TOWN TOPICS Inter-State If air. Spokane. . eptesnbei ia 9. - . Ijnroin County lUi Telsffa, Septcsanaa tat. Oraja ' Harbor Kair; Braa, Septeasbe I ' ' UtMnl eoowntion of ProteefsM Tffraaeopes Chareh at Asaenee. Portland. BisLj A-23. Oron ceaiarenoe at Metsooiaa tirri. ilM, Septaasbar f acute Ucrauui MeUuxSat conference, Busalla. waan.. oeptemoer to l u. law liotai bar a and B. Multaomali Covatr Snndar Heboid lm la it ana i. Cuiaop County Fair. Astoria, September 12 to 14. TUlajnook County Thir, TUlaaaork. SepUav tr 12 to It. Com and Carry County fall. MjrrUa Foist, KtpUmen la to la. Jackson County Fair, Madforo. Bapteaabaa- a. Hu Walls County Fair. Walla. Walla. Sep tember 11 to li. . tuci eoand conference of th. Metnodiat, ;DTOaTr. Wart.. September 18 to 17. Near East feciief state ouuioua. i'gruaiMl. CaiapooU Vallsr Fair, BrownerCle. tUptaa bar IS to 1C , North watt Grain and Hay Show. Pendleton, Secteaaber 18 (n oa . J4W"t Stale rab.' Tattma, Ssrptaasdssr . Lsca County Fair. luiau. SepUober IS CoiamMa County Fair. St Helena, bar is to l . Oackaaaa County Fair. Canny. aVptbor " to 22. . Vuaa Comity Fail. Grasta Pass. Sep temb.r IV to 82. Lower Coiuntoia Fair. Astoria. September It ts SI ' .Hot- and Dairy Show. Banks. September to 22. m aialhcur County Fair. Ontario. September 20 to. 22. Yamhill Connty Fair. aUMinnTlBa, Sep tember 20 to 22. Western Norwegian - Danish conferonea of asetnoaie: ehnrcn. Portland, kpusbtr ao-34. Bm nit-Dp. PrtnUtM IMnkn S1-2S. Southern Wasco County Fair. Tyih Vallay. September 21 to 11. Grant County afair. John Day. Soptembee 24 to SO. Hemuston. Hog and 'Dairy Show, Henuistoa. September 25 to 80. Oregon fetal. Fair. Salem. September 26 U SO Idaho State Fair. Boise, September 2ft to SO. Cowlita County Fair. Woodland. Wash.. September 27 to SO. Cranberry Show. Lose; Beach. Wash, Sep tember 29 to SO. Union Couavty Fait. Elfin, September 29 to a a Prune Festival, Vaacouer, October 19-21. Oregon Inter-State Fair. Prinerille. Octo ber S to 7. Bute convention W. C. T. U.. MeMinnrUle. October , 12-14. WEATHEB FORECAST. Portland and ieln1ty: Tonifht and Tues day showers; winds mostly southerly. Oregon and Washington : Tonight and Tuesday showers; moderate southerly winds. The pressure is moderately high over most of the eastern half of the counrty. and sn area of, 'ligh pressure is sppsrently approaching the 'saddle Pscific coast. tjer the remainder of te country the pressure Is low, the lowest rading being in- Western. "snads. Rain ha IsKen in Washington and Western British Colombia, and is reported from a few scattered plaoea ji other sections. The temiierature is gsneraa abore nounsl except in the South west. . KDWARD L. WELLS. OBSEBVATIOSS Tama. 11 STATIONS C o" 1 B 5 II o 0 o . IS It o o o 0 : (I '02 ' o 4 tl . (I o .08 o . 18 0 0 0 0 0 o .02 '6" 0 .0 .02 0 ,92 . 44 .02 0 0 Baker , Bilhngs ... ... . 'Boise . ....... Boston . Calgary . Chicago , ...... I"emer . ...... lies Moines , . . . . I lodge City Fresno . - Crslveaton Honolulu, T. H. Huron Kansas City .... Ioa Angelei .... Manhfield . .... Jied?or.i Memphis . s. . . . New -Orleans .... New Tors ....... North HeacJ , . . . , North Platte . . . . Oklahoma City . . . Phoenix Pittsburg , ...... Portland Itoeeburg Rt. Ixiuis 8t Paul, JSinu. . . Rait lJike Han Diego ..... flan Francisto . . Seattle Spokane . . . . . Tampa Vancourer ... Walla WaUa . . . Washington . . . . Takima . ...... . t 8 . 98 . i 6 . 1 8-J . j . . 80 . i 82 .1 8 . 70 . ;100 . 90 . 80 , 94 . 1 90 . 82 .1 74 54 44 62 ' 70 I n 66 68 i 54- ! 60 78 74 58 5tt 74 7 70 54 64 74 68 70 62 56 74 64' 60 54 56 60 74 56 62 70 48 92 92 SH 80 0 94 98 94 84 7 8 88 90 84 78 68 70 8 0 68 90 84 84 Portland Wan oa Commit1 Port land has received further recognition as a wool marketing- center, according to advices reaeived announcing tha ap pointment of R. A. Ward, Portland manager of tha Pacific Cooperative Woolgrowers, to the national associa tion's committee on wool marketing. Mr.. Wards co-members are: Senator Crooding of Idaho. W. D. Candland of Utah, T. K. Pollock of Arizona. W. W. Deley of Wyoming, D. H. Williams of Montana and J. K. Sears of Wash ington. The committee) met at Salt Lako August 28 during the