THURSDAY, SEPTOIBER, ,7, 1922. THE OREGON DAILY iOURN AC, PORTLAND,- OREGON FOR RENT ROOMS AND BOARD PRIVATE FAMILY 303 CHILD REX to board, beautiful country horn. near school, cine in. (14 monthly. For Prticulrs writ Peaceful .Ada Fun, Tout t. pox IZ-A. Mills be ro, BOOM AND BOARD in privet ban, for two young gentlemen; nicely furnished room. piano and Yictrole. Main 5837. 70S Mar- thaB. at. ; . , ' BOOM ; AND BOARD, private family, waihiag distance, $8 week; on room lor two man, also single room: gentlemen only. 244 Stout street - FURNISHED ROOM AND BOARD, SLEEP ING PORCH. 407 CLAY ST. MAIN 884. - FINE board and room near Jeff li. school; veil neighborhood ; rates if more than 1 in room; hard' surface t : garage. H 97 Cleveland are. Walnut 6936. - TWO OS THREE respectable young gentlerna-i to room and board in refined horn with mother and daughter. Boys wiia prcia!e real homo life. 730 K. Ankcny at. East 1431. BOOM AND BOARD In private family; school -teacher, young lady, or maa and wife, both working; good ear service, en Kerby t Wal nut tlBQ.' . SEE THESE TODAY LOVELY LARGE RM. WITH 1 OB 2 : BTSDSji WITH 2 MEALS, IX ATTRACTIVE i HOME. TABOR 8709. LARGE front room with- private family, suit able for two. Hi h ar hnarvler Horn. oriv- rileges. 450 E. 8th atreet N. Phone E. 3885. ' WANTED Two or three children to board ; modern home, large lawn, near good school; .mothers care. Aut. 610-57. 6324 82d St. ;S. E. ROOM WITH BE&T OF HOME COOKING. HOME -PIRVILEGE8. -WALKING. DPS TAM E. EAST 1993. 23 EAST 15T1I. COB. MAIVj ' ONE .room and board in clean, attractive home, for 2 young men. Home Brivileges : walking distance, reasonable. 105 E. 10th st. Kast a2l. , PLEASANT, clean rooms, double and single: nome pnvuege; good firm USi board; piano;: at (8 and $8.30 per week. 710 E. Pmadway. East 2418. EOmt WITH BEST, OF HOME COOKING -; HOME PRIVILEGES: WALKING OIK. TANCE. 235 E. 15TU, COR. MAIN. EAST ; IP93. TOR AGED invalids, chronic or convalescent patients, pleasant home surroundings, with 'health-building . diet and treatment, persons! t-tre of physician; reasonable rates. East 8535. ROOM and board in a nice home; just what youTB lookma for: a-nod m.ait mnA rlpm bed; Bice Sunday dinners; for A gentleman. BOARD AND ROOM. PRIVATE FAMILY. JLSr WHAT OD WANT. PLEASANT siRRiorsirNss. irnse to ki:sifss CENTER. MAIN 2074. LARGE front room for two with or without eoaru. 10U N. 23d st. I'hone Atwater ' vvaxe: irl employed to room and board : walking distance,-' reasonable. Broadway 3016.. (NICE front room and home cooking, private family, fox 1 gentleman; references. 205 X. 2 1st st. ROOM and bvard. all home comfort., c'" to -Benson Polytechnic arhnol. Tel. East Address 62.) E. Arkeny. WANTED, gills of school age to care for, also email children afternoon or ereninz. Glad stone P. O. Box 405. ROOMS WITH OK WITHOUT BOARD GENTLEMEN PREFERRED; $S WEEK 624 SANDY. EAST 3308. NICE, CLEAN. CHEEItFTJL HOilMS,- WITH OR' WITHOUT BROAD. 13 E. BROAI WAY. EAST 4948. WILL give good room and board to little girl' from 3 to 8 years of neap " ". i school; Price reasonable. Tabor 6260. CHILDREN to room and board, from 6 to 8; gooc nome. a blocks to- school. 11314 61st ave. Ant. 616-13. men er mau and wife to room and board, prirate home, walklne H side, near Benson vhoot East H218 LOVELY large front room, with alcove, for two; board, hot and cold water in. room I walking distance; west side. Main 781, 12 NICE roomj, with hsll, bath and closets. I block from business center on Hawthorne lave. 260 E. 35th. Tabor 164 8. 2 BLOCKS from R. C. P. school, ' for teach ers board and room, home privileges. Tabot 161 1. ROOM AND BOARD for teacher or lady eni Ployed: urivate home, near Ilawth nrn enr- line. :80e Est 40th tUreet south. Tabor 2374. WANTED CHITaD TO BOARD, UNDER uai. AJUeWin.i A XA JA XL,. X AL.O A 6V CARE. WALNUT 7246. WILL board 2 girls, $20 t?r month: l.-.!H.,t school dtstrict 620 H Gsntenbein sve. Fl'RNISHED ROOMS, board if UesiresL 3SS Koss st East 2683. CLEAN, quiet outside room. . 2 blocks from Broadway bridge. aSO Rosa kt BEST care taken of chHdxen by hour, day or nees. neierrnces. sa Cleyeland are. WILL board and room 1 or 2 children, school ea3tnanie. jo i n. .utn. Bdwy. 1036. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED 304 JUST FINISHED. NOW nearer Large comotetely furnishra f first floor. $30 month: also- nn i,m r or housekeeping. $4 week: also dsnrfv litti. fsoom with kitchenette for $3.50 week 624 FLANDERS ST., W EST SIDE. Newly" deco irated and refurnished. TWO large, nicely furnished H. K. rooms; one L w,1"' water; rurnace heat. 71 ii Everett st a I RMSHEH 2 rm. apt., hot and cold water, t steam hest- i:i,..n iBdwy. 3935. " KTEAMHEATED. hot and cold water, newly - rms.. jnary rm. $10- mivnp. Sunnyrrest 1 86 Sherman. 1. 2 AND 3 H. K. rooms, reaaonab'e 4 23 t. I,4rif.'i "'-. corner 6th; near dental college, r.est 4 9-1. $23-2 FIR.V. H. K. rooms, heat, light phone, silik: distsmv. wet .M. i -o tout st. or 2iml and Morrison." f: LARGE, clean furnished frunt housekeeping rooms, electricity, sink, walking distance' dull. Marshall 2293. 211 Sh.m.s ' i.oo. 1.1- JtHLI furnished . sincl H K rooms, attractive imiiiii,lin n Ftt Main 8940. NE or two ciean H. K. rooms: furnace heat: laundry Drivilea-es: 1 hlnck Sh.rt, k v. i week. 405 W.' Park" ' "uu'' rltJiE'P, '"nuhrd H. K. rooms; close in. 8 A- 1th st S. FWO 'large, clean front H. K. rooms! 7 winaows. 489 Jefferson. Maai 1363 "O -,ht Jl. K. rooms, elect light $4.50 week. 303 3d st. bath. iitAt n. a rooms for rent : 'everything fur- nraneu. gooq tocation. -295 17th st h--.-. J .. . ; - V- .y : . a. eround floor, near schooT ju. no ana Mill. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED J PRIVATE FAMILY snit -t C-A V if i. ;A . , r- ""ill, suiiaoie tor one or two people, (10 mocUa 414 Columbia t Main (390. NE large, light pleasant room with kitchen- vvw; wm Hue, waiamg distance. 04 K Yam ill, between 17th and 18th. KEAR Jefferson high and streetcars ; separate imws. iuu . jfvvsraie entrance, Ltu aft?r iwnusy, ivji v-e.vy!ang ave. OUR 1X5 V ELY FURNISHED HOCSEKFJCK INtJ ROOMS. $25 MONTH. riAi.i. si-r t. VOOD 1222. HREE large furnished housekeepina rooms for rant 701 East Burxtuds at East -WO. - An 5 y.i. . V!-. tjkble for 4. our mhooL 27T . mt A B- tii,a .b0Ue.Pint rooma. suitable; for xamiiv r k . . v. . . . . a ,. r- - puuiw lav per xgoaut 15 H 1st st Atwater (865. . BOOMS auitabie" for 3. furnace neat, Jl K....1"1 touid lor amsil child. "J Private """'J ave.. cor, xvaett at ROOMflat, $3 per week : single room. (1 73 846 Front pear Market " r2S?ii """'PiB apartment -walking distance; adulu. Call Atwater 0824! pu.v.xo. rViK.MSHED H. K. kfWUf tBMr rtc.. ;9w WASH COR. all WO rooais. well turnitued. down stain. Sl ..ill U1 V: : j V" ROOM tarniaaed apt 635 Kaat MorrkoeT HREE farnjshed H. K. rooms; electneTlia h is -adnlta. 6(0 East Buraskle. OUR furnished housekeeping rooms. HT SUrk tt Mrs. FordneT ' ' H KOOM furnished housekeeping apta Phooe "xi- ioraine M. av rooea. 684 G at. Atwater 01(7. i" OR RENT 2 ery Urge modern front ii 'c rooms, 240 IStii st, . I64b"itP'" "w .aieeping roiaa AND S reoae H. K. apts. 3 aeda, ainT. " v- 11U1 1. ICELY taraiahed cleaa hcuackeeping RmmaL waikiB duuaee. 