The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 04, 1922, Page 18, Image 18

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    . t '.. JL" ' !. 1 -1 hit ri t I r I ; ! r- , frp-
. . . . . ' A - :vt TT t:iJf n!.TiL-,J;:-h-.hh J . , . i I ... 1 i . . 1. - , , . ,. J.
Demonstration of "Angcmleece' Yarns j 1
beginning tomorrow and until September lsth, Miss Jnme l. ;i;rowe, representative oz
the Aiigo-Fleece factory, will give free instructions jh knitting: sweaters, scarfs, etc.
Meier , &Frank's:" Second f"loor.
The Quauty Store
of Portland. Oregon
rK. SKTM, M'
Enroll Now for Madame
. Dressmaking
The dresstoaiin course begins next Monday, September lithj The milline
V- I
L 1 .
begins ToesdayJSeptember 12. , Each course, is complete in itself12 lesson for $5.
-There will be two FREE explanatory lectures, Thursday and Friday of jthfti week. For
deUils inquire in Notion Shop, Main Floor, or Pattern Shop, Second Floor See Page 3.
is here again and such school-going Partlanders as have not already been provided with the things they need must be
V".tV ,"l ruw10 - tranwca m sucn a snort ttmel Wherefore all the more vital that
the store be--like Meier & Frank'snreDored with full stnrh nf rollnhl oAnJ r; j - L amI:
SupplyBoys' Schoo
No Better Time Than Tomorrow
.. - . .. i
And no better place to buy these needs than Meier &r Frank's
here assortments are largest, qualities finesC prices lowest
service best.
The usual $13.50 to $16.$0 grades of boys'
2-knicker suits of serviceable all-wool mate
rials. The best styles, patterns and colors
for boys of 7 to 18 yearst
Other Finef Suits ,
These, too, have .two fairs of knickers.
Good-looking dark browns and gray mix
tures. Sizes 7 to 18 years. j
i . t
Corduroy Suits
r.cys' all-weather cravenetted corduroy suits
in dark brown. Single alnd double-breasted
coats. Fully lined knickers. Sizes. 7 to 18
years. . ' , i
Mackinaws $7.45-$9l85
Find all-wool mackinaws in dark
plaids and plain . colors. Belted
style with inverted pleated backs
Shawl and notch collars. Sizes 8
to 18 years.
Other Things for Boys
Kaynee Blouses 69c to $2. Kaynee Shirts $5c to $4.
Separate Knickers $2 to $3.50. Not-a-Seme Hole 50c. ;
Slip-on Sweaters $2.65 to $6.95. New .Caps 85c to $2.50.!
" -I i
Meier & Frank's: Third Floor. (Mail OrderJ Filled.)
Overcoati $10.85-$18
We have a wonderful 'collection of
new fall and vfinter overcoats in
tweeds, heather! mixtures, herring
bones .and plain? shades. Sizes 2tt
to 18 years. .
Boys' and Girls' Scnool
Hosiery ValuJes
To mention but a few ot the; many lines off boys' and -girls'
school hosiery here at moderate prices:
a - ''.' -
Boys' Hose 50c
The well-known "Pony" medium
weight cotton stockings in black
and cordovan. Also heavy cotton
hose in black.
t Girls' Hose 25c
Children's serviceable cotton stock
ings in black, white and cordovan.
Girls' Hose 50c
Girls "Pony" light weight mercer
ized lisle stockings in black, white,
cordovan -and gfray. Also medium
weight cotton Jipse in! black and
cordovan. .j I
Girls' lisle thee-quarter hose of
another good make, pair 50c.
Meier tt Frank's: Main Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.)
' i r
s- ' ;
I i
nmar School Text Books
for All Grades
We have, in a conveniently arranged section on
the Fifth Floor, official Portland Grammar School
text books for all grades, as well - as all other
school supplies. , j
Meier & Frank 'service par excellence and
accommodations combined with the special
ties offered by j this new section provide the
advantages for everyone.
other j
f acili- j
3 Days' Sale
Pheasant Composition Books.. 8c
Pheasant Note Books. .... 8c
Pheasant Spelling Pads ... 8c
Meteor Drawing P a d s. 8 V xl3
inches .. .'. , ...12c
10cj Meteor Drawing Pads, 6x9
inches ....................... ,8c
10c Meteor Hiflrh School Pads Re
lOcf Textbook Pads, 4x7 inches... 8c
10 Scribbler Scratch Pads, plain 8c
M. & J? , Special Fads, ruled. .8c
of School Supplies
5c Pencils, assorted .....4c
10c Crayolas, No. 8j box .8c
20c Crayolas, No. 16, box ......16c
40c Prang Water Colors, 3A and 5;
set . . ...36c
15c WTiite Chalk, 36 sticks to box. 12c
20c Colored Chalk, 12 sticks to box,
"Special-;. . L...16c
5c Scratch Pads, ruled or plain. '. . .4c
70c Note Book CovSrs and Fillers,
No. 590 ............. 39c
10c Erasers
5c" Erasers . . . '.
10c Pen Holders
5c Pen Holders
50c Companion Boxes ...... .'.
