i r -' T - I 1 i i REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ' ' HOUSES 404 i'On- HAD better wme t running, at tht real btrgams won't tut Io JSS30 Oonv.niert Broadwty car: yi I ' cant find anything to beat this at . -: !. the pnc-; 5 room and hath, hard- wood floor,, fireplace. . furnace, ee ; ; merit basement, wash trays, Dutch kitchen and breakfast nook, also at- fW. I HAWTHOgNE BUNGALOW $3500 at-of-to- n owner has jut placed thi, on the market at a. barzain pre ' for qnira sale; renter to vacate the 53d; ft room and attic; let us show ::"-. J you . i '' ..' ATTRACT I V K, NEW. COHNEB .HOME J t47SO- Let us how jvii flit;. attractive bun galow r,f ,5 rcoms. bath, breakfast J ' lick and attic; hartiwo..l (loon, fire- pft". .; garage, term. j ihvingtox BARGAIN' STSOO Price just reduced: htantiful stneco : heme with exceptionally attractive grounds-: 3 bedrooms and sleeping porrh, hardwood floors, fireplace, fnr- i nace, garage; don't, overlook seeing this one ROSK TTT PARK S675.0 This is just one of the manj attrae r ' tire horr.e w-e hare f-r. -ale in thi district: if you are looking for a ' real homey place with attractive grounds HiOxlOO and a real rwray hungtJcw of 3 rutins and sleeping porch on flt fioc.r. see this sure-; terms. : Se .photos of homes for sate "n' dispJitj in ntr office; saJeamen with-autos at your sernce; $t places you under no .tbMtranmis. J. A. WHK.MAS 'U.. Reai-nrs. 801-4 Board of TrsIe Bdwy. H794 . .Owner's Sacrifice .Bargain$42(M) . i . 1 IV ROSE CITY PARK I'ISTTUCT 6 large rooms, modern except 'furnace ; all baultina, hardwood floors downstairs, 3. large bdroom with closet and bath upstair, full basement, lot 75x100. lot of fruit, nice lawn nd .double garage, half biock from 'Sandy boulevard, mtfct have $2100 cash, balance terms. . SEE.CI.AIR AUSTIN". 108 SANDY BLVD. Sandy Blvd. Income $535$I1767 Cash' Beffldea- 4 room apartment, witg. twr bed-! - room, large brina room wt.h fireplace, cabi- nit kitchen with breakfast nook. whiU enamel j barth, preseot income S50 per month fro 2 j e tores, other store occupied by present j owner. Xntirw iiroperty will bring in per month. Ci round space f& Va i90. Situated in R. .C. ; on fsanoy nira. r nr a nnme wit a mewmo it un't be beat. DAVID HARP. ManaeeT B. T. STREETS Sandy Bird Office. 1150 Sandy Blvd. at 39th. Aut. 320-04. S Rooms Large Attic . $54S0Easy Terms j ; Near Sandy Blvd. TnbelieTable value, they are getting $600 w thi t-vne of himaalnw today: was built t years ago arid built risht ; hardwood floor. : inaasiTe fireplace, all kinds of built-ins, nice j kitjehen. Cement basement, with laundry and furnace: very pretty lawo and flowers; hard surface paid. Office open today. j Da rid Harp. Manaaer, : H. T. STREET'S Sandy Bird Of fie. 1150 Sandy Blvd. at 33th. Aatv 320 04. Laurel ho rst Foreclosuire Sale Tbis splendidly constructed bungalow, con- "r",T.V.T best builders.' Here is an i ett-oorr.nnitv for some one to get eenuin n for kiir. Modern to the last detail. Phone for an appointment- You'll be glad you did. ' : A. Q. Teepe Co. LATJRELHTJRST OFFICE. 39th and Glisan I Tabor 3133 ROSE CITY OFFICE. 40th and Sandy Taivr 9r,S. I pppppppppprp:p.p BOLD SOLD SOLD ! Buyers waiting. Wo want properly priced homes, any district, any prt--e. Our selling system m-ver fails We stay with the buyer until YOU get the niohev. Business Ls good! Call : us NOW for ACTION. PARKER REALTY CO.. 505 Artisans Bldg. Broadway at Oak. Phone Broadway 4231. i ppppppprp p p p p HERE'S A til )OD BCY $2650 6 room houc tm a full sized lot, full cement ba. cine rut, on paved i,t., all imps. In, This is well worth the price. Good terms, i ' A NEW ONE $43.SO buys a 5 r.m. brand new, extra t fina bungalow. SOilOO int. cement basement laundry trays, furnace, hdw floors. Dutch . kitchen, breakfast nook: JlOOti down. bal. gncxl terms. This is a real barzain. McGEE & DENNIS. P6 I'mon ae. X. Walnut 5684. WKSTOVEIt TE1K.CK Mwlern l.tili colonial nnilence rf S :roonis; beautifully furnisiied ami honestly built, excellent view: t hedrrenns. First offering for sale. $2.Vl'tM . CUE A. McKEN.NA & CO. - Artisan bide. K-:ah lbh9. Bdwy. 7522 1400 CtJTTAGE AMONG THE FIUS 3-room plastered rottage, electric-lights, gas. Bull Hun water, loOxKMI lot -and good gar den; 1. block from car. $250 ca.-h, 20 monthly. JohnsonDodson. Co. 3 N. W. Bank bids. Main' jlS7. ; $3150.-- 3."0 DOWN ! New. artistic Calif, ijiie b ingalow, large laving room, firepl-ce. dai.dy Imtcli kitchen, breakfast uuok. vent hood over lai.ge. 2 nice bedrooms, conuecuiiu hath. ceiiHi:i basement, latiiidrv trays. French taseu.eiit windows; bal ance like rent. ; ' R. SOMERVILI E. Ur.iadwAy 21s FOR SALE By owner.- west side home: : easy walking distance, close to two car lines; five rooms and sleeping porch, Dutch kitchen,- laundry, hafh, full basement and garage; paved streets, improvements all in and paid for. Leaving for California, will aell cheap. Terms. Phone Main 1241. " HAKDWK)D FLOORS AND FIREPLACE , Only $3200. $1200 down. Modern, built for a home: rooms large with good litght, full basement, 50x1 0O lot; near car and pavement- JohnsoraDodson Co. 633 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 37S7. BY OWNER 5 room, "modern bungalow, near reniimila park; -large living room, oak floors, book cases, china closets, liutch kitchen, breakfast 'nook:, cooler, w-ood lift, laundry trays and full baser ' Bnent. Walnut 2381 or call at 1293 Campbell I ave. ; house at 1454 Missouri ave. E. L. King. 1 S30OO 5-HOOM PAV KD HHiHWAY Alt modern conveniences, tull -basement. Srx 100 lot; lots cf small tnnt, nicely located. TSOwO, $750 down. $15 a.ont!ily. ... JotinsonDodson Co. 833 N. W. Bank bldg. Maiin 37 87. 7"-Reduced From $3850 S room modern bungalow, all on one floor; - fireplace, furnace, cement basement, trays, con rreta garage, only $3450; must have $1250 " down, balance $23 month. East S93S. 5"omTeml-bu liiiiow" ""3 loors""t ' 1 carline; phsjne us and we will tea you about iow easy yoa can buy this cozy home. Bdwy. H10S. Wm. A. Hughe Co.. 2 IS Ky. Exchange bldg. : ; 2 ' j $2250 350 DO.WN this dam?? 5 ti uii bungalow, at No. JQl.Xe- 36th st.; modern, cement basement: nessla some iaiut, otherwise in good condition. Broadway 247S. ".'.. ROOM SHACK $1.3 MONTH " I Nearly acre fine land, 4 2d and Holmah: ioutaido city, on graveled road, city school. small down payment. See me in iiew location. t'rwtairs. 142 S 2d st, car Aider. :$30O0'. $650 CASH, lasriu city: must sac rifice 3-room cottage. East S4-Ji: 2 blocks I from oar, 3 blocks to park; $500 discount for i all cash- 1038 Belmortt. :$2200 THIS 5 roctn cottage is cl'M in and I all improvements paTdT Ofler us $300 down land hew Quick jou will get possession. Broadway 6 SO 8. BEST buy in Mt. Tabor, fine 3 room modern bungalow, on eat slope, only $4250; small -ipejsneat down, and small monthly payments. I Tabor S75. 