national association's ram sale. Farewell Reception for Pastor and Wlf A farewell reception was tend ered the Rev. and Mrs. Paul D. Holf rpan Thursday night by tha members and friends vOf the Parkroso Commas nlty church. A large crowd wan wait lng In the rooms of the church when the pastor and wife arrived In answer to summons by telephone, aa a sur prise. After a program of music and readings, gifts were presented by J. Mackenzie, spokesman for tha congre gation a mahogany davenport table and a leather traveling bag. Coin at but Stages PorUand-Multno-mah Palls-Hood Rlver-Tha Dalles di vision Leave Portland Stage Termi nal, Park and Yamhill streets,: 9 :30 a. m., 11 :30 a. m., 2 : JO p. m.. 4 :45 p. m. dally to Hood River, and 8:30 p. m. daily to Hood River, except Sat-, urdays, Sundays and holidays; , 11 :15 p. rrl. Saturdays, Sundays and holi days to Hood River. Leave Multnomah Falls for Portland S-.20 a. m 11:20 a. m 1 :2& p. m., 4 :20 p. m. and 6 :35 p. m. daily. Direct connections with all stages ta and from The Dalles. Phone Main 8611. Adv. To Address BotartaBi George, Crom well Blower wUl talk to the Portland Rotary club (Tuesday noon on "Knock ing Home Runs in Business." Dr. Charles R. McClure will preside and Helen Levoff of the Associated Oil company will sing. J . 8alera-Mm City SUrc LeVea Salem grass terminal for Mill Cty:' Na 1, 7:30 a. m. ; No. 3, 10:30 a. m.; No. S, 4 :30 p. m. No. 1 connects with east bouncitrain at Mill City. Joo. Ham man. Prop. Adv. Elk Will Be Porteeted A band of about 30 elk is known to .inhabit the Ditch creek mountains, 25 milea south FURNACES INTERNATIONAL Pipe xntf PipelesM AC0BX COMBIwATIOJr EAKGZS ECLIPSE OAS BAJTQES W00DS.ETEBT2 SO LIS FUEL BASQE3 TsirOUFirian Takes -an Part Payaneat ' LYNCH BROS. Bdwy. Jits, hi th 8U Xer Waah. lT THIS JOTTRTf AI SEBTT5 TOT ' At BACH ISLAJTD KESOBT : Wheal yon ars year vacation Ton wOJ find Tss jssnsJ ssls at tss toUawlBf plAQas at tfes sanal rnteai : ... y, ;j .j: .. 'i : I. I. bexchCs i r : r i Bnrrlew, Or Jft. Oeorc tTah Bay City, W. C Hawk Cannon Beach J;... Job a 3(ytrs Chinook, Wuk. Iiut Kaatwaa eulaaldJ, Or... .......... D. CtttU Gear hart, Or .4...X M. HjiU Iiwaro, Wua.....;Jta O'Mtata JUaa Beach, Wash. i.W. W. Marah Uanbattaa Bench, Ofi. ......... j .him. O. L. H natoa Maasaalta, Or.. ....Kmll G. KatdeU Saheotta, V7uk..Tna4Mi Brawn Kefialem, or. 5 anient Drug: Co. Vataxts, Or....... Mary 7.' Basyaa Keaport, Or. U. 8. But Ocean Parh. L.C. A. Hwaaea Ocean aide. Hosenberr Bros. Pacifte Clty.w. U.H. rt Bochaway. Or. ..F. J. Miller BaatMa. or. ..Elbert . Bole falew. Wash. .GI- Pataaan Hovard Woodham ' Daaala Balefe rniaraoo. Or. ; ..Ctaytoa Hoy Twin Baesn, Or. V. J. Taa ftcyoe Taajalaa..... W. B. Cmntanlas IJTLjIKD RESOBTS Brlhton Mrs. J. T. HelBtyra OoTernmrat Camp. F. FrWemora Rhodoueadroa lira. E. Fraaxettl ChrryTlUa...Slrs. W. 5U 8tx-Ucy Saady Lamber Ca. Htare Tawney'a hi oantala 1 Bkm .... 4 .' 4. H. Tawity Welch .....l.W. K. Walah Wllholt, Or. F. T. MeLarea of Heppner, and to add protection be yound what the game laws provide, business and- professional men in Hep pner have subscribed $500 as a reward for the arrest and conviction of any person killing or attempting to kill one of the herd. Colombia Stages 4 Portland - St. Helena local.. Leave? Portland i Stag Terminal, Park and Yamhill atreeta, 10 a. m. for St. Helens and 4 :20j p. m. dally and 11:15 p. m.J Saturdays, Sun days and holidays to St Helena only. Leaving St. Helens, 7 -.30 a. m. and 1 :40 p. m. dally; 6:1& Saturdays, Sundays and holidays. For information ' phone Columbia Stages, Man 8611. Adv. Driver Thwart Offlosr State traffic officers complain that a number of motor vehicle operators who make fre quent trips between Portland and Sa lem have resorted; to the use of light signal to escape' arrest and prosecu tion for traffic violations. It la said that these drivers, aijfter detecting a speed -officer on the Jilghway. Inform other drivers by mean of light signals. Officers state that this practice has been going on for some time and plane are being laid to bring the offenders to justice. I . ! Trontdale Man Get Trophy i-H. C. McGinnis of Troutdale last week re ceived a silver lovingicup