46 raioa ava. It. . FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED I PRIVATE FAMILY 306 lbC rent. 2 weeks, campers and roomers. furnished end upfurzdsiied. olose in. electric Hgnt. gaa, bath; place tor can free; basement; ehildiaa taken; cheapest! rent ia city. SI 5 iTiiiam ave. ONE 2. room turn, a. ki ant. modern, bath. phone,; sink, hot and cold water. $25; also 1 -iargB clean b. k. roam with heat. $4. SO week. 421 6th st Atwater 2405. 2 LARGE front rooms, also nice front room and kachenette,; hot water ailway for baths, laandry; waiafns distance, block from Couch ecnooi. bod r landers. FOR RENT, 2 famished Housekeeping rooms, light, water and phcae tree; also 1 room for berhetar; dose in ca earline. 994 Srh; no elaMren. Sellwood 0614. I . j NICELY furnished H. K. rooms, gas, electric light, furnace heat;, new house. Call Sun days or evenings 1174 Front st. Fulton car. 4t off at Richardson. I LARGE light h. k. room, convenient to Bcu eoa Poly and Dental college: prefer young man; furnace heat, electric Uchts and ess for cooking. 4 7 fe. IRth c S. East 1792. ONE or 2 H. ,K.. rectus, furnace beat, laun dry crivileae. elect., thnna. H blk. Shauuck scnooi. as ana 3 fto .eek 403 W. Park st. NICE light room, e arything furmsthed- 121 N. 23d. Atwater 1502 THREE furnished hrmekeed ng rooms, hot wanter in pantry jnd kitcnea. Bice clothes closet in front room. 265 Cook are., block from WUlianis ave. $16 PER MO. ea. 2 uncle H. K. rooms, lsf floor, ruacing water, gas or stove heat, for bachelor or working person, near Y. M. C. A. 830 Taylor st. Atwater 11675. $25 IO $32 FOR 2 large, I clean hou.-ekei ing room In large apartment house: plenty of heat and hot water, free lights and phone. 402 Third st. $16 TWO nice fur. front it K. rooms; 2d , floor, e!ec. lights free; nire location; large basement, rooms $13.50. 5q4 E. bth. Se!i- wood 1109. THREE blocks from Auditorium, lower tiuor, large, clean housekeeping ;ia. lisrlit, bstli. rhone, hot and cold nater, rhange l:nen, large cool, porch. $5. 403 Se-ond at. $16 (Second floor, nice, :j-room furni.hed If. K. suite, also arge, cles n basement suite $13.50 fur. lights free. 50-J E. th St.. Sell. 1 1 0f. 3 NICE clean rooms, -!a!l, bath, closet in room; use of porch, lawn' no 'other room ers; electricity, rhone snd hath free; reason ablc. Adnifa, Walnut 3873 luf-nitir. WELL furnished 2-rooni ait. clean as can be made; fireplace, kitrjienette, done in white, heat, light, gas andl phone included. PnTate home, 'tdultn SeLwood 1 Of 8. SEE THESE TODAY Two H. K. riKtms; light, i bsth, water and phoee: aiso sleeping ronm. j Just what you want ; cib-we in. Eau Oltlft. j t LEAN light housekeeping room, furnished. rhoiie, littht. water anJ gas furnishe.1. c'ne in. 32!) Ross st I'hone East 3541. 2 ROOM furnished housekeeping apartments : 4M t single ti'uisese-pinr room, ail m.xi e-n.r rent resaonible: space fior car if desired. loth. B1ny. 7H34 MODERN KITCHEN RFniROOvr nrvivn 1 Uj Uiif U 1 Til . itll t.ui rw.. !isn 1 - HuOM. BATH: HANDY TO CAR, $25 PER MONTH. TABOR 0475 BEAU.T .nean 3-rooni aianment. neatly fur ntsiiefi, good rags. Iniolfiirh kitchen, pantry, closet: gas range; hsll and porch, storage room. 90 E. 10th. Sellwood 1D8. . . I 3 LARGE well furnished rooms, lower floor, moderate rent, large porch fine view; adults only. Phone Atwater 2708.1 TWO FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. PRIVATE FAMILY. 501 CLAY.i COMPLETELY furnished, j light and clean. neaiy papered basement rooms. 6U)Uhle for 2: prefrr couple; no children; outside en trjnce. 553 Hoyt, cor. N. 17th ft YOU WILL like; THESF. TWO NICE LARGE HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, ON FIRST FLOOR: CHILDREN UKMyME. BROADWAY I 4436. 4 FURNISHED 1IA K. robms and sleeping trch. electric liglfts and bs included, $25 per month. 731 E. liUiist S. Sellwood car to Rhone st I TWO housekeeping rooms, nicely furnished with piano; also 2 rooms unfurnished. 608 E. Conch. East 4 0 16 j ONE 3 HOOMFURN. H. K- APT . ONE 2 ROOM UNFTRN. H. K APT,- NEAR SCHOOL, SUITABLE FOR TEACHER. NEAR 2 CABLINGS. TABOR 9506. 2 ROOM housekeeping apartnients with sleep ing pcrt-hts. well furnished. ! Phone, light and water: reasonable rent; EM City car. 733 Pacific st. or call Last 0231. ONE H. K. ROOMTvTtH SI.EEPINt; PORCH. ALL MODERN 3 0 !), 11th St A tw iter 3 2 1 3 . 2 ROOMS and sleeping porch : 2 beds; adjoin mg bath: i Lea in heat Fqr 2 adults. 401 10th st Main 2480., FOUR furnished II. K. rooms; hot and oofd water; close . iri. 3S1 12th st, cor. gomery. Main 1 190; j ONE large it. K. room: a(o sleeping room, clean, close in. 343 W. lQth st At water 3359. j 3 ROOM unfurnished apt, light, clean, sink. water, gas. electricity. $1 173 East 7th st . cor. Yamhill. FURNISHED H. K. ROOMS. ELECTRIC LIGHTS. $1.50 l'Elt WEEK AND UP. 3 311 1ST. SETTLE' for the winter in single steam heated H. K. rooms, hot water always; $3 up. 445 Colombia. j NICE large front housekeeping room and kitchenette, also single room, walking dis- Unce. 171 N. 17th st Bjdwy. 1847. 3 ROOM H. K. suite, (25 o. ; 1 single front ri. iv. room, i!i mo. space tor parking ! car free. Atwater 3218. '64 Taylor. i TWO or three pleasant unfurnished house keeping rooms, in private home, modern. 978 Williams ave. Phone Va!nut 5338 TWO large rooms ami kiulienette month; also 2 room apt.i $16 i $20 perl !er montli. i 623 Bth st. Free phone. Atyater 1534. i " ' At ANT in a few days: can be seen tort 3 large, light clean, well furnished lions-- 1 keeping rooms. Very pleasant! Walnut 4351. N It. ELY -furnished 2 IL K. rooms; elderly couple preferred: no children: water and hcht$22 per month. 108lj E. 15th st N. TJVO large rooms with pantjr, wellfurBished. privato. entrance and bath. $30. 10 E 10th st X. I ' T Mf.E, newiy papered housekeeping rooms, fur nace heat, elec. lights, hot water. 4 66 Main st. I t ihu li. iv. rooms lor ren fhot water heat s- west of Laurel- gas, electric lights. 2 bloc! burst park. 14 E. 80th sti 3 FURNISHED hoilsekeepiiw rooms on first floor. 129 E. 32d, near Morrison. Bent reasonable. ' I $16 2 LARGE fumisliMi housekeenine rooms. 542 K. 27th st 27th, one block aoutlit Richmond car to 3 CLEAN furnished housekeeping rooms, UD- stairs, aear Williams ave, 567 Knott st Price $25. East 1748 VERY pleasant unfurnished housekeeping rooms in a private home; ai sou colonial aTe., near it ussell-S haver car FOUR partly furnished housekeeping rooms and $25 month; block to school. children welcome. 844 E. 8th south. K 0944 1 v lurnisnea - nonseaeeping rooms, close in. $20 per month, including gas for cooking. 602 East Pine. Phone Ealt 8013. ONE larje furnished K. K. room and closet; fitrna-e heat suitable for two, $4.50 per week, 421 t, 6th st. Atwater 2605.- MEDIUM furnished houaexeeying. lor fsmiiies large cr small, close walk to nnhlkc m.rt.i laamre ai r onrtn st Atwater SB72. .twater 8672. M. K. rooms, flii 586 Pettigrove st TWO or 3 leveJy furnisbed per month, light, bath. IN" PRIVATE home, 3 room furnished apt, 2 single a. p.. rooms. N. 20th st. APARTMENTSFURNISHED 307 BELLINGHAM APTS tTnder new 'management, ova ted apt. East 7848. clean, newly ren- FCRNISHED 2. 