1 $2500 4 ROOM bungalow, 60x100 lot; . I paved streeis. $400, or good oar as first - 'payment. Your terms on balance. See Mr. i.oaev. 218 Ry. Eic ha nge bldg. . - ' EOSK CITY 1'AHK Modern 5 room bunga low; sleeping parch, garase, built last jeer; reasonable terBss. -Owner. Tabor 2035 tvvn R & T 4 vnnm Kn ?K k. 'tad rJH 1 ..enniL 18 fnait trees- 14lin A kemin i t BOS E. Mill st. ... ... AaKTS tt enon ".,!, .7 f TZL --! 1II7; Z.-. T . .:s i xm w ! rvzai of ana. : $300 caab. Terms. ' Ant. 23-28. 300 cash. Terms. - Ant. 23-28. J 1 , . - . : i , - V HOLE bivK-k . and b-roow bouse $11,000. , REAL ESTATE -FOR SALE HOUSES I 404 350 in Cash prizes r . - r i r ! WILL BE AWAKDEri TO V THE persons writing the best letters setting forth the ADVANTAGES AND BENEFITS TO BE DERIVED FROM HOME OWN ERSHIP: " 825 FIRST PRIZE. 13 SECOND PRIZE ANI il THIRD PRIZE. FOR FtrKTHER. INFORMA TION CAM, AT OFFICE.! OR BITB FOH "THE K;1'1I1E HtfTEM.' IN WHICH WINNING I LETTERS W lTJj . HE PI'RI.LSIiED. A COPY FREE OX KEgL'EST. MAIL LETtERS TO FRANK L. MKiCJRE. AMERICA S r.AROEST HOME SELLER, I ARINfJTOX BUli P!nVT. 7171. 3D 5T , BliT. W ASH. AjND STARK- ' ROSE CITX. BARGAIN $4Rfl5 Practicalis iSew atractiTe 5 rT.ra bungalow, hardwood iiioory, fireplace. Dutch kitchen, cement basemeht. imp in and paid; balance like rent. I B. SOMERVILLE, Brojdwar 247S ACREAGE 405 Vfc ACRE. 1 blorA fromj car line, Tc fare; 2 blocks from Httr limit: mac adam, ktreet. ' lots of fruit land berries; 8 room plastered house, cify water, ga. eVertne htrbts and- teiephope: district of i-flort home. Price S3r0. ery easy term? 'onsidr light car, clear lnt or fma!3 house in Portland. 10 acre. 3 mile nortbJ?at of Oregon CRty. 2 mile from ele-t ,c sUtion ; H bearing frait, in cotd con fireplace, good s, well. Pri1 ice S3 00 per uiider cultivaaon: 3 acres apples, peaches, pear, ft" ditiort-. 3 room houwi with barn, aererat chicken hous 21M.0; 4f0 cash, liaii j ear, S per cent. JOHN FERGI'SON. REALTOR. erlineer Bide Orer 500 Small Places $ear Portland. ACHE AND HiALF J1I10 $12 DOWN 1 12 A MONTH PARKROSE. all clenred. eady for nlowine. rich nil garden land, no rocks or gravel. outside city limits, north of sandy iblvd. and carline. low1 county tai, no building Restrictions, only a few choice tracts left in tbia new addition. Park Roue branch office opfn all day. Take Roae, City Park Parkroae cir, go to end of Una. Pbone Tabor 2904. I J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, 8 Chamber of Cow. Bid. Bdwj. BOSjt. HALF PRICED FOR QriCK SALE 1 2 acres fronting Pacific highway ; well improved, 1 acre strawbernas. l vt acres r"i Knrrie. 1 acre evrcreen biackberrie ; 3 acres 'loganberries: 200 gooseberries: garden and family orchard, i room well built noue hern, garage and other Mlt buildings. Price JSS0O; J2600 rash, balaice easy See kj. .. CAMPBELI. with H. W. OSBORNE CO., 4 32 Chamber of Commerce bldg. ?.10 CASH AI RKA'iE A big piece of rich ga r4en soil. 150x221. Just outside the city limits, no city ta.es or assessment' where you 1 have to pay : Bull Htin water, graded and grarrlcd street; fine loca i abnr. The price j early 4 years to tion. snutbeast of Mount is t92"S: easy payments, pas. Buy this and I will tgire you credit fori lumber to bitild. a little ho me. tsee me tonay : cr this evening. Mr. Boell in. 263 East 0 1st st. Phone Tahor 1630. 3 Acre Tjracts "OT iKfnit frw-n cuWr.ticn. cl to Sandy blrrt a I -, 1 I . ir , tha . i r- a f nr raJ 1,11 i-a.-i .... chicken or berries. We will build "you a house. Uni t pass these up. 1 hey I won t last long. GREAT WESTERN INVESTMENT CO.. 230 Chamber "of Conunere,' bids. Park rose 2 ACRES OF THE F I SI EST SILT SOIL 3 ro"m house and ham. juumb fruit trees, fme lot of berrvis. all cultivated. blocks to Sandy lilvd. Price inly $25K. $300 down Bdwy. 5317. A BIG HALF ACRE Situated just outside city limits, near car line and school, $1400; cm very ea-sy terms. See this today. R. H. COXF-RKY, REALTOR., RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. Choice Acre Snap On paved road, close in on vet, side, citv water, gas. electricity, all in cultivation, big walnut trees, very sightly: 3 blocks station on S. P 9c fare. Snap fon$1250. terms. J, ;. Rainev 517 Abinirton bids Bdwy. 6269. 1 16 A'RKS, cultivated:: some fruit This soil m of the best and: rock or gravel, on county road, close to Ipaved highway, ouly 20 minutes from Portland. If sold before Sept. 10 will take $4000 and s cash or will consider -trade. Call Broadway b003. 616 THE MAKING OF A SHOW- PLACE Beautifully situated 8-a. . country home, 15 min. drive to Broadway md Morrison; fruit, berrie, large chicken hotse. bam, etc: close to golf and hunt club: wi 1 subdivide. John A. Meissner. 2L asco Bldgl E5C(ELLENT 5 acres itir Gresliam. 2 "4 acres under plow, all ood soil, no rock or gravel; small house 12x!0; fruit trees, ber ries; well. Price $1050, ,$300 cash 'required. XRIDER A ELKINGjrOX. GRESHAM ON CRAIG' road near Irk Rose, $30 cash. $15 a month 6 r at. beautiful trees, sightly view of Columbia and nits. : acre and two aero tracts, $10O0 and up. water, light and gas. Owner. Tabor 2-1 15. $1600. FIFTEEN acres rt cleared, small house and bitn rM to paved highway; Phone East 9121.. or t 728 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., one to three. WILL take good late mo leru car as part pay ment on 6 H) acres, all cleared, good S room house, small barn, chicken house, bal ance easy terms. B. 1, box 164, Orchards, Wash BY OWNER 150 aeresJ 94 miles from high way. 1 mile from railroad. $12.25 por acre i' taken at once. X. Swajllia, 748 E. 1 7th st, I'ortland. Or. . H ACRE. $87f $8 DOWN 'Acres $10 month, natural trees or culti vated. See me in new location upstairs at 1 4 2 H . 2d st, corner A: der. Roger W. Cary. HOW does this strike yrm t Three acres in "Rose Park Acres. $400 per acre. Easy terms. G. East 3139. L. Kohr. 2 3 Knott-st. Phone 5 ACRES, level, house, paro. two hen houses. fine well, near highway, school and station. $2430, $300 cash, balance 6?. 601 Stock .Exchange Bldg. :ONE acre, snap, all criltivated. new 3-room furnished house, two ben houses, fine well, 5 blocks Oregon electritj, $950, $350 cash. 601 Stock Exchange Bldg. FOR SALE Or rent. S hi acres on paved . highway, well improved. See Mr. Hartley a? Watson Printing Co. 263 Hi Yamhill st. 1LALE acre. 42d and lights. Price $850. hermens bldg. Skidmore, water, gas. C. Cole. 428 Lum- SUB URBAN HOMES 406 3 ACRE COt NTRY HOME Situated iu?t off hard surface road. 30 minutes' drive from heart of city; acre ia rastiberricf , 2 patches bf itrawbemes. fam ily orchard of assorted spot, 5 -room bungalow. fruits, large garden full plumbing, gas, electricity, and Bull Ran water, basement. fu- usee and garage; situated in good district, near good school: $550. $13 00 cash. Call owner. Tabor 7364 Jt ST outside city, whcije taxes are low; new modern a-roora bungalow, on 1 acre, macadam road: all city eonveniencea, gas. elec tricity, water; fine neighborhood ; will sell on liberal terms to reapcjtirible party wanting their own home. : Call Fisher with Monday" ;aak for Mr. WIIJStB FL JOISO. 