, 2-room furnished If K. suite, also Urge, clean basement suite 813.50 fur. lights free. 664 E. 6th st. Sell. 1109. 3 NICE clean rooms, hall, bath, closet In room; use of porch, Iswn: no other room ers ; electricity, phone and bath free ; reason able. Adults. Walnut 8 873 morning. v i-LL furnished 2-room apt. clean as can be made:- fireplace, kitchenette, done in white, heat, light, gas and phone Included. i-rivate nome, adults. Seuwood; lUKg SEE THESE TODAY ' Two H. K. rooms: light, bath, water and phone; also sleeping roor. Just what you want; close in. fcast 010S CLEAN light housekeeping room, furnished phone, light, water and gas furnished. cioee in. si'tf Koss ft. PHone East 8541. 2 ROOM fuVnUhed housekeeping apartments also 1 single housekeeping room, all mod em. rent reasonable; space for ear if desired. BH3 . letn. Bdwy. 7 834. TWO FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. PRIVATE FAMILY. 601 CLAY. COMPLETELY furnished, light and clean. newly papered basement rooms, suitable for 2: prefer couple: no children;; outside en trance, ooa xioyt, cor. . 1 7th st. T0U WILL LIKE THESE TWO NICE LARGE HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, ON FIRST FLOOR: CHILDREN WKLCOM.K. BROADWAY 4438. 4 FURNISHED H. K. rooms ; and sleeping porcn. electric lignta and gas Included. 325 per month. 731 E. 16th st. S. Seliwood car to Rhone st. ONE 3 ROOM FURN'. H. K. APT., ONE 2 ROOM UN FURN. H. K. APT.. NEAR tH'HOOL. SUITABLE FOR , TEACHER. ntsn 2 . AHLl.i r.3. TABUK1 BoOo. 2 ROOM housekeeping apartments with sleep ing porches, well 1 urn is bed. Pbone, light snd water; reasonable rent; Rose City car. 733 pacific st. or call East 9232. j r. rt i desirable aingle u. k. room; steam neat, clean; must be seen to appreciate; close in. 428 Mill st. , between 11th and 12th sts. ONE large, light, airy housekeeping room, $5 per week, including bath, phone, light and ga; easy waiking distance. 12tt .JSth at. N Phone Broadway 1023. FURNISHED h. k. rooms, furnace heat, very aesiraoie. near Washington High and East side library; walking ditsance. 6&5 East Alder, cor ot lotn. ONE large H. K. clean, close in. water 3359. room; also sleeping room, 343 W. ,10th st. At 3 ROOM unfurnished apt., light, clean, sink , water, gas, electricity, 318. 173 East 7th st, cor. Yamhill. SETTLE for the winter in singlat steam heated IL K. rooms, hot water always; $3 up. 4 4 5 C oinmbia. It. ELY furnished H. K . rooms in nice reat- dential district; furnace heat; .prices reason able; walking distance. 755 Hayt st. MODERN 3 room housekeeping apartment. walking distance; adults. Call Atwater 0824. before noon or after 6 p. m. S SINGLE and 2 double H. K, rooms; light ana water ruxnisnea; close in. 200 14th M. 4Sor,. 1 SINGLE front H. K. room, suitable for 2 people; running water-; free phone arid light Iking distance. 45 Clay St.' M. 3799. wa: 2 SINGLE H. K. rooms; gas range, sink and running water; close in. 370- 12th St. M. 5283. 1 H. K. ROOM and kitchenette. 1 single room gas and light furnished; close in. 430 Mill st. M. 8683. L FOUR furnished housekeeping rooms in pri vato family in Rose City Park. Tabor 0012. 3-ROOM unfurnished apt.; light, clean, sink, water, gas. electricity, $18. : 173 E. 7th st., cor. Yamhill. S2 73 WEEK, furnished housekeeping rooms, lights and bath included, west side, walking distance. 645 1st and 215 Mill St., cor. lst- TWO housekeeping rooms with light, gas and heat lurrusned, lor adult only. Zli 14th. Phone Main 7695. SUNNYSIDE. 20th St.. 3 oleaa, rocena. pri vate porch entrance. Pleasant home. East 8140. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, close in. 820 per month, including gas for cooking. 802 East Pine. Phone East 8918. NEWLY furnished h. k. room;: every conven ience, walking distance. . 325 13th St.. near Clay. LARGE furnished A. k. rooms, with heat, phone and bath, $15; single and $20 double, wen side. 409 H JaSkson st. Main 5196. 