3 and 4 room apts.. 818 aad a.o per monui; waixing distance. Main ,1 OO QUI k NICE basement apt, auita le for 3 adults. So ehlMrea, Walking disUBce. Broad- ATTRACTIVE 3 room apt, I alt outside rooms, 'well furnished, strictly modern, clean and light East 674$. i ' 3 ROOM act., modesa conveniences adulta. $27.50: caraca (3., 727 Miiwaakie at. Sellwood 171. BANNER APTS7 - Nicely! furnished 2 .s ario. isticeiyj pt. one in basement. 4 80 Cly st. ADAMS APARTMENTS ! ' Madera 3 rm. apt., farajaljed. 403 Jefferson. THE ALB RET Furmshed Tapt, .steam heat, private bath. 840 H Mississippi ave. 2-ROOM apta.. clean, reasoaable: aear achocL 551 Dekum ave. Walnut! 1156. 2 -KM. apta. euitabl for eoud or large lanuiy. Ctoee to school. 272 Monij cillery. TWO suites JL K. .rooms. JUght atr. bath i" tri:rmr. , sx.ttl AM .""rni"3?-l Harriaoa court UNION ' AYS. aad eUIhxtgjsworta, furtushea" at, (21.50; aU complete; coocrete bidg. J -a aakuaj siai I rraa FOR RENT APARTlEm-S--FlJRNlSHED 307 Guild Apartments 394 Guild, near 2 Id and Thurman 3 ran. private beth. hall. heat, hot water. rerr attractive also, an 4 ras. anfarnishsd. Main 3703 SEW WESTCOTT COtTRT APT 8. E. 8TH AT W1DL& I AH outside room, large living rooms, bed aeower-batat, aiectric raagea, wihoony fux-i nrture. i King Albert Apis. 2 and 3 rooms, furnished or aafaraiabed, to4 cstn. elevator. 1 1th it Montgomery. Mala 03S9 Leeds Apartments Fireproof building, modern. 2, 3 aad 4 rm art. ; aiagle rms. ; tkriter eerw. Atw. S&ST Davenport Apts. , 2 ant 3 rwm furnished apts. wikh'privst bath: also single hoosekeening room. Main 943g 8-ROOtf furnished absrLment. light, beat. and cold water furaiaisi as ebildrea. Call Tabor 4224. A4dres 103 Haw thorne see. T1HE STAN FIELD '4 ! winter rate. Maia 7892. I FOR REN T--4 large roomy apt, with beta I and built ins. on 2d floor; en 2 car lines: month. I 1336 Belmont, corner 47th. i iii:n.a 1 1 ,m tfivncim ncii'jui. neot com I THE KIIKXHOI U 834 $th st modera 2 and 9 room fnrni&hrid apartments. Private baths. Rent reasonable. 1 ! " Qien Court 2 aad ; 3 rooai Ants. ; close ir. Cor. Park aad Taylor. . Maia-1961. ti ir.nAM TisT.T. iiTO 1'D HALXi 3 roams, kitchenette, bath, hdw. floors, pti- rie baV-onies, $85 ap. Atwater 1160 GRANDEMTA APTf.. 68 Grand ava. ; 3 room famirbed apt.. $30 and np. Manager, phone East 01508, or janitor paone e.ast eioo. ; JIIJA-A APTS. 45 TRINITY PLACE ; Kl:K. 2 AND 3-ROOM APTS. 1 Rnntls inclmlinf ateam best, hot and co wateii. walking dietance, $22 50; and $2f. Bdwy. 4 2!2. Jennings ApU., iti i ll. I.IAN 2 and S room furnished ami west : side, close is. Atwater 1378. 331 6Ui street.. : AI.ICK ,rt I"RT East. 8th and Burnside; wal ing distance; 3-rm. ai, 2 beds, fireplace. pnv. tel. and oatn. j-,. o. Sl'N NYC REST $26.50, 3 out-sun rooms, bath.i newly furnished, redecorated: steam heat, gas, elect latnd. , room. 186 Sherman. HAWTHORNE APTS. i 2 and 3 rm. spts. ; steam beat, tlectrae lights, gas ranges. $25. Atwater 1792. THE CATHERINE Three rooms, and bath arts; large, light kittrhen done in ivory, atsv. 2906. 149 N. 23rt street. : APARTMENTS- UNFURNISHED 308 CN FURNISHED 3 or 4 room .apt, large out side rooms; heat, water ami phorie includdd. Irvinaton district Good car service. Rent reasonable. 393 East 15th nortji. Phone East J73.V J L The American Modern 4 and a room apartments. 21 st and Johnson. ; Broadway 3360. " THE WEIST, 69 N. 23D. r Finest 9 room and 2 bath apartment la the city. 3-ROOM apartment unfurnished, bsth kitchenette, light, heat and water; month. 69 1 1th st ; d $65 3 ROOM apt, steam heated. $35 per mon Oa-i First Call Main 4703. FLATS ?-FURNISHED 309 THE FAUSTINA A modern house of flats, west side, dose to. newly finished, cheerful 4 rooms and bath; nleasant home ; near 18th. references. 464 Hall at. FURNISHED lower flat. 4 rooms, bsth, fiir nace. 1 block Hswthoroe car., 310 E 3th. Tabor 5014, ' NICE 4 room flat for rent; also 2 room apt-, with balcony. Price $30 a mo. Call East l.i. WELL furnished 4 room flat, (40. " couver ave. Walnut 1953. 706 Van- NICE ji-ROOM FUR-N. FLAT CHEAP. .TA BOR o2 lt. DESIRABLE 4 room furn. flat , Garage wanti-d. 3 or 4 adults. Walnut 1205. if NICELY furnished 6 room upper flat, 2 bed rooms. 711 Kearney. Main 1563. 4-ROOM adults. flat for rent; walking distance; Phone East 7965 after 6 p. ra 4-ROOJI furnished flat; heat and hot water; furnijshed. 394 largo, near Union MODERN 5 room flat. $30. 328 hi East Rossi st. Metzgcr-farKer to. 4 ROOM upHrr flat reasonable cent; adults only.f 727 starx. nil evenings. FLATS UNFURNISHED 310 4 ROOM modem flat 772 Osage ave.. 1 blk. south of 23d and Washington. Maia 8988 or Bdwy. 7833. 5-ROOM fiat, modem ill every . particular; newly decorated; $50. Adults only. In quire 74 E. 29th N. Phone East 5070. GOOD ! modern 5 - rot1 m flat turnace. fireplace. gas range; in good district 253 E. 171th st. Call Walnut 096. 1 CLEAN, modem 5 rm. upper flat walkiug distatnce. $25. b9i hi J.. Morrison. $22.50 CLEAN, modern 5 rm. lower flt. brick building. 64 9 2d st Water included. 6-ROOM flat $2"5 thorpe ave. a month. 1109 Haw ROC1M lower flat: garage, 102 E. Main, near; 34th. Tabor 1035. i HOUSES FURNISHED 311 i 1 ' ! I ' 11-RO0M house, furnished, one block soujth of Rhtssell; 3 family house. Will give lease; $50 month rent Everything modern; or vvill sell $4500. $1000 down. Mr, Willianis, 227 V4 I Washiuaton.r Eastern Exchange. 5-ROOM: furnished bungalow, strictly modern. 5-ROOM furnished bungalow, strictly block to Mt Scot or Hawthorne cr SCEN1U LODGE cottages, 524 Heights T?r racej 3 and 4 room cottages; fine view jof city and mountains; 20 minute', walk to hart of city: Hall st car on Morrison to 13th I3lth i at., 2 I blocks west: See to appreciate, duced jients for winter. FOR RENT 4 room modern citttara. irar. den.) WoodlawB district near par. partly furnished. $80, $23 unfurnished. ! Home Sat urdays j and Sundays, other days after 3 ip. m. only. Walnut 8497. ; I NICE ! HOME. Walnut Park district. 11 js Rodney, cor. of Killingsworth. j 2d floor, 4 r.oui apt, private and modern, with ga- ri : i J FOB 11ENT or lease, 4 room furnished bunga L j with garage. $50 month, t Call ete- mngs, to 8 oroek. 1508 Albma WILL rent or lease completely furnished room bungalow, in Piedmont: $55. wai- nnt 11158. S : 5-ROOM furnished strictly modern' bung: V block from ear. Either Mt Scott or Hawthdme. Tabor 4624. j 6-ROOM modern house $30 per month; iSil- toa tar. 161 Pendleton st. Atwater 2386. 4 BOOl 1 BOOM furnished: house. $25. 760 dele ave . between Beech and Fremont FOR RENT 5 room furnished house. Adtfits. 5 I'hose Tabor OT43. 1028 E. AWer LOVEEj. Y 4 room furnished bungalow in L'pi- Tcrajty Park. Apply Mctager-Parker Co. A MODERN furnished cottage to rent, with or without children. East i 1502. F HOUSES UNFURNISHED 312 PIAN iNO MOVING (3. furniture $2.50 per hotii 2 men. large padded van. Call Crowa Transfer Co... East 601. ' j 2 -ROOM house, 1 Vt blocks north Alberta car- line ; auuiw pmcirwi. , avvv r, out L. X. , Walnut 2385.; : I WHEN! moving. eaR East 64401 Cratine. packing, shipping. long distance, i by hoar for eontradt FURNITURE MOVING (3 PER HOUR. I 3 MEN: PIANO $2. AXD UP; LARGE TON TRUCK. EAST 5047.! ! 5-ROOM newly decorated bungalow. 