through the mail, the world's championship trophy in- the celery king contest for 1922. which was held at ifidianapolis, Ind. The cup waa given by the Market Growers' Journal of Ljuisville. Iy., and was won by the Tifoutdale man In competition with celery growers from all over the countr$ The trophy stands about two fejet high, and Is valued at more than 100. Social Worker Resigns Miss Amelia Feary, who went to the Tacoma Fed eration of Social Agencies from; Port land a rear ago as executive secretary when the federation started organizing charitable work in that city, resigned last week. Mies Keary has rejoined her mother in Portland and announces that she has no defirjite plans or the future. Portland-Salem fltage Leave! Stage Terminal. Park and i Yamhill, hourly from 7:05 a. m. to 75 p. m. and Owl car at 10 p. m. daily. Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, 8 :30 p. m. and 10 p. m. 7:05. 9:05. f 11:05. 1:0$, 3 ;05 make direct connectlbns for EJugene, Corvallla and Albany. IMain 86H.( Adv Former Portland Miias Hnrt Edwin M. Wolfe, long a reslident of Portland and well known in this city, but now of Sacramento, Cal., Was run down by an automobile In Sani Francisco ; a few days ago. suffering four broken ribs and other injuries. He Is Slow In St Marys hospital In San Frarfclsco. . -j Hon Picking Begin! With the begin ning of hop picking lit hand, the city of Independence in polk county, the hop center of the wejrld. Is preparing for the busiest season. Pickers are arriving on every triin and a larger number than usual ar coming by auto. Picking begaA Fridayf In several of the yards and allwill b$ In operation by Tuesday. The picking season is ex pected to last from two to three fweeka. ; Portland -Tillamook f CadUlae Stage- Stage depot, irark ana lamnui streets. Dally at 8 :15 a. m., 12:30 and 3 :30 p. m. Special arrangementai made for fishing parties. Main 8611. Ad v. Str. America St. Helens via Colum bia river-; 2:30 p. m. faily; 11:30 a. m. Sunday. . Alder street dock. ' Main 8323. Adv. j Hnge Sam for Fishermen With the first of September the 1922 fishing sea eon closed with the heaviest catch of the season in progress at the period of BIG LABOR DAY DANCE THE SWAN! MONDAY NIGHT. Sept. 4, 1922 Bob Gordon's Orchestra U. S. Dentists liitt Wssfelsgtoi SU Cer. it 1 Twenty Tears In fame Location "A Personal Service Henatly Basdered" Has made many friends for! this office. Our small overhead' ex pense in this location allows its to do high-claas dental work at small Set of Teeth $S.OO Onr Work Is FnBy Gnarasteed l Mm H psat S a RaffaMa faom " COMMERCIAL GARAGE CO. PAINTISa. RCPAIRIMa BV CXMRTS . utsvist miui ana ennsoLfy I PARTS OPCN SUNDAYS Painting Rep K. 11th and BURSSIDC i Phaaa aLj TSS1 closing. , i The harvest ' aJ3L, week was good, , although tha quality of tha sal mon caught was not of th best. The pack on th lower Columbia this year will exceed 350,000 cases and it ia thought! that about $1.3.820 will be distributed among he fishermen. , This year's pack, it ia said, ! will not be mora than half that of laat year. ;; -,.!, - j : -j , -1 f , r -PortlandAterlaSeaid Blvlalon Leave Portland Stage TermlnsJ, Park and Yamhill streets. 7 -4l a. aw 9130 a. m, 11:30 a. nv. 1 p. m., 2:45 p. m, 4:15 p. m.. C:4S p, rn. and 12:30 a. daily. Direct connections at-j Astoria for Seaside and Clatsop beach points, except on C:45 p. in. stag from Port land. Leave Astoria, for Portland 7 a. m.. 10 s. m.. 12 noon, 1:30 p. fm.. 3 :15 p. m. p. m 8 :30 p.i m. daily and 8 p. m. dally, except Sundays, 11:16 p. m. Sundays only. For further tlri fortnation phone j Columbia , Stagea, Main 8S11. Adv. ;: (, r ' i ! it: Coajtitntloa Day Constitution day, which falls on Sunday, September 17, is to be fittingly celebrated this year In Oregon, according to Bi B. Beekman of Portland, president of the -Oregon society of the ' Sons of the American Revolution, who has appointed a com mittee to arrange for appropriate 'ob servance of the anniversary through out the state. Miss Anne Lang of The Dalles, president of the ! Oregon i So ciety of the Daughters -ot the Revolu tion, is making preparations for th 19 chapters of that organization ! in this state to