2 NU'EI-T furnished h. k. rooms, gas and light furnished: close to business district. 552 H Yamhill st, S NEWLY furnished h. k. roouij; hot and cold water, gas and electricity, phone, walking distance. Main 2369. 864 12tb st. GOOD h. k. room, modern, private family. Tabor 1105. ; CHEERFUL, OOZY. WELL 1 FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPINt, SUITE; 1UX) SINGLE ROOM. 414 MARKET. CMR llTH. 3 11. K. ROOMS and private bath: clean rooms; includes light, pbone; no children. 51 v'tay tt. - - j 2 H. K. BOQM8 with kitchenette; 2 large h. at. r vtnuucv ma$i , wnv Mii m nwiDSi .9 4 17th at, TWO r 8 lovely, fumislied H. K. rooms. $18 - per mouthy light, bath. 586 Pegrgee at IN PRIVATE home, 3- room furnished apt., 3 single H. K. i-oonrs. 288 NJ 20th st. S FURNISHED H. K. ROOMS. WASH ST. EAST S85. V 474 . V'ERY desirahia furnished H. K.! roeans, private 4 bath. 551 Rodney are., cor, Knott at. S ROOM flat, $3 per week; single room. $1.78. 846 Front, near Market. j MODF.RN 3 room -Bousekeepihg ahartaent. walking ajstance; adults. Call -Atwater 0824. DOWN TOWN FURNISHED 11 K 'nori CHEAP REMT. 858 1 WA.H COR. JD." TWO rtKims. well vuruished. OoWa stain. (16 per month. SOT Misarwapaj,i ' . :. . . . ., ' NEW NUMBER IS 7161 SkeS FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED PRIVATE FAMILY 30 6 NICELY furnished H. K. rooms, gas. eleetrio light, .furnae heat; new house. Call San days or evenings. 1174 Front st Fulton csr, get off at Richardson. LARGE light h. k- room, convenient to Ben son Poly and Dental college: prefer young man: furnace heat, electric lights and gas for cooking. 47 E. 15th st. S. East 1792. ONE or 2 II. K. rooms, furnace heat, laun dry privilege, elect., phone, 1 blk. Shattuck school. $3 and $3.50 week. 405 W. Park st. NICE light room, everything furnished. 121 N. 23d. Atwater 1502. THREE furnished housekeeping rooms, not wanter in pantry and kitchen, nice clothes closet in front room. 268 Cook gre., hi block from Williams ave. $18 PER MO. ea. 2 single H. K. rooms, 1st floor, running water, gas or store heat, for bachelor or working person, near Y. M. C. A. 330 Taylor st. Atwster 1675. NOB HILL. 3 large, cleau, nicely furnished modern rooms; accommodate 3 or 4 people; near school and car; would like lady to look alter house part urne. 788 Hoyt, near -3d. $25 TO $32 FOR 2 large, clean housekeep ing rooms in large apartment house ; plenty of heat and hot water, free light and phone. 402 H Third st. $16 TWO nice fur. front H. K. rooms. 2d floor, elec. lights free; nice location; large basement rooms $13.50. 564 E. 6th. Sell wood 1109. NICELY furnished 3-room apartment, west side, clean place, good location, handy to stores, 12 minutes to town; reasonable. 850 Thurman st. near 25th. H. K. SUITE -with sleeping porch for 3. 154 N. 18 th st APARTMENTS FURNISHED 307 Guild Apartments 894 Guild, near 23d and Thurman 8 rms. private bath, hall, heat, hot water, very attractive also one 4 rm. unfurnished. Msin 8 705. NEW WESTCOTT COURT APTS. E. STH AT WEIDLER All - outside rooms, large living rooms, bed rooms, balconies. Ivory finish, hardwood floors, shower-batha, electric range, mahogany fur niture. LOVELY COMMODIOUS APTS. Private bath and sleeping porfh. now avail able at the GARFIELD APTS.. THE HOUSE OF COMFORT. 3S1 Failing st- Walnut 4662. Allbert Apts. 2 and 3 rooms, fnrnished nr nnf nrfiiitherl HI bath, elevator. 11th at Montgomery. Msin 0359. Leeds Apartments Fireproof building, modern, 2, 3 and 4 rm. apts. ; single rms. ; elevator service. Atw. 8597. Davenport Apts. 2 and 8 room furnished apts. with private bath: also single housekeeping room. Main 5435. THE STAN FIELD Modern 2 room apt., light., heat, shone. 323, winter rate. Main 7392. FOR RENT 4 large roomy apt. with bath and Ouilt-ins, on 2d floor; on 2 car lines; 1 block from Glenroe school. Rent $30 month. 