1 black sou to or r-own tauey roao, on oatn 16th ft. 241. T sleeping 2 blocks to gebcot Phone Heilwaoa 8 FOR RENT Modem ( room: house, "i" , . 3- porch, fireplace. ; 118. aat Vth st Tabor 16802. WHEN MOYIXO. city or eoyauy, act the beat at prices. G rraaaj Co.. 1S6D t. Xidmr it NEW 3 room house foe rent at, B8d -e. 8. K. - ENT 4 room house. (101(0 mootl th. : 80H EaU Baldwin ft. WEST! RIME 4 ROOM FLAT.! B3 H WA INvjflUN.. S MINI Tls 1) TOWS. LARflE 8 mosi cunaae was, as rat ffmit eon-Ation. , 100 fe. th street Bvrwy. 290. LARGC 4 rm. hoase, Peninsui dismct ill . Walnut 3S0. -n , V-i , TT . . , PT Walnut T830. -h - MODERN house fax real 4,';P.-.h4. : saob. Seliweeo 3-'e HOCS to let, Oail Broadway 1454," FOR R no aa WE HOYS farsuttuw for (3 hour. Uia oOT(, rf-!f FOR RENT ; HOUSES-4JNFURNTSHED f 3 1 2 8 ROOM banralowl in fit. Johaa: let 125 v bant. 100 ft. deejG fxuit and eroaatental Vhrubbery; flae plaoe for a, Kaa with family. f,in ltn for $J5 imonthL STKTWARf A JOHXSOX t :l ltl KaRhwnfaipji Rank B)rf J? FPRINKLEREE wfjtaEHOCSfc ea tnckage, Store yaur goods jaub na Lei aa do you Bonsi aad pecnngl CLAT 8j M0RSK. S4T0. . 44 OBsaa at. 7-BOOM IRVINGTJOX BUNGALOW;; HAS ALffO S ROOMS AND SLEEPXNO PORTH UPSTAIRS; STRICTLY MODERN; jHOT WATER rifatXACS: LARGE YARD: RENT $75. FRED a. WILLIAMS. 60ft fiAaCA ilODERN 4 room house. 1 block from Jeffsr aoa hieh. Misoissippi ear; water, aarbsge reasoted.' : 149 Wlebster sL I'hone -Walnut 4221; Adults. 'j FOR RENT 10 rtwais. modern house aad hm block Grand anil 15th. and Division st; priee $45 per month. Call at 334. Front St., phooe Main 7806.1 . '? TORE EXPRESS A TRANS. CO Trunks, baggag-i furniture moviag ; $1.50 and $3 per hour. Broadway 7688. jJ MOVING. (2 j PER HOUR AND CP . Flrepsoof korsgp J 5 day free, Long Distance Btmling.' ' Broadway j 2443.. WE MOVE fumitujre, 2 men. for $3 par hou7. Long distance bauliag. 80 day' tree storage. Main 6290. I i WE specialise ia piano and, fun. mire movua. 15-days free storage. Bdwy.. 1207; HO )USES FOR RENT - FURNITURE FOR SALE 313 9 ROOM modern house, hardwood floors, fire place, cement pasement, garage, 100x100 lot, iota of fruit trees, chicken yard, 1 block to car, (200 will bujl what furniture there tia and 40 Rhode Island thicks; can be bad ait first of monsfa. Call Walnut 6684. 1 i FOR RENT Clean modern 7 room flats large yard, garage; )so for sale: 1 range, 1 gas stove, 2 heateig stoves. Comer East 8U and Grant sta. Phone East 0298. t NEAR Jefferson H. S., modern seven rL H.. garage, good fut-niture and rugs. itn $45, will lease. 1 169 Moore St. : ; (2ft47 R()OM dolonial house, furniture for rale $300. Call at 6229 E. 45th st. 63d are. I . ! !' $234 ROOM iri 8250. Cell at j5 liT furniture nearly! new. 3 E. lth and Devi jt 7-ROOM house for rent, part or all pf .'furni ture. Reasonable. 453 Markey -R. FI.AT for rent furniture for sals, rm. pay expenses. 148H 11th. Bdwy. 2098. STO AND HALLS. . 314 WILL rent automobile paint ahep fully equipped. Phoie East 4136. ' : ; 2 OUtTSIDE rocens, good businese locaUon. $10 per monthj 766 Thurman. FOR desirable saaoe la tireproof warahoua phone jBroadwajj 3718. j ! :OFFIC E D1 ESK ROOM 315 DESK room, with; phone service. 305 Henry nidg. Ask tor (Baldwin. SUMMER RESORTS 316 SEASIDE cottage and Unthouse for rent Call Atwater 4431.1 7 BUSINESS PROPERTY 31S LEAVING TOWN? BUS Y f f We sre in a position to handle your Centals and collections on city property at a nominal COtt; I "LINDEY & NELSON f 75 Wilcox BldgJ Broadway 7702. MISCELLANEOUS 319 FOR RENT -Wash rack. Nash &. Packard Service Station! 4 71 Morrison st. ' WANTED TO RENT . HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 354 YOUNG woman, employed. ' wants housekeeping room in private family where she call leave year-old child dnriing day. J-181, Journal. OUSES 361 MODERN 4 or 1 5 room bungalow,: clpse in Ireterreo; reasqnanie rent. i. Journal REAL ESTATE FOR SALE APARTMENTS AND FLAT PROPERTY 402 FLAT OR APARTMENT HOUSrl' SITR Ledd's Add., on Ladd sr., 14 blocks from earline, 40x128. with alley paved. $2000. - j BARGAIN, f We have a Ibeautiful lot near Colium bla Park, pavements in, $U50. I COB A. McKENNA & CO., i Artisans Bids. (Estb. 1889. Bdwy. T3S2. West Side Apt. House AND Tkvo RESIDENCES ; I on ,50xioo Lot I Fine locations income $320' per month, can be raised 20 7. Price only $25,000. Bdwy. 6317. " WEST (SIDE SACRIFICE FOUR I 4-ROOM FLATS ; Modem: 10,5)0, terms. Splendid income, best construction separate furnaces. ! You'll bo surprised. 52x100.. No information on pnone. f O. BIRD 526 jChsni- of Com. TO close estate, I 100x100. northeast comer 14th and Taylor, west side. East 2195. LOTS 403 WEST SLOPE MOUNT TABOR, I $1000 . ! CORNET LOT ! i Beuhncr's addjition, ; corner lot, 8 tm rroTcmenta paid qn both sides, fruit trees. Im provements have dost the price asked. : j HK.-VIiKltstJN-xlANKl S (W. 18 HENRY BLIXfj BDWY. 4 t4. ROSE CITY PARK I $1000 Choice, level lpt 100 feet north off Sandy boulevard, improvements all in and paid. Sur rounded by beautiful homes. j HENDERSON-BAXKU8 CO. I 229 HENRY BLDG, BDWY. 4754, - uWNKst LEAVING CITY"' I Will sell corner oa i 60th and Hawthorne for (1050; $10(1 cash, 1U monthly; all lm proTemeots ia and paid. See at once, f jonnsoLodson Cp. 633 N. W. Banklbldg Main 8787. uilders " . HOUSES OCHMPLETED PHOMPTLT Our construction and workmanship together with liberal financial asTtatanre will please you. Soldier bonus accepted. ' j BEIMERS J0LJVETTK. Sellwood 2964. LAURELHUBST j 1 (1190 ,.!'. i FLORAL A"fENUrf, NXAR GUSAf All improvemejiu paid at this price. Sea this! before you buy. Mi HENDERSON-BANKUa COC i 228 HENRY BLDG. BDWY. 4f 54. latVINjGTON DISTRICT ; 69HX10O corner, all Improvement in and paw; iou casbj 1 montruy: near ecbool. 3 blocks to lmnrtoa car. , JchnsonDodson Co. 688 N. W. Bankjbldg. . Main '8787. KOS CITY PARK, r (45. Level lot, 60x;157, east front 2H 'block nortib or Sandy boulevard. 5 casni HENDEBSON-BAXKUS COj. . t 28 HENRY IBLDGj BDWY.i4754. !! ! BIG SACRIFICE 1 ! ! $600 btrva. a fbeauUful lot on! East 53d and Washington its. Everything in amj paid. RCMMELL at BUMMELL , 374 Star St J . Bdwy. (729. $ 9th and Sandy Blvd. , Auto. 820-60. COLONIAL) HEKSHTS DISTBJCT I (11.50. ! i ALL YMPROVEMEXTS PAH) HENDEBSON-BAXKUS OQ. 228 HENRY CBLDGi BDWY. 4754. T T- PENINSULA H 1 Beautiful woosled lots near car; (3f50 to (6tM. terms to leuit,- 1 ' .j ! j ' Jolmscri-Dodson Co. 633 N. W. Bank bldg. f 1 Maia 3787. SEE ME LN NEW LOCATION 1 ; Lots tl Down (1 Week BOGERIW. GAJtY. Uptairsj 142 H Second Bt. Cor. Alder. 75x100. BASEMENT started, barn, chicken house, 15 ; lame bearing tree, picket; fence, fa, water, lightsf aar car, east Iroat; (800, serm. ! ywner, spwor gree. NEAR FranUia high. (10 cash; three -blccka Hawthorn eatl; big fall corner Jmai price (335, (10 monthly. Owner. Tabor 8418. (43060x100 fa Sth near Buraaide; easy . terrav Broadway 204 5. - - .( Jl. Rj HAU.IfT, fOB REAL ESTATE (SOO JBUTIfULiot, 31st near i SOth. 650i ixtdudiaa sewer: ! restricted atiatrira. 3uajg near Sandy. T Lintisey, Tabor SOO 7. j ; (1250 BEAUTI1XL. btsldin lot on leorner B. 3, Pine atieex. Znrelbwret. ' : 1038 Belnsont. 