participate in the observance. College Head 1 Leaves President Williams of Albany college, who re signed some time ago, left Albany laat week with his family for Madeira, Cal., where he has accepted the call of the First . Presbyterian church! to fill that pulpit. He will return to Al bany for the opening of college, Septem ber 18, and remain In active charge un til October 1. J. J, Canoles. instructor. in history and public speaking, has also resigned to pursue his studies this win ter at San Francisco. j Oregon Apple Crop Heavy Oregon's apple crop this season j will i be : the heaviest for many years,; according to E. D. Dean, field agent for the Oregon Growers' Cooperative assoclatron. Dean recently made an Inspection of many orchards in the Willamette valley. . He reports the apples of excellent quality and aays the prices to be received by the growers will be very satisfactory. Gaatoa Banker. Sellt Intereiti Glenn T. Stapteton. president of tha Gaston State bank, has sold his interests to Jay Gaston and Walter Zimmerman, bankers of 15 years' experience In Southern Idaho. Stapleton came to Gaston 10 years aero from stoux FallR. S. D., and haa built up a splendid in stitution in that little city. . iryds Leave O. A. C. Professor James Dry den. for 14 years head of the poultry department at Oregon Agri cultural college, has left that institu tion for Oakland. Cal., near which place he has purchased several acres and will proceed to develop a; chicken farm. Professor Drydea states that he wishes to put into practice that which he has learned while at Corval Iis and which he has been teaching to outers. . Oregon Get Federal f Money Ore gon as been allotted $24,000 by the federal government to be expended with a like sum by the state In the protec tion of forest lands from fire. A total nf J 400.000 hia Koon allnti.H tr. v,A riOus states, the sum expended in any state to be restricted to $24,000. Sev eral other states fare as well as Ore con in recelvinar th a miTlimim mhii. most states are. given considerable leas. me allotment Deing made on the basis of timbered areA and cost of forest pro tection. 1 Was 10i YeArs Old Byron H. Chap- mn oi mis ctty has received Word of the death of hU mother,; Mrs. Almira napman. at Her home In Brockport. As the Result of the Greatest Clothing Sale aarjass ' ' i j j ( ;! j Ever Held in Portland, the Lion Announces a Great Oddment Sale-Your Filial ChanceAct ! ; i : ; : I S 1 ';;!; I ! i ; ' j A messasre from the salesmanfisrer of Portland's livest and best clothes shop. The greatest arid most successful, sale that Portland has ever seen in Men's antj boys' Apj parel makes possible our Oddment sale, the result of the tremendous selling leaves us with a great many odd lots and broken sizes in Clothing. Hats land Furnishing Goods. This special event will apply only cutting will be smashed while any of lots Group All Sizes in Dozens of $25, $30, $35, $40, for men, young men and High school boys. They will move fast. . In broken lines of sizes. Most all sizes in lot. For quick di.poal While -jg25 any. remain. . . . KUPPENHEIMER JR. and UON LONG TROUSER BOYS 2 PANT KNICKER SUITS, grades sold to SUITS for High School and College Youth for- $20 Johnny Tu-PanU and others newest Fall merly bold at !$34 to $45 ewery QQC AjT styles and colors and patterns- all sizes in 3 tots lot bu,a.t in e.errp.n j. $7.95, $ftf 12135 j Odd lots MEN'S FELT HATS Broken sizes in JUVENILE FALL1 Odd lot! MEN'S WORSTED j grades up to $6.00 aU sizes in SUITS Middy, Billy Boy, Oliver UNION SUITS for fall and win- ! lot ' but not; in all styles staple Twist about 2S suits ; in -relTet, ter $4 and $5 grades broken and snappy shapes. QO Cff corduroy and; sergei tQ h sizes " While any 00 a? CT j While any remain. . jjA.SdD Grades sold to $10. O.f&& remain, special at. . trsD& MEN'S FINE BATH ROBES sold at SS.50 and $10. Plan to get here early, j Most, all sizes ' in lot to close but QC ! limited number DLUOtJ MEN'S PANTS, worsteds, serges,! cassimeres; grades tip to $9.00 to close Off Off ; out U.4 .f . if . ..L. j iUmVD ft-'. ---1 !:". ': -" t"r;. - ' f W7 4raV U ttVU Hsllock iWatson Eo iSerric ; Northwestern dio Mfgr. Co, : Willarti P.' Hawley it, T"- Bresdcssting ; The Journal News ;i V. S. Health Bulletins Drily Polico Theft Report Radio Advice and Instruction Journal of Western i Industry Farm Bulletins Entertainment i.