224 Henry Bldg. Broadway ,4837 3 ACRE CSOrNTEX HOME Situated just off bard surf see road, SO min utes' drive tram heart ! of city. & acre in raspberries. 2 patches 6f strawberries, family orchard ef assorted frutta. sacge garden aitot, 3 room bungalow.' fuU plumbing, gas, elec iricity and Bull Run waiter, basement, furnace and garage: situated in good district near good school; $5500. $140U cash. Call owner. Tatwr is3. 34 ACHES, GtKD INCOME 4 acres berry rancbl In full bearing, as fruit trees;, good sgarnea, with coed outbuildings : large 1 H story house all fenced, oa bard surface road, dose to senoot and ear; all city convenience, x oa can aear azww a year on this. euuO. tersas. i JohnsonDodson Co. 633 N. W. Bank bide.. Sain 78'J 4 JtK SAL.B, 1 hole blue aani :: WlUl IB- I proved acreage, Oregon City car. Owner it . (1 N. " tsana wot. At water 4114. II w ltJ equity in 2j room bouse. H acre I ground, near highway and Unltnonah sta- J twn, or trad oa lot, ariwhat bare you? alam 4 2SJ, No agents. ESTATE FOR SALE SUBURBAN HOMES 406 Very kttracuve bungalow' of ;S iwoeos sleetarw iporeb. COMPlETELT elec. ligr.!, gas and water. . locateii r.n " new nard surfac eiaM siff-ricVen district : ei--we IFTTtNISHErt ONE ACREl road tn bigs to ear atxi chnnL j Pries only 2600, $500 cash, reitc rerm on raiance. j ton i pveTiooa; tn aa u anderpriced at least tSOO. Photo office. Sen Hard with j ' M L T32 CTiamber of Cowtmerr. FARMS 40t 22 A KES. 23 miles from Portland. 1 i miles from good town. 2 acres ru'ti- vatedi balance heavy timber; 15 a'-re can re farmed wben cleared ; good eou : creeks over 50; cords wood: bearina orchard; 4 room.i hosi barn, chicken house; personal property 1 horse, cow, bar uess. Ibusry, plow,: harrow, household fnr- nitur, . td. tables, 12 chairs, range. heater. cookinr 1 utensil. etc. Pnca 10S It tut cash, balance very easy ternri Inspected by Hunter, CLOSK liN acres. 15 i miles from center of Portland, 1 mile ifrom station; macadam road j i acres cultivated:; 1 sere timber; balarice pasture; 3 acres locanbernes. H aw. i bearing orchard, strawberries and otherf truit; tt room log bungalow; spnng wate piped tn, bam. chicken house, tool hoi?4: Personal propers y oow, heiter, horsj. chickens, etc. Price J33O0, terms. I Qf parted by Nelson, i JOHN FEKiC80N, KEALTOK, Gerlinger bldg. Farm at City's Door 1 PRICE CCT IN HALF 80 ACRES H VI.F IN Ct CTIVATION 1 00 roi frrmi paved g road. 30 minutes' drive froni center of Portland. Sx room house and. good bams. iocd family orchard. This farm belongs to a PTtlaivl bu4r-ss jnan who thought it worth $2,000, but his Health haw failed and lie now authorises us to sell at once for l l.ooo tVe believe this to be absolutely the best baritain that has ever been offered ta hiffh ca-s property close to Port- ianij- It must fe sold at once. Everett Philpoe. Salesmanaser. NeaSan Parkhi.33 219 Lumbermans Bide. Bdwy. 232. Stacked and Equipped iatrr. fenrpi and rn fnrecl, bpau'i fli! (irrbari of a-sorted fniii , f mM rearing. cro3 farm iions?. RtMxi barn, rhachint bheii, Jidji , houf?. rh:rk4n i r m -f and , park , dai ry , da i ry r rw s , i hfifer. 3 ralvs, X hors hame, 4 a son, hark, moirfr, ralif, plow, larrrjirv, hpadr. di?r; rnlti vator, spp ifraror. 1 J trn bay- ia bm, about 00 bnheLs grain, 3 &rrrs ctat i mile-; from gcxl Pai ifir- highwjv fwn on main mitn r-a J, r'tp t jr-hoo wrir.li all rural vdantactri. a-1-fcin-ns "hijrhy imftrored farm V:i- t taftOO, hajf rash; N . TH mi-la a 'fpt st-ni psrhange. Thompson, Swan & Le Realtors Tjiird and Main sts., Vancouver. Wah iKothing Down Hut Taxes and Interest for Five, Years a 0-20 40 acre tracts, from $25 to $40 anjacre. 2100 acres to choos from, down Columbia river, on Oregon side, close to highway. Some of these tracts ha lie strpsms. Beautifully lying land. Fine lodation for growing prunes, apples, bej rids, filbert nuts, and English walnnti. Fihe for dairying, bees, and poultry, j i ( 1IAKLES KKLFKL 31S Railway Exchange Bldg ." City, i 4 0 ACRES SI 750 CAKH 35 acres in Cal.. ti rooru house. 2 barns. SOO-cap. chicken bouse arid ether. outbuildings.r family orchard:, fine Wafer, wo d for dtmrstio use- No r'v-k n pround. HMui nice and smooth; mile to 2 R. H.s.. store, I, o", school, auto road to place the year a'round. Pnoe $4250, $1730 cash, balance 6 '"r . ' Hi ILLY REALTY CO . 436 Cham, of Com. B'way 6653. 220 Acres, $3600 AM A-l soil, no rock, no waste, some clHared. spring water, on hard : roed. ciose to ffSbool. good; town, railroad, higiiway, 2 hours' ride by auto; adapted to nuts, prunes, berries, potatoes. j c'.ovfr ore any valley crop; 40 acres bottom. creea ; o per ceat ca.sn.: very easyierms; ai'Bnt accejt some clear property as )rt payment. Joh a A. Meissner, S21;Gasco bldg. iKn.KS, HERE IS W FARM BARGAIN Sll ACRES, 22 MILES OCT. FOR $3500 About 25' acres cleared, 40 acres finej tim ber,' all good land, county road through place. 4 room comfortable , house, barn, ruhning water, some personal. l mile to Softool and church. W ill consider icheap house part atice cash. ! STEWART at JOHNSON, 315 Northwestern Bank bldg. bal- FOR SALE Fine dairy farm, S mi. east of Washougal, Wash., 289 acres, 80 acres in cul tivation, all fenced, good pacture. spring and creeks, 1 acre family! orchard, good 9-room house, concrete basement, large barn and out buildings. 50 chickens, 20 milch cowa J Hol- stein bull, 5 yearungs.j and all implements re quired on a ranch, only $80 acre, $90001 cash. balance terms. X-16i, JouraaL 10 n ACRES -miJ east of Milwaukee, on Lake- road, under cultivation, on pared high way; 4 room house, barn, chicken house 3 elec tric lights, Mitchell's ater system; 2 horses. 1 cow, 30 chicsens and larm implements. Ke cause of sickness. I will sacrifice. Easy terms. Will sell or take 1 acre with house. CHARLES WOLF, Jt. 1. Milwaukie. Or. '25 Acres, This is the best quality cut-over land, of it easv to clear. Ob county road, onl k 3H miles from good town, railroad. Columbia river One- and highway. Ao roe, nnne streams. fifth cash, balance 5 yfars. John A. 1 O , kM. 1 Melsscer. n i vnn. umn- : 640 ACRES on the John- Da y highway, 16 0 acres cultivation, 10O acres in hay, timothy and alfalfa, balance wheat and oats; tJOt acres seeded to alfalfa. Ranch is irrigated by two creeks. ' B-rootn homes, barn, granary, out buildings. Good ore hand. 60 bead cattlej some good horses. Farm machinery. All for $16.O0O. terms. C. W. ; Millerthip. 163 hi Fonrjth et- MbJ GARDENER and Dairyman" jits, look at this: 98 acre of rich bottom! land, situated one mile from that rich farming dis trict, Aurora: ouly $7f an acre; pleity of water for irrigation ; close to warehouse, ! bank, teres, town and raHroad. J, B. HoTbrook. Realtor. 214-2 1 5 Panama btdg. . GOOD farm for sale by owner. 