3 IAJTM on YUiard ave. 66 S xl 10. very nice locauan, lor (1009. i Lail Wain at 0040. i REAL ESTATE FOR SALE i LOTS 403 i AMY OF THESE $6 CASH. $6 MONTHLY car. Pnea ;.,: V , Spleadid comer. H acre : tract to Btemt wood, mat outside city bmita. Price (650.. & Oil 00. A block aft Caioa av.. Bear Inter state bridge aigbtiy, splendid Tie. ; We bare two of these loU at $465 each. . ! j, . fiOxlOO eear Portoath, apleadid anil. 6 blocks from car. Price $349, ,1 East frost, 62x87 H. oa aewiy macadam twet, sewers and sidewalks ia Price (410. ANY OP THESE (10 CASH, (19 MONTHLY 100x100 in Stanford Heicnta. Price ($20. J Splendid 50x100. m Irvingtoei Park, all kinds of native treea. - 60x100 in Alberta district, sidewalks on both aides, i Price (475. . 41x100, with alley ia rear, aaar Wood stock avo. Has spltodid shade treea. Price (20G. . Bee Dwyer, with ' 732 Chamber of Commerce. Eastmoreland , . Westmoreland The I neighborhood of nice 'l homes. Fully Improved lou as low as1 $50A. Eaey terms, second mortgage privilege to bnilders. Surely this opportunity should .appeal to the homeseeker, con tractor ; or investor. SEE PATTERSON ' Ladd Estate Co. 246 STARK ST. BDWY, $754. Build Your Home IN LADD'R ADDITION1 ! Only about 20 - minutes' walk I to the court house. Nice lots few (tOOO. SECOND MORTGAGE PRIVILEGE WAKE UP. MR, BUILDER Do you kaew there is not a finished bungalow for tale ia this bteutifuK close-in district Restrictions do not forbid a du plex boose or bungalow. See MH- DELAHUNTT. ! LADD ESTATE COMPANY, 246 Stark St Bdwy. 57S4. Res. Tabvw 7045 rTOsfCTtgrTTOI WHY NOT BUILDr I I less espcaslr. We are Tntar aated ia bow wU we eaa bail, aot bow aaach we cea get for buildiaav tee aa before bayiag or buildieg. Robnett & McClure BUTLDIRS, 303 Coach bsac, asreadway $7a. ocks of Piedmont Coraer$ S. E.j comer 60i north and Hotanan, juist 2 blocks! eart of In ion avenue, sidewalks, sewer, graveled afreets, ipiprovementa paid, SOxlOO. .sightly, several pretty trees. $8-0 cash, $ 1 H per month. You will inever get a bfgger snap. J. G Raiiiev, 617! Abiogtan building. Broadway 6269. HOUSES 404 PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP r p . NEW LAURE LHURST NEW $5000 is the full price of a strictly modern 5 room bungalow; mamouth livVBg!rom. Al built-in conveniences; hardwood floors throughout; furnace; fireplace, breakfast nook, etc. All street 1 improvements in and i paid, $106") cash will handle. Mr. Parker, Broadway 423, PP pPPPPPPPPPPP ROSE CITY BARGAIN i Owner selling, furnished or unfurnished. large 5 room bungalow, situated on ecmer- in the heart W Rose City, bclov. the hUl, 2 blocks north of fandy bird. This home has all built im, finishjed in euamel, everything almost new; one look and you will be '-convinced thi bom i. a bargain j owner leaving city. For particulars call 490 IE. 42d. t N. ; Rqse City District $4 650-. Tou eaa buy a new 5 room bun galow wjtji hardwood floors, fireplace, tapestry papered walls, furnace and garage, beautifully located lot, facing east Very liberal terms. Investigate. Q, Teepe Co. LAURELIIURST OFFICE, 39th and Glisaa. f Tabor 3433. ROSE 0ITY OFFICE, 40th and Sandy. I Tbor 958,6 I EAST MT. TlA $4850i $1250 cash, $45 Tbor 858,8. ABOR S monthle innlnitini, inercsv. i ion bs a mil nome. lias large hving room across front with fireplace, dining room, breakfast room and kitchen ; each has built-ins; jden, nice bath and 3 bedroom; oak floors in 3 rooms, full eement basement ga rage, fruit, berries and flower; 75x100 lot, i block from E. Stark. JoIinsonDodson Co. 633 X. V. Bank bldg. Main 3787. (57o IRVING TON BUNGALOW, Have jkist listed this new 5 room bunga low and if is the best thing in the district for the money in our estimation. b tip to the minute ia every respect. Nothing has been overlooked). Beat of workmanship. Call us and let us show yon this exclusive -bttle place J. R. IHAIGHT FOB REAL ESTATE. 351 ANKENY. BDWY. 2045. ion ALAMEDA PARK r : N ear eommunitv cbnreh. p.. an, asirmi 6 well arranged rooms all on one floor: hni.' wood floors except kitchen and bath; 3 bed rooms wiijh large closets, large nigh basement full plumbing and furnace; sacrifice sale at $5500, (1500 xash, balance easy. . JofrinsonDodson Co. 633 X. -vy. Bank bldg. Main 8787. ROSE CITY SAf-RriTTrTR 6 room bungalow, all one floor; owner saerificiosi greatly to get away flnick fa bngj. new intePMts in another state. This is ' very modern, built for a home in lorely taste. 100x100 ground with gnrae and beautiful shrubbery! Irving room I Hx24 : diaing room 12x18; going at once at some price,. See it Make offer. Tabor 2189. 4o I (43(0 ROSE CITY BUNGAlOW b rooms aad sleetuna- nreh. Tliis is i month olid. Is in good condition, furnace, fire place, oak floors, breakfast nook, nice clt-c. trie fixtures, garage. $800 will handle this neat little place. J. RjHAlGHT FOR REAL ESTATE. 351 AXlxEXY. BDWY". 2045 FTNB brand new bungalow, double! construc tion throughout; 5 rooms; bis cement base ment: bi( breakfast room; lots of windows; two large bed rooms end bath. Close to Pen insula Fajrk. This is not a "ehean" houas in any respect but is a good buy at (3750. Call owner at Tabor 1826. r ; ENEW BUNGALOW 1 " Mississippi car. hard surf see, cor ner snd sewer paid; has 2 bedrooms, Dutch site oen. Brenatast nooa, tirepiace. floored at tia and all built-ins. AU for (3550; 8500 cash. Albert Harala, 801 Mississippi ; see. Walnut 11201. " i (3500 EASTERN owner's sacrifice. Bunga low of I 8 large rooms and den, l big base ment, cerpent floor and I tnyt, good plumb ing, connected to (ewer, fireplace, etc Noth ing to assume; fine district: 1 blk. i to Glisan at 70th. Some terms. Tabor 2B34j 5 ItOOM , BUXGALOW VACANT Restricted Kenton, paved street and sewer paid; all ! modern built-in ; fireplace, aleeping porch, garage. 1 blk. to ear, easy ! terms, or consider light car. Georj F. Crow, owner. Walnut 1201. ' , i - , a I (2200 CASH (260 Bargain ; immediate possession if sold this week. Owner, SeUwood 4010, 200 DOWN. (20 MONTH ft move hense. elet-IVin livSr. . . . , 1 OOx 1 00 1 bearing fruit trees: close to ear rJ school. Real snap; dose in. Make) your on term. - k (04 Buchanan" Bldg. ;! j Easy Terms i i room modern house. Urge lot. I fruit ea rs ge, on ) ntacadmiaed street, block to -cIvm1, raese. a at. oix-jn. i ; WIU. eu my . (TOO equity for $600 in 5 moan imonern encrage. tlose to achpoj aesv aru o. x- - modem bous. fine furniture rent oasan; pn $450. 