- : turn atftarnoun scheduled thla aStarnoaei). f ? TONIGHT 8 7:00- 7:SO KOO. : The 1 Journal basebaO bulleuns and ; news 7.S0- S:20 KOW. Orchestra report. kausie and rnstrunjental i solos Harriet Banghmaa. comet : Margaret ' Iughton, flute: Wao'i Kimball trombone ; ie Ray Warden. cello; Patasj Whaleni and tirace Thompson, yioll S : SO- S.-0O Listening hoar. Questions on radio i sent to The; Journal or Hal lock 4: Watson Kadio Serriee, So. 193 Park street, will be answered oa Saturday night between S and 9 o'clock by Station aGU. 1 s The WUTsrd P Hawley. Jr.. atatsioa will re- same operations about September 6. N. T., following an Illness contracted on her 102d birthday, July 1, previous to which she was isick only; once in her entire life. Besides Byron Chapman. she leaves . another son, Charles B. Chapman, residing in Sacramento, ; Cal.. 17 grandchildren and 27 great-grand children. ; j - ; Belfast Kan to Talk A visitor with a message that; will interest an from business, poiCJcal and religious aspects. is the Hon. William Coote, member of Ulster parliament, of Belfast; Ire land. He speaks at The Auditorium Tuesday evening at 8 :20 o'clock. : The doors will be open At 7 :30 p. m. All are cordially . invited. Admission ; free. Mr. Coot is a large manufacturer of Belfast and! has a stirring recital ' of the thrilling; events that have turned the world's attention to the; scenes en acted in strife-torn Ireland. Remem ber, The Auditorium, Tuesday evening. 8 o'clockv Adv4 ; Commsslty Club Entertainment The Sellwood board of trade and Commu nity club will hold a regular meeting Tuesday, September 5, at; the Sell' wood Community house. ! The eve ning's entertainment will be under the auspices of the Portland Community Service. There will be ! community singing, speaking and solos; "Trade Conditions in i Ireland" 'Trade Conditions in Ireland"' will be the subject .of the talk to be given Tuesday noon at the Kiwanis club luncheon : by . Hon. William Coote of Belfast, Ireland, member of the Ulster parliament house of commons, and del egate from the Ulster house to the! British house of commons. ! Br. James W. Rosenfeld; returned. Adv. ' Beeker Bssiness College, Allsky bldg, Fall term opens. September ;5. Adv. S. sV H. Green Stamps foil Cash Hoi man Fuel Co. Bdwy. 6353. 560-21. Adv. Br. Hoed, glasses, Morgan bldg. Ad. Br. J. Ettelson has returned. Adv, SEATTLE LABOR CELEBRATES Seattle, Sept. 4. (U. P.)-Labor was king in Seattle today. Th whole city was turning out to celebrate. The big gest Labor Day program in the history of Seattle has been arranged at the University stadium. s Kuppenheimer and lion Suits for Lots, but in Broken Range of patterns This group includes suits that formerly sold at $35, $40, $45, m Tweeds, I Ve-j lours,' Worsteds, Serges,' in the very latest models J While any remain priced to close -ST) fl ii H out. -,'f.-,')..k MORRISON j Cjvdsvhip:; Ke i i. er . ar ..': 4 t 1! at !-i-f -Pt t p;:!jivwti Fourteen months ago Mr. And Mrs. M. E. Beatty rented their home at No. 945 East! Yamhill' street, and a com- nanied by their Son. Edwin, went atying- Beatty' a health was the ichief motive. An Automobile accident had left him a iner ekeletpn. They jwent All through Arizona. New Mexico, ICaU fornla and other states; covering l.ooa miles In all, and have now returnee With Beattty a fine specimen 0 phy Sical well being. In fact. . they been hack some two Weeks, but have they hid out at the auto camp and didn't let their friends know about It, until their home was vacated sojthat they (could move: in. and be st home. i "This will be the first time I ' have been in a house for 1 months,! said Mrs. Beatty, "and I can hardly I wait to go to bed. Th bed looks awfully srood trv me. i But Beatty Is! not j quit so j keen aoouc lnaoor nie. ' "There is nothing like the pure ozone. and when you get out! into the desert wilds, you get it,? he Said. "It brought Strength and good health, youth and vigor, and brought tp. my wK th j-'osy cheeks of her girlhood days.? He Also dwells long upon; the beauties of nature. "But royi wlfs didn't Ilk th itrip so well because she sprslned her ankle and was laid up five week and I had nothing to do but to talk to the widows," he ssldf; ! 