1336 Belmont, corner '47th. THE EDENHOLM 884 Sth st. modern 2 and 3 room furnished apartments. Private baths. Rent reasonable. HADDON HALL, 11TH AND HALL 8 rooms, kitchenette, bath. bdw. floor, rwi- vate balconies. $35 up. Atwater 1160. GRANDE8TA APTS.. 88 Grand ave.; 3-room fumiithrd snt. 430 and art. Manaeer. ohrui. East 0208, or janitor phone East 6156. JULIANA APTS. 45 TRINITY PLACE FUR. 2 AND 3-ROOM APTS. 2 ROOMS, including steam heat, hot and cold water, walking distance. $22.50 and $25. Bdwy. 4292. Jennings A.ts.. 245 H N. 17th THE LILLIAN 2 and 3 room furnished sots., west side, close, in. Atvtitcr 137S. 381 6th street. ONE, two or three moms, tter Jcitcn-on high school. 24 4 Killineswcrt li a.e Call Walnut 5S92. ALICE COURT. .East 8tn and Bumside: walk mg distance; a rm. apt., 2 beds, Ureplate. : iin'. wt, ami natn. r.. 0000. SUNNYCREST $26.5. 8 outside rooms, bath, newly furnished, redecorated: stasm heat. gas. elects laund. room. 186 Sherman. - HAWTHORNE APTS. 2 and 3 rm. gets.: steam heat, electrl lights, gas ranges, $25. Atwater 1792. THE KATHERINE Three rooms and bath apts; large, light kitchen done in ivory. Atw. 2996. 14 9 N. 23d street. FURNISHED 2, 3 and 4 room apts., $18 and J3 per month; walking distance. Main 8934. 568 Sth st. NICE basement apt., suitable - for 3 adults. Iso children. Walking distance. Broad way 5779. ATTRACTIVE 3 room apt., all outside rooms. well furnished, strictly modern, cieau and Hght East 6745. THE NICKELS 3 or 4 room apt. private bath, steam heat, phone. 856 E. 6th. N. Walnut 4971. GLEN COURT Corner Park and Taylor. 2 and 3-room apts.. close in. Main 191. AND 3-ROOM apts.. also sleeping rooms, walking distance. 706 Everett L ONE room, kitchen, bath: private entrance. phone. 414 4th st. 3-ROOM furnished apt., must be seen to be fully appreciated. 427 H 6th st. BANNER APTS. Nicely furnished 2 room apt., on. In basement. 489 Clay st. ' ADAMS apartments 'Modern 2 rm. apt., furnished. 408 Jefferson. THE ALBRET Furnished apt., steam heat. private bath. 840 H Mngwaippi are. 3-ROOM apt., clean, reasonable ; near school. i xieium ave. wamut 115U. 2-RM. apt, suitable for coupae or large family. TWO suitiea H. K. rooms, light, water,- bath and poor. 71 E. 11th stj N, AND S room furnished apt., Harrison court. 5th and Harrison. STERLING APTS. 3 ROOM APTS. $33 and $25. 1578 H E. GUswn. UNION AVE. sad Killingsweeaay, furnished apt.. 621.50: all complete; ewneraf bklg. APARTMENTS UNFURNISHED 308 The American : Modern .4 ami a ream apartment. list snd Jobbhto . Broadway 836 THE WEIST. 6 K. ' 23D. -Flseat Xooaa. aad X bath aoartssnt a. FOR RENT APARTMENTS " UNFURNISHED 308 5- ROOM apt-, steam heated. $35 per month. 634 First. Call Main 4795. FIJtV-FURNISHED 309 the Faustina; A modern house of flats, west aide. eke in, newly finished, cheerful 4 rooms and bath; a pleasant home; reference. 464 Hall sc. near 1 Sth. FVRN1SHKD lower Cat. 4 rooms, bath, fur nace, 1 block -Hawthorne 'ear, S10 E. 35th. Tabor 6014, " NICE 4 room flat for rent; also 2 room apt. with balcony. Price 830 a mo. Call East 9S83. IRVINGTON residential 4 room apt Heat. light, gas. garage. $70. Also S rooms, 860. East 8015. FOUR nicely furnished rooms, lower floor: telephone, walking distance, reasonable. 493 Montgomery. WELL, furnished 4 room fiat, 40. 706 Tan, couver are. Walnut 1953. NICE 4-ROOM FCKJi. FLAT CHEAP. TA- BOR 5210. DESIRABLE 4. room turn. flat. Garage if wanted. 3 or 4 ad tilt. Walnut 1205. NICEX.Y furnished 5 room u)per flat, 2 bed rooms. 711 Kearney. Main 1568. 4-ROOM flat for rent: walking distance; adults. Phone East 7968 after 6 p. m. 4-ROOM farrhed fiat; heat and hot water; furnished. 394 Fargo, near Union. 4 ROOM upper flat, reasonable rent; adults only. 727 E. Stjark. Call evenings. FLATS UNFURNISHED 310 NICE 4 room flat, modern, gas and wood ranges, linoleum. Adulta only. Walnut 5861 or East 1298. 