227H Wash- room iiz, jar. Bteinmetx. iEW j 5 room medarvi, i restricted eloaa to Bandy. . Lindsey, T- 3 room oxue: lot 85x100: i fruit e block from i Richmond car. Prir 01 East 38th sti - - I' WJf Modern i ( r. bung.!. 2 blks. eedaaock car., A good baty at (20. rEast 3592 (500 DOWN rFnrxuahsd. new 4 r. bung., 1 211 aa. $- (400O e ttV At (, bar 5007. NEAT Utile tree: bo (2550, 6 (250 DO from r bit .from ilacaedi. Last 3592 Ta. i I REAL ESTATE- FOR SALE HOUSES 404 FRANK U McGUIBJS SAYS: i Mays the ke to ipca t lkUJtC.1 - I i j - ll I -i "It'g cHaper 'te ewa Tear Hofae thaa to W! t 5 i- , "la" r Jarre dssriiaw room, covering over re feet of apace, are photograph of more than "300 mea for sale, each one 'with price, . i all information attached 1 terais aad Ttlia ahnnliriaa your search yea aee inst what yon want, and yon waste name of year prectooa tttae and money la a vagae, fruitless bunting for the borne that you are looking for. 1 1 re neipoa ttandreda of Portland people make theii dp you if Becessaryt 90 Salesmen with sutos. Ojien evenings until 9; i Can Bdwy. 7171. j SEE THIS OXP. xnWI $4950 Will mean the end of jour search! Tki. 1 : ... i 1 i T ; . i ..... ... k u ui uuueaww. in ii.iw !gh Heights baa everything you'd ver expect a buncalow to base land ajiany other features you'd not expect jo una, a rooms, ail oa one tloor; kardwood floors. Greplacei furnace, all (uilt-ins; plenty of close U. paneled dining room, music room, splendid fared oorner. garage: aa arrange feasonable terms. Tibbrtts at, BEAIJTIiTL View rtvi:irnn'i : $3490 frhi is a splendid: view home I on tnnton, road, nesr Liberty, just a w blocks from the ferry: road ia lard-surfaced and all said for; 5 foom. large, very modem bungalow. karaee. VACANT! MUST BK ffI.l IMMEDlATia.T. ICAN GIVE "TERMS, Enjoy city conveniences witH country delights. $3200- s.i,-o down! la besutiAil Irvinrton ark, aa artistic 6 room .cozy bunga low, close to car and school: erv practical arrangement ; one bedroom ino. wmte enamel bath; down: two igbt airy bedrooms nn? r . . . - pandy little home. Just think. $250 P"wn. and you can pay the balance pff on easy term a TCjut ioftrf sv IK10K AT THIS. MR. MAN! site B lines low SVr rirlii $3100 SAND VERY EASY TERMS! ' Here' a oeautiTut brown home like bunga- , ,n . " ooaiawn district: unusually unes: nas a rooms: pretty liv ng room, solid iumImI jtVont-b doors, dandy white eneatej initch kitchen; one. light, airy bed- ooui and white enamel hath down- wo bedrooms an: two hL-vka tn nr hreal cozy home. Magnolia street. MT. SCOTT RF.ilTTV $2990 450 down!" On 100x100 lot very retty new 4 room modem bungalow, n beautiful Mr. su-011 v, t..v aA Uitipn. Planned just like a cosy, con venient apartment; '2 bedrooms, clean ffhitoh kitchen with breakfast nook; Eiassea-in sun jwrch; double garage; konvenient to car. If'umi ,.nr . biieasing bungalow, just see this, 86th btreet 1 COQAO , 1 . , , . j, If, T u""nl ere s a dandy 4 room n uuogajow. in l'eninaula on ma jsiiuu lot on 1 macadamized street, witli all improvements paid; rtl il I f.lne - a k. e-W T.. ,,, aarage,.! Irnii. Slc- osh st Mnntblv .rmi lk. n. 1 $21901 $500 down and halsvic. -1 ... terms! An attractive xrt antt laairw some or o room, in spotless condition; built-in labor-saving con- .t-oienocs; tnree cneevy bedrooms.' mien STitenen and bathi Thj hom. f u newly renovated throughout; wiui loans 01 fmit,, berries u uanuy garaen. tou can grow U of your own veretahW TfitH . You oucht to let Vmir 1 fa mi Kr r-i inw Hfe NOW I i $1590 fWe call this "Honeymoon burjcow." because- it is such a dainty, deliklnful Utile btt Of homel.MH tt M.i.u built-in' conveniences; onie airy ed- . ..m, ciean UTcn kitchen with lino leum and Kaji earn.. in.l..H. 1MM.. uiate condition ; dandy! 50x100 lot "uir, 1 lowers, snrubbcry; 2 blks. to car, on hard-surfaced Foster road. IT'S PBjrTiriiiv a- IMPOSf fBLE to fell you about n of our re- markable a personal nsit will eon. vince yop Come down, look over the pbotn- graph, ahd uihn.-rf .; J-tZS..1? men will take yrm out to th. e.Hn.n "ST. VE.1.' T - V , . - . , - . .. 7 To Buy Your Home.L Realtor T Abingtenj Bldg. i d St.- Bet Wash, and BUrk I WANT i 10 Wore Salesmen! Must Hare cet A CU5VER BUNGALOW i elirhtful rooma i , i. : : i , . . .1 . -" " ; numerous built-ins. including br. norA. full f- attic, ionk floors, firenlace mentriust a -few M t a , , ... - - i . i .r.i col lege, teublic school and aolf I Hnk; Tr L0nlant frealbuT in bungalow, ideally located call me today; (4750 : bay tiis on terms. T I O. Sf I1KRR' VJ..H 4215 IN. W. Bank bkil-. Atwater 5?4K MT. TABOR rnsTPii'T 1 A large colofTtal W!t'1 frr modem conrenienceT f on a corner wtth of nut flowers. L "f. ground; a quality selection bnd fruit trees, beautiful lawn and double garage; for $.3000 less than 10.500. one rilf cash, i Will value ; $1 part trade. - f 7 -'T JopnsonDodon Co. 688 N. fV. Bank bldg. ! srain 3787. vq iODLAWX SNAP, $50 (DOWN m rooms, 2 fine lot. 81800 J ALBERTA BARGAIN I i 4 roorhs. 75x100 lot. (1500; ffruit, garden, berries, tc. Easy terms. t 49TH AND POWETX INCOME 2 hoiises near school, good renting; easy terms on trade, " ! iUMPQUA TRADING CO. j (14 Railway Exchange Hldg. WALKJNG DISTANU1S KEEDi t'Olj.EGE 8-room modern house and garage in alt paved district Large living and dining room,! fin ished rnlsoft grey tapestry paper. 1 bedroom bath and aewinc room downstair, a kMm... and betlj without fixtures 2d floor. (5300, finvv (au, uamnce easy. JohnsonDodson Cq 633 X. Kv. Bank bldg. T Main 3787. Braihd New Cozy Home 3 rodm, dainty little home iln Irvinrton district; hardwood floors, fireplace, papered walls. Iaitrh kitchen and breakfast nook, 2 bedroomij downstairs, large attic, nine base ment wiih wash; trays. All the modern bmlt ins; $4 160; (500 cash and monthly payments. East 7211. ; $B(j00 -IRVIXGTON BUXGALOW 7 larep rooms, on 27th st, oak floors.! fur nace, fireplace, nice large buffet, bookcases, nice electric fixtures, cement basement with laundry trays, garage. Here is an; excectionally good bui in this district Terms! T J. R HAIGHT FOR REAL "fcSTATte. 851 ASSENT.' BDWYj 2045. new i and rrrtNisH m i By owner. 8 : room hnnv.'inw wKi t. finish. l$rge bath, 2 rooms finished Upstair, full eement basement, garage. Jot 50x10s) ; 8 berink fruit tree. aU improvement in and "3? ,hool and churches, j (2600 will haridle. Ant 325 (4. KEXTOi Large 8 room noue, doubl ! con ijuetd, half bit to car; nice aleeping porch: atreet imp. and sewer paid: baraain $4700. jUrms. . Id R. Gillette, 371 Lien STATEDY HOME EXCELLEXT IXeCATIOX Amid I shrubbery, flowers and fruit. Tfullr modern B rooms. 100x100. full pavement ai clear Only $7500; terms; invetUgate. RTDER REALTY. 182 8D. MAI.V S5S6. 3200 DOWN " 31 S MOVTrr" S-room house, light, cas. mt,p' ami. papered, fruit .trees, berries, 1 00x1 00 lor, close in j will nuke term' to suit, ao4: Bu chanan bldg. j. S ! i StOO DOWN. R r. r . tsvAn " 4' room nlastered Snnvilm H tt, eec . bain, basement, sidewalk in; 2 blks. to car. . 2CI2 Failing Bide. 3d and Weriington. ! A w-a. ' a . ! A Real Bar erain If yoi ar looking for a real bargain in a modern torne franl with terra call owner. Tabor 0070. NEAR Franklin high school. 6 rooms ! an ieemda noreb. 9 1x200. all kivuia ifrnlt a blocka to Hawthorn ear, by owner. 2606 (8th St.. aOOlft sooth Division. Tabor 01 to.' NEW Atroom bungalow, modern conveniences, price tight axt dterms reasonable; located just north OJ &etulorth park. 209 tt to eariin. ana nangay to ssonuiern i r-acuw Green wood v. SelL 279. ! ... r. ! r- ----- 2 (500 IsOWH Xew9 tj bung.. Alberta dist, , aaresviace.-xa.t -vv. IJ'Xira. e-CTneni. ' ntim..l block off paving. Prico ((750. Broadway 6586; a . W W K ev a - - i 3593 eves. ! DAXDY hig 7 i room house, furnace, fou ee- snent ! basement all - imtx in and nsidj full lot, rruis; w a oia. irrnn irvmgxon car. (475t;lterma " Tbor 6788. . -i BT OWNER. ran bow. 3 aanuca Only 100 ff from Main at. tatnt. 9234 Fosgst road. $21 40 ON K BI-fXJK TO if. T. CAR isiviu; a u a : . I -):!,, i I 1 I T?ft irTTffKV r5rsVsTfv fwvwfVVw' K Sen A roo room bungalow Tabor 2934. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 f Only $3500 i NORTH Or PENINSULA PARK A double constraeted, noma n fiaei condition 6 rooms aed sleeping; L.Ul..l perch, Datxdt kitchen, good bnilt-lru 1 bedroom downstair. ! Paved stsawti rood neighborheed, midway betweeni Yancouver aad Miamatippt -aanmeaj - Owner leaving eHj. must aeU. Terms. Near IVwtlaad Bonis vard j . and Union Aveona ' i : . - t i. . !i A : ' -, Nearly an 5 room bungalow with sew garage. 50x100 Hot. . I niquej handsome front elevatien. facing east, , One block : to excellent ear rc( Fall' cement basement . Medera house, roomy and nnosaaL Owner just established business in another; city aad will sell at aacfifico -price of ,(4000; terms... I. ,.j :' Frank McCrilSis v Realtoi 324 Henry Bid. ! Bdwy. 07701 (1(00 CA8H A good room bungalow.. o 50x123 lot. good basement. 1 modern in every respect; the total purchase price is $2500. and the terms (1300 cash, balance $23 monthly, including interest j ' (300 CASH A fin new1 bungalow. 2 large bedroonia. combined living room and ', dining halt, bull tin buffet, large Duach kitchen, large bath room' with excellent plumbing fixture, large lot. garage, etc This will make you a finA home. eta! price 12200, very easy terms- 3500 CASH Beautiful Bom City 6 room, new modern bungalow, fireplace, cement basement furnace. hardwood floors, breakfast : nook, old; ivory finish. This i a real home, close In ion E. 40th rt north. The total price (5250. easy terms. I i (500 CASH Laurrlhurst Park. 0 room bungalow, with hardwood floors, fireplace, cement basement large Dcorooma. aieeping porru, comouin 11 v ins end dininar halt Dutch kitchen, garage. This hoase is close to 3 9th at, improeemeots 11 in and paid. The total price $4990, a real laurelhurst np, roi B REAL HOMES GET? IN TOUCH WITH COE A. McKENNA V CO., 'Established Artisans Bldg. . ' Bdwyf 7522. Would You Know a Kargain IF YOU SAW ONE? THESE ABE BARSAINSi FOR THIS EEK: (1900 buy a 4 room modern houae, flre- nlace. fruit frees 60x100! lot. flowers, berries, partly furnished. Very neat; and ckeanJ (350 qdwd, gooa terms ; close ;io car. OH HfjT 1'HIS UK M r. A 1-! (3000 buys a modern:! 4 room bouse close in: imp. H In and paid, .fine -pipe furnace. fireplace, close to school I and car,, cement basement and bmlt-itu. Will aecrif tea mi equity of (1175 for (600. Must be sold tha week. Will consider a aonvt licbt car. We bare several new bungalow, 4 and S rooms, too nwmerou to mentoin. arid they are all bargains, a w aeal In .notuing else but bargain. Can and tee us. McGEE A DENNIS "W Sell the Earth 069 Union Ave. ;N. . H WalnolJ 5684. Best Bargain Rose City Park District A neat 6 room bungalow and garage, BOX 100 foot corner i lot. only half block from Sandy boulevard, close to car, store, ! church and school. Owner going away and want cash; (2100 cash, will handle it balance first mortgage at 7 per cent total price only $3100. Where can yon beat rt? SEE CLAIR AUSTIN, , 1808 SANDY BLVD. WITH GREGORY INV. CO. : ' I , 8500 DOWN ROSE CIT? A new and classy 5 room bungalow with fireplace, all bull tins,, Dntcb kitchen. vj cement basement, wash tray, etc; breakfast nook, oak floor, finished in ivory, and white leaaxnet, 60rl00 lot, garage, paved street and every thing in and paid. Price1 only $5000. with $500 down. A real bargain, folk, . Let our Salesmen show you these. ! ' 1 Ri'MMELL V RCMMELL. ' 274 Stark St I Bdwy, 6729 39th and Sandy Bird. Ant. 820-60 n (50 Cash (ia monthxxI A good well built aback, beaver jboarded inside, cesspool partially dbg; ground 130x128; total price (1049. Why j be foolish and give your rent to a landlord f i ; Bee xvertsrm, witn i i PsTf-T'S "J 733 Chamber of Oommeree, P P P P P P P PPPP.P P P P P NEW NEW EW $3750 (500 DOWN P Paved I atreet, hardwood floor P throughout; breakfast: nook; fireplace; P furnace; concrete basement: 3 bed- P rooms; tapestry paper; ivory wood-! P work.- Mr. Parker, .Broadway 4231. P p p p p p p p p p! p p p p:p p-p Unduplicated- Laurelhurst Sacrifice (67505 rooms and good attic, hardwood floor throughout full cement basement, - ga rage, furnaoe, electric ranee and 6 - cords wood included. Certainly th. best buy; in Laurel- hurst, but You must hurry -.' Tabor 2045 Evening. 32050, Only SI 00 Down Kenton district, new 4 room bun galow, SOzlOO -ft lot. just being fin ished, tan Alain objo. j A REAL SNAP i (3500 buy an ' 8 room house ea E.I son strict near 16th; full basement, furnace. fireplace.' This place will rent for (48, want a real buy here Jt is. OTTO As HAEKS0N ! 413 Chamber of Commerce. Bdwy, I 3100 CASH ! Beautiful 8 room thoroughly modern bun galow, half block from, earline. on OOxJOO lot Total price (1950; (100 month, including interest. cash, bala: $25 a Artisan mag. Artisans Bldg. Bdwy; 7(22, Bdwy. an 7522. i DANDY MODERN COTTAGE. B-rnnm. modern has bnilt-ins. ; corner lot 50x100; all imp. in anA 'paid; close to car ana scnoois ; oniy ouvw,4 vi ; usii srssce easy. -E. 8835, I - I ..''' j 3 ROOM house, hi aero! of ground, on 60th i $1400, (800 down. $15 a I month Lanritaen, Stsvenson, 8chaeidr. Cos. lab., 223 Alder st Main 8615. , ' t ' a unnir: vtorifwv t ( r i t- Arrarured for 2 families. 2 blocka Union a v a.. . lot 40x123: imp; all "in, and paid; $3000.3650 down, balance easy. ;Eas (935. COZY, completely furnished 4 room bungalow, with disappearing bed ; also good piano: close in. I am leaving the city, will sacrifice i for S40OO: reasonable term. 'tanoe diss INCOME PROPERTY 11-room apt furnished complete, apt.. (1000 close to ear. school; ail goe lor down, balance to wait East 8935. 2S0J. Down Kenton New 4 room vrangaVrwJ fust cptetid; (0$ 100 ft. lot. Call Main 1(3. 1 j - I ( ROOM henae. 67 by 95 foot let. fa Haw . thorn, district, i $$600, on Unas, J Lanrit aen, Stevenson, oennewer va, sac, ,n autser t Main 86ir. 1 ' - iiiu aona nOffV. $30 a month. I buva cosy 4 loom btrngalow, complete ty fuTnished. Why i pay rent I (621 j Woodstock. Phone Aut. I615-! 5 ROOM modem i furrrished; i less fruit and berries; Eaa 788. house bn Ksrby et. (2(a0. without furniture II plenty (1000 cash, bala no terma i -. t-0 "KAr.E In Peninsula ! district a hoase, strictly modesn. lot 100x100, with bearing fruit trees aad cbtekeni bona., on paved street (28QO. ' Wlirat w04. ! - ' COLOBE0 FOLKS, i ' . .: ,-. .! (-room modars butjgajow. eoTnr lot. Imp. in and paid, close to car, school, church r (4000. $16041 down.' balance easy. East 1)981 i.; I BT OWNER 10-room house, tv, baths, , ar- fanged for two famine or rocmem. Wslnnt 66a. - : f :- il i ; ' 1 SUN NT SIDE, 6 rooms, furnace, ea oar Una, S49UW. Atwater (-BOOM house, (0x100 1 lot, aheap. Owner, East "4 $5 East 9 th son th. 1 lRVINTON, -i -784. - M"-'"' : (4300 SUNNYSIDE. 0 xwoms. 2 blocks to car. (3200. ! ! i Morri- IX you I - 6389. , Atwaiar 2S09. . REAL EST A TE -F O R SALE HOUSES 404 " Extraordinary Value ':, ! - I ' . t . ! aw. s : Five Rooms and Attic (4250 OS TERMS; - SITUATED BELOW Till' Hill. Itrvsn t 1 vnv vi.-ti. HARIWO)D FLnS . rTBKPrua.CE, FRENCl. v-iiHs. -5 t.AKIll t'OK.k-R UKDKOOMS; sins, S I.AKGn. COKNEU UKDRM)MS; NOLEl'M I IN KITCHEN ANDj BATH Ai OD AS SKWr CABINET KITCHKN. CE ENT" B AS EM t N T WITH ILAUNDRY; iSiHJl , ET ' HEAR FROM YOU. w.iuLbia 1 in GOOD MEN! GARAGE. OFFICJC OPEN TODAY. f J IUKP, irAVAGHtl. , .. H. T. STRK1CT S HArl'X BLVD. -. ..!.!' I- iOFFICB, .. - .1 1150 8ANDJ .BLVD.. AT 9Ta. IDT! BLVD.. 