'I " Both the Beattys agreed that the Portland camp was th finest they had struck all through their travels.) i - ! f , Daily arrivals st the camp are run ning between 90; and; 100. Ten men are still engaged lni clearing brush and when thin is done.; the V will attend to the grading sO thai with the .open ing of the season next year, the camp will be attractive; as to appearance and will accommodate a much larger; num ber of campers, t. ; - : a i A Portland party was highly Indig nant a few day agoi when Assistant Superintendent i Cady i would, not let them come in and coo"4 their supper on the gas stoves just at tsuppertlme: when the guests were using them. The; Port. landers insisted that as taxpayers they had the right to use; the camp; and were much offended When Cady told them the camp Was for .tourists and that they might use the stoves In the community house in Peninsula L park across the Way; Another woman with several children drove in , one "evening when it was rain ing hard. " lHave you ;a dry place for me to campT She shot at Cady.j "No madam." ; replied the superin tendent. "It is . raining and there are no dry-pi aces, j "Then I won't camp here. she de clared, and started to reverse into four cars that had come in just behind her. "You can't do ithat madam, just be cause you're mad." said Cady, j stop ping her. "You must drive around the circle, and not get in the way or these other people who want to register ' Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sedam of Wil- liamsport. Pa., will stay in Portland If Sedam can find a ; job as ah auto mechanic. The i. Sedaras have j been traveling since May 28, and spent a month visiting in Iowa and made nu merous stops in Colorado and In Yel lowstone park. They found good roads everywhere but in Montana aadlWyO' ming. "We surel enjoyed the drive in to odd lots. (All previous records for price remain. A Word to the prudent is plenty! LION CLOTHING CO. ; sizes .! - - - AT, FOURTH i I; ! M .; 1 .!.. .' r: 1 -1- - 1 llilth1 Spent bri Road over flh Columbia highway And! con sider; it as wonderful as any drtv in Yellowston park-" - . k j ' i ! I 1 ! ; j XCia tTlrtivi n tim g itv, V, m .M.iilnf with the SedanSsjback in Penosylvanla when; they were i all children together. Last Summer she came west with her brother. Dr. Ji H. Bailey, and settled at PAIouse, wash- The Balley4 And Dr. CJ. J.; Swartz, likewise of PaSouse, arranged ! a short trip j to Portland tp arrive just about the' time tha Sedam flirt IkJ . Wr, I St W lng a fine visit At the camp. ! Mr. And Mrs. Du K. Webb ana two children, plivei and Orris, Jr n4 their sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. H- Wt. Fleming, and their two children. Evelyn and "Howard,! Jr.,. all ! from Bremerton, are looking- for ; a location and are undecided whether ; to remain Jn Portland or go ort to California. The two men) are electricians, j while the women halve their i hands fuH try ing To keep th baftes clean. j w t j w ) ' Mr, and Mrs. j Roy' !A.j Michaud of Missoula. MonL, are spending a short time at the camp in a vacation tour through Spokane and Seattle and back over; th Columbia highway. Their only trouble was between Tacomja and Portland I where the highway was wet and they had! difficulty to keep; from skidding.1 Michaud is one of Misqoula's atioraeya. " i. ;.Ss ! ; 1 : i : - The Ferguson-Stein party i from Philadelphia, Pas, traveling In two mo tor .bungalows Tjrlth two trailers that carry almost everything under the sun, including a phonograph to dane by, is quite a center of attraction- i Mem bers of Hhe party areL: Mr. anr Mrs. Melville Ferguson, Misses Dqrothy. Marjorle and Katherine Fergusop. Mr. And B. Stein and MrajJ. L. FergusonI Friday they were expect ing callers, a little party! of ix or eight college folks, and the whole fem : lnine contingent ' was busy rnaking ' sandwiches wf th which to feed Sthem. ;The Ferguson Jrlrls Are Bryn ;Mawh students, and it seems that everyj where across the country