4 ROOM modern flat. 773 Osage are.. 1 blk. south of 23d and Washington. Main 89SS or Bdwy. 7833. 6-ROOM flat, modern in every particular; newly decorated: $50. . Adulta only. In quire 74 E. 29th N." Phone East 5070. GOOD modern 5-room flat, furnace, fireplace. gas range; in good district. 253 E. 17th st. Call Wslnut 2896. $22.50 CLEAN, modern 5 rm. lower flat, brick building. 64 9 2d st. Water included. MODERN 4 rtn) upper fiat, near Piedmont car barns. Wainut 4389. 5-ROOM lower fat, all modern convenience. 717 E. Burn-id. Phone East 8032. 6-"ROOM flat $25 thorns ave. a month. 1109 Haw- HOUSES FURNISHED 311 ll-ROOM house, furnished, one block south of Russell; S -family house. Will give lease; $50 month rent. Everything modern: or will ell .$4500, $1000 down. Mr. Williams, 2 2 7 Washington, Eastern Exchange. 5-ROOM furnished bungalow, strictly modern. H block Co Mt Scott or Hawthorne car line. Tabor 4624. SCENIC LODGE cottages. 524 Height Ter race. 3 and 4 room cottages; fine view of city and -mountains: 20 minutes' walk to heart of city; Hall st. car on Morrison to 18th st., 2 blocks west. See to appreciate. Re duced rents for winter. NICE HOME, Walnut Park district, 1159 Rodney, . cor. of Killingsworth. 2d floor, 4 room apt., private and modern, with ga rage. FOR RENT 4 -room house, furnished com pletely for housekeeping, water and light furnished, $30. Hawtherne car. 3723 67th at, 8. E FOR RENT or lease, 4 room furnished bunga- low with garage, $50 month. Call eve ning!. 6 to 8 o'clock.; 1508 Albina. WILL rent or lease completely furnished 6 room bungalow, in Piedmont; $55. Wal- nut 1158 . 5-ROOM modern bouse $30 per month; Ful ton car. 161 Pendleton st. Atwater 2396. WILL give cheap rent to anyone renting my 6-rooui furnished house and boarding me. Call at 22 E. 78th st, X.. owner. 5-ROOM furnished bungalow, strictly modern, 1-a block to Mt. Scott or Hawthorne car line. Tsbor 4C24. NICELY furnished house, 4 rooms, with or without 2 partly furnished rooms. 784 E. 26th st. S. Sell. 2889. COMPLETELY furnished 6-room bungalow, player piano, furnace, $60. 1366 E. 18th St. Seliwood 2929. TOR RENT Furnished 8 -room bouse, $4.50 per week, including light and water. 6486 81st st. S. E.. near 65th ave. Mt Scott car. 7 ROOM furnished house, $35. road. Auto. 628-73. 624 8 Foster 4-ROOM fist with bath, $25 month. 150 H East 83d St.. South, two car lines. FOR RENT 5 room furnished house. Adult. Phone Tabor 0743. 1028 E. Alder. - A MODERii furnished cottage to rent, with or without children. East 1502. HOUSES UNFURNISHED 312 8 ROOM bungalow m St. Johns; lot 123 front, 100 ft. deep; fruit and ornamental shrubbery: fine place for man with family. VWU lease for $35 month. STEWART & JOHNSON 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg. fiPRTXKI.F.RF'TTl -vx- iTx-CTOTT!tB: on treke Store your good with ua. Lt us do your moving and paoaing. CLAY 8. MORSE. INC Bdwv 8470. 4S4 GHsaa rt 7-ROOM IRVINGTON BUNGALOW; HAS ALSO S ROOMS AND SLEEPING PORCH UPSTAIRS: STRICTLY MODERN; HOT WATER FURNACE: LARGE YARD; RENT $7o7 FRED S. WILLIAMS. 506 PANAMA BLDG. MODERN 4 room house. 1 block from Jeffer son high, Mississippi car; water, garbage removed. 14$ Webster st, Phone Walnut 4221. Adults. FOR RENT 10 rooms, modern house and y block Grand and 15th. and Division st: price $45 per month. Call at 324 Front su. pnone Mam 7S5. MODERN 4-room house, liring room, 2 bed- rocgns and bath, kitchen snd breakfast al cove; adults only. Key at 555 Emerson st. at 13th. Alberta ear. YORK EXPRESS & TRANS. CO. Trunks, baggage, furniture moving $1.50 and 82 per hour. Broadway 7688. FOUR room house, near O-W. H. tt N shops, $8 per month. Has toilet and sink. East 2242. MOVING, $2 PER HOUR AND CP Fireproof storage 5 days free. Long' Dietanee Hauling. Broadway 2448. WE MOVE furniture, 2 men. for $2 per hour. Long distance hauling. 