300 acres, 75 under plow, pasture, timber, running water, good buildings, IS miles from. Olympia, on paved highway, 4 mile from school; equipment and crops included. Write for particulars, Ed Taylor, New Kamilche, Wash. FOR SALE. CHICKEN' RANCHES Small farms,: acreages on Oregon Cijty ear line. j j Zelasko &iMcCormick MlLWAt KIE. OR. BAXK BT ITjDrXG. 80 ACRES improved, stocked and eaaipped Will take' house or small acreage aal part; 23 miles south of Portland. Be 3, Bo 104. New berg. Or. : j; FOR RENT FARMS 1408 : FOR ! KENT OK LEASE Dairy completely equipped, consisting of 0 room modem bouse witb large barn. I large chicken bouse, garage. and six acres of ground. Driveway and street bard surfaced tot paved highway. . six miles from Portland; place ia equipped with cas and, electricity; siso runnirig water: $3 er ssontai ! ' For Sale -2 A-l dairy eowa and bull; all T.' B. tested; completely equipped witb milk bottles, cans, separator, cooler, steameesj water beater; joBe-borse rake, mower ; milk nnte; pigs, 30 thoroughbred chickens; also English bloodhounds and puppies. No reasonahlJB ffex will oe reiusea-t - T j . i i v Desire to sell on account of help- Van ana wife coo Id run entire place witb the esinip saent. Hare four customers taking 60 gmlkna of aauk per day. ! .' i I -- B EX EDTOTtSK SISTERS, i I St. Tberes Static. Oak GrevwJ REAL . SI Oregon Cat? cat. l , THE OREGON DAILY I J0U FOR RENTi-FARMS lO ACRE FARM FOR - REXf f Ineluding j 8 : good cows, 4 heifersj tam. wagon and harness, boggy; plow. hamrw cream separator land other tools. 100 chickens.; IS tons hay. j 1 acre corn, potatoes and guntn; SO acres sin enltivation. balance pasture, jran mng wmtr. new boss kni barn, atjock i and eouipmenn S125t casb, 2 years' leaea on farm. $240 per year. 1"0 payable1 April 1. balance of rent Oct 1. 1923. W. E Kiflder. Carlton. Or.' i j 1 7 sj, ACRES. IS miles : from Portland, in ear BeaTertrni, 1 Va milea joff highwayj on arood grave road, 3 room house funuihed; bant, chicken hotsse and orchard. $15 a mo, ;r will sell. Owner. Bdwy 4187. i r FOR RENT A stock farm, partly istoeked, with good building apd farm implements; a good proposition' far the right man. j Ad drest H -, Comb. I'c4tage Grove.! Or f HOMESTEADS 410 Governmesst Farms "Tha iHomeeeeker Journal lists i ia4 de scribe thousands of acnes vacant government land in V. S ; gives location place to apply. 1922 townabip plats, new laws, otherl reliable information., Sample copy free. Homeseeker, Boa 42'?. Portland, Or,j j I j TWO m.gnty go-l rehnqoiscment, west of Mc- MicnvSie. 60 miles jPortJsnd; auto road, creea. good soil, celanng, bouse. S200 leach.. 301 Corbett blog. T It' 1 M i ' EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 413 " IF YOU WANT TO TRADES f ' SEE IS Mi $3300 ? room modem fbungalow in finf con dition: want Hi to 1 acre i Oregon City carline. I $4500 fi-room cottage close in, where the lot is worth tpe price asiked :i want ' to 1 acre Oregon Ctty raTline. $3500- V of an acr. outjiide cjitjr flimiu. wifh modern 5rroom bungalow want reidenee close fin up to $4i00i0. $4200 3 acres, all cultivated, withiajdandy -t room plastered bungalow, i near Huber station I on Oregon Electric ; want house in Portland np te 3300O. This property i worth your investiga tion, f I f S200O .5 acres .of fini soil, al uriderL culti vation, no buildiae. miles: Outj Turn in at part paypient on bouse in city to $330(1. 1 F I . I $14,000fi0 acres.- 4,-f acres in cultivation : large barn, fan- house, fijie: running stream, 13 males from cokirthonse : one of the very best one-man! dairy ranches near p'ortland. Thisi place is stocked and Equipped If will stand investigation. Vill take 4 c A acre close in for rjgrt payment.; : J j -V 782 Chamber of CoromerceJ , rEMNSCIAi DISTRICT j f 2 acres, with modern 5 v)n bun galow, garateL chicken hoilse-i barn, P0 fruit trees; all fenced; joOOO, ?30O0 mortjige; want Ijo ; e3?chajigp xauity for eqiiity in 5 rocin bunca- low; prefer Monta villa-. 'district. , I j i ALVIN JOIINSlfcN CO.. ReaKjor! 603 McKay bltlg. I Brrjidwayl 72Q1 Ideal Chicken Ranch 6 room house with P acres; pteinty rhtcken houses. , running waten; aLso city svater; in suburbs of Vancouver. i2 blocks off ipaveKent. For sal cheap. Will take auto 'first pay ment .tt trade for I'prtland proerty' . ' Call at 28 or Main 0466j , : . 66 ACRES. 60 acres cfllt.. 5 acres joak (timber. 2 acres logans : 4 room, house, j barb, out buildinss; water in ajl buildings;! taniily or chard; 1 mile from j Creswell, cini highway. i s .:". all clear. Trade for closei-inl unim proved o(eag. C. W.i Mtllership, 1B3.H 4th. UA E a 5 -room bungalow w sell L cleap or take ;a gooi iot as first paj-meiiV sk for Mr. Fiaher. with f I I' 'i WI.LBI'R S". JOI'NO. Mci. : Bdwy. 4H37. ; 224 .Henry bldg. 1 2.SOHHREAT4.0. ObPPN (ft' YOC XG ft APT. HOFSE OW'NER'S I I . hv 120-acre irrigated farm valued at Sl.VOOO for a first payment on an atiartment liou'e rr hotel property. What: have you? 3T7 Henry bldg. ; ' j TO FXl'HAMiK for: small ina.e, 1 104H acrei. 60 acres under plow, running water, all kinds fruit, mile .to store, dhuVch and scliooihnuse, mail and :cream route, ;3 miles E'tacada. KX-137. Jlrurnal. ! ; LXCOME PROPERTY j We specialize in income property? of all kinds. See us for exchanges in ral estate. FISHER REALTY CO.. 515 Chamber of Commerce. Bdwy. 4026. 56. ACRES. stocked and equipped, nar Turner. all lies well; good buildings, ftnei soil; 1 hi miles from R. R. Will exchange! fnt equal value city residence property. 339 Exchange bldg.. 2d, and Stark. ! I !. TWO acres, cultivated; new 5 roam bungalow, fireplace: near station: garden. : fruit, spuds, to exchange fur house and lot, Mt. j Scott or Woodlawn. What have you? 601: Stock Ex i bailee bldg. f I I i 30 ACRES about 1 3 f miles- out; fine .' soil, lies rougii ;: good bungalow: firepiaoie, bath; mortgage $1400. Vant car for i equity, or what have you? Phoiie Main BS6(6.i j ONE i3re. good improvements, I It'rop, cow, chickens, clear. Price $3o(0; walnt house and lot up to $4500. (.'an pay jatime cash. C. Cole. 4 26 Lumlieipnens bhlg. j j WILL TRADE 70 rom am. house. f brick. 5 year leas, for good farm, not ever: 40 miles out. or good house and lot in good district. East T3S9. J 10 ACRES, modern suburban horhe, n Pacific lughway and Red Electric. Exchange equity for apts. or rooming house or restaurant. 314 Couch bldg. j f WIITl" TRADE two! lota ill Soutl Oregon City addition for ilate model iFord touring car. East 5390 after 5:30 p. jm. r Ask for Baker. f j ; WILL trade confectionery and' light lunch, worth $1200, for rooming house; of same value. Phone I Jiwrehce.' Atwateri 19JI. WANT city propertyi have acreage, ilittle and large farms to exchange. if. dole, 426 Lumbermen bldg. I: PROPERTY EXCHANGE SPECIALIST A. GORDON ROSS, m Broadway 5173. j 624 Henry Bldg7 CANADIAN farms, i ail sizes, ' to jexchange. C. Cole, 426 Lunibermens hldg. REAL ESTATE! 