they find foliege mates who entertain j and are jenter-talned- In Portland j there aire the .Misses Ettingers, three of - them who live in Irvington. and the Fergusons have been treated to dances, bridge parties and teas, ever since they got in Portland. Friday was their turn, and the Portland j group was going jto in spect their camp. j Th motor bungalows differ some what from most; of the house carts that come ,to the camp, lni that' whn the sides come out tor the beds, the top of the car shoots up about two feet. The party expects tp spend the win ter in California; and i-eturn east next spring. .One of the j girls hasl been graduated from! Bryn; Mawr and the others will Wait a year before they finish. I 1 1 ' 1 j a j Mr. and Mr. W. N.I Bray and three children from; Broken :Bow, Netx, who have been spending; the last! two months in Portland, are now at the camp ready to : start .on their (home ward trip. "While here they lived in a house- Theiy will only go as far as Canyon City,; Colo., this fall, Iwhere they will spe;rid the winter and resume their Journey! in the spring. Besides Marian, Melv ln and Ruby,; the j Brays will he joined; in Colorado by a ffourth I ! Men and Young Men . Get Here Quick In this group you will j find suits that formerly sold at $50, $55, j $60; mostly Kuppenheimer finest suits, priced to close out every suit in next few day.. While ggg Qff any remain V?"? : WOOL OVERCOATS for MEN and : YOUNG MEN grades sold fbrj $25 in raglan sleeve anc belters-j-iiew fall patterns and colori--h brolfline of to ' close ' S1595 W i . h ; 4i-v : . . ;. . I - i !. I i t..i;if. i. .... t-' chOd whilwia spend s'fth 'winter with j I The womn wno was aeserted, hy her husbsnd. and was left with seven Chil dren, haa been provided with a Mouse by the Publif Welfare bureau and has moved froan th park. Th ehildren Will be placed in school." The I mother is; stfll confident that she will hear trom her j husband. )(- 1 ,, j j An fennYStidn f In th wsy of enter tainment !wss furnished Thursday; and Jtiday nights Ij ncotnmunity jsings conducted ' i by ; Jack Henderson under the auspices of CogprnnnitY service. About 100 'campers'j j attended.' "These sings may be made a regular -feature .Of the .camp next year. -I 4 '- 111 NNOUNCEMEN -111 i . H- ' u- ilh' To - "i ' V! PUBLIC Grade: School Text Books use in the City of Portland may be obtained, at i iv t Arv rtrtftc -f1iA T?rllAiA7lTgrfl:e4rtvod!' -V: - uhifprm prices at the a -13rVTStrtTwCV t ALBERTA PHARMACY., ARBQR' LODGE DRUG CO. BALL. E. W1 : BEAVER PHARMACY, u BECKER. GEORGE.. BONYHAE, A...I....J.. B ROAD WAT; PHARMACY BRUBAKER i Ar NORMANDIN . . BUSH PHARMACY. .4...--; BYERIE , p. . -. CHAM BLESJ MRS. N.E... CHATFIELDl C E. . . . . . ." , CLIFTON. JJ T.J. -P.... COLLIN'S. BJ Cv COTTEL DRUG f. CROWN PRUG .... CURREY PHARMACY..- CURRIN FOR DRUGS- . DARBY, C DENBOR. Mrs. M. DUNCAN. WM..J....J.P EAGLE DRUG i. :t.-J.-. EVEREADY i PHARMACY. . . . . . KAIRLKY, tt- Xj.r. -. FISHER, S. K... L . ;. ....... FOLGER-MARTIN DRUG CCT. . FOSTER, H. W FRANYLYN ' PHARMACY. GLISAN STREET PHARMACY... GRUBMAN, A unuDAi, A... HAWTHORNE PHARMACY... HENDOX, Bj M......j.... HIGHLAND PHARMACY. HYLAND'S BOOK STORE. IRVINGTON PHARMACY KAIGIR- PHARMACY;, i. . . KASMEYERl ......... i .... , KATSKY PHARMACY.;, . . KELL DRUG ....... .1.1 . . KENTON DRUG i K1LLINGSWORTH AVE. DRUG CQ. 129. KilllnsrswortH lavonul iftUKii,Muai- i-H-iKMAi;! Ur.ADU, Mt. 4 . ........ .j. . LENTS PHARMACY, j . . . . LEYBOURNE. THOMAS... LINNTON PHARMACY. . . . MARSH, F. L.... : MARTIN. W, K...-...J...... MATTHIEU'DRUG.., MAUS DRUG 4.. McCASLIN, J. E j..... MEIER i FRANK CO.. ... MILLER. G. ;W. . . i...... MT. SCOTT DRUG. NOB HILL PHARMACY. TiTanru iirtrrtm,, . . . . .w RICHMOND: PHARMACY.. . 1 V. - ' tl A , I th. ......4...... ROSE CITY PHARMACY.. ROS3ENOFF. H. K., J.4 SCHMALE, A. W. . , , .!. 4 U SCHMIDT, H. B..:r.ii SELL WOOD, PHARMACY. . SIMMONS &; HEPPNER. . . SIXTH STREET PHARMACY STEMMER, H. A. 1 oinwAni tic rAnn.x,n... ST. JOHNS PHARMACY. . THORNTON'i R. A ..... WALLACE DRUG CO WARD, GEORGE:... i.i.. W ATKINS, C. EARL. 1 .1 . . WAVERLY : PHARMACY. . WESTMORELAND DRUG CO WILLAMETTE PRINTING WILSON DRUG. . . . WILSON. PHIL.4... WOLF. B." H. ... .... WOODSTOCK PHARMACY. WOULD JJ1UJU.4 . .. The 4J J GenerctI School for Oregon i-cjnn. i -t i x i x rtiAAnAi. i . . . .Diuauway ana t; nion Avenue PHIPPS. E. G... ui 17 Mississippi Avenue PIEDMONT PHARMACY Union A venue, and Alberta Street PORTSMOUTH DRUG CO ...... 