30 days tree storage. Msin 6290. PIANO MOVING $3. furniture $2.50 per hour 2 men. larga padded vans. Call Crown Transfer Co., East 5047. lll- moving, can &asi 6440. Crating. FURNITURE MOVING $2 PER HOUR, 2 MEN; PIANO 2 AND CP; LARGJ TON TRUCK. EAST 5047. FIVE rooms, fuel in basement, close in, $35. W. H. Redman, Holcomb Realty Co. Bdwy. 7396. 5-ROOM newly decorated bungalow. 1 block south of Powell Valley road, on 66th at. 1' blocks to scaoo. x-none wt-nwooq a-s l. FOR RENT Modern 5 room house; sleeping porch, fireplace. 1189 East 9th St. north. Tabor 6802. WHEN MOVING, city or country, get the beat at lowest prices. Green Trass. Co., Main 1261. 202 H Alder st. NEW 3 room liouse for rent. 5258. 74th St.. 53d ave. S. E. ' 5-ROOM bungalow for rent, unfur. - 64th st- S K. Ant. 610-68. 4324 WEST SIDE 4 ROOM FLAT. 593, WASH INGTON. 5 MINUTES TO TOWN. LARGE 8 room bouse, nice yard, fruits good condition. 100 E. 68th street. Bdwy. 2920. 5-ROOM house. E. 21st near Oak. 3526. Walnut MODF.RN house for rent near 8. Seliwood 32G6. P. ahopa. WE specialise m piano and furniture moving. 15-davs free storage. Bdwy. 1207. HOUSE to let. Call Broadway 1454. WE MOTE furniture for $2 hour. Main 8058. HOUSES FOR RENT -FURNITURE FOR SALE 313 5 ROOM modern boose, hardwood floors, fire place, cement basement, garaee. 1 00x100 1st, lota of fruit trees, chicken yard, 1 block to car, $200 will buy what furniture there ia aad 40 Rhode Island chirks; can be had at lint of month. Call Walnut 5684. - - FOR RENT Clean modern 7 room flat, large yard, garage; also for sale : 1 rang. 1 gas stove. 2 heating strives. Comer East 8th and Grant at. Phone East 0298. NEAR Jefferson H S-. modern seven R H , garage, good fnraitaxc and rugs, rest S4S, wfli lease. 1169 Moor St. 7.-ROOML house for rent. art or all of farni- Keaeonabie. 432 SJarket. FTVE room of furniture for sale, also hotu. for rent. 414 Harrison at. r 4 ROOM flat, with furniture, for sale. fe( t ... Mhvrwiwt ave. - 7-ROOM bewst $40, fnrn tare $450. half cask: - fncTswr $99 memth.- Tabcr 4872. - R. FLAT for rent, fumitor. for sai.. rm tay expense.. 148 lltb. Bdwy. 2098, FOR RENT , STORES, AND HALLS 314 WILL rent antomobtl paint shop fttHy equipped. Phosw cst 4 1 so S OUTSIDE rooms, good bunnna locaUoa. 810 per mouth. 766 Thnrman. FOR desirable snce Us tuepeoos . waraomta phow Broadway 871 OFFICES DESK ROOM 31 S DESK ROOM with telephone, fog rent cheap. 220 Fleidner bldg. Broadway 46 DESK room,' with phone aervice. bklg. Ask for Baldwin. SOS Henry BUSINESS PROPERTY 318 LEAVING .TOWSI iJL'SII We are in a pcelUoa to handle your rentals and eoUeettcn on city property at a nominal LINDEX ex KELSON 715 Wllrtl Bldg. it roadway 7702 MISCELLANEOUS 319 FOR RENT Wash rack. Nash 4k Packard Service Station. 471 Morrison. at. WANTED TO RENT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 354 YOUNG woman, employed, want housekeeping room in private family where aha caa leave year-old child during day. J-181. Journal. APARTMENTS 357 PAINTING ia exchange for 2 weeks' rant of apt. Main 6492. HOUSES 361 WANTED By S adults. 4 to 6-room fur nished faouae; must be reasonable. F-177. journal. MODERN 4 nr room bungalow, close in preferred; reasonable rent. . 1-1 82. Journal REAL ESTATE FOR SALE APARTMENTS AND FLAT PROPERTY 402 TO elose estate. 100x100. northeast corner 14th and Taylor, west aide. East 2195. ol LOTS Eastmoreland Westmoreland The neighborhood . of nice homes. Fully improved lots a sow a $500. Easy - term, second mortgage privilege to buildera. Surely this opportunity should appeal to the homeseeker. con tractor or investor. SEE PATTERSON Ladd Estate Co. 246 STARK ST. . BDWY. 5754. Build Your Home IN LADD'R ADDITION Only about 20 minute.' walk to the court house, Nice lots for $1000. SECOND MORTGAGE PRIVILEGE WAKE CP. MR, BUILDER Do you know there la not a finished bungalow for sale in this beautiful, close-in district. Rastrictlcnsj do sot forbid du plex house or bungalow. See MR. DELAHUNTY. LADD ESTATE COMPANY. 