10c Note Book Fillers, . . . . 1
65c School Bags, water-proof,
$1.50 to $2.50 Fountain Pens,
filling and guaranteed,
. . .4c
Tl?Tr With every $2 purchase of school supplies we Swill give
A one 15c metal j clutch pencil free to each purchaser.
. Meier i Frank's: Fifth Floor. (Mat! Ordera Filled.)
School Shoes for i Loys, Girls and Missps
Girls' Shoes $3.35
Siaes 5 to 8 pair $3LS5. i Sizes 8 to
pair $3.75. Sixes 12 H to 2, pair
$4J35. Children's elkskin shoes, cut
on Foot-Form last. Broad toe stvles
foil growing feet. Overweirht flexible
leather soles.
Boys' Shoes $4.75
Sizes 11H to lZYi, pair $4.75. .Sizes
1 to 6, pair! $5.75. Boys' serviceable
school shoesj with solid leather soles,
durable uppers and wear-proof lin
ings. Army and medium toe styles. .
Meier A Frank's : irhird Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.)
Misses' Shoes $5-$8 ;
We have , the most complete assort
ment of big misses' school and dress
shoes. ; ; Strap pumps : in suede with
patent trimming. Patent, black and
brown calfskin pumps. Dark brown
and black oxfords. Sizes 2Vx to 8.
Toes for All School Girls
5 i Meier &, Frank's Is Headquarters v f
As important as the first dav of; school'' are theiterhool totrsi!
that greet it! Featured .tomorrow in the Girls; Own Store:.
: School Dresses
$5.95 to $11.85 1
In good wool serees 1 demanded bv
mothers but vpatterned to please the
little girls who Jove pretty dresses.
Some have neat white collars : and
cuffs detachable.' They are! ill navy
blue. Sizep 6 to 16 years.
i' ' " : i :
i School Coats
$9.95 to $40
Such smart little , coats to greet , the
stormy days coming. In pretty blues,
browns and reds, the fabrics are po
laires and wool mixtures. Some have
warm fur collars. Sizes 6 to 6 years.
Scores of Middies'
$1.75 to $8.95
One of the most important things
about school middies. In I red,
green and navy- wool or in; wash
fabrics with detachable woo col
lars and cuffs, we have them in all
sizes from 6 to 20. 'i , i
Gym Bloomers
$1.50 and $1.98
black sateen the best quality:
made in splendidlv 1 f ittine stvles.
Sizes 6 to 18 years.j'j . i; , j... ',:
Gym bloomers! of navy wool
. serge, sizes 8 to 20 years;
-Meier & Frank's : Second Floor. (Mall Orders Filled.) 1
I fi f - ! Si! . : . -
Regularly 90c. Big, crisp tied hair bows as
bouquet. Skillfully fashioned from llA yards
ana novelty eagea riooons.
Ribbon Camisoles
Ribbon camisoles valued regularly '
at $4.50. For the high school girl
fashioned of brocaded ribbons
and satins combined with moires.
are $3.95.
colorful as a
of 'plaid moire
Elastic at top ' and bottom
wanted colors. I
, Meier Frank's:
Fur -Trimmed Coats
: b. '
Ribbon Garters 1
Regularly $1.50 to $1.75 pair. At
tractive and dainty r ribbon garters
in! one and two-tone effects; All
wanted "colors. Made in shirred
effects and trimmed; with rosettes
and ribbon roses
Main Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.)
Coats such as you will wear with pride confident in their beauty of line
appreciating their splendid quality rf fabric and . workmanship.
The many belted and straight-hanging modes of fer you
a wide divertity of choice. The fabrics are bolivia, nor
mandie and velvette, in tone of navy, brown, sorrento,
tan and black . i
Trimmed with luxurious collars of caracul, Persian Paw wolf and beaver
ette. !; I
Specially Featured at $39.50
Meier & Frank's : Fourth Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.)
Suits that are becoming in every sense of the word, since they lend one tliat
air of .being correctly tailored. They are developed in modes both -youthful
and smart. k ' , i
She entire range of browns ihe navy, sorrento and
awaiian blues the tunisian, taupe and kit fox shades
j00 the colors in demand, RIany suits are ambroid
erea in small, allover designs. .
Suit coats are trimmed with squirrel, wolf and mole-fashioned in rich
v looking collars." i t - - , ; , - .- j
, . -Specially Featured afr $3o. '
Mter Frana'i : Fourta FlooJ. (Mail Orders Filled!) '
Drfesses of
r I'M -r i
Skillful draping and straight hanging panels distinguish i these dr esses de-
.4 . u
! "
and paneled backs give! an
signed for 'afternoon wear. The bloused
smartness to many of them.
' " f- r- I -.-f - .- ..I-' "', . r,. -::'! ' ''ill
1 The coat dress, favored in the autumn wararooe, is, seen
-in' several attractive developments in ! this group. . The
!: low, normal o high waistlines offer, great variety of
Fabrics are canton crepe anJ chinchilla crepe in shades of brown,1 navy and
.m-biacks.! ami mmm vn m wm&m
Specially Featured at $zyou
' .. - Meier ic Frank's : Fourth Floor. (MaU Orders Filled.)