1 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 414 $5500 80 acres,' near Faciei Creek; nearly half in cultivation ; good land: family orchard; nearly new . 5 mom, bungalow.: spring water piped to house: consider city property1:. $5800 80 aires, near Battle Ground. Wash. : 25 acres in cultivation, mdre nearly cleared, all good land; running watpr. family orchards, fair buildings. Consider city prop erty I $10.000 10 acres, on Sandy road; modem 9-nxTi house; fruits, nuts, berries. IThia is a ; beautiful close-in home. S. P. Ostyurn. 610 McKay bldlg.. Third and Stark. ABSOLUTELY GOT TO SELL OR TRADE - 40 acres, Ontario, , Or., all under ditch; 4 room house; land will produce 800 sacks spuds to sere. Owner cannot farm it. , A great snap for somebody. Price tout from $5000 this week to $3000: land, adjoining selling for $300 acre. Trade for grocery, rooming bouse or anything can use. r BYDER REALTY CO., t 192 3d St Main 5536. Eve., Sell. 2749. CITY property wanted m exchange for my 6 hi acres, well improved land, a good 6 room house, right on highway at electric sta tion,: near school ho use. R. 1, box 165, Orchards. Wash. ' . SELL or trade 40 acre farm for city lot or home close in. Call or write 6020 83d St. a E. Phone Auto. 64 0-4 4. 60 ACRES. 20 cleared for building lot equity. Call evenings. Walnut .3 136. WANTED REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY 4S0 HAVE CLIENTS desiring homes, Talu-s $1500 to $3500. j JohnsonDodson Co. 633 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 3787. WE I SELU BCY AND TRADE ALL KINDS i Of REAL ESTATE . STAR REAL ESTATE A IX Y, CO.. -BDY. 6618. 512-13 WILCOX BLDG. ' WE HATE BUYERS . Waiting for good income property in i FISHER REALTY CO.. Portland. : 515 Chamber jvt Commerce. WE have clients waiting to buy 3 or 4-rocui bouses that are real bargains. CaJ McGEE it DENNIS, 969 Cpion ave. X. Walnut 5684. WILL TRADE some good young work horses for a lot or bouse equity; win assume a email mortgage. B, 1, box 163, Orchards. Wash. WAXT to buy T S-room house, Albisa dis trict, up to j00; can pay $1000 down. See my friend, Mr. Sutter. 248 E. Broadway. E. 213. , j HATE cheats with $200 to $230 that want homes in- Mt Tabor or MoBtavilla districts. Call! Broadway 3157 or 804 Bachaman bki. W ANTED Any aise boxnea that can ba sold 318 on eaey lanin rtalpn Harm to.. Cnarnber cf ConMnerce. Broadway 5054. WANTED On or two good building kits on - paved street, ia wood district P-66. Jour- aal.1 - : " , ' ! WANT beet i rooca bungalow $2500, oaala will buy. Phone Main S866. i SMALL HOCSE. WILL PAY CASH 844 Chamber of Cosaiswrce Bids. . 1-, -1 , i i I- ' i ; ---- - I H ! I it '' . i ----:!' , J " I . RNAL, PORTLAND, i OREGON. I 408I WAfiltU KtAL tSlAlt'1 Tn CITY PROPERTY i h 450 WANT HOME in Kenton. Alberta or Wood lawn : district. KXOtHlt to 32O0. Most b priced right, atajn 37b7.- - j M l i ' " -" j ' ACREAGE ! ! ft - 455 ACRE OR Its ACRE. PAY CASH Most be) bargain and dose -in- 630 Chara ber Commekre bldg. j FARM IANDS RENT OR BUY 4S7 WILL PAY cash rent for a diversified farm within 16 milts of Portland ; mast bare three or five year lease. C-jgO. j: Journal. BUSIJES OPPORTUNITIES STORES. GARAGES, ETC S00 GROWING StTBCBBAN FEED STORE Sales dw ahem $125 per day. I. average. Rent 20j Business and eauipmeal. truck. scales, etc I $700. Stock at inventiry, now about 1 8fo Thia is money maker and growing rajpidly. j See Lamb, witb 732 jc. HA MB EH OF f"OMMF!R! iCE. I GARAr.E FOR SAIJ! Coenpletfly equipped, going good business southern Oregon town: only garaae lln town: ; established 10 ytars, doittg good bupes ; has nnwev ati. .n . n- lr I . , . w,..i,-, iiiiri, nun, iiir-J rip tjii. plsnt, chatemg plan, full set vulcanizing ma cinnery. aad tools; good accessory : stock : Iwo Wayne gasj pump Rent only $50 per month; long lease a 1"5(K1. Applv owner, BbX 34, RIDDLE. OREGON TRjADES TRADES TRADES 'Trocery store corner location, dfiine good btistness rent $30. inriudes 4 living rooms sod bath. Will exchange for residence; will assume entail amount. jARTHl'R L. SCOTT CO.. I30 ( hamber of Commerce MOVING I1CTCHK THKATRF tell ebuipped. 250 chair: 2 Ibmldines one with good income. The theatre doini hie Diastness. tsanrain. $14. sm. small ia ment awn. win take some trade. QIICK KALES CO. 4r2 Coucfi Bldg Alii, 511 09 THE ON LT cleaning and pressing establish 1 ment iii a lire town, in a good location and doing good business; equipment. household furniture, nc . fnr sale, ail for SBO0; will consider small car in trade, it's a bargain. Woodle Rralty Co. , Estacada. Or. DTt I "GLES phsician"s office for sale; well equipped, suitable for chiropractor, natu ropath or masseur; complete hydrotherapy aepu, imp location, good practice ana reason able rent Must sell on accoui.l of bd rieait.1. Phone Bdwy. BO-6S. KOK SAjl.E Plumbing and lectcal busi ness i rfc fruall town in Eastern Oregon, a good buyj plenty of work ail the tlime; good opportunity to increase business; $(500 cash will handle; stvk. fixtures, tools aind service car, all go. LX-182. Journal. I GARAGE right down town, very ;be-t loca tion, has never been offered for snle n fore. (n account of sickness in family) must sell Price $6,-00. nace netting ebWt $5O0 month I.otv rent, e-ood lease STCRM REFER CO.. 214 jlth. REST A I; R AX T AND A REAL Bl'Y !' $2f00 Heart of city: long lease: dally average $ 1 00. This is positively th best buy in Portland. See Harper. 218 Iy Exchange oldg. SMALL confectionej-y and lunch room for sale. (iood business: rent $8 month itwo living good con- rooms. Might (consider small car n aiuon ana some casn. fty. Or. 1414 Main- kt, Oregon : STAGE LIXE Bonded stag line and car for : sale at a bargain if taken at once; if you mean busi ness, inquire at 273 Salmon st for particu lars. : : RESTACRAXT $900-Weih equipped ; $400 derxfeit on long lease: aotng nice business; small j cash pay ment down. Harper. 2 IS lly Exchange bkig LIGHT GROCERY AX D CONFECTIONERY S650 Cash-and carry, rent onljj $20; liv ing rooms, steam heat. See Harper, 218 Ry. Exchange bldg. j FORD agency and garage on main highway, do ing Tine business: making large returns on investment; can be bought at low figure. X-153. Journal. WANTEI.1 Young woman u work in real estate office as partner, old established of fice: $250 necessary; must have office experi ence Bdwy. 7 630. GROCERY store in good country town, dome good business, 4 living rooms, j ea-sy rent. Will invoice. STl RM REFER CO. , 214 15th. MANIFACTURING I Partner wanted for a growing business; clears $250 month for each .partnejr now. Cell room 401 IV rum bide $550 -DANDY restaurant in jemployment agency district; good - business; price a bar gain. Phone Lawrence, Atwater 1911, or call at 201 W. Park st i' A PARTNER , WANTED For a garage and repair shop. Need help of handy man. Good iiay. Room 401 Dekum bids. $4 30 required. ESTABLISHED business, good lcjeation ; me chanical line. Win pay you tol investigate. Money maker;: $3000 stock on han((L M. Ness, 1 rescott st. aqi oh-ok. CAUTION. BUYERS Before Closing a deal of so-called interest in established real estate business, get advice of Portland Realty Board. 