246 Stark St. Bdwy. 6754. Rea. Tabor 7048. HOMESEERERS , WHY HOT BUILD t tt faea expansive. We are rntee awUd in how we we tu build, mt bow mush we eaa get foe bolkHng. flea before buying or building. Robnett & McClure BUILDERS. 802 Cove fcuc asrowdway 6874, Acre, Qiitner Park Facing on macadamised road and near city limits, and 8c fare; good schools, city conven iences; graveled streets in tract; beautiful ahade trees. A few-dollar will start your own home. See me today. Austin UnderdahL 509 McKay bldg. Bdwy. 7890. , Evenings 632-OS. 100x100 32.50 WEEKLY A big piece of ground 100x100, close ta school and carline: Bull Sun water, gas, good neighbors. Buy this big lot and I will give you credit lor lumDer to pus up av rau nouaw. Don't miss this chance to own your own home. See Mr. Flynn, 41S Spalding bklg. Evenings call Eaat 8267. - Builders TTOrTST-S . COMPLETED PROMPTLY Our construction and workman ship together with liberal financial assistance wui pleas, ysa, t . i . i w REIMERS 4 JOLIVETTE; Belrwooel S64 WEST SLOPE MT. TABOR $1000 WKHXEH R ADDTTIOK. All improvement paid on this 50x100 west front lot- HENDERSON-BAN KTJS CO.. 228 Henry Bldg. . Bdwy. 4784 LOT, BARGAINS $850 Piedmont. 60x100. $750 Laurelhurst, 50x100, corner. $800 Ladd'a additdon, 43x118. $4 50 56th, near Couch. J. R. HAIGHT FOR REAL ESTATE 851 Ankeny St. . Bdwy. 2045, COLONIAL "HEIGHTS DISTRICT $1150 ALL IMPROVEMENTS PAID. HENDERSON -BANKUS CO.. 228 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 4754 SEE ME IN NEW LOCATION Lot $1 Down $1 Weak ROGER W. CART, Uptairs, 142 H Second St.. Cor. Alder. ' 75x100, BASEMENT started, barn. - chicken house. 15 large bearing tree, packet fence, gas, water, lights, near car, east front; $800, term. Owner. Tabor 5984. t NEAR Franklin high, $10 cash; three blocks Hawthorne car; big toll corner lots, price $325, $10 monthly. Owner, Tabor 24 IS. CARPENTER 8VANT HOME? - Build small bungalow for lot, ' 1 4 minute. from center city. Se. Wolff. 417 Henry bldg. $800 BEAUTIFUL lot. 3 1st near 50th. $650. including sewer; restricted district. near Sandy. Lrndsey, Tabor 0007. $1250 BEAUTIFUL building lot. on comer E. Pine street, LaurelDurst. mil Belmont. 2 LOTS 00 Villard ave.. 66fex.ll0, very nic locatton. for 81QOO. Can Walnut 0Q40. HOUSES 404 $2200 CASH $260 Bargain; immediate, possession if sold this week. Owner, Seliwood 4010. ' S-ROOM HOUSE $2500 Small payment down: basement, area, water. lights, fruit; en K. 10th St., near Beacon. Cail K roadway 7338. WONDERFUL bargain In modern new 5 -mora bungalow, hardwood floors, every modern convenience; 20 minutes out pa Seliwood car line. 721 Keetjway at. Only 38oO. term. Owner. ' Easy Terms 5 room modern house, large lot, fruit, ga ng., on mmamisM' street, Bioex ta scaooi. Phone Aut. 612-29 " KENTON rLarg. 6 rooaa bouse, double con structed, naif blk. to car; mc sleeping porch; street imp. and sewer paid ; bargain ; $4700. terms. Ida R- Gillette, 1761 Den ver as. FOR SALE, by owner, modern 5-roora bun galow.; firwolace. fumare. cement basement. builtins : raved streets, fruit trees, alley: stood district. Price $4509. Walnut 5833 or 896 Kelly st. No agents wanted. LOT 80x100, 5 room house, 8 -piece bath. chicken tious. and run. earaaw and some fruit; 80 feet from Lombard. lasiuirw of 3 io4 r.xeter at. NEAR Frankiin high school. 6 room., den. .learning perch, 81x200. all kinds fruit. 8 blocks Hawthorn, car, by owner. 2606 58th ggti it. aontn xnvimrm. lanor 0170. DANDY big 7 room house, furnace 7fuTl aunt basement, ail. imr. in aad raald Int. fruit; ut 1 blk. from Irvingtoa car. Only .VfOsf; lenna. -iiwr gtpg, f- - FOR SALE 8-room modern bungalow. $1809. $350 down. baiaBce on time, two 50x150 lot. Tabor t879 trr Ant. 438-16. FOR SALE . 4 room house. SHOO; $250 cash. - 929 a mosui; xaa. sax. seott or to Tre mont station. 