'At 9TH. rm 320 04. i ujre.hurst AC !!3abrif,ce-$5230; -' t The owner, wa its to ' sell quickly. A thoroughly ; double eonstnicted Bl rtiom buns galow near :lcr foi $5250 email ca-h pay-, ment I Hardwood floor throughout walls beaua . tifnlly papered witli; rxoen-'iv Uestry pepesv efficient furnace, i iodrn batJiroem. : All w ask i, an- opportun ity tA. show you. ,j . ;' '. ' ' Ai Q, Teepe, Co- -' - LAURELHt RST OrFIfE. J9th and GUsaa. (. i i TW (433.. 1 .;' - ROSE; CITY OrVICE. 40th jn( Bandy. I Tafeor 9586. - t ; .- NEWi 3 room dilttDie eonMrueted buiuralo with garage. Tints beantiful modern home has a hall, sitting' Joom. dining room, kitchen,. 2 bed room si, built writing dexk. bookcases, buffet; clothes; fH4 Imen cUnveU, ll con ceivable built-in land ctinveniencca in . tt kitchen. French focrs of beveled plate glass between sitting ant dining rooms: large plate glass front door, plate "glass windows; fireplace, furnace, bath and toilet, cement basement with" stationary fobs, artlid cement porch, in fart everything a-person lean ask fori m an up to data borne, alt for (5000, with aa initial pav- ment I - of 35001 iuntsen otev.naon 226 Alder 8t, eulto I. Schneider Co., Ir aim ssiaj 'Home jand Incpme 6$0M4Irvjnon ; SidO Cast l ' M' AND K83 A MONTH . " '.' ' ' Paved bjiwr -sjith 3 flats on first roof; rented for (65 per mo.; each has fireplace. etc.. : Owner rTve on 2d floor, ha 4 rooms. bathr and Sleeping! porch. AU furniture gov I worth $100l. lhia fa a real knap. Home and income of $13 per ana. on a (1000 lav-- tment il -., BROWN-Ml7RKGOB.-.lNV. CO.. BIO-HI ilAROO BLTVJ. . iAl-WATER 8824. I ryington Bargain 6 . Rodms$S50 Tour opportanit r J A eptendldly built borne, with full eement basement fura ace. fireplace, -carat, located oi 28d. betwean Knott end Stanton Irxingtoi 'i cboieeat location. - Terms. Bee this. I.. - . , 1 .. -. i ' AQ. (Teepe Co.' ' . IJIUBELHURST OFFICE. 39th snd Glisatu Tabor 3438. . ROSE "CrtT OFFICE, 40th snd Bndy. Itahnp S4Sa. I Close IkiEast: Sider'v Near Sandy" f 'room and den. (4500, eery esy term; to responsible party f ll room -rpry large, wih ample closet pacfi i frreplcj full cement base ment with laundrjl trays and A-lj heating plant-, cement drive to garage, hard surtac paid; move right-in. I lLI ' i . . ' i-DAVin HARP. Man.ger. R. T. iSf REST'S Sandy Bkd. Office. 1150 Sandy Blf.t at 89th, ! Aut 820-04. IOSB ! CITY- i 1 A.rru-irn bunfe'sjlow. ! not built io sell: every room neaks welcome ,4 large living room, attractive (dining room! convenient uchcn j 3 bedroom ' snd tlored attic, large basement furnace, trays, doubia garage, "-4 blocks from Sandy, on E. 4Mb. I Price $6500. Btidwu by p pointmebt onlyji I ; - C. M . PERK, i Kcaitor. CIS' N. W Back bldg. Atwter 2245.. U WU, satstaaws a. , We build jsubstantial. wejt flni&hea home. asaist financing, ilaet our figures,, I ra Inv.iCo.'i 216 Piinama Bldg. . Brjoedway 6157. ! . , . . CledsK ,L $500 . , Brand home: fTOxSO-lot. naf- tng ; paid. full ' renient basement, Kan! word floors, wisdow b(Irs, linolenm. best, liumli ing. ! Balance (31200 at $35 per month,-in. eluding interest! J7 1 1 fcllis i ve., 2- blocks east 8, W. car, 1 Key atorpo)t. corner. SIDXEy! O.i'LATHROP" - ' , ( , ': 414 Abtngton bltte. " 153600 .. Alberta Bungalow. J; . :l, SlSOOcas ;S : Ifoderni 5-'roon j bungalow wi1iv.ll modern conveniences, . fir place, hardwood . floors, tie;.1 E. 16th sh; (35 jtr mo. 1- - . J, ! BROWN-MJREGOtt TNV. CO., 510-811 OAeKXl BLDG. ATWATER 8325. (49! MADISON. (2350 eix-sbom ilaUrej desirable home.l west- side walking distant!: pleasant view: concrete foundation, big light basement, wood (lifts, bot water, gaa. etc.; lot 25 by 108: ffult. Good investment, make fine renter, partlbrj painted; warm, stout, handy constructed roomy, bona, ' Here is a great big caab bargain 1 for someone, ith first maa with: (2850 ."gets it Must leave country; Sea) Inalria, anvtifila nm.r 1 - . . Opportonity -Knocks ! Three (S-foot lots vritli 4 room bungalow, garage, fruit tree and paved street, in the Irvi ngton. A la medx) district for :$3100; $5n caab. Thi give fou a homa and 2 fine build ing lota iiw th (bargain in a j locality where property- is rnoving. - It you ha v .the 8500. which-is -th first atMential. . tnd. tppTeciaU ) bargain when ym aee ' it rail Kaat-7211. . ' l! ' NKW. NhXB ALBERTA CAB . (47(0. (61000 leash, balance aaar: livina and dining room separated by- French doors, fire. place, tratlt-te artenon,. a bedreoan and sewing room, attic. - oak I tloon, -old ivory finisb. V. eement baaoraentl ' garage, corner lot. front east: built for a none.- i- '.. ' , Johnsoh-Dodson Co. i 688 N.'W. Bnkbldg. :'" "i Main 8767. NORTH MT, TABOR i$4750 P i-'. -'i-l' i WHY PAY MORE?. , -.1 ' ...f A! wonderful location, : a classy home. 3 beautif ul- room bath aad' breakfast nook, on1 paved street, cottier lot,, living room acme entire front, cement -base ment. ateps to attic, good: garage, cenient driveway, lot 50x100 ; easy ternlst Johii F. Zuber, 124 E. Ulisem Tabor 7547. ' - !- (.--.;! If j W inter Comes Here i 1 dandi brand new ( roam buncalnw finished inj dainty! up-to-date style, with Ini'rh. kitchen and breskfaet : nook, papered walls, hardwood ifloor. (tirepiace. 2 bedrooms down Main, large attia. fine basement with wash trays, full lot aad gsmge. AU for (4750; on easy tefma. For appointment; call "fi. 7211 BUILDERj selling four splendid pew bungalowx; gll the I built-in. ' hardwood ifloor, .cement floored basement eement pore lies, fireplaces. gang, - Plate glean window, .bade and fix tare. The are! wonderful little bouse, way tinder crises. tiSOO to S54(l. taiv. bjma Take' Richmond 4 to. 83th street ' Hoase are close to corner, 35th and Clinton. Builder, Kenwood 3ot. i - t ) WSl'OGKAVE. cash. $29 ner 6- room ement, fur of fruit and ltieken liouae. ALV1N JOHNSON CO. .- Realtors $05 McKay bldg. - ' Broadway 7201 I J MT. TABOK bNAP ' ((00 down vrilL handle 6 room modern heirs., Dixtch kltctien, bathroom; large living room andl dining I room, 2 bedrooms, sleeping porch, biaeraent, I laundry trsrs, (0x1 00- lot. garage,, f rait tree; berries, balance arvang to oiti . Seoi Mr. Lbndat, owner, (04 Buchanan bldgji- :! ii -1' ' 1 AJfjLEAyTNG ' CITY AND MUSTJitACnf- llGB SI It OBI K OF 0 ROOMS. CLOSE TO FOUR) CAR LINES AND JUST 10 MI.V UTE3 FROM WASHINGTON AND BROAD WAY. -4 24 BAN RAFAEL. ST. US? home t room ; (300 down: ternt to renient bammsnt. laundry end paid street imp, in Wlnbt 0918 EdUSK PLAX iao oeeign. (14 to (15. or anedaTly da. signed at Jreaeonabl tea. ' - lTb. BAfcET 4foO.. 24 y.-.iWr. Bank BMg. (150 DOWN sniijbandl 4 room bouse, eleetrivs Hani. ' i oementl i- walk, -berries. . thruMim. : new cesspool. (2! month. 64 Buchanan bldg. 82600 MOI'turi 6 room usgalow in W ood- lawn district, f 1 1 castr. W alnut 4 800. r U u .! ar i month, incladmg Interest; I Xaa i rbungaww, modern baa V 1 79 'i mace, let 4x 120 .- "kis i 1 .'':'l Iberrieai aaracre -and ; i t crxrrt vt a v-s nous $2300; close in ii suit; nun sua tsava siul - m' T (OonUnua) en Fenowt.-vg P 4 a- ..-f