4 . 820 Lombard Street POZZI PHARMACY.. .-...1260 Thirtl: Street S ?, .vJi 'A 'i,' -j . 'n -401! Third; Street REMALEY.iB. E 1.1 ......... 4 .. . . . ..Ii .. .248 Main St SHOPMEN WANTED) ; n! -'h- : ; !: '.is - - ! ; in - ! rv i: b the i r;. : r y -vvit ... Ml i. i . if- . i .itt?t;:;. '?-; v . .;ii? -. f , .- . union racincvstesi BoUennakers, Machinists, Blacksmiths, Car i ' r f i. Repairers and -Ml POINTS FROM POCATELLO, IDAHO.j ..:f.-.-'ili-:.f" it.f:TTi--iJ- A strike now exists at these points. Free, transportation and ployment; also steady;; employment gruaranteed and sen-i iority rights jjiuwxtcu iw - ouixxlc ;M - 1 wt;V- 410iWells-Fargo BuUdrngr, PorOand. Orejroa or A. C IMOORE, 526 Oregon Blds' or Sriperintendent'ai T t ;i oiiice, icoom BislilPpintut k uause or jJivorce 1 ; That th cuse if -att divorces, ' labir . difficulties' and failure bf the church tsj-to h found Inihfafet that Chrts-r tisns have fbrgottiin ths they sr t? light of the wortdij was the. keynote pf the sermon of the Rt. Rev. Edwayd Lambe Parsons, bishop pof CaJifornla, who- preached At St-Stepehns Pro-Cjt-' thedrai Sunday night., bishop Paraoins took for his jtext. irLet-Your Light So--Shine Before! Men .That They May See Your Good Works 'and Glorify Your Father Which -Is j in Heaven.? ; . y , 1 i:- i 'M lf:,a SCHOOLS r - adopted for following s tores: ! .j '!! i! 137 CvTfsely ;Strt . .(.801 Albertai Street . .1374 Greelv Street ; ...3SS Kast ?th Streat ,660 XJmatilla Avenue 1 ..(.956 Thtirman ; Street 9S West Alberta . . . 810 East Broadway ,.lS82;t East Stark Street , ...... !i..,S7r ttlth Stret .401 Jerriernon Street , . i . . ,li Foster Road . . . . . ...... w uurnint smci ........ i..k.l385 Sandy Blvd.; ...... EASt lSth And. Burnslda .'i .. j ; . First And Sherman ... . i . .86 Mississippi Avenue ...8129 Sixtieth Avenue; S. E. ....... 105 Ph iladclphiai ; Street , i . . 490S Powell hValley J ... ,650 Milwaukle! Street , . . . i , . . t . 60 LombArd. Strt ......1373 Hawthorns Avenue ..... ....ltl0 Division: Street ........... .183 i Sandy Road ....,.,,.,.67J Williams Avenue ....,...... 131 Killingaworth ........ ...j.f4 iViata Avenue ..5(h and Division ....East. 28th and Glisan , ,...oixin ana rtaii ..1054 Hawthorne Avenue . .Rus8ell and Union ....1000 Union Avenue . . k . (.204 Fourth! Street . ;590 East Broadway . .. ,i 1405 ; Sandy; Blvd. . .;. . il . . 1 lli ; South -! Jersey ;i.5908 72d; Street S.IE.. . .11. 45th 'and Belmont' ivupatricK and.i Derby ...;..., ..jiiaat; it a tn ana Belmont . .6540 80th! Street ...j cosier rvoaa ...1,999 Corhett Street i" Llnnton .......... ;.1T80 Belmont Street . . i .-.1010 Eaet 23d : Street North f .... .27S Rusaell. Street ............ Sixrti and Morrison 2Q0s; Easti Stark; Street ....... .utn and Aider -1994( East Stark: Street ........5832 92d Street . .SlMt snil Rllnn: Rtr . . ... . ...... 4 . .37th Andi Division Street .......... .14, t j,-.., 4J6th:ahd- Oak ..,..........i,. .57th. and Sandy ........20th and Hawthorns ...... 4... -..190 Morrison Street ............. 804 Lombard1! Street ............ 131 East 13th Street . ,...128 Runiutll Av.nn. .1568 Kaat inumati, Rt, 775 Union Avenue North ............nii muwauKiei "streei ..,.. 4 ... .UOS No. Jersey Street ....... ...East 35th and Yamhill . . . 4 . .1094 Hawthorne Avenue ............... 164 Dakota Street .......... . . ,811 -Union Avenue . i-.A. J.4..B14 tlinton 138J Mllwaukie Street .. .4 4 758 ; Front Street ,1 1054 Corhett Avenue .4.-1431 Union Avenue CO........ ....... Multnomah station 4 .... .i, i ..4160 Woodstock ..............4.. i ; 1 -ii i - 1 .. 62 First j! Gil iGb Book Depository and Washington J !'.i- -; Car, Inspectors, i ! Employment at , !J . & PORTLAND TO . . : . ' si '-si" I; expenses aid to nlace of nJ uiuuieu men eKaruiess ansr sct.ucuieub - 1 1 ADD1V n ww a STT rtsti , " Z9 union station ? te 1' :;K-t IIP'1 't -J if 11" mm ; -: ; - l I' II , 4) --Va-!' - "4.T '"" a w .,