6410 70th st- S. E. WILL sell my $700 equity for $600 in S room modern cott.. Clo. to achooL 3880 69th b. E. ATTRACTIVE, new corner bungala. Walnut rara. wis 821 Albwrta Park, terms, owner; furnaca. fireplace, attic at. . FOR SALE 82500 for 4 -room - bungsicw, Woorflawn district. r.loa. to car: larca lot. Terms. L-l 81. Journal. $4000 NEW reom modem. reaUictewH djatncT, mom . va. oxnay. Ltnaser. . Ta. bor 6O07. ...... XEAT little 5 room house; lot SSxlOO; fruit tree: one siocx irrnn juexunagtd ear. I nr. $2550. S61 East 38th at.- - BY OWNER, 4 coora house. 8 garages. 100 ft, irom jaaua mu, mw. roster goad. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 .550 in .Cash -Prizes-. Wn.t. BE AWARDED TO Pl.RSONS WRITING THE- BEST LETTERS ETTIN FORTH TUB ADVANTAGES AND BENEFITS TO BR DERIVED FROM HOME OWN ERSHIP: $25 FIRST PRIZE. $18 SWXND PRIZE AND $10 THIRD PRIZE. FOR FURTHER INFORMA TION CALL AT OFF-ICE. OR WRITB TOR "THE,McUIEE SYSTEM." IN WHICH WINNING LETTERS WILL. BE PUBLISHED.. A COPY FREE OH , REQUEST. MAIL LETTERS Tt ..FRANK L. Mr 1 11 RE, AMERICA'S LAHGEST HOME F"LJtJEIi .ABTNGT-ON BLIMI. 'BDWY. TI71. SD ST.. BET. WASH. AND STARK. Near ie City Car New. BuiiIow--$46S0 li,?? Jns double constructed bungalow, ; with hardwood floors. . real efficient fire ptace, attractive buffet, model . kitchen with nook; Kts of cupboard room ; jFrench doors be-; tween living and dining rooms; large living room ; tapestry papered walls: complete with LIBELRmIT- -"- VKKY ;- A. G. Teepe Co. ' ROSE CITY OFFICE, 40th and Sandy. , - Tabor 9586.1 EAURELHURST OFFICE. JOth and Glisaa. Tabor 8433.1 Sandy; Blvd. income : $535$ 1767 .Cash. Beside 4 room p.rtmastT'wIUi two bed room, large living inom with fireplace, cabi net kitchen with breakfast Book, whit, enamel bath, present income $50 per month from 2 stores, other store occupied by present ownrsr--- r-uure property wui tiring 1. gltio per month. Ground spac 58 H x90. Situated in It T on eanay Blvd. .For it ean.'t be beat. bonn. with income - DAVTD HARP. Manager . . .3tT- STREET'S Sandy i Blvd. Office. 1150 Sandy Blvd. at 89th. J Aut. 820-04 Ms.W 5 room double constructed bungalow with gsrsge. This beautiful snodem hotn. has hall, sitting roomi dining room, kitchen. 2 bedrooms, built-in writing desk, book&sea, buf fet, clothe and linen closets, all 'ooucxirable built-in and conveniences iin , the kitchen. French door of beveled plaU glaa. between sitting and dining : rooms: large plate glaa front door, plat. glaa. windows; fireplace, fur nace), bath and toilet, cement basement with stationary tuba, solid cement porch, in fact, everything person can. ask for in. an up-to-date home, all for $5000, with, an initial pay ment of 8500. 1-e.uritsen, Htarenson. Scltnei lo'lf" Ine--224 iA-dr H itw 9. Maia .' Anothai Star Barerain )Us-miw5300 . iO-Down New 4 room FURNISHED BfNGA LOW, fireplace. Dutch kitehen. full. base ment, laundry trays, garagis. sidewalks and twer in. near ear. and school; restricted district. Tou will liav. ta hurry to get this cue. , STAR REAL ESTATE t tNV. CO., Bdwy. U618. j 612-1$ Wiloox Bldg. w ROSE CITY $4000 Practically new bunge- J- low. new design.; with fireplace, hardwul floor, cement basement, -wash trayt, etc. Small PT,meDt "own. Her. U on. of those ctsssy littto bungalow you stop to. admir. Inspect tnUww f A. Q. Teepe Co. ROSE CITY OFFICE. 40th and Sandy. Tabor 9586 LAURELHCRST OFFICE. B9th and Gliaan. Tabor 8483. liome Builders We build ubstntil, ,w.u finiahetl home, assist financing. Get our figures. - . ; . '", Inv. Co. 226 Panama Bldg. Broadwaysl37. ON -OMAHA AVE., near Kilhi- WUrthh. JS danriw rnnm hun... v low with whit.