421 Oregou'bldg. Pbone Broadway 1 902. ' SlSBlRBAX GROCERY $1300-13 nice living rooms; daily average $35; delivery car included. See Harper, 218 Ry. Exchange bldg. T Printing for Less Ryder Printing Co. Main 6536. 192 3d at. GOOD clean ) grocery, good trade, cheap rent and overhead: price $1780. Bdwy. 7204 or Atwater 3847. HALF Sntere: in auto wah. rack.i $ 23. This is a buy add I must have a pahner to help me. 511 Bumsicle. ' HAVE two lots in Port Coquetlam. B. C. paid $500: 111 1912. also some cash; will trade for anything valuable. dOA Bumside. WELL established profitable hemstitching busi ness at a ; bargain for quick sIe. H79 Journal. ' A GROCERY stre for sale; gijiod location averaging $65 per day. Tabor 7847 or Ta- bor 6339. i - CONFECTIONERY', soft drink and eiear store for $700 ! cash, or trade for smali place. Black's candy, store. The Dalles Or. ATTRACTIVE beauty pari,ir. fj ne location. for sale reasonable. Call Tabor 5679. $1350 BUYS GROCERY-r-$1350 BUXDY V ORR. 115 GRAND AVE. FOR SALE Half interest in goid established woodsaw business, by owner. Main 1669. FOR SALE- Grocery store; good car barns." Phone Bdwy. 2841 ocation, near HOTELS, f ROOMING HOUSES AND APARTMENTS FOR SALE 502 TWO THAT ARS WORTH WHILE 20 rooms; all 2-room suites! newly fur- nished, in j first-class shape; 3-year lease; clears $150 isnd own apt: well located. Price is low; . $ 1 500 will handle. 7 apts., all newftr, furnished. 3-year lease, rent $70; 2 baths, double garage, very desir able home and good, income. Price $2130; terms. THOMSD3T A THOMSON. REALTORS 620 Henry bldg. ! Modern Apt. House i Close in. always full, dandy lease for over 9 years: 33 apartments, completely furnished, only $16.00. with $3500 down. WALTER tc. SOMERS 1421 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 6409. THOMSON ex THOMSON REALTORS Acknowledged Leading Hotel i tnd Apartment House Broken. 4 TO BCY OR SELL. SEE US 620 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 4880. FOR QUICK SALE . ' List your hotel, apartment and rooming bouses with us. Your interest will always be protected. We have cash buyers waiting for your proposition. Bee Mrs. Keller. GEO. T. MOORE CO. 1007 Yeon Bldg. 100 ROOMS in 2 and 3 room apta.; lease 9 years. This is class A bailding and only $4000 first! payment, balance eaity. with a good net income. Bdwy. 8003. 618 Henry bidg. ' 1 $500 DOWS. 11 b. k. rooms,' clean, all good furniture, : full price 81600, easy payments. This would make fine boarding house, as it ia near Dental college and Chiropractic college; walking distance. Mrs. Lee, East 8494. S BOOMS,) store neat, gas ranges, electric light, hots and cold water, bath, large , yard, garage, close in; price $900;' terms. Call owner. Main 2032. ! I GEN CINE PICKUP WORTH DOUBLE uuay rooming souse, i nwm, goaa xur niture, rmrs etc; $500 takes it. r RYDER REALTY. 192 3d. M. 5588. TEN 2 and 3 room apta.. goad oak furmV 1 tare, everything modem; private baths; brick bnildiac; 6 year lease. Trade for larger place. SntacT. East 9213. 1 LEASE 3d : room apt., west sidle, partly fur T Bished; will aeil! furniture 8300. See .Wil Bama. Eastern Exchange. 227 Washington SO ROOM apt, bowse, east side, clearing 8380 1 net; long leas.. Will, take smaller place aa part payment. Butter, East 9213. MUST SELL 10 aooraa. fanuture; close ia. OPPORTUNITIES HOTELS, ROOMING HOUSES AND ITMENTS FOR SALE 502 It Willi Be Difficult to ; Fini a Better Invest ment Than This Orie Here lis a brick apartment house bui'd ing, eoifsistina; of 32 rooms, each nicely furnisher!: hot and cold water. Just think, tjh rent Is only $10O per mofith-. with a long lease. Nets better than $20 per month and you can buy it with $2000 cash. Pasy terms oa balance. : Richanbach & Co; Sui e 05 Cham, of Com. Bid. Broadway 4143. SME GENUINE JsARGAIXS i . 14 $30 ; 11 Twtm $1500: newly renovated; n4 S65 month rooms and garage, $1500; tease brand $1500 new iarn frure; terras. 15 rc4ms. furnished : 3 months: cash ; Ion k lease. 10 rofms, lovely home-like pScea price $1500; rent $4 0. These re very rnire entv. BRUCE (cOTiDARD. 501-2 COUCH BLLG. FINE little boarding bouse rm east, side; gendl furniture: very: attractive -comer house; large, bright rooms: well, equipped with all conveniences including eleptric washing machine. Price1 $1400. t i-asll. JpHN FERIJUSON. Realtor, i Gerlinger Bldg. 1 30-ROOJj. hotel, very good locality. f2000. 'all a 80 N. 2t tnd have a look;. AffARTMENTS WANTED 551 6 ROOM house. modem home and eah for apartment with good lease. Value $3150 110 East 57t FINANCIAL MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE 601 CITY LOANS! NO COUMlSSilOM. On improved property or- tor impreiement purpose. X The beat and easiest method of Daring a loss is our msnthly payment plan. $32.28 per month for 88 months, or $21 24 per month for 60 months, or 815. IT per month for: oa month raav a loan of !$1000 and Interest.' - Loans of other smounu in same proportion. I RMTm,nt lr-,i 1. EQUITABLE SAVINGS & IX)AS ASS'M 243 Stark st.. PortUnd, Or. j $250, tip. band. 00. $500. $709. 8SSO. $1U00 snd Low rates. Quick action. Money on 1'ay o!f any part any Ume. 630 Chamber of Commerce bldg. - Bdv 6370. DOX'fTvVA'l'T TILL MONEY GETS ! tTgHT Amounts up to $2400; to loan in'aood dis- tricJ- imiroved projerty ou t.a?ed strcts olre toi car 1'nes. H. IS YOKE. 1136 X W. Rank Bldg Main 4179. MON EY to loan on city and suburban im proved property, at rurreiit ratej money available! now. As for Mr Fisher, wjith WILBUR F. JOL'NO. INC. I Broadwsjy 4837. ,1 224 Henjry Bldg, $100 $1500 $2000 $2500 $3000 riO DKLAY. We are loaning ur own money, j Leans quickly closed- I V. H. deshox. 1007 Spaldirg bldg. $1500, $2000. $3000 TO LOAN at 7 per cent on good city homes. A. 1L Aker- 4 210 Henry bldtf. Bdwy. f,349j BUILPING loans on city tnd tuourban prop erty W. G. money 'advanced as .work progresses. Hock. 213 Failing bldg. Main 3407. $200. $400. $500. $750. $lO0 AjXD UP; low fates, quick action, rred v. German Co., 73i Chamber of Commerce. $100 TO $2500; qulca action. A. H. Bell. 281 Morrison t-. rooms 10 and 11. $123.4 1)0, DIVIDE $1000. $1500. $21100. $30c1 10, $4000. $60MV Epton. East 75'4 SEE OttEGON IXV. A MORTGAGE CO.. S10 Lum bet Exchange bldg. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS 602 YOU NEED MONEY LOANS MADE ON Automobiles ; FTJRNTjrCRE, PI A N O S, HOUSEHOLD GOMLI9, HEAL ESTA1H, (JU.US UK AJiYTHLNG OF VALUK tSB.lUtt- ITY USUALLY LEFT 1 TOUR POSSESSION. j I so Salary Loans TO SALARIED PEOPLE ON THEIR NOTES WITHOUT 8ECURITT. IF YOUR PAY-j MENTS TO OTHER LOAN COMPANIES OS ON FfRXITITRE OR AUTOMOBILE ilOXl TRACTS ARE TOO LARGE. WE WILL PAY THEM UP. ADVANCE YOU MORE MONEY IF NBCESSARY. AND YOU CAN j PAY US IN SMALL MONTHLY PAYMENTS TO SUIT YOUK COYl!iiM Hi. T.Ed AL RATES NO DELAY PORTLAND LOAN COi (LICENSED) ! 