- enamel plumbing. . uu naiont wata new furnace. ncuse newly decora Usd. A real buy at $2800. Will take c,r or M ta $600 or smaJl cash payment,: ' . Ralph Harris Co. 816 Chamber of Commerce. Bdwy. 8654 Opportunity.! Knocks Three 65-foot lot with 4' room bungalow, prage, fruit -tree and paved street, in the IrTincton-Ala meda district, for $3100; $500 cash This gives you a horns, and 2 fini build ing lota in the bargain im locality -wlier. Property is moving. If yo hav. th. $500. which ia th. first eeaentisl. and appreciate a bargain when yon see it. call Eaat 7211 5750 NEW LAURELHURST HTJXGALOW Thi is very artietio. modern in every re spect,, furnace, fireplace, tapestry paper, ivory finish, French door, fin. built-ins. lovely kitchen and breakfast nook. Terms. You Will like the arrangement of this. .AirlIrGHT iX)B SEAL ESTATE 8S1 ANKENY. , BDWY. 204 5. NORTH MT. TABOR $4750 - WHY PAY MORE f , A wonderful location, classy home, 5 beautiful room, bath and breakfast nook, on paved street, corner Jot, -living room- acre entire front, cement basement, step to attic, good garage, cement driveway, lot 60x1 00 easy terms. John F. Zubcr.,1824 E. Glian. Tabor 7647. " I .11 1, ' If Winter, Comes- - ; Here ia a dandy brand new 6 room bungxlcT finished in dainty -up-to-date style, with Dutch kitchen and breakfast nook, papered - wali. hardwood floors, fireplace, - 3 bedrooms ' down, stairs, large attic, fine basement with waoh trays, full lot and garage. - All for IlT&n. on easy terms. For appointment -call E. 721l! BUILDER selling four splendid ew bungalow , an the built-ins, hardwood floors. . cement floored basement, cement porches, fireplaces, garages, plate glass windows, shades and fix tures, Tb are wonderful little bouses, way under prices. $4300 to $5400. easy terms. Take Richmond car to 88th street. Houses ar. close to corner. 85th and Clinton. Builder, Seliwood 2859. ' $4800 r PIEDMONT BUNGALOW New S rooms and) breakfast nook, plate glass ' windows. French- doom, fin. electric fixtures, furnace, fireplace. cement . basement. terms. ! ' - . - . HiJpMT R REAL ESTATE 251 ANKENY - BHOADWA? 2048' . MT. TABOR SNAP -$300 down will handle B ) house. Dutch kitchen. bathrrsDm, large living room and dining room. 2 Ivaimnu ,i..a . porch, basement, laundry 'traya.-50x100 Uy, garage, fruit trees, berries, l)nre arrange to suit. See Mr. Laadie, ewAer, uO 4 Buchanan bldg. . $75 Cash $750 for 2 room shack 'ami SfttlAA W Just eubiide eitv limits, aontlutut. w f.r. and near school: $15 monthly, inchtding fu- leres. ree sr. xjaoeraaai. eou -McKay bldg. Bdwy. 7890. Kvenhigs, 632-56. 8 ROOM BUNGALOW- VACANT Restricted Kenton, pared street and aewer paid; all modern built-ins; fireplace, sleeping porch, garage. 1 blk. to car. es-v terns nr consider Bght ear.- j George F. Crow, .owner. Walnut 1201: ' - AM LEAVING CITY AND MUST SACRI- ncts X 1 no M K OF 5'KOOM8,CLOSH TO FOUR OAR LINES AND JUST 10 MI.v. ITES FROM WASHINGTON AND BROAD WAY. 424 SAN RAFAEL. ST. WORKINGMAN S HOME ' T room house $2300: rloM in: 830A inn- term to uit; : full shse cement b.semen. laundry tiays. sewsr and all atrewt imna in and paid. Walnut 0913. , NEW 4-mom bungalow, modern conveniences, price right an d terms reasonable: incaioei i...r - north of Keailworth park, 20l ft. to earrtn. and bandy to Southern Pacific shops. .- 82 Greenwood avei Sell. 2879. FOR SALE 7 room bouse, within 6 blocks of bUKinas. section of Vancouver. K&.il payment down,- balance like rent. Address vjl 4 - vest uta Vancouver, wash. Photw 633R. .: flOO deaia-ns. $10 to SIS. a - aneexallv da. signed at reaaenable fea. U R. BAILEY 4k CO.. 24 W. T, Bank Bldg. FOR SALE Stable, garage, 20x24 three itmssba. nlnmbinc. cise t car and w)uL ' $50O xash take it. - 8403 63d st 8. E., $2500 FOB SALE by owner. 6 -room house, large lot. 5524 42d ave. 8 E.. 2 blrk from street car and Archer Place. COMPLETELY f urniihed A-rooui modern boi- gsjow mm sin.E, eawv, terms. . . x'none Aut. 63S-81. ' -" - $250-ONE BLOCK TO M. T. CAR -New 4 room bungalow. Tabor 2934. $2500 MtiDERN 5 room' ongalnw in Word- lawn dr-trtct, ltfr cash. Walnut 4$00. (CenUavsd ee F.liowlnf Pae ' . - i.