808-87 DEKUM BLDG.. 3D AND WASH, BROAD W A X 5867. 8 ALA RY LOANS SALARY WE LOAN MONEY I to salaried and worklngmen on their persona notes, j Kates reasonable, easy payments. NO SECl'HITISO IMUOKJSltK Call and investigate our modern monei lending methods. All business confidential. OOLUaiBlA DISCOUNT COMPANY j (Licensed) I 218 Failing Building. I MONEY TO LOAN afonev loaned on household goods or meti rhandipe placed in storage with us at a regular Dane rate. " : SECURITY STORAGE . STRANSFlEat CO; I 4tb and . Pine St. j f Opposite Multnomah hotel: I Phone Broadway 8715. ; BUSINESS WE LOAN money on automobile. I Grarxning A Treece. 102 N. Broadway, ' .1 ' i "1" MISCELLANEOUS FINANCIAL 603 FOR I SALE One thirty-five ! lmnJred aollair ($5 500) contract; payments; $30 iper montli including interest (Good pay.) Phone Wal- nut op40. : I CASE paid for mortgages snd sellers' contracts on real estate in W'ssninrton or Oregon. H. Ej Noble. 316 Lnrobermens bldg. WE 1 I'Y first and aeeand mortgages and sell ers' contracts. F. E. Bowman & Co.. 210 Cham er of Commerce bldg. Bdwy. 6007. WILli buy small-sellers' con'racts ! or second mortgages. Gordon. 681 Ch of Com, bldg. MONEY WANTED j 651 WANT $1500 for 3 years at 7 per cent on 10 were cleared tract, valued at $450O. at edge 4f citv, near highway. R. L. Yoke, 1136 X. Wt Bsnk bldg. Main 4179. j SEE OREGON INY. ft MORTGAGE CO.. 21 EX CHANCE BLDQ. j HORSES AND VEHICLES 700 JUSt! received a shipment of hortes j and mules frotn Eastern Oregon. ThLs stock weighs from HOOO lbs. to 1 700 lbs. , eachj They are all right out of farm work and can be seen at 302 Front st or at work here in. the city. G. IK. HOW ITT, Front and Columbia sts IORSES FOR SALE OR TRADE 121 good, sound work horses, tgd frotn 4-8 win I will aell at barvain or: trade for wnat have Lou f 227 hi Washington it., jroom 312. Mrs. csteihmetz. - : 1 FARM IMPLEMENTS) NEW AND SECOND HAND SPECIAle PRICES j P. E. ESBENSHJiDE. I 860-364 E. MORRISON ST. dlEAM of bay geldings, 5 and 6 years old, well broke and -well matcnea: real prcnaru or farm (team; also 10 head of young sound work mares) at almost your own price. Will trade for cr. R. No. 1. Box 165, ' Orchards. Wash. $30 IV ILL buy your choice of 7 good young wofk horses, weight ail around 1 1200 lbs. R. X. 1. Box 165. Orchards Wash. FARM WAGONS j ! Otp and 2-horse. all kinds. Front and Main. On dbek. : i BIG iteam, sell cheap or trade fori light car, coitlwood or cow." 6717 43d ave. ! Mt. hcott csr. KEY$TON Stables, bones lor sale or hire or on commission- wagon asa harness. 881 Water st- W. 8. Atw. 3315. I FOR ) SALE cheap, 8 bead of horses. 3 seta of breeehmc earnest, x stock aaoaie. itii at 210 E. 7th at. II BARGAINS Hones, ail sixes, all pheap; har pers and wagons all kinds. ; 240 E. 8tb. DOUBLE team. $3 oay; single team, $1.60 : day. 946 Frost at- Main 2299. UVESTOCK 701 FOR I SALE Good milk cow. 66O Kerby. or Walnut 437b. TW Cl Toggenberg tnilk goatas will 'all 604 3d it sell cheap. POULTRY AND RABBITS 702 400 YEARLING Whit Leghorn hens, bred lay $1 each for enure flock- 600 C DavJ East 0404. to FAM LY Jersey cow. tell 'very cheap. . 240 ; E. 8th tt. . ' j I TEN fin type betters, coming 2 bred t re istered Hobtein bull. P-58. JearnaL THURSDAY, RABBITS : I702" POULTRY AND M ki x K. wire or caone us your wants la all creeds or coaltry satisfaction cuaratiteed. Pwulrryi Producers' Exchange), 60 E,Haea sV, iTortiena tr H ITK LEGH)RX:rullts B5c to 81.13 each; 2(M White Leaborn bensl. r-old hens, 75c TST: eatnP 111 quantities to suit. R. MaguireL Oregon,: : MCST IseH cheap po ae l a flock of 1 hichfclass . t of m Health. single 'romb it node bland Red..- pullets, and sop ave. Sellwood C627. cockerels. 490 Clat- QUACRLESS ducks. 60c 1 $10. X chola. ps.w 1 ist ave. n. e,. I PETS; DOGS, BIRDS, ETC. 703 i OREGON Headauarters for SEED! STOKE Kaempfers Birdolene and Canary Highballs. PET STOCK AND SUPPLIES Main 688. 1 224 Yamhill "St. Ifi.iULTBY culld and dlnsed: chargeal mod I erate. aatisfacttoni guaranteed. A. L- Homp- ipn. Jennings i1ge re -- WHITE SflClE For : breedin and Hoclork iMtiwn'mcnlil nne. fkises. K'al! after 3 jr. ra. ait 3!) E. Ouch st. THOROUGH BRED 1 toy foi ji (terrier pupdiea, S weeas old, 3 cofors, W Inut 1 an. PEDIGREED Boston tetirier. male imppy; pru-e winning stock. MO- East Dai OR SALE Well bred setter male puii Call AJREl)ALE doj. 5 im. old Phone Taboi 1755 or call at 1095 K. Jlort otirisyi njati" n. - THOROUCHBREW A me pit bull terrie' puppies. 9123 foster road AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 800 i : Why Iilp Pav the high overhead of exueasive downtowil stores wwL,,, im.vi . s1-!: li-ru iu St 530 Alder st. where rents are low utomobilea ilei an of aad are caretmiy seiecteo. ana fenng for aier inspected before FORD ROADSTER FORD BUG FORD TOURINGS BABY GRAND CHEVROljETS MAXWElfUS BlfK'K BUG " BCICKP ! OAKLAND OLDSMOHI1U: HI PXIOB(liK RTERNS-K N I'iiHT Hudson sruEITEi; UEO SPEKDWACON MAY OTlfFfRS C. G. BlesdaSe TERMS NO BBOKERA(4E 680 ALDER BT. t iBDWY. IS He Bou Studelbiaker Case, late model touring. Ex etc. ery line. THE STl'DEBAKKKi C 'KPOKATION OF AMERICA USED CAH DEPARTMENT Broadway 2731. B41 Burnd! St. '15) Cadillac 3port Mod. If1 you can owrn the bept, here, it is; this csr is first class and we fate preiared to shew jt any time or' place, illa-s six uirtL wheels and six cord tires, siot,i light j sun deflector, stop feicnil-jnn rrar; amoimatic rain cleaner. clockj, all side cijitains miien with dopre; low j'ricei and will talse'car in trad or sonae down bal. monthly; open Sundays, I6LI1 and Alder sts. . , f ! MURPHY MOTOR Co. EJe.Botight a Studeljsaker 7 iiassenget Hupmpbile, painted tnd overhauled. ! THE STUDEBAKEB CORPORATION OF AMERICA. USED CAR DEPARTMENT Broadway 2731. i 341' Burnaidk St, CH 1 xv ne tL a iiJ : Radiators, fenderaj hoods, tanks, repaired! bodies, and re- modeled; auto bet ujetal -vork a specialty. 1O6-07 N. 16tbJ Pt Pbone Broadway 22. a Studefoalker '!! 490 Chevrolf-t This ca is t bargain. RrTinished tnd in bdst oft condition. THE STUDEBAKK R CORPORATION of auk MCA USED CAR DE "AKTMENT Brosdwsy 2731. ail Bumside at fl9 Cheyroleit Touring Low price arid will take $125 down bal. easy; refinished iand sonje! extras and,! d, sea seat cov. ersj runs tme, come aind try it. Ot.en Sun- day. 16th and Alder st MURPHY sltrTlllt CO. He: Bought a Studebaker '2f- Maxwell tour you want tof buy a ng. See this car if gtod small Uniting. ! THE SiUDEBAKHjlt! COKIHIKA' tion I OF AMILKICA USED CAR DEl'ARTMEX 841 Bumside st, I Brosdwsy 2731. ?19 Oakland Touring SRebuilt and we wilt refinish tt ny colo vou wish, good tires an d new batteiry til at low price of $325 with 12S down, bk 1. month- ly; uke Ford in trade. :. I Open Sundays, 16th anil Alder Bts. 3IURPHY MOTOR CO Bobi lie giit Stude leaker '20 Auburn Beaut? Six, like THE STUDEBAKEB! T . . , - . , , T CORPORATION MERICA USED CAR Broadway 2731. DEPJ ARTMENT 341 Burnsii d St Sleep! in Your Car xlave yout ear cut tt make a bed. Positively: will not eaten tn ts wesson. 70s tl wuiiams are. 193 CHEVROLET. .1 Mechanically) perfect: a new new rubber:, looks land runs one. Will sacrifice for jquick sale.. Sellwood 3867. ' . ' .lit aU owner. 1920 TX)DG5 ptOADTEll I Rebuilt, itetniisaea, $373 BRALEY. GRAHAM A CHILD, . ,1' ittx st. at -Bumside. INC.. 1922 4-90 CHEVROLET, nearly new; run - less than miles: reason for eellaig cwner leaving ; for 'Easl Phone Automatic 623-22 Dodge touring. $273 - coSr Car in first-eiasa, serviceable condition. ! BRALEY. GRAHAM CHILD. INC., 11th rt at Bumside. 1921 DODGEi touring, in very ebod shape good ntbberJ Will sacrifce. Clall owner, Seilwood 88671 : MUST sacrifkie ' 1920-1 Chevrolet. repainted. overhauled; runs like new. Pete: rsoa. Sell. 1921 FORD tonrine. with 2 new tires, ds condition mountabw runs: car is in rood throughout. W alnnt 6002. FOR: SALE of trade. Diiaadler touring, w A-l shape, b Yor prlc Dailey at 11 Bdwy.- 229 I i . mine. CaR My. FORD roadsteri late 1921 model, d mountabla runs, speedometer, new ures. zn . near Boraide,r Bdw. 3214. X920 CHEVROLET express delivery mechanically ; new paint; must sel 2399, I ' -II'- - first cbue) , Walnut LATE auodel 4! Cbekrolet touring good very ! dition. priced for quick Sato and terns. Tabor 1 5983 tevm. .iwt 1 ; - nn.t "crrrvoKt FT. hltl ,vw, . Ctl .J1 I antes car tol be in first-class. condition; must ten at once, easy terrbsi Tabor 3933. 1 . I I HATE a nearly dew 4-90 rtrf :oo,k . tavroset for ale for 15001. S20O rj Wthro 4183. 192A FORD sedan, car! m excel lei I eoadiuon, 'lots bf extras. Iiine owner. 4fwjj 1 J r ER SEPTEJIB 7, 1022. i i'JesHfc AUTOMOBnjES -FOR SALE S00 . PORTtJtn s . I ihi'.fst IKEO IWBP MARK17T " On 6th at. Between. Mam . I KHll a.w. , . SSO-uwifn vur nnchva: wur TMK BfiRtv;riv-uiTll i-iinvw Sell tb .highest Jnumhr of used Fortla. !51 Luxt.nliM.ri. i Ford sedan, aurterb wire wheels. ... ' . TOCFES J-' uroupeJ painterl -IB-JO icoaip , l.lt niM . ..... . j : r iuti?iv in 22 192 1920 1918 touring . . . 1 . . . . , . kourinig,. dtwej. tinu. itounnig. soodi huv Itounng. repainted 1917 Hudscil tmw. 4sj. roller. iv. u ! touring, eurter. deaa. rim, like I'VW .. ... . J 31J 1918 1920 if 920 1919 1918 1920 1920 touriria g, demi rimt: tottnag T . . .. 191 : hJadst-ers j I roadsler. : - . - TnZ inted . . . .... .- 5!7l Toadwter, roadsier. reifaint StaKer I'HUVKRIF.S j delivery, sta r .1 L, naneli delivetjy; starter Ford delivery . . Ford delivery h-RUCKR f . 19201 Ford track pneumatic tirfa . 30A New 922 IFord tduca ... $.100. discotml 1920MFord truck :i. . . . a 4 00 BUG Top and windfhte tnd inlmelrt . .:. i. . . .$ 60 USED JYiBDS TO PICit FROM U . .1011 A VVV T - T, . 175 T""P s . f Phor, Main 1 1 110.-. ! .' --I XVIIBE IT S HANDT. HfcGHSOS S r FORD) ! .CORKER I BROAD VAT AT DAIS WE LEAD-f-OTHER S FOLIXiW t - s Service! means dty 100 H Hughso tnd b..t night! servufe in te finest equipped snd pjortlsnd. ' ' Here la tn locsted shojp jji insfl of A tution wnose reputhrion is your assurance tanare: de Join '.our list. hf stlisfied cu-itomerB tnd it wi I he d pleasure to own a Frd. 25T-U-ed Cr for Lei 2S f -. - Sorn $50 lrown. Balance; Easy. Opin Evehings and Suidays.' WILI.IAM I HUGHSON COMPAN JAiit.hori ted Ford lieakea, 60 N. Bniadway Broadway 0:321. iBig 'Uied i Carl Sal ! V i Irfupk for our display ad on an4 other page. f f Olds mojblSe ''Co. ROAD' VAY AND COUCH SEPTIC MBER CLEANUP' NO. BROKER AGE ERM8 Overltnil tneri! rut . - . . . ..$ BO 00 Ill 14 Cadillac touring 1019 (I herrolet touting 175. 33 123 150 185 8 25 2 85 1917 Saxon 4 roadster 1916 Ford toiiring, new tires 1917 Ford toarina, extra . 1918 Ford touring, new top. 1i20 Ford lol 1917 Hup toil 1917 Huick 1i inrrg, starter i, . . . ring, model Nj . . . tou n 11 g . . . . l . . . K75 4 50 Olds- 8 LiourinK. overhauled l!t2 1920 handler tt touring .J. .. . f700, 700 huick (f tou nng ...: 1. .. . 60 rs to Pick' From IVRAXSOX'S used car kxchaxge Grand Ji ie. and E.. Aljam bt- Bought Another Stbdelbakr . : -1H Special Six- Studebakfr. This! ione of the bust 5-passenger touring cart for the money in Portia na.J ? .1 BAKER CORPORATION. ihv Arr.-rtA) PAR DEPARTMENT 31. 841 JBuynsidt pRMVETttD ERECTED STAINED 10x16. $38 ' Other prices ia proportion. East '8866. 2 91 Weidler. -'.II touring: refinislieil like make attractive price. CORPORATION CAR DEPARTMENT 1731. ! 341 BurnaidejSt. Sacrifice Late model Oakland coupe; like new; tint I... 8730. terms. I . paint, t res. etq Law bora. Auto Co. -: 354 Eas Broadway, t-"ntp life Bought a '19 Fordl tedari,;.wir wheels, lea titer uphelstery. bxtras. Car bat been tbor- , ousjbly ovefliauled and pajnted. j THE .STUQEBAKER CORPORA tlOX OF AMERICA. USED) CAR DEPARTMENT BroAdway 2731. 34 l.i Bumside St. I This 1920 JU4)SON SPIJJDSTEK, . j car looks like new. Has W esttngnousCi give free serriee and! a war-, tir sprttiga; wll rantee on this car. 1U V on eany term..! phone Oast l!l OYERL AXP. MODEL. 90 . j- ' A-l mechaiiicaliy repaintea, . iivu uown; price $ 60. BRALEY, .RAHAM CHILD. tC... th st.-at Bumside. 1921 tSSEX TOURING CAR i This car loc a just lik new. IUm 3 cord, uarantae, this car te be in, condition. VfU -eell at a har-j tires id will fine nrejcla meal gi tnd y term. Phohe East 3962, Autb PajSnting lti I ing. leaf work land artistic design big; 27 years; ' a j painter. Easf 1198. 947 Williams ave. FORD I SEDAN. 1921 model. Twin: Haasler ahocids. sDOtllght. S Urea like new. Imechan ir-tlly perfect. I 2 8 , N. 11th at. near Bumaitle., nrjwy. ii 1918 DODGEI: touring, good condition, new top, good U net; run only 10,000 miles. A apfo .8400 i l - , J -,.::,. -..-..J K. siaguire. ii iiregon. ' r.ast io. . 1921 CHEVROLET tounng. new cord tire;) : new loo and! new paint job : looks snd runs! ' like naw; will aacrific fort 8350; ion easyf terms. 1 uu owner, ii't un. 1 a USED TOPS 4 Touring, roaiis-ter, bug, track tops. I 8everalv Toorlns', rotpster. bug- truck tc vrickjfironi.1 B. lt Body Top VVOTXJ, 043i wan Brad! .2n Oppe. Reuable lAuto Painter. i Broadway 1460. JKtn and Ajoer. . j I LATEST model Chevrolet, excellent condition ;, i) lor tmmi East S668. amexUftS i ... FORD ROADSTER 1 1 '. 19 tome 1921 xbodeli completely c-verUauled and h ' traa; buy at $300. Bdwy. 2488. to buy a Fund phone m for! inaney tarins twepoaition. East mnor, i: ausraateen . KiRAHAM V CHILD. ISC..' i 1th stj. st Buresid. T S WHY pay Arfar f 1. See my; 1920 Vord tour. lilt , vjiovue: fit thtpe. Bdwy. 2324i 1 1 i. . . .8 S I.,.'. 463 ...,....$ 4f ...,... 460 ' , ! . . . i starter, . . . . B 5u ...... ... -v.: M ...... - 117 3 . .... .I.'... J2r I - gaaM I THE STUDF. -I: : Ji 1 !rTSED ,Brotlwty :2 1 1 :.-!.- k-. Hs! Boughjt 'a 1 t! SiudeBaker 2 ) Co1 new. Will THE STUD ' -JUSED Broadway 2 H ! i IS- TOO wanti I tn aftraCUvi 8368. 118 DODGEi BRALEY. s5ortttnud pn Followlnt Pag) f tvv, urrns. ta now rirtt sx, . ! -1 A - W'U :i' SW-sf.' x I